City Council Agenda Packet 05-14-2001 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 14, 2001 - 7 p.m. NOTE: A CLOSED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE HELD AT 6:00P.M TO DISCUSS CURRENT AND PENDING LITIGATION Mayor: Roger Bclsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. 2. ,.., j. . 4. 5. . Call to order. Approve minutes of April 23, 2001 regular Council meeting. ~~14~d~rat~~ t:t~J itfYyS::; $e agenda. B. C. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for the Community Center and Liquor Store(AtV\Q ...c:\ i?d') B. Consideration of adopting resolution clarifying vacation of casements in 90th Street Addition Plat. C. Consideration of approving carnival license for Burger King. D. Consideration of changing meeting date of second council meeting in May. E. Consideration to review and accept year-end EDA financial statements, activity report, and 2001 proposed budget. F. Consideration to approve amending the EDA Business Subsidy/GMEF Guidelines. G. Consideration to approve a loan agreement between the City and HRA. @ Consideration of accepting financial report for 1 st quarter of 200 1 for Monticello Community Center. Agenda Monticello City Council May 14,2001 Page 2 . C9 Consideration of approval of Mielke commercial development sign system. J. Consideration of a planned unit development concept plan for development of two 2- unit townhomes located at 510 West Broadway. Applicant: Rick Anderson. K. Consideration of land purchase of property owned by Ed Kaufman. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing - 71h Street East between Chelsea Road and Washington Street, Project No. 2001-07C. 8. Public Hearing - Cedar Street between Oakwood Drive and Dundas Road, Project No. 2000-18C. 9. Consideration of authorizing proceeding with remodeling and expansion of Hi-Way Liquors facility. 10. Consideration of change request covering the pumps for the gravity belt thickener for the WWTP. . 11 . Consideration of accepting annual sidewalk report. 12. Approve payment of bills for May. 13. Adjourn . . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETINf; - MONTICELLO CITY COtJNCIL April 23, 2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson. Clint llerbst. Brian Stumpf and Bruee Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. Approve minutes of April 9, 200t regular council meeting. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE TilE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 9. 200 I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRUCE TI HELEN SEC'ONDED THF MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of April I? 200t special council meetin!!. CLINT llERBST M()VED TO APPROVE TilE MINUTFS OF THE APRIL 17.2001 SPFCIAL COUNCIL MEETING. ROClER CARLSON SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIFD WITH BRIAN STUMPF ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a!!cnda. .lefT ()"Neill requested that an update on the Towne Center project be added to the agenda. Clint Herbst questioned whether an update to the Council on a recent meeting with the architects for the Community Center should be done in a closed meeting or whether it could be handled in a regular meeting. It was felt it should be done in a closed meeting. Clint Herbst also requested that a discussion of the signage and markings for the CSAII 75/Tl-l 25 intersection be added to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions. requests and complaints. None. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of resolution Declaring costs of Improvements to be reimbursed by future bond sale. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution declaring intent to reimburse expenditures to the proceeds of bond covering the various projects outlined. Res. No. 2001-27. 2_ Council Minutes - 4/23/0] . B. Consideration of Personnel Committee recommendations. Rccomml'ndation: Council ildopt reeommendiltions of Pcrsonnel Committee for the four specific nreas discussed: ^ccumulated vncation policy. employee milcnge reimbursenll'nt mte. group health insurance contrihution levels nnd compamblc \vorth/pay equity m!.iusllnents. C. Considemtion of drilling four test wells to determine water quality in the lower aquifer the length of Monticello. RccommemJation: ^uthori7e City staffand Liesch & Associates to prepare requests for proposals fi)r drilling three to four test wells across the community to determine the water quality in the lower aquifers and obtain quotes \vith costs to bc returned at a later date for consideration by the City Council. I). Consideration to approve the preliminary concept for use ofTlF nssistance It)r redevelopment of previous St. I Icnry's site. Recommendation: Move to approve the preliminary concept It)!. use oCTIF assistance for redevelopment of the area previously occupied by the St. Henry's Church. E. Consideration to npprove the preliminary concept for use ofTIF assistance Cor ^moco site. Recommendation: Move to approve the prelilllinary concept for use ofTlF assistance for redevelopmcnt of the ^moco site. . F. Consideration of approving charitable gambling license - Monticello ^merican Legion Post #260. Recommendation: Adopt resolution authori7ing the State (iamhling Control Board to renew thc gamhling license requested by ^merican Legion Post #260. l~cs. # 2001-29. G. Consideration of accepting feasibility report It)!" Front Street Reconstruction. Project No. 200] -06C. Recommcndation: Move to adopt resolution approving fensibility study and ordering plans and specilications. contingent on city purchase of the linal parcel and authorizing advertisement It)r hids It)r Front Street utility systcn1 and road reconstruction project. H. Consideration of accepting feasibility report. ordering plans and specifications and advertisen1ent for hids for Ciroveland Phase II. Projcc12001-0SC. RCl'ommendation: Move to adopt a resolution approving the feasihility study. ordering and approving plans and speciCications and iluthori7ing advertisement It)!" hids It)!" improvements to the Grovcland Phnse II residential subdi \ision. I. Consideration of ndopting resolution accepting feasibility report. ordering plans and specifications and calling for a puhlic hearing on thc street and utility improvements at Cedar Street hetween Oakwood Drive and Dundas Road. Rccommcndation: Adopt a resolution approving feasibility study and calling It)!. a public hearing on May 14.200 I . I L . . . Council Minutes - 4/23/01 for road. waler main and storm sewer impnlvell1ents to Cedilr Street hctween Dundas ROild and ()akwood Drive. J. Consideration of adopti ng resolution orderi ng feasi hi 1 ity report. accept ing l'casi hi I i ty study and calling (ill' iI public hearing on ]\'lay 14.2001 on road and storm se\ver improvemcnts to ]'11 street between Cedar Street and Washington Street. Recommendation: ^dopt a resolution authorizing feasihility study. approving l'casihility study and calling till" iI public 11l'aring on May 14.2001 for road and storm se\ver improvements to TII Street between C'edar Street and Washington Street. K. Consideration of cancelling Public Works unil()rm services contraet with G&K Services of St. Cloud. Recommendation: Authorize cancellation of the uni rorm contract with G&K Services and authorize the City Administrator to negotiate with another firm and enter into a contract to provide uniform services to the Puhlic Works Department. Brian Sturnpf requested that itcm #5E be removed from the consent agenda. Clint Ilerbst requested items #5D and #5K be removed from the consent agenda. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TI IF CONSENT AGENDA WITII THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS lISD, #5E AND #51<' BRUCE TIIIELEN SIT'ONDEIJ THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Clint Herbst questioned how the usc ofTIF funds would work on the St. Henry's site since the site had never generated any tax dollars berore. I~conomic Development Director. Ollie Koropchak indicated that under the project description the majority of land is in the name of the church and doesn't produce any taxes. Onee the property has changed hands and the ?Oning has heen changed, the property will be generating taxes. She also noted that even though the church property didn't generate taxes. there \vas a villue assigned by thc assessor to the properties. Clint Herbst expressed his concern that TIr: funds were being used on almost every development and felt that the City should look nlOre closely at limiting not only the length or time the TII" district ran but also the amounts ofTlF assistance. FZogcr Belsaas slated that very little TI I" assistance \\as used in residential areas except to remove arcas of hlight. Bruce Thielen questioned ifTIF funds were not provided li)r the St. Ilcnry's site how long would it bc bctine development took place. Clint Ilerbst l'clt TIF funds should be used to attract income and joh producing projects. Ollie Koropchak noted that developers have to submit protimml infonnation and meet the "but for" test. that is development would not take place but fill' the use 0 f tax increment fi nanc i ng. Brian Stumpf asked i I' TI I" funds are provided on a project and the project is not completecL :; z Council Minutes ~ 4/23/0 I . hmv are the TIF funds collected. Ollie Koropchak stated that most of the TII: assistance provided is pay as you go so i I' the project does not take place the runds arc not expended. It \vas also noted that the HACA penalty comes into play on the establishment or each district. On redevelopment districts the penalty starts at 5(~) and goes up to 10%. On economic districts the penalty starts at 10%. The question was raised \vhether on the St. llenry's site. the TIF assistance was tied to the \acallllitnd only or the redeveloprnent or the entire site. Ollie Koropehak provided an explanation of the City's and HRA use of"r1F funds. Clint Ilerbst just relt that the City should be judicious in its use or tax inerement linancing. CLINT IIERBST MOVFD TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY CONCEPT FOR USF OF 'r1r ASSISTANCE FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF TI-IE AREA PREVIOlJSLY OCClJPIED BY TilE ST. IIENRY'S CHURCII. ROGER CARLSON SFCONDFD THF MOTION. MOTION CARRIl]) UNANIMOUSL,Y. . Brian Stumpf had questions about the waiving or WAC/SAC fees and parking issues on the Amoco site more so than the use of 'I'll" assistance fl.)]' the redevelopment of this site. Jdf O'Neill stated that he had asked the developer to submit a request to the City on what he wanted but to date nothing has been submitted. Roger Belsaas didn't have a problem assessing the W AClSAC charges at a reasonable interest rate but the City should not be waiving these charges. He also felt the City had to be very careful in addressing the parking 1 ssues. BRIAN STUMPF MOVFD TO APPROVE THF PRELlMINAR Y CONCEPT FOR USE ()F TIF ASSISTANCI~ FOR REDEVELOPMI~NT OF TilE AMOCO SITF NOTINC, THAT TilE ISSUES OF WAC/SAC CHARGES AND P ARKINC, NEEDED TO BE RI~S()L VU). BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. On iten1 #5K, Clint Herbst asked the Public Works Director. John Simola, if they had any response from G&K since the City's last corresponcknce and if the contract was cancelled was there another firm lined up to provide the service. John Simola indicated that they have been in contact with the firm providing service fl.)r the Community Center. The consensus of the Council was that if another contract was signed it should not go more than two years. Bruce Thielen stated that this matter had been discussed at a Personnel Committee meeting. The intent is that there will be one standardized unifl.)rm. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE CANCEI.LA TION or TilE UNIFORM C()NTRACT WITH (I&K SERVICES AND AlJTHORIZr~ TI IE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO NEGOTIATF WITII ANOTIIFI{ FIRM AND ENTI.:R INTO A CONTRACT "rO PROVIDE UNIFORM SERVICES T() THI.: PUBLIC WORKS DI~PARTMENT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOLISLY. . 4 2- Council Minutes - 4/23/01 . 7. Public. hcarinc: - Consideration of a resolution adontinc: nroposed asscssment roll for dclinquent utilitv hills ~\Jld certification of assessmcnt roll to Wric:ht Countv. The Council reviewed the list of delinquent utility accounts proposed to he certified to the County Auditor I\.)r collection with the taxes. Clint llerbst asked if there were charges in addition to the $50.00 late fee. Rick Wolfstellcr indicated that an interest rate OfW;;l is charged on the delinquent assessrnent. Mayor Bclsaas opened the public hearing on the proposed assessment. There was no one present \vho spoke on the proposed assessment. Mayor Bclsaas then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STtJMPF MOVIJ) TO ADOPT TI--IE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR TI IE DFLlNQU\':NT UTILITY CHARGES AS PRESENTED. ROGER CARl.SON S\:CONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. #2001-24. s. Public Heuring _ Wulnut Street Corridor Improvements, Proiect 2000-17C and eonsiderution of orderinc: imnrovement and prenuration of plans and specifications. . JefT C)" Nei 11 presented background information on the proposed improvement noti ng that there had been some changes to the original project which added some additional lighting along the pathway area and additional landscaping. I Ie also pointed out that a segment of sidewalk along 4th Street had been relocated at the request of Sunny Fresh Foods to the other side of 4th Street. JefT C)" Nei II reviewed the proposed landscaping for the area between the proposed pathway and the railroad tracks. The landscaping and additional lights would increase the project cost by approximately $51.000. There was some discussion on the proposed lighting. The Council was under the irnpression that some or the lights along Walnut Street in the original report would be relocated to the pathway and not that the pathway lighting would be in addition to the lights along Walnut Street. Clint I Ierbst stated his concern about where the money would cOlne from to cover this extra cost. Current policy would have the City picking up 75% of the cost. Clint Herbst also felt that Sunny Fresh should agree to pay the cost f()r the segment of sidewalk on 4th Street that was relocated. The consensus of the Council was that the additional lighting and landscaping be excluded from the project at this time. Mayor l1elsaas then opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke 1'01' or against the proposed irnprovement. Mayor Belsaas closed the public hearing. BRlJCL HIIELI.:N MOVED TO ALITHOR\l.E PREPARATION OF Pl.ANS AND SPLCIFICATIONS FOR THF WALNUT STRELT IMPROVEMENT CONTINCiENT UPON TilE SALL e)F LAND FOR TIlE TOWNF CENTI':R SITL AND FXCLUDINCi TilE ADDITIONAl. LANDSCAPING AND'r! IE \.lGI rrINCi ALONCIlIE PArllWA Y. ROCi\':R CAR.LSe)N SLCONDLD 'llIE MCrrI()N. MUrION CARRILD UNANIMOUSI_Y. . 5 2 . 9. . . Council Minutes - 4/2]/0 I Consideration of request to allow Natiomll Guard to use Community Center for sleeping: ftH.'ilitv durin2: Guard weekends. .Ielr<fNeill reported that city st,lIlhad discussed the overnight use of the bcilitics by the National Ciuard prior to this item coming up be!"ore the Council. The position of the City was that the National (;uard \\as I'ree to use its O\\n space hut they could not use the sh<lred arl'as of the Community Cellter without modi licalion to the operation agreement and also City Council approval. While there are bcilitics to allow 1(11' ]-4 people to sleep in the National Guard area. there arc no bathroom facilities i()r that area. Mayor Belsaas felt that Rick W 01 fsteller. Jeff CrNei II and Kitty Baltos should sit down wi th the National Guard to further address the issues. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABU': THIS ITEM UNTIL ll-IE FIRST MEETING IN JUNE TO ALLOW STAFF TIME TO MEET WITH TI [E NAflONAL CiUARD. CIJNT I [ERBST SFCONDED TilE MOT[ON. MOTION CARRILD UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of proposals for !!ravity helt thickener for wastewater treatment plant, Proiect No. 2001-03C. John Simo[a reported that the City had received two proposals I()r design build of the gravity belt thickener. One proposal was Ii"om Rice Lake ContractinglBolton Menk in the amount of $X 18J)00. The other proposal was from SEll Design/Build Inc. and Gridor Construction at an estimated cost of $1 Jll 7,955. The City's project estimate was $600.000. The Design/Build Committee reviewed the proposals and interviewed with Rice Lake Contracting/Bolton Menk to clarify their proposal. since it was not quite as detailed as the other proposal. Some items were negotiated which reduced the contract amount by $19.620 making the revised Rice Lake Contracting/Bolton Menk amount $798.]80. Since the proposals came in over estimate. the additional cost would need to be picked up Sunny Fresh and the City. Sunny Fresh requested the City to consider rebating $50.000 of $12X.OOO in fines collected 1()J" Sunny Fresh' s violation of the pretreatment agreement to offset the added cost of the improvement. John Simola indicated that they were not able to complete negotiations on the type of pump and requested that the City Administrator and hilnself he allowed to approve a change order up to $10.000 in order to negotiate the pump issue. John Simola stated that the review of the company's record showed that there were very tew change orders to their design build projl'cts. CLINT I IERBST MOVED TO AWARD TilL (iRA VITY BELT TIHCKFNl~R !)