City Council Agenda Packet 05-28-2001 AGENDA REGIJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COllNCIL Tuesday, May 29,2001 - 7 p.m. . Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Memhers: Roger Carlson, Clint llerhst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen RECONVENE BOARD OF REVIEW 1 . Call to Order 2.A B Approve minutes of May 9,.2001 Board of Review. .La{./ Cd B r '(f~ Approve minutes of May 14, 200 I regular Council meeting. H 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. WdllA ~ -S'T.J/M'l'J Cruv-Lt~ Citizen comments/petitions, request and complaints. 4. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of ratifying new employees for liquor store. . B. Consideration to adopt a resolution calling for a puhlic hearing by the City Council on the proposed adoption of the modification to the Development Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and the proposed establishment of 'fIF District No. 1-28 therein and the adoption of the TI F Plan therefor. C. Consideration of Change Order No. 19 for the TH 25 Improvement Project #96-04C. D. Consideration of approving final plat and adopting development agreement for the Groveland Residential Subdivision Second Addition. E. Consideration of authorizing the City Engineer to prepare plans and obtain quotes on construction of lOon-street parking stalls at Locust Street between 6lh Street and 7th Street. f. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract for Groveland Phase II ProjectNo. 200 1 ~05C. G. Consideration of approving plans and authorize advertisement for bids for the ISTEA pathway and pedestrian overpass project, Project No. 98-02C. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. . (f) Consideration of proposal from Otter Creek, LLC to purchase Chadwick parcel. 8. Consideration of entering in a contract with Superior Services for refuse pickup. Agenda Monticello City Council May 29, 2001 ~ Page Two ,., 9. Approve payment of bills for May. 10. Adjourn. IU~ On} ~/.1 - 4Ju . &6 y.. ~ Sl. 0(f{~\.-IO -t~df ~1Ar'\ A~t~,~u.-t -LtO-. ~T' ~ ~A Z-'f-r - Ru~+' C~u . . . . Members Present: Members Ahsent: MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOARD OF REVIEW May 9, 2001 - 7 p.m. Roger Hclsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint IIerhst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. None A special meeting of the Monticello City Council was held for the purpose of conducting the annual Board of Review regarding valuations t()f taxes payable in 2002. Greg Kramher and Tony Rasmuson from the Wright County Assessors office were present. They provided general background information on valuations and procedures used in determining the values. The Board of Review then considered individual valuations as f()llows: PID 155~500-142209 155-110-001210 155-500-142302 155-500-142304 155-500-142305 155-0 14~0011 00 - .,) 155-015-032060 155-015-011120 155-015-012010 . 155-093-001020 Name Type of Appeal Comments Result Jay Morrell Letter of appeal read Value No Change Virgil Stegner In person Walking Path No Change Lois Posusta In person Value Increase No Change Brent Richter In person Value Assessor to review Patricia Schmidt In person Value Increase No Change Arnold Dehn In person Value/Parking No Change Daniel Formato Recomendation after assessor reviewed reduce from $138,900 to $132,500 ;)fJ, Board of Review - 5/9/01 . PID 155-011-000052 Name John Bondhus Type of Appeal Comments Recomendation after assessor reviewed reduce from $256,900 to $221,300 Result 155-015-022050 John Bondhus Recomendation after assessor reviewed increase from $94,900 to $116,200 15 5~021-002070 Al Tamble In person Questions No Change The City Council concurred with the recommendations of the assessor. The assessor will review parcel 155-014-001100 and his recommendation on the parcel will be considered at a reconvened Board of Review. The Council then set May 29, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. to reconvene the Board of Review. -~,~.-"'---'_..,-'-'~'- Recording Secretary . . 2 ;JA . . . MINlJTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COlJNCIL Mayl4, 2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Bels<)as. Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Mayor Belsaas announced that the City Council had met in a closed session at 6 p.m. to discuss pending and ongoing litigation. 2. Approve minutes of the April 23. 2001 rc~ular Council meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 23, 2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEI~:TING AS PRESENTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding itcms to the aRcnda. A request was recei ved from Otter Creek LLC to have City acquisition of their property placed on the council agenda for May 29, 2001. Discussion of townhouse development within the City and timing of the signals at Tll 25/CSAH 75 were added to the agenda. Fred Patch updated the Council on the new microphone system installed in the Council Chambers. 4. Citizens comments/petitions. rCQuests and complaints. None. 5. Conscnt a!!cnda A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for the Community Center and Liquor Store. Recommcndation: Ratify the hiring of the part-time and seasonal employees for the Community Center and liquor store as identified. B. Consideration of adopting resolution clarifying vacation of easements in the plat of 9()lh Street Addition. Recommendation: Adopt resolution clarifying the casements vacated within the plat ofthc 9()lh Street Addition. Res. No. 2001-33. ;},f3 Counci 1 Mi nutes - 5/14/0] . c. Consideration of approval of a carnival license for Burger King. Recommendation: Approve license for carnival operations on the Burger King property for May 31-June 2,2001. D. Consideration of changing meeting date of second council meeting in May. Recommendation: Because of the Memorial Day holiday change the second council meeting to Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 7 p.m. E. Consideration to review and accept the Year-End EDA Financial Statements, Activity Report and 2001 Proposed Budget. Recommendation: Move to accept the EDA Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance, 2001 Cash Flow Projections and the Annual Activity Reports as presented. F. Consideration to approve amending EDA Business Subsidy Criteria/Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Guidelines. Recommendation: Move to approve amending the FDA Business Subsidy Criteria/GMEF Guidelines as recommended by the EDA. G. Consideration to approve a Loan Agreement between the City and the HRA. Recommendation: Move to approve the Loan Agreement between the HRA and the City in the amount of $65,000 to pay ol'fthe Contract for Deed for the property located at 3 Walnut Street with an interest rate on the loan of 6.5% over 15 years. . H. Consideration of accepting financial report for the Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: Move to approve the first quarter 2001 financiaL facility user and pass information for the Monticello Community Center. I. Consideration of approval of sign system proposed by Dan Mielke. Recommendation: Move to approve the sign system based on the finding that the sign system in total under the PUD is better than the sum of signs that would be expected if each parcel developed independently. J. Consideration of a Planned Unit Development (PU D) concept plan for development of two two-unit townhomes located at 510 West Broadway and consideration of a variance to the lot area per unit standard. Recommendation: Move to approve the PUD concept plan based on the finding that the PUD concept plan, with conditions as noted below is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and is in compliance with the City Zoning Ordinance: l. The developer submit a complete PUD development stage application in accordance with Chapter 20. Section 20-4[B]5 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the development stage application be sllbrn itted within nine (9) months of the date of concept plan approval. The pun application shall include project design and landscaping lCatllres as described in the Planner"s report. . 2 ;)8 . . . Council Minutes - 5/14/0 I 2. Comments from other City stall. 3. Garage size should med minimum standards described by City Code which is 400 square feet K. Cons iderati on 0 f purchase of property in re-development Block 9. Recom men d. tion: Move to approve the purchase of portions of property in re-development Hlock 9 at a purchase price of $45,000. Ilri.n Stumpf requested that payment to AKA for the undisputed amounts on the Community Center Project be addcd to the consent agenda as item #5L and requested that #51 be removed for discussion. Clint Herbst requested that #5H be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Rick Wolfsteller noted a correction that should be made in the job title for the liquor store position listed in #5A. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT THE CONSENT A(JENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ITEM 5L, PAYMENT TO AKA OF UNDISPUTED AMOUNTS AND THE REMOV AL OF ITEMS 5H AND 51 FOR DISCUSSlON. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTlON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Considenltion of items removed from the consent a cnda for discussion. Community Center Director, Kitty Baltos, answered questions form the Council regarding the financial report for the Community Center for the lirst quarter of2001. She noled that last year the Commuoity Center expenditures ineluded a lot of start up expenses that would not recurring in the 2001 expeoditures. Clint Herbst asked about the bike park. Kitty Baltos updated the Council on the cost information shc had received. Clint Herbst also asked irthey could break out from the overall linancial ligures the cost and revenues for just the skate park. Kitty Baltos indicated that revenues generated by the skate park covered payrull and operating expenses but noted that this type of activity did not generate sutTicient revenue to pay back the cost of construction. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE FIRST QUARTER FINANCIAL, FACILITY USER AND PASS INFORMATION rOR THE MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Item #51 related to the signs proposed for the development of the Mielke site which the Planning Commission approved on 3-2 vote. Five pylon signs are being proposed for this site and one issuc deals witb the heights of the proposed signs. The ordinance would limit the signs in the Highway 25 area to 24 feet in height and freeway signs (within 800') to 32 feet in height The signs proposed for the Mielke site are 30' (Highway 25) and 57' (freeway). Brian Stumpf expressed his concern that the signage requested far exceeded what was allowed under the ordi nance. He also asked staff what steps were bei ng taken to bri ng the Pcterson Ford site into compliance with the sign ordinance. Ilruce Thielen noted he did not feel that number of signs and the size of signs should be something that is negotiated on each development. There is an .., -' ;)(3 . . . Council Minutes - 5/14/01 ordinance in place and the signs should conform to the ordinance. The Planning Commission did feel that the sign ordinance should be reviewed with the possibility of an ordinance amendment. Dick hie explained the Planning Commission's discussion of the sign ordinance. There was lengthy discussion on the height of existing signs in the area. The concern was noted that properties that did not qualify as being within 800' of the freeway still wanted their signs to be off a height so as to attract freeway traffic. Other concerns included not creating process in the planned unit development procedure for signs that would he arbitrary or would be a way to bypass the requirements of the sign ordinance. If the feeling was that the sign height should be changed the proper way would be to amend the ordinance to retlect that change. Brian Stumpf felt the item should be tabled to allow for the Planning Commission hearing on the ordinance amendment. Jeff O'Neill noted that because this application was approaching the "60 day rule''. the Council should act on the application either denying it or approving it. Dan Mielke spoke on the signage plan for his development. He stated that the pylon signs were aesthetically appropriate as they were similar in size to other signs in the area. He felt his proposal eliminated the clutter of signs. Dan Mielke also reviewed the signage that would be placed on the bui ldings. He indicated that the signage currently on the front of the building (TH 25 side) would also be placed on the back (Cedar Street side). Bruce Thielen felt the ordinance be amended to ret1cct the changes in the signs rather than having it done as part of a planned unit development. The sign ordinance was meant to provide consistency, if it is not followed there is no consistency. Dan Mielke felt that Council should consider his sign package based on its merits. ROGER BELSAAS MOVED TO APPROVE THE SIGN SYSTEM BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE SIGN SYSTEM IN TOTAL UNDER TI IE PUD IS BETTER THAN THE SUM OF THE SIGNS THAT WOULD BE EXPECTED IF EACH PARCEL DEVELOPED INDEPENDEN'l'L Y. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF AND BRUCE THIELEN VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7. Public Hearin : Seventh Street reconstruction and sanitar sewer curb and sidewalk im rovcments between Cedar Street and Washin ton Street and consideration of authorizing preparation of plans and specifications. City Engineer, Bret Weiss reviewed the scope of the project and the proposed assessments. At the present time the City docs not have in place an assessment policy for reconstruction projects. In the assessment information four assessment options were presented: 1) Assess 100o;() of new improvements and 20% of reconstruction items; 2) Assess 100% of new 4 db council Minutes - 5/14/01 . i m pro vements, 20% 0 f reeonstructi on items and 60% of storm sewer custs; 3) Assess 50% of the project cost and 4) Assess 25% of the project costs, The project is proposing to reconstruct 7'" Street increasing the width from 40' to 44'. The estimated cost for the work is $412,00. There was discussion on the various options presented but no agreement was reached. Bret Weiss noted \hat at this time the Council was only being asked to authorize the plans and specifications and that the assessment policy didn't need to be determined at this point. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the proposed project. Mayor Bc1saas then closed the public hearing. BRU CE TH IEL EN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PREP ARA TI ON OF PLANS AND SPECIFlCAT10NS FOR SEVENTH STREET RECONSTRUCTION, AND SANITARY SEWER, CURB AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN CEDAR STREET AND W AS!lINGTON STREET AND TO SCHEDULE A WORKSHOP TO ESTABLISHING HIE ASSESSMENT POLICY. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bret W ei ss reviewed the project and noted that the pri mary reason for the improvement of the road was to serve the Mielke property hy allowing a full accesS into the development. He added that at the informational meeting on this project, the property owners present didn't want the improvements to Cedar Street to extend all the way to Dundas Road. The Council concurred that at this time they would look at improving Cedar Street from Oakwood Drive to Chelsea Road. As part of th is project the City is rei ocating an ex i sti ng water main at an esti mated cost of $42,000. B ret Weiss again reviewed assessment options and w hi Ie it was indicated that an assessment option was not being selected tonight it was pointed out that the assessment option selected would impact the cost figures for the various properties. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Marianna Khauv ofthe Best Western Silver Fox Inn commented on the street project stating that they had been assessed for improvements for Oakwood Drive, Cbelsea Road and TH 25 and were now facing another assessment for Cedar Street. She didn't feel the property could afford any more assessments. Bret Weiss explained that the assessments against the property were not all for strect improvements. Clint Herbst asked that the engineer research the assessments levied against the Khauv property. Dan Mielke spoke questioning whether the road expansion had to be as large as proposed. He did nnt feel his development would be generating enough traffic to warrant the expense. If the upgrade was only for the traffiC generated by his proposed development. the road expansion need not be that large. If there were other reasons for the expansion. he should not bear the full 8. . . 5 db . . . 9. 11. Council Minutes ~ 5/14/0 I cost of the expansion. lIe also questioned the charge for the left turn lane. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR Tl-IE IMPROVEMENT OF CEDAR STREET FROM OAKWOOD DRIVE TO ellELSEA ROAD. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of authorizing proceeding with remodeling and expansion of Hi-Way Liquors Facility. City Administrator, Rick Wolrsteller, explained that previously the City had a consultant prepare a report on expansion or the liquor store. The "fowne Centre project which impacts the west end of the liquor store facility has been initiated. At this point, the Council was being asked for direction on what type of remodeling and expansion should be considered. The recommendation of the consultant was that the City should consider adding an additional 3800 square feet to the existing building. 'fhe cost estimate from the consultant for the expansion was $84/sq. ft. or approximately $302,400 for 3800 square feet. It was the intent that the remodeling/expansion work would coincide with the construction of the Towne Centre project and the expansion/remodeling work would aesthetically complement the Towne Centre structures. At this time there has been no additional work, other than the consultant's report, done on getting cost estimates or design fi)J' any expansion work. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO AUTIIORIZE Crry STAFF TO BRING BACK A COST ESTIMA TE AND RECOMMENDATION FOR AN ARCHITECTURAL FIRM TO DESIGN THE PROJECT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 10. Consideration of ratification of alternate pump selection for the gravity belt thickener proiect at the wastewater treatment plant. Proieet No. 2001-03C. At the previous meeting the Council authorized the staff to negotiate a change on the pumps for the gravity belt thickener project. 'rhe City Administrator and Public Works Director were able to negotiate a change to the Moyno pumps at price of $8,594. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL FROM RICE LAKE CONTRACTING CORP. '1'0 SUPPLY MOYNO PUMPS FOR THE ORA VITY BELT THICKENER PROJECT AT AN ADDITIONAL COST OF $8,594. BRUCE TlllELEN SECONDED THE MOT'ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Review of annual Sidewalk Inspection Report. Public Works Director, John Simola, summarized the report and added that the sidewalk at 507 6 ;db . . . Council Minutes - 5!l4/0 I Rivcr Street East will be taken care of by the property owner. Approximately IS panels will be replaced and another 20 panels will be jacked. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE SIDEWALK REPORT AND AUTHORIZE TIlE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO OI3TAIN QUOTES FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF TI-IE DEFECTIVE SIDEWALK PANELS, INCLUDING RAISING, AND PROCEED WITH THOSE REPAIRS AS SOON AS POSSII3LE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. 12. Approve pavment of bills for May. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR MA Y. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED "rHE MO'TION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Additional Items: Clint Herbst asked if something could be done about the timing of the signal lights at Tll 25/CSAH 75. John Simola reported that MnDOT is still working on the signals. The Council expressed their concern about the tra1lic backups at this signal. .lefT O'Neill talked to the Council about the average value of new homes being constructed. I-Ie reported that the City is seeing fairly high numbers for new home permits but the he was concerned that the value or the homes constructed was lower. Clint Herbst also suggested that the starr be given some direction on planned unit developments. He felt that some of the development taking place under PUD's was lower value. Amending the ordinance to increase lot and building size was discussed but the Council cautioned against restricting it to the extent that it would severely limit start up housing. The Council wants to assure that there is a good balance of all types of housing. It was suggested that once staff has studied this issue further, the Council may consider it as an item for a possible workshop meeting. 13. Adjourn. Mayor Belsaas adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Recording Secretary 7 dB . . . Council Agenda - 5/29/0 1 SA. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for the Liquor Store. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROtJND: T'he Counci I is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently at the the liquor store. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the parHime employees for the liquor store as identi fied on the attached J i st. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-time employees. . . . Name Chrysi Gibson Name Chris Price Shannon Thom Mike Buennich Clerk NEW EMPLOYEES Title Department Liquor Store TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason voluntary voluntary voluntary Department Liq Store City Hall Liq Store Hire Date 5/7/01 Last Day 8/31/00 5/16/01 5/19/01 Class PT Class PT PT PT employee council list xis: 05/22/2001 SA . . . 5B. COUNCIL AGENDA - 5/29/01 Consideration to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing bv the City Council on the proposed adoption of the modification to the Development Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Proieet No.1 and the proposed establishment of TIF District No. 1-28 therein and the adoption of the TIF Plan therefor. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: On April 9, 2001, the City Council adopted a resolution calling for a public hearing date of May 29, 2001. Due to a delay in the project development, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing for the final plat approval on June 5 and the HRA will approve the TIF Plan on June 6. Therefore, the original public hearing date is rescheduled from Tuesday, May 29, 2001, to Monday, June 11,2001. The public hearing is associated with the modification of the Development Program of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and establishment of TIF District No. 1-28 and the TIF Plan. Again, TIF District 1-28, an Economic District, is being established for the write-down of land associated with the Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. ORTI) project. The project includes the construction of a 10,000 sq ft steel manufacturing facility with some brick trim and will create 5 new jobs for Monticello. At a previous Council meeting, the Council approved the preliminary concept for use of TIF assistance for this project. Please consider the following action. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing by the City Council on the proposed adoption of the modification to the Development Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and the proposed establishment of TIf District No. 1-28 therein and the adoption of the TIF Plan therefor. 2. A motion to deny adoption of the resolution calling for a public hearing ................ 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and lIRA Executive Director recommend alternative no. I. D. Supportinl! Data: Copy of resolution for adoption. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF THE MODIFICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND THE PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-28 THEREIN AND THE ADOPTION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THEREFOR. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") for the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "C ity"), as follows: Section I. Publ.ic I-Iearfu.g. Previously, this Council had called for a public hearing for to be held on May 29, 2001, at approximately 7:00 P.M., on the proposed adoption of the modification to the Development Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I, the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28, (an economic development district), and the proposed adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor, all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.179, inclusive, as amended, in an effOli to encourage the development and redevelopment of certain designated areas within the City. The Council has rescheduled the hearing to June 11, 200 I, at approximately 7:00 P.M.; and Section 2. Notice of Public Hearing,' Filing of Program and Plan. City staff is authorized and directed to work with Ehlers and Associates, Inc., to prepare the modification to the Development Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project NO.1 and the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. ]-28 and to forward documents to the appropriate taxing jurisdictions including Wright County and Independent School District No. 882. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause notice of the hearing, together with an appropriate map as required by law, to be published at least once in the official newspaper of the City not later than 10, nor more than 30, days prior toJtine ,n ;l00 I , ancl to place a copy ofthe Program and Plan on fi Ie in the City Clerk's office at City Hall and to make such copy available for inspection by the publ ic. Dated: Adopted: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 56 Council Agenda - 5/29/200] 5C. Consideration of Chan e Ordcr No. 19 for the TH 251m rovcmcnt Pro .ect #96-04C (Ron Bray) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Change Order No. 19 provides payment to the Contractor for additional work on the storm sewer system. This extra work includes extension of the existing storm sewer system approximately 180 feet south to the Kjellberg property line on the westerly side ofTH 25. The storm sewer system will be extended to accommodate easier maintenance of the area in front ofa commercial property, to improve aesthetics and lessen the inslopes and backslopes between TI I 25 and the surrounding property. This work was requested to be completed by Mn/DOT per discussions with Mr. Kjellberg. This change order retlects an increase in State costs of $22,727.00 and results in a 'net increase to the contract in the amount of $22,727.00. It is the City Staff and WSW s request to the Council that they concur with this approach. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve Change Order No. 19 for the TH 25 project, resulting in a net increase of $22,727.00 (State cost) to our contract with Buffalo Bituminous. . 2. The second alternative would be not to approve Change Order No. ] 9 and table the action for further discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is our recommendation by the Project Engineer Ron Bray of WSB & Associates that the City approve Change Order No. 19. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copies of Change Order No. 19 are attached for Council Review. . F\WI'WIN\ I 033-01\03260 l-ag.1I - May 2 I , 2001 - Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Rc: Change Order No. 19 TH 25 Improvements (S.P. 8605-40) City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033-010 Dear Mayor and Council Mcmbers: Please find enclosed Change Order No. 19 for the above-referenced project reflecting changes to the contract as follows: This Change Order provides for payment to the contractor for additional work on the storm sewer system. The existing storm sewer system will be extended approximately 55 m (180') southerly to the Kjellberg property line on the west side ofTH 25. This work was requested to be completed by Mn/DOT per discussions with Mr. Kjellberg. The storm sewer systen1 will be extended to accommodate easier maintenance of the area in front of a commercial property, to improve aesthetics and lessen the inslopes and backslopes between TI-I 25 and the surrounding property. . The contractor agrces that the negotiated prices include all costs to cxpedite this portion of the contract, including thc applicable markup, as provided in contract provisions of Mn/DOT Specification 1904. This Change Order reflects a net increase of $22.727.00 - 100% State cost, resulting in a net increase of $22,727.00 to the original contract amount. The new negotiated prices have been approved by Mr. Joe Tummers of Mn/DOT's estimating unit in St. Paul with the understanding that the work will be completed in the spring of 200 1. after the project is substantially completed. The new contract total is $5,779,139.13. Your approval is requested on Change Order No. 19. Please call me at (763) 287-7177 if you have questions. Sincerely, WSB & Associate.,', IllC. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure c: Jim Labo, MnIDOT, St. Cloud John Simola, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Leo Olmscheid, WSB Field Otlice 5e- . 1,':\1(1\\ n~\\\'(\nlpn.H.:"" \~,C:llJas'-.(;o-19 11... \\'pd CHANGE ORDER NO. 19 T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P.8605-40 City Project No. 96.04C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Owner: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: April 16, 2001 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document description: In the area from 402+945 L T to 403+00 L T, (Kjellberg sales) you are to remove the 600 mm RC Apron, Build Drainage Structure 1500 mm - 4020, Install 55 m of 600 mm RC Pipe Sewer, Class III, F&I 600 mm RC Safety Apron and Grate, after which you are to Grade, Construct Fill and Establish Turf, all in accordance with the plan and as staked by the Engineer. Payment for said work will be in accordance with the negotiated prices as shown in the estimate of cost attached. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Price: $5,448,000.00 Original Contract Time: 06/21/00 Previous Change Orders: NO.1 to 18: $308,41213 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: None Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $5,756,41213 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: 06/21/00 Net Increase of This Change Order: $22,72700 Net Increase of Change Order: None Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $5,779,139.13 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: 06/21/00 Recommended By: Approved By: Ronald B. Bray, P.E (Officer of Contractor) WSB & Associates Inc. Engineer Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Approved By: Approved By: Date of Council Action: MnlDOT City Administrator Approved By: Approved By: Wright County Engineer District State Aid Engineer Distribution: SP 8605-40 Grp 001 " 100% . sc F,'-d,l\\l1g'.\\l)i"dpl\.l(: :\g~.I\d~I~"Ll) l'~ \\pd Estimate of Cost Change Order No. 19 T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P.8605-40 City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Item I Description T Unit I Unit Price I Est. Qty. -\ Cost 2021501 Mobilization LS $3,000.00 1 $3,000.00 2104501 Remove Pipe Apron Each $17500 1 $17500 2105501 Common Excavation (P) m3 $875 100 $87500 2105,523 Common Borrow (LV) (P) m' $11.50 490 $5,635.00 2501.567 600 mm RC Safety Apron & Grate EA $1,200.00 1 $1,200,00 2503541 600 mm RC Pipe Sewer CL III m $110,00 55 $6,050,00 2506,501 Construct Drainage Structure 1500 mm - 4020 Each $2,200.00 1 $2,200.00 2506516 Casting Assembly Each $265.00 1 $26500 2554509 Guide Post Type B Each $2500 1 $2500 2563,601 Traffic Control LS $500,00 1 $500.00 2575,505 Sodding Type Lawn m' $420 660 $2,772.00 2575,532 Commercial Fertilizer Analysis 12-12-12 kg $100 30 $3000 Total $22,727.00 ~ ,., . 5C F:"d:\\\ 11!-! \\ (,\I'\lpl\)(;' :\g~.llLb~ ,1.:(\-1 q, II pd . . . 5D. City Council Agenda - OS/29/01 Consideration of approving final plan and development agreement governing the Groveland Residential Subdivision 2nd Addition. (.10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to approve the final plat and development agreement governing the Groveland residential subdivision. The final plat consists of 112 lots and is being developed in a manner consistent with the preliminary plat. The development agreement will be available for review at the Council meeting. The agreement will follow the format used with other developments except for one important feature. The developer will be providing cash in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the project to be provided to the city when the project is ordered. Under previous development agreements with Tony Emmerich, under the public improvement process, the city paid the contractor directly and assessed the cost against the lots. I n addition, the city received a letter or credit in an amount equal to 30% of the project cost. Under this agreement, Emmerich will simply pay the city up front to get the work done which will eliminate the need for the letter of credit. The development agrecment also requires that Emmerich allow the city to assess costs that could exceed Emmerich' s payment in the cvent there are cost overruns. The trunk fecs will be asscsscd against each lot which is consistent with previous development agreements. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve final plat and development agreement for the Groveland Residential Subdivision Second Addition. Motion contingent on final review or the development agreement by the City Attorney. 2. Motion to deny approval of the final plat and developmcnt agreement for the Groveland Residential Subdivision Second Addition. STAff RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alternative I. . City Council Agenda - OS/29/01 SUPPORTING DATA Copy of Final Plat. Development Agreement following standard format with exception noted above available at meeting. Contingent on final review by the City Attorney and completion of the annexation process. . . 