EDA Agenda 10-08-2014EDA MEETING Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN EDA Workshop: EDA -Held Properties 4:30 PM Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. September 10th, 2014 3. Consideration of additional agenda items. 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills. 5. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2014 -096, a Modification of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -36, Tan Increment Financing District No. 1 -37, and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -38. 6. Consideration to approve contracts for service for environmental analysis and demolition management, structural analysis, and redevelopment finding analysis for EDA and City - owned properties on Block 34, and to adopt Resolution 2014 -095, an Interfund Loan Resolution in support of funding the contract services. 7. Consideration of Director's Report. 8. Adjourn. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 10, 2014, Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Rod Dragsten, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Absent: Matt Frie Others: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, John Uphoff (WSB), Eric Stommes (Initiative Foundation) 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 13TU, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills Angela Schumann provided information in response to a question about an invoice at the August 5th EDA meeting. She clarified that the $80 cost of recording the July 14th City Council meeting had been miscoded to the EDA budget. Staff have corrected the coding to reflect a City Council expense. Schumann also pointed out that there are times when invoices are paid prior to EDA approval due to varied billing cycles. She indicated that any questions related to billing will be reviewed to ensure accuracy. Bill Tapper confirmed that the Kennedy and Graven bills reflect costs involved in establishing a TIF District for an industry which may potentially locate in Monticello. Tom Perrault asked about the WSB Market Matching invoices which appeared to show a duplicate payment for one month. Schumann agreed to look into the matter. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH AUGUST 2014. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 5. Consideration to approve funding for 2015 Initiative Foundation Membership Eric Stommes explained that the mission of the Initiative Foundation is to unlock the potential of the people of Central Minnesota to build and sustain thriving communities. EDA Agenda: 09/10/14 The Foundation provides financial assistance to the region's communities, businesses and non - profits through endowments and designated support. Stommes noted that the $2,250 contribution requested of the EDA would provide a $19,957 return on investment. He pointed out that the Foundation has awarded 235 grants totaling $1.2 million, secured 61 business financing loans totaling $3.7 million and 1,002 quality jobs and leveraged $23.4 million in private financing within Wright County alone. He also indicated that the Foundation had provided grant assistance for the ReSTOREing Downtown effort as well as for a number of Monticello businesses. Jeff O'Neill that he found the Initiative Foundation quarterly publication to be quite useful. Stommes agreed to add the EDA members to the mailing list. Bill Demueles said that the presentation was very informative and thanked Stommes for taking the time to meet with the EDA. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE CONTRIBUTING $2,250 OF THE 2015 EDA GENERAL FUND TO THE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Tom Perrault pointed out that if the EDA's contribution had not been matched by the McKnight Foundation he would not have voted in support of it. 6. Consideration of the Market Matching Report John Uphoff provided an update related to WSB's Market Matching efforts. He noted that Monticello had the opportunity to showcase Suburban Manufacturing and host the state site selector at a luncheon during the recent familiarization tour. Rod Dragsten asked how the site selector had been selected. Uphoff said that different groups of site selectors involved in the familiarization tour each year and that they are assigned by the state. Although this year's site selector was Minneapolis- based, Uphoff suggested that varying the site selection assignments broadens the reach. WSB has begun lobbying to establish a site selector guild in an effort to have some input into the process. Uphoff also pointed out that Monticello's fiber and internet capabilities were noted during a recent Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) interview related to state broadband services. He indicated that he'd provided that sound bite to staff. He explained that the technology is an asset embedded in community which makes Monticello marketable. Tracy Hinz asked Uphoff his opinion on how Market Matching is going in terms of tangible results. Uphoff pointed out that the state's business representative had called him directly, in anticipation of responding to a request for information, to ask about available property. He suggested that Monticello is on the state's radar due to the activities, especially now that there is development along I -94 corridor. Hinz asked if there had been any EDA Minutes: 09/10/14 unanticipated barriers. Uphoff indicated that the size of industrial development areas available has been an issue. Staff have been looking at larger plats which are guided as industrial to potentially address some of these site constraints. Bill Tapper asked if there has been a common denominator in terms of property requests. Uphoff noted that requests vary but often involve parcels suitable for heavy industrial uses to those appropriate for distribution centers and range in size from 50 to 120 acres. Brian Stumpf indicated that he appreciates WSB's hard work and acknowledged that it serves an important staff support role. 7. Consideration of the Director's Report Block 34 Update - Staff met with WSB environmental analysis staff and structural analysis firms to tour the Block 34 buildings. Consultants will put together an RFP for hazmat, Phase I and structural analysis studies and present proposals and request authorization to proceed at the October 8th EDA meeting. WSB's environmental team will estimate demolition costs and put together bid documents based on the results of the environmental analysis. Tracy Hinz and Tom Perrault will represent the EDA on the Block 34 RFP development committee. Lloyd Hilgart was appointed as City Council representative. Staff have asked for representation from reSTOREing Downtown as well. Xcel Energy Substation Update - Xcel Energy has shifted its focus to a parcel of land outside of the current City limits. The City will continue to work with Xcel Energy as needed as they develop plans for this substation. TAC /Transportation Update - The TAC will meet on September 11th to discuss design concepts for the TH 25 /CSAH 75 intersection. Recommendations will be forwarded to the Wright County Transportation Advisory Committee. Attendance - Tom Perrault asked about Matt Frie's absence from a number of recent EDA meetings. Schumann indicated that she'd contacted Frie but thus far had no response. She said that she would try again to reach Frie. She also said that she would review the EDA bylaws and ordinances related to attendance. 9. Adiournment BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:37 P.M. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: Attest: EDA Representative EDA Agenda: 10/08/14 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Invoices submitted during the previous month are included for review and consideration. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through September 2014. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of payment for invoices submitted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Invoices Accounts Payable CITY OF Transactions by Account User: Julie.Cheney eno Printed: 08/25/2014 - 4:03PM Batch: 00201.08.2014 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 - 46522 - 438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 130 Broadway E EDA (the Zoo) 09/09/2014 0 32.20 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 32.20 Subtotal for Fund: 213 32.20 Report Total: 32.20 The preceding list of bill payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/8/2014 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP- Transactions by Account (08/25/2014 - 4:03 PM) Page 1 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Residents may go online to view the Monticello.2014 Consumer Confidence Report for water at: http: / /tinyuri.com /lbs8dwy. Included on this invoice is the yearly water availability charge. It is only charged to those customers that have a well and access to city water, but have chosen not to connect. USAGIE •- e 4 2 0 _2 -B AUG 3EP OCT NOV OEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Payment Coupon PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION ALONG WITH YOUR PAYMENT PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNT: SERVICE ADDRESS: SERVICE PERIOD: BILLING DATE: DUE DATE: MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 007256 -004 130 BROADWAY E 4/15/2014 to 6/30/2014 7/18/2014 811812014 Account Statement ACCOUNT: 007256 -004 SERVICEADDRESS: 130 BROADWAY E SERVICE PERIOD: 4/15/2014 to 6130/2014 BILLING DATE: 7/1812014 DUE DATE: 8/18/2014 METER READING Previous Reading Current Reading Serial No Date Reading Date Reading Cons 47333900 4/1/2014 727932 7/212014 727932 0 r CURRENT CHARGES CITY WATER - NON -TXBL 14.38 SEWER - COMMERCIAL 17.47 SW DISCHRG FEE - COMIAPTIMH 2% 0.35 TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENTS RECEIVED ADJUSTMENTS ADDITIONAL BILLING CURRENT CHARGES 32.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.20 32.20 AMOUNTDUE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE BY 8/1812014 32.20 AMOUNT • REMIT PAYMENT TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St., Ste. #1 Monticello, MN 55362 """ Utility Billing Invoices City of M vendor #1426 Qtr 2 2014 Pd via ACH in U5 Bank batch J/E date Description Expense code UB Account: 8115114 Front St Pk 215 Front St sprinkler 101 - 45201- 438200 10063 -000 31.69^ Office Facility 118 6th St W {added to list 2/4110) 101 - 41941 - 438200 10128 -000 39.23 - HeadEnd Garage 3698112 School Blvd (added to list 2/4110) 655- 49870 - 438200 10250 -000 39.23' Community Garden 407 6th St W sprinkler (added to list 214/10) 226- 45127- 438200 10267 -000 24.91 1510 Hart Blvd sprinkler 101 - 43120- 438200 5002 -000 55.42' 1460 Hart Blvd sprinkler 101 - 43120 - 438200 5003 -000 44.12 1390 Hart Blvd sprinkler 101 - 43120 - 438200 5D04 -000 17 -� 822 Hart Blvd sprinkler 101 - 43120- 438200 5005 -000 143.01 — Ellison Park 811 River St E 101- 45201 - 438200 5026 -000 321.12' Bridge Park East sprinkler 101 - 45201 - 438200 5248 -000 178.38 Bridge Park West sprinkler 101 - 45201- 438200 5249 -000 0 Bridge Park West 107 River St W Rm 101- 45201- 438200 5250 -000 101.81 Freeway Pk 2331 Mdw Oak Ave sprinkler 101 - 45201 - 438200 5569 -000 550.53 803 Meadow Oak Dr (added 11 /15111) 5637 -000 WWTP 602 - 49480- 438200 7224 -000 3223.98 100 Broadway E (added 8 120112) UTX - 213 - 46522 - 438200 MG FARM 7256 -001 112 Broadway E (added 8/20112) 213- 46522 - 438200 MGFARM 7256 -002 349 Bradway W (a.k.a. Culp'slFred's Auto added 2127113 Per P.K. water shut off 818112) 7256 -003 130 Broadway E (added 712014) W1 -L (APP .q�` O 7256 -004 32.2 200 W Broadway sprinkler 101- 43120 - 438200 7441 -000 19.26 Help Center 217 - 41990- 438200 7885 -000 47.87 4th St Warming House 101 - 45201 - 438200 8086 -000 38,06 Hi -Way Liquor 609 - 49754- 438200 8114 -000 108.98 MCC 226 - 45122- 438200 8117 -000 2598.57 Fire Station 101 - 42200- 438200 8119 -000 136.13 Bldg Inspection Garage 101 - 41940 - 438200 8120 -000 38.06 Library Fund changed from 211 as of 111/14 101- 45501- 438200 8177 -000 384.83 Riverside Cem 1321 River St W sprinkler 651 - 49010- 438200 8394 -000 36.26 Hillcrest Park 1706 River St W sprinkler 101- 45201- 438200 8488 -000 97.16 Monti -NSP Softball Field 2171 River St W 101- 45203- 438200 8528 -000 1390.6 Chelsa Rd Lift 3176 Chelsa Rd W sprinkler 602- 49490 - 438200 8533 -000 114.19 Fenning Rnd -a -bout 9370 Fenning Ave NE sprinkler 101- 43120 - 438200 8621 -000 26,04 Pioneer Pk bathroom 5010 1/2 Fallon Ave 101 - 45201- 438200 8622 -000 71.87 203 Chelsea Rd -An Shelter 101- 42700- 438200 8631 -000 62,58 Head End Building UTX - 655 - 49870- 438200 8673 -000 39.23 Reservoir - 207 Chelsea Rd sprinkler 601- 49440- 438200 8674 -000 0 PW Shop /Clerical 101- 43127 - 438200 8903 -000 106.72 PW Vehicle Storage 101 - 43127 - 438200 8904 -000 103,71 PW Office 101- 43127 - 438200 8905 -000 418.13 PW sprinklers 101- 43127 - 438200 8906 -000 PW sprinklers 101 - 43127 - 438200 8907 -000 10,650.88 City of Monticello UB log in email: ap @ci.monticello.mn.us password: CityUB Accounts Payable CITY OF Transactions by Account User: Julie.Cheney eno Printed: 09/03/2014 - 4:43PM Batch: 00203.09.2014 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 - 46301 - 430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] General EDA Matters 09/09/2014 112873 407.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 407.00 213-46301-431990 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Phase 2 Fee 09/09/2014 0 4,000.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 4,000.00 213-46301-431990 HARRY LANTTO 8/13/14 EDA Meeting Recording 09/09/2014 0 50.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 50.00 Subtotal for Fund: 213 4,457.00 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Report Total: 4,457.00 Date: 10/8/2014 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP- Transactions by Account (09/03/2014 - 4:43 PM) Page 1 Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello July 31, 2014 MN190 -00101 General EDA Matters Through July 31, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 7129/2014 MNI Review materials sent by T Omdal for Front Porch TIF 0.50 92,50 district; schedule conference call. 7/30/2014 MNI Research and conference call with A Schumann regarding 0.90 166.50 ability to issue EDA bonds to finance park facilities. 7131/2014 MNI Monticello conference with T Omdal regarding abatement 0.80 148.00 bonds; also Front Porch TIF discussion. Total Services: $ 407.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 407.00 WSB & Associates, Inc. engineering - planning • environmental • construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City of Monticello August 26, 2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Attn: Wayne Oberg, Finance !rector Project No: 01494 -720 Tel: (763) 541 -4600 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Invoice No: 13 Fax: (7631541 -1700 Mon�tic lo; MN��536-248 1 cl= onomic Development & arket Mat ing GL Acct #213.46301.431990 / Professional Services from July 01. 