EDA Agenda 05-14-2014EDA MEETING Wednesday, May 14th, 2014 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. April 9th, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes 3. Consideration of additional agenda items. 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills. 5. Consideration of review and acceptance of 2014 Hospitality Marketing Study. 6. Consideration of approving a Farm Lease Agreement for Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing. 7. Consideration of approving a $500 marketing expense related to "Monticello -Worth the Stop ". 8. Consideration of approving a $1,000 membership in the Greater MN Partnership. 9. Consideration of Director's Report. 10. Adj ourn. MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) MEETING Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 - 6:00 p.m., Mississippi Room Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Rod Dragsten, Tom Perrault Absent: Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Brian Stumpf Others: Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Shibani Bisson, Troy Vrieze (Shafer Contracting Company) 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MARCH 12, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. (Bill Tapper did not vote as he had not attended the meeting.) 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills Rod Dragsten asked about the WSB invoice. Wayne Oberg said that the invoice reflects the cost of one month of the Economic Development Services contract. Bill Tapper asked about the $25 invoice for recording costs. Jeff O'Neill agreed to check on the matter. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH MARCH 2014 IN THE AMOUNT OF $7093.88. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 5. Consideration of approving a license agreement for a temporary roadway through Outlot A, Country Club Manor in conjunction with the I -94 reconstruction project Shibani Bisson summarized that Shafer Contracting Company had requested use of Outlot A, Country Club Manor to construct a 24 -foot wide temporary gravel access road between I -94 and West 7th Street to use as a haul route for their concrete trucks during paving operations of the westbound freeway lanes as part of MnDOT's I -94 reconstruction project. Outlot A is undeveloped and owned by the EDA. Emergency vehicles will access westbound I -94 via the proposed temporary roadway. Shafer agreed to stockpile the excess granular material generated during reconstruction in exchange for the temporary use of Outlot A. Approximately 60,000 cubic yards of fill EDA Minutes: 4/09/14 will be stockpiled at the City's water reservoir property located at 203 Chelsea Road. Any additional fill will be stockpiled in Outlot A. The City will use the excess material as part of the future Fallon Avenue overpass project in an effort to save an estimated $120,000 in material and hauling costs. Bill Demeules asked if the excess material will be tested. Bisson said that MnDOT would test the material and report findings to the City. The agreement would become void if the material is not suitable for use. Bill Tapper asked for clarification about the condition of Outlot A upon project completion. Troy Vrieze noted that Shafer had planned to return the outlot to its original condition but would be open to leaving the gravel roadway in place if it would benefit the City. Jeff O'Neill said that this will be useful because staff use the outlot as a snow removal site. Bisson agreed that doing so will not hinder future development and will provide a defined roadway on which to access the property. Shafer will remove the connection to the freeway. Staff recommended that the City, the EDA and Shafer Contracting approve a license agreement which addresses the temporary access use of Outlot A. Tom Perrault pointed out that the dates for Riverfest were listed incorrectly in the license agreement. Bisson agreed to correct the dates to reflect the actual Riverfest event which is scheduled July 10th through July 141h Bisson also noted that Shafer requested that temporary access use be extended from September 15, 2014 to September 25th, 2014 due to weather delays. After additional consideration, the use date was extended to October 1St, 2014 to address the potential for further delay. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR A TEMPORARY ACCESS ROADWAY THROUGH OUTLOT A, COUNTRY CLUB MANOR, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE I -94 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT, TO ALLOW TEMPORARY ACCESS USE TO OCTOBER 1sT, 2014, AND TO CORRECT THE DATES FOR RIVERFEST TO READ JULY IOTH- JULY 14TH. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Perrault also noted that there were some typos to be corrected in the agreement. 6. Consideration of Director's Report The EDA had no specific questions related to the Director's Report submitted for review. EDA Minutes: 4/09/14 Jeff O'Neill encouraged EDA members to attend the Opportunity Tracker user training session at 8 a.m. on April 17th so that they understand why and how it is being used. Jeff O'Neill said that some positive economic development opportunities are in the works and that staff would provide updates as prospects evolve. Bill Tapper pointed out that the Runnings store had opened. O'Neill added that the Marshall's store would open soon and that the Aldi store is in the pre - design stage. 7. Adjournment BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:23 PM. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: Attest: EDA Representative ►A 4F EDA Agenda: 5/14/14 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Included are the previous month's invoices for approval of payment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through April 2014 in the amount of $312,257.62. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of payment for submitted invoices. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Invoices Accounts Payable Transactions by Account USet: AnnZ&mn rmao Printed: 04/09/2014 - 2:42PM Batch: 00203.04.2014 CITY OF Account Number Vendor Descrlpi#on CI, Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-430400 KENEDYAND GRAVEN CHAR'! General EDA Matt= through 2aW14 0411512014 1 L2139 832.50 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46301 832.50 213-46301343990 GREATER MSP Annual fee 20I4 Greater MSP Salesfc 04/15 /2014 112127 400.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 400.00 213- 46301 - 444900 INITL43IVE FOUNDATION Endowment Pledge (A) 04/15,QW4 112135 2,250.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46301 2 ,250.00 213 - 46522 - 430400 CAMPBEM KNUTSON PA General - EDA 04/15/2014 0 98.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46522 98,00 213 - 46522 - 430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] Legal Services through 2/28114 04/15/2014 112139 573.50 Vendor Subtotal for DWL46522 57350 21336522.431990 NORTHLAND SECU7RTMS INC February 2014 - TIF 1 -22 04/15/20I4 112156 1,760.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dcpt46522 1,760.00 AP- Transactions by Account (04/0911014 - 1:42 PM) Page 1 A ecount Numtber Vardar , Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 21346522-431990 WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERW( MGFARM- Acquisition & Relocation 0411501014 0 279.25 21346522-431990 WILSONDEVELOPMENT SERVI( MGFARM- AogidWon &Relocation 0411502014 0 3.15 213 - 46522 - 431990 WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVR MGFARM- Acquisition & Relocation 04/15/2014 0 726.00 21346522431990 WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVI( MGFARM- Aoquisition & Relocatioo 04/1502014 0 63.12 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment Date: 5114114 Approved by Tracy Wnz, Treasurer AP- Transactions byAmuo t (04/09)2014 - 2:42 PM) Page 2 Vendor SubtoW for Depb46522 1,071.52 213-"522-439300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MGFARM- 9739641 -0 04/152014 112114 65.47 213- 46522 438300 C ENTERPOINT GY MGFARM - 9429449 -3 04/152014 112114 I2.59 213-06522 - 438300 CENTURPOINTENERGY MGFARM- 9739645 -1 BUISM14 112114 12.59 213 46=- 438300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ubc - MGFARM - 9429448 -5 04/1501014 112114 362.29 21346522 -438300 CENTERPOINTENERGY utx- MGPARM- 9429450 -1 04/152014 112114 293.16 Vendor Subtotal forDepC46522 746.10 213- 46522 - 443990 DOMAINARCkMCTUREANI)I MGFARM- Pf=Factoryinv12967 04 /152014 112116 3,000.00 Vendor Sulmtal for Dept:46522 3,000.00 213 - 46522 - 443990 FREFERRED ITILB INC Closing on building 04/1502014 112160 275,000.00 21346522443990 PREFERRED TrrLBINC Closlogonbuilding -few 04/152014 112160 2,82925 Vendor Subtotal for Dept-A6522 277,82925 Subtotal for Fund: 213 288,(60.87 Report Total: 288,560.87 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment Date: 5114114 Approved by Tracy Wnz, Treasurer AP- Transactions byAmuo t (04/09)2014 - 2:42 PM) Page 2 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account user: Ann ztrm>�tman Printed: 0411312014 - 12:25PM Batch= 00201.04.2014 Account Number Vendor Description GLDate check No Amount PO NO 213 - 46301 - 432200 US BANK coRPORATE PMT SYS Lisps - (1) .7 ozist chase ma0 letxr - i 04/15/2014 0 12.99 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46301 - 12.98 213-46522-431000 US BANK CORPORME P.MP SYS Advanced Disposal - MGFAXM -100 09/1512014 0 10.55 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 10.55 SnlWW for Fund: 213 23.53 RepottTaiat 23.53 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment Date: 5/14114 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP- 1hwmcuonsbyAowuW (0411311034- 12:25PMj PW I Accounts Payable Transactions by Account User: AmLZimmaman Printed: 04!23/2014 - 12:24FM Batch: 00206.04.2014 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount FO No 213-46301-430300 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Economic Development & Market Ma 04129/2014 0 4,000.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46301 4,000.00 213- 46301 - 431990 HARRY LANTTO 4/9114 BDA mtg rwording 04/29/2014 0 50.00 Vendor Subtotal fix Dept46301 50.00 213- 46301- 437I00 WRICaM OO AIJDTTOR TREAS 8155- 171 - 000060 first 1/2 tax 04129/1014 112240 756.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 756.00 213-46522 - 410400 KENNEDYAND GRAVEN CHART Legal Services through 3131/14 04/29/2014 112205 1107125 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 1,071.25 21346522- 431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Match 2014 - TIF 1 -22 04{19/2014 112217 480.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 480.00 213.4652238100 XCEL ENERGY ZCULPS - 51- 0623082 -8 04!29/2014 112241 16.10 21346522. 438100 XCEL ENE1tGY MGFARM - 51- 0592578 -0 04119/2014 I12241 16.10 213- 46522- 438100 XCELENERGY MGFARM - 51- 0517394 -8 04/29/2014 112241 10.53 213 - 46522. 438100 XCEL ENERGY ubc - MGFARM - 51- 0517365 -5 04/M014 112241 84.91 AP Transactions byAccoant (04123/20 14 -12:24 PM) Page 1 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No Vendor Subtotal for Dgt 46522 127.64 213 -6522- 443990 WRIGHT CO AUDUM TREAS R155- 010 - 067010 first In tax 04t2912014 112240 59933 213 - 46522.443990 WRIGHT CO AUDTfOR- -TREAS MGFARM- R155- 010 -34130 f=11 04r29t2014 112240 2,145.00 213 - 46522 - 443990 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR TREAS MGFARM - R155- 010 - 034150 first 11 0411912014 112240 803.00 213-46V2-"3M WRIGHT CO AUMTOR TREAS MGFAY04- R155- 010 - 034150 fast It 04/29)1014 112240 9,920.00 213 - 46522 - 443990 WRIGHT COALM DR TREAS R155- 010 - 034102 first 112 tax 04/29/2014 112240 3,321.00 Vendor StbtoW forDept46522 213-46539 -431990 NORM-AND SF.CURIT[E.5 INC March 2014 - TTF 1 -39 04119/2014 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46539 Subtotal forFand 213 Reportlbtak The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 5114114 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer 112217 16 78833 400.00 400.00 23,673.22 23,673.22 AP Tronsscdow byAccouat (040)2014 -12:24 PM) Pale 2 Page; 1 Kennedy & Craven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 65402 City of Monticello February 28, 2014 MN190- 00'101 General EDA Matters Through February 28, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows; 2/5/2014 MNI Review business subsidy policy, EDA bylaws. Flours Amount 0.70 129.50 2/7/2014 MNI Review business subsidy and EDA bylaws documents; 1.00 review GMEF, TIF and Small Cities guidelines; email to A Schumann regarding same. 2!1012014 MNI Review TIF housing materials sent by A Schumann for 0.90 discussion, 211312014 MNI Research for conference call regarding Monticello housing 0.60 TIF. 2113/2014 MNI Questions on TIF - conference call with A Schumann and 0.80 T Omdal regarding use of housing TIF. 212712014 MNl Review license agreement issue from A Schumann. 0.60 Total Services: 186.00 166.60 111.00 148.00 92,60 $ 832.60 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 832.50 Basic Invoice 0�_ - _ ` -4 2014 Minneapolis Saint Paul Regional Economic Development Partnersif1p _-GREATER`>MSR_'m- Contact Inforrnation: INVOICE NUMBER Portal 201 IWOICE DATE April 3,2014: Citv of Monticello DUE DATE Upon reoeiipt.:--,: Monticello, MN AMR bESWUPTION AMOUNT GREATER MSP Salesforoe.00rn Communities Portal 2014 License Thank you! Total Due: $400.001 0�_ - _ ` -4 2014 r Initiative F0UNQATI0N Angela Schumarm City of Monticcllo 505 Walnut St, Stel Monticello MN 55362 -8822 Invoice Invoice # �� • ��' .. {� .Y;, ,. _� �.� � 41k' • is � ���. � E� � 3• w. 3/31/2014 77 Invoice Total 2,250.00 Amount Due $2,250.00 IMPORTANT: Please make payable to Initlative Foundation only and mail to: Initiative Foundation (dame of Fund (if applicable) 405 First Street Southeast Little Falls, Mid 56345 Phone: 320 -632 -9255 Due upon receipt C...rbell K�w.ts« T' A City of Monticello RE; ADMINISTRATION SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE: Page; 3 February 28, 2014 Account # 2348 -OOOG 139 ', J � � �rii,YY r,�HOURS )J Community Development - F -mails Angela re; EDA U* Land&llcense Agreement. 0150 M5 Email to Angela Schumann re; Pizza Factory. � � Gv�t 0,20 M Community Development - Emails Angela re: lease, Marc re; BCOLIYMCA, follow -ups. lllIGoo 0.60 AMOUNT DUE 2{7.40 TOTAL CURRENT WORK PREVIOUS BALANCE 02/1112014 Payment - thank you 0311112014 Payment - thank you TOTAL PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Amounts due over $0 days will be subject to a finance charge of .5% per month (or an annual rate of 6 1%). Mlnimum charge - 60 cents, 70,40 A +3 28.00 3 70.00 t3e-aol 2,797.50 2,79i,5D $5,93'7.00 - 1,666.00 - X4,271.00 - 5,037.aa $217 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337 -9300 March 18, 2014 Statement No. 119142 Aramm- I M8127.11 505 Walnut Ave, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through February 28, 20'14 MN325.00006 General MN325 -00028 Liquor Store Acquisition declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is Just and correct and that no part of it has been paid. 4al= Q-�=== Signature of Claim i 52.50 481.00 Total Currant Billing: 573.30 MAR 2 0 2014 ;'.� 52.50 481.00 Total Currant Billing: 573.30 Page; 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Monticello EDA February 28, 2014 MN325 -00006 General Through February 28, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 2!1412014 MNI Phone conversation with W Oberg regarding Monticello 0,50 92,60 possible conveyance (new downtown property), possible relocation issues, purchase price, etc. Total Services: $ 92.50 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 92.50 Page; 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Monticello EDA February 28, 2014 MN325 -00028 Liquor Store Acquisition Through February 28, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows; Hours Amount 2/11/2014 MNI Revise PA to include hours of allowable personal property 0.20 37.00 retrieval post - closing. 2/13/2014 MNI Revise PA per phone conversation with W Oberg 0,40 74.00 regarding post- closing retrieval of property; email correspondence regarding ability of EDA to ask seller to sign PA prior to EDA approval and legal effect of same. 2/18/2014 MNI Email and phone correspondence with D Wilson and W 0.50 92.50 Oberg regarding relocation matters. 2/2412014 MNI Draft resolution approving PA; finalize PA language; email 1.00 185.00 to staff regarding need for Council approval. 2128/2014 MNI Research model license for entry on property. 0.50 92.50 Total Services; $ 481.00 Total Services and Disbursements- $ 481.00 NORTHLAND STRATEGIES Special Projects Gro-up INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project. TIP District Management, TIP 122 Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: Pebruary 2014 Services Performed • TIF 1 -22 analysis of source and use and pooling capacity • TIF 1 -22 meet with city staff to review • TIF 1 -22 prepare background and resolutions Staff Time posit i n Hour Rate Bill "bte Senior Professional 11.00 $160 $1,760.00 Professional - $135 $0.00 Support - $105 $0.00 Total Staff .11.00 $1,760.00 Expenses Mileage $0.00 Printing $0.00 Other $[1.00_ TOOT Rxpenses $0.00 T ©taY This I'eri4d. $1,.760.00. 1'x9j ect Summary Total Budget" $ - Billed This Perfnd ($1,760.00) Billed Previoue ($1,280.40) Budget Remaining $(3,040.00) *Biding on an hourly basis. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Wilson Development Services, LLC 590 North Chestnut Street, Suite 200 Chaska, MIN owl N 55318 9 2 a8. 630 0.448.4630 FEIN 26- 1629971 Invoice submitted to: City of Monticello Attn: Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 V1 Invoice Date Invoice Numbef Last Bill Date February 25, 2014 22848 1/14/2014 In Reference To. Acquisition & Relocation Services- Montgomery Farms Professional Services . Pizza Factory -(Ekegren) S,a..U,�h d 06 41,04 VA HrslRate . - Amount 12/2/2013 DHW Time 4.00 440.00 Meeting at City Hall with Garry, Jim Peterson, Andrew & Angela 110.001hr Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 121TW2013.HNF Time 0.10 9.60 Check copy for claim #1. received & file updated. Email fromlto.Ang €e 95.001hr at 'Monticello regarding check d €stdbution Pizza factory (Ekegren) 1/20/2014 DHW Time - 0.30 33.00 Call Jim Peterson, reactor regarding health dept. issues - no 110.00/hr construction Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 1128/2014 DHW Time 0.50 55.00 Received email regarding Dept. of Health conditions. Memo to 110,00/hr Andrew at Heritage regarding ineligible costs, Received building plans. Call to Angela --left message same. Received return call from Angela. 'Pizza Factory (Ekegren) DML Time 0.20 15.00 Forward Andrew (Heritage Constructlon) email regarding items 76.00/hr unable to move to replacement site per Dept, of Health to Angela Schumann. Type email response to Andrew From Heritage City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms page 2 HrslRate Amount Construction regarding City will not purchase new equipment. Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 1/2912014 DHW Time 0.30 33.00 Call to Gary & Andrew at Heritage - no building permit until Dept, of 110.00lhr Health gives ok. Call with Angela - same Pizza Factory (Ekegren) SUBTOTAL; [ 5.40 686.50' Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates 12120/2013 HNF Time 0.20 19.00 Email tolfrom Angie at Monticello regarding status of final check. 95.0011hr Updated file Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates DML Time 0,40 30.00 Received Jon Morphew's email requesting status of Or. Wong's final 75,001hr move expense check. Requested Helen call City of Monticello -for status, Heleq advised -that check has been'cut, waiting on City Council to sign of[' on it which wilt be 12/23. City.will either mail the check or Dr. -Won.g may.plck it up - please.advise, Sent ennail . response to Jon Morphew advising check cut, waiting for signature from ally. Council, - showld City mail or will Dr. Wong' picX it up? Recd response from'Morphew -.forwarded same to Angie at City of Monticello', responded to Angle's request of clinic address verification. Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates DHW Time. 0.20 22.00 Call from Morphew regarding claim pay status- discuss with Helen, 110.001hr Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates 12/23/2013 HNF Time 0.10 9.50 Received copy of final check far moving expenses, Updated file 95,001hr Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates SUBTOTAL: [ 0.90 813,50 z- Project Management 1213112013 DML Time 0.51 38,25 1211 to 12131,2013 Consultant entries recorded to database for 75.001hr clienticase, history, status and file maintenance/backup z- Project Management 1/31/2014 DML Time 0.29 21.75 111 to 1131, 2014 Consultant entries recorded to database for 75.001hr clienticase history, status and file maintenancelbackup, z- Project Management l0q,? City of Monticello Monticello-Montgomery Farms Page 3 Hrs/Rate -. Amount SUBTOTAL: 0.80 60,00' For professional services rendered 7.10 $726.00 Additional Charges: Qty /Price ,Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 12/212013 DHW Mileage 108 61.02 Mileage 1-12014 IRS Rate Attend meeting at City Hall 0.'57 Pizza Factory (Ekegron) SUBTOTAL: 61,02' z-Project Management 12!3912013 Copies-internal 2 0.30 Copies November I - Dec 31,2013 0..15. z-Project Management 1/3.1/2014 Copies-internal 12 1.80 Copies 1/1 to 1/31,2014 0"15 z-Project Management SUBTOTAL: A- 2.10.' - ------------ Total costs For professional•services. rendered 7.10 $789.12 Total amount of this bill Previous balance Ki n V K fb $789.12 $1,348.02 ($1,348.02 M.348.02 '0' 0 APR - 9 2014 $789.12 ENTERED 2014 ' -1 J1.1" UN 10 City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms Page 2 HrslRate Amount z- Project Management 2/2812014 DML Time 0.29 21.75 211 to 2128, 2014 Consultant entries recorded to database for 75.001hr cllenticase history, status and file maintenancelbackup. z- Project Management SUBTOTAL; [ 0.29 21.75' For professional services rendered 2;89 $279.26 Additional Charges QtWP rice z- Project Management 2/2812014 Copies - Internal 21 3.15 Copies. 211 to 2128, 2014 0.15 z- Project Management SUBTOTAL: [ 3.15: Total costs $3.1.6. For professional services rendered 2.89 $282.40 Total, amount :of this bill .$2$2.40 Previous balance $789.12 Balance due $1,071.62 G 1-1 WUON Invoice submitted to: City of Monticello Attn: Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Wilson Development Services, LLC 510 North Chestnut Street, Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318 952.4484630 800,448.4630 FEIN 26- 1629971 Invoico Date Invoice Number March 17, 2014 22871 X fD 10Q111 �1,_ 0�v I/ Last Bill Date 2125/2014 In Reference To: Acquisition & Relocation Services - Montgomery Farms Professional Services pas -. >_ e� APR 7 2014�;,.�� nt Pizza Factory_ f Ekegren). 214120:14 DHW . Time 0.20 22.00 . Call with Angela regarding unpaid rent & Dept. of Health progress 110,001hr Pizza Factory ( Ekegren) 2/912014 DHW Time 0.30 33.00 Deb at Architect office call'regarding invoice for concept plan - 110,001hr Received invoice ' discuss payment process Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 2/1312014 HNF Time 1,90 180,50 Call to Deborah at Domain Architecture & Design regarding payment 95,001hr for Invoice #12960; payment received, Invoice #12967 €n the amount of $3,000 is proposed plan for possible new site, Prepared Claim #2 and letter of transmittal; claim 02 to Dan for review. Processed claim for regular mail. to Garry at Pizza Factory. Updated file. Pizza Factory (Ekegren) DHW Time 0.20 22,00 Received email from Angela regarding Dept. of Health approval, Call 110.001hr to Angela - left message 'Pizza Factory (Ekegren) SUBTOTAL: [ 2,60 267.50' fii App 7 2014 Avg dally gas uae: This period this yr 1.7 TttM; We period last yr 0.0 THM Page 1 of 1 Avg dally tamp: This porlod this yr 23 "F; this parlod last yr 27 OF el CenterPolnt Mail this portion with payment. Please do not Indude lotters or notos. Account number 9739641-0 Date due 0412912094 Al"Thene Total amount due $ 55.47 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 9444 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 *' IlrllllrltllIIIlbIlrllll. Irul' ll 'll "'I'Illllllllllll'11111 Jill 1 00019704 01 AV 0.3781 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 505 WALNUT ST STE 'I MONTICELLO, MN 55362.8822 11111 11111111111111111 lllllll hill III I Jill llll Jill II 0300085352932 00720DOOD97396410100000006547170000DO65478D Energy Customer name CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN Account number 9739641 -0 Aiwa sTheW Billing date 0410112014 Date due 04/2912014 Total amount due $ 65.47 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? M— Centeri3dlnt Energy ACCT SUMMARY ' PO BOX 9144 MiNNEAPOLIS MN 55490 -1 !44 Previous balance Payment 03/27/20 'Z 9.62 9 6 (Address not for bill payment) Balance forward ,, .:,ice 1§ 0.00 Monday - Friday Cali 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Currentbliling `- Biil info 612- 321 -4938 Total amount due .% ° P APH 2014 !,L; 165,47 CenterPolntEnergy.com SERVICE ADDRESS 100 E Broadway St Monticello MN 55362-9321 :, : , ;:,; ""- ;.., " -� !{ �T�' T" DID YOU KNOW? YOUR GAS USAGE Meter Ik M19802312720 29 Day billing period 02/2712014 to 0312812014 Effective March 1, 2014.-the Current reading 03128/2014 305 Decoupling adjustment rate has Previous reading 02127/2014 267 changed. This adjustment makes Metered Usage 48 CCF X Therm factor of 1,01014 = Therms usad In 29 days = 49 up for any shortfall or excess In Next molar reading .04/3012014 sales revenue that Is not due Next billing date 05109/2014 to weather. Questions? Call YOUR BILL IN DETAIL ComAnd Firm Rate 612 - 372 - 4727,1- 800 - 245 -2377 Basic charge $12.00 or visit CenterPointEnergy.coml Delivery charge 49 therms 0 $0.153391THM 7.52 decouplingadjustment. Decoupling adjustment 49 therms @ - $0.021421T'HM -1.05 Gas Affordability PRG 49 therma @ $0.004901T HM 0.24 Your account is ready to view Cost of gas* 49 therms @ $0.910201T HM 44.60 now. register for free online *Includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.40269 account access. View balance, Interim rate adjustment 2.1$ usage history, make an online (Basle Chg + ($0.65930 *th9rnis))" 4,88000% payment, view recommendations Total current charges $66.47 for saving energy and motley with My'Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterPointEnergy,com! myaccountonline. Avg dally gas uae: This period this yr 1.7 TttM; We period last yr 0.0 THM Page 1 of 1 Avg dally tamp: This porlod this yr 23 "F; this parlod last yr 27 OF el CenterPolnt Mail this portion with payment. Please do not Indude lotters or notos. Account number 9739641-0 Date due 0412912094 Al"Thene Total amount due $ 55.47 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 9444 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 *' IlrllllrltllIIIlbIlrllll. Irul' ll 'll "'I'Illllllllllll'11111 Jill 1 00019704 01 AV 0.3781 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 505 WALNUT ST STE 'I MONTICELLO, MN 55362.8822 11111 11111111111111111 lllllll hill III I Jill llll Jill II 0300085352932 00720DOOD97396410100000006547170000DO65478D Centeffloint. EMAMM Customer name CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN .Energy Account number 9739645 -1 Always Tl eW Billing date 04/01/2014 Date due 04129/2014 Total amount due $12.59 OUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? i -.... =Y` -Centeri'ofnt Energy ACCT SUMMARY �I �Yr:,;_...';,; ,i ;` ' : ? Gas charges PO BOX 1144 Previous balance L0.'° $13.39 '' ` ' Ii � MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 p�ment 03/27/2014 4 I 13.39 (Address not for bill payment) Balance forward 0.00 r't�r ? r ='- Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 'Bill Current billing g . 12.59 , Info 612 »321 -4939 Total amount due $12.59 CenterPointEnergy,com ;`'• , ,`I SERVICE ADDRESS 106 E Broadway St Monticello MN 55362 -9321 DID YOU KNOW? YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M19802312709 29 Day billing period 0212712014 to 03/28/2014 Effective March 1, 2014, the Current reading 03/28/2014 2364 Decoupling adjustment rate has Previous reading 02/27/2014 2364 Changed. This adjustment makes Metered Usage 0 CCF x Therm factor of 1,01914 = Therms used In 29 days = 0 up for any shortfall or excess In Next meter reading 04130/2014 sales rovenue that is not due Next billing date 05/01/2014 to wosther. Questions? Call YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Corn /Ind Firm Rate 612 - 3724727,1$00- 245 -2377 Basic; charge $12.00 or visit CenterPointEnergy.coml Delivery charge 0.00 decouplingadjustment. Decoupling adjustment 0.00 Gas Affordability PRG 0.00 Your account Is ready to view Interim rate adjustment 0.59 now. Registerforfree online (Baelc Chg + ($0.65930'therms)r4.88000% account access. View balance, usage history, make an online Total current charges $12,59 payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at ContorPointEnorgy.coml myaccountonline. A Avg daily gas use: This paciod thta yr0.0 THM; thlu period last yr 8.3 THM CenterPolnt. AlwlgmThin CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 564404144 Page 1 of 1 Avg daily temp: This parfod this yr 23 °F; Us pedod last yr 27 IF C7 Mail Ihls pordon vAth paymord, Plema do net Incfuds ietters er notes. Account number Date due Total amount due Amount paid CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 40 HOUSTON TX 77210.4671 11 1111111111kiI oil I1111111[ 1]1h1111111111 Jill III 111ll1lh1l 00019701 01 AV 0.378 1 9739645 -1 04/29/2014 $12.59 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO, !VIN 55362 -8822 h�i�lll> ahllnrlllrllll�ul�lrllilllllllll 'llnllllllillllllbll '� Q3000853529140 007 20000097 39645170000000712590000090125910 Page 1 of 1 Atig dally Iemp: This paned this n 23 °F; tills period last yr 27 T cef terpefflf. Mail this portion Will payment. Please do not Include letters or notes. �Oy Account number 9429449 -3 Date due 0412912014 nfw%m Il'ere Total amount due $12.59 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ �� PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 554"4144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ISO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 tl11111111111111111111111111111 111 1111111111111111111111111,di111 08819538 01 AV 0.378 1 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -01521 ��Ill�lll�ll�mlrlr6�lllrr�l��hlul '!�I'Ill�rrlrl��rlllllnlll M0108200085 00 7200000942 `144937OU0000012590000000125910 Enffgy Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429449 -3 Always There. Bailing date 0410112014 Date due - __..ORf2912p14 Total amount due $12,60 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? iF : +•! ";� ;:'" � `•:e: s .2....: ; s` . %.17.7 !i t4 {:.,'4.- ! — CenterPoint Energy ACCT SUMMARY � :i t!'• @T . <<, .... •:...� ..., ,.,.., �,.., , ; s l h � �'das charges PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55$40 -1144 Previous balance i , " $12,59 ` Address not for bill payment) Payment 0312712014 s'? �� A i g i I I -12.69 Balance forward � $0.00 Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Current bliing 12,59 � 12,59 Bill irtfn 612- 321 -4939 CenterPolntEnergy.com Total amount due — '' '- ' , ... . ,.'..� , r ..! j $12.58 SERVICE AWRESS ,.. .. .'._.. . ' '.... 202 Pine St Monticello MN 55362 -8565 DID VOU KNOW? YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M19822312867 28 Day hailing period 02127/2014 to 0312812014 Effective March 1, 2014, the Current reading 03/28/2014 5486 Decoupling adjustment rate has Previous reading 02/27/2014 5486 changed. This adjustment makes Metered Usage 0 CGF X Therm factor of 1,01914 a Thum used In 29 days = 0 up for any shortfall or excess in Next meter reading 0413012014 sales revenue that is not due Next bllling date 05101.12014 to weather. Questions? Call YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comllnd Firm Rate 612-372-4727,1-800-245-2377 Basic charge $12.00 or visit CenterPointEnergy.com/ [Delivery charge 0.00 decouplingadjustment. Decoupling adjustment 0.00 Our. Affordability PRG 0,00 Your account is ready to view Interim rate adjustment 0.59 now. Register for free online (Basic Chg + ($0.65930 1herms)) 14.88000% account access. View balance, — usage history, make an online Total current charges $12.59 payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterPointEnergy.com/ myaccuuntoniine. Page 1 of 1 Atig dally Iemp: This paned this n 23 °F; tills period last yr 27 T cef terpefflf. Mail this portion Will payment. Please do not Include letters or notes. �Oy Account number 9429449 -3 Date due 0412912014 nfw%m Il'ere Total amount due $12.59 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ �� PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 554"4144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ISO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 tl11111111111111111111111111111 111 1111111111111111111111111,di111 08819538 01 AV 0.378 1 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -01521 ��Ill�lll�ll�mlrlr6�lllrr�l��hlul '!�I'Ill�rrlrl��rlllllnlll M0108200085 00 7200000942 `144937OU0000012590000000125910 �Cen %rPoint. Energy AlwaysThew.° '— 'QUES'T'IONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy _P0 BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Bill Info 612 - 321 -4939 CenterPointEnergy.corn DIDYOU KNOW? Effective March 1, 2014, the Decoupling adjustment rate has changed. This adjustment makes up for any shortfall or excess In sales revenue that Is not due to weather. Questions? Call 612- 3724727,1.800- 245 -2377 or visit CenterPointEnergy.coml decouplingadjustment. Your account is ready to view now. Register for free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterPointEnergy.com/ myaccountonline. ACCTSUMMARY Pravlousbalance Pa meat 03127/2014 'y .,I{ ;8..�}r:m.a.e: -w? .rr.=�,:sls ;A Gas charges ": ;' ' ' r t l -365.60 Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429448 -5 Billing date 04/0112014 Date due 0412912014 Total amount due $ 362.28 ACCTSUMMARY Pravlousbalance Pa meat 03127/2014 'y .,I{ ;8..�}r:m.a.e: -w? .rr.=�,:sls ;A Gas charges ": ;' ' ' r t l -365.60 Balance forward ,; i.j °' APR ­7 2014 '` , D.00 current billing -6.94 Gas AffordablIlty PRG 324 therms @ $0.004901THM 362.29 Cost of gas" 324 therms Qa $0.910281THM 294.93 `includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.40269 , Total amount due 11,01 (Basic Chg + ($0,65930'lherms))'4.88000% $362.29 SERVICE.ADDRESS 206 Plne Bt t- . - ,r;... _ ....... ...................._... ..... .. Monticello MN 55362.8665 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M19802312869 29 Day billing period 02f27/2014 to 0 312 812 01 4 Current reading 03/2812014 2483 Previous reading 02127/2014 2145 Metered Usage 318 GGF X Therm ractorol 1.01014 = Therms uasd In 28 days a 324 Next meter reading 04/3012014 Next Wiling data 05!0112014 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comilnd Firm Rate Basic charge $4P.Q0 Delivery charge 324 therms $0.153391THM 49.70 Docoupling adjustment 324 therms Q .$0.021421THM -6.94 Gas AffordablIlty PRG 324 therms @ $0.004901THM 1.59 Cost of gas" 324 therms Qa $0.910281THM 294.93 `includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.40269 Interim rate adjustment 11,01 (Basic Chg + ($0,65930'lherms))'4.88000% Total current charges $362,29 Avg daily gas use: This paned this yr 11.2 THM; this period Inal yr U.1 THM Page 1 of 'I CentrerPoint. Enorgy Always There.• CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOIL 1144 MINNEAPOLIS WIN 55444 -1144 Avg daily lamp: Ttda padod I1115 yr 23 °F; Ihls podud test yr 27 OF �7 Mall this pardon with payment. Please da not Include lutlers or nolas. Account number 9429448 -5 Data due 04/29/2014 Total amount due $ 362.28 Amount paid $_ CENTFRPOINT ENE=RGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 II�Illlrll�lllllll�Illl11�1rll�ll 'll °i1'�l[I���1'111�'1��11�i'1� 00019634 01 AV 0.378 1 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -8821 11111111511111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 11�i llln'� 07110108200077 0072000009.429448520000003 2290OUnUO3622970 orgy Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429460 -1 Always There? Bluing date 0410112014 Date due 04/29121114 Total amount due $ 293.16 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? ConterPolnt Energy --- PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday-Call 8 a.m. - 5 p,m. Bill into 612 -321 -4939 CenterPointEnergy.com DID YOU KNOW? Effective March 1, 2014, the Decoupling adjustment rate has changed. This adjustment makes up,for any shortfall or excess'in sales revenue that is not due to weather. Questions? Call 612-372-4727, 1- 800 -246 -2377 or visit CenterPointEnergy.corn/ decouplingad justment. Your account is ready to view maw. Register for free online accauni access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My'EnergyAnalyzer, and much more. Register at CentorPointEnergy.aom/ myaocountonline. ACCT SUMMARY Previous balance Current billing Total amount due �' Gas charges s . : $282.03 293,16 $293.16 SERVICE ADDRESS ; Basic charge 112 E Broadway 8t :1 :i o , }r • '�° > ,, ... .° , ",£." :.: } Monticello MN 56362 - 4654.,•.,... .:. - - ..:...- ..... . .. ... ....:._ _, YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M19909103467 20 Day bllling period 0212712014 to 03/2812014 Currant reading 03/28/2014 6014 Previous reading 02/27/2014 4766 Metered Usage 248 CCF X Therm factor of 1.01914 =• Therms used in 29 days = 263 Next meter reading 04/3012014 Next billing date •0610112014 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL, Com /Ind Firm Rate Basic charge $16.00 Delivery charge 253 therms @ $0.15081/THM 38.15 Decoupling adjustment 253 therms @ - $0.013921THM -,3.62 Gas Affordabiltty PRG 263 therms @ $0.004901THM 1,24 Cost of gas* 263 therms @ $0,910281THM 230.30 "includes a purchased.gas ad]ustment of $0.40269 Interim rate adjustment 6.99 (Basic Chg + ($0.66672 *therms))`4,88000% Total current charges $293.16 Avg dally gas use: Tide period this yr 8.7 THM; this period last yr 10.9 THM Page 1 of 1 Avg dally temp: This period Ibis yr 23'F; Ibis porlod lost yr 21 V 'sr Ce>)ferPOflirf Mall this portion with payment. Please do nol Inctuds Ieltars or notes. s eL71�r�Y Account number 9429450 -1 Date due 04/29/2014 AlwaysThme Total amount duo $ 293,16 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN $5440 -1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 r rilllj�I�tIOIII III IIIIII III [III Jill III Ili 11111111111 ~111111111111 0001953301 AV 0.378 t THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, MN 66362 -8821 ��Ilu�li1L�i�ll�iil�lihnlln�Il�llilill ,Il�w111i�Illlihl�llll 0700108200093 00720000C]9 429450150000002 931160000000931630 Gary Fkegren Pizza Factory 600 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 INVOICE Invoice # 12967 Billing Date 91512014 Billing Period Terms Due on receipt _ .j Architectural Services Provided Fate (quantity Amount Proposed Pizza Factory Location - 600 Gedar Street, Monticello, MN 55362 Pizza Factory Concept Planning from existing space 3,000,00 3,000.00 to now location - measuring and documenting existing equipment and plan concepts for new location 15 °1b (1.6% monthly) interest on unpaid amounts 20 days after invoice date Totat Invoice $3,000.00) *0'µV Rrgo OMB Approval No. 2502.0265 A. Settlement Statement (HUD -1) Rx aaa� B. Twos of Loan 1. [] FHA 2. E] RHS 3. ❑ Conv. Unins. 6. 4. E] VA 5. E] Conv, Ins. 01009 File Number: -14 7. Loan Number: 8. Mortgage Insurance Case Number: C. Nate: This form is furnimod to give you a statement of actual setlement costs. Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown. Items marked "{p.o.c.)' were paid outside the closing; they ore shown here for informational lowposes and are not included in the totals. D. Name and Address of Borrower: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 E. Name and Address of Seller: Monticello Uqucr, Inc. 130 East Broadway, P.O. Box 48 Monticello, MN 55362 F. Name and Address of Lender: G. Property Location: 130 BroadwayrAvenue East Monticello, MN 55362 Wright County, Minnesota The Northerly 110.00 feet of Lots 10 and 11, Block 34, and the Northerly 110 feet of the H. Settlement Agent: Preferred Tate, Inc. 113 West Broadway, PO Box 727 Monticello, MN 55362 Ph. (763)295 -6140 I. Settlement Date: April 15, 2014 Place of Settlement: 113 West Broadway, PO Box 727 Monticello, MN 55362 J. Summary of Borrower's transaclton K. Summary of Seller's transactlon 100. Gross Amount Due from Borrower: 400. Grass Amount Due to Seller: 101. Contract sales pirice 275,000.00 401, Contract sales arloo 275,000.00 102. Personal propartX 402. Personal pro2arty 103. Settlement Charges to Borrower Line 1400 2,829.25 403. 