City Council Minutes 06-09-2003MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL June 9, 2003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta; Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of May 27, 2003 regular Council meeting. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 27, 2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Mayor Thielen added a discussion of traffic concerns to the agenda. Jeff O'Neill added the Chadwick Planned Unit Development and alignment of Chelsea Road West; a joint resolution supporting the annexation of the balance of the Featherstone (Gold Nugget) property and storm water pond design standards. Robbie Smith wanted the property at 8476 Troy Marquette Drive discussed. 4. Citizen comments/,petitions, requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen comment portion of the agenda. There was no one who spoke under citizen comment. �. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of resolution extending the term of the cable franchise held by Charter Communications. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2003-33 extending the term of the cable franchise with Charter Communications for another 12 months until June 30, 2004. B. Consideration of request for preliminary plat approval of the Featherstone mixed use development. Recommendation: Approve the preliminary plat of the Featherstone subdivision subject to the following: 1 Council Minutes - 6/9/03 Permission must be obtained from Wright County for the access points onto County Road 117. 2. Access approval must be granted by MnDOT for access off of Highway 25. I Ponds need to have street exposure for aesthetic and access/maintenance reasons. 4. A portion of the pond bottom to be lined so that it holds water. The balance of the pond to be planted with plant materials that can tolerate periodic inundation. 5. The southern park will need to be reviewed by the Parks Commission as to whether to require a small parking lot off of 85t" Street. 6. Plans for the two proposed monument signs are to be submitted and reviewed by city staff. Signs should not be located in a center island median. 7. The submitted grading plan is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and should address City Engineer comments in the May 15t" letter to developer. 8. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. A revised set of preliminary plat drawings is prepared and submitted demonstrating compliance with the adopted plat conditions. C. Consideration of concept stage planned unit development in the R-2 District. Applicant: Richard Carlson. Recommendation: Approve concept stage planned unit development for a three unit townhouse subject to the following conditions: Adequate turnaround area or cul-de-sac must be provided on Vine Street. The design to be determined by the City Engineer. 2. The Vine Street right-of-way should not be vacated or used privately via license agreement. D. Review of penalty rate and administrative fee for delinquent utility accounts. Recommendation: Approve amendment to increase the percentage fee to 8% for the penalty on delinquent utility accounts. E. Consideration of amendments to 2003 budget. Recommendation: Approve recommended budget amendments to reflect the loss of state aid in the amount of $288,043. F. Consideration of ratifying new hires. Recommendation: Ratify hiring of full and part-time employees as identified. G. Review of first quarter liquor store financial statements for 2003. Recommendation: Accept the financial report as presented. H. Consideration of approval of final plat and development agreement for Spirt Hills development. Recommendation: Approve the final plat of the townhome portion of the 2 Council Minutes - 6/9/03 Spirit Hills development contingent upon: 1) Execution of a development agreement that requires adherence to conditions/requirements identified with preliminary plat/PUD approval. The agreement must be consistent with the finaneing plan and approved by the City Attorney; 2) Final approval of plans and specifications by the City Engineer. Glen Posusta asked that Item #51) be removed from the consent agenda. Brian Stumpf asked that Item 45A be removed and Bruce Thielen asked that Item #51) be removed and Item #10 be added. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS 45A, 45C AND #51) AND THE ADDITION OF ITEM #10. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion Item #5A - Brian Stumpf asked if the City had make any progress with Charter Communications regarding size and location of the utility boxes they were installing. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller indicated that the company is continuing with the present size utility box. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE TERM OF THE CABLE FRANCHISE HELD BY CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Item #5C - Bruce Thielen felt some discussion of this item was warranted for clarification purposes. Jeff O'Neill explained the Planning Commission's action on this item. The Planning Commission approved the three unit configuration being proposed by the applicant but the staff felt two units were more appropriate citing concerns with building massing. Staff felt two units with separation between building would give more of a single family feel to the area. The question was whether to approve the concept stage PUD with the three units recommended by the Planning Commission or the two units recommended by staff. Jeff O'Neill also noted there was a letter from an adjacent property owner also addressing concerns about this type of use in an area that is single family. Jeff O'Neill stated that if the Council approves the three unit configuration the project would then move on to development stage approval. Brian Stumpf added that any motion for approval should be conditioned on adequate screening and landscaping being provided. Bruce Thielen stated that a resident in the area had commented to him that he would like the street to continue to be narrow. If a cul-de-sac was put in or curb and gutter, the resident would request that surmountable curb and gutter be installed. Robbie Smith asked what the developer's intent was regarding the tree line separating the property and the railroad tracks. Richard Carlson, 532 West Broadway, the developer, indicated that he had not considered this extensively. His intention at this point is that since much of this is wild growth, it may be necessary to remove most of it and start over with new growth. He was thinking possibly of a lilac hedge or something down that line. Bruce Thielen noted that the adjoining resident felt there were some black walnut trees in the tree 3 Council Minutes - 6/9/03 line that should be retained. Mike Cyr addressed the Council noting !low this development Would be similar to others that were done in the City. He stated that the developer was no longer requesting vacation of Vine Street or use of the right-of-way by license agreement. He also reviewed the conditions noted in the staff report and discussed the proposed landscaping for the area. He indicated that the cul-de-sac design is required by the Public Works Director to alleviate concerns with garbage trucks turning around. Robbie Smith asked since the proposal for the Carlson property met the ordinance requirements what was the staff's concern with the proposal. Jeff O'Neill stated that it was a subjective aesthetic consideration that staff wanted the Council to note. Mike Cyr commented that the development does fit the residential feel of the neighborhood and added that the trend is towards more density in housing units. Bruce Thielen stated he always has concerns about density but as long as this development met all the requirements of the ordinance he was okay with it. Mike Cyr noted that they are asking for a variance from the rear yard setback and that under a planned unit development there is some flexibility on the rear yard setbacks. Glen Posusta asked if the developer couldn't appease the concerns of the residents by staggering or angling the units so they are not the typical row houses. The developer indicated they had tried that design but ran into some problems with the west unit however, they would look that again. The developer also indicated that he will meet with adjacent properties on landscaping for the development. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONCEPT STAGE PUD WITH THREE UNITS WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) ADEQUATE TURNAROUND AREA OR CUL-DE-SAC MUST BE PROVIDED ON VINE STREET. THE DESIGN TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND; 2) THE VINE STREET ROW SHOULD NOT BE VACATED OR USED PRIVATELY VIA LICENSE AGREEMENT. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bruce Thielen stated that Richard Carlson is a member of the Monticello Planning Commission and that the Planning Commission was conscious of the potential conflict of interest on this matter. Item #51) - This item deals with a proposed increase in the penalty fee assessed delinquent utility accounts. Presently this penalty fee is 4% and it is proposed to increase it to 8%. A couple of months ago the Council looked at what was being charged and directed staff to see what other communities charged to see if the city's fees were in line. A survey of neighboring communities was done and that information submitted to the Council. Glen Posusta felt that the City should look at increasing the penalty fee to 10% and Brian Stumpf concurred. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AMEND THE FEE SCHEDULE RELATING TO DELINQUENT SEWER AND WATER ACCOUNTS BY INCREASING THE PENALTY CURRENTLY CHARGED FROM 4% TO 10% AS A FLAT ONE TIME CHARGE ON EACH M Council Minutes - 6/9/03 QUARTERLY DELINQUENT ACCOUNT. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting annexation ordinances annexing those properties known as the Wild Meadow development. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, stated that this development has been under consideration for some time with the City still working on storm water and park dedication issues relating to this development. However progress is being made and the development is far enough long for the City to proceed with the annexation. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing on the annexation ordinance. Bob Harrer from 9661 Gillard Avenue NE expressed his concerns about the impact of traffic generated by this development on the local roads and whether there was adequate infrastructure to handle this. He questioned what traffic studies had been done to this point. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, responded that in 2001 when traffic counts were done there were 600 vehicles a day on Gillard Avenue. They are proposing to put the traffic counters out again to update their counts. He anticipates with the proposed Wild Meadow development there would be 2700 vehicles per day and typically a two lane roadway could handle 6000 vehicles a day. He noted that Gillard has some issues such as the steep grades that would have an impact on the traffic capacity. He added that even with the grade issues the proposed traffic volumes on Gillard are still within the design limits. from. Mr. Harrer asked if there was going to be further studies. Bret Weiss responded that the Council could authorize further studies. He noted that in the preliminary discussions on the development they looked at alternative ways out of the development. There were concerns with traffic on Gillard and one option was the ability for traffic to go west along 95t" Street but he cautioned that realistically this may not be a feasible or cost effective alternative. Bret Weiss felt the majority of traffic generated by the Wild Meadow development would use Gillard Avenue. Bob Harrer felt that with the existing development along Gillard it could be challenged whether Gillard Avenue could be considered a rural roadway. Bruce Thielen stated that by rural roadway it usually means that there is no curb and gutter. Bret Weiss stated homes along Gillard Avenue that are in the city limits have turnarounds in their yards so that they do not back onto Gillard Avenue. Bob Harrer felt by tripling the traffic on Gillard Avenue it was changing the characteristic of the area. Bob Harrer questioned the number of units in the development. Bret Weiss indicated that he was not discussing the development but only the volume of traffic on the existing roadway and whether it could handle it. Bob Harrer asked if the traffic volumes wouldn't affect the value of the homes along Gillard Avenue. Bruce Thielen felt it would be difficult to prove any negative impact on home values because of traffic volumes. Bob Harrer asked if a comprehensive study of the traffic has not been done, is it premature to consider annexation of this property. Bruce Thielen stated that if the City didn't feel they could service the area with utilities at this time, they would not consider the annexation. GregSchlink Bru eman Homes, developer of the Wild Meadow development indicated that he � gg p p would be willing to address any questions the Council or residents might have concerning the 5 Council Minutes - 6/9/03 development. Mike Coulter, 6906 95"' Street, asked what was going to happen along 95"' Street. He stated the street is very narrow with no shoulders and there is a lot of pedestrian traffic on this road . He felt increased traffic flows on this roadway would pose safety concerns. Bret Weiss responded that there is one main access from the proposed development to Gillard Avenue and two to Haug Avenue but none were proposed for 95t". Bret Weiss indicated that the developer will be funding some of the cost to bring these roads up to rural standard roads but that these improvements may not take place for some time. As far as pedestrian traffic, Bret Weiss stated there is a trail along 95"' street that would connect to the trail that was recently constructed on Gillard Avenue. Mr. Coulter asked if there was any property north of 95"' Street that was proposed for annexation in the near future. The Council indicated at this time there was nothing proposed. Roger Smith, 6974 95"' Street asked about the park area that would be utilized stating that the proposed park land in the Wild Meadow development is under water for at least three months out of the year. Bret Weiss responded that there is a grading plan that would raise the area 5'-6'. The plan would still allow for storm water discharge from Tyler East to flow through the development to County Ditch #33. What the developer is proposing would still allow the property to the north to continue to drain as it now drains. Mr. Smith also expressed concerns about the design of Haug Avenue and Gillard Avenue and their ability to handle the increased traffic volumes. Glen Posusta asked about the County meeting on Ditch #33. Bret Weiss stated that this area drained to ditch #33 through a series of drain tiles. The City put in a 48" storm sewer pipe along Gillard Avenue to drain property from the Meadow Oak and I-94 area. The City has taken the runoff from a sizable area that once drained into ditch #33. Most of the Wild Meadow development will be draining into the 48" pipe but there is area in the north and southeast portions of the development that will drain to ditch #33. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE ANNEXATION ORDINANCES NO. 389 AND NO. 390 ANNEXING THE PROPERTY PROPOSED AS THE WILD MEADOW DEVELOPMENT AND TO FORWARD THE ORDINANCES TO THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There was some additional discussion on the traffic concerns. The Council felt that these were serious issues and that the City would try to mitigate as much as possible the negative impact from the increased amount of traffic. Glen Posusta asked about placing stop signs at the t -intersection on Gillard Avenue. Bret Weiss stated that this area does not meet the warrants for stop sign installation. R Council Minutes - 6/9/03 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request to vacate roadway and utility easement on property lying in Section 14, Township 121, Range 25. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, explained that when School Boulevard was constructed a blanket easement was obtained over property lying in Section 14. The road has been constructed and the property has been platted. The need for the blanket easement no longer exists as the easements needed have been obtained as the plats have been recorded. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. No one spoke on the easement vacation. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE VACATION OF ROADWAY AND UTILITY EASEMENT AS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT #590041 AFFECTING PROPERTY LYING IN SECTION 141 TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 25 WEST. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of amendments to City Ordinance Title 4, Building Regulations and Title 5, Fire Regulations. Fred Patch explained the ordinance amendment which adopt the updated Minnesota Building Code and Fire Code. Bruce Thielen stated that most cities in the code area have adopted these. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2003-391 AMENDING TITLE 4 BUILDING REGULATIONS; AMENDING SECTIONS 4-1-2 AND 4-1-4; REPEALING CHAPTER 4 UNIFORM HOUSING CODE; REPEALING CHAPTER 5 ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS; AMENDING TITLE 5 FIRE REGULATIONS; AMENDING CHAPTER 1 FIRE CODE; AMENDING SECTION 5-1-1, 5-1-2, 5-1-3 AND 5-1-9 AND REPEALING SECTIONS 5-1-4, 5-1-5, 5-1-6,5-1-7 AND 5-1-8. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of review of responsibility for testing sewer and water services. Included in consent agenda with the recommendation to change the requirement on sewer and water to have the contractor provide the pump and pressure testing on residential water service line with the City to witness the test. 11. Consideration of completing;` irrigation systems on median islands on Broadway. Public Works Director, John Simola explained this item and noted there was not a staff recommendation on it. John Simola reviewed the pros and cons on installing the irrigation system. Bruce Thielen stated that in many communities this type of work is included in the contract specifications. Bruce Thielen stated since the contractor was under a two year guarantee period he 7 Council Minutes - 6/9/03 was somewhat hesitant to do anything prior to the two year period being up. Brian Stumpf asked how difficult it would be to put it in at a later date. John Simola indicated that there shouldn't be any additional cost in installing it later. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED NOT INSTALL THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AT THIS TIME BUT WAIT UNTIL THE WARRANTY PERIOD IS OVER AND REVIEW THE PROPOSAL AT THAT TIME. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of revieNying finance plan for underground electrical conversion alon Broadway. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, reported that some time ago the City Council had asked that staff research the cost of converting the overhead lights on Broadway to underground. Because of the improvement project on CSAH 75 taking place it was felt this was an opportune time to consider the conversion. Working with Xcel Energy, a cost estimate was obtained for the conversion project and preliminary financing information was submitted. The estimated cost for the conversion is $851,000 which does not include the rewiring for the residential service. This was estimated at $20,000. As a means of financing this cost, the City was looking at a franchise fee placed on the customer accounts. This franchise fee would, over a period of time, pay off the conversion project cost and could be used to build up a reserve to do future project. The option prepared had a franchise fee that ranged from $1.75 for residential customers to $125 for larger commercial and industrial customers. It was noted that since the City did not have the reserve funds to finance this type of improvement, the franchise fee seemed a feasible alternative. Darrin Lahr from Xcel Energy noted that in the new subdivisions the utility is placed underground. He added that