2014 to July 31, 2014 R ase f�J' 2014 -2015 -- — — — — — — — — — — — - Fee _. Total Fee 4,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Earned 4,000.00 Previous Fee Billing 0.00 Current Fee Billing 4,000.00 Total Fee 4,000.00 Total this Phase $4,000.00 Total this Invoice $4,000.00 40 Comments: Approved by: Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Project Manager: John Uphoff Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com CHECK REQUEST FROM: 6D CHECK AMOUNT:.. (W1 Check to: Harry T. Lantto 907 — 2nd Ave S Buffalo, MN 55313 Meeting Worked: Planning Commission EDA Meeting Other Total Due: i4so'eo A Kitty Baltos, Community- Center. - Director_ REQUEST DATE: Vendor # Date Time �' � � Amount Due Date qj Iq Time 2. ZS Amount Due So. a° Date Time Planning Commission: { 6 1, U1 Iq 10 • .S1tl 9 — 4 b- 06 EDA 21 , � . 4Lc3c%1. 4,31 '-�CC c 06 Other Authorized Uy• TIME SHEETS ATTACHED Amount Due Date , 1414 "Please return to KITTY for forwarding" Accounts Payable CITY OF Transactions by Account User: Julie.Cheney eno Printed: 09/17/2014 - 2:36PM Batch: 00201.09.2014 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 - 00000 - 362970 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS US Bank Rebate Q2 2014 09/15/2014 0 -1.99 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 -1.99 213-46522-431000 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Advanced Disposal MGFARM - June 09/15/2014 0 10.55 213-46522-431000 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Advanced Disposal - July 2014 09/15/2014 0 10.55 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 21.10 Subtotal for Fund: 213 19.11 Report Total: 19.11 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/8/2014 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP- Transactions by Account (09/17/2014 - 2:36 PM) Page 1 US BANK REBATE TRACKING 2094 rebate`portio 7 FOR q 51]q (date) JE 5 454 45 Dept Credit account: 101.00000 2,587.53 101.00000.362970 101.42200 932.09 101.42200,362970 101.43120 394.95 101.43120.362970 101.43125 93.33 101.43125.362970 101.43127 902.69 101.43127.362970 101.43130 0.00 101.43130.362970 101.43160 905.84 101.43160.362970 101.45201 472.68 101.45201.362970 101.45202 0.00 101.45202.362970 101.45203 929.22 101.45203.362970 213.00000 9.99 213.00000.362970 217.41990 29.49 217.41990.362970 224.46102 925.80 224.46102.362970 226.45122 560.74 226.45122.362970 226.45127 922.86 226.45127.362970 226.45203 23.67 226.45203.362970 601.49440 289.92 601.49440.362970 602.49480 6.29 602.49480.362970 602.49490 53.98 602.49490, 362970 609.49750 92.84 609.49750.362970 655.00000 959.88 655.00000,362970 656.49877 40.26 656.49877.362970 REBATE TOTAL: 5,454.45 NZAIMer City Containers $574.88 Amount $502.61 Solid Waste Management Tax $72.27 4'CT # MN Solid Waste Apartment Description Amount Mgmt Tax Total 1453 - Golf Course 3 yard $30.60 $5.20 $110.80 COMPOST $75.00 1454 - Elliso Park 3 yard $40.90 $694 $47.74 1455 -West Bridge ark 2 yard $20.40 $3.47 $23.87 1456 - Mon(icello Sewage Plant 2 yard $20.40 $3,47 $23.87 1401 Hart 131vd 1456 - Monticello Sewage Plant 3 yard $76.51 $13.01 $89.52, 1401 Hart Blvd 1458 - City Hall 3 - 3 yards $179.52 $30.35 $208.87 505 Walnut St 1459 - Monticello L 2 yard $10.20 $1.73 $11.93 6th St & Walnut 4458 -Hi -Way Liquors 3 yard $20.40 $3.47 _ $23.k7 545 Pine St EDA 95 gat trash $6.89 $1.17 $10.55 100 Broadway 65 gal recycle $2.49 Pionee Park 3 yard $20.40 $3.47 $23.87 9165 Fa ong Avenue $502.61 $7127 $574,88 �O 1 Lk3I -Q-1 g3kOOD OW iC) \a 1cjf_olW3NC` D ('0q ^waLk3'I000 a��ayVa N( t-% 1 00t Accounts Payable Transactions by Account User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 09/17/2014 - 1:48PM Batch: 00205.09.2014 Account Number Vendor CITY OF 0 0 Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 - 00000 - 155020 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRU 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 09/23/2014 112953 8,336.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 8,336.00 213-46301-431990 HARRY LANTTO 9/10/14 EDA Meeting Recording 09/23/2014 0 50.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 50.00 213 - 46301 - 436100 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRU 7/15/14 - 7/15/15 09/23/2014 112953 5,954.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 5,954.00 213 - 46301 - 437100 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS R- 155 - 171 - 000060 2ndhalfpaymen 09/23/2014 112988 756.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 756.00 213 - 46522 - 437100 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS R- 155 - 010 - 034102 2nd half paymen 09/23/2014 112988 3,321.00 213 - 46522 - 437100 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS MGFARM - R- 155 - 010 - 034150 2nd 09/23/2014 112988 9,920.00 213 - 46522 - 437100 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS MGFARM R- 155 - 010 - 034140 2nd h 09/23/2014 112988 803.00 213 - 46522 - 437100 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS MGFARM R- 155 - 010 - 034130 2nd h 09/23/2014 112988 2,145.00 213 - 46522 - 437100 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS R- 155 - 010 - 067010 2nd half paymen 09/23/2014 112988 599.33 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 16,788.33 AP- Transactions by Account (09/17/2014 - 1:48 PM) Page 1 O z 0 a 0 0 z U d d L. A C7 C." O r:+ GL U d A i. O C." i i. d z 0 U rn 00 II 00 M_ N G w w° 0 a h 0 a T N 1 O Q Q Q V O N 00 O N D N Z) U) m N H N C T U N P. G s' P. 00 0 N a1 0 0 U U O U h P. - LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0011) C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC LEAGUEoF 222 SOUTH NINTH STREET MINNESOTA SUITE 1300 CITIES MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 -3332 612- 766 -3000 FAX: 612 -766 -3281 Bill To MONTICELLO, CITY OF 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE #1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8821 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Convenant Number CMC 36904 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF Payment Plan Selected: ANNUAL PAY PLAN DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE END.DATE DESCRIPTION 9/27/14 201, 184.00 PREMIUM Total: $201,184.00 Payment /Adjustment Applied: $.00 Total: $201,184.00 INVOICE #: 47784 PREMIUM NOTICE Invoice Date: 8/28/14 Due Date: 09/27/14 Agent 00108 FOSTER WHITE AGENCY INC 200 W BROADWAY ST PO BOX 188 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -9353 ` Coverage Period-' Ti 7/15/14 To 7/15/15 PLF -ASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0011) C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC P.O. BOX 581517 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55458 -1517 612 - 766 -3000 FAX: 612 -766 -3281 <98 0, fe. -L- � to (t/ INVOICE #: 47784 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Covenant Number: CMC 36904 DUE DATE: 09/27/14 Coverage Period: 7/15/14 To 7/15/15 UNPAID BALANCE: 201,184.00 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF AMOUNT DUE: 201,184.00 000 LEAGUE of MINNESOTA CITIES INVOICE #: 47785 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0011) PREMIUM NOTICE C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN,CO.,LLC Invoice Date: 8/28/14 222 SOUTH NINTH STREET Due Date: 09/27/14 SUITE 1300 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 -3332 612 - 766° -3000 FAX: 612 - 766 --3281 Bill To MONTICELLO, CITY OF 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE #1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8821 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Convenant'Number LLC 2925 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF Payment Plan Selected: ANNUAL PAY PLAN DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE END.DATE DESCRIPTION 9/27/14 5,989.00 PREMIUM Tonal: $5,989.00 Payment /Adjustment Applied: $.00 Total: $5,989.00 Agent 00108 FOSTER WHITE AGENCY INC 200 W BROADWAY ST PO BOX 188 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -9353 Coverage Period: 7/15/14 To 7/15/15 PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0011) C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC P.O. BOX 581517 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55458--1517 612 -766 -3000 FAX: 612 -766 -3281 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Covenant Number: LLC 2925 Coverage Period: 7/15/14 To 7/15/15 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF 40 11"(7-0 lc� INVOICE #: 47785 DUE DATE: 09/27/14 UNPAID BALANCE: 5,989.00 AMOUNT DUE: 5,989.00 INVOICE #: 47786 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0011) PREMIUM NOTICE O ® C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN,CO.,LLC Invoice Date: 8/28/14 LEAGUE of 222 SOUTH NINTH STREET Due Date: 09/27/14 MINNESOTA SUITE 1300 CITIES MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 -3332 612 - 766 -3000 FAX: 612 - 766-3281 Bill To Agent 00108 MONTICELLO, CITY OF FOSTER WHITE AGENCY INC 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE #1 200 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO MN 55362 --8821 PO BOX 188 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -9353 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY Convenant Number MEL 8238 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF Payment Plan Selected: ANNUAL PAY PLAN DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE END.DATE DESCRIPTION 9/27/14 19,387.00 PREMIUM Total: $19,387.00 Payment /Adjustment Applied: $.00 Total: $19,387.00 Coverage Period: 7/15/14 To 7/15/15 PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0011) C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC P.O. BOX 581517 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55458 -1517 612 - 766-3000 FAX: 612--766 -3281 -20 9 INVOICE #: 47786 Type of Coverage: MUNICIPALITY. Covenant Number: MEL 8238 DUE DATE: 09/27/14 Coverage Period: 7/15/14 To 7/15/15 UNPAID BALANCE: 19,387.00 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF AMOUNT DUE: 19,387.00 783 950 209 253 19,652 271 329 73 89 397-=� 481 _ - -- _ =__ =�•-a:::,�-�-=�_��.;-rte . _:�:.. ���--.x�� _ ��.-�:�-�� ��:� � _- M 5,844 - 15 63 626 759 �:�'Y==•�:�:._�r,���.:cyi='�4'''r Y,-.r'f.?t;�•T_xs.: i�:c;="�=l-"u".�^'-'-.;s=�.-,sr�,'.c�3•^t"-Yi?,r"",rtc-'�r'tisFrs-rte.-..'.:r`?c:::4'�_cecz'o"= Sx Y�.•�-�"=.__. _..j:._....__� _..Y_...31'.Git �]L'S_..._.�53�.�.'S'.E...L..? __. _.._...-.Y.-».....-...YJf:iTLLL..-n•:.Y.'�.tC•-�:��' ` v...__ 418 ~ A507 )0 124 21 25 167 203 i2 3,866 2,214 2,685 418 896 1,255 193 269 -"',:20,252.:` 8,438 11,814 68 94 444 46 : ;::_ 4911 204 286 1,201 123 e'. ' .'s_ ::2;202: 918 1,284 :tea.. �-�.--���_= :,�� �„ �_:::-.. •� �� =�'��_ __.mss 1,374 141 ` - " = 7;75. 3,230 4,523 586 60 2,239:- 933 1,306 2,298 236 - :2;53; 1,056 1,478 4,653 477S-, 2,523 3,532 f` 192 268 :3;70': 154 216 j.:.;':::...-:..:.. n..: ... 1,775 182 7,176;:::: 8,521 11,929 J� _. 366 512 289 404 28,854 2,960 1,608 15,950 22,329 =x:230 96 134 _ J;x;326' 2,637 3,692 837 86' 385 538 _ 90,776 1,105 _ :.:1:7;502;= 7,293 10,209 359 37 1,538 2,153 12,474 1,279 E 14;230 5,954 8,336 8,297 851 428 ~' :1;b937 4,557 6,380 10,983 1,127 12f_10_ 5,046 7,064 1,061 109 214 :`::-=.:2:tB40':` 9,100 12,740 1,354 139 _'' ;.2;977: 1,240 1,737 1,957 201 7,443 10,419 L 4,251 436 1_#;538:- 4,808 6,730 93,534 9,595 9,426 =;t:- :26;5,60; r� 226560 _i a 15 678 1,740 19 62 325 EM i0 209 MAN: 862 10 1,577 1,512 1,754 1,754 28 5,048 10 317 2,281 658 798 'S 12,740 18,569 - - 5 Merence 2,558 .4 - 1,660 ;8 7 52 5,989 15,241 :7 (1) 19,386 ;2 (5) 7 (1) 1,430 1,734 104 126 �i�t niY,•� NO --> = 1,754 1,754 2,127 1,274 1,545 15,241 658 798 658 798 5,989 2,109 2,558 1,660 2,013 52 5,989 15,241 15,985 19,386 (5) - 19387 CHECK REQUEST FROM: Kitty Baltos, Community Center Director ev CHECK AMOUNT: ':;,V, REQUEST DATE: 14.6 L Check to: Harry T. Lantto 907 — 2 "' Ave S Buffalo, MN 55313 Meeting Worked: Planning Commission Date 1 10 Time 61 1 FDA Meeting Date Time Other Date Time Total Due: Planning Commission: FDA Other Authorized by: Vendor # oa Amount Due Amount Due Amount Due Date TIME SHEETS ATTACHED "Please return to KITTY for forwarding" 35 80 14 �TYOp 08 �x 99 �n►s 03 1 e I" �yo Tseu ROBERT J. HINALA WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/1'REASURER 10 SECOND STREET N.W. ROOM 232 BUFFALO, MN 55313 -1194 763 - 682 -7572 or 763 -682 -7584 www.comfight.lnn.us Property ID #: R155- 171- OD006C . J ID Number: 248203 CITY OFrMONTICELLO EDA '''' r MAR 1 2014 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -5822 I��II�rIId�Npur�llrlll�lllllllrllfl '�I�rll'Il��l���rl�uln��l $$$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. TPK STATENIEU 201$ -1i 2014 Values for Taxes Payable in VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION Senth,March2013 2. Use these amounts on Form M I PR to see if you are eligible for a special refund. Taxes Payable Year: 2013 2014 Estimated Market Value: 143,500 129,900 Homestead Exclusion: stop Taxable Market Value: 143,500 129,900 New Improvements/ 1,512.00 Expired Exclusions: a ".�1.. Property Classification: AG NHSTD AG NHSTD . Property Description; Sect -40 Twp -121 Range -025 OTTER CREEK CROSSING (MONTICEL 13.67 AC OLITLOT F PROPOSED TAX Sent to November 2013 Step 1,628.00 1,512.00 Proposed Tax: 1,512.00 2 6. County PROPERTY Step 4 606.46 First -half Taxes: 756.00 3 Second -half Taxes: 756.00 Total Taxes Due in 2014: 1,512.00 1. Use this amount on Form M1PR to see if you are eligible for a property tax refund. File by August 15. If this box is checked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. ❑ 2. Use these amounts on Form M I PR to see if you are eligible for a special refund. Your Property Tax and Credits 3. Your property taxes before credits 1,628.00 1,512.00 4. Credits that reduce your property taxes A. Agricultural market value credit B. Other Credits 5. Property taxes after credits 1,628.00 1,512.00 Property Tax by Jurisdiction 6. County 636.43 564.02 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) 606.46 580.77 8. State General Tax 9. School District (0882) A. Voter approved levies 213.08 227.82 B. Other local levies 163.31 139.39 10. Special Taxing Districts A. M3L HP 8.72 11. Non - school voter approved referenda levies 12. Total property tax before special assessments 1,628.00 1,512.00 Special Assessments on Your Property 13. Special assessments 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 1,628.00 1,512.00 PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASE READ THE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: NOVEMBER 15 If your address has changed please check this box and show the change on the back of this stub. Property ID Number: 8155- 174 - 000060 SECOND 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $756.00 Bill Number: 67753 PENALTY: ID Number: 248203 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 TOTAL: MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE &MAIL TO: ROBERT J, HIIVALA WRIGHT COUNTS' AODITOWMEASURHR 10 SECOND STRE13TN.W. ROOM 232 Ril1'FALO, MN 553t3 -1194 M Receipt Sod Unless Raq —Wd. V.u...cdhdchecklsM C*.. Th's,swlplI. Wd if the checkis 1h—d. a o� �n� D�Nev a„ Robert J Hiivala 4+r ` ' �� 4 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITORRREASUR =R 2U13 Values for Taxes Payable in 19 56CONDSTREET N.W. ROOM 232 VALUES &CLASSIFICATION SontlnVaroh2013 4 q BUFFALO, MN 65313 -1f94 783.882.7612 nr763.682 -7584 Taxos Pa ablo Yoar: 2013 2014 +ass www.cc.wrlght.mn.us Es6roaled Market Vaue: 1,60 221,900 Bill Number: 217656 Improvements Excluded: Homestead Exclusion: Taxable Market Value: 221,800 221,900 Step Now Improvements/ Expired Exclusions ': Property ID #: R155-010-034102 1 Properly Classification: COMM Comm Taxpayer ID Number: 22935 Property Description: Sect -11 Twp -121 Range•025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC MONTICELLO Block -034 N110FT OF LTS 10 &11& N110FT OF ESFr OF 130 BROADWAY E LT12 BILK 34 PO BOX 464 Robert J Hiivala MONTICELLO MN 55362 -0484 Wright County Auditorlrreasurer Step PROPOSEDTAX SsntM November 2013 10 Second Street N.W, Room 232 °a r Proposed Tax: 6,668,00 Buffalo, MN 55313 -5194 2 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC You maybe eligible for one or t two 130 BROADWAY E 13 glgp PROPERTY TAX STATE E refunds t0 reduce your property tax. Read the back of this statement to find "1 wwe Second-half Taxes: 3,321.00 Taxes: 3,321.00 REFUNDS? 