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EDA Agenda 12-10-2014
EDA MEETING Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Special EDA Closed Meeting Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 4:30 PM — Academy Room Workshop — Block 34 Analyses Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 4:45 PM — Academy Room Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. November 12th, 2014 4. Consideration of additional agenda items. 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills. 6. Consideration to Approve a Letter of Support for Submittal of Local Road Improvement Program Grant Application for Intersection Improvements to TH 25 and 7th Street. 7. Consideration to review and accept reports for environmental analysis, structural analysis, and redevelopment finding analysis for properties on Block 34 and to authorize preparation of demolition specifications for 100 East Broadway. 8. Consideration to review and approve the EDA General Fund budget for 2015. 9. Consideration of recommendation regarding EDA Vacant Positions and 2015 EDA Appointments. 10. Consideration of Director's Report. 11. Adjourn. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, November 12, 2014, Mississippi Room, MonticeIlllo Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Absent: Matt Frie Others: Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg, John Uphoff (WSB) 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 8, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills Angela Schuman provided 1 nformation related to questions about invoices submitted as part of the previous month's agenda packet. Schumann indicated that a tax abatement expense included on a Kennedy & Graven invoice had been recoded from the EDA to the City. She also noted that expenses included as part of the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust invoice relate to buildings that the EDA owns and insures. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH OCTOBER 2014. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 5. Consideration of Market Matching Report Angela Schumann introduced WSB's John Uphoff who was in attendance to present an update on Market Matching efforts and activities completed during the month of November. Schumann invited the EDA to view the October Market Matching report presented to the City Council on the City's website. She pointed out that the December report would also be available to view online when completed. Uphoff indicated that his team had spent a significant amount of time in October working to identify the value of the properties on Block 34 and determine which EDA and City- EDA Minutes: 11 / 12/14 owned properties to actively market. Uphoff provided preliminary images of signs proposed to market the Fred's Auto site and properties on north Cedar and Otter Creek Industrial Park for EDA review and asked for clarification about including the price on the signs. Uphoff also noted that the Market Matching team uses the GreaterMSP SalesForce CRM product for new projects, business retention and expansion efforts and property tracking. He pointed out that 99% of local businesses are already listed in the database. He said that his team had also been partnering with Duane Northagen, of Wright County Economic Development Partnership, to create an inventory of all of the industrial land available within the city to include as part of a county -wide community profile. Brian Stumpf asked if provisions related to having development occur within a certain amount of time would be handled after contact is made. Schumann noted that these properties would be marketed for sale for development. She also pointed out that Martha Ingram of Kennedy & Graven had indicated that purchase agreements related to these properties would actually be contained within the preliminary development agreement in order to create parameters under which the site would be developed. Tracy Hinz asked for clarification about columns related to site characteristics within the report. Uphoff indicated that the data refers to the number of people within drive time radius of the site. He said that he'd update the key for that table to make that clear. Bill Demeules asked if this information would be posted on the economic development website. Uphoff said that his team would continue to work with staff to improve the online interface and streamline the process of adding information to the website. Bill Tapper asked if the EDA would have the addresses of the properties for sale. Uphoff agreed to add addresses and prices to the report. Uphoff also agreed to review the copy language for accuracy and clarity as it relates to property located on Cedar Street and access to Trunk Highway 25. Schumann also noted that staff would verify that fiber service is available to each of these properties. 6. Consideration of an update and EDA direction regarding EDA vacancies Schumann noted that staff had posted the vacant EDA position previously held by Rod Dragsten. She indicated that the City Council would be invited to attend applicant interviews and consider the EDA's recommendation prior to making the appointment. Schuman will provide an update related to this process at the December EDA meeting. Schumann also reported that, earlier that day by U.S. mail, she'd received a resignation letter from Matt Frie. Copies of the letter were made available to EDA members during the EDA Minutes: 11/12/14 meeting. Schumann asked that the EDA accept the resignation and provide direction in regard to posting a second vacant EDA position. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ACCEPT MATT FRIE'S RESIGNATION FROM THE EDA. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Tracy Hinz asked about the provision related to the minimum number of EDA commissioners. Schumann explained that the EDA is made up of seven members, two of which are City Council members. The bylaws refer to the enabling resolution as it relates to appointment terms, vacancies and removal. The enabling resolution specifies that all commissioners who are not members of the City Council must be either residents or own businesses or property within the city. Bill Demeules asked about the procedure for removing the contact info from the website. Schumann said that staff would take care of that. Brian Stumpf noted the importance of ensuring that the City Council representative terms on the EDA remain staggered and said that he probably would not be returning as an EDA member next year. 7. Consideration of the Director's Report Block 34 Follow -Up - WSB completed the hazardous materials reports related to the four buildings on Block 34 (Montgomery Farms, Zoo, BL Bikes and the DMV) and expect to complete the Phase 1 report soon. Staff plan to summarize the consultant reports for EDA consideration at an upcoming workshop. TH 25/CSAH 75 Intersection Improvement — Schumann noted that the City Council approved the conceptual layout for TH 25/CSAH 75 improvements and encouraged the EDA to review the plans online. Staff will continue to look at pedestrian improvements and parking considerations related to Block 34 as part of the final intersection concept plan. The Transportation Advisory Committee will also provide input. Rod Dratgsten - Schumann presented a brief tribute honoring Dragsten's service on the Planning Commission and the EDA. Schumann shared a lengthy list of projects which clearly documented the extent to which Dragsten's efforts had shaped local development. 8. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:24 PM. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: Attest: EDA Representative EDA Agenda: 12/10/14 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Invoices submitted during the previous month are included for review and consideration. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through November 2014. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of payment for invoices submitted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Invoices LL ob O z 0 a 0 0 z A C7 0 A O O O O O O o Ol. M M M M_ N N � 0 o v w U Ct ^C� PLO -0 o c+i O � v z O U oi 'O U a � O O O O O O o Ol. M M M 0 CD v O v O O °v °v 0 0 v v O O v v ti ti N N T 1 O Q v O N O N E N U N 0 Y 0 N N C U a G f' a1 0 N 0 0 a 0 sue. M_ N 0 0 o w w° w° R � � W o 0 N � � Q � w o � M \O G U O O U U zz o z x x o � � � Q Q x w w w � zz w 0 CD v O v O O °v °v 0 0 v v O O v v ti ti N N T 1 O Q v O N O N E N U N 0 Y 0 N N C U a G f' a1 0 N 0 0 a 0 sue. Invoice MEYER I BORGMAN JOHNSON H ? r[ : I C; N c N u N F E R h N G October 21, 2014 Invoice No: 14.782.0-1 Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Project 14.782.0 112, 118 and 130 East Broadway, Monticello - Building Evaluations TERMS: Net 30 days or per terms of Contract Professional Services from September 16, 2014 to October 15, 2014 Fee Total Fee 5,400.00 Percent Complete 10.00 Total Earned Previous Fee Billing Current Fee Billing Total Fee Reimbursable Expenses Equipment Fee 10/912014 Equipment Total Reimbursables Principal Michael Ramerth Project Manager Chris Hartnett 510 Marquette Avenue South, Suite 900 Minneapolis, MN 56402 612- 604 -3602 540,00 0.00 540.00 540.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Total this Invoice $550.00 OCT 2 7 ?011 -,_ - LY Julie Cheney From: Angela Schumann Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 3:05 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Meyer Borgman Johnson Inv# 14.782 -0 -1 $550.00 Against EDA general fund, item 430400, Engineering. Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763 - 271 -3224 This email sent by Monticello FiberNet internet, at 100 mbps speed! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 10:30 AM To: Angela Schumann Subject: RE: Meyer Borgman Johnson Inv# 14.782 -0 -1 $550.00 Angela Jeff has approved this invoice for payment. Where would you like it coded? Thanks Julie From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 7:40 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Meyer Borgman Johnson Inv# 14.782 -0 -1 $550.00 OK to pay. Thanks for reminder From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 4:33 PM To: Jeff O'Neill Subject: FW: Meyer Borgman Johnson Inv# 14.782 -0 -1 $550.00 Sorry to be a pest, can you approve this for me for tomorrow? Thanks Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 3:19 PM To: Jeff O'Neill Subject: FW: Meyer Borgman Johnson Inv# 14.782 -0 -1 $550.00 Jeff If you approve by end of day Monday, this will be included in our batch to be processed next week. Thanks Julie From: Angela Schumann Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 3:39 PM To: Julie Cheney; Jeff O'Neill Cc: Kerry Burri Subject: RE: Meyer Borgman Johnson Inv# 14.782 -0 -1 $550.00 OK to pay pending Jeff's authorization. Kerry — can you make sure to include the attached explanation of services with EDA invoices for this item? Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763 - 271 -3224 This email sent by Monticello FiberNet internet, at 100 mbps speed! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 11:45 AM To: Angela Schumann Subject: Meyer Borgman Johnson Inv# 14.782 -0 -1 $550.00 Angela Attached is Meyer Borgman Johnson Invoice #14.782.0 -1. Okay to pay $550.00? Please provide account coding. Thanks! Tu7iecheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763 - 295 -3205 J ulie.chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us �gCITY OF monticeflo ,.-PO "qRWftftM.�' Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337 -9300 October 21, 2014 Statement No, 122530 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through September 30, 214 MN190 -00101 General EDA Matters 74.00 MN190 -00147 Block 34 TIF District 943,50 I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is just and correct and that no part of it has been paid. r Signature of C Iai nt Total Current Billing: 1,017.50 OCT 2 4 2014 CITY -r-%p Page; 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MIN 55402 City of Monticello September 30, 2014 MN190 -00101 General EDA Matters Through September 30, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows: Fours Amount 9/11/2014 MNI Monticello inquiry as to EDA enabling resolution and 0.40 74.00 bylaws; review and phone conversation with A Schumann regarding same. Total Services: $ 74.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 74.00 Page: 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello September 30, 2014 MN190 -00147 Block 34 TIF District Through September 30, 2014 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours 9/18/2014 MNI Monticello interfund loan research; conference call with A 1,30 Schumann regarding same. 9/19/2014 MNI Draft interfund loan resolution for Block 34 1.40 demolition /remediation costs and administrative costs. 9/22/2014 MNI Monticello - IF loan resolution and correspondence with A 0.80 Schumann regarding same. 9/25/2014 MNI Monticello emails and phone conversation with A 0.60 Schumann regarding interfund loan resolution, possible sources of funding for costs of demo etc., and forgiveness. 9/30/2014 MNI Phone conversation with A Schumann regarding legal 1.00 issues associated with steps in preparing to establish TIF district for block 34; research on same; follow -up email correspondence regarding same. Total Services, Amount 240.50 259.00 148.00 111.00 185.00 $ 943.50 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 943.50 Julie Cheney From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 12:33 PM To: Angela Schumann; Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices OK to pay From: Angela Schumann Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 2:00 PM To: Julie Cheney; Jeff O'Neill Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices Julie, OK to pay pending Jeff's review and approval. Code to EDA general legal: 430400 Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763 - 271 -3224 This email sent by Monticello FiberNet internet, at 100 mbps speed! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 1:38 PM To: Angela Schumann Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices Angela, Attached are two Kennedy & Graven invoices. # MN190 -00101 $74.00 #MN190 -00147 $943.50 Okay to pay? Please provide account coding. Also, if there are any that need further approval (Jeff, Wayne), please let me know. Tu7iecheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763 - 295 -3205 Julie.chenev @ci.monticello.mn.us 1 LL ob O z 0 a 0 0 z d r� V A C7 0 U d A o 0 I o 0 0 v, v, O O N N N M I, Ht, I Ht O O v v v M_ 0 0 P. v v ^ l � M N N Ct Ct ^c PLO U � -0 U o N � o O � v z O U oi 'C U a � o 0 I o 0 0 v, v, O O N N N M I, Ht, I Ht O O O v v v M_ 0 0 v v v N 0 0 o N o N o N o w o Q Q o o N w � C N � T U z O �- O O O v v v 0 0 0 v v v ti ti ti N N N 0 Q v LO N 0 m H N C z U a G P. M N N O 41 0 a 0 1 =_J &,9ssaciretes, Inc. e17ynvoring - planning , envlJ'elllliental • constfaction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City of Monticello November 04, 2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Attn: Wayne Oberg, Finance Director Project No: 01494 -720 Tel: (763) 541 -4800 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Invoice No: 15 Fax: (763) 541 -1700 Monticello, MN 55362 -8831 Economic Development & Market Matching GL Acct #213.46301.431990 Professional Services from September 01. 2014 to September 30, 2014 Phase 02 2014 -2015 i Fee Total Fee 12,000.00 Percent Complete 100,00 Total Earned 12,000.00 Previous Fee Billing 8,000.00 Current Fee Billing 4,000.00 Total Fee 41 000.00 $4,000.00 Comments: Total this Phase Total this Invoice $4,000.00 Approved by: I6 J f kL- Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Project Manager: John Uphoff Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.corr CHECK REQUEST FROM: Kitty Baltos, Community Center Director o© CHECK AMOUNT: 410 REQUEST DATE: 0b !q I I Check to: Meeting Worked: Planning Commission EDA Meeting Other Total Due: Harry T. Laatto Vendor # 907 — 2nd Ave S Buffalo, MN 55313 Date c5 I Time •�� Amount Due ��&' Date M �2 I Time Amount Due 5 to Date Time Amount Due Planning Commission: I L. 4 j 9 f 0. L1319 V S G-0 EDA �'LP30I, 43 JCI� (�O06 Other Authorized by: Date l�l TIME SHEETS ATTACHED *'Please return to KITTY for forwarding" MONTICI+,LLO C( }MMIINI`I'Y CENTER TIME SHEET Employee Name IIARRY LANTTO Position PUBLIC MEETING RECORDER - CONTRACT DATE TIME IN TIME OUT Hours Worked Meeting }}VV I1 /r lg: Meeting Payment $50 for first 3 hours Agreement: $10 per hour for every hour after MEETING RECORDER: Harry T. Lantto SIGNATURE: DATE: "c( AUTHORIZED BY: I7:INSdA CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ATTN: RACHEL LEONARD P.O. DUE DATE 8/1/2054 TERMS DUE ON RECEIPT HOSTING WEBSITE HOSTING I 200.00 200,00 INCLUDES DOMAIN, FTP MANAGFMENT, AND HOSTING FOR I YEAR BU ILDINGBUSINESSINMONTICELLO,COM SUBTOTAL $200.00 SALES TAX (6,875 %) $0.00 TOTAL $200,00 BULLFROG SWEATSHOP LLC. PAYMENTS /CREDITS $0.00 BALANCE DUE M, M-0 Julie Cheney From: Angela Schumann Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 9:33 AM To: Julie Cheney Cc: Rachel Leonard; Jeff O'Neill Subject: RE: Hosting Invoice for Building Business Website Rachel has confirmed this will be the only invoice for the current year. OK to pay. Code to: 213 - 46301 - 434600. .Angela Schumann, A1CP Community Development Director City of Mon.tiCello www. ci.monticello.mmu s 763 -271 -3224 This email seat by Monticello Fiber]Vet internet, at 100 mbps speed! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 9:26 AM To: Angela Schumann Cc: Rachel Leonard Subject: RE: Hosting Invoice For Building Business Website Angela do not have record of this current invoice. The last invoice we paid to them was 1017.5/13 for $640,00. Please provide ok to pay on this invoice if you want me to process for payment. Also, if you need anything else, just let me know, Thanks Julie From: Angela Schumann Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:56 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: FW: Hosting Invoice for Building Business Website Julie, Can you look up this vendor and find out for me when we paid them last and in what amount? Angela SChcr.rCtann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.inonticello.mmus 763 - 271 -3224 This email seat by Monticello FiherNet internet, at 100 mbps speed! From: rachel leonard [mailto:rleonard0 ibernetmonticello.coml Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:23 PM To: Debbie Davidson Cc: Angela Schumann Subject: Hosting Invoice for Building Business Website Hi, I received the attached invoice by email from Dave LaHaye yesterday. I don't remember seeing an original. invoice, so I don't know if he sent it directly to the city? Can you verify if this was received previously and if it has been paid? Thank you! Rachel Leonard - Communications Coordinator City of Monticello 763.31.4 -0108 � � LL o � 4 U � � � � 2 0 a } ] 2 � \ j Q 0 2 ƒ k k « CD I � CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD j y \ § t / 4 \ � � \ R � z 9 .. « CD I � CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD } \ 5 \ e = \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CD CD CD CD CD / � ■ CD ) j \ \ \ a O z 0 a 0 0 z U d d r.+ O A Ci O r:+ GL U d A i. O C." i z 0 U 0 h O CL U �i C CN C T Q O N > O Q Q C N N N O m m 0 N U N Q 0 Q V 0 N N 0 N 7 N N C T U H N a P a 0 N 0 U T O U h a CITY OF MONTICELLO Parks Department Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ - 6, C-/ 9 Circle purchaser name: Tom Pawelk Josh Berthiaume Tom Grossnickle Leo Schroden Employee Signature T • Pawelk— Parks Superintendent r3--I-f Date approved Rol Finance Department Use: Use Tax? Yes No Date processed: Initials: -0-9 app Julie Hoglund Beth Green Al Gapinski Circle Credit Card Purchase N 101 -45203 224 -46102 651 -49010 Circle expense code: 420650 421110 421300 422100 422110 421680 422200 422300 422500 422510 422990 424100 433100 433200 440100 440440 440500 440800 440900 440910 443910 431990 Other C', /DA F ION av� -L-� I M -D Parks Administration Parks Improvements Ballfields Shade Tree Cemetery Safety Supplies Clothing Supplies Lubricants and Additives Paint Supplies Chemical Product Park Supplies General Operating Supplies Equipment Repair Parts Vehicle Repair Parts Spring Tree Order Tires Building Repair Supplies Landscaping Materials Irrigation Supplies Mist Repair and Mtc Supplies Small Tools Travel Expense Training /Conferences Repair & Mtc - Buildings Repair & Mtc - Machinery & Equipment Repair & Mtc - Vehicles Repair & Mtc - Recreation Adopt -A -Park Pathway Mtc Tree Replacement Misc Professional Services 421650 421990 422100 422110 421680 422200 422300 422500 422510 422990 424100 433100 433200 440100 440440 440500 440800 440900 440910 443910 431990 Other C', /DA F ION av� -L-� I M -D Parks Administration Parks Improvements Ballfields Shade Tree Cemetery Safety Supplies Clothing Supplies Lubricants and Additives Paint Supplies Chemical Product Park Supplies General Operating Supplies Equipment Repair Parts Vehicle Repair Parts Spring Tree Order Tires Building Repair Supplies Landscaping Materials Irrigation Supplies Mist Repair and Mtc Supplies Small Tools Travel Expense Training /Conferences Repair & Mtc - Buildings Repair & Mtc - Machinery & Equipment Repair & Mtc - Vehicles Repair & Mtc - Recreation Adopt -A -Park Pathway Mtc Tree Replacement Misc Professional Services k -THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT GRADY'S AGE HARDWARE 212 3RD STREET WEST POST OFFICE BOX 367 MONTICELLO, MN 55367 (763) 295-2552 wow.0radyshardware.com 100 10 4 1103AM JS 556 SALE 5;750 2 CA 36 EA N RIN3 k.? SPLIT 7/8 IN 1.10 516950 6 EA .59 EA N TAG PAPER W/RING1 -1/4" 314 507; ?50 7 6 EA 1.99 EA *N KEY! �IK KWIKSFT KW1 ACF 11.94 502.'0 4 EA 1.99 EA N }BEY li E fl -ACE 7.96 5073523 2 EA 1.99 EA *N K #:QANK MASTER /ACE25OPK 3.98 507331 2 EA 1.99 EA *N KEYELA NK SCHLAGE SCI ACE 3.98 17007 1 EA 3.99 EA N SPRYPAINT CLEAR 120Z 3.99 SOB-TOTAL: 36.49 TAX: TOTAL: 36.49 BC AMT: 36.49 BK CARD #: XXXXXXXXXXXX2495 ID: 670121187498 AUTH: 001594 AMT; 36.49 Host reference 4:542281 Bat #0102 SWIPED CARD TYPE:VISA EXPR: XXXX Trap # 5843046120 W v; card 36,49 Illlllllllliiilli`��`IIs�'i� I�lill v'. JRNLBF42281/1 (Q= CUST # 12600 THANK YOU DEREK WIPPER FOR YOUR PATRONAGE CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ 9m, l Transaction type: In person Phone order _ Internet Other Circle purchaser name: Jeff O'Neill Cathy Shuman Kerry Burri Angela Schumann Vicki Leerhoff Tracy Ergen Wayne Oberg Angie McIntire Date processed °, Initials: Transaction for: — SuppIies Repair parts _ Rental Parking Seminars or Hotel Reservations: Attendee(s) Location Circle department code; 101-41110 City Council 101-41310 Administration 10141410 Elections 101 -41520 Finance 101 -41800 Human Resources 101 -41910 Planning and Zoning 101 -41920 Data Processing 101 -41940 City Hall 101 -4 onomic Development -46301 HRA N er Circle expense code: 420200 Duplicating and Copying Supplies 420300 Printed Forms and Paper 420990 Office Supplies 421990 General Operating Supplies 422990 Misc Repair and Misc Supplies 431950 Newsletter Services 431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 432200 Postage 432400 Delivery Mail Services 433100 Travel Expense 433200 TraininglConferences 443300 Dues Memberships and Subscriptions 443700 Licenses and Permits 443990 Miscellaneous Other Expense Other X34(!00 MuVKeh'ty IE6C 6ut"l Monticclla, M11117e8ota rsc, aooi - - - °° . - . CORNERSTONE CAFE ................................ --•--... .- ......................._.._.. Cq.1erPA C'o 154 West Broadway PO Box 535 Monticello, MN 55362 763.295.3888 Date: Wed. 10122114 Name: City of Monticello Location: On -Site Address: 505 Walnut St. Monticello,. MN 55362 Occasion: Business Mtg, Contact Person: Vicki Ceerhoff Service Time: 7:30am Phone Number: 763,295.2711 OTD: 6:30am €-Mail Address: vicki.leerhoff(a-)ci monticello.mn.us Quantity Ordered Item Ordered Per person Total 60 Cornerstone Egg Bake - choice of fillings $ 8.99 $ 53970 Bacon Strips, sausage links Seasoned Breakfast Potatoes Mini Baked Goods Assortment 9 Fresh Fruit $ 10.64 $ 95.76 4 gallons Coffee Service 3 gallons Orange Juice Includes: Use of china and sliverware. Paper napkins (cloth napkins are .49 each if desired) White linen table clothes for guest tables. Linen skirting and clothes for buffet table. Service Description: Dishwashing service for china and sliverware. Table set -up with water carafes and salt & pepper. Chafing dish service, staffed buffet. tax exempt 7006839 For The Love Of Food! $ 12.95 $ 51.80 $ 14.95 $ 44.85 Food Total $ 731.81 Gratuity $ 168.32 Subtotal 1 $ 900.13 6.875% Sales Tax $ Total $ 900,13 Lt CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ 1 Q,00 Transaction type: In person Phone order Internet Other Circle purchaser name: Jeff O'Neill Cathy Shuman Kerry Burri Angela Schumann Vicki Leerhoff Tracy Ergen Wayne Oberg Angie McIntire Date proses $e& ;initials: Transaction for: Supplies Repair parts Rental Parking Seminars or Hotel Reservations: Attendee(s) Location Circle department code: 101-41110 101 -41310 101 -41410 101-41520 101 -41800 101 -41910 901 -41920 101 -41940 101 4L65� 4630 Other Circle expense code: 420200 420300 420990 421990 422990 431950 431990 432200 432400 433100 433200 443300 443700 O er City Council Administration Elections Finance Human Resources Planning and Zoning Data Processing City Hall Economic Development HRA Duplicating and Copying Supplies Printed Forms and Paper Office Supplies General Operating Supplies Mlsc Repair and Misc Supplies Newsletter Services Miscellaneous Prof Services Postage Delivery Mail Services Travel Expense Tra I n i n g /Conferences Dues Memberships and Subscriptions Licenses and Permits Miscellaneous Other Expense Live, Laugh & Bloom Floral 108 N Cedar St MONTICELLO, MN 55382 Date: 10/20/2014 Time: 10 :14.43 AM 1111 Order Number: 12772 Qty Description Price 10 Centerpiece 8" oval /round, $ 150.00 fall look with mum's and alstro, leaves, curly willo (10 @ 15.00) Sub Total: $ 150,00 Delivery Charges: $ 5,00 Sales Tax $ 0100 DC-1 total Amount Due: $ 155,00 CC Tendered: $ 155,00 Change Due: $ 0.00 Print Date: 10/20/2014 Print Time: 10:15:00 AM Reprint u sI s ( (/�3 CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ Tansaction type: 4C, In person Phone order _ Internet Other Circle purchaser name: Jeff O'Neill Cathy Shuman Kerry Burr-ii CAQ�el h 711 arD 7c eerhoff Tracy Ergen l� r rvisor Signature 71 0a 6l Date approved Finance Department Use: 'Use Tax? Yes No Date processed: Initials Transaction for: Supplies Repair parts Rental _ Parking _ Seaninars or Hotel Reservations: Attendee(s) Location Circle department code: 101 -41110 City Council 101 -41310 Administration 101 -41410 Elections 1 01 -41 520 Finance 1 01 -41 800 Human Resources 101 -41910 Planning and zoning 101 -41 920 Data Processing 101 -4 Hall 01 -46500 Economic Development 213 -46301 HRA ~` Other Circle expense code: 420200 Duplicating and Copying Supplies 420300 Printed Forms and Paper 420990 Office Supplies 421990 General Operating Supplies 422990 Misc Repair and Misc Supplies 431950 Newsletter Services 431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 432400 Delivery Mail Services 433100 Travel Expense 433200 Training/Conferences 443300 Dues Memberships and Subscriptions 443700 Licenses and Permits 443990 Miscellaneous Other Expense Other Totlil . Paid by- VISA $6 . 49 kxowt W. 0,xxxxxXxYxx1201 Approval #; 092381 Transaction #-. 111 23 903341360 (00 For- tracklri; or inquiries �)o to US V, . cain o T- cii I I 1 600- 222'- 1t111. 01(lal' StMlrj�, at `W ,bll 1-K0--StanIP24, 60 to to prilit shipplilg labels pit }, for irfurniatim call 1800--fl51f -LISP; **4,* k*W1*1k1k4 . -A A-,' N h -A 4, kk A x* A -h *-A* OP L. YOLI f- inrall WhiL.-1 I d I d Vh& ('k) 1'-'W,l .coin IL With a SKJW%� FOSt OffiC-0 6W. Si �Jjj L11'. [01, a box online at USIJIS . rom/pobovas Bi I I #- 1000402303 432 Clerk: 07 Al 1 sal c,, fi neat ul i ;;f ctlw)� d-1 -' , ')- Ilufwldz� f'.1- jilics i (":it j&(] 3_- j -.- i , t, 1, urjlY Thcil,K "OU fill ', WI 1 $11 - S i r, rr '; S U.S. Postal 11IONTICE 10 loiAIN KI Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) MOHM ELLO , III i lirielbute, 553629356 CERTIFIED 2L6313509M -00-16 ( Endorsement Required) 11/03/?014 t7633295--221J RECEIPT Sales RueBijiL Total Postage & Foos 11 roduct Sale LIti 1 t r I liell Desc. ri p I. i oi Qt.y VO (:U 4 rice 1111314TICHL0 HIN 553629005 $mq First-Class flail Lattoi 0,60 oz. rxpectacl fu; 11;U4/14 Haturri Rcpt (til-ean Catl-M $2.70 00 Certified USPS Certified Ma!l #; information 70140150000069454994 visit our Issue Postage; $6.49 Totlil . Paid by- VISA $6 . 49 kxowt W. 0,xxxxxXxYxx1201 Approval #; 092381 Transaction #-. 111 23 903341360 (00 For- tracklri; or inquiries �)o to US V, . cain o T- cii I I 1 600- 222'- 1t111. 01(lal' StMlrj�, at `W ,bll 1-K0--StanIP24, 60 to to prilit shipplilg labels pit }, for irfurniatim call 1800--fl51f -LISP; **4,* k*W1*1k1k4 . -A A-,' N h -A 4, kk A x* A -h *-A* OP L. YOLI f- inrall WhiL.-1 I d I d Vh& ('k) 1'-'W,l .coin IL With a SKJW%� FOSt OffiC-0 6W. Si �Jjj L11'. [01, a box online at USIJIS . rom/pobovas Bi I I #- 1000402303 432 Clerk: 07 Al 1 sal c,, fi neat ul i ;;f ctlw)� d-1 -' , ')- Ilufwldz� f'.1- jilics i (":it j&(] 3_- j -.- i , t, 1, urjlY Thcil,K "OU fill ', WI 1 $11 - S i r, rr '; S U.S. Postal Service,,,, Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) CERTIFIED 3 ( Endorsement Required) MAIL,,, RECEIPT r-1 Total Postage & Foos (Domestic Mail Only; No lnsdrarrcle Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.1�111111-. 17-1 tti M Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee 3 ( Endorsement Required) Ln r-1 Total Postage & Foos M 17-1 tti PIfkVCLn-Ctd �©SOJ CYTY OF MONTYCELLO Ghost Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ � 53 Transaction type: Y Phone order Internet Other Circle purchaser name: Debbie Davidson ulie Cheney signa re I Advanced ADVANCED DISPOSAL SERVICES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, LLC - G2 Disposal 2355 12TH ST SE ST CLOUD MN 56304 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST SUITE 1 MONTICELLO. MN 55362 Account Information Account Number G2000501 Site Number 0000 Invoice Date September 30, 2014 Invoice Number 620001399221 Account Summary Previous Balance $89,146.13 Payments /Adjustments - $45,007.98 Current Invoice Amount $44,258.33 Amount Due $88,396.48 Due Date October 27, 2014 Invoice Breakdown Current $44,25833 30 days - past due $44,138.15 60 days - past due $0.00 90 days - past due $0.00 It's easy being Green--sign up for ebill and auto pay at http :l /www.AdvancedDisposal.com /bi Ilpay Contact Us 1 un (320)251 -8919 StCloudMN@,AdvancedDisposal.c *t E Due to increased costs, you may i see a price increase on your next invoice. G2141001.101,tat3 Pay By Phone: 1- 877 -720 -1583 Phone PIN: 0330005010000 vaned Disposal is a company bringing fresh ideas utions to a clean environment. How can we farther 1r business or home become greener and cleaner? It us at www.AdvancedDismal.com, auld you have questions about charges, please see back of this invoice, call your service representative to www.AdvancedDist)osal.com. Previous Balance $89,146.13 09/04/14 KUBRA DIRECT DEPOSIT -$0.01 09104/14 KUBRA DIRECT DEPOSIT - $44,048.01 09/24/14 Municipal Adjustment - $391,29 09/24/14 Municipal Adjustment - - $173.85 09/24/14 Municipal Adjustment - $394.82 Payments and Adjustments - $45,007.98 CITY OF MONTICELLO (0001) 505 WALNUT ST, STE 1 MONTICELLO, MN Date Description Reference Qty Unit Price Amount 4273.00 - 0.10YD:RESI RIL RECYCLE (018) 09/30/14 4262 CARTS @ $2.49 100 10,612.38 10,612.38 EACH: 09101114-09130114 4267.00 - 0.30YD :REST RIL TRASH (021) CHECK CARD USING FOR 09/30/14 4256 CARTS @ $6.89 1.00 29,323.84 29,323.84 EACH: AMOUNT PAID 09101711111'4 � 1� L VISA tehWVaS Tax Res! 29323.84 2,859.07 SITE TOTAL 42,79529 E MASTERCARD L AMERICAN EXP. SIGNATURE E R. DATE SERVICE ALERTS Sign up for email and text alerts from Advanced Disposal and you will always get the most up -to -date information regarding your garbage and recycling service. Visit ww. wo AdvancedDisposal comlServiceAlertSignlip to register today:. CL °o PI FGRF RFTI IRN THIS PORTION 1N1TH PAYMENT advanced1nsPoseil ADVANCED DISPOSAL SERVICES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, LLC - 02 2355 12TH ST SE ST CLOUD MN 56304 Please Send All Correspondence to Above Address IF PAYING BY CRED7 CARD, FILL OUT BELOW. CHECK CARD USING FOR PAYMENT CARDNUMBER AMOUNT PAID L VISA E MASTERCARD L AMERICAN EXP. SIGNATURE E R. DATE E DISCOVER ACCOUNT # INVOICE # AMT. ENCLOSED G2000501 G20001399221 INVOICE TOTAL BALANCE DUE $44,258.33 $88,396,48 Due Date: October 27, 2014 Customer Billing Address: CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Remit Payment To:' (Please do not send CASH via mail) Advanced Disposal Services Solid Waste Midwest, LLC - G2 PO Box 6484 Carol Stream IL 6 01 97 -6 484 Printed on recycled paper e nldtllJlnlllllilllJil. Iln6ilit1i111111111riIlIlIII 111tilll 1602 0005017 0000 093014 00013992219 04425833 08839648 9 Current Charges (Continued) CITY OF MONTICELLO- FIBERNET (0003) 3698 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN SITE PO: PO GL 655.49870.431000 Date Description G2141001.101 -W -5 C&I Account Information AC�Va17f Account Number G2000501 Disposal Site Number 0000 Invoice Date September 30, 2014 CITY OF MONTICELLO Invoice Number G20001399221 505 WALNUT ST SUITE 1 Page 3 of 5 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Current Charges (Continued) CITY OF MONTICELLO- FIBERNET (0003) 3698 SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN SITE PO: PO GL 655.49870.431000 Date Description Reference C&I Unit Price Amount 1.00 - 6.00YD:COMM FIL TRASH (006) 09/30/14 STANDARD TRASH: 09101114 -09130114 1.00 93.68 93.68 1.00 - 6.00YD :COMM FIL RECYCLE (007) 09/30114 STANDARD RECYCLE: 09101114- 09130114 1.00 34.34 34.34 MN Solid Waste Tax Resi 93.68 9.13 SITE TOTAL 137.15 PIONEER PARK (0011) 9165 FALLON AVE MONTICELLO, MN Date Description Reference (fit Unit Price Amount 1.00 - 3.00YD :COMM FIL TRASH (001) 09/30/14 STANDARD TRASH: 09161114- 09130114 1.00 20.40 20.40 MN Solid Waste Tax Comm 20.40 3,47 SITE TOTAL 23.87 CITY OF MONTICELLO - SHOP /GARAGE #1453 (0043) 909 GOLF COURSE RD MONTICELLO, MN Date Description Reference 9kit Unit Price Amount 1.00 - 3.00YD:COMM FIL TRASH (002) 09/30/14 STANDARD TRASH: 09101114- 09130114 1.00 30.60 30.60 1.00 - 42.QOYD:TEMP RIO RECYCLE (004) 09/30/14 COMPOST:'207767 JULIE 1.00 75.00 75.00 MN Solid Waste Tax Comm 30.60 5.20 SITE TOTAL 110.80 ELLISON PARK #1454 (0044) 811 RIVER ST E MONTICELLO, MN Date Description Reference C& Unit Price Amount 1.00 - 3.00YD:COMM FIL TRASH (001) 09/30/14 STANDARD TRASH: 09101114 - 09130114 1.00 40.80 40.80 MN Solid Waste Tax Comm 40.80 6.94 SITE TOTAL 47.74 WEST BRDIGE PARK 91455 (0046) STOP 4 - CITY OF MONTICELLO CONTRACT MONTICELLO, M Date Description Reference Q_yt Unit Price Amount 1.00 - 2.00YD:COMM FIL TRASH (001) 09/30/14 STANDARD TRASH: 09/01114- 09130114 1.00 20,40 20.40 MN Solid Waste Tax Comm 20.40 3.47 SITE TOTAL 23.87 - . _.... - -- - - - -- ------ - - - - -- - -- . __....