[<.S[CiN BUILD PROJI.:('T TO \([CE LAKE CONTRACTING IN TI [F.: ADJUSTED AMOUNI OF $79L,80 AN D TO AtJTI IORI/L THL CITY ADMIN ISTRi\TOR AND PUBLIC WORKS D[ RECT()R TC) NLCiOTIATL A C[ [ANGE ORDUZ LIP TO $1 OJ)OO TO C()VLR Till': ['YPE ()F PUMPS AND ALSO TO REBATE $50.000 01: TI-II': FINES COLLFCTU) TO llELP SUNNY I:RI:SI [ WITll TI [EIR SHAI:ZE OF I[ IE COST. R()CiER CARLSON SI:CONDEI) TII[<: M(}[[ON. M(YrION CARRIU) lJNAN[MOUSI.Y. 6 d. . . Council Minutes ~ 4/23/0 I 11. Approve Ilavment of hills for Anril BRUCL TIIILLI~N MOVED T<) APPROVE PA YMENT OF BILLS H)R APRIL. BRIAN STUMPF SI~CONI)[D TilE MOTI()N. MOTION CARRIU) lJNANIMOUSLY. Additional Items: JelTCfNeill reported that the closing on the Towne Center project has not yet taken place. Original I) the closing \vas scheduled Cor December. :2000. Because oCthe delay by the developer in closing Oll this property. the City has lost the opportunity to earn interest Oll the purchase price. It was the consensus oCthe Council not to make that an issue on this project. In the Cuture any extension requested by a developer would be paid flJr by the developer. There was also discussion on including a reversion clause, which would basically provide that if development of the site does not commence by a certain date. the purchase price \\iould be refunded and the property would revert to the City. It was suggested that both a commencement date and completion date be specified. The City Attorney will be reviewing the reversion clause issue. The Council discussed the markings and signage f()r the CSAIl 75/TH 25 intersection. John Simola stated that 11.)[ the County to do their work. the City must complete getting the utilities through the intersection. Mayor Belsaas Celt that there should be better signage so that people were aware of the right turn lane. John Simola indicated that he will check into this. 12. Adiourn. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8: 15 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDI]) TIIF MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNi\NIMOUSLY. __ _,._n .__ .-.,'.-. -,'--- -. ..-. -,,- Recording Secretary . 7 2- . . . SA. Council Agenda - 5/14/01 Considerati(!n of allllrovine new hires and departures for the C:ommunitv Center and Liquor Store. (R W) A. REFERENC'E AND BACKGROUND: Till' Council is asked to ratify the hiring orne\\, employees that have occurred recently at the Monticello COlllmunity Center and the liquor store. As you recall. it is recolllmended that the Council ollicially ratify the hiring oral! new employees including parHime and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring of the part-time and seasonal employees J()f the COlllmunity Center and liquor store as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-time employees. . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Alonzo Cooper E\'e~~~~~t.' ~f- Liq Store 4/10/01 FT Sean Holloway Lifeguard MCC 4/10/01 PT Matthew McPherson Lifeguard MCC 4/10/01 PT Karl Schwarzkopf Lifeguard MCC 4/10/01 PT Laura DuChene Lifeguard MCC 4/16/01 PT Megan Gullickson Lifeguard MCC 4/17/01 PT Stephanie Kruger Guest Svc MCC 4/13/01 PT . . TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day 3/1/01 Class Fabiola Gaytan voluntary MCC PT employee councillist.xls 04/24/2001 5H . . . Name Name Steve Tomczyk NEW EMPLOYEES Title Department TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason voluntary Department MCC Hire Date Last Day 3/25/01 Class Class PT employee councillist.xls 04/10/2001 ~) ~ NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class Don West summer worker Parks 4/30/01 Temp Gerald Barthel summer worker Parks 4/30/01 Temp . Name Melissa Greer . TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason voluntary? Department Liq Store Last Day 4/27/01 Class PT employee council list xis: 05/08/2001 SA . . . 58. Council Agenda - 5/14/01 Consideration of adoptine resolution clarifvine: vacation of easements in the plat of 90'h Street Addition. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City, at the request of Jacob Holdings conducted public hearings to vacate the utility easements on Lots 1,2, and 3, Block 1, 90lh Street Addition because the easement locations interfered with the building design. The City did vacate the easements with the understanding that the replat of the property would contain the necessary easements to replace those that were vacated. The resolutions adopted by the City Council referenced the easements being vacated as utility easements. However, on the plat they were shown as drainage and utility easements. The closing company has requested that the City adopt a resolution clarifying that the City was vacating the drainage and utility rights covered by the easements. 8. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: C. I. Adopt a resolution clarifying the City vacated drainage as well as utility easements in the 90th Street Addition Plat. 2. Do not adopt a resolution. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since it was the City's intent to vacate the easements within the plat, there is no reason not to adopt a resolution clarifying what easements were vacated. Therefore, the staiTrecommends Alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLtJTION NO. 2001-33 VACATION OF EASEMENTS 90TB STREET PLAT WHEREAS, the City of Monticello did conduct public hearings on December 11,2000 and January 8, 2001 to vacate utility and drainage easements within the plat of the 90th Street Addition; and WHEREAS, Document #728807 and Document #729461 recorded the vacated easements as utility easements, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: that the following described drainage and utility easements be vacated: The Northerly 12.00 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, 90lh Street Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in Wright County, Minnesota. The Northwesterly 20.0 feet, the Northeasterly 20.00 feet and the East 6.00 feet of said Lot 1, Block 1, 90th Street Addition, according the recorded plat thereof on file in Wright County, Minnesota. The East 6.00 feet and the Southwesterly 12.00 feet and the Westerly 12.00 feet of said Lot 3, Block 1, 90th Street Addition according to the recorded plat thereof on file in Wright County, Minnesota. The East 6.00 feet, the Southerly 12.00 feet and the Westerly 12.00 feet of said Lot 3, Block 1, 90\h Street Addition according to the recorded plat thereof on file in Wright County, Minnesota. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 141h day of May, 2001. ATTEST: Roger Belsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 5(; . . . Council Agenda - 5/14/01 sc. Considcration of aoproval of a carnival license for Bun!cr Kin2;. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a request for a carnival license for Sam's Amusements (formerly CK II, Inc.) to conduct a carnival on the Burger King property during the period of May 31't to June 2,2001. The carnival is being done in part as a fund raiser t()f the school. A portion of the proceeds from May 31 st is being donated to the schools. The hours of operation are proposed to be: T'hursday 3 p.m. - 10 p.m. Friday I p.m. - 10:30 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. City ordinance requires that the City Council approve licenses for any traveling show, circus or carnival. The license fee for a carnival is currently $100 for the first day and $50 for each day thereafter. The ordinance also requires insurance coverage and as noted in the attached letter, the renewal date for their insurance is May 151h. A copy of the insurance certificate will be submitted to the City on the renewal date. City ordinance also requires a surety bond in the amount of$5,OOO. The purpose of the bond is to ensure that the applicant adheres to all federal, state and city regulations. For example, it could bc possible that during the course of set up or dismantling of the carnival operations that damage could be done in the boulevard arca. The bond would ensure that carnival operator is liable for the repairs. The carnival will be set up on the adjacent lot owned by Burger King so traffic congestion should not be a problem. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve a license for carnival operations on the Burger King property for May 31 - June 2, 2002. 2. Do not approve the license for the carnival operations. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the City Administrator that the carnival license be approved for Burger King for May 31 - June 2, 200l. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Application . Lettcr Allied Insurance · Bond . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO TRAVELING SHOW APPLICATION Fee: $100 - 1st day, $ 50 - thereafter Location Where Show will be Held: h\.J(~-->J~~ '~'L ~\(\..D \J\.. ~ Date(s) of Carnival or Show: -\'\'\C\..-_.,.- ~\ -- ~\.;''''''''(' c~ ~ Name of Insurance Company (proof of insurance shall be provided with application): 'C\\\\-t1- " (\.CL\...\.~ -\~,--,-./n_"'L.L G...:.,,,,-, '~('l..,\. \..., L ~ Minimum requirements are: $100,000 - injury, liability $300,000 - each occurrence $ 50,000 - property damage SURETY BOND REQUIREMENTS: A surety bond in the amount of $5,000 shall accompany application to ensure that all federal, state, and local regulations are adhered to. \.....X'\\Cl..2v,-\ . ~ Q;....J~ Applicant ~gnature ****************************************************************************** (For City Use Only) Receipt # 2, '1 () ;L ~d S \[ \ 0 \ Approved Denied City Signature TRAVELING.APP: 3/2]/96 5c MA y, - 04' 0 1 (P R I) 1 7 : 0 5 TEL:727 367 5695 - p, 002 . - ;;. """'~... ALLIED - . -....---. _..- . May 4, 2001 Ci ty of MOlJticello, MN Attn: Dawn Fax: 763-295-4404 Dear Dawn: please be advised that the renewal date tor Qur insured, Sam's AmusementS, formerly ex II, IDC., is May 15, 2001. A certificate will be forthcoming once tbe renewal is in place. Snould you bave questiOl'Js, please contact me. 7'.ha1lks. . Sjncerely, In . ~ 't'}~ Richard D'Aprile Accoun t Execu ti. ve . sc, ALLIED SPECIALTY INSURANCE. INC. 1045 L Gulf BoulevlIId. Treasure Island. Florida 33706 · 727 367.6900 · 1 800 237.3355 · FAX 727 367.5695 FROM ELK RIUER INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE NO. 6124418871 Ma~. 07 2001 02:26PM P2 - .. ~.. -.. ... - ... ..... .:. ~y Western Surely Company . . , , . ; , LICENSE AND PERMIT BOND For County, City. TuWD OJ'VilIage Only-Not Valid for Bondi Required by the State. Not 'Valid for Con~t, performance. )faintenance, Subclivilion, Agent to SeU HunMC and Fishing Licen.ee or Utility Guarantoe Bonl!. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: BOND No. L &: p.4 3 0 9 3 6 2 2 A A That we CK II. INC ' of the City of Elk River , State of M~nnesota , as Principal, and WESTERN SURETY COMPANY, a corporation duly licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, . ' as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Monticell.o , State of MJ..nnesota , Obligee, in the amount (Valid only wbell a County, City. Town or VilIace ilnamed 11& Obligee) Five Thousand Dollars & No/IOO--------------------- DOLlJlRS($ 5.000.00 (NOT VALID FOR MORE THAN $25.000) lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said Obligee, for which pa.yment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and our legal representatives, jointly and severally. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the Principal has been licensed as a Carnival Traveling Show and Independent Food Concessio~s by the Obligee. .~~~~~~!ORE, if the Principal sh~. faithfully ~rform the du~es and co~ply .wit~ the laws ~d or~~~~... all amendments), perta.mmg to the llcense or permit, then thIS obligation to be VOId, o~~~~ ~~~~n full force and effect for a period commencing on the 7 ch day of .:.: ~"',.~~"M"ay";. ~;~'. -::"": ' 2001 , and ending on the 7th day qr., . .,:. .... May .., '::;;-:;. ,2002 , unless renewed by continuation certificate. ' ~ ~~~bo)]-~~~ .~rminated at any time by the Surety upon sending notice in writing to the Obligee and to t~~n~iPa1;1ri .~jf the Obligee or at such other address as the Surety deems reasonable, and at the expira- tio~~t1\-Ay.€i~6) days from the mailing of notice or as soon thereafter as permitted by applicable law, which~q~~;"this bond shall terminate and the Surety shall be relieved from any liability for any subsequent acts or omissions oi the Principal. Dated this 7 th day of May ), of 200l ~~ah~~~' ~A_ \ PrincIpal By Resident Agent aCKNOWLEDGMENT OF SURETY STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA t (Corporate Officer) County 9f t;1innehaha L 5S . On this t day of My, 2001 , before me, the undersigned officer, personally appeared Steohen T. :Pate , who acknowledged himself to be the aforesaid officer of WESTERN SURETY COMPANY, a corporation, and that he as such officer, being authorized so to do. executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contained, by signing the name of the corpo . n by himself as such officer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official I) . ETY CO -r Principal NY By President Countersigned f'Onft 869.A - 12-97 -t \-.-.' .~"...N 'f. 'B~~f;~~~+1 . ~ NOTARY PUJl.1C ~: ~ SOUTH DAKOTA ~. My C<>mmi&llon ExpiNI6-1ioZOO4 ~ , """I""'lf'~"'~'.'~'~~+ otary Public, South Dakota Western Surety Company e 101 S. Phillips Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57104 · 1-605-336.0850 rn; --~ ::;) C' FROM : ELK RIVER INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE NO. 6124418871 Ma~. 07 2001 02:27PM P3 STATE OF County of ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL (Individual or Partners) }.s . ., . . ., , . . On this _ day of -, , before me penonally appeared known to me to be the individuaL described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that -he- executed the same. My commission expires Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGMENTOFPRINCWAL (Corporate Officer) STA.TE OF ~if\Y\{.L'IO-t6- }ss County of <nt..r\o..u.rf'(., '7~ t'1J , On this . day of 'J- ,,Z..(X:)\ , before me, penooaUy appeared K ri & WtJ:.l'l: b- . who aclmowledged - to be the _\etL:~of c..K l \ I \ lI'\~ . , a corporation. and that he J such officer bein~ authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the pur- poses therein contained by signing the name of the corpora.tion by himself as such officer. My commission expires JrUlJ..4.CM'1 ~ i 2PQ~ , Nota:ry Public .__..~~.f"W-.l\.r.._\...4t...- ___.f"'JI.$-~'" . . . 50. Council Agenda - 5/14/0 I Consideration of ehanginl! meetinl! date of second council meetinl! in May. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The second regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council in May falls on May 28th which is observed as Memorial Day. The Council should consider re-scheduling this meeting to another date. In other instances similar to this one, the meeting was scheduled for the next evening, which in this case would be Tuesday, May 29th. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Re-schedule the regular Council meeting for Tuesday, May 29th at 7 p.m. 2. Set another date for the meeting, if the Council so desires. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since there is a public hearing scheduled for this second meeting, staff recommends that the meeting be set for Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 7 p.m. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: None. . . . 5E. City Council Agenda - 5/14/01 Consideration to review and accept the Year-End EDA Financial Statements. Activitv Report. and 2001 Prooosed Bude:et. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: This item is presented to comply with City Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Section 2-3-6 (A), "The Authority shall prepare an annual budget projecting anticipated expenses and sources of revenue;" and (B), "The Authority shall prepare an annual report describing its activities and providing an accurate statement of its financial condition. Said report shall be submitted to the City Council by March 1 of each year." The financial reports were prepared by Executive Director Koropchak. The Economic Development Authority (EOA) accepted the year-end reports and budget at the annual meeting held April 24,2001. All Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) loan pay backs are current. Therefore, the EOA now submits to the City Council a copy of the EDA-GMEF Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance for the Year; Annual Activity Report; and 2001 Cash Flow Projections (Budget) for review. You will note on the Balance Sheet, the EDA-UMEf cash balance as of December 31, 2000, is $773,649.81. As you recall, in 1997 the EDA appropriated $200,000 from the UMEF f()r the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF) for matching facade improvell1ent grants, loans, and fee reimbursements. The DMRF cash balance as of December 31,2000, is $171,827.58. In addition to the EDA Year-End Reports and for your information, the UDAG~FS[ account was closed out when the Twin City Die Castings (TCDC) GMEF loan was disbursed in 2000. In 1999, the SCREG-Aroplax account was closed. Meaning those dollars have now recycled into the EDA-GMEF account. The TCDC MN Investment Fund loan of $500,000 was disbursed in 2000 and the payback amount in 2000 was $22,117.08. "Lastly, given the EDA-GMEF cash balance of $773,649, the EOA authorized to commence re-payment of the $383,000 Liquor Funds to the City of Monticello. The 2001 re-payment in the amount of 10lYo of the GMEF cash balance or $77,000. The 10% re-payment to be reviewed and authorized by the EDA, annually, in order to maintain a GMEF cash balance of at least $400,000." If a council member has questions of the year-end report, please remove from the consent agenda; otherwise, the EDA requests the City Council make a motion to accept the EOA year-end reports. . City Council Agenda - 5/14/01 B. Alternative Action: I. ^ motion to accept the ED^ Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance; 2001 Cash Flow Projections; and the Annual Activity Reports as presented. 2. A motion to deny acceptance of the EDA Balance Sheet; Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance; 2001 Cash Flow Projections; and the Annual Activity Report as presented. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is alternative #1. Reason t()f the recommendation is that all reports are reported as true and correct; the budget is based on projections only; theref()[e, said motion would affirm compliance of Ordinance Amendment No. 172. D. Supporting: Data: Copy of the Year-End Statements, Activity Report, and 2001 Cash Flow Projections for the EDA. . . 