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EDA Agenda 11-12-2014
EDA MEETING Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Special EDA Closed Meeting Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 4:30 PM — Academy Room Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. October 8th, 2014 4. Consideration of additional agenda items. 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills. 6. Consideration of Market Matching Report. 7. Consideration of an update and EDA direction regarding EDA vacancies. 8. Consideration of Director's Report. 9. Adjourn. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, October 8, 2014, Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Absent: Matt Frie Others: Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Demeules asked the EDA to observe a moment of silence in remembrance of EDA Member Rod Dragsten who died unexpectedly over the weekend. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes. In reviewing the minutes, Tom Perrault noted that the word "said" in the third paragraph on the second page after "Jeff O'Neill" should be added to the September minutes. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WITH THE CORRECTION AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5 -0. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items. None. 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills. Angela Schumann said that at the last meeting Tom Perrault asked for clarification related to the Market Matching bills. Schumann confirmed that the EDA did pay May and June for separate services totaling $4,000 and the June bill was inadvertently included in the packet twice but was not paid twice. Schumann noted that the July bill is included in the current packet. Tom Perrault inquired about a bill from Kennedy & Graven which references "researching conference call with Angela Schumann regarding ability to issue EDA bonds to finance park facilities." Schumann explained that she had discussed with Kennedy & Graven the ability to utilize tax abatement bonds to fund public infrastructure projects, including the potential to fund improvements at the Bertram Chain of Lakes. EDA Regular Meeting Minutes: 10/08/14 The attorney best suited to answer the question was Kennedy & Graven; however, that is not an EDA expense and she will ensure the invoice is re -coded appropriately. Bill Tapper asked about two different bills to the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust. Schumann said that she will check with the Finance Director on that and get back to the EDA at the next meeting. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF BILLS WITH THE CORRECTIONS AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY TRACY HINZ. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5 -0. 5. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2014 -096, a Modification of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -36, Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -37, and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -38. Angela Schumann asked the EDA to consider adoption of a resolution approving modifications to the Tax increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financial District Nos. 1 -36, 1 -37, and 1 -38 (the "TIF Plan "). Schumann explained that the modifications to each of these districts is essentially housekeeping in nature and results in the adjustment of line items within the district budgets to reflect actual transactions within the districts, including land acquisition costs, which have occurred in the districts since the time they were originally established. Staff has been working with the EDA's financial consultant, Northland Securities, to complete regular management checks on the EDA's numerous TIF districts. During this process it was noted that the budget line items as approved for each of the districts did not match the expenditures. Therefore, the modifications proposed to each of the TIF Plans are needed to amend the source and use of tax increment. Schumann noted that this type of modification does not require a public hearing as the project budget expenditures in total remain unmodified. Subsequent to the EDA approval, the state auditor will be notified to update all of the records accordingly. Tom Perrault asked for clarification on whether or not this item needs to go through the City Council for approval or if the EDA is able to approve the modification. Schumann said that it most likely needs to be forwarded to the City Council for approval and she will ensure that is done if that's the next appropriate step. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2014 -096 APPROVING MODIFICATIONS TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS 1-36,1-37, AND 1 -38. MOTION SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5 -0. 2 EDA Regular Meeting Minutes: 10/08/14 6. Consideration to approve contracts for service for environmental analysis and demolition management, structural analysis, and redevelopment finding analysis for EDA and City -owned properties on Block 34, and to adopt Resolution 2014 -095, an Interfund Loan Resolution in support of funding the contract services. Angela Schumann asked the EDA to consider a multi- action request. The first request is to consider adopting a resolution authorizing an interfund loan which would advance payment for costs associated with a potential new redevelopment district. Schumann explained that in considering the contracts that are included for service there are associated costs with those contracts. The costs can be funded through Tax Increment District 1 -22 or they can potentially be funded through the General Fund. In any case an interfund loan should be created so the money can be borrowed from a legally acceptable source such as the General Fund and the resolution then gives the EDA the authority at a later date, should a redevelopment district be created, to reimburse themselves and that fund for those expenditures. Staff is proposing the EDA fund these expenses through the General Fund. Not all of the parcels are actually in District 1 -22 and eventually the EDA may decide not to create a redevelopment district. Also, by funding through this fund it provides the flexibility for the EDA to elect not to reimburse the costs. Schumann said that the second set of actions is related to contracts that the EDA may want to consider as related to the properties that it owns on Block 34. In August the EDA authorized staff to request quotes for services as related to the EDA or City owned properties on Block 34. These are located at 100, 112 and 130 East Broadway and it may also include the DMV and the parking lots that the City owns on the block. These include a proposal for redevelopment TIF district qualification and looking at how those properties would qualify for redevelopment. The next is the building environmental analysis. Schumann noted that there are a couple of pieces to that proposal. The first is a hazardous materials survey; going into those buildings and determining what classified hazardous materials within the building may need to be removed in a certain manner prior to demolition. The next component of that proposal includes demolition specifications and demolition management. WSB has put together information on how they would prepare the specifications for demolition because if there are hazardous materials inside of the building they have to be dealt with in a certain way and Schumann noted that we certainly want the expertise and understanding how the specifications have to be written and how they have to be bid in order to deal with hazardous material as well as a number of other considerations on that block. The last component is the actual management of the demolition project and Schumann again noted that we want the expertise of dealing with the onsite demolition with making sure all the appropriate paperwork is filled out with the appropriate agencies. Schumann said that the next item is the structural analysis. There are some variables occurring on this block. The only building that has to be demolished relative to the improvement project on TH 25 and CSAH 75 is the building directly at the corner. The 3 EDA Regular Meeting Minutes: 10/08/14 EDA may choose once these analyses are completed to only take that building down for a variety of reasons. Schumann said it is important to understand more about the structure of these buildings and what the impact is to take down one or more of these buildings. The structural proposal looks at those variables and makes recommendations accordingly. Brian Stumpf asked for details on the cost summary. Schumann explained that $100,000 is the estimated cost for demolition assuming three buildings. The structural analysis was quoted as two components with Phase I and Phase II. The Environmental includes the Phase I Document and a Hazardous Materials Study. Schumann noted that 10% was added for contingency bringing the subtotal to just under $170,000, and then added administrative costs for legal, financial consulting, etc. for an additional $17,000. The estimated total for redevelopment preparation services for Block 34 is $187,000. Schumann indicated that the Resolution allows for financing up to $170,000 for site preparation and up to $17,000 for administrative costs associated with the TIF District. Schumann said it should be noted for public record that the quote received from WSB & Associates in the agenda packet actually has some incorrect information on demolition oversight on the addresses so the correct version has been provided to the EDA. Schumann stated that if the EDA would like the contract to further be revised to clarify that the estimate is for all three buildings that can be done. Tom Perrault asked why the Phase I Environmental Assessment includes the DMV building. Schumann indicated that when the environmental consultant is out it's more efficient for them to do the analyses while they are there with the idea that at some point you may choose to relocate to facilitate some type of redevelopment on the DMV parcel. Schumann said she did ask about expiration on those studies and said she believes the answer was that there is no expiration on the Phase I Study but she will clarify that. Schumann noted that on each of the contracts she is going to request a revision on the signature page to include both the EDA President and the EDA Executive Director. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2014 -095 AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOAN FOR ADVANCE OF CERTAIN COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED BLOCK 34 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT. MOTION SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5 -0. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ACCEPT DECISIONS #2, #3, AND 94 AS OUTLINED IN THE AGENDA PACKETS PROVIDED TO THE EDA FROM ANGELA SCHUMANN. MOTION SECONDED BY BILL DEMEULES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5 -0. 4 EDA Regular Meeting Minutes: 10/08/14 7. Consideration of the Director's Report. Angela Schumann said that she wanted to add that the Industry of the Year was selected at the IEDC Meeting. The EDA is a co -host of the event that is occurring on October 22, from 7 -9 p.m. Schumann said the EDA members will all be receiving a mailed invitation. The IEDC selected Xcel Energy as the 2014 Industry of the Year and congratulations to them. Schumann also congratulated the other nominees, WSI Industries and Bondhus Corporation. Schumann said she had the opportunity to tour all of those industries with the IEDC; the IEDC will continue to promote those businesses as part of the ongoing appreciation of manufacturers. Schumann noted that October is Minnesota Manufacturers Month. Bill Demeules inquired about the Market Matching Update and Schumann said that WSB will be going to the City Council on October 27th so the EDA will receive a link to the pod cast of that meeting but may also attend as well. . Bill Tapper asked about the abbreviations on the Market Matching Report. Schumann said that the WCEDP is the Wright County Economic Development Partnership and the EDAM is the Economic Development Association of Minnesota. Schumann said that she is not sure what all of the abbreviations are and she will ask WSB in the future not to use acronyms. 9. Adiourn. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5 -0. Recorder: ( :S e a Comn Administrative Assistant Date Approved: Attest: EDA Representative il EDA Agenda: 11/12/14 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Invoices submitted during the previous month are included for review and consideration. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through October 2014. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of payment for invoices submitted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Invoices Accounts Payable CITY OF Transactions by Account User: Julie.Cheney Monti eRo Printed: 10/07/2014 - 11:29AM Batch: 00203.10.2014 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 - 46301 - 430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] Dahleimer Phase II thru 8/31/14 10/14/2014 113030 666.00 213 - 46301 - 430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] General EDA Matters 10/14/2014 113030 185.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 851.00 213-46301-431990 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Economic Development & Market Ma 10/14/2014 0 4,000.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 4,000.00 213-46301-431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC August 2014 Compliance w /business s 10/14/2014 113043 160.00 213-46301-431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC August 2014 TIE 1 -36 10/14/2014 113043 240.00 213-46301-431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC August 2014 TIE 1 -38 10/14/2014 113043 240.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 640.00 213 - 46301 - 432200 CITY OF MONTICELLO Postage 7/10/14 10/14/2014 113038 10.40 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 10.40 213-46522-431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC TIE 1 -37 services related to this tax in( 10/14/2014 113043 240.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 240.00 213 - 46522 - 438300 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 10311600-0 TIE #22 10/14/2014 113016 117.70 AP- Transactions by Account (10/07/2014 - 11:29 AM) Page 1 Account Number Vendor Description The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: November 12, 2014 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer GL Date Check No Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 Subtotal for Fund: 213 Report Total: Amount PO No 117.70 5,859.10 5,859.10 AP- Transactions by Account (10/07/2014 - 11:29 AM) Page 2 Page: 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello August 31, 2014 MN190 -00135 Dalheimer Phase II Through August 31, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 8/1/2014 MNI Email request from A Schumann regarding possible 0,50 92.50 amendment to PDA for Dahlheimer; review documents. 8/4/2014 MNI Review staff request for review of PDA extension for 1.60 296.00 Dahlheimer; review PDA and original documents; phone conversation with A Schumann and email memo follow -up regarding same, 816!2014 MNI Email correspondence with A Schumann regarding 0.40 74.00 possible options for Dahlheimer expansion (abatement vs, TIF vs. pure write- down). 8/11/2014 MNI Phone conference with A Schumann regarding Dahlheimer 0.70 129.50 and possibilities for extension of PDA, types of subsidy possible for addition to existing facility; email memo summary follow -up. 8/22/2014 MNI Review Dahlheimer letter drafted by A Schumann; email 0.40 74.00 correspondence regarding same with A Schumann, Total Services: $ 666.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 666.00 Julie Cheney From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 12:24 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Inv# 101 $185.00 OK to pay From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 3:07 PM To: Jeff O'Neill Subject: Kennedy & Graven Inv# 101 $185.00 Jeff Attached are two Kennedy & Graven invoices. Inv# MN190 -00101 $185.00 Inv# MN190 -00135 $666.00 Okay to pay? Please provide account coding. Thanks! Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763 - 295 -3205 J ulie.chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us -,!&LV,Mont1k)UH0 Julie Cheney From: Angela Schumann Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 8:48 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Inv $666.00 Please code to EDA general legal 213- 46301 - 430400. This one was a learning curve on option agreements and preliminary development agreement which can be applied to any econ development district beyond Dahlheimers. Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763 - 271 -3224 This email sent by Monticello FiberNet internet, at 100 mbps speed! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 11:32 AM To: Angela Schumann Subject: Kennedy & Graven Inv $666.00 Angela I've attached an invoice from Kennedy & Graven. It is regarding Dalheimer Phase II. Should this go against escrow? Can you please provide account coding? Thanks! Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763 - 295 -3205 Julie.chenev @ci.monticello.mn.us CITY OF Mont Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello August 31, 2014 MN190 -00101 General EDA Matters Through August 31, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 8/14/2014 MN[ Phone conversation with Northland and EDA staff 0.50 92,50 regarding Front Porch TIF and income qualifications, potential relocation issues and blight findings for Block 34, and related matters, 8/19/2014 MNI Monticello Front Porch review file for income verification 0.40 74.00 8/22/2014 MNI Review proposed Block 34 committee recommendation for 0.10 18.50 A Schumann. Total Services: $ 185.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 185.00 Julie Cheney From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 12:24 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Inv# 101 $185.00 OK to pay From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 3:07 PM To: Jeff O'Neill Subject: Kennedy & Graven Inv# 101 $185.00 Jeff Attached are two Kennedy & Graven invoices. Inv# MN190 -00101 $185.00 Inv# MN190 -00135 $666.00 Okay to pay? Please provide account coding. Thanks! Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763 - 295 -3205 J ulie.chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us -,!&LV,Mont1k)UH0 & Associates, erlgbeef%Rg - p /arrrvrV `environmental' construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City of Monticello September 30, 2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Attn: Wayne Oberg, Finance Director Project No: 01494 -720 Tel: 17631541 -4800 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Invoice No: 14 Fax: (763) 541 -1700 Monticello, MN 55362 -8831 Economic Development & Market Matching GL Acct ##213.46301.431990 Professional Services from August 01, 2014 to August 31, 2014 Phase 02 2014 -2015 Fee Total Fee 8,000.00 Percent Complete 100,00 Total Earned 8,000.00 Previous Fee Billing 4,000.00 Current Fee Billing 4,000.00 Total Fee 4,000.00 Total this Phase $4,000.00 Total this Invoice $4,000.00 Comments: Approved by: Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Project Manager: John Uphoff EMPFCA KNA Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.cem Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th Street Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 -1625 USA Voice: 612 -851 -5900 Fax: 612--851-5951 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Invoice Invoice Number: 391.11. Invoice Date: 9/16/14 Page: 1 Sold To: City of Monticello "r Angela Schumann 1� i0 11 (/t, Py A'� 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 L l �,1 Y✓ Monticello, MN 55362 J I �t 9190 Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Rep iD I Due Date , ompliance & Report NeL 30 Days 10/16/14 Description Amount Por services related to compliance with business subsidy & income qualiticazion 160.00 I ireporting. Please see attached detail. �l 3 I I i Subtotal 160.00 Mlles Tax Total Invoice Amount 160.00 Check No: Payment Received TOTAL Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000, Minneapolis, MN 55402 Tait rrw 1- 800 -851 -2920 M,dn 612 - 851 -5900 1-612-851-5987 www.northlandsecarities.coni Member FINRA and SIPC NORTHLAND STRATEGIES Sp:ecigl Projects G.rovp INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: Compliance with business subsidy and income qualification reporting Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: August 2014 Services Performed • Submit final draft to City Staff Time Po8itio i Hours Rate Billable Senior Professional 1.00 $160 $160.00 Professional - $135 $0.00 Support - $105 $0.00 Total Staff 1.00 $160.00 Expenses Mileage $0.00 Printing $0.00 other $0.00 Total Expenses $0.00 Total This Period $160 pQ:'_ Project Summary Total Budget` $ 1,600.00 Billed This Period ($160.00) Billed Previous ($640.00) Budget Remaining $ 800.00 *Authorized by city staff up to 10 hours. Northland Securities, Inc, Page 2 of 2 Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th Street Suite. 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 -1625 1) SA Voice: 612- 651 -5900 1'ax: 612- 651 -5951 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Sold To: City of Monticello Angcla Schumann 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 _'�' ('� t� Invoice Invoice Number° 3842 Invoice Date: 9/16/14 Page: 1 Customer PO Payment `Perms Sales Rep ID Due Date TIP 1 -36 Net 30 Days 10/16/14 Description Amount 7?or services related to Tax Trcrement. Dist.ri_ct. 1 -36. please lee attached detail.. 240.60 Subtotal 240.00 Sales Tax "Total Invoice AmOL111t 240 . e o Check No: Payrnetlt Received TOTAL Norrtilaud Securities, IDc. 45 South 7th Streer, Suire 2000, Minneapotis, MN 55402 T u F-1- 800- 851 -2920 mai. 612 -857. -5900 i>,,.612-8,51-5987 www.iiordilatidsecLirities.com Member FINRA and SIPC NORTHLAND STRATEGIES special Projects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client; City of Monticello Project: Tax Increment District 1 -36 Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period; August 2014 Services Performed • Submit final draft to City Staff Time Position Hours Rate Billable Senior Professional 1.50 $160 $240.00 Professional - $135 $0.00 Support $105 $0.00 Total Staff 1.50 $240.00 Expenses Mileage $0.00 Printing $0.00 Other $0.00 Total Expenses $0.00 Total This Period $240.44 Project Summary Total Budget* $ - Billed This Period ($240.00) Billed Previous $0.00 Budget Remaining $ (240.00) *Billed hauriy. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 TABLE A Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -36 Projected Tax Increment Estimated financing costs Interest expense $132,000 $104,544 Total Estimated Project /Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment $700,000 $700,000 Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued 4 $600,400 $600,000 Original, Adopted Modification 8/22/2005 No.1 Estimated Taxlncrement Revenues (from tax increment generated by the district) Tax increment revenues distributed from the county $680,000 $650,000 Interest and investment earnings $20,000 $50,000 Sales /lease proceeds $0 $0 Market value homestead credit $0 $0 Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues $700,000 $700,000 Estimated Project /Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Project costs Land /building acquisition $50,000 $439,224 Site improvements /preparation costs $50,000 $135,776 Utilities $200,000 $0 Other qualifying improvements $200,000 $0 Construction of affordable housing $0 $0 Small city authorized costs, if not already included above $0 $0 Administrative costs $68,000 $20,456 Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs $568,000 $595,456 Estimated financing costs Interest expense $132,000 $104,544 Total Estimated Project /Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment $700,000 $700,000 Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued 4 $600,400 $600,000 Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th Street Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55102 -7-625 USA Voice: 612 - 851 -5900 Fax: 612 -851 -5951 NORTHLAND 10 SECURITIES Sold To: city of Monticello Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 IDNCOE0 r 77 81-P 2014 Invoice Invoice Number: 3844 Invoice Date: 9/16/14 Page: 1. 6K GAY vw[l Jb r /y}� J1 r' ,J 9 � ID - �-- ...Uue Dat� --r�ti Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Re iTP 1 -30 Ne'-i 30 Days 10 /lfi /14 Subtotal 240.00 Sales Tax Tota I Invoice Amount 240.00 Check No: Payment Received TOTAL Nottlilaud Securities, Inc. 45 SDuth 7cir Street, Suite 2000, Minneapolis, MN 55402 -Ibil F— 1- 800 -851 -2920 ta.m 612 - 851 -5900 1-- 612- 851 -5987 www.northlandsecurities. con-. Member FINRA and SIPC NORTHLAND STRATEGIES Special Projects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT CIient: City of Monticello Project: Tax Increment District 1 -38 Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: August 2014 Services Performed • Submit final draft to City Staff Time Position Hours Rate Billable Senior Professional 1.50 $160 $240.00 Professional - $135 $0.00 Supper# - $105 $0.00 Total Staff 1.50 $240.00 Project Summary Total Budget* $ - Billed This Period ($240,00) Billed Previous $0.00 Budget Remaining $ (240:00) *Balled hourly. