City Council Agenda Packet 04-09-2001 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 9, 20(H - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson. Bruce Thielen I. Call to order. J Approve minutes of March 26. 2001 regular Council meeting. ... .'- Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. fV1oA-A IfJu.f... B. C. (" . / .. ,1 I . .-r' t""/L.U.-ej}:. -12 e', ~ .Itlzens comments petitIOns. requests, anu comp all1ts. '1.. ~ ffJfJ'l. !/I J r-.') C, ,,^,. Ci71- . SftJ.'J' /iff ~ lilT .( ~ Consent agenda. 4. 5. A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures f(lr the Community Center and Deputy Registrar. B. Consideration of adopting a resolution calling for public hearing on the modification of the Redevelopment Plan f()r Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I und the establishment of Tax Increment l.'inancing District No. 1-2R. C. Consideration to approve a loan agreement between the I-IRA and ('ity, D. Consideration or resolution authori/ing entering into an agreement with MnDOT prescribing terms and conditions of participation in Federal Aid Projects. F. Consideration or a resolution approving sale of tax forfeited parcels by Wright County Auditor. F. Consideration of concept and development stage planned unit development and consideration or preliminary plat approval f()r a 92 unit townhome development. Appl icant: Craig Scherber & Associates and Edgar Klucas. G. Considcration or development state planned unit development and preliminary plat approval t(lr mixed commercial use. Applicant: Dan Mielke. II. Consideration of a request !(lr a conditional use pennit for establishment of a convenience f(lod type restaurant in the eCD District. Applicant: BBF Properties, Barry Fluth. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council AIXil 9, 2001 Page Two J-tA-U 6 I elf I. Consideration or a request for a concept stage planned unit development allowing multiple structures on an industrial site. Applicant: Blue Chip Development Company. .I. Consideration or accepting petition and ordering kasibility report I<Jr Clroveland Phase I I.. K. Consideration of resolution ordering a feasibility study associated with reconstruction of sanitary sewer and roadway at Front Street between Walnut and Locust. L. Consideration or approving linal plan and c1eveloprnent agreement 1<)1' Klein hmns 71h Addition M. Consideration of approving linal plat and c1eveloprnent agreement for Rolling Woods Second Addition. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of resolution supporting legislation providing a partial e:{emption from the utility personal property tax and replacement of lost revenues to host communities. R. Consideration or a request to rezone fi"0lI1R-2 to a planned unit development and >.:onsideration or a cuncept stage planned unit devel(\pment allO\ving mixed uses Applicant: C'hureh or St. I [emy and Cedrus Creek Craftsman. [nc. 9. Consideration or setting a special meeting date for establishment of an assessment policy relating to street construction. 10. Approve pa)'rllent of bills for April. II. Adjourn . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEF.TINC - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL March 26,2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Helsaas. Roger Carlson. Clint Herbst. Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Ahsent: None I. Call to Order Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. AJlliTo\'e minutes of March 12. 20lH rel!uhu Council meeting. BRUCI~ TIIIElYN MOVED TO APPROVF TIlE MINUTFS OF TilE MARCil 12.2001 REGULAR COLINCIL MEETINCi AS PRESENTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED Tl-W MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl! items to the al!enda. Roger Carlson asked that an update on the acoustics for the City Ilall be added to the agenda. Roger Belsaas added discussion of the tax legislation for Excel Energy and also thl.: letter from (),Ryan's to the agenda. Brian Stumpf requested that parking on 6th Strl'et also be included on the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/netitions. requests and complaints. None. 5. Consent Al!enda A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures Il.)r the Community Center and City Ilall. Re('ommendation: Ratify hiring of employees as identified. B. Consideration of approving a temporary on-sale liquor license for Ducks Unlimited Banquet and Rivcrfest. Applicant: Monticello Lions Cluh. Recommendation: Approve issuance of temponlry on~sale liquor license to the Monticello Lions CIllh for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet on May ]lh and Il.)r the Riverfest Celehration scheduled Il.)r July ]lh and Wh and a set up line Il.)r the Ducks LJnlimited Banquet. c. Consideration of approving annual liquor expenditure Il.)r Riverlcst Fireworks Celebration. Recommendation: Approve expenditure of $X.OOO to cover the cost of the fire,yorks display Il.)\' the Riverlcst Celchration on July 8. 2()OI. l . . . Council Minutes - 3/26/01 D. Consideration to ratily the U)A's approval for GMEF Loan No. 01 X. (Integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc. ) Recommendation: Approve a motion stating that the City Council h<ls determined the EDA approval of GMEF I.oan No. 0 I X for Integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc. \V<lS approved without violntion of the FDA-CiMEF Business Subsidy Criteria: therdlJre. Council supports the decision by EDA t~)r loan approval. E. Consideration of approving final payment to Barbarossa & Sons for Chelsea Road WestlBrentwood Circle. Projeet NO. 98-25C'. Recommendation: Authorize linal payrnent in the amount of $R4.5X 1.24 to Barbarossa & Sons. F. Consideration of resolution supporting participation in LMC Building Quality Communities Program. Recommendation: Adopt resolution supporting participation in the LMC Building Quality Commlmities Program. Res. # 20()1-14. G. Consideration of adopting a resolution supporting legislation to restrict sale of phosphorus lawn fertilizers. Recommendation: Adopt resolution supporting legislation. Res. #2()()1-15. Clint Herbst requested that Item #5(. he removed from the consent agenda. l3I~IAN STUMPF M()Vr.:n TO APPRC)Vr: TilE CONSENT AGENDA WITH [TEM #5(; BE[NG REMOVH), ROCiER CARLSON SECONDED TilE MOf[ON. MOT[ON CARRI LD lJNAN[M(nJSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from thc consent agenda for discussion. On Item H5CL Clint ~lcrbst asked fi:)I" clarification on whether the legislation rcstricting the sale of phosphorus lawn fertilizers would be statewide. [t \Vas indicated that if the legislation passes the restriction \\Ould be statewide. C!.INT l-[LRBST MOVED TO ADOPT A RFSOLUTION SlJPPORT[NCi LE(i[SLATION TO R[~STRICT '1'[ IE SALE OF PIIOSPHORUS LA WN FERTI!.IZERS. BRUCE TI-[IEI.I~N SECONDED Tlll-~ MOTION. MOT[ON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. #2()()1-15. 7. Considt'ration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance providing for increase in fn'e standing sign height ami area. Applicant: .Jacoh Holdine:s/Dennv Hecker Automotive Group. City Planner. Steve (iriltman. provided the backgi'ound inform<ltion on the agenda item. The applic<lnt is requesting <In amendment to the sign ordinancc that would increase significantly the size of signs in the B-3 district. The sign proposed by the applicant is approximately 750 square reel in area <lne! 40 reel in height. rhe present sign ordinance allows for signs 32 feet in heighl and 200 sqUdr(' feet in area ti:l\' signs in the freeway corridor. Because the size increase / 2 Council Minutes ~ 3/26/01 . proposed \\:lS consi(lcrable. the PI:lnning Commission kIt the question might be better addressed by :In ordinance amendment rather than :I variance. Neither stalT nor the Planning Commission recomml'nded approving the proposed ,ll11endment citing concerns :lbout prolill'r:ltion orthis type or sign :lnd not being in keeping \vith the objectivcs or the City's C'omprehensive PLIll. Steve Ciril1m,1ll :llso noted th:ltthe PI:lnning Commission h:ld discussed the remov:ll or:ln existing billboard on the site. Bec:luse the approved condition:ll use permit 1'01' the dealership did not include the billboard. the applicant would be in violation or the terms orthc conditional use permit irthc sign was not removed. It was kIt that the existing billboard was :I separate issue rrom the ordi nance amendment. In discussion or the item. Roger Belsaas statedth:lt he relt the size or the sign was more th:ln was needed. Bruce Thielen indicated that the City had worked very hard to put in place an ordinance th:lt :ldequately governed the number :lnd size or signs and kit th:lt approving this ordinance amendment would open the way I()!' other similar sign requests. Because or the size and the cost to construct this sign, Clint llerbst did not feel other businesses in the area would all be w:lnting to construct simil:lr signs. lie kIt the sign would have the potential to draw traftic in olT the rreeway which \vould benetit all businesses in the area :lnd since the :lpplic:lnt indicated that a portion of the sign area would be usedl(lr public service rnessages that would be :In added benctit. Bruce Thielen questioned \vhether the same thing couldn't be :lccolllplisl1L'd within the existing ordil1<lIlce. . Hi II l::'ambow representi ng Monticello Dodge spoke on Ix'hal l' or the proposed :lmendment. lie sho\\\.xl a sketch or the proposed sign \vhich he kit because or the location on the rt\::e\\'ay could act as :I landmark ror the city. He also pointed out that approximately 5(Y~;() orthe electronic message ,1I"Ul would be :lv:lilable I()!' public service messages. lie reiterated the belief that the sign \\ould dra\v traftic olT 1-94 and that would bene lit all businesses in the area. Bruce Thielen cautioned that while the dcsign orthe sign was nice looking. once the approval was givcn I(H' th:lt sign it would be in place l()!'ever. Roger Bels:las asked i l' ordimlllce language could be drafted to ensure that the sign construction would be :lesthetically accept:lble. Steve Gril1l11an responded that they could control in what zoning districts such signage would be allowed and could put restrictions on flashing lights or other items th:lt might pose a traftic hazard. Ilowever the City cannot regulate the contents or the sign. lie :llso added that aesthetic requirements arc hard to control. It was questioned whether Mnf)OT h:ld :In\' ITl.!.ulations :lrlCctin!!. si!!.ns alon!!. the ti'ee\\'av. .. '- ............ '- ,.I In the context or the sign discussion the tl'rm billboard was used. Stevc Cirittman pointed out that :I billboard all()\\s I()r (}t/~silc advertising I(H' a business while a sign is required to be on- site. Roger Carlson asked irother communitil's allowed signs or this lmlgnitude. Ste\e Cirittman indiCilted that he was not a\\are of any. Bill Rambow stated th:ltthe City or Bloomington did :lllow this size sign, . BRl 1('1.: TIIIFLI.:N i\10VU) TO DL:'-JY TilE SHiN AMr:NDMI':NT BASLD ON 'rilE FINDINCi THAT IT WOlfLD U:AI) TO CLlITIT:R 01: TIlE CITY'S CC)MMI.:RCIAL DISTRICT /\ND FRLT\VA Y I:XPOSlJRL. AND WOlfLD NOT B1.: IN f(1~LPINCi WITII ~ , z . Council Minuks - J126/01 TIlL ALSTlIETIC AND LIV ABILlT'( OB.lECT/VLS OF TIlL COMPREIILNSIVL PLAN. BRIAN STUMPF SLCC)NDED TIll: MOTION. In furthcr discussion. Clint I Icrbst stated that \vhile he could see the concern about the proli fcration of this type of sign. he also felt that a properly worded ordinance would be able to restrict the number of signs. Roger Carlson stated that while he was not opposed to the sign the deviation li'om what was allowed by ordinance and \vhat W,IS acceptcd in the P,ISt was too great. UPON VOTF BEIN(, TAKEN. MOTION CARRIED WITI 1 CLINT IH:RBST AND ROGER BELSAAS VOTING IN OPPOSITION. S. Considenltion of waivinc: buildinc: permit fee. SAC/WAC ehaq,!:es for facilitv flronoscd to be eonstnH:tcd at the ballfield. The Couneil considered a request to waive the building permit fees and SAC/WAC charges for concession building to be constructed at the ballfield using volunker labor and donated supplies. The consensus of the Council W,IS that a public purpose was being served. Clint I Icrbst noted other instances where these charges \vere waived and expressed his concern about the City' s policy of waiving the SAC/WAC charges and it impacts those funds. . BRUCL TIIIELEN MOVED TO WAIVE Till,: SAC/WAC CHARGES FOR TilE CONC'ESSION BlIILl)INCi, John Simola stated that the SAC/\VAC charges arc both part of the enterprise funds with large expcnditures coming up in the future. Ill' suggested making a donation from the general fund to till' enterprise fund covering these charges. BRUCE TIIILLEN AMENDED HIS MOTION TO ADD TIIAT FUNDS WOLILD BE TAKI:N OUT OF TIlL CII:NERAI. I,'UNO TO PA Y THE ENTLRPRISF FUND TilE $3.900 I:em SAC/WAC CIIARC,ES AND TO WAIVE THE CHIIER BUll DING PI:RMIT ITES AS WELL AS THE SAC/WAC CIIARGES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5J165.14. C'LlNTI Ir:RBST SECONDED Till-: MOTION. MOTION ('ARRII:::D UNANIMOUSLY, 9. Consideration of apnointing representatives to st.'rve on the 1-9" Corridor Studv Policv Advisory Committees. MnDot is in the process of conducting a regional corridor management plan /(n 1-94 and is looking I()r representatives fronl alTecll'd comrnunities to serve on a Policy Advisory Committee. Bruce Thielen \olunteered to represent the City of Monticello on this committee. .Ic)hn Simo]a. Public Works Director was asked to serve on the sub-area work group. . BRIAN STUMPI: MOVED TO APPOINT BRLKT TlIIl:LEN AND .I01-IN SIMOLA TO SU{ VI.: ON TI IE POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEI': AND TIlL SllB-ARI:A WORK (,ROUP FOR TIll.: 1-94 CORRII)OR Sill!))'. ROGER C'i\RLSC)N SECONDI::I) IlII.: i\IOTION. MCHIC)N CARRII.D UNANIMOUSLY. 4 c Council Minutes - 3/26/01 . to. Consideration of approying Chan~e Orders No. 17 and 18 and storm sewer work for Project No. 96-04C. TH 25 Improvements. Ron Bray from WSB & Associates reviewed the work covered under the change orders #17 and # I g for the 'Ill 25 Project. Also discussed was the storm sewer \vork that was done as part of this project. A video done of the storm sewer system revealed a number of cracks and other repair work nel'ded. A Iter discussing the work with the contractor. it was agreed that of the 14 items notcd. the contractor would repair six of thenl as noted in the meeting minutes of February 22.200 I and four areas would require no further work. It was felt the remaining four areas did not require corrective action at this time but the contractor would provide a five year warranty. Clint Herbst expressed his frustration with the need to negotiate with contractors for work covered under change orders. Public Works Director. John Simola. added that the change orders require the contractor to clean the pipe and verify to the City that the pipe has been cleaned and that should be included in the rnotion. . BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVe: CIIANGF ORDERS NO. 17 AND 1 X FOR 'rlll~ 1'1125 PROJECT RESULTINCI IN NET INCREASE OF $27.653.26 TO THE CONTRACT WIlI-I BUFFAI.O BITUMINOUS AL()NG WITII 'n IE CONCURRENCE OF TilE ACCTPTABLF REMEDY FOR TilE FIVE YE:AR WARRANTY ON 'II-IE FOUR AREAS OF CONCI':RN IN TilE STORM SEWI':R SYSTEM AND TI1AT TIII~ CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLl': Fcm CLEANING THE STORM SI,:WER PIPE AND VERIFYING TO TilL CITY TIIAT TiW PIPE I-IAS BEEN CIXANI:D. BRIAN STUMPF SFCONDED TIlE MOTION. f\KHION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADDED ITEMS: PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LEG/SLA TlON The Council discussed the personal property' tax replacement legislation that is being proposed by the Coal it ion of Uti I ity Cities and Excel Energy. City Administrator. Rick W olfsteller explained the proposed legislation pointing out that the goal of the Coalition of Utility Cities was that if the personal property tax was eliminated for the utility companies there would be replacement revenue for those cities that are affected. One of the concerns of the cities was the loss in market value if the personal property was e:\empted. this proposal would keep the rnarket value but would change the tax rate. I"he bill has a possibility of being passed this year. The City at a later date may be requested to formally support this legislation. . 2001 BUDGET CONTRIBUTiON - YMCA/COMIH ED. Mayor Belsaas reported that the school had contacted other entities who residents participate in the community education program to request that these entities share in the cost of funding these activities. Duanl' (Jates reported that the only communities that had committed any funding was the ('ity of Monticello and Becker TO\\I1ship. Mayor Belsaas also Sl<lted that he has been having discussions with Mike Iknedetto of the school district and there is interest in setting up a task force to mect periodically 5 2 Council Minutes - :;/26/01 . tu discuss variulls issucs. Representatives from the City fur this l<\sk group will be Bruce Thielen, Clint Ilerbst and .1ell (YNeill. o 'R YANS CONOCO The Cuuncil received a Ictter from the business regarding the interchange. At this time MnDOT is not proposing tu fund any cost of ,lll interchange constructed for development purposes and the City has not budgcled any funds to make this improvement. A CO U.S'T I CS Fred Patch updatcd the Council on the sound system fur the Council Chambers. Bose Corporation was proposing two solutions: 1) A new speaker system for thc audio solution and: 2) cciling or wall treatment for the acoustical solution. The ceiling treatment provided the best sound but could difticlllt to implement because of light fixtures. etc. Fred Patch will be getting prices It)r both acoustical options and at that point the Council will dclermine vvhich option will be utilized. .\T:(TH STREET PARKING Brian Stumpf asked if there could be some restricted parking on Sixth Street whieh is a key access point ll)r the Fire Department. It was suggested that parking be restrieted on the south side of Walnut Strccl for approximatcly two blocks (Linn Street) and see if this alleviates the problem. .1ohn Simob indicated that as soon as weather pcrmits, they will set to thc posting. . 11. Appro\'C payment of hills for March. BRlICTTIIIELI<:N MOVED TO APPROVE PA YMENl OF TilE BILLS. CI .INT 11ERBST SFC'()ND1J) TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIlJJ UNANIM()USLY. 12. Adjourn. BRlKT TIIIELEN MOVED TO AD.10URN Al8: 15 P.M. ROGFR CARLSON SECONDED TIlL MOTION. MOTION CARRIl:J) UNANIMOUSLY. -., ,.-. .,.-- ,.-- ,.--. ---. ,.-- -.., --. .-...,'..- Record i ng Secretary . () L . . . SA. Council i\gl'nda ~ 4/9/01 Considcration.of appm\'in~ new hires and departun..'s for thc Communitv Ccnt(',' and Ikput" Rc!!istrar. (RW) A. HEFERENCE AND BACKGROllND: The Council is asked to rati(y the hiring o!'ne\v employel's that hnve occurred recently ntthe Monticello Community Center and at the Deputy Registrar"s of/ice. i\s you recall. it is recommended thntthe Council orticinlly ratify the hiring of nil ne\V employees including part- ti me and seasonal \vorkers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratit~. the hiring of the part-time and seasonal employees It)!" the Community Center and Deputy Registrm"s Olliee identitied on till' attached list. C. SUPPORTINC DATA: Lists of new part-timl' employees. . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Lara Banyai Dep Reg Clerk/PT Motor Vehicle 3/14/01 PT Elizabeth Gantner Pool Attendant MCC 3/14/01 PT TERMINA TING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Kristin Otterson voluntary MCC 3/14/01 PT Candi Merry end of season Parks 2/26/01 temp . Dwight Filipek end of season Parks 2/26/01 temp Pat Rogers end of season Parks 2/26/01 temp Andrea Nei end of season Parks 2/26/01 temp James Greeley end of season Parks 2/26/01 temp Dennis West end of season Parks 2/26/01 temp Pam Weston end of season Parks 2/26/01 temp . employee council list xis: 03/27/2001 S-A . COUNCIL AGENDA - 4/9/01 . . 5B. Consideration to adopt a resolution calline for a public hearinsz bv the City Council on the proposed adoption of the modification to the Development Proszram for Central Monticello Redevelopment Proiect No.1 and the proposed establishment of TIF District No. 1-28 therein and the adoption of the TIF Plan therefor. (O.K.) A. Reference and Backeround: The City Council is requested to adopt the attached resolution. The resolution calls for a public hearing date of May 21,2001. The public hearing is associated with the modification of the Development Program of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project NO.1 and establishment ofTlF District No. 1-28 and the TIF Plan. TIF District 1-28, an Economic District, is being established for the write-down ofland associated with the Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. (IRTI) project. The project includes the construction of a 10,000 sq ft steel manufacturing facility with some brick trim and will create 5 new jobs for Monticello. At a previous Council meeting, the Council approved the preliminary concept for use ofTIF assistance for this project. Please consider the following action. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing by the City Council on the proposed adoption of the modification to the Development Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and the proposed establishment ofTIF District No. 1-28 therein and the adoption of the TIF Plan therefor. 2. A motion to deny adoption of the resolution calling for a public hearing ................ 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and HRA Executive Director recommend alternative no. 1. D. Supportine Data: Copy of resolution for adoption. 1 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA RESOLLJ'fION NO. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF THE MOOlFICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND THE PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-28 THEREIN AND THE ADOPTION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THEREFOR. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") for the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"'), as follows: Section I. Public Hearing:. This Council shall meet on May 2 1, 2001, at approximately 7:00 I'.M., to hold a public hearing on the proposed adoption of the Modification to the Development Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I, the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28, (an economic development district), and the proposed adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor. all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469. I 74 through 469.179, inclusive, as amended, in an effort to encourage the development and redevelopment of certain designated areas within the City: and Section 2. Notice of public HearilH.'., Filing of Program al)d Plan. City staff is authorized and directed to work with Ehlers and Associates, Inc.. to prepare the modification to the Development Program for Central Monticello Redeveloplnent Project NO.1 and the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28 and to forward documents to the appropriate taxing jurisdictions including Wright County and Independent School District No. 882. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause notice of the hearing. together with an appropriate map as required by law, to be published at least once in the official newspaper of the City not later than 10. nor more than 30, days prior to May 2 I, 2001, and to place a copy of the Program and Plan on file in the City Clerk's office at City Hall and to make such copy available for inspection by the public. Dated: Adopted: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk .Sl3 . City Council Agenda - 4/9/01 sc. Consideration to approve a Loan Aereement between the City and the HRA. (O.K.) A. Reference and Backeround: At the HRA meeting of April 4, 2001, the commissioners approved a motion requesting a Loan from the City for purchase of the Bostic property. The certain property identified as 8 Locust Street, Monticello. This in anticipation of the Purchase Agreement between Vernes Bostic and the HRA being executed by Bostic on AprilS. Within the Agreement, the closing date must take place on or before April 30, 2001. The HRA will purchase the property located 8 Locust Street from Bostic for $109,400 plus prepayment penalty. Bostic will occupy the property until no later than June 15, 2001. . Mark Ruff, financial consultant for the lIRA, suggested the HRA borrow the money from the City to purchase the Front Street area properties. Rick Wolfsteller did agree to loan the money to the HRA and has reserved cash for its purpose. The amount of the loan is $109,400. The estimated prepayment penalty of approximately $3,000 will be disbursed from the HRA Fund. Recommended terms are: Fixed interest rate of6.5% over 15 years. The loan payment to the city from the HRA will be made from tax increment generated from the Downtown TIF District. For your information, Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Association, and myself met with the proposed redeveloper on April 4. The HRA can anticipate an executed Preliminary Development Agreement and $5,000 deposit check within 10 days. Relative to selling price of the raw land, the price discussed was within the range budgeted by the HRA. With one home remaining for purchase by the HRA, the HRA is anticipating a clean site ready for construction July 1, 2001. In anticipation ofthe closing prior to or on April 30, 2001, for the Bostic property, please consider the following action. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the Loan Agreement between the HRA and the City in the amount of$109,400 for acquisition of the property located at 8 Locust Street. Interest rate of6.5% over 15 years. 2. A motion to deny approval ofthe Loan Agreement between the HRA and the City for acquisition of the property located at 8 Locust Street. 3. A motion to table any action. . 1 . . . C. Recommendation: City Council Agenda. 4/9/01 The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend alternative no. 1. Cash has been reserved for this purpose. D. Supportin2 Data: Copy of the Loan Agreement for approval. 2 . LOAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of the day of , 2001 by and between the City of Monticello ("City") and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello ("Authority"). WHEREAS, the Authority has undertaken a program to eliminate and prevent the emergence or spread of blight and blighting conditions in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), and in this connection created Redevelopment Project NO.1 (the "Project") in an area (the '<Project Area") located in the City and tax Increment Financing District 1-22 (the "TIP District") within the Project Area, all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "Act") and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.170; and WHEREAS, to further the objectives of the Project and the TIP District, including removal of blight, the Authority has proposed to acquire property in the City described as Lots 9 and 10, Block 54 except the North 80 feet, City of Monticello, Wright County (the '<Property") for a purchase price of$W9,400 plus the prepayment penalty. WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to loan the Authority certain funds in aid of the Project under the terms and conditions of this Agreement . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as follows: 1. The Loan Amount. Subject to and upon the tenus and conditions of this Agreement, City agrees to loan to the Authority the sum of One Hundred Nine Thousand Four-Hundred and no/1 OOths Dollars ($109,400), or so much thereof as is disbursed to the Authority in accordance with this Agreement (the '<.Loan"). The Loan shall be evidenced by a Tax Increment Revenue ('''Note'') payable by Authority to City substantially in the form attached to this Agreement, which shall be delivered to the City and dated as of the Loan Closing Date as defined in Section 3. ' 2. Repavment of Loan. The Loan shall be repaid with interest as follows: (a) Interest at the simple rate of 6.5% per annum shall accrue from the Loan Closing Date (as hereinafter defined) until the Loan is repaid in full. (b) Principal and interest on the Loan amount will be payable solely from and to the extent ofthe "Available Tax Increment," which means 90% of the tax increment generated by the TIP District and received by the Authority from Wright County, after payment or provision for payment of all prior obligations secured by such tax increment. The Authority hereby irrevocably assigns and pledges to payments on . 1 5C . . . the Note all Available Tax Increment. The pledge of Available Tax Increment hereunder is subordinate to any outstanding contracts, notes or other obligations secured by tax increment generated from the TIP District. The Authority may issue additional obligations secured by Available Tax Increment on a party, superior or subordinate basis to the Note. 3. Disbursement of Loan Proceeds. The City will disburse the Loan amount to the Authority upon closing on the Authority's acquisition of the Property (the ''Loan Closing Date"). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its Mayor By Its City Administrator HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its Chair By Its Executive Director 2 5~ . . . Council Agenda - 4/9/0] 50. Consideration of resolution authorizing cntcring into an agrccment with MnDOT prescribing terms and conditions of participation in Federal Aid Projects. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the ISTEA pedestrian bridge project scheduled fix construction this year. the City will be receiving federal funds to cover part of the cost. Pederal funds are distributed through MnDOT. rather than directly to the City, and as a result. the State of Minnesota will require an agreement between MnDOT and the City outlining the details of each party"s responsibility for this project. Thc Council is asked to adopt a resolution authorizing the City to enter into an agreenlent for this particular project and any future projects that may also require federal funds. The agreement attached has been given to our City Attorney to review. and "vith a few exceptions, seems to be acceptable. One clarification is being requested of MnDOT concerning the requirement that the City be responsible for any auditing cost should any government agency require an examination of our records and this needs to be clarified that the City should only he responsihle for any cost associated with an audit that we request. not that is per1()I"med by other government agencies. Although it is intended I(lr this agreement to cover future projects. there is a cancellation provision that allows the City to terminate the agrecment any time after 90 days notice. If f(lr some reason we lind that the cooperative 'lrrangement is not beneliciallo the City ill the future. we can always cancel the agreement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt the resolution authorizing the City to enter into a federal participation agreement with MnDOT. 2. Do not adopt the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: According to our City Fngineer. the ISTEA pedestrian bridge project will not occur this year unless we enter into this agreenlcnt with MnDOT. Since this project is planned to be out for bids in the near future. it is the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Administrator that the resolution be adopted and the agreement entered into so that project can continue. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution and agreement. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2001-18 AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPAllTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PRESCRIBING TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION IN FEDERAL AID PROJECTS Hf"' IT RESOL "~feD. that the Mayor and the City Engineer arc hereby authorized and directed fiJr and on behalf of the City of Monticello to execute and enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of Transportation prescribing the terms and conditions of said federal aid participation as set forth and contained in"Minnesota Department o/"'rransportation Agency Agreement No, g I 039, a copy of which said agreement \vas before the City Council and which is made a part hereof by reference. Adopted by the Monticello City Council on the 91h day of ApriL 200 I. Roger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: ..-----....,.. Rick WolfstclleL City Administrator CI,:RTI FICA TION STATE ()F MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution presented to and adopted by the City of Monticello at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 91h day of ApriL 200 I as shown by the rninutes of said meeting in my possession. ._... .._on Rick WoIC"teller, City Administrator ( Seal) Notary Public 50 . . . Mn/DOT Agreement No. 81039 STATE OF MINNESOTA AGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND CITY OF MONTICELLO FOR FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN CONSTRUCTION This agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Monticello, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Mn/DOT", WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.36, the City desires Mn/DOT to act as its agent in accepting federal funds in its behalf for the construction, improvement, or enhancement of transportation financed either in whole or in part by federal funds, hereinafter referred to as the "Project(s)"; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 161.36 requires that the terms and conditions of this agency be set forth in an agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. DUTIES OF THE CITY. A. APPOINTMENT. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute Section 161.36, the City does hereby appoint Mn/DOT to act as its agent in accepting federal funds in its behalf made available for the Project(s). B. LETTING. The following procedure shall be followed in accordance with Minnesota Law. 1. The City shall first obtain written authorization from Mn/DOT for the Project(s) to proceed to letting. 2. The City shall publish the advertisement calling for bids on the Project(s) in the Construction Bulletin, and in the officially designated newspaper of the City. 3. The advertisement shall state where the proposals, plans, and specifications are available for the inspection of prospective bidders, and where the sealed bids will be received by the City. (Mn/DOT Agreement No. 81039) Page 1 4. Bids shall be opened by a representative of the City. 5. After the bids are opened, the City Council shall consider the bids and shall . award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder, or reject all bids. C. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. 1. The City shall prepare and execute a construction contract with the Contractor, in accordance with the special provisions and the latest edition ofMnlDOT's Standard Specifications for Construction. 2. The City shall furnish and assign a publicly employed registered engineer, hereinafter referred to as the "Project Engineer", to be in responsible charge of the Project(s) and to supervise and direct the work to be performed under any contract let for the Project(s). 3. The Project(s) shall be constructed in accordance with plans, special provisions, and standard specifications for each Project. The standard specifications shall be the latest edition of MnlDOT Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, and all amendments thereto. The plans, special provisions, and specifications are a part of this agreement by reference as though fully set forth herein. 4. The plans, special provisions, and standard specifications for each Project . shall be on file at the City Engineer's Office. 5. The City shall furnish the personnel, services, supplies, and equipment as shall be necessary in order to properly supervise, inspect, and document the work for the Project(s). 6. Quantities shall be documented in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the MnlDOT Documentation Manual for Construction Pay Quantities. 7. During the progress of the work on the Project(s), the City authorizes its Project Engineer to request specific engineering and/or technical services from MnlDOT, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.39. IfMnlDOT furnishes the services requested, then the City shall reimburse MnlDOT for the full cost and expense of furnishing such services. The costs and expenses shall incluge the current MnlDOT labor additives and overhead rates, subject to adjustment based on actual direct costs that have been verified by audit. 8. The City may make changes in the plans or the character of the work, as may be necessary to complete the Project, and may enter into supplemental agreement(s) with the individual, firm, or corporation contracting for and . undertaking prosecution of the prescribed work (hereinafter "Contractor"). Any work performed under a supplemental agreement shall not be eligible for (MnlDOT Agreement No. 81039) Page 2 . . . reimbursement by the FHW A through Mn/DOT unless the supplemental agreement has been approved by MnlDOT and sufficient federal funds are available. 9. The City shall request approval from Mn/DOT for costs expected to increase the Project(s)' federal participation amount, prior to incurring such costs. 10. The City shall prepare reports, keep records, and perform work so as to enable Mn/DOT to collect the federal aid sought by the City. All records and reports shall be retained by the City in accordance with MnlDOT's record retention schedule for federal aid projects. 11. Upon completion of the Project(s), the Project Engineer shall inspect the work to determine whether or not the work should be accepted. D. PAYMENTS. 1. It is anticipated that the entire cost ofthe Project(s) is to be paid from federal funds made available by the Federal Highway Administration, and by the City. The City shall pay any part of the cost or expense of the work that the Federal Highway Administration does not pay. 2. At least once a month at regular intervals, the Proj ect Engineer shall prepare a partial estimate in accordance with the terms of the contract, special provisions, and standard specifications for the Project(s). Each partial estimate shall be certified by the Project Engineer and by the Contractor. 3. Following certification of the partial estimate, the Contractor shall be paid partial payments in accordance with the terms of the contract, special provisions, and standard specifications for the Project(s). 4. Following payments to the Contractor, the City may request reimbursement from MnlDOT for costs eligible for federal participation. A copy of the partial estimate shall be included with the City's request for payment. 5. Upon completion of the Project(s), the City shall prepare a final estimate in accordance with the terms of the contract, special provisions, and standard specifications for the Project(s). The final estimate shall be certified by the Project Engineer and the Contractor. 6. Following certification of the final estimate, the Contractor shall be paid the final payment in accordance with the terms of the contract, special provisions, and standard specifications for the Project(s). (MnlDOT Agreement No. 81039) Page 3 7. Following final payment to the Contractor, the City may request reimbursement from MnlDOT for costs eligible for federal participation. A Request for Final Payment shall be submitted to MnlDOT's District State Aid Engineer along with the required project records. . E. LIMITATIONS. The City shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws, together with all ordinances and regulations applicable to the work. 1. Nondiscrimination. It is the policy of the Federal Highway Administration and the State of Minnesota that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance (42 US.C. 2000d). Through expansion of the mandate for nondiscrimination in Title VI and through parallel legislation, the prescribed bases of discrimination include race, color, sex, national origin, age, and disability. In addition, the Title VI program has been extended to cover all programs, activities and services of an entity receiving Federal financial assistance, whether such programs and activities are Federally assisted or not. Even in the absence of prior discriminatory practice or usage, a recipient in administering a program or activity to which this part applies, is expected to take affirmative action to assure that no person is excluded from participation in, or is denied the benefits of, the program or activity on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. It shall be the responsibility of the City to carry out the above requirements. . 2. Workers' Compensation. Any and all employees of the City or other persons while engaged in the performance of any work or services required by the City under this agreement shall not be considered employees of MnlDOT, and any and all claims that may arise under the Workers' Compensation Act of Minnesota on behalf of said employees, or other persons while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of City employees, or other persons while so engaged on any of the work or services to be rendered, shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of MnlDOT. The City shall require proof of Workers' Compensation Insurance from any contractor and sub-contractor. 3. Utilities. The City shall treat all public, private or cooperatively owned utility facilities which directly or indirectly serve the public and which occupy highway rights of way in conformance with "A Policy for the Accommodation of Utilities on Highway Rights of Way" as approved on April S, 1988 by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Minnesota Division, which is made a part hereof by reference. . (Mn/DOT Agreement No. 81039) Page 4 . . . F. AUDIT. 1. The City shall comply with the Single Audit Act of 1984 and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circular A-133, which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement. 2. As provided under Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, subdivision 5, all books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the City are subject to examination by the United States Government, Mn/DOT, and either the legislative auditor or the state auditor as appropriate, for a minimum of six years. The City shall be responsible for any costs associated with the performance of the audit. G. MAINTENANCE. The City shall assume full responsibility for the operation and maintenance of any facility constructed or improved under this Agreement. H. CLAIMS. The City shall pay any and all lawful claims arising out of or incidental to the performance ofthe Project work, in the event that the federal government does not pay the same. In all events, the City shall hold Mn/DOT harmless from any claims arising out of the Project(s). II. DUTIES OF MnlDOT. A. ACCEPTANCE. MnlDOT accepts appointment as Agent of the City and shall act in accordance herewith. B. AUTHORIZATION. Mn/DOT shall make the necessary requests to the Federal Highway Administration for authorization of federal participation in the Project(s), and reimbursements therefor under the terms of this agreement. C. PAYMENTS. 1. Mn/DOT shall receive the funds to be paid by the Federal Highway Administration for the Project(s). 2. After review and approval of the payment request by Mn/DOT, Mn/DOT shall reimburse the City from said funds for the eligible federal share of each partial payment made to the contractor. 3. Upon completion of the Project(s), Mn/DOT will perform a final inspection. If the Project is found to have been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications, Mn/DOT shall then release any remaining funds due the City for the Project(s). (MnlDOT Agreement No. 8\ 039) Page 5 D. AUTHORITY. Mn/DOT may suspend unsatisfactory work, perform actions necessary to complete the Project(s) in a satisfactory manner, and/or withhold federal and/or state-aid funds as may be appropriate, as provided in Minnesota State Aid Operations Rules 8820.3000. . E. INSPECTION. Mn/DOT, the Federal Highway Administration, or duly authorized representatives shall have the right to audit, evaluate and monitor the work perfornied under this agreement, and shall have access to all books, records, and documents pertaining to the work hereunder, for a minimum of six years. m. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES. Each authorized representative shall have responsibility to insure that all payments due to the other party are paid pursuant to the terms of this agreement. A. The City's authorized representative for the purposes of administration of this agreement is Bret A. Weiss, Monticello City Engineer, WSB & Associates, Inc., 8441 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 350, Minneapolis, MN 55426, phone 763-541-4800, or his successor. B. Mn/DOT's authorized representative for the purposes of administration of this agreement is Lynnette Roshell, Minnesota Department of Transportation, State Aid For Local Transportation, Mail Stop 500, St Paul, MN 55155, phone 651-282-6479, or her successor. IV. LIABILITY. Each party shall be responsible for its own acts and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts of any others and the results thereof. Mn/DOT liability shall be governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736 and other applicable law. . V. ASSIGNMENT. Neither the City nor Mn/DOT shall assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this agreement without prior written approval of the other party. VI. AMENDMENTS. Any amendments/supplements to this Agreement shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the original' agreement, or their successors in office. VII. AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE. This agreement shall be effective upon execution by the City, Mn/DOT, and the appropriate State officials, whichever occurs later, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05. VIII. CANCELLATION. A. This agreement may be canceled by the City or Mn/DOT at any time, with or without cause, upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. Such termination shall not remove any unfulfilled financial obligations of the City as set forth in this Agreement. In the event of such a cancellation the City shall be entitled to reimbursement for eligible expenses incurred for work satisfactorily performed on . (MnlDOT Agreement No. 81039) Page 6 . . . the Project. B. In the event the State does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature, or funding cannot be continued at a sufficient level to allow for the processing of the federal aid reimbursement requests, the City may continue the work with local funds only, until such time as Mn/DOT is able to process the federal aid reimbursement requests. (Mn/DOT Agreement No. 81039) Page 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. CITY OF MONTICELLO MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: By: Title: Title: Director. State Aid For Local Transportation Date: Date: By: Title: Date: ACKNOWLEDGMENT This instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 200_, By Title and Title of (Name of Agency) and did execute this instrument on behalf of the agency intending to be bound thereby. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: (Mn/DOT Agreement No. 81039) Page 8 . . . . . . 5K A. Council Agenda - 4/9/0 I Consideration of resolution approving sale of tax forfeited hmd parcels by Wrig;ht County Auditor. (R W) REFERENCE AND HACKGROlJND: The Wright County Auditor's onice is in the process of preparing f()J' an upcoming public auction of tax forfeited land. There are f()ur parcels located within the City lirnits. The Wright County Auditor is asking fiJr Council approval to proceed with the auction of thcse tax forfeited parcels. The City also has the option to adopt a resolution requesting that the parcel be removed from the public auction and conveyed to the municipality for public use. 155-014-001011: This is a small triangular piece of land located adjacent to Lot 1, Iloglund Addition (Mississippi Drive). It does not appear that the City would have a use for this property and it is recommended that the parcel be ineluded for auction. 155-010-035042: This is a narrow strip ofland between the Flicker buildings and the Primerica building (Thick penny). Because this provides an access to the public parking lot it would be worthwhile for the City to obtain. 155-059-000010,000020: These parcels are Outlot A and H of the plat of Meadow Oak 41h Addition. These outlots should have been dedicated to the City at the time of platting for use for trail/pathway purposes but through an oversight this was not done. Since the City has constructed a trail on these outlots it would be advantageous for the City to own the property. 155-059-004010: Lot I. Block 4 of the Meadow Oak 4th Addition is a storm water ponding area and as such should be owned by the City. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution requesting conveyance to the City of parcels 155-0 I 0-035042, 155-059-000010. 155-059-000020 and 155-059-004010 and approve sale of parcel 155-014-001011 at public auction. 7 Adopt a revised resolution that would reflect any changes to the parcels that City would request to he conveyed to the City. C STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Adlninistrator that the City request conveyance of parcels noted above to the City particularly those parcels where the City has constructed improvements. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: . List of properties proposed for sale. . Resolution . . . -:l(; 118037 0050'10 Lot 4 Block 5, Waleseh Estates Second AddHion, l-ot4 Block 5 5000.00 acco"Un~ to the pial or m.p Ihereof on file aml of rccord in Ihe omce of the Counly Recorder in and for Wright County, Minnesota. 118 113 001071 That part of LOl 7 mock I, Hillstroms Rivcrview Prt of Lot 7 Block I Addition according to the platlhereof of record .nd On file iuthe Office of the County Recorder, Wright County~ Minnesota; Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 7; thence south along the west Une of Lot 7, a distance of 33 feel; thence cast p.rallel with the north Une of said LOI 7 10 the westerly line of Lis. Circle according to the pl.t of s.id Billstrom's Riverview Additiou; thence northerly along said westerly line to Ihe north line of said Lot 7; thence west along said uorth line. dist.nce of 86.R9 feet to the point of he~inning. 155014001011 That part of Lot I Block 1, Hoglund Additiou, Part of Lot I Block 1 1.00 .ccordin~ to the recorded plat thereof of record and on file iUlhe Office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Deginning at the Southe'st comer of said Lot I, thence westerly long Ihe sonth line of said Loti, a distance of 16 feel; thence northctly to a point on the e~st line of said IJot 1, a diSlance of 82. 13 feel uorlh of the Southeast c.orner of said Lot L theuce south along said easlline to the poiut of LcginninR+ 115010035042 Lot 4 and 5 , B1oc.k 35, Townsite of Monticello, Part oftot 4 & Block 35 500.00 according to Ihe plat by John 0 Ha,'en on filc and of Part Lot 5 record in Ihe Of/ke of the County Recorder in and for Wright Cmll\ty and Slate of Minnesota: Except that p.rcel as recorded in Book 292 Page 31l, & except that parcel as recorded in Dook 298 P.ge 346, & except that parcel as recorded in Book 319 Page 846. 155059000010 Outlot A, Meadow Oak 4'h Addition, according 10 Ihe Outlot A 500,00 plat on file and of record in the office of Ihe Counly Recorder, Wright County, Slate of Minne,ola. 155059000020 Oullol D, Meadow Oak 4'" Addilion, according 10 the OutlotB 500.00 plat on file and of record in the o(flce of the County Ilecnrder, Wright Connty, State of Minnesota, 155059004010 Loti D1k 4, Meadow Oak 4'h Addition, according to the Loti Block 4 500.00 plat on file and of record in Ihe office of the Couuty Ilecordcr, Wright Counly, State of Minnesota. 204 000 18 HOO Government Loti, in Section lR, Township 122, 18 122 26 1.00 Range 26, lying Soulhwesterly of the Soulhwest right of way Une of lnlerslate Highway No#94. Except a tract of land described in Dook 23 7 Page 146. 204000182200 The South half of the Northwest quarter and the Soulh 18 112 26 1.00 forly acres of tOl 3 of Section Eighleen in T oWlIShip One Huudred Twenty-Two of Range Twenty-Six, said forty acres being bounded on the north by original claim line as the s.n,e was eslablished by and between Willialll Vorse and George B Bradbury. Exceplthat part pia lied as Fish Lake Cedar Lake Shores according to pial on file and of record in Ihe office of Wright County Recorder. Except tract described in Book 169 Page 608. Except tract described in Dook 186 Page 120. Cc ~p~ Excepttracl described in Book 202l'age 240. Except tract described in Dook 209 Page 124. Except tract described in lIook 239 Page 111. Exceptlract described in Book 256 Page 706. Except tract described in Dook 294 Page 156, Exceptt"cl described in book 293 Page 393. Exceptlraclllescribed in Book 258 Page 61. Excepltrael described in Dook 2611'age 259. Except tract describeo in Book 262 Page 371. Except tract desc.ribed itl Book 286 Page 597. Excepttraet described in Book 308 Page 255. Except tract described in Book 310 Page 917, Exceptlract described in Dook 310 Page 918. 206000 114208 That part of Government Lot J of Section 1] I 11 121 27 1.00 SE ~ 7< ~ ->< . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2001-17 SALE OF TAX FORFEITED LAND PARCELS WHE'REAS'. parcels of land in the City of Monticello bearing tax identification numbers 155-010-03504 L 155-0 1 4-00101 L 155-059-000010, 1 55-059-000020 and 1 55-059-0040 1 0 have been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of property taxes and are being prepared for public sale under tax forfeit land sale procedures of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 282, and: WHEREAS', the City of Monticello has an interest in acquiring parcels 155-059-0000] 0 and ] 55-059-000020 for park/pathway purposes; parcel 155-059-004010 for ponding/storm drainage uses and parcel 155-010-035042 for public use, NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNC'IL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. That parcels ]55-010-035041. ]55-059-0000]0, ]55-059-000020, and ]55-059-0040]0 be conveyed to the City of Monticello for public purposes, 2. That the City of Monticello approves of the sale of tax forfeited parcel 155-0] 4-00] 011. Adopted this 9lh day of April, 2001. Roger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator 512 . . . SF City COllncil Agenda - 04/09/01 Consideration of an aoolication for a Development Stage Conditional Use Permit/Planned Unit Develooment and a Preliminary Plat to allow the develooment of a townhouse proiect located on the Klucas orooerty~ and Consideration of ore Ii minar v olat approval. Applicant: Craig Schreher & Associates, Inc. (NAC/JO) A REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Craig Scherber & Associates, Inc. has applied fl.)!" a cuP/pun and Preliminary Plat to allow an 92-unit town home development. The applicant did not submit a concept plan for review but has met with staff to discuss the development. The property is 14 acres in size and is located in n0l1hwest Monticello. The property is located between 1-94 and County Ilighway 75 south of West River Street. The prope11y is zoned R-2, Single and Two Family Residential. Land Use and Zoning The proposed townhome land use is consistent with the zoning for the property. The predominate housing type is fl.)llr-unit townhomes. Two two-unit and two three-unit townhomes are also included. The surrounding land uses are industrial to the west. an NSP training facility to the north, a single-family residential use to the east. and Interstate 94 to the south. Densi(r After subtracting the area of the public right-of-way, the parcel is approximately 13.6 acres in size. The proposed 92 units would create a density within this area of 6.6 units per acre. This is an appropriate density for medium density residential development. Setbacks In the R-2 District the minimum front and rear yard setback is 30 !'cet and the minimum side yard setback is 10 feet. The plan illustrates a minimum setback of30 feet from all property houndaries: therefore, the setbacks from property boundaries are compliant. The proposed rninimum setbacks within the property are listed below: Front yard (garage to curbline) Corner lot side yard adjacent to drive Rear yard set hack Minimunl distance between buildings Proposed 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 22 feet -] - . City Council Agenda - 04/09/0 I Bl~tler Yard ^ buffer yard is required along the western boundary of the site between the proposed residential land use and the existing industrial use. A residential use next to an industrial use is considered a severe type of contlict that requires a minimum building setback of 50 feet, a minimunl landscape yard of 40 teet. and a mininlum of 160 plant units per 100 feet of property line. A thick band of evergreen trees already exists on the industrial property along the property line; therefore the residential development is required to install half the width and intensity of the required butTer yard. The proposed building setback is 30 feet and the width of the landscape screening is 20 feet. The density of planting is high with 147 trees along the west boundary or 156.5 plant units per 100 feet. The proposed bulTer yard is adequate given the existing screening on the industrial site. Building Design amI Spacing ^ general standard for building spacing is that a building should be no closer to another building than half the sum of the building heights orthe two buildings. The proposed height of the buildings is 24 feet and the minimum proposed building separation is 22 reet. This is close to the general standard. Building elevations and floor plans have been submitted. The elevations show vinyl lap siding on two-story buildings; therefore. the buildings do not exceed the maximum height 0[2 1f2 stories. . Access and Street Design. The property gains access from Marvin Elwood Road in the northeast corner of the property. A cul-de-sac and road extension to Prairie Road is also planned at the south cnd of the site to provide a second access. The site plan shows the road being extended to the approximate existing end of Prairie Road. The issue of who will pay for this road extension is being resolved at staff and Council level. The lots abutting the extension have a tax forfeit status and are not developed. Residents of the proposed development will likely use the north access onto Marvin Elwood Road: however. a second access is necessary and Prairie Road needs to be extended. In previous discussions staff asked the applicant to look at the possibility ofconnecting the northern two dead-end streets to provide greater connectedness between units. 'I'he appl icant has decided not to connect these two streets due to space limitations. Instead. the applicant should provide turn-around space at the end of each driveway. Parking {lnd Paved 5,'urfaces, The main internal private street is proposed to be 30 feet wide and the side private drives are proposed to be 24 feet wide. These widths exceed the minimunl of20 feet. A five-foot-wide concrete sidewalk is proposed along one side of the main internal street. The minimum requirement of two parking spaces per unit has been exceeded. Each unit has a driveway that is 25 feet long and 19 feet wide. 'fhis allows t\VO vehicles to be parked in the driveway in addition to two garage spaces per unit. Generally one guest parking space f(Jr each three . 2 . City Council Agenda - 04/09/0 I dwelling units is required. The proposed plan shows one guest parking space for each two dwelling units, which exceeds the minill1Ll1l1 standard. In the northern part of the site, some driveways ahnost touch where the street curves. To avoid the appearance of wide expanses of paving, stafTrecommends that the driveways be separated by at least four feet at the curb line. Stall believes this can be accomplished without reducing the number of units by slightly adjusting the placement of buildings. Some building separations may be reduced to 22 feet amI corner side yard setbacks may be slightly reduced to accomplish this. Ll1nd~'c(/ping Multi-residential sites are required to contain a minimum of one tree per dwelling unit. Landscaping that exceeds minimum requirements is appropriate in this situation because it is a PUD and Jlexibility from development standards is proposed. The proposed development contains 92 units, and the plan contains 147 trees in the buffer yard along the west property line and an additional 104 trees on the rest of the property. Although the minimum number of trees has been exceeded: staff recommends that trees be added or rearranged slightly to provide better screening along the cast and south property lines as described in the following paragraph. . The submitted landscape plan contains a variety of evergreen and deciduous trees. The majority of trees are located along the western property line to provide screening of the industrial site to the west. Evergreen trees are grouped along Marvin Elwood Road on either side of the entrance to the development. Evergreen trees are also scattered along the eastern boundary between the proposed development and the single-family development to the east. Staff recommends that larger groups of evergreen trees be planted along the east boundary to break up vie'vvs between the two developments and provide some screening of private backyard spaces. Shade trees are spaced along the internal streets throughout the dcvelopment. Screening is not proposed along the south property line. ^ proposed storm'vvater pond provides some separation between the development and Interstate 94: however. vegetative screening would also be desirable along the south property line. A minimum of 15 percent of the required minimum number of trees for multi-residential developments is required to be long-lived hardwood deciduous trees, 3.5 inches in diameter as measured six inches off the ground. Currently, all of the long-lived hardwood deciduous trees proposed have a 2.5 inch caliper size. The landscape plan must be revised so that at least 14 of these proposed trees meet the 3.5 inch size requirement. Grading and Utilities Preliminary grading and utilities plans have been submitted. These plans are subject to City Engineer review and approval. . -3~ . City COline i I Agenda - 04/09/0 I Development Agreement As a condition of final plat approval, the applicant will be required to enter into a development agreement with the City. Homeowner Rules ([lid Bylaws As a condition of linal plat approval. the applicant must submit a copy of all rules and bylaws to be utilized by the development's homeowners association f(Jr City review. The rules and bylaws should address such issues as maintenance of con1mon open space and snow removal. Refuse Staff had recommended that trash collection areas be created along the lnain drive as is shown on the plan to allow the easiest pick-up for the trash collectors. Ilowever, the resolution of the issue of how to design trash pick~up in developments with dead-end private streets has evolved. Based on action relating to the Eagle Crest Development the City Council has now indicated that they would like to see hammer-head turnarounds with individual trash collection for each unit in situations like this. This will prevent residents /i'om having to haul their trash to the end of the block. which may be over 300 feet away. . On 4/3/01 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on this pl'o.iect and received input from neighbors. Some concerns related to the density of the site. There were concerns regarding sufficient buffer bdween the development and the adjoining property. After considerable review of the site plan and after reporting to the neighbors that unit ntlues will exceed $150,O()() per unit, most of the concerns were alleviated. B. ALTERNkflVF ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the CU P/PUD and Preliminary Plat based on the tinding that the proposed plat with conditions. is in compliance with the City"s Zoning Ordinance. The conditions to approval are listed in Exhibit Z. ! Motion to deny the CUP/PUD and Prelilninary Plat. If this alternative is chosen, findings to support this alternative must be made. ]. Table the CUP/PlJD and Preliminary Plat based on the finding that the conditions be met andl'C-submilted f(n review. . -4- . City Council Agenda - 04/09/0 I C ST^FF RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission and staff recommend that the CUP/PlJD and preliminary plat be approved subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. I2..c SUPPORTING D^T^ Exhibit ^ - Site Location Exhibit B - Site Plan I.:xhibit C - Preliminary Plat I':xhibit D - Grading Plan Exhibit E - Utility Plan Exhibit F - Landscape Plan Exhibit G - Building Elevations Exhibit H - Building Floor Plans Exhibit Z - Conditions or Approval . . -5- . . . 1. 2. ,., -) . 4. 5. 6. CONDITIONS OF ClJP/PlJD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL Prairie Road must be extended from the subject property to where the existing street ends. The City must determine how to finance this extension. Driveways must be separated by at least four feet at the curb to avoid the appearance of a wide expanse of asphalt. The landscape plan must be revised to include vegetative screening along the south property line to screen Interstate 94 and along the cast property line to screen between the backyards of the proposed development and the existing development to the east. The landscape plan must be revised to include at least 14 long-lived hardwood deciduous trees. 3.5 inches in diameter as measured six inches off the ground. The site plan must be revised to add a hammer-head turnaround at the end of each of the three dead-end side streets and the trash collection areas along the main internal street must be eliminated. The Preliminary Grading Plan is subject to the review and approval of the City Fngineer. 7. The Preliminary Utility Plan is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. R. The applicant must submit a copy of all rules and bylaws to be utilized by the development's homeowners association for City review. The rules/bylaws should address such issues as maintenance of common open space and snow removal. 9. A lighting plan must be submitted for review by the City. 10. The applicant must enter into a development agreement with the City at final stage PLIO approval. 11. COnll11ents from other City staff. EXHIBIT Z MAR-29-2001 07:45 "" NAC 1i17TH ST NE' \ ("I " 512 595 9837 P,14 _ ':,,-.. ..".. ~.. \ . LOCATION MAP NONE CRAIG SCHRUBER SITE PART SW1/4, NE1/4, SEC. 4, T121, R25 13164 MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA ~h\b\t ~ . . . S't'd k, . ~I I~ :. ;: I;' y. \ ~1" ~- .. iI/.) "'.... ')".4- .fl // ~ /' .jo. " ( -'.." o , _0_' ~.; m! ~.~ 6 m- ~h ~ ~~;. ! ~ Bm~' pi _J " I~n I ~ " ii ilEJ1I tel~!! '.. .. ~U l ~ Ii, H! '-'i1~~ in.n ~Iid f g ~ lit I!Di~ t'! ! ~ :m;~ d ! ~ i il ~~. i~ i i', = .', II 'i~ .~ ~"'. . I .~ ~~.s; :c ".&=8 ~l- ~ ..... (" i 9~~ i ~ i: i :I::~ I.. I il" ~ ~ . ". ~,~ Ue W .. c ! 1.1 !:' a. . .0 Ii> I ~ ~"'~I I i ~ ~I . " 1 I! l 5" if .. f ::J !!l i . i" .11 I~ i I' Ii.' n~ mi .'0 IT- ?:>f tJl ", I 1.~86 S6S 2:19 Jl:lN Sv:1.0 / " I " 1: ,., .:...,. -.. (,.J ......... I. I ,..~ I 1.2 ~,; .. 1~ - I r:"" d ;' Ji n . ~r .~t !i-n ~ .. I.f)l:D ~ iil d '~ 1002:-62:-:::!l:lW '. x' co J........ / _ _,~___'_~/~ />J .......,l 11'.......7-,,'[" ...... (", \. I .-1 ,'LitStc.c~MF.:AOOW<::\. I . 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I "..~.. !'... .J. -, ~ il !I !j J" I. 111Jf' 1'1 r.i 1 f IJ /11:1 ~'l' ';' ~ ~ " Z J It I' I 1 I"::"", 'll ' 1::1'/ -j' ~ r. C\ ",- i. ,; ~ 'i ~ fI~ t J. . e.il } .,. .)i: I 1 :11 I;: i (' ! l~ f n I r I I ~~ 11 r : EXhibit' \\:. Jl:lN L.V:'L.0 ''t002:-6c-~l:lW ;: ~ ~ Fi. ! ;h'~ J ::~~I ~ ':~i a ., ~ . . . 5G. City COllnc i I ^gcnda - 04/09/0 I ConsiderHtion of an application for a Development Stagc Conditional Use Permit/Planned Unit Development and a Preliminary Plat to allow a mix ofcommereial uses. Applicant: Dan Mielke. (NAC) A. RLFl~RENCE AND BACKGROUND IJack'r.!round and Existin'r.! Conditions. The applicant has applied for a ClJP/PlJD and Preliminary Plat to allow a mix of commercial uses. The City Council approved a concept stage PUD few this site at their November. 2000. meeting. The City Council also approved the vacation ofa p0l1ion of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Oakwood Drive as requested by the applicant contingent upon approval of the development and final stage PUD and associated plat by the Council. The property is located between Trunk Highway 25. the new Chelsea Road (east) and Cedar Street south or the Tom Thumb. The several parcels which are a part or the proposal total about 3.5 acres in area. Currently. the land is developed with the Ultra Lube building. the Subway restaurant, and two houses along Cedar Street. The property is zoned B-3J lighway Business District. l'ro!