104. 404. 105. 405. Adjustments for Items paid by Seller in advance Ad ustments for Items paid by Seller In advance 106. CitylTownTaxes to 406. CityffownTaxos to 107. Count Taxes to 407. CourityToxas to 108. Assessments to 408. Assessments to 109. 409. 110- 410. 111. 411. 112. 412. 120. Gross Amount Due from Borrower 277,829.25 420. Gross Amount Due to Seller 275,000.D0 200. Amounts Paid by or in Behalf of Borrower 500. Reductions In Amount Due Seller: 201. Deposit or earnest money 501. Excess do posit see instructions 202. Principal amount of new loans 502. Settlement charges to Seller Line 1400 203. Existing loans taken sub'ect to 503. Extstin loans taken sub'ect to 204. 504, Payoff First Mortgage 205. 505. Pa off Second Mar e e 206. 506. 207. 507. Water Bill - $359.33 POC to City, of Monticello 208. 508. 209. 509. Ad ustments for items unpaid by Seller Ad ustmenls for Items unpaid by Seller 210. Cif frown Taxes to 510. CItVfTownTaxes to 211. County Taxes to 511. Count Taxes to 212. Assessments to 512. Assessments to 213. 513. 214, 514. 215. 515. 216. 516. 217. 517. 21 B. 516. 219, 519. 220. Total Paid by/for Borrower 520. Total Reduction Amount Due Seller 300. Cash at Settlement fromllo Borrower 600. Cash at settlement tolfrom Seiler 301. Gross amount due from Borrower line 120 277 829.25 6D1. Gross amount due to Seller line 4217 275 000.00 302. Less amount paid by flor Borrower line 220 { ) 602. Less reductions due Seller line 520 { 303. Cash ❑X From 0 To Borrower 277,829.25 603. Cash [g] To ❑ From Seller 275,000.00 Paid ouralde d cln.leg by bu raver4a), sellor (S), Iwtder {y, or thgd-perty(T) The pubec hTurgng Burden far [his odlme ion d Infwmslkn h esllmaW d 35 minules per respmsafw WInIing, rMmIng, end repwtlng Ihadala This agency map not cdlocl this inrormallm, and you aro nak required locampleterhts fwm, unless Itdisplays acurrently valid OMB confrd number. Noconfidenldily Is assured; this disclosure Is mwdalny. This 13 designed to prwldethe panes toa RESPAcwwed tracsaetlo AM rnkrmallon during greseglemenl process. Page 1 of 3 HUD -1 (01009- 14.PFD 101 009 - 1 4/21) L. Settlement Charges x00 To a.:tiieaCElata e�[PL(eG : _ __ _ Paid Frorn Borrowers Funds at Settlement Paid From Sellers Funds et Settlement Oivislon of commission (fine 700) as follows: 701. to 702.$ to 703. C nnAssion isaid at setllemen 704. 705. 80 91,11 -. . .. - 801. Our origination charge $ from GFE #1 802. Your credit or charcia oink for the s 'fi (from GFE #2 our adlusted orlaination r iromGFE A 0. 804. Appraisal fee to E 805. Credit Report to from GFE #3 806, Tax wvlre to from GFE 93 807. Flood certification to (from GFE M 809. Were GFE 3 810. from GFE #3 �fl ➢Jt!} e _ �cl''ti_ =�_ :__ '1 ; =,l�A a_ Ca _ g..s 901. Dal Interest charges from to jlda y (frornGFEA101 902. Mortgage Insurance premium for months to from GFE #3 903. Homeowner's insurance for years 10 (from GFE 411 904. from G FE #11 905. from GFE #it 48ti0 Resaivew, epos twlth ender _ _ 1001. Initial deposit for your escrow account (from GFE #9 1002. Homeowner's Insurance months QD per month $ 1003. Mor a e insurance months 0 per month 1004. Property tares $ 1005. 1008. months @ per month $ 1007. months @ per month $ 1006. $ 1009. $ 1101. T01e services and lender's title Insurance (from 0 FE #4) 952.00 1102. Settlement or closing fee to Preferred Title Inc. 500.00 1103. Owner's tftle Insurance to Preferred Title, Inc. in Trust for Commonwealth from GFE #5 916.75 1104. Lender's title Insurance to Preferred Title, Inc. In Trust for Commonwealth $ 1105. Lender's title policy limit $ 1106. Owner's We policy limit $ 275,000.00 1107. Agent's portion of the total We insurance premium t0 Preferred Title, Inc. $ 735.00 1106. Underwriter's portion of the total title insurance remium to Preferred Titlo, Inv, in Trust for Commonwealth $ 183.75 1109. $ 1110. $ 1111. $ 1112. $ 1113. $206= _ everrlmentiReco MO: Imo. L` _ O . 1201. Government recordinq charges to Wright County Recorder from GFE #7 46.00 1202. Deed 46.00 Mortgage $ Releases $ Other 1203. Transfer taxes to Wright Count Treasurer from G FE #B) 907.50 1204. OR CCount taWstam Deed Mortgage 1205. State taWslam Geed $ 907.50 Mofl a e $ 1206. ion Fee to Wrl ht Count Treasurer 5.00 13tl0 JAildltloAa1 :8a1tlet�nelit`GFfern'es __ 1301. Required services that you can shop for (from GFE #6 1302. $ 1303. $ 1304. $ 1305. $ 1M19 :TSFtT�tt amen ;Charges_{ sofa %gO;Iliiaa�.09 I��I:anti�92z114�- -iS) Bi?5 �-� ' Pmtl ansidool closing by barn or(B),seller(S),lenda(y, or Ihird-parly(TI Certilled to be a true copy. Page 2 of 3 HUD-1 {01009- 14.PFD101009- 14121} CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available docuir. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ f .� Transaction type: �( In person Phone order _ Internet Other Circle purchaser ntune., Jeff O'Neill Cathy Shuman Kerry Burri AngajLeerho��f h U nn loki y en Mega n Bainett- Livgard Tom Kelly Angie McIntire Finance Depart rnent Usp* F.. UseTax2 Yes No )jate-.processedl: Initials: _... ___.. Transaction for Supplies Repair parts Rental Parking Seminars or Hr A.ttendec(s; Location _ Circle department 101 -41110 103 -41310 101 -41410 101 -41520 101, -4 9 - aa1 Other Circle expense code 420200 420300 420990 421990 422990 431960 4319 3220 2# 0 433100 443300 443700 443990 Other W R - 2 2014 � Smom- - MONTICELLO KAIN PO - NONTICELLO, I111rinesota $0.49 { 553629356 2663650984 -0098 04/01/2014 (763)295 -2213 040305 PM Salss Receipt $2.70 Product Sale Unit Final Description Qty Price Price OWASSO OK 74055 Zane -4 $0.49 First -Class Mall Letter $6,49 0.70 oz. $12.96 Expected 091tvary, Fri 04/04/14 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.70 @O Certified $3.30 USP5 Certified I4a1l #: Transaction #: 838 70060100000362841596 23 903341360 Issue PVI: =- gQQwww $6.49 ILONTICELLO MN 5$362 Zone -0 $0.49 { First -Class Mail Letter 0.70 ox. Expected Delivery: Wed 04/02/14 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.70 00 Certified $3.30 USP5 Certified Mail #: 70060100000362841572 Issue PVI, $6,49 Total, $12.96 Paid by: VISA Account #: XXXXXXXXXXXX7045 Approval #, 002769 Transaction #: 838 23 903341360 @tr For tracking or inquiries go to USPS.com or call 1 -800- 222- 1811. Dues %mbershlpa and Subscriptions Licenses and Permits Miscellaneous Other Expense City Containers Amount $417.08 Solid Warts Management Tax $70,48 m So astc Apartma »t ➢escrlpHon Amount MWTa$ 1453-ColfCoursa 13 Yard 1 .$30.50 $5,70 Total $35,80 1454.1311ison Park 3 yard $30,27 $5,15 $35,42 1455 • WeekBridgo nark 2yard $20.40 $3,47 $23,87 1456- MonlimlloSowagoPlant 2yard $20.40 $3,47 $23,87 1401 HsstBlvd 1456 - Monticello Sewaga Plant 3 yard $76.51 $13,01 $89,52 1401 Hart MA 1458 -City Hall 3.3 yards $178,52 $30.35 $208.87 505 Wuloot St 1459- ManllcelloLibrary 2yard $10,20 $1.73 $11,93 611 St & Wolunt 4458- Hi- WayLiquors 3yard $20,40 $3.47 $23,87 545 Pico St RDA 95 gatIr"ll $6,84 $1.17 $1755 100 aroadwayE 65 gal recycle $2.49 Flower Park 3yard $20,40 $3,47 $23,87 9155 VallonR Avenua AL WSB dcAmoc�' dafa. hic. Engineering 1 Planning I Environmental 1 Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City of Monticello March 19, 2014 inneepolis, MN 55416 Attn: Wayne Oberg, Finance Director Project No: 01494 -7 0.763- 541.4600 505 Walnut Street, Suito 1 Invoice No: 8 41 -1700 Monticello, Mid 55362 -8831 Economic Development & Market Matching 0 Professional Services from February 011, 2014 to Pebruary T$, 2014 .w Phase 01 2013 -2014 -- Fee Total Fee 32,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Earned 32,000.00 Previous Fee 13111ing 28,000.00 Current Foe Billing 4,000,00 Total Fee 4,000.00 Total this Phase $4,000.00 Comments: Total this Invoice ' $4,000.00 Approved lay: Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Project Manager: Jahn Uphoff St. Cloud a Minneapolis I St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer Wsueng.mm AP 4 ?'114 r .. CHECK REQUEST FROM; Kitty Baltos, Community Center Director CHECK AMOUNT: I REQUEST DATE; 41JI4- Check to; Harry T. Lantto Vendor # 907— 2nd Ave S Buffalo, MN 55313 Meeting Worked: Plannine Commission Date 14 Time Dlig EDA Meeting Date Time Amount Due Other Date Time Amount Due Total Due: Planning Commission: EDA Other Authorized r � Date TIME SHEETS ATTACHED "Please return to DITTY for forwarding" if MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER TIME 81-1-EET Employee Name HARRY LANTTO Position PUBLIC MEETING RECORDER - CONTRACT 1,-M--- 4, DATE,' TIME iliF TTME QTJ Hours Worked Meeting FP4 Meetina Pavmeat Agreement: MELTING REC( SIGNATURE: DATE: q / AUTHORIZED DATE- $50 for first 3 hours $10 per hour for every hour after Harry T. Llantto 0� 08"'r ROBERT J, HiR1A3 A. csrr COf1NTYA0DTfOr+/fRBA5t1R1 R 95 le 3HCONO STMT N.W. ROOM 252 03 BUITALO, MN 5531.3.1194 10, a 763a2-75 2 ar 763-682-7584 www.co.wtigbl•ma,us Property ID #' R165-171 -000060 . . Taxpayer ID Number. 248203 2014 1905 CITY OF mowncELLO Fh. `A "' 505 WALNUT sT STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822: _v IIPIFIIa�ltr. rrlll, IIIlult�llr '�il��lt��hrli111111�9r+Irrt�l $$$ You maybe eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your properly tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. TAX STATEMENT 2014 2013 Values for Taxes Payable 1n if your address has Changed please checkthis bo-x and show ice change on f", flack of thls stub. VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION Sentin March 2013 2. use arse amamis on Porm MIPR to sea ifyou are eligible for a special refimd. Taxes Pa able Year. 2015 2014 Tahmated et value: 143 9D T27M 1l=U1etdJ8=lusbM: Step Taxable Market Vahre: 143.590 129y00 Now1copaovemenW 1,512.00 1'3xpired 13zc1usions: /l P�YGlageiEcatioa: .AONMTb AGNASTD A. Agricultural market value credit 1Px' app" Dosuiptlan: 9ec1- i0Tap12 1Ragge-025OTTERCRBMCROSSING (M( CEL I3.67AC 0Ipi7.OT P gig PROPOSED TAX sent in No ,erbe zi3 Step 1,628.00 1,51280 Proposed Tax: 1,512.00 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO FDA 6. County PROPERTY Step First-half Taxes: 716.00 606A6 second- balfTaxec 756.00 3 Taal Taxes Doe is 2014: 1,512.00 1. Use this aznaunt on Poxm M1Plt W sea ifyou era eiigibla for o pn)party tax reflmd FLIASIAM THE BAUOME STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. �� Pile by August 15. If" box is claw ad, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. ❑ if your address has Changed please checkthis bo-x and show ice change on f", flack of thls stub. d 2. use arse amamis on Porm MIPR to sea ifyou are eligible for a special refimd. FULL TAX AMOUNT: Your Property Tax and Credits Bill Number 67753 PENALTY. 3. Your property texas be &M credits 1,628,00 1,512.00 4- Creditsd,al tedaceyourproperly1mea �6 Bill Number: an53 PENALTY: A. Agricultural market value credit gram S. other Credits gig ID Number. 248208 5. Property cases after credits 1,628.00 1,51280 Property Tax by Jurisdiction CITY OF MONTICELLO FDA 6. County 636.43 564.02 7. City or Town (CM OF MONTICELLO) 606A6 580.77 8. Stara Geaeral Tax 9. School District (0882) A. Voter approved levies, 213.06 227.52 B. Otber loan] levies 163.31 139.39 10- SpeoW Taring Districts MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 eon�wisentwee sreredve mMaxddc�arewreeume�ebiuwunaemecea unuuesn A. !;Mt, RP 8.72 11. Non- scbeol voter approved refereadalevies 12. Total property tax before special assessments _ _ 1,628.00 1,51100 Special Assessments on your Propertyt 13. Special ssasssnaram - 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIALASSFS4MENTS 11626.00 1,51100 ^T J W PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB FLIASIAM THE BAUOME STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. �� TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: NOVEMBER 18 if your address has Changed please checkthis bo-x and show ice change on f", flack of thls stub. d Property ID Number. R15s-171- 000060 [SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $756.00 FULL TAX AMOUNT: $1,512.00 Bill Number 67753 PENALTY. TOTAL: g l i IA Number 248203 MMKE CHECKS PAYABLE &.MAIL i0: �6 Bill Number: an53 PENALTY: ROBRRT]. IMVAI.A gram walarr CO1lMAUJ)nVR&RSns[Atelt gig ID Number. 248208 1050001 ST=N.W.R00M232 SI11PAfb, ARS 55313-1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO FDA ROBERT], MEV'AIA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 WRUU CODNIYAOITORIMASUffi R MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 arsr«psoma��n.racesvo „a. ay.aarma tar #tawsrcmss uenm a 10 S8mm STREBIN.W. ROODS 232 PAYABLE 2014 7s1 HALF PAYMENT STUB ^ rR FLEAsPADTHE BACKOFTHEBTATEMENTFORIMPORTANTINFORWIlION . has o check this box �� TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 15 a olhe Mee and address and show the char a Dn the back of This stub. FULL TAX AMOUNT: $1,512.00 0 Property ID Number. 8155.171- 00006 FIRST 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $75&00 Q Bill Number: an53 PENALTY: TOTAL: gram gig ID Number. 248208 Off CHECKS PAYASLE &MAILTO.. ROBERT], MEV'AIA WRUU CODNIYAOITORIMASUffi R 10 S8mm STREBIN.W. ROODS 232 811n I.O, MN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO FDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 eon�wisentwee sreredve mMaxddc�arewreeume�ebiuwunaemecea unuuesn 5914 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, YN 55402 (812) 337 -9300 April 15, 2014 Statement No, 119643 Monticello EDA 506 Walnut Ave, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through March 31, 2014 MN325 -00028 Liquor Store Acquisition I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is Just and correct and that no part of It has been paid. Signature of Cla 6 nt APR 16 2014 " :.. 1, 071.25 Total Current Billing: 1,071,25 Page; 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 r�'E:'l; Minneapolis, MN 55402 A Monticello EDA March 31, 2014 MN326 -DO028 Liquor Store Acquisition Through March 31, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows; Hours Amount 313112014 MNI Phone conversation with W Oberg regarding status of 0.30 66,60 liquor store PA and need for liability waiver; office conference with S Sonsalla regarding same, 314/2014 MNI Email to W Oberg regarding liability waiver; review same 1.30 240.50 from S Sonsalla and modify. 3/6/2014 MNI Email and phone correspondence with A Schumann, W 1.40 259.00 (berg regarding PA, need for City action, and waiver; revise PA and waiver; review staff report. 3/612014 MNI Review EDA staff report for approval of PA, 0,20 37,00 3/24/2014 CsR Review title and purchase agreement; a -mails regarding 1.76 222.25 specials, utilities and closing; draft worksheet and send to sellers 3125!2014 CSR E -mails regarding closing issues 0,25 31.75 3126/2014 CBR Draft closing documents 1.75 222.25 Total Services: $ 9,068.26 For All Disbursements As Follows: 3/24/2014 American Office products - Tabs 3.00 Total Disbursements: $ 3.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 1,071.25 Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th street Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 -1625 LISA Voice: 612-851-5900 Fax: 612- 851 -5951 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Sold To: City of Monticello Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice Invoice Number: 364a Invoice Date: ?1/1.114 Page: 1 Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Rep 1D DUo Date TTF' 22 Net 30 Days ..�..._.�........��_ 5/11./19 ,._...._I Description Amount For services related to TIF District Management, TIP 22. Please see attached 980.01 detail. I f i Ak ft PAV__�' Subtotal 4H.00 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 480.00 Check No: payment. Received TOTAL Northland Secutlties, Inc. 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000, Minneapolis, MN 55402 'ton tree 1800- 851 -2920 wiR 612- 851 -5900 r� 612 -851 -5987 www.norrhlanducuricies.rom Member FINRA and STC NORTHLAND STRATEGIES 5peclal Projects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client; City of Monticello Project: TIP District Management, TIP 22 Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing period: March 2014 Services Performed • Preparation of material and presentation • Present at FDA meeting • Present at City Council meeting Staff Time Expenses Position Senior Professional Professional Support Total Staff Mileage Printing Other Total Expenses Project Stnnmary Total Budget* Billed This Period Billed Previous Budget Remaining *Billing on an hourly basis. o trs ate Billable 3.00 $160 $480.00 - $135 $0,00 - $105 $0.00 3.00 $480,00 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $0.00 $� ($480.00) ($3,040.00) $(3,520.00) Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 n !L AW 111Afi - r4.. t` NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Page I of l Z 3 MAULING ADDRESS ACCOUNT PPUMBER Seeaurwehsite: xcelenergy -com Email us at Q xcw MONTICELLOEOA 600 WALNUT ST STE 1 51- 0623082 -8 I;5106M2014 1 -600 -895 -4949 Fax: MONTICEILD MN 55352 -8022 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE XCEL ENERGY 17 NRSPONBISLE OV NPTTURVO 19 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0008 21 22 n M 408026220 04/09/2014 28 n !L AW 111Afi - r4.. t` Temperature Electricity kWh Electriclty Cost Z 3 4 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeaurwehsite: xcelenergy -com Email us at Customersewiceexcelenergy.Com Please Call: 1 -WO 401 -4700 Nearing Impaired : 1 -600 -895 -4949 Fax: 1800-311 -0050 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY 17 PD BOX 8 19 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0008 Xceffinergyo SUMMARY OF.CURRENT CIIA EleCtrUty SefvlCEI Non - Recurring Charges/ Credits Current Charifes 5 {dettliledclharges'b�pi - orl ;pege'ZJ'•�- • ., �• -> . ..,__; -a 10/14- 04/08/14 k�.w'' i _1 % v,.;'� '1 d - CH } APR 14 2014 �.01 Ili ACCOUNT BALANCE r Previous Balance As of 03/10 Payment Received Check 03/26 Balance Forward $47:IO Current ChaTpes -$1.00 CR s _ Amount pug $16.1fl INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment, f :.d Convenience at your service - Pay your bills electronically -fast and easy with Electronic Funds Transfer. Call us at 1 -800 -484 -4700 or visit us at s , www.xcelonergy.com. RkTUHN UOTTQM PORMON WITH Y011H PAYMENT - PLEASEI O NOTUSC STAPLES,TAPE (DI.PAPER CUPS ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE 111111M=1 51- 0623082 -8 05/06/2014 ,16.10 Please aee the back of this bill fur in are informaton .regarding the late payment charge. Pay on orbafore11m date due to avoid assassmontof a late paymom chargo. Make your chock payable to HCEL ENERGY AV 0101715011 94320B 7fi A**SDGT Itltlrlllt'1'11'Il" 11111111111111111 11111111611111111111111H 11 NOW!"IMLL4 EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 7 MONTIMLLD NN 55302 -8831 "I'11u11u'I'lllrlll.11111' III '1!!11 "t'It111'II "'ll'11111l111 XCEL ENERGY P,O, BOX 9477 MPLS VIN 66484 -9477 31 51050614 OL230828 *000BU0©10DIGU 111300 11610 Q J 7 Z 3 4 3 7 8 9 to 11 1z 13 14 1� 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 n M 26 28 27 28 2a so at "I'11u11u'I'lllrlll.11111' III '1!!11 "t'It111'II "'ll'11111l111 XCEL ENERGY P,O, BOX 9477 MPLS VIN 66484 -9477 31 51050614 OL230828 *000BU0©10DIGU 111300 11610 Q J ja Xceffinergym Celebrate Earth Month: Add a Little Renewable Energy toyour Mix. Purchase renewable energy through Windsource, our leading voluntary green power program. Its an easy and lnexpensiveway to make a difference and impress your customers. b Learn mare_ VJsiraresl#VeraycnMllWindsau= L ............. .................................. .............................._ Aage 2 04 rNd ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 51 -0623082 -8 I I 1y IN/2014 MONTICELLO EDA ' 505 WALNUT sT STE I MONTICELLO MN 553B2 8822 STATE ENT fi]UAIBER STATEMENT UATiE $10.00 408026220 04/09/2014 $16.10 SERVICE ADDRESS: 349 W BROAt1WAYST MBKTICELLO, MN 936243M NEXT READ DATE: 05/09114 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 303657a59 INVOICE NUMBER: 0518332027 ELEVRICIr1f CHARGES RATE, Sm Gen Svc (iulmred) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $10.00 Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh $0.009530 $0.00 fuel Cost Charge 0 kWh $0.035970 $0.00. Affordability Chrg $0.93 Resource Adjustment $0.41 Interim Hate Adj $0.56 Subtotal $11,60 City Fees $5.;50 Total $17.10 h10M- RCCURRING CHARGES/ COEDITS DEYAILS DESCRIPTION CHARGE REVERSE 3-1T -14 WE CHARGE -$1.00 CR Transfer from Customer - $17.10 CR 6505907 03/20 Fatal .$18.16 CR M 4. Iftstabom WIIIII traroea'Wft Know what's below beforo you dig I Hitting any gas or electric line is risky. Far that reason, If your business installed lines in additionto Xcel Energy's lines, you must hire a professional to locate them bof0re digging. Xceffinergrya. RESPONSIBLE BY MATURV QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourw6bsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at Customerservlceotcaienergy.cam Please Gall: 1- 800 -4B1 -4700 Hearing Impaired: 1- 800-8954949 Fax: 1- 800 - 311 -0060 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY Po Box a EAU CLAIREW1 b4702 -0008 Arlo Jelnerg►gr& NCKMERN STATES POWER COMPANY Pegs 1 a4 MAILING ADDRESS Temperature A A Erae>sicftlr kwh Eloctrlc!t Cost ,: �� �:± QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourw6bsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at Customerservlceotcaienergy.cam Please Gall: 1- 800 -4B1 -4700 Hearing Impaired: 1- 800-8954949 Fax: 1- 800 - 311 -0060 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY Po Box a EAU CLAIREW1 b4702 -0008 Arlo Jelnerg►gr& NCKMERN STATES POWER COMPANY Pegs 1 a4 MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUVOER A A MO NTICELLO EDA 51- 0592578 1 4 505 WALNUT ST MONT[GaLO MN 55962621 STATEMENT NUMBED STATEMENT DATE 408395561 04/ $A 186l20r ,18 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES Idetailed charges begin on page 2) Electricity Service 03/11114 - 04/09/14 0 kWh $17,10 Nan - Recurring Chargos/Credits 418.10 CR Current Charges • i ACCOUNT BALANCE A ft- Previous Balance As of 03/11 ' ` $35.20 Payment Received Check 03/N '$18.10 CR Balance Forward r $1718 !4 Current Charges .. _,,, -$1.00 CR Amount Due $16.18 a INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. Convenience at your service -Pay your bills electronically -fast and easy viritfi Electronic Funds Transfer. Call us at 1,800 -481 -4700 or visit: us at vrnvwxcelenergy.co m, PEP) WROTTOMN"ONWITH YOUR PAYU99*MsEAO OTOK- SrAMS.TAPEOnPAPERCUM ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE A A 510592578 -0 05/00/2014 $16.10 Please see the back of this bill for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before tlia date due to avoid assassmentOf a late payment charge. 7 2 3 Make your check payable to XCEL ENERGY 4 S 0 7 9 1a 1t 12 113 14 75 1G t7 AB 01 003M 9=4 B 16 A 78 19 2n 21 22 23 24 'd['IAII,jIArI AI��' IINIi11�III���II1I1 11HllII� "IIAIIIAIII]AltA1 2S YPr 27 2e 29 30 31 MONTICEL.LO FOA 505 WALNUT 5T MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8881 Ill ' Jill ILIIIII1III'" fIIIIIl1t11" IIII'AII "1' "EI1I�II'il'IIII "`Il XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 65484-9477 31 51050.814 0542578a *00000[3010000=0131610 ,J.— 0 M AILINGADDRESS ACCOUNTNUMAB1iR x mnemy* B05W LN aI>7A 51-0592578 -0 16/ 07sa s9bwaLrlursr MONTICELLO MN 653624821 STATEMENT NUMBER STATMEMT 13A7E 4063955131 04/11 /2414 $'16.10 ifs an easy and inexpensive way to make a difference and impress your Customers. Learn mare, t �isi�txralsnerg� .cars) /Wirtrlsarr�. ............... ............................... ...... ELECTRICITY CHARGES SERVICE ADDRESS: 202 PINE STMONTICELLO, MN 61362 DESCRIPTION UBARE UNITS RATE NEXT READ DATE. 06/12114 $10,00 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS 0 kWh $0,069530 Celebrate Earth Month: PR>rIVIISES NUMBER: 803547448 $0.00 Affordability Chrg INVOICR NUMBER: 0518704,962 Resource Adjustment Adel a l.alttle Renewable $0,01 Interim Rate Adj _ _ Enorgy toYour Mix. METElax72770f Read Oates, 03111/14 - 04/09/94(29 Days) Purchase renewable energythrough DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING PREVIOUS REABINO USAGE Total Energy 12939 Actual 12839 Actual 0 kWh Windsounce, our leading voluntary Demand tual a kW greed power program. Billable Dwand 0 kw ifs an easy and inexpensive way to make a difference and impress your Customers. Learn mare, t �isi�txralsnerg� .cars) /Wirtrlsarr�. ............... ............................... ...... ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sari Lela Svc (IIIlatered) DESCRIPTION UBARE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $10,00 Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh $0,069530 $0.00 Fuel Cast Charge 4 kWh $0,035970 $0.00 Affordability Chrg $0.93 Resource Adjustment $0,01 Interim Rate Adj _ _ $0.65 Subtotal $11,60 City Fees - $5,50 Total $17,10 NUN- RECURRING CHARGES 1 CREDITS DETAILS DESCRIPTION CHARGE REVERSE 3 -13 -14 LAVE CHARGE - $1.00 CR Transfer from Customer - $17.10 CH 4400193 03/30 Total - 08.10 CH E Know what's below before you dig I Hitting any gas or electric line is risky. For that reason, if your business installed lines in addition to Xcel Energy's lines, you must hire a professional to locate them before digging. J ' .Xcel nor y0 BESPBUSIBLE BY NATURE° YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE i1faE�Ir�t�I1B �3r A M J J -A S 0 N U J f M A LT AVERAGES Temperature r; Eleaticky kWh w Ei"Ieitp Cost DUESiIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourwehslte: nalenergy.com Email us at., Customersarvicoftelenorgy.com Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Please Can: 1-800- 895 -4999 Hearing Impaired: 1- UOO.895 -4949 Espaliol: 1- 800 -687 -8778 Or write us at XCEL ENERGY PO BOX e EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0008 III: wn m 1fP W ap L AWEner9Y' NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY top 1 era MAILINS ADDRESS ACGiIUNT NUMBER 05l07'f20i4 - MONTICELLO EDA 5505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 56362-8622 51- 0a1T384 -$ STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE r milli 408199827 04/10/2014 $90,53 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES ldetailed charges begin an page 21 Electricity Service 03/11/14 - 04/09/14 3 kWh $91.53 Non - Recurring Charges / Credits - $12.43 CR Current Charges -$0,90 CR ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of Qa /11: Payment Received Check o/w Balance Forward .; Current Charges;' $2,396 412.53 CR APR 1 5 2014 4i; A; , 11111.43 ' 40.90 CR Amount Due INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL; Winter protection rules will expire Tuesday, April 15, 2014. To avoid service disconnections, natural gas and electricity customers with overdue accounts should promptly contact our residential customer service line. Las reglas do proteccion de Invierno terminan, Mortas 15 de April 2414. Para-avitor desconexion do gas natural y electricidad, clients can cuentasvencidas, debe ponerse an contacto can nuestro seruicio al cliente residencial. Thank you for your payment. NUINBBTTOMPOHTIONWITHYOURPAYMEkr .19FASi No hurU$j8TAfttHT$TApkUaB,apTR0ppB, ACCOUNT NUMBER 1 DUE DATE 51 -0517384 -8 j 05/07/2014 1 $10.53 Please see the hack of this bill for more information regarding the late paymentcharga. Pay an orheforeThe date due to avoid assessmentof a late pnymontchargo. Make your check payable to XCEL,•ENER6Y AV 01 o2BW 953548118 D * *5t}GT �ihII�I��III�II��II�tRih��llilllll��dlt11911a�I lI�Il�tt�ull,� MONTICELLO FDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO NN 55362.8831 4 5 6 a 6 10 17 1- 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 2u 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 28 3D 31 II: Ip: tIi, II: I:, LIIUI�IIIU�IIIr�a�llllu�lll�I1191111uIIrht XCEI_ ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484.9477 31 51050714 05173848 *00000000100000001011 U53 S ::iJ Celebrate Earth Month. Add a laii & Renewable Energy to Your We. Sign up forwindsoure& It's a program that allows you to pay just a little extra eachmorrth to power soma, orall of your life, with renewaglewind energy. ICs an easy and inexpensive way to make a difference. ... ......n............. ...x- . ..... .. .... .. .......... n.....n ..� Loam more. visit xcelerer�rcuut/v,�n►�uu�ta j.................................. ............................... . Non 2 o a MAILING ABORM ACCOUNTWUNSER MONTICELLO EVA 505 WALNLrrST SU t 51- 05173040 lY5/D]/2�14 MONTICELLO MN 55952 022 STATIEMENT NUF b-MR STATEME TO 3 kWh $0.073930 408199821 04/1012014 3 kWh $4.033333 SERVICE ADDRESS: 492 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN IMM2 -9321 NEXT READ DATE: 55/4Y144 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMOEM 803806854 INVeICE NUMPER. 5515531483 ELECTRICITY CHARGES KAX Residential Seyvice DESCRIPTION USAQR UNITS RATE CHItRLrE Basic Service Chu $0,09 Energy Charge Winter 3 kWh $0.073930 $022 Fuel Cost Charge 3 kWh $4.033333 $0.10 Affordability Chrg $0.71 Resource Adjustment $0,01 Iruerim Rate Adj $04 Subtotal $9.50 City>=ees $1.95 Total $11-93 NON - RECURRING CHARGES CREDITS RETAILS DESCRIPTION CHARLIE REVERSE 31214 LATE CHARGE -$1.00 CR Transferfrom Customer $11A3 CH 4400193 03/20 Total, - $12A3 CB INF013MA1iION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average residedal customer, 55°1 of your bill refers to power plant costs, 9% to high voltage line costs and 36°% to the cost of local wires that are coutiectod to your home. Plain Now and Save on Summer Cooling Cosfs Electric use for cooling can reach peak levels on blistering summer days. Help reduce energy use in your home and community with a Saver's SwitchIm an your central AC. lfs M and earns you a 15°% credit on your June — September electric hill, Enroll today online at xcelenar cam�FurroslBesiderrLlal Saves 5variich or call 'I -SW198 . ' Xceffinergya RESPONSIBLE BY NAT0910e QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeoorwabsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at: Custamerservice�xcele0ergy.cum Please Call; 1. 800-481 -4700 Hearing Impaired: 1- 800-395 -4949 Fax, 1- 80(-311 -0050 Or write us at XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE W154702 -0000 PREMISES SUMMARY NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Page 1018 MAILINGADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER r MONTICEtLO EDA 51.0517365 -5 05/0$)2014 505 WALNUT ST STE I MI)WICKLOMN6MI32.0022 STATEMENT NUMBER STATIEMENTOATE Mil-11011till 406393750 04/11/2014 $84..J1 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of 021/41 .$224.46 Payment Received Check 03126 - $111,59 CR Balance Forward $112.87 Current Charges Non - Recurring Charges/ Credits $112.87 CR Amount Due $84.91 PREMISES NUI IRES PREMISES IDI NTIRER PREMISES DESCRIPTOR CURRENT BILL 302451493 206 PINE ST $50,41 302695149 112E BROADWAY ST $34.50 Total $84,91 NON - RECURRING CHARGES /CREDITS SUMMARY DESCRIPTION CURRENT BILL REVERSE 3 -13-14 LATE CHARGE 41.67 CR Transfer from Customer 906964103/20 - $11120 CR Total 4112.87 CR INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. Convenience atyourservice -Pay your bills electronically -fast and easy with Electronic Funds Transfer. Call us at 1- 800. 481.47110 or visit us at vuww.xcelenergy.com. PMRN90TTOMp0RTI0NWMJY011% PAYMENT -PLEASE 90 NOT tP9ESTAPWR,'rAPt- on PW M. UWS AIFAN � e 8 AGCQUNT UUMIiRN DUE DATE + r 51- 0517365-b 05/00/2014 1 $801 31 51050814 05173655 >K000(]DO274600000006491 L S ti �N a5r Ploase sae the back of this hlll for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessmental a Into paymantcharge. 3 Make your chock payable toXC £[.ENERGY 4 to AB 01 00337'198284 B 16 A 24 31 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 rl I r r rl t r rrri r II r Ii, r �rrr sieir I ri XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS HN 55484 -9477 31 51050814 05173655 >K000(]DO274600000006491 L S ti �N a5r Page 2 of s MAIEINQAUDEESS AMD TWOMBER r X En@Irgy� MDMICINUTSIIA 51- 0517365 9i; 01+� 595 WALNrrP ST STE 1 MORTICECLA MN 553132072 BTATFJIAENT WIIIBER ISTAWIMINT DATE i e 408393758 n4J11J2414 0431 D WAVERAGES Tempomtoro M1. Weeldpw Cost rs. SPRVICE ADDRES& ZN PINE ST MONTICELLO, WIN x5362 -M NEHT READ DATE: 95/12114 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DET-AILS PREMISES NUMBER: 302451493 ' INVOICE NUMBER: WtUX2a37 •r r• r METER772774 Read Dates: 09111114- 041091141281hyal gESCRIPi!(rN CURRENTPtADING PhtVIUIISREADINR I USAGE TofalFAGW 51421 Actual 5t129 Actual 1 2M kWh Demand TatuAl $20.51 1.7 kW MAW Demand $10.13 Affordability Virg 2 kW EI,1dMCITY ICHARGES RATE: Sun Gntn Svc JMoterad) DESCRIPTION U5AOE UNITS RATE t1r1wa — Basic service Cho $14.00 EnergyCharoo Winter 295 kWh $0.069534 $20.51 Fuel Cost Charge 295 kWh $0,034339 $10.13 Affordability Virg $OA3 Resource Adjustment $132 Interim Rate Ad! $2.02 Subtotal $4431 City Fees $5.54 Total $59.41 PremisesTatol $*, Al INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HILL For an average non- demand customer, 72% of your hill refers to power plant costs, 11% to high voltage fns costs, and 17% to the cost; of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand- billed customer, 82% of your total bill refers to ON pourer plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business, ra 1 �tw�tiara�tw�tw Know what's below before you dig Hitting any gas or electric line is risky. Forthat reason, if your business installed lines in addition to Xcel Energy's lines, you most hire a professional to locate them before digging. 7 Xcev° Tsmperaiura. Elemic'dy kWh `• 3 Eladde ry cost ; Page9oi8 — — MAKING ADDRESS ACCOUN7NUMBER 51- 0517365 -5 r r O5JOB/21)14 MONT IGEI.LO EOA 565 WA NUr ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8922 STATRIWENT NUMER I STATEMENT DATE � � 408393758 04/11/2014 $84.91 SERVICE ADDRESS: 112 R BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, UN 55807r9321 NEXT READ DATE: 65/12/14 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 302696149 INVOWE NUMBER: 0516782278 ELECTRICITY CHARGES r METEB7M132 AaadUaiss:03111l14 O4l 114(29 Da sj DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING USAGE TotalEnargy 65031 Aeival 64877 Actual 154 kWh Demand Actual Fuel Cost Charge 2.07 kW Billable OemAnd Affordability Chrg 3 kW Resource Adjustment ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE. Stn Gen Svc IMeteredj DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHAR13E Basic Service Ghg $10:00 Energy Charge Winter 154 kWh $0.058530 $10.71 Fuel Cost Charge 154 kWh $0.034351 $5.29 Affordability Chrg $4.93 Resource Adjustment $0.70 Interim Rata Adj _ „ $1.37 Subtotal ;9.00 City Fees $5.50 Total $34.50 L. Premises Total $34.50 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average non- demand customer, 72% of your hill refers to power plant costs, 111/6 to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, 82110 of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cast of local wires connected to your business. POP QUIZ What are the combined annual energy costs for U.S. commercial buildings and industrial faGilltiesT A. $202.3 billion U. $970 billion C. $2023 million D. $178.7 million Source: energystar goo/ huildfngs /gbout- usJfacts- and�tats mMQM P f: �s 7 @ Xceffinerqya MMILING ADDRESS ACCOUN HUMBER 51- 0517365 -5 4 MONI'ICELLO EGA 905 NIALNUF ST STE 1 MONTICELLOMN65362.022 STATEMENTNUMPEO STATIw1Yl&WWE 4$84.91 400393758 04/11/2014 NON- RECURRING CHARGES/CREM DETAILS DESCRIPTION CHARGE REVERSE 3- 13 -14 LATE CHARGE - $1.67 CR Transfer from Customer $111.20 CR 906964103/20 Tote/ - $11211 CR i �fi I 35 2015 Values for Taxes Payable i1T 14 ROBERT J. HIIVALA 08 tiVRIfrMCDUMA1M1�'OH111ZWUFA Taxes Payable Year: 201$ 2014 lll7 f 03 AO SBCONO STRM N,W, ROOM 252 BMALO, INN 55313 -1194 ,ate a 743.682.7572 or 7"2-75$4 wwly.co,wrlght.mn,us Property ID #: R1ss- olo-oe7ato. Taxpayer ID Number, 2482b3 bait U 2 0114 CITY OF Io owncELLO ERA 606 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 553625822 I11] 11111 1111111rril11 11161uI lrl �1Nil!Ril +u IdII�LIr:Ir�i:i ' f $$$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property fax, REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. A 10k,11pelm 14 2015 Values for Taxes Payable i1T Fife byAapstI5 .IfIltis box iscbedTA you awedol t taxes and ere not eligible. ❑ VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION sem D2 mw h 2013 2. Use those awounts on Fomt MiPR to see lryou are eUV le far a gxdat rc5md. Taxes Payable Year: 201$ 2014 Your Property Tax and Credits Batt atadMarket Valor: 3. You pro" taxes bo6za craft Xom este ed l3:colvei on: Step Taxable mA fst VaSesr NeW LmPmvemmtsf A. Agdca rant market value craft Fxphed Fxalusians: B. Corer Credit Pmpppeerriryycla Cpprtian: EUB&T EXEI'm r ' vp MONTTCSI,LE7IATS Sa 3 �41 TH .K Rao,".Ol�TMAT,MI §tep PROPOSED TAX sewrcNmemurdom 6. Cotwty Pmpmed rm: 0.00 7. City or Town (QTY OFMONTIC:ar.LO) 8. State General Tax PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Step W =cOmPrfrAUMT0RfMflASI M A. Voter approved levies Pirst- 1�it'Taxes: 59933 ED B. Otber loeW levies 70MI h1014: 1,196 66 1. Use this arammtouiarmMlP Rtoseeityousrecli &AfocapmPmtytexrefnod. __.----- -- - - -. _--- __- .. -. -_ -_ ______ -- PLEA1 ERFADTHEEACKOF THE STATEMENTFOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Fife byAapstI5 .IfIltis box iscbedTA you awedol t taxes and ere not eligible. ❑ ' 2. Use those awounts on Fomt MiPR to see lryou are eUV le far a gxdat rc5md. IV my Your Property Tax and Credits $1,186.86 3. You pro" taxes bo6za craft TOTAL: 4. Credits Neatmdace your property taxes ID Number 24a= A. Agdca rant market value craft B. Corer Credit ROS191tT J. MVALA 5. Praper(y taxes alter credits 0.00 Prope Tax by.1unsdletion 6. Cotwty IO SWOND MM MT. ROOM 232 7. City or Town (QTY OFMONTIC:ar.LO) 8. State General Tax 9, SoUdDistrict (0882) W =cOmPrfrAUMT0RfMflASI M A. Voter approved levies CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA B. Otber loeW levies a in. Special Texhog Districts 9111PAW, MN 55313 -1194 11. Nate- VU01 voter approved referenda levier a,a su a s Y °° *d^tkr WTM p "war:.0.kaCnx e. MONTICELLO UN55362 -8822 12. Total pro" lax befgre special asseasmeats 0.00 Spacial Assessments on Your Property 13. Special aasessmeats .908.08 Intsreat E 290.98 2,809.32 1,198,65 A-ROAI 1 32911 -0 x98.66 14. YOUR TOTAL FROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 2,809.32 1,198.66 --------------_______--------------------------- PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB __.----- -- - - -. _--- __- .. -. -_ -_ ______ -- PLEA1 ERFADTHEEACKOF THE STATEMENTFOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. - -_ TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 If your address has changed please check th€s box and show the change on the back of this stub. IV my Properly ID Number: R165 -010- 067090 SECOND 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $596.33` $1,186.86 Bill Number: 20899 PENALTY: TOTAL: o ID Number 24a= MAKECHEMPAYABLE &MAIL TO ROS191tT J. MVALA PEI ID Number. 24s2os WM11ICOU YAfffOPJ RE'A4= IO SWOND MM MT. ROOM 232 BllEM%MN5531 3-1194 W =cOmPrfrAUMT0RfMflASI M CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 10 SIlCO W 8nUM N.W. W0M232 a 505 WALNUT ST STE i 9111PAW, MN 55313 -1194 a,a su a s Y °° *d^tkr WTM p "war:.0.kaCnx e. MONTICELLO UN55362 -8822 _W__PAYABLE 2014 let HALE PAYMENT STUB —P`�E REAO THE BACK OFTHE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. 1 • TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 15 0 your address has g please check this box and show the change on an the back otthls stub. a I FULL TAX AMOUNT: $1,186.86 Property ID Number. 11155-010-067090 FIRST 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $599.33 92 Bill Number. 2oaeia OM"FPENALTY- TOTAL: ID Number. 24s2os MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: ROBERT J. kIIIVALA W =cOmPrfrAUMT0RfMflASI M 10 SIlCO W 8nUM N.W. W0M232 a 9111PAW, MN 55313 -1194 ` CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362.8 822 oaaapeemunwsneyesrtvo-r�maaed syar cmr rape :warmreedumynuw2d. 3819 35 AV oa 1 WEGHT oBlnEu'rY�A�n�w� sM 03 ►1T 10 ECOND SiR&>3'Y N.W. ROOM 232 N�� BUFFALO, MN 553131194 ,ass +' 7G3 G82 -7572 or 763 b82 75$4 www.cA.wifghGmn.uS Property ID #: Ri55- 010. 034130. • Taxpayer ID Number. 