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 TABLE A Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-38 Projected Tax Increment Original, Adopted Modification 4/23/2407 No.I Estimated Tax Increment Revenues (from tax increment generated by the district) Tax increment revenues distributed from the county $120,000 $120,000 Interest and investment earnings $0 $0 Sales /lease proceeds $0 $0 Market value homestead credit $0 $0 Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues $120,000 $120,000 Estimated Project /Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Project costs Land /building acquisition $53,000 $73,500 Site improvements /preparationcosts $5,000 $0 Utilities $5,000 $0 Other qualifying improvements $5,000 $0 Construction of affordable housing $0 $0 Small city authorized costs, if not already included above $0 $0 Administrative costs $12,000 $1,500 Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs $80,000 $75,000 Estimated financing costs Interest expense $40,000 $45,000 Total Estimated Project/ Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment $120,000 $120,000 Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued $160,000 $160,000 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due datetor check run. ® Disb. Ck. Batch Pay by: a !L' L v TOTAL: APPROVED BY . DATE: voucher.As Northland Securities, Inc. 45 Souta 7th Street Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402.1625 USA Voice: 612 - 851 -590C Fax: 612 851 -5951 NORTHLAND 10 SECURITIES Sold To: City of Monticello Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice Invoice Number: 3843 Invoice Date: 9/16/14 I f Page: ?!V, {�, CuSlonler PO I Payment Terms Sales Rep Ib I Due Date TIF 1 -37 Net 30 Days 10/16/14 Subtotal 2 40.0 C Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 240.00 Check No: Payment Received TOTAL Northland Securities, Inc. 45 Sour], 7t1i Street, Suite 2000, Minneapolis, MN 55402 ?oil F-1 -80(J- 851 -2920 Mt in 612 -851 -5900 Pax 612 -851 -5987 w w w. no rt hla n d s e c uri ti es. co w. Member FINRA and SIPC NORTHLAND STRATEGIES Specigl Projects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: Tax Increment District 1 -37 Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: August 2014 Services Performed Submit final draft to City Staff Time Position Hours Rate Billable Senior Professional 1.50 $160 $240.00 Professional - $135 $0.00 Support - $105 $0.00 Total Staff 1.50 $240.00 Expenses Mileage $0.00 Printing $0.00 Other $0.00 Total Expenses $0.00 Total This :Period $2401 ©0 Project Summary Total Budget* $ - Billed This Period ($240.00) Billed Previous $0.00 Budget Remaining $ (240.00) "Billed hourly. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 TABLE A Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -37 Projected Tax Increment Original, Adopted Modification 4/2412006 No.1 Estimated Tax Increment Revenues (from tax increment generated by the district) Tax increment revenues distributed from the county $175,000 $175,000 Interest and investment earnings $0 $0 Sales /lease proceeds $0 $0 Market value homestead credit $0 $0 Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues $175,000 $175,000 Estimated Project /Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Project costs Land /building acquisition $94,000 $142,113 Site improvements /preparation costs $5,000 $0 Utilities $5,000 $0 Other qualifying improvements $5,000 $0 Construction of affordable housing $0 $0 Small cityauthorized costs, if not already included above $0 $0 Administrative costs $16,000 $2,887 Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs $125,000 $145,000 Estimated financing costs Interest expense $50,000 $30,000 Total Estimated Project /Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment $175,000 $175,000 Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued 6 $150,000 $150,000 Point. Energy Always There! QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Bill into 612 - 3214939 CenterPointEnergy.com DIDYOU KNOW? We haven't received the past due charges of $96.08. Please pay this amount today. If you've recently made your payment, Thank You. Your account is ready to view now. Register for free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online ,payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterPointEnergy.com/ myaccount. (-J u q� X53 � i.'L'lfte!'FOIIIt Energy Always There" CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 Customer name CITY OR MONTICELLO Account number — 10311600 -0 Billing date 10/01/2014 Date due 1 012912 01 4 Total amount due $117.70 ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges Previous balance_ $96.08 Payment 0.00 Balance forward $ 96.08 Late fee 10/0112014 1.44 Current billing 20.18 Total amount due SERVICE ADDRESS 130 E Broadway 5t Monticello MN 55362 -9321 $117.70 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M19771946938 32 Day billing period 08/28/2014 to 09/29/2014 Current reading 09/29/2014 1751 Previous reading 08/28/2014 1751 Metered Usage 4 CCF X Therm factor of 1.03596 = Therms used In 32 days = Next motor reading 10/30/2014 Next billing date 10/31/2014 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comllnd Firm Rate Basic charge $18.00 Delivery charge 0.00 Decoupling adjustment 0.00 Gas Affordability PRG 0.00 Interim rate adjustment 0,88 (Basic Chg + ($0.65672 "therms))`4.88000% State sales tax 1.30 Total current charges $20.18 t OCT 6 ?014 t CITY OF M NT! Page 1 of 1 Avg daily temp: This period this yr 64 °F; this period last yr 66 OF G. Mail this portion with payment. Picaso do not include letters or notes. Account number 10311600 -0 Date due 10/29/2014 Total amount due $117.70 Amount paid $ CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 m HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 � . I, 111111t�111111, �I, Illl�n�l' 11 'll "'It�lll���l'lll�'I��II�I'I� �— 00000649 01 SP 0.500 1 f CITY OF MONTICELLO 130 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 M111LlitIll,6d,1.II1tII' -14 III,II'�'llll! "1��'�II'lll'I 0940086100762 007200001031160000000000117700000001177090 Accounts Payable CITY OF Transactions by Account User: Julie.Cheney eno Printed: 10/22/2014 - 12:09PM Batch: 00206.10.2014 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC September 2014 TIE 1 -36 10/28/2014 113116 160.00 213-46301-431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC September 2014 TIE 1 -38 10/28/2014 113116 160.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 320.00 213-46301-431990 HARRY LANTTO 10/8/14 EDA Meeting Recording 10/28/2014 0 50.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 50.00 213-46301-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2013 EDA Annual Disclosure Stmt - A 10/28/2014 0 76.68 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 76.68 213-46519-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2013 EDA Annual Disclosure Stmt - A 10/28/2014 0 25.56 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46519 25.56 213-46520-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2013 EDA Annual Disclosure Stmt - A 10/28/2014 0 25.56 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46520 25.56 213-46522-431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC TIE 1 -37 Services related to tax incren 10/28/2014 113116 160.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 160.00 AP- Transactions by Account (10/22/2014 - 12:09 PM) Page 1 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46522-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2013 EDA Annual Disclosure Stmt - A 10/28/2014 0 25.56 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 25.56 213-46524-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2013 EDA Annual Disclosure Stmt - A 10/28/2014 0 25.56 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46524 25.56 213-46529-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2013 EDA Annual Disclosure Stmt - A 10/28/2014 0 25.56 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46529 25.56 213-46530-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2013 EDA Annual Disclosure Stmt - A 10/28/2014 0 25.56 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46530 25.56 213-46534-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2013 EDA Annual Disclosure Stmt - A 10/28/2014 0 25.56 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46534 25.56 213-46535-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2013 EDA Annual Disclosure Stmt - A 10/28/2014 0 25.56 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46535 25.56 213-46537-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2013 EDA Annual Disclosure Stmt - A 10/28/2014 0 25.56 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46537 25.56 213-46539-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2013 EDA Annual Disclosure Stmt - A 10/28/2014 0 25.56 AP- Transactions by Account (10/22/2014 - 12:09 PM) Page 2 Account Number Vendor Description The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: November 12, 2014 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer GL Date Check No Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46539 Subtotal for Fund: 213 Report Total: Amount PO No 25.56 862.28 862.28 AP- Transactions by Account (10/22/2014 - 12:09 PM) Page 3 Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th S --reet Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 -1625 USIA Voice: 612 -85.1 -5900 Fax: 612 - 851 -5951 NORTHLAND 0 SECURITIES Invoice Invoice Number: 3856 Invoice Date: 10/16/14 Page: 1 Sold To: �f< to PAY F(M I hj City of Monticello `' � Q��J�1Ya Angela Schumann IVY 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Code, Monticello, MN 55362 Code, 01344#301 +315950 Nd to aLa"& -gr aAmin atfGL� i i h �r's'}�1C1# -• Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Rep ID I Due Date Tax Increment 1 -36 Net 30 Days —� 11/15/14 Subtotal 160.00 Saics Tax Total Invoice Amount 160.00 Check No: Payment Received TOTAL Northland Securicies, Inc. 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000, Minneapotis, MN 55402 'Ah1lPccc ].- 800 - 851 -2920 Mai: 612- 851 -5900 1;,.612-851-5987 w ww. n or t li l and s e c u t it i e s, c c m Member FIMRA and SIPC NORTHLAND STRATEGIES Spacial Projects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: Tax Increment District 1 -36 Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: September 2014 Services Performed • Meeting with City staff to review proposed modification • Provide copy of resolution approving modification Staff Time Position Hours Rate Billable Senior Professional 1.00 $160 $160.00 Professional - $135 $0.00 Support - $105 $0.00 Total Staff 1.00 5160.00 Expenses Mileage $0.00 Printing $0,00 Other $0.00 Total Expenses $0.00 Total TMs Period Project Summary Total Budget* $ - Billed This Period ($160.00) Billed Previous ($240.00) Budget Remaining $ (400.00) *Billed hourly, Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th Street Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 -1625 USA Voice: 612 -851. -5-900 Fax: 612 -851- -5951 NORTHLAND 0 SECURITIES Sold To: City of Monticello Angela Schumann 505 walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice Invoice Number: 3858 Invoice Date: 10/16/14 Page: 1 r� hd I ��rvaC. We, �v 9( 15+1/�o 143 i996, NJ �qMa wa 4Y Adfvrolq �� • A.vailGtJ�t.c 't+� Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Rep Ill Due Date Tax Increment 1 -38 Net 30 Days 11/15/14 Description Amount For services related to Tax Increment District 1--38. Please see attached detail. 160.00 Subtotal 160,00 Sales Tax Total Invoice A.mUint 160.00 Check No: Payment Received TOTAL Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000, Minneapolis, MN 55402 T)11 ere 1- 800 - 851 -2920 m— 612 -851 -5900 rnx 612 -851 -5987 www.northla ndsecurities. cam Member riN RA and SIPC NORTHLAND STRATEGIES Special Projects Group INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: Tax Increment District 1 -38 Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: September 2014 Services Performed • Meeting with City staff to review proposed modification • Provide copy of resolution approving modification Staff Time Position hours Rate Billable Senior Professional 1.00 $160 $160.00 Professional - $135 $0.00 Support - $105 $0,00 Total Staff 1.00 $160.00 Expenses Mileage $0.00 Printing $0.00 Other $0.00 Total Expenses $0.00 Total This Period $160.00 Project Summary Total Budget* $ - Billed This Period ($160,00) Billed Previous ($240,00) Budget Remaining $ (400.00) *Billed hourly. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 CHECK REQUEST FROM: Kitty Baltos, Community Center Director CHECK AMOUNT: Iao. REQUEST DATE: Id �fl f Check to: Harry T. Lantto Vendor # 907 — 211 Ave S Buffalo, MN 55313 Meeting Worked: Planning Commission EDA Meeting Other Total Due: oU Date +� Time Amount Due Date Time `` 0 � � I � � Amount Due �y Date Time Planning Commission: EDA -� Amount Due Other Authorized b y 1 ._ Date r� 0 ry., L---.sv TIME SHEETS ATTACHED "Please return to KITTY for forwarding" MONTICL + +'LLO COMMUNITY CENTER TIME SHEET Employee Name HARRY LANTTO Position PUBLIC MEETING RECORDER - CONTRACT DATE FTIME IN TIME OUT Hours Worked Meeting Iecting Payment $50 for first 3 hours Agreement: $10 per hour for every hour after MEETING RECORDER: Harry T. 1, tto SIGNATURE: DATE: AUTHC DATE: Publishers, Inc, EC 4096 Cann Rapids Blvd. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Address Service Requested CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST STEW 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ❑ PLEASE CHECK BOX IF ADDRESS CHANGED & INDICATE NEW AOORESS Page # 1 Invoice Date 10/2/2014 Invoice Number I Ad Number 148424 289167 Terms Net 30 Check Number Amount Paid ACCOUNT NUMI3ER . 'START ,DATi= STOP DATE FDITEON DATE ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE .. 429204 10/02/14 1 10/02/14 1002014 Monticello Legals 952 - 392 -6829 Please return the upper portion with your payment. To pay by credit card, please call 763- 712 -2494 or B77- 326 -3600 PUB ID DATE ADA CLASS , -DESCRIPTIONITAG LINE FTYPE SIZE QTYI AMOUNT TIMES. 3MT 10/02/2014 289167 125 ANNUAL TIF REPORT LD 6.0 X 100 1 332.28 OCT Ui - 6 2014 ----- CaY OF Vi PITIC L 148424 ,.x�..aa. RC66 d :� f �zti � � ��ls�sssa!a (11011 -' E � �ts9�xailcr a et Ar pus �01I[IA'10 �9Yt�f �'14W N��K ..news csc rr a , Et ;.j '�, .��._ Wpper EGM PUBLISHERS, INC. FED. I.D. NCI. 41- 6909493 Cpletl?�dDsa I' 4 & iff F North Clow Rive news MAKER !Cwzt d Osseo M1Rait�e press �alNW �� D ]LAFE �R i A�T f � o R� I F A Net Amount 332.28 Shipping 0.00 Tax 0.00 Amount Due 332.28 SW�,Thl ,Focus SM-SAILOR SW OST VkA � P�Tll OT STa NEws FoRuT TAKE Tm $MXURRI;NT The post Review 4096 Cahn Rapids T $30 charge assessed for returned checks. Report errors within 5 days to ensure consideration. MPublishers,", EC Coon Rapids, MNI �'43� Fax 703 -bang 783,712 -2494 Fax 763 - 712.2481 csc rr a , Et ;.j '�, .��._ Unpaid balances over 30 days past due will incur a 1.5% finance charge per month Minimum .50 per month`. g p � p EGM PUBLISHERS, INC. FED. I.D. NCI. 41- 6909493 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT } Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: Monticello Times and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B) This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 10/02/2014 and the last insertion being on 10/0212014, By: 1�1.t sZ. V Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 1014212014. Notary Public �,jy� wvnrWv/��'vvv+svvvv.lWnNw.. DARLEME MARK MACPHER0 Notary Public - Minnesota �� tulyr pomm►sel on kt�tras,lan 81,x619 Rate Information: (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $18.50 per column inch Ad ID 289167 (L9 L6BZ 'V LOZ 'Z aagojao 'Aepsanyi uc sawl I ollaulluolh a4l ul payslignd) 'pays €lga;se sl ;3.p}jp 5uloueull ;uaLuar-jul ml '00,0101 pa ;unows sal}Jado!d!ay;o uo saxel u€ osearul sly; ay; umy uo bulpuedap anuana!;ap ;slp du:,ousull ivawauoul x2; ul asea!0ap a u! ;;nsau!o A;lledpunw ayl ul sa!l!ado!d 2 EDZ ul algaAed Saxe; uod 'A ;lied {olunw say; ul sa €Apado!d !ay }o !ol saxe; Al!ado!d ul asae!0u! Lrd ul s;lnsa s! _L !ay;o!o; asearuul xe; a ul ;Insa! !aqo um 2upays amen sly; '}ou;slp 3uloueull ;uawa!oul xal s ul '26!e ay} inay5nou4; ,senlen xel Al!ado!d leu ;snpul- le:auawwaa u! L4mold s ;l sa!e4s lul ISIp SulOueull ;uawa!oul xe; Ol;anquaA. 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OL9119Z $ 6EZ'L $ 909'LL $ I bE9'L7 $ "sZZ'98b $ 09E'9L $ OLS'ZE $ 89l48B $ A}padeoxel}au ;uwino ewwns a!045 -ul a;els3 sa €} 6 aid li a!sn s a ue4o!a ;uI 'oul 'aossy s;alpauaa 1Sla sa!oys ua!1 laasea s ;oH O �a IRM lead is uluW SX3 gJewpue-j I;uoV HdWo 4o!od;uad is umlunnd Wam au €aid IddlsslssM aouepulea KV 66-6 dLI Be- 6 dEi LE E dli 9 L d 5 L dli sE L dli OE L dfl 5Z 1 dl1 1,Z L dil zz L dll 0Z L d li 66 6 dli 9 -L -41-L 3014BIC uawa3e;S a!nsoloslp leauuy EM Aluoy;ny luawdclanap orwouoad ollaalluc W (u0g1?0!Hgnd Is!040) ol)oolluow ;o 40 Julie Cheney From: Cathy Shuman Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 2:40 PM To: Julie Cheney Cc: Wayne Oberg Subject: FW: ECM Inv #148424 $332.28 Attachments: ECM 100314 $234.30.pdf Julie, Not sure if this is too late, but this is okay to pay. Check with Wayne on the coding because I think it has to go under EDA and may need to be charged to a TIF district(s). "th'J .Shit mavu Deputy Clerk/Project Coordinator City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Suite 1 Monticello MN 55362 cathv .shumanOci.monticello.mn.us 763.271.3204 763.295.4404 fax From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 2:41 PM To: Cathy Shuman Subject: ECM Inv #148424 $332.28 Cathy Attached is ECM inv# 148424 for an Annual TIF report. Okay to pay $332.28? Please provide account to code to. Thanks! wl�= Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763 - 295 -3205 J ulie.chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us -�&C#TY OF Monticeflo 0-1,o) qy-� ii9 L68Z '4 L63 •Z r- -q=op Sfepsin:71 uo sswu L opoyuoy,, a4'4 u3 pa48llgDd) 'oo- oSaipatL -- sapmdad -lip ua Gmxnui asmm4,,snit `£ 60Z ul arz' ed saxes -H A u-d apnu•: satµ w sa?.4pda �=Ro j4 saxiti k7a n H L! asaanUl Ua U! slpisaJ snyl -sanPn xzt �Ciladwd!t?.�GsnPuryc�arwwao uE W+a>8 sv s�s�7s +_-was - m sur�ua•.�,77L[aillaAU, x2i ou�guo,yp aN Z�:Sz it 4£5-yV7 +l $LS gfii 7-5,-%Z or �,fs9h �� 9E�9fi g5•sz. --- �r��,fS7h ��•SZ T37S9h 9s•sz --fT- � ut� °lit ,pNojgaisa sl i3 Ws9p 8uu mlWawwaq XN ayi =q Ud 6utpuadap anuansl i�Wlp 6Lq*mvp=waneq xB; tv aSMMP a u! 4n m Xledp=w ay1 us eagiadaid Ja4'pio }aseanq Ms ul �nM A40 LM OWEL4s anlee spsl 6a' LraUgwawanuc xa_FQ Ur '.am q,.&r Warn& P-qS sl sedan M lgradWd ]-.i snpL9- j2p-wuw ul 4W-T8 aq W G*WOAm4 mn 4mdwd s2.wedstp I—,- ;;U. _- ivauaa;etg ainsopsO pnuuy £LOZ f.7!iot{!nb'Suau:dolanag arwoaoxd ol[a=67uoy� {uogE011gnd EElaalld ofloo o jo R s!P IeDSU ! pWiLo etR8P wo4p;ed aq W. sax,{ RPadwd a se U!I"a4 LZ.'4£2L `LLlLE2L 94lF£1ZL 4L11vJ'ZL £Ef4£1Z4 Z %JL£fLl 6ZlL'c/ZL 68f1EfLL 9ti 4FlCL 4ZIFElCi 4ZlL£!iL 166E £ZFLffLL £Lf1£!Z4 Uawxp-sp p-[nbw a}eq Ei0Zd9 600M 80071/- LOW9 SEMUL LOW'S tloWL vaml WML 666w UL SMUL 8064L ydEa]al --w ie Jeer Pue LP-A Z99'7a`8 S 095`8[ $ 94L`s sI869•Z 9 Z91•£L S oz 'a £Z4$iE $ ua s £6£`bL S 5D6'L4 9 L6L'8E4 8 $86 5 OZ s L95£ S ewO u� pepuadxeyieLuanul=j 4£6'S99 $ LL4'6B $ 005'Z4 $ 894.4Z S £69'99 S S 905'La $ M'8 £ 996`LL S 6£;'94 S Zs9'(ri*£ $ 90'sL S 989`ZZ 9 46891 S £LOZ UI Pa&Na WGW=UE Xel oZS'sss 9 LLH'£9 $ b69z4 $ 697'YZ $ E9Z`£9 s $ 906•LLZ s 9LO's 9 £L£`4F s S243, Lt, 9 966'09 $ In'9 $ - s S 4LOZ mp v;wmRad 7saralul Pue iedPuPd 890';88 s 9Z£'C7 $ 66S'LL $ 9£L'hZ 5 Z06'L9 $ - $ ZSL'ZSZ $ SL5'9 $ S9fi`5F $ 856' }7 $ SLL'Di£ $ 60£66 $ Lazo s 090'99 $ h7padta xe77aU pas�deg L£!.'ss£Z $ ZZ6.5 $ mPL s 3i9'i s 4;9'7 S E9Z`9 $ 9L9'LE 9 79Z`L $ £D9 $ L5V 4 4S0`8CL $ 9;0'1 S EZ9'Z 5 95 S f4,Padad xe{}au leursuo Os£`LLL'L S OSZ'ES S OL9'EL $ ZSE'9Z a ssveg 9 nn 9 uv78Z S 6£Z`L S POS`LL $ J, Iv S c"iZ'9e4 S 09£'SL S OL£iE S 841'89 S ,4gxedeo xri3au paling wwng aao7SUi aie7s3 -.IP id R S a UQ47MWE W'I'WSW =!Pauag isn SaoyS ual I--a s7apisfq Ja:SeM Ie8211S ll Umkpoz! 5wLPae'! µuov-4 HdYVg Lwad4+j 7s Un9wt+77 y4a d fddlss!�IW PU?Yl IM 6£-L dL X87 4 =U IR L 9E•L JL VE-L dLL 4c , AL OE-L Ali ez-1 jli pt-Y -LL W11 _-I1i OZ'L jll 6l•L SIi 9 "L jl1 ]v!RnC _- ivauaa;etg ainsopsO pnuuy £LOZ f.7!iot{!nb'Suau:dolanag arwoaoxd ol[a=67uoy� {uogE011gnd EElaalld ofloo o jo Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th Street Suite 2000 Minneapolis, N_N 55402 -1625 USA Voice: 612- 851 -5900 Fax: 612 -851 -5951_ NORTHLAND SECURITIES Sold To: City of Monticello Angela Schumann 505 Walnur. Street, Suite Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice Invoice Number: 3857 Invoice Date: 10/16/14 Page-, 1 apt +0 pay pcM.i n� Jo arrAI V-4A . e6 d & Cad M i n . Rot( Avail 1 4 +cr 9/1 (p/ 4 n Ve i Cz,2 Customer PO Y Payment Terms _ Sales Rep ID Due Date Tax Increment 1 -37 Net 30 Days 11/15/14 Description ,Amount For services related to Tax Increment District 1 -37. Please see attached detail., I 1 I 1n0.00 j Subtotal 160.00 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 160. 00 Check No: Payment Received TOTAL Northlancl Seauities, Inc. 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000, Minneapolis, MN 55402 Tnll Pare 1 -800 -851 -2920 ma. 612 -851 -5900 Pax 612 - 851 -5987 www.norrhlandsecurities . com Member FINRA and SIPC NORTHLAND STRATEGIES Special Projects Gro.Vp INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: Tax Increment District 1 -37 Contact: Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: September 2014 Services Performed • Meeting with City staff to review proposed modification • Provide copy of resolution approving modification Staff Time Position Hours Rate Billable Senior Professional 1.00 $160 $160.00 Professional - $135 $0.00 Support - $105 $0.00 Total Staff 1.00 $160.00 Expenses Mileage $0.00 Printing $0.00 Other $0.00 Total Expenses $0.00 Total This •Period Project Summary Total Budget* $ - Billed This Period ($160.00) Billed Previous ($240.00) Budget Remaining $ (400.00) *Billed hourly. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Accounts Payable CITY OF Transactions by Account User: Debbie.Davidson jMonti�� Printed: 11/03/2014 - 11: LOAM Batch: 00215.10.2014 oft Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213 - 46522 - 438100 XCEL ENERGY ZCULPS - 51- 0623082 -8 10/31/2014 0 17.10 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 17.10 Subtotal for Fund: 213 17.10 Report Total: 17.10 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: November 12, 2014 Approved by: Tracy Hinz, Treasurer AP- Transactions by Account (11/03/2014 - 11:10 AM) Page 1 celE ne_ rg►y® RESPONSIBLE BY NATUBEW DAILY AVERAGES Lasfl!ear'' Temperature MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 Electrlclty kWh 10103/2014 ElectricIt Cost .40.51- NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Papa 1 of 4 MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER I I MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 51- 0623082 -8 10103/2014 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE 1 r 426417514 09/08/2014 $17,10 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES (detailed char Service Current Charges 4— des begin on page 2) 14 0 kWh $17,10 $17.10 (QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? ACCOUNT BALANCE See our website: xcelenergy,com Previous Balance As Of 08/06 $17,10 Email us at: Custcmerservice @xcelenergy,com Payment Received Auto Pay 09/04 .$17,10 CR Please Call; 1- 800 -481 -4700 Balance Forward $0,00 Hearing Impaired: 1 -000- 895 -4949 Current Charges $1710 -ry Fax; 1 -800- 311 -0060 Amount Due $17,10 _ Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY 27 28 20 PO BOX 8 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL EAU CLAIRE WI 64702 -0008 This month's Resource Adjustment includes an increase in the Transmission Cost @X ce►�,x�r�y 1 Recovery Adjustment (TCR) which recovers the costs of transmission investments, 1 including delivery of renewable energy sources to customers. The TCR portion of the Resource Adjustment is $0,001153por kWh for Residential customers; $0,001095 per kWh for Commercial (Non - Demand) customers; $0,321 per kW for Demand Billed customers; and $0.000000 per kWh for Street Lighting customers. Questions? Contact us at 1- 800 -491 -4700, Thank you for your payment, RETURN BOTTOM PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT • PLEASE OO NOT USE STAPLES, TAPE OR PAPER CuI ACCOUNT NUMBER I DUE DATE 51- 0623082 -8 1 10/03/2014 $17.10 Your bill Is paid through an automated bank payment plan, AV 01019722 1187613 64 A * *5DGT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MONTICELLO EDA 606 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 Automated Sank Payment III I III Jill 11 III' 111111' Jill 11111IIIl '' pill I Jill lll11111111111 -111 XC1 L ENERGY P,Q, BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484 -9477 31 51100314 06230828 000000017100000000717110 1 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 16 10 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 2113 26 27 28 20 30 31 III I III Jill 11 III' 111111' Jill 11111IIIl '' pill I Jill lll11111111111 -111 XC1 L ENERGY P,Q, BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484 -9477 31 51100314 06230828 000000017100000000717110 Fail is the time businesses get ready or help customers get ready for winter, If your employees work on roofs or above ground, first scan the work area for power lines. Lookup and all around for electric wires. Any contact can injure or kill, Keep yourself and any tools, poles or ladders at least 10 feet away from power lines, Only qualified line clearance workers can prune trees near high voltage power lines. Always use a licensed company with qualified, line - clearance workers, TV Save Energy at the Office Change or clean HVAC filters every month during peak cooling or heating seasons. New filters usually cost only a few dollars. Dirty filters overwork the equipment and cost more to use. Source; sba,gov /content /tips- energy - efficiency METER READING INFORMATION METER 52905885 Read Dates: 08100114.09!07/1 S {32 Daysi DESCRIPTION CURRWT READING - .