2 . MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MONTICELLO GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For the Year Ended December 31, 2000 REVENUES Appropriations - 2000 UDAG Interest Income - Notes Interest Income - Investment GMEF Interest Income - Investment UDAG Interest Income - Investment SCREG Loan Fees Legal Fees Miscellaneous $ 43,652.79 $ 33,160.42 $ 30,114.27 $ 13,128.25 $ 20,192.05 $ -0- $ 750.00 $ -0- TOTAL REVENUES $ 140,997.78 EXPENDITURES GMEF Loans - TCDC (UDAG) (GMEFl . GMEF Legal Fees Professional Fees DMRF Legal Fees Professional Fees Service Fees Miscellaneous Other Int. Adjustment - Notes $ 43,652.79 $ 56,347.21 $ 1,872.65 $ 93.75 $ 200.00 $ 2,050.50 $ -0- $ -0- $ 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 104.216.90 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures $ 36,780.88 FUND BALANCE - Beginning of Year $1.335.842.08 FUND BALANCE - End of Year $1. 372.622.96 . ,5[- I . MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MONTICELLO GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Balance Sheet December 31, 2000 ASSETS Cash in Bank Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc. Notes Receivable - Muller Theatre Notes Receivable - SMM, Inc. Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp. Notes Receivable - Custom Canopy, Inc. Notes Receivable - Standard Iron Notes Receivable - Vector Tool Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc. Notes Receivable - SELUEMED Notes Receivable - T J Martin Notes Receivable - Mainline Distribution Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp II Notes Receivable - TCDC .ppropriations Receivables - 2000 UDAG TOTAL ASSETS FUND EQUITY Fund Balance Reserved for Participation Loans (Economic Development) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY . .$ 7 7 3 , 64 9 . 8 1 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 30,592.25 $ 42,721.12 $ 87,287.70 $ 31,185.61 $ 76,152.03 $ 95,819.80 $ 97,405.47 $ 94,182.89 $ 43,652.79 $1,372,622.96 $1,372,622.96 $1,372,622.96 5E ~ l . . . 2000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACTIVITY REPORT MEETING DATE SUBJECTS Annual Meeting February 22. 2000 Claybaugh design concepts targeted for three businesses: Heaton. Preferred Title: Hamond. former Companion Pet's building: and Anderson. former Senior Center. EDA Officers elected for 2000: President Bill Demeules Vice President Barb Schwientek Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller Assistant Treasurer Ken Maus Secretary Ollie Koropchak Accepted EDA 1999 Year-End Financial Statements and Activity Report. All existing GMEF loan paybacks are current. No need to amend GMEF Guidelines. Supported marketing the GMEF Loan Size as a maximum amount of $200.000. Amended DMRF Guidelines enlarging the target area to include all of Block 34 and all of Block 53. Tabled any action relative to increase of the matching facade grant until after the architect meets with the three property owners. April 25. 2000 Suggested DA T complete design concepts from architect for Masonic Lodge also. Keep in touch with Grassl. Approved extending the Non-performance date from March 28. 2000 to September 28, 2000 for GMEF Loan No. 017 TDCD. Approved preliminary GMEF application for Profile Pow'der Coating. Inc. in the amount of $150.000. 5 1;. ;) . . . August 29. 2000 Approved DMRF No. 110 for up to 50% of the rehabilitation costs. not to exceed $11.000. for front facade and signage at 113 West Broadway (Heaton). Approved DMRF No. 111 in the amount of $2.500 for front facade and signage improvements. in amount of $2.375 for the rear facade improvements. in the amount of $1.625 for the west side facade improvements. in the amount of $2.500 for the east side facade improvements. in the amount of up to $500 for fee reimbursement. and in the amount of $10.644 for a rehabilitation loan at 212 West Broadway (Hamond) \vith interest rate of 5.5%. amortization schedule of 10 years with balloon payment in 3 years. Approved amending the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria to increase the wage threshold to at least $9.00 per hour. exclusive of benefits. November 8. :2000 Approved extending the balloon payment date from December 1. 2000. to December 1. 2003. for GMEF No. 010 (Blue Chip Development Company) at a fixed interest rate of 7.5%. Public Hearing and reaffirmed the motion to amend the EDA Criteria to increase the \vage threshold to at least $9.00 per hour. exclusive of benefits. Approved that the DMRF No. 111 rehabilitation loan remain in second position behind the lender and the non- performance date was extended from May 29. 2001 to August 29.2001. 2 5E-d MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) . 2001 CASH FLOW PROJECTION BEGINNING CASH BALANCE, January 2001 RECEIPTS Appropriations, Expected - GMEF Notes Amortization Payments - Tapper Inc. Muller Theatre SMM, Inc. Aroplax Corp. Notes Receivable Custom Canopy, Inc. Standard Iron ($795.49 Mo.) 7-04 Vector Tool ($509.98 Mo.) 11-03 Tapper's II ($760.36 Mo.) 4-01 SELUEMED ($1,031.01 Mo.) 9-03 T.J. Martin ($1,716.12 Mo.) 3-05 Mainline Distrib. ($702.08 Mo.) 6-04 Aroplax Corp. II ($730.93 Mo;) 12-04 TCDC ($1,457.29 Mo.) 7-07 IRTI (Est. $700 Mo.) 7-06 VisiCom ($115.78 Mo.) 5-04 Interest Income - Investment (est.) Legal Fees Loan Fees Other Miscellaneous . TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE AND RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES GMEF Loans - IRTI GMEF Other Re-payment to Liquor Fund DMRF Grants Loans (VisiCom) Loans Other Legal Miscellaneous . TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXPECTED CASH BALANCE, December 2001 $ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $ 9,545.88 $ 6,119.76 $ 3,041.44 $ 86,201.11 $ 12,372.12 $ 20,593.44 $ 8,424.96 $ 8,771.16 $ 17,487.48 $ 4,200.00 $ 926.24 $ 30,000.00 $ 301.75 $ 400.00 S 1.000.00 $ 72,500.00 $127,500.00 $ 77,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 10,644.00 $ 9,356.00 $ 1,000.00 S 1.000.00 $ 773,649.81 S 209,385.34 $ 983,035.15 S 324,000.00 $ 659,035.15 __5E _A ~ . . . SF. City Council Agenda - 5/14/01 Consideration to approve amendinl! the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria/Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Guidelines. (O.K.) A. Reference and Backl!round: At the April 24,2001 Annual Meeting of the EDA, the commissioners held a public hearing and made a motion to recommend amending the GMEF Guidelines. The recommended amendment adds a LATE FEE POLICY to the GMEF Guidelines. The current guidelines has a LATE PAYMENT POLICY only which states: Failure to pay principal or interest when due may result in the loan being immediately called. This would remain in place. The recommended amendment came about as one borrower is consistently late with the monthly GMEF loan payback. Although, the recommended LATE FEE POLICY would not apply to the existing mentioned Loan, future approved loans and their respective Loan Agreements would include the LATE FEE POLICY language. The language for the recommended LATE FEE POLICY was drafted by the EDA Attorney. LATE FEE POLICY: In addition to any other amounts due on any loan, and without waiving any other right of the Economic Development Authority under any applicable documents, a late fee of $250 will be imposed on any borrower for any payment not received in full by the Authority within 30 calendar days of the date on which it is due. Furthermore, interest will continue to accrue on any amount due until the date on which it is paid to the Authority, and all such interest will be due and payable at the same time as the amount on which it has accrued. For your information, an update on the remedy applied to the mentioned borrower is described in the Economic Development Update attached to the agenda. To comply with the guidelines section, GMEF Fund Guideline Modifications: "At a minimum, the EDA shall review the Fund Guidelines on an annual basis. No changes to the GMEF Guidelines shall be instituted without prior approval of the Council." Therefore, the Council is requested to approve amending the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria /GMEF Guidelines. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve amending the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria/GMEF Guidelines as recommended by the EDA. City Council Agenda - 5/14/01 . 2. A motion to deny amending the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria/OMEF Guidelines as recommended by the EDA. 3. ^ motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is Alternative No.1. D. Supporting Data: Copy of current EDA Business Subsidy Criteria/OMEF Guidelines. Page 6 notes where new language will be inserted. . . 2 " " " tad...- .........-.. -......- -. -. . . ,. - .,.- , I ~ ~' . 11. . , . " \ 'j! l! '1 ! MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Business Subsidy Criteria Public Hearing and Adoption the 31s' day of August, 1999 Public Hearing and Adoption of Amendments the grh day of November, 2000 1 . PURPOSE 1 :01 The purpose of this document is to establish the Economic Development Authority's criteria for granting of business subsidies. as defined in Minnesota Statutes 116J.993. Subdivision 3. for private development. This criteria shall be used as a guide in processing and reviewing applications requesting business subsidies. . 1 :02 The criteria set forth in this document are guidelines only. The Economic Development Authority reserves the right in its discretion to approve business subsidies that vary from the criteria stated herein if the Economic Development Authority determines that the subsidy nevertheless serves a public purpose. The Authority \'o;ill file evidence of any deviation from these criteria with the Department of Trade and Economic Development in accordance with Minnesota Statues. Section 1161.994. Subd. Z. 1 :03 The Economic Development Authority may amend the business subsidy criteria at any time. Amendments to these criteria are subject to public hearing requirements pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J. 993 through 1161.994. "l STATUTORY LIMITATIONS 2:01 In accordance with the business Subsidy Criteria. Business Subsidy requests must comply with applicable State Statutes. The Economic Development Authority ability to grant business subsidies is governed by the limitations established in Minnesota Statutes 116.1. 993 through 1161.994. 3. PUBLIC POLICY REQUIREMENT 3:01 All business subsidies must meet a public purpose in addition to increasing the tax base. Job retention may only be used as a public purpose in cases where job loss is imminent and demonstrable. . SF Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street. Suite 1. Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax; (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362' (763) 295-3170' Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . EDA Business Subsidy Criteria ,," / ( 4. BUSINESS SUBSIDY APPROVAL CRITERIA 4:01 All new projects approved by the Economic Development Authority should meet the following minimum approval criteria. However. it should not be presumed that a project meeting these criteria will automatically be approved. Meeting these criteria creates no contractual right on the part of any potential developer or the Economic Development Authority. 4:02 The project must be in accord with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. or required changes to the plan and ordinances must be under active consideration by the City at the time of approvaL 4:03 Prior to approval of a business subsidies financing plan and when deemed appropriate by the Economic Development Authority. the developer shall provide any required market and financial feasibility studies. appraisals, soil boring information provided to private lenders for the project, and other information or data as requested. 4:04 A recipient of a business subsidy must make a commitment to continue operations at the site where the subsidy is used for at least five years after the benefit date. 4:0j (Recipients of any business subsidy will be required to meet wage and job goals detennined by the Economic Development Authority on a case-by-case basis. giving consideration to the nature of the development, the purpose of the subsidy, local economic conditions, and situational circumstances.) The Economic Development Authority may determine after a public hearing that job creation or retention is not a goal of the subsidy. In those cases. the recipient must instead meet at least one of the following minimum requirements (in addition to all other criteria in this document other than those relating to jobs and minimum wages): (I) The proposed subsidy must accomplish removal. rehabilitation or redevelopment of'.blighted areas" as defined in Minnesota Statues. Section 469.002. Subd.ll, or must constitute a cost of correction conditions that allow designation of redevelopment districts under Minnesota Statues. Sections 469.174 to 469.179; or (2) The proposed subsidy must result in improvements to public infnstructure or public facilities. including \vithout limitations. sewers storm sewers, streets. parks. recreational facilities. and other City facilities: or (3) The proposed subsidy must remove physical impediments to development of land. including \vithout limitation poor soils, bedrock conditions. steep slopes. or similar geotechnical problems. DAWNNVORD/POLlCIES. 10/30/00 2 ,r; r= . . . EDA Business Subsidy Criteria 4:06 For any business subsidy that does not meet the requirements of Section 4:05, the recipient must create or retain jobs as detennined by the Economic Development Authority. as must meet the minimum wage thresholds, described in Section 5:03, Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Guidelines, 1.(b) (whether or not the source of the subsidy is tax increment financing). 5. GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND PROJECT EV ALUA nON CRITERIA 5:01 The Economic Development Authority will utilize the Greater Monticello Enterprise fund to support the community's long-tenn economic goals. 5:02 Each Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund subsidy will be analyzed and evaluated by the Economic Development authority. Each project shall be measured against the general criteria in Sections 1 through 4 and the specific criteria in this Section 5 applicable to the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund subsidies. 5:03 Following are the evaluation criteria that will be used by the Economic Development Authority: DAWNIWORD/POLlCIES 10/30/00 3 Sf- EDA Business Subsidy Criteria GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND GUIDELINES . CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE #1 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 (763) 271-3208 INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) is to encourage economic development by supplementing conventional financing sources available to existing and new businesses. Through this program administered by the Economic Development Authority and participating lending institution(s), loans are made to businesses to help them meet a portion of their financing needs. All loans must serve a public purpose by complying with four or more of the criteria noted in the next section. In all cases. it is mandatory that criteria # 1 be satisfied. which requires the creation of new jobs. It is the responsibility of the EDA to assure that loans meet the public purpose standard and comply with all other GMEF policies as defined in this document. Along with establishing the definition of public purpose. this document is designed to outline the process involved in obtaining GMEF financing. DEFINITION OF PUBLIC PURPOSE 1. To provide loans for credit worthy businesses that create new jobs. . (a) One job is equivalent to a total of 37.5 hours per week. (b) At least 90% of the jobs created must pay a wage of the higher of $9.00 per hour. or at least 160% of the federal minimum wage. exclusive of benefits. for individuals over the age of 20 during the term of the assistance. Annual written reports are required until termination date. Failure to meet the job and wage level goals require partial or full repayment of the assistance \-\lith interest. 2. To provide loans for credit worthy businesses that would increase the community tax base. 3. To assist new or existing industrial or commercial businesses to improve or expand their operations. Considerations for loans shall take into account factors including. but not limited to. the nature and extent of the business. the product or service involved. the present availability of the product or service within the city of Monticello, the compatibility of the propo,sed business as it relates to the comprehensive plan and existing zoning policies. and the potential for adverse environmental effects of the business. if any. 4. To provide loans to be used as a secondary source of financing that is intended to supplement conventional financing (bank financing). . 5. To provide loans in situations in which a funding gap exists. 