}oscd f)c\'chJ!Jlncnl. The proposed development would retain the Ultra Lube and Subway restaurant. In addition. another fast-tl.)od restaurant would be constructed in the southwest corner near Chelsea and TII 25: a car v,ash Ltcility would be added to the north side or the Ultra Lube building: a convenience store with gas would be constructed in the southeast corner near Chelsea and Cedar Street (with an additional 1.600 square feet of other retail space attached): and a rull-service restaurant would be located in the northeast corner of the site along Cedar Street. The proposal rclies on Planned Unit Development "PUD" flexibility since much or the project would share parking between parcels and utilize common driveways without separate landscaped areas between parking lots. ,,,'ethacks. In the B-3 District the minimum front and rear yard setback is 30 feet and the minimum side yard setback is 1 0 reet. At their November meeting. the City Council decided that lIighway 25 should be considered the front of the property for purposes of this PlJ D. The B-3 District required setbacks and proposed minimum setbacks arc listed below: Front Yard. TII 25 (west side) Side Yard. Chelsea Rd. (south side) Side Yard (north side) Rear Yard. Cedar Street (east side) Required 30 feel 1 0 feet 1 0 reel 30 feet Proposed 30 feet 1 5 feet 10 feet 22 feet Flexibility from the rear yard setback requirement is needed for construction of the proposed gas/convenience store and the gas station canopy. . City COllllcil Agenci<l - 04/09/0 I Curbing is required to be set hack five feet tl'om all lot lines and off-street parking is required to be set hack] 5 feet from any street surface. The off-street parking sethack is compliant; however, the following flexibility is requested from the eurhing setback standard: Drive lane fix I~lst fl)od restaurant reduced from 5 feet (required) to 0 tect along Chelsea Rd. · Drive lane for gas/convenience store reduced from 5 feet (required) to 0 feet at Chelsea/Cedar Street corner. Hili/dim.! Desien. Building elevations and floor plans have not been subnlitted. lhe 8usiness Districts have minimum building materials requirements, and the pun process is designed to give the City the ahility to COmll1ent on architectural quality and design. Purkinl.!. Required and proposed parking is listed in the following table: . Use Required Spaces Proposed Spaces Sit-down restaurant 63 78 Convenience store/gas station/retail 30 19 Convenience food restaurant 56 44 Ultra-l ,ube/car \vash ]2 ] 7 Subway restaurant 26 21 Total 187 179 While the PUD process would permit the City to waive the need for the additional spaces through a shared parking concept staff has two primary concerns. FirsL most of these uses do not have specific peaks which are ditTcrent enough from the other uses to justify significant departures from the ordinance requirements. The gasoline and oil change facilities have only 1110derate peak usage times. whereas the restaurants will all peak at the smne times. Thus. the overtlovv from one use will not have an unused parking area on adjacent property to absorh the demand. . Second, the bulk of the parking deficiency occurs on the south half of the site with the convcnience store/gas stationlretail site and the new l~lSt I()()d restaurant. If the ] .546 square teet ol'retail space was eliminated. the required numher of parking spaces would he reduced from 30 to 22. which would he closer to the numher proposed. This situation is of significant concern since there will no overllow street parking availahle. The City has recently experienced the effects of an underparked restaurant in the downtown area. 2 . City Council ^gellda - 04/09/0 I Parking requirements for the restaurants arc based on an assumption that the floor space will be halfkitchen and halfdining area because we have not received floor plans. When sharing between the Subway restaurant and proposed sit-down restaurant is considered, both ofthese restaurants appear to have sufficient parking. The convenience food restaurant in the southwest corner of the property has 44 spaces compared to the required 56. A few spaces could be shared ji'om the adjacent Ultra-Lube and car wash. but this would not make up the difference. In sllll1mary, the north half of the site has adequate parking; hO\vever. more parking is needed in the south halfunlcss the City grants flexibility from parking standards. I-and\'cu/Jil1l!. The planting plan schedule does not include the number of proposed plants. This must be added. The landscape plan includes deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs concentrated at the periphery of the development. r ,andscaping along the northern boundary is on the adjacent property and requires the adjacent property owner's permission. However. this \vill raise an issue for this project since this development would have limited control of maintenance and/or removal of that material. . For a PU!) design typically the City requires enhanced landscaping in exchange j()!" t1exibility from other standards. The proposed landscape plan shows adequate landscaping at the periphery of the site. but minimal green space in the interior of the site. The proposed traffic islands arc very narrow, and very little landscaping is shown around the buildings. The health of the trees and shrubs would be greatly improved by expanding the width of the traffic islands and the unpaved areas around buildings must contain landscaping. Sir:l1s. No wall sign plans have been submitted. Staff recommends that wall sign plans be submitted so that the entire sign plan package for the PlJD can be evaluated. Section J- 9IEI2.(b)ii of the Zoning Ordinance states that for single or double occupancy business structures. the total maximum allowable signage on the property shall be JOO square leet. The pun contains five lots; therefore. the total allowable sign area allowed for the site is 1.500 square feet. A bonus allowing a "freeway standard sign" (200 sq. ft. in area and 32' high) applies in this case because part of the property is within SOU jeet of!nterstate 94. 'fhe sign is allowed to be 32 feet above the center line of Trunk Highway 25 since that is the street from which the sign gains its principal exposure. Almost none of the proposed signs comply with the minimunl five j()ot setback frol11 any driveway or parking area. . 3 . City Council Agenda - 04/09/0 I The following freestanding signs are proposed for the development: . Location Description Proposed Max. Proposed Max. Size Allowed Height Allowed Northeast Freeway visible sign with the 200 sq ft. 200 sq. n. 60 feet 32 ft. above Corner center name. convenience center-line store. and sit-down restaurant of TH 25 identification. Northwest Maintain existing Subway 72 sq. n. 50 sq. Ii. 20 feet n ft. Corner sign. West (Illid- New sign with Ultra-Lube and 80 sq. ft. 50 sq. n. 20 feet n ft. block) Ulta-Wash identification. South west fast service restaurant 60 sq. ft. 50 sq ft. 20 feet 22 n. identification. South (Ill id- Low profile convenience store 64 sq. ft. 25 sq. Ii 10 fed 16ft. block) identi lication with fuel pricing. Southeast (C- Low prolile C-store 37.3 sq. n. ?5 sq. Ii. 4.67 feet 16 ft. store drive) directional sign. Fast (Ill id-block) Center entrance sign with 88 sq. ft. 25 sq. n. 20 fl'et 16 Ii. small identit~cation for each business entity. If the proposed signs were constructed as proposed. the f()lIowing flexihility from sIgn standards would he required: . Increased height of the li'eeway sign from 32 leet above the center line ofTI--I 25 to 60 feet. Increased size of the Subyvay sign from 50 square feet to 72 square leet. Increased size of the Ultra-Luhe/lJltra- Wash sign from 50 square feet to 80 square feet. Increased size of the I~lst service restaurant from 50 square feet to 60 square feet. Increased size of the e-store sign with fuel pricing fronl 25 square leet to 64 square feet. Increased size of the c-store sign directional sign li'om 25 square feet to 37.3 square feet. I ncreased size of the center entrance sign from 25 ICet to 88 square feet. Increased numher of signs from I to 2 on the c-store/gas station parcel. Increased numher of signs from I to 2 on the lust service restaurant parcel. Decreased setback of pylon signs fronl any driveway or parking area /I'om 5 feet to o feet. . . . . . . 4 . City COllncil Agenda - 04/09/0 I At this time, more inl(Jrmation on \vall signage is necessary to cvaluate the compliance of the sign plan with zoning ordinance requirements. Whereas some signage can be combined or shifted under the flexibility process of the PUD, the number and height of the proposed freestanding signs would appear to extend beyond that which the City commonly considers reasonable flexibility. Ul!htinl!. A photometric plan has not been submitted and is required. Details of the type of lighting proposed have been submitted, but locations and lixture height have not been indicated. [t is unclear from the details whether the light source drops below the housing or whether only the lens is below the housing. A style orlighting must be chosen in \vhich thc light source is not visible li'om adjacent property or public right-of-way. The photometric plan will also need to be evaluated to make sure that light falling on a public street docs not exceed one foot candle as nleasured from the center line of the strect. (i/"{f(linl! and Utilities. Prclilninary grading and utilities plans have been submitted. These plans are subject to City Engineer review and approval. [)el'e10fJlllent /1 I!/"eellwnt. As a condition offinal plat approval. the applicant will be required to enter into a development agreelnent with the City. . 11 ALTERNxrlVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the CUP/PUD and Prelilninary Plat based on the finding that the proposed piaL with conditions, is appropriate flJr the location and proposed uses, and that the proposed improvements qual i fy for PU [) consideration under the City's put) ordinance. The conditions to approval arc listed in Exhibit Z. Exhibit Z includes action to tablc approval of the sign program at this timc. Thc Planning Commission desired additional timc to review the existing sign systems in the neighborhood and to review the potential impact creatcd by allowing signs significantly larger than the City's standards. ') Motion to deny the CUP/PUD and Preliminary PiaL based on a finding that the proposed uses are too intense for the site causing insufficient setbacks. parking. and landscaping. Proposed signage appears to be excessive and building. sign. lighting. and landscape plans are incomplete. 3. Motion to table action on the CUP/PUD and Preliminary PIaL subject to the sublnission of additional and revised inli:mnation. . 5 . City ('ollncil Agenda - 04/09/0 I c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffreeommends approval of the CU P/PLJD and Prelinlinary Plat as long as the sign system consideration is tabled and as long as the appl ieant understands that the sign system proposed may need to be modified. Also, the City Council should approve the development stage PUD if it is comj()J"table with stan/developer ability to cornplcte items listed in Exhibit l without further City Council review. D. SUPPORTING DATA . Site Plan Narrative Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Landscape Plan Exhibit D - Grading Plan Exhibit E - Utility Plan Exhibit F - Sign Details Exhibit G - Lighting Details Exhibit Z - Conditions of Approval . 6 1103/12/2001 MON ~6:15 FAX 763 591 0964 D1style Design. P.C, -8cTs-iVL.E . , '. , D.eslgn . AJlleHIT~CTURIr. :. URBAN ~E.IIIN .' ,"- .', 'Memorandum " " ,-", , Proj~d: " ' Projed No.; Date: ' - Mi~lke, Property Developm~~t 99.40.02 ' ~, . , M~rch 12.2001 PUD Final Plan 'Narrative: '. I . _' Landowner(s) Names~, . '. . " '. ' , " Can arid Unda Mielke: Mielke Sr.others.-LLC. Tracts 6. 2,'3 Alvin Mielke~ '[ra~ 4.5.,7 , Gae Veit~. Shingobee: Tract ~ Landowner(s) Addresses: " ,. Dan and Linda Mielke " 552101. Stre.i NW' P.O. Box 562 .' .. : MP':1ticetl~. '~N 55362 Alvin Mielke. , Box 143 , SwanviUe. MN 56382. -, " Gae Veit 669 North Medina P.O. Box 8 Loretta. MN 55351 . Names and Addresses' of Professional Consultants: Architect: . Michael Knisely .Dlstyte Design, P.C. 621l Mendelssohn Avenue Noeth. Suite 116 . Golden VaLLey. MN 55427 ", , 620 MeIidelAchn Ava IlL Suire 116 . . Golden vahy..htln"!ll'or. 5S'27 T 17651 s9t 0996 I [7Si 591 0960C F ...... .. IaJ 001/004 .. -. ..... 5G-,1 ,......,...... .. 03/12/2001 MON 16:15 FAX 763 591 0964 Distyle Design. P.C. . " , . , .' .' PUD Final Plan Narrative , Mielke Property DevelopJnent . 311'2/01 .. . ,Page 2 , ' landscape Architect: David Kirscht David A. Kirscht Assodates. Inc. 200 Edina Business Center, , I 5500 Linc:oln -Drive Edina. MN 55436-166& . '. 'SuNeyori" Taylor Land Surveyors 213 West Broadway' P.O. Box 179 - , ", ' Moniic~Uo. MN 55362' , Attorney:. , Greg Smith' Smith & Associates, ,207 South.Walnut Street . P.O. Box 668 Monti~llo.. MN~ ~~62' " .i laJ 0021004 ... .. ~ \ , .' , " Evidence" of Site Control: The o~nership,o'f the pro'perty is as ,stated'above. An:up to date cert!fied abstract of title (or ~gistered property report) can be ,provided prior to the pubtic: hearirig; if " determined as necessary by the city attorney. " , ',' ...... . Present Status Address and Legal Description;' See survey"fOf legal de.Sq-iption. ' , 'Cu~"nt ~ddre$ses o~ e~isting buildings a,re: Ultra-Lube. Inc. 11pO Highway 25 Sout~ Monticello. M.N ,55362 " House. Tract 3 . 111 0 ~edar Street Monticello. M N 55362, , ' House. Tract 4 ,1126.Cedar Street Monticello. MN 55362 -Subway . 1060 Highway 25 . 5G-~ 03/12/2001 MON 16:15 FAX. 763 591 0964 DistY1e Design. P.C. . . .' . . 1aJ003/00-.1 PUD Final Plan Namlltive Mielke :Property DevelC?pment '3/12/01 . Page 3 ~ Montlcello~ MN 55;362 ,., . . ... Existing' Zoning and Present Use of the Property !3rtd Surrounding .Property.: '. 'Zoning is 83. Surrounding propvrty is commer:tial. Map of ~isting Development: . . , .See s.urvey. .. . A Written Statement Describipg .the Proposed ~UD: _ Tt,e proposed PUD takes two separate ownership interests for seven separate' . irregular tracts of landa Mrs. V.it" (Subway). one tract. and. the Mielke family interests; , six .nets. al1d ~eates a unifled-commerdal project 6n 3.53 laes of cOmmercially ~~~d. ~ " A map showin..g proposed replatting has been submitted and is b~ing'rev/ewed conculT8ntly with this PUD proposal. ' .' "' . Revisions to .Concept Development f:Jlan . Several adjustments to the approved Concept PUD ar..proposed in 'order to " accommodate:specific tenant requirements. vehicular circulation. and Ced~r Street improvementS. '.,._ 1: The retail space adjacent to the convenience store has been relocatedjo the .' - north side' of the c-store. . :, . . , . , . 2.' Parking thatwas located on the n~rjh side of the 'cOnvenience store has been move~ tc;>> th.e west side. . . 3. . Pump Islands have been modified to coincide wit,h the tenant's requirements.. : ,and to enable bet,ter vehicular ckculalipn. , 4. Trash ar:1d r~cycUng tor the convenience store has been incorporated inside the . c-store. .. .)0. .' . , ' 5. Mi~'u'r curb adjustments have been made ~o accom.modate drainage structures and grading. ' -, .6. The main -entfante drive has been widened from '24 feet to 26 feet. , UlndsCiping , , See attached landscape plan. Site Lighting . The entire site w/'U b~ lighted to comply with the zoning ordinance using' coordinated fixtures that will be shielded to prevent glare and spiUoverUghting. See attached area lighting ClJt sheets. Wall lights will b~.ot a similar downc:ast design as requiredfer, . exit, discharge lighting. 5G-3- 03/12/2001 MON 16:15 FAX 763 591 096~ D!sty1e Design. P,C. . " . ~ 004/00... PUD Final Plan Narrative Mielke Property Development 3/12/01 . , page 4 " Signs .' '. The signage conCept is intended to refled the dual nature of the center a.$ both a travel and recreation-oriented' center and one that caters to local clientele. The attaChed ' .~ ~ign plans ar~ intended to be ~iagraritmatic f~r the purposes of identifying heights, and . . ge~eral configuration. Specific tenant sign details will ~. 'provided prior to permitting. . Frees't~nding signs,will be coordinated In appearance'aaid co.nstruded to carry iden~ification for ~o or more business entities. Freestandin"g signs .placedalong Highway 25 are propos'ed at a 'he]ght commensurate with signs,of .other businesses, along the highway 'c~rridor' in order to be visually co~patible and conveniently visible to the freeway ar,a traffic. ' , In addition t~w~ll signs aUQwed by the sign ordinance and'tq provide identification for interior traffi~ freestanding signs are proposed to be,located as follows; . . Freeway visible sign with the center-name. convenience . . store. ~nd sit-down restaurant identifiCation. ',Maintain existing Subway sign. ..... . New sign with ,Ultra~Lube and Ultra-Wash identification . , . with r:eader board. " ' . . 'Fast !iervice restaurant identification. ..,' Low pr.ofile convenience store identification with fuel . I _.. . . pricing. ,Southeast (C-store driy'e): . Low profit" t;-store ~irectional,sign. East '(mid-block):. . ". Center entrance sign ,with small identification for each , business entitY. . .' , " Northeast Comer:' , Northwest Com~r,' . West (mid-block):. , . SQuthw~st: ' South {mid-blodd: . . . , Because access to the center will only be 'from' Cedar Street. the lan~owners propose that wall signs b~ allowed o~ both'the east an~ west sides'of.businesses along - . Highway 25. . . . ~ . Util~ties and Grading , See ~ttached plans. Depending on the final pLat -configuration and structure . " placement in Cada'r. utiUty adjustments may be likely i~ order t~ locate utilities.in easement areas.. Submitted By: DISTYLE DESIGN. P.C. ~ich~el D. Knisely 5G-4 MAR-29-2001 07:41 IJ!JH . ~~ I P, liill .; S ~II1. ~~ Q ... .... ~ ~ .- ...... i ~ c..., Q ~ .- U -- NAC 612 595 9837 P.02 I 1 J "u . ........ ~. -..~ -~ ~ d"", q" D ... ~ .. ~ a ~ ~- 'in ..... ca lU \1) ... a:: ""Cd : -= ~ OJ-=--:::; Q~"C .;: ~.~~~ :::.;;: ~ ~~a" C::~''''!'.I':I ~ r/l ... ~ ~ C!: :::i ~ Q ;. .:3 c.. 'E I I ell 0 " =.- il::'" i:l '" _ '> ~ 1'3 (\l .a: IV CI.J tU'r;; ~.... .lJ ._I'-IQ.~ >,""C.t::C::J~IO(I:.'" _:= 0::::: 0 0: ~..I ~ d c a", t.'i' qJ t.J = _ _ c:J Qt, t\ c a I ~::....';; 0.:. .! N N ~.:: = = .! .~ 'h .;. <<l .- .... - - ~ "(l., 'Il .. 'tl .~ .. .;; E .. .. ... 5 ." ~.... " 's~ - .. e... (,I (,I g " '" '" S -; ~ ~ e " ..... e Q Q .. ~ ~ ..::.,a .:= 1Il " '" '" "" .;: =rtJ...,I=:f,d:!llS :c._~<<l~~"" U"'O''''C'c Qcn.....Lz.... 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"<t- ::c u ~ ~ 10'-0" !. i I I I ~I 8'-0" t PROPOSED RESTAURANT C-STORE UNLEADED DIESEL ~ 0 'T ~o@@ ~o~@ o READER PANEL DECORATIVE MASONRY BASE RESTAURANT SIGN 1/8" "" 1'-0" C-STORE PRICING SIGN ARCHITECTURE + URElAN DESIGN 620 MENDELSSOHN AVENUE NORTH SUITE 116 GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55427-4336 T [763] 591.0996 I [763] 591.0964 F Mielke Property Development Hwy 25 and Chelsea Monticello, Minnesota Date: ~ CISTYLE Daip 03/12/01 Project Number 99.40.02 Revision No. Description: 4 SITE 10 SIGNS Reference Drawing No. SIGNS obH- F-~ 2001 by Distyle Des;gn, ~.c~ ""0 I ""0 N II ) 8'-0" r CENTER NAME ""0 I ;..-, REST AURANT ""0 I N I . SUBWAY RETAIL 0 I N LUBE & REST AU- . 0 I WASH RANT N C-STORE ""0 I N I I' ""0 ""0 O'l CENTER IDENTIFICATION SIGN Mielke Property Development Hwy 25 and Chelsea Monticello, Minnesota Dote: .... CISTYLE Daip 03/12/01 Project Number 99.40.02 ARCHITECTURE + URBAN DE. IaN 620 MENDELSSOHN AVENUE NORTH SUITE 116 GOLOEN VALLEY. MINNESOTA 55427-4336 T [763] 591.0996 I [763] 591.0964 F Revision No. Description: 4 SITE 10 SIGNS Reference Drawing No. SIGNS 2001 by Distyle Design, p__.~ MAR-29-2001 07:44 ~ CISTYLE Delip .....CHIT.IIT...e + UR..... OEaIBN 610 "IiNDELSSOHN .YENUE NOII'ni SUI". 116 GOL.JH!H V......eT. "INNE$OTA SSwt7-4.H6 T 176;1J &9I.IIt9. I [16.JJ S.I....'" , NAC 612 595 9837 P.10 1 8'-O~ t , C..STORE i:a ENTRANCE 1 ;r "" OECORATNE MASONRY BASE ENTRANC SIGN Mielke Property Development Hwy 25 and Chelsea MonticeJlo, Minnesota Revision No. Description; 4 SITE 10 SIGNS Dote: 03/12/01 Project Number 99.40.02 Reference Drawing No. SIGNS :1111'1 "'" 1\:.,,,,1.. "....:..... 0 " Results Cooper Lighting Products Page I of3 . co~ Ughting Please click on the print button in your browser to print this page. - : M ji~"";+11:-r: . GM GALLERIA Features . Formed aluminum housing with stamped reveal has interior- welded seams for structural integrity and is finished in polyester powder coat . Ballast tray is hard-mounted to housing interior for cooler operation . Long-life core and coil ballast . Spun and stamped aluminum reflector in vertical lamp units, or hydroformed anodized aluminum reflector in horizontal lamp units. Rotatable optics standard . Formed aluminum door has heavy-duty hinges, captive retaining screws and is finished in polyester powder coat (Spider mount unit has steel door) . Convex tempered glass lens . Mogul-base porcelain socket . Approximate net weight: 64-69 Ibs. (29-31 kgs.) 175W-1000W High Pressure SOdiU~ ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHT Description I ....11<,0,01< TO TOP I The Galleria achieves superior light distribution by utilizing a seamless reflector system, making it the optimum choice for almost any small or medium area lighting application. U.L. 1572 listed and CSA certified for wet locations. Dimensions I .... ,,o,OK TO.!OP . . ~ibit 8-J http://www.cooperlighting.comlsearch/print/print_ search Jesults.asp?id= 1119&brand=McGra... 3/12/0 I Results Cooper Lighting Products · r A RldbN Ulldium [in.J (lllml A 8 C ,. 112 314 1 1/2 36B ,. 38 Spider Mount D E F G H 31J2 18114 21314 S or 14 15 or 16 88 480 552 162 or 366 381 or <<IS EltA.Effectl". Projected Ar..: 2.4 Ordering Information .AMPlE MUM'lft: OMA:Z112.:Zl) ~ Hau.lll' Femly ... 0. GsUerfa MwMedlum . Moundng MlltIlod A.Annl. a.6plder fot 2 :W" 0.0. tenon c.spider for 3 112" 0.0. tenon Product Information . Votblgelll '.12GV 2o.2JJ6V 3-24011 f-271V 1-l8OV "Triple-TapiS! wfl'lld 347\1 ~lti-Tapl'" wired ~1V Dlatribudan'. 1D-TVPeI MCO Horizontal .:zD-TVIM II MeO Horizontal 3o..TVPelll MCO Horizontal ",.FOfWlIfd Throw Horizontllll AR-Atell Round Vertleal AS-Atea Square Venlcal AW~ectBngulBr Wide Varticaf 3V.Vertbll Type II Color llldd BII 1lUfflxl _ -8rol'lllll luandardl AP-GtI!iN IICdlack WH-White Page 2 of3 ! .& 8ACK TO TOP: ~ r=:.. (S.8 Bulow' t .& 'ACK TO TO,. : ~ib;t- G,-2- http://www.cooperlighting.com/search/print/print_search _results.asp?id= 1119&brand=McGra... 3/12/01 . . . TYPE: CATALOG .: DETAILS . REFU TO CHART FOR OIMENSIONAL INFORMATION . :- ----.-............4 MH Imoul1tlng helghtl -- --.--.............3 o '==j .---..2 handhole 12. .... .-.:J......., LBl ~ o Ba..Vlew L-S---! .E ~.. ------5 l.J ACCESSORIES ana with handhol. and door Bott cOVer at aU lour anchor bolt IOGlllltian. o lforce fill / Bolt cover lshown in piece I flu.th with a.ting SUrflce COOPER LIGHTING HANDHOLE (nctlon through standard hand hole) SPECIFICATIONS , '''356-T6 cast aluminum alloy shoe bue with aluminum alloy knock-in bolt covers. 2'" 2. x 4 112. flush handhole assembly with internel rainforcing frame. Frame drilled &. tapped for 5116. 16NC-2 grounding screw, 3", Straight square shaft 6005-TS aluminum alloy satin etch finish. Frama drilled & tapped for $/lS"-18NC-2 ground screw below handhol.. opening Intem.1 h.ndhola Ir.me 356- TS ca. aluminum allov 4... Drilled Or T..non (specify). a"'Anchor bolt per ASTM A576 with (1) nut, (1) fl.t washer. and 111 lock washer. Nuts, washers and threaded portion of bolt are hot dip galvanlled. COOPER LIGHTING NOTE:' Oth..r fini.h colors .veil.bl... Consult foctOry. For complete base informotion. ral.r.o 8..... cutshee.. AOH971064. SSASQUARE STRAIGHT ALUMINUM 8'-35' Mounting Height SQUARE STRAIGHT ALUMINUM FINISH COLORS 1 I_Clear Anodized c..Dark Branz.. Anodized D-Black Anodized E-Medium Bronze Anodized J_Dark Bronze Painted U-Black Painted V-Grey Painted W-White Painted X-None (natural aluminum) ~ibif b-3 . 5. 6. 7. 8. . <J. 10. . CONDITIONS OF CUP/PlJD AND PI{ELlMINARY PLAT APPROVAL I. The plant schedule on the landscape plan must include the proposed number of plants and the landscape plan must include landscaping around buildings. ! The applicant must receive permission from the property owner to the north in order to plant on that property or the site and landscape plans must be revised to incl ude landscaping along the northern boundary within the subject site. ., -) . Wall plan signs must be submitted so that signage can be evaluated as a total package. 4. Approval of signage plans tabled until further review of plan and existing signs in the area. The Cirading Plan is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. The Utility Plan is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. A lighting plan must be submitted fiJr review by the City. A style of lighting must be chosen in which the light source is not visible from adjacent property or public right-of.