the conversion to underground on Broadway was a little higher in cost because these are feeder lines. He also stated that there would be four overhead poles remaining. Robbie Smith indicated that he had been contacted by an individual who indicated that the businesses along Broadway would be adversely impacted by the $125 fee and would not necessarily see any benefit in having the system underground. Glen Posusta asked why there was no hearing to get -public input. Rick Wolfsteller stated that it was at the direction of the Council that this information was submitted. Glen Posusta felt this item should be tabled and the City should seek public input. He also felt that if the public did not feel there was a benefit to doing it, the City should not do it. There was some discussion on whether the cost shouldn't be more evenly distributed between the residential and non-residential users. Darrin Lahr stated that there are many options for franchise fees that could be looked at and the franchise fee could be adjusted in any number of ways. Rick Wolfsteller stated there are two issues to consider. One is whether or not the conversion to underground should take place on Broadway and the second is how to finance that type of improvement. The information was submitted because the Council had directed staff to get preliminary cost figures on the conversion. Glen Posusta felt because of the bad economy this 8 f Council Minutes - 6/9/03 1 was the wrong time for the City to be considering this project. Bruce Thielen suggested that staff come back with adjustments to the franchise fee. Darrin Lahr did state they would like some indication of whether or not the Council intended to proceed so that they could line up construction groups. The franchise fee could be addressed when the franchise agreement with Xcel energy is renewed. He also noted another option would be to have the Public Utilities Commission approve a surcharge on each property in the City that would be in place until such time as the cost of the conversion is paid off. Robbie Smith stated he had some reservations about a making decision without further information. Bruce Thielen asked if the Council wanted to send it back to staff and to work out the numbers just for the conversion on Broadway. Robbie Smith asked if the main reason the City was doing this was aesthetics? John Simola indicated that this had been discussed previously and after the storm in 1997 when the City was without power for several days, there was discussion focused on getting the utilities underground. Glen Posusta asked if the maintenance costs were higher for underground and Darrin Lahr indicated the charge was a $2/month more charge for underground. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED NOT TO PROCEED WITH THE CONVERSION OF THE LIGHTS ON BROADWAY AT THIS TIME. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. Bruce Thielen felt that even though it could be done later now was a good opportunity to do it and noted that it was the consensus of the Council last fall to look at the conversion. Brian Stumpf noted his concern was the cost and Glen Posusta felt it was important to get public comment before proceeding.. Roger Carlson stated that he was not opposed to consider this within the public hearing format. Other means of getting public input, including the newsletter and the City's website were discussed. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN COUNCILMEMBERS POSUSTA AND STUMPF VOTED IN FAVOR THEREOF AND THIELEN, SMITH AND CARLSON VOTED IN OPPOSITION. Bruce Thielen asked if the Council wanted a period of public comment or just a public hearing. Bruce Thielen felt a period of public comment, approximately 30 days, would give sufficient time for residents to provide input. Susie Wojchouski, Chamber of Commerce emphasized the tight economic times for people and felt that while people might like to see the conversion take place, they would feel this was not the best time financially. Robbie Smith stated that if the Council was taking public comment, it might be a good idea to present the various financing options for them to comment on. Roger Carlson asked if by having a 30 day comment period, would that put the conversion project outside of this years construction season. Darrin Lahr said it may possibly do that. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO HAVE STAFF AND XCEL ENERGY COME BACK WITH VARIOUS FINANCING COMBINATIONS FOR THE PROJECT SIMULTANEOUS WITH ESTABLISHING A-3 0 DAY PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD. ROGER CARLSON 0 r Council Minutes - 6/9/03 SECONDED THE MOTION. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN THIELEN, SMITH AND CARLSON VOTED FOR AND POSUSTA AND STUMPF VOTED AGAINST. 13. Update on project bids for Core Street Improvement Project No. 2002-14C and call for a special meeting. Bret Weiss updated the council that the bids for this project will be opened on Friday, June 13, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. and asked that the Council set a special meeting on Monday, June 16, 2003 to consider the result of the bid opening. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO SET A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR MONDAY, JUNE 16, 2003 AT 6 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. AP rp ove payment of bills for June, 2003. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added items: Chadwick PUD/Chelsea Road West Alignment - Jeff O'Neill stated that some time ago the Chelsea Road West alignment had been laid out. John Chadwick has come forth with a new proposed alignment of Chelsea Road West that would extend Chelsea Road along the freeway This proposal came along after the construction of a stub connection which would have to be redesigned should the new alignment be approved. City Engineer, Bret Weiss showed sketches of the original alignment and the proposed alignment. He stated that this was coming before the Council now so that the Council was aware of the proposal to realign the street. Staff and developers have been working on the right-of-way acquisition for the Chelsea Road West alignment but no settlement has been reached. John Chadwick would be interested in proceeding with eminent domain. but wanted to know if Council was comfortable with the alignment before proceeding with eminent domain. There was some questions to the engineer on the proposed alignment. Bruce Thielen asked if there was an impasse on the acquisition of the right-of-way for the alignment what were the Council's wishes. The consensus of the Council was that the alignment was satisfactory and it was their hope that the property owners would be able to work out the land acquisition. Featherstone Development and Annexation - Jeff O'Neill stated that the developer was requesting that the City consider annexation of the balance of the 220 acre parcel by joint resolution. The developer had been requesting annexation based on 60 acre increments but because of complications in getting grading permits for the smaller increments, he was requesting a joint resolution. If the township did not approve the joint resolution he would continue annexation by the 60 acre increments. 10 Council Minutes - 6/9/03 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE A JOINT RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ANNEXATION OF THE REMAINDER OF THE 220 ACRE PARCEL FOR THE FEATHERSTONE DEVELOPMENT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Pond Design - Bret Weiss submitted information about a pond design guide and reviewed the design considerations with the Council. He noted they were proposing to go with a more natural appearance for along the pond shores. On new ponds they would want to use a pond liner or clay soils so that some of the water is retained in the pond. The new pond design would be more aesthetically pleasing. He also noted that some ponds, like those in Briar Oakes have deteriorated and would have to be restored. These design standards would be applied to all ponds constructed in the City. Brian Stumpf asked if this would be coming before the Parks Commission and Planning Commission. Staff indicated that it will come before these commissions. The ponds in the Featherstone development will be the first ones to use these design standards. Ti•crffie Issues - Roger Carlson asked about the timing of the lights on TH 25 and noted there are serious problems there because of the traffic backups. John Simola indicated he has contacted MnDOT who stated the signals over the bridge are stalling out. It was suggested that there be an analysis of what is happening on the roadway at peak times and then review the timing of the signals. Bruce Thielen stated he had received a call from a resident on Wildwood Way regarding speeding in the area and suggested that the Sheriff s department patrol that area. Robbie Smith questioned the continuing construction at 8476 Troy Marquette Lane. Fred Patch, the Building Official noted that there has been some progress, but as long as construction is taking place the building permit is good. Bruce Thielen stated that a closed meeting was conducted at 6 p.m. on June 9, 2003 for the purpose of a performance appraisal of the City Administrator. The Council has accepted the performance appraisal as satisfactory for the City Administrator. The Council would like to see the City Administrator and Personnel Committee begin the process of hiring a consultant to work with the City on present and future organizational issues, looking not only at staffing functions but also potential efficiencies. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR AS SATISFACTORY. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO PROCEED WITH HAVING THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR HIRE A CONSULTANT TO WORK WITH THE COUNCIL TO LOOK AT PRESENT AND FUTURE ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES THE CITY IS FACING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11 Council Minutes - 6/9/03 15. Adjourn GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:35 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 12