011t how fO apply. � Total Taxes Total Taxes Due in 2014: 6,642.00 4mhounl�an Frorm M�Pf; owe it you erg ehglblfgra Properly isxTefund U e yo owe; z �, ,� se leeamoiiu55nis oR Fo r�ipR ff ya $ere4el�ppglbla (o[a spec7a reu'�l��lgitila R. a"+?T-., _. _ "W MIX _.: -. r_ . T ,:E ___,n Ns x._._._... TRY, - __..—V'. -'� A .----N:; I .3, I 3"YouSproyi ®rty laXes bolore cLsd[ts }g -� a 'r � r 1-• __ ,� 4 Cretllta that reduce 1ake0 s. � '� �" your property! � 5 y t - ifredit$ t-�`- y Tip r Il B Other r' pertytaxes aflar rodlg ¢ es rape0tyTax I IoAl -. s L ss 5 s k § auLly, y �a Tg 4 �a ?" t g 1 x6382 k s 1 80338 "k �7 City or`Coym -I` (CI�-OE MONT)CELLOto•) , �.- ' � 1 b57Je , i 6.4ty 87 •8 Qf�1�GaLlarTalTex w r , 1113600 X92356 "r ��8 School p1s(rECT 6662) (� Voter epprov��evfes "-.� e - d 1 ,967 09 � 826 55 I- a e 3� Other Iccaf levies .may , € - i 485 50 a 539 63 7 - s HP 22 41 gi L 3p�ia[7exing Disiricis iMBL y ° r t ry 4j0 KW t9 Npn school vateG appr�ovod rejererid8 IQw<es F -�" - - r 6642 �' 6 S9 �` ;.f r a,T4t P1etlY al2efor�8pedal,sssssD�e�l§� � � ti 13 Specielassessrpepig. s t. � � ' �r10�T4�� i4 A4" sYOURTOTALPRi�PEl3TYTAx- ANDSPEG[ALA5S sSN�E#�TS PAYABLE 2094 2ND HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASE WA�THE 6AC1 OF THIS STATENENT FOR kAPORTAM I NFORMATION TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 If your address has changed please check this box and show the change on the back of Ihls xlub. Property lbNumber: R155- 010 -034102_PGOMD, j2-- TA%XAM[UUNTD�f� 3,321.0 y Bill Number: 217656 PENALTY: TOTAL: b ID Number: 22935 z n �Oo MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: .;0 Robert J Hiivala Wright County Auditorlrreasurer m z 10 Second Street N.W, Room 232 °a r Buffalo, MN 55313 -5194 1� w MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 130 BROADWAY E 13 BOX BOX 484 Na R,r to n lea. reu��ur d-6 Ham 1—d 11 ° ReP r°�' '0` m "1 wwe MONTICELLO MN 5536 2r0484 35 STATEMENT' 20®14 Values for Taxes Payable in 0 Property Tax by Jurisdiction 14 �" ° ROBERT J, MALA 08 �_ �, WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITORITRRkSURER 00 10 SECOND STREET N.W, ROOM 232 03 8 BUFFALO, MN 55313- 119'1 Taxable Market Value: 593,400 592,400 a 763 -682 -7572 or 763 - 682 -7584 New Improvements/ ?�� www.comright,mn,us Property ID #: R155- 010 - .034150 Taxpayer ID Number: 248203 VAR � `' 2014 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 - 8822" Jill III Ill' IIIJ111I Jill I111111111111111 Jill III Idr III l $$$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. TAX STATEMENT' 20®14 Values for Taxes Payable in 213 Property Tax by Jurisdiction VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION Sent tnAfarch 2013 Taxes Payable Year: 2D13 2014 1,796.14 Estimated Market Value: 593,400 592,400 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) Homestead Exclusion: Step Taxable Market Value: 593,400 592,400 5,839.51 New Improvements/ 9. School District (0882) Expired Exclusions: Property Classification: COMBO Comm 1 Property Description: Sect -1l Twp -121 Rangc -025 ORIGINAL PLAT ROBERT J. HIIVALA MONTICELLO Lot -015 Block -034 PROPOSED TAX Sent in November 2013 Step 10 SECOND STME'rN.W. ROOM 232 Proposed Tax: 19,920.00 BUFFALO, MN 55313-1194 v PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Step 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 First half Taxes: 9,920.00 Second -half Taxes: 9,920.00 Total Taxes Due in 2014: ENTERED 19,840.00 1. Use this amount on Form Ml PR to see if you are eligible for a property tax refund. File by August 15. If this box is chocked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible, ❑ 2. Use these amounts on Form M1PR to see if you are eligible for a special refund. Your Property Tax and Credits 3. Your property taxes before credits 19,692.15 19,840.00 4. Credits that reduce your property taxes A. Agricultural market value credit B. Other Credits S. Property taxes after credits 19,692.15 19,840.00 Property Tax by Jurisdiction 11. Non - school voter approved referenda levies 6. County 1,796.14 1,733.98 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) 1,713.72 1,784.78 S. State General Tax 5,839.51 5,788.72 9. School District (0882) o in of ,Pa A. Voter approved levies B. Other local levies 10. Special Taxing Districts 1,725.05 1,446.96 584.56 812.19 A. MBL HP 24.65 B. TIF 8,008.52 8,273.37 11. Non - school voter approved referenda levies 12. Total property tax before spacial assessments 19,692.15 19,840.00 Special Assessments on Your Property Property ID Number: 8155 - 010- 034150 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $9,920.00 13- Special assessments 287.85 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 19,980.00 I9,840.06 PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASE READ THE BACK OFTHE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT IN-FORMATION, TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 If your address has changed please check this box and show the change on the back of this stub. Property ID Number: 8155 - 010- 034150 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $9,920.00 MP #: R155 -010- 034150 PENALTY: TOTAL: ty Bill Number zosso o in of ,Pa MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO. ID Number: 248203 ROBERT J. HIIVALA WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITORrfREMURSR 10 SECOND STME'rN.W. ROOM 232 BUFFALO, MN 55313-1194 v CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8$22 NoR;ulp Sent UnlessRegjasled vourcanceiedcheck sr�erecelp...Tnsia apusucmirme neckisnoiwwren. 35 80 08 �,ttYV oA. 00 03 a m bti dy ROBERT J. HI MA %VRIGHT COUNTY AUDITORf1REASURER 10 SECOND STREET NX ROOM 232 BUFFALO, MN 55313 -1194 vn6s 763 -682 -7572 or 763-682-75s4 VMV.Co.Vrl01t,mn.uS Property ID #: R155- 010- 034140 Taxpayer ID Number: 248203 MAR ! � CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 11 Jill t11J11111111111111111111I1t11r1t111i11 !41 11111-11r,Itti.1 $$$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. L Use this amount on Fonu M1PR to am if you are eligible for a proporty tax refund. ❑ File by August 15. If this box is chocked, yen owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible, 2. Use these amounts on Form M1PR to see if you are eligible for a special refund. 3. Your property taxes before credits 4. Credits that reduce your property taxes A. Agricultural market value credit B. Other Credits 1,622.97 1,606.00 5. Property taxes after credits 1 ! 2014 1,606.00 2013 Values for Taxes Payable iri o VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION Sent in March 2013 40736 Taxes Payable Year: 2013 2014 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) Estimated Market Value: 46,ODO 45,100 403.28 II meateadExclusion: Step Taxable Market Value: 46,000 45,100 New Improvements/ 9. School District (0882) Expired Exclusions: Bill Number: 2 0659 Property Classitieation: COMM Comm Property Description: Sect -11 Twp -121 Range,025 ORIGINAL PLAT MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO. MONTICELLO Lot -014 Block -034 ID Number: 248203 PROPOSED TAX Sent inNovem be, 2013 Step WRIGHT COUNTY ALDITOR/fRPASURER Proposed Tax: 1,614.00 10 SECOND STREET N.W. ROOM 232 PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Step A 3 First -half Taxes: 803.00 Second -half Taxes: $� 803.00 Total Taxes Due in 2014: uR 1,606.00 L Use this amount on Fonu M1PR to am if you are eligible for a proporty tax refund. ❑ File by August 15. If this box is chocked, yen owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible, 2. Use these amounts on Form M1PR to see if you are eligible for a special refund. 3. Your property taxes before credits 4. Credits that reduce your property taxes A. Agricultural market value credit B. Other Credits 1,622.97 1,606.00 5. Property taxes after credits 1,622.97 1,606.00 Property Tax by Jurisdiction If your address has changed please check this box o 6. County 40736 391.17 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) 388.81 403.28 8. State General Tax 483.21 470.48 9. School District (0882) o v to Bill Number: 2 0659 A. Voter approved levies B. Other local levies 10. Special Taxing Districts 223.65 215.05 114.25 126.02 A. MBL HP 5.59 11. Non - school voter approved referenda levies 12. Total property tax before special assessments 1,622.97 1,606.00 Special Assessments on Your Property 13. Special assessment 191.03 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 1,814.00 1,606.00 PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASE READ THE BACK OF THE ETATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 If your address has changed please check this box o and show the change on the back of this stub. Property ID Number: 8155- 010 - 034140 SECO[Vp f2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $803,00 �n A MP #: R155- 010 - 034150 PENALTY: TOTAL: dux' o v to Bill Number: 2 0659 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO. ID Number: 248203 ROBERT J.IRVALA Fb ;4 WRIGHT COUNTY ALDITOR/fRPASURER P M N 10 SECOND STREET N.W. ROOM 232 BUFFALO,AIN 55313 -1194 A CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 aoRecelpfemunessaequastaa .va�,canceead�na�kiatnrra��pi, nisre p�cs aanm i5aotn� oea. 35 80 14 Ct 8@ EU x 03 0 ROBERT J. H1IVALA WRIGHT COUNTY AUD1TOMREASURBR 10 SECOND STREET N•W. ROOM 232 BUFFALO, MN 55313 -1194 763 -682 -7572 or 763- 682 -7584 www.co.wrigh €.mums Property ID #: R155 -010- 034130 t Taxpayer ID Number: 2482.03.•.: ? Mri1 2014 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362x8822 f��ll�rlltl�llnn�ll' lll�llllllltll�li�lldl 'II��I��ftlhtlnitl . $$$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. TAX STATEMENT 2014 2013 Values for Taxes Payable In VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION Sentin- ?damh2013 File by August 15. If this box is checked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. Taxes Payable Year: 2013 2014 Estimated Market Val c: 180,800 179,700 2. Use these amounts on Form MI PR to see if you are eligible for a Special refund. Homestead Exclusion: Step Taxable Market Value: 180,800 I79,700 Your Property Tax and Credits New Improvements/ Expired Exclusions: 4,280.97 Property Classification: COMM Comm 1 RAS NON -H RES NON-11 zCR Property Description. Sect -11 Twp -121 Rangc -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE& MAIL TO. MONOC I-LO Lot -013 Black -034 B. Other Credits PRO POSED TAX Sent in November 2013 Step 5. Property taxes after credits 4,280.97 Proposed Tax: 4,304,00 2 10 SECOND STRW N.W. ROOM 232 PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Step 386.69 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) Firsthalf'raxes- .. 2,145.00 3 Second Y 1,076.20 Due in 2014: 4,290.00 1. Use this amount on Form MIPR to see if you are eligible for a property tax refund. PLEASFRFAD THE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 File by August 15. If this box is checked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. ❑ and show the change on the back of this stub. 2. Use these amounts on Form MI PR to see if you are eligible for a Special refund. Property ID Number: R155- 010 - 034130 SECOND 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $2,145.00 o� Your Property Tax and Credits 3, Your property taxes before credits 4,280.97 4,290.00 4. Credits that reduce your property taxes zCR A. Agricultural market value credit MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE& MAIL TO. o B. Other Credits ROBERT J. MVALA. 5. Property taxes after credits 4,280.97 4,290.00 Property Tax by Jurisdiction 10 SECOND STRW N.W. ROOM 232 6. County 402.79 386.69 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) 383.74 398.36 8. State General Tax 1,076.20 1,063.54 9. School District (0882) .Thls,sceipllsvo6tl the checkandM�� red. A. Voter approved levies 476.97 382.81 B. Other local levies 140.83 2L2.05 10. Special Taxlug Districts A.1NBL HP 5.52 13- TIF 1,794.92 1,846.55 t 1. Non - school voter approved referenda levies 12. Total property tax before special assessments 4,280.97 4,290.00 Special Assessments on Your Property 13. Special assessments 191.03 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 4,472.00 4,290.00 PAYABLE 2014 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASFRFAD THE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 ❑ it your address has changed please check this box r7 and show the change on the back of this stub. Property ID Number: R155- 010 - 034130 SECOND 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $2,145.00 o� BIII Number: 20658 PENALTY: TOTAL: Q� zCR ID Number: 248203 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE& MAIL TO. o ROBERT J. MVALA. )MGHTCO RrYAUID1TOR/fRNASURER 10 SECOND STRW N.W. ROOM 232 BUFFALO, MN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 66362-8822 NogacepsentlJnlessRequaskdYOUrpne9edCheckisywrrecelpt .Thls,sceipllsvo6tl the checkandM�� red. 35 14 Od" Y'r �R'b ROBERT J. H1tVAl,A, 08 02 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER 0 0 j 10 SECOND STREET N.W. ROOM 232 03 em B IITALO, MN 55313 -1194 Ili .0 763 -682 -7572 of 769 -682 -7584 e�s 're wtaw.co.vrlglll.ma.us Property ID #: R155- 010 - 067010 �I Taxpayer ID Number: 248203 „! 1 201. CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 III III ll rll1I111111191i1 '11111.1111111111411111111.1 $$$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. 20141 2013 Values for Taxes Payable in File by August 15. 