City Council Agenda Packet 06-11-2001 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, .June 11,2001 -7 p.m. . Mayor: Roger Belsaas council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2.A. Approve minutes of May 29. 2001 regular Council meeting. B. Approve minutes of reconvened Board of Review. " -) . Conside.ration of adding items to the age.nda. . It- 1 A C\J-.- > -r ~tu\l. ~?tc Ar }'. f ,.." "^",U" ry ~. 1L~~,Jl - ~~s c-rYM' ~ '1 f ~ ,--. w-1l~ ~ GLI ~ -- M -- fW U' ~ )> , ~ ~ \ .i \::. 'fL- ~;.Lo . - -;;'cv->l oA, Q.. cJ-, "",.1 - ')..Uf pI Cltlzeri~ cO\T\lTlents/petltlo;;,\equests, and complamts. 4. 5. Consent agenda. Consideration of approving a revised annual pension amount lor the volunteer firefighters relief association members. Consideration of annual maintenance agreement with Wright County. A. . B. C. D. Consideration of approvaJ of annual liquor licenses. Consideration of setting the council workshop session to discuss CSAH 75 Improvement Project. E. Consideration to authorize entering into private redevelopment contract between HRA and the City - IRTl. Inc. F. Consideration ofratifying of new employees for liquor slOre, city hall, parks. motor vehicle and community center. G. Co nsiderati on of an interim use permit all owi n g a school to operate in the 1-1 district Applicant: School District #882 Alternative Learning Program. H. Consideration of a request for a preliminary plat of the Monticello Cormneree Center 5'" Add i tion. A pp I ieant: M onli ee Ilo I ndustria\ Park/S hawn Weinand. ,>v".l w; 1> F.;v.L QWI' C '~rl<-\.~ ~f~ t' d" I . JI . d d I onSlueratlOn 0 a request or a con ItlOna use permit to a ow expanSion an remo e of existing Monticello-Big Lake Pet Hospital. Applicant: Joel Erickson. I. . J. Consideration of a request tor approval of development stage planned unit development for 2 twO unit town homes. Applicant: Rick Anderson Agenda Monticello City Council June 11, 2001 Page Two . K. Consideration of a request for a zoning text amendment to all allow a second free- standing sign on certain properties in the B-3 District. Applicant: Jacob Holdings of Monticello, Denny Hecker Dodge. L. Consideration of a request for development stage planned unit development allowing multiple structures on an industrial site. Applicant: Blue Chip Development Company. M. Consideration of approving final plat and adopting development agreement for the Eagle Crest Residential Planned Unit Development. N. Consideration of a resolution calling for a public hearing on adoptinn of assessment roll for the Cedar Street Project. TABLED UNTIL NEXT COlJNCIL MEETING. o. Consideration of a conditional use permit to allow a multiple family structure with ground floor residential units in the CCD District. Applicant: Silver Creek Development. P. Consideration of calling for public hearing for the consideration of abatement of hazardous sidewalk at 507 East River Street. . Q. Consideration of approving issuance of a on~salc 3/2 beer license - China Buffet 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Public Hearing _ Consideration of the proposed adoption of the modification to the Development Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and the proposed establishment of TIF District No. I ~28 therein and the adoption of the TIF Plan therefor. Consideration to approve supporting the resolution adopted by tb: HRA to authorize eminent. -l-- domam proceed lOgS to acqUIre tbe property located at 218 hont Street. 1\1. v....! )ll (,v> 5~ I ,L Q.""\ ck.. Approve payment of bills for June. "17 7. 8. 9. 10. Adjourn . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL May 29,2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to ordcr at 7:20 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2.A Apnrove minutes of Mav 9, 2001 Board of Review BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 9,2001 BOARD OF REVIEW AS PRESENTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2.B A . CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 14,2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addimr items to the aeenda. Di scussion of water service to the S t. Henry's Cemetery, scl ecti on of an archi teet for the liquor store expansion and an update on the Heartland Express were items added to the agenda. Clint Herbst asked tbat discussion of County Road 39 be added to tbe agenda. Bruce Thielen added discussion of mailbox/adbox maintenance and Brian Stumpf added streets lights for Mill Trail Lane. 4. Citizen comments/ etitions re nests and com laints. None. 5. Consent Aeenda. A. Consideration of ratifying neW employees for liquor store. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of personnel at the liquor store as identified. B. Consideration to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing by the City Council on tbe proposed adoption of the modification to tbe development Program for the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I and the proposed establishment ofTn; . I: . . . Council Minutes - 5/29/01 District No. 1-28 therein and the adoption of the TIF plan therefor. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution calling for a public bearing by tbe City Council on the proposed adoption of the modification to tbe Development Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the proposed establishment of TiF District No. 1-28 therein and the adoption of the TIF Plan therefor. Res. No. 2001-39. C. Consideration of Change Order No. \9 for the T1I 2S Improve Project No. 96-04C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 19 fOT the TH 2S Project resulting in a net increase of $22,727.00 in State cost to the contract with Buffalo Bituminous. D. Consideration of approving final plan and development agreement governing the Groveland Residential Subdivision 2nd Addition. Recommendation: Move to approve tinal plat and development agreement for the Groveland Residential Subdivision Second Addition. Res. No. 2001-37. E. Consideration of resolution authorizing the City Engineer to prepare plans and obtain quotes on construction of parking stalls at Cedar Street in front of the former Senior Center and at Locust Street. Recommendation: Authorize the City Engineer to prepare plans and obtain quotes on constructi on of parking stalls at Cedar Street in front of former senior center and at Locust Street. F. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract fOT Groveland Pbase 1\, Project No. 2001-0 S C. Rcco mmenda tion: Approve resolution accepting bids and awardi ng contract for Groveland Phase II. Project No. 2001-05C. Res. No. 2001-38. G. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and aothorize advertisement for bids for the ISTEA pathway and pedestrian overpass project, Project No.98-02C. Recommendation: Move to approve plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for the ISTEA pathway and pedestrian overpass project. Res. No. 2001-40. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Consideration of ro osal from Otter Creek LLC to orchase Chadwick arcel. City staff reviewed the negotiation process on this property and how initially it was proposed to do a land swap that woold involve trading 60 acres of city owned commercial land for 120 acres of industrial land. The negotiation process was complicated by the issue of the gravel mining on the property. Since negotiations began the land values have increased and the latest offer by the developer bas the land and gravel valued at $3,842,000. The Cooncil discossed the cost of providiog the infrastructure needed to serve the property and whether tbe City could afford to make tbis kind of expenditure when they were also lookiog at major 2 /, I .' I ; Council Minutes - 5/29/0 I expenditures for street reconstruction as well as other projects. In addition there was some discussion on the proposed use of the land. While it may be that the developer could realize a greater gain if the property is developed as commercial property, in the City's land use plan and in the MOAA plan the area is designated for industrial use. The Council noted that land use designation does set the property aside for industrial development and it was questioned whether it was necessary for the City to own industrial land or just to have industrial land available for devclopment. Dick Van Allen from Industrial Development Committee spoke regarding the acquisition ofth property for industrial use. He emphasized the need for industrial development for the City's tax base especially in light of the potential property tax exemption for Excel Energy. He asked that the Council give serious consideration to the acquisition of industrial land and to also set up a task force to resolve the differences between the City's land use plan and the MOAA land use plan as well as deal with other issues relating to industrial development. He added that this issue impacts the school district and county as well as the city. Paul Bilotta representing Otter Creek LLC, reiterated that what began as a simple proposal to exchange land was derailed by a number of little issues. A lot of effort was put forth by all parties in attempting to negotiate a land swap. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, stated that the same incentives, i.e. tax increment financing, are available regardless of whether the development is through the private sector or the City. 'fhe Council concurred that development of industrial land was important to the City but felt that this particular parcel was too costly for the City to pursue. The current zoning for the property preserves the land for industrial use and in light of some major projects that the City is facing, the cost to acquire this property would take away from funds needed for these other projects. The Council also discussed other possible sites for industrial development including the Gold Nugget property, Remmle property and Pfeffer property. BRUCE THIELEN MOVE TO TABLE CONSIDERATION OF THE PURCIIASE OF THE OTTER CREEK PARTNERSHIP PROPERTY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of renewin~ contracts with Superior Services for garbage/refuse pickup and haulinu: services and curbside recyclinu: services. In the absence of the Public Works Director, City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the proposed contracts for curbside recycling and garbage pickup. The proposed contracts are three year contracts. The basic services for residential property would remain the same. However, for homes constructed after June 1, the rate would be $3.04 per month. The no increase is based on the assumption that the City will cart the balance of the residential units for automated pickup within 24 months. For residential commercial units, four-plex and above the contract will bring the City into compliance with volume based garbage fee requirements. "'> .) Council Minutes - 5/29/0 I The recycling contract calls for a 12% increase with the contract price for the two one year extensions to be negotiated based on the consumer price index. The new contract also allows the co-mingling of paper products and co-mingling of aluminum, glass and plastic. It is hoped that the co-mingling would be simpler and thereby encourage individuals to recycle. Roger Belsaas asked if potentially because of the co-mingling whcther the recycling couldn't go to fully automated pickup. A representative from Superior Services indicated that at the present time the fiber has to be separated from other materials but that automated recycling pickup may be something that would happen in the future. Clint Herhst questioned whether the automated pick lip would change the procedure for homeowners when they have extra garbage in exeess of their normal amounts. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSALS FROM SUPERIOR SERVICES FOR TI-IE NEW THREE YEAR GARBAGE CONTRACT WHICH INCLUDES NO COST INCREASE IN THE BASE CONTRACT, CARTING THE BALANCE OF THE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY WITHIN ITIE NEXT 24 MONTIIS, APPROXIMATEL Y 650 UNITS, RESTRUCrURING AND LOWERING OF THE FL~ES FOR APARTMENTS ON DUMPSTERS FOR PICKUP AND I IAULING OF GARBAGE AND A 7% INCREASE IN .lTIE COST OF PICKING UP AND HAULING GARBAGE FOR FUTURE NEWL Y CONSTRUCTED SINGLE FAMILY THROUGH TRI-PLEX HOMES FROM $2.84/PER MONTH TO $3.04/PER MONTH FOR ONCE A WEEK PICKUP, EXCLUDING TAXES AND DISPOSAL; AND TO APPROVE THE NEW THREE YEAR RECYCLING CONTRACT AT A 12% INCREASE TO $1.86 FOR INDIVIDUAL PICKUPS USING BINS PER MONTH AND $1.27 FOR APARTMENT UNITS USING CARTS, AND TO AUTHORIZE Crry STAFF TO PREPARE AND ENTER INTO NEW CONTRACT EI'TECTIVE JUNE 1,2001. THE ACTUAL NEW RATES FOR THE GARBAGr.: CUSTOMERS WILL BE BROUGHT BACK TO THE COUNCIL FOR REVIEW AT A FUTURE MEETING AND WILL NOT TAKE EFFECT UNTIL ADEQUATE NOTICE CAN BE GIVEN TO THE RESIDENTS WHICH WOULD BE ON OR ABOUT AUGUST 1,2001. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: St. Henry's Cemetery: The City Administrator submitted information about providing water service to the St. Henry's Cemetery which is currently in Monticello Township and is adjacent to Chelsea Road. At the present time the water line is across the street from the cemetery and there is a line to the Laurel Rask property. Service to the cemetery could be obtained by either open cutting or boring under 90th Street or by extending the line down the ditch from the Rask property. City Administrator Rick Wolfstellcr reviewed the City's policy for providing services to property outside the eity limits. Romy Baruch, representing S1. Henry's Church, explained that the cemetery is being surveyed for possible expansion and they are interested in water service from the City so that they eould eliminate 4 the existing pumphouse and well. This is one option that they want to consider. City Engineer, Bret Weiss was instructed to come up with a preliminary cost estimate for the work and this information will be forwarded to Mr. Baruch. Council Minutes ~ 5/29/01 Liquor Store Expansion: City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, reported on meetings City staff has had with the architectural firms of Tushi Montgomery and Mahler and Associates concerning the expansion and remodeling of the liquor store site. In order to keep the project moving along, staff was asking Council approval to select a firm to prepare schematic drawings at a cost not to exceed $8,000. These drawings would come back for Council review and then be prepared for bidding. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE STAFF TO SELECT AN ARCHITECT TO PREPARE SCHEMA TIC ORA WINGS FOR THE LIQUOR STORE EXPANSION/REMODELING AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $8,000. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Heartland Express: Jeff O'Neill reviewed with the Council proposed changes f(Jr the Heartland Express. The bus service would be changing from a dial a ride system, similar to a taxi service, to a fixed deviated route. Under the fixed deviated route the bus will fDllowa consistent route through town with short trips that deviate from the route. It is hoped by this change that the ridership numbers wi II increase. The Council was being asked for their comments and support of the concept. The Council felt it was important to get the word out about the change and suggested advertising it in both the 'rimes and the Shopper. Jeff O'Neill indicated that an information meeting has been set up on June 7, 200 I at 4:30 p.m. The Council also suggested that after implementation of the fixed deviated route, the concept should be reviewed again after 30 or 60 days. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED '1'0 GO AHEAD WITH THE DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON THE HEARTLAND EXPRESS ROUTE CHANGE WITH THE COUNCIL REVIEWING THE RESUL TS OF THE OPERA nON AFTER 60 DAYS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. County Road 39: Clint Herbst suggested that the City look at an offroad pathway for County Road 39. He indicted that there is a great deal of bike and foot traffic in this area and that an off road pathway might be safer. Clint Herbst felt the City should contact the Township on this matter and Bruce Thielen advised that since it was a county road the City should also check with the County. He thought when traffic counts reached a certain level, the County would require an off road pathway. The Council directed Jeff O'Neill and Gregg Engle to check into this. Mailboxes: Bruce Thielen asked who was required to maintain the cluster mailboxes that are installed in the developments. Generally developers install the mailboxes and it is homeowners who should maintain them. He cited examples of where the boxes are not being maintained. It was suggested that maybe a policy should be devcloped covering the maintenance of the mailboxes. Staff will check what language is contained in the existing codes and determine if it is covered. 5 ", .~,) I ; (., . .' Council Minutes - 5/29/01 Street Lights: Brian Stumpf indicated he was contacted by a resident about placing additional street lights on Mill Run TraiL There is one light on each end of the street but nothing in between. Stail will check into this. 9. Approve payment of bills for Mav. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED TI-IE MOTION. MOTfON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Adjourn. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:30 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CAR.RIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 6 ~_. ~. l : MINUTES MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF REVIEW Tuesday, May 29, 2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None The Board of Review reconvened on Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 7 p.m. Greg Kramber and Jerry Kritzeck from the Wright County Assessor's office werc present. The property at 213 Mississippi Drive (155-014-001100) was reviewed by the City Assessor. Greg Kramber stated that the property owner had contacted him last year regarding the property. However, since it was aftcr the Board of Review had taken place, no adjustment was made in 2000. The assessor stated that the estimated market value for 2000 was $200,000. Mr. Richter purchased the bome in May of2000 for $230,000 which made the assessed value 87% of the market value. State law requires the assessed value to be between 90% and 105% of the market value. The estimated market value for 2001 was set at $213.300 to reflect the condition of the house that was noted in the assessor's inspection of the property last year. Ifthere had been no problems with the structure, the value for 200 I would have been $224,100. Greg Kramber explained how the condition of the house was factored in determining the market value. Brent Richter, the property owner, felt the value should be adjusted. He stated that the assessor started with a market value 01'$224,100 which included the improvements made and was proposing a $28,800 reduction ofT that to come up with $195,300. Mr. Richter felt the value of $213,000 should be used and with the $28,800 reduction the value would bc closer to $185,000. It was noted that the property owner originally paid $30,000 more than the structure was valued at and when the condition of the property was made known, adjustments were made by the assessor. If the property owner feels that the adjustments arc not appropriate, he does have the right to appeal to the County. The Council felt that the assessor had treated this property fairly and in a manner consistent with other properties. Brent Richter stated that $224,100 is not what the house is worth. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE ASSESSOR'S RECOMMENDA TlON ON THE MARKET VALUE FOR PARCEL 155-014-001100, SETTING IT AT $195,300 AND NOTED TO THE PROPERTY OWNER THAT liE HAS A RIGHT TO APPEAL. CLIN'r HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER CARLSON VOTING IN OPPOSITION. The Board of Review adjourned at 7: 20 p.m. Recording Secretary . \ L~ Council Agenda - 6/11/0 I SA. Consideration of apvroviD!! an revised annual pension amount for the volunteer firefighters relief association members. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In about August of each year, the volunteer firelighters relief association members prepare financial schedules that estimate their pension fund assets and liabilities and request approval from the City Council for increasing their pension based on years of service for volunteer firemen. The schedules prepared followed a format according to state statutes that project the amount of pension liabilities that would be created for specific annual benefits, and the Council determines whether there is suf1icient assets for the association to increase their benefits without requiring a city contribution. On August 28, 2000 the last increase was approved by the Council setting the benefit level at $2,125 per ye,ir of service based on the financial reports submitted by the relief association. This pension amount had assumed there would not be a municipal contribution required and that there would still be revenues estimated at $1,250 more than the liabilities for this pension amount. The relief association submitted these forms to the State Auditor's office who found a number of an errors and revised the schedules accordingly. The relief association's software for some reason did not increase the length of service for each fireman and the result is that revised schedules would require a municipal contribution of $998 if the $2,125 pension amount stays as is. In light of the error on the forms submitted by the relief association, I asked the treasurer to prepare new schedules indicating what the pension would be that would still require a $1,250 cLlshion in their financial report. As it turns out, the pension could only be increased to $2,085 per year instead of $2,125. This would sti II result in a $60 per year increase over the previous pension amount of$2,025. Considering that a large portion of the annual income for the fire relief association depends on investment earnings over the next twelve months, having a little cushion in the amount of pension that can be supported is recommended since investment earnings can fluctuate from year. The past few years have seen investment earnings exceeding the Y% allowed by the statutes in the reporting forms, the past twelve months have seen stock market returns even in the negative amounts. The fire relief association has a substantial portion of their assets invested in various types of mutual funds that can be affected by the negative returns of the stock market and therefore it is recommended that the Council now approve a lower pension amount that still provides the cushion of $1,250. It should be noted that normally the City Council does not have the authority to change a pension amount once it has been granted, but in this ease. sinee the City was provided with a financial report that was inaccurate, the Council can reduce the pension to a level it had originally anticipated could be supported by their own assets and liabilities. In other words, if the Council had been supplied with the correct information last August, it is unlikely the Council would have changed its policy and agreed to contribute additional taxpayer funds to support the pension increase requested. As I have always noted, when this request comes before the Council, there is not a guarantee that state aids or investment interest earnings will Council Agenda - 6/11/01 be sufficient in future years to support the pension granted without the possibility of using tax dollars to support it. That's a reason why it is recommended there be a little cushion available to account for some fluctuations in earnings or state aid, and it is recommended that the Council simply approve a pension increase of $2,085 instead of the $2,125 previously approved, which will give you the same level of surplus funds you anticipated last summer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: ] . Revise the pension increase from $2,125 per year of service to $2,085. 2. Do not change the pension amount from what was previously approved. If the pension amount is left at $2,125, a municipal contribution of $998 to the fire relief association will be required immediately. