EDA Agenda 01-12-2015 (Special Meeting)AGENDA
Monday, January 121h, 2015 - 4:00 PM
Academy Room, Monticello Community Center
Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy
Hinz, Council member Tom Perrault and Mayor -Elect Brian Stumpf
Staff: Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann
1. Call to Order
2. Consideration of EDA Vacancy Interviews
3. Adj ourn
April 9, 2012
EDA Interview Questions:
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself, including your current and /or past
volunteer experiences.
2. Do you work in the City of Monticello? Or Own a business in Monticello?
3. Why are you interested in volunteering on the EDA?
4. Does your normal work hours allow you to regularly attend EDA meeting
held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6pm?
5. Why do you feel you area good candidate for this volunteer position?
6. Other questions?
F '
Name Steven C Johnson
Home Phone Cell Phone E -Mail
If not otherwise specified, you must be a resident of the City of Monticello to serve on the
following boards.
Please circle the board(s) on which you are interested in serving.
Industrial and Economic Development Committee (Does not require residency)
FiberNet Advisory Board
City Planning Commission
Monticello Community Center Advisory Board
Police Advisory Commission
Parks Commission
Economic Developm�A�uthority y no t require residency)
Transportation Advisory Committee
Highest Level of Education BA
Current Employer, if applicable Self Employed SCJ Develo ment
Position/Title Principal - L14
Dates of Employment (starting /en ding) _
Former Employer, if applicable
Dates of Employment (starting /ending)
Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of Monticello.
Over the years I have been involved witht the economic development of the clty-via the Embracing Downtown program
dos re by a qty Monticello a spearheaded a re ing activities for the past years. I have a
grpjnd jn.. rnuArcJal real a=W ana t to foster an,ar~tiye wmmerctaL.envtronmerrt._
I am a life long resident of the city which giveSme a perspective not commonly available. I currently sit on the Board of
valuable contacts locally and on a regional basis. Over the past several years I have worked with members of the EDA
.. A the city staff related to bhe mdevdapment of the ELW- 10%*ading !he d' afM I e F H ie land ti m eedii arte %F M@ 8GBL
have developed and maintained a repoire with many of the local business owners and commercial property owners.
Please describe your prior volunteer experiences (include organization names and dates of service)
Monticello Rotary Club - Board of Directors, Past President
Minnesota Retail Associatlnrl - Eo=.of...DirecWrs. past C, ji UM
List your qualifications for this appointment:
Life Long Monticello Resident
Commercial ea Estate Owner
Long Time Chamber cf Commerce Member
Please list three non - family members who can provide references on your ability to perform this
volunteer positon:
Name Kevan Sorenson, Pres. Riverwood Bank
Name Bill Tapper, Genereux Mfg
Phone Number
Please read the following carefully before signing this application:
I understand that this is an application for and not a commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity.
I certify that I have and will provide information throughout the selection process, including on this
application for a volunteer position and in interviews with the City of Monticello that is true, correct
and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the
best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would unfavorably
affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained on my
application will be verified by the City of Monticello. I understand that misrepresentation or omissions
may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant for a volunteer position with the City of
Monticello or mvmnation as a volunteer.
Return Complet Apocation to: Monticello City Hall, Attn: Human Resources, 505 Walnut St,
Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 FAX: (763)2954404
Name Jb.*Aes tASon
Home Phone Cell PhoneU2,- E -Mail �
If not otherwise specified, you must be a resident of the City of Monticello to serve on the
following boards.
Please circle the board(s) on which you are interested in serving.