117 this box is checked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. VALUES AND CLASSIFICATION Sent in March 2013 2. Use these amounts on Form MI PR to see if you ate eligible for a special refund. Taxes Payable Year: 2013 2014 Your Property Tax and Credits Estimated Market Value: 3. Your property taxes before credits Homestead Exclusion: Step Taxable Market Value: New Improvements/ A. Agneultural market value credit Expired Exclusions: B. Other Credits Property Classification: EXEMPT EXEMPT 1 Property Description: Sect -1I Twp -l21 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT Property Tax by Jurisdiction MONTICRLLO LOTS 1,2,3,4&5 ELK B Step PROPOSED TAX Sent inNo.ber 2013 7. City or Town (CITY OF MOI- MCELLO) . Proposed Tax: 0100 ,2 % School District (0882) PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Step B. Other local levies First -half Taxes: 549.33 3 Second- balfTaxes: 599.33 11. Non - school voter approved referenda levies Total Taxes Due in 2014: 1,198.66 1. Use this amount on Form M1PR to see if you are eligible for a property tax refund. PLEASE READ THE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. File by August 15. 117 this box is checked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 2. Use these amounts on Form MI PR to see if you ate eligible for a special refund. Your Property Tax and Credits and show the change on the back of this stub. 3. Your property taxes before credits Property ID Number: R155- 010 - 067010 SECOND 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $599.33 4. Credits that reduce your property taxes A. Agneultural market value credit B. Other Credits TOTAL: 5. Property taxes after credits 0.00 Property Tax by Jurisdiction 6. County MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO. 7. City or Town (CITY OF MOI- MCELLO) . 8- State General Tax % School District (0882) WRlGlIT COUNTrAUD1TOR/TRWSURER A. Voter approved levies B. Other local levies 10. Special Tracing Districts BUFFALO, MIN 55313 -1194 11. Non - school voter approved referenda levies CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 12. Total property tax before special assessments 0,00 Special Assessments on Your Property 13. Special assessments Principal$ 908.08 Interest$ 290.58 2,809.32 1,198.66 A.ROAD RAP 32411 -0 1,198.66 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 2,809.32 1,198.66 PAYABLE 2014 2"d HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASE READ THE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 ❑ if your address has changed please check this box and show the change on the back of this stub. M Property ID Number: R155- 010 - 067010 SECOND 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $599.33 Bill Number: 20899 PENALTY: TOTAL: o ID Number: 248203 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO. ROBERT' J. 11AVALA WRlGlIT COUNTrAUD1TOR/TRWSURER 10 SECOND STREET N.W. ROOM 232 BUFFALO, MIN 55313 -1194 �cn CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55382-8822 Nartewpl Bona Mass azWtsn.Y. —onnh doneckisycurreceip. TUarecept:swdirmad":=-whmred Accounts Payable 4 CITY OF Transactions by Account User: Debbie.Davidson Monti eRo Printed: 10/01/2014 - 10:38AM Batch: 00215.09.2014 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 - 46522 - 438100 XCEL ENERGY ZCULPS - 51- 0623082 -8 09/30/2014 0 17.10 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 17.10 Subtotal for Fund: 213 17.10 Report Total: 17.10 The preceding list of bill payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: October 8, 2014 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP- Transactions by Account (10/01/2014 - 10:38 AM) Page 1 Xcel Energy RESPONSIBLE BY NATURE NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Temperature Page 1 of MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER i 09104f2014 WALNUNUT EQA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55352 -8822 51-0623082-8 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE 422713558 08/07/2014 $17.10 DAILYAVERAGES Year: Temperature 70 F Electricity kWh 00 i i Electricity Cost 1- 800 -B95 -4949 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? See our website: xcelenergy,com Email us at: Custom erservice ®xcelenergy.com Please Call: 1- 800- 481 -4700 Hearing Impaired, 1- 800 -B95 -4949 Fax: 1 -800- 311 -0050 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0008 7 xcelEna►gy SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES Ideta:Ied charges begin on page 2] Electricity Service 07/08/14 - 08/06/14 0 kWh $17.10 Current Charges $17.10 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of 07/08 $17.10 Payment Received Auto Pay 08/05 - $17.10 CR Balance Forward $0.00 Current Charges $17.10 Amount Due $17.10 _ 0 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. RETURN BOTTON PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMEN- • PLEASE OD NOT USE STAPLES,TAPE OR PAPER CUPS ACCOUNT NUMBER I DUE DATE 51- 0623082.8 09/04/2014 $17,10 Your bill is paid through an automated bank payment plan. AV 01 017188 674858 67 A * *5DCT I�ilnliil�lll= IIII1€ IirIll�Inilll�Ill�Ii�I�I111 'll1'�I111111'1' MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 Automated Bank Payment 1 2 3 U 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 - 11.11111 - 1,1111111111 11111" 11111111111 hill 111111'l1111111111111 XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484 -9477 31 E1090414 06230828 0008040171000000001710 EDA Agenda: 10/08/14 5. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2014 -096, a Modification of the Tax Increment Financine Plan for Tax Increment Financine District No. 1 -36, Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -37, and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -38. (AS/Northland Securities) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider adoption of a resolution approving modifications to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -36, Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -37, and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -38 (the "TIF Plan "). The modification to each of these districts is essentially housekeeping in nature and results in the adjustment of line items within the district budgets to reflect actual transactions within the districts, including land acquisition costs, which have occurred in the districts since the time they were originally established. Staff has been working with the EDA's financial consultant, Northland Securities, to complete regular management checks on the EDA's numerous TIF districts. In this process, it was noted that the budget line items as approved for each of these three districts did not match the expenditures. As such, the modifications proposed to each of the TIF Plans are needed to amend the source and use of tax increment. This type of modification does not require a public hearing. The project budget expenditures in total remain unmodified. As projects within each of these districts have received certificates of completion, no additional expenditures, outside of administrative costs, are anticipated. Table A in Attachments 1, 2 and 3 of the resolution provide information on the proposed modified estimated tax increment revenues and estimated project/financing costs for each respective district. The TIF Plan remains in full force and effect and is not modified except as described in the proposed modification. Al. Budget Impact: Consultant fees have been incurred in relationship to the proposed TIF District 1 -36, 1 -37 and 1 -38 modifications. The expenses will be coded to the administrative line item of the district. The TIF Plan as detailed in Table A accounts for these expenditures. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time has been and will continue to be spent in preparing and reviewing documents related to the modification. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: EDA Agenda: 10/08/14 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2014 -096, approving modification to Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -36, Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -37, and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -38. 2. Motion to table for further study or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative 1. The Modification to the TIF Plan is necessary to reflect prior actions approved by the EDA and the City Council related to each of these three districts. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2014 -096 i. Attachment 1 to Resolution 2014 -096, Modification to TIF Plan for TIF District 1 -36 ii. Attachment 2 to Resolution 2014 -096, Modification to TIF Plan for TIF District 1 -37 iii. Attachment 3 to Resolution 2014 -096, Modification to TIF Plan for TIF District 1 -38 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2014-096 ADOPTING A MODIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1 -36, TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1 -37, AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-38 WHEREAS, it has been proposed by the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority ") that the City of Monticello (the "City ") adopt a modification of the Tax Increment Financing Plans (the "TIF Plans ") for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -36 (the "District 1 -36 "), Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -37 (the "District 1 -37 "), and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -38 (the "District 1 -38 ") ; WHEREAS, the City originally established the District 1 -36 and approved the TIF Plan therefor on August 22, 2005, all pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047, Sections 469.090 to 469.1082 and Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, all inclusive, as amended, (the "Act "); WHEREAS, the City originally established the District 1 -37 and approved the TIF Plan therefor on April 24, 2006, all pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law, including the Act; WHEREAS, the City originally established the District 1 -38 and approved the TIF Plan therefor on April 23, 2007, all pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law, including the Act; WHEREAS, the Authority proposes modification to the original TIF Plans for District 1- 36, District 1 -37, and District 1 -38 (the "Modifications ") to amend the line item project costs within the total original adopted project costs to be paid or financed with tax increment; WHEREAS, the Authority has investigated the facts and has caused to be prepared a modification to the TIF Plans for the Districts; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority as follows: 1. The Authority fmds, determines and declares that with respect to the Modifications: a) The Authority is not modifying the boundaries of District 1 -36, District 1 -37, and District 1 -38 nor increasing the budget in the Modifications therefor, but is, however, making modification thereto. b) The Authority affirms the findings previously made with respect to District 1 -36, District 1 -37, and District 1 -38. c) The Modifications conform to the general plan for the development of the City as a whole. d) The Act does not require a public hearing on the Modifications. 2. The Modifications to District 1 -36 as set forth in Attachment 1 to this resolution are hereby approved and adopted. 3. The Modifications to District 1 -37 as set forth in Attachment 2 to this resolution are hereby approved and adopted. 4. The Modifications to District 1 -38 as set forth in Attachment 3 to this resolution are hereby approved and adopted. 5. Subject to approval of the Modifications by the City Council, the Executive Director of the Authority is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution and a certified copy of the City Council resolution approving and adopting the Modifications, together with Attachments 1, 2, and 3 to the Office of the State Auditor, the Minnesota Department of Revenue, and Wright County. Approved this day of , 2014, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. ATTEST: Secretary 2 Chair ATTACHMENT 1 MODIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-36 WITHIN THE CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 I. Background The City of Monticello (the "City ") originally established Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -36 (the "District ") within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Redevelopment Project ") and adopted the Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "TIF Plan") therefor on August 22, 2005; The City and the Authority have now determined a need to modify the TIF Plan in order to amend the estimated use of tax increment; Nothing in this modification is intended to modify or supersede or alter the activities described in the original Redevelopment Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1. The TIF Plan remains in full force and effect and is not modified except as described in this modification document. H. TIF Plan Modifications to TIF District No. 1-36 Use of Tax Increment Shown in Table A. TABLE A Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -36 Projected Tax Increment Original, Adopted Modification 8/22/2005 No.1 Estimated Tax Increment Revenues (from tax increment generated by the district) Tax increment revenues distributed from the county $680,000 $650,000 Interest and investment earnings $20,000 $50,000 Sales /lease proceeds $0 $0 Marketvalue homestead credit $0 $0 Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues $700,000 $700,000 Estimated Project /Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Project costs Land /building acquisition $50,000 $439,224 Site improvements /preparation costs $50,000 $135,776 Utilities $200,000 $0 Other qualifying improvements $200,000 $0 Construction of affordable housing $0 $0 Small city authorized costs, if not already included above $0 $0 Administrative costs $68,000 $20,456 Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs $568,000 $595,456 Estimated financing costs Interest expense $132,000 $104,544 Total Estimated Project /Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment $700,000 $700,000 Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued 4 $600,000 $600,000 ATTACHMENT 2 MODIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-37 WITHIN THE CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 I. Background The City of Monticello (the "City ") originally established Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -37 (the "District ") within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Redevelopment Project ") and adopted the Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "TIF Plan") therefor on April 24, 2006; The City and the Authority have now determined a need to modify the TIF Plan in order to amend the estimated use of tax increment; Nothing in this modification is intended to modify or supersede or alter the activities described in the original Redevelopment Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1. The TIF Plan remains in full force and effect and is not modified except as described in this modification document. H. TIF Plan Modifications to TIF District No. 1-37 Use of Tax Increment Shown in Table A. 5 TABLE A Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -37 Projected Tax