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the revised relief association financial computations, it is the City Administrator's recommendation that the pension level be reduced from the previously approved $2,] 25 to $2,085 per year. This would allow the City to retain the same surplus amount that it had originally anticipated it would have last summer of $1 ,250. Even with this change, there is no guarantee that the association's interest earnings in the future will be sufficient to cover the lower pension, but it at least it provides a little additional room to work with if investment earning do fluctuate for the relief association. D. SUI' PORTING DATA: · Copy of revised computation of benefits for each member $2,100 (note: $2,100 computation provides for a $666 surplus, and $2,085 would provide close to the $] ,250 surplus). Copy of revised computation of benefits for each member $2,075 Form SC ~ 00 SCHEDULES 1..11 FOR LUMP SUM PENSION PLANS REPORTING FORM YEAR 2000 DETERMINATION OF PLAN LIABILITIES 8{ REQUIRED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTION IN 2001 Firefighters' Relief Association of M()nticello County of Wright SCHEDULE ., Estimation of relief association Special Fund pension liabilities for all members based 011 years of active service with the fire department, with the regular per-year-of-service pension at $ 2,100 i. m..........4....., m........~"L" m.m......""... ..A.".......... ! 2000 fo End of This Year Years Active Accrued Service liability 7 8 ............................................................................,...-,..-- 200. To End of Next Year 2 3 un...... .."', .. .... ................" ..........................." F.D. Entry Date Age ( use 4-digit yeaf) Month Year Name 1. Farnum Ted 53 2. Morrell, Jay 57 3. DOllRlas. Scott 49 4. laBree, Wayne 44 5. Wallen Mark 45 6. Wein Jerry 47 7. Johnson. Mike 43 B. Theisen, Matt 43 9. lIefelt. Tom 41 10. hie Brad 42 11. Stumpf Kevin 40 12. Host. Gary 38 1 3. Bremer Tony 37 14. Simpson, Mark 44 15. larson lyndon 39 16. Kranz, Neal 34 17. Samuelson, Steve 36 18. Stumpf. Brian 37 19. Michealls Jeff 36 20. Sonsteby, Gerry 35 21. lymer Rick 37 22. Kranz Jeff 37 23. Johnson, Todd 34 24. Joerg. Steve 37 25. Dahlheimer, luke 28 ,:,Sui;t4)~~I()f:R~gldafP~6stQn.U"bUity., , . , 3 5 3 5 5 1~1t 51:1 111::::1 51.'.1 51.1 IO[:! 12. I I 5 II 7 I 5 ~ TIt sHiH 101'H 51UH leave of Absence (In years) 1973 1975 1976 1977 1977 1978 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1985 1985 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1990 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1996 28 58 800 26 54600 25 52,500 24 50,400 24 50,400 22 46,200 20 42,000 19 38,724 17 32,760 17 32,760 16 29,988 15 27384 15 27384 14 _ 24,864 14 24864 14 24 864 13 22 470 .12 20,202 11 18018 8 12,096 8 12,096 8 12,096 8 12,096 6 8,610 5 7,014 Years Active Service 29 27 26 25 25 23 21 20 18 18 17 16 16 IS IS IS 14 13 12 9 9 9 9 7 ~ Accrued liability 60 900 56 700 54,600 52,500 52,500 48,300 44,100 42,000 35,658 35,658 32,760 29,988 29,988 27 384 27 384 27 384 24 864 22470 20 202 13986 13986 13986 13986 10332 8,610 800,226 * Fractional Years of service must be calculated to nearest full year. * Do not enter liability in Columns 6 or 8 for any person who will receive entire pension during this year. Enter this pension amount on Schedule II, Section 1, Line g. * For installment liability, enter amount which will be payable after end of this year in both column 6 and column 8. * If interest is to be paid on unpaid pensions. add interest for 1 year in column 8. * A copy of these schedules must be presented to the City Council before August 1 each year. ..".......", . ..",.....". . ::::::'::::: , . . 743, J 90 ......,.. . ......., . Page 1 ,M' I ' f" "-. SCHEDULE I . ADDITIONAL ACTIVE MEMBERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ............."...... ......__u.'''................nn..__...........,.. __.n......... .,'.......... __....m.."""............. ...nn.................. ..... .........,..........., ...........u. mum ""2 ooomu",m, "m......""..." ,.'......m...."........""".200'.........".."............,,,..,. F.D. Leave of To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Entry Date Absence Years Active Accrued Years ActiVE Accrued Month ":::::1 Year (In years) Service liability Service Liability :::::: 26. Hanson Steve 33 51t 1996 5 7014 6 8,610 27. Dahlheimer, Nick 26 1999 2 2.604 3 3,990 1 28. 8aloun. Steve 32 1 1999 2 2.604 3 3,990 29. Ackerman. Tim 28 3 2000 1 1,260 2 2604 30. Giles, Daryl 31 3 2000 I 1.260 2 2604 31. Hd 0 0 0 0 32. Hd' 0 0 0 0 33. TIT 0 0 0 0 34. Hd 0 0 0 0 35. il 0 0 0 0 36. 0 0 0 0 37. 0 0 0 0 38. 0 0 0 0 39. 1','1 0 0 0 0 40. HI 0 0 0 0 41. FIr 0 0 0 0 42. TIJ 0 0 0 0 43. it 0 0 0 0 44. 0 0 0 0 45. 0 0 0 0 46. 0 0 0 0 47. 0 0 0 0 48. TN 0 0 0 0 49. 1:1 0 0 0 0 50. 1m 0 0 0 0 51. IHI 0 0 0 0 52. 1'1 0 0 0 0 53. 0 0 0 0 54. 0 0 0 0 55. 0 0 0 0 56. T7r 0 0 0 0 57. 1.:1 0 0 0 0 58. FT 0 0 0 0 59. [i] 0 0 0 0 60. IiI 0 0 0 0 61. 0 0 0 0 62. 0 0 0 0 63. 0 0 0 0 64. <I 0 0 0 0 II ,..~ 65. 0 0 0 .:.. $ubt(Jtal. ~,:~,&~iar, ~trl$lon. l.ia@ity:.: ,'.: '. 14 7421}}}}::::::::::r 21.798 ':',' , , . . . . . . , :.:.: Page 2a s }'''~ t.,,,,,.......,,,,,,,,.....,,.....-- 1 2 3 3a 4 4a 4b 4c 6 8 .......-.--........... -............, n...... ............. n.........' ..........-,. ..........-................... ..................--_...... ,.....-.....................,' ........,.,........ ...".m.' .........................................., ......................-.-.................. Benefit Deferred Deferred Name Leave Level at Non- Pension to pension to Entry Separation of :rotal time of Forfeitable the end of the end of Aee Date Date Absence Years seoaratlon % thIs year next year Deferred Pensions I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ..: :~lI~iotai~f:~~fetted:p:~~ilon~..:::::.::::.::': 0 0 Unpaid Installments I. 2. 3. SlihtotaLofU'n' 'ald Jnst3liments..:.: 0 0 ...............~....................... Early Vested Pensions ... 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .,: 'S~btiltai: .~f~.~tlfV4!st~iI. ~~~st~~~.:....' 0 0 Use the columns provided to show calculations. Example, 4a x 4b x 4c = deferred pension amount. 2000 2001 Total of Regular Pension Liabilities From pages I and 2a 757,932 822,024 Total of Deferred, Unp<lld, and Early Vested Pensions If Any, from page 2b (above) 0 0 A. Accrued Liability Through Next ]I Year 2001 (total, column 8) L----'-~ 'i24 B. Accrued Liability Through This 757,931 Year 2000 ( total, column 6) L :> I . Subtract Line B from II1II Line A (normal cost) 64 092 SCHEDULE I ~ ADDITIONAL MEMBERS 8t TOTAL LIABILITIES Page 2b Schedule II Section 1 Determination of Projected Net Assets for the year ending December 31, 2000 Special Fund Assets at December 31, 1999 1 $ 629,884 (See Ending Assets in Reporting Form - 1999) Projected Income to December 31, 2000 a. Minnesota State Aid $ 44,927 (Use 1999 amount, exclude supplemental) b. Municipal (independent fire) Contributions $ 0 c. Donations (List $ 0 d. Interest and Dividends $ 51,889 e. Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments $ 0 f. Other income (Includes Supplemental) $ 1,000 (list ~ ) Total 2$ 97,816 Projected Assets plus Income December 31, 2000 (line 1 + line 2) 3$ 727,700 Projected Disbursements through end of year g. Pensions (If listed here, don't include on Schedule I) $ 0 h. Other benefits $ 46,348 I. Administrative $ 2,500 Total 4$ 48,848 Projected Assets at end of year (line 3 minus line 4) 5$ 678,852 Section 2 Determination of Projected Surplus (Deficit) as of December 31, 2000 Projected Assets (line 5) 6 $ 678,852 7 $ 757,932 8 $ (79,080) 2000 Accrued Liability (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line B) Surplus or (Deficit) (Subtract line 7 from line 6) · Go to Section 3 If Surplus · Go to Section 4 If Deficit Section 3 Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Surplus) Normal Cost (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C) 9$ o Calculated Administrative Expense (1999 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. $ Less: j. Minnesota State Aid $ 0 k. 5% of line 5 $ 0 I. 10% of line 8 $ 0 Total Subtractions x 1.035) 10$ o 11 $ o Municipal Contribution (line 9, plus 10 minus 11) $1.00 or greater, certify to municipality before August 1, 2000, If negative number. no contribution is due. 12 $ o ...........,.".",.",."" , . ,.,.. . :}. ::cibrO:SEQtION 5ANt)coMfiiWETEU:: ,:,: :::,:':::': Page 3 t:, i-c, 'g I ....' Section 4 Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Deficit) Amortization of Deficits. Year Incurred Column 1 Column 2 Amt Retired 12/31 2000 Column 3 Left to Retire 1/1 2001 01'1 inal Amount 1994 1995 25,803 2386 21 179 I 193 4,624 1,193 14,360 42,942 3,342 '.":".::.: :Slilb~t~l::".::'.. 12,619 79,080 Step # 1 If line 0 is positive, enter line 0 In columns 1 and 3 of New additional Deficit (2000) line. (This Is your New additional Deficit for 2000.) ::::;:: m. n. 79,080 (Sec. 2, line 8) 66,461 (Col. 3 Subtotal) 12,619 (m. minus n.) o. Step # 2 If line 0 is negative. reduce columns 2 and 3 according to Defjcit Reduction in the instructions. Amortization of Deficit (Total from Column I 118,712 x 0.10) Total from Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C . Normal Cost , 'ulated Administrative Expense (1999 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. Subtotal Lines 13+14+15 less: p. Minnesota State Aid q. 5% of line 5 2165 x 1.035) $ $ 44,927 33,943 Total Subtractions (subtotal of Lines p and q) Municipal Contribution (line 16 minus line I 7) (If 0 or negative, there is no municipal contribution) You must certify to municipality before August I, 2000, even If 110 contribution Is due. 13 $ 11,871 14 $ 64,092 15 $ 2,241 16 $ 78,204 17 $ 78,870 18 $ (666) Section 5 .. Test for Maximum Benefit Allowed Calculation of Average special fund income per member * Received or Receivable F. A B C 0 mu...Stale.... u....Munidii.~.i.... ...." m..ui.ooi~'oru ,u"Aaive"'" Aid * Support Surplus Members last year 1999 44,927 o SC"99 0 29 2 yea rs ago 1998 43,954 o SC-98 0 30 3 years ago 1997 42,142 o SC-97 0 29 Total column E divided by 3 $ I 1,489 I Maximum Pension Benefit Under Statute $ I 2,700 1 A+B+C 0 E ......."...-................ Average 1,549.21 1,465.13 1,453.17 ^ To obtain G, look up the result of F on page 11 of tile instructions, Table III, "Maximum Benefit Under Law" ^ This is your maximum benefit this year, You may not Increase benefits bevond this amount. Page 4 :-- ,"'\ '". F~ ... .~. OFFICER'S CERTIFICATION (Form must be provided to municipal clerk on or before August 1,2000) ~, the officers of the Monticello Firefighters' Relief Association, state that the accompanying schedules have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. 4. Further, benefit levels have been established In accordance with the average amount of available financing, as required by Minnesota law. We certify that based on the financial requirements of the Relief Association's Special Fund for the calendar year 200 I , the required municipal contribution Is $0 . If the bylaws of the Association have changed the most recent year, we have attached a copy of the amendment. If municipal approval of said amendment Is required under Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. 6, we have also enciosed a copy of the munIcipal ratification. Signature of President Date Signature of Secretary Date Signature of Treasurer Date CLERK'S CERTIFICATION ( For Municipal Fire Deparlments Only) I am the clerk of . I received on _I _.._1 ___ , the completed the Office of the State Auditor Schedules I & 1/ from the Monticello Firefighters' Relief Association. I have reviewed See. 2, line 8, See. 3 line 12, and Sec. 4, line 18 of Schedule 1/. If line 12 or line 18 reflect a required municipal contribution, I certify that I will advise the governing municipal body at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Signature of Clerk Date ( ). Business Phone WARNING: This document must be fully completed, certified by the relief association officers, forwarded to the municipal clerk, and filed with the Office of the State Auditor as required by Minn. Stat. S 69.771, subd. 3. Failure to file this document, whether or not a municipal contribution is due, will result in ineligibility for state fire aid, as required by Minnesota state law. Office of the State Auditor Pension Oversight 525 Park Street Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55103 Fax number: (651)282~2391 Page 5 5H -I Furm SC ~ 00 SCHEDULES I-II FOR LUMP SUM PENSION PLANS REPORTING FORM YEAR 2000 DETERMINATION OF PLAN LIABILITIES & REQUIRED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTION IN 2001 Firefighters' Relief Association of Monticello County of Wright SCHEDULE I Estimation of relief association Special Fund pension liabilities for all members based on years of active service with the fire department, with the regular per-year-of-service pension at $ 2,075 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ..n..............,., .n......"....__, m..............,_.. n...............,.,............... ................, -.-...................,...................,..,..... ................--......., .........00....................................... -,......................-...... ..............-.,.........................................-....................... F.D. 2000 2001 Entry Date Leave of To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age ( use 4-digit year) Absence Years Active Accrued Years Active Accrued Month Year (In years) Service liability Service liability I. Farnum, Ted 53 3 1973 28 58100 29 60.175 2. Morrell lay 57 5 1975 26 53 950 27 56 025 3. Douglas, Scott 49 3 1976 25 51 875 26 S3 950 4. LaBree Wayne 44 I 1977 24 49,800 25 51 875 5. Wallen Mark 45 1977 24 49 800 25 51 875 6. Weln lerry 47 121':':.:1 1978 22 45 650 23 47725 7. Johnson Mike 43 3tH 1981 20 41,500 21 43 575 8. Thelse,~ Matt f.-----~~ 51:H 1982 19 38,263 20 41 500 ~L1efertL- Tom 41 II PH 1983 17 32,370 18 35 233 t- 51,/ -.. 10. Fyle, Brad 42 1984 17 32.370 18 35 233 11. Stulllpf, Kevin 40 5 1985 16 29,631 17 32.370 - - 12. Host, Gary 38 10 1985 15 27058 16 29631 13. Bremer, Tony 37 12 1985 IS_~ 27058 16 29,631 ., 14. Simpson, Mark 44 1 1987 14 24568 15 27.058 15. Larson, Lyndon 39 ~I 1987 14 24 568 15 27058 16. Kran.!.t Neal 34 1987 14 24 568 15 27058 17. Samuelson Steve 36 11ITH 1987 13 22 202 14 24 568 1 8. Stumpf Brian 37 71TH 1988 12 19,962 13 22 202 19. Mlchealls leff 36 1Un 1990 11 17.804 12 19962 20. Sonsteby. Gerrv 35 5kU 1993 8 11,952 9 13820 21. Lymer Rick 37 51>:1 1993 8 11,952 9 13820 22. Kranz Jeff 37 5 1993 8 11,952 9 13820 23. Johnson, Todd 34 5 1993 8 11 952 9 13,820 24. Joerll. Steve 37 10 1994 6 8507 7 10.209 25. Dahlheimer, luke 28 5]ill 1996 5 6931 6 8,507 ::: :S~ ~t9t~l, qf: R.~glilaf :pen$lpn" l.iabiHtY:: . . :::::/> , , .., . " , ' , ,. " . . "734 343 790.700 .,. . ., .., . " , ' , ' , * Fractional Years of service must be calculated to nearest full year. * Do not enter liability in Columns 6 or 8 for any person who will receive entire pension during this year. Enter this pension amount on Schedule II, Section 1, Line g. * For installment liability, enter amount which will be payable after end of this year in both column 6 and column 8. * If interest is to be paid on unpaid pensions, add interest for fyear in column 8. * A copy of these schedules must be presented to the City Council before August 1 each year. Page 1 h't: _J . SCHEDULE I ~ ADDITIONAL ACTIVE MEMBERS .......... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n'_.................._............. .--................--..--............ -- ................... .n........................_...................... .n.'...............__,....._ ....................... ..........2000................................. ...............---................200.................................. F.D. leave of To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Entry Date Absence Years Active Accrued Years ActivE Accrued MonthkH Year (in years) Service liability Service liability 26. Hanson Steve 33 5LJ 1996 5 6931 6. 8,507 27. Dahlheimer Nick 26 IV] 1999 2 2 573 3 3942 28. Baloun. Steve 32 1'>1 1999 2 2 573 3 3942 29. Ackennan. TIm 28 3 2000 1 1.245 2 2.573 30. Giles. Daryl 31 3 2000 I 1.245 2 2.573 31. 0 0 0 0 32. Ii1siI 0 0 0 0 33. VI 0 0 0 0 34. I:ur 0 0 0 0 35. 1:/1 0 0 0 0 36. 0 0 0 0 37. . 0 0 0 0 . 38. 0 0 0 0 39. kid 0 0 0 0 40. V.;I 0 0 0 ~ 0 41. kJ 0 0 0 0 42. +d- O 0 0 .. 0 43. 0 0 0 0 44. 0 0 0 0 45. 0 0 0 0 46. 0 0 0 0 47. I.d 0 0 0 0 48. H] 0 0 0 0 49. VJ 0 0 0 0 50. ['] 0 0 0 0 51. 0 0 0 0 52. 0 0 0 0 53. 0 0 0 0 54. 1ft 0 0 0 0 55. [J 0 0 0 0 56. [] 0 0 0 0 57. I/d 0 0 0 0 58. 0 0 0 0 59. 0 0 0 0 60. fiffl 0 0 0 0 61. 0 0 0 0 62. FJ 0 0 0 0 63. UJ 0 0 0 0 64. 1/1 0 0 0 0 65. LA 0 0 0 0 :il .$*~~l)~( '~t: :~.*~1..~: :~~~~f,,# :tla@iij;:i::::::!I:::;:;;::;:::;::';::: ......... , .;:::::::::::;:::;(:':';::., h!:::;i!:i'I!!:::Ui::!f . . ~; i n:i:::: ~:; 14.567 21 537 Page 2a 0- \ ........{.f".. SCHEDULE I - ADDITIONAL MEMBERS & TOTAL LIABILITIES I... I 2 3 3a 4 4a 4b _.......~S._......... 6 8 ....n................ .n...............,___.................____.............._ ............, ..., n............... ..u. ...........-................,. .............--............ ................-............. .. .......................,..............-.... .........--......................-... ...... Benefit Deferred Deferred Name Leave Level at Non- Pension to pension to Entry Separation of Total time of Forfeitable the end of the end of. A2e Date Date Absence Years seoaratlon % this year next year Deferred Pensions I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ~',m 7. 8. 9. 10. o .Sllbtrit~i()f. i>efe~ti.Pe~~loi15:::::....". 0 0 Unpaid Installments I. 2. 3. .. :Si1bt(J~al 0 of _ ~ori~al~. ~.;StaJl~~~ts. 0 0 0 0 0 Early Vested Pensions 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .:. :S~b~~talof. Eiirly'y~~~~~ .pe~~I()j;s::.. 0 -.: 0 0 ,.......".,.. .....,.......,....,......,. Use the columns provided to show calculations. Example, 4a x 4b x 4c = deferred pension amount. 2000 2001 Total of Regular Pension liabilities From pages I and 2a 748,910 812,237 Total of Deferred, Unpaid, and Early Vested Pensions If Any, from page 2b (above) 0 0 A. Accrued liability Through Next .. 812,237 Year 2001 (total, column 8) I ZI> B. Accrued liability Through This "'.". Year 2000 (total, column 6) I .:> , Subtract line B from '. I line A (normal cost) ,. 63,327 Page 2b (~ i\ \,,,,_, .1, ) -,..,,,. Schedule II Section 1 Determination of Projected Net Assets for the year ending December 31, 2000 Special Fund Assets at December 31, 1999 1 $ 629,884 (See Ending Assets in Reporting Form w 1999) Projected Income to December 31, 2000 a. Minnesota State Aid $ 44,927 (Use 1999 amount, exclude supplemental) b. Municipal (independent fire) Contributions $ 0 c. Donations (List $ 0 d. Interest and Dividends $ 51,889 e. Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments $ 0 f. Other income (Includes Supplemental) $ 1,000 (List - ..~) Total 2$ 97,816 Projected Assets plus Income December 31,2000 (line 1 + line 2) 3$ 727,700 Projected Disbursements through end of year g. Pensions (If listed here, don't include on Schedule I) $ 0 h. Other benefits $ 46,348 I. Administrative $ 2,500' Total 4$ 48,848 Projected Assets at end of year (line 3 minus line 4) 5$ 678,852 Section 2 Determination of Projected Surplus (Deficit) as of December 31, 2000 Projected Assets (line 5) 2000 Accrued Liability (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line B) 6 $ 678,852 7 $ 748,910 Surplus or (Deficit) (Subtract line 7 from line 6) 8 $ (70,058) · Go to Section 3 If Surplus · Go to Section 4 If Deficit Section 3 Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Surplus) Normal Cost (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C) 9$ o Calculated Administrative Expense (1999 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. $ Less: J. Minnesota State Aid $ 0 k. 5% of line 5 $ 0 I. 10% of line 8 $ 0 Total Subtractions x 1.035) 10$ o 11 $ o Municipal Contribution (line 9, plus 10 minus 11) $1.00 or greater, certify to municipality before August 1, 2000, If negative number, no contribution is due. 12 $ o :. [i[: '.....: ':~()-T()!;~qTI~N:~:~.N:~iq()MP:hm~':::.~!:.: !:.!.. .:..:: Page 3 .w'! Section 4 Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Deficit) Amortization of Deficits. Year Incurred Column 1 Column 2 Amt Retired 12/31 2000 Column J Left to Retire 1/1 2001 Original Amount 1994 1995 25/803 2386 21/179 1/193 4,624 1/193 6,153 10736 371 14/360 42,942 3/342 m. <..::.:...:.\:S~b~tlii:H/ n. 3,597 o. 70,058 Totals 109,690 Step # 1 If line 0 is positive, enter line 0 in columns 1 and 3 of New additional Deficit (2000) line. (This is your New additional Deficit for 2000.) Step # 2 If line 0 is negative, reduce columns 2 and 3 according to Deficit Reduction in the instructions. Amortization of Deficit (T atal frolll Column 1 109,690 x 0.10) Total from Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C - Normal Cost "alculated Administrative Expense (1999 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. Subtotal Lines 13+14+15 Less: p. Minnesota State Aid q. 5% of line 5 2165 x 1.035) $ $ 44,927 33,943 Total Subtractions (subtotal of Lines p and q) Municipal Contribution (line 16 minus line 17) (If 0 or negative, there is no municipal contribution) You must certify to municipality before August 1, 2000, even If no contribution is due. 70,058 (Sec. 2, line 8) 66,461 (Col. 3 Subtotal) 3,597 (m. minus n.) 13 $ 10,969 14 $ 63,327 15 $ 2,241 16 $ 76,537 17 $ 78,870 18 $ (2,333) Section 5 - Test for Maximum Benefit Allowed Calculation of Average special fund income per member · Received or Receivable F. A B C 0 .........8181;;........ .....MuniCi.p.;;f'.. .................1.(j'o/~..of".. ........... .....Aciive.... Aid · Support Surplus Members last year 1999 44,927 o SC-99 0 29 2 years ago 1998 43,954 o SC-98 0 30 3 years ago \997 42,\42 o SC.97 0 29 Total column E divided by 3 $ I t ,489 I Maximum Pension Benent Under Statute $ I 2,700 I G. A+B+C D E -..................-......... Average 1,549.2\ \,465. \3 1,453.17 ^ To obtain G, look up the result of F on page 11 of tile instructions, Table /II, "Maximum Benefit Under Law" ^ This is your maximum benefit this year. You mav not increase benefits beyond tllis amount. Page 4 ,r- ',~ ,....... OFFICER'S CERTIFICATION (Form must be provided to municipal clerk on or before August 1,2000) 'e, the officers of the Monticello Firefighters' Relief Association, state that the "ccompanying schedules have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. 4. Further, benefit levels have been established in accordance with the average amount of available financing, as required by Minnesota law. We certify that based on the financial requirements of the Relief Association's Special Fund for the calendar year 2001 , the required municipal contribution Is $0 . If the bylaws of the Association have changed the most recent year, we have attached a copy of the amendment. If municipal approval of said amendment Is required under Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. 6, we have also enclosed a copy of the municipal ratification. Signature of President Date Signature of Secretary Date Signature of Treasurer Date .,. . CLERK'S CERTIFICATION ( For MuniCipal Fire Departments Only) . J am the clerk of . I received on _ /~-.:..~-/ ~~ , the completed the Office of the State Auditor Schedules 1& " from the Monticello' Firefighters' Relief Association. I have reviewed See. 2, line 8, Sec. 3 line 12, and Sec. 4, line 18 of Schedule II.- If line 12 or line 18 reflect a required municipal contribution, I certify that I will advise the governing municipal body at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Signature of Clerk Date ( ) Business Phone WARNING: This document must be fully completed. certified by the relief association officers. forwarded to the municipal clerk. and filed with the Office of the State Auditor as required by Minn. Stat. S 69.771, subd. 3. Failure to file this document, whether or not a municipal contribution is due, will result in ineligibility for state fire aid, as required by Minnesota state law. Office of the State Auditor Pension Oversight 525 Park Stree~ Suite 400 St. Paul,.MN 55103 Fax number: (65 0282R239' Page 5 r ., .'" j":, .,~) ',';' -~- Council Agenda - 6/11/01 5B. Consideration of annual hi (lS.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item involves our annual maintenance agreement with Wright County for portions of CSAH 75 (Broadway) and CSAH 39 (Elm Street and Golf Course Road). In an agreement with Wright County, the city of Monticello performs winter maintenance on CSAH 75 (Broadway) from Willow Street on the west portion of our community to the junction of CSAH 39 and CSAH 18 on the eastern portion of the community. We also sweep this section of road one time in the spring for Wright County. In addition, we do about 25(Yo of the snow and ice removal on that section of CSAH 39 from Broadway to the public works building. For future years the county will reimburse us based upon the average maintenance costs for the county per mile for the previous three years. Our 2000 Maintenance Agreement, however, is based on the previous year's cost (1999) only, and reimburses us $11,754.94. The city of Monticello has continued to do this maintenance as we feel it offers a better level of service to our citizens. A copy of the agreement is enclosed for your review. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the 2001 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County as enclosed with the reimbursement for this year of $11,754.94. 2. The second alternative is not to approve the maintenance agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council approve the maintenance agreement as outlined in alternative # 1. o. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter from Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Highway Engineer, and the 2001 Maintenance Agreement. V~TV ()~ Q()~ ~ rJrm \- ! ? 4">' 7956 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Wright County Public Works Building 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Jet, T.R. 25 and C.R. 138 Telephone: (763) 682-7383 FAX: (763) 682-7313 WAYNE A. FINGALSON, P.E. Highway Engineer (763) 682-7388 VIRGIL G. HAWKINS, P.E. Assistant Highway Engineer (763) 682-7387 RICHARD E, MARQUETTE Right of Way Agent (763) 682-7386 January 11,2001 Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: 2001 Maintenance Agreement 2rt/:- DearMr.W~r:. . It is once again time to renew our annual municipal agreement for the maintenance activities on the road(s) listed on the enclosed agreement. Wright County has decided to change the method used for computing the reimbursement for these maintenance agreements with Wright County cities, Starting with the 2001 agreements, we will base the reimbursement on the average municipal maintenance costs for the previous three years. Previously, we had based the reimbursement on cost history for only one year. This change will minimize the variability in costs from year to year which can occur, particularly for snow/ice control The estimated total cost on the attached agreement is based on the average of the years 1997, 1998, and 1999 (since 2000 costs are not compiled yet). Please note that the actual payment for this 2001 agreement will be based on the average costs for the years 2000, 1999, and 1998. I have enclosed two copies of the 2001 agreement for your review and approval by the City Council. Please return both copies ofthe executed agreement. After approval by the County Board, one ofthe copies will be returned to you for your files. A check reimbursing your city for the maintenance activities covered under our 2000 agreement has already been sent. If you have any questions concerning this or if you note any discrepancies, please don't hesitate to contact our office, ~elY'0?'~L W a~ingalS;;}-"-- - v I co~~i:~way Engineer Enclosure (2) 2001 Municipal Maintenance Agreements Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer ss MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - 2001 <Jut l THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the City of Monticello hereinafter referred to as the ;l1("'City" and the County of Wright hereinafter referred to as the "County". WHEREAS, Chapter 162, Minnesota Statutes, permits the County to designate certain roads and streets within the City as County State Aid Highways, and . WHEREAS, the City has concurred in the designation ofthe County State Aid Highway within its limits as identified in County Board's resolutions of August 28, October 8, November 5, December 3, December 27,1957 and January 7,1958, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of all parties that the duties and responsibilities of both the City and the County as to maintenance on said County State Aid Highways to be clearly defined, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED with regard to said County State Aid Highway maintenance: That the City will be responsible for routine maintenance on the following highways. MAINT. PLAN ROAD SEGMENT MILES COSTIMI.* TOTAL COST* C. CSAH 75 Willow St. to Meadow Oaks Dr. 5.65 1,332.27 $ 7,527.33 (Includes four lane portion.) D. CSAH 39 From City Public Works Bldg. to 0.32 332.82 106.51 W. Jet. of CSAH 75 .:rK.B. CSAH 75 Four lane portion 5.22 733.29 3,827.78 B. CSAR 39 From CSAH 75 to Kampa Cir. 0.40 733.29 293.32 ESTIMATED TOTAL =' $11,754.94 That routine maintenance shall consist of the following: (Maint. Plan) C. (CSAR 75) - Snow and ice removal. D. (CSAR 39) - 25% of the snow and ice removal. B. One-time spring sweeping only. *Based on average annual costs of years 1997, 1998, and 1999. That when the City deems it desirable to remove snow by hauling, it shall do so as its own expense. The City shall also be responsible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevard related maintenance outside the curb or street area. That the County will be responsible for all other maintenance. That the City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County; and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. (Sheet 1 of 2) )b tJ'j (Z JO Z laaqs) altlG 10ltlU~plOO;) A:J.unO;) :.lSHLL V altlG p..mOs: aql JO UtlUU~tlq;) A:J.D JO awtlN .lHDnIM dO A.LNIlO;) :GH.ldH;):)V GNV GHAOllddV )pa[;) ~D ,-OZ' uo AID p~tlsJo n:mno:) AID aql Aq paAOlddtl pUtl paldoptl 'passtld Alnp uoqnlosal tl JO Adoa palloa pUt! anll tl s~ aAoqtl al{l. ltlql A~nllaa AqalGl[ I NOllV:)Iill1lH:) )[laD AID 10AtlW :.lSHLLV -OZ' :GH.ldOav 'alq~suods;u s~ AlD allJ qa~l[M 10J aaUtlUalU~tlw auqnOl JO Stlaltl al[l qHM paltl~aOSStl Slsoa GSOl[l AIUO pGIPl [HM aHWIGd lsoa [llnUUll alllllaAll Gl{.l 'sAllMq.llm P~V ::lms Aluno:) [lld~::l~unW uo aaUtlUalU~tlw auqnOllOJ 8661 pUll '666[ 'OOOZ SltlGA GqllOJ GEW IGd ~soa [tlnUUll Gllt!laAtl OOOZ Gq~ UO pGStlq Gq I1tll[s lunoW'r. s~q.l ')flOM l~aq~ 10J ~UnO;) Gq~ UlOlJ lUGUlAlld GA~aaal rIlll[s AI~;) Gql' 100Z JO IGqUla::laa U~ ~lll[l, 'Aluno;) aql JO AlH~q~suodsa.I pUll uo~rellHqo alos aql Gq TIlll[S U~alGq pGIGpUGl aq o~ pap~AOld sa::l~A.IGs 10 )flOM Gquo AUt! uo pGllt!llua os Gnl{M SGGAoldUla Aluno;) p~t!s JO plld al{l uo UO~SS~UIO 10 pll Alltl JO a:mGnbasuoa II Sll SG~plld pl~q~ AUt! 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'A:J.~nba 10 MllI ltllaqlGqM 'laptllllq::110 a~tlU 1aAGltlqMJO suoq::ltl JO SaSntl::110 suoqatl 'SpUtlUlGp 'SUl~tlp Htl pUll AUt!lSU~t!llll UllOJ AUll JO SG;}AordUla pUll s~uallll SF JO I1ll pUt! Al~J aq~ ssaIUlltlq PIoq pUt! aAtlS '^:EuUlapu~ Htlqs AlunO;) Gq~ It!l{.l Council Agenda - 6/] 1/01 5C. Consideration of approval of annual Jia uor licenses. (R W) A. REFERENCE ANI> BACKGROUND: In the past the City Council has approved the liquor license renewals in one motion contingent upon the completion of the application, approval of the state and submission of proper insurance coverage. The following licenses are submitted for your approval: Intoxicatine LiQuor. On-Sale (fee $3,750) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox (Chin Yuen) 3. Duane Lindenfclser dba River City Lanes 4. Comfort Inn/Days Inn 5. 1.P.s Annex 6. Hawks Sports Bar 7. Monticello Country Club Intoxicating LiQuor. On-Sale. Sunday (fee $200 - set bv statute) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox 3. River City Lanes 4. VFW Club 5. American Legion Club 6. 1.P.'s Annex 7. Hawks Sports Bar 8. Comfort Inn/Days Inn 9. Monticello Country Club Non-Intoxicating Malt. On-Sale (fee $275) ]. Rod and Gun (Steak Fry only) ~ $20 2. Monticello Men's Softball Assn. (April~Aug. $137.50) Council approved 2/26/0 1 . 3. Lions ~ Riverfest Celebration (Council approved 3/26/01) 4. Lions ~ Street Fest Non-Intoxicatinl! Malt. Off-Sale (fee $75) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. City Council Agenda - 6/11/01 SE. Consideration to authorize entering into the Contract for Private Redevelooment among the Housinf! and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, the City of Monticello and lntel:rated Recvcling Technologies, Inc. (O.K.) A. Reference and Backf!round: BUSINESS SUBSIDY OF THE HRA Because the TIF assistance is less than $100,000, the HRA was not required by law to hold a public hearing on the related business subsidy. However, the lIRA found the proposed Contract for Private Development between the BRA, City and TWDC to comply with the Business Subsidy Criteria (job and wage levels) of the HRA. The HRA and the developer have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Contract was prepared by HRA Attorney Dan Greensweig and submitted to the developer and the developer's lender. You will note the HRA agrees to reimburse the developer in an amount not-to-exceed $40,000 from 90% of the tax increment generated within the district with a simple interest of 8.0% per annum. This for land acquisition. The semi- annual payments scheduled to commence August 1,2003. The developer agrees to construct a 10,000 square foot office/manufacturing facility with construction completed by November 30,200]. The developer commits to create at least 5 new jobs for the City of Monticello within two years per the wage levels outlined within the Contract. Please note Page 8, Section 3.6 Business Subsidy, this section is new to Private Development Contracts and again, the inclusion of the Business Subsidy Section is f()r compliance with the new State requirements. BUSINESS SUBSIDY OF THE CITY Secondly, the Council is requested to consider approving the Contract for Private Redevelopment because the City became a party to this contract as the City elected to make the 10% local match in an amount up to $9,000. The $9,000 is a business subsidy; however, the subsidy is less than $100,000; therefore, no public hearing is required of the Council. It is suggested the City pay the water/sewer access charge fees through a transfer from the General Fund into the appropriate reserve funds in order to ensure funding for future infrastructure maintenance. The local match is described on Page I], Section 3.8. Fee Waiver: Local Contribution. B. Alternative Actions: I. A motion to approve and authorize entering into the Contract for Private Redevelopment among the HRA, the City, and Integrated Recycling City Council Agenda - 6/11/01 Technologies, Inc. 2. A motion to deny approving and entering into the Private Redevelopment between the HRA, the City, and Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No. 1. D. Suvportinf! Data: Excerpts from the Contract. 2 ARTICLE III Acquisition of Property; Financial Assistance Section 3.1. Status of the Development Property. As of the date of this Agreement, the Developer has entered into a purchase agreement with a third party for the Development Property. The Authority shall have no obligation to purchase the Development Property or any portion thereof Section 3.2. Soil Conditions. The Developer acknowledges that neither the Authority nor the City makes any representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the Development Property or its fitness for construction of the Minimum Improvements or any other purpose for which the Developer may make use of such property. The Developer further agrees that it will indemnify, defend. and hold harmless the Authority. the City. and their governing body members, officers, and employees. from any claims or actions arising out of the presence, if any, of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the Development Property. The Developer's obligations under this Section 3.2 shall survive termination of this Agreement. Section 3.3. Payment of Administrative Costs. The Developer agrees that it will pay upon demand by the Authority. Administrative Costs (as hereafter defined). For the purposes of this Agreement the term "Administrative Costs" means out-of-pocket costs incurred by the Authority and attributable to or incurred in connection with the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement and other documents and agreements in connection with the development contemplated hereunder. Out-of-pocket Administrati ve Costs shall be evidenced by invoices, statements. or other reasonable written evidence of the costs incurred by the Authority. As of the date of this Agreement. the Developer has deposited $5,000 with the Authority to be applied toward Administrative Costs. The amount by which this deposit exceeds the Authority's actual Administrative Costs, if any. shall, upon demand by the Developer, be returned to the Developer. but no earlier than the date on which the Developer receives a Certificate of Completion pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement. Section 3.4. Land Acquisition. In order to make development of the Minimum Improvements economically feasible. the Authority will reimburse the Developer. in the manner and amounts set forth herein. for up to $40,000 of the Land Acquisition Costs. hereby defined as the Developer's cost of acquiring the Development Property. Any costs in excess of this amount shall be the responsibility of the Developer. The Authority shall have no obligation to the Developer or to any third party with respect to any defects in the constmction of the Minimum Improvements. Section 3.5. FinancinlZ of Land Acquisition Costs. In order to make development of the Minimum Improvements economically feasible. the Authority will reimburse the Developer for the Land Acquisition Costs in accordance \\ith the following terms and conditions: (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement the Land Acquisition Costs will be paid \vith simple interest thereon at 8.00% per annum. interest commencing to accrue on the date that the Developer complies with the cost certification requirement described in paragraph (f) of this Section. The Land Acquisition Costs \vill be paid by the Authority to the Developer in semi- DJG-198129V2 MN190-91 7 lJ r.": L~ "- ' .... /-1 annual installments payable on each February 1 and August 1 ("Payment Dates") commencing August 1,2003 and concluding no later than the Termination Date. These payments will be made from Available Tax Increment as defined in this Section 3.3 and from no other source. (b) The term "Available Tax Increment" means 90% of the Tax Increment with respect to the Development Property as calculated by the County and paid to the Authority during the six months preceding any Payment Date. (c) If on any Payment Date there is available to the Authority insufficient Available Tax Increment to pay the amounts due on such date, the amount of such deficiency shall be deferred and shall be paid. without interest thereon. on the next Payment Date on which the Authority has available to it Available Tax Increment in excess of the amount necessary to pay the amount due on such Payment Date. (d) The Authority shall have no obligation to pay any portion of the Land Acquisition Costs that remains unpaid after the Termination Date. The Authority may prepay all or party of the Land Acquisition Costs at any time. (e) The Authority shall not be obligated to make any payment under this Section if: (i) there is an Event of Default on the Developer's part under this Agreement that has not been cured; or (ii) the Developer has failed to comply with the payment procedures described herein. (f) At least 30 days before becoming entitled to receive any payment hereunder. the Developer must submit to the Authority a payment request certificate signed by its duly authorized representative stating: (i) that the Developer has paid Land Acquisition Costs in at least the amount of $40,000; (ii) that no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing under this Agreement; and (iii) that the Developer has received a Certificate of Completion pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement. The payment request certificate must be accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Land Acquisition Costs have been incurred and paid by the Developer. (g) The Authority makes no warranties or representations that Available Tax Increment will be sufficient to pay the Land Acquisition Costs. The Developer agrees and understands that Available Tax Increment is subject to calculation by the County and change in State law. and that a significant portion of Land Acquisition Costs may remain unpaid after the Termination Date. The Developer further agrees and understands that estimates of Available Tax Increment provided by the Authority and its agents, officers. or employees are estimates only and not intended for the Developer's reliance. Section 3.6. Business Subsidv A!!reement. The provisions of this Section constitute the "business subsidy agreement" between the Developer and the Authority and between the Developer and the City. for the purposes of the Business Subsidy Act. (a) General Terms. The parties agree and represent to each other as follows: (1) The subsidy provided to the Developer by the Authority consists of payments to the Developer for Land Acquisition Costs pursuant to this Agreement. \\'hich payments DJG-1911129V2 MN190-91 8 ;-:::' represents a forgivable loan that is repayable by the Developer in accordance with this Section. The payments under Section 3.5 are payable from a portion of the Tax Increments from the TlF District. an economic development tax increment financing district. The subsidy provided to the Developer by the City consists of waiver of certain fees as described in Section 3.8, which waiver represents a forgivable loan that is repayable by the Developer in accordance with this Section. Those payments may be indirectly financed by tax increments from the TIF District. as described in Section 3.8. (2) The public purposes of the subsidy are to promote development of a metals recycling facility in the City. increase net jobs in the City and the State, and increase the tax base of the City and the State. (3) The goals for the subsidy are: to secure development of the Minimum Improvements on the Development Property; to maintain such improvements as a metals recycling facility for at least five years as described in clause (6) below; and to create the jobs and wage levels in accordance with Section 3 .6(b) hereof (4) If the goals described in clause (3) are not met. the Developer must make the payments to the Authority and City described in Section 3.6(c). (5) The subsidy is needed because land acquisition costs make development of the Minimum Improvements infeasible without public assistance, all as determined by the City upon approval of the TIF Plan. (6) The Developer must continue operation of the Minimum Improvements as a metals recycling facility for at least five years after the date of issuance of the certificate of completion. (7) The Developer does not have a parent corporation. (8) In addition to the assistance provided under this Agreement, the Developer expects to receive additional assistance in connection with the Minimum Improvements, specifically a loan from the Monticello Economic Development Authority ("EDA") in the amount of $72,500. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this paragraph constitutes a contractual obligation by the Authority, the City, or the EDA with respect to such assistance. (b) Job and Wage Goals. Within two years after the date of issuance of the certificate of completion of the Minimum Improvements (the "Compliance Daten). the Developer shall cause to be created at least 5 ne\v full-time equivalent jobs on the Development Property (the "New Jobs") and shall cause the wages for the New Jobs to be as follows: (i) at least 2 New Jobs shall pay no less than $12.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits; (ii) at least 1 New Job shall pay no less than $14.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits: (iii) at least I New Job shall pay no less than $16.00 per hour. exclusive of benefits: and. (iv) at least I New Job shall pay no less than $18.00 per hour. exclusive of bene tits. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if the wage and job goals described in this paragraph are met by the Compliance Date, those goals are deemed satisfied despite the DJG. f 98 f 29V2 MN 190-91 9 L->'- _._)1;::;' Developer's continuing obligations under Sections 3.6(a)(6) and 3.6(d). The Authority may. after a public hearing. extend the Compliance Date by up to one year, provided that nothing in this section will be construed to limit the Authority's legislative discretion regarding this matter. (c) Remedies. If the Developer fails to meet the goals described in Section 3.6(a)(3). the Developer shall repay (I) to the Authority upon written demand from the Authority a "pro rata share" of the amount of any payments made to the Developer under Section 3.5 hereof, (2) to the City upon written demand from the City a pro rata share of the amount of any fee waivers granted under Section 3.8, and (3) to the Authority and City, respectively, interest on the amounts in clauses (1) and (2) at the implicit price deflator as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.50, subd. 2, accrued from the date of issuance of the certificate of completion to the date of payment. The term "pro rata share" means percentages calculated as follows: (i) if the failure relates to the number of jobs, the jobs required less the New Jobs created. divided by the jobs required; (ii) if the failure relates to wages, the number of jobs required less the number of jobs that meet the required wages. divided by the number of jobs required; (iii) if the failure relates to maintenance of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with Section 3.6(a)(6), 60 less the number of months of operation as a metals recycling facility (where any month in which the facility is in operation for at least 15 days constitutes a month of operation), commencing on the date of the certificate of completion and ending with the date the facility ceases operation as determined by the Authority, divided by 60: and (iv) if more than one of clauses (i) through (iii) apply, the sum of the applicable percentages, not to exceed 100%. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit the Auth9rity' s or City's remedies under Article IX hereof. In addition to the remedy described in this Section and any other remedy available to the Authority or City for failure to meet the goals stated in Section 3.6(a)(3), the Developer agrees and understands that it may not receive a business subsidy from the Authority. the City or any grantor (as defined in the Business Subsidy Act) for a period of five years from the date of the failure or until the Developer satisfies its repayment obligation under this Section. whichever occurs first. (d) Reports. The Developer must submit to the Authority a written report regarding business subsidy goals and results by no later than January 25 of each year, commencing January 25. 2002 and continuing until the later of (i) the date the goals stated Section 3.6(a)(3) are met: (ii) 30 days after expiration of the tive-year period described in Section 3.6(a)( 6): or (iii) if the goals are not met. the date the subsidy is repaid in accordance with Section 3.6(c). The report must comply with Section 116J. 994, subdivision 7 of the Business Subsidy Act. The Authority will provide information to the Developer regarding the required forms. If the Developer fails to timely file any report required under this Section. the Authority will mail the Developer a warning within one week after the required filing date. If. after 14 days of the postmarked date of the warning, the Developer DJG-198129V2 MN 190-9 I 10 r: ".:. .,.J fails to provide a report, the Developer must pay to the Authority a penalty of $ J 00 for each subsequent day until the report is filed. The maximum aggregate penalty payable under this Section $1,000. (e) Audits. Upon written request of the Authority or City in any year, the Developer shall retain at its expense an independent, third party accountant to audit any job and wage report submitted by the Developer under paragraphs (d) or (f) of this Section. The Developer must deliver to the Authority a written report from the accountant promptly upon completion of such audit. (f) Green Acres Wage Requirements. The Developer acknowledges that the Development Property qualified for "green acres" status under Minnesota Statutes. Section 273.11 I within five years prior to the request for certification of the District, and Developer is therefore subject to the requirements of Section 469. 176. subd. 7 of the TIF Act. in addition to the wage goals described in paragraph (b) of this Section. The Developer shall cause at least 90% of the jobs located on the Development Property to pay a rate equal to or greater than 160% of the federal minimum wage for individuals over the age of 20. This requirement commences upon occupancy of the Minimum Improvements (before the Compliance Date for the job and wage goals described in paragraph (b) of this Section). and continues through the Termination Date (after the goals under paragraph (b) of this Section have been satisfied). If the Developer fails to comply with the terms of this paragraph at any time during the period before or after the requirements of paragraph (b) of this Section apply, the Authority may exercise any remedy available under Article IX of this Agreement including without limitation termination of this Agreement or withholding of payments under Section 3.5 hereof. However, the parties agree and understand that the requirements of this paragraph do not constitute wage goals for the purposes of the Business Subsidy Act. and are not subject to the remedies described in paragraph (c) of this Section. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in paragraph (d) of this Section. the Developer shall submit a written report to the Authority upon initial occupancy of the Minimum Improvements and on each March I thereafter through the Termination Date, describing compliance with the wage requirements of this paragraph. Failure to complete such report will constitute an Event of Default under this Agreement, but will not be subject to the penalties described in paragraph (d) of this Section. Section 3.7. Use of Tax Increment. Except as set forth herein, the Authority shall have no obligation to the Developer with regard to its use of Tax Increment and may use Tax Increment for any lawful purposes. whether set forth herein or otherwise. Section 3.8. Fee Waivers: Local Contribution. The City' will payor forgive up to $9.000 of the water and sewer access fees (the "Fees") that would othenvise be due to the City and borne by the Developer in connection with development of the Development Property. subject to the terms and conditions of Section 3.6 hereof DJG-198129V:: MN 190-QI II r: E-- --' ,.' ARTICLE IV Construction of Minimum Improvements Section 4.1. Construction of Improvements. The Developer agrees that it will construct the Minimum Improvements on the Development Property in accordance with the approved Construction Plans and at all times during the term of this Agreement. will operate and maintain, preserve and keep the Minimum Improvements or cause such improvements to be maintained, preserved and kept with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof, in good repair and condition. The Authority shall not have any obligation to operate or maintain the Minimum Improvements. Section 4.2. Construction Plans. (a) Before commencement of construction of the Minimum Improvements. the Developer shall submit to the Authority Construction Plans. The Construction Plans shall provide for the construction of the Minimum Improvements and shall be in conformity with the Redevelopment Plan, this Agreement, and all applicable State and local laws and regulations. The Authority wiII approve the Construction Plans in writing if: (i) the Construction Plans conform to the terms and conditions of this Agreement: (ii) the Construction Plans confonn to the goals and objectives of the Redevelopment Plan: (iii) the Construction Plans conform to all applicable federal. state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations: (iv) the Construction Plans are adequate to provide for construction of the Minimum Improvements: (v) the Construction Plans do not provide for expenditures in excess of the funds available to the Developer from all sources for construction of the Minimum Improvements: and (vi) no Event of Default has occurred. Approval may be based upon a review by the City's Building Official of the Construction Plans. No approval by the Authority shall relieve the Developer of the obligation to comply with the terms of this Agreement or of the Redevelopment Plan, applicable federal. state and local laws. ordinances, rules and regulations, or to construct the Minimum Improvements in accordance therewith. No approval by the Authority shall constitute a waiver of an Event of Default. If approval of the Construction Plans is requested by the Developer in writing at the time of submission, such Construction Plans shall be deemed approved unless rejected in writing by the Authority. in whole or in part. Such rejections shall set forth in detail the reasons therefore, and shall be made within 10 days after the date of their receipt by the Authority. If the Authority rejects any Construction Plans in whole or in part. the Developer shall submit new or corrected Construction Plans within 10 days after written notification to the Developer of the rejection. The provisions of this Section relating to approval. rejection and resubmission of corrected Construction Plans shall continue to apply until the Construction Plans have been approved by the Authority. The Authority's approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Said approval shall constitute a conclusive determination that the Construction Plans (and the ivlinimum Improvements constructed in accordance with said plans) comply to the Authority's satisfaction v;ith the provisions of this Agreement relating thereto. (b) If the Developer desires to make an:y Material change in the Construction Plans after their approval by the Authority. the Developer shall submit the proposed change to the Authority' for its approval. If the Construction Plans. as modified by the proposed change. conform to the requirements of this Section 4.2 of this Agreement with respect to such pre\'iously approved DJG.198129V2 MNI9().91 12 r ,..,., _OJ t-: Construction Plans, the Authority shall approve the proposed change and notify the Developer in writing of its approval. Such change in the Construction Plans shalL in any event. be deemed approved by the Authority unless rejected, in whole or in part, by written notice by the Authority to the Developer. setting forth in detail the reasons therefor. Such rejection shall be made within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice of such change. The Authority's approval of any such change in the Construction Plans will not be unreasonably withheld. Section 4.3. Commencement and Completion of Construction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall commence construction of the Minimum Improvements by July 31, 200 I. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall complete the construction of Minimum Improvements by November 30, 2001. All work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provided by the Developer on the Development Property shall be in conformity with the Construction Plans as submitted by the Developer and approved by the Authority. The Developer agrees for itself. its successors and assigns, and every successor in interest to the Development Property. or any part thereof, that the Developer, and such successors and assigns. shall promptly begin and diligently prosecute to completion the development of the Development Property through the construction of the Minimum Improvements thereon, and that such construction shall in any event be commenced and completed within the period specified in this Section 4.3 of this Agreement. The obligation to construct the Minimum Improvements in accordance with this Section touches and concerns the land, and shall run with the property and be binding upon all successors and assigns to the Development Property. After the date of this Agreement and until construction of the Minimum Improvements has been completed. the Developer shall make reports. in such detail and at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Authority, as to the actual progress of the Developer with respect to such construction. Section 4.4. Certificate of Completion. (a) Promptly after completion of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with those provisions of the Agreement relating solely to the obligations of the Developer to construct the Minimum Improvements (including the dates for beginning and completion thereof). the Authority will furnish the Developer with a Certificate shown as Exhibit B. Such certification and such determination shall not constitute evidence of compliance with or satisfaction of any obligation of the Developer to any Holder of a Mortgage. or any insurer of a Mortgage, securing money loaned to finance the Minimum Improvements, or any part thereof. (b) If the Authority shall refuse or fail to provide any certitication in accordance with the provisions of this Section 4A of this Agreement. the Authority shalL within thirty (30) days after written request by the Developer. provide the Developer with a written statement. indicating in adequate detail in what respects the Developer has failed to complete the Minimum Improvements in accordance "vith the provisions of the Agreement. or is otherwise in default. and what measures or acts it will be necessary. in the opinion of the Authority, for the Developeno take or perform in order to obtain such certitlcation. (c) The construction of the Minimum Improvements shall be deemed to be complete upon issuance of a certitlcate of occupancy by the City for. and the opening for business ot: the Minimum ImprO\-emems. 01O-198129V2 MNI90-QI 13 Council Agenda - 6/11/01 SF. Considcration of approving new hires and dcpartures for thc liQuor store. city hall. parks. motor vehicle and community ccnter. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently at the the liquor store, city hall, motor vehicle and community center.. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part~ time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees for the liquor store, city hall, parks, motor vehicle and community center as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-time employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Allen Elleraas Clerk Liquor Store 5/29/01 PT Carolyn Becker Clerk Motor Vehicle 5/24/01 PT Erran Smith Custodian MMC 6/1/01 PT Michael Baker Slide Attendant MMC 5/19/01 PT Justin Brotzler Lifeguard MMC 5/22/01 PT Joseph Mitchell'" summer asst Parks 6/11/01 temp *(also works at MCC) Kenndy Bade* receptionist City Hall 5/29/01 temp TERMINA TING EMPLOYEES Name Sandy Hindermann Reason voluntary Department MCC Last Day 5/29/01 Class PT employee council list. xis: 06/06/2001 5r: City Council Agenda - 06/11/01 5G. Public Hearin _ Consideration of an interim use ermit allowin a school to 0 erate in the I -1 district. A licant: Inde endent School District 882 Alternative Learnin 1 Program. (JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Monticello School District is seeking an extension to the interim use permit allowing operation of the Alternative Learning Program in the I-I District. The applicant is seeking a two year extension. As was noted at the May meeting of the Planning Commission, the School District has made an effort to find a suitable location in another district. Technically, this type of land use is only allowed in the Residential or PS (Public Semi-public) zoning districts which limits the ability of the School District to find another location. City staff has not received any complaints regarding the operation of the facility in an Industrial area. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I . Motion to approve the extension of said interim use permit for a period of two years based on the finding that coni1icts between school and industrial uses have been kept to a minimum at this location, and based on the understanding that the School District will continue to seek an alternative site during the term of this extension to the original interim use permit. The following conditions apply to the interim use permit: 1. The interim use permit will expire on August 31,2003. Extension of the subject property for public school use beyond the termination date may only be allowed by re-application to the City. 2. The District agrees to expand the parking area at the direction of the City. The City will direct expanded parking based on its observation of parking demand which may cause the use of on-street parking at any time. 3. The use of the subject property will be during normal school hours only. 2. Motion to deny approval of said extension. City Council Agenda - 06/11/01 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission and staff recommend approval based on reasons outlined in the findings under alternati ve 1. SUPPORTING DATA Letter from Mike Benedetto, Monticello Public Schools 2 II MONTICELLO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Independent School District No. 882 302 Washington Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Telephone (763) 271-0300 Fax (763) 271-0313 March 28, 2001 Mayor Roger Belsaas City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mayor Belsaas, As we discussed at our last meeting, we are having a difficult time finding a suitable location for the Alternative Learning Program (ALP). During the past few months we have looked at the following sites as possible locations for our program: KMOM Building - We will need a considerable amount of upgrades and permission from the township and county. The owner is not interested in making the financial commitment to bring the building up to school standards. This site was our number one alternative for quite some time and it is unfortunate that we lost so much time waiting for the owner's decision, who originally was very agreeable and then turned cold to the proj ect. Old St. Henry's Church - The potential sale of the property for future development is an entanglement that could present significant problems for us if we relocated a school to that location for any length of time. Old Methodist Church - I have spoken with representatives from Sunny Fresh. The compa..TlY has other plans for the building and they are not interested in renting the site to us. Golden Valley Furniture Building - The building is currently occupied and, therefore, is not available to us. Kjellbergs Building - This is a building behind the Golden Valley Furniture Building. The building is currently occupied. The owner would have to make a signific,ant investment into remodeling the site in order to make it appropriate for a school setting. There have been other leads that we have received but once we have looked into them they have never become legitimate possibilities for a school site. 5G Because of the difficulty in fmding a suitable location and the timelines that we have, I am respectfully asking the Monticello City Council to refer to the Planning and Zoning committee our request for an extension of the conditional use permit at our Turning Point School site. I am certainly willing to attend your council meeting and a Planning and Zoning meeting to formally make this request and answer any questions you may have. Please know that we are in jeopardy oflosing this very important asset to our community if we can not find a suitable location for these students. Thank you for your consideration of this important matter. l\1B/j a Cc: Board of Education /_. C-. ~) ::'I City Council Agenda - 06/11/01 5H. Consideration of a rellUest for oreliminarv and final plat approval of the Monticello Commerce Center yh Addition. Applicant: Monticello Industrial Park. Inc. (JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Monticello Industrial Park, Inc., is seeking preliminary and tinal plat approval of the Monticello Commerce Center 5th Addition. The Fifth Addition consists of 3 parcels located along Fenning Avenue. Lot 3 will become the site ofIntegrated Recycling Technologies, Inc., which is proposed for construction this year. Each of the parcels meet lot minimum requirements and all are located in the 11 zoning district. No public improvements are required with this development. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to approve the preliminary and final plat of the Monticello Commerce Center 5th Addition. 2. Motion to deny approval of the preliminary and final plat of the Monticello Commerce Center yh Addition. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission and staff recommend Alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of Preliminary/Final Plat (") ~ "U )> .z -< ;z :> STREET V ARltlr ~ - . ..,...-- ~ - - - ~ -, : p". ;-i "--~I' -< Vl : I I Ii I .. ~ ;ijft .. H I 'f /..; r:. (TJ ,... I ~ : fI "'~: r :'1 I: 0 t' ------' , -I :-. -.. - .. ~. - ~ . - ~I VARltlr P1ii .~ ':Sl J ~'~ni!l~ ...~.f~i~" . ..~ ~ J ~~ B;~ J g i5i I \ ~i4 f :I:=~ :; 1;110 l: i., ~A !if t 1 f J f ~~!i I It f~"."'i: ~i ~lf~i~~~ ~ ,i I ~ ( J m i '"-I 'J · JU ~ ~ .. ;>;>;> J! f", lili~ ~ It lr! J m t It I I il J . I \ ~ I~"IIJ:: l:li !diiJ~: IlA If fl"! H Iii -;::hll p! tl~ffr,~! ill II ;I ~ ~ lis: :SA d; rrllJ..ij .., icJf 1", Jjl i:f-tlp: jl.. iU!!r!~ !! l!gfI;J if, I[;.~; ~I l,a: il f ~il kl ... ^. if":! fill 1i1.r~!t :Ji,l IJ ~.. I:. S1 '~ ~ . s:: o Z -3 I--l (") ~~ I--i~ ~O\] ;::c(")~ :J>O~ t:;1S::S t:;1S::\] I--lM~ I-j~-I l--lO ~M o M Z t-j M ;0 ,:;u City Council Agenda - 06/11/01 21 Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the expansion of an animal hospital in the B-3 Zoning District. Applicant: Monticello-Big Lake Pet Hospital. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Monticello-Big Lake Pet Hospital has applied for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the expansion of their facility at 1260 Cedar Street, between Cedar Street and Highway 25. The expansion will accommodate new reception, waiting and examination rooms, and a remodeling of the existing facility. The project will include extensive exterior building improvements as well, consisting primarily of burnished block and stucco. The site plan il1ustrates 29 parking spaces, in compliance with Ordinance requirements. All other dimensional requirements of the B-3 District arc met. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit, based on a finding that the site complies with the B-3 District requirements. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit, based on findings to be established by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the Conditional Use Permit, pending submission of additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of the CUP for the Monticello- Big Lake Animal Hospital, based on the finding noted in Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Site Plan Exhibit B - Building Floor Plans Exhibit C - Building Elevation Drawings Exhibit D ~ B-3 District Regulations 1260 Cedar Street I I . II ,", II hi II "IILIIO ~;:~~~I!I'~;J;.I~;;::~II;-;;'!1 '1,1 ~tr.~g 'UUl "J(UO\.UII!lU 9LC "llno L in'l'!'! 9;:9.' ',uI 'SJ.J3J./IIJllY ~"uJ''l 'I U.803100 'uoPI."s 'uo,uqor ~~>'c ,:. ~ ~ :J/ft' ~ , ~ -(-1t-y' ~ ' ~ 0/>-' =/0' "> ' /i~~ "- ~ O~! ~ '~ "'~ ~ '~ "" I~",. I -" J ~ 9, p- ------ "- If)1 J "- ~ I' a ~ I lw I ~ a I s::> a I : p Q) -- 0:) <: I' I II I I : II I ,- II --- VI ,,00,6&' S ZO 'frf' . ...~. "--",~~.",~ ---....~ [ --- IbSfIE. i"iM 'lJIj ~ Y"IO<;:oINNI] JQlllfU JU iA'Il ]!.fi nO'.. 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I I I I I I I z <( -' D- " Il () () -' LL (). z{ o~ \), ill ~- IJ)~ \CJ ~ ~;;;.h<-.:/ "- ."f: '~I II \ "'/'" \A, ~ " - " '-'~~i.~~\. ...".,~ . ~'r\ ~ , , --:- "...;;.~ l!J'\ ,', ! _.:e. \. , '\n -r- I ......~ '\ ('- '''''C , -r";. \~.~.~ ~- <Q ts- ~ .~ '~ ~ . , I ,/ ,'( 'I. , , :1 i ) ~'.. ,-- \f .,.1 I'm i ffi f f! g B l:l a ~ I!Hl f ~ ~ ~ 'H ~ g n~@ 3g g,. ~ !~ () ; ~ Rli ~~ B f ~ ~ I ~~ fit - f8 ~ !l !l !l ~d I ~ m:h N N N 00080 0@0@J@ NOI.uaav ~~ tJ:::J tz::=J a:::, Q a. /_1 f I, 1-- - 11 1 1 ~ J 11 I co III i M "I I'" Uj,,,.,, j ~ 6 t- <( i > /' ~ HI ~ I'C) r I ~,;; J'~/~ 5 ' B ~I 'Q ~~ ~f ~ - - -,~-.--..- - ~} !! j~ !( it !1 ~R !( ~I CHAPTER 13 "B-3" HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT SECTION: 13-1: Purpose 13-2: Pennitted Uses 13-3: Permitted Accessory Uses 13-4: Conditional Uses 13-5: Interim Uses 13-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of t1)e "B-3," highway business, district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. 13-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are pennitted uses in a "B-3" district: [A] All pennitted uses as allowed in a B-1 and B-2 district. [B] Auto accessory store. [C] Commercial recreational uses. [D] Motels, motor motels, and hotels provided that the lot area contains not less than five hundred (500) square feet of lot area per unit. [E] Restaurants, cafes, tea rooms, taverns, and off-sale liquor, provided that the use is not located within 300 ft of a residential zone. (#258,09/26/94) [F] Private clubs or lodges serving food and beverages with use being restricted to members and their guests. Adequate dining room, kitchen, and bar space must be provided according to standards imposed upon similar unrestricted customer operations. The serving of alcoholic beverages to members and their guests shall be allowed, providing that such service is in compliance with applicable federal, state, and municipal regulations. Offices of such use shall be limited to no more than twenty (20) percent of the gross floor area of the building. [G] Taxi tenninals, stand, and offices. [H] Small printing or publishing business employing six (6) or less persons. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE rx hi bl {-j) 6I- 13/1 13-3: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in a "B-3" district: [AJ All permitted accessory uses as allowed in a "B-2," limited business, district. [BJ Adult Use/Accessory (#217,01/13/92) 13-4: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in a "B-3" district: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance.) [A] Drive-in and convenience food establishments provided that: 1. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constittlte a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of lot. 2. At the boundaries of a residential district, a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [OJ, of this ordinance. 3. Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or covered. 4. Parking areas shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [GJ, of this ordinance. 5. Parking areas and driveways shall be curbed with continuous curb not less than six (6) inches high above the parking lot or driveway grade. 6. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movements, shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right-of-way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 8. The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 9. The entire area other than that occupied by buildings or structure or plantings shall be surfaced with a material which will control dust and drainage and which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 'Ex. ~ I to , I- D 6.:C MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/2 10. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9, of this ordinance. 11. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [B] CARWASHES (DRlVE THROUGH, MECHANICAL, AND SELF-SERVICE) PROVIDED IHA T: 1. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. 2. Magazining or stacking space is constructed to accommodate that number of vehicles which can be washed during a maximum thirty (30) minute period and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. . 3. At the boundaries of a residential district, a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 (G], of this ordinance. 4. Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or covered. 5. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 (G], of this ordinance. 6. The entire area other than occupied by the buildings or plantings shall be surfaced with material which will control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 8. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right-of-way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 (H], of this ordinance. 9. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 10. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9, of this ordinance. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE rXh, bl ~ 0 oJ:- 13/3 11. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 12. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [C] MOTOR FUEL STATION, MOTOR FUEL ST A nON/CONVENIENCE STORE, AUTO REPAIR-MINOR, AND TIRE AND BATTERY STORES AND SERVICE PROVIDED THAT: 1. Regardless of whether the dispensing, sale, or offering for sale of motor fuels andlor oil incidental to the conduct of the use or business, the standards and requirements imposed by this ordinance for motor fuel stations shall apply. These standards and requirements are, however, in addition to other requirements which are imposed for other uses of the property . 2. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. 3. The entire site other than that taken up by a building, structure, or plantings shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 4. A minimum lot area of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (150) feet by one hundred thirty (130) feet. 5. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. 6. A curb not less than six (6) inches above grade shall separate the public sidewalk from motor vehicle service areas. 7. The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the public right-of-way and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 8. Wherever fuel pumps are to be installed, pump islands shall be installed. 