248203.,, R ; L 201 CITY OF MONTICELLO EbA' , ' 505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 5536MB22'•: 1141 l f I 11 nInI�1 Htl II . I'Y11l1111 I $$$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to And out how to apply. TAX STAMM ENT 014 2013 Values for Taxes Payable in t VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION SenttnM -h 2013 ❑ Ifyour address has changed Please check thla bat and show the change cn the back of this stub: Taxes Payabrq Year. 3019 2014 2. Use 91ese amotmts on Form MINK tree if you are eligible for a special refund. Estimated Market value: 160,800 179.M 110mettead EXClayipe: .']tB�3 Taxable Market Vahx: 160,600 179,700 NOW Eraprovcramw 1 Your praperty taxes before credits SxphedExclusloea: 4,290.00 &openy47astificatioa: Comm COMM 1 MNON -H RESNONd3 A. Agrlcttltarai market vahte credit Yraperty Aestrrptruae Scet -11 Twp.1211Iaags-025 0MGRiALMAT MON71QiLL0 Lot -0f 3111 o rk 03 4 i' Step PROPOSED TAX Sant in3J'ovember2073 I, L'mposedxax: 4,304.00 4,190.00 Proacrty art y Jurisdiction PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Step 402.79 386.69 First -half Taxes: 7t 2,145.00 q� 3 Serood•halfTaxes: ;+rda 2,145.00 D 8. Stare General Tax Total Taxes Duo in 2014: , i °; 4,290.00 1. Use this atnoant on Foam MOR to see if yea are eE Wa for a praparty tax refrmd, PLE48EREA0 THEEACROFVE3TATEMENT FOR NPORMNTINWRWT ION. t File by August 15. if this box is checked: you owe daHo luant taxes and are not eligible, ❑ ❑ Ifyour address has changed Please check thla bat and show the change cn the back of this stub: N 2. Use 91ese amotmts on Form MINK tree if you are eligible for a special refund. DUE: $2,145.00 Your Property lax and Credits TOTAL: ° 1 Your praperty taxes before credits 4,280.97 4,290.00 4. Credits that reduce ym pmptrly, tarns 1R0MM7 J.1111VAIA A. Agrlcttltarai market vahte credit WAIGIiP00RA 'TiTA�TfOR/PEHASOl1ffi1 B. Other Credits 10 Si ND S RW N.W. ROOM 232 ,9 5. Property taxes after creditt 4,280.97 4,190.00 Proacrty art y Jurisdiction 561 dG CotmtY 402.79 386.69 7. City orTosvn (QTY OFMONTICULO) 383.74 39636 8. Stare General Tax 1,076,20 1,06354 9.Sehooloborld (0852) A. Voter agprovedlevlea 476.97 382,81 BL Other local loops 140,83 212.05 10. Special Toxins District s A. MBL E P 5.52 B. TW 1,794.92 1,845.55 11. Non-school voter approved referenda levies 12. Total property tart bemre special astessateais 4,180.97 4,290.80 Special Assessments on Your Property 13. Spedalawmraeats 191.019 14. YOUR TC VTAL PROPERTY TAX AND S.PACL4ktASSESSM1V'1'S . 4,471.0$ 4,290.00 ^_ ^^ PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB PLE48EREA0 THEEACROFVE3TATEMENT FOR NPORMNTINWRWT ION. t TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER IS ❑ Ifyour address has changed Please check thla bat and show the change cn the back of this stub: N Property ID Number. R155 -010.034130 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $2,145.00 Bill Number: 20858 PENALTY: TOTAL: ° ID Number: 248x03 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TS: 1R0MM7 J.1111VAIA CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA WAIGIiP00RA 'TiTA�TfOR/PEHASOl1ffi1 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 10 Si ND S RW N.W. ROOM 232 ,9 MONTICELLO MN 55362$822 131Q(kATA, 31N $5313 -1184 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 561 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN553$2.8022 w matt Umc�oatwe,l,avwa Wwd" ,r« W-tu,— gaawrdrewonesarooenaed —} PAYABLE 2014 i °t HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASERFADTHE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANTINFOrOA00N. W Ej TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 1S and address has Changed please check stub. pox and show the than a on the hack of this stub. PULL TAX AMOUNT: $4,290.00 PrapeTty ID Number R155-010-034130 FIRST 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $2,145.00 BE Number: 20668 PENALTY: 707AL: ID Number 24a2w MME CHECKS PAYABLE &MAIL TO. 418 'ROBERT J. IMVALA WRIG]rr0DMUAUpP1Y1Ff1'RB URM ° 10 SBCOI+ID SHIM N:W. @O OM 232 BUFFALO. JIM 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362$822 rsroe K34rdU*nMW*1Y Awe dixk rymmwq*.rn, hw0U emarxawinm d. 561 1N *" ROBERTJ. MVALA 06 _A. WRIG9T COUNTY kUDITOR/fR MURER 00 03 a ] �p *s 10 SECOAID 5TRE6f N.W. ROOM 232 BUkNAI 5 bIN 55315 -1184 a� 7b3 682.7572 or 763- 682 -7584 IM0 WWW.c0.Wrlgfll.Yml,Re Property ID #:It15"IM341a0 TeTayer ID Number: 248203 CITY OF MONTICELLO EbA ' VAR 201 4 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 ' MONTICELLO MN 55362 -6822 ''..... .. .. _... .�.p.. IIIIIIRI' Illl"" llrrlulrurrltyjjulliilpili�rlll 'IIk1IAlL1 . ' ' . $$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. 2013 Values for Taxes Payable in 2014 µ VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION S W i.March =3 Fiat by August 15. Ifthis boxis dbedwd, you owe delinquent taxes andazt, not ftble. ❑ TaxasPayableYaar. 2013 2094 n Fsduleted V ve. 46,000 43,100 IWhktteadSxnMslaa StepTaxableMerkatValee: 4(%M 43,100 Nc+vlmpmvamems! Your Property Tax and Credits .Expired Rxclvstona; MP#: R155 010- 034150 PENALTY: Properly Classifiaatim! COMM Comm 1,622,97 PropperrffyyD t1oa: Sect- 11Twp•121RaepM3OP34RWALPLAT 4. Credits that reduce yourproperty taxes MONi1Cffi,7.C' t -014 Blerka134 1 Step PROPOSED TAX Sent in Nu her2033 e Proposed Tax: 1,614.00 Step PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Pust- nalrTa>«s: 803.00 SaW.d.hAVTaxes: am 00 3 ToWTaxosDuelnH14: � 11606,00 1, Use thia amount on Farm MIPR tome ifyou are eligible for a property tax refund µ - -- -- — Fiat by August 15. Ifthis boxis dbedwd, you owe delinquent taxes andazt, not ftble. ❑ If youraddress has changed please checkthis box n 2. Use theseamouv taonllormMIPRtoseeifynu are eli Wa:foras eclalrefend and show the clwp on the back of this stub. MP#: R155- 010-034150 PENALTY: Your Property Tax and Credits � MP#: R155 010- 034150 PENALTY: 3. Yourpropetty taxes before credits 1,622,97 1,606.00 4. Credits that reduce yourproperty taxes gg 3 Bill Number, 2011511 A. Agriculturalmazketvalue credit ID Number. 24am B. Other ttedits 5. Property taxes a6ter credits 1,622.97 1,606.00 ProlrerLyTax hyJurisdlction 6. Coaoty 407.46 39I.17 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) 388.81 40328 $. State General Tax 4$3.21 470.48 %ScheDIDlstrid (0882) MONTICELLO MIN 55362 -8822 A raeMV^ 9paa aror ddatares�aTMe Iomrainldaai .a. A. Voterappmvedlevies 223.65 215.05 B. Other local levies 114.25 126.02 10. special Taxing Districts A.M01,1W 5-59 11. Won-school vote approved rehreada levies 12. Total property tax bsfom spccW ssseasmests 1,622.97 1,6060 Special Assessments an Your Psaps"y 13. Special assessments 191.03 14. YOUR TOTAL PkOP +IAT"Y TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMEPPrS 1,524.00 1,606.00 W --- ^- PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUBPLEASEREADTHEBACKOFTHESTATEMENTFORIMPORTAWINFORMATION. µ - -- -- — TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 If youraddress has changed please checkthis box n Property ID Number: R155-010-034140 FIRST 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $603.00 and show the clwp on the back of this stub. MP#: R155- 010-034150 PENALTY: Property ID Number. RlBM10 -034140 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $803.00 � MP#: R155 010- 034150 PENALTY: TOTAL: o Bill Number: 20859 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE &MAIL TO. gg 3 Bill Number, 2011511 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE &MAIL TO. ID Number. 24am ROBERTJ. HUVAIA T= COTIMPSAWrI0RnT EASI1RER 10 M00 ffR0FrN.W. ROOM 232 bTIFYAlA,111N 5S3t3 -1294 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 545 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MIN 55362 -8822 A raeMV^ 9paa aror ddatares�aTMe Iomrainldaai .a. salt -------------- --- -- - - - --- --°------------------------------ PAYABLE 20'!4 Sgt HALF PAYMENT $TlJB TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 15 ---------- ---- - FLEASE READ THE BOOK OFTIi E STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATK IN, � ayour address has Changed please check la stub. box and shnw LiIB Chan s on the Case this stub. - -- -- — FULL TAX AMOUNT; $1,13013.40 Property ID Number: R155-010-034140 FIRST 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $603.00 MP#: R155- 010-034150 PENALTY: TOTAL: $ Bill Number: 20859 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE &MAIL TO. ID Number: 2482o3 ROBSRTJ. MVALA WAG= C011}iIYAlJ=R/ TdA4U Ht 10 SECOND MW NX. ROOM 232 8t1PPAI4, MN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 553628822 xorH.p santtarra w�zar0.rr ac ¢t :eerrtmsrext+a warwmedrmaa�a salt 35 14 ROBBRT J. HINALA Q8 NWEGHTGOWYAWITOPARWUM DU : 10 SECOND ST1113ST N.47, ROOM 232 03 4 �r BUITALO, NN 55313.1194 a 763.652 -7572 or 763 -692 -7584 wrm.CO.WIghLmR.us Property ID #: 8155- 010- t7�4156 ' Taxpayer ID Number: 248265 ',' IIiAR 1 F 2014 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 605 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55382-&824.' r rlPrl�ll= Ilrrr= rr6r�yd> Irnll� =ulr�hr =Il =Idll{Il�rl..i..i,i . You.rnay be eligible for one or even two $ $ refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. 1, Use Us amo a on Form M1PR to sco if you are 01191blo fora property tax rotund. El File by August 15.1ft1vs box is checked, you owa delinquent taxes and are not eligible. 2. Use ibese amounts oa Form M1 PR to eee ifyou are eligible tar a special refund. 3. Your properly taxes before credits 19,692.15 19,840.00 4. Credits thatredaco your property taxes A. Agricultural market vahle credit B. Orhatcrate 5. Preoerty taxes after credits 19,692.15 19,840.00 7. City or Town (CnY OF MONTICELLO) I. state Oenesal Tax 93011001Diattict (0862) A. Voter approved levies B, OdwrMon] levies 1,796.14 1,73398 1,713.72 1,784.78 5,939.51 5,788.72 1,725.03 1,446.96 584.56 a12.19 30, Special Tsxiag Districts 2014 A.MBLIIP 2013 Values for Taxes Payable In 8,008.52 8,273.37 VALUE$ AND CLASSIFICATION SBn Wk- 7r2073 TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 Taxes Payable Year 2013 2014 19,692-15 19,840.00 EstimatedMad'tetValae. 593,400 392 �� liomeataadHxefakV Step Taxable Mmket Va[ua: 593,409 392,+100 New1myrovemenm! Bill Number: lasso Hxpired Y3scclustons: I,Classi5caden; ^ Pmps- Comm Comm .. 1 Rroper De"'If , $acb611 iWp•121 Raugo-025 OR7GWAL PLAT MONr1CCHI..T.O Ipb015 Hlaak -0�4 � '°� PROPOSED TAX sea mi&vember2013 Ste p �� '2 Proposed Tax: 19,920.00 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Step - -____ PAYABLE 2014 1"' HALF PAYMENT STUB Firstbalf Taxeso 9,420.00 3 Total Ta Dw in2014: 19,840.00 RNWARED 1, Use Us amo a on Form M1PR to sco if you are 01191blo fora property tax rotund. El File by August 15.1ft1vs box is checked, you owa delinquent taxes and are not eligible. 2. Use ibese amounts oa Form M1 PR to eee ifyou are eligible tar a special refund. 3. Your properly taxes before credits 19,692.15 19,840.00 4. Credits thatredaco your property taxes A. Agricultural market vahle credit B. Orhatcrate 5. Preoerty taxes after credits 19,692.15 19,840.00 7. City or Town (CnY OF MONTICELLO) I. state Oenesal Tax 93011001Diattict (0862) A. Voter approved levies B, OdwrMon] levies 1,796.14 1,73398 1,713.72 1,784.78 5,939.51 5,788.72 1,725.03 1,446.96 584.56 a12.19 30, Special Tsxiag Districts 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS A.MBLIIP 24.65 B. TIP ', 8,008.52 8,273.37 11.Nba -Gabool voter approved tcfamdalevies TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 12. Total properly tax before special asteSenteate 19,692-15 19,840.00 Special Assessments on Your Property �� 13. Special asseconewts 287 -85 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 19,980.00 19,540.00 _—___ WPAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB — PLEABEREAD THE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 � if your address has changed please chock this btnc and show the Change on the back of phis stub, d � Property ID Number. 8155- 010 - 084160 SECOND 1/2 7A% AMOUNT DUI;: $9,920,00 �� MP#: 8155 p10-034160 PENALTY: TOTAL: 0 o � Bill Number: lasso MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & M41L TO. ID Number: 248203 TLOBYRT'J.TTIIV.AT.A wRTalTCOT1Nxl�Dnrxoz�tl�a zo sccolm sTlus1 trw. Ilopet23a � '°� B�EATA, MN 55313.1194 �� CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -5822 � � �u.a,ywwsva r r wawa xsnw,n»yne��ru, aaas. Ewa ma nee - -____ PAYABLE 2014 1"' HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASE READ THE BACK OFTHEMATEMENT FOR IMPORTANTINFCRMATION,_— —_ TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE_ MAY 15 box ❑ and address has changed please check stub. and a show the ahan on the back of this aiub. FULL TAX AMOUNT: $19,840.00 Property ID Number. R15S01 M34150 FIRST 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $9,920.00 MP#: 11155.010-034160 PENALTY: TOTAL: 0 13111 Number. 20060 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL T0: g q�g ID Number: 246203 RoDERT J. kWATA wIUGffcotRdffATr MORO RILUI)aER 10 DOW 81x0iR1' N,W, ROOM 232 BOEE", MN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONT7GELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 553628622 xnaooestsemtvcsePl m rwueu roan'. x�ae �rcar m dw w w rr«aa 5812 ,wry VR Robert J Hilvela DP WArOHTONDGTREUTN.W..ROO9232 � f0 BECONO BTREE7 N.W. ROOM 232 Wright CountyAudkorrfreasurer BUFFALO, MN 65318.1104 a� d 783-862 -7672 or 763. 682 -7604 zpprg wKW,ca.YNighl.mn,ua Property ID#-' 17166.010.034102 TexpayerlD Number: 22936 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 180 BROADWAY E PO BOX 484 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -9484 2013 Values for Taxes Payable In VALUES $4CI..ASSIFICATION S,?ntfnMa02013 Taxes P able Year: 2013 2014 Baima a et slue: 221,BOD 921,00 0 Improvements Excluded: Homestead E: velofl; Taxable Markel Value: 221,800 221,em Step New Improvements! Expired Exclualone': PropertyClosalnoatlon: COMM COMM Prapatly Oauerlpltom 8e9R•11 Twp•121 Reno@ -= ORIOINAI, PLAT MONTICEU.O B otk•034 N110PTOF LT810 &1181411oFT OF rffT OF LT12 BLK 34 Stop I PROPOSEDTAX Sent in November 201a Yvu uaay to 011910/e foroNe prop o* tax. two 2 Proposed Tax: 6,668,00 refunds to reduce your property tax. 3}ep STATEMENT Read the back of this statement to find Viral-hall TaMT $,321.00 Second•half Taxes; 3,321,00 REFUNDS? out how to apply. 3 Total Taxes nua In 2014: 6,642.00 PAYABLE 2014 2ND HALF PAYMENT STUB Plll"F ReADTHE nACI( OF IHMMATEMEW FOR IMPORTANT INrORMATION TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE? OCTOBER IS ❑ Irycuraddleso hoa ohangodpleces check lhls box end ahnW dte change on the hack of lhl2 stub. o Property ID Number. R 155.010.034102 s k B111Numb n 20656 PENALTY: TOTAL: x ID Number: 22935 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 130 BROADWAY E PO BOX 494 NOW01WINN mew LTw,® Ixcuedd ,RI,.,WMM4AW.[UNIpll.WanccdkIN runaetl MONTICELLO MN 85382.0484 PAYABLE 20141ST HALF PAYMENT STUB IILWII READ THE BACK CFTH88TATEMENT FOR IMPeRTANTIryrnnMATION TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 15 j ' jlryouroddramhosehang odplansernedltnlahoxand i.....1 show Rie Oanon on Iha bock of Ibis stub. a Frnperty Id Number. R1615-0110­113410,? j U[ IJ „ t( i ;` F t; 6,0 X BIII Numbar: 20556 ID Number: 22935 I PENALTY: TOTAL: MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: � Robnet J NNVala Wdgllt County AudltorlTreasufer n 10 &econd Shoat N,W, Roam 232 Buffalo, MN 55313 -1194 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 130 BROADWAY PO BOX 9484 H. saki U,1e..a W.+kd Y.Ur0._iwaAm a ym nolp. TNI Mk III d Ndd If 0.dt I. rwlh_j MONTICELLO MN 663(12.0484 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIIL 70: � Robert J HBvala $ Wright CountyAudkorrfreasurer ra IQ S000nd Street H.W., Room 232 $ Buffalo. MN 55313 -1194 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 130 BROADWAY E PO BOX 494 NOW01WINN mew LTw,® Ixcuedd ,RI,.,WMM4AW.[UNIpll.WanccdkIN runaetl MONTICELLO MN 85382.0484 PAYABLE 20141ST HALF PAYMENT STUB IILWII READ THE BACK CFTH88TATEMENT FOR IMPeRTANTIryrnnMATION TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 15 j ' jlryouroddramhosehang odplansernedltnlahoxand i.....1 show Rie Oanon on Iha bock of Ibis stub. a Frnperty Id Number. R1615-0110­113410,? j U[ IJ „ t( i ;` F t; 6,0 X BIII Numbar: 20556 ID Number: 22935 I PENALTY: TOTAL: MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: � Robnet J NNVala Wdgllt County AudltorlTreasufer n 10 &econd Shoat N,W, Roam 232 Buffalo, MN 55313 -1194 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 130 BROADWAY PO BOX 9484 H. saki U,1e..a W.+kd Y.Ur0._iwaAm a ym nolp. TNI Mk III d Ndd If 0.dt I. rwlh_j MONTICELLO MN 663(12.0484 Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th street Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 -1625 USA Voice: 61,2 - -851 -5900 Fax: 612 - 85:1 -5951 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Sold To: City of Motnticello An.geia scnumann 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Customer PO �TIF 39 ce s tail.. Payment Terms Net 30 Days Description TTF District Management, TXV 39, X-M p cow rir- 39 msh��rA ad+�N ro, Invoice Invoice Number: 3662 Invoice Date: 4/11/1+1 Page: 1. APR 18 2014 .t SA I 7 e Sales Rep ID Due Date 5/12/14 e see a Aniount �oa.o0 Subtotal 400.00 sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 400.00 Cheek No: Payment Received TOTAL Northland Secivities, Inc. 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000, Uinneapoiis, MN 55402 nit Free 1- 800 -851 -2920 wig 612- 851 -5900 Fn. 612 -551-5987 www.northlandsecntities.com Member FINRA and SIPC NORT1-1LANa STRATEGIES Special Projects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: TIP District Management, TIP 39 Contact; Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: March 2014 Services Performed • Preparation of material and presentation • Present at FDA. meeting • Present at City Council meeting Staff Time Aga Senior Professional Professional Support Total Staff Bxpeases Mileage Printing Other Total Expenses -Ta4a1 xlais Perloa . Project Summary Total Budget' Billed This Period Billed Previous Budget Remaining i°Billing on an hourly basis. Hours ate Bit] 2.50 $160 $400.00 - $135 $0.00 - $105 $0.00 2,50 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($400.00) ($3,040.00) $(3,440.00) Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account USet: AnnZ&mn m= Printed: "12014 - 2:42PM Batch: 00203.04.2014 CITY OF MO- Account Number Vendor Descrlpi#on CI, Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-430400 XENIMYAND GRAVEN CHAR'! General EDA Matt= through 2aW14 0411512014 1 L2139 832.50 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 832.50 213-46301343990 GREATER MSP Annual fee 20I4 Greater MSP Salesfc 04/15 /2014 112127 400.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46301 404A0 213- 46301 - 444900 INITLATIVE FOUNDATION End---t Pledge (A) 04/15,QW4 k i21 iS 2,250.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46301 2 ,250.00 213 - 46522 - 430400 CAMPBEM KNUTSON PA General - EDA 04/15/2014 0 99.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46522 99.00 213 - 46522 - 430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] Legal Services through 2/28114 04/15/2014 112139 573.50 Vendor Subtotal for DWL46522 57350 21336522.431990 NORTHLAND SECURMIES INC Februazy 2014 - TIF 1 -22 04/15/20I4 112156 1,760.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dcpt46522 1,760.00 AP- Transacdons by Account (04/0911014 - 1:42 PM) Page 1 A ecount Numtber Vardar Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 21346522-431990 WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERW( MGFARM- Acquisition & Relocation 0411501014 0 279.25 21346522-431990 WILSONDEVELOPMENT SERVI( MGFARM- AogidWon &Relocation 0411502014 0 3.15 213 - 46522 - 431990 WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVR MGFARM- Acquisition & Relocation 04/15/2014 0 726.00 21346522431990 WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVI( MGFARM- Aoquisition & Relocatioo 04/1502014 0 63.12 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment Date: 5114114 Approved by Tracy Wnz, Treasurer AP- Transactions byAmuo t (04/092014 - 2:42 PM) Page 2 Vendor SubtoW for Depb46522 1,071.52 213-"522-439300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MGFARM- 9739641 -0 04/152014 112114 65.47 213- 46522 438300 C ENTERPOINT GY MGFARM - 9429449 -3 04/152014 112114 I2.59 213-06522 - 438300 CENTURPOINTENERGY MGFARM- 9739645 -1 BUISM14 112114 12.59 213 46=- 438300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ubc - MGFARM - 9429448 -5 04/1501014 112114 362.29 21346522 -438300 CENTERPOINTENERGY utx- MGPARM- 9429450 -1 04/152014 112114 293.16 Vendor Subtotal forDepC46522 74&10 213- 46522 - 443990 DOMAINARCkMCTUREANI)I MGFARM- Pf=Factoryinv12967 04 /152014 112116 3,000.00 Vendor Sulmtal for Dept:46522 3,000.00 213 - 46522 - 443990 FREFERRED ITILB INC Closing on building 04/1502014 112160 275,000.00 21346522443990 PREFERRED TrrLBINC Closlogonbuilding -few 04/152014 112160 2,82925 Vendor Subtotal for Dept-A6522 277,82925 Subtotal for Fund: 213 288,560.87 Report Total: 288,560.87 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment Date: 5114114 Approved by Tracy Wnz, Treasurer AP- Transactions byAmuo t (04/092014 - 2:42 PM) Page 2 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account user: Ann.ZimM tman Printed: 0411312014 - 12:25PM Batch= 00201.04.2014 CITY iO F Account Number Vendor Description GLDate check No Amount ]PO NO 213 - 46301 - 432200 US BANK coRPORATE PMT SYS Lisps - (1) .7 ozlst chase mail letxr - i 04/15/2014 a 12.98 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46301 - 12.98 213-46522-431000 US BANK CORPORME P.MP SYS Advanced Disposal - MGFAXM -100 09/1512014 0 10.55 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 10.15 SutWW for Fund: 213 23.53 RepottTowt 23.53 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment Date: 5/14114 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP- 1hwmcuonsbyAowuW (0411311034- 1225PMj Page I Accounts Payable OF Transactions by Account t'' US= Analimmennan Printed: 04123/2014 - 12:24PM A4o6 Bateb: 00206.04.2014 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount FO No 213-46301-430300 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Economic Development & Market Ma 04129t2014 0 4,000.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept46301 4,000.00 213- 46301 - 431990 HARRY LANTTO 4/9114 SDA mtg recording 04/29/2014 0 50.00 Vendor Subtotal fxDept46301 50.00 213 - 46301- 437I00 WRICaM OO AIJDTTOR TREAS 8155- 171 - 000060 first 1/2 tax 04129f2014 112240 756.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 756.00 213-46522 - 410400 KMOWYAND GRAVEN CHART Legal Services through 3131/14 04129/2014 112205 1107125 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 1,071.25 21346522- 431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Mach 2014 - TIF 1 -22 04129/2014 112217 480.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 480100 213-46522-438100 XCELENERGY ZCULPS - 51-0623082-8 04!29/2014 I12241 16.10 213 -46522. 438100 XCELENERGY MGFARM - 51- 0592578 -0 04129/2014 I12241 16.10 213- 46522- 438100 XCELENERGY MGFARM - 51- 0517394 -8 04/29/2014 112241 10.53 213 - 46522. 438100 XCELENERGY ubc - MGFARM - 51- 0517365 -5 04/M014 112241 84.91 AP Thmae ions byAccoant (003f2014 -12:24 PM) Page 1 Account Numbe r Vendor i GLDste Check No Amount PO No Subtnial for Fand 213 23,673.22 Reportlbtak 23,673.22 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 5114114 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP Trenss dow byAccount (040)2014 -12:24 PM) Pale 2 Vendor Subtotal for Dgt 46522 127.64 213 -6522- 443990 WRIGHT CO AUDFIM TREAS R155- 010 - 067010 first In tax 04t2912014 112240 59933 213 - 46522.443990 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR- -TREAS MGFARM- R155- 010 -34130 f=11 04r29t2014 112240 2,145.00 213 - 46522 - 443990 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR TREAS MGFARM - R155- 010 - 034150 first 11 0411912014 112240 803.00 213-46V2-"3M WRIGHT CO AidD1TOR TREAS MGFAR)d- R155- 010 - 034150 fast It 04/29)1014 112240 9,920.00 213 - 46522 - 443990 WRIGHT CO ALM DR TREAS R155- 010 - 034102 first 112 tax 04/29/2014 112240 3,321.00 VwAor StbtoW for Dept46522 16,788-33 213-46539 -431990 NOS AND SECURITIES INC March 2014 - TTF 1 -39 04129/2014 112217 400.00 Vendor Sabtotal for Dept:46539 400.00 Subtnial for Fand 213 23,673.22 Reportlbtak 23,673.22 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 5114114 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP Trenss dow byAccount (040)2014 -12:24 PM) Pale 2 Page; 1 Kennedy & Craven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 65402 City of Monticello February 28, 2014 MN190- 00'101 General EDA Matters Through February 28, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows; 2/5/2014 MNI Review business subsidy policy, EDA bylaws. Flours Amount 0.70 129.50 2/7/2014 MNI Review business subsidy and EDA bylaws documents; 1.00 review GMEF, TIF and Small Cities guidelines; email to A Schumann regarding same. 2!1012014 MNI Review TIF housing materials sent by A Schumann for 0.90 discussion, 211312014 MNI Research for conference call regarding Monticello housing 0.60 TIF. 2113/2014 MNI Questions on TIF - conference call with A Schumann and 0.80 T Omdal regarding use of housing TIF. 212712014 MNl Review license agreement issue from A Schumann. 0.60 Total Services: 186.00 166.60 111.00 148.00 92,60 $ 832.60 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 832.50 Basic Invoice 0�_ - _ ` -4 2014 Minneapolis Saint Paul Regional Economic Development Partnersif1p _-GREATER`>MSR_'m- Contact Inforrnation: INVOICE NUMBER Portal 201 IWOICE DATE April 3,2014: Citv of Monticello DUE DATE Upon reoeiipt.:--,: Monticello, MN AMR bESWUPTION AMOUNT GREATER MSP Salesforoe.00rn Communities Portal 2014 License Thank you! Total Due: $400.001 0�_ - _ ` -4 2014 r Initiative F0UNQATI0N Angela Schumarm City of Monticcllo 505 Walnut St, Stel Monticello MN 55362 -8822 Invoice Invoice # �� • ��' .. {� .Y;, ,. _� �.� � 41k' • is � ���. � E� � 3• w. 3/31/2014 77 Invoice Total 2,250.00 Amount Due $2,250.00 IMPORTANT: Please make payable to Initlative Foundation only and mail to: Initiative Foundation (dame of Fund (if applicable) 405 First Street Southeast Little Falls, Mid 56345 Phone: 320 -632 -9255 Due upon receipt C...rbell K�w.ts« T' A City of Monticello RE; ADMINISTRATION SERVICES RENDERED TO DATE: Page; 3 February 28, 2014 Account # 2348 -OOOG 139 ', J � � �rii,YY r,�HOURS )J Community Development - F -mails Angela re; EDA U* Land&llcense Agreement. 0150 M5 Email to Angela Schumann re; Pizza Factory. � � Gv�t 0,20 M Community Development - Emails Angela re: lease, Marc re; BCOLIYMCA, follow -ups. lllIGoo 0.60 AMOUNT DUE 2{7.40 TOTAL CURRENT WORK PREVIOUS BALANCE 02/1112014 Payment - thank you 0311112014 Payment - thank you TOTAL PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Amounts due over $0 days will be subject to a finance charge of .5% per month (or an annual rate of 6 1%). Mlnimum charge - 60 cents, 70,40 A +3 28.00 3 70.00 t3e-aol 2,797.50 2,79i,5D $5,93'7.00 - 1,666.00 - X4,271.00 - 5,037.aa $217 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337 -9300 March 18, 2014 Statement No. 119142 Aramm- I M8127.11 505 Walnut Ave, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through February 28, 20'14 MN325.00006 General MN325 -00028 Liquor Store Acquisition declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is Just and correct and that no part of it has been paid. 4al= Q-�=== Signature of Claim i 52.50 481.00 Total Currant Billing: 573.30 MAR 2 0 2014 ;'.� 52.50 481.00 Total Currant Billing: 573.30 Page; 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Monticello EDA February 28, 2014 MN325 -00006 General Through February 28, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 2!1412014 MNI Phone conversation with W Oberg regarding Monticello 0,50 92,60 possible conveyance (new downtown property), possible relocation issues, purchase price, etc. Total Services: $ 92.50 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 92.50 Page; 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Monticello EDA February 28, 2014 MN325 -00028 Liquor Store Acquisition Through February 28, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows; Hours Amount 2/11/2014 MNI Revise PA to include hours of allowable personal property 0.20 37.00 retrieval post - closing. 2/13/2014 MNI Revise PA per phone conversation with W Oberg 0,40 74.00 regarding post- closing retrieval of property; email correspondence regarding ability of EDA to ask seller to sign PA prior to EDA approval and legal effect of same. 2/18/2014 MNI Email and phone correspondence with D Wilson and W 0.50 92.50 Oberg regarding relocation matters. 2/2412014 MNI Draft resolution approving PA; finalize PA language; email 1.00 185.00 to staff regarding need for Council approval. 2128/2014 MNI Research model license for entry on property. 0.50 92.50 Total Services; $ 481.00 Total Services and Disbursements- $ 481.00 NORTHLAND STRATEGIES Special Projects Gro-up INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project. TIP District Management, TIP 122 Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: Pebruary 2014 Services Performed • TIF 1 -22 analysis of source and use and pooling capacity • TIF 1 -22 meet with city staff to review • TIF 1 -22 prepare background and resolutions Staff Time posit i n Hour Rate Bill "bte Senior Professional 11.00 $160 $1,760.00 Professional - $135 $0.00 Support - $105 $0.00 Total Staff .11.00 $1,760.00 Expenses Mileage $0.00 Printing $0.00 Other $[1.00_ TOOT Rxpenses $0.00 T ©taY This I'eri4d. $1,.760.00. 1'x9j ect Summary Total Budget" $ - Billed This Perfnd ($1,760.00) Billed Previoue ($1,280.40) Budget Remaining $(3,040.00) *Biding on an hourly basis. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Wilson Development Services, LLC 590 North Chestnut Street, Suite 200 Chaska, MIN owl N 55318 9 2 a8. 630 0.448.4630 FEIN 26- 1629971 Invoice submitted to: City of Monticello Attn: Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 V1 Invoice Date Invoice Numbef Last Bill Date February 25, 2014 22848 1/14/2014 In Reference To. Acquisition & Relocation Services- Montgomery Farms Professional Services . Pizza Factory -(Ekegren) S,a..U,�h d 06 41,04 VA HrslRate . - Amount 12/2/2013 DHW Time 4.00 440.00 Meeting at City Hall with Garry, Jim Peterson, Andrew & Angela 110.001hr Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 121TW2013.HNF Time 0.10 9.60 Check copy for claim #1. received & file updated. Email fromlto.Ang €e 95.001hr at 'Monticello regarding check d €stdbution Pizza factory (Ekegren) 1/20/2014 DHW Time - 0.30 33.00 Call Jim Peterson, reactor regarding health dept. issues - no 110.00/hr construction Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 1128/2014 DHW Time 0.50 55.00 Received email regarding Dept. of Health conditions. Memo to 110,00/hr Andrew at Heritage regarding ineligible costs, Received building plans. Call to Angela --left message same. Received return call from Angela. 'Pizza Factory (Ekegren) DML Time 0.20 15.00 Forward Andrew (Heritage Constructlon) email regarding items 76.00/hr unable to move to replacement site per Dept, of Health to Angela Schumann. Type email response to Andrew From Heritage City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms page 2 HrslRate Amount Construction regarding City will not purchase new equipment. Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 1/2912014 DHW Time 0.30 33.00 Call to Gary & Andrew at Heritage - no building permit until Dept, of 110.00lhr Health gives ok. Call with Angela - same Pizza Factory (Ekegren) SUBTOTAL; [ 5.40 686.50' Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates 12120/2013 HNF Time 0.20 19.00 Email tolfrom Angie at Monticello regarding status of final check. 95.0011hr Updated file Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates DML Time 0,40 30.00 Received Jon Morphew's email requesting status of Or. Wong's final 75,001hr move expense check. Requested Helen call City of Monticello -for status, Heleq advised -that check has been'cut, waiting on City Council to sign of[' on it which wilt be 12/23. City.will either mail the check or Dr. -Won.g may.plck it up - please.advise, Sent ennail . response to Jon Morphew advising check cut, waiting for signature from ally. Council, - showld City mail or will Dr. Wong' picX it up? Recd response from'Morphew -.forwarded same to Angie at City of Monticello', responded to Angle's request of clinic address verification. Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates DHW Time. 0.20 22.00 Call from Morphew regarding claim pay status- discuss with Helen, 110.001hr Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates 12/23/2013 HNF Time 0.10 9.50 Received copy of final check far moving expenses, Updated file 95,001hr Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates SUBTOTAL: [ 0.90 813,50 z- Project Management 1213112013 DML Time 0.51 38,25 1211 to 12131,2013 Consultant entries recorded to database for 75.001hr clienticase, history, status and file maintenance/backup z- Project Management 1/31/2014 DML Time 0.29 21.75 111 to 1131, 2014 Consultant entries recorded to database for 75.001hr clienticase history, status and file maintenancelbackup, z- Project Management l0q,? City of Monticello Monticello-Montgomery Farms Page 3 Hrs/Rate -. Amount SUBTOTAL: 0.80 60,00' For professional services rendered 7.10 $726.00 Additional Charges: Qty /Price ,Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 12/212013 DHW Mileage 108 61.02 Mileage 1-12014 IRS Rate Attend meeting at City Hall 0.'57 Pizza Factory (Ekegron) SUBTOTAL: 61,02' z-Project Management 12!3912013 Copies-internal 2 0.30 Copies November I - Dec 31,2013 0..15. z-Project Management 1/3.1/2014 Copies-internal 12 1.80 Copies 1/1 to 1/31,2014 0"15 z-Project Management SUBTOTAL: A- 2.10.' - ------------ Total costs For professional•services. rendered 7.10 $789.12 Total amount of this bill Previous balance Ki n V K fb $789.12 $1,348.02 ($1,348.02 M.348.02 '0' 0 APR - 9 2014 $789.12 ENTERED 2014 ' -1 J1.1" UN 10 City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms Page 2 HrslRate Amount z- Project Management 2/2812014 DML Time 0.29 21.75 211 to 2128, 2014 Consultant entries recorded to database for 75.001hr cllenticase history, status and file maintenancelbackup. z- Project Management SUBTOTAL; [ 0.29 21.75' For professional services rendered 2;89 $279.26 Additional Charges QtWP rice z- Project Management 2/2812014 Copies - Internal 21 3.15 Copies. 211 to 2128, 2014 0.15 z- Project Management SUBTOTAL: [ 3.15: Total costs $3.1.6. For professional services rendered 2.89 $282.40 Total, amount :of this bill .$2$2.40 Previous balance $789.12 Balance due $1,071.62 G 1-1 WUON Invoice submitted to: City of Monticello Attn: Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Wilson Development Services, LLC 510 North Chestnut Street, Suite 200 Chaska, MN 55318 952.4484630 800,448.4630 FEIN 26- 1629971 Invoico Date Invoice Number March 17, 2014 22871 X fD 10Q111 �1,_ 0�v I/ Last Bill Date 2125/2014 In Reference To: Acquisition & Relocation Services - Montgomery Farms Professional Services pas -. >_ e� APR 7 2014�;,.�� nt Pizza Factory_ f Ekegren). 214120:14 DHW . Time 0.20 22.00 . Call with Angela regarding unpaid rent & Dept. of Health progress 110,001hr Pizza Factory ( Ekegren) 2/912014 DHW Time 0.30 33.00 Deb at Architect office call'regarding invoice for concept plan - 110,001hr Received invoice ' discuss payment process Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 2/1312014 HNF Time 1,90 180,50 Call to Deborah at Domain Architecture & Design regarding payment 95,001hr for Invoice #12960; payment received, Invoice #12967 €n the amount of $3,000 is proposed plan for possible new site, Prepared Claim #2 and letter of transmittal; claim 02 to Dan for review. Processed claim for regular mail. to Garry at Pizza Factory. Updated file. Pizza Factory (Ekegren) DHW Time 0.20 22,00 Received email from Angela regarding Dept. of Health approval, Call 110.001hr to Angela - left message 'Pizza Factory (Ekegren) SUBTOTAL: [ 2,60 267.50' fii App 7 2014 Avg dally gas uae: This period this yr 1.7 TttM; We period last yr 0.0 THM Page 1 of 1 Avg dally tamp: This porlod this yr 23 "F; this parlod last yr 27 OF el CenterPolnt Mail this portion with payment. Please do not Indude lotters or notos. Account number 9739641-0 Date due 0412912094 Al"Thene Total amount due $ 55.47 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 9444 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 *' IlrllllrltllIIIlbIlrllll. Irul' ll 'll "'I'Illllllllllll'11111 Jill 1 00019704 01 AV 0.3781 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 505 WALNUT ST STE 'I MONTICELLO, MN 55362.8822 11111 11111111111111111 lllllll hill III I Jill llll Jill II 0300085352932 00720DOOD97396410100000006547170000DO65478D Energy Customer name CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN Account number 9739641 -0 Aiwa sTheW Billing date 0410112014 Date due 04/2912014 Total amount due $ 65.47 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? M— Centeri3dlnt Energy ACCT SUMMARY ' PO BOX 9144 MiNNEAPOLIS MN 55490 -1 !44 Previous balance Payment 03/27/20 'Z 9.62 9 6 (Address not for bill payment) Balance forward ,, .:,ice 1§ 0.00 Monday - Friday Cali 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Currentbliling `- Biil info 612- 321 -4938 Total amount due .% ° P APH 2014 !,L; 165,47 CenterPolntEnergy.com SERVICE ADDRESS 100 E Broadway St Monticello MN 55362-9321 :, : , ;:,; ""- ;.., " -� !{ �T�' T" DID YOU KNOW? YOUR GAS USAGE Meter Ik M19802312720 29 Day billing period 02/2712014 to 0312812014 Effective March 1, 2014.-the Current reading 03128/2014 305 Decoupling adjustment rate has Previous reading 02127/2014 267 changed. This adjustment makes Metered Usage 48 CCF X Therm factor of 1,01014 = Therms usad In 29 days = 49 up for any shortfall or excess In Next molar reading .04/3012014 sales revenue that Is not due Next billing date 05109/2014 to weather. Questions? Call YOUR BILL IN DETAIL ComAnd Firm Rate 612 - 372 - 4727,1- 800 - 245 -2377 Basic charge $12.00 or visit CenterPointEnergy.coml Delivery charge 49 therms 0 $0.153391THM 7.52 decouplingadjustment. Decoupling adjustment 49 therms @ - $0.021421T'HM -1.05 Gas Affordability PRG 49 therma @ $0.004901T HM 0.24 Your account is ready to view Cost of gas* 49 therms @ $0.910201T HM 44.60 now. register for free online *Includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.40269 account access. View balance, Interim rate adjustment 2.1$ usage history, make an online (Basle Chg + ($0.65930 *th9rnis))" 4,88000% payment, view recommendations Total current charges $66.47 for saving energy and motley with My'Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterPointEnergy,com! myaccountonline. Avg dally gas uae: This period this yr 1.7 TttM; We period last yr 0.0 THM Page 1 of 1 Avg dally tamp: This porlod this yr 23 "F; this parlod last yr 27 OF el CenterPolnt Mail this portion with payment. Please do not Indude lotters or notos. Account number 9739641-0 Date due 0412912094 Al"Thene Total amount due $ 55.47 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 9444 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 *' IlrllllrltllIIIlbIlrllll. Irul' ll 'll "'I'Illllllllllll'11111 Jill 1 00019704 01 AV 0.3781 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 505 WALNUT ST STE 'I MONTICELLO, MN 55362.8822 11111 11111111111111111 lllllll hill III I Jill llll Jill II 0300085352932 00720DOOD97396410100000006547170000DO65478D Centeffloint. EMAMM Customer name CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN .Energy Account number 9739645 -1 Always Tl eW Billing date 04/01/2014 Date due 04129/2014 Total amount due $12.59 OUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? i -.... =Y` -Centeri'ofnt Energy ACCT SUMMARY �I �Yr:,;_...';,; ,i ;` ' : ? Gas charges PO BOX 1144 Previous balance L0.'° $13.39 '' ` ' Ii � MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 p�ment 03/27/2014 4 I 13.39 (Address not for bill payment) Balance forward 0.00 r't�r ? r ='- Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 'Bill Current billing g . 