Increment Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued 6 $150,000 $150,000 Original, Adopted Modification 4/24/2006 No.1 Estimated Tax Increment Revenues (from tax increment generated by the district) Tax increment revenues distributed from the county $175,000 $175,000 Interest and investment earnings $0 $0 Sales /lease proceeds $0 $0 Market value homestead credit $0 $0 Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues $175,000 $175,000 Estimated Project /Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Project costs Land /building acquisition $94,000 $142,113 Site improvements /preparation costs $5,000 $0 Utilities $5,000 $0 Other qualifying improvements $5,000 $0 Construction of affordable housing $0 $0 Small city authorized costs, if not already included above $0 $0 Administrative costs $16,000 $2,887 Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs $125,000 $145,000 Estimated financing costs Interest expense $50,000 $30,000 Total Estimated Project/ Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment $175,000 $175,000 Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued 6 $150,000 $150,000 ATTACHMENT 3 MODIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-38 WITHIN THE CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 I. Background The City of Monticello (the "City ") originally established Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -38 (the "District ") within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Redevelopment Project ") and adopted the Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "TIF Plan") therefor on April 23, 2007; The City and the Authority have now determined a need to modify the TIF Plan in order to amend the estimated use of tax increment; Nothing in this modification is intended to modify or supersede or alter the activities described in the original Redevelopment Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1. The TIF Plan remains in full force and effect and is not modified except as described in this modification document. H. TIF Plan Modifications to TIF District No. 1-38 Use of Tax Increment Shown in Table A. 7 TABLE A Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -38 Projected Tax Increment Original, Adopted Modification 4/23/2007 No.1 Estimated Tax Increment Revenues (from tax increment generated by the district) Tax increment revenues distributed from the county $120,000 $120,000 Interest and investment earnings $0 $0 Sales /lease proceeds $0 $0 Marketvalue homestead credit $0 $0 Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues $120,000 $120,000 Estimated Project /Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Project costs Land /building acquisition $53,000 $73,500 Site improvements /preparation costs $5,000 $0 Utilities $5,000 $0 Other qualifying improvements $5,000 $0 Construction of affordable housing $0 $0 Small city authorized costs, if not already included above $0 $0 Administrative costs $12,000 $1,500 Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs $80,000 $75,000 Estimated financing costs Interest expense $40,000 $45,000 Total Estimated Project /Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment $120,000 $120,000 Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued g $160,000 $160,000 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA HELD: October 8, 2014 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, Wright County, Minnesota, was duly held at the Monticello City Hall on Wednesday, the 8th day of October, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose, in part, of adopting a modification of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -36, Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -37, and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -38. The following Commissioners were present: and the following were absent: Commissioner introduced the resolution and moved its adoption: The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 9 CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified Executive Director /Secretary of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of an extract of minutes of a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, duly called and held, as such minutes relate to the adopting a modification of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -36, Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -37, and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -38. WITNESS my hand as such Executive Director /Secretary of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 8th day of October, 2014. Executive Director /Secretary 10 EDA Agenda: 10/08/14 6. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2014 -095, a resolution Authorizine Interfund Loan for Advance of Certain Costs in Connection with Proposed Block 34 Tax Increment Financing District and consideration to approve contracts for service for environmental analysis and demolition management, structural analysis, and redevelopment finding analysis for properties on Block 34. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider actions related to future redevelopment of City and /or EDA properties on Block 34. The first action requests EDA consideration to adopt a resolution to support funding of TIF district preparation activities from a legally available EDA fund, with reimbursement to be made from the future redevelopment district. The second set of action items relates to consideration for authorization of the required analyses and services preceding the creation of a redevelopment district and /or demolition of the EDA or City -owned buildings on Block 34. In relationship to the first item, in order to support funding of any of the proposed analyses, as well as any resulting demolition and administrative expenses, the EDA is asked to consider the adoption of a resolution which allows the EDA to incur the costs noted through a currently available funding source. Staff is proposing that the EDA fund these expenses through its General Fund at this time. The resolution gives the EDA the flexibility to then reimburse the General Fund for these expenses through the increment collected in the future redevelopment district. It also provides the flexibility for the EDA to elect not to reimburse the costs. For example, if the EDA later desires that the redevelopment increment be used in full to support the development project as gap financing, it can elect to forgive the costs associated with the site preparation activities. Regardless of the EDA's action on the subsequent items, the resolution will support the EDA as it undertakes activities to better understand the redevelopment issues and opportunities on the block. In regard to the second consideration, in August of this year the EDA authorized the preparation of requests for quotes /proposals for redevelopment TIF district qualification, building environmental and structural analysis, and demolition of buildings at EDA - owned properties located at 100, 112 and 130 Broadway East. The environmental, structural and TIF analysis projects are considered professional services and staff have confirmed with the City Attorney that as such, no additional quotes are required. It should be noted that the demolition services are an estimate at this time only. These services are not considered professional services and will be subject to a future bid process. Staff has received quotes as requested for each of these services and is requesting EDA review of the contracts and authorization to proceed with analyses as proposed. The EDA will note that in addition to the base environmental studies (the Phase I and Hazardous Materials report), WSB has also provided the EDA with information and cost estimates for preparation of the demolition specifications and for management of the EDA Agenda: 10/08/14 demolition process. These will need to be prepared based on the results of the two environmental studies, as well as the structural analysis. These are also required services which the City would have requested from WSB as consulting engineer and it is important to understand these potential costs at this point in the project, in addition to the estimated demolition costs. Formal proposals for each service are included with this report for EDA review. Contract authorizations have been separated into individual motions. It should be noted that staff has discussed the timing of the requested actions relative to the City/EDA owned parcels being removed from TIF District 1 -22 in anticipation of activity connected to a future redevelopment district. The EDA's attorney has indicated that the EDA can authorize the requested actions and consider at a future date the removal of parcels from TIF District 1 -22. Staff will work with Kennedy & Graven and Northland on that action item and bring forward additional information and recommendation. Al. Budget Impact: The component analyses and estimated demolition as proposed is estimated at $152,693, not including contingency or administrative costs. In total, staff has allowed for up to $187,000 in project costs. Kennedy and Graven has indicated that this amount can be increased via a subsequent resolution, if necessary. A2. Staff Workload Impact: The administration and execution of the actual evaluation, analysis and demolition processes will require the work and coordination between the Community Development, Department of Building Safety, Engineering and Public Works departments. Staff will also be requesting the assistance of Northland Securities and Kennedy & Graven as appropriate. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2014 -095 Authorizing Interfund Loan for Advance of Certain Costs in Connection with Proposed Block 34 Tax Increment Financing District. 2. Motion of other. Decision 2: 1. Motion to authorize a contract agreement with Meyer Borgman Johnson for structural engineering services as outlined in the agreement included in the staff report of October 8', 2014, with expense to be funded by the EDA General Fund in accordance with Resolution 2014 -095. EDA Agenda: 10/08/14 2. Motion of other. Decision 3: 1. Motion to authorize a contract agreement with WSB & Associates for environmental and demolition services as outlined in the agreement included in the staff report of October 8', 2014, with expense to be funded by the EDA General Fund in accordance with Resolution 2014 -095. 2. Motion of other. Decision 4: 1. Motion to authorize a contract agreement with LHB Corporation for TIF Analysis services as outlined in the agreement included in the staff report of October 8 I 2014, with expense to be funded by the EDA General Fund in accordance with Resolution 2014 -095. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: On Decision 1, City staff recommends Alternative 41. The proposed resolution provides the funding mechanism necessary to begin research and preparation involved with preparing for future redevelopment project on Block 34. As related to Decisions 2 -4, staff supports authorization of the contracts as presented. These analyses are the necessary to consider future redevelopment of any of the publicly owned parcels on the block and to facilitate the demolition of building(s) for the TH 25 /CSAH 75 project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2014 -095 B. Cost Summary Table — Proposed Block 34 Services C. Proposal and Agreement for Structural Engineering Services, Meyer Borgman Johnson D. Proposal and Agreement for Environmental and Demolition Specification and Management Services, WSB & Associates E. Proposal and agreement for TIF Analysis, LHB Corporation CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2014-095 AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOAN FOR ADVANCE OF CERTAIN COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED BLOCK 34 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority ") as follows: Section 1. Back rte. 1.01. The Authority intends to establish a Tax Increment Financing District for a portion of the downtown area of the City of Monticello known as Block 34 (the "TIF District ") within its Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Redevelopment Project ") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, as amended (the "TIF Act ") and Sections 469.090 to 469.1082, as amended (the "EDA Act "). In connection with establishment of the TIF District, the Authority will approve a Tax Increment Financing Plan for the TIF District (the "TIF Plan "). 1.02. The Authority may incur certain costs related to the TIF District, which costs may be financed on a temporary basis from legally available Authority or City funds. 1.03. Under Section 469.178, Subdivision 7 of the TIF Act, the Authority is authorized to advance or loan money from any fund from which such advances may be legally made in order to finance expenditures that are eligible to be paid with tax increments under the TIF Act. 1.04. The Authority expects to finance up to $170,000 in costs related to site preparation activities including without limitation environmental remediation, structural analysis, and demolition of substandard structures within the TIF District and Redevelopment Project (the "Qualified Costs ") using Authority or City funds legally authorized for such purpose, and to reimburse such funds from tax increments from the TIF District when received. 1.05. The Authority has also determined that it may be necessary to finance up to $17,000 in administrative costs associated with the TIF District (the "Administrative Costs ") using Authority or City funds legally authorized for such purpose, and to reimburse such funds from tax increments from the TIF District when received. 1.06. The Authority intends to designate such advances as an interfund loan in accordance with the terms of this resolution and the TIF Act. 45015 M NMI NM 190 -101 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2014-095 Section 2. Repayment of Interfund Loan. 2.01. The Authority hereby authorizes the advance of up to $170,000 in legally available Authority or City funds to pay the Qualified Costs, plus up to $17,000 to pay the Administrative Costs, for a total aggregate principal amount of $187,000, together with interest at the rate of 4% per annum (the " Interfund Loan"). Interest shall accrue on the principal amount of each advance from the date of such advance. The interest rate is no more than the greatest of the rate specified under Minnesota Statutes, Section 270C.40 and Section 549.09, both in effect for calendar year 2014, and will not be adjusted. 2.02. Principal and interest ( "Payments ") on the Interfund Loan shall be paid semi - annually on each August 1 and February 1 (each a "Payment Date "), commencing on the first Payment Date on which the Authority has Available Tax Increment (defined below), or on any other dates determined by the City Administrator, through the date of last receipt of tax increment from the TIF District. 