__.__._._ ..__..__......_.._._._......._. _.._ G2141001.101.ffi -8 Date Description Reference PA Unit Price Amount 1.00 - 0.50YD:RESI RIL TRASH (001) 09/30/14 STANDARD TRASH: 09101114-09/30114 1.00 6.89 6.89 Account Information 09/30/14 STANDARD RECYCLE: 09/01/14 - 09130114 1.00 2.49 2.49 Account Number G2000501 SITE TOTAL 1055 Site Number 0000 Invoice Date September 30, 2014 CITY OF MONTICELLO Invoice Number 620001399221 505 WALNUT ST SUITE 1 Page 4 of 5 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Current Charges (Continued) MONTICELLO SEWAGE PLANT ;fl 456 (0046) 1401 HART BLVD MONTICELLO, MN Date Description Reference ®Qyt Unit Price Amount ,._0 - 2.60Y'J:COMM FeL TRASH (001) 09130/14 STANDARD TRASH: 09 /01/14 - 09130/14 1.00 20.40 20.40 1.00 - 3.00YD:GOMM FIL TRASH (002) 09/30/14 STANDARD TRASH: 09101114 - 09130114 1.00 76.51 76.51 MN Solid Waste Tax Comm 96.91 16.47 SITE TOTAL 713.38 MONTICELLO CITY HALL #1458 (0047) 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, MN Date Description Reference Q�+t Unit Price Amount 3.00 - 3.00YD:GOMM FIL TRASH (004) 09/30/14 STANDARD TRASH: 09101/14-09130/14 1.00 178.52 178.52 MN Solid Waste Tax Comm 178.52 3035 SITE TOTAL 208.87 MONTICELLO LIBRARY #1459 (0048) CORNER OF 6TH ST & WALNUT MONTICELLO, MN Date Description Reference 9sy Unit Price Amount 1.00 - 2.00YD:COMM FIL TRASH (002) 09/30114 STANDARD TRASH: 0910111409130/14 1.00 1020 10.20 MN Solid Waste Tax Comm 10.20 1.73 SITE TOTAL 11.93 HI -WAY LIQUORS #4458 (0049) 545 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN Date Description Reference oty Unit Price Amount 1.00 - 3.00YD:COMM FIL TRASH (002) 09130/14 STANDARD TRASH: 0910111 4 - 09/3 0[14 1.00 20.40 20.40 MN Solid Waste Tax Comm 20.40 3.47 SITE TOTAL 2347 EDA (0050) 100 BROADWAY E MONTICELLO, MN Date Description Reference PA Unit Price Amount 1.00 - 0.50YD:RESI RIL TRASH (001) 09/30/14 STANDARD TRASH: 09101114-09/30114 1.00 6.89 6.89 1.00 - 0.30YD:RESI RIL RECYCLE (002) 09/30/14 STANDARD RECYCLE: 09/01/14 - 09130114 1.00 2.49 2.49 MN Solid Waste Tax Comm 6.89 1.17 SITE TOTAL 1055 CITY OF MONTI - 2ND TRASH CARTS NO TAX (0051) 505 WALNUT ST SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN Date Description Reference put' Unit Price Amount 108.00 - 0.30YD:RESI RIL TRASH (001) 09/30/14 109 - 2ND CARTS @ 1.00 751.01 751.01 01A Advanced Disposal CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Current Charges (Continued) Date Description $6.89 EACH: 09701!1409130114 SITE TOTAL G2141001.101 -td -7 Account Information Account Number G2000501 Site Number 0000 Invoice Date September 30, 2014 Invoice Number G20001399221 Page 5 of 5 Reference QU Unit Price Amount i 1 751 ,01 l Current Charges $44,258.33 Amount Due $88,396.48 Pat Kovich City of Mot 505 Walnut Monticello, The followil required rep this invoice or the attached information. Month: SEPTEMBER io� CsE- Invoice # G20001399221 9131/2014 i month and year referenced below. The e if you have any questions about Year: 2014 sh Removal Service Taxable Solid Waste Management Tax sll Removal Service Non Taxable Total Trash Removal Residential Service #Of Cortainers 0 of Changes Total Count Unit Price Total Mfhiy Rate racl Base Taxable 4231 25 4256 $ 6,89 $ 29,323.84 Billing Non Tax I04 0 109 $ b,89 $ 751.01 529,323.84 $2,859.07 $751.01 532,933.92 j lecycling Service: $10,612,38 ft of Changes Total Cast Unit Price 'Total Mthly Rate esidentst 4234 28 4262 $2.49 $10,612.38 Fibernet Trash 3698 School Blvd Recycle QTY RATE Solid Waste Total $137.15 1,00 6yrd $93.68 $9,13 Mgnit Tax 1.00 6yrd $34.34 $0.00 $34.34 Rate Commercial Total N $574.88 $0.00 $502.61 $72.27 $574.88 City Containers lecycling Service: $10,612,38 ft of Changes Total Cast Unit Price 'Total Mthly Rate esidentst 4234 28 4262 $2.49 $10,612.38 Fibernet Trash 3698 School Blvd Recycle QTY RATE Solid Waste Mgmt Tax Total $137.15 1,00 6yrd $93.68 $9,13 $102.81 1.00 6yrd $34.34 $0.00 $34.34 $0.00 $0.00 Aavaneea Vtsposat. - t,entral MN certiftes that the recyclables colfected -P'onl the City of Monticello have been delivered to a r•ecyclingfacilily far processing. TOTAL, INVOICE AMOUNT $44,258,34 Advanced Disposal Enclosures City Containers Amount $502,61 Solid Waste Management Tax $72.27 TRUX ACCT # tment Description Amount Mgmt Tax 1453 - Golf Course 3 yard $30.60 $5.20 COMPOST 1 $75.00 1454 - Ellison Park 3 yard $40,80 $6.94 1455 - West Bridge Park 2 yard $20.40 $3.47 1456 - Monticello Sewage Plant 2 yard $20.40 $3.47 1401 Hart Blvd 1456 - Monticello Sewage Plant 3 yard $76.51 $13.01 I401 Hart Blvd 1458 - City Hall 3 - 3 yards $178.52 $30.35 505 Walnut St 1459 - Monticello Library 2 yard $1 0.20 $1.73 6th St & Walnut 4458 - I -li -Way Liquors 3 yard $20.40 $3.47 545 Pine St $574,88 Total $110.80 / $47.74 1 J $23.87 1 $23.87 ✓ $89.52 $208.87 % $11.93 ✓ / $23.87 ✓ $10.55 / L�a $23.87 EDA 95 gal trash $6.89 $1.17 I00 Broadway E 6 gal recycle $2.49 Pioneer Park 3 yard $20.40 $3.47 9165 Fallong Avenue $502.61 $72.27 $574.88 � U � U U T C1 U 0 U U m A U i cp [LO LO (D (O c 'V v d v N n m 0 a U lD CF. c cn Q) (D LO L �.�0 ��M L s O O M c O LO O a O a M U O m W .12 (a > U U iL1 > r- �LO N a .c LO ma)U� 0 .?.�a� m- ` m Lt m ���_• 'D u) LO -0 �a > mar ro N ? rt C.,..,� O ED to Ord N M y ��m u0i ❑ to 0 0 rn (D c O 10 c (a 0 ❑ Z N C7 .'-i- N ZC7 N (Oa v a c O N > coQLO �u.IgLO CD c LO .'"' 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Thanks Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 2:40 PM To: Tom Moores Cc: Pat Kovich Subject: Advanced Disposal Inv# G20001399221 $44,258.33 Tom Attached is Advanced Disposal Inv# G20001399221. Okay to pay $44,258.33? Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763 - 295 -3205 J ulie.chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us 1 O z 0 a y o 0 o LL ob O o z U d d � L. A O N � O � M C7 � Q w° ct 0 a 0 0 N 00 O M to CD N O O � GL � vi Q N C7 �i W z � w O' W d v v Ct a o N PLO Q�o o o y N M_ N G w .. w Eo 0 0 a a a a v v v 0 N 0 0 a 0 h 7 xceffine►gy RESPONSIBLE BY MATURES NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Page I of 4 MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 1 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICI;I_LO MN 55362 -8822 51- 0623082 -8 9 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE 430087571 10/07/2014 tiAILYAUERAGIS LastYear:; SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES (detailed charges begin on page 21 Temperature s1 °I E=lectricity Service 09/07/14 - 10/06/14 0 kWh $17.10 Electricity Current Charges $97.90 1 Electricity Gost s X0,55 i ' " 2 n ACCOUNT BALANCE 5 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Previous Balance As of 09/07 $17.10 8 See our wehsite: xcelenergy.com Payment Received Auto Pay 10/03 - $ 17.10 CH 9 Email us at: Custpmerservice @ xcelenergy.com Balance Forward $0.00 12 Please Call: 1- 800 - 481 -4700 Hearing Impaired: 1- 800 - 895 -4949 Current Charges $17.10 15 Fax: 1-800- 311 -0050 Amount Due $97.10 q Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY 1s 19 PO SOX 8 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL 22 EAU CLAIRE W154702 -0008 Different fuel sources are used to generate electricity, and they produce different air 23 24 emissions. For updated environmental information for the year ended 2013, go to: 26 27 www,xcelenergy.com/MNRates, then go to Additional Resources, Bill Inserts and s Brochures /[nside Your Electric Bill - Environmental Disclosure & Costs. If you don't , 40.1 have internet access, please contact us at 1 -800- 481 -4700 and we can provide you with this information, & Xceffinergr Thank you for your payment. OCT RETURN BOTTOM PORTION WITH YOUR PAYWNT • PLEASE DO NUT USE STAPLESAAPE OR PAPER CLIPS ACCOUNT NUMBER I DUE DATE 51- 0623082 -8 1 11/03/2014 1 $17.10 1 Automated Bank Payment 31 51110314 06280828 0000000171000000001710 Your bill is paid through an automated hank payment plan. 1 2 n 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AV 01 017045 36=8 71 A * *51DGT 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 ' I1�1�It '�11��'1��1���N11�111'1�1I�� '1'111111 "I'111111'�1'1111 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STL 1 MONTIGELLO NN 55362 -8831 11111111"1'1I1 "1 "1 +11 "11IIIa1 " "']I�I�I � XCEL ENERGY P.Q. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484 -9477 31 51110314 06280828 0000000171000000001710 7 Xcel Energym Corporate Sttstainability For the eighth year, Xcel Energy has earned a spot on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, one of the most prestigious benchmarks worldwide for corporate susta inability. Learn more about our corporate sustainabi I i ty atxcolonergy.com/ CorporateResponsiblity. HISTORICAL FACT OF THE MONTH Page 2 of 4 MATLING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER s o MONTICELLO FDA 51- 0623082 -8 11/03/2014 505 WALNUT ST STE I $10,00 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT OATE s i 0 kWh $0.069530 430087571 1010712014 X17.10 SERVICE ADDRESS: 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 65302 -9356 NEXT READ DATE: 11/66/14 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 363657358 INVOICE NUMBER: 8541417225 ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $10,00 Energy Charge Summer 0 kWh $0.082300 $0.00 Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh $0.069530 $0.00 Fuel Cost Charge 0 kWh $0.025290 $0.00 Affordability Chrg $0.93 nesource Adjustment $0.01 Interim Rate Adj $0.66 Subtotal $11.60 City Fees $5.50 Total INFORMATION ABOUTYOUR BILL 10 For an average non - demand customer, 72% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage line costs, and 18% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, 82% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. As the season changes and the temperature drops, most of us look to our central heating sys- tems to stay warm. Before modern technology, American homes were warmed by The Franklin stove, invented by Benjamin Franklin in 1742. It was a metal-lined fireplace, located in the middle of the room, with rear ventilation pipes that improved air flow. The Franklin stove used less wood and released less smoke than an open fire place. Source: ushistoryorg/franklin /info /invenrions.hun s 7 XcelEnergy. a POP Quiz What is the annual energy cost for U.S. commercial buildings? A. $200 billion B. $150 billion C. $110.3 billion D. $107.9 billion Source: enorgystargov /buildings /about- usjfacts and stafs (j ;fanasub n Page 3 of h MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER i i MONTICELLO EBA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 51- 0623082 -8 11/03/2014 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8 &22 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT' DATE i � 430087571 10/07/2014 $17.10 Fall into Energy Savings October is a month of sugar highs and Halloween scares. The leaf speckled streets confirm that summer has passed and fail is in full swing. October's mild temperatures make it easyto be more energy efficient, which can save you money on your energy bill. Visit xcelenergy.com for seasonal efficiencytips, and to learn more about our energy efficiency programs. p- Keep Winter Out of the Office Don't let winter freeze your office. Keep your employees comfortable, and avoid wasting heat by plugging leaks around windows, doors, and outlets with weather stripping or caulk. Source- sba.gov/contentleasy- energy - efficiency - improvements %e A N r Electric Emergencies: 1 -BOO- 895 -1999 24 hours, 7 days a week General laeuiorA Roments, Natural Gus Emergencies: 1 -800 -895 -2999 24 hours, 7 days a week Xcel Energy Xcel Energy Residential Customer Serviced 1- 800 -895 -4999 24 hours, 7 days a week PO Box 8 PO Box 9477 Business Solutions Center.* 1 -800- 481 -47on Qam— Spm, Man —Fri Eau Claire,Wl554782 -8008 Minneapolis, MN 55484-11477 TTD/M 1 -000- 895 -4949 24 hours, 7 days a week xculenargy com Please include stub forfaster processing. Call Before You Oig 811 Sam — Spin, Man —Fri tBegisterany inquiry or complaint at the abave: City Fees Gevemin Rgulatoryacy A fee some tideimposettatxcel Wa_ rgy call—acts from custamers and pay_ s directly to the city. The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission regulates this utility and is available for mediatian. Electronic Chock Conversion When you pay your hill by check, in most cases Xcel Energy will use your check information to make a one -time electronic debit from your checking account on the day we receive your check. There are no fees for this electronic canvorsinu. In all other cases we will process your check. Environmental hdormation Fuels used to generate electricity have different casts, reliability and air emissions. For more Wormatioa, contactXcal Energy at1- 800-095 -49M or onlino atvwwxcelenergy.com. Ynu cnn a €sa contact the Minnesota Departmentof Commerce at vwowcommarce.state.mmus or the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency atwww.pca.stato.mn.us/programsielot:tdcity.htniL Estimated Bills Xcel Energy attempts to read meters each month, Go reading is taken,Xcel Energy estimates your month's bill based on your past use, MP0C:1217th Plane E., Suite 550, St Paul, MN 551012141— vwdwpuc.state.mn.us. Late Payment Charge _ Xcol Energy will assess a late payment charge on unpaid amounts two working days after the due date. The late payment charge is 1.5%monthiy, or$1,whichever is greater. No late payment charge will be assessed ifthe unpaid amount is less than $10. Payment Responsibility If the name on the front ofyour hill is notthat ofa persan orhusiness who has payment responsibility, call Xcel Energy at 1- 800.895 -4999. Further information is available to customers upon request Affordabilit LCharge .- �_ Mercury Cast itarawer�, ._.,_Y A s"rch ergo to recover th a costs of offering hill psym ant a s8istan co and disr aunt program R for Minnesota law allows Xcoll Energy to recover costs related to rodwing Memory emissions at two of low-income customers. Xcel Energy's fossil fuel power plants. Basic Service Char0e Fixed monthly charge far cnrtain fixed costs (metering, billing, maintenance, eta) conservation ILnerinre t Programs _ Minnosawlaw requires Xcel Enargyto invastin pmgrnmsthathelpeustomsrs save energy, Demand Charges _ Charge to commercial and industrial custom ors for the fixed costs ofthe electric capacity required to mootiho peak electric loads on Xcel Energy's sysmm. The charge,v hich is adjusted seasonally, applies to the highest 15 minute kW demand during the billing period. F.nerfllL�a►� —. Charge per kWh of electricity usage to recover the variable costs of producing energy. C�nrironmamal Improvement Bider Minnasom law allows Xcel Energy to recover the costs of significant anviranmantal improvements at three ofXcel Energy's fossil fuel power plants. Fuel Clause Adjustment Charge per kWh to recoverthe casts of fu all needed to run Xcol Energy's ganerati ng plantsts, es wollwa as the cost of purchasing energy from other suppliers. kWh One kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a unitof electrical usage. One kWh equals 11=watts of electricity used for one hour. This is enough electricity to light a 100 -watt lightbulb for 10 hours. Basic Service Charge � ��._. ...