2 . . - -RINTED ~ .0 3 Z001 . . . ------- ;:Cv;;;L;; r;&RR'"'-- -os As~oc;.. Inc. _ GROVELAND SECOND ADDITION ~"...... -- . /J'.j . ------ -- . I. ~.... . _/ '.01" A i /" ..... i '-' -. _. _.J:; ....-..(_ : / , 1 " . " -0'iI'=- . r -~....--...-' - ....Z~;;~:.::.._. -' -"-..- ;.,...,..,,:~: I -.'-.'-"-"- .- \ I ! .j -. I ............. I ....... ;;....... I "......."~, ! .........--+-_ I Ali-~___--~I'I , - /: . . - --..... ...::............- I I ,L.: . .. o' --'.~...-- - ~~~~ \.- -~~~ ~ \' f\. \ :".n~, ;"llt~~ '"\..-l~ _.._."'- . \., .'?;.r.- -~ \ \ .\ \ \ \\ \ ":::':2"" · ~~/',~, ; - ,~" - ",-' r I I r---~ , - , L___~ L__ I :,1 t I t...__.J I---~' I I: I I ..___.: 1-,..-...., I I ~I 1, l I (. p---oj ...-- \--- ~~.. i r-':-'~/ ~.1 I I \ : ....... ...~~... t----1 \ \;' ~--~~ I \ 'i /1' !....,"'...~ ......_-.1...r-_L- \: I ----j " ", I . I~ ~ ~ ; i~, "'J ~.....,~ .J,Pj'l----i, ~,,', \.~~.. ~ I +....~ :: ..... . . Y L--__ L....--_ _ . · _- " . I i-.....: L-----. .....___~~, . s .., \ \ "-I "" . I '" ' "I ' :. I ; \. "--:\"':"" \ \ ,\ '- j I.......... = '" :\. · -,. . '.', \ \ \ y.......... I ' f · ----, 1-----1 I "",..., \ \ ,.>>"; ..... '" ,\" , l I " ..l I ......~~'~ \ \ .J.- ..A.. ,,,,... · . ~ \ .... r- 1 _ ... io, "'" \,;.""- .....A , " (' · L-'--. '\..... I I'-r--'" \ \ ~"..I._ ..'~ \ \...., ' , . \ ,I I \ \ \ \ ~~" ..<,,-,: \ \ )"" ,J..-__ >> I .. '\ '" \ \ \ ~ ,~, \ \ \ 14 " ..... \./ I \ \ -""- ......---,,:..':\. \ \ ....-< I \ .J. }::: ,,~-~...,> .~. \ ".:'''':'''_ \_-........ . ~ I \,.G !- ::--.::::.f" ,,:--...... ...~.._. .~- ,_..\-..~\ _..~~~;...- ._.._.._,~~_~_.._.. I'- . ,I ( T - ..',~. \ \ j.... "':--":" . '--__~_. . ".... -..../ , I f \ \ Jr. - "', ... ....... Il~."=-_ I . lo.. r I. \ \ }J' "~'" : ...I... / -"..1 I \ _lo.-~ ", ~ ", I .... '1-"\,' "" I _j.- "~,. ~ I . ~_'~~~, I " J , ".,," ~, .: ,. 1, \...- ""'i .....'lI ~ "'.. I......'" ,..- "'Ill ... - ""-.... . ....~~.... , i _;..., ,1 : ,<- .\~, r 1 ...., \ ~ . .. . .' . .. A' _ .. _'-----'-... . . -r .._~. .:-. -":":':---~'~':"":':':'-.~-;:~7;;.::==;;;;-~'~--"'--~_"r~ ..~ -' c:::~'...-:.. .......'---:: i~..l ( ~ CE;: ........ '- ./ - --:- :; ""... . - . " " .."........ "'...... ,I .t" I " I.....'~ .. ..;~ ""J .I . ~.... / Ji',.c , t. -...::.i.... f.... ._. ....tC.. .. --~====-::-= -':""' ... .j,' -.. - . .': "'...,: sO City Council Agenda - OS/29/01 SF. Consideration ofresolution authorizin' the Cit En ineer to - re ar lans and obtain quotes on Construction of parkin\..!: stalls at Cedar Street in front of Sr. Center and at Locust Street. (10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to authorize the City Engineer to develop plans and specs and obtain quotes for construction of parking stalls in front of the former senior center and in front 0 l' the retai I shops at the corner of ]I" Street and Locust. The spaces in front of the former senior center are necessary to make up for the loss of parking on the south side of the huilding. As you may know, the owner of the parking lot to the south controls access to the parking stalls traditionally used by the facility when it was a senior center. Now that the facility will be used by another party (Dennis Anderson), there is no guarantee that the stalls will he available. Due to this situation, it is clear that additional stalls need to he developed in the area. It is proposed that approximately 12 parking stalls be developed on Cedar Street between the former senior center and the River Street corner. To assist in financing this improvement. Dennis Anderson agreed to an assessment equal to $1,000 per stall. . City Council is also asked to authorize the City Engineer to develop plans and specifications for construction of diagonal head-in stalls on Locust Street adjacent to the new retail center. The request for the stalls has heen suhmitted by Barry F1uth, owner of the facility. When the facility was allowed to replace the retail use with a restaurant, Fluth was required to accept an assessment of $25,000 which at that time represented the deficiency in stalls at the site. These funds will be used for construction of approximately ten stalls. F1uth will also be providing land for the parking as part of this deal. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion authorizing the City Engineer to prepare plans and obtain quotes on construction of parking stalls at Cedar Street in front of fonner senior center and at Locust Street. 2. Motion to deny authorization to the City Engineer to prepare plans and ohtain quotes on construction of parking stalls at Cedar Street in front of former senior center and at Locust Street. . City Council Agenda - OS/29/01 . STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA Request fiJr development of parking stalls proposed by Barry Fluth. . . 2 . PROPOSAL FOR PARKING May 7. 2001 From: Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. 223 Sandberg Road Monticello. MN 55362 To: Rick Wolfstellar Jeff O'Neil Ollie Koropchek Roger Belsass. mayor City Council members Re: Additional Angle Parking on 600 block of Locust Street We request the city to construct additional parking space on the West side of the 600 block of Locust Street. The Locust Commons shopping center has two tenants who generate traffic at noon and dinner hour and the center would benefit from additional parking. We were required to pay for 2S extra parking spaces because of the restaurant in the Shopping Center. and feel this would be the best place to add the spaces. The Community Center could use these spaces for overflow parking also. . Attached is a sketch to further explain the proposal. The boulevard is wide on this side of the street and would accommodate the parking spac;es nicely. Please let me know bow soon this proposal can be acted upon. Thank you. 1!;:Jl~- MfiStCr's Fifth Avenue, Inc. . 1'-" . I . j , jd' I I' --~ J', M.j "r, . I y" IlfIIO\IDI STAll....., 0.&11I ~ ..'oo., - I~ . ~~ ~~ ill.l~. j!........h - -..- ..- :Roe,---.c'" -- .- -~ ..... ~ .--~ "" r IIl:t . - . TAll.! r -...-- ,--- ~\- =- ...- -- , ~ , ~ . ~...' __ .: _It ;s a:r.nrw .. . . _....._.-~....-~--_....~...... .......~~..............-_... ~ ..................~ "'~ '-k'; ..............1:OlTAllI . "., ......... ~ . . ............ . ---............ . " -.............. -"- -n'~ ',. ..~............ I: I' .\- I I: l' ,:, ~ IY.....u: DAIII ~...",CAIQt"'1III (IU DlTM.I o . c 7th STREET . - __ w___.___..'.__...._ ...--_ --......................-. .. -~~~ ' Council Agenda - 5/29/0 1 SF. Consideration of acccptine bids and awardine contract for Groveland Phase II, Proiect No. 2001-0SC. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Bids were received Friday morning, May 25th on the Groveland 2nd Addition Project No. 2001-05C. Seven bids were received ranging from a low bid of $1,211,216.55 to a high bid of $1 ,520,496.96 with the low bidder being C. W. Houle. The bid is under the estimate of the engineer which was $1,320,000. The bids will be checked and a final bid tabulation will be provided at the meeting. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution awarding the bid to C. W. I [oule in the amount of $1 ,211,216.55 for the Groveland 2nd Addition Project No. 200 1-05C contingent upon execution of a development agreement f()r Grovc\and 2nd Addition and recording of the final plat. 2. Do not accept the bid. ~ ...... C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the bid be accepted from C.W. Houle. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bid tabulation from WSB & Associates. . . . . < .... ........... .... .......... .............. . .:... ". ::... ....... .......... .... . BlDTABULATION .. < ......... ....... . '..<. Groyeland2"dAddition:. ...... ... . . . < Street, Utilities &Appul'tenantlmproyements ... City ofMontieello,MlY . . <\ ..... ---- . ...... .' .'. ......:.:.::....... .....:......... .. ..... Cit;r!!rojectNo.2o.Ql-Q'SC ....... ... . ..../<.... .::...... i Bids Opened: 10.:0.0. a.m. WSB & Associates, Inc May 25, 20.0.1 Project No. 1338-o.(j Bid Addendum Addendum Contractor Security No.1 No.2 Total Bid BARBAROSSA & SONS INC .[ V ....... $ JJ~""Z9 BAUERL Y BROS, INe. .[ BUFFALO BITUMINOUS INC .[ $ HARDRIVES INC .[ $ HOULE, C. W. .[ ...... ",.... $ IJ z., 'JZ,lb.$ (!) KENCO CONTRACTORS .[ ....... ".... $ I, 5ZD)"Iq~.q~ KRAMER, RANDY EXCAVATING .[ $ KUECHLE UNDERGROUND .[ ........ ..... $ I} Zsq) c'88.zo (f;) LARSON, R. L. EXCAVATING .[ $ LA TOUR CONSTRUCTION .[ ........ V $ I,Z~087.7Z @ LOUIS. S. J. CONSTRUCTION .[ $ NORTHDALE CONSTRUCTION .[ $ R. P. UTILITIES .[ $ REDSTONE CONSTRUCTION .[ $ RICHARD KNUTSON INC .[ $ RYAN CONTRACTING CO .[ V ../" $ 1,87~ 17'*90 WEIDEMA, s. R. .[ II"'" ../" $ I, ~5~JJ'Z 3,73 'J3~OJOOO Engineer's Estimate . , . . - 1 hereby certifY that this is a true a~;ra~e bids as received on May 25, 2001. Bret A. Weiss, P .E. F:I WPWIM1338-00ISpeclbidtab. wpd 5t= CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 1001-38 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT GROVELAND lND ADDITION PROJECT 100t-OSC WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisemcnt for bids for improvement of streets within the Groveland Second Addition by the installation of sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewcr, streets and other appurtenant work, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertiscment: BIDDER AMOUNT C.W. Houle $1,211,216.55 Kuechlc Underground $1,259,688.20 Latour Construction $1,284,087.72 Weidcma, S.R. $1,353,123.73 Ryan Contracting Co. $1,374,176.90 Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. $1,396,629.00 AND WHEREAS, it appears that C.W. 1I0ule. of Shore view, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COtJNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized and dirccted to enter into the a contract with C.W. lIoule. of Shore view, Minnesota in the name of the City of Monticello for improvement to streets within the Groveland Second Addition by the installation of sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, streets and other appurtenant work according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Administrator contingent upon execution of the development contract for Grovcland 2nd Addition and recording of final plat. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of thc successful bidder and the next lowcst bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 29th day of May, 2001. - ...... Roger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: 5t=- Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator .' ':,,~,,':';'~ "'\!j",i . '. "'.,.,~S~ ;~~.'.'..":' .:. ...,.,....... . '>;,+ ~t .'\ .Jk,/"'".';' . ..'..'....................\""'" ~,.f._ ' ,: ''. ' , "~ ':, ~ i 'r.,'itd" :"\" .:: " :'11(j<1t.4 .~'7~.Jl.~$;;.""'.....:~.. <, ':fi'" ;:',::~{"'<+~1~k:~'~'" . , , ~ ~ ~ ~\ ~ ;~ May 25, 2001 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Groveland 2nd Addition Street, Utilities and Appurtenant Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2001-05C WSB Project No. 1338-00 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced project at 10:00 a.m., May 25,2001, and were opened and read aloud. A total of seven bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as C. W. Houle, Inc., Shoreview, MN, in the amount of $1,211,216.55. We recommend award of the contract to C. W. Houle, Inc. in this amount. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~ALL Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Enclosures c: C. W. Houle, Inc. TIm Minneapolis. St Cloud . Equal Opportunity Employer J \. . Groveland 2nd Addition, Street, Utilities & Appurtenant Improvements ~~~~MN - City Project No. 2001..QSC WSB Project No. 1338..Q0 Bids Opened: 10:00 AM., May 25,2001 Contractor Bid Security Total Bid 1 C.W. Houle, Inc. X $1,211,216.55 2 Kuechle Underground, Inc. X $1,259,688.20 . 3 LaTour Construction, Inc. X $1,284,087.72 4 S. R. Weidema, Inc. X $1,352,423.73 ** 5 Ryan Contracting Co X $1,374,176.90 6 Barbarossa & Sons Inc X $1,396,629.00 7 Kenco Inc X $1,520,496.96 Engineer's Estimate $1,339,265.50 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on May 25,2001. mwlA-LL Bret A. Weiss, P.E. ** Denotes corrected figure . M:\01338-00\EXCEL \bidtab.xJs\Bld Summary .$OCiat~. Inc. Memorandum ^"';\L::;', To: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello Bret A. Weiss, P.E. ~LS~ City Engineer May 25, 2001 City Trunk Costs Groveland :rd Addition WSB Project No. 1338-00 ....... e Groveland 2nd Addition, Street, Utilities and Appurtenant Improvements project includes the nstruction of trunk sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer facilities for which City trunk: funds e used to finance all or a portion of the cost. Typically, the trunk utilities are designed to serve both as a trunk system and a lateral system, with City funding being used for oversizing and extra depth costs. A summary of the City costs associated with the project, based on the bid unit prices is shown below: Trunk Sanitary Sewer $154,641.48 Trunk Water $28,780.50 Trunk Storm Sewer $20,214.60 $203,636.58 The amount is slightly higher than what was presented as part of the feasibility study due to revisions made to the plans during the design of the project. In reviewing the project with the Public Works Department, it was determined that lateral sanitary sewer should be added in areas where the depth ofthe trunk sanitary sewer is greater than 25 feet. It was also decided to include .e crossing of the Amoco Gas Pipeline now as part of this project rather than in the future due to capabilities ofthe contractor to handle the size of this project. auld you have any questions, please contact me at (763) 287-7198. Minneapolis. St. Cloud . Equal Opportunity Employer !ii' .. .' City Council Agenda - OS/29/01 5G. Consideration of approving plans and specification and authorize advertisement for bids for the ISTEA pathway and pedestrian overpass proiect. (.TO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The State of Minncsota has approvcd the plans and specifications, and with approval by the City Council, the project is ready for bidding. According to the schedule, bids will be opened during the first wcek in July with the bid award datc set for July 9, 2001. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to approvc plans and specification, and authorize advertisement for bids for the ISTEA pathway and pedestrian overpass project. 2. Motion to deny approval of plans and specification, and authorize advertisemcnt for bids for the ISTEA pathway and pedestrian ovcrpass projcct. - STAFF RECOMMENlJA TION -- The City Administrator rccommends alternativc I. SUPPORTING OAT A Plans available for review . . . . 7. City Council Agenda ~ OS/29/01 Consideration of proposal from Otter Creek, LLC to purchase Chadwick parcel. (.TO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As you know some months ago the City Council authorized a land swap whereby the city would trade 60+ acres of city owned commercial land for 120 acres of industrial land. The swap concept included the option of city purchase of an additional 40 acres of industrial land at some point in the future. Completion of the deal was delayed when the property owner requested an additional sum ($800,000) representing the estimated value of the gravel that could be mined from the site. The attempt to develop a method for accounting for this value in the deal was the main cause for the delay. While negotiations were sputtering along, the Chelsea Road project moved forward and the Denny Hecker Auto Dealership was constructed. Due to the construction of the roadway (developed in some part for the purpose of serving a potential city industrial park) and due to other market factors, the value of the property in the owners eyes has increased significantly since the original deal was formed. The last offer by the developer now places the land and gravel value at $3,842,000. It is our guess that the high value placed on the property. especially the freeway portion, reflects interest in use of the property for commercial businesses. The problem is the that the property is not identified for commercial use in the MOAA or City plans. 'fhe Otter Creek proposal also allows the city to purchase a portion of the property oJTthe freeway at a price less than the freeway frontage land, however this area is impacted by the power line, wetland and is not contiguous to the city. It is not served by gravity sewer service which means that a significant investment in the utility system will be needed for this property to be available for industrial development. These factors, combined with price, make this option less than desirable. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to accept proposal submitted by Otter Creek and purchase property accordingly. The IDC supports acquisition of industrial land but understands that the price of the entire Otter Creek piece may simply be too expensive. The IDe would support a continuing search for industrial land. Perhaps negotiations on purchase of tbe off-freeway portion of the site should continue or the city should look elsewhere for industrial land. City Council ^genda - OS/29/0 I 2. Motion to table consideration of purchase of Otter Creek partnership property. It is the view of staff the value placed on the parcel by Otter Creek at this time reflects interest in the land for commercial uses which arc not proposed by the City or MOAA. Under this alternative the City would leave the door open to purchase of the property at some point in the future if the price of the land changes to reflect the value of site for industrial uses. Otter Creek would be free to attempt to obtain are-zoning of the property for commercial use and would also be free to apply for mining permits, Perhaps at some point in the future a high quality commercial development proposal will be presented that would he supported by the City Council and MOAA. As you know, commercial developments can be a great economic benefit to the city because TIF is not usually employed and the jobs created are decent. If Otter Creek does not obtain the desired zoning, then the price of the land might change and the city could consider a purchase in the future, STAFF RECOMMENDATION . The City Administrator recommends that the City Council table further consideration of purchase of the entire site for the following reasons: The price, The cost of the land, ll)f hoth freeway and non-freeway land, is simply too high, The economic return on the investment is not justifiable, Although it would he great to own the land, the city could end up holding the land for a very long time. If the land value is really as high as proposed hy Otter Creek, then that means that there must be a demand for the land for a productive purpose. Anyone purchasing the land at the price proposed by Otter Creek is not likely to be purchasing it to sit on it forever. lJlimately, for the investment to be fruitful, the land will be developed perhaps with city involvement limited to providing utility and road access, Other demands for City Dollars, There are other important projects such as street reconstruction that need to be completed in the next few years, Now may not be the right time to spend so much of the city's reserves. Zoning preserves the land for industrial uses, Although it is great to own industrial land, the fact remains that the land is zoned in both the MOAA and city plans for industrial uses, Given the price proposed, it does not make sense to pay so much when the land is protected for industrial uses anyway, . 2 . City Council Agenda - OS/29/0 I Other options for industrial development. Although the Gold Nugget piece is not identified in the City's comprehensive plan for industrial uses, the possibility exists for future industrial uses at this site. Perhaps it is time to look at this site for industrial or a mixed use residential/industrial development. It it important to note that industrial development cfTorts and encouragement of industrial developers should not hinge on whether or not the city owns industrial land. Failure to purchase this site should not be construed as lack of desire to attract desireable industrial development to the city. City staff and the IDC should continue in its efforts to attract industry. SUPPORTING DATA Chadwick Proposal . . " .) From: John Oladwiol< 952-886-0492 To: Jeff O'Neill Date: 411812001 Time: 3:43:56 PM Page 2 of 5 ~,...I.::,"" 1: ',.":-,.~I,.' ,f.r, \ ,~ ,4 .L r " J",\",' '" :..,; . "',. ,..... '..:i.~.":> \,:,\, ':\'. .'. \' Pi.'.' , .... . " .,: .', : '. ......:. ..... '. '.' " . ",.<, '..> ,,':' .'. 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'., c' .';;;':;'~ :S;:~,~ ~i'l ;~:',::;:~:'I,;: ;': ~,~ .., r "..;;" I ..\ I: ',,';,.r' r.. .;., ->:-.;, '.:.".... ~', ~>" ' :". .I."" ,', -:.:. ""'It t.;, }', -. >, .... .i,." " " .\ ,',", .'.' ~ " ;. 1~, . . ~..~ "'. :>'~,.:.,. .. '<\~ , .,' . ; r.. " 1, ',',". .: I'. , ~ I' ~"'::." f" ',.' . {, ,'i' ,,' , " '\: /. .. . ~ '. , ',. '".': .. . ~ I', '-' ."'," . Council Agenda - 5/29/2001 8. Consideration ofrencwin2 contracts with Superior Services for garba2e/rcfusc pickup and hauling services and curbside recvcling services. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROtJND: Both the contracts for garbage pickup and for recycling services with Supcrior Services have expired. The garbage contract was originaIly a three-year contract with a one year extension. The recycling contract was a two-year contract with a one year extension. The new contracts proposed with Superior Services are thrce-year contracts for each garbage and recycling, with two one year extensions dependent upon successful negotiations for a cost ofliving increase in years 4 and 5. The contracts are able to be canceled by Superior Services with 180 days notice and able to be canceled by the City with a 90 day notice. Both contracts contain fixed prices for the first three years. Garbaee/Reluse Pickup and Hauling Services: . Current rates for garbage pickup and hauling services are $2.84 per month for single family through tri-plex units for once a week pickup, and $4.15 per unit for four-plex and above. These units are on dumpsters and are picked up twice weekly. The new agreement with Superior Services would be a base contract at the current dollar amount of $9,784.80 per month of $117,417.60 per year excluding taxes (no increase at all). This no increase is based upon the premise that we cart the rest of the residential units within the next 24 months for fully automated pickup. The new dumpster fees would be restructured for a volume and weight based service for the residential commercial units four-plex and above, much as we do with the dinerent sized carts. The new dumpster rates for pickup and hauling of dumpsters (excluding City disposal costs) would be at $7.04 per month per cubic yard of capacity for once a week pickup and $14.08 per month per cubic yard of capacity for twice per week pickup. The City will then add disposal costs based upon average weights at each apartment complex. This will lower the cost to most apartments but may increase the cost to those apartments with extremely high volumes and weights of garbage. This will bring us into compliance with volume based garbage fee requirements. This will also cause some loss in revenue to the City as apartment rates come into line with outside competition. The new contract calls for a 7% increase in the cost of picking up and hauling garbage for future newly constructed single family'thru triplex from $2.84 to $3.04 per month (excluding taxes and disposal ). Curbside Reeve/ill!! Services: . Our current agreement with Superior is for $1.66 per month for individual pick ups using the bin systcm and $1.13 per month for units using the cart system, these arc usually limited to apartment complexes. Based upon our current household count 01'2,619 single family through tri-plex and587 apartment units, our current contract is valued at $5,015 per month or $60,180 per year. Superior's proposal flJr the new contract would be $1.86 for individual pick ups using the bins and $1.27 for apartment sites using the carts. The total monthly cost for the new contract would be $5,616.84. This is a 12[% increase and would be fixed for the first three years, with two I-year extensions . . . Council Agenda - 5/29/200 I possible under a negotiated CPI increase. The new contract will allow us to co-mingle paper products and to co-mingle aluminum, bi-metal, glass and plastic containers. This will make recycling more user friendly. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: (~f CG I. The first alternative would be to approve the proposals from Superior Services for the new three-year garbage contract which includes no cost increase in the base contract, carting the rest of the residential property within the next 24 months, approximately 650 units, restructuring and lowering of the fees for apartments on dumpsters for pickup and hauling of garbage, and a 7% increase in the cost of picking up and hauling garbage for future newly constructed single bmily through tri-plex homes from $2.84 per month to $3.04 per month for once a week pickup, excluding taxes and disposal; and to approve the new three-year recycling contract at a 12% increase to $1.86 for individual pickups using bins per month and $1.27 for apartment units using carts, and to authorize City staff to prepare and enter into new contracts elTective June 1, 200 I. The actual new rates for garbage customers will be brought back to the Council for review at a future meeting and will not take effect until adequate notice can he given to the residents which would be on or about August I, 200 I. 2. The second alternative would he to request staff to modify the proposed contracts or to re- negotiate with Superior Services. 3. The third alternative would be to negotiate short term extensions in the current contracts and prepare bidding documents and go out for bids for garbage and recycling services. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council approve entering into new contracts with Superior Services for both recycling and garbage services as outlined above in alternative #1. We have been looking at modifying the apartment pickups to a volume based system for almost a year and we have been in negotiations with Superior Services on hoth these contracts for the past six months, and feel this represents a very good value for the City of Monticello. We also feel that Superior Services knows the community well and has been providing excellent services to the City. The new recycling contract will allow us to begin to co- mingle products to make recycling much more user friendly to our residents. We can keep the same three bin system or go to a single bin system for future units. The recycling committee will be meeting in the near future to decide these issues and make recommendations to the City Council. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Copies of proposals from Superior Services for recycling and garbage contracts. 5/15/0 I To: Mr. John Simola Public Works Director City of Monticello, MN From: Terry Brady General Manager Superior Services-Central MN Subject: Proposal for Curbside Recycling Curb-side Recycling Services for the city of Monticello I. Provide curbside co-mingle recycling pick up of materials consisting of: fiber based products, i.e. newspaper cardboard, magazines. Aluminum and bi-metal beverage and tin food cans, glass containers, plastic containers with a neck. To co-mingle your recycling place all items in the same bin except fiber products, Newspaper shall be placed in a separate paper bag and placed next to recycling bin on top of any corrugated cardboard that is prepared for pickup. All othcr aspects of contract will be adhered to. 2. The contract shall provide for a monthly rate per unit for individual pickups and a separate monthly rate for multiple units above a 4-plex. The contract shall provide payment lor all households within thc City of Monticello whether they are recycling or not. The base rate will be determined by 2619 individual pickups and 587 multiple Wlit pickups. The prices eflective June 1st, 2001, shall be $1.86/month/unit tor individual pickups and $1.27/month/unit for multiple pickups. The pick up of recyclable materials at five city buildings every two weeks shall be incidental and included in the base bid. Superior Services shaH keep all monies from the sale of recyclable materials picked up at curbside. This represents a 12% increase over the past contract. This contract will remain fixed for a three year term. Total Individual -,,- $4,831.35 Multiple -,,- $745.49 Total = $5616.84 2. Materials not properly prepared or not listed will not be picked up. In such cases, Superior Services shaIllcave a note or sticker for the property owner giving the reason for rejection. 3. Superior Services shall pick up office paper twice per month at one city building as part of the base contract. 4. Superior Services shall provide the proper bond or irrevocable letter of credit as per current contract. 5. Monthly reports shall be provided with the invoice, including material, weights and disposition of each material. . . . 6. The City shall provide promotional material and material indicating rules and regulations for material recycling and preparation to each resident in the City of Monticello. 7. The City will make payment to the contractor on a monthly basis within thirty days after acceptance of a formal payment request, including all the necessary documentation as required. 8. The City will update the accounting of individual pickups and multiple unit pickups through the building permit process and certificate of occupancy. Adjustment to the contract price will then be made on a monthly basis. Superior Services will designate its Office Manager to correspond with a designated Public Works employee with in the city -via- electronic mail, to ensure an accurate count of all current customers. Compensation I. The City shall pay to Superior Services, Inc. as compensation for services performed under this agreement a monthly fee based upon the available number of individual residential pickups and the number of multiple units for multiple pickup. Por the purpose of the initial bond, it is assumed that there are 2619 individual pickups and 587 multiple unit pickups (as of May 31st, 2001). Compensation will be based upon $1.86 for individual pickup and $1.27 per multiple unit pickup per month. The actual number of possible pickups shall be determined by the city's accounting system. Adjustments will be made on a monthly basis through the building permit statement of occupancy system. Payment for oUice paper pickup shall be incidental. 2. In thc event that a changc in the scope of services provided by Superior Services, Inc. occurs, the City and Superior Services, Inc. will negotiate a commensurate adjustment in fees. A change in scope of services shall be determined to be the deleting of newspaper, glass, plastic, aluminum, metal cans, cardboard, magazines, or discard mail from recycling, or the addition of other materials as requested and approved by the city. Term and Termination 1. The term of this agreement will be the same as the garbage~hauling contract. 2. Either party may tcnninate this agreement for a material breach of the agreement by the other party after giving written notice of breach and allowing the other party fourteen days to correct the breach. 3. Either party may cancel this agreement without cause by giving the other party one hundred cighty days written advance notice. Disputes I"orce Majeure 1. Neither party shall be liable for its failure to perform its obligations under this agreement if performance is made impractical, abnormally difficult, or abnormally costly due to any unforeseen ~;; beY:? ~oownable ~ttol Terry M. Bra~--- General Manager Superior Serviccs~Central MN . . . 5/15/01 To: Mr, John Simola Public Works Director City of Monticello, MN From: Terry Brady General Manager Superior Services-Central MN Subject: Proposal for Refuse Hauling Services Garbage / Refuse Pickup and Hauling Services This agreement is between the City of Monticello, a governmental subdivision ofthe State of Minnesota, herein referred to as City, and Superior Services-Central MN, hereinafter referred to as Hauler, Whereas, the City desires garbage and refuse pickup and hauling tor all of its residents from 35/65/95- gallon universal roll-around containers provided by the City, or dumpsters (if necessary provided by the Hauler) on a contracted monthly rate for orderly reliable pickup service and hauling ofrefusc to a City designated facility, etc., thereof, without the responsibility of the City maintaining staff and equipment for said purpose; and whereas Lhe Hauler is organized to and desirous of carrying out such City wants and desires and has adequate equipment, assistance, and know-how to carry out said project; Now therefore it is agreed in consideration ofthe mutual promises of the City and Hauler. 