12.59 , Info 612 »321 -4939 Total amount due $12.59 CenterPointEnergy,com ;`'• , ,`I SERVICE ADDRESS 106 E Broadway St Monticello MN 55362 -9321 DID YOU KNOW? YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M19802312709 29 Day billing period 0212712014 to 03/28/2014 Effective March 1, 2014, the Current reading 03/28/2014 2364 Decoupling adjustment rate has Previous reading 02/27/2014 2364 Changed. This adjustment makes Metered Usage 0 CCF x Therm factor of 1,01914 = Therms used In 29 days = 0 up for any shortfall or excess In Next meter reading 04130/2014 sales rovenue that is not due Next billing date 05/01/2014 to wosther. Questions? Call YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Corn /Ind Firm Rate 612 - 3724727,1$00- 245 -2377 Basic; charge $12.00 or visit CenterPointEnergy.coml Delivery charge 0.00 decouplingadjustment. Decoupling adjustment 0.00 Gas Affordability PRG 0.00 Your account Is ready to view Interim rate adjustment 0.59 now. Registerforfree online (Baelc Chg + ($0.65930'therms)r4.88000% account access. View balance, usage history, make an online Total current charges $12,59 payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at ContorPointEnorgy.coml myaccountonline. A Avg daily gas use: This paciod thta yr0.0 THM; thlu period last yr 8.3 THM CenterPolnt. AlwlgmThin CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 564404144 Page 1 of 1 Avg daily temp: This parfod this yr 23 °F; Us pedod last yr 27 IF C7 Mail Ihls pordon vAth paymord, Plema do net Incfuds ietters er notes. Account number Date due Total amount due Amount paid CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 40 HOUSTON TX 77210.4671 11 1111111111kiI oil I1111111[ 1]1h1111111111 Jill III 111ll1lh1l 00019701 01 AV 0.378 1 9739645 -1 04/29/2014 $12.59 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO, !VIN 55362 -8822 h�i�lll> ahllnrlllrllll�ul�lrllilllllllll 'llnllllllillllllbll '� Q3000853529140 007 20000097 39645170000000712590000090125910 Page 1 of 1 Atig dally Iemp: This paned this n 23 °F; tills period last yr 27 T cef terpefflf. Mail this portion Will payment. Please do not Include letters or notes. �Oy Account number 9429449 -3 Date due 0412912014 nfw%m Il'ere Total amount due $12.59 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ �� PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 554"4144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ISO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 tl11111111111111111111111111111 111 1111111111111111111111111,di111 08819538 01 AV 0.378 1 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -01521 ��Ill�lll�ll�mlrlr6�lllrr�l��hlul '!�I'Ill�rrlrl��rlllllnlll M0108200085 00 7200000942 `144937OU0000012590000000125910 Enffgy Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429449 -3 Always There. Bailing date 0410112014 Date due - __..ORf2912p14 Total amount due $12,60 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? iF : +•! ";� ;:'" � `•:e: s .2....: ; s` . %.17.7 !i t4 {:.,'4.- ! — CenterPoint Energy ACCT SUMMARY � :i t!'• @T . <<, .... •:...� ..., ,.,.., �,.., , ; s l h � �'das charges PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55$40 -1144 Previous balance i , " $12,59 ` Address not for bill payment) Payment 0312712014 s'? �� A i g i I I -12.69 Balance forward � $0.00 Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Current bliing 12,59 � 12,59 Bill irtfn 612- 321 -4939 CenterPolntEnergy.com Total amount due — '' '- ' , ... . ,.'..� , r ..! j $12.58 SERVICE AWRESS ,.. .. .'._.. . ' '.... 202 Pine St Monticello MN 55362 -8565 DID VOU KNOW? YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M19822312867 28 Day hailing period 02127/2014 to 0312812014 Effective March 1, 2014, the Current reading 03/28/2014 5486 Decoupling adjustment rate has Previous reading 02/27/2014 5486 changed. This adjustment makes Metered Usage 0 CGF X Therm factor of 1,01914 a Thum used In 29 days = 0 up for any shortfall or excess in Next meter reading 0413012014 sales revenue that is not due Next bllling date 05101.12014 to weather. Questions? Call YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comllnd Firm Rate 612-372-4727,1-800-245-2377 Basic charge $12.00 or visit CenterPointEnergy.com/ [Delivery charge 0.00 decouplingadjustment. Decoupling adjustment 0.00 Our. Affordability PRG 0,00 Your account is ready to view Interim rate adjustment 0.59 now. Register for free online (Basic Chg + ($0.65930 1herms)) 14.88000% account access. View balance, — usage history, make an online Total current charges $12.59 payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterPointEnergy.com/ myaccuuntoniine. Page 1 of 1 Atig dally Iemp: This paned this n 23 °F; tills period last yr 27 T cef terpefflf. Mail this portion Will payment. Please do not Include letters or notes. �Oy Account number 9429449 -3 Date due 0412912014 nfw%m Il'ere Total amount due $12.59 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ �� PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 554"4144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ISO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 tl11111111111111111111111111111 111 1111111111111111111111111,di111 08819538 01 AV 0.378 1 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -01521 ��Ill�lll�ll�mlrlr6�lllrr�l��hlul '!�I'Ill�rrlrl��rlllllnlll M0108200085 00 7200000942 `144937OU0000012590000000125910 �Cen %rPoint. Energy AlwaysThew.° '— 'QUES'T'IONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy _P0 BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Bill Info 612 - 321 -4939 CenterPointEnergy.corn DIDYOU KNOW? Effective March 1, 2014, the Decoupling adjustment rate has changed. This adjustment makes up for any shortfall or excess In sales revenue that Is not due to weather. Questions? Call 612- 3724727,1.800- 245 -2377 or visit CenterPointEnergy.coml decouplingadjustment. Your account is ready to view now. Register for free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterPointEnergy.com/ myaccountonline. ACCTSUMMARY Pravlousbalance Pa meat 03127/2014 'y .,I{ ;8..�}r:m.a.e: -w? .rr.=�,:sls ;A Gas charges ": ;' ' ' r t l -365.60 Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429448 -5 Billing date 04/0112014 Date due 0412912014 Total amount due $ 362.28 ACCTSUMMARY Pravlousbalance Pa meat 03127/2014 'y .,I{ ;8..�}r:m.a.e: -w? .rr.=�,:sls ;A Gas charges ": ;' ' ' r t l -365.60 Balance forward ,; i.j °' APR ­7 2014 '` , D.00 current billing -6.94 Gas AffordablIlty PRG 324 therms @ $0.004901THM 362.29 Cost of gas" 324 therms Qa $0.910281THM 294.93 `includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.40269 , Total amount due 11,01 (Basic Chg + ($0,65930'lherms))'4.88000% $362.29 SERVICE.ADDRESS 206 Plne Bt t- . - ,r;... _ ....... ...................._... ..... .. Monticello MN 55362.8665 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M19802312869 29 Day billing period 02f27/2014 to 0 312 812 01 4 Current reading 03/2812014 2483 Previous reading 02127/2014 2145 Metered Usage 318 GGF X Therm ractorol 1.01014 = Therms uasd In 28 days a 324 Next meter reading 04/3012014 Next Wiling data 05!0112014 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comilnd Firm Rate Basic charge $4P.Q0 Delivery charge 324 therms $0.153391THM 49.70 Docoupling adjustment 324 therms Q .$0.021421THM -6.94 Gas AffordablIlty PRG 324 therms @ $0.004901THM 1.59 Cost of gas" 324 therms Qa $0.910281THM 294.93 `includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.40269 Interim rate adjustment 11,01 (Basic Chg + ($0,65930'lherms))'4.88000% Total current charges $362,29 Avg daily gas use: This paned this yr 11.2 THM; this period Inal yr U.1 THM Page 1 of 'I CentrerPoint. Enorgy Always There.• CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOIL 1144 MINNEAPOLIS WIN 55444 -1144 Avg daily lamp: Ttda padod I1115 yr 23 °F; Ihls podud test yr 27 OF �7 Mall this pardon with payment. Please da not Include lutlers or nolas. Account number 9429448 -5 Data due 04/29/2014 Total amount due $ 362.28 Amount paid $_ CENTFRPOINT ENE=RGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 II�Illlrll�lllllll�Illl11�1rll�ll 'll °i1'�l[I���1'111�'1��11�i'1� 00019634 01 AV 0.378 1 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -8821 11111111511111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 11�i llln'� 07110108200077 0072000009.429448520000003 2290OUnUO3622970 orgy Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429460 -1 Always There? Bluing date 0410112014 Date due 04/29121114 Total amount due $ 293.16 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? ConterPolnt Energy --- PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday-Call 8 a.m. - 5 p,m. Bill into 612 -321 -4939 CenterPointEnergy.com DID YOU KNOW? Effective March 1, 2014, the Decoupling adjustment rate has changed. This adjustment makes up,for any shortfall or excess'in sales revenue that is not due to weather. Questions? Call 612-372-4727, 1- 800 -246 -2377 or visit CenterPointEnergy.corn/ decouplingad justment. Your account is ready to view maw. Register for free online accauni access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My'EnergyAnalyzer, and much more. Register at CentorPointEnergy.aom/ myaocountonline. ACCT SUMMARY Previous balance Current billing Total amount due �' Gas charges s . : $282.03 293,16 $293.16 SERVICE ADDRESS ; Basic charge 112 E Broadway 8t :1 :i o , }r • '�° > ,, ... .° , ",£." :.: } Monticello MN 56362 - 4654.,•.,... .:. - - ..:...- ..... . .. ... ....:._ _, YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M19909103467 20 Day bllling period 0212712014 to 03/2812014 Currant reading 03/28/2014 6014 Previous reading 02/27/2014 4766 Metered Usage 248 CCF X Therm factor of 1.01914 =• Therms used in 29 days = 263 Next meter reading 04/3012014 Next billing date •0610112014 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL, Com /Ind Firm Rate Basic charge $16.00 Delivery charge 253 therms @ $0.15081/THM 38.15 Decoupling adjustment 253 therms @ - $0.013921THM -,3.62 Gas Affordabiltty PRG 263 therms @ $0.004901THM 1,24 Cost of gas* 263 therms @ $0,910281THM 230.30 "includes a purchased.gas ad]ustment of $0.40269 Interim rate adjustment 6.99 (Basic Chg + ($0.66672 *therms))`4,88000% Total current charges $293.16 Avg dally gas use: Tide period this yr 8.7 THM; this period last yr 10.9 THM Page 1 of 1 Avg dally temp: This period Ibis yr 23'F; Ibis porlod lost yr 21 V 'sr Ce>)ferPOflirf Mall this portion with payment. Please do nol Inctuds Ieltars or notes. s eL71�r�Y Account number 9429450 -1 Date due 04/29/2014 AlwaysThme Total amount duo $ 293,16 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN $5440 -1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 r rilllj�I�tIOIII III IIIIII III [III Jill III Ili 11111111111 ~111111111111 0001953301 AV 0.378 t THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, MN 66362 -8821 ��Ilu�li1L�i�ll�iil�lihnlln�Il�llilill ,Il�w111i�Illlihl�llll 0700108200093 00720000C]9 429450150000002 931160000000931630 Gary Fkegren Pizza Factory 600 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 INVOICE Invoice # 12967 Billing Date 91512014 Billing Period Terms Due on receipt _ .j Architectural Services Provided Fate (quantity Amount Proposed Pizza Factory Location - 600 Gedar Street, Monticello, MN 55362 Pizza Factory Concept Planning from existing space 3,000,00 3,000.00 to now location - measuring and documenting existing equipment and plan concepts for new location 15 °1b (1.6% monthly) interest on unpaid amounts 20 days after invoice date Totat Invoice $3,000.00) *0'µV Rrgo OMB Approval No. 2502.0265 A. Settlement Statement (HUD -1) Rx aaa� B. Twos of Loan 1. [] FHA 2. E] RHS 3. ❑ Conv. Unins. 6. 4. E] VA 5. E] Conv, Ins. 01009 File Number: -14 7. Loan Number: 8. Mortgage Insurance Case Number: C. Nate: This form is furnimod to give you a statement of actual setlement costs. Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown. Items marked "{p.o.c.)' were paid outside the closing; they ore shown here for informational lowposes and are not included in the totals. D. Name and Address of Borrower: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 E. Name and Address of Seller: Monticello Uqucr, Inc. 130 East Broadway, P.O. Box 48 Monticello, MN 55362 F. Name and Address of Lender: G. Property Location: 130 BroadwayrAvenue East Monticello, MN 55362 Wright County, Minnesota The Northerly 110.00 feet of Lots 10 and 11, Block 34, and the Northerly 110 feet of the H. Settlement Agent: Preferred Tate, Inc. 113 West Broadway, PO Box 727 Monticello, MN 55362 Ph. (763)295 -6140 I. Settlement Date: April 15, 2014 Place of Settlement: 113 West Broadway, PO Box 727 Monticello, MN 55362 J. Summary of Borrower's transaclton K. Summary of Seller's transactlon 100. Gross Amount Due from Borrower: 400. Grass Amount Due to Seller: 101. Contract sales pirice 275,000.00 401, Contract sales arloo 275,000.00 102. Personal propartX 402. Personal pro2arty 103. Settlement Charges to Borrower Line 1400 2,829.25 403. 104. 404. 105. 405. Adjustments for Items paid by Seller in advance Ad ustments for Items paid by Seller In advance 106. CitylTownTaxes to 406. CityffownTaxos to 107. Count Taxes to 407. CourityToxas to 108. Assessments to 408. Assessments to 109. 409. 110- 410. 111. 411. 112. 412. 120. Gross Amount Due from Borrower 277,829.25 420. Gross Amount Due to Seller 275,000.D0 200. Amounts Paid by or in Behalf of Borrower 500. Reductions In Amount Due Seller: 201. Deposit or earnest money 501. Excess do posit see instructions 202. Principal amount of new loans 502. Settlement charges to Seller Line 1400 203. Existing loans taken sub'ect to 503. Extstin loans taken sub'ect to 204. 504, Payoff First Mortgage 205. 505. Pa off Second Mar e e 206. 506. 207. 507. Water Bill - $359.33 POC to City, of Monticello 208. 508. 209. 509. Ad ustments for items unpaid by Seller Ad ustmenls for Items unpaid by Seller 210. Cif frown Taxes to 510. CItVfTownTaxes to 211. County Taxes to 511. Count Taxes to 212. Assessments to 512. Assessments to 213. 513. 214, 514. 215. 515. 216. 516. 217. 517. 21 B. 516. 219, 519. 220. Total Paid by/for Borrower 520. Total Reduction Amount Due Seller 300. Cash at Settlement fromllo Borrower 600. Cash at settlement tolfrom Seiler 301. Gross amount due from Borrower line 120 277 829.25 6D1. Gross amount due to Seller line 4217 275 000.00 302. Less amount paid by flor Borrower line 220 { ) 602. Less reductions due Seller line 520 { 303. Cash ❑X From 0 To Borrower 277,829.25 603. Cash [g] To ❑ From Seller 275,000.00 Paid ouralde d cln.leg by bu raver4a), sellor (S), Iwtder {y, or thgd-perty(T) The pubec hTurgng Burden far [his odlme ion d Infwmslkn h esllmaW d 35 minules per respmsafw WInIing, rMmIng, end repwtlng Ihadala This agency map not cdlocl this inrormallm, and you aro nak required locampleterhts fwm, unless Itdisplays acurrently valid OMB confrd number. Noconfidenldily Is assured; this disclosure Is mwdalny. This 13 designed to prwldethe panes toa RESPAcwwed tracsaetlo AM rnkrmallon during greseglemenl process. Page 1 of 3 HUD -1 (01009- 14.PFD 101 009 - 1 4/21) L. Settlement Charges x00 To a.:tiieaCElata e�[PL(eG : _ __ _ Paid Frorn Borrowers Funds at Settlement Paid From Sellers Funds et Settlement Oivislon of commission (fine 700) as follows: 701. to 702.$ to 703. C nnAssion isaid at setllemen 704. 705. 80 91,11 -. . .. - 801. Our origination charge $ from GFE #1 802. Your credit or charcia oink for the s 'fi (from GFE #2 our adlusted orlaination r iromGFE A 0. 804. Appraisal fee to E 805. Credit Report to from GFE #3 806, Tax wvlre to from GFE 93 807. Flood certification to (from GFE M 809. Were GFE 3 810. from GFE #3 �fl ➢Jt!} e _ �cl''ti_ =�_ :__ '1 ; =,l�A a_ Ca _ g..s 901. Dal Interest charges from to jlda y (frornGFEA101 902. Mortgage Insurance premium for months to from GFE #3 903. Homeowner's insurance for years 10 (from GFE 411 904. from G FE #11 905. from GFE #it 48ti0 Resaivew, epos twlth ender _ _ 1001. Initial deposit for your escrow account (from GFE #9 1002. Homeowner's Insurance months QD per month $ 1003. Mor a e insurance months 0 per month 1004. Property tares $ 1005. 1008. months @ per month $ 1007. months @ per month $ 1006. $ 1009. $ 1101. T01e services and lender's title Insurance (from 0 FE #4) 952.00 1102. Settlement or closing fee to Preferred Title Inc. 500.00 1103. Owner's tftle Insurance to Preferred Title, Inc. in Trust for Commonwealth from GFE #5 916.75 1104. Lender's title Insurance to Preferred Title, Inc. In Trust for Commonwealth $ 1105. Lender's title policy limit $ 1106. Owner's We policy limit $ 275,000.00 1107. Agent's portion of the total We insurance premium t0 Preferred Title, Inc. $ 735.00 1106. Underwriter's portion of the total title insurance remium to Preferred Titlo, Inv, in Trust for Commonwealth $ 183.75 1109. $ 1110. $ 1111. $ 1112. $ 1113. $206= _ everrlmentiReco MO: Imo. L` _ O . 1201. Government recordinq charges to Wright County Recorder from GFE #7 46.00 1202. Deed 46.00 Mortgage $ Releases $ Other 1203. Transfer taxes to Wright Count Treasurer from G FE #B) 907.50 1204. OR CCount taWstam Deed Mortgage 1205. State taWslam Geed $ 907.50 Mofl a e $ 1206. ion Fee to Wrl ht Count Treasurer 5.00 13tl0 JAildltloAa1 :8a1tlet�nelit`GFfern'es __ 1301. Required services that you can shop for (from GFE #6 1302. $ 1303. $ 1304. $ 1305. $ 1M19 :TSFtT�tt amen ;Charges_{ sofa %gO;Iliiaa�.09 I��I:anti�92z114�- -iS) Bi?5 �-� ' Pmtl ansidool closing by barn or(B),seller(S),lenda(y, or Ihird-parly(TI Certilled to be a true copy. Page 2 of 3 HUD-1 {01009- 14.PFD101009- 14121} CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available docuir. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ f .� Transaction type: �( In person Phone order _ Internet Other Circle purchaser ntune., Jeff O'Neill Cathy Shuman Kerry Burri AngajLeerho��f h U nn loki y en Mega n Bainett- Livgard Tom Kelly Angie McIntire Finance Depart rnent Usp* F.. UseTax2 Yes No )jate-.processedl: Initials: _... ___.. Transaction for Supplies Repair parts Rental Parking Seminars or Hr A.ttendec(s; Location _ Circle department 101 -41110 103 -41310 101 -41410 101 -41520 101, -4 9 - aa1 Other Circle expense code 420200 420300 420990 421990 422990 431960 4319 3220 2# 0 433100 443300 443700 443990 Other W R - 2 2014 � Smom- - MONTICELLO KAIN PO - NONTICELLO, I111rinesota $0.49 { 553629356 2663650984 -0098 04/01/2014 (763)295 -2213 040305 PM Salss Receipt $2.70 Product Sale Unit Final Description Qty Price Price OWASSO OK 74055 Zane -4 $0.49 First -Class Mall Letter $6,49 0.70 oz. $12.96 Expected 091tvary, Fri 04/04/14 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.70 @O Certified $3.30 USP5 Certified I4a1l #: Transaction #: 838 70060100000362841596 23 903341360 Issue PVI: =- gQQwww $6.49 ILONTICELLO MN 5$362 Zone -0 $0.49 { First -Class Mail Letter 0.70 ox. Expected Delivery: Wed 04/02/14 Return Rcpt (Green Card) $2.70 00 Certified $3.30 USP5 Certified Mail #: 70060100000362841572 Issue PVI, $6,49 Total, $12.96 Paid by: VISA Account #: XXXXXXXXXXXX7045 Approval #, 002769 Transaction #: 838 23 903341360 @tr For tracking or inquiries go to USPS.com or call 1 -800- 222- 1811. Dues %mbershlpa and Subscriptions Licenses and Permits Miscellaneous Other Expense City Containers Amount $417.08 Solid Warts Management Tax $70,48 m So astc Apartma »t ➢escrlpHon Amount MWTa$ 1453-ColfCoursa 13 Yard 1 .$30.50 $5,70 Total $35,80 1454.1311ison Park 3 yard $30,27 $5,15 $35,42 1455 • WeekBridgo nark 2yard $20.40 $3,47 $23,87 1456- MonlimlloSowagoPlant 2yard $20.40 $3,47 $23,87 1401 HsstBlvd 1456 - Monticello Sewaga Plant 3 yard $76.51 $13,01 $89,52 1401 Hart MA 1458 -City Hall 3.3 yards $178,52 $30.35 $208.87 505 Wuloot St 1459- ManllcelloLibrary 2yard $10,20 $1.73 $11,93 611 St & Wolunt 4458- Hi- WayLiquors 3yard $20,40 $3.47 $23,87 545 Pico St RDA 95 gatIr"ll $6,84 $1.17 $1755 100 aroadwayE 65 gal recycle $2.49 Flower Park 3yard $20,40 $3,47 $23,87 9155 VallonR Avenua AL WSB dcAmoc�' dafa. hic. Engineering 1 Planning I Environmental 1 Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City of Monticello March 19, 2014 inneepolis, MN 55416 Attn: Wayne Oberg, Finance Director Project No: 01494 -7 0.763- 541.4600 505 Walnut Street, Suito 1 Invoice No: 8 41 -1700 Monticello, Mid 55362 -8831 Economic Development & Market Matching 0 Professional Services from February 011, 2014 to Pebruary T$, 2014 .w Phase 01 2013 -2014 -- Fee Total Fee 32,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Earned 32,000.00 Previous Fee 13111ing 28,000.00 Current Foe Billing 4,000,00 Total Fee 4,000.00 Total this Phase $4,000.00 Comments: Total this Invoice ' $4,000.00 Approved lay: Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Project Manager: Jahn Uphoff St. Cloud a Minneapolis I St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer Wsueng.mm AP 4 ?'114 r .. CHECK REQUEST FROM; Kitty Baltos, Community Center Director CHECK AMOUNT: I REQUEST DATE; 41JI4- Check to; Harry T. Lantto Vendor # 907— 2nd Ave S Buffalo, MN 55313 Meeting Worked: Plannine Commission Date 14 Time Dlig EDA Meeting Date Time Amount Due Other Date Time Amount Due Total Due: Planning Commission: EDA Other Authorized r � Date TIME SHEETS ATTACHED "Please return to DITTY for forwarding" if MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER TIME 81-1-EET Employee Name HARRY LANTTO Position PUBLIC MEETING RECORDER - CONTRACT 1,-M--- 4, DATE,' TIME iliF TTME QTJ Hours Worked Meeting FP4 Meetina Pavmeat Agreement: MELTING REC( SIGNATURE: DATE: q / AUTHORIZED DATE- $50 for first 3 hours $10 per hour for every hour after Harry T. Llantto 0� 08"'r ROBERT J, HiR1A3 A. csrr COf1NTYA0DTfOr+/fRBA5t1R1 R 95 le 3HCONO STMT N.W. ROOM 252 03 BUITALO, MN 5531.3.1194 10, a 763a2-75 2 ar 763-682-7584 www.co.wtigbl•ma,us Property ID #' R165-171 -000060 . . Taxpayer ID Number. 248203 2014 1905 CITY OF mowncELLO Fh. `A "' 505 WALNUT sT STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822: _v IIPIFIIa�ltr. rrlll, IIIlult�llr '�il��lt��hrli111111�9r+Irrt�l $$$ You maybe eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your properly tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. TAX STATEMENT 2014 2013 Values for Taxes Payable 1n if your address has Changed please checkthis bo-x and show ice change on f", flack of thls stub. VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION Sentin March 2013 2. use arse amamis on Porm MIPR to sea ifyou are eligible for a special refimd. Taxes Pa able Year. 2015 2014 Tahmated et value: 143 9D T27M 1l=U1etdJ8=lusbM: Step Taxable Market Vahre: 143.590 129y00 Now1copaovemenW 1,512.00 1'3xpired 13zc1usions: /l P�YGlageiEcatioa: .AONMTb AGNASTD A. Agricultural market value credit 1Px' app" Dosuiptlan: 9ec1- i0Tap12 1Ragge-025OTTERCRBMCROSSING (M( CEL I3.67AC 0Ipi7.OT P gig PROPOSED TAX sent in No ,erbe zi3 Step 1,628.00 1,51280 Proposed Tax: 1,512.00 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO FDA 6. County PROPERTY Step First-half Taxes: 716.00 606A6 second- balfTaxec 756.00 3 Taal Taxes Doe is 2014: 1,512.00 1. Use this aznaunt on Poxm M1Plt W sea ifyou era eiigibla for o pn)party tax reflmd FLIASIAM THE BAUOME STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. �� Pile by August 15. If" box is claw ad, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. ❑ if your address has Changed please checkthis bo-x and show ice change on f", flack of thls stub. d 2. use arse amamis on Porm MIPR to sea ifyou are eligible for a special refimd. FULL TAX AMOUNT: Your Property Tax and Credits Bill Number 67753 PENALTY. 3. Your property texas be &M credits 1,628,00 1,512.00 4- Creditsd,al tedaceyourproperly1mea �6 Bill Number: an53 PENALTY: A. Agricultural market value credit gram S. other Credits gig ID Number. 248208 5. Property cases after credits 1,628.00 1,51280 Property Tax by Jurisdiction CITY OF MONTICELLO FDA 6. County 636.43 564.02 7. City or Town (CM OF MONTICELLO) 606A6 580.77 8. Stara Geaeral Tax 9. School District (0882) A. Voter approved levies, 213.06 227.52 B. Otber loan] levies 163.31 139.39 10- SpeoW Taring Districts MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 eon�wisentwee sreredve mMaxddc�arewreeume�ebiuwunaemecea unuuesn A. !;Mt, RP 8.72 11. Non- scbeol voter approved refereadalevies 12. Total property tax before special assessments _ _ 1,628.00 1,51100 Special Assessments on your Propertyt 13. Special ssasssnaram - 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIALASSFS4MENTS 11626.00 1,51100 ^T J W PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB FLIASIAM THE BAUOME STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. �� TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: NOVEMBER 18 if your address has Changed please checkthis bo-x and show ice change on f", flack of thls stub. d Property ID Number. R15s-171- 000060 [SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $756.00 FULL TAX AMOUNT: $1,512.00 Bill Number 67753 PENALTY. TOTAL: g l i IA Number 248203 MMKE CHECKS PAYABLE &.MAIL i0: �6 Bill Number: an53 PENALTY: ROBRRT]. IMVAI.A gram walarr CO1lMAUJ)nVR&RSns[Atelt gig ID Number. 248208 1050001 ST=N.W.R00M232 SI11PAfb, ARS 55313-1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO FDA ROBERT], MEV'AIA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 WRUU CODNIYAOITORIMASUffi R MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 arsr«psoma��n.racesvo „a. ay.aarma tar #tawsrcmss uenm a 10 S8mm STREBIN.W. ROODS 232 PAYABLE 2014 7s1 HALF PAYMENT STUB ^ rR FLEAsPADTHE BACKOFTHEBTATEMENTFORIMPORTANTINFORWIlION . has o check this box �� TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 15 a olhe Mee and address and show the char a Dn the back of This stub. FULL TAX AMOUNT: $1,512.00 0 Property ID Number. 8155.171- 00006 FIRST 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $75&00 Q Bill Number: an53 PENALTY: TOTAL: gram gig ID Number. 248208 Off CHECKS PAYASLE &MAILTO.. ROBERT], MEV'AIA WRUU CODNIYAOITORIMASUffi R 10 S8mm STREBIN.W. ROODS 232 811n I.O, MN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO FDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 eon�wisentwee sreredve mMaxddc�arewreeume�ebiuwunaemecea unuuesn 5914 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, YN 55402 (812) 337 -9300 April 15, 2014 Statement No, 119643 Monticello EDA 506 Walnut Ave, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through March 31, 2014 MN325 -00028 Liquor Store Acquisition I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is Just and correct and that no part of It has been paid. Signature of Cla 6 nt APR 16 2014 " :.. 1, 071.25 Total Current Billing: 1,071,25 Page; 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 r�'E:'l; Minneapolis, MN 55402 A Monticello EDA March 31, 2014 MN326 -DO028 Liquor Store Acquisition Through March 31, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows; Hours Amount 313112014 MNI Phone conversation with W Oberg regarding status of 0.30 66,60 liquor store PA and need for liability waiver; office conference with S Sonsalla regarding same, 314/2014 MNI Email to W Oberg regarding liability waiver; review same 1.30 240.50 from S Sonsalla and modify. 3/6/2014 MNI Email and phone correspondence with A Schumann, W 1.40 259.00 (berg regarding PA, need for City action, and waiver; revise PA and waiver; review staff report. 3/612014 MNI Review EDA staff report for approval of PA, 0,20 37,00 3/24/2014 CsR Review title and purchase agreement; a -mails regarding 1.76 222.25 specials, utilities and closing; draft worksheet and send to sellers 3125!2014 CSR E -mails regarding closing issues 0,25 31.75 3126/2014 CBR Draft closing documents 1.75 222.25 Total Services: $ 9,068.26 For All Disbursements As Follows: 3/24/2014 American Office products - Tabs 3.00 Total Disbursements: $ 3.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 1,071.25 Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th street Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 -1625 LISA Voice: 612-851-5900 Fax: 612- 851 -5951 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Sold To: City of Monticello Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice Invoice Number: 364a Invoice Date: ?1/1.114 Page: 1 Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Rep 1D DUo Date TTF' 22 Net 30 Days ..�..._.�........��_ 5/11./19 ,._...._I Description Amount For services related to TIF District Management, TIP 22. Please see attached 980.01 detail. I f i Ak ft PAV__�' Subtotal 4H.00 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 480.00 Check No: payment. Received TOTAL Northland Secutlties, Inc. 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000, Minneapolis, MN 55402 'ton tree 1800- 851 -2920 wiR 612- 851 -5900 r� 612 -851 -5987 www.norrhlanducuricies.rom Member FINRA and STC NORTHLAND STRATEGIES 5peclal Projects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client; City of Monticello Project: TIP District Management, TIP 22 Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing period: March 2014 Services Performed • Preparation of material and presentation • Present at FDA meeting • Present at City Council meeting Staff Time Expenses Position Senior Professional Professional Support Total Staff Mileage Printing Other Total Expenses Project Stnnmary Total Budget* Billed This Period Billed Previous Budget Remaining *Billing on an hourly basis. o trs ate Billable 3.00 $160 $480.00 - $135 $0,00 - $105 $0.00 3.00 $480,00 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $0.00 $� ($480.00) ($3,040.00) $(3,520.00) Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 n !L AW 111Afi - r4.. t` NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Page I of l Z 3 MAULING ADDRESS ACCOUNT PPUMBER Seeaurwehsite: xcelenergy -com Email us at Q xcw MONTICELLOEOA 600 WALNUT ST STE 1 51- 0623082 -8 I;5106M2014 1 -600 -895 -4949 Fax: MONTICEILD MN 55352 -8022 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE XCEL ENERGY 17 NRSPONBISLE OV NPTTURVO 19 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0008 21 22 n M 408026220 04/09/2014 28 n !L AW 111Afi - r4.. t` Temperature Electricity kWh Electriclty Cost Z 3 4 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeaurwehsite: xcelenergy -com Email us at Customersewiceexcelenergy.Com Please Call: 1 -WO 401 -4700 Nearing Impaired : 1 -600 -895 -4949 Fax: 1800-311 -0050 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY 17 PD BOX 8 19 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0008 Xceffinergyo SUMMARY OF.CURRENT CIIA EleCtrUty SefvlCEI Non - Recurring Charges/ Credits Current Charifes 5 {dettliledclharges'b�pi - orl ;pege'ZJ'•�- • ., �• -> . ..,__; -a 10/14- 04/08/14 k�.w'' i _1 % v,.;'� '1 d - CH } APR 14 2014 �.01 Ili ACCOUNT BALANCE r Previous Balance As of 03/10 Payment Received Check 03/26 Balance Forward $47:IO Current ChaTpes -$1.00 CR s _ Amount pug $16.1fl INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment, f :.d Convenience at your service - Pay your bills electronically -fast and easy with Electronic Funds Transfer. Call us at 1 -800 -484 -4700 or visit us at s , www.xcelonergy.com. RkTUHN UOTTQM PORMON WITH Y011H PAYMENT - PLEASEI O NOTUSC STAPLES,TAPE (DI.PAPER CUPS ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE 111111M=1 51- 0623082 -8 05/06/2014 ,16.10 Please aee the back of this bill fur in are informaton .regarding the late payment charge. Pay on orbafore11m date due to avoid assassmontof a late paymom chargo. Make your chock payable to HCEL ENERGY AV 0101715011 94320B 7fi A**SDGT Itltlrlllt'1'11'Il" 11111111111111111 11111111611111111111111H 11 NOW!"IMLL4 EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 7 MONTIMLLD NN 55302 -8831 "I'11u11u'I'lllrlll.11111' III '1!!11 "t'It111'II "'ll'11111l111 XCEL ENERGY P,O, BOX 9477 MPLS VIN 66484 -9477 31 51050614 OL230828 *000BU0©10DIGU 111300 11610 Q J 7 Z 3 4 3 7 8 9 to 11 1z 13 14 1� 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 n M 26 28 27 28 2a so at "I'11u11u'I'lllrlll.11111' III '1!!11 "t'It111'II "'ll'11111l111 XCEL ENERGY P,O, BOX 9477 MPLS VIN 66484 -9477 31 51050614 OL230828 *000BU0©10DIGU 111300 11610 Q J ja Xceffinergym Celebrate Earth Month: Add a Little Renewable Energy toyour Mix. Purchase renewable energy through Windsource, our leading voluntary green power program. Its an easy and lnexpensiveway to make a difference and impress your customers. b Learn mare_ VJsiraresl#VeraycnMllWindsau= L ............. .................................. .............................._ Aage 2 04 rNd ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 51 -0623082 -8 I I 1y IN/2014 MONTICELLO EDA ' 505 WALNUT sT STE I MONTICELLO MN 553B2 8822 STATE ENT fi]UAIBER STATEMENT UATiE $10.00 408026220 04/09/2014 $16.10 SERVICE ADDRESS: 349 W BROAt1WAYST MBKTICELLO, MN 936243M NEXT READ DATE: 05/09114 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 303657a59 INVOICE NUMBER: 0518332027 ELEVRICIr1f CHARGES RATE, Sm Gen Svc (iulmred) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $10.00 Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh $0.009530 $0.00 fuel Cost Charge 0 kWh $0.035970 $0.00. Affordability Chrg $0.93 Resource Adjustment $0.41 Interim Hate Adj $0.56 Subtotal $11,60 City Fees $5.;50 Total $17.10 h10M- RCCURRING CHARGES/ COEDITS DEYAILS DESCRIPTION CHARGE REVERSE 3-1T -14 WE CHARGE -$1.00 CR Transfer from Customer - $17.10 CR 6505907 03/20 Fatal .$18.16 CR M 4. Iftstabom WIIIII traroea'Wft Know what's below beforo you dig I Hitting any gas or electric line is risky. Far that reason, If your business installed lines in additionto Xcel Energy's lines, you must hire a professional to locate them bof0re digging. Xceffinergrya. RESPONSIBLE BY MATURV QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourw6bsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at Customerservlceotcaienergy.cam Please Gall: 1- 800 -4B1 -4700 Hearing Impaired: 1- 800-8954949 Fax: 1- 800 - 311 -0060 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY Po Box a EAU CLAIREW1 b4702 -0008 Arlo Jelnerg►gr& NCKMERN STATES POWER COMPANY Pegs 1 a4 MAILING ADDRESS Temperature A A Erae>sicftlr kwh Eloctrlc!t Cost ,: �� �:± QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourw6bsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at Customerservlceotcaienergy.cam Please Gall: 1- 800 -4B1 -4700 Hearing Impaired: 1- 800-8954949 Fax: 1- 800 - 311 -0060 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY Po Box a EAU CLAIREW1 b4702 -0008 Arlo Jelnerg►gr& NCKMERN STATES POWER COMPANY Pegs 1 a4 MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUVOER A A MO NTICELLO EDA 51- 0592578 1 4 505 WALNUT ST MONT[GaLO MN 55962621 STATEMENT NUMBED STATEMENT DATE 408395561 04/ $A 186l20r ,18 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES Idetailed charges begin on page 2) Electricity Service 03/11114 - 04/09/14 0 kWh $17,10 Nan - Recurring Chargos/Credits 418.10 CR Current Charges • i ACCOUNT BALANCE A ft- Previous Balance As of 03/11 ' ` $35.20 Payment Received Check 03/N '$18.10 CR Balance Forward r $1718 !4 Current Charges .. _,,, -$1.00 CR Amount Due $16.18 a INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. Convenience at your service -Pay your bills electronically -fast and easy viritfi Electronic Funds Transfer. Call us at 1,800 -481 -4700 or visit: us at vrnvwxcelenergy.co m, PEP) WROTTOMN"ONWITH YOUR PAYU99*MsEAO OTOK- SrAMS.TAPEOnPAPERCUM ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE A A 510592578 -0 05/00/2014 $16.10 Please see the back of this bill for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before tlia date due to avoid assassmentOf a late payment charge. 7 2 3 Make your check payable to XCEL ENERGY 4 S 0 7 9 1a 1t 12 113 14 75 1G t7 AB 01 003M 9=4 B 16 A 78 19 2n 21 22 23 24 'd['IAII,jIArI AI��' IINIi11�III���II1I1 11HllII� "IIAIIIAIII]AltA1 2S YPr 27 2e 29 30 31 MONTICEL.LO FOA 505 WALNUT 5T MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8881 Ill ' Jill ILIIIII1III'" fIIIIIl1t11" IIII'AII "1' "EI1I�II'il'IIII "`Il XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 65484-9477 31 51050.814 0542578a *00000[3010000=0131610 ,J.— 0 M AILINGADDRESS ACCOUNTNUMAB1iR x mnemy* B05W LN aI>7A 51-0592578 -0 16/ 07sa s9bwaLrlursr MONTICELLO MN 653624821 STATEMENT NUMBER STATMEMT 13A7E 4063955131 04/11 /2414 $'16.10 ifs an easy and inexpensive way to make a difference and impress your Customers. Learn mare, t �isi�txralsnerg� .cars) /Wirtrlsarr�. ............... ............................... ...... ELECTRICITY CHARGES SERVICE ADDRESS: 202 PINE STMONTICELLO, MN 61362 DESCRIPTION UBARE UNITS RATE NEXT READ DATE. 06/12114 $10,00 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS 0 kWh $0,069530 Celebrate Earth Month: PR>rIVIISES NUMBER: 803547448 $0.00 Affordability Chrg INVOICR NUMBER: 0518704,962 Resource Adjustment Adel a l.alttle Renewable $0,01 Interim Rate Adj _ _ Enorgy toYour Mix. METElax72770f Read Oates, 03111/14 - 04/09/94(29 Days) Purchase renewable energythrough DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING PREVIOUS REABINO USAGE Total Energy 12939 Actual 12839 Actual 0 kWh Windsounce, our leading voluntary Demand tual a kW greed power program. Billable Dwand 0 kw ifs an easy and inexpensive way to make a difference and impress your Customers. Learn mare, t �isi�txralsnerg� .cars) /Wirtrlsarr�. ............... ............................... ...... ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sari Lela Svc (IIIlatered) DESCRIPTION UBARE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $10,00 Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh $0,069530 $0.00 Fuel Cast Charge 4 kWh $0,035970 $0.00 Affordability Chrg $0.93 Resource Adjustment $0,01 Interim Rate Adj _ _ $0.65 Subtotal $11,60 City Fees - $5,50 Total $17,10 NUN- RECURRING CHARGES 1 CREDITS DETAILS DESCRIPTION CHARGE REVERSE 3 -13 -14 LAVE CHARGE - $1.00 CR Transfer from Customer - $17.10 CH 4400193 03/30 Total - 08.10 CH E Know what's below before you dig I Hitting any gas or electric line is risky. For that reason, if your business installed lines in addition to Xcel Energy's lines, you must hire a professional to locate them before digging. J ' .Xcel nor y0 BESPBUSIBLE BY NATURE° YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE i1faE�Ir�t�I1B �3r A M J J -A S 0 N U J f M A LT AVERAGES Temperature r; Eleaticky kWh w Ei"Ieitp Cost DUESiIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourwehslte: nalenergy.com Email us at., Customersarvicoftelenorgy.com Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Please Can: 1-800- 895 -4999 Hearing Impaired: 1- UOO.895 -4949 Espaliol: 1- 800 -687 -8778 Or write us at XCEL ENERGY PO BOX e EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0008 III: wn m 1fP W ap L AWEner9Y' NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY top 1 era MAILINS ADDRESS ACGiIUNT NUMBER 05l07'f20i4 - MONTICELLO EDA 5505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 56362-8622 51- 0a1T384 -$ STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE r milli 408199827 04/10/2014 $90,53 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES ldetailed charges begin an page 21 Electricity Service 03/11/14 - 04/09/14 3 kWh $91.53 Non - Recurring Charges / Credits - $12.43 CR Current Charges -$0,90 CR ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of Qa /11: Payment Received Check o/w Balance Forward .; Current Charges;' $2,396 412.53 CR APR 1 5 2014 4i; A; , 11111.43 ' 40.90 CR Amount Due INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL; Winter protection rules will expire Tuesday, April 15, 2014. To avoid service disconnections, natural gas and electricity customers with overdue accounts should promptly contact our residential customer service line. Las reglas do proteccion de Invierno terminan, Mortas 15 de April 2414. Para-avitor desconexion do gas natural y electricidad, clients can cuentasvencidas, debe ponerse an contacto can nuestro seruicio al cliente residencial. Thank you for your payment. NUINBBTTOMPOHTIONWITHYOURPAYMEkr .19FASi No hurU$j8TAfttHT$TApkUaB,apTR0ppB, ACCOUNT NUMBER 1 DUE DATE 51 -0517384 -8 j 05/07/2014 1 $10.53 Please see the hack of this bill for more information regarding the late paymentcharga. Pay an orheforeThe date due to avoid assessmentof a late pnymontchargo. Make your check payable to XCEL,•ENER6Y AV 01 o2BW 953548118 D * *5t}GT �ihII�I��III�II��II�tRih��llilllll��dlt11911a�I lI�Il�tt�ull,� MONTICELLO FDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO NN 55362.8831 4 5 6 a 6 10 17 1- 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 2u 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 28 3D 31 II: Ip: tIi, II: I:, LIIUI�IIIU�IIIr�a�llllu�lll�I1191111uIIrht XCEI_ ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484.9477 31 51050714 05173848 *00000000100000001011 U53 S ::iJ Celebrate Earth Month. Add a laii & Renewable Energy to Your We. Sign up forwindsoure& It's a program that allows you to pay just a little extra eachmorrth to power soma, orall of your life, with renewaglewind energy. ICs an easy and inexpensive way to make a difference. ... ......n............. ...x- . ..... .. .... .. .......... n.....n ..