6. To provide funds for economic development that could be used to assist in obtaining other funds such as Small Business Administration loans. federal and state grants. etc. OAWNIWORO/POLlCIES 10/30/00 4 s~ . . . I. EDA Business Subsidy Criteria THE GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISES REVOL VING LOAN FUND POLICIES BUSINESS ELIGIBILITY ... ... ... ... ... Industrial businesses Non-competitive commercial businesses which enhance the community Businesses located within the city of Monticello Credit worthy existing businesses Non-credit worthy start-up businesses with worthy feasibility studies (Deny all historical non-credit worthy businesses) $10,000 loan per each job created, or $5,000 per every $20.000 increase in property market valuation, or $5,000 per every $20.000 increase in personal property used for business purposes, whichever is higher. ... II. FINANCING METHOD ... COMP ANION DIRECT LOAN - Example: Equity 20%. RLF 30%. and bank 50%. (All such loans may be subordinated to the primary lender(s) if requested by the primary lender(s). The RLF loan is leveraged and the lower interest rate of the RLF lowers the effective interest rate on the entire project.) ... PARTICIPA TION LOAN - RLF buys a portion of the loan (the RLF is not in a subordinate position. no collateral is required by the RLF. and the loan provides a lower interest rate). * GUARANTEE LOANS- RLF guarantees a portion of the bank loan. (Personal and real estate guarantees handled separately.) III. USE OF PROCEEDS ... ... * Real property acquisition and development Real property rehabilitation (expansion or improvements) Machinery and equipment IV. TERMS AND CONDITIONS ... * LOAN SIZE - Minimum of$5.000 and maximum not to exceed 50% of the remaining revolving loan fund balance: for example. if the remaining revolving loan fund balance is $50.000. the maximum loan issuance is $25.000. LEVERAGING - Minimum 60% private/public non-GMEF Maximum 30% public (GMEF) DAWN/wORD/POLlCIES 10/30/00 5 Sf . EDA Business Subsidy Criteria Minimum 10% equity EDA loan * LOAN TERM - Personal property term not to exceed life of equipment (generally 5-7 years). Real estate property maximum of 5-year maturity amortized up to 30 years. Balloon payment at 5 years. * INTEREST RATE - Fixed rate not less than 2% below Minneapolis prime rate. Prime rate per National Bank of Minneapolis on date of EDA loan approval. * LOAN FEE - Minimum fee of $200 but not to exceed 1.5% of the total loan project. * Fees are to be documented and no duplication of fees between the lending institution and the RLF. Loan fee may be incorporated into project cost. EDA retains the right to reduce or waive loan fee or portion of loan fee. *Fee to be paid by applicant to the EDA within 5 working days after City Council approval of GMEF loan. Nonrefundable. * PREP A YMENT . POLICY - No penalty for prepayment. * DEFERRAL OF PAYMENTS- 1. Approval of the EDA membership by majority vote. 2. Extend the balloon if unable to refinance. verification letter from two lending institutions subject to Board approval. * LA TE PAYMENT Failure to pay principal or interest when due may POLICY result in the loan being immediately called. ~ r Y\"'5>~ * INTEREST LIMITATION ON GUARANTEED LOANS- Subject to security and/or reviewal by EDA. * ASSUMABILITY OFLOAN- None. * BUSINESS EQUITY . REQUIREMENTS - Subject to type of loan: Board of Directors will determine case by case. analysis under normal lending guidelines. DAWNIWORD/POLlCIES: 10/30/00 6 ,S'~ . . . * COLLATERAL- * NON-PERFORMANCE - * NON-PERFORMANCE EXTENSION - * LEGAL FEE - EDA Business Subsidy Criteria * * Liens on real property in project (mortgage deed). Liens on real property in business (mortgage deed) . Liens on real property held personally (subject to Board of Directors - homestead exempt). Machinery and equipment liens (except equipment exempt from bankruptcy). Personal and/or corporate guarantees (requires unlimited personal guarantees). * * * An approved GMEF loan shall be null and void if funds are not drawn upon or disbursed within 180 days from date of EDA approval. The ISO-day non-performance date can be extended up to an additional 120 days. 1. A written request is received 30 days prior to expiration of the ISO-day non-performance date. 2. Approval of the EDA membership by majority vote. Responsibility of the GMEF applicant. The Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund is operated as an equal opportunity program. All applicants shall have equal access to GMEF funds regardless of race. sex. age. marital status. or other personal characteristics. DAWNIWORD/POLiCIES: 10/30/00 7 ~S ~ EDA Business Subsidy Criteria . ORGANIZATION The Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund is administered by the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA). which is a seven-member board consisting of two Council members and five appointed members. EDA members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Formal meetings are held on a quarterly basis. Please see the by-laws of the EDA for more information on the structure of the organization that administers the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. P ARTICIP A TING LENDING INSTITUTION(S) 1. Participating lending institutions(s) shall be determined by the GMEF applicant. 2. Participating lending institution(s) shall cooperate with the EDA and assist in carrying out the policies of the GMEF as approved by the City Council. 3. Participating lending institution(s) shall analyze the formal application and indicate to the EDA the level at which the lending institution will participate in the finance package. LOAN APPLlCA TIONI ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES . The EDA desires to make the GMEF loan application process as simple as possible. However. certain procedures must be followed prior to EDA consideration of a loan request. Information regarding the program and procedures for obtaining a loan are as follows: Citv Staff Duties: The Economic Development Director. working in conjunction with the Assistant City Administrator. shall carry out GMEF operating procedures as approved by the EDA and Council. Staff is responsible for assisting businesses in the loan application process and will work closely with applicants in developing the necessary information. Application Process: 1. Applicant shall complete a preliminary loan application. Staff will review application for consistency with the policies set forth in the Greater Monticello Fund Guidelines. Staff consideration of the preliminary loan application should take approximately one week. Staff will ask applicant to contact a lending institution regarding tinancing needs and indicate to applicant that further action by the EDA on the potential loan will require indication of support from a lending institution. . 2. If applicant gains initial support from lending institution and if the preliminary loan application is approved. applicant is then asked to complete a formal application. If the preliminary loan application is not approved by staff. the applicant may request that the EDA consider approval of the preliminary application at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the EDA. DAWNIWORD/POLlCIES '0/30100 8 _5 F . . . EDA Business Subsidy Criteria "' .). If the preliminary loan application is approved, applicant shall complete a formal application. Formal application shall include a business plan which will include its management structure, market analysis, and financial statement. Like documentation necessary for obtaining the bank loan associated with the proposal is acceptable. Attached with each formal application is a written release of information executed by the loan applicant. 4. City staff will meet with applicant and other participating lender(s) to refine the plan for financing the proposed enterprise. 5. City staff shall analyze the formal application and financial statements contained therein to determine if the proposed business and finance plan is viable. Staff may, at its discretion, accept the findings of a banking institution regarding applicant credit and financial viability of the project. After analysis is complete, City staff shall submit a written recommendation to the EDA. A decision regarding the application shall be made by the EDA within 60 days ofthe submittal of a completed formal application. 6. The EDA shall have authority to approve or deny loans: however. within 21 days of EDA approval, the City Council may reverse a decision by the EDA to approve a loan if it is determined by Council that such loan was issued in violation of GMEF guidelines. 7. Prior to issuance of an approved loan. the City Attorney shall review and/or prepare all contracts. legal documents. and intercreditor agreements. After such review is complete. the City shall issue said loan. ORIGINAL REVOLVING LOAN FUNDING "LETTER OF CREDIT" FROM MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL - $200,000 SOURCE - City Liquor Store Fund City shall transfer needed loan amount from existing accounts at such time that individual loans are approved. Revenue created through this program shall be under the control of the EDA and shall not be transferred to City funds unless the City Council determines that reserves generated are not necessary for the successful operation of the Authority. If such is the case. such funds must be transferred to the debt service funds of the City to be used solely to reduce tax levies for bonded indebtedness of the City (see Section 5 B of the ordinance establishing the Monticello EDA). REPORTING 1. Staff shall submit quarterly summaries and/or annual report detailing the status of the Monticello Enterprise Fund. FUND GUIDELINES MODIFICATION 1. At a minimum. the EDA shall review the Fund Guidelines on an annual basis. No changes to the GMEF guidelines shall be instituted without prior approval of the City Council. DAWNIWORD/POLlCIES 10/30/00 9 . . . EDA Business Subsidy Criteria LOAN ADMINISTRATION 1. City staff shall service City loan, shall monitor City position with regard to the loan, and shall assure City compliance with intercreditor agreement. 2. All loan documents shall include an intercreditor agreement which must include the following: A. Definition of loan default, agreements regarding notification of default. B. Agreements between lending institution and City regarding reproduction of pertinent information regarding the loan. 3. All loan documentation shall include agreements between borrower and lenders regarding release of privacy regarding the status of the loan. DAWNIWORD/POLlCIE$: 10/30/00 10 5F- . 5G. Consideration to a rove a Loan A reement between tbe Cit and tbe liRA. (O.K.) City Council Agenda - 5/] 4/0 I A. U.eference and Back2:round: At the H RA meeting of May 2, 2 DO J, tbe commissioners approved a motion reg uesti ng a Loan from the City for the pUrpose of payi ng olf the Contract for Deed on the proper! y located at 3 Walnut Street. Mr. Larry Schliefwas contacted relative to the HRA intent to payoff the contract. The remaining balance of the Contract for Deed as of August 2000 was $61,619.43. The original price of the property was $83,000. Mark Ruff: financial consultant for the HRA, suggested the HRA borrow the money trom the City to purchase the Front Street property. Rick Wolfsteller did agree to loan the money to the HRA and has reserved cash for its purpose. The amount of the loan is $65,000 which includes the approximate onc-year interest on the Contract for Deed. Recommended terms arc: Fixed interest rate of 6.5% over 15 years. The loan payment to the city from the 11M will be made trom tax increment genera1cd from the Downtown TIF District. . In anticipation of the closing sometime between mid May and early June, please consider the foJJowing action. B. Alternative Action: I. A motion to approve the Loan Agreement between the 11RA and the City in the amount of $65,000 to payoff the Contract for Deed tor the property 10ca1cd at 3 Walnut Street. Interest rate of 6.5% Over 15 years. 2. A motion to deny approval of the Loan Agreement between the HRA and the City to pay otfthe Contract for Deed located at 3 Walnut Street. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend alternative no. 1. Cash has been reserved for this purpose. D. Supportin2: Data: Copy of the Loan Agreement for approval. . . . . LOAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of the day of , 200 I by and between the City of Monticello ("City") and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello ("Authority"). WHEREAS. the Authority has undertaken a program to eliminate and prevent the emergence or spread of blight and blighting conditions in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), and in this connection created Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Project") in an area (the "Project Area") located in the City and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-22 (the "TIF District") within the Project Area, all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "Act") and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179; and WHEREAS. to further the objectives of the Project and the TIF District, including removal of blight, the Authority previously acquired property in the City described as Lot 6 and the Southeasterly 33 feet of Lot 7, as measured at right angles to the Southeasterly line thereof, Block 54, Townsite of Monticello, Wright County. Minnesota (the "Property") for a purchase price of $83,000; and WHEREAS. the City is a state public body that is authorized under Minnesota Statue, Section 469.041, clauses (1) and (8) to make loans for the Project: and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to loan the Authority certain funds in aid of the Project under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as follows: 1. The Loan Amount. Subject to and upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement City agrees to loan to the Authority the sum of Sixty-five Thousand and nolI OOths Dollars ($65,000), the remaining balance of the Contract for Deed, or so much thereof as is disbursed to the Authority in accordance with this Agreement (the "Loan"). The Loan shall be evidence by a Tax Increment Revenue ("Note") payable by Authority to City substantially in the form attached to this Agreement which shall be delivered to the City and dated as of the Loan Closing Date as defined in Section 3. 2. Repayment of Loan. The Loan shall be repaid with interest as follows: (a) Interest at the simple rate of 6.5% per annum shall accrue from the Loan Closing Date (as hereinafter defined) until the Loan is repaid in full. (b) Principal and interest on the Loan amount will be payable solely from and to the extent of the "Available Tax Increment," which means 90% of the tax increment generated by the _5(-., . . . TIF District and received by the Authority from Wright County, after payment or provision for payment of all prior obligations secured by such tax increment. The Authority hereby irrevocably assigns and pledges to payments on the Note all Available Tax Increment. The pledge of Available Tax Increment hereunder is subordinate to any outstanding contracts, notes or other obligations secured by tax increment generated from the TIF District. The Authority may issue additional obligations secured by Available Tax Increment on a parity, superior or subordinate basis to the Note. 3. Disbursement of Loan Proceeds. The City will disburse the Loan amount to the Authority upon closing on the Authority's acquisition of the Property (the "Loan Closing Date"). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its Mayor By Its City Administrator HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its By Its Executive Director 2 ~)c~ . UNITED STATE OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO No. R-I T AX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTE SERIES 1999 Rate Date of Ori!!inal Issue % .2001 Principal Amount: Registered O\vner: City of Monticello. rvlinnesota . The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. Minnesota (the "Authority"). for value received. certifies that it is indebted and hereby promises to pay to the registered ovvner specified above. or registered assigns (the "Ov,rner"). but solely from the sources. to the extent and in the manner hereinafter identitied. the principal amount specified above together with interest on the outstanding principal sum from time to time at the interest rate specified above. payable on each February 1 and August 1 ("Payment Dates"), commencing 1. 20 and continuin!! throul.!h I. 20 in the amounts set forth in Attaclunent A hereto. ~ ~ - Payments are payable by mail to the address of the Owner or such other address as the Owner may designate upon 30 days' written notice to the City. Payments on this Note are payable in any coin or currency of the United Sates of America which. on the Payment Date. is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. Interest at the rate stated herein shall accrue on the unpaid principal. commencing on the date of original issue. Payments shall be applied first to accrued interest and then to unpaid principal. This Note is subject to prepayment in whole or in part at the option of the Authority on any date. This Note is issued to aid in tinancing certain public redevelopment costs of a Project undertaken by the Authority pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. Sections 469.00 I through 469.047. and is issued pursuant to a Loan Agreement betvveen the Authority and the City dated 2001 ("Loan Agreement"). and pursuant to and in full conlomlity with the Constitution and la\vs of . the State ef l'vlinnesotJ. including Minnesota Statutes. Sections 469.174 to 469.179. This Note is a 5J B-19-iOl)'h I ~INIl)O-l)O 5C . . . limited obligation of the Authority which is payable solely from Available Tax Increment as defined in the Loan Agreement. This Note and the interest hereon shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereo[ including. without limitation, the Authority. Neither the State of Minnesota. nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on this Note or other costs incident hereto except out of moneys pledged thereto under the Resolution, and neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of or interest on this Note or other costs incident hereto. The Authority shall pay to the Owner on each Payment Date the lesser of (i) the scheduled amount due on such Payment Date as shown in Attachment A. or (ii) the amount of Available Tax Increment available to the Authority as of that Payment Date. To the extent that. on any Payment Date. the Authority does not have on hand sufficient Available Tax Increment to make the scheduled payment the amount of defIciency shall be deferred and paid. without interest thereon. to the extent possible on the next Payment Date on which the Authority has received Available Tax Increment in excess of the scheduled payment amount on such Payment Date. If any amount payable under this Note remains unpaid after the tlnal scheduled payment shovvn on Attachment A. the unpaid amount shall be forgiven and the Authority shall have no further liability with respect thereto. This Note shall not be transferred to any person without written consent of the Authority. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts. conditions. and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done. to exist. to happen. and to be performed in order to make this Note a valid and binding limited obligation of the Authority according to its terms. have been done. do exist. have happened. and have been pertonned in due form. time and manner as so required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. Minnesota has caused this Note to be executed with the manual signatures of its Chair and Executive Director. all as of the Date of Original Issue specifIed above. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA Executive Director Chair S18-167081 MNI9()-SO 2 SG . . . A TT ACHMENT A Payment Schedule Payment Date Interest Principal Total Payment I I SJB-194(N9v I MN 190-90 5C9 . SH. Consideration of accepting financial report for Monticello Community Center. KB A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Attached is the financial information, facility user counts, and number of passes sold for the first quarter of2001 for the Community Center. Because the first quarter of2000 was only seven and a half weeks out of thirteen weeks, previous figures from 2000 were not included for comparison. Future summaries will include previous years figures. . The first quarter will traditionally be our busiest time of the year and we appear to be well on track. Based on the information and in hearing from our facility users, the Community Center is being enjoyed by many people and the numbers presented give us good reason to be pleased. Some items of note would be: 1. Rentals In the annual budget we have factored in an amount for City Hall, Senior Center and National Guard use of the meeting rooms and banquet halls, however, this is not indicated in the actual revenue figures for the first quarter. This will most likely be a year end adjustment. 2. Maintenance and payrolI expenses: We have also factored into the budget an amount for annual maintenance and staff time to provide maintenance for the City Hall, Senior Center and the National Guard areas. Again, the numbers reflected are actual for the first quarter. The utilities however, are split out by area. The utility expenses would be gas, electric and telephone for two months as billing is done one month behind and then evens out at the end of the year. 3. Other income: The revenue appears to be low, however, income from the Bridal Expo that we had in March was to be in other income but was recorded in programming revenue. This means that programming is high and other income is low. Future events that we are planning like the Bridal Expo will be identified correctly in the future. I will be available that evening or at any time if you have further questions regarding the Community Center. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the first quarter financial, facility user and pass information for the Monticello Community Center. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Summary of first quarter information. . . FINANCIAL REVIEW COMMUNITY CENTER - FIRST QUARTER 2001 Membershi /Dail 113,144.97 75,000 300,000 User Fees 13,836.52 14,500 58,000 Concessions 16,506.48 10,500 42,000 Pro ram Fees 13,726.19 6,000 24,000 Rentals 19,508.40 21,174 84,695 Other Income 1,473.35 10,550 42,200 108,875.02 114,103 95% 456,410 24% 20,597.43 33,790 61% 135,160 15% 10,037.33 14,040 71% 56,160 18% 36,080.40 36,144 100% 144,575 25% 8,962.83 6,400 140% 25,600 35% 2,563.36 5,000 51% 20,000 13% 5,889.42 4,250 139% 17,000 35% . *This is actual card swipes. Usually a family checking in will have one person swipe their card. So this number is not a true indication of visits b ass holders. This visitor figure does not include rentals, walk/jog track or Warehouse Warehouse. Jan. 224, Feb - 315, Mar. 545, Total first quarter. 1,084 visitors ]'-- I \ 'J -1 . Sf. Consideration of a City COllncil Agenda - 05/14/01 Dan Mielke. (.TO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND After considerable discussion, the Planning Commission voted 3~2 to recommend approval of a revised sign system proposed by Dan Mielke. The motion was based on the finding that variances are justified because the overall sign system proposed by Mielke contains fewer signs that would have otherwise been developed at this site had it been developcd on a parcel by parcel basis. The m(~iority of the PC also felt that 30 signs between J Iighway J94 and Chelsea may be appropriate and therefore they called for a public hearing on a possible sign ordinance amendment. As you may recall, in April the City Council approved the Mielke Planned Unit Development at Development Stage but tabled approval of the sign system pending further review by the Planning Commission. In response to Planning Commission and staif comments in April, Mielke made revisions to his plan and submitted them to the Planning Commission for discussion at the recent PC meeting in may. . Mielke's new proposal reduced the number of pylon signs from 6 to 5. The pylon sign intended for view hom the freeway was reduced in height trom 60' to 57'. The main points of discussion regarding the pylon signs related to the height of the pylon sign on Highway 25 (30') and related to the height of the Freeway pylon sign (57'). The ordinance says Highway 25 signs should be 24 feet high and Freeway signs in nonus area (within 800' should be 32' high). All new signs in the area have adhered to these requirements and all signs replaced after the wind storm have met code as well. In justifying the higher pylon sign, Mielke said it matches signs in the area. (Please note that almost all of the signs in the area that are similar in height pre-dated the sign ordiance). Mielke noted that the 30' sign will match the signs across Highway 25. City stalf and the minority view of the Planning Commission says that the City will have difficulty in maintaining integrity of the ordinance if the higher signs are allowed. Future applicants will use the PUD process inappropriately to avoid meeting the requirements of the code. The City would be better served if we would simply change the ordinance if we wanted to allow higher signs. Similarly, it did not appear that there was justification for the higher 57' sign. . Mielke complained about the signs at Dave Peterson Ford, noting that the electronic reader board is flashing too much and the sign is higher than allowed by code. City staff has talked to Dave Peterson Ford regarding this situation. . City COllllcil Agenda - 05/14/01 ALTERNA TlVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve sign system based on the finding that the sign system in total under the PUD is better than the sum of signs that would be expected if each parcel developed independently. 2. Motion to deny approval of the sign system based on the finding that the variances to the sign ordinance does not result in a superior sign system and thercilJre, approval orthe sign system is not appropriate. The weak finding in support of the sign system will set a bad precedent. There is concern that other businesses will point to this project as a justification for future variances. 3. Motion to table matter pending review of Highway 25 sign ordinance proposed by the Planning Commission. STAfF RECOMMENDATION . The n1i:~jority orthe Planning Commission recommended alternative I, while a minority of the Planning Commission and stafr believe that the findings supporting the variances are not sufficient and the sign system should be denied. If the City Council is inclined to approve the sign system it may be more appropriate to do so after review of the ordinance via ordinance amendment process. 'fhe Planning Commission has already called Jar a public hearing relating to sign height on lIighway 25. SUPPORTING DATA Site plans noting sign placements Sign drawings - -- 2 . .'- f I '1 te d +0 (o~t~ Rc wi+,",- E.l I." <!Moue- , e. "".r Olle. 3 ' ~ I'll'" .... -+ ' 0 Fold ce..c.I <;; I'l> VI Rlt4o.' " 30' 5v--1o~ S,":>'" -'I M:e-'It:t G,M n + S ~ I 1,>.)0.....\& Mo..~ ~:t For) w~,c...\... o-J. 1<.12.""'0 v e :if J- Pi IM,~'fJ""' 5"7 11'61-. J" 000 1:14.. {c, '5:"0"" S ~l<l4.-ts t..,p 30' .-,~ fOlef s ',,\ VI (. 0-<<. t. I 0. u,) C.... \ {lU"l-(,e,^ tor M. cr 1Ie.cf.uM1 t 5", ~....... (o....,,<-J. w(o p<VI. oM. ; -t I [?@[J OO@1J[?@ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... CONCEPT LAND ~ ............ ___. . _... $CAPe PLAN .. - .~~~ .... .... .... - ...- ...... =~ .... .... .............. ..... ......;...............~ . 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Consideration of a Planned Unit Development (PUO) concept plan for development of two two-unit townhomes located at 510 West Broadwav; and Consideration of a variance to the lot area per unit standard. Apolicant: Rick Anderson. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission recommended approval of request (alternative 1) based on the finding that the project design requirements associated with the pun will result in a superior project. The slightly higher density will be offset by project that will compliment the neighborhood. Rick Anderson has submitted a PLIO concept plan that includes the development of two, two-unit townhomes. The subject property is located at the corner of Maple Street and Broadway. Variance from the lot area per unit requirement has been requested. The property is 19,316 square feet in size and contains a single family house that is planned to be demolished. The property is zoned R-2, Single and Two Family Residential District. Two-unit townhomes are a permitted use in the R-2 District. Land Use and Zoning. The proposed two-unit townhome land use is consistent with the zoning for the property. The property is located on the fringe of the downtown area and is surrounded by primarily residential uses. Setbacks. The frotH of the property is defined as the boundary abutting a public street right- of-way having the least width. By this definition, the front ofthc lot is the north side, which faces Broadway. Based on this definition, the hont and rear setbacks are insufficient. Based on the layout of the townhomes, it makes more sense for the east side adjacent to Maple Street to be the front. The required and proposed sethacks listed below arc based on the assumption that the City will grant flexibility in defining the front of the property with the PUD. front yard (east side) Corner side yard (north side) Interior side yard (south side) Rear yard setback (west side) Required 30 feet 20 feet 1 0 feet 30 feet Proposed 35 feet 20 feet 14 feet 30 feet Lot and Building Requirements. The property exceeds the minimum lot area of 12,000 square feet and exceeds the minimum lot width of 80 feet. The proposed buildings are compliant with the maximum building height of 2 Y:- stories and each unit contains 1,402 square feet of floor area. Two-family structures are required to have 6,000 square feet of lot area for each unit. The site is 19,316 square feet in size and is proposed to contain four units, resulting in 4,829 square feet per unit. The City may wish to grant flexihility with the lot area per unit requirement as part o[the PUO in exchange for a high-quality design that is appropriate for the location. . . . City COline i I Agenda - 05/14/0 I Pro.iect Design. The submitted project has many attractive features and has the potential to meet a high standard appropriate for a PUD, Driveway access to the street is shared, reduei ng the amount of pavement along Maple Street trom four driveways to two driveways. This creates more green space in the boulevard and increases the space available F()!' boulevard trees, The design of the driveways and parking areas creates an almost square area of paving in front of the structures that lends itself well to being surrounded with trees and shrubs and creating a courtyard atmosphere, Bedrooms are located on the second noor above the garages. This tuck-under garage style presents an attractive architectural tront to Maple Street and diminishes the visual impact of the garage doors, The entrances to the units are located on the sides of the units, Therefore, the front door to the unit next to Broadway faces Broadway, increasing the compatibility of the townhomes with the single family homes that front on Broadway. The ground noor plan illustrates a covered porch at the rear corner of each unit. This would also add to the architectural detail and variety of the side lacing Broadway, Landscaping, The concept plan shows the general location of proposed trees on the property, The locations are well distributed on all sides of the structures and create an attractive setting for the homes. Adding some evcrgreen trees along the wcst property line would provide some privacy for the back yard spaces. When a detailed landscape plan is submitted at the development stage, the addition of shrubs would further enhance the structures and yards, Grading, Drainage and Utilities. Grading, drainage, and utility plans will be required at the devclopment stage and will be subject to City Engineer review and approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1, Motion to approve the PUD concept plan based on the finding that the PUD concept plan, with conditions, is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and is in compliance with the City Zoning Ordinance, The conditions of approval are listed in Exhibit Z, 2, Motion to deny the PUD concept plan based upon a finding that the requested increased density is incompatible with the surrounding land uses. 3. Motion to table the PUD concept plan subject to the submission of additional information, B. ST AFT RECOMMENDATION The density of the proposed development may be considered appropriate given its location 2 . City Council Agenda - 05/14/0 I on the fringe of the downtown area. In exchange tor density flexibility, the project provides some attractive features such as a narrower than typical driveway width in the right-of-way for the number of units proposed, the potential for a courtyard atmosphere surrounded with landscaping in f."ont of the buildings, a tuck-under garage style, a front door entrance facing Broadway, and a covered porch adjacent to Broadway. All ofthesc J-catures help to integrate the structures into the existing neighborhood and provide an appropriate traditional-style character along Maple Street and Broadway. Staff recommends that the PUD concept plan be approved subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. C. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Concept Plan Exhibit C - Drawing of Facade Exhibit D - Ground Level Floor Plan Exhibit E - Upper Level Floor Plan Exhibit Z - Recommended Conditions of Approval . - - 3 ( I IIFil --, il1J .' ~, ~.ujj I 5 !!~j ~ , j ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o " Q ...... ...... ~ ~ ... ...... , ~ Q ~ ...... &= ... ~ 0:: (\" ";;j -' C <Ii E "'- o OJ <0 :>- '" Cl -' 0: ~] '" >< ~ i ~ " I .c:: >.. r--I QJ a.l ";; ("IJ FI' ....,J ...a CC"C/J"'O>'::_ "rS o 0 a:: ~ :::: IV ;::I a:I to -;--- I N N - ~ 0: " .;:.;: _ ~ C ~ c ~ ~ l1l~o[/.l;:'~S~-;'; ~v u~C::JCCCQO:J::J1:I(f) ~ ",::(:0 _U"O'"O,.:;, EEo~~",_.::C l-. l-; ,.c :1.l ~ C ~ ....,l -..,.) >.,.~ .2 ..s ~ :: ..:: .~ ..... ..c:..::: ~ ~ ~ ~ '';S .::." ~ ~:'f .:'f ~ rS il.il.:Z-l:r::o:;u__ -' " -' 0: " ~ '" " 0:;" o QJ ....... >..:: () -~ ::: ~ <0 -' S ~ 0: "'- .:: "'.- :::> ~ O'.J ~ ~ i:J ~ c: '(h C\2 0:: ~ ~ -:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ",0:;._ a ._ il. 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Comments from other City staff 3. Garage size should meet minimum standards described by City Code which is 400 square feet. EXHIBIT Z 5.) . 5K. City Council Agenda - 05/14/01 Consideration of purchase of nropertv in re-development Block 9. (.10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As you have heard, the Central Minnesota Housing Partncrship did not receivc $500,000 dollars Jor financing of developmcnt costs associated with redevelopment of portions of Block 9. Although Shari Harris ofCMHP was disappointed, she noted that the Monticello application did receive JilVorable marks and she was optimistic about the projects chances Jor funding in thc next round. In the meantime, a major section of the block necessary for redevelopment has come up for sale. Please see the attached graphic Jor detail regarding the land purchase. The asking pricc Jor this parcel is $45,000. Kauffmann has indicated that he has a buyer that wishes to build a single family house on the site. If the site sells Jor developmcnt of a single home, it will thcn be very difficult to assemble a parcel big enough to do a redevelopmcnt projcct. . AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to approve the purchase of subject property in thc amount of $45,000. Thcre is no question that the cost of the propcrty is high given the nearby land values. However, purchase of the land will placc the City in position to complete a rcdcvelopment project at some time in the future. The likelihood of redevelopment of this area is greater with City purchase of this property. 2. Motion to dcny approval of purchase of subject property. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff is getting complaints on a regular basis regarding the condition of housing on this block. Based on the City Council's goal of redevelopment of this area and due to the positive prospects of obtaining MHF A support in the future, the City Administrator is recommending approval. However, he is somewhat reluctant in his recommendation as the price is on the high side. SUPPORTING DATA . Graphic showing block and subject property. Edwin Kauffmann Sq. Ft = 10,934 ,.._--'"~-._.,~,.._"._..,_...,._"~-,-,~,-, ~~".~,----,._, ------.----..,..,-"-------."-------..,..,."-------.....~,-~,----.".,------..."_.~~ -,"-----.~._~-----~.------."'~,~~~""""'___v.