�. Pape 2 of 4 USAGE MAILIND ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 42085 Actual ©© Xcel E✓�ergy� 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 505 WALNUT ST 616062309268 10/03/2014 Fuel Cost Charge MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE Affordability Chrg $0.93 426417514 09/08/2014 ;17.10 ® SERVICE ADDRESS; 349 W BROADWAY ST MDNTI CELLO, MN 65382 -8366 _ $0.66 NEXT READ DATE: 10/08/14 $11.60 A, few minutes ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS $5.50 - ..... -Total for a lifetime PREM[SESNUMBER: 303057358 INVOICE NUMBER: 05:37318858 Fail is the time businesses get ready or help customers get ready for winter, If your employees work on roofs or above ground, first scan the work area for power lines. Lookup and all around for electric wires. Any contact can injure or kill, Keep yourself and any tools, poles or ladders at least 10 feet away from power lines, Only qualified line clearance workers can prune trees near high voltage power lines. Always use a licensed company with qualified, line - clearance workers, TV Save Energy at the Office Change or clean HVAC filters every month during peak cooling or heating seasons. New filters usually cost only a few dollars. Dirty filters overwork the equipment and cost more to use. Source; sba,gov /content /tips- energy - efficiency METER READING INFORMATION METER 52905885 Read Dates: 08100114.09!07/1 S {32 Daysi DESCRIPTION CURRWT READING - .�. PREVIOUS READIN9 USAGE Total EnerOy 4209G 95 ActuaI 42085 Actual D kWh ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) DESCRIPTION _ US"E UMS. -RATE N CHAROE Basic Service Ghg $10.00 Energy Charge Summer 0 kWh $0.062300 $0.00 Fuel Cost Charge 0 kWh $0.028410 $0,00 Affordability Chrg $0.93 Resource Adjustment $0.01 Interim Rate Adj _ $0.66 Subtotal $11.60 City Fees $5.50 - ..... -Total — $17.10 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR GILL For an average non - demand customer, 72% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage ling costs, and 18% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, 82% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage Ilnes, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business, i i Xcel Energy° AM LET'S CELEBRATE NATIONAL. DRIVE ELECTRIC WEEK, SEPTEMBER 15 -21 Xcel Energy can provide safe, reliable power to fuel your ride, helping you save money and do something positive for the environment. .............................................. ............................... For more information visit xcelenergy.com/EV. Pape a of 4 MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 111.10171111 MONTICELLO EDA 51- 0623062 -8 3/2014 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55382 -8822 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT GATE i ;$17.10 426417514 09/08/2014 There's Always Time to Save Energy As the summer season comes to an end, back -to- school activities start to fill up our calendars. Don't let a busy schedule prevent you from being more energy efficient, and saving money on your energy bill. Visit Responsible ByNature.com for seasonal efficiency tips and to learn more about our energy efficiency programs. p- Xcel Energy's Historical Fact of the Month The abundant water resources of the upper Midwestwere harnessed for the production of hydroelectric power late in the 19th century and early in the 20th century, amlmllnculrlo,# PAYMIlLft X081 Energy Electric Emergencies; 1 -800- 895 -1999 24 hours, 7 days a week Natural Gas Emergencies; 1- 800 -895 -2999 24 hours, 7 days a week Residential Customer Service:* 1- 800.895 -4999 24 hours, 7 days a weak Business Solutions Center :* 1 -800- 481 -4700 Dam —fill Mon — Fri TTD/TTY 1- 800 -B95 -4949 2411011rs, 7 days a Week Call Before You Dig 811 8om- 5pm, Mon —Fri amlmllnculrlo,# PAYMIlLft X081 Energy Xoel Energy PO Box 8 PO Box 9477 Eau Claire, WI 54702•DQDB Minneapolis, MN 55484 -9477 xcelenergy,com Please Include stub for faster processing. *Register any inquiry or complaint at the above, City Fees _ governing Rego Intaor r Age "_ � A fee some cities impose that Xcel Energy collects from customers slid pays directly to the city, The Mhmosote public Willies Commission regulates this utility and Is nvatlahle for mediation. P I MN r6101 2147 t t Electron(e Check Conversion When you pay your bill by check, in most cases Xcel Energy will use your check information to make a one -time electronic debit from your checking account on the day we receive your check. There are no fees for this electronic convorsion, In all other cssaswe will process your check, Environmental Information Fuels used to generate alectricity have different costs, reliability and air omissions, For moro informatloli, contaclXcel Energy at 1 -800- 895 -4999 cr online at wwwxoaianargy,com, You can also contact the Minnesota Departmentof Commerce stwww,commarce,state,mmus orthe Minnesota Pollution Control Agency etwww.pca, state, mn,uslprogramstaloctricity.html, Estimated Bills Xcel Energy attempts to read meters each month, If no reading is token, Xcel Energy estimates your month's hill based on your past use, Affordability Charlie A surcharge to recover the costs of offering bill payment asslstnnce and discount programs for law - income customers. Basic Service Charge Fixed monthly charge for certain fixed costs (metering, blllhng; maintenance, etc,) Conservation Improvement Programs Minnesota law requires Xcel Enorgy to invest In programs tiiat help customers save onargy, Demand Charge Charge to commercleI and industrial customere for the fixed costs of the electric capoolty required to meet the peak electric loads on Xcel Energy's system, The charge, which is adjusted seescnally, applies to the highest 15 minuta kW demand during die billing period. Energy Chsme Charge per kWh of electricity usage to recover the variable costs of producing energy, EnvironnlentallmpravementRider Minnesota law allows Xcel Energy to recover the costs of algniflcantenvironmental improvements atthree ofXcel Energy's fossil fuel power plants. Fuel Clause Adjustment Charge per kWh to recover the costs of fuef need od to run Xael Energy's ge3norating plants, as wah as the cost of purchasing energy from other suppliers. kWh — One kilowatt -hour (kWh) is a unit of electrical usage, Oils kWh equals 1,000 watts of electricity used for one hour. This is enough electricity to light a 100 -watt light bulb for 10 hours, Basic Service Charge Monthly charge for certain fixed costs (metering, billing, maintenance, etc,) Chains perthemt CCatergo to recover th a cost of natural g as purchouse from whoiesaIs supplie rs and delivored to Xoel Energy's distribution system vie pipeline. This charge is adjusted each month. Conservation Improvement Programs _ Minnesota law requires Xcal Energy to invest in programs that help customers save energy, Distribution Chorae Charge pertherm that covers only the delivery casts of natural gas to a home or business dnrwgh our distribution system, It does not include the charges for tha natural gas itself, GasAtfordahility Program A surcharge to recover the costs of offering a low- income customer ca -pay program designed to reduce natural gas service disconnsctlons, Billed to all {ion - interruptible customers, Standard Payment Options; INa fees applyl My Acaountle6jIITM -- Viewipay your bill, view energy usage and access account information, • Auto Pay — Automatically pay your hill directly from your hank account. + Online View and Pay —View and pay your bills online, • Pay By Phone —Make your payment by phone from your checking or savings occount by calling 1 -800. 896.4999, o Pay By Mail — return the enclosed envelope and attached bill stub with your payment Apply proper postage. MPUC 1217th P ace E„ 5u 1t0 350, St, au , c — vvww,pucs a e,mn.us. Late Pa ment Charge Xcel Energy will sauces a late payment charge on unpaid amounts twoworking days after the due date, The late paymentoharge Is 1,15% monthly, or $t,wholievoris greater, No late payment charge wih he assessed if the unpaid amount la lesuthan $10. moment jog onelbt ty If the name on the front of your bill Is not that of a person or business who has payment responsibility, call Xcel Energy at 1.500. 895.4999. Further Informntlon is avallablo to customers upon request. Mlnnesoto low allows Xcol Energy to reoovur costs related to reducing Mercury emissions at two of Xcel Energy's fossil fuel powerplants, ,♦�i ,�rgp s e alep�m Fund _ Minnesota law requires Xcol Energy to allocate money to support development of-renewable energy projects and research and development of renewable energy technologies. Hewrhl.o Inemy Standard Minnesota law allowa XGBI Energy to recover the costs of now renewable generation, osourae 8 lgglment This includes costs related to; Ccnservaton Improvement Programs, Mercury Cost Hecovery, Renewable Development Fund, renewable Energy Standard, State Energy Policy, Transmission Cost Recovery §jffjp_Ejej y Polley Minnesota law allows Xcel Energy to recovercoste related toveriow energy policies approved by the Loglelatura, halmd shag Cost Recovary Minnesota low allows Xuai Energytc r000ver costs asecclated wide new investments in the electric transmission system neoossaryto deliverelectrlc energy to customers. Wi d s WlndsourcoOls an optlonal program whoreycu choose howmuoln wind enorgyyouwould like to support, You can choose a fixed number of Wlndsawc0 blacks (100 kWh each) or chcase a 100% Windsourese option. eat�ContontAd ustment easelefev ances Ill the heatlngcspebT IlilyoiiatuY�gk_ annd die adjuslmeritvee0smariUily, The higher the host content,the IOyJert lOVOILnne of natural ges needed to provide the same heating. Pressure Correction Adjustment Ad }uats forvariances fn the amount of noturai gas meastued by differant typas of meters due to pressure differences hi the natural gos dellvered to a service. Rosouroe Adjustment Thls Includes costs rolatod to Conservation Improvoment Programs en d State Energy Policy Ill e $We 6noro Polio VI nnoseto law allows Xcel Energy to recover costs related to verlous energy policies approved bythe Leglalotura, Therm. A therm Is a unit of heating value equal to 100,000 British Thermal Units (BTUsh Since natural gas meters maasure the volume of natural gas consumed In cubic fset,lhe Hsat Content Adjustment Is used to determine how much heat, In therms, Is contained ht the volume consumed, Other Payment Options lThird -Party Fees will apply. Xcal Energy does not collect nor benefit from those fees,) CrediVOeblt Card Payment —Use Your ore dIt ordabitcard either Online or by calling 1.888.747.1523, Pay Stations —Pay your blh hi-person eta location near you, L6arn more atxc Won orgy, com/MyAccount in EDA Agenda - 11/12/14 5. Consideration of Market Matching Report. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND John Uphoff of the WSB Market Matching team will be present to provide an update on the efforts and activities completed over the last month. Mr. Uphoff's verbal report will include an update on the GreaterMSP SalesForce CRM product, and recent staff discussions on integration and broadening of the "Destination for Innovation" Unique Selling Proposition. Mr. Uphoff's report to the City Council in October can also be viewed by visiting www.ci.monticello.mn.us and clicking on the "City Council' tab, then on the "Watch a Meeting" link. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Not applicable. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Monthly Market Matching Summaries, September & October WSB &Assoc- engineering- planning• environmental• construction 9/29/14 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: September Monticello Market Matching Update Dear Mr. O'Neill: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel 763 - 541 -4800 Fax 763 - 541 -1700 Per our communication plan, the aim of this report is to provide you with an update on activities that occurred during the month of September as it relates to the Market Matching service contract. This report will be distributed to City Staff, as well as the City's EDA and City Council. Meetings WSB Held /Attended: • EDA /City -Owned Property Tour • Regular EDA Meeting • ACEC PAC Meeting • WCEDP State of the Cities Meeting • EDAM Fall Forum • Block 34 RFEI kick -off meeting • Bi- Weekly Meetings with City Staff • Meeting with TOLD Development • Meeting with Burke Property Management WSB Market Matching Efforts: • WSB followed up with bakery prospect. • WSB followed up with prospect for Fred's Auto site. • WSB met with TOLD Development to have preliminary discussions related to the Block 34 RFEI. The developer has interest and is willing to conduct a personal site visit this fall. Follow up is ongoing. • WSB met with Burke Property Management to explore prospects for development of senior living facility. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com Page 2 • WSB began updating the Site Flyers to market Fred's Auto site and the properties on North Cedar. • WSB began work on collecting and organizing industrial site data based on the project Axel RFI. • WSB updated the City Site Maps. • WSB has continued work on the housing demand analysis and will provide a draft to City staff for review. Final Housing Demand Analysis is slated to be presented to City Council and EDA by end of October. • WSB refined the list of developers in preparation for the downtown redevelopment RFP. All developers will receive a community flyer highlighting Block 34 as well as the other three blocks at the intersection of CSAH 75 /Hwy 25. Sincerely, 94UIL') --Ift John Uphoff WSB & Associates, Inc. WSB &Assoc- engineering- planning• environmental• construction 10/27/2014 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: October Monticello Market Matching Update Dear Mr. O'Neill: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel 763 - 541 -4800 Fax 763 - 541 -1700 Per our communication plan, the aim of this report is to provide you with an update on activities that occurred during the month of October as it relates to the Market Matching service contract. This report will be distributed to City Staff, as well as the City's EDA and City Council. Meetings WSB Held /Attended: • EDA /City -Owned Property Tour — Block 34 Work Session • Regular City Council Meeting • St. Cloud Chamber Connection meeting • Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation Business Development • Urban Land Institute — Inside the Leadership Studio • Bi- Weekly Meetings with City Staff • ReSTOREing Downtown Meeting • Site Tour & Meeting with Owen Gossett — Prospect for Fred's Auto site • Sensible Land Use Coalition monthly meeting • MNCAR 8 t annual Commercial Real Estate Expo WSB Market Matching Efforts: • WSB updated the Site Flyers for Fred's Auto Site, Properties on North Cedar, and Otter Creek Industrial Park • WSB began creating site signs for Fred's Auto Site and Properties on North Cedar • Scheduled meeting with Exeter— EDA /City Owned property redevelopment prospect Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com Page 2 • Followed up with Angelos Angelou —Corporate Site Selection Consultant— Meeting Scheduled for November Sincerely, 94U, �) _qfhl John Uphoff WSB & Associates, Inc. EDA Agenda - 11/12/14 6. Consideration of an update and EDA direction regarding EDA vacancies. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND For the EDA's information, staff is providing an update and requesting direction regarding the current status of representation on the EDA Board of Commissioners. The EDA currently has an open position previously held by Commissioner Dragsten. Mr. Dragsten's seat has been vacated pursuant to the Amended and Restated Resolution Enabling the Creation of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, Resolution No. 2013 -010, Section 2.04, which states "A vacancy is created in the membership of the EDA when a City Council member of the board of commissioners ends Council membership, when any Commissioner ends EDA membership prior to expiration of his or her term of office, on the day following the expiration of a commissioner's term of office, or when a commissioner is removed by the City Council subject to the terms of section 2.07 hereof." The Enabling Resolution Section 2.06 further states that "All members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council, subject to the terms of Section 2.07 hereof. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor with the confirmation of the City Council. ". Staff has therefore posted a volunteer opportunity for the vacant EDA commissioner position and has notified the EDA President of this posting. The EDA is asked at this time to provide staff with additional direction on the timeline and interviewing procedure for this position, which must be filled per Section 2.06 noted above. For example, the EDA may wish to interview for this position in conjunction with the City Council and then recommend appointment to the Mayor and City Council. In addition, the EDA is asked to provide staff with direction as related to the position currently held by Commissioner Matt Frie. Mr. Frie has been absent from five consecutive EDA meetings as of the date of this report. Staff has attempted correspondence with Mr. Frie regarding his capacity and willingness to continue service via last known/provided phone number, email address and mailing address. Unfortunately, no response to these communications has been received. The Amended and Restated Resolution Enabling the Creation of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, Section 2.07, states "A commissioner may be removed by the City Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office. A commissioner shall be removed only after a hearing. A copy of the charges must be given to the commissioner at least 10 days before the hearing. The commissioner must be given an opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel at the hearing. When written charges have been submitted against a commissioner, the City Council may temporarily suspend the commissioner. If the City Council finds that those charges have not been substantiated, the commissioner shall be immediately reinstated. If a commissioner is removed, a record of the proceedings, together with the charges and findings, shall be filed in the office of the City Administrator." Substantively similar language is also found in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.095 (applicable statute for Economic Development Authorities). The EDA Bylaws stipulate that appointment, terms, vacancies, pay and removal shall be in accordance with the Enabling Resolution and City Ordinance. City Ordinance 2 -3 also references the Enabling Resolution. At this time, the EDA is asked whether it wishes to direct preparation of formal written charges ( "charges" is language from the EDA Act and the enabling resolution, and is the basis upon which the EDA is authorized to consider removal) as specified via Section 2.07 of the Enabling Resolution and to request that the City Council consider this matter in conjunction with the EDA, with a hearing to be held by the City Council in December, 2014 after a copy of charges has been given to the Commissioner. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to direct preparation of formal written charges as related to the position held by Commissioner Frie as specified via Section 2.07 of the Enabling Resolution and to request that the City Council consider this matter in conjunction with the EDA, with a hearing to be held by the City Council in December, 2014 after a copy of charges has been given to the Commissioner. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Amended and Restated Resolution Enabling the Creation of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, Resolution No. 2013 -0 10 B. Bylaws of the Economic Development Authority C. City Code, Title 2, Chapter 3 — Economic Development Authority D. MN Statute 469.095 E. Written Correspondence Record, Commissioner Matt Frie 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2013-010 AMENDED AND RESTATED RESOLUTION ENABLING THE CREATION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota ( "City ") as follows: Section 1. Background and Findings 1.01. The City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081 (the "EDA Act") to establish an economic development authority to coordinate and administer economic development and redevelopment plans and programs for the City. 1.02. By Ordinance No. 172, approved April 10, 1989 and codified in the City Code as Title II, Chapter 3 (the "Enabling Ordinance "), the City established the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("EDA"), for the purpose of coordinating and administering economic development activities in and for the City. 1.03. By resolutions approved on October 22, 2007 and January 14, 2008, the City transferred to the EDA the control, authority and operation of all projects administered by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and adopted an Amended and Restated Enabling Resolution (the "Enabling Resolution"), which superceded the Enabling Ordinance in all respects. 1.04. The City Council further amended the Enabling Resolution after a duly noticed public hearing on February 27, 2012. 1.05. The City Council has now determined to revise and clarify certain provisions of the Enabling Resolution by the adoption of this resolution. 1.06. The City Council has, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 469.093, provided public notice and conducted a public hearing on the date hereof, at which all persons wishing to be heard were given an opportunity to express their views, concerning the proposed modifications to the Enabling Resolution. 1.07. This resolution constitutes an amendment and restatement of the Enabling Resolution of February 27, 2012, and supercedes such Enabling Resolution in all respects. Section 2. Enabling Authority. 2.01. The EDA was established pursuant to the EDA Act under the Enabling Ordinance as adopted April 10, 1989 and codified as Title II, Chapter 3 of the City Code, as amended and restated by this resolution. 2.02. The EDA shall be composed of 7 commissioners to be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. 2.03. Two of the commissioners shall be members of the City Council. The terms of office of the two members of the City Council shall coincide with their terms of office as members of the City Council. The remaining five (5) commissioners shall be initially appointed for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years respectively. Thereafter, all non - Council commissioners shall be appointed for six -year terms. 2.04. A vacancy is created in the membership of the EDA when a City Council member of the board of commissioners ends Council membership, when any commissioner ends EDA membership prior to expiration of his or her term of office, on the day following the expiration of a commissioner's term of office, or when a commissioner is removed by the City Council subject to the terms of Section 2.07 hereof . A vacancy for this or any other reason must be filled for a new term or the balance of the unexpired term, as applicable, in the manner in which the original appointment was made. 2.05. All of the commissioners who are not members of the City Council must be either residents of the City, business - owners in the City, or property- owners in the City. 2.O6. All commissioners shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council, subject to the terms of Section 2.07 hereof. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor with the confirmation of the City Council. 2.07. A commissioner may be removed by the City Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office. A commissioner shall be removed only after a hearing. A copy of the charges must be given to the commissioner at least 10 days before the hearing. The commissioner must be given an opportunity to be heard in person or by the counsel at the hearing. When written charges have been submitted against the commissioner, the City Council may temporarily suspend the commissioner. If the City Council finds that those charges have not been substantiated, the commissioner shall be immediately reinstated. If a commissioner is removed, a record of the proceedings together with the charges and findings shall be filed in the office of the City Administrator. 2.08. The City Council shall make available to the FDA such appropriations as it deems fit for salaries, fees, and expenses necessary in the conduct of its work. The EDA shall have authority to expend all budgeted sums so appropriated and recommend the expenditures of other sums made available for its use from grants, gifts, and other sources for the purposes and activities authorized by this resolution. Section 3. Officers and Meetings. 3.01. The EDA shall elect a president, vice president, treasurer, assistant treasurer, and secretary annually. A commissioner must not serve as president and vice president at the same time. The other offices may be held by the same commissioner. The other offices of the secretary and assistant treasurer need not be held by a commissioner. 3.02. The EDA shall adopt rules and procedures not inconsistent with the provisions of this Enabling Resolution or as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.096, and as may be necessary for the proper execution and conduct of its business. The EDA shall adopt bylaws and rules to govern its procedures and for the transaction of its business and shall keep a record of attendance at its meetings and/or resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations showing the vote of each commissioner on each question requiring a vote, or if absent or abstaining from voting, indicating such fact. The records of the EDA shall be a public record, except for those items classified by law as nonpublic data. 3.03. The EDA shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings may be called by the president as needed. 3.04. All administrative procedures, including contract for services, purchases of supplies, and financial transactions and duties shall be outlined in the bylaws of the EDA. Section 4. Staff. 