� Loam more. visit xcelerer�rcuut/v,�n►�uu�ta j.................................. ............................... . Non 2 o a MAILING ABORM ACCOUNTWUNSER MONTICELLO EVA 505 WALNLrrST SU t 51- 05173040 lY5/D]/2�14 MONTICELLO MN 55952 022 STATIEMENT NUF b-MR STATEME TO 3 kWh $0.073930 408199821 04/1012014 3 kWh $4.033333 SERVICE ADDRESS: 492 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN IMM2 -9321 NEXT READ DATE: 55/4Y144 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMOEM 803806854 INVeICE NUMPER. 5515531483 ELECTRICITY CHARGES KAX Residential Seyvice DESCRIPTION USAQR UNITS RATE CHItRLrE Basic Service Chu $0,09 Energy Charge Winter 3 kWh $0.073930 $022 Fuel Cost Charge 3 kWh $4.033333 $0.10 Affordability Chrg $0.71 Resource Adjustment $0,01 Iruerim Rate Adj $04 Subtotal $9.50 City>=ees $1.95 Total $11-93 NON - RECURRING CHARGES CREDITS RETAILS DESCRIPTION CHARLIE REVERSE 31214 LATE CHARGE -$1.00 CR Transferfrom Customer $11A3 CH 4400193 03/20 Total, - $12A3 CB INF013MA1iION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average residedal customer, 55°1 of your bill refers to power plant costs, 9% to high voltage line costs and 36°% to the cost of local wires that are coutiectod to your home. Plain Now and Save on Summer Cooling Cosfs Electric use for cooling can reach peak levels on blistering summer days. Help reduce energy use in your home and community with a Saver's SwitchIm an your central AC. lfs M and earns you a 15°% credit on your June — September electric hill, Enroll today online at xcelenar cam�FurroslBesiderrLlal Saves 5variich or call 'I -SW198 . ' Xceffinergya RESPONSIBLE BY NAT0910e QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeoorwabsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at: Custamerservice�xcele0ergy.cum Please Call; 1. 800-481 -4700 Hearing Impaired: 1- 800-395 -4949 Fax, 1- 80(-311 -0050 Or write us at XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE W154702 -0000 PREMISES SUMMARY NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Page 1018 MAILINGADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER r MONTICEtLO EDA 51.0517365 -5 05/0$)2014 505 WALNUT ST STE I MI)WICKLOMN6MI32.0022 STATEMENT NUMBER STATIEMENTOATE Mil-11011till 406393750 04/11/2014 $84..J1 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of 021/41 .$224.46 Payment Received Check 03126 - $111,59 CR Balance Forward $112.87 Current Charges Non - Recurring Charges/ Credits $112.87 CR Amount Due $84.91 PREMISES NUI IRES PREMISES IDI NTIRER PREMISES DESCRIPTOR CURRENT BILL 302451493 206 PINE ST $50,41 302695149 112E BROADWAY ST $34.50 Total $84,91 NON - RECURRING CHARGES /CREDITS SUMMARY DESCRIPTION CURRENT BILL REVERSE 3 -13-14 LATE CHARGE 41.67 CR Transfer from Customer 906964103/20 - $11120 CR Total 4112.87 CR INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. Convenience atyourservice -Pay your bills electronically -fast and easy with Electronic Funds Transfer. Call us at 1- 800. 481.47110 or visit us at vuww.xcelenergy.com. PMRN90TTOMp0RTI0NWMJY011% PAYMENT -PLEASE 90 NOT tP9ESTAPWR,'rAPt- on PW M. UWS AIFAN � e 8 AGCQUNT UUMIiRN DUE DATE + r 51- 0517365-b 05/00/2014 1 $801 31 51050814 05173655 >K000(]DO274600000006491 L S ti �N a5r Ploase sae the back of this hlll for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessmental a Into paymantcharge. 3 Make your chock payable toXC £[.ENERGY 4 to AB 01 00337'198284 B 16 A 24 31 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 rl I r r rl t r rrri r II r Ii, r �rrr sieir I ri XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS HN 55484 -9477 31 51050814 05173655 >K000(]DO274600000006491 L S ti �N a5r Page 2 of s MAIEINQAUDEESS AMD TWOMBER r X En@Irgy� MDMICINUTSIIA 51- 0517365 9i; 01+� 595 WALNrrP ST STE 1 MORTICECLA MN 553132072 BTATFJIAENT WIIIBER ISTAWIMINT DATE i e 408393758 n4J11J2414 0431 D WAVERAGES Tempomtoro M1. Weeldpw Cost rs. SPRVICE ADDRES& ZN PINE ST MONTICELLO, WIN x5362 -M NEHT READ DATE: 95/12114 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DET-AILS PREMISES NUMBER: 302451493 ' INVOICE NUMBER: WtUX2a37 •r r• r METER772774 Read Dates: 09111114- 041091141281hyal gESCRIPi!(rN CURRENTPtADING PhtVIUIISREADINR I USAGE TofalFAGW 51421 Actual 5t129 Actual 1 2M kWh Demand TatuAl $20.51 1.7 kW MAW Demand $10.13 Affordability Virg 2 kW EI,1dMCITY ICHARGES RATE: Sun Gntn Svc JMoterad) DESCRIPTION U5AOE UNITS RATE t1r1wa — Basic service Cho $14.00 EnergyCharoo Winter 295 kWh $0.069534 $20.51 Fuel Cost Charge 295 kWh $0,034339 $10.13 Affordability Virg $OA3 Resource Adjustment $132 Interim Rate Ad! $2.02 Subtotal $4431 City Fees $5.54 Total $59.41 PremisesTatol $*, Al INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HILL For an average non- demand customer, 72% of your hill refers to power plant costs, 11% to high voltage fns costs, and 17% to the cost; of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand- billed customer, 82% of your total bill refers to ON pourer plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business, ra 1 �tw�tiara�tw�tw Know what's below before you dig Hitting any gas or electric line is risky. Forthat reason, if your business installed lines in addition to Xcel Energy's lines, you most hire a professional to locate them before digging. 7 Xcev° Tsmperaiura. Elemic'dy kWh `• 3 Eladde ry cost ; Page9oi8 — — MAKING ADDRESS ACCOUN7NUMBER 51- 0517365 -5 r r O5JOB/21)14 MONT IGEI.LO EOA 565 WA NUr ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8922 STATRIWENT NUMER I STATEMENT DATE � � 408393758 04/11/2014 $84.91 SERVICE ADDRESS: 112 R BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, UN 55807r9321 NEXT READ DATE: 65/12/14 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 302696149 INVOWE NUMBER: 0516782278 ELECTRICITY CHARGES r METEB7M132 AaadUaiss:03111l14 O4l 114(29 Da sj DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING USAGE TotalEnargy 65031 Aeival 64877 Actual 154 kWh Demand Actual Fuel Cost Charge 2.07 kW Billable OemAnd Affordability Chrg 3 kW Resource Adjustment ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE. Stn Gen Svc IMeteredj DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHAR13E Basic Service Ghg $10:00 Energy Charge Winter 154 kWh $0.058530 $10.71 Fuel Cost Charge 154 kWh $0.034351 $5.29 Affordability Chrg $4.93 Resource Adjustment $0.70 Interim Rata Adj _ „ $1.37 Subtotal ;9.00 City Fees $5.50 Total $34.50 L. Premises Total $34.50 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average non- demand customer, 72% of your hill refers to power plant costs, 111/6 to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, 82110 of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cast of local wires connected to your business. POP QUIZ What are the combined annual energy costs for U.S. commercial buildings and industrial faGilltiesT A. $202.3 billion U. $970 billion C. $2023 million D. $178.7 million Source: energystar goo/ huildfngs /gbout- usJfacts- and�tats mMQM P f: �s 7 @ Xceffinerqya MMILING ADDRESS ACCOUN HUMBER 51- 0517365 -5 4 MONI'ICELLO EGA 905 NIALNUF ST STE 1 MONTICELLOMN65362.022 STATEMENTNUMPEO STATIw1Yl&WWE 4$84.91 400393758 04/11/2014 NON- RECURRING CHARGES/CREM DETAILS DESCRIPTION CHARGE REVERSE 3- 13 -14 LATE CHARGE - $1.67 CR Transfer from Customer $111.20 CR 906964103/20 Tote/ - $11211 CR i �fi I 35 2015 Values for Taxes Payable i1T 14 ROBERT J. HIIVALA 08 tiVRIfrMCDUMA1M1�'OH111ZWUFA Taxes Payable Year: 201$ 2014 lll7 f 03 AO SBCONO STRM N,W, ROOM 252 BMALO, INN 55313 -1194 ,ate a 743.682.7572 or 7"2-75$4 wwly.co,wrlght.mn,us Property ID #: R1ss- olo-oe7ato. Taxpayer ID Number, 2482b3 bait U 2 0114 CITY OF Io owncELLO ERA 606 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 553625822 I11] 11111 1111111rril11 11161uI lrl �1Nil!Ril +u IdII�LIr:Ir�i:i ' f $$$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property fax, REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. A 10k,11pelm 14 2015 Values for Taxes Payable i1T Fife byAapstI5 .IfIltis box iscbedTA you awedol t taxes and ere not eligible. ❑ VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION sem D2 mw h 2013 2. Use those awounts on Fomt MiPR to see lryou are eUV le far a gxdat rc5md. Taxes Payable Year: 201$ 2014 Your Property Tax and Credits Batt atadMarket Valor: 3. You pro" taxes bo6za craft Xom este ed l3:colvei on: Step Taxable mA fst VaSesr NeW LmPmvemmtsf A. Agdca rant market value craft Fxphed Fxalusians: B. Corer Credit Pmpppeerriryycla Cpprtian: EUB&T EXEI'm r ' vp MONTTCSI,LE7IATS Sa 3 �41 TH .K Rao,".Ol�TMAT,MI §tep PROPOSED TAX sewrcNmemurdom 6. Cotwty Pmpmed rm: 0.00 7. City or Town (QTY OFMONTIC:ar.LO) 8. State General Tax PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Step W =cOmPrfrAUMT0RfMflASI M A. Voter approved levies Pirst- 1�it'Taxes: 59933 ED B. Otber loeW levies 70MI h1014: 1,196 66 1. Use this arammtouiarmMlP Rtoseeityousrecli &AfocapmPmtytexrefnod. __.----- -- - - -. _--- __- .. -. -_ -_ ______ -- PLEA1 ERFADTHEEACKOF THE STATEMENTFOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Fife byAapstI5 .IfIltis box iscbedTA you awedol t taxes and ere not eligible. ❑ ' 2. Use those awounts on Fomt MiPR to see lryou are eUV le far a gxdat rc5md. IV my Your Property Tax and Credits $1,186.86 3. You pro" taxes bo6za craft TOTAL: 4. Credits Neatmdace your property taxes ID Number 24a= A. Agdca rant market value craft B. Corer Credit ROS191tT J. MVALA 5. Praper(y taxes alter credits 0.00 Prope Tax by.1unsdletion 6. Cotwty IO SWOND MM MT. ROOM 232 7. City or Town (QTY OFMONTIC:ar.LO) 8. State General Tax 9, SoUdDistrict (0882) W =cOmPrfrAUMT0RfMflASI M A. Voter approved levies CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA B. Otber loeW levies a in. Special Texhog Districts 9111PAW, MN 55313 -1194 11. Nate- VU01 voter approved referenda levier a,a su a s Y °° *d^tkr WTM p "war:.0.kaCnx e. MONTICELLO UN55362 -8822 12. Total pro" lax befgre special asseasmeats 0.00 Spacial Assessments on Your Property 13. Special aasessmeats .908.08 Intsreat E 290.98 2,809.32 1,198,65 A-ROAI 1 32911 -0 x98.66 14. YOUR TOTAL FROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 2,809.32 1,198.66 --------------_______--------------------------- PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB __.----- -- - - -. _--- __- .. -. -_ -_ ______ -- PLEA1 ERFADTHEEACKOF THE STATEMENTFOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. - -_ TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 If your address has changed please check th€s box and show the change on the back of this stub. IV my Properly ID Number: R165 -010- 067090 SECOND 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $596.33` $1,186.86 Bill Number: 20899 PENALTY: TOTAL: o ID Number 24a= MAKECHEMPAYABLE &MAIL TO ROS191tT J. MVALA PEI ID Number. 24s2os WM11ICOU YAfffOPJ RE'A4= IO SWOND MM MT. ROOM 232 BllEM%MN5531 3-1194 W =cOmPrfrAUMT0RfMflASI M CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 10 SIlCO W 8nUM N.W. W0M232 a 505 WALNUT ST STE i 9111PAW, MN 55313 -1194 a,a su a s Y °° *d^tkr WTM p "war:.0.kaCnx e. MONTICELLO UN55362 -8822 _W__PAYABLE 2014 let HALE PAYMENT STUB —P`�E REAO THE BACK OFTHE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. 1 • TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 15 0 your address has g please check this box and show the change on an the back otthls stub. a I FULL TAX AMOUNT: $1,186.86 Property ID Number. 11155-010-067090 FIRST 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $599.33 92 Bill Number. 2oaeia OM"FPENALTY- TOTAL: ID Number. 24s2os MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: ROBERT J. kIIIVALA W =cOmPrfrAUMT0RfMflASI M 10 SIlCO W 8nUM N.W. W0M232 a 9111PAW, MN 55313 -1194 ` CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362.8 822 oaaapeemunwsneyesrtvo-r�maaed syar cmr rape :warmreedumynuw2d. 3819 35 AV oa 1 WEGHT oBlnEu'rY�A�n�w� sM 03 ►1T 10 ECOND SiR&>3'Y N.W. ROOM 232 N�� BUFFALO, MN 553131194 ,ass +' 7G3 G82 -7572 or 763 b82 75$4 www.cA.wifghGmn.uS Property ID #: Ri55- 010. 034130. • Taxpayer ID Number. 248203.,, R ; L 201 CITY OF MONTICELLO EbA' , ' 505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 5536MB22'•: 1141 l f I 11 nInI�1 Htl II . I'Y11l1111 I $$$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to And out how to apply. TAX STAMM ENT 014 2013 Values for Taxes Payable in t VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION SenttnM -h 2013 ❑ Ifyour address has changed Please check thla bat and show the change cn the back of this stub: Taxes Payabrq Year. 3019 2014 2. Use 91ese amotmts on Form MINK tree if you are eligible for a special refund. Estimated Market value: 160,800 179.M 110mettead EXClayipe: .']tB�3 Taxable Market Vahx: 160,600 179,700 NOW Eraprovcramw 1 Your praperty taxes before credits SxphedExclusloea: 4,290.00 &openy47astificatioa: Comm COMM 1 MNON -H RESNONd3 A. Agrlcttltarai market vahte credit Yraperty Aestrrptruae Scet -11 Twp.1211Iaags-025 0MGRiALMAT MON71QiLL0 Lot -0f 3111 o rk 03 4 i' Step PROPOSED TAX Sant in3J'ovember2073 I, L'mposedxax: 4,304.00 4,190.00 Proacrty art y Jurisdiction PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Step 402.79 386.69 First -half Taxes: 7t 2,145.00 q� 3 Serood•halfTaxes: ;+rda 2,145.00 D 8. Stare General Tax Total Taxes Duo in 2014: , i °; 4,290.00 1. Use this atnoant on Foam MOR to see if yea are eE Wa for a praparty tax refrmd, PLE48EREA0 THEEACROFVE3TATEMENT FOR NPORMNTINWRWT ION. t File by August 15. if this box is checked: you owe daHo luant taxes and are not eligible, ❑ ❑ Ifyour address has changed Please check thla bat and show the change cn the back of this stub: N 2. Use 91ese amotmts on Form MINK tree if you are eligible for a special refund. DUE: $2,145.00 Your Property lax and Credits TOTAL: ° 1 Your praperty taxes before credits 4,280.97 4,290.00 4. Credits that reduce ym pmptrly, tarns 1R0MM7 J.1111VAIA A. Agrlcttltarai market vahte credit WAIGIiP00RA 'TiTA�TfOR/PEHASOl1ffi1 B. Other Credits 10 Si ND S RW N.W. ROOM 232 ,9 5. Property taxes after creditt 4,280.97 4,190.00 Proacrty art y Jurisdiction 561 dG CotmtY 402.79 386.69 7. City orTosvn (QTY OFMONTICULO) 383.74 39636 8. Stare General Tax 1,076,20 1,06354 9.Sehooloborld (0852) A. Voter agprovedlevlea 476.97 382,81 BL Other local loops 140,83 212.05 10. Special Toxins District s A. MBL E P 5.52 B. TW 1,794.92 1,845.55 11. Non-school voter approved referenda levies 12. Total property tart bemre special astessateais 4,180.97 4,290.80 Special Assessments on Your Property 13. Spedalawmraeats 191.019 14. YOUR TC VTAL PROPERTY TAX AND S.PACL4ktASSESSM1V'1'S . 4,471.0$ 4,290.00 ^_ ^^ PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB PLE48EREA0 THEEACROFVE3TATEMENT FOR NPORMNTINWRWT ION. t TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER IS ❑ Ifyour address has changed Please check thla bat and show the change cn the back of this stub: N Property ID Number. R155 -010.034130 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $2,145.00 Bill Number: 20858 PENALTY: TOTAL: ° ID Number: 248x03 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TS: 1R0MM7 J.1111VAIA CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA WAIGIiP00RA 'TiTA�TfOR/PEHASOl1ffi1 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 10 Si ND S RW N.W. ROOM 232 ,9 MONTICELLO MN 55362$822 131Q(kATA, 31N $5313 -1184 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 561 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN553$2.8022 w matt Umc�oatwe,l,avwa Wwd" ,r« W-tu,— gaawrdrewonesarooenaed —} PAYABLE 2014 i °t HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASERFADTHE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANTINFOrOA00N. W Ej TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 1S and address has Changed please check stub. pox and show the than a on the hack of this stub. PULL TAX AMOUNT: $4,290.00 PrapeTty ID Number R155-010-034130 FIRST 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $2,145.00 BE Number: 20668 PENALTY: 707AL: ID Number 24a2w MME CHECKS PAYABLE &MAIL TO. 418 'ROBERT J. IMVALA WRIG]rr0DMUAUpP1Y1Ff1'RB URM ° 10 SBCOI+ID SHIM N:W. @O OM 232 BUFFALO. JIM 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362$822 rsroe K34rdU*nMW*1Y Awe dixk rymmwq*.rn, hw0U emarxawinm d. 561 1N *" ROBERTJ. MVALA 06 _A. WRIG9T COUNTY kUDITOR/fR MURER 00 03 a ] �p *s 10 SECOAID 5TRE6f N.W. ROOM 232 BUkNAI 5 bIN 55315 -1184 a� 7b3 682.7572 or 763- 682 -7584 IM0 WWW.c0.Wrlgfll.Yml,Re Property ID #:It15"IM341a0 TeTayer ID Number: 248203 CITY OF MONTICELLO EbA ' VAR 201 4 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 ' MONTICELLO MN 55362 -6822 ''..... .. .. _... .�.p.. IIIIIIRI' Illl"" llrrlulrurrltyjjulliilpili�rlll 'IIk1IAlL1 . ' ' . $$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. 2013 Values for Taxes Payable in 2014 µ VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION S W i.March =3 Fiat by August 15. Ifthis boxis dbedwd, you owe delinquent taxes andazt, not ftble. ❑ TaxasPayableYaar. 2013 2094 n Fsduleted V ve. 46,000 43,100 IWhktteadSxnMslaa StepTaxableMerkatValee: 4(%M 43,100 Nc+vlmpmvamems! Your Property Tax and Credits .Expired Rxclvstona; MP#: R155 010- 034150 PENALTY: Properly Classifiaatim! COMM Comm 1,622,97 PropperrffyyD t1oa: Sect- 11Twp•121RaepM3OP34RWALPLAT 4. Credits that reduce yourproperty taxes MONi1Cffi,7.C' t -014 Blerka134 1 Step PROPOSED TAX Sent in Nu her2033 e Proposed Tax: 1,614.00 Step PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Pust- nalrTa>«s: 803.00 SaW.d.hAVTaxes: am 00 3 ToWTaxosDuelnH14: � 11606,00 1, Use thia amount on Farm MIPR tome ifyou are eligible for a property tax refund µ - -- -- — Fiat by August 15. Ifthis boxis dbedwd, you owe delinquent taxes andazt, not ftble. ❑ If youraddress has changed please checkthis box n 2. Use theseamouv taonllormMIPRtoseeifynu are eli Wa:foras eclalrefend and show the clwp on the back of this stub. MP#: R155- 010-034150 PENALTY: Your Property Tax and Credits � MP#: R155 010- 034150 PENALTY: 3. Yourpropetty taxes before credits 1,622,97 1,606.00 4. Credits that reduce yourproperty taxes gg 3 Bill Number, 2011511 A. Agriculturalmazketvalue credit ID Number. 24am B. Other ttedits 5. Property taxes a6ter credits 1,622.97 1,606.00 ProlrerLyTax hyJurisdlction 6. Coaoty 407.46 39I.17 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) 388.81 40328 $. State General Tax 4$3.21 470.48 %ScheDIDlstrid (0882) MONTICELLO MIN 55362 -8822 A raeMV^ 9paa aror ddatares�aTMe Iomrainldaai .a. A. Voterappmvedlevies 223.65 215.05 B. Other local levies 114.25 126.02 10. special Taxing Districts A.M01,1W 5-59 11. Won-school vote approved rehreada levies 12. Total property tax bsfom spccW ssseasmests 1,622.97 1,6060 Special Assessments an Your Psaps"y 13. Special assessments 191.03 14. YOUR TOTAL PkOP +IAT"Y TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMEPPrS 1,524.00 1,606.00 W --- ^- PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUBPLEASEREADTHEBACKOFTHESTATEMENTFORIMPORTAWINFORMATION. µ - -- -- — TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 If youraddress has changed please checkthis box n Property ID Number: R155-010-034140 FIRST 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $603.00 and show the clwp on the back of this stub. MP#: R155- 010-034150 PENALTY: Property ID Number. RlBM10 -034140 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $803.00 � MP#: R155 010- 034150 PENALTY: TOTAL: o Bill Number: 20859 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE &MAIL TO. gg 3 Bill Number, 2011511 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE &MAIL TO. ID Number. 24am ROBERTJ. HUVAIA T= COTIMPSAWrI0RnT EASI1RER 10 M00 ffR0FrN.W. ROOM 232 bTIFYAlA,111N 5S3t3 -1294 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 545 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MIN 55362 -8822 A raeMV^ 9paa aror ddatares�aTMe Iomrainldaai .a. salt -------------- --- -- - - - --- --°------------------------------ PAYABLE 20'!4 Sgt HALF PAYMENT $TlJB TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 15 ---------- ---- - FLEASE READ THE BOOK OFTIi E STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATK IN, � ayour address has Changed please check la stub. box and shnw LiIB Chan s on the Case this stub. - -- -- — FULL TAX AMOUNT; $1,13013.40 Property ID Number: R155-010-034140 FIRST 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $603.00 MP#: R155- 010-034150 PENALTY: TOTAL: $ Bill Number: 20859 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE &MAIL TO. ID Number: 2482o3 ROBSRTJ. MVALA WAG= C011}iIYAlJ=R/ TdA4U Ht 10 SECOND MW NX. ROOM 232 8t1PPAI4, MN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 553628822 xorH.p santtarra w�zar0.rr ac ¢t :eerrtmsrext+a warwmedrmaa�a salt 35 14 ROBBRT J. HINALA Q8 NWEGHTGOWYAWITOPARWUM DU : 10 SECOND ST1113ST N.47, ROOM 232 03 4 �r BUITALO, NN 55313.1194 a 763.652 -7572 or 763 -692 -7584 wrm.CO.WIghLmR.us Property ID #: 8155- 010- t7�4156 ' Taxpayer ID Number: 248265 ',' IIiAR 1 F 2014 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 605 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55382-&824.' r rlPrl�ll= Ilrrr= rr6r�yd> Irnll� =ulr�hr =Il =Idll{Il�rl..i..i,i . You.rnay be eligible for one or even two $ $ refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. 1, Use Us amo a on Form M1PR to sco if you are 01191blo fora property tax rotund. El File by August 15.1ft1vs box is checked, you owa delinquent taxes and are not eligible. 2. Use ibese amounts oa Form M1 PR to eee ifyou are eligible tar a special refund. 3. Your properly taxes before credits 19,692.15 19,840.00 4. Credits thatredaco your property taxes A. Agricultural market vahle credit B. Orhatcrate 5. Preoerty taxes after credits 19,692.15 19,840.00 7. City or Town (CnY OF MONTICELLO) I. state Oenesal Tax 93011001Diattict (0862) A. Voter approved levies B, OdwrMon] levies 1,796.14 1,73398 1,713.72 1,784.78 5,939.51 5,788.72 1,725.03 1,446.96 584.56 a12.19 30, Special Tsxiag Districts 2014 A.MBLIIP 2013 Values for Taxes Payable In 8,008.52 8,273.37 VALUE$ AND CLASSIFICATION SBn Wk- 7r2073 TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 Taxes Payable Year 2013 2014 19,692-15 19,840.00 EstimatedMad'tetValae. 593,400 392 �� liomeataadHxefakV Step Taxable Mmket Va[ua: 593,409 392,+100 New1myrovemenm! Bill Number: lasso Hxpired Y3scclustons: I,Classi5caden; ^ Pmps- Comm Comm .. 1 Rroper De"'If , $acb611 iWp•121 Raugo-025 OR7GWAL PLAT MONr1CCHI..T.O Ipb015 Hlaak -0�4 � '°� PROPOSED TAX sea mi&vember2013 Ste p �� '2 Proposed Tax: 19,920.00 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Step - -____ PAYABLE 2014 1"' HALF PAYMENT STUB Firstbalf Taxeso 9,420.00 3 Total Ta Dw in2014: 19,840.00 RNWARED 1, Use Us amo a on Form M1PR to sco if you are 01191blo fora property tax rotund. El File by August 15.1ft1vs box is checked, you owa delinquent taxes and are not eligible. 2. Use ibese amounts oa Form M1 PR to eee ifyou are eligible tar a special refund. 3. Your properly taxes before credits 19,692.15 19,840.00 4. Credits thatredaco your property taxes A. Agricultural market vahle credit B. Orhatcrate 5. Preoerty taxes after credits 19,692.15 19,840.00 7. City or Town (CnY OF MONTICELLO) I. state Oenesal Tax 93011001Diattict (0862) A. Voter approved levies B, OdwrMon] levies 1,796.14 1,73398 1,713.72 1,784.78 5,939.51 5,788.72 1,725.03 1,446.96 584.56 a12.19 30, Special Tsxiag Districts 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS A.MBLIIP 24.65 B. TIP ', 8,008.52 8,273.37 11.Nba -Gabool voter approved tcfamdalevies TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 12. Total properly tax before special asteSenteate 19,692-15 19,840.00 Special Assessments on Your Property �� 13. Special asseconewts 287 -85 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 19,980.00 19,540.00 _—___ WPAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB — PLEABEREAD THE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 � if your address has changed please chock this btnc and show the Change on the back of phis stub, d � Property ID Number. 8155- 010 - 084160 SECOND 1/2 7A% AMOUNT DUI;: $9,920,00 �� MP#: 8155 p10-034160 PENALTY: TOTAL: 0 o � Bill Number: lasso MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & M41L TO. ID Number: 248203 TLOBYRT'J.TTIIV.AT.A wRTalTCOT1Nxl�Dnrxoz�tl�a zo sccolm sTlus1 trw. Ilopet23a � '°� B�EATA, MN 55313.1194 �� CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -5822 � � �u.a,ywwsva r r wawa xsnw,n»yne��ru, aaas. Ewa ma nee - -____ PAYABLE 2014 1"' HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASE READ THE BACK OFTHEMATEMENT FOR IMPORTANTINFCRMATION,_— —_ TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE_ MAY 15 box ❑ and address has changed please check stub. and a show the ahan on the back of this aiub. FULL TAX AMOUNT: $19,840.00 Property ID Number. R15S01 M34150 FIRST 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $9,920.00 MP#: 11155.010-034160 PENALTY: TOTAL: 0 13111 Number. 20060 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL T0: g q�g ID Number: 246203 RoDERT J. kWATA wIUGffcotRdffATr MORO RILUI)aER 10 DOW 81x0iR1' N,W, ROOM 232 BOEE", MN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONT7GELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 553628622 xnaooestsemtvcsePl m rwueu roan'. x�ae �rcar m dw w w rr«aa 5812 ,wry VR Robert J Hilvela DP WArOHTONDGTREUTN.W..ROO9232 � f0 BECONO BTREE7 N.W. ROOM 232 Wright CountyAudkorrfreasurer BUFFALO, MN 65318.1104 a� d 783-862 -7672 or 763. 682 -7604 zpprg wKW,ca.YNighl.mn,ua Property ID#-' 17166.010.034102 TexpayerlD Number: 22936 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 180 BROADWAY E PO BOX 484 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -9484 2013 Values for Taxes Payable In VALUES $4CI..ASSIFICATION S,?ntfnMa02013 Taxes P able Year: 2013 2014 Baima a et slue: 221,BOD 921,00 0 Improvements Excluded: Homestead E: velofl; Taxable Markel Value: 221,800 221,em Step New Improvements! Expired Exclualone': PropertyClosalnoatlon: COMM COMM Prapatly Oauerlpltom 8e9R•11 Twp•121 Reno@ -= ORIOINAI, PLAT MONTICEU.O B otk•034 N110PTOF LT810 &1181411oFT OF rffT OF LT12 BLK 34 Stop I PROPOSEDTAX Sent in November 201a Yvu uaay to 011910/e foroNe prop o* tax. two 2 Proposed Tax: 6,668,00 refunds to reduce your property tax. 3}ep STATEMENT Read the back of this statement to find Viral-hall TaMT $,321.00 Second•half Taxes; 3,321,00 REFUNDS? out how to apply. 3 Total Taxes nua In 2014: 6,642.00 PAYABLE 2014 2ND HALF PAYMENT STUB Plll"F ReADTHE nACI( OF IHMMATEMEW FOR IMPORTANT INrORMATION TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE? OCTOBER IS ❑ Irycuraddleso hoa ohangodpleces check lhls box end ahnW dte change on the hack of lhl2 stub. o Property ID Number. R 155.010.034102 s k B111Numb n 20656 PENALTY: TOTAL: x ID Number: 22935 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 130 BROADWAY E PO BOX 494 NOW01WINN mew LTw,® Ixcuedd ,RI,.,WMM4AW.[UNIpll.WanccdkIN runaetl MONTICELLO MN 85382.0484 PAYABLE 20141ST HALF PAYMENT STUB IILWII READ THE BACK CFTH88TATEMENT FOR IMPeRTANTIryrnnMATION TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 15 j ' jlryouroddramhosehang odplansernedltnlahoxand i.....1 show Rie Oanon on Iha bock of Ibis stub. a Frnperty Id Number. R1615-0110­113410,? j U[ IJ „ t( i ;` F t; 6,0 X BIII Numbar: 20556 ID Number: 22935 I PENALTY: TOTAL: MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: � Robnet J NNVala Wdgllt County AudltorlTreasufer n 10 &econd Shoat N,W, Roam 232 Buffalo, MN 55313 -1194 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 130 BROADWAY PO BOX 9484 H. saki U,1e..a W.+kd Y.Ur0._iwaAm a ym nolp. TNI Mk III d Ndd If 0.dt I. rwlh_j MONTICELLO MN 663(12.0484 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIIL 70: � Robert J HBvala $ Wright CountyAudkorrfreasurer ra IQ S000nd Street H.W., Room 232 $ Buffalo. MN 55313 -1194 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 130 BROADWAY E PO BOX 494 NOW01WINN mew LTw,® Ixcuedd ,RI,.,WMM4AW.[UNIpll.WanccdkIN runaetl MONTICELLO MN 85382.0484 PAYABLE 20141ST HALF PAYMENT STUB IILWII READ THE BACK CFTH88TATEMENT FOR IMPeRTANTIryrnnMATION TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 15 j ' jlryouroddramhosehang odplansernedltnlahoxand i.....1 show Rie Oanon on Iha bock of Ibis stub. a Frnperty Id Number. R1615-0110­113410,? j U[ IJ „ t( i ;` F t; 6,0 X BIII Numbar: 20556 ID Number: 22935 I PENALTY: TOTAL: MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: � Robnet J NNVala Wdgllt County AudltorlTreasufer n 10 &econd Shoat N,W, Roam 232 Buffalo, MN 55313 -1194 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 130 BROADWAY PO BOX 9484 H. saki U,1e..a W.+kd Y.Ur0._iwaAm a ym nolp. TNI Mk III d Ndd If 0.dt I. rwlh_j MONTICELLO MN 663(12.0484 Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th street Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 -1625 USA Voice: 61,2 - -851 -5900 Fax: 612 - 85:1 -5951 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Sold To: City of Motnticello An.geia scnumann 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Customer PO �TIF 39 ce s tail.. Payment Terms Net 30 Days Description TTF District Management, TXV 39, X-M p cow rir- 39 msh��rA ad+�N ro, Invoice Invoice Number: 3662 Invoice Date: 4/11/1+1 Page: 1. APR 18 2014 .t SA I 7 e Sales Rep ID Due Date 5/12/14 e see a Aniount �oa.o0 Subtotal 400.00 sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 400.00 Cheek No: Payment Received TOTAL Northland Secivities, Inc. 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000, Uinneapoiis, MN 55402 nit Free 1- 800 -851 -2920 wig 612- 851 -5900 Fn. 612 -551-5987 www.northlandsecntities.com Member FINRA and SIPC NORT1-1LANa STRATEGIES Special Projects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: TIP District Management, TIP 39 Contact; Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: March 2014 Services Performed • Preparation of material and presentation • Present at FDA. meeting • Present at City Council meeting Staff Time Aga Senior Professional Professional Support Total Staff Bxpeases Mileage Printing Other Total Expenses -Ta4a1 xlais Perloa . Project Summary Total Budget' Billed This Period Billed Previous Budget Remaining i°Billing on an hourly basis. Hours ate Bit] 2.50 $160 $400.00 - $135 $0.00 - $105 $0.00 2,50 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($400.00) ($3,040.00) $(3,440.00) Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 EDA Agenda: 05/14/13 5. Consideration to review 2014 Hospitality Marketing Study. (AS) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND: In December, the EDA approved funding for a hospitality market study. The intent of the study was to understand Monticello's potential to support and attract a new hotel, and more specifically, to determine whether a hotel was supportable within the downtown area as defined by the Embracing Downtown plan. The EDA's approval authorized Economic Development Services to coordinate the study, using Hospitality Consulting Group, a well- regarded hospitality market analysis firm, to complete the actual analysis. At this time, HCG has completed their study and made findings related to the Monticello market hospitality market, as well as the downtown. A draft of the report is included for the review of the EDA. Economic Development Services, as part of their contract, will be present to provide an overview of the report findings, answer questions, and provide recommendations on next steps. Al. Budget Impact: The total cost of this project was not -to- exceed $10,000. Funding for this activity was to come from the "General" sub -fund. An initial retainer of $4,500 was paid in January of 2014, with $2,750 due at draft and $2,750 due at project completion. A2. Staff Impact: Economic Development Services has coordinated the scope and day -to- day management of the project, with staff providing comment on the initial draft. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: No action required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Hotel Market Study, March 2014 Hospitality CONSULTING GROUP HOTEL MARKET STUDY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA March 2014 Prepared for: City of Monticello 5315 Eureka Road • Excelsior, MN 55331 (612) 867 -1649 Hospitality CONSULTING GROUP City of Monticello C/O Ms. Janna King Economic Development Services, Inc. 3109 W 50th Street, #204 East 21St Street Minneapolis, MN 55410 Dear Ms. King: The Hospitality Consulting Group is pleased to present the accompanying report entitled: "Hotel Market Study - Monticello, Minnesota" which has been prepared in accordance with our engagement letter dated December19, 2013. Incorporated within this report are discussions of the local and area market conditions, characteristics of competitive hotels, analysis of the potential lodging demand available to a new hotel, facility recommendations, estimates of utilization for two types of hotels, and development recommendations. Our conclusions are based on information developed from research of the market, discussions with local government officials, representatives of the business community, and on our knowledge of the industry. The sources of information and bases of the estimates and assumptions are stated in the body of the report. We have no responsibility to update this report for events and circumstances that occur after the conclusion of our field work, which is concurrent with the report date shown below. However, we are available to discuss the necessity for revision in view of changes in the economic and market factors affecting the project. 5315 Eureka Road • Excelsior, MN 55331 (612) 867 -1649 City of Monticello Page 2 Our report is intended solely for the information of the City of Monticello for use in attracting a hotel developer or furthering its redevelopment efforts. It may also be used to obtain funding for the hotel. Otherwise, neither the report nor its contents, nor any reference to our Firm may be referred to or quoted in any registration statement, sales brochure, prospectus, loan, appraisal or other financial document without our prior written consent. April 7, 2014 HOSPITALITY CONSULTING GROUP, INC. 5315 Eureka Road • Excelsior, MN 55331 (612) 867 -1649 HOTEL MARKET STUDY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Letter of Transmittal CONTENTS PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION 1 BACKGROUND................................................................................................................... ............................... 1 PROJECTCONCEPT ........................................................................................................ ............................... 1 SCOPEOF STUDY ............................................................................................................. ............................... 2 2. REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 4 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... ............................... 4 LOCATION............................................................................................................................ ............................... 4 DEMOGRAPHICS.............................................................................................................. ............................... 5 EMPLOYMENT.................................................................................................................. ............................... 7 SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES ............................................................................. ............................... 10 TRANSPORTATION ........................................................................................................ ............................... 12 RESTAURANTS................................................................................................................. ............................... 13 TOURISM.............................................................................................................................. ............................... 15 3. AREA HOTEL SUPPLY 17 HOTELSUPPLY ................................................................................................................. ............................... 17 ROOM RATE STRUCTURE .......................................................................................... ............................... 24 MEETING FACILITIES ................................................................................................... ............................... 24 4. AREA HOTEL DEMAND 26 HOTEL INDUSTRY TRENDS ...................................................................................... ............................... 26 HOTELDEMAND ............................................................................................................. ............................... 27 HOTEL MARKET PERFORMANCE ......................................................................... ............................... 29 HOTEL MARKET STUDY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE 5. HOTEL DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS 33 RESTAURANTS................................................................................................................. ............................... 33 HOTEL FACILITY RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................... ............................... 33 UTILIZATION ESTIMATES ......................................................................................... ............................... 33 CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................... ............................... 36 6. SITE EVALUATION 43 CRITERIA.............................................................................................................................. ............................... 44 SUMMARY EVALUATION ........................................................................................... ............................... 45 7. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS 47 ADDENDUM: CONSULTANT'S QUALIFICATIONS Hotel MarketStudy - Monticello, MN Introduction SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Monticello, Minnesota is a prosperous community located along Interstate 94, midway between Minneapolis and St. Cloud. It functions as a sub - regional center for shopping, business, and healthcare services between St. Cloud and Maple Grove. Monticello's downtown was originally developed along Broadway to parallel the Mississippi River. However, more recent retail developments along the interstate combined with changes in traffic patterns and obsolete store formats have created a situation where a focused redevelopment effort will be needed to revitalize downtown. A retail study performed by the McComb Group' identified a relatively large retail market area that encompasses an approximate 10 -mile radius and includes 93,500 people. The population of this area is projected to increase to over 104,000 by 2015. The study found that Monticello can support an additional 131,000 square feet of retail and food service space. To capitalize on this opportunity, the City of Monticello is embarking on a redevelopment and revitalization plan that will reorient traffic patterns in the downtown and will encourage commercial development along Pine Street /Highway 25. This highway is the main corridor between the interstate and the Mississippi River crossing and carries an average of 26,000 to 33,000 vehicles daily. PROJECT CONCEPT As an important component to this plan, the City seeks to understand the opportunity that may exist for a new high quality hotel that will aid in attracting new employers, and complement the community's four existing hotels. Hotels are generally divided into four categories of quality: economy; midscale; upscale; and luxury. Also, the midscale and upscale categories are further 1 Embracing Downtown Monticello, McComb Group, Ltd.,2011 1 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel MarketStudy - Monticello, MN Introduction divided into "upper midscale" and "upper upscale ". The large hotel brands have separate franchises that meet the criteria for each of these categories. Hotel types are also differentiated by level of service /amenities they offer. A "limited" service hotel typically provides a breakfast with hot items to its guests, has a pool, a fitness room and a small amount of meeting space. A "focused" service hotel has a small restaurant and lobby bar with a limited number of entrees and is marketed only to hotel guests, and may have more meeting space. A "full" service hotel has a restaurant, lounge and much larger amount of meeting space. Room rates are charged in relation to a both a hotel's quality and scope of amenities. While the traveling public is not generally aware of all these categories, they do have an understanding of the quality level and amenities that is exhibited by each of the franchises and make their lodging decisions accordingly. Three of the Monticello hotels are economy- oriented properties, while the fourth is a midscale limited service hotel. Visitors and guests to Monticello who desire more upscale lodging accommodations or more extensive amenities must travel to one of several surrounding communities to find such hotels. The purpose of this study is to identify the type and size of hotel that can be successful in the overall Monticello market and to identify a suitable site location. Hospitality Advisors has extensive experience working with hotel developments throughout the United States. We were retained to research the market support for a new hotel and to recommend the size and scope of facilities appropriate for this market. The scope of our work in conjunction with this engagement is summarized below. SCOPE OF STUDY Our research into the market support for a new hotel included the following: • Determination of the primary market area and evaluation of pertinent demographic and economic information; 2 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel MarketStudy - Monticello, MN Introduction • Identification of sources of lodging demand; • Identification and evaluation of competitive lodging facilities; • Recommendation of the type and size of hotel and amenities that will perform best in the Monticello market; • Projection of the lodging demand that a hotel could reasonably expect to capture; • Projection of the average daily rate and resulting room revenue that a hotel could reasonably expect to achieve; and • Preparation of this final report documenting our findings, conclusions, and recommendations regarding a hotel development. 