- Monthly charge for certain fixed costs (metering,hilling, maintenance, atc,j Clratge perthamr - -- Cfrarge to recover the a6st"of natural gas porchases from wholesale suppliers and delivered to Xcal Energy's distribution system via pipeline. This charge is adjusted each month. Conservation Improvement Programs _ Minnesotalaw requi asXcel Energy to invest in programs that help customers save onergy. Distribution Charge Charge perthenn that covers only the dalivery casts of natural gas m a home orbusfness through our distribution system. It does not include the charges for the natural gas itself. Gas Affordability Program A surcharge to recoverthe costs of altering a low- income customer co-pay program designed to reduce natural gas service disconnections. Billed to all non - interruptible customers. Standard PaymentOpfions: INo fees apply) • MyAscaumVoBilP"r-- Viaw/ payyeurbill, viewenergyusageandaccessaccountinformation. • Auto Pay — Automatically pay yourbill directly from your bank account. • OnlinaYiew and Pay —View and pay your hillsoniino. • Pay By Phone — Make your payment by phone ftorn your cherking or savings account by calling 1- 800495 -4999. • Pay By Mail -Return the enciosad envelope and attached bill stuh with your payment. Apply proper postage. Renewable Development Fund _ Minnesota law requires Xcel Energy to allocate money to support development of renewable energy projects and research and devalopment ofrenewable energy technologies. Ranewahletug g Sy tandarrl _ Minnesota law allows Xcel Energy to recover the costs of now renewable generation. Resaun:oAdjnshnem _ This includes costs related to: Conservation Improvement Programs, Mercury Cost Recovery Renewable Development Fund, Renewable Energy Standard, State Energy Policy, Transmission Cost Rerovary State Energy Pali y _ Minnesota law allows Xcal Energy to recover costs related to various energy policies approved by the L.egislawre. TransmissionCestRenavetY Minnesota law allows Xeol Energy to recover costs associated with newinvestments in the electric transmission system necessary to deliver electric energy to customers, Windsourca® Windaource® is an optional program whereyou choose how much wind onergyyou would like to support You ran choose a fixed number of Windsource® blacks 1100 kWh each) or choose a 100% Windsource® option. Heat tauten Adjustment Corrects forvarionces in tho boating capability of natural gas, and the adjustmentvaries monthly The higher the heat contantthe lower the volume of naturalgas needed to provide the same hosting. Pressure Correction Adjuslmant Adjusts forvariences in the amount ofnatural gas measured by meroottypes of meters due to pressure differences in the natural gas delivered to a service. Resource Adiummem This includes costs related to Conservation Improvement Programs and Stara £norgy Policy Rider. State EneWPali Minnasats law allows Xcel Energy to recover costs related to various energy pair !as approved by the Legislature. Tharm A therm is a unit of heating value equal to 100,000 British Thermal Units [BTUsI, Since natural gas meters measurn the volume of natural gas consumed in cubic feet, the Heat Content Adjustmant is used to determine how much heat, in therms, is contained in the volume consumed, DtherPaymam Options [Third -Party Fees will apply. Xcel Energy does notcollect nor benefit from those foes.) • Crodit/Dehit Card Payment— Use your creditor debit card either online or by calling T-MB -747 -1523. • Pay Stations —Pay your bill in- parson at location near you. Learn more alxcelonargycnm/MyAccount EDA Agenda: 12/10/14 6. Consideration to Approve a Letter of Support for Submittal of Local Road Improvement Program Grant Application for Intersection Improvements to TH 25 and 7 Street. (SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider approving a letter of support for a grant application related to construction of planned improvements at TH 25 and 7th Street. MnDOT is soliciting applications for their Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) that provides funding assistance to Cities, Counties and Townships for construction projects with regional significance (i.e. connection to TH 25). The project must identify a transportation deficiency with an engineering strategy identified in the state's strategic highway safety plan and meet other criteria as detailed in the LRIP application included in the supporting data. In reviewing the funding criteria, staff feels that improvements to the intersection of TH 25 and 7th Street would be good candidate for this grant due to deficiencies related to the current operation of the intersection and vehicle crash history. The following are improvements that are being considered for the LRIP grant. 7th Street Improvements- See Figure 1: The improvements would include the following, which are also identified in the City's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for construction in 2016 and the 2008 Monticello Transportation Plan. • Addition of a right turn lane on westbound 7th Street at TH 25: This will involve removing the existing sidewalk and retaining wall and replacing it with a new sidewalk and wall located closer toward the cemetery property to accommodate widening the roadway for the right turn lane. The new retaining wall will be located adjacent to the existing cemetery fence line along the length of the new right turn lane. The improvement would also include extending the new wall to Cedar Street in order to relocate the sidewalk to provide boulevard between 7th Street and the sidewalk. The type and design of the retaining wall will need to be evaluated further. Previously a larger block wall was considered, however staff will evaluate using a modular block wall design as well. An investigation of where the grave sites exist needs to be conducted to determine impact, if any, with these improvements • Provide left turn flashing yellow arrow (FYA) traffic signal phasing for eastbound and westbound 7th Street: Currently the left turns are permissive (i.e. left turn to yield on green ball). The City has received several complaints related to queue times and backups on 7th Street. The proposed improvements would involve revising the signal system to include FYA left turns (i.e. left turns with green arrow during peaks and with a flashing yellow arrow during off peaks) on both westbound and eastbound 7th Street approaches to TH 25. EDA Agenda: 12/10/14 • The total estimated project cost for the above improvements is $350,000, which includes construction, contingency and indirect costs. The project is planned for construction in 2016 per the CIP. The estimated eligible LRIP grant funding for the right turn lane on 7th Street and signal modifications is approximately $230,000 which covers these construction costs only. Additional costs to extend the retaining wall and sidewalk with boulevard to Cedar Street would be a City cost. • Retaining Wall along TH 25 adjacent to Hillside Cemetery Staff had previously evaluated constructing a retaining wall along the east side of TH 25, north of 7th Street adjacent to Hillside cemetery to address constraints with mowing and maintenance and also to provide aesthetic improvements as an entrance to the City. This wall is not being proposed to be included with the LRIP grant application because it does not address a transportation deficiency, however can be included as a City cost with the 2016 core street reconstruction project. The LRIP grant program is very competitive and in the past has been funded every 2 years. In 2012, there was $61M in funding requested with only $10M available. Of that $IOM, $3M each went to County's, State Aid cities and small cities. $1M went to townships. Most projects were out of the metro. The application is fairly simple and would include the enclosed Figure 1 layout along with a detailed cost estimate. Below is additional information on the LRIP grant: Overview: • Total funding of $14 million — spread out over 2015 and 2016 • For statewide projects • Up to $750,00 for each project- construction costs only; engineering costs not eligible Type of Projects: ■ Must address a transportation deficiency with an engineering strategy identified in the state's strategic highway safety plan ■ 7th St would meet at least 2 of these strategies. Eligibility: • Must be a local road (county, city, township) • Must be a minor collector or higher functionally classified road or must meet one of the following: • Identified in a regional plan as a farm to market artery • Be apart of a 10 -ton route • Be part of an economic development plan • Serve a regional tourist destination • Provide capacity or congestion relief to a trunk highway or county road • Is a connection to the IRC system, trunk highway or a county road 2 EDA Agenda: 12/10/14 Must be non - controversial (given the timing — they want to avoid /limit right of way acquisition or other activities that take time to resolve) Must have a life expectancy of 10 years or more Must be approved for letting by June 2016 Selection: • Addresses a transportation deficiency with an engineering strategy identified in the state's strategic highway safety plan (see attached) • The availability of matching funds — state, federal and local • The regional significance of the route (e.g., connections to a county road are going to score lower than to the interregional corridor system (i.e. TH 25) • Effectiveness of the project in eliminating a transportation deficiency • The number of persons who will be positively impacted by the project • Project's contribution to other local, regional, or state economic development/redevelopment • Ability of the local government to adequately provide safe operation and maintenance of completed project Have support from partners (letters of support) Link: htlp://vrww.dot.state.mn.us/stateaid/Irip/2014-2015/guidance.pd Schedule: • December 8, 2015- City Council resolution authorizing submittal of application • January 2, 2015 — application due • March, 2015 —recommended projects announced • Bid Opening- Spring 2016 at the latest • Construction- Summer 2016 MnDOT has indicated they will provide a letter of support and staff will also request support letters from local businesses along 7th Street that will benefit from the improvement. If the project is not selected for the grant, the City can use available State Aid funds to cover the costs. The project would be implemented in 2016 with the next core street reconstruction project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a Letter of Support for submittal of Local Road Improvement Program grant application for intersection improvements to TH 25 and 7th Street 2. Motion to other. EDA Agenda: 12/10/14 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative 91 for reasons noted herein related to traffic and safety improvements. In addition, continued improvements to both vehicular and pedestrian circulation in the downtown, including those proposed with this project serve to benefit the economic health and vitality of the downtown area. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Letter of Support B. 7th Street Improvements - Figure 1 C. TH 25 Improvements — Figure 2 D. LRIP Program Overview December 10, 2014 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Letter of Support Local Road Improvement Program TH 25 and 7th Street Intersection Improvements Monticello, Minnesota Dear Mr. O'Neill: On behalf of the City of Monticello's Economic Development Authority, we are writing this letter to convey our support for the proposed improvements to the intersection of 7th Street and Trunk Highway (TH) 25 in the City of Monticello. These improvements consist of the addition of a right turn lane on westbound 7th Street at TH 25, signal improvements to address left turn phasing on eastbound and westbound 7th Street and other appurtenant work. We believe these improvements will address the safety and operational concerns at this intersection to improve access and reduce delays in order to benefit the economic health and vitality of the downtown area. Sincerely, Bill Demeules President City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Date: Printed: 1213/2014 WSB Filename: K: \0 1160- 6 11\ CAD \Exhibits \7thST -Right TurnL ones. dgn #r i/ 0 35 'fl 70 ft 4 - - F r IF 4r.* IMM f "# A dft 4%6 +� City of Monticello, Minnesota TH 25 at 7th Street Intersection Improvements iiii� uuuu� Date: Printed: 1213/2014 WSB Filename: K: \0 1160- 6 11 \CAD \Exhibits \TH25 & 11 -01 ( CA 1- • a f •r r � 0 35 'fl 70 ft rt 1 r • �A tp x City of Monticello, Minnesota TH 25 at 7th Street Intersection Improvements �iiii��iiii� uu�uu� DO��NNE$OTg2po �Q �OFTF! 2014 Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Solicitation Funding For LRIP Projects In the 2014, two laws were passed with a combined $54.356 million appropriated for the LRIP established in Minnesota Statutes 174.52. Below is a summary of the LRIP laws passed from the 2014 regular session. Session Law Funding Specified Projects (Funds) Chapter 295, HF 1068 $30,000,000 . Ramsey County - Road improvements related to the Army (General Fund) Ammunition Plant Redevelopment Project (TBD) • Otter Tail County and Pine Lake Township - Nitche Lake Road improvements ($250,000) Chapter 294, HF 2490 $24,356,000 . Anoka County — US 10 and CSAH 83 intersection (TBD) (Bond Funds) . City of Richfield — 77d� Street underpass (TBD) Eligibility Information All cities, counties, and townships are eligible applicants and are encouraged to submit projects in their local transportation system for funding. Projects selected through this solicitation must meet the requirements of the Routes of Regional Significance Account or the Rural Road Safety Account identified in the statute. Criteria that will be used to identify priority projects include but are not limited to: (1) the availability of other state, federal, and local funds; (2) the regional significance of the route; (3) effectiveness of the proposed project in eliminating a transportation deficiency; (4) the number of persons who will be positively impacted by the project; (5) the project's contribution to other local, regional, or state economic development or redevelopment efforts including livestock and other agricultural operations permitted after the effective date of this section; and (6) Ability of the local unit of government to adequately provide safe operation and maintenance of the facility upon project completion. Solicitation Schedule LRIP Advisory Committee meeting to establish guidance: July 7, 2014 Solicitation announcement: September 15, 2014 Application due date: January 2, 2015 LRIP Advisory Committee reconvenes: February 2015 Award announcement: March 2015 The 2014 LRIP application and guidance will be posted on the State Aid LRIP website when the solicitation opens. Notice will be given to the League of MN Cities, Association of Townships, MCEA, and CEAM. For More Information Contact: Patti Loken, State Aid Programs Engineer, 651 - 366 -3803, Patti. Lokeno__state.mn.us EDA Agenda: 12/10/14 7. Consideration to review and accept the work product reports for environmental analysis, structural analysis, and redevelopment finding analysis for properties on Block 34 and to authorize preparation of demolition specifications for 100 East Broadway. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider action relating to analysis completed in relationship to the publicly owned properties on Block 34. First, the EDA is asked to consider accepting work product prepared under contracts for service authorized by the EDA in October of 2014. The work products include the environmental analysis, structural analysis, and redevelopment finding analysis prepared for properties on Block 34. The analyses prepared for the EDA are intended to assist the EDA in future decisions relating to the properties owned by the City and /or EDA on Block 34. Each of these analyses is summarized in terms of scope below. Environmental. WSB & Associates, the City's consulting engineer, has completed a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for the nine parcels owned by the City and EDA on Block 34, and a Pre - Demolition Hazardous Building Material Survey for each of four buildings owned by the City or EDA. These are located at 100, 112 and 130 East Broadway and 119 3rd Street East. The Phase 1 study includes a series of recommendations, which are found on Page 26 of the report. These recommendations include completion of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, and soil and water sampling prior to redevelopment. Such work would be considered by the City and /or EDA at a future time. In addition, it should be noted that the Phase 1 report may be subject to time limitations in terms of its acceptance for financing of projects and may require future update. The Hazardous Materials reports provide necessary research and recommendations for the preparation of the demolition specifications, including removals prior to demolition and information pertinent to demolition management and oversight during the actual demolition process. Structural: The structural analysis included an evaluation of the buildings at 100, 112 and 130 East Broadway. The evaluation, completed by Meyer Borgman Johnson, included information pertaining to the potential future demolition of each of the buildings, and the recommendations for mitigation of impact on existing structures at 118 East Broadway and the City well facilities. EDA Agenda: 12/10/14 Chris Hartnett of Meyer Borgman Johnson has indicated that given the completed analysis, no secondary structural system research is required as a second phase of the project at this time. This was referenced as a potential need in the scope of services portion of the contract agreement. Tax Increment Financing Evaluation: LHB Corporation was engaged to complete an evaluation of the buildings located at 100, 112 and 130 East Broadway andl 19 3rd Street East in terms of meeting required qualifications for a future tax increment financing district. LHB has indicated that three of the four buildings meet qualification should a redevelopment TIF district be created. LHB has prepared three separate documents for the three properties which meet the qualification requirements for inclusion in a future redevelopment TIF district. It is important to note that the EDA is not acting at this time to adopt the individual letters of finding for each building. This will be a separate action by the EDA. These letters of finding must be adopted before demolition of any structure and prior to creation of a redevelopment TIF district. The EDA will therefore be asked to formally adopt one or more letter of finding at the time it seeks to proceed with demolition. The EDA Attorney, LHB and Northland Securities have each confirmed that it is the demolition activity itself that will begin the required three year time window for creation of a new redevelopment TIF district. In considering the analysis of these reports as a whole, and in consultation with the EDA's attorney and financial consultant, staff believes that the appropriate action at this time is to proceed with preparation for demolition of 100 East Broadway. The recommendation to proceed with these specifications is based on the following considerations: • WSB & Associates has prepared a preliminary schedule for the intersection improvements at TH 25 and CSAH 75. This schedule requires that the 100 East Broadway building be removed by June 1, 2015. To meet that schedule, it is critical that work begin as soon as possible on specifications for demolition and quote process. • A significant portion of the western-most parcel (of two) on which 100 East Broadway sits will become right of way for the intersection. • 100 East Broadway meets the qualification requirements for substandard building based on the report prepared by LHB Corporation. • The EDA has a three year window for creation of a redevelopment district after demolition of a building. There is no redevelopment project proposed at this time and therefore no need to remove the other buildings owned by the EDA, thereby EDA Agenda: 12/10/14 starting the time window for redevelopment TIF district creation. There are also additional costs associated with removing the buildings at 112 and 130 East Broadway at this time in terms of demolition techniques and monitoring. In summary, moving forward with demolition specification preparation for 100 East Broadway will allow maintenance of the time schedule critical to the TH 25 /CSAH 75 improvements while preserving flexibility for the EDA in terms of establishing a future TIF redevelopment district. The EDA will note that the contract for scope of work to be completed by WSB includes the preparation of demolition specifications and demolition management. Those services will begin based on the direction of the EDA on demolition activities. Demolition management will include on -site monitoring and observation by WSB as recommended in the Phase 1 ESA. Pending action to proceed with specifications, the EDA will be asked in January to authorize request for quotes on the demolition itself. Al. Budget Impact: The costs for work on the analyses is as stated in contracts and agreements authorized previously. The preparation of demolition specifications was also included within the WSB scope of work and agreement approved previously. These expenses were authorized under an Interfund Loan Resolution from the EDA General Fund. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff, including the City Engineer, Chief Building Official and Community Development Director, have reviewed each of the reports and consulted with the preparing firms accordingly on questions and comments. Staff will continue to be involved in review and response as needed during the demolition phase proposed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1: Accept Work Products 1. Motion to accept the work product reports for environmental analysis, structural analysis, and redevelopment finding analysis for properties on Block 34. 2. Motion of other. Decision 2: Preparation of Demolition Specifications for 100 East Broadway 1. Motion to authorize preparation of demolition specifications for 100 East Broadway. 2. Motion of other. EDA Agenda: 12/10/14 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Regarding Decision 91, staff recommends Alternative 91. These analyses are consistent with the contracts /agreements for services and are necessary to consider future redevelopment of any of the publicly owned parcels on the block and to facilitate the demolition of building(s) for the TH 25 /CSAH 75 project. For Decision 92, staff recommends authorizing the preparation of demolition specifications for 100 East Broadway at this time, based on the considerations noted in this report. The EDA should also be aware that a number of other decisions will be forthcoming in the next two months prior to actual demolition of 100 East Broadway. These actions may include authorization for quote, award of demolition contract, removal of parcels from TIF District 1 -22 and conveyance of the property for right of way. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment B. Hazardous Materials Surveys — 100, 112 and 130 East Broadway and 119 3rd Street East C. Structural Impact Report D. TIF Analysis Reports E. Proposal and Agreement for Structural Engineering Services, Meyer Borgman Johnson F. Proposal and Agreement for Environmental and Demolition Specification and Management Services, WSB & Associates G. Proposal and agreement for TIF Analysis, LHB Corporation 4 w J. i CI 1Y G)I- Montice o City of Monticello 505WalnutStreet • Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295 -2711 November 19, 2014 ............................... PHASE 1 Environmental Site Assessment Block 34 Block 34 Monticello, MN 66362 .. ............................... WSB Project No. 1494 -940 A 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 . _ I�� Minneapolis, MN 55416 w Tel: (763) 541 -4800 - Fax: (763) 541 -1700 Lt ,,� I wsbeng.com t z Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Block 34 Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared by: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 November 19, 2014 Ryan G. Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 ■ WSS && A,,,,�,�� engineering • planning • environmental • construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 - 541 -4800 Fax: 763 -541 -1700 November 19, 2014 Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 Monticello, MN 55362 W SB Project No. 1494 -940 Dear Ms. Schumann: Transmitted herewith for your review is the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for Monticello Block 34 located in Monticello, MN. I am available at your convenience to discuss this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 763 - 231 -4854 if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. 94VIVC� Ryan Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist Enclosure Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS °C degrees Celsius ° F degrees Fahrenheit % percent AAI EPA All Appropriate Inquiry ( §312.10 of 40 CFR 312) ACM asbestos containing material ACWM asbestos containing waste material AET American Engineering Testing, Inc. AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act AST aboveground storage tank ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials (now known only by acronym) AUL activity and use limitation BaPs benzo(a)pyrene equivalents BETX benzene, ethlybenzene, toluene, xylene bgs below ground surface CAP Corrective Action Plan CCP Construction Contingency Plan CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, Liability Act (Superfund) CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, Liability Information System CESQG RCRA Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator CFR Code of Federal Regulations CG cleanup goal CGI combustible gas indicator COC MPCA Certificate of Completion CoC contaminant of concern C.O.C. chain of custody CORRACTS RCRA Corrective Actions Information System cPAH carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon CVOC chlorinated volatile organic compound cy or CY cubic yards DML MPCA Dredge Management Level DRO diesel range organics ( " -Si" indicates silica -gel pretreatment) EA /EAW Environmental Assessment [Worksheet] EC engineering control ECP Emissions Control Plan ECR Environmental Construction Report EDR Environmental Data Resources, Inc. A WSB & Rssociales. i��. Page I EIS Environmental Impact Statement EP Environmental Professional ( §312.10 of 40 CFR 312) EPA Environmental Protection Agency (also USEPA) ERNS Emergency Response Notification System (federal) ESA Environmental Site Assessment EWP Environmental Work Plan f/cc fibers -per- cubic - centimeter ft feet GEN RCRA Generator GIS geographic information system GPS global positioning system GRO gasoline range organics HASP Health and Safety Plan HBV MDH Health Based Value HIG Historical Information Gatherers, Inc. HREC historical recognized environmental condition HRL MDH Health Risk Limit IC institutional control ISV MPCA Intrusion Screening Value LAST leaking aboveground storage tank LEL lower explosion limit If or LF lineal feet LIMS laboratory information management system LLP landowner liability protection LQG RCRA Large Quantity Generator LSI MPCA Limited Site Investigation LUST leaking underground storage tank MCES Metropolitan Council Environmental Services MCL EPA Maximum Contaminant Level MDA Minnesota Department of Agriculture MDH Minnesota Department of Health MDL method detection limit. mg/kg milligrams- per - kilogram mg /L milligrams- per -liter MGS Minnesota Geological Survey MMP Materials Management Plan MnDOT Minnesota Department of Transportation MPCA Minnesota Pollution Control Agency MS/MSD matrix spike /matrix spike duplicate MSDS material safety data sheet A WSB & Rssociales. i��. Page 2 MTBE methyl tert -butyl ether NA not assigned or not applicable NAD MPCA No Association Determination ND no detection NEPA National Environmental Protection Act NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NFA MPCA No Further Action NFRAP No Further Remedial Action Planned NLR RCRA No Longer Regulated Information System NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPL National Priority List (federal Superfund) NR not recorded ODI EPA Open Dump Inventory OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration PAH polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon PEL OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit PBP MPCA Petroleum Brownfield Program PCB polychlorinated biphenyl pcm point count method PCM phase - contrast microscopy PE Professional Engineer PEF potency equivalency factor PG Professional Geologist PID photoionization detector PLM polarized light microscopy PLP Permanent List of Priorities (state Superfund) ppb parts- per - billion ppbv parts- per - billion by volume PPE personal protective equipment ppm parts- per - million ppmv parts- per - million by volume PRP MPCA Petroleum Remediation Program PVOC petroleum volatile organic compound QA quality assurance QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan QC quality control RACM regulated asbestos containing material RAI Response Action Implementation RAP Response Action Plan RCRA Resource Conservation Recovery Act A WSB & Rssociales. i��. Page 3 REC recognized environmental condition RI MPCA or MDA Remedial Investigation RL laboratory reporting limit ROD EPA Record of Decision SHOP Special Handling Operations Plan SLV MPCA Soil Leaching Value SMP Soil Management Plan SOP standard operating procedure SPILLS MPCA Spills inventory SQG RCRA Small Quantity Generator SREC suspect recognized environmental condition SRV MPCA Soil Reference Value SSP Site Safety Plan SVOC semi - volatile organic compound SWF /LF MPCA Solid Waste Facilities /Landfill Sites TCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TPH total petroleum hydrocarbons TRIS EPA Toxic Release Inventory System TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act TSD RCRA Transportation Storage and Disposal inventory TWA time - weighted average µg/kg micrograms- per - kilogram µg/l or µg/L micrograms- per -liter µg/m, micrograms -per- cubic -meter USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency (also EPA) USGS United States Geological Survey UST underground storage tank VIC MPCA Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program VOC volatile organic compound WCA Wetland Conservation Act XRF x -ray fluorescence A WSB & Rssociales. i��. Page 4 Table of Contents TITLE SHEET /CERTIFICATION LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Summary .................................................................................................... ............................... 1 2. Introduction .............................................................................................. ............................... 3 2.1 Purpose ................................................................................... ............................... 3 2.2 Scope of Services .................................................................... ............................... 3 2.3 Assessment Limitations and Assumptions ........................... ............................... 3 2.4 Special Terms and Conditions ............................................... ............................... 4 2.5 Previous Environmental Documents .................................... ............................... 4 3. Site Description ........................................................................................ ............................... 6 3.1 Subject Property Location ..................................................... ............................... 6 3.2 Property Vicinity and Characteristics ................................... ............................... 6 3.3 Current and Historic Use of the Property ............................. ............................... 6 3.4 Description of Structures, Roads, and Improvements ........ ............................... 7 3.5 Adjoining Properties .............................................................. ............................... 8 4. User Provided Information .................................................................... ............................... 9 5. Records Review ...................................................................................... ............................... 10 5.1 Regulatory Database Review ............................................... ............................... 10 5.2 Regulatory File Review ........................................................ ............................... 12 5.3 Physical Setting Information ............................................... ............................... 12 5.4 Historical Use Information .................................................. ............................... 13 6. Site Reconnaissance ...................................................................... ............................... 19 6.1 Methodology ........................................................................... .............................19 6.2 General Site Setting .............................................................. ............................... 19 6.3 Exterior and Interior Observations .................................... ............................... 19 7. Interviews ................................................................................................ ............................... 21 8. Findings, Conclusions, and Opinions ................................................. ............................... 23 8.1 Recognized Environmental Conditions .............................. ............................... 23 8.2 Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions ............. ............................... 24 8.3 Controlled Recognized Environmental Conditions ........... ............................... 24 8.4 Vapor Intrusion .................................................................... ............................... 25 8.5 De Minimis Conditions ......................................................... ............................... 25 8.6 Items of Environmental Note .............................................. ............................... 25 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Table of Contents 9. Recommendations ......................................................................... ............................... 26 10. Data Gaps ......................................................................................... ............................... 27 11. Qualifications of Environmental Professionals ....................... ............................... 