2.03. Payments on the Interfund Loan will be made solely from Available Tax Increment, defined as tax increment from the TIF District received by the Authority from Wright County in the six -month period before any Payment Date. Payments shall be applied first to accrued interest, and then to unpaid principal. Payments on this Interfund Loan may be subordinated to any outstanding or future bonds, notes or contracts secured in whole or in part with Available Tax Increment, and are on a parity with any other outstanding or future interfund loans secured in whole or in part with Available Tax Increment. 2.04. The principal sum and all accrued interest payable under this resolution is pre - payable in whole or in part at any time by the Authority without premium or penalty. 2.05. This resolution is evidence of an internal borrowing by the Authority in accordance with Section 469.178, subdivision 7 of the TIF Act, and is a limited obligation payable solely from Available Tax Increment pledged to the payment hereof under this resolution. The Interfund Loan shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof, including, without limitation, the Authority and the City. Neither the State of Minnesota, nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on the Interfund Loan or other costs incident hereto except out of Available Tax Increment. The Authority shall have no obligation to pay any principal amount of the Interfund Loan or accrued interest thereon, which may remain unpaid after the final Payment Date. 2.06. The Authority may at any time make a determination to forgive the outstanding principal amount and accrued interest on the Interfund Loan to the extent permissible under law. 45015 M NMI NM 190 -101 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2014-095 2.07. The Authority may from time to time amend the terms of this Resolution to the extent permitted by law, including without limitation amendment to the payment schedule and the interest rate; provided that the interest rate may not be increased above the maximum specified in Section 469.178. subd. 7 of the TIF Act. Section 3. Effective Date. This resolution is effective upon approval. Adopted this _ day of 12014. President ATTEST: Executive Director 45015 M NMI NM 190 -101 3 Cost Summary - Proposed Redevelopment Preparation Services for Block 34 Service Estimated Cost Timeline for Completion Notes Structural 30 -45 days From contract authorization Phase 1 $5,400 Phase 11 $6,000 Environmental 60 days (11/15/14) From contract authorization Phase 1 $5,626 Hazardous Materials $13,497 Demolition Management Specifications and Quotation Management $5,154 Demolition Oversight $7,516 Demolition (Estimate only- Bids Required) $100,000 Assumes three buildings TIF Analysis 30 -45 days From contract authorization $8,500 1,500 for each additional building $1,000 TIF Boundary Report Services Subtotal $152,693 Contingency (10°0) $15,269 Subtotal of Above $167,962 Administrative Costs $17,000 As needed Legal, financial consulting costs Estimated Total $184,962 MEYER I BORGMAN I JOHNSON + E N G I N E E R I N G SHORT FORM AGREEMENT FOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES DATE:_ September 30, 2014 PROJECT NUMBER: �o be determined PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Evaluate the impact of the removal of three buildings on surroundin buildinas on the southeast corner of Hiahwav 25 and East Broadwav in Monticello. CLIENT: City of Monticello ATTN:Ms. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director ADDRESS: 505 Walnut St. CITY: Monticello STATE: MN ZIP CODE: 55362 TELEPHONE: 763 - 271 -3224 FAX: THE CLIENT AUTHORIZES MEYER, BORGMAN AND JOHNSON, INC. TO: ® Proceed with new work effort ❑ Proceed with Additional Services Scope of Service: This project consists of two phases: 1. Evaluate the impact of removing buildings at the southeast corner of Highway 25 and East Broadway on buildings at addresses 112, 118 and 130 East Broadway Street. Three scenarios will be addressed: a. Demolish building at address 100 only. b. Demolish buildings at addresses 100 and 112; c. Demolish buildings at addresses 100, 112, and 130. d. Evaluate the impact to existing wells on the site with each above scenario. 2. Specific tasks include: a. Initial site visit (complete). b. Second site visit to measure the existing buildings and evaluate the interaction of the buildings 100, 112, 118, and 130 E. Broadway. Site visit to include an investigation of the existing construction materials, as possible, to understand their vulnerability to the vibrations associated with building demolition. c. Analyze the impact of the building demolition scenarios. d. Report the findings of the analysis, to include recommendations to protect buildings 112, and /or 118 E. Broadway during demolition. 3. Design structural systems to protect 112 and 118 E. Broadway. The extent of this work is dependent upon phase I findings; therefore, a precise scope and proposal for this phase will be presented with the phase I report. Services not included: 12 South Sixth Street, Suite 810 Minneapolis, MN 55402 www.mbjeng.com 612.338.0713 SEE STRUCTURE. Page 2 1. A thorough evaluation of 118 East Broadway to identify deterioration or conditions that maybe impacted by the surrounding demolition. MBJ will observe the visible portions of the basement and 1St floor and areas on the 2nd floor and roof identified by the building owner that are visible. If conditions exist that require repair or reinforcing, these services can be provided by MBJ under separate contract. Agreement incorporates and references the attached GENERAL CONDITIONS, which are made a part of this agreement. Compensation (invoiced monthly unless noted otherwise): ❑ Hourly (estimate $) ❑ Hourly not to exceed $ ® Percentage of completion: Phase I: $ 5,400 Phase II (estimate): $ 6.000 (to be finalized after phase I is complete) ® Plus Reimbursable Expenses: $ 200 (an estimate) *(invoiced monthly at 1.0 times our cost) Current hourly rates are attached. *May include a $10.00 equipment fee 1 Page 3 MEYER BORGMAN JOHNSON SIGNED: �Iy: Michael J. Ramerth, PE TITLE: Principal DATE: September 10, 2014 Project Mngr: Chris Hartnett. PE (or written by) MBJ Standard Hourly Rates 2013 -2014 APPROVED BY JCLIEN�: SIGNED: 11-114 TITLE: DATE: PO# / Project#: Senior Principal Engineer $220.00 Principal Engineer $180.00 Associate Principal Engineer II $170.00 Associate Principal Engineer I $155.00 Engineer V $150.00 Engineer IV $130.00 Engineer III $110.00 Engineer II $ 95.00 Engineer I $ 80.00 Technician IV $105.00 Technician III $ 95.00 Technician II $ 85.00 Technician I $ 78.00 Administrative II $ 95.00 Administrative I $ 60.00 Hourly rates are adjusted periodically but will not exceed 10% annually. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF MEYER, BORGMAN AND JOHNSON, INC.' S SHORT FORM AGREEMENT FOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS shall be incorporated into and a part of the Short Form Agreement ( "Agreement') for Structural Engineering Services between the Client and Meyer, Borgman and Johnson, Inc. ( "MBJ"). 1. Services. The services to be provided by MBJ shall be as set forth in page 1 of the Short Form Agreement with the Client. 2. Administration. MBJ shall have neither control nor responsibility for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures or for safety precautions and/or programs in conjunction with the work performed by contractors on the subject Project, since such items are solely the contractors' responsibility. MBJ is not required to make exhaustive or continuous on -site inspections to review the quality or quantity of work by contractors on the Project, as MBJ is not retained to provide construction administration or supervision. If construction administration services are included as a part of the Agreement, MBJ, as Client's representative, shall visit the Project site as agreed by the Client and MBJ (1) to become generally familiar with and keep the Client informed about the progress and/or quality of the work, (2) to endeavor to guard the Client against obvious defects and deficiencies in the work, and (3) to determine if the work is being performed in substantial compliance with the Project plans and specifications. MBJ shall not be expected nor required to perform construction administration services beyond those specifically described in this Agreement, nor make exhaustive or continuous on -site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the work. 3. Proiect Budget and Scope. If MBJ is retained to evaluate the Client's budget for the Project, the parties acknowledge that the preliminary estimate of the cost of any such work and updated estimates prepared by MBJ represent MBJ's judgment as a design professional, and that MBJ does not have control over cost of labor, materials, equipment, market conditions or over the contractors' methods of determining prices. As such, MBJ cannot represent or warrant that bids or negotiated prices will not vary from the budget or an estimate prepared by MBJ. If a change in the work on the Project is the result of a required item or component of the Project omitted from the Project plans and specifications, the Client shall be responsible for the costs required to add such item or component to the Project if the item or component would have been required and included in the original documents. MBJ is not responsible for costs to the Project that provides an upgrade or enhances the value of the Project. 4. Client's Responsibilities. The Client shall provide full information on the Project requirements, and will provide MBJ (in writing) information known regarding existing site conditions, including, but not limited to, information regarding the work, site plans, building/project condition, topographic surveys, property line surveys, soil data, written reports, inspections, etc. MBJ shall be entitled to rely upon such information and documentation provided by the Client. The Client shall designate a representative who is authorized to act on the Client's behalf and make timely decisions with respect to the Project in this Agreement. 5. MBJ's Documents. Documents prepared by MBJ are solely for use with respect to the Project referenced in this Agreement. All documents (including drawings, plans and specifications) furnished by MBJ pursuant to this Agreement are the instruments of service to the Project, and MBJ shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights in such documents, including intellectual property and copyright. The Client shall be permitted to retain copies of such documents for the Client's information, reference and use. To the extent the documents are modified, supplemented or altered by the Client, a subsequent design professional, other third party, the Client shall indemnify, defend and hold MBJ harmless (including attorney fees and costs) for any claims, demands, or actions arising out of such modification, supplementation or alteration. 6. Compensation. With respect to compensation referenced on page 1 of this Agreement, payment is due within thirty (30) days from the date of MBJ's monthly invoice. If there is a material change in the scope of the work for the Project, MBJ's compensation shall be equitably adjusted. 7. Termination. In the event of material default in the terms of this Agreement by one party (through no fault of the terminating party), this Agreement and the obligation to provide further services under this Agreement may be terminated upon giving seven (7) days prior written notice via messenger delivery or certified mail at the address set forth on page 1 of this Agreement. Upon termination, MBJ shall be entitled to compensation for services rendered prior to the date of termination, together with reasonable expenses incurred to the date of termination. 8. Limitation of Liability. The parties acknowledge and agree that they will not hold the other liable or assert claims for lost profits or consequential damages arising from or relating to this Agreement, even if a party was advised of the possibility of such damages. The parties agree that MBJ's liability and the Client's remedy under this Agreement shall be limited to claims for monetary damages, and that any liability arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall not exceed the total amount actually paid for services provided by MBJ under this Agreement. 9. Dispute Resolution. The parties shall endeavor to resolve their disputes by mediation which, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise, shall be in accordance with the construction industry mediation rules of the American Arbitration Association. Requests for mediation shall be provided in writing within a reasonable period of time after the claim or dispute has arisen. Only after the parties are unable to resolve the dispute via mediation shall the parties initiate proceedings and assert those other available legal or equitable remedies. 10. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements or oral understandings. No modification or waiver of this Agreement or its terms shall be binding unless in writing and executed by both parties. 11. Assignment. Neither party may assign their rights under this Agreement without the written consent of the other party. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their permitted successors and assigns. 12. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, with any dispute or claim relating to this Agreement venued or heard in the State of Minnesota, Hennepin County. 13. Acknowledgment. The parties acknowledge that these terms and conditions are incorporated by reference into the Short Form Agreement for MBJ's Engineering Services, that the parties have had an opportunity to read and understand these terms and conditions, discuss such terms and conditions with legal counsel, and understand the significance of this Agreement. 12 South Sixth Street, Suite 810 Minneapolis, MN 55402 www.mbjeng.com 612.338.0713 SEE STRUCTURE. �/�A WS && Assoc- engineering • planning • environmental • construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel 763 - 541 -4800 Fax 763 - 541 -1700 September 16, 2014 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Scope of Work and Cost for Environmental and Demolition Services for the Block 34 Redevelopment project located on Broadway East, Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Ms. Schumann: As requested, outlined below is a scope of work and cost estimate to perform the following environmental and demolition services for the Block 34 Redevelopment project: • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) • Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey • Demolition Specifications and Quotation Administration • Demolition Oversight The following details the services proposed and associated tasks to be performed as part of the environmental and demolition services. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment The Phase I ESA will be performed in general compliance with the ASTM E1527 -13 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments. The Phase 1 ESA will be completed for properties at 100 Broadway East (old Montgomery Farms building), 112 Broadway East (old BL Bikes building), 130 Broadway East (the old "Zoo') and 119 Yd Street East (DMV). Task 1: Historic Records Review WSB will obtain federal and state regulatory database information for the property from a commercial regulatory vendor to evaluate for potential environmental conditions. This work will not include a detailed review of all the sites listed in the regulatory database searches. The following historical records will be reviewed: • Sanborn Fire Insurance Rate Maps • Historic Aerial Photography • City Directories • Historic Topographic Maps • Federal EPA - listed sites including NPL, CERCLIS, RCRA, and ERNS • State MPCA - listed sites including UST, LUST, spills, landfills, and other state listed sites St. Cloud • Minneapolis • St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN September 16, 2014 Page 2 • Regulatory file review for applicable sites will be included as required per ASTM E 1527 -13 Assumptions: Based on the property location, this task assumes two regulatory file reviews will be required. Task 2: Interviews WSB will conduct interviews with property representatives (via phone or in person) regarding past and current property use activities. The City and any entity relying on the Phase I ESA will complete a User Questionnaire provided by WSB. The following representatives will be contacted and interviewed (if available): • Current or Past Property Owners • Current Property Management or Maintenance Staff • City Building and Inspection Department • City Fire Department Task 3: Site Reconnaissance WSB will make a direct visual inspection of the property and adjoining properties. It is assumed the City, or its representative, will provide access to all interior and exterior areas of the property. All adjoining properties will be viewed from the public right -of -way. The site reconnaissance will include observation and documentation of the following: • Location of visible above ground or underground storage tanks • Location of chemical or hazardous material storage • Location of water bodies (if present) • Condition of vegetation and exposed soils • General property topography • Photographic documentation Task 4: Phase I ESA Reporting WSB will summarize the results of the Phase I ESA in a final documentation report. This task assumes one round of comment with the City. This task does not include those items considered non -scope by ASTM Standard E1527 -13 such as asbestos, radon, lead -based paint, lead in drinking water, wetlands, regulatory compliance, cultural/historic resources, industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, biological agents, or mold sampling and analysis. The report will follow the format described in the ASTM E1527 -13 and shall at a minimum include the following: • Supporting documentation upon which the findings and opinions are based • Scope of services performed • A "findings" section which will include any recognized environmental conditions (RECs) • The opinion of the environmental professional • Any conclusions drawn from the assessment Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN September 16, 2014 Page 3 Assumptions: WSB will receive authorization from the City prior to completing any work beyond the cost outlined above including but not limited to any of the non -scope items detailed above. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Material Building Surveys The pre - demolition hazardous material building surveys will be performed in general compliance with applicable regulations for the three properties identified for demolition. The properties identified for possible demolition are located at 100 Broadway East (old Montgomery Farms building), 112 Broadway East (old BL Bikes building) and 130 Broadway East (the old "Zoo'); however, the properties located at 100 Broadway East is planned for demolition due to the intersection improvements at TH 25 /CSAH 75. The building at 119 Yd Street East (DMV) is not planned for demolition, however a hazardous material building survey is proposed to be completed. Task 5: Asbestos Sampling WSB will collect asbestos samples for the above - referenced properties to identify friable and non - friable asbestos - containing materials (ACM) defined by the USEPA, MPCA, and MDH. In addition, WSB will identify ACM that could become friable during demolition activities, and according to State and Federal regulations, would require abatement prior to demolition activities. It is anticipated that destructive sampling methods will be used (except for at the 119 East Yd Street building (DMV)) as destructive asbestos sampling testing methods are needed prior to demolition in order to definitively determine all assumed asbestos containing materials. Assumptions: It is anticipated that a total of 230 bulk asbestos samples /layers will be collected and sent to a fixed -base laboratory for asbestos analysis. Task 6: Lead -Based Paint Sampling WSB will identify surfaces that have the potential to be recycled during the demolition process and collect sample of those surfaces for lead -based paint (LBP) analysis. If LBP is detected, the surfaces will be identified as requiring special management during recycling. Materials likely to be recycled during the demolition process include concrete, metal piping, and miscellaneous metal building components. Assumptions: It is anticipated that 20 paint chip samples will be collected and sent to a fixed - base laboratory for lead analysis. Task 7: Hazardous Materials Inventory WSB will conduct a room -by -room inventory of potentially hazardous materials that will require special handling and disposal prior to demolition. In addition, a hazardous materials inventory will be conducted on all exterior areas of the property. Task 8: Pre - Demolition Final Documentation and Reporting WSB will summarize the results of each building in a Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey Report. At a minimum, the report will include the following: • Scope of work; • Sampling methods and procedures; • Asbestos and LBP sample location figure; Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN September 16, 2014 Page 4 • Room -by -room hazardous materials inventory; • Investigation results; and • Conclusions and recommendations. Assumptions: This task assumes access to all property buildings will be provided by the City and one report review by the City. Demolition Specifications and Quotation Administration The Demolition Specifications will be prepared for the properties identified for possible demolition located at 100 Broadway East (old Montgomery Farms building), 112 Broadway East (old BL Bikes building) and 130 Broadway East (the old "Zoo') Task 9: Demolition Specifications WSB will prepare demolition specifications for the following: • Demolition of the commercial buildings located at 100, 112, and 130 Broadway East Street; • Obtain all necessary permits and utility disconnections; and • Restoration of the sites with topsoil and seed. Task 10: Quotation Administration WSB will administer the quotation process and prepare a recommendation to award the demolition contract based on the received quotations. WSB will assume the Contractor will obtain all necessary permits (including but not limited to demolition and hazardous or regulated waste removal and disposal). WSB will assume the Contractor will also be responsible for the coordination of all utility disconnections. Assumptions: It is anticipated that the costs to demolish the buildings will be $100,000 or under based on conversations with demolition contractors. WSB will provide the City with an updated cost estimate to complete the demolition following the completion of the pre - demolition hazardous materials building surveys. If the updated cost estimate exceeds $100,000, WSB will work with the City to revise the scope of work to complete this task. Demolition Oversight The Demolition Oversight will be completed for the properties planned for demolition located at 106, 112, and 124 Broadway Street East. Task 11: Demolition Coordination WSB will coordinate with contractors to ensure all demolition activities including hazardous material removal and disposal are performed in accordance with local, state, and federal guidelines. WSB will also coordinate with contractors to obtain documentation for final reporting purposes and will maintain communication with the City regarding the demolition schedule. Assumptions: This task assumes the abatement and demolition contractor will secure all required permits. Task 12: Demolition Oversight Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN September 16, 2014 Page 5 WSB will provide oversight during all demolition activities to assess for unknown environmental conditions. WSB will conduct a walkthrough prior to demolition to ensure all regulated materials are removed and properly disposed of at a permitted landfill facility. WSB will also conduct a final walkthrough to ensure the Site is properly graded, seeded, and is free of demolition debris. Assumptions: This task assumes the Site structures will be demolished and removed in six consecutive days. Task 13: Demolition Final Documentation and Reporting WSB will summarize the results of the demolitions services in a final documentation report. At a minimum, the report will include the following: • Site location map; • Scope of work; • Regulated waste removal documentation; • Demolition notifications and permits; • Backfilling and seeding documentation; and • Photographic documentation. Assumptions: This task assumes one review by the City. Total Cost and Schedule The cost to perform the described Environmental and Demolition Services is a lump sum of $31,793. The following presents the cost breakdown for each service presented in this proposal: Project Task Lump Sum Cost Phase I Environmental Site Assessment $5,626 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Material Building Surveys $13,497 Demolition Specifications and Quotation Administration $5,154 Demolition Oversight $7,516 Total Project Cost S31,793 If additional work is required beyond the summarized scope above, WSB will receive authorization from the City prior to initiating the work. It is anticipated that authorization will be received at the EDA meeting on October 8, 2014. WSB will be in attendance at this meeting. Upon authorization, WSB will schedule the work and deliver the associated reports by November 15, 2014. If you wish to authorize this work, please sign below and submit a copy to WSB. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Ryan Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist WSB & Associates, Inc. � W Jamie Wallerstedt, PE Project Manager Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN September 16, 2014 Page 6 I hereby authorize the above scope of work, schedule, and cost. Signature Date 250 Third Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 612.338.2029 Fax 612.338.2088 www.LHBcorp.com September 24, 2014 Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 PROPOSAL FOR INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 REDEVELOPMENT TIF ANALYSIS Dear Angela, Thank you for the opportunity to submit a proposal for a Redevelopment TIF analysis in Monticello, Minnesota. LHB is a full - service architecture, planning and engineering firm with 250 employees in our Minneapolis, Duluth and Superior, Wisconsin offices. Our Government studio has extensive experience working with local governments on their planning, design, architectural and engineering needs. Having been personally involved as a City Council President, I understand how cities function and the importance of maintaining the support of the city council and community throughout the process. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE LHB has significant experience with a variety of inspection and facility assessment projects, including the analysis of over 100 TIF Districts in the past seven years. Examples include: • City of St. Paul TIF inspection services • City of St. Anthony Village, NW Quadrant TIF inspection services • City of St. Louis Park TIF District inspection services • City of Mound TIF District "1 -2" inspection services • City of Osseo TIF inspection services • City of New Richmond, WI TIF inspection services • Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system facility assessments • State of Minnesota Facility Assessments • Property Condition Assessments for the St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development (Franklin/Emerald Neighborhood) • Condition survey of every property along the I -394 corridor for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, prior to and during the construction of I -394 • ADA Compliance Assessments for the State of Minnesota (82 buildings in 1992) Proposal for Investigative Services September 24, 2014 Page 2 TEAM CREDENTIALS Michael A. Fischer, AIA, LEED AP -Project Principal/TIF Analyst Michael has twenty -eight years of architectural experience as project principal, project manager, project designer and project architect on municipal planning, educational, commercial and governmental projects. He is a Senior Vice President at LHB and currently leads the Minneapolis office. Michael completed a two -year Bush Fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1999, earning Masters Degrees in City Planning and Real Estate Development. Michael has served on over 35 committees, boards and community task forces, including a term as a City Council President, Chair of a Metropolitan Planning organization, and most recently, Chair of the Planning Commission in Edina, Minnesota. He was one of four architects in the country to receive the National "Young Architects Citation" from the American Institute of Architects in 1997. Phil Waugh — Project Manager/TIF Analyst Phil is a project manager with 13 years of experience in historic preservation, building investigations, material research, and construction methods. He previously worked as a historic preservationist and also served as the preservation specialist at the St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. Currently, Phil sits on the Board of Directors for the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota. His current responsibilities include project management of historic preservation projects, performing building condition surveys and analysis, TIF analysis, writing preservation specifications, historic design reviews, writing Historic Preservation Tax Credit applications, preservation planning, and grant writing. Jonathan Pettigrew, AIA — Inspector Jonathan Pettigrew has worked in architecture and construction for the last twenty years in Minnesota, California and Washington. His experience includes a variety of commercial and residential project types and scales, from single - family homes to a 300,000 square foot multi- building office complex. He has significant experience in code reviews and building systems inspections and analysis. Jonathan received his Minnesota architect's license in 2004. He brings a strong interest in sustainability and an eye for detail to his work. He enjoys working with clients, consultants and contractors to bring projects together successfully. SCOPE OF SERVICES LHB will provide the following services based upon the terms and conditions described below. 