3 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel MarketStudy - Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics SECTION 2: REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS INTRODUCTION LOCATION The following section provides an overview of the market environment within which a new hotel would operate. Included within this section is a review of selected economic and demographic data, along with a description of the transportation infrastructure and attractions in the area. Monticello is located in Wright County, approximately 37 miles northwest of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis -St. Paul and 27 miles southeast of St. Cloud. It is located along Interstate 94 at its intersection with State Highway 25. I -94 is a major east -west traffic route that bisects the state. Highway 25 is a north - south corridor between the interstate and U.S. Highway 10, an important route to St. Cloud and north central Minnesota. Highway 25 is the only Mississippi River crossing between Clearwater and Elk River and is on the National Scenic Byway Route, and the Mississippi River Trail Bikeway. There are four lodging facilities in Monticello, of which three carry national franchises. However, these hotels are not able to meet the needs of travelers who seek higher quality accommodations. We have determined the primary market for a new Monticello hotel by analyzing drive times to the surrounding towns that have such accommodations. This market area is defined by the proximity of Albertville, Rogers and Maple Grove, and the hotels, restaurants and shopping options available in these communities. The hotel market area is smaller than the trade area because lodging accommodations are typically selected in the location that is nearest to a traveler's destination. While people residing in outlying communities may come to Monticello for shopping, health care and professional services, visitors to these communities are more likely to stay in the closest hotel that meets 4 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel MarketStudy - Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics their quality and service requirements. Thus, Monticello's primary hotel market is restricted by the proximity of communities that have competitive hotels. The determined market area for a new hotel, shown on the map on the following page, includes the neighboring towns of Big Lake and Becker. The irregular red line on the map depicts a 15- minute drive time. DEMOGRAPHICS Population data for Monticello, the identified market area, and Wright County is presented in the table below. Between 2000 and 2010, the county population increased by over 38 percent, while Monticello increased by over 49 percent. POPULATION CHANGE Primary Market Area Monticello, MN Source: U.S. Census The population within Wright County is projected to increase by another 28 percent by 20252. 2 Minnesota Department of Administration -State Demographic Center 5 Hospitality Consulting Group 2000 2010 Change Monticello 8,544 12,759 49.3% Big Lake 6,059 10,060 66.0% Becker 2,673 4,538 69.8% Silver Creek 2,332 2,335 0.1% Total 19,608 29,692 51.4% Wright County 89,986 124,700 38.6% Source: U.S. Census The population within Wright County is projected to increase by another 28 percent by 20252. 2 Minnesota Department of Administration -State Demographic Center 5 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Area - Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics Monticello, Minnesota Primary Hotel Market Area 6 Hospitality Consulting Group St Clohd o 23 1Oe1f" ° E..N..T..O.N........ �Gendora do S Minnesota inceton est Point' am rid e W Boys. Town St Jo _ ark .................1�. ...... ......................MILLE.LAC Santiago ... ....... Spring ■ R dg—ood °Stanley Lake Spring Hill 15 1p C ble 18g Spencer Bro Bradford Bodum North Bra h St artin Pleasant L Briggs Lake° East Lake Francis Shore Blomfo rd Sauk Jacobs Prairie ° oxli s nti P . Branch Cold ° R ckville Augusta. I S R N T I Weber ° f Lake Henry Richmond ° Luxemburg H E U R N E C SAGO E N S ° Lake Fremont Brown Roscoe rrock 85 Clearwater ............. . 23 Ma`o ............... ..............................: .... .. . .. .......... Bethel.° I N: N . Y Stacy 55 Bec St Francis °Coopers °St Corner Martin Lake ay sville Nicholas 15 min Mort ° °Linwood Enfiel Hawick 4 Salida min . Eden Valley ...................... Watkins o airha imball .• Big La g °N owthen Cedar ast Bethel °Oak — 55 ...... �.... ilver Creek 25 Ilk River: Grove Coon Lake Beach 1 D _ 15 2 Mortice S o d enri ll .... O :............. . ........: ut h Have La k e N tt a Otseg A N O K A Forest Y C o" M nnah r Ram y Constance° Ham Lake r{ Lake Rive Annandale R I G H T Ibertville Ando q z e City Lake ` of Maple 55 ` Mich er 1 o Johnsoille x Kingston r Bar .Mill. 14 Dayton Anoka 85 0 Y M E E E R W st Albion Albion Center Bu al Rogers ° Champlin Z N "h ow Thomp n Oak Park rnerville g p L1 Knapp Rassat Fletcher ° H.eight ° ..' West Coon Circle Pines Grove City 12 Hanover Rapids tter Atw er Litchfield hland Lrschville° Lino Lakes r Blai P ak ° .g ° right M p G o P I N 10 t O ak a le ver Osseo' Coon Rap 3° °Sprin RAMSEY s Z arwin Corcoran �Br q�jok Park Lake Pa ° >; rV;YOatl fF1J FAU kl rAga rWrAMa or Ms—llers All rV�ts resene0 �� Rockford ° ts� l o Shorevi w 81 . 6 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Area - Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics Household Incomes The median household incomes for Monticello, the identified market area, Wright County, and Minnesota are presented in the table below. Between 2000 and 2010, the median household income of Monticello increased by more than 38 percent, while the county increased by 26 percent. The median is the midpoint at which there are an equal number of household with larger and smaller incomes. The median household income in Monticello is estimated to be $62,891 in 2010, which is 6 percent above the state median. MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME Primary Market Area EMPLOYMENT Employment is a strong indicator of an area's economic health. The graph below shows that Trade, Transportation and Utilities is the largest employment category in Monticello, accounting for more than a third of the total employment. Manufacturing accounts for 14 percent; these businesses are generally strong generators of lodging demand. 7 Hospitality Consulting Group 2000 2010 % Increase Monticello $45,384 $62,891 38.6% Big Lake $50,658 $61,941 22.3% Becker $50,714 $60,021 18.4% Silver Creek $42,500 $52,507 23.5% Wright County $53,945 $67,963 26.0% Minnesota $56,874 $59,126 4.0% Source: U.S. Census; City- Data.com EMPLOYMENT Employment is a strong indicator of an area's economic health. The graph below shows that Trade, Transportation and Utilities is the largest employment category in Monticello, accounting for more than a third of the total employment. Manufacturing accounts for 14 percent; these businesses are generally strong generators of lodging demand. 7 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Area - Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics Public Administration 2% Monticello Employment Information Construe _ 1% 0% Other Services Leisure & Food I Manufacturing �hl 3% Service 14% 12% Health & Social Services 20% Finance, Insurance, Real l Estate Transportation 79RIll"I fessional & 6% Warehousing ManaProgement Services 3% 1% Major Employers Monticello has four large companies that provide the largest source of employment. It also has a number of manufacturers that generate hotel demand. These companies are profiled below. MAJOR EMPLOYERS Company Name Xcel Energy Cargill Kitchen Solutions New River Medical Center Ultra Machining Company Bondhus Washburn Computer Group WSI, Inc. Tapper's Inc. Aroplax Corp. Standard Iron & Wire Works, Inc. Hoglund Bus Company JME Monticello Production Stamping Source: City of Monticello Product / Service Employees Energy 411 Food Products 355 Health Care 267 Precision Machining 119 Tool Mfg & Distribution 67 Computer Repair 63 Precision Machining & Mfg. 63 Cabinets & Counter Tops 58 Injection Molding 48 Custom Metal Fabricating 45 Bus Sales & Distribution 44 Concrete Construction Products 41 Metal Stamping & Fabrication 38 8 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Area - Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics Xcel Energy operates an electric generating nuclear power plant in Monticello. It recently completed a $665 million upgrade that will boost output and extend the life of the facility. Its operating license has been extended through 2030. This facility needs to be re- fueled and maintenance performed every two years for which a large number of workers are brought in and stay n area hotels for up to several months. Cargill Kitchen Solutions is a leading marketer of further processed egg products. It operates a research & development department on site, as well as the company's sales and marketing activities. It is a subsidiary of Cargill, Inc., the largest privately held company in the nation, which is headquartered in Wayzata, MN. New River Medical Center is centered on a 25 -bed critical access community hospital. Services include a physician's clinic, Urgent care, Birthing Center, Imaging, Medical /Surgical Care, Rehab and Extended Care, Monticello Cancer Center, Sleep Center and Wound Care. The Center has 150 medical staff members. Ultra Machining Company is a precision machining company with a specialty in the medical and aerospace industries. The company also develops prototype parts and does dome assembly. It has a 72,000- square foot facility in Monticello. Unemployment The unemployment rate in Wright County as of January 2014 was 6.5 percent, a level that is higher than the statewide Minnesota rate of 4.7 percent and slightly below the U.S. unemployment rate of 6.6 percent. The unemployment rate in the local economy trends approximately 2 points higher than the state. 9 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Area - Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics 12.0% 10.01/. 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% Unemployment Rate (January) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 --W-Wright County tMinnesota Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES In order to understand the dynamics of the area lodging market, we have provided a summary of Monticello's trade area and the surrounding communities, which are shown on the map on page 18. Monticello hotels capture demand from Big Lake and Becker, while they lose demand to Rogers and Maple Grove. They also lose demand to Albertville, but gain demand on occasions when the hotel there is full. Trade Area The market study performed by the McComb Group (see footnote 1) found that the healthcare facilities, big box retailers and professional services in Monticello results in a relatively large retail market area that encompasses an approximate 10 -mile radius with a total of 93,500 people. The population of this area is projected to increase to over 104,000 by 2015. The secondary trade area was found to extend west to include Clear Lake, Clearwater and Annandale and has a population of nearly 33,700 people. Big Lake Big Lake is located 3 miles north of Monticello on Highway 10. It has a population of 10,060 and is growing, partly due to the fact that it is on the 10 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Area - Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics North Star commuter train line that operates between Big Lake and downtown Minneapolis. The median household income in the community is 5 percent above the state median. Big Lake has one small independent motel and one fine dining restaurant banquet facility, Russell's on the Lake. The Friendly Buffalo is a more informal bistro restaurant. Lodging demand from Big Lake comes to Monticello due to the larger variety of lodging accommodations and restaurants there. Becker Becker has a population of 4,538 and is located seven miles north and west of Monticello. The median household income in the community is 2 percent higher than the state median. The Sherburne County Generating Station, the largest coal -fired power plant in the state, is located in Becker. The maintenance of this facility periodically brings in crews that require lodging in area hotels. There are two motels in Becker, a 68 -room midscale Crossings by GrandStay and a 32 -room economy Super 8. Restaurants are limited to Hunters Ridge, located at the public golf course which only serves dinner and also can accommodate banquets of up to 250, and Nix Bar & Grill, a pub that serves a broad menu for lunch and dinner. Albertville Albertville is located seven miles east of Monticello on I -94. It has a population of 7,044 and a median household income that is 63 percent higher than the state. Its major attraction is the Albertville Premium Outlets, a popular outlet mall with 100 stores. The 66 -room, upper midscale Country Inn & Suites is the only hotel in Albertville, but the hotels in Monticello and the surrounding communities of Rogers, Becker, Buffalo, and Maple Grove offer "shop and stay" packages. While the shopping is an attraction, this hotel draws demand from Monticello primarily because the popular D Michael B's Resort Bar & Grill is located adjacent to it. The Space Aliens Bar & Grill is an alternative restaurant. Rogers Rogers is located 17 miles east of Monticello on I -94. It has a population of 8,597 and a median household income that is 56 percent higher than the state. This community developed rapidly during the 1990's and is known as a strong family community with a good school system. It has a concentration of retail that is anchored by Kohl's and a Super Target. Its largest retail attraction is a 11 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Area - Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics 185,000- square foot Cabela's outdoor store. There are four hotels in Rogers: a Hampton Inn & Suites and a Holiday inn Express & Suites are upper midscale properties; an AmericInn midscale property; and a Super 8 economy lodging facility. Food and beverage outlets include the popular Maynard's Restaurant and Bar and over 25 other food service options. Maple Grove Maple Grove is a suburb of Minneapolis located 24 miles east of Monticello on I- 94. It has a population of 61,567 and a median household income estimated to be $94,450 that is 60 percent higher than the state. The community's largest employer is Boston Scientific with around 3,000 employees. Maple Grove has one of the largest retail concentrations in the state, making it a regional shopping destination. Since the Shoppes at Arbor Lakes, a 370,000- square foot lifestyle center opened, three additional centers have been added, bringing the total to nearly 2 million square feet of retail space. Only Bloomington with the Mall of America has more space. There are six hotels in Maple Grove: two upper midscale service hotels (one full service and one limited service) and four upscale hotels (two focused service with limited restaurants and two limited service). Within the retail concentration is a wide variety of restaurants that include steakhouses, ethnic restaurants, bistros, a brewpub coffee shops and fast food. TRANSPORTATION Highways The highway network around Monticello is shown on the map on the following page. The irregular blue line indicates a 30 minute drive time from Monticello. Monticello is located at the intersection of Interstates 94 and State Highway 25. Interstate 94 is a major route across the upper Midwest that connects Minneapolis -St. Paul with Chicago and Detroit to the east, and St. Cloud, Fargo, North Dakota and Billings, Montana to the west. At Billings, I -94 connects with Interstate 90 and continues west to Seattle, Washington. Highway 25 is a north - south route across central Minnesota that connects Monticello with Big Lake to the north and Buffalo to the south. 12 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Area - Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics Traffic counts taken by the Minnesota Department of Transportation in 2012 show that Interstate 94 carries a large volume of traffic: a daily average of 66,000 vehicles to the east of Monticello and 44,500 vehicles to the west. Average daily travel on State Highway 25 between Monticello and Buffalo to the south is about 15,600 vehicles and between Monticello and U.S. Highway 10 to the north is about 10,400 vehicles. Highway 10 carries an average of 12,600 vehicles a day. This river crossing is the only one within 15 miles to the west and 13 miles to the east. RESTAURANTS Restaurants can be an important hotel requirement, particularly for commercial travelers and for local businesses entertaining customers. There is a shortage of restaurants in Monticello, compared to Maple Grove, of the type that would appeal to a commercial traveler. At least one quality restaurant exists in both Albertville and Rogers, and both communities are close enough to Maple Grove for its restaurants to support their corporate hotels. Monticello restaurant alternatives include: • Applebee's Neighborhood Bar & Grill -A national franchised bistro that serves lunch and dinner. Liquor is available. • Chatters Restaurant and Bar -A locally owned restaurant that serves lunch and dinner. Evening entrees include steak, fish and chicken, along with burgers, sandwiches and salads. The bar hosts live entertainment three nights a week. • Bluestone Grill -Casual Mexican restaurant that serves lunch and dinner. Beer, wine and margaritas are available • Buffalo Wild Wings -A national franchised family- oriented sport bar that serves lunch and dinner. Liquor is available. • Cornerstone Cafe -A locally owned, well regarded restaurant that serves lunch and dinner. Liquor is available. • Pancho Villa Restaurant & Bar - A casual Mexican restaurant with a full bar that serves lunch and dinner. • Perkins Family Restaurant -A national franchised coffee shop that is open 24 hours. Liquor is not available. 13 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics Monticello Area Highways St Jo St Spring 5 HIII° 23 St artin Pleasant La ° Cold ckv St Lake Henry S T E A N S eville — u 23 .� Marty° St Nicholas 4 HawicN Eden Valley :...... ... ........ o e London 55 Watkins ° imhall ...... ............24. Crow anna picer h River 0 Annan t5 KANDIYOHI Kingston 49 Forest Is M E E K E R L' North o nap, Grove City ........ Fork Crow J Acton ® Caseyo Rosendale Be k ille °Strout i arior Ms—llers All MM rea=_ne0. Stockholm °H Jennie ° Rice Lake a ° retto He C RA Lake Rob sdal Col hie Rose Ile Mapte od Oak Park o a}rmstrong Ptymouth Hel hts N Heights Bdyport 14 Hospitality Consulting Group B kton : WISCONSIN N Wyanett albo Harris LA S 95 Minnesota °Stark Wolf r ndor Princeto Gambrid e o Town ... St Crwz. Creek 'ark ..... ............................... AV _i .......... ............. .. . .. West Po' t Santiago ■ ......... .. dgewood ° uprise o Bradford S Le POLK ak Briggs Lake °Spencer I S N T I 95 Cable Brook Blomford Branch North Branch tD S E R B U R N E Is nti meluna •Weber Orrock Crown C H S A G O Lake Fremont ' )earwat.e M I ........................... E S O T A Bethel....................... ° ..........: er SYacy) Center City cker St Francis Corner 5 Ha Salida Linwood °Mort ° Chisago City Enfiel Bi I' Wyomil Bonn n o Nowthen alley � River e ° ast Bethel Osceola: Silver Creek Haven ... Monticel Sodenrill :. Lake Netta .............................. ' :East Otsego A N O ° A Forest Lake ° 101 25 Ra sY ° Ham Lake Farmington° ° Ihertville tD And 81 Scandia ° W R I G ver Copa s Maple Lake ....... Be. ng Mill Johnsoille nch St Michael Dayton ° °Roger � Marine W+ston Albion Center Buffalo e ° . ° ° h Cha .. We o Ra ids O k Park le C er Croix Mao Rassat Fletcher° ° p' ines WASHINGTON 'Hanover 1 B e _P °Lino Lak Carnelian ° hland 55 .' OsseO etD COO g ...................:...... Junction° A rcpla urschville Maple Grove 'p No Oaks: Smith Lake Rockford roo Park Fridl Shore ew White Bear Beach 'ST CROI 0 Wa N N t,%ake 5ar ighton ellaire °Mahtomedi Stillwater Stockholm °H Jennie ° Rice Lake a ° retto He C RA Lake Rob sdal Col hie Rose Ile Mapte od Oak Park o a}rmstrong Ptymouth Hel hts N Heights Bdyport 14 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics TOURISM • Rancho Grande Authentic Mexican Restaurant - A casual restaurant with a full bar that serves lunch and dinner. • River City Extreme Restaurant- Located in a bowling alley, this casual restaurant and sports bar serves lunch and dinner. Monticello is located along the banks of the Mississippi River and is part of the National Scenic Byway Route. At this location, the river is not deep enough to be navigable by vessels larger than small fishing boats. However, with a mild current, the river is ideal for canoes, kayaks and even paddleboats. Both banks are tree -lined and the city has developed walking and biking paths that extend six miles along the length of the city. The City's most recent Comprehensive Plan cites the community's system of parks and open space as a major factor in attracting and retaining new residents. At the present time, the city has three community parks located along the Mississippi River that are connected by the aforementioned pathway. These provide picnic facilities, restrooms, fishing piers and boat launches. They also provide excellent locations from which to observe the flock of over 1,500 Trumpeter Swans that winter here. The nearby power plant warms the river enough to keep it open during the winter. Several city residents provide 1,200 pounds of corn daily to help feed the once endangered birds. The feeding spectacle is a popular attraction for birders. Other existing recreational facilities include the Montissippi County Park, a 170 -acre park located along the Mississippi River just north of town. The park features several hundred feet of river frontage, a boat launch, fishing pier, camping area, picnic grounds and two miles of trails for hiking, biking and cross country skiing. Lake Maria State Park is located six miles north of Monticello. This 1,580 - acre park of rolling terrain preserves one of the few remaining stands of "Big Woods" hardwood trees that once covered southern Minnesota. Park activities include hiking (14 miles of trails), horseback riding, canoeing, fishing and cross country skiing. Amenities include camper cabins and backpack camp sites. The park is open year round. 15 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Regional Characteristics The Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park is in the process of being developed by both Wright County and the City of Monticello about three miles south of the city. Approximately one -half of the park's nearly 1,300 acres of woodlands, wetlands and prairie has been acquired; land acquisition is expected to be completed by 2016. The park will have hiking /biking trails, picnic facilities, swim beach and campgrounds. A large field - sports complex is also planned for the park. The City has expanded its pathway to include the entire length of the city up to the Montissippi County Park and a path along Broadway. It plans to extend the trails along the west side of the city limits to include the Bertram Lakes Park complex. This extensive pathway will connect the city's recreational facilities. This will create a recreational amenity for residents and visitors that will include and be supported by the Monticello Community Center. 16 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Su.12.121y SECTION 3: AREA HOTEL SUPPLY A new hotel would seek to capture lodging demand from business activities in Monticello, visitors to area residents, and travelers on Interstate 94. It should be oriented towards demand that currently leaves the market due to the lack of upscale hotel rooms, rather than competing directly with the existing hotels in the community. Our analysis evaluated the facilities, amenities and pricing structure of the competitive hotels in Monticello and the neighboring communities that are capturing some of the Monticello lodging demand. Interviews with Monticello's large employers revealed that the upscale commercial lodging demand utilizes hotels in Maple Grove, Rogers and Albertville. In this section of the report we present information regarding the area's hotels that would be competitive with a new midscale hotel in Monticello. HOTEL SUPPLY The Monticello hotel market is framed by St. Cloud to the west and Maple Grove to the east. There are several economy and midscale hotels located along U.S. Highway 10 to the north, but we identified little leakage of Monticello demand to these properties. There are also several hotels located along State Highway 55 in Buffalo to the south. These hotels limit the draw of Monticello hotels to the south. The locations of these cities and their competitive hotels are shown on the following map. The irregular red line on the map represents a 15 minute drive time from Monticello. There are three franchised hotels and one older motel in Monticello, which are described in the following table. All three franchised hotels were visited during our fieldwork. The Monte American Motel is 32 years old and is not considered to be competitive with a new hotel. The three franchised hotels are located near each other on the south side of the interstate, east of Highway 25. The area is currently more industrial than retail- oriented. Restaurants on that side of the 17 Hospitality Consulting Group § 2 % 0 Q � 0 � n g � Z I \ / \ / � 2 I / $/ � � - c- , - � }�\ « j( • / \; • � ) � ya k \... ° . ;. /lam.. { : . «. . . k)cc � $ )§ - ra \ � !d v � 4 { {f t }j )!_ . ; . • ............... .. e. I \ / \ / � 2 I / Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Su.12.121y interstate include Applebee's, Chatters, McDonalds and a small oriental restaurant. MONTICELLO HOTELS Source: Smith Travel Research and Hospitality Consulting Group Best Western Chelsea Inn & Suites This 52 -room, 14- year -old midscale hotel has the highest quality accommodations available in Monticello. It has 14 suites and amenities include an indoor pool and hot tub, an exercise room and 1,200 square feet of meeting space. A hot breakfast is provided to guests. Its room rates are $100 to $110 and the hotel offers a 15 percent discount for advance purchase. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of around $83. Super 8 a w amftft This 70 -room, 37- year -old economy hotel originally opened as a Best Western and later converted to a Super 8. Thus its indoor pool and 1,500 square feet of meeting space are unusual amenities for this -04 economy brand. A limited continental breakfast is provided to guests. Its room rates are $70 to $90 19 Hospitality Consulting Group Year Rack Rates Hotel Quality Opened Rooms Regular Suite Amenities Best Western Chelsea Inn & Suites Midscale 2000 52 $100 $110 Pool, hot tub, fitness room, Meeting room(1,200 so Super 8 Economy 1977 70 $70 $90 Pool, meeting room (1,500so Days Inn Economy 1986 33 $70 -$77 $105 -$110 Jacuzzi suite Monti American Motel Economy 1982 28 $64 -$74 na Refrigerators, microwaves 131 Source: Smith Travel Research and Hospitality Consulting Group Best Western Chelsea Inn & Suites This 52 -room, 14- year -old midscale hotel has the highest quality accommodations available in Monticello. It has 14 suites and amenities include an indoor pool and hot tub, an exercise room and 1,200 square feet of meeting space. A hot breakfast is provided to guests. Its room rates are $100 to $110 and the hotel offers a 15 percent discount for advance purchase. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of around $83. Super 8 a w amftft This 70 -room, 37- year -old economy hotel originally opened as a Best Western and later converted to a Super 8. Thus its indoor pool and 1,500 square feet of meeting space are unusual amenities for this -04 economy brand. A limited continental breakfast is provided to guests. Its room rates are $70 to $90 19 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Su.12.121y and the hotel offers a 15 percent discount for non - refundable advance reservations. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of around $65. Days Inn Monti American Motel This 33 -room, 28- year -old economy hotel offers very limited amenities. A continental breakfast is provided to guests. Its regular room rates are $70 to $77 and suites go for $105 to $110. The hotel offers a 15 percent discount for non - refundable advance reservations. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of around $65. This 28 -room, 34- year -old economy motel features flat screen TVs, a refrigerator and microwave in each room. It was one of the earliest AmericInn properties, before dropping the franchise. Its room rates are $64 to $74. Interviews with the large Monticello employers disclosed that some lodging demand is displaced to hotels in Albertville, Rogers, and Maple Grove. The desire to obtain loyalty club points was given as a reason as frequently as quality issues. Upper level executives usually stay in Maple Grove where higher quality hotels and a larger variety of restaurants are available. The most competitive hotels in these markets are described in the following table and described below. 20 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Su.12.121y Country Inn & Suites - Albertville This 66 -room, 10- year -old upper midscale hotel features an indoor pool and hot tub, an ~ +` exercise room and a small 525 - square foot ;, meeting room. A hot breakfast is provided to I �owl � M �; �� 4 guests. Its room rates are $104 - $109 for regular rooms and $114 - $139 for suites. The ` hotel offers a 15 percent discount for non - refundable advance reservations. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of around $95. The hotel is located adjacent to a popular restaurant and across the street from a large outlet mall. This is a Carlson - Rezinor franchise. Hampton Inn & Suites - Rogers This 7- year -old, upper midscale hotel has C 114 rooms along with an indoor pool, a fitness center and a 1,012- square foot meeting room. A hot breakfast is provided to guests. Its room rates are $124 - $129 for a regular room and $145 - $149 for a suite. The hotel offers a 15 percent discount for non - N- refundable advance reservations. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of around $111. This is a Hilton franchise. Holiday Inn Express & Suites - Rogers This 5- year -old, upper midscale hotel has 75 rooms, an oversized indoor pool area ■_ that features several water park elements, an arcade, fitness center and an 806 - square foot meeting room. A hot breakfast is provided to guests. Its room rates are $89- $119 for a regular room and $140 - $149 for a suite. It offers a 15 percent discount for non - cancellable reservations. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of around $85. The hotel only recently converted from a Choice Hotel brand to this Intercontinental franchise. 21 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Su.12.121y Cambria Suites -Maple Grove This 5- year -old, upscale hotel has 129 rooms along with an indoor pool, a fitness center and 2,025 square feet of meeting space. A hot breakfast is provided to guests. Its room rates are $109 for a regular room and $159 - $189 for a suite. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of $115. This hotel has struggled financially since opening, but seems to have established a sustainable market share. This is a Choice Hotel franchise. Hampton Inn -Maple Grove franchise. Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites -Maple Grove Hotel Group franchise. r-a r _owd�r oinnnn� svur�u, This 17- year -old, upper midscale hotel has 120 rooms along with an indoor pool, a fitness center and a small 625- square foot meeting room. A hot breakfast is provided to guests. Its room rates are $119 to $139.We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of $115. This is a Hilton This 7- year -old, upper midscale hotel is the only full service hotel in the market area. It has 136 rooms along with an indoor waterpark that is popular on weekends, a fitness center, a restaurant and lounge, and two meeting rooms with a total of 1,635 square feet. Its room rates are $130 for a regular room and $140 - $150 for a suite. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of $117. This is an Intercontinental 22 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Su.12.121y Marriott Courtyard -Maple Grove Hilton Garden Inn -Maple Grove in Staybridge Suites franchise. This 6- year -old, upscale hotel has 115 rooms along with an indoor pool, a fitness center and a 720 - square foot meeting room. The hotel features a limited restaurant and bar. It has the highest room rates in the area at $200 - $209 for a regular room and $220 for a suite. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of around $180. This11- year -old, upscale hotel has 120 rooms along with an indoor pool, a fitness center and 1,400 square feet of meeting space. The hotel features a limited restaurant and bar. Its room rates are $159 - $169 for a regular room and $209 for a suite. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of around $145. This 14- year -old, upscale hotel has 119 rooms along with an indoor pool, a fitness center and a small 176 - square foot meeting room. The hotel provides a breakfast buffet for guests and a cocktail reception three evenings per week. Its room rates are $125 for a regular room and $170 for a suite. We estimate the hotel achieves an average rate of around $115. This is an Intercontinental Hotel Group 23 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Su.12.121y ROOM RATE STRUCTURE Current room rates in Monticello range from $70 - $77 for economy lodging to $100 for midscale lodging accommodations, before discounts. Demand sometimes peaks on weekends on account of tournaments and various social events. Room rates are sometimes increased by up to $30 on these weekends and rates generally are increased by $10 during the summer. There are higher quality hotels available in Rogers and Maple Grove. Room rates at the upper midscale hotels in these locations range from $100 to $140, while rates at the upscale properties range from $125 to over $200, before discounts. The current posted room rates for the competitive area hotels are summarized in the following table. COMPETITIVE AREA HOTELS Rack Rates Estimated Hotel Location Quality Age Rooms Regular Suite ADR Best Western Chelsea Inn Monticello Midscale 14 52 $100 $110 $90 Country Inn & Suites Albertville Upper midscale 10 66 $104 -$109 $114 -$139 $95 Hampton Inn & Suites Rogers Upper midscale 7 114 $124 -$129 $145 -$149 $111 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Rogers Upper midscale 5 75 $89 -$100 $140 -$145 $85 Cambria Suites Maple Grove Upscale 5 129 $109 $159 -$189 $115 Hampton Inn Maple Grove Upper midscale 17 120 $129 -$139 na $115 Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Maple Grove Upper midscale 7 136 $130 -$140 $150 $120 Marriott Courtyard Maple Grove Upscale 6 115 $200 -$209 $220 $180 Hilton Garden Inn Maple Grove Upscale 11 120 $159 -$169 $209 $145 Staybridge Suites Maple Grove Upscale 14 119 $125 $170 -$172 $115 MEETING FACILITIES The largest array of meeting facilities in Monticello is located in the Monticello Community Center. The center has a large room of 4,200 square feet that is used for business, entertainment and social functions. It is a popular venue for wedding receptions. In addition, there are three other meeting rooms of 940, 462, and 168 square feet The rooms are available for rent to the public and liquor is allowed at events. 24 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Su.12.121y Two of the local hotels have meeting rooms: the Super 8 has a 1,500- square foot meeting space and the Best Western has 1,200 square feet. Based on this research, we feel that a divisible meeting room of approximately 800 square feet would be appropriate for a new hotel in Monticello. Such a space would help the hotel attract commercial meetings business and also accommodate smaller social functions. Due to the large ballroom space in the community center, a similar large ballroom at the hotel would likely be under- utilized. 25 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Demand SECTION 4: AREA HOTEL DEMAND HOTEL INDUSTRY TRENDS As the nation began to slide into a recession in the fourth quarter of 2008, so did the lodging industry. Travel budgets were one of the first expenses cut by businesses in an attempt to maintain profitability in the face of rapidly declining sales as the recession deepened in 2009. Loss of net worth, job loss or fear of job loss, and other economic uncertainties kept many leisure travelers at home, which further impacted the hotel industry. The industry began to recover in the second quarter of 2010 and has continued to improve in every quarter since then. Most markets have returned to their pre - recession levels of performance achieved in 2007. Industry forecasts released by PKF Hospitality Research anticipate strong growth to continue over the next two years. This company is projecting a 3.0 percent increase in demand in 2014 and a 4.8 percent increase in average daily rate. Revenue per available room (a combination of rate times occupancy) is projected to increase by 6.6 percent this year and 7.5 percent in 2015. This rate of growth is more than double the historic long run average. Industry analysts report that the industry fundamentals are as positive as they have been in years and PKF forecasts that bottom line profits will increase by 12.8 percent this year and by 14.5 percent in 2015. Hotel demand in Minnesota increased by 4.4 percent in 2013, according to STR Global data obtained from the Minnesota Lodging Association. More specifically, the region that consists of St. Cloud and the I -94 corridor increased by 5.5 percent last year and the ADR increased by 3.6 percent. 