4.01. The City Administrator, or any other person designated in writing by the City Administrator and approved by a majority of the EDA commissioners, shall be designated as Executive Director of the EDA. 4.02. Subject to limits set by the appropriations or other funds made available, the EDA may employ such staff, technicians, and experts as may be deemed proper, and may incur such other expenses as may be necessary and proper for the conduct of its affairs. Section 5. Functions, Powers, and Duties. 5.01. Except as specifically limited by the provisions of Section 6 of this Enabling Resolution, the EDA shall have the authority granted it pursuant to the EDA Act. 5.02. The EDA shall manage the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (the "Fund ") the purpose of which is to encourage economic development by making loans to private businesses. The EDA shall make loans to eligible businesses, and such loan(s) shall serve a public purpose as defined in the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Guidelines (Fund Guidelines). The Fund Guidelines are hereby adopted by reference and included in the bylaws of the EDA. No changes to the fund Guidelines shall be made without approval of the City Council, 5.03. The EDA may be a limited partner in a partnership whose purpose is consistent with the EDA's purpose. 5.04. The EDA may issue general obligation bonds and revenue bonds when authorized by the City Council and pledge as security for the bonds the full faith, credit, and resources of the City or such revenues as may be generated by projects undertaken by the EDA. 5.05. The EDA may cooperate with or act as agent for the federal or state government or a state public body, or an agency or instrumentality of a government or other public body to carry out the powers granted it by the EDA Act or any other related federal, state, or local law in the area of economic development district improvement. 5.06. The EDA may annually develop and present an economic development strategy and present it to the City Council for consideration and approval. 5.07. The EDA may join an official, industrial, commercial, or trade association or other organization concerned with such purposes, hold reception of officials who may contribute to advancing the City and its economic development, and carry out other appropriate public relations activities to promote the city and its economic development. 5.08. The EDA may perform such other duties which may be lawfully assigned to it by the City. All city employees shall, upon request and within a reasonable time, furnish the EDA or its employees or agents such available records or information as may be required in its work. The EDA or its employees or agents may, in the performance of official duties, enter upon lands and make examinations or surveys in the same manner as other authorized City agents or employees and shall have such other powers as are required for the performance of official functions in carrying out the purposes of this resolution. Section 6. Limitations of Power. 6.01. The following limits apply to the FDA and its operation: (a) The sale of bonds or other obligations of the EDA must be approved by the City Council. (b) The EDA must follow the budget process for City departments in accordance with City policies, ordinances, and resolutions and the City charter. (c) Development and redevelopment actions of the EDA must be in conformity to the City comprehensive plan and official controls implementing the comprehensive plan. (d) The FDA must submit its plans for development and redevelopment to the City Council for approval in accordance with City planning procedures and laws. (e) Except when previously pledged by the EDA, the City Council may, by resolution, require the EDA to transfer any portion of the reserves generated by activities of the EDA that the City Council determines are not necessary for the successful operation of the EDA to the debt service funds of the city to be used solely to reduce tax levies for bonded indebtedness of the City. (f) The administrative structure and management practices and policies of the EDA must be approved by the City Council. (g) The EDA shall submit all planned activities for influencing the action of any other governmental agency, subdivision, or body to the City Council for approval. 6.02. The EDA may exercise all the powers under the EDA Act, including, but not limited to, the following: (a) all powers under the HRA Act. (b) all powers of a city under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.124 to 469.134. (c) all powers and duties of a redevelopment agency under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469,165 for a purpose in the HRA Act or the EDA Act, and all powers and duties in the HRA Act and the EDA Act for a purpose in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165. (d) the authority to acquire property, exercise the right of eminent domain; make contracts for the purpose of redevelopment and economic development; serve as a limited partner in a partnership whose purpose is consistent with the EDA's purpose; buy supplies and materials needed to carry out development within the EDA Act; and operate and maintain public parking facilities. (e) the authority to issue bonds in accordance with the EDA Act and the HRA Act. (f) the authority to levy special benefit taxes in accordance with Section 469.033, subdivision 6 of the HRA Act in order to pay or finance public redevelopment costs (as defined in the HRA Act), subject to approval by the City Council in accordance with Section 469.033, subdivision 6. (g) all powers under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.474 to 469.179. 6.03. As provided in the EDA Act, it is the intention of the City Council that nothing in this resolution nor any activities of the EDA are to be construed to impair the obligations of the City or HRA under any of their contracts or to affect in any detrimental manner the rights and privileges of a holder of a bond or other obligation heretofore issued by the City, the EDA or the HRA. Section 7. Implementation. 7.01. The City Council will from time to time and at the appropriate time adopt such ordinances and resolutions as are required and permitted by the EDA Act to give full effect to this resolution. 7.02. The Mayor, the City Administrator, and other appropriate City officials are authorized and directed to take the actions and execute and deliver the documents necessary to give full effect to this resolution. 7.03. Nothing in this resolution is intended to prevent the City from modifying this Enabling Resolution to impose new or different limitations on the EDA as authorized by the EDA Act. ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Monticello on this 25th day of March, 2013. CITY OF MONTICELLO Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeft,OXVII, City Administrator BYLAWS OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ARTICLE I - THE AUTHORITY Section 1. Name of Authority, The name of the Authority shall be the "City of Monticello Economic Development Authority." Section 2. Office of Authority. The office of the Authority shall be at the City Hall in the City of Monticello, State of Minnesota, but the Authority may hold its meetings at such other place or places as it may designate by resolution. Section 3. Seal of Authoritv. The seal of the Authority shall be in the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the Authority and the year of its organization. Section 4. Establishment. The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority is established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.090 to 469.1081, as amended. ARTICLE II - THE COMMISSIONERS Section 1. Appointment, Terms, Vacancies, Pay, and Removal. Shall be in accordance with the Amended and Restated Resolution Enabling the Creation of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority dated October 22, 2007 and as it may be amended (the "Enabling Resolution ") and Section 2 -3 -1 of Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota (the "Ordinance "). ARTICLE HI - THE OFFICERS Section 1. Officers. The Authority shall elect a president, a vice president, a treasurer, a secretary, and an assistant treasurer at the annual meeting. A commissioner must not serve as president and vice president at the same time. The other offices may be held by the same commissioner. The offices of secretary and assistant treasurer need not be held by a commissioner, Section 2. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Authority. Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, the President and the Executive Director (the Assistant Treasurer, in the Executive Director's absence or incapacity) shall sign all contracts, deeds, and other instruments made or executed by the Authority, except that all checks of the Authority shall be signed by the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. At each meeting the President shall submit such recommendations and information as he or she may consider proper concerning the business, affairs, and policies of the Authority. Section 3. Vice President. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President, including signing all contracts, deeds, and 325599v5 MN1 MN190 -130 other instruments executed by the Authority; and in the case of the resignation or death of the President, the Vice President shall perform such duties as are imposed on the President until such time as the Board shall select a new President. Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Board and shall maintain all records of the Authority. The office of Secretary may be held by the Executive Director upon approval thereof by the Authority. Section 5. Treasurer's Duties. The treasurer; (1) shall receive and is responsible for Authority money; (2) is responsible for the acts of the assistant treasurer; (3) shall disburse Authority money by check only; (4) shall keep an account of the source of all receipts and the nature, purpose, and authority of all disbursements; (5) shall file the Authority's detailed financial statement with its secretary at least once a year at times set by the Authority; and (6) shall prepare and submit an annual report describing the Authority's activities and providing an accurate statement of its financial condition to the City of Monticello by no later than one month following the annual meeting of the Authority. Section 6. Assistant Treasurer. The assistant treasurer has the powers and duties of the treasurer if the treasurer is absent or disabled. Section 7. Public Money- Authority money is public money. ARTICLE IV - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The City Administrator shall be designated as Executive Director of the Authority. Section t. Duties. The Executive Director shall have general supervision over the administration of the Authority's business and affairs subject to the direction of the Authority. The Executive Director in his or her own name and title shall keep the records of the Authority, shall act as recorder of the meetings of the Authority and record all votes, and shall keep record of the proceedings of the Authority in a journal of proceedings to be kept for such purpose, and shall perform all duties incident to the office. The Executive Director shall, with the President, sign all contracts, deeds, and other instruments executed by the Authority, and shall keep in sole custody the seal of the Authority and shall have power to affix such seal to all contracts and instruments authorized to be executed by the Authority. 2 325599v5 MNI MN190 -130 Any person appointed to fill the office of Executive Director, or any vacancy herein, shall have such terms as the Authority fixes, but no commissioner of the Authority shall be eligible to serve as the Executive Director. ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Section 2. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Authority shall be held in conjunction with the regular February meeting at the regular meeting place of the Authority. The August regular meeting shall include final fund balances reviewed at the Annual Meeting. Section 3. Sl -vcial Meetings. Special meetings of the Authority may be called by the President, two members of the Authority, or the Executive Director for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. All commissioners of the Authority shall be notified. Section 4. Quorum. At any meeting of the Authority, the presence of four commissioners shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present at any meeting, those present shall have power to adjourn the meeting from time to time without notice other than announcement at such meeting until the requisite number of votes shall be present to constitute a quorum. At any such adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called. Any resolution, election, or other formal action of the Authority shall be adopted upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the Authority membership. Section 5. Rules of Procedure. Unless otherwise specified in the Enabling Resolution, the Ordinance, or in these bylaws, all meetings of the Authority shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts' Rules of Order revised. Section 6. Manner of Voting. The voting on all questions coming before the Authority shall be voice unless the President calls for a roll call vote. The yeas and nays shall be entered upon the minutes of such meetings. ARTICLE VI - EMPLOYEES; SERVICES; SUPPLIES Section 1. Employees. Subject to limits set by the appropriations or other funds made available, the Authority may employ such staff, technicians, and experts as may be deemed proper and may incur such other expenses as may be necessary and proper for the conduct of its affairs. Section 2. Contract for Services. The Authority may contract for services of consultants, agents, public accountants, and other persons needed to perform its duties and exercise its powers. Section 3. Legal Services. The Authority may use the services of the city attorney or 325599v5 MN MN190 -130 hire a general counsel for its legal needs. The city attorney or general counsel, as determined by the Authority, is its chief legal advisor. Section 4. Supplies. The Authority may purchase the supplies and materials it needs to carry out its function pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081. Section 5. City Purchasing, The Authority may use the facilities of its city's purchasing department in connection with construction work and to purchase equipment, supplies, or materials. Section 6. Cite Facilities. Services. The City may furnish offices, structures and space, and stenographic, clerical, engineering, or other assistance to the Authority. Section 7. Delegation Power. The Authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or employees powers or duties as it may deem proper. ARTICLE VII - POWERS Section 1. Functions. Powers and Duties. Shall be in accordance with the Enabling Resolution and Section 2 -3 -4 of the Ordinance. Section 2. Limitations of Power. Shall be in accordance with the Enabling Resolution and Section 2 -3 -5 of the Ordinance. ARTICLE VIII - AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendment to Bylaws. The bylaws of the Authority shall be amended by a majority vote of the Authority membership at a regular or special meeting. The amendments must be in written form. Section 2. Conflicts. In any instance where these bylaws are in conflict with the Enabling Resolution or Ordinance, the Enabling Resolution and Ordinance shall control. Section 3. Effective Date. These bylaws are effective upon their adoption by the Authority. Dated: April 10th, 2013. (Seal) Ll 325599v5 MNI MN190 -130 Signed: President five Director CHAPTER 3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SECTION: 2 -3 -1: Recitals 2 -3 -2: Powers Allocated to EDA 2 -3 -3: No Powers Allocated to HRA 2 -3 -4: Powers Retained by City 2 -3 -5: Amendment 2 -3 -6: Codification 2 -3 -1: Creation As authorized by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 469, the City Council of Monticello has established an Economic Development Authority by passing an enabling resolution, the current version of which has been filed in the office of the City Clerk. (9551,2/27/12) (9469A, 12/10/07) MONTICELLO CITY CODE TITLE II / Chapter 3 / Page 1 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2014 469.095 469.095 COMMISSIONERS; APPOINTMENT, TERMS, VACANCIES, PAY, REMOVAL. Subdivision 1. Commissioners. Except as provided in subdivision 2, paragraph (d), an economic de- velopment authority shall consist of either three, five, or seven commissioners who shall be appointed after the enabling resolution provided for in section 469.093 becomes effective. The resolution must indicate the number of commissioners constituting the authority. Subd. 2. Appointment, terms; vacancies. (a) Three- member authority: the commissioners constituting a three - member authority, one of whom must be a member of the city council, shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. Those initially appointed shall be appointed for terms of two, four, and six years, respectively. Thereafter all commissioners shall be appointed for six -year terms. (b) Five - member authority: the commissioners constituting a five- member authority, two of whom must be members of the city council, shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. Those initially appointed shall be appointed for terms of two, three, four, five, and six years respectively. Thereafter all commissioners shall be appointed for six -year terms. (c) Seven - member authority: the commissioners constituting a seven - member authority, two of whom must be members of the city council, shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. Those initially appointed shall be appointed for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years respectively and two members for six years. Thereafter all commissioners shall be appointed for six -year terms. (d) The enabling resolution may provide that the members of the city council shall serve as the com- missioners. (e) The enabling resolution may provide for the appointment of members of the city council in excess of the number required in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c). (f) A vacancy is created in the membership of an authority when a city council member of the authority ends council membership. A vacancy for this or another reason must be filled for the balance ofthe unexpired term, in the manner in which the original appointment was made. The city council may set the term of the commissioners who are members of the city council to coincide with their term of office as members of the city council. Subd. 3. Increase in commission members. An authority may be increased from three to five or seven members, or from five to seven members by a resolution adopted by the city council following the procedure provided for modifying the enabling resolution in section 469.093. Subd. 4. Compensation and reimbursement. A commissioner, including the president, shall be paid for attending each regular or special meeting of the authority in an amount to be determined by the city council. In addition to receiving pay for meetings, the commissioners may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in doing official business of the authority. All money paid for compensation or reimbursement must be paid out of the authority's budget. Subd. 5. Removal for cause. A commissioner may be removed by the city council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office. A commissioner shall be removed only after a hearing. A copy of the charges must be given to the commissioner at least ten days before the hearing. The commissioner must be given an opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel at the hearing. When written charges have been submitted against a commissioner, the city council may temporarily suspend the commissioner. If the city council finds that those charges have not been substantiated, the commissioner shall be immediately Copyright © 2014 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. 469.095 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2014 reinstated. If a commissioner is removed, a record of the proceedings, together with the charges and findings, shall be filed in the office of the city clerk. History: 1987 c 291 s 96 Copyright © 2014 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. M0 CItTY OF icello Mr. Matthew Frie 214 Jerry Liefert Dr, Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Monticello Economic Development Authority Dear Mr. Frie, PHONE: 763 -295 -2711 FAx:763 -295 -4404 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 October 24a', 2014 I am writing to you on behalf of the Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA). This letter serves as an effort to determine whether you wish to remain on the EDA at this time. In your role as one of seven appointed Commissioners for the EDA, you have not attended an EDA meeting since May of 2014. There have been five regular meetings of the EDA since May. Your contributions to the EDA are greatly appreciated and staff is seeking to understand your capacity and willingness to continue service at this time. I have tried previously to reach you via email and voice mail. If you could please contact me by October 31St, 2014 with information on your desire to remain a participating member of the Monticello EDA, I would appreciate it greatly. Sincerely, Angela Community Development Director C: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator and Executive Director of Monticello EDA \� CITY OF Mo ifceRo Mr. Matthew Frie 214 Jerry Liefert Dr, Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Monticello Economic Development Authority PHONE: 763 -295 -2711 Fnx:763 -295 -4404 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 SECOND ATTEMPT - SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Dear Mr. Frie, November 3rd, 2014 I am writing to you on behalf of the Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA). This letter serves as an effort to determine whether you wish to remain on the EDA at this time. In your role as one of seven appointed Commissioners for the EDA, you have not attended an EDA meeting since May of 2014. There have been five regular meetings of the EDA since May. Your contributions to the EDA are greatly appreciated and staff is seeking to understand your capacity and willingness to continue service at this time. I have tried previously to reach you via email and voice mail. If you could please contact me by November 17a', 2014 with information on your desire to remain a participating member of the Monticello EDA, I would appreciate it greatly. I have attached a copy of the previously mailed correspondence for reference, as well. Sincerely, Angel ann Community Development Director C: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator and Executive Director of Monticello EDA www.ci.rnonticello.rnn.us EDA Agenda: 11/12/14 7. Economic Development Director's Report (JO /AS) Block 34 Follow -Up At the time of this report, each of the three consultants engaged to evaluate City or EDA owned property on Block 34 (WSB & Associates, LHB, and Meyer Borgman Johnson) had visited the sites and are in the process of completing their evaluations and reports. Staff expects to have received drafts of all evaluations /reports by the end of November. At that time, each will be evaluated for further recommendation to the EDA. TH 25 /CSAH 75 Intersection Improvement On October 27th, 2014, the City Council approved the Final Intersection Concept Plan for the proposed TH 25 /CSAH 75 Improvements. Please visit the City Council page of the City's website for additional information on this item. Initiative Foundation A thank you letter from the Initiative Foundation is attached for the EDA's reference. Commissioner Dragsten A letter of thanks to the EDA is enclosed. Staff will also present a short verbal tribute to Mr. Dragsten as part of this report. (320) 632 -9255 405 First Strect SE Little Falls, MN 56345 October 23, 2014 Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Stel Monticello MN 55362 -8822 Dear Mr. O'Neill, On behalf of the Initiative Foundation, it is our privilege to express a most sincere thank you for your ongoing generosity. We were delighted to receive your recent pledge of $2,250. For your convenience, we will a send pledge reminder in the month prior to your scheduled payment. Your partnership enables us to strengthen Central Minnesota by making common -sense investments — one community, one organization and one project at a time. The lagging effect of the economic recovery is still being felt by many families, but together we are harnessing the power and the possibilities when good people and good ideas converge to create a brighter future. Please know that your investment in Central Minnesota is deeply valued and conservatively managed. The Foundation is proud to maintain an average charitable return on investment of 452 percent. If there is anything we can do for you, please don't hesitate to call our office directly. Thank you again for your generosity, Kath Gaalsw k� Eric Stommes aXA Y j v President Vice President for External Relations P.S. — The Foundation hosts and manages family foundations, nonprofit endowments and a variety of other charitable funds, Please keep us in mind as a resource for leaving a legacy in your community. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your Initiative Foundation contributions will be tax - deductible to the extent allowed by law. The Foundation owns and manages financial contributions for the benefit of Central Minnesota communities. No goods or services will be exchanged for your gift. 1, ,Faundf,a rrq Ecy_!: oppc.-tunity l:•n&7r.proyld-,rand, nployer. (:�o t" j ou, �r �o-ur at a t vnLe w kje,� it wcv 9real� apprecw�e� �