1. Survey the TIF District to determine if it meets applicable coverage test. A. To meet the coverage test, parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district must be "occupied" by buildings, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots. Proposal for Investigative Services September 24, 2014 Page 3 B. A parcel is not considered "occupied" unless at least 15% of its total area contains improvements. 2. Conduct a visual review of building(s) interior and exterior: A. Obtain property owner's consent for inspection. B. Document property conditions relative to Minnesota Statutes Section 469.174 Subdivision 10. 3. Estimate building(s) replacement cost: A. Replacement cost is the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site. B. A base cost will be calculated by establishing the building class, type and construction quality. C. Identify amenities, which increase the value of the building over the standard construction quality level. D. Review building permits for each parcel. E. The base cost and cost of amenities will be totaled to determine the replacement cost for the property. 4. Evaluate building(s) existing condition: A. "Structurally substandard shall mean containing defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance." 5. Determine Building(s) Code Deficiencies: A. Determine technical conditions, which are not in compliance with current building code applicable to new buildings. B. Provide opinion of probable cost to correct identified deficiencies. C. Compare cost of deficiency corrections to replacement value of building. 6. Prepare and deliver report: A. Prepare a written narrative analysis for each building describing why the property within the District does or does not meet the criteria as "structurally substandard" as established in Minnesota Statutes Section 469.174, subdivision 10. B. Deliver final reports via email PDF. Proposal for Investigative Services September 24, 2014 Page 4 ASSUMPTIONS 1. LHB will inspect four commercial buildings within Block 34 in downtown Monticello, Minnesota. 2. Michael Fischer will attend one EDA meeting to provide an overview of the TIF analysis process, including important procedures required by State Statute. In addition, he will discuss strategies for creating a phased TIF District while managing the near -term demolition of key buildings. The Client will provide the following: • A scalable parcel map and /or aerial photo of the area to be inspected, including GIS information with specific parcel data, including parcel area measured in square feet. • A list of all parcels affected including name of owner, current known business or resident name and address. • Available information regarding the condition of the structures, including past building permit information. STANDARD OF CARE LHB shall perform services consistent with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by other professionals practicing in the same or similar locality under the same or similar circumstances. Any report prepared by LHB represents a professional opinion based upon information available and arrived at in accordance with generally accepted professional standards. Other than as contained in the report, LHB makes no express or implied warranty. Short of complete deconstruction to examine every element at every location, no assessment can reveal all conditions which may exist. Additional testing, assessment, or demolition, may uncover conditions which would make it necessary to modify LHB's conclusions or recommendations. Any report prepared for the purpose described in this Agreement is for the exclusive use by those to whom the report is addressed. LHB will not and cannot be held liable for the unauthorized reliance upon this report by any third party. COMPENSATION We propose to work on an hourly basis with the following key staff: Project Principal, Michael Fischer (TIF analysis) $242/hour Project Manager $122/hour Project Architect/Inspector $110/hour Project Administrator $77/hour Proposal for Investigative Services September 24, 2014 Page 5 We will work on an hourly basis not to exceed $8,500 plus reimbursable expenses for the interior inspection of four buildings and a letter (with attachments) outlining the findings. Payments are due and payable upon receipt of our invoice. Unpaid balances 60 -days after invoice date shall bear interest at the rate of 8% annually. Failure to make timely payment to LHB is a material breach of this Agreement and may, at LHB's sole discretion, result in a suspension or termination of services, and may, at LHB's sole discretion, result in the termination of the Client's limited license authorization to use LHB's copyrighted Instruments of Service. ADDITIONAL SERVICES If there is a material change in the circumstances or conditions that affect the scope of work, schedule, allocation of risks or other material terms, LHB shall notify the Client. The Client and LHB shall promptly and in good faith enter into negotiation to address the changed conditions including equitable adjustment to compensation. The fees and costs for any additional services will be based upon LHB's Standard Hourly Rates and Standard Reimbursable Schedule. SCHEDULE We anticipate our work will take approximately 30 -45 days from the time of the inspection. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES LHB and Client waive consequential damages for claims, disputes or other matters in question arising out of or relating to this Agreement. LIMIT OF LIABILITY To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Client agrees to limit LHB's liability for the Client's damages to the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) or the amount of fee paid to LHB, whichever is greater. This limitation shall apply regardless of the cause of action or legal theory pled or asserted. USE OF LHB'S DOCUMENTS The documents prepared by LHB are solely for use with respect to this project. All documents prepared by LHB pursuant to this Agreement are the instruments of services to the Project and LHB shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including copyright. LHB grants to Client a nonexclusive limited license solely for the purposes of evaluating and executing the Project. The Client shall not assign, delegate, sublicense, or otherwise transfer any license granted herein to another party. Proposal for Investigative Services September 24, 2014 Page 6 To the extent the documents are transferred or are modified, supplemented or otherwise altered by the Client, subsequent design professional, or any other party, the Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold LHB harmless for any claims, demands, damages or causes of action arising out of such transfer or modification, supplementation or alteration. OTHER CONDITIONS The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern this Agreement. Any provision of this agreement later held to violate a law or regulation shall be deemed void. All remaining provisions shall continue in force. The Client recognizes that materials prepared by others may be subject to copyright protection and warrants to LHB that any documents provided by the Client do not infringe upon the copyright held by another. Unless the parties mutually agree otherwise, the parties shall endeavor to settle disputes by mediation. A demand for mediation shall be filed, in writing, within a reasonable period of time after a claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen. LHB and the Client, acting through the Client's legal representative, will, to the fullest reasonable extent, cooperate and coordinate efforts in preparing necessary responses to any third party challenges to the inspections. The Client agrees to pay LHB its regular hourly rates for time spent as a result of a third party legal challenge If the terms and conditions of this Agreement are acceptable, please sign and return a copy to LHB. CLIENT NAME LHB, INC. (Signature) (Signature) Its: Its: Senior Vice President (Title) (Title) Name: (Printed Name) Name: Michael A. Fischer_ AIA (Printed Name) C:\ Users \MAFisch\Documents\LIIB \TIF \TIF Agreements\Monticello Block 34 TIF Analysis 9- 24- 14.doc EDA Agenda: 10/08/14 7. Economic Development Director's Report City/EDA Land Tour Workshop City Council and EDA members attended a tour of EDA /City owned properties on September 8t', 2014. The goal of the tour was to familiarize members with the properties owned by these two public entities. As a follow -up action, the EDA will hold a workshop on October 8' (see agenda cover) to provide staff, the EDA /CC Land Sale and Acquisition Committee, and the Market Matching team with direction on which of the toured properties they would like to see marketed, provide input on market strategy (ideal users, broker services, sales sheet info, etc.), and information on which properties they believe are best held for redevelopment purposes. Block 34 RFP Committee Follow -Up The Block 34 RFP committee met on September 19th to begin working through preparation of a draft proposal for EDA and Council review. After discussion on the goals for the proposal, the group decided to draft a Request for Expressions of Interest rather than an RFP for development. An RFEI will give the EDA more information on the potential interest of developers who may be interested in the project, as well as more detail on the type of uses and scope of a project. The group will meet again on Friday, October 10th at 7:30 AM. Staff will be meeting prior to the regular EDA meeting in October to begin a draft for the committee to review and work from on the 10'. Bertram Chain of Lakes Request for Proposal The City Council has authorized staff to proceed with a request for proposal for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park. Staff has begun drafting a preliminary RFP document for the project, which will include both a reaffirmation of the athletic park concept plan (it has been five years since the needs assessment associated with that plan was completed), and a detailed master plan for the full park, including grading, environmental, sustainability, accessibility, and financial components. A Steering Committee including Monticello City Council and Parks Commission representatives, as well as Wright County Board and Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council representatives, will guide the RFP, consultant selection and planning process. Public input will be a required component of the planning process. Regular updates will be provided as the project progresses. Monticello Transit Service On September 22nd, the City Council acted to approve a contract with A+ Taxi for transit services for the community. The Planning Commission may recall that as of September 1, RiverRider transit was no longer providing service. The contract with A+ Taxi is a two -year contract, which will provide for 10 hours of service per day for 52 weeks per year. Fares are set at $2.00 for rides reserved 24 hours or more in advance, and $3.00 for some day rides. EDA Agenda: 10/08/14 More information on this service and the contract can be found by clicking here to access the Council staff report for this item. Transportation Advisory Committee The TAC last met on September 11, 2014. The group discussed various design configurations for TH 25 /CSAH 75 intersection. The consensus of the group was to continue to work with Wright County to preserve parking on both side of Broadway, while completing improvements in the corridor which would set the configuration for the ultimate design. The initial improvements would not include a dual left, but would be set up to accommodate the dual lefts once redevelopment occurs on West Broadway. At this point, the City is waiting for a Wright County Transportation Committee meeting to be scheduled to discuss the newly updated configurations. The group also discussed progress on planning for the Fallon Avenue overpass. At this time, the City is working with St. Henry's Catholic Church on land appraisals related to the design for the north side of the overpass. Staff noted to the TAC that as the I -94 Coalition continues to make progress in funding and completing improvements along the I -94 corridor, it will become more important that Monticello identify a location for a west interchange. The TAC therefore recommended that staff prepare an outline for a planning effort for that identification, along with potential study costs. Market Matching Update The Market Matching monthly report for September is attached for reference. FNM Update Verbal report to be provided at the EDA meeting. WSB &Assoc- engineering- planning• environmental• construction 9/29/14 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: September Monticello Market Matching Update Dear Mr. O'Neill: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel 763 - 541 -4800 Fax 763 - 541 -1700 Per our communication plan, the aim of this report is to provide you with an update on activities that occurred during the month of September as it relates to the Market Matching service contract. This report will be distributed to City Staff, as well as the City's EDA and City Council. Meetings WSB Held /Attended: • EDA /City -Owned Property Tour • Regular EDA Meeting • ACEC PAC Meeting • WCEDP State of the Cities Meeting • EDAM Fall Forum • Block 34 RFEI kick -off meeting • Bi- Weekly Meetings with City Staff • Meeting with TOLD Development • Meeting with Burke Property Management WSB Market Matching Efforts: • WSB followed up with bakery prospect. • WSB followed up with prospect for Fred's Auto site. • WSB met with TOLD Development to have preliminary discussions related to the Block 34 RFEI. The developer has interest and is willing to conduct a personal site visit this fall. Follow up is ongoing. • WSB met with Burke Property Management to explore prospects for development of senior living facility. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com Page 2 • WSB began updating the Site Flyers to market Fred's Auto site and the properties on North Cedar. • WSB began work on collecting and organizing industrial site data based on the project Axel RFI. • WSB updated the City Site Maps. • WSB has continued work on the housing demand analysis and will provide a draft to City staff for review. Final Housing Demand Analysis is slated to be presented to City Council and EDA by end of October. • WSB refined the list of developers in preparation for the downtown redevelopment RFP. All developers will receive a community flyer highlighting Block 34 as well as the other three blocks at the intersection of CSAH 75 /Hwy 25. Sincerely, John Uphoff WSB & Associates, Inc.