1. Payment A. That City shall pay IIaulcr to pick up once per week all existing units using carts including miscellaneous City support facilities pickups and services at a lump sum 01'$8,255.02 per month. (Excluding taxes and environmental fees) as specified and twice per week for all multiple units on dumpster service (generally all rourplex and greater apartments) at a lump sum of$I,529.78 per month (excluding taxes and environmental fees) starting on the first pickup day of June 2001, and each and every month thereafter for the term of this agreement, unless the a&'Tecment is terminated by either party as set forth in this agreement, said sum shall be tOr the number of dwellings in the City as per current contract. The monthly payment shall not include current or fhture surcharges or dumping fees at the City approved disposal facility but shall include all applicable state and federal taxes and environmental fees on collection and hauling. The state (score) sales tax on collection shall be added to the hill as per state law. The city recognizes that these taxes or environmental fees may increase or decrease during the contract. The landfill or disposal fees shaH be paid by the city. Prior to each monthly payment to the hauler, the hauler shall provide to the city documentation of total cubic yards and tonnage hauled during the previous month in the formats provided. Enclosure A. Documentation is based on Monthly records, including total weight hauled from each location serviced by a residential cart or dumpster (residential/commercial) including driver identification, truck number, disposal location, ticket number, time of day and tonnage/yards dumped. . B. Effective June 1 sl 2001 any additional residents (single family through tri-plex, and commercial residential mobile homes) picked up by the Hauler upon the request of the City will be added to monthly payment at $3.04 per unit /month. (Excluding taxes and environmental fees). Apartment units (commercial residential) generally fourplexes or greater, those serviced by dumpsters, will be added at a rate of $7.04 per yard of Dumpster capacity per month for once a week service. (excluding taxes and environmental fees) For twice a week service $14.07 per yard of Dumpster capacity per month (excluding taxes and environmental tees). All rates will be fixed for the term of this agreement, and any additional residents or commercial work will be added to the monthly payment at the end of the following month and will be determined by the number of certificates of occupancy issued during the month and the type of service requested. Verification of additional units will begin the month following execution of this contract. This verification will be -via- electronic mail verification from the Office Manager at Superior Services with a designated employee with in the City of Monticello. Mobile homes, duplexes, triplexes, townhouse and others with once per week cart service shall also be counted as single family residential units, counting the total number of occupied units in each building. 2. Term Of Agreement . This agreement shall remain in force for a period ofthree (3) years with the option of two (2) one ycar extensions aftcr the initial contract period has expired if agreed to by both parties. This agreement can be renewed at any time before its natural termination by the mutual written consent of both parties and resolution by the Council. The first pick up under this agreement shall be June 4th, 200l. Immediately upon execution of this contract hauler shall furnish city with such performance bond or approved letter of credit as specified under paragraph 8 herein. At the end of the first three-year term, and prior to the City's option of any yearly extensions of the contract, negotiations shall take place to discuss any possible increase for a cost of living al1owance, based on the consumer price index for that year. 3. Termination This agreement may be terminated by the hauler with or without cause upon six month written notice to the city. This agreement may be terminated by the City with or without cause, with a 90 day written notice to the hauler. 4. Insurance The Hauler shall carry public liability insurance with a recognizable insurance carrier and keep in force at all times during this agreement with the coverage's outlined in the original agreement. 5. Scope of Work . After June 1st 2003 and due to the "fully automated collection service" the Hauler will not be required to empty carts not placed lid foreword and with in reach of the loader arm, nor will Hauler be required to regularly pick up material outside the cart. The Hauler does agree that, from time to time, a customer will have refuse outside their container, this will be acceptable and to remain a "Superior" service provider, this refuse will be collected at no additional charge to the customer. If the customer has more than the occasional refuse, extra charges will be applied and it will be up to the Hauler to collect these charges, and a portion of those proceeds relinquished to the City to cover tipping fees. (These charges by the Hauler will cover the extra labor) Further, the service herein shall be furnished only to the residents and identified support facilities within the present coporate City limits. The Hauler shall provide a local or toll free number for customers to call regarding requests for any additional service or complaints. The Hauler is only obligated to tip city owned carts that are maintained by the City. The Hauler shall report any carts in need of repair to the City immediately. If the Hauler is found to have damaged any carts belonging to the City due to operator error or fauIty equipment, it will be the responsibility of the Hauler to pay for those damages. . 'Ibe Hauler agrees to a once per week pick up of all garbage and refuse at curbside placed in the cart provided by the City. Further Hauler agrees to twice per week service those customers using dumpsters and allow for up to five (5) gallons per week of yard waste such as yard waste, twigs, or garden waste ifplaced in the same container as their trash. This service only extends to residential and commercial residential service and not commercial(non-residential) or enterprise work (work other than residential/ serviced by rear load dumpsters) but does include those properties that arc hauled or listed as City property. Each day prior to pickup of the City residential or commercial refuse, all trucks must be empty. At no time shall a truck pick up non-contracted garbage until the City's refuse has been weighed and emptied at the appropriate landfill or disposal facility. The days of service shall be Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. The Hauler can negotiate with any resident with rcgard to the placement of the garbage and an increased number of pickups per week at the expense of the resident. lbis includes those special services not covered under this agreement. Until June 151 2003 Hauler shall accept up to 95 gallons of refuse per week either in City owned container or customer owned container(s). After June }S12003 Hauler shall accept up to 95 gallons of residential refuse per week but only in a residential container provided by the City. As stated above it is expected that once in a while the average resident may exceed the weekly limits. The Hauler shall not charge the resident unless the overages are often, or are bulky items such as mattresses, box springs, couches, chairs etc. Enclosure C provides the list of extra charges per item and it is the responsibility of the Hauler to collect said charges. The current City support properties and facilities will not deviate from the current contract. Those facilities that are currently serviced will remain in effect. Any changes, additions/deletions, that are made by the City will be communicated to the Hauler by the City so that the proper routing changes can be made. . The current holiday schedule will remain in place. However all scheduled pickups after a holiday will be made one day later. The Hauler shall notity the City if any articles placed out for collection can not or will not be picked up. There should be very few situations where the Hauler is unable to fhlfill his/her mission. In the even this does occur the City will be notified as to where the material is located and why it cannot be hauled. It is the Haulers responsibility to ensure that if there is an article that cannot be hauled the City is notified as to why and offer any support necessary to accomplish the mission. Any extra charges that are generated will be reported to the City. Listed will be the residential address, material weight, article, quantity and amount returned to the City. The Hauler shall reimburse the City for the disposal cost of the items disposed of: The Hauler will however accept the occasional extra except for demolition debris that is not in an approved City container and not exceeding 601bs. If a resident is missed during the normal pickup schedule for whatever reason, the Hauler will make every attempt to remove said trash on that same business day but no later that 24 hours after being notified. 6. Special Conditions The current contractual obligation will remain in place for any special work to be perfurmed. The City agrees that all residential customers in the scope of this agreement will be utilizing residential carts by FY 2003. 7. Dumpster Rental The Hauler shall provide, when requested covered dumpsters, including maintenance of units for the following rates: . 1.5 cu. Yard 2 cu. Yard 3 cu Yard $4.00/month $6.00/month $9.00/month ol!!!!!!!!!!. 4 cu. Yard 6 cu. Yard 8 cu. Yard $12.00/month $15.00/month $18.00/month ... All other aspects of section 7 of current contract will remain the same. 8. Performance Bond No changes per current contract 9. Disposal No changes per current contract All other sections no changes per current contract ~.- ;~~~ General Manager Superior Services-Central MN ........ .,.,. ...., . . . D. Council Agenda - 5/29/0 I Consideration of authorizin~ staff to select an architect to prepare schematic drawiD!!s for Iiauor store expansion at a not to exceed cost of $8.000. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Joe Hartman and myself met with an architectural firm last Wednesday and Joe, Fred Patch and myself met with a second architectural firm today to discuss ideas on expansion of the liquor store. The two firms we have discussed this project with are: Tushi Montgomery Architects out of Minneapolis and Mahler and Associates out of St. Cloud. Tushi Montgomery Architects have been architects on a number of liquor store projects in the metropolitan area and Mahler and Associates is the architectural firm that designed the Towne Centre development being constructed adjacent to our liquor store. In order to keep this project moving ahead, staff is requesting Council approval to select an architectural firm to prepare schematic drawings that could be brought back to the Council as early as the next meeting at a cost not to exceed $8,000. If this project can keep on a tight schedule, it is very possible that construction plans can be completed within six weeks and the City could receive bids back within about two months. Under this time frame, it is possible that even the contractor working on the Towne Centre project could be the contractor for our expansion project, because of them being on site already. Both architects have indicated that a 3,500 sq. ft. addition to the present structure with remodeling of the existing facility and exterior renovation to tie in our property with the new development next store would likely be in the $500,000-$600,000 range. By comparison, a whole new separate structure of about 10,000 sq. ft. would likely be $850,000-$1200,000, depending on design. At this time, it is still assumed that most feasible, economical way to expand the store would be to add 3,500 sq. ft. to the north, and it may be very feasible to use the same architectural firm that is developing the Towne Centre project. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize staff to select an arc~it ~$prepare schematic drawings for the expansion at a cost not to exceed $8,000. 