-way. The applicant must enter into a development agreement with the City. Comments from other City staff. EXHIBIT Z . . . City COLlncil Agenda - 04/09/0 I 5H. Consideration of a re(luest for a conditional use permit to allow a convenience food establishment in the CCO District. Location: 617 Locust Street Shons Apnlicant: RBF Properties. Berry Fluth and Pizza Man. (FP) REFERENCE AND BACKGROtIND: Several months ago, Pizza Man. a pizza take-out and delivery business set up their shop at 617 Locust Street. The husiness did not require a huilding pcrmit hut the proprietor checked with city staff anyway to insure that the business could be established in the Locust Street Shops location. A conditional use permit had already heen allowed I(n the Locust Strect Shops. The Zoning Ordinance of the City is amhiguous in its language as related to such a husiness in the CCD District and statT originally concluded that Pizza Man could establish their business without a conditional use permit. Since that time a similar business has been considered f(w location in the Town Center Project on Walnut Street. lJpon further review of the Zoning Ordinance, stalf concluded that it would he best if a conditional use permit was considered by the City Council and allowed for Pizza Man. The Pizza Man take-out and delivery business as located in the [.ocust Street Shops lneets all required conditions of the Zoning Code, Section 148-5 ID] /()r a conditional use permit to be allowed: I. Thl: design of the sill: prolnotes peckstrian aCl:l:SS adjacult to and along thl: propl:rty. 2. No nlOrl: than two (2) curb cuts of twenty-four (24) feet in width or kss shall be permitted. 3. Site lighting shall utilizl: fixtures similar in style to that designated by the City for USl: in public areas ofthe "CCD" district. 4. The building, site. and signage meets the standards for the "CCD" district. and design revil:w approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team. 5. The proposl:d use dl:monstrates cOInpatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. The City Council, Planning Commission and the Design Advisory Team have previously given consideration to the Locust Street Shops under the original conditional use permit allowed I(lr the shopping center. Staff has concluded that Pizza Man is a compatible use in the CCD District as located in the Locust Street Shops. Allowing Pizza Man to estahlish a convenitnce food estahlishmtnt suhject to the terms of a conditional use permit will help to prevent similar estahlishments from locating in areas within the CCD District without City Council Consideration. - 1- . City COllncil Agenda - 04/09/0 I H. ALTERNATIVE ACTION I. Motion to recommend allowing a conditional use permit for BBt" Properties and Pizza Man to establish a convenience f()od cstahlishment in the eCD District suhject to the lenllS of the Zoning eode Section 14B-5 rDJ as related to such a husiness. 2. Motion to recommend disallowing a conditional use permit flJr BBF Properties and Pizza Man to estahlish a convenience j()od estahlishmcnt in the CCD District (for reasons as determined by the Planning Commission). The Planning Commission recommended Alternative I. C. STAFF RECOMMI':NDATION Staff recommends Alternative I to the Planning Commission. D. SUPPORTING DATA · None . . -2- . . . City Council ^gcnda 04/09/0 I 51. Consideration of an apnlication for anproval of a General COnCe(lt Sta2e Conditional Use Permit / Phlnned Unit Development (CUP/PUD) to allow the construction of multiple industrial buildings on two lots. Applicant: Blue Chip Development Company. (NAC) A REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Application Summary. Blue Chip Development Company is requesting approval of a Concept Stage Conditional Use Permit / Planned Unit Development to allow the construction of multiple buildings on two lots. The applicant is proposing the construction of two 14,000 square loot industrial buildings on the property located at 206 Dundas Road. The site currently contains two lots, each of which contains one existing industrial building. Through the PUD process, these two lots may be reviewed as one site. Land Use and Zoning. "fhe land use and zoning classifications for this property are consistent with the expansion of the existing industrial use. The Proposed Land Use map guides this property, and the surrounding sites, f()J' industrial lIse. Similarly. the subject property is zoned 1-2. Heavy Industry. While the applicant has yet to indicatc a specific use forthe buildings, commercial. warehouse, or manufacturing uses are all permitted in this district. Architectural Appearance and Exterior Building Materials This application did not include architectural renderings or exterior building material in/clI"lnation. As part of their development stage PUD, the applicant should subnlit detailed building elevations that illustrate both the appearance of and materials to be used in the proposed buildings. Lot and Building Performance Standards The Lot and Building Perf()J')nance Standards for properties in the 1-2 District are outlined in Chapter 3 and Illustrated in the table below. The tahle compares this int(m11(ltion with the proposed development. An analysis of this information finds the development as proposed, meets the lot and building perfonnance standards for properties in the 1-2 District. - 1- . . . City COllncil Agenda 04/09/0 I Performance Standards for The 1-2 District Category Required Standard Proposed Standard Status Frolll Yard Setback 50 n N/A N/A Side Yard Building ^ 30 ft. Conforming Setback 30 ft. Building B 80 n. Conform ing Rear Yard Building ^ 115 ft. Conforming S<:tback 50 ft. Building B 115 n. Conforming Building Separation ~j the Sum of the IIeigh 40 n Conforming of both bldgs. Buffer yard Setback 20 ft. 20 ft. Conforming Lot ^n:a 30,000 279A41 sq. n. Conforming Lot Width 100ft 429.8 n. Confonning Building Building ^ Unknown Unknown Height 2 stories Building 13 Unknown Unknown Parking. At this time. the applicant is unable to determine a specific use f()r the proposed buildings. Conscqucntly. staff must use the most intensive parking standards allowed in the 1-2 District. The parking standards for these uses arc shown in the table below. (liven this information. only a m(ll1ut~lCturing use in building ^ provides sufficient oJT-street parking. The applicant must demonstrate that the site can provide the required number of off-street parking stalls by: increasing the number of proposed stalls. reducing the size of the proposed buildings. or indicating a use that can conform with the parking requirements. All stalls must be at least 20 feet long and 9 feet wide. The entire parking area must be surrounded be continuous concrete curb and cutter and this curb must be at least five feet from any lot line. Potential Parking Standards for Properties in the 1-2 District Use Sta lul<l rd Required Proposed Status Stalls Stalls Building ^ 36 36 Con I'onn ing Manufacturing 8 I 1/500 sq. ft. Building B 36 31 Non-Conforming Building ^ 73 36 Non-C on form ing Oftlce , I 11200 sq. n. -' Building B 73 31 Non-Con form ing -2- . City Council Agenda 04/09/01 Access Currently. the site has three access points along Dundas Road. As designed. the driveway to access the proposed buildings is not aligned with the center curb cut. To facilitate safe and efficient access to the proposed building in the rear ol"the site, the applicant should relocate the existing center curb cut so it is aligned with the proposed driveway. All plans f()r the parking and access area are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Off-Street Loading The site plan illustrates two loading berths per building. The number and size of these berths are in confl.)rmance with the standards outlined in Section 3-6. However. the turning radi uses fl.)r thcse hcrths appear tight. The appl icant should demonstrate that all herths have adequate maneuvering room for large trucks. . The off-street loading area is located on the south side of the proposed hui Idings and ,viii bee the neighboring residential use. The applicant should take special care with landscaping and screening to insure that the loading docks will not have a negative impact on the adjacent residential use. The noise from these docks shall conlply with the standards outlined in Section 3-2. Subdivision K. Given that the applicant is requesting pun approval with this application. staffsuggests that they consider redesign the site's layout. The purpuse fi.)r a PLlD is not only to allow the applicant to place multiple buildings on one lot. but also to create a better and more cohesive development. This could be accomplished by rotating the proposed buildings by l)O degrees. Turning these buildings would move the loading area away from the adjacent residential property. improve the relationship between all fl.)llr buildings. and improve internal traffic movement on the site. Grading. Drainage. and Utilities The application rnaterials did not include a Grading. Drainage and Utility Plan. The applicant should suhmit a detailed plan in conformance with the City ('ode as part of their Development Stage CUP/PUD application. These plans should also contain all necessary and required easements. All grading. drainage. and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Landscaping . lhe applicant's Site Plan includes only minimal landscaping information. The applicant must submit a detailed landscape plan in confi.mnance with the standards outlinecl in Section 3-2. Subdivision G. -3- . . . City Council Agenda 04/09/0 I In addition to this information, the landscape plan must also illustrate a landscape burter yard. Section 3-3. Subdivision G requires all incompatible land uses to provide a landscaped hurler yard along the side of the property that is adjacent to the conJ1icting use. According to the City's Existing Land Use map. the suhject property is bordered by a residential use to the south. The buffer yard must contain 160 plant units pcr 100 feet of property line. This requirement can be reduced by 50 percent if the applicant installs an earth berm at least five feet in height or an opaque fence. The table below illustrates plant types and their associated plant unit values. The applicant should revise their landscape plan to conform with these standards. Buffer Yard Plant Unit Values V cgetation Plant L1nit Value Evergreen Trees 15 Deciduous Trees 10 Evergreen or Coniferous Shrubs 5 ShrubsIBushes I Lighting "l"he application materials did not include a lighting (Jr photometric plan. The applicant must submit a detailed lighting and photometric plan in conformance with the standards outlined in Section 3-2, Subdivision f I. Exterior Storage The site plan does not illustrate an area for a trash enclosure. ^s part ol"their development stage PUD application. the applicant must revise their site plan to show a location tt)!, a trash enclosure. This trash enclosure must be madc of the same materials as the principal buildings. Signs The applicant's plans do not provide any sign information. ^s part of their development stage PUD appl ication. the applicant must submit a detailed sign plan that shows the size and location of all proposed signs. This plan must be in conformance with Section 3-9. -4- . City Council Agenda 04/09/0 I B ALTERNATIVE ACTION I. Motion to recommend approval based on the findings contained in this report and subject to the conditions outlined therein. 2. Motion to recommend denial based on findings similar to the following: a. The applicant has Eliled to indicate a use for the proposed building. As a result, staff is unable to properly review this proposal. b. The site, as proposed, fails to provide the required number of off-street parking stalls. c. The applicant landscape plan is incomplete. It f~lils to show the required number, type and location of plantings fiJr the required butTer yard. d. This proposal lacks the creativity and uniqueness to receive a PUD approval. 3. Motion t table the application and request additional information. . C RECOMMENDA TION The Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of a Concept Stage Conditional Use Permit/Planned Unit Development forthe property located at 206 Dundas Road to allow the construction of multiple principal buildings on one lot subject to conditions listed in Exhibit 7. At the Planning Commission meeting on 4/3/0 I. the developer reviewed the conditions and indicated willingness to add into and lnake adjustments to the plan as noted in the conditions. This recommendation is based on the findings contained in this report and is subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit /. o SlJPPORTING DATA I. Site location map. 2. Site Plan 3. Conditions of approvaL Exhibit Z . -5- MAR-29-2001 10:56 NAC 612 595 9837 P.03/03 iH U: -.. I/.J .1 ..I ~ll .t~"" . .. , ~ j ! ~~ ,', c ~ l g ~ .' z o fi u o ...J W ~ in [j = - ..... ~ .CJ .... ...... ~ ~ = ~ ~ .- U <5},. q... o -;; ::::; ~ '" S .. i>. 'tI c _ 'ii; -- (Cl '" .. .- a::n; ~~ c; 1lJ-~:: c~~ "i: g.!::g ::'~: - '" ~ S"" l'I"'-" ,!!! t1J~ltI-; ~~:::S;J C ~ ==:5! u.. ~"O t:; >. .~ .. cprt.l~ ':::';Q.'IClI~'m ~.. :0 .::~c..~ ~L..c::C:C:Jv.lVI='- -::3 0:: o~..-,<<l.c:::""al"""'=--"o.. ~ ,,'E I ",", I>-. 'iij '" ~ N N ~,~ 5 :Je .ll! .~ ;:.:. I'd .... .- - - ~ 1:1) c.. QJ It) ]: .... M -EI} ~ 1-4 ~ 8 ~ 0:: "" " .-s c; .. e "'.., 0 .. = = S 'co 'ii ::l c"..... lO<=lo-.;.c:::r.:"=c51I1etlC::l;:l'l;l,;': :::IC)~='cD() ......_II1C1L. u""='~,;; o "I '" ~ r.o. 10. e ..... Q e g " .., ~ ';a _ c c ..... , ~~"'~I1IQ> lUQJ~~..oCJ~=:a-- cJ ~"e g,.~ ~ I~.= := ~ ~ ~ ~:;: -= .~ ..: ........, ~;.:: --.. .. '" .: il ~ .. ... ... - S ...,. = ~~.,..o ~;~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~3~~ I i i i C ! ::;:ll:lll'I: 0< jO_~~~~~~_~~+u~~~~ ,C..~~~~~=__~u___~ EXHIBIT A S~ D . I~ o~ I~ ~rii ~ ~ . I g! II ! I : ~ ! :i ~ ~ ~ I ~ . ~ I i 1\ I I ~ I i ~ I Iii Ii ~' Q!J I ~ II I ~ 1\ i ~: I I I i i I I I I i i I I I I I I i I i;! ! I I ~ I 1\ ' 1 " I ! ! ! ~ i : !! . ~ ~ ~!!~ I - ~----- -- --;_J__~.++-l ;rUt 1..'-cr 'It~ 4JD.QJ ~ ~ >11... !~ I ! , ~ I I I I I ; <5 ~ I I . 0 I I $1" I I C x I : VI;::)o. : I ." 0. I I I I I I I I I r-.-I ,-"""--, I I I I I I I ,_ _ I I... g ~ I : g - : lOX I I VI :; III I I'" 0 I I . I I I I I I I I I r--I~~, l--., I I I I I ~ i i m i ';. I '! I I .... ~ "\ ~ --+ .... 4:ZIUIJ 'f~ Of.o" 202 DUNDAS ROAD 1ff-lf ~ i i i i ~ i ! I ~ i i ~ i i 8 i ;, i i i S0- . CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I. Indicate a potential use for the proposed buildings. ! Demonstrate that the si te can accommodate the rcq uired n um ber 0 f 0 IT-street parki ng stalls. 3. Demonstrate that the site can provide adequate maneuvering room for large trucks. 4. Align the center curb cut with the proposed driveway. 5. Redesign the site to create a unique and cohesive development. This design should relocate the off-street loading arca away hom the adjacent residential use. 6. ^s part of the development stage PUD appl ication. the appl icant must submit and receive approval of the following materials: . a. h. c. d. e. . Grading. drainage and utility plans. Detailed photometric plan. COll1prchensive sign plan f(Jr the entire site. Site plan illustrating adequate trash storage. Detailed landscape plan that includes the required buffer yard and landscaping. d. Building elevations. EXHIBIT Z Sl . . . City COllllcil Agenda - 04/09/01 5.1. Consideration of acceptin2: petition and orderin2: feasibility report and plans and specifications for Grovcland Phase II. (.'0) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Tony Emmerich has petitioned the City to complete the phase II of the Groveland subdivision as a puhlic improvement. Under this public imrrovement process. the City completely manages the design and construction process. Emmerich' s development of Klein Farms 1 SI and Klein farms 4'h were completed under the puhlie improvement process. This process requires that Emmerich provide deposits sufficient to cover the City's cost to complete design work to be retained hy the City in the event the project docs not proceed to construction/linal plat. Phase II consists of 113 lots. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to accept petition and order feasibility repot1 and plans and specifications fiJr Groveland Phase II contingent on developer deposit equal to cost to complete said design work. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of petition and deny ordering of feasihility report and plans and specifications f()r Groveland Phase II contingent on developer deposit equal to cost to complete said design work. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends Alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of Petition -1- APR. 4. 2001 1 : 39 PMM ell Y ur rlUl'1l J.u..L..L..V NO. 1 72 P. 2 em. OF MONTICELLO . P.I!i,u:.a:ION FOB LOCAL DrIPBOVEMEMT .AND FBASJBIUlY STUDY TO'l'BE Cl'l'Y COUNCIL 01' MONTICELLO, l\DNNBSOTA Owner's Name: tJ/~~ LL ~ Address:= tfJ~~~ ~~ Phone: 763-?&'S- 6r-~f """ . I (We), the undersigned owner(s) or the property described below petition for a feasibility stucly pursuant to MlnneRot8 Sts.tp.tes, Chapter 429 (Local Improvements, Special AssessDlEtnts), for the following improvements: Please indicate with an T the improvements requested: ----L- Sanitary Sewer ~ Bit"...,;nous Surfacing . -.:. Water x Curb and Gutter ~ Storm Sewer _ Street Lighting I rNe) ageee to pay lOO~ of the cost of the feasibility INdy. I (We) v~d~l'Stand the City Council may pI'O-'J'1lte the cost of the feasibility study attributable to my property if the scope of the study pertains to other beDafit.ing property owners. Description of Property: Groveland Phase II Ap{il 4, 2001 Date t1- t.- c...- . Date Owner Signature Own- Sipature Date lNPFeAS.PET: \2/1Q,97 i .. . APR. 4.2001 1:38PM NO. 172 , . FAX COVER SHEET Tony Emmerich Construction, Inc. 187$ Commercial Blvd. N\V Building #1 Andover.)[N' 55304 Date:#f/~ I CompaDY: ;{(~~ ,. Attention: P# AI (~. ~ Fax f: Total # of pages iDe1\1diDg cover sheet: . hom: Wi Phone: (763) 755-6554 Fax: (763) 755-6311 Phone: KEMO: . P. 1 . . . 5K. City COllncil ^gcnda - 04/09/01 Consideration of ordering feasibility study for reconstruction of sanitary sewer. w~,ter and street located at Front Street between Walnut Street and Linn Street. (JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As you knovv, Ollie Koropchak and the I IRA have been working hard at redevelopment of Block 54 and have now acquired all but one lot necessary to initiate work on the housing development proposed for the site. Another critical component or the development of the area is installation of new water and sewer services along an ancient sewer line/water line alignment that has been slated for eventual reconstruction. City Council is asked to authorize the feasibility study in anticipation of project completion this summer. At such time the final parcel is acquired, Council will be asked to authorize commencement of the bidding process. It is hoped that the final parcel is acquired soon which would enable reconstruction of the utility line and associated housing development to occur this summer. Please note that the area of reconstruction will be limited to the area of the housing project only. Reconstruction of the trunk sewer and water I incs at Front Street west of the redevclopment area will need to be done at some time in thc future. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Motion ordering feasibility study ror reconstruction of sanitary sewer. watcr and street located at Front Street between Walnut Street and Linn Street. 2. Motion not to order a feasibility study for reconstruction of sanitary sewer. water and street located at Front Street betwccn Walnut Street and Linn Street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Adnlinistrator reconlll1ends Alternative I. - 1- . . . 5L. City Council Agenda - 04/09/01 Consideration of annroval of the fimll plat of Klein Farms 7th suhdivision. (.10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Dave Klein requests final plat approval of the Klein Fanns 71h suhdivision. This suhdivision represents the second phase of a preliminary plat approved last year. Nineteen lots will he developed with this phase. 'fhe utilities and roads will be installed privately. City fees charged that will he incorporated into the development agreement arc listed in the attached summary. The development agreement will follow the standard fi.mllat. The City I-:ngineer has reviewed and approved the plans and specifications with comments. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the final plat of Klein Farms Th suhdivision. 2. Motion to deny approval of the final plat of the Klein Farms 71h subdivision. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends Alternative I. SUPPORTING DATA Summary of Developer Expenses Worksheet. Final Plat - 1- Summary of expenses - Klein VII April 4,2001 . Trunk or Dedication Fees to be Assessed 19 Lots developed with phase II For purpose of calculating total land area for entire development - 32 Acres For purpose of calculating phase II fees u 12 acres was used. All credits were applied to phase I. No credits to be applied to phase II. See Notes from Engineer for actual fee calculation Net Cost/fee Park Pathway (19*$210) $3,990 Fallon Avenue Pro Rata Share ($1,374*19) $26,106 Sanitary Sewer (12 acres X $ 1,900) Watermain ( 12 acres X $ 1,500) $22,800 $18,000 Storm Sewer (See Engineer's notes for detail on credits) $37,967 Total amount to Assess . Per lot Assessment based on 19 lots $108,863 / B Letter of Credit Calculation - Deposits Construction Cost Storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water (everything) Paving - includes sidewalk (included above) Sanitary Sewer (Dave to provide sewer and water) Water $175,772 $0 Subtotal - Construction Cost $175,772 125% of Construction Cost $21 9,71 5 Total LOC $219,715 Tree Deposit - Not needed - only three lots without trees $0 Storm Water Pond Restoration Deposit NA City Fees Calculation Paid at Exection of Development Agreement . City Fees based on 8% of construction costs $14,062 7 , I I g I I I --, I 01: I I I r r r I I I I I I I I I I I r I I r\ .J. \ / I \ I : '\: I : I \1 I , r J I U\ \ ~ ~ I ~~ : I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 2 I i I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I <> g ot i 1 ~ A I 1l"C .. ~.. u.....;E l:;E ';;L "" ., ., "0" Q.~~ .. l <: " .. .-.... " .~ ~ ~.~ "" ., ~ '" ~"C '" t;j t::.I:\l') ..; :PS,~ <::5 o~'" <: .- 0 ~ z:; 5 '"C 0' -.; lit .,% ~ "- 6. u 0 <:.. .. :5:5-;;; '0. .. 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I i 1':~1 : ! r: ~~ Sl lo1:er Z6'zsr 3.tZ,LO.rON . .", ..' , '06 t-~--..._--~____ ----....1 , , , , , , I : , , , , , I I , , , I H :.... l.l o f, ! $!I ~ , , , , , , I , I : , , , I I , [--------_n_______1 0\' 10011 ,-------...--..---....--... , I I I : I i i : I , , : I ~ ! '" , I!.I tl ! , , , , I I , I I I , , : I , , , , '- ~----~ --~ ~~___ -..-.I Of I I;; aj !2 ..; ,,, !1J> ;,. '0. p , ~ 1.- co (I) -"'{, .' :~ /, :~~"'1 .....;~Jln',~ ..oJ r I.'..... ".., '" ...... .~" R 00'00 OO.OS' M.9S,rl.ZOS ~ I -~-----'''I , ,"'........... !!? ,,; !2 ~ " "" o ~ 1-. co z ~I' t: <> ~ ~I ~ ~".M ,,' ~()%YJ() -,--- !Z~~h Of r-' Of iiO~l,j;j ~ , .....~- _~-m--'_m__~~~mh___m' ~ -{" I C!; I 8 I _ I ~~ ~ 'j ~l~~ ~ ~ m r : , , L___ _ _, _ _ _ __ .l1ltQ'iL_ _ _ ___ ____ _ j -------l : :J I I g ---------1 ~ I W I "_0 I (W;:~ io I" I lD el I ---------1 I I J I I .................... I / Y I II / II I I I I A ., I , ,..: , - -.- a: "':t. " \..\. .... t~~ <(I " " '" ~" .., '" :?: n- :;: , " r ,,- t" '- ......,..... ..