~,______..,....,., tOY- ;'~ ~~-I i ! SL . . . City Council Agenda - 05/14/0 I 7. Public Hearing: Seventh Street reconstruction and sanitary sewer. curb and sidewalk improvements between Cedar Street and Washington Street. Consideration of authorizing preparation of plans and specifications. (JO) REfoERENCE AND BACKGROUND In April the City Council accepted the feasibility study and ordered the public hearing on this project. In an effort to provide detailed information to property owners in an informal setting, an informational meeting was held on Thursday, May 10, 200 I. The results or comments from this meeting will he presented at the City Council meeting. Due to the need to get the Council agenda out early on Wednesday, May, 9, stair was unahle to get a preliminary assessment roll in the agenda packet. However, we will have it available to the public for the informational meeting on May 10, and we will be sending or delivering it to Council members in time to review prior to the City Council meeting. The preliminary assessment roll will be based on the assessment policy established on a preliminary basis by the City Council at the recent workshop. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to authorize preparation of plans and specifications for Seventh Street reconstruction and sanitary sewer, curb and sidewalk improvements between Cedar Street and Washington Street. 2. Motion to deny authorize preparation of plans and specifications for Seventh Street reconstruction and sanitary sewer, curb and sidewalk improvements between Cedar Street and Washington Street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA Preliminary assessment roll to be mailed or delivered prior to City Council meeting. . . . City Council Agenda - 05/14/01 ~. Public Hearing - Cedar Street reconstruction and sanitary sewer. curb and sidewalk improvements. Consideration of authorizing preparation of plans and specifications. (10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In April, the City Council accepted the feasibility study and ordered the public hearing on this project. In an effort to provide detailed information to property owners in an informal setting, an informational meeting was held on Thursday May 10,200]. The results or comments 1I-om this meeting will be presented at the City Counci I meeting. Due to the need to get the Council agenda out early on Wednesday May, 9, staff was unable to get a preliminary assessment roll in the agenda packet. However, we will have it available to the public for the informational meeting on May 10 and we will be sending or delivering it to Council members in time to review prior to the City Council meeting. The preliminary assessment roll will be based on the assessment policy established on a preliminary basis by the City Council at the recent workshop. There are two significant questions to consider relating to this project that Council should discuss. The first question relates to the scope of the project. The project currently identifies improvements along Cedar Street from Oakwood to Dundas. Should the project instead be limited to Cedar Street from Oakwood to Chelsea? It is the view of City Stalfthat the project could be limited to Oakwood to Chelsea. .rhe inelusion of the southern section of the project (Chelsea to Dundas) in this process to this point has been intended to bring property owners in the area into the process from a review standpoint. The second question relates to the distribution of costs identified in the assessment roll. Although the precise assessment roll need not be identified at this time, Council may wish to discuss how the costs should be split. Dan Mielke has indicated questions regarding the charges to the businesses for road over-sizing that he feels provides a community-wide benefit. It has been noted by the City Engineer that the width of the road at the location of the convenience store at the corner of Cedar and Chelsea is due to the development design. Cedar Street needed to be wider at the Chelsea corner to accommodate development of a driveway access at the location desired by the developer, thus this added cost should be paid by the developer. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I . Motion to authorize preparation of plans and specifications for a Cedar Street Segment defined by Council. . City Council Agenda - 05/14/0 I Given the aggressive pace set by Dan Mielke, it is important to order the preparation of plans and specifications at this timc. 2. Motion to deny authorization to proceed with preparation of plans and specifications on Cedar Street improvements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends that the City Council authorize preparation of plans and specifications. It is the view of staff that including the section between Dundas and Chelsea is not needed at this time, unless there is significant support hom propeliy owners to complete this section this year. SUPPORTING DATA . Preliminary assessment roll to be mailed or delivered prior to City Council meeting. Drawings frol11 the Feasibility Study . 2 ~/ ~;:::/ -~ ~o. ()I\ ~...~6 i I ~ :{<;,\'3.\e ~~- ~ i . \~ ~~e ~? i1 /// ~~~.,(~;.:.--\\ \, / ~... /' I' / ~,--" ~ / ') , ; . ~ r;/ I~Q / ;1 ,;::~_ Y v l: I I I I~ ?" " I I I / ';:l..~ ' I .I ~ 't-',,-+. I (7 .::-_~-"C9 II, \ 11 .7// __--- ___- .--_ / I' /; ____ __ _ f- II -.-. --/ ,--~ It . ../, I ,F.. "- <oJb / 'I 1''-' ((). "- / _ 0 /l' V, Ij~'Q:J - I : ,('/ . '11 ---'\ I \t T I ' 0))....; \' ~'.....J I <}4~[-tJ, b / /i , !---___0(1J hO . jyif ~ --..0 .. I ~ '<-.... If JO~ fi '; ~ 1r~ ~~,,:~~rb ,/-'0 , ~.. I -:; -- ~ . \ -~--- ---- ...~..c '.... \ I / / / ,/' ~~--1 _ _ _ __-.-J ~ ., . ~ I "-1,/ / / J-.--- /' 'I ___ - I " / ---->. / /" I //// /'- ' ._// 1//// . ~ / /' : l I- Z ~ o ?i w < u o ....J w a: \ \, / / J:I )JI 1 / \ ^ - ---... ~:=~'='~ , z ' '\~ \ ,.,\0 ) / / / ....\ //.r'" , _/ \\\\\ \ " \ ' ~ ~o 'J~ I ~ j:j i .I g I ~' .- . II '6 o // // //1 / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ r:::l o ;; ~ e' - ... r:::l o u ~ - u e ..... c;n '- = ~ u Council Agenda - 5/14/01 . 9. Consideration of authorizinl: vroeeediD1! with remodelin!! and expansion of Hi-Wav Liquors Facility. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the recent sale or the Ferrell Gas Site to Silver Creek Development ror the Towne Centre project along with the groundbreaking ceremony that occurred Monday, May 7, construction is scheduled to soon begin on- the Towne Centre project along with the portion of the project that is attached to the west end of our liquor store facility. In light or this development, and in conjunction with the liquor store expansion consulting report the Council had received a copy of a few months ago, the Council is asked to provide direction on what type of remodeling and expansion project we should consider at the Iii-Way Liquors facility. . The number one recommendation hom the liquor store consulting report was that the City should consider expanding the existing 6,400 square foot liquor store by an additional 3,800 square feet to meet the needs of our growing business. Grinstead & Associates believes that an expansion orthe existing store should be the City's number one priority and had originally recommended an expansion of only 2,600 square feet on the north side of the building, as they thought this was all of the land that was availahle for expansion purposes. When Mr. Grinstead was informed that the City actually owned more land area on the north side of the building to accommodate a larger structure, it was his recommendation that the City should consider an expansion orup to 3,800 square feet to provide us with enough square footage to meet our needs in the next few years. In addition to the physical expansion orthe facility, some type of exterior remodeling should also he considered to upgrade our facility to tic in with the new Towne Centre development. This doesn't mean we have to match the exterior design exactly, but we should look at cost effective ways of improving the exterior of the huilding through facade upgrades that may tic in our structure better with the new construction adjacent to our property. Mr. Grinstead's report estimates that the cost of an expansion would be about $84/sq. ft. or $302,400 for a 3,800 square root addition. At this time staff has not obtained any other estimates from architects or construction companies on the actual cost but would be obtaining hetter estimates from an architect or construction company if authorized by the Council. Since this project will exceed $50,000, the City will be required to obtain bids on the construction and plans and specifications will need to be prepared by an architect. Both .Toe I Iartman and myself are aware of a couple of architectural firms that seem to have specialized in new liquor store construction and remodeling and if the Counci I is favorable to proceeding with remodeling and expansion of the existing store, .Toe and 1 would like to review possible expansion plans with these architectural firms and bring back a recommendation to the Council to consider in the near future. . If the $300,000 expansion cost was correct, this would equal an annual depreciation cost of $30,000 per year over ten years or an actual debt payment cost of around $41,500 per year. The consultant estimated that an expanded store at our eXIsting site would generate profits from . . . B, Council Agenda - 5/14/01 operations 01'$550,000 by the year 2007 compared to an estimated $350,000 in the year 2000. The projected increase in operational income should be sufficient to more than cover the debt associated with an expansion project. Again, depending on the extent of exterior remodeling that may be proposed, construction costs could exceed the $84/sq. ft. after the interior furniture and fixtures are included along with additional cooler space. The only way to really know is to have an architectural firm brietly look at expansion proposals and provide a cost estimate for Council consideration. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. If the Council concurs with the recommendation of the consultant's report. Council could authorize staff to bring back a cost estimate and recommendation for an architectural firm to design the project. 2. Council could decide to wait on any expansion proposals at this time and consider possible expansion of our liquor operation at a second site. 3. Council could decide not to take any action at this time. c. STAFF RF:COMMI1:NDATION: Up until now, everyone, including the consultant. has been estimating expansion cost of the liquor store at anywhere from $50/sq. ft.-$85/sq. n. depending on how much interior improvements such as cooler expansion along with furniture and fixtures will be needed. Since the consultant's primary recommendation was to expand the existing store, and with ground breaking taking place on the adjacent Towne Centre development, it is recommended that staff be allowed to interview architectural firms and make a recommendation in the near future for Council consideration. It appears that whether the City ever considers a second store in the future or not, expansion of the existing site would be a benefit to the City in the long term and it may also be beneficial to begin the expansion as soon as possible to tic in with the surrounding development. D. StJl'PORTING DATA: Selected pages of consultant's report regarding expansion at existing store. G~ Grinstead & Associates Retail Consulting and Development . . . Box 451 Hamel, IL 62046-0451 . 618-488-7811 charles@grinstead.net . www.grinstead.net February 6th, 2001 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello City Hall -- 505 Walnut ~ Suite # 1 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Rick: Regarding the recommended "Expansion Size" of Hi-Way Liquors. Our entire report showed expansion @ + 2,600 square feet to 8,800 square feet. This is derived from: ,. + 2,400 sq' -- Expanding the North Wall out 30 feet. >- + 200 sq' - squaring off the front of the store. We calculated Hi-Way Liquor expansion only 30 feet to the North for two reasons. (I) We were under the impression that the Parking/Zoning would require extra parking spaces & that these spaces were necessary. (2) We wanted to square the north wall of the liquor store to the "Proposed Addition" facing Walnut. In our opinion, parking on either side of this street is going to create a congestion problem. The Preliminary Site & Landscaping Plan shows the North Wall could be moved another 15 feet to the North -- "IF" WE ELIMINATE THIS PARKING SPACES. THIS WOUlD GEMERAR ANOTHER 1.200 SQ.' IN ROAll SElliNG SPACE fOR HI-WAY liqUORS. -.., ~. ~" ....,r./'~ /{ ! --" ~~ ~~:~i;f:~:o:o:::::~:i:~q::, Store does '\.. ~~. /~ ~~, not happen - Hi-Way Liquors will need this extra~"*!?:<:'~':,:,;.".''''''"",,,,,,// square footage. With 8,800 sq'. and with only one Liquor Store in'town - the "growing pains" experienced in 2000, will be back in 2004. 2) An Extra 1,200 sq' - will give us a 10,000 square foot liquor store. This extra 1,200 square feet will allow for more merchandising space, and the ability to store large quantity purchases on the floor, and six more cooler doors. Thus, the cooler will be expanded from its 24 existing doors to 42 doors. This will cost approximately $100,000. But this will pay for itself in additional Operational Income over the next 5 to 7 years. We believe that: if it is possible to "GO TO THE STREET AND GENERATE ANOTHER 1,200 SQUARE FEET" ~ it is a good investment, with minimal downside risks and a high "upside'- benefit potential. il:~bJ Grinstead & Associates q . MONTICELLO OPERATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Page # 17 REMODELING AND EXPANSION OF HI~WAY LIQUORS Our # 1 recommendation for the City of Monticello will be that Hi-Way Liquors should be expanded (2,600 square feet to 8,800 square feet). This would require expansion to the North (toward 5th Street). Receiving would come from the Southside of the store. This is clearly illustrated on the Exterior Recommendations. Exterior Hi-Way Liquor . Exterior HI-Way Liquor Recommendations Existing Exterior Hi-Way Liquors 5th Street ..... Q,l ~ ...... en ...... "" c: (ij 3: ... Q) "0 o (.) Total Building'" 80' by 80 . - less 192 Sq' J /rom not squaring off the building. . "/ Total Square Footage - 6.208 Square Feet. In N "" ~ :I: Z :E '>Q c: 'S: 'lj '" c::; . . :- ----.-.... C. l Back Room '-L....' I -----~ . Compressors 6th Street 0{ Prepared by Grinstead & ASSOCiates . MONTICELLO OPERATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Page # 18 REMODELING AND EXPANSION OF HI.WAY LIQUORS.. CONTINUED Recommended Exterior Hi-Way Liquors 5th Street Total 80' by 110' or 8.800 Square Feet. This will add 12 more An increase of 42% Cooler Doors. CI z 9 1.0 ('\I ;; =II< co ~ -' ~ :x: ~ No Change In Ingress/Egress z ~ c:: ~ Q (In to or out from the Uquor Store). l.I.l ..... Q No Change In the Location of the Store Office ::::l Q c: .0:: ~ :: -Receiving Bay # 1 Receiving Bay # 2 . Two Door 6th Street Compressors Trash Receiving We stopped at expanding this store at 8,800 square feet for three (3) reasons: 1. From a Financial Standpoint - additional changes would have started to cost much larger sums of money. We used all the space from the existing building - north to 51h Street. This is 2,400 square feet - then we squared off the front - and put in windows (we really like floor to ceiling windows) -~ See Page # 20. >- We estimated that: "EXPANSION" will cost $218,500. This is equal to $84 per square foot. >- We estimated that: $53,500 of this can be written off in 2002 for Other Repairs. AND that the remaining $165,000 will be depreciated on a straight-line schedule over a ten (10) year period. 2. An 8,800 square foot liquor store will serve the needs of Monticello - until a second Liquor Store is opened up !! >- In 2000 = Hi-Way Liquors' Sales were $2,550,824 - for 6,200 square feet. This is equal to $ 411.42 sales per square foot. >- In 2004 = Hi-Way Liquors' Sales (WITHOUT ASECOND STORE) are projected @ $3,593,440.- for 8,800 sq'. This is equal to $ 408.35 sales per square foot. >- In 2004 = Hi-Way Liquors' Sales (WITH ASECOND STORE) are projected @ $2,867,294 -- for 8,800 sq'. This is equal to $ 325.82 sales per square foot. -- This is a comfortable total. 3. We were concerned that if we expanded further - we would take up "Extra Spaces" in the parking lot, and that we would run the risk of interfering with the parking zoning requirements. . 11 Prepared by Grinstead & Associates . MONTICELLO OPERATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Page # 19 REMODELING AND EXPANSION OF HI.WAY LIQUORS.. CONTINUED The G&A Interior Recommendations were made to allow the Liquor Store to: ~ Expand the Cooler and the Merchandising Space in the store (so that the required larger purchases could be effectively merchandised - with as little inventory as possible in the back room). ~ Add additional checkout and registers so that holiday periods could be more effectively serviced. ~ Set up a controlled customer traffic flow and use of fixtures to maximize Impulse Sales. ~ Make the biggest impact on Customers' Image of Great Selection and Lower Prices - as well as to allow Joe Hartman to buy at the best/most profitable price possible. ~ Make it even more "Fun to Shop" in Hi-Way Liquors. Interior Hi-Way Liquor . Interior Hi-Way Liquor Recommendations With 2,600 square foot expansion Our tirst priority recommendation is that Hi. Way Liquors should be enlarged, re-modeled, and reconfigured. e::> This will produce the maximum return on investment for the City of Monticello in both the Long Term and in the Short Run. e::> This will allow the store to buy/sell and operate more effectively for the next 20 years. -7 Note the added space for stackings and the second checkout counter. -7 Hi-Way Liquors should have (at least) three Cash Registers. -7 Hi-Way Liquors should utilize at least three 4 way merchandisers. q This will take advantage of the extra retail commercialization that will be generated from the developments behind the liquor store and to the North of 5th Street. . Note that the Ingress/Egress (into and out-of the building) was NOT moved. We would have liked to move the IN/OUT doors to the Northeast Corner - but, did riQI -- for the following four reasons: (a) this gives the inside shopping -- a counter clockwise traffic now (to the right), (b) allows us more space for merchandising and displays, (c) does not require a new office - ingress/egress doors, and (d) allows for more efficient use of the parking lot and will provide more convenience parking spaces ( than if the door was on the SE Corner and closer to the retail building north of 51h Street). q Prepared by Grinstead & Associates . . . MONTICELLO OPERATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Page # 20 REMODELING AND EXPANSION OF HI-WAY LIQUORS -- CONTINUED Existing 6,200 square feet New 2,600 square feet l ~ o Z '" ,s 'lil c: .