Industrial and Economic Development Committee (Does not require residency)
FiberNet Advisory Board
City Planning Commission
Monticello Community - Center Advisory Board
Police Advisory Commission
Parks Commission
Authority (May not require
Transportation Advisory Committee
Education ,,
Highest Level of Education Q"OCZ4 0� '' �r INLAI
Current Employer, if applicable
Position[Fitle tka.ro►�e_t
Dates of Employment (starting /ending) Sri'
Former Employer, if applicable er�� �r ��,1Nlt+,�`IC��J 1
Dates of Employment (start!nglending) � R uN 2-6 10
Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteeri
fnr the r1ty of MnntinPlln
Please describe your prior voluntee experiences (include organization na es and dates of
_ I._ n t C' �\ ( __ r -AN V i \ T r n
List vour aualifications for this a000intment:
Please list three non family members who can provide references on your ability to perform this
volunteer positon:
Name L\81, Wlk'eb A
Name L u`C 4d-
Name �1�(,1c Iu1�.ri�,Q_��
Phone Number
Phone Number
Phone Number
Please read the following carefully before signing this application:
I understand that this is an application for and not a commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity.
I certify that I have and will provide information throughout the selection process, including on this
application for a volunteer position and in interviews with the City of Monticello that is true, correct
and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the
best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would unfavorably
affect my application for a volunteer position. 1 understand that information contained on my
application will be verified by the City of Monticello. I understand that misrepresentation or omissions
may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant for a volunteer position with the City of
Monticello or my termination as a volunteer.
Signature Date
Return Completed Application to: Monticello City Hall, Attn: Human Resources, 505 Walnut St,
Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 FAX: (763)295 -4404
M ontfAo
NameLM(yj i rwy
Home Phone. Cell Phone -Mail
If not otherwise specified, you must be a resident of the City of Monticello to serve on the
following boards.
Please circle the board(s) on which you are interested in serving.
Industrial and Economic Development Committee (Does not require residency)
FiberNet Advisory Board
City Planning Commission
Monticello Community Center Advisory Board
Police Advisory Commission
Parks Commission
Economic Development Authority (May not requ ire- residency)---_-
Transportation Advisory Committee
Education h,, ��} 'k
Highest Level of Education �( 1C�f
Employment {�
Current Employer, if applicable
Position /Title fl:
Dates of Employment (starting /ending) ' _N_6-- ft LW
Former Employer, if applicable m�Gn7�AfiA ,W,
Position /Title A✓ Qua
Dates of Employment (starting /ending).
Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of Monticello.
Please describe your prior volunteer experiences (include organization names and dates of service)
List your qualifications for this appointment:
Please list three non - family members who can provide references on your ability to perform this
volunteer positon:
NameMih h m G
Name '1J W n
Name Ef O CN
Phone Number
Boards & Commissions Application
- Describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of Monticello
As a current resident of Monticello, I am eager to increase my participation and be a part of the
city's movement to continue to grow and attract new businesses, leading to additional job growth,
As a human resources professional, I am well- versed in finding unique and creative approaches for
enticing qualified applicants and know how to partner with businesses to determine how their needs
can be met most effectively.
- Describe your prior volunteer experiences (include organization names and dates of service)
During my employment at NlicroNct, a company providing software to chambers of cointnerce's,
employees routinely volunteered for a variety of different projects. Projects included setting up for
events, assisting with training new staff, helping send out event flyers and cold calling to increase
participation at an upcoming event. (March 2011 — May 2013)
Additionally, I have volunteered in my daughter's classrooms to assist the teacher with projects that
require more time than is available to them. (2013)
- List your qualifications for this appointment:
Throughout my professional career, I have served as an ally to businesses to help align their goals
with areas of my expertise. This has included developing a forecast for positions that will be opening
up, determining an effective strategy to find qualified candidates for the vacancies, maintaining a
budget for compensation and benefits of candidates and ensuring business growth is achieved
In addition, I'm a very motivated individual who is committed to becoming more involved in the
city I lore and feel fortunate to call home,
Please read the following carefully before signing this application:
I understand that this is an application for and not a commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity.
I certify that I have and will provide information throughout the selection process, including on this
application for a volunteer position and in interviews with the City of Monticello that is true, correct
and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the
best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would unfavorably
affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained on my
application will be verified by the City of Monticello. I understand that misrepresentation or omissions
may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant for a volunteer position with the City of
Monticello or my ter i ati®ra as a volunteer.
f }
Signature '\' Date
Return Complet6d- Application to: Monticello City Hall, Attn: Human Resources, 505 Walnut St,
Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 FAX: (763)295 -4404