26 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Demand HOTEL DEMAND A new hotel in Monticello would seek to capture the upscale lodging demand that is leaving the community to stay at higher quality hotels in neighboring cities, upscale demand from the interstate, and a portion of the demand that is presently accommodated by local hotels. In order to quantify the amount of local demand that can be expected, we interviewed representatives of area businesses, local government, and local hotels. In addition, we obtained historic performance data for the three franchised hotels in Monticello and the one franchised hotel in Albertville. The patronage that will be available to a new hotel consists of commercial visitors conducting business in the area, travelers on the interstate, people attending social functions and visitors to area residents, and people attending meetings and other group functions. In conducting our market analysis, we looked at the characteristics of each demand component. A description of these characteristics follows. Commercial Demand Commercial demand occurs steadily throughout the year with little seasonal fluctuations other than a decline in business travel during holiday periods. This segment of demand occurs mostly during the weekdays. It originates from travelers conducting business in the area and passing through on the interstate. Commercial travelers generally seek out franchised hotels that are located near their business destination. Because much of this segment travel frequently, they are more likely to participate in hotel loyalty clubs. This segment is estimated to comprise 45 percent of Monticello's lodging demand. Interviews with the large employers in the area revealed the usual amount of visitors from corporate personnel, management, vendors and customers. • Cargill Kitchen Solutions attracts the largest number of visitors requiring lodging accommodations, estimated to average 30 to 40 visitors per month. The company officer interviewed indicated that some of the visitors stay in Monticello hotels due to their convenient location, while most of the upper level visitors stay in Maple Grove, attracted by the Hilton, Marriott, and Intercontinental hotel products and the variety of restaurants and shops. The importance of nice restaurants, either for a 27 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Demand good meal or for entertaining clients or employees, was emphasized by the Cargill executive, and by other employers with whom we spoke. • WSI, Inc. estimates that it has an average of four visitors a month that require lodging. They utilize local hotels, but frequently send visitors to one of the Maple Grove hotels on account of the hotel, restaurant and entertainment amenities that are concentrated there. The company official remarked that only a good restaurant in Monticello, suitable for entertaining customers, would alter this pattern. He also mentioned that there are few things for a multi -night stay visitor to do in Monticello. The company has multiple meeting rooms in its plant, so has little need for outside meeting space. • Standard Iron and Wire Works, Inc. attracts several customers a month and has two sales meetings a year that attract approximately six non -local participants for 2 to 3 nights. The customers seem to be loyal to the large hotel brands so stay in Rogers at the Hampton Inn (Hilton) or the Holiday Inn Express (Intercontinental), or they stay in Maple Grove where a Marriott hotel exists. The company does utilize outside meeting space and requires a capacity of less than 50 people. • Xcel Energy operates a coal -fired energy plant just north of Monticello and a nuclear energy plant in nearby Becker. The nuclear plant is shut down every two years for re- fueling and maintenance. Crews that can number up to 2,000 are brought to the area for a period of 2 to 6 months. Lodging contracts for the crews are negotiated by the contractor and this demand can fill area hotels that participate. The nuclear plant just completed a $665 million project that will extend the life of the generator (licensed through 2030) and increase its output We estimated that the Monticello hotels enjoyed about a 30 point increase in occupancy during the first six months of 2013 due to this project. Several executives mentioned that a lack of restaurants in Monticello that are suitable for entertaining would be a detriment to a new hotel for some types of their visitors. In contrast to the limited restaurants in Monticello, there is a wide variety of restaurants and fine dining options in Maple Grove. 28 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Demand Leisure Demand The Leisure demand segment consists primarily of visitors to local residents by friends and relatives, visitors attending weddings, reunions and other social gatherings, participants in sports tournaments that are hosted in town, and visitors to Monticello's special events. Leisure travelers passing through the area on Interstate 94 are estimated to account for approximately one - fourth of the total leisure demand accommodated by the four competitive hotels. The Leisure market segment is largest during the summer months, when vacation travel is at its peak, and reaches its low point in December and January. Leisure demand is typically the most price sensitive demand segment. Monticello is exerting efforts to enhance its outdoor recreational amenities in an attempt to attract tourists seeking more active experiences. These efforts include expanding the bike paths throughout the city and linking its parks, and improving access to the Mississippi for fishing, canoeing and kayaking. We believe these efforts should be viewed as amenities that will enhance Monticello's attractiveness as a destination, but are not strong enough to generate a significant amount of additional hotel demand. This is because the proximity to the Twin Cities area reduces the probability of an overnight stay. Group Demand Group business is generated by meetings, seminars and training sessions held by area employers, government agencies, associations and businesses. HOTEL MARKET PERFORMANCE In order to assess the recent trends in the Monticello lodging market, we obtained detailed performance data for the three franchised hotels (Best Western Chelsea Inn, Super 8, and Days Inn) from STR Global, a well -known research firm that collects and provides lodging data to the industry. In order to complete the inventory, we included the Country Inn & Suites located in nearby Albertville. This data shows that the competitive hotel set achieved an overall annual occupancy of 65.6 percent and an average daily room rate of $77.15 in 2013. This performance level reflects the impact of the large influx of work crews at the nuclear power plant. In the previous year, the annual occupancy was more than 13 points lower and the average daily rate was $2 higher. Generally, a hotel targets a 70% occupancy range to be successful. 29 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Demand Lodging Demand The amount of hotel demand accommodated by the competitive hotels has fluctuated over the last three years. Occupancy peaked in 2013 at 65.6 percent. The recent trend in occupied hotel rooms is shown in the following graph. 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Lodging Demand (Occupied Rooms) 2011 2012 2013 Source: STR Global The impact of the work crews on the market occupancy is demonstrated by comparing monthly occupancies over the last two years, as shown in the graph below. We estimate that these workers added between 15 and 35 occupancy points during the first six months of 2013, resulting in an increase of about 10 points in the annual occupancy. Demand by Month Occupied Roomnights 1,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2012 2013 2014 30 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Demand Average Daily Rate The average daily rate has also fluctuated with demand. ADR peaked in 2012 at $79.11. We believe the lower average rate achieved lastyear was a result of long term stay contracts negotiated for the work crews at the nuclear plant. The recent trend in average daily rate is shown in the following graph. $79.50 $79.00 $78.50 $78.00 $77.50 $77.00 $76.50 $76.00 $75.50 Seasonality Average Daily Fate $79.11 2011 Source: STR Global $77.15 2012 2013 The seasonality of demand is an important component in determining the size of a new hotel and in projecting its annual occupancy. Monthly performance data for the competitive set obtained from STR Global shows that lodging activity peaks in the summer, but only exceeds 70 percent in the months of July and August. The high occupancies experienced in the spring months of 2011 and 2013 are a result of energy crews. 31 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Hotel Demand 100% 909`0 809'0 70% c 60% m � 509'0 V 0 40% 309'a 200/6 10% 0% Seasonality of Demand Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Source: STR Global Market Mix 2011 2012 2013 It is important to identify the mix of business in a lodging market since the different segments are likely to be growing at different rates and have different room rate characteristics. The mix of the lodging demand accommodated by the competitive set is estimated to consist of the following: ESTIMATED MARKET MIX (2013) Market Occupied % of Segment Roomnight: Total Commercial 24,000 45% Interstate 13,000 25% Local 13,000 25% Group 3,000 5% Totals 53,000 100% We estimate that approximately 45 percent of the lodging demand accommodated by the competitive hotel set is generated by commercial activity, 25 percent by interstate travelers, 25 percent is generated by local leisure travelers, and 5 percent comes from meetings and other group functions. 32 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study - Monticello, MN Development Considerations SECTION 5: HOTEL DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS Our analysis of the Monticello lodging market concluded that the community is losing the more upscale demand to higher quality (upper midscale and upscale) hotels and franchises of the larger hotel companies in neighboring cities. In order to assess the viability of a higher quality hotel, we quantified the amount of demand that such a hotel could capture, given the dynamics of the market, and estimated the average daily rate it could achieve. RESTAURANTS It must be recognized that a high quality restaurant will be a necessity if a new hotel is to be successful in Monticello. This requirement was expressed by several of the large employers and similar concerns have been voiced on other hotel projects located in smaller cities. Therefore, we suggest that a free- standing restaurant be developed either adjacent or very close to the new hotel. In order to meet the needs of hotel guests who are presently leaving Monticello, the restaurant should have liquor and market itself to the local population as well as to hotel guests. Its quality should be appropriate for the successful entertaining of customers; however, it should be affordable to the locals. HOTEL FACILIITY RECOMMENDATIONS Building quality and amenities into a hotel adds cost and therefore higher quality hotels must charge higher room rates. Thus, the price sensitivity of a market must be assessed in order to determine the quality of a hotel project that can be supported by the subject market. 33 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study - Monticello, MN Development Considerations Customer Loyalty There is an emerging trend within the hotel industry whereby guests select a hotel based on its company's rewards program, rather than on convenience of location, room rates or amenities. The large franchise companies award points for staying in their hotels which can then be redeemed for free or discounted stays at any hotel within their respective chains. Thus, it is not unusual for travelers to drive an extra distance to stay at a hotel whose rewards program they participate in. Marriott, Hilton, and Intercontinental Hotel Group have the most popular programs, as they have hotels throughout the world, including a number of popular resorts, where rewards can be redeemed. Choice Hotels has a liberal rewards program that provides free hotel rooms, but its inventory of hotels and resorts is not nearly as extensive as the three aforementioned hotel companies. This factor can distort the competitive environment within a particular hotel market. A new hotel in Monticello faces competition from Marriott, Hilton, and Intercontinental hotel products located in Rogers and Maple Grove, within about a 20- minute drive from Monticello. Thus, Monticello will continue to lose some hotel business to these properties, unless the new hotel carries one of these flags. Upper Midscale Limited Service Hotel Based on our evaluation of the local hotel supply and demand conditions we believe that an upper midscale hotel carrying a well - recognized national franchise should be considered for Monticello. Examples of possible considerations are: Marriott International: Fairfield Inn & Suites Hilton Hotels & Resorts: Hampton Inn & Suites Intercontinental Hotel Group: Holiday Inn Express Choice Hotels International: Comfort Suites Carlson - Rezidor Hotel Group: Country Inn & Suites These upper midscale hotels are all limited service properties in that they do not have restaurants and offer only small meeting spaces. They all provide breakfast free of charge to hotel guests. Other amenities include an indoor pool, a room with fitness equipment, and meeting space that varies between 500 and 34 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study - Monticello, MN Development Considerations 1,000 square feet. Generally, the smallest hotel will have at least 60 rooms and most have 80 or more rooms. These hotels provide great value to guests because they provide high quality rooms and amenities without the financial burden of unneeded restaurant and meeting space. Accordingly they can offer competitive rates that make them popular with commercial and leisure travelers who do not typically need these extra amenities. Full Service Hotel As an alternative hotel product we also considered the viability of a full service hotel, which would include a restaurant, bar and a ballroom. These additional amenities require more hotel rooms to support them, typically at least 80 rooms. As these hotels are more expensive to construct than limited service hotels, they typically must charge higher room rates. A full service hotel with a good restaurant would provide a convenient location for guest dining and entertaining. Also, the ballroom would actually generate additional lodging demand by providing space for such functions as large meetings and wedding receptions that would attract business from outside the local market. Such a facility might also capture functions from the Monticello Community Center. Examples of full service hotels that would fit the market include Holiday Inn (Intercontinental) and Quality Inn (Choice). The nearest full service hotels are a Holiday inn & Suites in Maple Grove, a Holiday Inn located in Otsego, a Radisson located in Plymouth, and a Holiday Inn in St. Cloud. The full service hotel has all but disappeared in recent years for locations other than urban areas, large office parks, and corporate centers. This is due to their higher cost (and higher room rates) relative to limited service hotels who can offer the same quality room but at a lower rate. Due to the challenges of operating a restaurant, full service hotels are also considered to be of greater risk by lenders and investors. For a full service hotel to be successful in Monticello, it would have to capture the bulk of the lodging demand that currently leaves the market and draw additional group and social demand from the surrounding area outside of the primary market. While a full service hotel would be a great asset to Monticello, it would probably require a very large subsidy to survive. 35 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study - Monticello, MN Development Considerations UTILIZATION ESTIMATES As presented in the previous chapter, annual lodging demand in Monticello does not exceed 60 percent, except when energy crews are in the area for an extended period. A new, higher quality hotel would charge higher rates and therefore would not likely participate in the worker contract business. However, it would benefit from local demand that may be turned away from the less expensive hotels when they are full with work crews. The focus of a new hotel in Monticello should be to capture the demand that is currently leaving the market. Therefore, the key issue is the size of the local demand that is being displaced due to the lack of higher quality hotel accommodations. As presented in the Hotel Demand chapter, we estimate the present demand base in Monticello consists of the following: ESTIMATED MARKET MIX (2013) Market Occupied % of Segment Roomnights Total Commercial 24,000 45% Interstate 13,000 25% Local 13,000 25% Group 3,000 5% Totals 53,000 100% Growth in Demand In estimating future levels of lodging demand that would be available to a new hotel, we considered the following factors: 1. Factor 1: The continued recovery from the recession will result in more lodging demand. The hotel industry is tied directly to the regional and national economy. As business activity continues to pick up, salesmen, executives and other business travelers will return to the road in increasing numbers. As unemployed people find jobs, disposable income is increased, and household savings balances are restored, the amount of vacations and other leisure travel will increase. PKF Consulting expects the hotel industry to 36 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study - Monticello, MN Development Considerations continue to improve through 2015, forecasting an annual compounded growth in revenue per available room (RevPAR) of 6.6 in 2014 as a result of an expected 4.8 percent increase in ADR and a 3.0 percent growth in demand that will be somewhat offset by 1.2 percent increase in the supply of hotel rooms. In 2015, RevPAR is forecast to increase by another 7.5 percent. 2. Population projections for Wright County show an expected 28 percent increase between 2010 and 2025. This represents a compound annual rate of 1.7 percent. 3. Lodging demand has increased in the St. Cloud - Monticello corridor by more than 5 percent in each of the last two years. 4. The addition of more hotel rooms will allow for more guests to be accommodated on the nights in which the hotels are at capacity. The owner of the Best Western indicated that the Monticello hotels sometimes reach capacity during summer weekends when interstate travel is at its peak. Capacity is also reached several times a year when sports tournaments draw participants from outside the local area. Based on these factors, we believe that an annual growth rate of 3 percent is a reasonable expectation for continued hotel demand in Monticello. Utilization Projections In our analysis, we estimated the amount of demand that is being accommodated by the Best Western and assumed that a portion of it would upgrade to a new hotel. To this demand base, we then added the number of roomnights that a new hotel could capture from the demand that is presently leaving in search of higher quality facilities. Finally, we added a component of new demand that would be generated by a well - recognized franchise from people traveling on the interstate and from the broader surrounding area. Under these assumptions, a new upper midscale, limited service hotel could capture 11,500 roomnights annually. For a 60 -room hotel, this would produce an annual occupancy of 53 percent. This analysis is summarized below. 37 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study - Monticello, MN Development Considerations Analysis Assumptions Estimated existing midscale demand Assume 50% of this midscale demand would upgrade to a new hotel: Assume 25% of midscale demand would leave the local market for higher quality hotel: Assume a strong franchise would produce an additional 25% demand from outside the local market: Total upper midscale demand Annual occupancy for 60 -room hotel 12,800 roomnights 6,400 roomnights 3,200 roomnights 1,900 roomnights 11,500 roomnights 53% The average daily rate for the competitive upper midscale hotels ranges between $85 and $120. We estimate that a new hotel of similar quality and amenities in Monticello could achieve an annual average daily rate of $110, expressed in 2014 dollars. The average rate data for the Monticello hotels has been distorted in recent years by the large amount or work crew business. Therefore, we looked to the rate growth that was experienced by the St. Cloud /I -94 Corridor and by the entire state of Minnesota. Over the last three years, the St. Cloud /I -94 Corridor experienced rate increases that averaged 2.4 percent and the state averaged a 3.3 percent rate growth. In consideration of this trend, we believe that a 3.0 percent annual rate growth is reasonable for projecting future room rates in the Monticello market. Based on the occupancy and average rate projections developed in this market study, we project that an upper midscale, limited service hotel should be able to achieve the levels of room sales shown in the table below. 38 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study - Monticello, MN Development Considerations Upper Midscale, Limited Service Hotel Projected Room Revenue 60 Rooms Available Rooms 2014 2017 21,900 21,900 Occupied Rooms (Rounded) 11,500 12,600 Annual Occupancy 53% 58% Occupied Rooms (Rounded) 11,500 12,600 Average Daly Rate $110.00 $120.20 Room Sales (Rounded) $1,265,000 $1,515,000 Source: Hospitality Consulting Group Full Service Hotel A full service hotel should be able to capture the roomnights estimated above plus additional demand from large meetings and social functions held in its ballroom and meeting space. Its on- premises restaurant and bar would provide it with a competitive advantage for both the commercial and the leisure market demand segments. Based on the performance of other full service hotels that we are familiar with, we estimate that a full service hotel would capture an estimated 14,000 roomnights as shown below: ESTIMATED MARKET MIX Full Service Hotel Market Segment Occupied Roomnights % of Total Commercial 7,000 50% Interstate 3,300 24% Local 1,700 12% Group 2,000 14% Totals 14,000 100% If we assume that 80 rooms is the smallest size hotel that would qualify for a national franchise, 14,000 roomnights would produce an annual occupancy of 48 percent. 39 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study - Monticello, MN Development Considerations A full service hotel should be able to command rates that are slightly higher than a limited service hotel of similar quality. Therefore, we estimate that a full service hotel in Monticello could achieve an annual average daily rate of around $120, expressed in 2014 dollars. Applying the growth assumptions discussed above, we project that an upper midscale, full service hotel should be able to achieve the levels of room sales shown below. Upper Midscale, Full Service Hotel Projected Room Revenue 80 Rooms 2014 2017 Available Rooms 29,200 29,200 Occupied Rooms (Rounded) 14,000 15,300 Annual Occupancy 48% 52% Occupied Rooms (Rounded) 14,000 15,300 Average Daly Rate $120.00 $131.13 Room Sales (Rounded) $1,680,000 $2,006,000 Source: Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel and Restaurant with Publicly Owned Event Center A concept that has been successful in attracting new hotel development in other communities involves a publicly owned event center that is leased to an adjacent hotel operator. This allows the hotel to benefit from lodging demand attracted by the event center without having to incur the capital cost of constructing the facility. As long as the center's lease rate is reasonable, this can substantially improve the economics of the hotel. The event center could similarly be made available to a restaurant for use as banquet space and catering to group functions. This would provide the opportunity for increased sales without capital investment in additional facilities. A successful restaurant adjacent to the hotel would also enhance the hotel's competitive position within the market. 40 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study - Monticello, MN Development Considerations This type of hospitality complex in Monticello would improve the economic feasibility of a new hotel and shorten the time frame in which the community will be able to support a new hotel. We estimate that a limited service hotel as a component in this complex could draw as much demand as the full service hotel previously described. Thus, a 60 -room hotel could capture an estimated 15,300 roomnights (in 2017) that would result in an annual occupancy of approximately 70 percent and room revenue of $1.8 million, a business level that is well within the economically viable range. In addition there are several operational issues that would need to be dealt with in this shared facility arrangement. They include: Booking priorities must be established to insure that groups requiring hotel rooms have scheduling priority over local functions at the center. As an example, a local event such as an art show that generates no lodging demand, if booked too far out, could prevent the booking of a 3- day conference. An exclusive catering contract with the restaurant, while convenient, could reduce utilization at the event center by groups who desire another food service. Similarly, the hotel's business that is derived from the center is jeopardized if the restaurant has quality issues. • Responsibility for repairs, maintenance and replacement of furniture and equipment must be established along with guidelines and a funding source. This type of development should start with a funding commitment for the event center from the City. Preliminary discussions can occur with hotel developers and restaurateurs regarding their interest in the concept prior to a commitment, however, progress is likely to be slow until the event center appears to be a reality. The hotel's input on the size and layout would be extremely helpful. This event center would compete for events with the Monticello Community Center, as many of the social events, in particular, would find this facility more attractive and convenient than the Center. We recognize that the City's relationship with the Monticello Community Center prevents this scenario from occurring in the near term. 41 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study - Monticello, MN Development Considerations CONCLUSIONS To be profitable, hotels typically need to operate in the 65% to 70% occupancy range. The achievable average daily rate is also an important factor in a hotel's economic success. In a market where room rates are relatively high, a hotel can be profitable at a lower occupancy. Monticello is viewed as a somewhat price sensitive market so that it is unlikely that a hotel could achieve abnormally high room rates. The occupancies discussed in the above analysis (58% and 52 %) fall below this threshold, so we believe it will be difficult to attract much interest among developers for a new hotel in Monticello at this time. Our analysis has focused on the current amount of lodging demand in the Monticello market which we found to be insufficient to support a new hotel. We estimate that demand will have to increase by roughly 25 percent before a new hotel will be feasible. However, the hotel industry is dynamic and can change quickly. Therefore, we suggest that the hotel market be re- evaluated in several years. The following factors will improve the outlook for a new hotel and could accelerate its timing: 1. Growth in the local population; 2. Improvements to the interstate that will make access to and from the western suburbs of Twin Cities easier; 3. New employers and /or expansion of existing employers; 4. New commercial activity as a result of the City's downtown redevelopment activity should stimulate hotel demand; and S. Continued aging and obsolescence of the competitive hotels will increase the desirability and competitive advantage for a new hotel. 42 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Site Evaluation SECTION 6: SITE EVALUATION The most suitable location for a downtown hotel is along Pine Street as this is the major route into town. The actual site location along this corridor will have little impact on the hotel's performance, although a location closer to the Broadway intersection is likely to result in the greatest economic impact on the downtown. Proximity to the parks and pathway along the Mississippi River would provide a recreational amenity for guests, but is not essential for the success of a hotel. Site Area Location -Z �._.•_.. _ { • �• 1,,sr r �� del IIJ a i4 or �Yr 43 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Site Evaluation CRITERIA Hotel sites are evaluated on the basis of visibility from major transportation routes, access, proximity to restaurants, and the suitability of surrounding land uses. Visibility and Accessibility All of Monticello's existing hotels are located near the Pine Street /Highway 25 intersection with the interstate. Their locations provide visibility from the highway and easy accessibility for highway travelers. The available sites in the redevelopment area lie within the city's retail and business core; however, they are not visible from the interstate. We believe that a location near the interstate is not necessary for an upper midscale or upscale hotel, as the bulk of its business will come from local businesses and residents, as opposed to highway traffic. Also, the technology of smart phones and GPS systems allows for a guest to easily find a hotel location. A downtown location will provide greater accessibility to Cargill Kitchen Solutions, other downtown businesses, government, and the Community Center. Proximity to Restaurants Most of the community's restaurants are located along Highway 25, with two of the more popular ones (Applebee's and Chatters) on the south side of the interstate. Both are located approximately .5 miles from the hotels so are beyond a comfortable walking distance. There remains a variety of fast food and table service restaurants in and around the downtown on the north side of the interstate. Given Monticello's relatively small size, a new hotel located in the downtown would not be at a significant competitive disadvantage with respect to supporting restaurants. On the other hand, a sit -down restaurant within easy walking distance would create a competitive advantage for a new hotel. Suitability of Surrounding Land Uses Generally a retail or residential neighbor is preferable to an industrial land use. Thus, we prefer a location for the hotel that is nearest to Broadway and on the west side of Pine Street because of the concentration of retail that will 44 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Site Evaluation be located there upon the redevelopment, and the proximity to downtown businesses, the government center and the Community Center. This is only a minor preference and should not preclude hotel development on the east side of Pine. A hotel located in the northwest quadrant of Pine Street and Broadway would have a view of the river and would be in the center of town. This location would encourage use of the walking paths and even river activities during the summer. This proximity to the river would create a desirable setting for social events, meetings, and leisure travelers. SUMMARY EVALUATION As with any real estate development, the cost of the site and its necessary improvements ultimately has the greatest influence on selection. We believe that just about any location along Pine Street where at least 1.5 acres can be obtained will be suitable for a hotel. We have identified three site locations on the map on the following page indicating our preference. We like Site 1 because of its proximity to the river and to the city core. While we do not think that river amenities are great enough to attract destination demand, they will provide both recreational opportunities and a pleasant ambiance that will create a competitive advantage for the hotel. Site 2 is desirable because it is near both the river and the city core. Site 3 is also near the city core, but across a busy highway so that access to downtown is less convenient. 45 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market St udy - Monticello, MN At Evaluation Preferred Hotel Site Locations 46 Hospitality CmuZm2Go2 . � ¥. » COOM& k � ~ k e / ^ ®¥ E es • ® +§ « jr + . Ah SI W ¥ � ® . t © 46 Hospitality CmuZm2Go2 Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Conclusions SECTION 7: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Our research of the Monticello lodging market led us to focus on the potential for successful development of two types of hotels: an upper midscale hotel and a full service hotel. We believe these hotel types best fit the needs of the market. The key findings for our market study are summarized below: MARKET CHARACTERISTICS Monticello has a strong economy. It population increased by nearly 50 percent over the last decade and the median household income of its residents is 6 percent higher than the statewide level. It is a retail center for a large area that extends out approximately 10 miles. Retail & Utilities makes up the largest employment category, followed by Manufacturing. Cargill Kitchen Solutions is the largest generator of lodging demand. Monticello enjoys a prominent location along Interstate 94 and the Mississippi River. Two exits on the interstate provide excellent access to the community's retail and service establishments for the more than 44,000 vehicles that pass by the city each day. Highway 25 provides the only river crossing within 13 to 15 miles in either direction. Downtown Monticello is no longer the center or retail activity in the community. However, it is the location for Cargill, the city government and the Community Center, all three of which are significant for a new hotel. HOTEL SUPPLY There are 3 franchised hotels with a total of 155 rooms in Monticello. They are all located near, and visible from, Interstate 94. The newest hotel, a midscale property with a Best Western affiliation, is 14 years old. The other two hotels are economy level properties. While the community lacks an upper midscale hotel, several upper midscale and upscale hotels are available in the nearby communities located along the interstate; specifically Albertville (Country Inn & Suites), Rogers (Hampton Inn & Suites and Holiday Inn & Suites), and Maple Grove (two upper midscale and four upscale hotels). 47 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Conclusions HOTEL DEMAND The overall market occupancy was 57 %, 52 %, and 66% in the last three years, respectively. Removing the one -time demand originating from the workers performing the upgrade project at the nuclear plant during the first six months of 2013 lowers the annual occupancy last year to an estimated 57 percent. This level indicates a relatively weak market for an additional economy or midscale hotel. There is some lodging demand turned away from the market due to lack of hotel capacity; this occurs during athletic tournaments and generally on Saturdays during the summer. There is upscale lodging demand leaving Monticello in favor of higher quality hotels with conveniently located restaurants in neighboring communities. The issue is whether there is enough of this demand to support a new hotel in Monticello. HOTEL UTILIZATION The present supply of economy and midscale hotels adequately meets the needs of commercial and leisure travelers seeking these levels of accommodations. The addition of another hotel within these price points would further dilute the demand in these two hotel supply categories. We therefore analyzed the potential for an upper midscale hotel in Monticello, of the quality that could capture the demand that presently leaves the community. Our analysis concludes that a new limited service hotel in Monticello if open today could achieve an annual daily rate of $110 and capture an estimated 11,500 roomnights, of which about 5,100 are estimated to be presently leaving the market. This level of performance would result in a 53 percent annual occupancy for a 60 -room hotel and room revenue of $1,265,000. This business volume is insufficient to support a new hotel, at this time. We estimate that demand will have to increase by roughly 25 percent before a new hotel will be feasible. With development time, the earliest the hotel could open would be 2017. At that time, our projections show that the hotel would achieve a 58 percent annual occupancy with room sales of $1,515,000. 48 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Conclusions Since Monticello's lack of a restaurant suitable for entertaining was mentioned by several of the large employers, we analyzed the demand that exists in the community for a full service hotel. Although adequate public space is available in the Community Center, a full service hotel would provide both a restaurant and convenient meeting space. These factors would allow the hotel to capture a larger share of the local business and generate new business by attracting group and social functions from the surrounding area. We estimate that a full service, upper midscale hotel if open today could achieve an annual daily rate of $120 and would capture an estimated 14,000 roomnights. This level of performance would result in a 48 percent annual occupancy for an 80 -room hotel and room revenue of $1,680,000. Assuming the hotel opens in 2017, our projections show that it would achieve a 52 percent annual occupancy with room sales of $2,006,000. Similar to our conclusion regarding an upper midscale hotel, this business volume is also insufficient to support a full service hotel, particularly given the higher investment required by its restaurant and meeting space. A private hotel and restaurant combined with a public event center would allow a limited service hotel to function as a full service hotel without incurring the additional capital costs for the amenities. The operations of the three facilities would be mutually beneficial and, if designed and the arrangements structured properly, could allow a new hotel to be economically viable. We recognize that the City's relationship with the Monticello Community Center prevents this scenario from occurring in the near term. POTENTIAL SITES All four of Monticello's hotels are located near the interstate. Their visibility makes it easy for interstate travelers to find them and also allows them to capture "impulse" demand from travelers who stop in Monticello without a hotel reservation. Alternatively, retail activity continues to develop along Highway 25 and in the downtown area. A hotel located in or near the downtown would be closer to Cargill, which is the largest generator of hotel demand, city government, and the New River Medical Center. It would also be close to the meeting rooms and other facilities available at the Community Center. 49 Hospitality Consulting Group Hotel Market Study -Monticello, MN Conclusions Because the recommended hotel will have the best facilities in the market, it will be sought out by guests. Therefore, its location will have less of an influence on its success than it would in a more competitive market. The hotel site should be along the Highway 25 corridor and the surrounding land uses need to be appropriate. A location that provides a view of the river would create a desirable setting for social events, meetings, and leisure travelers. HOTEL RECOMMENDATIONS Our recommendations regarding hotel development in Monticello are summarized below. 1. Development efforts should focus on an upper midscale hotel product as this is the segment of the market that is not being served by the existing Monticello hotels. The popular brands in this segment offer an indoor pool, a fitness room, and meeting space of between 500 and 1,000 square feet. 2. A strong national franchise will be needed to compete with the hotels that exist in Rogers and Maple Grove. 3. A limited service hotel (one that does not have a restaurant bar or extensive meeting space, but does provide a free breakfast) is the product that is most likely to be successful in Monticello. Amenities in this product type include an indoor pool, fitness room and limited meeting space. 4. While we have concluded that there is not enough upper midscale demand in Monticello to support a new hotel at this time, the community is expected to experience continued growth that will result in higher levels of lodging demand. Also, age and obsolescence will increasingly become a competitive factor for the existing hotels. Therefore, we suggest that the hotel project be re- evaluated in several years. S. While we believe that a site located near the river would provide for a somewhat unique and desirable hotel environment, just about any site within the redevelopment district that has frontage on Pine Street /Highway 25 will suffice for a hotel. 