9. At the boundaries ofa residential district, a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 7 [G], of this ordinance. 10. Each light standard landscaped. EX.hlblt C 5:c MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/4 11. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 12. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance. and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 13. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be minimized and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9, of this ordinance. 14. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 15. No outside storage except as allowed in compliance with Chapter 13, Section 4, of this ordinance. 16. Sale of products other than those specifically mentioned in Chapter 13, Section 4, be subject to a conditional use permit and be in compliance with Chapter 13, Section 4 [F], of this ordinance. 17. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the Council, upon investigation in relation to a formal request finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as well or better by modifying the conditions. 18. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met [D] New and used automobile/light truck sales and display provided that: 1. The minimum building size for any auto sales use shall comply with the following standards: Parcel Size Lot Coverage Percent* Minimum Building Size* Up to 2 acres 5% 2,500 square feet More than 2 acres to 4 acres 10% 10,000 square feet More than 4 acres 15% 40,000 square feet *Whichever requires the larger building. (#351,8/14/00) 2. Outside sales and display areas are fenced or screened from view of neighboring residential uses or an abutting "R" district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences, and shall l.xA.h,f- D .5~ MONTICELLO 70NIN~ ORnINANr.1= .... ,). 1 ., 11::' be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 4. The outside sales and display area shall be hard surfaced. 5. The outside sales and display area does not utilize parking spaces which are required for conformance with this ordinance. 6. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement, shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance. and shall be subject to the appro va] of the City Engineer. 7. There is a minimum lot area of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22.500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (150) feet by one hundred thirty (130) feet. 8. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. 9. All signing shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9, of this ordinance. 10. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [E] Open and outdoor storage as a principal or accessory use provided that: I. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or if abutting an "R" district incompliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-way in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 5. Does not take up parking space as required for conformity to this ordinance. 6. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [F] Open or outdoor service, sale, and rental as a principal or accessory use and including sales in or from motorized vehicles, trailers, or wagons provided that: 1. Outside services, sales and equipment rental connected with the principal tXh, b. f- () 0 I- MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 11/R 2. Annual inspection by City Health Officer at owner's expense. 3. All animals must be leashed. 4. Treatment would be limited to small domesticated animals. 5. Side yard setbacks would be 20 feet instead of 10 feet. 6. No outside storage of carcasses. [K] Commercial storage contained entirely within a building. [L] Commercial planned unit development as regulated by Chapter 20 of this ordinance. [M] Consignment auction sales and/or auction sales. 1. The architectural appearance and function plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting intluence within a reasonable distance of the lot. 2. At the boundaries of residential districts. a strip of not less than 5 feet shall b<.::.' landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. Any light standard islands and all islands in the parking lot shall be landscaped or covered. 4. Parking areas shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 5 [G], of this ordinance. 5. Parking areas and driveways shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5 [D]. 6. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict through traffic movements, shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right-of-way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 8. The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 9. All signing and information or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9. MONTICELLO ZONING ORnINANr:F 10. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and tJ.h. bt f 0 61 -1 "')10 uses is limited to thirty (30) percent of the gross floor area of the principal use. This percentage may be increased as a condition of the conditional use permit. 2. Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from view of neighboring residential uses or abutting "R"district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shal! be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 4. Sales area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 5. Does not take up parking space as required for conformity to this ordinance. 6. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [G] Accessory, enclosed retail, rentaL or service activity other than that allowed as a permitted use or conditional use within this section provided that: I. Such use is allowed as a permitted use in a "B~ 1 " or "B-2" district. 2. Such use does not constitute more than thirty (30) percent of the lot area and not more than fifty (50) percent of the gross floor area of the principal use. 3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 3, Sections 5 and 6, of this ordinance is provided. 4. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance wi th Chapter 3, Section 9, of this ordinance. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [H] Shopping Center. [1] Animal Pet Clinics. 1. Annual inspection by City's health officer at owner's expense. 2. All pets must be leashed. 3. Treatment to be limited to household pets. [J] Pet hospitals with the following condition: 1. No outside pens or kennels. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE [x..klt ~(+ D 5 ~ .....,/7 11. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the Council, upon investigation in relation to a formal request, finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as weU or better by modifying the conditions. 12. Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from view of neighboring residential uses or abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 13. Outside sales connected with the principal use is limited to 30% of the gross floor area of the principal building. This percentage may be increased as a condition of the conditional use permit. 14. Outside sales may not take up parking space as required for conformity to the ordinance requirement. 15. No pets or livestock may be sold at this auction sales facility. 16. Provisions must be made to control and reduce noise when adjacent to a residential zoning district. 17. AU outside storage shaU be effectively screened from public view in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], and limited to 10% of the gross floor area of the principal use building. [N] Outdoor go-kart tracks provided that: 1. The proposed use must meet all conditions of Chapter 3, Section 4 [A]. 2. The conditional use permit wiU be reviewed yearly to determine whether or not it is compatible with neighboring properties and in conformance with conditions of the conditional use. 3. A solid wood, six-foot high fence must be part of the screening required when the adjacent property is residential. 4. For dust and noise (70DB at residential property line) must be controUed at all times to the satisfaction of the City. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [0] Day-care centers provided that: I. No overnight facilities are provided for children served and that said children are delivered and removed daily. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE t(hlbtt- 0 6r 13/9 2. An outdoor recreational facility shall be appropriately separated from the parking lot and driving areas by a wood fence not less than 4 feet in height or Council approved substitute, and shall be located continuous to the day- care facility, and shall not be located in any yard abutting a major thoroughfare, and shall not have an impervious surface for more than one- half of the playground area, and shall extend at least 60 feet from the wall of the building or to an adjacent property line, whichever is less, or shall be bound on not more than two sides by parking and driving areas. A minimum size of the outside recreational facility shall be 2,000 sq. ft., or in the alternative 75 sq. ft. per child at licensed capacity, whichever is the greater figure. 3. The regulations and conditions of the Minnesota Department of Human Services and Department of Health, Public Welfare Manual 11-31-30 as adopted, amended, and/or changed, are satisfactorily met. 4. A written indication of preliminary, pending, or final license approval from the regulatory agencies is supplied to the City of Monticello. (#152,9/22/86) [P] Auto body shop repair provided that: I. Door opening to service area garage must not face street frontage. 2. Vehicle storage area limited to 50% of floor space of the structure housing the auto body shop. 3. All vehicles being serviced and all vehicle parts must be stored inside or in vehicle storage area. 4. Vehic1e storage area shall be enclosed by enclosure intended to screen the view of vehicles in storage from the outside. Enclosure shall consist of a six-foot high, 100% opaque fence designed to blend with the auto body shop structure and consisting of materials treated to resist discoloration. 5. The floor of the vehicle storage area shall consist of asphalt or concrete pavmg. 6. No work on vehicles or vehicle parts shall be conducted outside the confines of the auto body shop. 7. The advertising wall facing the public right-of-way shall consist of no more than 50% metal material. 8. The secondary or non-advertising wall facing a public right-of-way shall utilize a combination of colors or materials that serve to break up the monotony of a single color flat surface. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE [.~~IIO d:.J) 51 13/10 9. The development shall confonn to minimum parking and landscaping requirements of the zoning ordinance. 10. No conditional use permit shall be granted for an auto body shop within 600 feet of a residential or PZM zone existing at the time the conditional use permit is granted. (#175,4/24/89) [Q] Restaurants, cafes, tea rooms, taverns, and off-sale liquor located within 300 ft of a residential zone provided that: 1. Primary access must not be through residential street(s). (#258, 9/26/94) [R] Governmental and public utility buildings and structures necessary for the health, safety, and general welfare of the community provided that: 1. Conformity with the surrounding neighborhood is maintained and required setbacks and side yard requirements are met. 2. Adequate screening from neighboring uses and landscaping is provided in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 2, of this ordinance. 3. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. (#300, 12/8/97) 13-5: INTERIM USES: The following are interim uses in a "B-3" district (requires an interim use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance). [A] Trucking and Trucking Service provided that: 1. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing, conforming buildings or areas as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within the district in which the proposed use is located. 2. Parking areas shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2, of this ordinance. 3. The entire site, other than that taken up by a building, structure, or plantings, shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage, which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 4. The site shall meet minimum lot dimension requirements of the District. 5. No outside storage except as allowed in compliance with Chapter 13, Section 4[E], of this ordinance. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE [~ h \ b Ii- \) S=r: 13/11 6. Parking areas accessible to the public, including customers and employees, shall be paved in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance, 7. No more than six thousand (6,000) square feet of the site shall be devoted to the storage, parking, and/or circulation of semi-tractors and trailers, as illustrated on a site plan submitted in connection with an application for a conditional use permit. 8. All service activities shall occur within the principal building or approved accessory buildings. 9. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. (#304, 1/12/98) MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE tx. ~ \ 'b I t- D :)1: 13/12 City Coune i I Agenda -6/ J J /0 J 5.1. Consideration ofa request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development fix two. 2 unit townhouses. Applicant: RA Associates. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Rick Anderson of RA Associates has requested Development Stage PUD approval for his proposed project at Maple Street and West Broadway. This project was previously approved as a Concept Stage PUD. although there was some signillcant discussion on the density issue, since the project needed a variance from the strict lot area per unit requirements, based on the type of unit being proposed. However, the four units was approved, with the understanding that the unit style would better fit into the character of the neighborhood, and that the project design would be sensitive to both the existing development and the exposure to Broadway. The applicant's plans illustrate an orientation toward Broadway for the corner unit, with doorways facing that direction. The garage orientation is toward Maple Street, but as noted in the Concept Plan report, the driveway combination allows for less pavement and landscaping that de-emphasizes the garage component. The landscape plan illustrates a site treatment that should help to create a "courtyard" feel in the driveway area. Planning staff has two recommended additions to enhance the plan and help to justify the use of PUD in this case. The first would be to further emphasize the Broadway orientation of the corner unit by directing a short segment of sidewalk to Broadway from the front door. The proposed landscaping could then border this walkway, instcad of interfering with the front door view of the building. The second suggestion would be to install a small open fence along the front property linc, between the two driveways. This visual separator would also help to de-emphasize the view of the driveways and garage doors. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommcnd approval of the Devclopment Stage PUD f()r Maple Street Townhomes, with conditions related to sidewalk placement and fencing described in this report. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Development Stage PUD for Maple Street Townhomes, based on findings related to the use ofPUD and development intensity. 3. Motion to table action on the Development Stage PUD, pending submission of additional information. City Council Agenda -6/11/01 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission and staff recommend approval, with the site planning enhancements mentioned in this report. The emphasis of the Broadway frontage is a goal ofthe Comprehensive Plan, and the small section offence would add to the aesthetics of this site with minimal added expense. A well-designed project in this location could serve as a valuable standard for other Broadway housing development. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Site Plan Exhibit B - Building Elevations. Exhibit C - Landscape Plan 2 --- 5J N w fTl o 0::; n 30'-0" : 30'~O" ~~_E Y... ",::>~1!:-.li _ i;lACi( ~'" +--- o l- a, en -1 m -0 I ~)> qZ (.N 01 01 z o :Jj -i I ~k -.r''''''''\\' q' ,'~.~. ~ WEST BRO.A-DWA Y Shiblt- A- - . w r'- ,,'.:, -,':::}" w ~~~-.~~~(. ~-''"-'" ~ ,..~ cd- )?- 'r r- .~ /~ ( ;::::-.. ::' ~F' (tr', \:~_ V '1'\- -& (' ~ ;. ~~-\ L0 --.J \J -<t z I--~O ~OUj r::::lO." 0::0>- 00;;<: I3> ,.,) (\J ,"-_s'S( ,~....~ 1'"' (I -V ''\, f d ') !; \~/"~'\ /- -"" <I m r'- ".:. .::;". ~- '..... .~ ..-- ( ~ ~.;.:. ! (f" 'i\.\t"-'"'L.,..-.....t....:" .~< ...~--- 5. co >=1 ~jn:DIn III \~I I~ <(I <f) ~\l nlnF w -' s:io --' J~('='"I~ Ll.JIO <J ~lnDlni I~ z 1'.bdJ, ,- ..JI,;;- 01," I J1DIDID c...' , ~I~ <I) ~IUIDIU <(! .~ r- -' 1iiO]'FlID 2: c:r:: ' <t ";' IU I ~IDIDlg -I CO u.. If) IIDJD]P z <t " r- 01 Z " -& 01 1-1 1-1 ~IDIDrr:] <( ~I ~!DIDIO >1 w, ~IDIDIO ..J' ~I Wi WI ~IDq 1-1 ~IJ]DIO (/)1 I, iOIQrl <(' ~I ~IDIDID wi ;") ~I IDIDO I i I r'\J \,.- j/ '): ~~===-----~.~ ( 'If)" ~'.. \~.....""''''''''~ ........": ,.- l .>" i ----._~,.......... u o L:..: t~ib\t- 0, ~ ;::_ OM .. Fr:lX NO_ 763-682-244121 Ma~. 21 21211211 1214:5I21PM P1 Rr:l ASs'::"~1at...s. Inc. N w ", -..J al >~~ ~ :"~.' .J.) ~ O\~~~:@~~ ~~~~!~~~!~~~II~I~~ () -.l\S'l1Jl -I>-W ,-- i , l.tJ~1Jl .f>,.(J>-J:>.-f>.1Jl N I 'i w .... .0:- ~ -l m -0 .r r '" >- <,)1 q Z U'l ::z c.;> "" ;E Ul "" c 1- c~ _J . - ":'. '. ..~.. .' "".' ,,,,;' - .'. - ~ : ....:- ' . ..' """'-1" .... \';:::'~~":/'.:i .,', ..",,""r .,' ~ .,.. . .. .. co SITE PL.....N M....i>LE STI'IEET TOWNHOMCS RICK ....NDERSON - OWNER t.-:;;>.e c.::e.;. :$;,;/'11'.,.,........ tnl'l'wl\... '11./.-.01_ Aotl....bthl ~7':z (:o::t'Q)~-~~"~'" Paul R. Olson Architects, Ltd. lA~'~ ~~QPMI'ZN'" ~.;IIII""IIT..;.;. '" -I~. ~I"""'O;:'~;'" ~ ; ~~l S~"h'_ 'WON I , , EXhIbit ~ 5J City Council Agenda -6/11/01 5K. Consideration of a request to amend the zoning ordinance to allow a second freestanding si gn on certain properties in the B-3, Highwav Business District. Applicant: Monticello Dodge. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Monticello Dodgc is seeking approval of an amendment to the text of the sign regulations that would allow the City to approve a second freestanding sign on certain property. The request is made due a concern that because of the large size ofthe site, and the two primary exposures (Interstate 94 and Chelsea Road), one freestanding sign along the freeway would not be adequate to direct customers to the site from Chelsea Road. The rationale behind the request is based on the need to communicate with two types of traffic (freeway and street), and that one sign is inadequate to do both jobs on large sites. If such an allowance is to be made, staff would recommend that the following conditions be attached to limit the proliferation of signs where they arc not "needed" to accommodate the concerns raised by the applicant: 1. Only B-3 property would be eligible. 2. Only property that fronts both on the freeway and on a second major road (collector or higher status) 3. The site must be at least two acres in size, and the signs should be no closer than 300 feet apart. 4. 'fhe sign fronting on the freeway should conform to the requirements of the ordinance regulating freestanding signs (32 feet in height, 200 square feet in area). 5. Second sign allowance is applied to individually described parcels, not business occupants, and does not apply to sites seeing development flexibility allowances under PUD provisions. 6. Both signs must meet all other standards of the sign regulations, including size relative to adjacent roadway and setbacks. An amendment with these provisions would allow a second freestanding sign to a limited number of properties in addition to Monticello Dodge. A sophisticated inventory was not conducted, however, Gould's Chevrolet would be an eligible site, and Hoglund Bus may be another on the south side of the freeway. Other sites arc likely to be too small, or already subject to PUD allowances. City Council Agenda -6/11/01 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment to the sign regulations allowing a second freestanding sign on certain property in the B-3 District. Motion based on the finding that allowing a secondary freestanding sign as proposed is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment, based on a finding that the current sign regulations adequately accommodate business identification needs without the additional allowances of the proposed amendment. 3. Motion to table action on the amendment, pending additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffwould recommend the amendment with the conditions listed. While signage is clearly important for business identification, too much can easily lead to an ugly landscape where individual signs are lost in the clutter. The amendment as drafted attempts to limit this possibility by allowing two freestanding signs only under a narrow set of circumstances along the freeway. D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Draft Ordinance 2 City of Monticello Wright County, Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3-9 lEI 4., OF THE MONTICELLOZONINGORDINANCERELA TING TO FREESTANDING SIGNS INTHE B-3 ZONING DISTRICT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapter 3, Section 3-9 [E] 4. is amended by adding the following: [E] 4. (f) [n the B-3 Zoning District only, certain parcels may be allowed to construct a second ti-eestanding sign on the property when the following conditions arc complied with: I. The property directly abuts Interstate 94 and one other collector (or higher) status street. n. The property in question is no less than two (2) acres in area. Ill. The second freestanding sign shall be located no closer than three hundred (300) feet from the first freestanding sign on the same property. IV. Only one of the two freestanding signs may be located within any yard (front, rear, or side) of the property. This clause shall be interpreted to mean that each sign shall be required to have a separate roadway as its primary exposure. v. Where two freestanding signs are allowed, the sign that fronts on the road which serves as the primary access shall meet standards identified in section 3-9 [E] of the zoning code. VI. Where two freestanding signs arc allowed, the sign that fronts on the freeway exposure shall conform to the provisions of Section 3 [E J 4. (c) above. VII. This section shall not be applied to the calculations f()r signage when an applicant is seeking development design t1exibility under the City's Planned Unit Development provisions. 5~ City Council Agenda -6/11/01 5L. Consideration of a request for development stage Planned Unit Development allowing multiple structures on an industrial site. Apolicant: Blue Chio Development. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Blue Chip Development is seeking approval of a development stage PUD for its complex of four industrial buildings along Dundas Road. Previous discussions with the applicants had raised an issue of the location of the loading docks to the south, and whether it would be possible to reorient the buildings to move the docks to an area that would be less exposed to the residential properties to the south. The applicant's architect supplied two optional layouts showing the buildings turned ninety degrees, and placing the loading on the outside and on the inside. Both of these drawings are intended to demonstrate that even with redesigned buildings, the space is too narrow to accommodate the truck turning movements on the site. Planning staff believes that the options are reasonably representative, and would agree that the loading can not be reoriented as staff had hoped. The applicant has relocated the central driveway from Dundas to avoid the sharp curves shown on the original site plan, and the preliminary floor plans illustrate compliance with expected parking demand on the site. Neither ofthe buildings propose outdoor storage, and the lighting plan appears to show that there will be almost no spillover light onto the residential property. The approval should specify that there will be no yard lights on the south sides of the building, and that wall lights will be shielded to avoid direct glare. With regard to the landscape plan, the applicant proposes a bufferyard planting in a rear yard of just over 20 feet in depth, in compliance with the requirements of the district adjacent to vacant property. The adjoining residential property is being developed by Eagle Crest, and will also include butleryard plantings in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. However, the requirements for this district are at least 80 "plant units" per 100 feet of property. This would require a total of 344 plant units along the bufferyard area. The proposed planting includes 12 evergreen trees at 15 plant units each, and 11 deciduous trees at 10 plant units each, for a total of 290 plant units. The addition of a berm, an opaque fence, or more evergreen plant material would bring the bufferyard into compliance. Because this is a PUD, staffwould recommend a fence to augment the plantings as the most effcctive screen, as welI as increasing security. Vlll. Both signs allowed under this subsection shall meet all other applicable provisions of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. / /s/ / C Blue Chip-Development Compa;;y L SL City COLlncil Agenda -6/11101 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Development Stage PUD for Blue Chip Development as proposed, with the condition that the bufferyard be intensified with fencing, and that lighting is consistent with the comments in this report. Motion is also contingent on site plan modifications necessary to comply with restrictions relating to the storm sewer easements on the site. The current plan shows encroachment into an important ponding/drainage area. The size of parking/building will need to be reduced slightly in order to keep the developed area in the upland area. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Development Stage PUD for Blue Chip, based on a finding that the project would have an unacceptable impact on adjacent residential development. 3. Motion to table action on the Development Stage PUD, pending additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of the PUD, with the conditions as stated. Although we had sought changes to move loading activities away from the residential area, the alternatives provided by the architect are persuasive to show that the limitations on truck turning movements would significantly impact the use of the site. Because it is zoned and guided for industrial use, the site should be able to be put to a reasonable industrial purpose. To help mitigate the impacts of the loading docks on the south, the addition of a fence would increase the effective screening, patiicularly when combined with the bulTeryard plantings of the residential property. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Site Plan/Landscape Plan - (Recommended plan by PC, staff and applicant). Exhibit B - Alternative Layout A Exhibit C - Alternative Layout B ~;/.- 2 - .4 tl'" ~ = I, ~ I 2 I I! ... I ! , . I ... ~ g ~ ~ ~ p Q!] Iil , i i ~ i $ \, .... CUNOAS AOAD :. ~ ~ jJ3 Q. ~ ~I' .. I ! , II , !J Ir I i~ I il I, ~ I!\ i , \ I : ~ i I . ~ ~ I --~----~-+---l ~;::: ~; ~~ i II i ! ~ i ~S Ii ; li~ :i! ~ ~ I i! ~ n ~!i ~ ; 1 ~ i I ~i! ii I~ ! i ~~ i I i ~ !l i ~ il ;) i I I ; ~ ~ ~ '" .., ell .. .. c lit L~ I : -I WE ail' [FlEH~'''ENT _ '1'/0' MON1ICa.LO ~A II I-W'"AOI I ::~..:!dIi B1~~1E8A1lCt1mC18NC. -.- ----- -- -._.......Rtl....._~ bckib\t- ft 5 L ClVO~ S\f0Nn0 ~o~ INt. J>~' ~... 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I ; I I Z ~ 0 m I I g ~ ; i ~ II iB I q] m ~ lC ~ tf ~ .... z w ~ o .....J ~~ ~I O~ ~~ m::! 6hibit-V~I_ City Council Agenda - 06/11/01 5M. Consideration of approval of final plat and development agreement for Klein Farms Estates 2nd addition. Applicant: Eagle Crest (10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to grant final plat approval of the Eagle Crest Planned Unit Development along with being asked to adopt the development agreement. The final plat is attached for your review. A table outlining the financial aspects of the development agreement is also provided. The development agreement will follow the standard format and will be available at the meeting on Monday. Following are elements of the development agreement of interest: The streets and storm sewer will be private and maintained by the association. The sanitary sewer and water lines are public. The City will not be responsible for paying for reconstruction of streets that could be damaged with city repair of sewer or water lines. A landscaping bond will be provided covering the full cost to complete the landscaping plan which is an important requirement of the conditional usc permit. The City will be obtaining a fce equal to 8% of the construction cost which covers city costs associated with engineering and planning review, utility inspection and other city costs. This fee is estimated at $33,000. Total sewer access and water access fees derived from this site will amount to $242,000. Total trunk fees amount to $95,004. This cost will be distributed to individual lots then paid as each lot is developed and sold. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion approving final plat and development agreement for the Klein Farms Estates 2nd Addition. 2. Motion denying approval of final plat and development agreement for the Klein Farms Estates 2nd Addition. STAFF RECOMMENDA TI ON The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of final plat and summary of expenses work sheet. Development agreement available at meeting. 2 City Council Agenda - 06/11/01 Summary of expenses - Eagle Crest Klein Farms Estates June 6, 2001 Trunk or Dedication Fees to be Assessed Based on 9.71 Acres - 64 Lots Acreage Acres Credit Charge Park $0.00 Pathway - $210 per unit $13,440.00 Sanitary Sewer $1,900 9.71 $0 $18,449.00 Watermain $1,500 9.71 $0 $14,565.00 Storm Sewer $5,000 9.71 $0 $48,550.00 Total amount to Assess $95,004.00 Per lot Assessment based on 64 Lots $1,484.44 Letter of CrediUCity Fees Canst Cost Does not apply. covered with original dedication Total Cost - San Sew, Roads, Storm Sewer, Sidewalk $419,000 Engineer Estimate Letter of Credit Amount (Total cost X 125%) $523,750 Can be reduced but held until project complete May be reduced City Fee based on 8% of total cost. $33,520 NSP - Lighting NA Grading Fee Trees/Landscaping Bond NA NA other Information Total SAC fee Tala WAC fee $201,600.00 $41,600.00 Developer expense No grading fee - project to small - no city exp Secured by Warranty Bond OrY\ 'l11).A' , ~ ft>-~{ 1-) / "A""- ","0 (pJ:~."if:> -"--- S'l"" ,,~\\lI'~'ooC ,,0_ -- -- -- "" ~o'tl.~~l,l~~ P ~_'t.~.... --- --- " .<' 1 l ~<;\'~'" . ,. ~ ~ >., __ -- N15'0:!:"J:vt-"/"/" , /;_ .>-,__ -'-_ _./i'35,a3 ti _ {_ I ,- r 74 J,1 ">,"> _' , ,,>- .' 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Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a multiple family structure with ground floor residential units in the CCO District. Applicant: Silvcr Creek Development. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Silver Creek Development is requesting a new Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction ofa 35 unit multiple family apartment building on a 1.7 acre parcel along East Th Street. The parcel has multiple family residential uses on both sides, and abuts a commercial parking lot to the rear (north). Multiple family building density is calculated hased on a formula which requires 10,000 square feet of lot area for the first unit, plus 2,000 square feet for each additional one~ bedroom unit, and 3,000 square feet for each two-bedroom unit. With a total lot area of 74,052 square feet, the maximum number of units (if all one-bedroom) would be 33. If all units were two bedroom, the maximum number of units would be 24. A mix of unit types would result in a maximum density hetween 24 and 33 units. The Planning Commission reviewed this project and recommended approval contingent on developer reducing density to meet city code. . The site plan shows a layout that places the huilding along the west boundary line, with a parking lot in the middle of the site, and a series of tenant garages along the east boundary. The plan includes a stonnwater pond in thc northwest corner ofthe site, along with a "tot lot" north of the apartment building. An enclosed refuse room adjoins one of the garage huildings. The existing site conditions, based on the survey submitted with the application, indicates a heavily wooded area in the northeast corner of the site. The north one third ofthe property is sloped dramatically down to the north. To accommodate the grade, the applicant proposes a retaining wall along the north boundary which would support the parking lot and the garage huildings. Staff has suggested an alternative site plan that relocates the elements of the project, based on a slightly downsized apartment building that would comply with the density allowances (assuming a mix of one and two bedroom units). This building would be placed along the cast boundary, and when shortened up to eliminate a few units, would save most ol'thc trees in the northcast corner, particularly when combined with the rctaining wall. . The parking is relocated as well, and the garage buildings are combined to hreak up the long, continuous wall creatcd by the applicant's layout. The same number (24) of garage spaces are preserved, although surface parking is reduced to meet the 2 space per unit requirement. The tot lot is also retained at the same size. llowever, the revision allows it to he moved 30 south, away from the slope. Less retaining wall would appear to he required, and more green . City Council Agenda -6/11/01 space would be preserved. Finally, this site would lend itself to a basement parking garage. The slope would accommodate a garage entrance on the north side of the building, with more than one underground space per unit. Such a design would preserve even more green space by eliminating some of the surface parking needs. StatT would encourage the applicant to consider this concept. 'The applicant has indicated that the cost of underground parking is not justified by the added apartment units. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval ofthe Conditional Use Permit with the proposed site plan, reducing the unit count to meet Ordinance requirements. 2. Motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit with a revised site plan as discussed in this report, or an underground garage concept. ,., J. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit, based on a finding that the proposed concept docs not comply with the intent of the CCD zoning district. . 4. Motion to table action on the Conditional Use Permit, pending submission of additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff, Planning Commission and the Design Advisory Team recommend Alternative 1. The CUP issued for this project should include a condition that the site plan is revised to preserve the existing trees, where possible, and that the density meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance (hased on the number and bedroom count of the proposed units). Stan" s alternative site plan would help to hring the proposal into cOlnpliance with the code, and a hasement garage parking plan would go even further in improving the quality ofthe project. In the eCD, structured parking can increase the allowable density of the project. D. SUPPORTING DATA ,., _1. Applicant's Site Plan Landscape Plan Building Elevations Planning Staff Alternative Site Plan 1. 2. . 4. 2 . . CJ"'Ul ::oZ'" )>Gl'" ;;Zn Z"'- Gl"'''; Ul::O, ~~ i ;;: 'i! J> ::::! n Y;(J) ~::::; .. r'l ,-0 i::' b~ '-- J' "Un'" )>OX ::O'!::Ul ;:os'!::-< z",- Gl::OZ nGl ,- 0)> -<' """- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ OJ'" ~~ xUl -< Z Gl \ \ \ r\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ;:::; D ~ --< o ~~~ 5 )iJ " -1 ~ ?ii )10 z ~ " z ,.., ,. " ,. " ,.., ,.. ,. S (J)...J -l -l -----------~~----p-- r'l ~- -l '" '" '" ~ :-.J .?' o '" '" '" '" 0 '" '" 0 ~ p p ;l ;l ;:1 '" C ou, o '" o 0 !3 !3 D a . ~ ~ i ;i! I I I I I I 1 I I I I I J CD J> iT1 C -OX p=J>Ui Q~::::! z5i:Z G)r'lG) Z -l ~ SchibH- A .., .., :-I :-t . \ o C'l (n i:5~ :::<Zo z~~ ~ ;() r~ I (f) / () I z r'l '6 s: r J;> :::! C:, \!1 'l2 ,. --1 r~ Pl -, -'-' II "_ ~~ ~ I-==-::-- 0: .::....- ~ . '" "e- rE t 5: - u. a- o ~ Z g 0 (/> (/> r- r \9--l~~ o <:> ~ IJ" .., --, :f it ()> IJ" ;-1 :-l 8' 0/ e) U1 If) (J1 N~ n n --4 00 0 I I 0 ~~ Z [Tl [Tl --4 :P- r' $: $: , r' e) C ZZ rrl )> )> Z ClCl --I --I --4 CC U n n U1 zZ ::::j::::j -! ~~ C [Tl [Tl )> z )> N" 0 (f) z:::o I --I OU1 [Tl --4 ,-- f'l R>" I'l [Tl r 0/' X < fTl :::00 < 00 -! )> :::0 --I )> ~R> rrl --I 0 :.:::0 0 0 on - Z :::00 0 Z s:: s:: :.:::0 c Z -l rrl -< :::0 I 0 rrl 0 s:: < )> --l 0 Z (J) U1 () )> r JT1 .......... CXl I 0, f4 rUt OWl"l"r" - Architect: 8~ibit I~ MAY-30-2001 16:35 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02/02 I I I' I , I , , I , I I I I ),,'-....'~ . ;' "~, l~. I "'" I I A, ,(0.1' " I I I I #// ~ I I I I I I , , I , I () \ -, .. > ID U\ .. . .... .9~ ....". , ..., _...- -......... ..... . .... ...' ......" 'If . ., ._":'.:::'.~-_.- rJI '- Gh\b\t D ~,cJl, ~ ~~ -S rfl: p~ TOTAL P.025. () . . . Council Agenda - 6/11/200 I 5P. Consideration of ordering publie hearing for abatement of hazardous sidewalk at 507 East River Street. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROUND: At the Council Meeting on May 14,2001, during the annual sidewalk inspection report the City Council was informed of a hazardous sidewalk located at 507 East River Street. This is a section of sidewalk that is not on our grid system but is located on public property. We had been informed by the property owner, Mr. John Hareland, that the sidewalk would be removed within two weeks of our council meeting. Consequently, we did not as the City Council to call for a public hearing for the abatement of this hazardous sidewalk. As of the drafting of this agenda, however, Friday, June 8, 200 I, the sidewalk has not been removed and Mr. Ilarcland has failed to respond to phone calls or a certified letter regarding the repair, replacement or removal of this sidewalk. Consequently, we would like the City Council to order a public hearing on the subject for Monday, June 25, 2001, and send appropriate notice to Mr. Ilareland. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to order a public hearing to be held June 25, 200 I, to discuss the abatement of a hazardous sidewalk located at 507 East River Street. 2. The second alternati ve would be not to order a public hearing but to order the City to remove or repair the hazardous sidewalk as soon as possible at a cost to the City. This would not be in compliance with our sidewalk policy as this sidewalk is located oiTthe grid but it would hasten the abatement of the sidewalk. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council order a public hearing as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Please refer to your council agenda packet from the May 14th meeting. Full description and photos of the sidewalk at 507 East River Street were provided to you at that timc. Anyone needing additional copies should contact the Public Works Sccretary at 295-3170. Copies of the last phone conversation notes with Mr. John Ilareland and the certified letter mailed on June I sl are enclosed 1'<,)1' your revicw. J ,.. , i' ) } . l -- MONTICELLO June 1,2001 Mr. John Hareland 507 River Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Notice of Intended Council Action, Hazardous Public Sidewalk Dear Mr. Hareland: . On April 19 , 2001, the public sidewalk abutting your property was inspected by our City Inspector" At that time it was noted that this sidewalk was a hazard to public safety, and was deemed un-repairable. On Monday, April 23, 2001, the City Inspector attempted to contact you by phone but was unable to reach you so he left a voice mail message. On Thursday, April 26, the inspector attempted to reach you again, but had to leave another voice mail message. On May 9, the inspector received a voice mail message from you instructing him to contact you at your place of employment. On May 10, the City Inspector contacted you at your place of employment. During this conversation it was agreed that you would contact Schluender Construction for an estimate on removing the sidewalk and landscaping the area. Upon inspection of your property today, the City Inspector noted that the sidewalk was still there and in disrepair. Our inspector contacted Schluender Construction to see if you had contacted them for an estimate of removal. Schluender stated that they had mailed you an estimate a few weeks ago but had not heard back from you. If this sidewalk is not removed as soon as possible, we will ask the"City Council at their next regularly scheduled meeting on June 11, to order a Public Hearing as per City Ordinance Title VITI, Chapter 1, Section 3, to have the sidewalk repaired and assess the costs of such repairs to your property. Please contact the City Inspector or myself as soon as possible at 295-3170. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, if lJilTLLO ~~ola Public Works Director . JES/beg Enclosure cc: File sr Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831. (763) 295-2711. Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Go1fCourse Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 . John, I talked to John Hareland this morning at 9: 15 a.m... HeJs_the._o:w:ner Of the house at 507 E. River st. He called last night on my cell phone At 5:08 p.m. and left a message for me to call him at his job this Morning. He said he received my calls from 2 weeks ago and just Didn't call back till now. He said he wonld take care of the sidewalk problem by hiring Schulender's to remove it all and sod the area. I said I Would pass This info on. He thought he would have it completely taken care Of in 2 weeks. Thanks, Elmer 5-10-01 . " . S9 . City Council Agenda -6/11/01 SQ. Consideration of approving issuance of on-sale 3/2 beer license - China Buffet. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND China Bullet has applied for an on-sale 3/2 beer license for their restaurant operation at 613 Locust Street. The fee for an on-sale 3/2 beer license is $275 a year and itis proposed that the license period will begin July 1. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the on-sale 3/2 beer license for China Buffet. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the 3/2 license be approved. D. StJPPORTING DATA: Copy of application. . . . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO LICENSE APPLICATION This application is being submitted for the following license(s): Set-up license On-sale, intoxicating liquor On-sale, non-~tr~cating liq~Or " . Applicant Name: Ch 11'\ Cl B0fet Applicant Address: b I~ Lo LSt <st _ Off-sale, non-intoxicating liquor _ On-sale, wine ~ On-sale, wine/3.2 beer 1 MOfItlf.~~~e,l"e 2-9 <; IS SD 0 MOVlt'i(eII 0 /IA N ~ 5> 56z l~~ r:Lcl 1r 6 S~ty#:~/-l,OOOOO ' Date of Birth: Driver's License #: Business Name: cJwl"-A Business Address: b/:S 3~t if Alto.tt,'cd/" LOu.:;t Sot MVl'1tr'cel/o M- ,i.' ,~~ 1~ I VI c... M AI t;S~/L- '"lQc.:, ~3DO Business Phone: ~ f ,'- MN Business ill #: Describe nature of business operation: s if - down R eBff"Q u roVl + If Corporation: ~QO 2k; LI'u -Joe:'} L;n Officers: Directors: Do you or does your corporation, partnership, etc., currently hold any license allowing the sale of wine, intoxicating liquor, non-intoxicating liquor, or set-ups? Yes ~No If yes: Name of Business: Business Address: Business Phone: Type of License: Years Held: LIQLIC.APP: 1013/95 L C' .".) . \-; . . . References: N~me Address Phone Nllmher Credit References (list at least one bank you do business with): N~me J\ddress Phone Nllmber Amount of investment, excluding land: (only applicants for on-sale, intoxicating liquor must provide this information) Have you ever been convicted of a felony or of violating the National Prohibition Act or any state law or ordinance relating to manufacture or transportation of intoxicating liquors? /(n I declare that the above information is truf ~d correctto the best of my' knowledge. 6ft} I" J O~'Ul B1fg ~~j;'"'1s Date of Application Applicant Si . ture ~. ****************************************************************************** (For City Use Only) Surety Bond Liquor Liability Insurance Certificate Application Fee License Fee Sheriff, Wright County Mayor Date City Administrator Date LIQLIC.APP: 10/3/95 . . . City Council Agenda - 6/11/01 7. Public Hearine - Consideration to approve a resolution adoptiUl! the modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Proiect No. I; and estahlishine within Central Monticello Redevelopment Proiect No.1 TIF District No. 1-28 and adootine the related TIF Plan therefor. (O.K.) A. Reference and Backeround: OPEN PUBLIC HEARING The City Council is requested to hold a public hcaring and approve a resolution modifying Project No.1 Plan and establishing TIF District No. 1-28 for Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. (IRTI). The taxing jurisdictions received a copy of the proposed TIF Plan on May 10,2001, thirty days prior to the public hearing, and a public hearing notice appeared in the local newspaper on May 31, 2001, at least 10 days prior to the public hearing, for compliance with Minncsota Statutes. Please open the public hearing for comments and questions. Since Steve Budd, one of the owners, was present at the Council meeting when thc Council considered the preliminary concept for use of TIF; therefore, he will not he present on June 11. RESOLurlON FOR ADOPTION Enclosed you will find an overview of the T1F Plan t()f TIP District No. 1-28 as prepared by Ehlers & Associates. You will note the overview outlines the project description and required findings of the Council. The district is located along Fallon A venue to the north of the Pipe Line Supply Company. The Council previously elected to make the 10% local match in an amount up to $9,000, through the payment or forgiveness of the water/sewer access fees thereby eliminating the HACA Penalty. The local match is accounted by a transfer from the City General fund to the water/sewer access fund. The tax incremcnt cash flow projects a net tax increment total of $63,000 NPY (net present value) over the Ii fc of the district. The proj ect expected to increase the local tax base by $12,400 annually and create 5 new jobs for the City of Monticello. The project is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and the objectives of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 Plan. A copy of the entire TIP District No. 1-28 Plan and modified Central Monticello Redevelopment Project NO.1 Plan are available at City Hall for your rcview. The Planning Commission and liRA adopted resolutions relative to TIP District No. 1-28 on June 5 and June 6, respectively. The final plat approval appears elsewhere on the Council agenda. The building and sitc plans were submitted to the City on May 3 J, 2001 with construction planncd to commence no latcr than July 31,2001. An attached letter from 21th Century Bank is evidence for the "but for" tcst finding. . City Council Agenda - 6/11/01 The Contract for Private Redevelopment between the lIRA, the City, and IRTI describes the TIF assistance and the terms and conditions of the contract. Approval of the contract appears as a separate agenda item. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING After closing the public hearing, please consider the following alternative actions relating to the establishment of TIF District No. 1-28. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve a resolution adopting the modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and establishing within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 TIF District No. 1-28 and adopting the related TIF Plan therefor. 2. A motion to deny approval of a resolution adopting the modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and cstablishing within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I TIF District No. 1-28 and adopting the related TIF Plan therefor. . 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: As the proposed project meets the requirements of the local TIF policies and Minnesota Statutes, the City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend alternative no. 1. D. Sunnortin2: Data: Overview of TIF District No. 1-28, public hearing notice, "but f()r" test lInding, and copy of the resolution for approval. . 2 . . . /<;~::.-::- ::-:.:...