~, ,~ " --- '- ... ....... ....... ....... ..................... III ...' ~. ~'l . . . City COLlncil Agenda - 04/09/0 I SM Consideration of approval of the tinal plat of Rollin2: Woods 2nd subdivision. (JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Mark Woolston requests final plat approval of the second phase of the Rolling Woods subdivision. This subdivision represents the second phase or a preliminary plat approved last year. Thirty-nine lots will be developed with this phase. The utilities and roads will be installed privately. City fees charged that will be incorporated into the development agreement are at final review stage but have not been provided with this agenda item. The fees will be available f()f review at the meeting. The devclopmcnt agreement will f()lIow the standard fonnat. The City Engineer has reviewcd and approved the plans and specifications with comments. ALTERNATIVE ACTION I. Motion to approve the final plat of the Rolling Woods 2nd subdivision. Motion contingent on compliance with fce requirements and completion of standard development agreement to the satisli.Ktion of the City Stall and City Attorney. 2. Motion to deny approval of the final plat of the Rolling Woods 2nd subdivision. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends Alternative I. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of Final Plat -1- . . . B. c. Council Agenda - 4/9/0 1 7. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROliND: As I noted to the Council at our last meeting. proposed legislation developed by the Coalition of Utility Cities. the Coalition of Utility Counties and Xcel Energy has been introduced last week as I louse File #2339 (McElroy) and Senate File #2 1 91 (Metzen). With the exception of a couple of minor issues that will need to be resolved by amendments, this bill represents a consensus on substantially all of the issues brought up by the parties over the past several weeks. Although the bill has not yet been heard in committee, the Coalition of Utility Cities is asking each city council to consider adopting a resolution that would indicate our support for this legislation to show all legislators that we arc serious about trying to resolve the personal property tax issue. Since there hasn't been any changes made since the last time I discussed this with the Council, I enclosed again the background information I supplied at the March 261h meeting for your review. In addition to this inf(mnation. I asked Xcel Energy's main lobbyist on this issue. Mr. Todd Rapp. to attend our council meeting to be available to answer any questions the Council may have JI'om Xcel's perspective on this legislation. I believe I have a Elirly good understanding of the proposal but I thought the Council may also like to hear the opinion of Xccl Energy on this legislation. The Coalition 01" Utility Cities will aQain be IneetinQ Fridav morninll, April 61h to discuss a few ...... ~.... "- issues regarding this legislation that include some attempts by the City 01" Oak Park Heights to add special language to the bill providing them with additional funds over and above the replacement revenue f(lr future site remediation if the power plant is ever removed from their city. I do have concerns on attempts by any city. county or other organization trying to get special lCatures added to the bill li.)r their Own benefit as I feel it could hinder the collaborative em)!"t oLdl parties to date. If every city tries to get something special added Jor their own benefit. it is very likely this bill will go nowhere. If anything arises from our meeting Friday morning. I will update the Council Monday night. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt the resolution supporting the proposed legislation. 2. Do not adopt the resolution at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As City Administrator. I iCel the proposed legislation introduced at this time appears to accomplish our long standing goal of seeking a secure form of replacement revenue if the personal property tax was eliminated. As a result, I am recommending that the City Council support the efti.ms of this legislation as it is \vritten, but reserve any rights to oppose amendments that may materially alter the original intent of this bill. The Council should be aware that even ifall cities, counties and Xcel Energy arc in agreement. we still need both the hOllse and the senate, along with the governor to ultinwtely pass any legislation. Many times when a bill is introduced, the version . Council ^genda - 4/9/0 I that is passed is not even close to what was originally introduced. Hopefully this will not happen in this case, hut that risk is always there. D. SIJPPORTING DATA: · Copy of Resolution · Draft Bill · City Administrator"s Update . . . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2001-16 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF HOUSE FILE 2339 (MCELROY) AND SENATE FILE 2191 (METZEN) (providing a partial exemption from the utility personal property tax, and replacement of lost revenues to host communities) WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has hosted an electric utility generation facility since 1971; and WHF:RF:AS', the City of Monticello depends upon revenues from the personal property tax on electric utility attached machinery to compensate the community for hosting this generation facility; and WHER/:'AS, the investor-owned utilities have sought to exempt electric utility attached machinery at their generation facilities from the personal property tax; and WHEREAS', the City of Monticello joined with other generation facility host communities to express our belief that the personal property tax provides a critical source of revenue for host communities; and WHERt./Ji,,', the City of Monticello, as a member of the Coalition of Utility Cities, joined with the Coalition of Utility Counties and Xcel Energy to negotiate these issues and resolve their concerns; and WHER/-:'AS', Allete, formerly known as Minnesota Power. was invited to join the Coalition of Utility Cities, the Coalition of Uti I ity Counties. and Xcel Energy in these negotiations, but Allete chose not to participate; and TYHERt'AS, the Coalition of Utility Cities. the Coalition of Utility Counties and Xcel Energy have reached an agreement by which the State of Minnesota would partially exempt electric utility attached machinery from the personal property tax; and the State of Minnesota would issue revenue bonds to create trust funds for each host commL1I1ity, so that these trust funds might be invested and the earnings from them would replace the personal property tax revenues; and T1lHEREAS. the Coalition of Utility Cities, the Coalition of Utility Counties and Xcel Energy have each agreed to support this proposal and introduce it as legislation during the 2001 session of the Minnesota Legislature; and WHEREAS,'. the proposal has been introduced as House File 2339 (McElroy) and Senate File 2191 (Metzen) during the 2001 session of the Minnesota Legislature; and WHEREAS. the Coalition of Utility Cities has requested that each city member review the proposal and enact a resolution to support the proposal; NOW. T! IEREFORE. BE IT RESOL rED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, County of Wright Minnesota that the City of Monticello hereby approves the agreement to exempt the personal property tax and establish a trust fund to compensate host communities, as contained in Ilouse File 2339 (McElroy) and Senate File 2191 (Metzen). and requests that the Minnesota Legislature support and pass this legislation during the 2001 legislative session. I Adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello. County of Wright. Minnesota. this 9111 . day of April. 200]. Roger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator . , . . ( . . 20 .2 MAR-21-2001 09:50 P.04 A bill for an act 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 relating to taxation; property: exempting ClUTent value of utility generation personal property from the general education levy; reducing the class rate on utility generation personal property; exempting certain new increased capacity, and increased efficiency utility personal property from property tax; allowing certain counties. cities. and towns to impose an optional fee on certain utilities; requiring the public utilities commissioner to adjust utility rates for reduced utility property taxes; establishing an electric utility generation attached machinery personal property tax replacement trust ftmd; providing for a rebate if an electric generation facility shuts down; authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2000. sections 16A.67. subdivision 1; 126C.13, subdivision 1; I 27A.48, by adding a subdivision; 272.02. subdivision 9; and 275.08; subdivision Ib; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 16A, 216B. 272, and 273. 15 16 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 17 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2000. section 16A.67. subdivision I. is amended to read: Subdivision I. [AUTHORIZATION]!.el The commissioner of finance is authorized to sell and issue state bonds to fund the judgment rendered against the state by the Minnesota supreme court in Cambridge State Bank et al. v. James. 514 N.W. 2d 565. on April I, 1994. and related claims. and interest accrued on the judgment and related claims, to fund any bond reserve determined to be necessary, and to pay costs of issuance of the bonds. The proceeds of the bonds are appropriated for these purposes. The principal amoWlt of the bonds shall not exceed $400.000.000. The bonds shall be sold and issued upon such terms and in such manner as the commissioner shall determine to be in the best interests of the state. The fInal matwity of the 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 bonds shall be not later than June 30. 2005. 27 (b) The commissioner of fmance is authorized to sell and issue bonds to pay to each eligible local govemment unit the prtlOllnt necessary to establish its electric utility eeneration attached machinery personal oropertv tax reolaccment trust fund as provided in section 16A.6702. to fund anv bond reserve determined to be necessary. and to pay costs of issuance of the bonds. The proceeds of the bonds are aoorooriated for these PUTOoses. The princioal amount of the bonds shall not exceed $........ The bonds shall be sold and issued upon such terms and in 28 29 30 31 MRR-21-2001 09:50 P.05 such manner as the commissioner shall detennine to be in the best interests of the state. The final maturity of the bonds shall be not later than June 30. 20 II. EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective the day following [mal enactment. 1 2 3 4 5 Section 2. A new section is enacted as Minnesota Statutes Section 16A.6702 [ELECTRIC 6 UTILITY GENERATION ATTACHED MACHINERY PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 7 REPLACEMENT TRUST FUND} to read: 8 Subd.l. [DEFINITIONS] For purposes of section 16A.6702. 9 ]0 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 ]8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (a) "Facility" means a single generatinl! unit at a site which can run independently of other units at the site. (b) "Site" means an area of land used for a facility and includes anY contiguous or adiacent areas of land used for facilities in the same system for the generation of electricity . (c) "Retirement" of a facility means rendering the facility permanently. Ieea1ly and. physically incapable of generatimz electricity and all electric utility l!eneration attached machinery and personal prooerty. including transmission and substation eauioment. has been dismantled and removed from the site or has been oermanentlv closed in place if removal is impracticable. Subd. 2. [ELIGIBLE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS] A statutory or home rule charter city. county. to\w" or special taxine district that received personal propertY tax revenue from electric utility ~eneration attached machinerY nersonal orooerty for taxes levied in 2000. payable in 2001. is eligible to receive an apl'rooriation under this section. Subd.3. [TRUSTS ESTABLISHED; JOINT POWERS INVESTMENT TRUSTS] In order to receive an aoorooriation from proceeds of the bonds sold under section 16A.67. subdivision 1. oaragraph (b). each elilzible local 20vemment unit shall. bv resolution. adooted followimz a public hearing. establish an electric utility E!:eneration attached machinerY oersonal prooertY tax reolacement trust fund. Each elil2.ible local E!:ovemment unit may enter into 2 . . . .1 .3 14 20 21 22 24 .6 MAR-21-2001 09:51 P.06 2 a2.l'eements or contracts with other eli2ible local E!:overnment units for shares of a Minnesota joint powers investment trust in accordance with section IISA.OS. subdivision 4. If the principal amount of the trust fund for any eligible locall!ovemment. as calculated pursuant to subdivision 4. will not equal or exceed the sum of SI.OOO.OOO. the eligible local government unit shall enter into alITeements or contracts with other eligible local 20vemment units within the same county or. if necessary to reach the $1.000.000 threshold. with other neiehborin2 elhtible local government units. in order that the combined funds to be manal?cd in their collective loint powers investment trust shall equal or exceed the sum of Sl.000.000. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Subd. 4. [APPROPRIATION AMOUNT] Not later than February 1. 2002. the 10 Commissioner of Finance shall convey to each e1i2ible local 20vernment unit that has established a aualifvinsz trust under subdivision 3 an aoorooriation. in an amount calculated such that income from the principal amount. if invested with a six Dercent simole interest annualized rate of return. would. after coveri.rn! reasonable exoenses for the administration of the tro.st. II 12 15 reolace the 7S oeree"t reduction in electric utility generation attached machinery t'lersonal orooertv taxes that applies to t'le1'Sonal orooertv of an electric u:eneration system upon the: enactment of section 273.13. subdivision 24(8)(41. calculated on the basis of the payable 2001 property taxes paid bv the electric utility for electric Eeneration attached machinery personal prooertv. Each eligible local government unit shall place the 2iven aoorooriation into the trust established pursuant to subdivision 3. The Department of Revenue. with advice and comment from staff in the eliS!ible local taxing: iurisdictions and from the utilities which own the facilities. shall. prior to Seotember 30. 2001. calculate the aooliqable tax on electric Eeneration machinery and personal proDcrtv for each facility in each eligible local taxing iurisdiction as a basis for calculatin2 and allocatiIllZ the approoriation- 16 17 18 19 23 Subd.5. [TRUST FUND MANAGEMENT] The trust established pursuant to 2S subdivision 3 shall be maintained as a seoarate account and trust funds shall not be commingled with other accounts of the local 20vemment unit. The trust funds received pursuant to 27 subdivision 4 shall be inyested in accordance with section 118A.04. AnY and all income 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 ) 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 MAR-21-2001 09:51 P.07 generated from each trust fund. after oayment of approoriate exoenses. shall be available to the responsible eligible local Ilovernment unit for use as Ileneral revenues. The income after exoenses from each trust are intended to replace lost revenues resultine: from the 75% reduction in electric utility 2eneration attached machinery personal property taxes that applies to personal prooertv of an electric generation system upon the enactment of section 273.13. subdivision 24(a)(4). The principal of the trust shall be preserved and shall be repaid to the Department of Finance at the termination of the trust in accordance with subdivision 7. The trust princioal may not be drawn dO\\-1l to provide eeneraI revenue to the local lZovemment unit. The trust shall be subiect to oeriodic audit by the local government unit's auditor(s) or. in the absence of a designated auditor for the local government unit by the State Auditor. Subd. 6. [GENERATION F ACILTTY RETIREMENT] In the event the owner of an electric utility generation facility determines to retire the facility. the owner shall give written notice of the retirement to each local I!ovemment unit that has received an appropriation for deposit in a trust established Dursuant to subdivision 3. to the public utilities commission. to the commissioner of finance and. if the distribution utility or utilities are not the same entity as the owner. to the distribution utility or utilities. Any retirement of a facility will be effective with respect to the trust as of January 2 in the second vear following the retirement, exceot that if a facility with fifiv percent or more of the nameplate capacity of the retired facility replaces the facility at the site. or if application has been made for such a revlacernent facilitY prior to the effective date of the retirement. the new facility shall be considered to be a like.kind replacement. such that the facility at the site is not deemed retired for ourooses ofterminatine: the ~ . . Subd. 7. [DISPOSITION Of TRUST PRINCIPAL UPON RETIREMENT OF FACILITY] The local e:overnment unit may use income from the trust as general revenues throulZh the calendar year of the effective date of retirement. The principal remainim! in the trust associated with the retired facility shall be reoaid to the Deoartment of Finance immediately upon the be~inning of the next calendar year following the effective date of retirement of the . 4 .1 12 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 MRR-21-2001 09:52 P.08 2 facility. excevt as otherwise provided in subdivisions 8 and 9. Within sixty dayS after the owner of a retired facility has Riven notice that a particular facility is to be retired. the distribution utility or utilities ooerating in the service territorv from which a surcharee was collected under section 216B.1646 to repay the bonds associated with the retired facility shall file a clan for the allocation of the trust orincioal with the public utilities commission. Anv such plan shall make reasonable arrangements for the rebate of the trust orincipal to customers in the service territory who have caid the surchare:cs collected to repay the bonds used to establish the trust princiDal. if reasonably possible. Anv Dortion of the trust principal funded from the l!eneral fund shall be reoaid to the general fund. The commission shall be responsible to aoorove or modify the clan. Upon approval of the plan. the Department of Finance shall transfer the trust orincipal to be distributed accordinl! to the plan. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II Subd.8. [ALLOCATION OF TRUST PRINCIPAL FOR A SITE WITH MULTIPLE FACILITIES] For a site with more than One facility. if one facility is retired and one or more facilities at the same site remain available for e:eneration of electricity. sixty-seven percent of the trust funds associated with the particular retired facility shall be repaid to the Department of Finance. The remaining thiny-three percent of the trust funds associated with the retired facility shall remain in the trust. and income from those funds remaining in the trust may be used bv the local government unit until the last facility at the site has been retired. Subd. 9. [LIMITATION ON TRUST TERMINATION FOR CERTAIN 20 FACILITIES] Notwithstanding subdivision 7 of this section. where an existing electric 21 aeneratine: facility is sited within one mile of the 81. Croix river. and where the electric 22 generating facility has been retired as Drovided in subdivision 6. the electric utility aeneration 23 attached machinery oersonal proocrtV tax renlacement trust fund shall not terminate and its 24 oriocioal shall oot be repaid until the owner of the electric eeneration facility and the city 25 20vernment unit within whose iurisdiction the electric aeneration facility is sited have entered . into an agreement for the remediation. rehabilitation. or redevelooment of the electric 2eneration 27 facility site. The oarties may agree to use Dart or all of the orincioal of the electric utility 5 2 3 4 MRR-21-2001 09:52 P.09 generation attached machinery personal orooertv tax ~olacement trust fund for the remediation. rehabilitation. or redevelooment of the electric ~eneration facility site. EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective the day followinll final enactment. . Section 3. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 126C.Ol, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. Adjusted net tax capacity. "Adjusted net tax capacity" means the net tax capacity of the taxable property of the district as adjusted by the commissioner of revenue Wlder section 127A.48. The adjusted net tax capacity for any given calendar year must be used to compute levy limitations for levies certified. in the succeeding calendar year and aid for the school year beginning in the second succeeding calendar year. However. this formula will be adiusted for districts in which electric generation personal orooertv and machinery has been exempted. In these districts. the Department of Revenue will be allowed to modify any applicable oriOt year's adiusted net tax caoacitv to reflect the loss of the electric generation personal prooertv for both levy limitations and for school aids in the year the exemption is rust imolemented. S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 Section 4. Mirmesota Statutcs 2000, section 126C.13. subdivision 1, is amended to read: 18 Subdivision 1. GENERAL EDUCATION TAX RATE. The commissioner must 19 establish the general education tax rate by July 1 of each year for levies payable in the following 20 year. The general education tax capacity rate must be a I3.te, rounded up to the nearest hundredth 21 of a percent, that, when applied to the adjusted net tax capacity for all districts, raises the amoWlt 22 specified in this subdivision. The general education tax rate must be the rate that raises 23 $1,330.000,000 for fiscal year ~ 2003. and later fiscal years. The general education tax rate 24 may not be changed due to changes or corrections made to a disIrict's adjusted net tax capacity 25 after the tax rate has been established. 26 27 . EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective for taxes oavable in 2002 and thereafter. . 6 .1 .: 20 21 22 23 24 25 .6 27 MAR-21-2001 09:53 P.10 :2 Section 5. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 127A.48, is amended by adding a subdivision to 3 read: 4 Subd. 17. EXEMPTION OF ELECTRIC GENERATION MACIDNERY. For the 5 puxposes of determinine the statewide Q;eneral education tax rate and each district's general 6 education levy amount under section l26C.13 only. tools. implements. and machinery of an 7 electric l!eneration system as defIned under section 273.13. subdivision 24. shall be excluded 8 from the comoutation of a school district's adiusted net tax capacity. 9 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective for the 2001 assessment, for taxes payable in 10 2002 and thereafter. 