2. Do not authorize selecting an architect at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: After conducting our interviews with the two architectural firms, Joe, Fred and myself feel comfortable in being able to find a good architectural firm to prepare schematic drawings that can be presented to the Council in the next few weeks at a cost of less than $8,000. This will enable the project to continue on a faster track and possibly allow us to have a contractor on aboard within two months. SUPPORTING DATA: None at this time. ,-' possible services are needed, and possible routes !bat would accormnodate botb. After the route was selected, service zones and times for each zone were designated in order to make it easy for the user to understand when he/she will have access to the bus at any particular location in the city. (see attached map) A meeting with Sue Siemers and city staff soon followed in order to obtain her input and expertise on our proposed project. Sue Siemers agreed with our ideas and approved of the route. She gave her advice on how best to advertise the change in order for a smooth transition. The following are the implementation steps !bat will proceed pending city council's acceptance ofthe proposal. . send map and explanation home with elementary and middle school students . give map to Betty to hand out to current users of the Heartland Express . advertisement in Monticello Times . conduct open house public hearing, explaining all changes on June 7th 4:30-6:00 p.rn. . look at possibly placing advertising signs on the Heartland Express Bus . placement of bus route signs and benches at certain locations Sue Siemers outed !bat this change will likely result in a decrease in ridership in the sbort run but an increase in the future. This tranSit service design has been operating successfully in similar communities, such as Albert Leah, Cloquet, Lesueur and Montevideo. This update is provided for council review. If you would like to discuss this concept as a reguJar agenda item, it can be placed on the next agenda. Staff worked to move on this quickly so !bat we could advertise through tbe schools before school lets out for the summer. If you think we should hold off on implemenlation until after the public meeting and after the next City Council meeting, please let us know. . . ~~ o o OJ N o :;:I <ll ~ 0 .(>.NOO>" (,J(,J(,J(,J 0".1' 01 01 N o :;:I <ll ~ () .(>.NOO>" NNNN 0000 N o :;:I <ll ~ OJ ~,..,,9?:''' __ __ .,...,..l. .......II.. 0000 N o :;:I <ll ~ ):> .(>.NOO> 6666 0000 ~N..,....Io.CO .. .. 0" .(>..(>....(>. 0101.(>.01 01 ~I'\J~O) ....0.. ww..w 0101'-"01 01 ~r-.J..lo.~ ....0.. NN..N OONO o ,J:l.I"I.J---Io.()) ~~~~ 00..1,.0 o .(>.NOO> i,i,::;':";' 01010101 ~z O'I{..l.....ll.{O 66:":"6 0000 o , )> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Memo To: City Council City Council Update RE: Heartland Express (Fixed Deviated Route) Heartland Express changing from complete Dial-A-Ride to Fixed Deviated Route It is the goal ofthe following proposal to improve efficiency and increase ridership ofthe Heartland Express bus service through the implementation of a '''fixed deviated route" by June 11th, 2001. The bus service currently operates as a dial a ride system. Similar to a taxi service, a call is made, (sometimes days in advance and sometimes at the time of need), the caller is picked up and brought to their destination. With the guidance of Sue Siemers, the District 3 Transit Project Manager, a change to a '''fixed deviated route" has been advised. Under this method of operation, the bus will follow a consistent figure eight loop through town while still allowing for short trips that deviate from the route to pick up or drop off riders. Reasons for Change: MnDot is in the preliminary stages of adopting the Greater Minnesota Performance Guidelines Plan, which lists guidelines that communities are to strive for. The Heartland Express is not quite meeting ridership standards set forth in the future performance guidelines. (We are currently averaging approximately 5.5 riders per hour while the standard for a community our size is 7 riders an hour.) It is believed that the '''fixed deviated route" will increase ridership by making the Heartland Express more convenient and accessible to its users. . Users will know what areas the bus is servicing at all times. . Trips can be planned accordingly . During summer months children can safely be sent into town to enjoy such activities as swimming or skate boarding at the community center and easily catch the bus on its route for a return trip home. Methods ofImplementation: . Two informational meetings have been held with Gordy Hoglund, (third party contractor),Betty ChatfieldOOO, (Heartland Express driver), and city staff. In these meetings city staff examined where the majority of current services are located, where :>0 :>0 o:t- <:: ""'" ~ <> "'" y;:l , , ~ :>0 '0 "'" 0 00 c: 0 "' yO'.... "'''' Z '" '-':t- '" ;:l "' "' c.. '" "" 00 ..)..) Gl "''' "'''' "'''' '" :>0 '" 00 '" '" 00 , 0 '" oC: ;:l <:: 00 8 c: .... 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Community Tax Distribution discussion Mr. Mayor, City council, staff, ladies and gentlemen, I am here as Chair of the Monticello IDC to urge City Council to consider the proposal for the Chadwicks property as providing an option for Industrial Property for Development in the City of Monticello. - (The Industrial Development Committee is a group of interested business people dedicated to industrial development as a means of improving the tax base and tax distribution for the City of Monticello and is not a part of the city of Monticello) I wish to remind us all of the need for Industrial Development which adds to community stability by: · Providing traditionally higher paying jobs locally, thereby improving the local standard of living. · Providing local payroll that circulates in the community at least 5 times _ (A GE study once found that a part of each dollar paid went to 75 industries.) · Supporting purchases from local businesses. · Industry pays taxes at a rate of 2 times the rate of residential housing while requiring less city services. NO ONE, NO ONE can predict the direction of property tax reform · In another 20 years NSP I Xcel may not be approved for further operation _ without significant investment. At that time the technology and some of the installation will be over 60, sixty years old and there are technological advances coming onjline. · I maintain that sooner or later NSP I Excel Energy reduced property tax reform will happen. · If NSP I Xcel is awarded a tax exemption for machinery, 192 million market value is deleted from the tax base. · The City of Monticello and others will be subject to whimsical change by some members of the legislature from year to year. There is no guarantee that any legislature will or can forever "keep producer communities whole". · A reduction of just 10 % of NSP I Excel Energy property tax on machinery (19,200,000 million market value) will require investment and construction of: · Six companies similar to Standard Iron !!1!!. Five companies similar to H-Windows to replace the NSP market value for tax capacity . It will require not less than 5 acres of land per unit or a total of 35 acres per year. . land will not get cheaper. . It is absolutely necessary that Monticello get started. It has been said that we have only needed I used 5 acres of industrial land per year for the last few years, and that true. This is also a statement of poor performance and our inability to attract industry. I ask you to consider the proposal before you, do your best job of negotiating and if it does not work, reject it and; Further I ask the city to form a task force to; a) solve the zoning I planning differences between the city and the MOAA. b) formulate a plan to acquire $19,000,000 in added market value industries per year for the next 10 years beginning in 2002 as a hedge against lower NSP I Xcel income. c) Formulate a 20 plus year balanced plan for the growth of Monticello that includes goals for Residential, Commercial and Industrial property beyond the current City I MOAA boundaries. Respectfully submitted, Dick Van Allen 2001 Chair of the Monticello Industrial Development Committee Development XCEL ENERGY, MONTICELLO PLANT TAX DISCUSSION 29-May-01 TAX RELIEF BUILDING & MACHINERY MARKET MACHINERY 1 00/0 PERCENT VALUE MARKET VALUE PROPERTY VALUE 253,000,000 192,000,000 19,200,000 TOTAL TAX RATE 128.606 TAX CAPACITY 8,602,000 6,528,000 652,800 TAX DISTRIBUTION COUNTY 31.311 2,094,282 1,589,336 158,934 CITY 36.576 2,446,439 1,856,586 185,659 SCHOOL 58.65 3,922,891 2,977,056 297,706 HOSPITAL 2.069 138,388 105,022 10,502 lC~mmunity Tax O'istribution I o HOSPITAL I I o SCHOOL ~ ~ ~ ~~- ~.~ ICCOUNTY ! I IOCITY I I~;~HOOL I ~~F>ITAL Page 1 COUNCIL UPDATE WATER SERVICE A V AILABILITY - ST. HENRY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH CEMETERY May 29, 2001 Councilmember Herbst asked me to check on the availability of water service to the catholic cemetery adjacent to Chelsea Road West. In reviewing the utility as-built plans for the Groveland Phase I project and Chelsea Road West improvement, the closest water main location is at the corner of Chelsea Road and the first entrance into the Groveland Addition, directly across the street from the cemetery property. No services have been extended under Chelsea Road to any properties on the west side of Chelsea Road, and therefore any services to the cemetery property would have to be made by either open cutting the recently completed Chelsea Road or boring under the road surface to make a connection. If water service was available, the current City policy would require properties that are government or institutional to pay the normal connection charges and also it is assumed an acreage charge for water service. The policy of 3 times the normal connection fees would not necessarily be applicable to government or institutional facilities, if the Council did not require the property to be annexed first. The policy does indicate that the quarterly charges would be 1 1/4 times the normal rate for any properties that are outside the City limits. To summarize, a service would have to be extended under Chelsea Road to provide water to the cemetery and if the Council was interested in pursuing this, it is suggested that the church obtain cost estimates for the extension. In addition to the church being responsible for all service construction costs, additional costs would apply for the acreage charges and normal hookup fees. If the Council would like to discuss this further at Tuesday night's Council meeting, this could be added to the agenda at that time. g tv. '1 II~ UPDATE TO CITY COUNCIL RE: Liquor Providers for the Monticello Community Center for 2001. FROM: Kitty Baltos, Director We currently offer the renters of the Mississippi Room seven choices of liquor providers for 2001. They are: American Legion, Becker's Blue Heron, Chin Yuen Restaurant, Monticello Country Club, Nature's Hideaway, Russell's of Course and Silver Springs Golf Club. All were approved by City Council early in 2000 with the exception of Silver Springs Golf Club which was approved late in 2000. The only change from our provider list of 2000 is that the Days Inn opted to not be a provider. They preferred to concentrate on their on-site customers and may return to the list in future years. Annually we contact potential providers to see if they are interested in being a Community Center provider. We ensure that they have the appropriate license and name the City of Monticello, Community Center on their insurance. We are pleased with our selection of providers as our renters also are. Because our provider list did not change from 2000 to 2001 and all were previously approved, we felt that it was best to update rather than seek additional approval. If you have any questions regarding our Liquor Providers or any other concern about the Community Center, I would welcome your comments, questions or suggestions. /Jv.4J -- _ eM, (;." r 7 73 >I- C ~(~ S,(tv<.<. ') ______ !kid; Grr r JTT?4 ~ C ~ tul4J ~ ~ ~JJ) ~ c~ c; rT r ~ :> r-llUj^' .....