-:::. A Ehlers and Associates V Tax Increment Financing District Overview City of Monticello.. Tax Increment Financing District No. 1..28 The following summary contains an overview of the basic elements of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF District No. 1-28. More detailed information on each of these topics can be found in the complete TIF Plan. Proposed action: Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28 and adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan. Development District: Adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. An Economic Development District Type of TIF District: Parcel Number: A 2.00 acre portion of 155-011-000171 Proposed Development: The District is being created to facilitate the construction of a 10,000 sf. structure for Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc.'s production and office space in the City of Monticello. The duration of District No. 1-28 will be 8 years from the date of receipt of the first increment (9 years of increment). The date of receipt of the first tax increment will be approximately 2003. Thus, it is estimated that District No. 1-28, including any modifications of the Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2011, or when the Plan is satisfied. If increment is received in 2002 due to inflation, the term of the District will be 2010. Maximum duration: Estimated annual tax increment: Up to$16,719 Proposed uses: The TIF Plan contains the following budget: Land/Building Acquisition ........................ $35,000 Site Improvements/Preparation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20,000 Public Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20,000 Parking Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $20,000 Streets and Sidewalks ............................. $5,000 Administrative Costs (up to 10%) ................... $15.000 PROJECT COSTS TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $115,,000 Interfund Loan/Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $100,000 Loan Interest ................................... $50,000 TOTAL FINANCING & PROJECT COSTS .... $265,000 . . . TIF District Ov€rvi€w Form of financing: Pay-as-you-go note and lor an interfund loan. Administrative fee: L G A I HAC A penalty: Up to 10% of annual increment, if costs are justified. The City and HRA elect to make the annual local contribution to the project to exempt itself from the LGA-HACA penalty. The local contribution for an economic development district is 10% of the annual tax increment. 3 Year Activity Rule (9469.176 Subd. 1a) 4 Year Activity Rule (9469.176 Subd 6) At least one of the following activities must take place in the District within 3 years from the date of certification: o bonds have been issued o the authority has acquired property within the district o the authority has constructed or caused to be constructed public improvements within the district The estimated date whereby this activity must take place is June, 2004. After four years from the date of certification of the District one of the following activities must have been commenced on each parcel in the District: o demolition o rehabilitation o renovation o other site preparation (not including utility services such as sewer and water) If the activity has not been started by the approximately June, 2005, no additional tax increment may be taken from that parcel until the commencement of a qualifying activity. Paq€ Z ) . . . TIT District Ov€:rvi€:w 5 Year Rule (9469.1763 Subd 3) Within 5 years of certification revenues derived from tax increments must be expended or obligated to be expended. Tax increments are considered to have been expended on an activity within the District if one of the following occurs: o the revenues are actually paid to a third party with respect to the activity o bonds, the proceeds of which must be used to finance the activity, are issued and sold to a third party, the revenues are spent to repay the bonds, and the proceeds of the bonds either are reasonably expected to be spent before the end of the later of (i) the five year period, or (ii) a reasonable temporary period within the meaning of the use of that term under ~. 148(c)(l) of the Internal Revenue Code, or are deposited in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund o binding contracts with a third party are entered into for performance of the activity and the revenues are spent under the contractual obligation o costs with respect to the activity are paid and the revenues are spent to reimburse a pay for payment of the costs, including interest on unreimbursed costs. Any obligations in the Tax Increment District made after approximately June, 2006, will not be eligible for repayment from tax increments. The previous summary contains an overview of the basic elements ofthe proposed Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28. More detailed information on each ofthese topics can be found in the complete TIF Plan. Paq€: J .." . TIF District OVETVi€w The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the adoption ofthe Tax Increment Financing Plan for District No. 1-28 as required pursuant to MS.. Section 469.175, Subd. 3 are as follows: 1. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28 is an economic development district as defined in MS., Section 469.174, Subd. 12. Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28 is a contiguous geographic area within the City's Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1, delineated in the Plan, for the purpose of financing economic development in the City through the use of tax increment. The District consists of a portion of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I not meeting requirements for other types of tax increment financing districts, which is in the public interest because it will facilitate 10,000 s.f. structure for production and office space which will discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state or municipality; it will increase employment in the state, and preserve and enhance the tax base of the state. 2. Finding that the proposed development, in the opinion of the City Council, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28 permitted by the Plan. . The proposed development, in the opinion of the City, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future: This finding is supported by the fact that the development proposed in this plan is a manufacturing facility that meets the City's objectives for economic development. The cost of land acquisition, site and public improvements and utilities makes development of the facility infeasible without City assistance. The developer was asked for and provided justification that the project would not have gone forward without tax increment assistance. The increased market value of the site that could reasonable be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of the TIF District permitted by the Plan: The City supported this finding on the grounds that the cost of land acquisition, site and public improvements and utilities add to the total development cost. Historically, site development costs in this area have made development infeasible without tax increment assistance. This site has been marketed for several years without success. Therefore, the City reasonably determines that no other development of similar scope is anticipated on this site without substantially similar assistance being provided to the development. . A comparative analysis of estimated market values both with and without establishment of the District and the use of tax increments has been performed as described above. Ifall development which is proposed to be assisted with tax increment were to occur in the District, the total increase in market value would be up to $490,000. The present value of tax increments from the District is estimated to be $90,000. It is the Council's finding that no development with a market value of greater than $305,923 would occur without tax increment assistance in this district within 9 years. This finding is based upon evidence from general past experience Paq€ If . . . TIP District Ov€rvi€w with the high cost of acquisition and public improvements in the general area of the District (see Cashflow in Appendix D). 3. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Planfor Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28 conforms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole. The Planning Commission reviewed the Plan and found that the Plan conforms to the general development plan of the City. 4. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28 will afford maximum opportunity. consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole,for the development of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 by private enterprise. The project to be assisted by the District will result in increased employment in the City and the State of Minnesota, increased tax base of the State, and add a high quality development to the City. Poq€ 5 'I ;' " . . . TIF District Overview BOUNDARY MAPS OF CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT No. 1-28 poqe 6 / . ~ Oz~ ~~ ~~:B~ ~~~~ ~UO~ ~~~u Z~~~ ~Z;>~ uo~o :SQ~ ~~ ~ co N I ...... o Z E--< U H po:: H (Jj H c::l r... H E-< "~~~~'~'\ :;':1./ -:~... - I. -___"".1 , .' 'J"',-:,,~ .0!.;I: l::j~~ .~.~~~. '-"{'~~'I':I.' .If:~ .~l!.//. "l;:-Lr:-'~"~~ ,J 1"" .' I'-L:~/~. \'\' ~ -,'('" ;"7 ;: 7 (~~~..~.. :-. ~() ~ '. . I'. j ~I' ,';: :::; ;. / \.~ -"},': ~. :1". := ~n. ~ ',\ '. \ ; ..,. :,. ',;-;:: , It J .. (.:.., '-:wr \) " \ { ,.I'-'~,/9' ... .'" I ~"::i "\" '\. . -". '~, j. '. . .-..,...,..1. "tp., .J: -. '. ,..". ~'~"'4 <- ~ ;~ --h~' ..,.~~~' ..,.....:.! / . ~"J 'i.}. ..' .:..... tl ~,-..J , ':,'(.-- / . .,......::>...:... .... ',:" . t\C (',' .~ . I. ,~. ,;,'" '.' . t-:-. - '~k" .' . 'II . I \ .... ..., ,,_". . :;. '-;., "j -./ I . . ::/~,.. 11""'- ::.~.- I >. .",~ /. . ii' ;/....~4;LL~,:.;,:\ !-. r , .' 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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS s hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City of Monticello ?mmission on June 5, 2001 at 7 p.m., in the Monticello City Hall to con- 1I0wing matter: : HEARING: Consideration of a request for a variance to the setback . requirements to allow construction of a 24' x 40' detached garage. '1: , Block 1, Sandberg Riverside - 9 Riverside Circle, Monticello .n!: Chad Latvaaho, Owner and oral testimony will be accepted on above subjects, and all persons be heard on referenced subjects will be heard at this meeting. ecislons of the Planning Commission will be final unless appealed by an JY 9 a.mWednesday, June 13,2001. Appeals must be in writing, signed. ;tate reasons for appeal. If appeal is filed, the City Council shall hear. \1onday, June 25, 2001 at 7 p.m. at the Monticelfo City Hall. . "atch, Zoning Administrator . 1,2001) , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING . IS hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City of Monticello ~ommission on June 5, 2001, at 7 p.m., in tbe Monticello City Hall to con- Jllowing matter: :; HEARING: Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit to allow expansion and remodel of existing Monticello-Big Lake Pet Hospital. n: Lot 4, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25 1260 S. Cedar Street, Monticello n!: Joel Erickson, DVM, Owner and oral testimony will be accepted on above subjects, and all persons be heard on referenced subjects will be heard at this meeting. Jecisions of the Planning Commission will be subject to the approval or ,e City Council and will be heard on Monday, June 11, 2001, at 7 p.m., at 3110 City Hall. "atch, Zoning Administrator 1,2001) NOTICE OF' PUBLIC HEARING is hereby given that a public hearing will be heldby.the City of Monticello :;ommission on June 5, 2001 at 7 p.m., in the Monticello City Hall to con- allowing matter: . G HEARING: Consideration of a request for a preliminary plat of the Monticello Commerce Center 5th Addition. m: Monticello Commerce Center 5th Addition; The west 440.00 feet of Lot r's Subdivision No.1, according to the recorded plat thereof, being part of .ve.rter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, 1, t the South 739.77 feet. (Located in the southeast quadrant of the .n 0 lion Ave. and Chelsea Rd). Complete metes and bounds legal n on file at City Hall. In!: Monticello Industrial Park, Inc., c/o The Pfeffer Company Inc. and Shawn Weinan 1 and oral testimony will be accepted on above subjects, and all persons ) be heard on referenced subjects will be heard at this meeting. Jecisions of the Planning Commission will be subject to the approval or :he City Council and will be heard on Monday, June 11, 2001, at 7 p.m., at ;ello City Hall. Patch, Zoning Administrator 31,2001) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS . is hereby given that public hearings will be held by the City of Monticello Commission on June 5, 2001, 7 p.m., in the Monticello City Hall to consid- .Jwing matters:' ,C HEARING: Consideration of a request to renew the interim use permit for the Monticello Public School's AltemativeLeaming Program. on: 1248 Oakwood Drive Lot 1, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park an!: Independent School District #882 n and oral testimony will be accepted on above subjects, and all persons o be heard on referenced subjects will be heard at this meeting. Decisions of the Planning Commission will be subject to the approval or the City Council and will be heard on Monday, June 11, 2001, at 7 p.m., at cello City Hall. Patch, Zoning Administrator 31,2001) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS e is her~by given that a public hearing will be held by the City of Monticello CommIssion on June 5, 2001 at 7 p.m., in the Monticello City Hall to con- following matter: .IC HEARING: Consideratiol! of a request for a variance to the front yard . setback reqUIrements to allow construction of a detached garage. iO. Front Street, M. onticello 1, Block 2, Worth Estates :a da K. Obrycki, Owner ,n and oral testimony will be accepted on above subjects and all persons to be. ~eard on referenc.ed subjects will be heard at this ~eeting. DeCISions of the Planning Commission will be final unless appealed by an I by 9 a.m. Wednesday, June 13, 2001. Appeals must be In writing signed t state reasons for appeal. If appeal is filed, the City Council shall hear ' ~ Monday, June 25, 2001 at 7 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall I Patch, Zoning Administrator . 31,2001) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING :). it:!' ko,,~""" ....~"...." ............" ,....,i-oJ:..... ...__-=__ ...:111...- L.~I_II. -e"'~./'~7~~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Notice i~ hereby given that the City Council of the City of Monticello Wright County State of Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on June 11, 2001, at ~pproximately -7 p.m. ~t the M~nticello City C~uncil Chambers in City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite ( Monticello, Minnesota, relating to the proposal of the Monticello Housing and' Redevelopment Authority to adopt a Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1, and the proposed establishment of: Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28 (an economic development tax increment financing dis.trict) within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1, and pro.' posed adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan (collectively, the "Plans") there< fore, pursuant !O Min.nesota Statutes, 469.~01 through 469.047 and sections 469.174' to 4~9..179, all IncluSive, as amended. Copies of the Plans are on file and available for public Inspection at the .office of the City Clerk at City Hall. . The. property to be .included.in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28 is locat,' ed within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the City of Monticello: A map of Central. Mon~ice.llo RedeveloJ?ment Project NO.1 and map showing Tax' Increment FinanCing District No. 1.28 In greater detail therein is set forth below: Subject to certain Iimitatlon~, .tax increme';lt !rom Tax Increment Financing District No.' 1-28 may be spent on eligIble uses WIthin the boundaries of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. , ....2 "~:" '.s. r.: .;:><~.: '..1 '~~.rir:':'Lf'\ , ~,- .~,~ . ~....., !..~ . .. " .!.. ..,~ :; 1 : ;,-, ~';." . . ,i .. 'd' '1l,~,~" .\,'"..... ....., I, ,,:;::<.~.I: I"'''' ~ .L:.... ,: ' .: . '. ..~:.)t; . ...... ""~ .J!t,.......,.,.......f:t'ol'..&:...1~1..(.fio..-.A-I" ~ !IN .. .t'" I : "1 . " ,~"";'\j 1.;1 ;(1 :.. w..~ 1'1' ~ :.1 ",., .--,.:- . :-""~...t' :.....;t .. .\~._'- -. . .... ., ~.:-:...:f....'! "'~"\" ~-~ -~:i.r,~;.... < .-! - ~,~'~ '. ~'\' .,:' "~. U" 1)1:s:n::r.!..i: lkt. 1_28 C1lN1'RAL _, MONTICELLO , REOl!;vm.oP~lENT PltQJRCT AREA ' : AmoIiUJliQn study ClIy of MonIIet!Io .,tWIWII'~.'..:~ ,bio'~t~'" . LJ1.S IIlllI $! "i--~""" ;:~~.. ~ Ch, 11..,... !IIH Ild.lIiIo. h,"i111. UU '. MONTICELLO COMMERCE CENTER aTY OF .......-a;.L.. WII'Qi' C~ T..x lnerllOlant Flnanei.,g Ollt,kt No.1"2a 10 8f; i(~:)lJfi .IS; LOT :!, 8.LOCJ. l. I'I:mll:fUf) CQroKt\C( ttl\"!"[R '$~ AOOInts :";'lA l.lGHT ~"WS1RIAl '0. US +/. Atlts -~ , I ge.. I Ii LIT1\.! 'lU'lTA1~ Ir~IC~ EIUlI1'~~T ~t<<lOL ~1'K Sllf.lOL _ --..00-1 _ 19.911 -/. 1oC1l[\ I l'Oi'jCELlO "O::L[~ d All interested persons may appear at the hearing and present their views orally or prior to the meeting in writing. -By Order of the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, City Clerk (May 31, 2001) REQUEST FOR BIDS .. . 2001-A Street Overlay Project - Notice I~ hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Town Board of the Township of Mon~icel!o, Minnesota, in the Town Hall, until 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at whlc~ time and place t.he bids will be opened for the construc- : tlon of overlayment projects of the follOWing approximate quantities: 2001-A . 2" Bituminous Wear Course Overlayment (MnDot 2331) Option A 4,048 tons Option B 743 tons PIA.,!'::: !C::nQ".ifir~tinn~ ~"'", n...,..._^",....1 f~..._.... ...-' ---- --- _I I.. '~""- . Roqen Dffiu: 2155~ Slllli~ ':)i.)man:j LItle ~oi!d. noqers, mn SS37c\ . T,~i. 7G1-1-'1-'I" .c),'':'i::-Fi-~'-'S May 11,2001 Ollie Koropchak City of Monticello Economic Development 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8831 RE: TIF Financing for Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. Real Estate Project Dear Ollie; . We had previously indicated to you that 21 st Century Bank, Rogers, MN was reviewing a financing request for the Integrated Recycling Technologies building project to be located in Monticello, MN. That review is completed at this time and we are pleased to announce its approval (see previous letter dated May 11, 2001). Please be advised, per our review, the project would not be approved but for the inclusion of the Tax Increment Financing proposal which the City of Monticello has contributed to the project budget. The borrower's cash flow and equity base are always critical elements in a growing company such as Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc., so the City of Monticello's contribution ofTIF monies is very much a part ofthe financing package for this company. Thank you very much for your cooperation in the development of this project. We anticipate a loan closing on June 15,2001 with construction to start on Junel9, 2001. The project is expected to be completed on (or before) Oct 1,2001. . Please contact me if you have any further questions! si JI1d I 3 ;,) .1 .l, .: 'J ; r 'l:n ,j1 II '11 her ~ i n IJ 0 U r ill J rId. www.21stcenturybank.com ~ Poini'lii Ciick"' ...If... ",,, ,..,..., I' l'avDirect ~'7 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Council member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MODIFICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1; AND ESTABLISHING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-28 WITHIN CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND ADOPTING THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THEREFOR. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.0 I. The Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "HRA") has heretofore established Central Monticello Redevelopment Project NO.1 and adopted the Development Plan therefor. It has been proposed by the HRA and the City that the City adopt the Modification to the Development Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I and establish Tax Increment Financing District No. \-28 (the "District") therein and adopt the Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor (collectively, the "Plans"); all pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law, including Minnesota Statutes, 469.001 through 469.047 and 469.174 through 469.179, all inclusive, as amended, (the "Act") all as reflected in the Plans, and presented for the Council's consideration. 1.02. The HRA and City have investigated the facts relating to the Plans and have caused the Plans to be prepared. 1.03. The HRA and City have performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the establishment of the District and the adoption and approval of the proposed Plans. including, but not limited to, notification of Wright County and Independent School District No. 882 having taxing jurisdiction over the property to be included in the District, a review of and written comment on the Plans by the City Planning Commission, and the holding of a public hearing upon published notice as required by law. 1.04. Certain written reports (the "Reports") relating to the Plans and to the actIvItIes contemplated therein have heretofore been prepared by staff and submitted to the Council and/or made a part of the City tiles and procecdings on the Plans. The Reports include data. information and/or substantiation constituting or relating to the bases for the other findings and determinations made in this resolution. The Council hereby confirms. ratifies and adopts the Reports. which are hereby incorporated into and made as fully a part of this resolution to the same extent as ifset forth in full herein. 1.05. The City is not modifying the boundaries of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 nor the goals and objectives of the Redevelopment Plan therefor. Generally, the substantive -'1 . changes inc lude the addition of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28. Section 2. Findings for the Adoption and Approval ofth~ Plans. 2.0 I. The Council hereby finds that the Plans, are intended and, in the judgment of this Council, the effect of such actions will be, to provide an impetus for development in the public purpose and accomplish certain objectives as specified in the Plans, which are hereby incorporated herein. Section 3. Findings for the Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28. 3.01. The Council hereby finds that the District is in the public interest and is an "economic development district" under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subd. 12. 3.02. The Council further finds that the proposed development would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of the District permitted by the Tax Increment Financing Plan; that the Plans conform to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the City as a whole; and that the Plans will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the redevelopment or development of the District by private enterprise. . 3.03. The City elects to make a qualifying local contribution in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.1399, subd. 6(d), in order to qualify the District for exemption from state aid losses set forth in Section 273.1399. 3.04. The Council further finds, declares and determines that the City made the above findings stated in this Section and has set forth the reasons and supporting facts for each determination in writing, attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 4. Public Purpose 4.0 I. The adoption of the Plans conforms in all respects to the requirements of the Act and will help fulfill a need to develop an area of the City which is already built up, to provide employment opportunities, to improve the tax base and to improve the general economy of the State and thereby serves a public purpose. Section 5. AQproval and Adoption of the Plans. 5.01. The Plans. as presented to the Counci I on this date, including without lim itation the findings and statements of objectives contained therein, are hereby approved, ratified, established, and adopted and shall be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 5.02. The statT of the City, the City's advisors and legal counsel are authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the Plans and to negotiate, draft, prepare and present to this Council for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, docllments and contracts necessary for this purpose. . 5.03 The Auditor of Wright County is requested to certify the original net tax capacity of the District. as described in the Plans. and to celtify in each year thereafter the amount by which the original net tax capacity has increased or decreased: and the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority is 'l . . . authorized and directed to forthwith transmit this request to the County Auditor in such form and content as the Auditor may specify, together with a list of all properties within the District, for which building permits have been issued during the 18 months immediately preceding the adoption of this resolution. 