11 12 Section 6. A new section is enacted as Minnesota Statutes Section 216B.1646 [RATE REDUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION SURCHARGE] to read: (a) Within 30 days of the enactment date of this section. any electric utility subject to rate 15 resrulation by the DubHe utilities commission shall file with the commission an amendment to the 16 tariffed rates of the utility. to reflect the reduced amoWlt of the uti1itv'~ propertY tax obligation resultine: from the exemption of tools. imolements and machinery under section 127 A.48 and from the 75% reduction in electric utility 2eneration attached machinerY Dersonal orooertv taxes that aooties to personal 'DTOperty of an electric 2eneration system upon the enactment of section 273.13. subdivision 24(a)(4). To the extent feasible. each dollar of lax reduction should result in 17 18 19 a dollar of savinl!s to the utility's customers. (b) At the same time the utility files the rate amendment under DaraJrraoh fa), the utility shall also file a tariff for a surchar12C to collect funds for the reDavment of the state revenue bonds issued on behalf of the utility under section 16A.67. Daragraph (b). The commission may not approve the surcharge tariff unless the commissioner fInds the surchanze is: (1) imposed on distribution customers: (2) nonbvosssable and comoetitiycly neutral: 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ent of section 273.13 subdivision 24 a 4 calculated 17 on the basis of the oavable 2001 oropertv taxes oaid bv the electric utility for electric e.eneration 18 attached machine e bonds issued MRR-21-2001 09:53 P.ll (3) scheduled to end on the date the state revenue bonds issued on behalf of the utility under section 16A.67. para@n\ph (b), are Tepaid~ and (4) calculated so as to: (i) not charge any cllStomer class a rate 2I'eater than chare:ed to that class prior to the enactment date of this section: and (in collect onlv an amount not e:reater than the reduction of the utility's generation attached machinery personal OTO-perty tax resultine: from the exemption of tools. im'plernents and machinery under section 127A.4.8 and from the 75% reduction in electric utility generation attached machinerY Dersonal orooertv taxes that aODlies to personal proDerty of an electric eeneration system uoon the enactment of section 273.13. subdivision 24(a)(4). (Q) The commission shall ensure that the tariff amendment and the surcharsz:e tariff have effective dates consistent with (1) the utility's obligation to Dav the taxes until such time as the truSts have generated sufficient income to reolace the 7S percent reduction in electric utility 19 UTSuant to sectio 16A.67 with the co ents 20 as provided in subpart (b) of this section. and (3) the implementation of the tariff rate reduction 21 to coincide with the commencement of the surcharE!:e collection. 22 EFFECfIVE DATE. This section is effective the day t'ollowinl! final enactment. 23 24 25 26 27 Section 7. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 272.02, subdivision 9, is amended to read: Subd.9. PERSONAL PROPERTY; EXCEPTIONS. Except for the taXable personal propeny enumerated below, aU personal property and the property described in section sections 272.03, subdivision 1, paragraphs (c) and (d). ~72.028 shall be exempt. g . . . . . .6 27 MAR-21-2001 09:54 P.12 2 The following personal property shall be taxable: (a) excect as orovided in sections 272.028. personal property which is part of an electric generating, transmission, or distribution system or a pipeline system transporting or distributing water, gas, crude oil, or petroleum products or mains and pipes used in the distribution of steam or hot or chilled water for heating or cooling buildings and structures; (b) railroad docks and wharves which are part of the operating property of a railroad company as defined in section 270.80; (c) personal property defined in section 272.03, subdivision 2, clause (3); (d) leasehold or other personal property interests which are taxed pursuant to section 272.01, subdivision 2; 273.124, subdivision 7; or 273.19, subdivision 1; or any other law providing the property is taxable as if the lessee or user were the fee owner; ( e) manufactured homes and sectional structures. including storage sheds, decks, and 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 similar removable improvements constructed on the site of a manufactured home, sectional structure, park trailer or travel trailer as provided in section 273.125, subdivision 8, paragraph ]5 (1); and ]6 (f) flight property as defined in section 270.071. ]7 18 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective for the 2001 assessment for taxes cavable in 19 2002 and thereafter. 20 21 Section 8. A new section is enacted as Minnesota Statutes Section 272.028 [pERSONAL PROPERTY USED TO GENERATE ELECTRICITY; NEW PLANT CONSTRUCTION AFTER JANUARY 1,2001] to reae!. (a) Tn the case ofa new generatin2 clant built and 'Placed in service after January 1. 2001. personal oropertv used to generate electric Dower is exem'Pt if an Exemotion of Generation Personal Property Fonn with an attached Sitin2 Agreement simed by the utility and the host taxing authoritv(s) is filed with the Deoartment of Revenue. The Sitin!! A2teement may include 22 23 24 2S 9 MAR-21-2001 09:54 P.13 a Dlan to orovide fees or compensation to the host jurisdictions. For purposes of this section.. "personal prooertv" means tools. implements. and machinery of the szenerating plant. This exemption shall not apply to transfonners. transmission lines. distribution lines. or anv other tools. imDlements. and machinery that are Dart of an electric substation. wherever located. (b) In the case of a olant existin2: or under construction before the day following fin~ enactment of this act a oartiaI exemotion shall aooly if an ExemDtion of Generation PeTSonal PropertY Fonn with attached Siting Agreement silmcd by the utility and the host taxing authority(s) is filed with the Deoartment of Revenue and iithe nameolate capacity of the plant is increased from that existine: on the day of final enactment of this act. The Sitin2 Aereement may include a plan to oTovicle fees or comoensation to the host iurisdictions. This oartial exemption shall be computed bv taking the increase in meQawatts over the total megawatt nameDlate caoacitv after construction is complete. multiplied by the market value of all taxable tools. imolements. and machinery of the 2enerating plant as determined bv the commissioner of revenue. The resultins: exemption shall be effective bC2innine in the next assessment year. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ] 6 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective the day following final enactment. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Section 9. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 273.13. subdivision 24, is amended to read: Subd.24. CLASS 3. (a) Commercial and industrial property and utility real and pe1'$onaI property is class 3a. (I) Except as otherwise provided, each parcel of commercial. industrial. or utility real property has a class rate of 2.4 percent of the first tier of market value, and 3.4 percent of the remaining market value. In the case of contiguous parcels of property owned by the samc person or entity. only the value equal to the first-tier value of the contiguous parcels qualifies for the reduced class rate, except that contiguous parcels owned by the same person or entity shall be eligible for the first-tier value class rate on each separate business operated by the owner of the property. provided the business is housed in a separate structure. For the purposes of this 10 . . . . 4 22 23 24 2S . 27 MAR-21-2001 09:54 P.14 2 subdivision, the first tier means the first $150,000 of market value. Real property owned in fee by a utility for transmission line right-of-way shall be classified at the class rate fOT the higher tier. For purposes of this subdivision, parcels are considered to be contiguous even if they are separated from each other by a road. street, waterway, or other similar intervening type of property. Connections between parcels that consist of power lines or pipelines do not cause the parcels to be contiguous. Property owners who have contiguous parcels of property that constitute separate businesses that may qualify for the first-tier class rate shall notify the assessor by July I, for treatment beginning in the following taxes payable year. (2) Personal property that is: (i) part of an electric gtlHeRltieB transmission,. or distribution system; or (ii) part of a pipeline system transporting or distributing water, gas, crude oil, or petrolewn products; and (iii) not described in clause~ (3) .QL(4}, has a class rate as provided under clause (1) for the first tier of market value and the remaining market value. In the case of multiple parcels in one county that are owned by one person or entity, only one first tier amount is eligible for the reduced rate. (3) The entire market value of personal property that is: (i) tools, implements, and machinery of an electric geRerausR, a transmission, or distribution system; (ii) tools, implements, and machinery of a pipeline system transporting or distributing water, gas, crude oil, or petroleum products; or (iii) the mains and pipes used in the distribution of steam. or hot or chilled water for heating or cooling buildings, has a class rate as provided under clause (1) for the remaining market value in excess of the first tier. (4) Except as provided in sections 272.028 and 272.029, the entire market value of personal propertv that is tools. imDlements. and machinerY of an electric generation svstem has a class rate equal to 0.85% or. if the class rate is chanl!ed for other nersonal propertY under subdivision 24(a)(3). equal to 25% of the class rate for other personal prooertv under subdivision 24(a)(3) for the vear in which oavrnent is due for oersonal property taxes as a result of assessments made in the vear in which any bill is nassed changing the class rate under 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 subdivision 24(a)(3). 11 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MAR-2l-2001 09:55 P.15 (b) Employment property defined in section 469.166, during the period provided in section 469.170, shall constitute class 3b. The class rates for class 3b property are determined under paragraph (a). (c)(1) Subject to the limitations of clause (2), structures which are (i) located on property classified as class 380 (ii) constructed under an initial building permit issued after January 2, 1996, (iii) located in a transit zone as defined under section 473.3915, subdivision 3, (iv) located within the boundaries of a school district, and (v) not primarily used for retail or transient lodging purposes. shall have a class rate equal to the lesser of 2.975 percent or the class rate of the second tier of the commercial property rate under paragraph (a) on any portion of the market value that does not qualify for the first tier class rate under paragraph (a). As used in item (v), a structure is primarily used for retail or trJnsient lodging purposes if over 50 percent of its square footage is used for those purposes. A class rate equal to the lesser of 2.975 percent or the class rate of the second tier of the commercial property class rate under paragraph (a) shall also apply to improvements to existing structures that meet the requirements of items (i) to (v) if the improvements are constructed under an initial building permit issued after January 2, 1996, even if the remainder of the structure was constructed prior to JanuaIy 2, 1996. For the purposes of this paragraph. a structure shall be considered to be located in a transit zone if any portion of the structure lies within the zone. If any property once eligible for treatment under this paragraph ceases to remain eligible due to revisions in transit zone boundaries. the property shall continue to receive treatment WIder this paragraph for a period of three years. (2) This clause applies to any structure qualifying for the transit zone reduced class rate under clause (1) on January 2. 1999. or any structure meeting any of the qualification criteria in item (i) and otherwise qualifying for the transit zone reduced class rate under clause (1). Such a structure continues to receive the transit zone reduced class rate until the occurrence of one of the events in item (ii). Property qualifying under item (i)(D), that is located outside of a city of the flISt class. qualifies for the transit zone reduced class rate as provided in that item. Property . . . 12 MAR-21-2001 09:55 P.16 .1 qualifying under item (i)(E) qualities for the transit zone reduced class rate as provided in that 2 item. (i) A structure qualifies for the rate in this clause if it is: 3 (A) property tor which a building permit was issued before December 31. 1998; or (B) property for which a building permit was issued before June 30, 2001. if: (I) at least 50 percent of the land on which the structure is to be built has been acquired or is the subject of signed purchase agreements or signed options as of March 15, 1998. by the entity that proposes construction of the project or an affiliate of the entity; (II) signed agreements have been entered into with one entity or with affiliated entities to lease for the account of the entity or affiliated entities at least SO percent of the square footage of the structure or the owner of the structure will occupy at least 50 percent of the square footage of the structure; and (III) one of the following requirements is met: the project proposer has submitted the completed data portions of an environmental assessment worksheet by December 31. 1998; or a notice of determination of adequacy of an environmental 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 .4 IS 16 impact statement has been published by April I, 1999; or an alternative urban area wide review has been completed by April 1 , 1999; or (C) property faT which a building permit is issued before July 30. 1999, if: (I) at least 50 percent of the land on which the structure is to be built has been acquired or is the subject of signed purchase agreements as of March 31. 1998, by the entity that proposes construction of the project Or an affiliate of the entity; (II) a signed agreement has been entered into between the building developer and a tenant to lease for its own account at least 200,000 square feet of space in the 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 building; (III) a signed letter of intent is entered into by July 1. 1998, between the building 25 .6 developer and the tenant to lease the space for its own account; and 13 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 l' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 MAR-2l-200l 09:56 P.l? (IV) the environmental review process required by state law was commenced by December 31. 1998; (D) property for which an irrevocable letter of credit with a housing and redevelopment authority was signed before December 31, 1998. The structure shall receive the transit zone reduced class rate during construction and for the duration of time that the original tenants remain in the building. Any unoccupied net leasable square footage that is not leased within 36 months after the certificate of occupancy has been issued for the building shall not be eligible to receive the reduced class rate. This reduced class rate applies only if a qualifying entity continues to own the property; (E) property, located in a city of the fltSt class. and for which the building permits for the excavation. the parking ramp, and the office tower were issued prior to April 1, 1999, shall receive the reduced class rate during construction and for the first five assessment years immediately following its initial occupancy provided that, when completed, at least 2S percent of the net leasable square footage must be occupied by a qualifying entity each year during this time period. Tn order to receive the reduced class rate on the structure in any subsequent assessment years, at least 50 percent of the rentable square footage must be occupied by a qualifying entity. This reduced class rate applies only if a qualifying entity continues to own the property. (ii) A structure specified by this clause, other than a structure qualifying under clause (i) (D) or (E), shall continue to receive the transit zone reduced class rate until the occurrence of one oithe following events: (A) if the structure upon initial occupancy will be owner occupied by the entity initially conslnlCting the structure or an affiliated entity, the structure receives the reduced class rate until the structure ceases to be at least SO percent occupied by the entity or an affiliated entity, provided, if the portion of the structure occupied by that entity or an affiliate of the entity is less than 85 percent, the transit zone class rate reduction for the portion of structure not so occupied terminates upon the leasing of such space to any nonaffiliated entity; or . . . 14 . 10 11 12 . 14 15 16 MRR-2l-200l 09:56 P.1S 2 (B) if the structure is leased by a sinile entity or affiliated entity at the time of initial occupancy, the structure shall receive the reduced class rate until the stru.c:ture ceases to be at 3 least SO percent occupied by the entity or an affiliated entity, provided, if the portion of the structure occupied by that entity or an affiliate of the entity is less than 85 percent, the transit zone class rate reduction for the portion of stroctw-e not so occupied shall terminate upon the leasing of such space to any nonaffiliated entity; or (C) if the structure meets the criteria in item (i)(C), the structure shall receive the reduced 4 5 6 7 8 class rate until the expiration of the initial lease term of the applicable tenants. Percentages 9 occupied or leased shall be determined based upon net leasable square footage in the structure. The assessor shall allocate the value of the structure in the same fashion as provided in the general law for portions of any structure receiving and not receiving the transit tax class reduction as a result of this clause. (3) For purposes of paragraph (c), "qualifying entity" means the entity owning the property on September I, 2000, or an affiliate of an entity that owned the property on September 1, 2000. 17 EFFECTIVE DATE. lbis section is effective for assessment year 2001. for taxes payable in 18 2002 and thereafter. 19 20 Section 10. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 275.08, subdivision 1 b. is amended to read: 21 Subd. lb. COMPUTATION OF TAX RATES..w. The amounts certified to be levied 22 against net tax capacity under section 275.07 by an individual local government wlit shall be 23 divided by the total net tax capacity of all taxable properties within the local government unit's 24 taxing jurisdiction. except as nrovidcd in oat8.S!:raph (b)' The resulting ratio, the local 25 . government's local tax rate, multiplied by each property's net tax capacity shall be each property's net tax capacity tax for that local government unit before reduction by any credits. 15 MRR-21-2001 09:57 P.19 (b) The ieneral education levy under section 126C.13 certified bv a school district shall be divided bv the total net tax caoacitv of all wc.able properties within the district's taxing iurisdiction. excluding the net tax caoacity of tools, imolements. and machinery of an electric generation system under section 273.13. subdivision 24. The resultine ratio. the school district's eeneral education tax rate. multiolied bv each propertv's net tax caoacity shall be each orooertv's g~neral education tax before reduction by anv credits. The general education tax shall not be levied on tools. imolements. and machinerY of an electric generation system under section 273.13, subdivision 24. W Any amount certified to the county auditor to be levied against market value shall be divided by the total referendum market value of all taxable properties within the taxing district. The resulting ratio, the taxing district's new referendum tax rate, multiplied by each property's referendum market value shall be each property's new referendum taX before reduction by any credits. For the purposes of this subdivision, "referendum market value" means the market value as defmed in section l26C.Ol, subdivision 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective for taxes payable in 2002 and thereafter. 17 18 Section 11. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 276A.Ol, subdivision 3, is amended to read: 19 Subd. 3. COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 "Commercial-industrial property" means the following categories of property, as defined in section 273.13, excluding that portion of the property (i) that may, by law, constitute the we. base for a tax increment pledged pursuant to section 469.042 or 469.162, certification of which was requested prior to May 1, 1996, to the extent and while the tax increment is so pledged; 6f (ii) that is exempt from taxation under section 272.02~ (Hi) that is included under section 273.13. subdivision 24. pa.tatrraoh (a). clause (4): (1) that portion of class 5 property consisting of unmined iron ore and low-grade iron-bearing formations as defined in section 273.14. tools, implements, and machinery, except 16 . . . MAR-21-2001 09:57 P.20 .1 the portion of high voltage transmission lines, the value of which is deducted from net tax 2 capacity under section 273.425; and 3 (2) that ponion of class 3 and class 5 property which is either used or zoned for use for 4 any commercial or industrial pUIpose, except for such property which is, or, in the case of 5 property under construction, will when completed be used exclusively for residential occupancy 6 and the provision of services to residential occupants thereof. Property must be considered as 7 used exclusively for residential occupancy only if each of not less than 80 percent of its occupied 8 residential units is, or, in the case of property under construction, wiH when completed be 9 occupied under an oral or written agreement tor occupancy over a continuous period of not less 10 than 30 days. II If the classification of property prescribed by section 273.13 is modified by legislative 12 amendment, the references in this subdivision are to the successor class or classes of property, or 13 portions thereof, that include the kinds of property designated in this subdivision. .4 20 21 22 23 24 25 .6 27 17 18 Section 12. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 473F.02. subdivision 3. is amended to read: 19 Subd.3. COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. "Commercial.industrial property" means the following categories of property, as defined in section 273.13. excluding that portion of such property (1) which may, by law. constitute the tax base for a tax increment pledged under section 469.042 or 469.162, certification of which was requested prior to August I, 1979, to the extent and while such tax increment is so pledged; &.f (2) which is exempt from taxation under section 272.02: or (3) that is included under section 273.13. subdivision 24. oaragraDh (a). clause (4): (a) That portion of class 3 property defined in Minnesota Statutes 1971, section 273.13. consisting of stocks of merchandise and furniture and fixtures used therewith; manufacturers' 17 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 P.21 MAR-21-2001 09:58 materials and manufactured articles; and tools, implements and machinery, whether fIXtures or . otherwise. 