50 Hospitality Consulting Group ADDENDUM 51 Hospitality Consulting Group CONSULTANT QUALIFICATIONS HOSPITALITY CONSULTING GROUP Stephen Sherf — President, Hospitality Consulting Group Stephen Sherf has over 30 years of consulting experience in the hospitality industry. He spent 15 years with a large national public accounting firm, where he was the partner -in- charge of the hospitality consulting division for the Upper Midwest. He also started a gaming consulting company where he worked for 15 years, and most recently, founded a hospitality consulting company. He is presently active as a sales agent with Minneapolis - based Leines Hotel Advisors. Mr. Sherf has an extensive background in hospitality consulting that encompasses market studies, valuations, appraisals, acquisitions and sales. He has performed market studies and other advisory services for over 200 hotel projects located mainly throughout the Midwest for clients that include developers, lenders, hotel companies, and municipalities. He also has particular expertise in development consulting to the gaming industry and has worked on numerous income producing real estate projects that include nursing homes, elderly housing, subsidized and market rate housing, office buildings, retail developments, convention centers, ice arenas, restaurants, convenience stores, bowling alleys and cinemas. Operating positions held during Mr. Sherf s career include restaurant manager, auditor, Vice President of Development for a hotel company with 13 properties, and Treasurer for a gaming company where he oversaw the operations of three Colorado casinos. Mr. Sherf is known for his hands -on involvement and realistic conclusions. Where appropriate, development recommendations are backed by an economic feasibility analysis and a sensitivity analysis to assess risk. He has provided expert witness testimony relating to the valuation of hotels and restaurants and business interruption claims. He has taught continuing education seminars and spoken at gaming, investment, and state appraisal conferences. He has been a guest lecturer at the University of Minnesota Graduate School of Business and Stout University. He is frequently quoted in local newspapers and business magazines. Mr. Sherf received an undergraduate degree in economics and an MBA in finance from Cornell University. He holds a real estate license in Minnesota and Wisconsin and has taken several American Appraisal Institute courses. He is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive), is active in the Minnesota Lodging Association, has served on the planning commission for the City of Minnetrista, and has held a Colorado gaming license. 52 Hospitality Consulting Group EDA Agenda - 05/14/14 6. Consideration of approving a 2014 Farm Lease Agreement for Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing. (WO /AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to approve a lease agreement between the EDA and Tom & Matt Spike for the farming of 13.6 acres of land at Otter Creek Crossing. The lease agreement is consistent with the farm lease agreement entered into with the same tenant for 2013, with exception of lease rent payment. The lease allows the tenant access to farm the property between May 15th and November 10th, 2014. The lease land area is not irrigated and is directly adjacent to land owned by the proposed lease tenant. The annual rental fee is recommended for increase for 2014. As the land is leased, the property is taxable. For 2014, taxes payable on the parcel are $1,512.00. The Finance Director was able to reach an agreement with the lease for a fee of $1,250. As such, the agreement for 2014 includes a rental fee of $1250. (In previous years, the rental rate was set at $1,000.) It was communicated to the lease that for 2015, the amount would be increased commensurate with taxes payable. If the lessee chooses not to rent at that price for 2015, the land will not be farmed for 2015 and will be taken off the tax rolls. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the Farm Lease agreement for Outlot F. Otter Creek Crossing as drafted. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMWNDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Farm Lease, Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing - Draft B. Wright County Property Report, Outlot F FARM LEASE THIS LEASE (the "Lease "), made this 15th day of May, 2014, by and between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota (the "Authority "), and Matt and Tom Spike (the "Tenant "). Property Description. The Authority hereby rents to the Tenant in consideration of the rents and promises hereinafter described the property (the "Property ") generally described as PID 155171000060 containing approximately 13.6 acres and located along 90th Lane next to Otter Creek industrial park. The Property is legally described and depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto. 2. Term. The term of this Lease is for 6 months commencing on May 15th, 2014 and terminating on November 15th, 2014. Rent. The annual rent due under this Lease is $1,250. The annual rent for the lease year shall be payable by August 1, 2014. 4. Authority Obligations. The Authority shall peaceably allow the Tenant to occupy the Property for normal and customary farming practices. The Tenant shall have reasonable access to the Property 24 hours per day, seven days per week for such purposes. Tenant Obligations. Tenant shall be responsible for paying or doing the following: a. The Tenant shall occupy the Property for agricultural purposes only. The Tenant agrees to use normal and customary farming practices in the care and maintenance of the Property and, without limiting normal practices, keep the Property free of noxious weeds to the extent possible; b. The Tenant agrees to comply with all statutes, ordinances, rules, orders, regulations, and requirements of the federal, state, county, municipal and other units of government regulating the use of the Property; 402309v1 NMI NM190 -101 The Tenant shall allow access to the Property by the Authority and its agents during all reasonable hours for the purpose of examining the Property to ascertain compliance with the terms of this Lease and for any other lawful purpose; d. The Tenant shall not remove or move any existing structures or improvements made to the Property by the Authority. The Tenant may not store equipment on the Property for periods exceeding one week without coordinating such storage with the Authority; e. The Tenant shall not commit waste on the Property; f. Tenant shall refrain from using or applying any chemicals or products on Property which contains phosphorous; g. The Tenant shall plow back the Property prior to the termination of this Lease; and h. This Lease does not entitle Tenant to allow or authorize use of Property by any party for recreational purposes, including but not limited to hunting or the riding of all terrain or similar recreational vehicles. 6. Independent Entities. The Authority does not retain the Tenant as an agent of the Authority. The Tenant does not retain the Authority as an agent of the Tenant. The Authority shall not provide to the Tenant, its agents or employees, any benefits or expenses, including, but not limited to, insurance for liability or property, or ordinary business expenses. 7. Costs associated with Lease. The Authority is not responsible for paying any of the Tenant's costs associated with this Lease, including preparation of the Property for farming. The Tenant shall pay all costs related to farming the Property, including the cost of plowing the Property back prior to the termination of this Lease. 8. Insurance. The Tenant shall acquire and maintain property and liability insurance adequate for the Tenant's use of the Property. The Tenant shall provide proof of insurance upon request by the Authority. The Tenant, while performing any service or function related to this Lease, agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Authority and all its agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of this Lease or use of the Property. 9. Assignment and Sublease Prohibited. The Tenant intends to farm the Property himself. The Tenant agrees that no assignment or sublease of the Property shall be effective without the prior written consent of the Authority. 10. Surrender of Possession. The Tenant shall surrender the Property to the Authority in good condition and repair upon termination of the Lease, whether by lapse of time or otherwise. 402309v1 NMI NM190 -101 2 11. Termination Prior to Expiration. The Authority may, at any time after providing 90 days' written notice, terminate this Lease and take possession of the Property for any purpose deemed in the best interest of the Authority. The Authority shall allow the Tenant to remove crops with normal and customary farming practices or, if time does not so allow, return all rents paid for the year and compensate the Tenant at rates not exceeding the current market rate per acre for any crop planted but not harvested. 12. Remedy. If the Tenant fails to pay the rent when due or fails to perform any of the promises contained in this Lease, the Authority may, after furnishing the Tenant with a 30 -day written notice specifying the default, re -enter and take possession of the Property and hold the Property without such re- entering working a forfeiture of the rents to be paid by the Tenant for the full term of the Lease. If default occurs during cropping season, the Authority will harvest any and all remaining crops and apply proceeds from the sale thereof to any rent payment due or other outstanding obligations of the Tenant to the Authority. 13. Tenant's Default. In the event of one of the following acts, the Tenant shall be in default: a. The Tenant fails, neglects, or refuses to pay rent or any other monies agreed to be paid, as provided in this Lease when those amounts become due and payable, and if such failure continues for five days after written notification by the Authority; b. Any voluntary or involuntary petition or similar pleading, under any section of any bankruptcy act shall be filed by or against the Tenant or should any proceeding in a court or tribunal declare the Tenant insolvent or unable to pay debts; c. The Tenant fails, neglects, or refuses to keep and perform any other conditions of this Lease and if such failure continues for a period of 30 days after written notification by the Authority; or d. Should the Tenant make or attempt to make any assignment or sublease of any interest in the Lease or the Property without the prior written consent of the Authority. In the event of any default or violation of this Lease continuing more than 30 days after written notification of default by the Authority to the Tenant, the Authority may terminate the Lease and enter into and take possession of the Property. Possession of the Property in these conditions does not relieve the Tenant of the obligation to pay rent and abide by all other conditions of the Lease. In the event of any default or violation of the Lease continuing more than 30 days after written notification of default by the Authority to the Tenant, termination of the Lease and possession of the Property by the Authority, the Authority may lease the Property to another party without further obligations to the Tenant. 402309v1 NMI NM190 -101 14. Loss and Damage. Tenant assumes and bears the risk of all loss and damage to the Property from any and every cause whatsoever, whether or not insured, except in the case of gross negligence or intentional misconduct on the part of the Authority, its employees, agents or contractors. No loss or damage to the Property or any part thereof shall impair any obligation of Tenant under this Lease and the Lease shall continue in full force and effect unless Tenant is unable to use the Property for the purposes intended under this Lease. 15. Limitation of Warranties and Liability. In no event shall the Authority be liable for special, incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to lost profits, lost business opportunity, or damages related to Tenant's use or intended use of the Property. 16. Lease is Binding. This Lease shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their heirs, successors and assigns. 17. Notification. Notices related to this Lease shall be sent to the following addresses: a) As to the Authority: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director b) As to the Tenant: Matt and Tom Spike or to such other address as either party may notify the other of pursuant to this section. 18. Entire Lease. It is understood that this Lease contains all agreements, promises, and understandings between the Authority and Tenant regarding the subject matter hereof. This Lease supersedes any prior agreements between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and any prior lease related to the Property. No modification to this Lease is binding unless made in writing and signed by the Authority and the Tenant. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. 402309v1 NMI NM190 -101 4 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: President By: Executive Director STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of May, 2014 by and , the President and Executive Director, respectively, of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of the political subdivision. Notary Public 402309v1 NMI NM190 -101 [Name of Tenant] STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of May, 2014 by Tenant. Notary Public 402309v1 NMI NM190 -101 EXIIIBIT A Legal Description and Depiction of Propert y 402309v 1 NMI MN 190 -101 A -1 Wright County, MN 4% beacon TM Date Created: 5/8/2014 Summary Grantee Parcel ID 155171000060 Property Address Doc No Sec /Twp / Rng 10- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -10 Twp -121 Range -025 OTTER CREEK CROSSING (MONTICEL 13.67 Efe Div % AC OUTLOT F $130,000 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 13.67 Class 101 - (NON -HSTD) AGRICULTURAL District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 11/17/2005 Owner Primary Owner City Of Monticello Eda 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 GIS Acreage Parcel: 155171000060 Acres: 13.67 Acres USAB: 13.67 Acres WATE: 0.00 Acres ROW: 0.00 Sq Ft: 595,297.65 Land Grantee Doc Date Transfer Date Doc Typel Doc No Seq Code CER Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Units UT unit Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 Efe Div % Value $130,000 J X BOWERS LLC J EDWIN CHADWICK LLC 7/13/2010 Rat $68,400 1 TILL B PROD 0 0 0 0 13.670 AC 10,000.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10,000.000 1.000 136,700 Total OTTER CREEK CROSSING 13.670 12/23/20041 PLAT 940579 136,700 Sales Multi Parcel IN Q Sale Date Buyer Seller Sale Price Adj Price N WD U 06/01/2011 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA J EDWIN CHADWICK LLC $130,000 $130,000 N WD U 07/13/2010 J EDWIN CHADWICK LLC J X BOWERS LLC $68,400 $68,400 Transfer Histnry Grantor Grantee Doc Date Transfer Date Doc Typel Doc No Sale Price J EDWIN CHADWICK LLC CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 6/1/2011 6/3/2011 WARDEED 1177111 WARDEED 1151850 $130,000 J X BOWERS LLC J EDWIN CHADWICK LLC 7/13/2010 7/15/2010 $68,400 CITY OF MONTICELLO ETAL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 10/3/2005 11/17/2005 ANNEX $0 J EDWIN CHADWICK LLC ETAL OTTER CREEK CROSSING 12/23/2004 12/23/20041 PLAT 940579 $0 Valuation 2014 Assessment 2013 Assessment 2012 Assessment 2010 Assessment • Estimated Building Value $0 $0 $0 $0 • Estimated Land Value $136,700 $129,900 $143,500 $191,400 • Estimated Machinery Value $0 $0 $0 $0 = Total EstimatedValue $136,700 $129,900 $143,500 $191,400 Valuation (working) 2015 • Land Value $136,700 • Building Value $0 + Extra Features Value $1,512.00 $1,628.00 $0.00 $580.00 $0 = Total Value $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $136,700 % Change $1,512.00 $1,628.00 $0.00 $580.00 0.00% Taxation Receipt # 2014 Payable 2013 Payable 2012 Payable 2011 Payable 2010 Payable Gross Taxable Value $129,900 $143,500 $143,500 $191,400 $273,400 Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 = Net Taxable Value $129,900 $143,500 $143,500 $191,400 $273,400 Net Taxes Due $1,512.00 $1,628.00 $0.00 $580.00 $548.00 + Special Assessments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 = Total Taxes Due $1,512.00 $1,628.00 $0.00 $580.00 $548.00 Taxes Paid Receipt # Receipt Print Date Amt Adj Amt Write Off Amt Charge Amt Payment 1045253 9/25/2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($814.00) 1015090 5/14/2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($814.00) 890334 12/23/2011 $0.00 $0.00 $34.80 ($324.80) 848431 6/3/2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,840.45) 826393 5/10/2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($290.00) 808779 2/14/2011 $0.00 $0.00 $21.95 ($168.95) 784284 10/14/2010 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($137.00) 765233 7/15/2010 $0.00 $0.00 $1.37 ($138.37) 761173 6/2/2010 $0.00 $0.00 $5.92 ($16.88) 760230 5/24/2010 $0.00 $0.00 $10.96 ($137.00) 703408 10/15/2009 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($86.00) 689241 10/7/2009 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($86.00) 658492 5/14/2009 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($86.00) 642531 5/1/2009 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($86.00) Tax Statements Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. CRV Documents Click here to view the CRV document(s). Property Card Images Click here to view the Property Card image(s). Map f. 000050 .^ p' iV2. M1 No data available for the following modules: Buildings, Extra Features, Photos, Sketches. Click here for help. DISCLAIMER: Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. Wright County has attempted to include more specific clarifications or advisories on the specific documents or maps however, none of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact Wright County. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and Wright County shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided. Last Data Upload: 5/8/2014 8:55:39 AM 4d'sChow 4'M' Thr Sthnadbr Corpoeeitia� ,4.11neKier u;' w scmriderpgrp Pwa EDA Agenda - 05/14/14 7. Consideration of approving a $500 marketing expense related to "Monticello -Worth the Stop ". (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider acting as a partner in a community marketing effort supporting continued traffic to Monticello businesses during the I -94 reconstruction project, occurring this summer. As the EDA is aware, MnDOT has already begun the I -94 reconstruction project, which includes full reconstruction of the travel lanes between the CSAH 18 and TH 25 interchanges, as well as the interchange on- and off -ramps and loops. During construction, the project will create traffic changes and detours within the city, which will have an impact on the businesses relying on the interchanges and interstate traffic. The Monticello business community has been meeting to develop strategies for maintaining positive business traffic during I -94 construction. A core group of businesses has been working through signage, brochure and other information marketing techniques. One of the sub - groups is working on a coordinated marketing campaign along the lines of "Monticello — Worth the Stop ". A partnership request has been prepared for distribution to the local business community. The letter is attached for the EDA's reference and provides detailed information on the promotional outcomes of this campaign. To support this effort, the EDA is asked to consider contributing as a partner, in the amount of $500. Al. Budget Impact: The EDA General Fund includes a line item of $17,000 for general marketing expenses. At present, the remaining balance for the item is $7,000 (after final payment for the 2014 Hospitality Market Study). As such, funds are available should the EDA wish to proceed in partnering on this marketing effort. A2. Staff Impact: Communications Coordinator Rachel Leonard has been participating in this effort on behalf of the City. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a $500 marketing expense related to "Monticello -Worth the Stop" 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. Continuing to promote the economic vitality of the Monticello business community during the reconstruction is consistent with the City's economic development objectives. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. "Monticello — Worth the Stop" Partnership Letter INSERT THE "WORTH THE STOP" LOGO 1 -94 Road Construction: Is Your Business Ready? The construction equipment is here, the work is underway, and the dirt is flying. In spring 2014 the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) began a project to reconstruct I -94 between Minnesota State Highway 25 and Wright County Road 18. MnDOT will maintain two lanes of traffic eastbound and westbound; however, there will be ramp closures at HWY 25 and CR 18 throughout the project. Many business owners had questions about the project when it was announced: • How will this affect my business? • Will traffic be re- directed toward or away from my business? • How can commuters and travelers be persuaded to stop in Monticello during the construction? In response to these questions, several businesses formed a committee with MnDOT and the City of Monticello to develop a plan to support the business community during construction. After several meetings and hours of volunteer efforts, we have formulated a campaign to encourage travelers along I- 94 to stop in Monticello despite any closures or detours. Now we would like to invite additional businesses to participate in Monticello's "Worth the Stop" campaign from June - September 2014. Our efforts will include: Billboards: East -bound (between Hasty & Clearwater) and /or west -bound (between Rogers & Albertville) billboards on 1 -94. The message theme is "Monticello: Worth the Stop" with the campaign logo. Pamphlets: Full -color glossy 8.5 x 14 brochures containing a map of Monticello showing exit ramps, detour routes, and locations of participating businesses. Types of businesses will be color -coded and listed accordingly in the pamphlet. We would like to print 50,000 flyers and distribute them at local businesses, rest areas off of 1 -94, the Monticello Community Center, and local athletic events. It is our hope that area gas stations will also participate and /or allow us to distribute flyers to their guests. Facebook: We will have an official Facebook Page for "Monticello: Worth the Stop." The Page will have updates on construction, special discounts from participating businesses, and fun activities. Businesses can send weekly posts to make announcements to viewers. Community Events: Our committee will have a presence at Walk & Roll, Riverfest, and Brewfest. Newspaper /Radio Ads: If funding allows, we hope to run some additional advertising during the months of June through September. T- Shirts: Bright construction - yellow T- Shirts with the "Worth the Stop" logo on the front and "Pardon our Mess While We Build for Tomorrow" on the back. Prices range from $5.95 to $24.96 depending on quantities ordered for your employees. This is an individual purchase. No marketing funds will be used for t- shirts. Funding: The estimated collective cost to accomplish the "Worth the Stop" campaign is $20,000. Our goal is to hare the cost among 40 participating businesses. With 40 contributors the amount per business is $500 for 4 months or $125 per month. We will also welcome major sponsors of the campaign; these businesses will have a larger spot on the map marking their businesses and a bold letter listing. Since the construction project has already started, we are looking to initiate the "Worth the Stop" campaign as soon as possible. Our deadline to participate is May 17, 2014. Please contact (our treasurer's name, email, phone etc.) to include your business in this opportunity to make the most of construction season! Thank you for your consideration. EDA Agenda - 05/14/14 8. Consideration of approving a $1,000 membership in the Greater NIN Partnership. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider membership in the Greater Minnesota Partnership, a nonprofit corporation devoted to advocating for state economic development policies and resources that benefit Greater Minnesota. The Partnership consists of businesses, chambers of commerce, economic development authorities, cities and nonprofits from throughout Greater Minnesota. The Greater Minnesota partnership's current list of legislative priorities is attached, as well as their membership form. Of recent note, the GMNP has worked on creating several programs that will help entrepreneurs create new companies and also help existing businesses grow and develop. The GMNP helped pass the Greater Minnesota Business Expansion Credit, which allows a sales tax exemption on construction materials for businesses that are growing workforce and may need to expand their facilities within their current locations. GMNP also worked to make the Angel Investor Tax Credit easier to use for Greater Minnesota businesses. To support this effort, the EDA is asked to consider 2014 membership in the amount of $1,000. Al. Budget Impact: The EDA General Fund includes a line item of $10,000 for Dues and Membership expenses. At present, the remaining balance for the item is $7,568.60. As such, funds are available should the EDA wish to proceed with membership. (EDA is also a member of Initiative Foundation at $2,250 and Wright County Economic Development Partnership at $2,432.) A2. Staff Impact: Limited to reviewing status updates and action alerts as needed for the organization. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a $1,000 membership expense for Greater MN Partnership. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. The mission and policy positions of this organization are consistent with Monticello's economic development goals. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Greater MN Partnership Letter B. Greater MN Partnership 2014 Policy Positions ILqA I I I ATER MN PARTNERSHIP What is the Partnership? The Greater Minnesota Partnership is a public - private nonprofit corporation committed to stimulating economic growth and prosperity in Greater Minnesota. Who should join? Greater Minnesota businesses, chambers of commerce, economic development authorities, nonprofits and cities are all encouraged to join the Partnership. Why join? Membership in the Partnership provides the opportunity to join with other organizations to become an effective voice for Greater Minnesota economic development. Members receive up -to -date information about Partnership initiatives and economic development policy changes being considered at the Capitol, as well as a say in shaping the Partnership's priorities and legislative agenda. Membership Levels Business Membership • Over $50 million in sales: $5,000 • $25 to $50 million in sales: $4,000 • $10 to $25 million in sales: $2,500 • $5 to $10 million in sales: $1,000 • Under $5 million in sales: $500 EDA Membership (Population Served) • Over 40,000: $5,000 • Between 20,000 and 40,000: $2,500 • Between 5,000 and 20,000: $1,000 • Under 5,000: $500 Other memberships, nonprofit funds and sponsorships are variable. Company Information Company/Organization-.— Address: City- State- Main Phone: zip: Contact Information Name: Email: Phone: Membership Level: Please send application and payment to: Greater Minnesota Partnership Attn: Executive Director Dan Dorman 525 Park Street, Suite 470 St. Paul, MN 55103 * Please make checks payable to GMNP Join the Partnership now! Questions? Contact Dan Dorman at (612) 245 -5204 or dan @gmnp.org or visit us online at GMNP.org. Issues I Greater Minnesota Partnership rG-REATER M N P MN PARTNERSHIP ISSUES Phore:651- 225 -8840 Search ... Email: Info@bgmnp.org 2014 Policy Positions Page 1 of 3 9113 IM l ilp To help improve the economic climate and boost greater Minnesota's economic recovery, the GMNP supports the following economic positions in the 2014 Legislative Session. (For the full, printable PDF version of the 2014 Policy Positions, click here.) 1. Greater MN Business Development Public Infrastructure Grant (BDPI) The GMNP supports an annual $10 million, or greater appropriation for the BDPI grant program. 2. Broadband Expansion The GMNP supports expansion of high -speed broadband internet in Greater Minnesota, as rural areas have only about 50 percent of the access to high -speed services compared to the Twin Cities metro area. 3. Corridors of Commerce The GMNP supports $200 million a year for the Corridors of Commerce program, with half of the funding going to Greater Minnesota, as part of a comprehensive transportation package. 4. Greater Minnesota Business Expansion Program The GMNP supports Increasing incentives under the Greater Minnesota Business Expansion Program passed in the 2013 Legislative Session. S. Greater Minnesota New Employees Job Training Program The GMNP supports legislation to enact a more flexible, responsive and business- oriented job training program for Greater Minnesota businesses. 6. Greater Minnesota Angel Investment Tax Credit Expansion The GMNP supports legislation to adjust the angel investment tax credit to provide for a 50 percent tax credit for investors in a qualified small business in Greater Minnesota. 7. Small Business Loan Program The GMNP supports a loan guarantee program to support small business financing. http: / /gmnp.org /issues/ 5/9/2014 Issues ; Greater Minnesota Partnership Page 2 of 3 8. Workforce Housing The GMNP supports efforts to increase access to housing stock in areas where employers are looking to expand. 9. Statewide Business Property Tax The state should offer qualifying businesses under the Greater Minnesota Business Expansion program up to nine years of exemption from the statewide business property tax. 10. Bonding and Infrastructure in Greater Minnesota The next bonding bill should place a high priority on the infrastructure needs in Greater Minnesota. Sponsored by In r4�_- AkER 4nI)f" 1�4 Flaherty & Hood, providing top -notch legal and legislative services to clients in Greater Minnesota. Website Sponsor Recent Tweets The GiMNP B May @the_gmnp President of @NewUlmChamber says "We want a road" and we agree! Here's her letter from the New Ulm Journal: nujournal.com /page /content.d... #GMNP The GMPIP 7 May @the_gmnp MN is bouncing back from the recession better than most states, but long -term joblessness is still a problem. mprnews.org/story/2014/05/... #GMNP V Compose new Tweet... News Let's connect: http: / /gmnp.org /issues/ 5/9/2014 EDA Agenda: 05/15/14 9. Economic Development Report. I -94 Reconstruction Project The City Engineer and Community Development Director met with the local business group working through business signage options during the I -94 reconstruction project. As a result of those discussions, the City Engineer is working to coordinate requested business directional signage placement ASAP with MnDOT. This consolidated signage will help direct motorists to core commercial areas for gas, food, shopping and lodging. In addition, the City Engineer and MnDOT are working through traffic signal changes which could aid circulation during the construction period. TH 25 /CSAH 75 Improvements and Block 34 Staff continue to discuss alternatives and options related to the final design and layout for TH 25 /CSAH 75 intersection. WSB's Bret Weiss and Angela Schumann had a chance to meet with local property owners on Broadway regarding potential parking changes and have gathered additional feedback in that regard. In addition, the EDA closed on the Monticello Liquors property on April 15th and the last tenant in the Montgomery Farms building has now completed relocation. With the above steps complete, the City now needs to consider the next steps relative to both the intersection and Block 34, as they are interrelated. Staff will be meeting in the next two weeks to develop a more detailed timeline and plan analysis. Market Matching Program Please see attached monthly report. Otter Creek Business Park Staff is working with two potential users of two different sites at Otter Creek. The EDA /CC Negotiations Team meeting will hold their regular meeting on May 14th, 2014 to discuss these two opportunities and will provide the EDA with additional information as these projects progress. Opportunity Tracker A training session for users was held on April 17th, 2014. EDA members should also have received their usernames and password shortly after the training. Hopefully, you've all had a chance to log in and test the system. Opportunity Tracker is an enhanced email communication system which allows Monticello users to input and access information on available land /lease opportunities, as well as other economic development opportunity data. Please note that the information you enter is visible to all who have access to the system (EDA and IEDC members). TIF Administration EDA Agenda: 05/15/14 City staff are working with Northland Securities to follow -up on administrative items for each of the TIF districts, including required knockdowns, 6 -year rule compliance and job and wage reporting. I -94 Coalition Steve Bot, Chair of the I -94 Coalition (and St. Michael City Administrator and Engineer), was present at the IEDC meeting on May 6th to discuss the I -94 Coalition's progress in making I- 94 congestion and funding for solutions a major issue for state and federal legislators. The Coalition, which includes counties, cities, chambers of commerce, and businesses, has recently been successful in pushing the issue forward, helping to facilitate creation of the new "Corridors of Commerce" state funding program and the three lane I -94 expansion project from Hwy. 101 to CSAH 241. That project will begin in July on 2014. A brochure on the Coalition is included for the EDA's reference. The City of Monticello is a member and is represented on the Coalition board. Residential Building Permits New construction for the first four months of 2014 has been very strong. To date, the City has received and issues 32 new single family home applications. The valuation of these new homes is $5,175,000. At this time last year, the City had received 7 new applications, with a valuation of $1,124,497. Commercial /Industrial Building Activity Runnings is open and will have their Grand Opening first week in May. The Marshall's store at Union Crossings will be finishing the build out of the interior and is expected to open by the middle of May. The relocated Pizza Factory (Cedar Street, in same center as Uptown Eye Care) is also now open. Aldi's has also broken ground and expect a fall opening. Initiative Foundation Please see attached letter of thanks from the organization for EDA's continued support 2 ■ �/�� ■ ■ VB .I,wci, ,;.,.I„,. engineering May 2, 2014 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 planning • environmental • construction Re: Project Status Update WSB Project No. 1494 -720 Dear Mr. O'Neill: 4140 Thielman Lane Suite 204 St. Cloud, MN 56301 Tel 320- 252 -4900 Fax 320-252-3100 The following represents a summary and status of actions we are currently taking within the Market Matching service contract for the City: Data Collection: Housim Market Study A draft of the Housing Market Study Demographic Analysis and Projections has been completed and forwarded to Staff for review. Once Staff feedback is obtained, WSB will finalize and convert the key findings into a PowerPoint presentation for review by Council and deployment on the City's website. Final draft and presentation are expected to be complete by the end of May 2014. Data Collection: FiberNet Monticello Work on marketing collateral for FiberNet Monticello as it relates to economic development opportunities is underway. A draft timeline of the history of FiberNet has been created and presented to Staff for review. A discussion was held as to the various audiences being targeted for marketing the value of FiberNet to the community as well as potential market entrants. Market Matchi= Broker Request Wayne Elam along with the Kjellbergs requested a meeting to discuss potential prospects for leasing and /or purchase of their properties. WSB met with them and gathered information regarding the Kjellberg's properties. St. Cloud • Minneapolis • St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com Project Status Update May 2, 2014 Page 2 Market Matching: Developer Meeting WSB met with Brent Hislop, Managing Partner, Synergy Land Company. Synergy Land Company works in the areas of land development, land sales, and consulting. His primary focus is residential. Market Matching: Event Attendance WSB attended the MNCAR Investor Invasion event. The primary focus of the meeting was where investment dollars are coming from focused primarily on retail and commercial development. No immediate leads were identified. Market Matching: Event Attendance WSB attended a webinar for SalesForce CRM that is coming online this month. Details on how the system works were covered and insight was provided as to how to maximize the system. Sign on ID's and passwords were disseminated. WSB will work with Staff on the input and reporting from the SalesForce CRM system. Market Matching: Event Attendance WSB attended an Economic Development Association of MN webinar on effective marketing techniques for cities. Information was disseminated on some of the efforts underway throughout Minnesota. Market Matching: Event Attendance WSB attended SLUC's monthly meeting. The focus of this month's meeting was economic development success in Shakopee. Useful information was obtained especially as it related to creating momentum for ongoing growth and development. Project Status Update May 2, 2014 Page 3 Market Matching: Event Attendance WSB attended GreaterMSP Ahead event and participated in creating a statewide dashboard to track key economic and quality of life metrics for the State. Opportunity Tracker WSB provided a training session to the IEDC and EDA on April 17th. Activity summary reports will be provided in the monthly memo to staff on an ongoing basis. There has been no activity to date on Opportunity Tracker. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. 1 M John Uphoff Economic Development Specialist cc: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Kelsey Johnson, WSB & Associates, Inc. Eric Maass, WSB & Associates, Inc. (320) 632 -9255 405 First Street SE Little Falls, MN 56345 April 24, 2014 Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Stel Monticello MN 55362 -8822 Dear Mr. O'Neill & members of the Monticello City Council, On behalf of the Initiative Foundation, it is my privilege to express this sincere thank you. We were delighted to receive your recent investment of $2,250 on April 16, 2014. Your partnership enables us to strengthen Central Minnesota by making common -sense investments — one community, one organization and one project at a time. The lagging effect of the economic recovery is still being felt by many families, but together we are harnessing the power and the possibilities when good people and good ideas converge to create a brighter future. Please know that your investment in Central Minnesota is deeply valued and conservatively managed. The Foundation is proud to maintain an average charitable return on investment of 506 percent. if there is anything we can do for you, please don't hesitate to call our office directly. Thank you again for your generosity, Sandy Vo gt Development Officer P.S. — The Foundation hosts and manages family foundations, nonprofit endowments and a variety of other charitable funds. Please keep us in mind as a resource for leaving a legacy in your community, As a 561(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your Initiative Foundation contribution is tax - deductible to the extent allowed by law. The Foundation owns and manages financial contributions for the benefit of central Minnesota communities, and no goods or services are exchanged for your gift. Please retain this letter for your tax records. ifound.org VAPowering Posalhle EquaL opportunity Lender, provider and employer.