5.04. The City Clerk is further authorized and directed to file a copy of the Plans with the Commissioner of Revenue. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council member , and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Dated: June 11,2001 ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk (Seal) ( . EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION # The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. I *28 as required pursuant to MS., Section 469.175, Subd. 3 are as follows: i. Finding that the Tax increment Financing District No. i-28 is an economic development district as defined in MS., Section 469.174, Subd. i2. Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28 is a contiguous geographic area within the City's Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1, delineated in the Plan, for the purpose of financing economic development in the City through the use of tax increment. The District consists of a portion of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 not meeting requirements for other types of tax increment financing districts, and is in the public interest because it will: (a) facilitate 10,000 s. f. structure for production and office space and thereby discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturing from moving operations to another state or municipality; (b) increase employment in the state; and (c) preserve and enhance the tax base of the state. 2. Finding that the proposed development, in the opl17lOn of the City Council, would nut reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonaNv foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonab(v be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development a/ier subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the mcn:imum duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. i-28 permitted by the Plan. . The proposed development, in the opinion of the City, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonab(vforeseeable future: This finding is supported by the fact that the development proposed in this plan is a manufacturing facility that meets the City's objectives for economic development. The cost of land acquisition, site and public improvements and utilities makes development of the facility infeasible without City assistance. The developer was asked for and provided justification that the project would not have gone forward without tax increment assistance. The increased market value of the site that could reasonable be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would he less than the increase in market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increment.sfor the maximum duration of the TIF District permitted by the Plow The City supported this finding on the grounds that the cost of land acquisition, site and public improvements and utilities add to the total development cost. Historically, site development costs in this area have made development infeasible without tax increment assistance. This site has been marketed for several years without success. Therefore, the City reasonably determines that no other development of similar scope is anticipated on this site without substantially similar assistance being provided to the development. . A comparative analysis of estimated market values both with and without establishment of the District and the use of tax increments has been performed as described above. If all development, which is proposed to be assisted with tax increment were to occur in the District. the total increase in market value would be up to $490.000. The present value of tax increments from the District is estimated to be $90,000. It is the Council's finding that no development \\ith a market value of greater than $305,923 would occur \vithout tax increment assistance in this district within 9 years. This finding is based upon evidence from general past experience \vith the high cost of acquisition and pub I ic improvements in the general area of the District J . . . (see Cash flow in Appendix D). 3. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28 cu'?forms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole. The Planning Commission reviewed the Plan and found that the Plan conforms to the general development plan of the City. 4. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Ta;r Increment Financing District No. 1-28 will affurd maximum oppurtunity, cunsistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development of Central Monticello Redevelupment Project No. 1 by private enterprise. The project to be assisted by the District will result in increased employment in the City and the State of Minnesota, increased tax base of the State, and the addition of a high quality development to the City. 'l . . . City Council Agenda - 6/6/01 8. Consideration to approve supporting: the resolution adopted by the HRA authorizing eminent domain proceedines to acquire property located at 218 Front Street. (O.K.) A. Reference and background: At the lIRA meeting of June 6, 200 I, the commissioners considered their options relative to acquisition of the property located at 218 Front Street. After much discussion, the commissioners made a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing eminent domain proceedings to acquire certain real property interests subject to support of the City Council. Therefore, this item appears on the Council agenda. The commissioners also directed their Executive Director to draft a letter to the property owner and the property owner's legal counsel giving notice of the action taken by the commissioners. As you recall, the City Council and HRA both approved the Downtown and River Front Revitalization Plan which was later adopted into the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and TIF District No 1-22 was established as a redevelopment district for the purpose of increasing the tax base through the redevelopment of substandard parcels and structures. The North Anchor Committee identified both Block 54 and 64 (Front Street area) and Block 52 and portion of Block 51 as the most immediate area for the HRA to pursue for redevelopment. The HRA has hosted neighborhood and joint Council/HRA meetings, as well as, met individually with the residential owners and business owners within the identified areas. As of today, the HRA has acquired the Bostic property at $109,400, the Reed property at $30,000, the Carlson property at $275,000, and the Schliefproperty at $83,000. The closing of the Contract for Deed on the Schlief property is scheduled for the week of June 18,2001. In a cooperative spirit with the City Council, the HRA has not authorized their power of eminent domain. The following outlines of the HRA' s negotiation steps to acquire the 218 Front Street property: Lahr/Koropchak meet with Mike O'Connor liRA Appraisal HRA Offer Eligibility of replacement housing payment 0' Connor Letter HRA Counter-offer O'Connor retained legal services HRA amends Purchase Agreement language via HRA Attorney and Seller Attorney Evidence of business relocation, eligibility $15,031 $92,200 $92,200 $14,700 $175,000 $130,352 September 25, 2000 October 10,2000 November 28,2000 November 29, 2000 December 12, 2000 January 3, 2001 March 21, 200] April 27,200 I May 3,2001 City Council Agenda - 6/6/01 . BRA counter-offer O'Connor eounter-oiTer $145,383 $169,500 May 15,2001 June 5, 2001 The commissioners decision to authorize eminent domain was hased on the HRA appraisal, the HRA original otfer and counter-oiTers were reasonahle and fair. Additionally, lIRA included the eligible payments for the housing replacement and husiness relocation as determined by Conworth, Inc. (relocation consultant) noting the husiness (Mike's Repair) has operated as a non-conforming use within the Central Community District (CCD) since 1981. The lIRA weighed the loss of time to proceed with the 90-day quick take and additional legal fees to he incurred against the expenditure or appropriate use of puhlic dollars. Lastly, the HRA agrees with the City Council to avoid eminent domain proceedings. However, the HRA and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf felt this was a unique situation and therefore request the City Council to consider supporting the resolution adopted by the HRA. B. Alternative Actions: I. A motion to approve supporting the resolution adopted hy the HRA to authorize eminent domain proceedings to acquire the property located at 218 Front Street. . 2. A motion to deny approval supporting the resolution adopted by the HRA to authorize eminent domain proceedings to acquire the property located at 218 Front Street. 3. A motion to table any action. c. Recommendation: Given the unique situation, the City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend alternative no. I. D. Supporting Data: Copy of adopted resolution, letter from seller's attorney, and letters drafted via direction of HM. . . . . RESOLUTION NO. 01-11 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AUTHORIZING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello (the "Authority") is a housing and redevelopment development authority duly constituted and organized under law, with all of the powers enumerated in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized to develop and carry out redevelopment plans and redevelopment projects, as those terms are respectively defined in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469, including but not limited to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivisions 14 and 16; and WHEREAS, the Authority has adopted and subsequently amended a redevelopment plan (the "Redevelopment Plan") in an area in the City of Monticello identified as Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 (the "Project Area"); and WHEREAS, the Plan. as modified, contemplates the acquisition of certain real property interests located in the Project Area for the purposes set forth in the Plan, which are hereby incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, among the activities proposed to be assisted by the Authority in the Project Area is the development of a single-family home project. as described more fully in a preliminary development contract between the Authority and Hans Hagen Homes (the "Project"); and WHEREAS. the Board of Commissioners finds that it is reasonable. necessary. proper. and convenient. for a public purpose, and in the interest of the public health. safety. convenience. and general welfare of the citizens of the City that title to and possession of the real estate interests described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property") be acquired in furtherance of the Project; and WHEREAS. the Authority has been unable to obtain negotiated agreements with the owners of the Property; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners finds that the funding and construction schedules for the Project make it necessary to acquire title and possession of the Property through the exercise of its power of eminent domain. D.fG-198-t7Xv I i'vIN I 9()-~9 1 e . . . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Monticello Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority as follows: 1. It is the considered judgment of the Board of Commissioners that the Property be acquired for the stated public purposes, and that it be acquired, if necessary, through the exercise of the power of eminent domain. 2. It is necessary to acquire the Property in order for the Authority to carry out the purposes of the Plan, as modified, and the Act. 3. Acquisition of the Property by eminent domain, in the manner provided by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 117, is deemed to be necessary and for a public purpose and is hereby authorized. 4. The Authority's attorney and staff are authorized and directed to acquire fee simple absolute title to the Property, by negotiation and purchase, or by commencing eminent domain proceedings pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 117, including without limitation by quick take under Section 117.042. Adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello this \..,. """"""day of June, 2001. Q-~ ~ fl~ Chair ATTEST: ()~ \..(~(\~&--oJb. Executive Director DJG-198478v 1 MN 190-89 2 9 . . . EXHIBIT A Lot 7, Block 54, Townsite of Monticello, except therefrom the Easterly 33 feet; according to the plat and of record in the Office of the County Recorder, in and for the County of Wright, State of Minnesota. DJG-198478vl MN 190-89 A-l ~ p, 02 JUN-06-01 WED 07:58 CONWORTH.INC FAX NO. 8528280568 JUH-~3-~1 04:49 PM JOHNSON LRRSON PETE~SON 763682446S . . . f'.02 JOHNSON, LARSON &; PETERSON, P.A. A.TfOIln'YS A.T LAW IAN c. LA.ltSON+ JOHN T. PITERSON+ ClNDI s. MAtt ,.. COMJItOl.>>'C1AI. ~rvK BTmFALO. MIl'IMUI01'A 1lO~.J (763) QI]....4!$O FAX: (7'3) f82-+tf.t ~~ Dlf.Jllllm:.ui- WAVE8f,.Y ClllIQ (9J' A',.......,~) WALUll S. JOHNSON $EMORr~lu'~lIIRF.T1RiJJ 0' COW",.!, THOMAS W_ JuCB:A.lU)S ..It_-I PN;-fj1 z.-..r,~ ~. ltr__ S'iwtB",A.n11dCleJf 1une 5. 2001 Mr. Ken Helvey Relocation Consultant/Owner Conworth, Inc. 4725 Excelsior Boulevard. Suite 200 MiMeapolis, MN SS416 flU FA.CSIMILE AND u.s. MAlL R,e: My Client: Mike O'Connor Your Client: HR.A of Monticello Dear Mr. Helvey: As I understand the Monticello ERA is meeting tomorrow, June 6, 2001 to discUIA the prospective purchase olthe Mike O'CoMor property located at 218 Front Street in Monticello, a:r. your r~u~.st, I am providinl you with I dollar fi.8ure the HRA could conlidet for a purchue in lieu ofQOndc:mnation. Although we would characterize t.his oft'.r as ".f!nn", I want to teiteflte t!,.llt this is not based on any fonnalappraiws, but more fi'Qm Mr. O'Connor. search for housing in the Monticello atea, and the inability to find any comparables in the prl~e range the BRA it presently WResting for his property. I think it imponant to note that location was a key factor. based upon the length ofMt. O'COMOr" residency in Monticello, as well as the operation orhi. bu~ineS!l, and local clientele, in and around Monticello. This having been said, Mr. O'Connor would agree to the sale of his property for 5169,500.00. The purchase would be 11 AS IS", with possession and ~Josing date to OCCQr on or before July I, 2001. Title would betaken either timited Warranty Deed or with the understanding that there would be no objections based upon the underlying legal description.'\ and referen~es to Lot 7, Block S4, "except the easterly 33 feetll. I hav~ .poken with the lIRA', attorney, Mr. Daniel GreenllWei& concerning my pOlition that merger otthe title would occur upon Closing. eliminating any title defects, Iu I undeclltand it. the !IRA has acquired the propp.rty on bath sides of Mr. O'CoDllOr'S property. Consequently, any objections to title can be easily waNed uPQQ lhe BRA', aequilition ofpropertYt and metier of the balance aCLat 7 in one common fee holder. In any event. itthcro was 80me c;on~em to efuninate a residual interest from <0 OONWORTH, INO FAX NO, 9529290568 JUN-06-01 WED 07:59 . . . JUH-0~-e1 e4~~e PM JOHNSON LARSON peTERSON 7636824.....6:; June 5, 200 1 Page 2 a title standpoint. then my offioe would be the Mnce to con.duct any type of corrective .clio,," sinoe I beJjev~ we can do it in a mucll more w5t.cff'ective manner, based upon our location in the area, and familiarity with the property, local practices. etc. I feel it important to point out to the HM that o.fthe $169,500.00 amount, $l~.OOO.OO represents lost income. Mr. Q'CoMor is attempting to find l:\ compacable home &-tlID which he can operate his businesl. Consequently, be would need some tYPe of shed or other garage facility of'suf!1.clent area to allow him to conduct his bu&in,ss. As a result, he 18 alao Jolna to hAve to go through. the conditional Ule pmnit and/or variance application procedures through the city. Factorina in tbe '13,000.00, the actUal price being paid tor land and buildings is S154,5oo.00. I believe bNed upon my knowledge or Ill,s in this area, tbat that price represents a very fair price, with it beiDa virtually impossible to acquire property in the I.fea Cor a lesser amount. The balance of the tenns concerning the saIe ofthc: property are a.s ,~t forth in my previous April 17, 200 l1etter to you. Again, I believe thaJJe have been shued with Mr. Oreensweis, u he jlld I bave disculsed them at the time We (Sj.~sse<J the ma.rketability of title issueR. As you are also IWIlt!, we have Jlready updated and provided the updated Ab,trac.u of Title to Mr. Greensweig for his review in an attempt to assist in the expeditio\ls cIa.ini on the propen)' . I hope I have provided sufficient information upon whioh the HIlA may base their decision. It you need any clarifieation. pleMe feel free to contact me. Please further be advised that Mr. O'Connor and I have disC\lued th.t in the otVent the city rej<<;ts this offer, that they will prooeed with a condemnation I'ction. However, I sincerely believe that Mr. O'Cormor'~ u1I'er il'l fair and reason.ble under the circumstances. presumina ,he HIlA's sc;eptmce. .i"~~ the AbJtAets hAve already been forwarded to Mr. Greenswei& this ma.tter can thereafter be closed on short order. On "behalf of Mr. O'Connor, I thank you and the HR.A for your ,onslderatlon In this regard. May I remain, ITP,jah Enclosure ee: ~e O'Connor p, 03 r.F.":!i '~ June 7,2001 MONTICELLO Michael I. and Mary M. O'Connor Route 1 MonticellO, MN 55362 Re: Property located at 218 Front Street, Monticello, MN. Dear Michael and Mary O'Connor: At the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) meeting of June 6,2001, the Commissioners considered the letter dated June 5, 2001, from your legal counsel, Attorney John T. Peterson. . After much discussion, the Commissioners approved the following action: The HRA adopted a resolution authorizing eminent domain proceedings to acquire certain real property interests described as Lot 7, Block 54, Townsite of Monticello, except therefrom the Easterly 33 feet; according to the plat and of record in the Office of the County Recorder, in and for the County of Wright, State of Minnesota. The motion was subject to the approval of support by the City Council. The adopted resolution will be considered by the City Council of Monticello at their regular meeting of Monday, June 11,2001, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN. In addition, the Commissioners directed the Executive Director of the HRA to draft a letter to the said property owners and the legal counsel of the said property owners informing of the action taken by the HRA on June 6, 2001. Please be advised of the action taken by the Monticello HRA on June 6, 2001, and the forthcoming meeting date of the Monticello City CounciL Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Q)~ ~u..~~ Ollie Koropchak Executi ve Director c: Attorney John T. Peterson, Johnson, Larson, & Peterson Attorney Dan Greensweig, Kennedy & Graven Ken Helvey, Conworth, Inc. HRA File . Monticello City Hnll, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fnx: (763) 295-4404 Office of Puhlic Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170. Fnx: (763) 271-3272 ,'1 ;0 ;0 0:'- " ~ " ro lnn """ 1:3 ;0 '0 "-Vi 0 '" c 0 '" C,O"H ll' :.- Z " ,...:.- .0 " '" <.. n "-n " ,... 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Based on our conversations with property owners, the direction from Council and, given the fact, the preference of the proposed developers was either to redevelop along River Street or redevelop along Walnut Street at their existing site; the HRA on .June 6,2001 encouraged the developers to proceed with redevelopment on their existing site. The developer approached the 8RA with the River Street concept knowing of the HRA's interest to redevelop the block and the project along River Street cash-flowed for the developer because of the proposed mixed use concept: retail, office, and upscale condos with underground parking which was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. A project along Pine and Broadway would not include housing and underground parking. Given the interest of certain property owners of Block 52, upon finalizing the TIF assistance for redevelopment of the Amoco and Front Street sites, and based on the decision of the Legislators to reduce the tax classification rates; the HRA plans to meet with interested sellers to proceed with negotiations to acquire in a partnership approach for redevelopment within two/four years. The 8RA authorized the preparation of the Contract for Private Redevelopment with Masters Fifth Avenue for redevelopment of the Amoco site. The proposed project is the construction of 5,700 sq ft restaurant and office facility with second-floor rental apartments (6 units) and a detached carriage house consisting of indoor parking and second-floor apartments (2 units). The 8RA will reimburse the developer of the lesser: A. the cost to acquire and demolition the Amoco site, B. not-to-e~ceed 5185,000, or C. the amount of the "available tax increment" generated from the project during the life of the district. In addition, the HRA approved up to 545,000 for parking development off-site from surplus funds within the Downtown TIF District. Based on tax increment cash-flows including the proposed classification rate reductions, the committed debt on the Amoco site, and the proposed debt on the Front Street site; the Downtown TIF District has sufficient tax increment to proceed with negotiations for redevelopment of Block 52. The lVluketing Team visited Stamping Production last week. No commitment. Looking to construct a 35,000 - 40,000 sq ft building. 45 new jobs at average wage of S 15.00 per hour without benefits. ". , Marketing Team to visit a small machine shop in Eden Prairie this week or the next. Looking at a 10,000 sq ft building. 3-5 jobs at $20 per hour without benefits. In lieu of the two articles in the Minneapolis Tribune on Sunday and Monday relative to tax increment financing, attached is a copy of the Tax Increment Property Tax Data, Taxes Payable 2000 for Wright County. You will note, the City of Monticello has 14 active TIF Districts for a captured tax capacity of 3.850/0 of the city's total tax capacity. Assuming the Council approved TIF District No. 1-28 and with the BRA adopting a resolution decertifying TIF District No. 1-12 (Aroplax) on June 6, the city remains at 14 active districts. In past years, the BRA has used the pay-as-you-go finance method (reimbursement). Therefore, if the classification rates are reduced, the property owner pays less property taxes, the BRA collects less tax increment, and the developer is reimbursed less tax increment ("available tax increment"). 2 < E- < Q ~ < ~ Q ~g ""-l M ~~ ~~ ~= 0< ~>- .:. < E-t~ Z'J'J. ~~ ~ >< ~< = Eo- U Z - ~ < ~ ~ il< -< E-i ~ ~ ~ Z - il< -< E-i - !~ ~ -< ~ u ~ > Q ~~~ -<u U >< -< il< ~-< ~ .J -< ~ o ~ o z (O......(OCOCOU") CD 0> MCON'<t (OU')O'<tCO(O 0) cOo)M 0""" O'<t...... CON ...... m 01_ ...... Or-OMOO 10 '<t 0 CO_ M 0 ...... 01 ...... ...... ~ CO'<tCO..-COU") o>U')MMN'<t <0 NOCX)COCO en-oaiMoM 0(0...... COM ...... en 01_ ...... '#.'#.'#.#-'J!.#. M('()"<t..-'<tCO -.s:01.t)U')......U") '<t.....:I.t)......u:i.n O'<t......COMCO CO CO N......U")M .................1.t)0>...... ~~aiN,...:ro O>'<t(O mo ......0 ...... OCO'<tCX)oro COOO>......NI.t) '<t......U')(")0>"<t "":".,raicti..,fN MN("')(Om(O ......CON......COO C"'i ~ MCO ...... ...... 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No services have been exten ed under Chelsea Road to any properties on the west side of Chelsea Road. and therefore any ser ices to the cemetery property would have to be made by either open cutting the recently complet d Chelsea Road or boring under the road surface to make a connection. Ifwater service was available, the current City policy would require properties that are government or institutional-to pay the normal connection charge and also it is assumed an acreage charge for water service. The policy of 3 times the normal connec ion fees would not necessarily be applicable to government or institutional facilities. if the Coun il did not require the property to be annexed first. The policy does indicate that the quarterly charge would be 1 1/4 times the normal rate for any properties that are outside the City limits. To summarize, a service would have to be extend d under Chelsea Road to provide water to the cemetery and if the Council was interested in purs ing this, it is suggested that the church obtain cost estimates for the extension. In addition to the ch rch being responsible for all service construction costs, additional costs would apply for the acreag charges and normal hookup fees. If the Council would like to discuss this further at Tuesday night s Council meeting, this could be added to the agenda at that time.