~ '" <n <.::l Z ;2 <..) ~ !tl ll:I ~ ~ UJ :>- Vi <n < ::;; rNOOW Note the controlled traffic flow. 100% of all customers will walk into the new 2,600 square foot addition and will be exposed to the entire 36 door beer cooler. Bathrooms 36 DOOR COOLER The large stacking areas and the gondola end-caps will provide generous areas for Mass Stackings and Merchandising. 24 existing cooler doors 12 NEW Cooler doors Note that we recommended putting windows across the front of the store. This will dramatically increase the brightness and the pleasant shopping environment of Hi-Way Liquors. We really like floor to ceiling windows. The following picture is of a convenience store - but it clearly shows the Floor to Ceiling Windows, IW~yl I)w~~.."...l ~lcrO/lmportim Beer. _~ STORAGE Do ble Ree Iving o Qrs c: 'S: .2l 0; 65 c: ::> 0 ~ <..) ~ ~ .c: STORAGE <..) (1 . Liquor Stackings ~ 1\ -~" ...........~, .._,~-,..;.,....."'_..., I , . Second Checkout Counter \>w~yl I . Wine Stacklngs Sweet-&PopWlne&rPorttSherryr-Cllampagne ' IN ~ Shopping Carts Small Stacklngs of Wine and Liquor w (.) It o Existing 6,200 square feet New 2,600 square feet ~. q . . . Council Agenda - 5/14/2001 10. Consideration of ratification alternate urn selection for the ravi belt thickener proiect at the wastewater treatment plant. Citv Proiect #200l-03C. (lS.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous council meeting, the City Council awarded the gravity belt thickener project to Rice Lake Contracting Corp. The City Council also authorized the City Administrator and Public works Director to be able to continue to negotiate changes to the project up to an amount of $10,000 without prior council approval to keep the project moving and on schedule. The City Administrator and myself have negotiated the change to the alternate Moyno pumps. At bid time the alternate, or the Moyno pumps, were a cost of $18,000. We were able to negotiate a lower price of $8,594 to change to the Moyna pumps. We, therefore, feel it is in the City's best interest to accept this proposal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to accept the proposal from Rice Lake Contracting Corp. to supply the Moyno pumps for the gravity belt thickener project at an additional cost of $8,594. 2. The second alternative would be not to select the Moyno pumps but to stay with the base bid Netzsch pumps. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendationofthe City Administrator, Public Works Director and Chuck Keyes, projeet Manager from PSG for the WWTP, that the City Council ratify the decision made by staffto select the Moyno pumps as an alternate at a cost of $8,594 as listed in alternative #1. City staff has interviewed both the vendors for the Netzsch pumps and the Moyna pumps and checked references across the country and feel it is in our best interest to stay with the Moyna pumps which have a proven track record with us at our existing facility. n. SUPPORTING IlA T A: Copy of proposal letter from Rice Lake Contracting Corp. and letter of acceptance of proposal by City staff. ~.~~. - .-... --~~~ '\".".,,." -, ....." ,., -.- ffiiE\ \!!!!:!J MONTICELLO April 27, 2001 Mr. Wade Leonard, Vice President RICE LAKE CONTRACTING CORP. P.O. Box 517 Deerwood, Minnesota 56444 Re: Pump Selection for Design Build Project for the City of Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Thickening Facility, City Project #2001-03C Dear Mr. Leonard: . We are in receipt of your letter of April 27th, in regard to your proposal to replace the Netzsch Nemo pumps with the Moyno pumps as proposed by VanBergen & Markson. It is our understanding that they have assured you that they will meet all design conditions and attend meetings as a member of the design build team. We have also received the same assurance from their firm. After reviewing the Netzsch Nemo proposal in person with representatives from Vessco, Inc. on Wednesday, April 18th, and reviewing the Moyno proposal with representatives of Van Bergen & Markson on the 19th of April, the City and PSG, our contract operator, have come to the conclusion that it is in the best interest of the City to accept your latest proposal to select the Moyno pumps at an additional cost of$8,594. The following are some of the reasons for our request:' 1. The Netzsch Nemo pump proposal did not include the protective shaft sleeves in the seal area as listed in the specifications. Vessco representatives stated this is only available on the heavy duty pumps. PSG feels that these sleeves are essential to the protection of the main shaft and have verified this with other operators across the country. 2. There appeared to be some discrepancy during the presentation of the Netzsch Nemo proposal by representatives of V essco, Inc. in regard to the j oint design. The presentation of the proposal centered around the pin joint design while the City specifications and the spare parts list centered around the gear joint design. . 3. PSG's request for information about the N etzsch pumps across the country from other WWTP operators showed a trend of poor vendor support and difficulty in obtaining parts which Vessco may not be able to turn around. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711. Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 )0 4f2~ ~ICE LAKE W'cONSTRUCTION GROUP . PREMIER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SINCE 1984 . GENERAL CONTRACTING . HEAVY CONSTRUCTlON . .INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION . DESIGN/BuILD . CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT .0. RD 12, P.O. Box 517 DEERWOOD, MN 56444 PHONE (218) 546-5519 FAX (218) 546-7016 April 27, 2001 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 ATTN: John Simola, Public Works Director RE: Monticello WWTP - Sludge Thickening Facility Gentlemen: It is our understanding that you have been in contact with Van Bergen & Markson, Inc. concerning their pricing for Moyna pumps on this project. As a result we have received a revised proposal from them with lower pricing, and several telephone calls from them assuring us that they will meet all the design conditions, attend- meetings and that they are the pumps the City wants to use on this project. At bid time we included an adder price of $18,000.00 to purchase Moyno Pumps in lieu of Netzsch. This adder was based on the pricing provided at the time including tax and margin. After that we offered a credit of $56,935.00 to delete the Netzsch pumps from our proposal and allow the City to purchase them. This credit also reflected the actual cost of the pumps including tax and margin. We would prefer that the City choose one of these options to switch pump manufacturers. The nature of our business is that we must deal with all these suppliers on a daily basis and how we deal with them can have a great impact on our firm. Therefore, if the City declines either of the previous proposals, we offer the following; Revised Pricinq Moyna Pumps 6%% State Sales Tax 5% Marqin Total $58,600.00 $ 3,809.00 $ 3,120.00 $65,529.00 Moyna vs. Netzsch Revised Moyna Pumps Netzsch Difference $65,529.00 ($56,935.00) $ 8,594.00 ,u . Please advise us as soon as possible which pump manufacturer you would like to use. We need to get one of these manufacturers going on shop drawing in order to meet the completion date. If you have any further questions concerning the pumps, or our proposal in general, do not hesitate to contact us. roup 0A~ cc: HDR - Paul Tobkin . . )0 Council Agenda - 5/14/2001 . 11. Review of Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Each year during the summer the Public Works Department inspects the sidewalks in the community, both on-grid (those considered essential to the city) and off-grid (usually private sidewalks on public property. Abutting property owners are responsible for keeping the sidewalk clean and in such state of repairs not to be dangerous to public travel. The city has taken over the maintenance (e.g., sweeping, snow plowing, total repair) of some of the sidewalks deemed as major corridors, such as the Broadway sidewalk from Pinewood Elementary to the Monticello Middle School on Washington street. We do not, however, maintain the sidewalk in the downtown commercial area. . Minor repairs on the sidewalk grid system involving two sidewalk panels per property or less are taken care of by the city of Monticello on sidewalks which are part of the City's grid system, either by the Public Works Department or through a quote or bid process by a concrete contractor. When major repairs are needed which involve more than two sidewalk pancls per property, the eity pays 75% of the repairs and asks the property owner to assist with the cost by paying only 25(%. This is for the sidewalks on the grid which are essential service sidewalks. The city original1y paid 75% of the cost of sidewalks on the grid. When the cost for the sidewalk replacement is known, we will hold a public hearing for those specific property owners needing major sidewalk repair or they may choose to waive their right to a public hearing and pay the 25% of the cost. For the off grid sidewalks, the adjoining property owners arc responsible for 100% of the cost of repair or replacement. This year's inspection of on grid sidewalks has revealed that 15 sidewalk panels are in need of replacement. All are one or two panels per property situations. Additionally, there are about 20 panels that we propose to raise by contract mudjacking. We have found one location otTgrid where 4 or 5 panels need to be replaced. We have been unable to get in touch with the property owner at 507 East River Street to see if they will repair the bad sidewalk themselves. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative after review of the Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report is to accept the report and authorize the Public Works Department to obtain quotes for the replacement of the defective sidewalk panels, including raising, and proceed with those repairs as soon as possible. This would include notification to the property owner at 507 East River Street of the need for sidewalk repair. Should the property owner request a public hearing on the repairs rather than doing the repairs, this wil1 be brought back to the Council at a later date for scheduling the public hearing prior to repairs at that location. . 2. The second alternative would be after review of the Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report to accept the report and have the Public Works Department schedule the repairs internally. . . . Council Agenda - 5/14/2001 Because ofthe magnitude orpancls needing replacement and other workloads, this may take the Public Works Department a significant amount of time to complete. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council proceed with the acceptance orthe Annual Sidewalk Report and repairs as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the 2001 Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report; Copy of Sidewalk Cost Sharing Policy established July 9, 1990. For those needing additional information regarding sidewalk repair, maintenance and special assessments, please refer to Section 8, Chapter I orthe City Ordinance. 1. AUG 10 '00 06:44AM CITY OF M~fTlCELLO SIDEWALK COS\ SHARING POLICY i Sidewalk off the grid is the \ total responsibility of the abutting property owner. It can be removed rather than be repaired or replaced. It must be removed in its entirety acrosS the length of the property in question. The boulevard must then be restored. If requested, the City will bid sidewalk removal and boulevard restoration, supervise the project, and bill the property, owners. co,t i, to be 100% for the abutting property owner for individual sect~ons ot sloewalkS off the grid. It 100% of the property ownerS pn a particular olock petition the city tor removal of existing sidewa~k from the entire block, the City will pay 25% of the project cost wheb performed by the City. . Z. Major replacement of sidewalks on the grid (residential or commercial and more than two panelS per property): City pays 75%. (NO 100% credit for first two panelS.) 3. New sidewalks on the grid abutting commercial property. city pay' 75t. 4. New Sid-walkS on the grid abutting residential property. city pays 75%. 5. preventative maintenance by abutting property owner. 6. Minor repairs or replacement: on the grid abutting co....ercial or residential property (two panelS or less): City pays loot. The city will also pay 100% or repai~ all pedestrian ramps at intersections. 7. Sidewalk wLdth considered for cost sharing by the city will be limited to five (5) feet unless the c~ty Engineer deems additional width is necessary. r 8. The city council will consider adding additional existing sidewalks to the grid if: a) the segment,abuts the grid, b) it is in complete block sections; c} and 100% of the property owna~S in each block petition for inclusion on the grid. 1 9. Deferral~ of assessment will be 9~anted for property owners age 65 or older for whom the cost will be a financial hardShip. Individuals must apply under standard public improvement regulations. 10 . snow removal. Existing ordinance remaLns in force. Ci ty does only city property and south side of Broadway (residential). NOTE' For items Z, 3, and 4, the percentages are of the actual project co.ts bid annually bY the city and installed by the city or it. contracto~. For thOSe individuals who wish to repair or replace their own sidewalkS as per City standards, the city may reimburse property owner' based upon City bid price. or actual costs, whichever is lower. Damage resulting from deliberate action, of a property owner or his~her repre5entative is exempt from co,t sharing by the City under this policy. . 1/9/90 . \s . . MONTICELLO 2001 ANNUAL SIDEWALK INSPECTION REPORT . Completed: Apri119, 2001 By: Elmer Onstad --. .- - -. ... . . . 2000 ANNUAL SIDEWALK INSPECTION REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE Sidewalk Inspection Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Repair and! or Maintenance Items ..................................... 5 Sununary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2001 Sidewalk Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 PAGE 2 C:lOmCElEU.lER/!lmEWAl.K.JNSPEC\10N.200I.j'PL 04123/01 . CITY OF MONTICELLO SIDEW ALK INSPECTION CRITERIA I. DEFINITION A pedestrian walkway (either bituminous or concrete) is a smooth, continuous, horizontal plane generally 4' to 5' wide, parallel to curb or street driving surface in both boulevard width and vertical height with a cross-slope of2% to 4% to promote water drainage. It should be free ofhazards to pedestrians, bicyclists, and snow removal equipment such as, but not limited to, cracks, settlements, protrusions, both horizontal and vertical, such as heaved panels (whole or partial), tree limbs, and overhangs. There should be pedestrian ramps where sidewalk meets curb on all new and major restoration construction. II. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MAINTENANCE AND CRITERIA FOR REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT A. Recommendations for Maintenance 1. Drainage . Property owners will be encouraged to maintain drainage from the sidewalk areas and will be notified when poor drainage is observed during the annual inspections. 2. Small Cracks and Holes Such defects larger than 1/4" but less than 3/4" will be recommended to be sealed or patched using approved materials. This will increase the longevity of the sidewalk. 3. Overhangs and Hazards Property owners will be asked to correct any temporary hazards such as signs, mail boxes, tree branches, or rocks or debris on the sidewalk or in the path of a pedestrian which could cause a trip, fall, or head injury. B. Cause for Repair or Replacement 1. Any vertical sharp rise in a sidewalk panel over 1/4" in height which could cause a person to trip or could catch maintenance equipment shall be cause for replacement of the panel. . PAGE 3 CoIOFFl<;EIEUdI!RISIDEWALl<-lNSPllCTION-200I,RPT: 04mlOI . 2. Any section of a sidewalk which has settled so as to collect water shall be replaced or repaired by jacking (when feasible). 3. Any holes exceeding 3/4" in diameter and any cracks exceeding 3/4" in width and more than 1/4" deep shall be repaired using approved materials. 4. Any sidewalk panel having a series of wide cracks and holes so as to make repairs not practical shall be replaced. 5. Any sidewalk panels with sharp crowns or heaving which could cause a trip or fall when the sidewalk is wet or slippery shall be replaced. 6. Any sidewalk panel that is peeling or spauling so that loose material is consistently found on the surface shall be replaced. C. Replacement of Sidewalk 1. Any sidewalk replaced shall conform to standard specifications for sidewalk construction as recommended by the City Engineer. . . C:lOfF1CE\El.MllR/SlDIlWALK.lNSPIlCTION.200I.RPT ""m/o' PAGE 4 . . . INDEX 2001 REPAIR/MAINTENANCE REPORTS . "" ......... ., ~&~ >PAGE "'....",.,..",,,.,........... .'. .., . .ItEP/dR$AND/()Ft ..Nt>. .... MAfN'f'ENANCEITEMS 2. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE): HENNEPIN - RAMSEY 7 REPLACE 1 PANEL TRIM BUSHES 4. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) ; WRIGHT - NEW 7 REPLACE 2 PANELS 5. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) : NEW - PALM 7 RAISE 1 PANEL 7. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE): CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) 7 RAISE SIDEWALK CRACK REPAIR REPLACE OR RAISE 2 PANELS 8. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) : PINE (T.H. 25. CEDAR) 7 RE-POUR AGGREGATE NEW COVER FOR HAND HOLE 14. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) : VINE - MINNESOTA 7 RAISE 1 PANEL 16. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE): MAPLE - LINN 7 REPLACE 1 PANEL 18. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) : LOCUST - WALNUT 7 MISCELLANEOUS CRACK REPAIR 19. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) ; WALNUT - PINE (T.H. 25) 7 REPLACE 1 PANEL 22. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE): LOCUST - LINN 8 RAISE SIDEWALK REPAIR 4 EXPANSION JOINTS RE-CAULK JOINTS 30. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) : 3RD - 4TH 8 RAISE 1 PANEL CRACK REPAIR REPLACE 1 PANEL 34. LOCUST STREET (WEST SIDE) 8 MISCELLANEOUS CRACK REPAIR MID BLOCK NORTH OF BROADWAY - BROADWAY WEST 37. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) : RR TRACKS - 4TH 8 RAISE CURB 40. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE): RIVER - BROADWAY 8 ALLEY ISLAND REPAIR/REPLACEMENT MISCELLANEOUS CRACK REPAIR 42. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE): 3RD - BROADWAY WEST 8 RAISE 1 PANEL 44. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE: RIVER - BROADWAY 9 RE-POUR CONCRETE REPAIR HAND HOLE COVER 45. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE; BROADWAY. 3RD 9 MISCELLANEOUS CRACK REPAIR 46. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE; 3RD _ 4TH 9 REPLACE PED RAMP 47. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE: 4TH _ 5TH 9 PATCH CURB AT PED RAMP 64. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) : 6TH - 7TH 9 RAISE 1 PANEL 66. 3RD STREET (NORTH SIDE) : CEDAR - PINE (T. H. 25) 10 REPLACE 1 PANEL 67. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) : PINE (T.H. 25) - WALNUT 10 REPLACE 1 PANEL 69. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) : PINEWOOD - ELM 10 CURB REPAIR 73. 4TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) : CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) 10 REPLACE 1 PANEL INSTALL WIRE MESH AND PVC SLEEVE 74. 6TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) ; MAPLE - MINNESOTA 10 REPLACE 1 PANEL 79. RIVER STREET E. (NORTH SIDE) : RAMSEY - WRIGHT 10 SIDEWALK RAISED FROM TREE DAMAGE 'COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED' C,IOFFlCIl\IlLMIlR/SIDEWALK-INSPIlCIlON-2001.RPT: 04/23/01 PAGE 5 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO SIDEW ALK REPORT 2001 SUMMARY The 2001 walk-through inspection of the on-grid and off-grid sidewalks was completed on April 19, 2001 by Elmer Ohnstad. In summary there are 15 panels to remove and replace, and 20 panels to raise at eight different locations. One sidewalk repair needs council action. One alley repair needs council action. There is some crack repair and patching with thorite on curbs. There is one curb to be lifted at the Library parking lot. Caulking is not a major item but there is some needed. As an additional item, 4 to 5 panels on an off-grid sidewalk at 507 East River Street need replacement. We have been unsuccessful in our attempts to reach the property owners, John and Doris Hareland. (See Attachment A) Please refer to the 2001 Reports for specific locations and descriptions. C;\OFFlCIlIIlLMIlR/SIDIlWALK.1NSPI'.CI10N-2001.RPf; 04mlOI PAGE 6 . 2001 REPORTS ......, ,....."", ",......., ". ............, ,'.'..'...".' ,,"',....... . . . . . .. .. """'" '. . . ' . . . . .. .,. ....... ,,,,.,, ",..... '~Sh~$~'()~/ ..... ........, "......"" ",. .,.,.,.,',',',.", .."..........'....., "',',',','.','.','", ',.".,',....'.,',.. """".... ......., "........., ",. ."", ....... ">>>>::", """"'"<<<<'.:., ::-:.'.:,"....." """. . ,.., "'" ,. ,.'".", '.,'......., ',','"". ..................... ,..... ,. ............................................'... $II::U;WAL.K.CQNPITIC;)NPE$CRleTIQN> 1. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 4116/01 WASHINGTON - HENNEPIN 2. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 4116/01 HENNEPIN. RAMSEY 3. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 4116/01 RAMSEY - WRIGHT 4. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 4116/01 WRIGHT - NEW 5. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 4116/01 NEW - PALM 6. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 4116/01 PALM. CEDAR 7. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 4116/01 CEDAR. PINE (T.H. 25) 8. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 4116/01 PINE (T.H. 25) - CEDAR 9. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 4117/01 CEDAR - PALM 10. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 4117/01 PALM - NEW 11. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 4/17/01 ELM - CHESTNUT 12. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 4117/01 CHESTNUT - PINEWOOD BK PATH 13. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 4/17/01 ELM - VINE 14. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 4117101 VINE - MINNESOTA 15. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 4116/01 MINNESOTA - MAPLE 16. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 4/16/01 MAPLE. LINN 17. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 4/16/01 LINN - LOCUST 18. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 4116/01 LOCUST. WALNUT 19. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 4117/01 WALNUT - PINE (T.H. 25) 20. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 4117/01 PINE (T.H. 25) . WALNUT OK REPLACE PANEL AROUND CSB (WATER SHUT-OFF) AT 618 W. BROADWAY. TRIM BUSHES AT 642 W. BROADWAY. REMAINDER OK OK 4l1i & 5l1i PANELS EAST OF NEW STREET CRACKED (NEED TO BE REPLACED). REMAINDER OK 3RO PANEL WEST OF RICH CLINE'S DRIVEWAY SHOULD BE RAISED. REMAINDER OK OK RAISE EXPOSED AGGREGATE SIDEWALK TO MATCH IN FRONT OF A. E. MICHAEL'S. REPLACE OR RAISE 2 PANELS ON EAST SIDE OF ZOO AT NE CORNER. SOME CRACK REPAIR IN FRONT OF RHONDA'S CAFE_ RE-POUR EXPOSED AGGREGATE AROUND ELECTRIC HAND HOLE IN FRONT OF THEATER WINDOWS. AT NE CORNER OF INTERSECTION POUR EXPOSED AGGREGATE PLUS NEW COVER FOR HAND HOLE. OK OK OK OK OK 1 PANEL WEST OF PED RAMP NEEDS TO BE RAISED, REMAINDER OK O.K. 6l1i PANEL WEST OF 430 W. BROADWAY NEEDS TO BE REPLACED. REMAINDER OK OK IN FRONT OF 228 W. BROADWAY NEEDS CRACK REPAIR (IN FRONT OF FARMERS INS.) REMAINDER OK IN FRONT OF THE BROADWAY DINER SIDEWALK IS HEAVED AND CRACKED, SHOULD BE REPLACED, THERE IS A PUDDLE IN THE FLOW LINE. REMOVE A SECTION ON EACH SIDE OF CB, LOWER CB 10", OK C:lOmCElllLMERJ8IDI!WAU<;.INSPIlCTION.200I_RPT: 0412"01 PAGE 7 21. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) WALNUT - LOCUST 22. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) LOCUST. LINN 23. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) LINN - MAPLE 24. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) MAPLE - MINNESOTA 25. ELM STREET (WEST SIDE) GOLF COURSE ROAD - 3RD STREET 26. ELM STREET (WEST SIDE) 3RD _ BROADWAY WEST 27. MINNESOTA STREET (EAST SIDE) 6ni _7ni (VACATED ROW) 26. MINNESOTA STREET (EAST SIDE) 7ni (PLATTED). 7ni (AS PAVED) 29. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) BROADWAY WEST - 3RD 30. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 3RD _ 4ni 31. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 4ni _ RR TRACKS 32. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) RR TRACKS - 6ni 33. LOCUST STREET (EAST SIDE) BROADWAY WEST - MID BLOCK 34. LOCUST STREET (WEST SIDE) MID BLOCK NORTH OF BROADWAY - BROADWAY WEST 35. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 7ni _ 6ni 36. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 5ni - RR TRACKS 37. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) RR TRACKS - 4ni (PAST LIBRARY) 38. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 3RD . 4ni 39. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) BROADWAY W. - COMMUTER LOT 40. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) RIVER - BROADWAY 41. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) BROADWAY WEST - 3RD 42. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 3RD _ BROADWAY WEST ..... '"'''''''''''' ,. ..".. """'''''''' ... ......INSf)Sd...ION........ PATE slbeWAI..KpONbITIQN[)e~prdP...I()N 4117101 OK 4117101 RAISE SIDEWALK NEXT TO PED RAMP AT NW CORNER OF INTERSECTION, PLUS REPAIR 4 EXPANSION JOINTS BY POST OFFICE STEPS. RE-CAULK JOINTS BY STEPS. 4117/01 OK 4117/01 OK 4117/01 OK 4117101 OK 4117/01 OK 4117/01 OK 4/18/01 OK 4116/01 7 PANELS TO REPAIR CRACKS, NORTH OF EAST & WEST SIDEWALK. RAISE 11ni PANEL; REPLACE 1Sni PANEL. REMAINDER OK OK 4116/01 4/18/01 OK 4116/01 O.K. 4/16/01 VOIDS AND CRACKS IN 4 PANELS JUST NORTH OF BROADWAY. REMAINDER OK 4117/01 OK 4117/01 OK 4/17/01 AT THE SE CORNER OF THE LIBRARY PARKING LOT RAISE THE CURB AT CB. REMAINDER OK 4117101 OK 4117/01 OK 4/17/01 SAME AS LAST REPORT. MAJOR SIDEWALK AND CRACK REPAIR NEEDED. IN FRONT OF JADE PATRICK SALON REMOVE CONCRETE IN TWO ISLANDS AND REPLACE WITH WOOD CHIPS. 4/16/01 OK 4/18/01 RAISE 1 PANEL NORTH OF CROSSWALK TO DAN OLSON INSURANCE. REMAINDER O.K. C:~EWAlJC.INSI'IlCTIDN.~OOI.RPT: 04/~3/01 PAGE 8 43. PINE STREET (T.H.25) WEST SIDE RIVER BRIDGE - RIVER STREET 44. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE RIVER - BROADWAY 45. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE BROADWAY.3RD 46. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 3RD _ 4TH 47. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 4. 5TH 48. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 5TH. 6TH 49. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 6TH . 7TH 50. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 7TH. 1.94 BRIDGE 51. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 1.94 BRIDGE. OAKWOOD DRIVE 52. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE OAKWOOD DRIVE. 1.94 BRIDGE 53. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 1.94 BRIDGE. 7TH 54. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 7TH . 6TH 55. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 6TH. RR TRACKS 56. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE RR TRACKS. 4TH 57. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 4TH . 3RD 58. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 3RD. BROADWAY 59. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE BROADWAY. RIVER 60. CEDAR STREET (WEST SIDE) BROADWAY E. _ 3RD 61. CEDAR STREET (WEST SIDE) 3RD . 4TH 62. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) 4TH - RR TRACKS 63. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) RR TRACKS _ 6TH 64. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) 6TH. 7TH 65. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) PINE (T.H. 25) - CEDAR ........" "....." "".... ",......".. ,....",. ",..... . ...... ".".. .." '"'''''''' . ... ......16SBi~~I()N....... 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 4/18/01 " <<',' ',".:<<<<.'':<' "":::", ". ...., ,.",,,,,, """., ",. $IDE\I\IALkppNQITIQNPJ:SCRIP"TIQN OK RE.POUR CONCRETE & REPAIR COVER TO HAND HOLE NORTH OF APPROACH TO ALLEY. REMAINDER OK REPAIR CRACK IN PANEL MID BLOCK. REMAINDER OK REPLACE PED RAMP BY HYDRANT AT 4TH ST NW CORNER. REMAINDER OK PATCH CURB AT PED RAMP SW CORNER OF 4TH ST. REMAINDER OK OK OK OK O.K. OK OK OK OK OK OK O.K. OK OK OK OK OK 20 PANELS NORTH OF THE NE CORNER, RAISE PANEL (IT'S A TRIP HAZARD). REMAINDER OK OK C'\OI'I'ICllIIlU.lII!WAU(ANSl'IlCTlON_~OOl ,RpT. 04mlol PAGE 9 ..""""""",',-:,' ",',',',':: ,',',',. . ".., ,.. ......INSpeCTION.. DATlii 66. 3RO STREET (NORTH SIDE) 4/18/01 CEDAR. PINE (T. H. 25) 67. 3RO STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 4/18/01 PINE (T.H. 25) - WALNUT 66. 3RO STREET (NORTH SIDE) 4/16/01 WALNUT. PINE (T.H. 25) 69. 3RO STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 4/18/01 PINEWOOD - ELM 70. PINEWOOD SCHOOL PROPERTY 4/18/01 3RO. BROADWAY 71. 4"lH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 4/18/01 WALNUT - PINE (T.H. 25) 72. 4"lH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 4/18/01 Pine (T.H. 25) - CEDAR 73. 4"lH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 4/18/01 CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) 74. 6"lH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 4/18/01 MAPLE - MINNESOTA 75. 7"lH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 4/19/01 CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) 76. 7"lH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 4/19/01 PINE (T.H. 25) - WALNUT 77. 7"lH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 4/19/01 E. KMART DRIVE - WALNUT 78. 7"lH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 4/19/01 CENTER KMART DRIVE - LOCUST 79. RIVER STREET E. (NORTH SIDE) 4/19/01 RAMSEY - WRIGHT 80. HART BOULEVARD (SOUTH SIDE) 4/19/01 C.R.39 EAST - PLAT LINE 81. HART BOULEVARD (SOUTH SIDE) 4/19/01 PLAT LINE - MILL RUN RD 82. HART BOULEVARD (SOUTH SIDE) 4/19/01 MILL RUN RD. C.R. 75 83. COUNTRY AVENUE (WEST SIDE) 4/19/01 SCHOOL BLVD - FIELDCREST CIR 84. COUNTRY AVENUE (WEST SIDE) 4/19/01 FIELDCREST CIR . FIELDCREST CT 85. COUNTRY AVENUE (WEST SIDE) 4/19/01 FIELDCREST CIR . PLAT LINE 86. FARMSTEAD AVENUE (EAST SIDE) 4/19/01 SCHOOL BLVD. PEBBLEBROOK DR -87. FARMSTEAD AVENUE (EAST SIDE) 4/19/01 ."., PEBBLEBROOK DR - PLAT LINE 88. FARMSTEAD AVENUE (EAST SIDE) 4/19/01 PLAT LINE. FALLON AVE .iSIPEWA\...t(CPNPI"('IPN.....pESP81I'TION AT THE THIRD APPROACH WEST OF T.H. 25, FIRST PANEL SHOULD BE REPLACED. REMAINDER OK REPLACE THIRD PANEL EAST OF US BANK APPROACH. OK SOME CURB REPAIR AROUND THE FIRST CATCH BASIN WEST OF STREET. REMAINDER OK OK OK OK AT 113 EAST 4"lH STREET REPLACE PANEL AT CURB STOP. INSTALL WIRE MESH EXPANSION JOINT MAT ON EACH SIDE, INSTALL PVC SLEEVE AROUND CSB. REMAINDER OK AT 513 WEST 6"lH STREET THE FIRST PANEL EAST OF THIS APPROACH NEEDS REPLACING. REMAINDER OK O.K. OK OK OK AT 507 EAST RIVER STREET A BIG OAK TREE HAS CAUSED THE SIDEWALK TO RAISE. CITY COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED. OK "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" O.K. BUT NEEDS TO BE CLEANED "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" OK OK OK OK NOTE: NO BARRICADES AT END OF COUNTRY AVENUE OK OK CLEAN SIDEWALKS. SETTLEMENTS ON PUNCH LISTS. 'CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY' C;\OPFI~,\U{.JNSl'I!CI1ON.2001.llPT: 04123/01 PAGE 10 --r-- -,-- ---,- WILDWOOD BLVD (EAST SIDE) 4/19/01 JASON (C.R. 18). TROY MARQ. DR. TROY MARQUETTE DR (WEST SIDE) 4/19/01 WILDWOOD WAY - BAKKEN ST BAKKEN STREET (NORTH SIDE) 4/19/01 TROY MARQUETTE DR - DEER ST BAKKEN STREET (NORTH SIDE) 4/19/91 DEER ST . BEAR ST INNSBROOK DRIVE (SOUTH SIDE) 4/19/01 CHELSEA RD . PARK PLACE DR PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 4/19/01 CHELSEA RD - BRENTWOOD CIR PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 4/19/01 BRENTWOOD CIR - SOMERSET LN PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 4/19/01 SOMERSET LN - INNSBROOK DR ,. 69. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. . . , . , , '. . .. ",."""" . . .... ."..."." '''''''''' ,..... .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,' ..... . . . , , . ' ".""."" ' '.......... . ......IN~pE:gml{)N...... ............ ..D'O'1"I;..;;..;......... 97. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 4/19/01 INNSBROOK DR - SAVANNAH AVE 98. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 4/19/01 SAVANNAH AVE - WINDEMERE CT PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) WINDEMERE CT. PLAT LINE 100. CHELSEA ROAD (SOUTH SIDE) T.H. 25 - SANDBERG RD 101. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) RIVER - FRONT 102. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) STll _ 6Tll 103. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 6Tll. SOUTH TO MARQUETTE BANK PROPERTY LINE 104. 6Tll STREET (SOUTH SIDE) WALNUT - WEST TO MARQUETTE BANK PROPERTY LINE 105. 6Tll STREET (NORTH SIDE) WALNUT - FIRE STATION 106. LOCUST STREET (EAST SIDE) 6'Tl't _ NORTH SIDE OF COMMUNITY CENTER . 4/19/01 4/19/01 4/19/01 4/19/01 4/19/01 4/19/01 4/19/01 4/19/01 ..... '.'........, """"'" , ",..., ,',',.....""'." ",'......."'" ,,',',... .. '" "" '" ". "::\::,:>-:<::::::::>::':<';<:::::>:.:,,':" ',,', '",,>:':.:::>:<:"::>>:: :-::::::>.,::::.::.:< '::':<<:::::::::::>:/:"'"'' ,,"" <,,::>:::" ,:::<:i>. ..., ""." '"'''''''' "." ' . . . ' , , , , , , , , , , '" , , , , " , " , , , , , ,,' , , , , , , , , " .. .."". """,." """"'" ,"""'" ,"""" ". ..... ""..." """"" "".", ,,"".'" ",...... .......;..;;;stDEWAtt(;cbNbtj"IQN..OI;$(;f'{If1TIONi....... OK "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" CLEAN SIDEWALKS "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" CLEAN SIDEWALKS "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" CLEAN SIDEWALKS "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" CLEAN SIDEWALKS "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" CLEAN SIDEWALKS "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" CLEAN SIDEWALKS 'CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" CLEAN SIDEWALKS "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" CLEAN SIDEWALKS "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" CLEAN SIDEWALKS "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" CLEAN SIDEWALKS "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY" CLEAN SIDEWALKS "CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY' OK OK OK OK OK OK C:~EWAI.K.lNSPECTION.2001.RPT: 04/23/01 PAGE 11 ATTACHMENT A >-l " OJ OJ >-l ""a\a\Lj"\~f'..lr-JC'J1-' '" '" 00" 0 OJ ~ ~ 0 (]1QooNf'UI-'f-'C> c: c: "'"co -3 Z Z Z >-l f-'\Dl'J.......a\I.)lWI-'f-' Z Z .~._, rn ~ ,.. '" '" ~ t:l 0 '-' ,.. ,.. -o~ '" '" '-..n ~ " ~ trl " "::S:{J)~n'U::r:t'"'Gl tl trl '-'" ,.. trl n ,.. HC::D1~O:P::OHtI1 OJ n 000 ,.. Z ~ ,.. <:Z~>-l3:",~mZ Vl " oC: trl trl '0 tI:li-"'!t'f][11~~ lOtI:! 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