7 (b) That portion of class 4 property defined in Minnesota Statutes 1971, section 273.13, which is either used or zoned for use for any commercial or industrial purpose, except for such property which is, or, in the case of property under construction. will when completed be used exclusively for residential occupancy and the provision of services to residential occupants thereof. Property shall be considered as used exclusively for residential occupancy only if each of not less than 80 percent of its occupied residential units is, or, in the case of property under construction, will when completed be occupied under an oral or written agreement for occupancy over a continuous period of not less than 30 days. If the classification of property prescribed by section 273.13 is modified by legislative amendment, the references in this subdivision shall be to such successor class or classes of property, or portions thereof, as embrace the kinds of 8 9 13 property designated in this subdivision. . 14 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective for taxes levied in 2001. cavable in 2002 and 15 16 thereafter. 17 18 Section 13. [475A.07] [LOCAL BONDS; STATE GUARANTY.] 19 Subdivision 1. [APPLICATION.] This section apDlies to the bonds of a local unit of 20 . 21 22 consisted of t unit is 23 bonds are eneral 0 the 24 25 26 or were issued to refund bonds that were outstanding on that date. l8 MAR-21-2001 09:58 P.22 . Subd. 2. [DEFINITIONS.] (a) For DUfDOses of this section. the followinl! terms have the 2 meaninQs S!iven. 3 (b) "Bond" means any obligation. as defined in section 475.51. subdivision 3. re2ardless of 4 whether the obligations were issued under the authority of chapter 475. 5 ec) "Local government unit" means a statutory or home rule charter city. county. school district. 6 or special taxing district with authority to issue gcnetal obliQation bonds. 7 Subd.3. [STATE GUARANTY.] (a) The state sroaranties the paYment of bonds covered by the 8 provisions of this section. If a deficiency or a default occurs under any bond covered bv this 9 section. the commissioner of finance shall pay any amount needed to remedy and correct the 10 deficiency or default. This guaranty is pennanent and irrevocable. 11 (b) The lmaranty. pledlle. and any oavment bv the commissioner under oaraera,oh (a) does not . relieve the local governmental unit of its obligation to Dav the bonds. 13 (c) If the commissioner makes a oavment under oaragraph (a), the commissioner may recover the 14 amount. Dlus any additional costs incurred includint!: interest at the rate soecified in section 15 279.03. subdivision 1. from the local 20vemmental unit by: (I) deductin2 the amount from state. 16 aid payments made to the local t':overnmental unit: 17 (2) comoelling: the levying: of propertY taxes by the local ~ovemmental unit to be paid to the 18 commissioner of finance: (3) brineing le2al action to collect the amounts~ or (4) any combination 19 of the actions in clauses (1) to (3). 20 Subd. 4. (APPROPRlA TION.] An amount sufficient to provide any funds needed to pay and 21 administer the ~antv under this section is aporooriated from the general fund to the 22 commissioner of fmance. .23 24 Section 14. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 477A.Oll, subdivision 20. is amended to read: 19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 MAR-21-2001 09:58 P.23 Subd. 20 [CITY NET TAX CAPACITY.] ~ "City net tax capacity means (1) the net tax capacity computed using the net tax capacity rates in section 273.13, except as orovided in paragraph (b), and the market values for taxes payable in the year prior to the aid distribution plus (2) a city's fiscal disparities distribution taX capacity under section 276A.06, subdivision 2, paragraph (b), or 473F.08. subdivision 2, which aids are being calculated. The market value utilized in computing city net tax capacity shall be reduced by the sum of (1) a city's market value of commercial industrial property as defined in section 276A.O 1, subdivision 3, or 473F.08. subidivision 2, paragraph (a), (2) the market value of the captured value of tax increment financing districts as defined in section 469.177, subdivision 2, and (3) the market value of transmission lines deducted from a city's total net tax capacity under section 273.425. The city net tax capacity will be computed using equalized market values. (9) For Dumoses ofcomputine the city net tax capacity. the net class rate apolied to personal prooerty used in an electric ecneration system. as defined in Mirmesota Statutes. section 273.13. subdivision 24. paragraph (at clause (4) shall be eaual to the class rate applied to the market value in excess of the fIrst tier under Minnesota Statutes, section 273.13. subdivision 24. l;'ara2I'3.Dh ( a). clause (1 ). 20 TOTRL P.23 . . . . . . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE MARCH 23, 2001 By Ollie Koropchak Front Street Redevelopment - The HRA is scheduled to close with Richard and Marian Carlson on Monday, March 26,3:00 p.m. at City Hall. This for the property located at 225 Front Street. The note associated with the loan the Council approved on February 26 will be dated March 26. Bostic - My understanding the seller has agreed to the BRA's counter-offer and we will soon begin preparation for closing with occupancy not later than June 15,2001. O'Connor ~ out of town. According to Mr. Helvey, he feels O'Connor will agree to HRA counter-offer. Ruff, Koropchak, and O'Neill will meet the first part of April with the proposed developer for the area, Hans Hagen Homes. BLOCK 52 Redevelopment. The BRA survey for Block 52 is scheduled for completion Monday, March 26. HRA Chair Lahr and Koropchak met with property owner Steve Johnson. Certainly any redevelopment of the Block must address parking replacement. At this point, the HRA has seen one concept for the area. It is my recommendation to the HRA that the next step is for the HRA to host a meeting of the property owners of Block 52. AMOCO SITE - Fluth/Johnson agreement with the BRA expires April 4. As you know their proposal for Phase I includes 3,500 sq ft of restaurant space with the other 2,200 sq ft proposed as retail/office for a total of 5,700 sq ft on first floor. Second floor proposed for housing. Parking spaces becomes an issue for this project and for downtown redevelopment. Steve Grittman is reviewing the parking concerns with O'Neill and the Planning Commission. TAX INCREMENT PROJECTIONS -I've been working with the City Assessor Greg to get the 2001 market values for major new development or redevelopment in TIF District 1- 22, this will assist the HRA with further decision making. Also have a complete list of the BRA's district debt. Greg will have the last information to me on Friday, March 23. I encourage each Council member to stop by my office so I can review these numbers with you. Scattered Housing Grant - Application still in review, no new news. Red Wing Foods (dry industry) . Last word is they plan to relocate the whole facility to Monticello. 30,000 sq ft. 1 Preliminary Concept for redevelopment of old St. Henry's area. IDC March Meeting - Only one member of the Council attended the IDC meeting. The IDC prepared a good preparation on the importance of industrial land. Their motion was to encourage staff and Council to expedite the action to actively pursue the acquisition of the Chadwick/Goeman properties for industrial development. Target date to Council April 9, 2001. 2 . . . . COUNCIL UPDATE Mareh 26, 20()) Proposed Pnsonal Property Tax Replacement Bill Legislation Rick W olf'iteller Over the past several weeks. a \vork group consisting of representatives of the Coal ition of Uti I ity Cities. the Utility Counties and Exeel Energy had heen meeting once a week to work on potential legislation that could be introduced to legislators yet this year that would address the personal property nIX issue Excel Energy has heen trying to get eliminated It)r years. The work group has heen putting together a proposed bill that would provide replacement revenue to utility cities such as Monticello. to cover lost property tax revenue if personal property taxes were reduced or el iminated from Excel Energy. lhe concept of the hill being proposed provides It)r the ItJllowing. although there Inay still he other issues addressed in the bill. 1. The personal property tax c1assilication rate It)]' Excel Energy would drop li'om 3.4(1'0 to 0.R5%. cl'kctively reducing Excel's personal property tax liability by 75%. The entire market value of Excel's property. including personal property would remain on the tax records. hut the lower class rate would provide taxes at only 25% of what was normally collected. . ! Lach taxing jurisdiction that previously received personal property taxes would receive a lump sum cash payment. which \vhen invested at an expected return of 6% annually. would be sufficient to replace the revenue lost by reducing the class rate li'om 3.4% down to 0.8)<~'(). This lump sum payment \vould he held by the city in trust and could not be spent It)!" general purposes. only used ItJr creating investment interest income. There are also certain provisions for pay hack of these runds in the future if the power plant no longer existed. 3. As noted above. the amount of cash received by the city would he determined hy calculating the amount of tax we would have normally received under the current property tax method compared to the amount of taxes generated if Lxcers class rate drops by 7)<X). Using a 6% assumed interest rate return. the city would receive a lump sum that should allow us to replace the amount of tax revenue eliminated. r"or example. when looking at our 2001 tax le\y. Excel I':nergy' s personal property tax accounted ftlr approxilnately 49.1 % of the totaltaxcs paid or $2.489.585. If 7)l~o of this amount \vas elirninakd ($1.867.188). the city would need a lump sum cash payment of$31.119.800 i I' we were to generate $] .800.000 in interest income at 6% annual return. 4 A lump sum cash payment would come from honds sold by the sUite as revenue bonds. The honds would he repaid hy the utilities to the state from a surcharge. which would replace the personal property tax. . ). Customers of the utilities would see a reduction in the rate for electricity but the surclwrg(' would replace the difTerence. The electric hill \\Ould he essentially the same amount. l . 6. The stale \vould pick up the di tTerence /(lI" school funding. now paid by the rersonal property tax. 7. 'lhe bonds issued by the state would be paid in approximately seven years. 8. Once the state bonds were reraid, the surcharge would be dropped from consumer's bills. The drali bill included in this package could very likely be introduced to the legislature some time next week. Although there may be less than a 50% chance of this bill actually being passed this year. it docs shO\v that the utilities and the utility cities have been \vorking on trying to come ur with a solution that will keep the cities whole as t~lr as our annual revenues arc concerned and also accomplish most of the goals of the utilities hy eliminating personal property tax. There arc a number of key legislators that will need to be supportive oftllis type of legislation if there arc hopes to have it jXlssl'd this session. but each taxing jurisdiction including cities and counties arc now in the process of reviewing this idea and it is likely that in the near future the Council will be asked to IJro\ide a resolution of surport. . The utility cities recognize that there will be both technical and administrative changes thai will likely be needed to accomplish the implementation of this bill. There may also be adjustments needed to ilccommodate the needs of the legislature. The group has ahvays stated that the whole group ofci1ies needs to agree tel any changes in the bill that materially aUect us or will not agree to surport it. Our nbility to negotiate ejTectively on this legislation or future legislation depends on all the cOll1nlLmities standing together in an united eff()rt. We u:rtainly don't want to be put in the position \vhere tIle legislature passes sOll1ething \vhich is wholly different than what we agreed to. This bill has gaincd a good deal of momentum and has a possibility of passage yet this ycar. IIowever. it is not without some orposition as Minnesota Power docs not support it. Some northern cities and counties will continue to discuss this proposed legislation with Minnesota POWCl" as wcll as their legislators from northern Minnesota. The schools have grave concerns us vvell. l~xcel has been working with them on this and has proposed a couple of alternatives that may he workable. One may be to continue to pay the bond issues until maturity f<.lr buildings and excess levy rclerendums \\hich is a concern to schools. Some ell\'ironmentalists would like to see any personal property tax exemption tied to a pollution abatement requiring utilities to install pollution control equiplllent and meet certain standards bet()rc gelling any exemption from personal property taxes. Therc arc also u number of legislators who may not like it l(lI" a number of reasons, but it seems that the group has a number of key legislators in Etvor of this type of legislation. Once 1he bill is introduced. we will need to pay attention as to how it is going through the process. Support Ii'olll council members in lobbying and making calls to legislators may be needed as \vell. think the proposal as outlined may be an acceptable solution to the personal property tax dehate as it provides a mechunism for the city to continue to generate revenue at least equal to \vhat vve arc currently recciving. While this reduction in I':.\cers personal prorcrty tax liahility \vill have an cllCct on additional revenues we may need to raise through property taxes in the future, it is certainly better I l . . ...... ...,. than sonle of tilL' proposals that have heen talked about sueh as phasing (lUt personal property tax revenue over ten to Ii fleen years. The vvay it is cUIT('ntly strueturcd. the city would continue to at least receive the amount of taxes Fxcel is now paying as long as the power plant exists in Monticello. lhe Coalition of Utility Cities recently met and approved thl' dran legislation as proposed and each city is heing also asked to consider support Iflr this concept in the near future. Irthe council vvould like to discuss this issue in further detail on Monday night vve could add it to the end of the agenda for additional discussion or debate. In the meantime. if anyone has any questions. please feel free to give me a call. -"3 -1 . City Coullcil Agenda - 04/09/0 I 8. Consideration of a Conce t I'LiD for a Mixed Lise Pro 'eet on the Site of the Former St. Hen's Church. A licant: Cedrus Creek Craftsman. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Cedrus Creek Craftsman has requested City review of a concept for the re-use of the St. Henry's Church building and property. At this stage of the pr(~iect. building and site plans are not yet developed to the point where they can be reviewed with any detail. This brief review is intended to help identi1y the proposed uses and questions which \vilI need to be answered in future review cycles. LUlld Use. The applicant intends to develop the sacristy portion of the building into a theater and perf()fIl1ing arts center. The Land of Lakes Choir Boys would utilize the theater as its primary venUe for performances. The "Parish Center" is to be remodeled to accommodate business offices. meeting rooms. and a practice room. The original convent would be used as a day-care center (currently in operation). Evcntually. the applicant wishes to expand into this area with practice rooms and class rooms related to the performing arts use. . lhe parking lot block (Block 21) is proposed to be redeveloped into a clustered residential project. The applicant indicates that Some form of central courtyard may be utilized. Block 22 to the west would be developed residentially, depending on the amount of land available. bsues. The land uses appear to be similar to those originally considered atew months ago by a ditlcrent developer. although they are rearranged somewhat. From a conceptual standpoint. the developer will need to be able to address the capacity ofthe buildings. and parking to be developed in support of the uses. Since the existing parking lot would be redeveloped as housing. parking in support of the performing arts use would need to be added to the current bui Iding site. An issue discussed with the previous proposal rclated to the access to the site. Staff had encouraged a plan in which tramc. particularly during peak theater use times, would access from the south. This issue would need to be addressed as a part oi"this project. particularly since the parking location will move. Summary. The PUD loning proposed for the previous project would be applicable for this concept ns well. since the land lISCS are similar. The rearrangement ofland lIses may have so me posi ti ve e neets (hetter internal re Intio nshi ps II f ho us in g devcl n pmen t, park i ng on-site). However, relocation oi"the parking will raise the issue of access to the site through residential neighborhOOds. Without site plans, statT can not address these issues with specificity. lhe applicant will need to be prepared to resolve them as the project proceeds. ..... ,., -1- City COllncil Agenda - 04/09/01 . B. M .TERNATIVE ACfIONS I. Motion to recommend approval of the concept for re-lIse and redevelopment of the St. I lenry's Church area, based on a finding that the mixed use concept would he positive for the property, and potential traffic issues can be addressed as a part of the site planning process. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the concept t{)r re-lIse and redevelopment of the St. Henry's Church area, based on a finding that the proposed uses would be an over-intensification of land use in this area. 3. Motion to tahle action on the Cedrus Creek/St. Ilenry's project pending additional inf{mnation. The Planning Commission reviewed this item at a public hearing on 4/3/01. Items of concern related to the traffic circulation, access and hours of operation. Generally, the Planning Commission was in support of the concept and recommended approval of concept stage planned unit development with conditions as noted under Alternative 1. The next step in the plan review process is development stage PU D approval which will involve detailed plans and detailed review. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION StalTbelieves that the land uses proposed for the site would be reasonable t{lr the area, with the note that site development plans have not heen submitted, and no detailed review has been possihle as a result. At this time. the issue of traffic circulation and access would appear to the higgest issue, with on-site parking also a potential concern. If the City approves of the land uses as proposed, a Concept PU J) approval could be granted. with the condition that development plans will need to he provided which address neighborhood impact issues. including those mentioned above. D. SUPPORTING DATA Applicant's Written Proposal Letter Site Plan . -2- . . . Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. Proposed Utilization of Existing 81. Henry's Compound As Planned Unit Development Location - Block 21, 22, 28 Original Plat Block 28: Our proposal suggests the reworking of the present 81. Henry's compound into a performing arts campus recognizing the Land O'Lakes Choir as its base supporter. .:. Existing sacristy to be utilized as a theater and arts center .:. Parish center to be business offices, meeting rooms and practice room .:. Original convent would initially be retained as a private day-care provider and eventually expand into practice room/class rooms related to Land O'Lakes Choir facility. .:. Lots 6 through 10 would be redefined as parking and green spaces (play area) with future expansion for Land 0 'Lakes. Block 21. Complete lots 1 through 10 (current parking lot block): Redevelopment as a cohesive residential neighborhood based on a cluster concept possibly on a courtyard core. Block 22 - Lots 4 through 7 (fonner priest's house): Potential to extended through old Bondus machine shop site. Expansion of new neighborhood base with potential abandonment of applicable block of Minnesota Street. This residential concept creates a potential of 14 to 22 new home sites within the respective neighborhood with a potential to generate $507,000 in property tax revenues (at a cap level over first ten year period). The performing arts campus would be a continuance of the east, west community corridor initiated by our new community center. Having the Land 0 'Lakes Choir based in Monticello should add a new depth to our community. Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. (License #20135160) 12420 Armitage Ave. NW -+ Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 878-2943 -+ fax (763) 878>>2343 SA . . . Cedrus Creek, as developer, would agree to: .) Procure aforementioned relevant properties inclusive of Burlington Northern land respective to Block 22. .:. Assist Land of Lakes ChoirBoys in developing complete Block 28 into performing arts campus. .) Redevelop Block 21 complete and portions of Block 22 into a new cohesive neighborhood community of 22 new attached homes. An overall team effort inclusive of all these components and all these properties is necessary for the viability of developing this concept. For the pro forma to work we need complete compliance. We think this would be a wonderful rebirth of the area that the predecessors could be proud of and the community could embrace. Sincerely, C'.' \L lc-~~' _......~~.'._., John Komarek Enclosure Cedrus Creek CrafTsman, 1m.:. (License #21J/3J1(0) 12420 Armitage Ave. NW -+ Aloflticello,il1N $S362 (763) 878-2943 1;-fax (763) 878-2343 . Site The total land area is calculated plus/minus from the short legals proVided on the 1997 tax statement and city plat map. Block 21: 66 x 165 x 7 = 76,230 square feet 66 X 154 x 1 = 10,164 square feet Block 22: 66 x 165 x 2 = 21,780 square feet 66 x 105 x 2 == 13,860 square feet Block 28: 66 x 165 x 8 = 87,120 square feet 62 x 165.43 == 10,256 square feet The total land area of the subject property is 219,510+/- square feet or 5.04 acres. and Location . Page 3 SA . . . Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. BURLINGTON NORTHERN l I i I g: I m /;1 ~ ~ <t :2 BLOCK 21 ORIGINAL PLAT CITY OF MONTICELLO TWO QUAD UNITS A TI44' WIDE BY 00' , DEEP , , !---___...J , '~------ .---'--._~-. ---,--~--- , , , , , , , , , , ~-------~ THREE TWIN UNITS AT 76 WIDE BY 66' DEEP '----,--~.-.- 33O'.{J" -__.._______ , , , a I I I , . ~ - - - - - -. ST, HENRYS SITE - - , BLOCK 28 ORIGINAL PLAT CITY OF MONTICELLO -, PRELIMINARY PLAT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ST HENRY'S SITE r~--__~, , , .0::: ?- m ~ o CI) w z z :E BLOCK 22 ORIGINAL PLAT CITY OF MONTICEllO -------- ---~----,- 1___- ____I FOURTH STR Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. (License #20135160) 12420 Armitage Ave. NW -+ Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 878..2943 -+ fax (763) 878..2343 80 . . . City Council Agenda - 04/09/0 I 9. Consideration of establishing a date for a sneeial meeting for the purpose of developing street reconstruction fimmcing policy. (.10) As you recall some months ago the City Council rcviewed the various street reconstruction projccts that need to be completed in the next several years. lhere was also discussion of various methods that could he Llsed to finance these projects. It was determined at that time to conduct additional rcsearch, prepare a draft policy and present to Counci lie)!' review and COl11ment. Such is the purpose of the proposed special meeting. Council is asked to schedule the meeting Soon hecause the financing plans f()J' the 71h Street and Cedar Street projects slateclie)r construction this year will be affected by the new policy. [((If ~ e t;"fr>1 (jJOIIJ- ,t:1 -1- . . 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