28 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Project Location Figure 2 - USGS Topographical Map Figure 3 - Hennepin County Soils Figure 4 - Surface Geology Figure 5 - Bedrock Geology Figure 6 - County Well Index Figure 7 - REC and HREC Locations LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A - Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey Reports (text only) Appendix B - Wright County Property Information Appendix C - Photographic Documentation Appendix D - User Questionnaire Appendix E - EDR Report Appendix F - Fire Insurance Maps (No Coverage) Appendix G - City Directories Appendix H - Aerial Photographs Appendix I - Topographic Maps Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 1. Summary WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) was retained by the City of Monticello (the City) to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the proposed Monticello Block 34 redevelopment project consisting of nine parcels located in Monticello, MN (the property). The objective of the assessment was to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) associated with the property according to ASTM E1527 -13 "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessments ". The property is located in the northeast quarter of Section 11, Township 121 North, and Range 25 West, in Wright County, Minnesota. The property is currently owned by the City and is adjoined by commercial properties to the west and north, and residential properties to the east and south. A property location map is included as Figure 1. WSB has performed this Phase I ESA in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E1527 -13. Exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in Section 2.3 of this assessment. This Phase I ESA has been prepared exclusively for the City. No additional parties may rely on the contents of this report unless written authorization is obtained from WSB. This Phase I ESA has revealed three RECs and one historical recognized environmental condition (HREC) associated with the property. The identified RECs and HREC include: REC - 1: Property Service Station (Phillips 66 Station) Evidence of a former gas station located on the property was revealed during the assessment. A Phillips 66 Station was reportedly located on the northwestern portion of the property (currently occupied by the 100 Broadway East building) from the 1930s to the mid- 1970's. The service station included both underground storage tanks (USTs) and hydraulic hoists for auto repair. The site is currently developed with a commercial building (100 Broadway East) since at least 1984. It is assumed that the associated USTs and hoist were removed prior to redevelopment of the site. However, no documentation of UST /hoist removal was revealed during the assessment. Although no leaks have been identified, it is possible that undocumented leaks have occurred at the property in this area. REC - 2: Gas Tank and Possible Coal Gasification (Monticello Gas and Water Works) Evidence of a gas tank and possible coal gasification activities was revealed at the property. Fire insurance maps from 1903 and 1914 depicted the building located at 130 Broadway East as City Gas and Water Works. Based on the depictions and Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 1 common municipal practices during this time period, it is assumed that coal gasification activities were performed at the building from at least 1903 to 1914. The process of early coal gasification can produce a number of byproducts that could cause soil and /or groundwater contamination. Commonly associated contaminates from historic manufactured gas plants include: volatile organic compounds (VOCs), coal tar, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, cyanide, lampblack, and tar emulsions. The maintenance, chemical storage, and disposal practices of the gasification process are unknown at this time. There is a high possibility that historic gasification activities have resulted in contamination at the property. REC - 3: Adjoining Active Service Station (Reds Mobil Service) Red's Mobil Service - This site is located east of the property at 200 Broadway East and is listed on the UST and aboveground storage tank (AST) databases. Reportedly three active gasoline USTs, one diesel UST, and one kerosene UST are present at the property. In addition, one inactive fuel oil UST is associated with the site. Although no leaks have been identified, it is possible that undocumented leaks have occurred at this site. HREC - 1: Adjoining Leak Site (TDS Telecom) TDS Telecom (MPCA Leak ID 15846) - This site is located south of the property at 316 Pine Street and was identified on the leaking underground storage tank (LUST) database. The identified leak was discovered on September 15, 2004, consisted of diesel, did not impact groundwater, and was issued site closure by the MPCA on December 1, 2004. Site closure means the MPCA staff does not require any additional investigation and /or cleanup work at this time and does not mean that the site is free of contamination. It is possible that contamination from this site has impacted the property soil and /or groundwater. Additionally, the following environmental items should be noted: Historic Property Wells Evidence of historic municipal and domestic wells was revealed at the property. One municipal well was present at the 130 Broadway East building and one domestic well was present on the northwestern portion of the property (occupied by the 100 Broadway East building). No well sealing records for these wells was discovered during this investigation. It is possible that these wells were not properly abandoned per Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) standards. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 2 2. Introduction 2.1 Purpose WSB was retained by the City to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the proposed Monticello Block 34 redevelopment project consisting of nine parcels (the property) located in Monticello, MN. The objective of the assessment was to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) associated with the property according to ASTM E1527 -13 "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessments ". The ASTM E1572 -13 Standard defines the term recognized environmental condition as meaning "the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property: (1) due to any release to the environment; (2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment; or (3) under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the environment." The term is not intended to include de minimis condition's that generally do not present a threat to human health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies. Conditions determined to be de minimis are not recognized environmental conditions. WSB understands that the City intends to demolish the existing property buildings and redevelop the property for mixed residential and commercial purposes. 2.2 Scope of Services The Scope of Services performed by WSB is defined by the ASTM E1527 -13 Standard and the methodologies and procedures described in the body of this report. The ASTM E1527 -13 Standard is intended to permit a user to satisfy one of the requirements to qualify for the innocent landowner, contiguous property owner, or bona fide prospective purchaser limitations on Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) liability, which is the practice that constitutes "all appropriate inquiry into previous ownership and uses of the property with good commercial or customary practice" as defined in 42 U.S.C. 9601 (3 5) (B). 2.3 Assessment Limitations and Assumptions This Phase I ESA was performed in accordance with ASTM E1527 -13 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments. No conditions were encountered that were determined to be significantly limiting to the purpose of this assessment. The Scope of Services for this Phase I ESA did not include the completion of soil borings, the installation of groundwater monitoring wells, or the collection of soil, sediment, surface water, or groundwater samples. In addition, this assessment did Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 3 not include collecting or analyzing samples for the presence of asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), lead -based paint, lead in drinking water, radon, or urea formaldehyde as this is beyond the scope of the ASTM E1527 -13. 2.4 Special Terms and Conditions The findings and conclusions presented in this report are based on the general guidance provided by ASTM E1527 -13, available data cited in this report, and property conditions noted at the time of the site reconnaissance. A Phase I ESA cannot wholly eliminate the uncertainty regarding the potential for REC at the property. This assessment is intended to reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty related to the potential for RECs in connection with the property within reasonable time limits and cost. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report represent WSB's professional opinions. These opinions are arrived at in accordance with currently acceptable Phase I ESA practices at this time and are subject to the inherent limitations of environmental assessments outlined in this section. WSB obtained, reviewed, and evaluated information provided by property owner /representatives, Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) Report and local /state public entities. WSB's conclusions, opinions, and recommendations are based in part on this information. WSB's services did not include the verification of the accuracy or authenticity of this information as this is beyond the scope of a Phase I ESA per ASTM guidelines. This report is based upon the standard gathered information (ASTM E1527 -13) and WSB's observations made during the site reconnaissance. Given the inherent limitations of environmental assessment work, WSB does not guarantee that the property is free of hazardous or potentially hazardous materials or conditions, or that latent or undiscovered conditions will not become evident in the future. WSB's report is prepared in accordance with WSB's Scope of Work and no other warranties, representations, or certifications are made. 2.5 Previous Environmental Documents WSB prepared the following environmental documents for the property in preparation for building demolition: • Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey, Commercial Building, 100 Broadway East, Monticello, MN, dated November 10, 2014. • Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey, Commercial Building, 112 Broadway East, Monticello, MN, dated November 10, 2014. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 4 • Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey, Commercial Building, 130 Broadway East, Monticello, MN, dated November 10, 2014. • Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey, Commercial Building, 119 3rd Street East, Monticello, MN, dated November 10, 2014. In summary, numerous asbestos containing materials (ACM) and regulated waste items were identified at the property. No lead -based paint (LBP) was identified during the survey; however, the lead survey was not intended to represent a comprehensive lead survey of all painted surfaces. Prior to demolition activities, all identified regulated waste should be abated and /or removed by a certified licensed contractor as indicated in Section 9 of the reports. Copies of the above listed reports (text only) are included in Appendix A. WSB is not aware of any additional environmental documents prepared for the property. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 5 3. Site Description 3.1 Property Location The property consists of nine parcels located on Block 34 in Monticello, MN. The property is located in the northeast quarter of Section 11, Township 121 North, and Range 25 West. A property location map is included in Figure 1. Property information regarding the property was obtained from Wright County's Property Information Database. Based on this information, the property tax description is generally listed as Original Plat Monticello Lots 2, 3, 4, 5,8, 9, 10, 13, 14, and 15 of Block 34. The class is listed as non - homestead, municipal public service- other. The property totals approximately 1.90 acres and consists of the following Wright County addresses and associated parcel identification numbers (PIDs). Address PID 100 Broadway East (building) 155010034140 100 Broadway East (building) 155010034150 112 Broadway East (building) 155010034130 130 Broadway East (building) 155010034102 119 3rd Street East (building, Well House #2) 155010034040 Not listed well house #1 155010034101 Not listed (parking lot 155010034080 Not listed (parking lot 155010034020 Not listed (parking lot 155010034030 Copies of the Wright Property Information sheets are included in Appendix B. 3.2 Property Vicinity and Characteristics The property is located in a mixed residential /commercial district. In general, commercial properties adjoin the property to the west and north and residential properties adjoining the property to the east and south. The property grounds are entirely impervious consisting of asphalt and concrete drive, parking, and walkways. Two active City municipal water wells are located on the property and are protected by well house buildings. 3.3 Current and Historic Use of the Property The property was historically used for residential and commercial purposes dating back to 1895. In general, the northern portion of the property (along Broadway East) has been occupied by commercial properties since at least 1903. Based on this review, current and historic property use included residential, municipal gas and Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 6 water works, fire department, jail, upholstering & painting, tailoring, shoe sales, plumbing business, creamery, motion picture, bakery, electric supply, dental office, dance studio, nail salon, tattoo parlor, pizza restaurant, bike shop, bar /liquor store, department of motor vehicle, help center, and municipal water supply uses. The southern portion of the property was occupied by residential dwellings from at least 1895 to 1963. The property buildings are currently vacant and owned by the City. Photographs documenting current property conditions are included as Appendix C. 3.4 Description of Structures, Roads, and Improvements The property is currently occupied by six commercial buildings. The property buildings consist of the following: • Former Montgomery Farms Building (100 Broadway East) - A single -story multitenant commercial building. The building is slab on grade, constructed of concrete block and metal, and contains a flat roof. • Former BL Bikes Building (112 Broadway East) - A two -story multitenant commercial building. The building is constructed of concrete block, metal, and wood and contains a partial basement. The building contains two apartment units on the second floor and a flat roof. • Former Zoo Bar Building (130 Broadway East) - A single -story commercial building. The building is slab on grade, constructed of concrete block, metal, and brick and contains a flat roof. • DMV /Help Center Building (119 3rd Street East) - A single -story multitenant commercial building. The building is constructed of concrete block and metal and contains a partial attic. The building roof is flat. • Well House #1 Building (132 Broadway East) - A single -story well house building. The building is constructed of concrete block and metal and contains a flat roof. The building contains an active municipal water well. • Well House #2 Building (209 Cedar Street) - A single -story well house building. The building is constructed of concrete block, brick, and metal and contains a flat roof. The building contains an active municipal water well. The property is bound by Broadway East to the north, Cedar Street to the east, 3rd Street East to the south, and County Road 25 to the west. WSB understands that the City intends to demolish the existing property buildings and redevelop the property for mixed residential and commercial purposes. The City municipal wells will be left in place. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 7 3.5 Adjoining Properties The adjoining property use was noted on October 27 -29, 2014 by WSB. The adjoining property use is described below: North: Broadway East followed by commercial properties (Walgreens and a multitenant office building) East: A multifamily residential property followed by Cedar Street then commercial properties (Red's Mobil, Car Wash, Monticello Printing) South: Alley /3rd Street East followed by commercial and residential properties (Finders Keepers, TDS Telecom) West: County Road 25 /Pine Street followed by commercial properties (Chamber of Commerce, Belde Chiropractic, Sweet Dreams Sleep Center) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 8 4. User Provided Information In order to satisfy the requirements of All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI), the property user was provided an environmental questionnaire. The user is the party seeking to use the Phase I ESA and has specific obligations under ASTM E1527 -13. WSB provided a user questionnaire to Ron Hackenmueller (City of Monticello Chief Building and Zoning Officer) and Matt Theisen (City of Monticello Water & Sewer Superintendent) for the purposes of satisfying the user provided requirement for ASTM and AAI requirements. Mr. Hackenmueller and Theisen completed the questionnaires on October 29, 2014. They were not aware of any pending litigation or pending /past administrative proceedings relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products or any pending administrative proceedings associated with the property. In addition, they were not aware of any environmental permits, underground storage tanks, aboveground storage tanks, or environmental report documents associated with the property. However, Mr. Theisen indicated knowledge of a well located in the basement at the 112 Broadway East building. Mr. Theisen provided well documentation that the well was sealed by Alberg Water Services, Inc. on October 15, 2013. Copies of the completed user questionnaires are included in Appendix D. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 9 5. Records Review 5.1 Regulatory Database Review A Federal and State database records review was conducted by Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) a commercial regulatory database service provider. An EDR Report was generated for the property on October 17, 2014. This report was used to identify verified or potentially hazardous substances and petroleum releases associated with the property, adjoining properties, and surrounding area. A copy of the EDR report is included as Appendix E. The Federal and State regulatory agencies database was evaluated and the minimum search distances used are consistent with the ASTM E1572 -13 Standard Practice. The EDR Report includes descriptions of the databases examined and radius maps showing the locations of the sites identified. Proper 1y Listings The EDR report identified no property database listings. Adjoining Proper 1y Listings The EDR report identified thirteen (13) database listings at sites determined to adjoin the property. The listings are associated with five sites. Below is a summary of the identified adjoining property database listings: Red's Mobil Service - This site is located east of the property at 200 Broadway East and is listed on the underground storage tank (UST), aboveground storage tank (AST), environmental interest (FINDS), non - generator (RCRA NonGen /NLR), financial assurance (Financial Assurance), and historic auto (US Hist Auto Stat) databases. Inclusion on the UST and AST databases indicates the site currently (or historically) has underground and aboveground storage tanks present. Inclusion on the FINDS database means the site is listed on the federal index and inclusion on the RCRA Non /Gen NLR means the site no longer generates hazardous waste. Inclusion on the Financial Assurance database means the state has funds to pay for cleanup and inclusion on the US Hist Auto Stat database means that the site is listed on the historic automobile repair database. None of the identified listings indicate a hazardous material spill, leak, or violation. Monticello Printing - This site is located east of the property at 216 Broadway East and is listed on the RCRA NonGen /NLR and FINDS databases. None of the identified listings indicate a hazardous material spill, leak, or violation. TDS Telecom - This site is located south of the property at 316 Pine Street and is listed on leaking underground storage tank (LUST), UST, and Financial Assurance databases. Inclusion on the LUST database indicates a leak has occurred associated Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 10 with the tank system. The identified leak (MPCA ID 15846) was discovered in 2004, consisted of diesel, did not impact groundwater, and was issued site closure by the MPCA on December 01, 2004. Site closure does not mean that the site is free of contamination. Stokes Marine - This site is located north of the property at 113 Broadway East and is listed on the RCRA NonGen /NLR and FINDS databases. None of the identified listings indicate a hazardous material spill, leak, or violation. Buffalo Dental Center - This site is located north of the property at 106 Broadway East and is listed on the conditionally exempt small quantity generator (RCRA- CESQG) database. Inclusion on the RCRA -CESQG database indicates the site generates 100 kilograms (kg) or less of hazardous waste per month, 1,000 kg cumulative hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acute hazardous waste per year. Surrounding Area Listings The EDR Report identified sixty four (64) database listings within the search distance from the property. The listings are associated with twenty six (26) surrounding area sites. The identified listings include: • Eleven (11) RCRA Non Gen / NLR listings; • Nine (9) FINDS listings; • Four (4) historic dry cleaner (US Hist Cleaners) listings; • Nine (9) LUST (all closed by the MPCA except for Broadway Kwik Trip and Monticello Bulk Petroleum Facility Storage) listings; • One (1) SPILLS (Cargill Kitchen Solutions not closed by the MPCA) listing; • One (1) toxic release inventory (TIER 2) listing; • Two (2) LAST (all closed by the MPCA) listings; • Fourteen (14) Financial Assurance listings; • Three (3) RCRA -CESQG listings; • Six (6) UST listings; • Two (2) AST listings; and • One (1) US Hist Auto Stat listing. Based on the database listing types, regulatory status (majority of identified leaks have been issued site closure by the MPCA), and distance from the property, the identified surrounding area listings do not appear to be RECs at this time. Not Mapped Listings The EDR report identified nine (9) database listings as "not mapped ". These are sites which EDR could not determine an exact location due to incomplete or inaccurate database information. Based on the review of the listings, the sites appear to be located beyond the appropriate search distance from the property Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 11 except for Fred's Auto Repair (349 Broadway Street West) was identified on the UST database. Based on the available information the "not mapped" database listings and are not considered RECs at this time. 5.2 Regulatory File Review ASTM Standard E1527 -13 requires that a regulatory file review be conducted if the property, or adjoining property, is listed on a public database. Based on the information provided by EDR (see Section 5.1), file reviews of one adjoining LUST site (TDS Telecom) was deemed necessary. Mr. Dale Boettcher with the MPCA provided electronic copies of select files on November 13, 2014. WSB completed a file review at the MPCA St. Paul, MN office on November 16, 2014. Based on the documents reviewed, below is a summary of the additional information gathered: TDS Telecom (MPCA Leak ID 15846) - This site is located south of the property at 316 Pine Street and was identified on the LUST database. The identified leak was discovered on September 15, 2004, consisted of diesel, did not impact groundwater, and was issued site closure by the MPCA on December 1, 2004. Site closure means the MPCA staff does not require any additional investigation and /or cleanup work at this time. Site closure does not mean that the site is free of contamination. A 300 gallon UST containing diesel was removed from the site on August 17, 2004. The UST was located just south of a building labeled "equipment building ". No evaluated photoionization detector (PID) readings were encountered during UST removal and one tank basin bottom soil sample had a diesel range organic (DRO) concentration of 19 parts per million (ppm). Groundwater was not encountered during tank removal activities. 5.3 Physical Setting Information Based on the Unites States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5- minute topographic quadrangle maps, the property elevation is 926 feet above mean sea level (amsl) as outlined on Figure 2. The property grounds are relatively flat and slopes gradually to the south. The property is entirely impervious consisting of asphalt and concrete parking, driveway, and sidewalks. An alley transects the property east to west. The Soil Survey of Wright County classified the property soils as Dorset sandy loamy (0 to 2 percent slopes) as illustrated on Figure 3. The property surficial geology consists of sand, gravel, and loamy sand of the Richfield Terrace as illustrated on Figure 4. The underlying property bedrock consists of poorly sorted fine - grained to coarse grained sandstone of the Mt. Simon and Jordan Sandstone rock of the Upper Cambrian period (see Figure 5). Bedrock is estimated to occur at a depth of greater than 100 feet below ground surface (bgs) at the property. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 12 The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) County Well Index (CWI) was reviewed to determine if registered wells are located on the property or surrounding area. No wells were identified on the property based on the review of the MDH CWI. One verified well and one not verified well was identified north of the property within 500 feet. A well index search map is included as Figure 6. Two municipal City wells exist at the property (Well House #1 and Well House #2) that were not included in the publicly available MDH CWI database. Based on review of the surrounding area well logs, the depth to groundwater is estimated to be at the Mississippi River elevation and within the upper 20 feet at the property. The general groundwater flow direction at the property is estimated to be north - northeast towards the Mississippi River. It should be noted that groundwater levels can fluctuate due to seasonal, natural, and manmade events. 5.4 Historical Use Information WSB reviewed historical information to determine if past property uses have led to RECs. WSB consulted historical sources that were readily available, practically reviewable, and likely to be useful to determine the past history of the property within the timeframe and constraints of this Phase I ESA. The sources consulted included the following. • Fire Insurance Maps: Sanborn fire insurance maps were requested from EDR for the property. WSB was provided Sanborn maps from 1884, 1903, 1914, and 1922. A copy of the Certified Sanborn Map Report is included in Appendix F. Based on the maps reviews, the following information was gathered: Property Fire Map Observations The property is occupied by residential dwellings on the 1895 map. Commercial buildings consisting of City public works, upholstery and painting, carriage repair, and tailoring businesses are depicted on the northern portion of the property along Broadway East on the 1903 map. Additional commercial businesses depicted as G.A. Cornell & Co. Cream Station, plumbing, shoe sales, electrical, bakery, and a motion picture are present along Broadway East on the 1914 and 1922 maps. A domestic well is depicted on the northwestern portion of the property on the 1895 and 1903 maps. This area is currently occupied by 100 Broadway East building. No sealing record was reviled for this well during the review. A gas tank, air tank, and a municipal well are depicted on the northern portion of the property on the City Gas and Water Works building on the 1903 and 1914 maps. This building is currently occupied by the 130 Broadway East building. The municipal well and air tank are also depicted on the 1922 map but the gas tank is not present. Based on the depictions, time period, and name depicted on Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 13 the the building (City Gas & Water Works), it is assumed that coal gasification activities were performed at the 130 Broadway East building from at least 1903 to 1914. Adjoining Fire Map Observations North - Commercial businesses are depicted to the north on the 1895 and subsequent maps. Two fire wells are located along Broadway East on the 1895 and 1903 maps. East - Vacant land and a residential dwelling are depicted to the east on the 1895 and 1903 maps. Northern State Lumber Co. is depicted to the east on the 1922 map. South - Residential dwellings are depicted to the south on the 1914 and subsequent maps. The area south of the property is not included on the 1895 and 1903 maps. West - Commercial businesses are depicted to the west of the property on the 1895 and subsequent maps. Central Lumber Co is depicted to the southwest of on the 1922 map. No evidence of wells or bulk chemical storage was depicted on any of the adjoining properties. • City Directories: EDR provided city directories from Cole Information Services for Broadway East, Cedar Street, Pine Street, and 3rd Street East in Monticello, MN. Directories from 1992, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2008, and 2013 were reviewed (see Appendix G). Based on the review, the following information was gathered: Property City Directory Listings Property 2013 - The property was listed as BL Used Bikes (112 Broadway East), Zoo Bar (130 Broadway East), City of Monticello (119 3rd Street East), Barbra Lee's Studio of Dance /Brand New Nail & Alteration (204 Pine Street), and Pizza Factory (206 Pine Street). Property 2008 - The property was listed as Shuman's Outdoor Sports (112 Broadway East), Monticello Liquor (130 Broadway East), Deputy Registration Motor Vehicles (119 3rd Street East), Barbra Lee's Studio of Dance /Brand New Nail & Alteration (204 Pine Street), and Pizza Factory (206 Pine Street). Property 2003 - The property was listed as Shuman's Outdoor Sports /Surplus Outpost (112 Broadway East), Monticello Liquor (130 Broadway East), Monticello City of Motor Vehicles (119 3rd Street East), Barbra Lee's Studio of Dance (204 Pine Street), and Pizza Factory (206 Pine Street). Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 14 Property 1999 - The property was listed as Ernie's Bait (112 Broadway East) and Monticello Liquor Incorporated (130 Broadway East). Property 1995 - The property was listed as Monticello Liquor Incorporated (130 Broadway East). Property 1992 - The property was not listed in the provided 1992 directory pages. Adjoining Property City Directory Listings North 2013 - Civil Engineering Site Design (118 Broadway East), Walgreens (135 Broadway East), a resident occupant (137 Broadway East), and Century Distributing /Edward Jones Financial/ Focused Health & Wellness Center /Kirby Vacuum Sales/ Liberty Tax/ TNT Insurance (141 Broadway East). North 2008 - First Investment Mortgage (118 Broadway East), resident occupant (137 Broadway East) and Actions Plus Temporary Service /Avanta Mortgage /Doherty Employment Group /Edward Jones Investments /Golden Touch Salon/ Remax Performance/ Wright Title Guarantee (141 Broadway East). North 2003 - AE Michaels Decorating (118 Broadway East), resident occupant (137 Broadway East) and Actions Plus Temporary Service /Army National Guard /Edward Jones /ETS Pay Phones /Golden Touch Salon /Holker Law Offices /Jones Edward/ Liberty Savings Bank /MN Northfield Real Estate (141 Broadway East). North 1999 - AE Michaels Decorating (118 Broadway East), Army National Guard Recruiting/ Dairy Today /Farm Journal/ Golden Touch Salon /Wright Title Guarantee (141 Broadway East). North 1995 - AE Michaels Decorating (118 Broadway East), Monticello Theatre (137 Broadway East) and Actions Plus Temporary SVC /Broadway Studio /Holker Law Offices /Liberty Savings /TFS floor Care Systems /Wright Title Guarantee (141 Broadway East). North 1992 - Two residential occupants (135 & 137 Broadway East). East 2013 - Cornersotne Cafe & Catering Company and residential occupants (154 Broadway East), Reds Service (200 Broadway East), and Monticello Chiropractic & Therapy (212 Cedar Street). Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 15 East 2008 - Residential occupants (154 Broadway East), Draft Control Inc. /Reds Service (200 Broadway East), and Monticello Chiropractic (212 Cedar Street), Monticello Printing (216 Cedar Street). East 2003 - Residential occupants (154 Broadway East), Draft Control Inc. /Reds Marathon Service (200 Broadway East), and Frank Dr. Douglas /Monticello Chiropractic Office /Williams Cone School (212 Cedar Street), Monticello Printing Inc. (216 Cedar Street). East 1999 - G &K Properties /Rhonda's Cafe Catering and Wedding Boutique (154 Broadway East), Reds Mobile Service (200 Broadway East), and Frank Douglas Chiropractic Office (212 Cedar Street), Monticello Printing (216 Cedar Street). East 1995 - G &K Properties /Shelly's Corner Cafe (154 Broadway East), Monticello Chiropractic Office (212 Cedar Street), Monticello Printing Inc. (216 Cedar Street). East 1992 - Residential occupants (154 Broadway East). South 2013 - Residential occupants (106, 112, and 124 3rd Street East), Apollo Glass /Finders Keepers Gift and Consignment (216 Pine Street), Time and Temperature /Vector marketing (316 Pine Street), Riverplace Clinic Inc. (305 Cedar Street). South 2008 - Residential occupants (106, 112, and 124 3rd Street East), Wright Custom Home Electronics (216 Pine Street), All Season Ground Care /Professional Brokers Reality /TDS (316 Pine Street) Riverplace Clinic Inc. (305 Cedar Street). South 2003 - Residential occupants (106, 112, and 124 3rd Street East), Link US /TDS Net Internet Service (316 Pine Street), Custom Tile Services /Steven Grosser MD / Mosford Barthel Co /Redwood Lending Corp. /Unisyn Inc. (305 Cedar Street). South 1999 - TDS Telecom (316 Pine Street), Lakeland Dental Associates /MN State Rehabilitation Services /Mosford Barthel & Company /NT Optoelectronics (305 Cedar Street). South 1995 - Residential occupant (106 3rd Street East), Bridgewater Telephone Company /Page Link (316 Pine Street), Audrey Hays CPA/ Bernick & Lifson /Bradley Theisen CPA /David Lhotka CPA /Jim Fleming /Leon Barthel CPA /Mosford Barthel and Co /Rehabilitation Services (305 Cedar Street). South 1992 - Residential occupant (305 Cedar Street). West 2013- No listings in provided directories. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 16 West 2008 - Monticello Chamber of Commerce (205 Pin Street), Charles Fish /Primerica Financial Services (207 Pine Street). West 2003- No listings in provided directories. West 1999- Chamber of Commerce (201 Pine Street), Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce (205 Pin Street), PFS Investments Incorporated (207 Pine Street), Midwest Graphics (209 Pine Street). West 1995- Chamber of Commerce (205 Pine Street), Gordon Engstrand DDS (207 Pine Street). • Aerial Photographs: EDR provided historic aerial photography of the property and surrounding area dating back to 1939. Aerial photographs were reviewed for the years 1939, 1957, 1963, 1975, 1984, 1987, 1991, 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2010 (see Appendix I). In addition, a property aerial from 2013 is included as Figure 1. Based on the aerial review, the following observations were made: Proper 1y Photograph Observations The northern portion of the property is occupied by commercial buildings on the 1939 and subsequent photographs and the southern portion of the property is occupied by residential properties on the 1939 through 1963 photographs. The residential houses were removed sometime between 1963 and 1984. The commercial buildings located at 112 and 130 Broadway East are present on the 1939 and subsequent photographs. The commercial building located at 119 3rd Street East is present on the 1963 and subsequent photographs and the building located at 100 Broadway East is present on the 1984 and subsequent photographs. Adjoining Proper 1y Photograph Observations North - Commercial properties are present on the 1939 and subsequent photographs. Various buildings were removed between 1984 and 1991. East - Commercial and residential properties are present on the 1939 and subsequent photographs. The service station is present on the 1984 and subsequent photographs. South - Commercial and residential properties are present on the 1939 and subsequent photographs. The telecom and clinic buildings are present on the 1984 and subsequent photographs. West - Commercial properties are present on the 1939 and subsequent photographs. Buildings were removed along Pine Street in 2008 and 2009. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 17 • Topographic Map: EDR provided historic USGS topographic maps for the property and surrounding area. Topographic maps were reviewed for the years 1961, 1980, and 1991 (see Appendix I). Based on the topographic map review, the following observations were made: Property Topographic Observations Commercial structures are depicted at the property on the 1961 and 1980 maps. The property is depicted as urban land on the 1991 map. No evidence of railroads, mining, dumping, or chemical storage was depicted at the property on the maps reviewed. Adjoining Property Topographic Observations Commercial structures are depicted at the adjoining property on the 1961 and 1980 maps. The adjoining properties are depicted as urban land on the 1991 map. No evidence of railroads, mining, dumping, or chemical storage was depicted at the adjoining properties during the review. • City Building and Inspection File Review: WSB contacted the Monticello Building and Inspection Department on October 28, 2014 and was provided available property building and inspection files. In general, the files contained various building, mechanical and plumbing permit information. No property well sealing documents or indication of UST tanks was contained in the provided files. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 18 6. Site Reconnaissance 6.1 Methodology WSB conducted observations of conditions at the property and adjoining properties on October 27 -29, 2014. The site reconnaissance included a walkthrough of all accessible property areas and adjoining properties. Adjoining property observations were limited to the public right -of -way. No access limitations were encountered. 6.2 General Site Setting The property grounds are relatively flat and slopes gradually to the south. The property is entirely impervious consisting of asphalt and concrete parking, driveway, and sidewalks. Two municipal well houses (Well House #1 and Well House #2) are present at the property. 6.3 Exterior Observations WSB conducted observations of the property, adjoining properties, and surrounding area on October 27 -29, 2014. Site reconnaissance photographs are included in Appendix B. A summary of the site reconnaissance is outlined in the table below: Site Reconnaissance Summary Table Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 19 Observed Issue During Site Comments Visit Yes No Three ASTs (approximately 200 gallons in size) containing water treatment Aboveground / chemicals were observed in the well Underground X houses at the property. Also gasoline Storage Tanks USTs were present at the adjoining service station to the east (see Section 5.1 and Section 5.4). Drums Containers X None observed. Animals X None observed. Commercial buildings located on the property at 100, 112, and 130 Buildings /Structures X Broadway East and 119 3rd Street East. Also, two well house structures located at property (see Section 3.4). Construction /Demolition X debris Drainage Ditches X None observed Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 19 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 20 Observed Issue During Site Comments Visit Dirt/Spoil Piles Ix None observed. Floor Drains X None observed. Sums Vaults General cleaning and maintenance Hazardous chemicals, paint, hazardous sharps Substances /Petroleum X materials, and various regulated items Products were present at the property buildings see A endixA . Landfills X None observed. Odors X None observed. Oil Water Separators X None observed. Pipelines or Utilities X None observed. Pits, Ponds, Lagoons X None observed. Pools of Liquid X None observed. Railroad Spurs X None observed. Septic Systems X None observed. Solid Waste Disposal X None observed. Solvents X None observed. Spills or Releases X None observed. Stained Soil Concrete X None observed. Stressed or Dead X None observed. Vegetation Transformers X Unidentified Substances X None observed. Wastewater Discharge X None observed. From Property A well was present in the basement of the 112 Broadway East building. The Wells X well was sealed in 2013 (see Section 4.0). Documented ACM is present at the Asbestos X ro er see A endixA . Based on the age of the property buildings (pre -1978) LBP is likely Lead -Based Paint X present. No LBP was identified at the property during limited the testing (see A endixA ). Mold Moisture X None observed. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 20 7. Interviews WSB conducted interviews with individuals who may have knowledge of current or past information regarding the property. Specifically, WSB made inquiries regarding knowledge of existing or former storage tanks, leaks, dumps, spills, drums, mold, clandestine drug labs, environmental documents, or potential environmental concerns associated with the property. The following individuals were contacted in person, phone, email, or via questionnaire: Interview Summary Table Resource Title or Organization Results of Interview Mr. Hackenmueller completed a user City of Monticello Chief questionnaire on 10 -29 -14 and Ron Hackenmueller Building and Zoning indicated no knowledge of Official environmental issues or concerns (see Section 4.0). Mr. Theisen completed a user questionnaire on 10 -29 -14 and City of Monticello Water indicated no knowledge of Matt Theisen and Sewer environmental issues or concerns Superintendent except for the presence of a sealed well located at 112 Broadway East (see Section 4.0). Ms. Schumann completed a user questionnaire on 11 -14 -14 and indicated of a Phillips 66 Station City of Monticello located on the northwestern portion of Angela Schumann Community the property. Ms. Schumann identified Development Director the presence of the service station as knowledge of a REC and also attached City council meeting minutes pertaining to the form Phillips 66 Station see Section 4.0). Ms. Ward was contacted via phone on City of Monticello October 28, 2014 regarding property Deb Ward Building Department building and inspection files. Ms. Ward Coordinator was not aware of any environmental or concerns. Mr. Joerg indicated on 10 -17 -14 (via Steve Joerg City of Monticello Fire email) no knowledge of spills or tanks Chief associated with the property in the past 20 years. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 21 Resource Title or Organization Results of Interview Mr. Topel indicated on 11 -14 -14 (via phone) knowledge of a Phillips 66 Station located at the property from the 1930's until the mid- 1970's. The Monticello Resident service station was located on the Fred Topel - Former lease of northwestern portion of the property Phillips 66 Station (currently developed with the 100 Broadway East building). Mr. Topel indicated both gasoline USTs and auto repair hoists were present at the service station and had no knowledge of UST or hoist removal activities. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 22 8. Findings and Opinions 8.1 Recognized Environmental Conditions This Phase I ESA has revealed three RECs associated with the property. REC - 1: Property Service Station (Phillips 66 Station) Evidence of a former gas station located on the property was revealed during the assessment. A Phillips 66 Station reportedly was located on the northwestern portion of the property (currently occupied by the 100 Broadway East building) from the 1930s to the mid- 1970's. The service station included both underground storage tanks (USTs) and hydraulic hoists for auto repair. The site is currently developed with a commercial building (100 Broadway East) since at least 1984. It is assumed that the associated USTs and hoist were removed prior to redevelopment of the site. However, no documentation of UST /hoist removal was revealed during the assessment. Although no leaks have been identified, it is possible that undocumented leaks have occurred at the property in this area. REC - 2: Gas Tank and Possible Coal Gasification (Monticello Gas and Water Works) Evidence of a gas tank and possible coal gasification activities was revealed at the property. Fire insurance maps from 1903 and 1914 depicted the building located at 130 Broadway East as City Gas and Water Works. Based on the depictions and common municipal practices during this time period, it is assumed that coal gasification activities were performed at the building from at least 1903 to 1914. The process of early coal gasification can produce a number of byproducts that could cause soil and /or groundwater contamination. Commonly associated contaminates from historic manufactured gas plants include: volatile organic compounds (VOCs), coal tar, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, cyanide, lampblack, and tar emulsions. The maintenance, chemical storage, and disposal practices of the gasification process are unknown at this time. There is a high possibility that historic gasification activities have resulted in contamination at the property. REC - 3: Adjoining Active Service Station (Reds Mobil Service) Red's Mobil Service - This site is located east of the property at 200 Broadway East and is listed on the UST and aboveground storage tank (AST) databases. Reportedly three active gasoline USTs, one diesel UST, and one kerosene UST are present at the property. In addition, one inactive fuel oil UST is associated with the site. Although no leaks have been identified, it is possible that undocumented leaks have occurred at this site. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 23 A REC location map is included as Figure 7. 8.2 Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions The ASTM E1572 -13 Standard defines the term historical recognized environmental condition (HREC) as meaning "a past release of any hazardous substance or petroleum products that has occurred in connection with the property and has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority or meeting unrestricted residential use criteria established by a regulatory authority, without subjecting the property to any required controls (e.g., property use restrictions, Activity and Use Limitations (AULs), institutional controls, or engineering controls). Before calling the past release a HREC, the environmental professional (EP) must determine whether the past release is a REC at the time the Phase I ESA is conducted (e.g., if there has been a change in the regulatory criteria). If the EP considers this past release to be a REC at the time the Phase I ESA is conducted, the conditions shall be included in the conclusion section of the report as a REC." Based on this assessment, one HREC was identified in connection with the property. HREC - 1: Adjoining Leak Site (TDS Telecom) TDS Telecom (MPCA Leak ID 15846) - This site is located south of the property at 316 Pine Street and was identified on the leaking underground storage tank (LUST) database. The identified leak was discovered on September 15, 2004, consisted of diesel, did not impact groundwater, and was issued site closure by the MPCA on December 1, 2004. Site closure means the MPCA staff does not require any additional investigation and /or cleanup work at this time and does not mean that the site is free of contamination. It is possible that contamination from this site has impacted the property soil and /or groundwater. A HREC location map is included as Figure 7. 8.3 Controlled Recognized Environmental Conditions The ASTM E1572 -13 Standard defines the term controlled recognized environmental condition (CREC) as meaning "a REC resulting from a past release of hazardous substances or petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority (e.g., as evidence by the issuance of NFA letter or equivalent, or meeting risk -based criteria established by regulatory authority), with hazardous substances or petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls (e.g., property use restrictions, AULs, institutional controls, or engineering controls). A CERC shall be listed in the Findings Section of the Phase I ESA report, and as a REC in the Conclusions Section of the report." Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 24 Based on this assessment, no CRECs were identified in connection with the property. 8.4 Vapor Intrusion This investigation has revealed no evidence of a hazardous material spill or release associated with the property. However, evidence of historic gasoline USTs and hydraulic hoist were identified at 100 Broadway East and possible coal gasification activities at 130 Broadway East. If evidence of contamination is revealed during future property investigations and /or redevelopment, vapor monitoring should be administered during construction activities and vapor controls (i.e. vapor membrane or vapor mitigation systems) may be required to reduce vapor intrusion risks to buildings and /or utilities trenches. 8.5 De Minimis Conditions No de minimis conditions were identified during this assessment. A de minimis condition is a condition that does not threaten human health of the environment and generally would not be subject to enforcement action. Conditions determined to be de minimis are not recognized environmental conditions. 8.6 Items of Environmental Note The following environmental items should be noted: Historic Property Wells Evidence of historic municipal and domestic wells was revealed at the property. One municipal well was present at the 130 Broadway East building and one domestic well was present on the northwestern portion of the property (occupied by the 100 Broadway East building). No well sealing records for these wells was discovered during this investigation. It is possible that these wells were not properly abandoned per Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) standards Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 25 9. Recommendations WSB has performed this Phase I ESA in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E1527 -13 the proposed Monticello Block 34 redevelopment project consisting of nine parcels located in Monticello, MN. Exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in Section 2.3 of this report. This Phase I ESA has revealed three RECs and one HREC associated with the property as described in Section 8.1 and Section 8.2. Prior to redevelopment of the property, WSB recommends the following: • All identified regulated waste should be removed from the property buildings as summarized in Section 2.5 and Appendix A. • The MDH should be contacted to verify the identified municipal well (located at 130 Broadway East) and domestic well (located at 100 Broadway East) have been properly abandoned and sealed. • Monitoring and oversight should be completed by an environmental consultant during demolition activities at the property. Subsurface soils encountered during the demolition should be screened for evidence of petroleum contamination and possible coal gasification contaminants using a photoionization detector (PID). If evidence of contaminating is encountered, representative soil samples should be collected for characterization purposes and analyzed for diesel range organics (DRO), gasoline range organics (GRO), VOCs, PAHs, and heavy metals. • Prior to redevelopment of the property, a limited Phase II ESA is recommended at 100 Broadway East (REC -1, former Phillips 66 Station) and 130 Broadway East (REC -2, former City Gas and Water Works) locations. The limited Phase II ESA should include both soil and groundwater sampling. In addition, it is recommended that soil /groundwater samples be collected at the northeastern property boundary (near identified REC -3, Reds Mobil) and southwestern property boundary (near identified HREC -1, former TDS Telecom LUST site) to determine if these sites have impacted the property. The limited Phase II should be performed after the completion of building demolition. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 26 10. Data Gaps Data gaps are defined as a lack of or inability to obtain information required by the standards and practices despite good faith efforts. Good faith efforts were taken to obtain information about the property from a variety of readily available, practically reviewable, and likely to be useful sources. However, the following information was not able to be obtained: Title, Environmental Liens, or Activity and Use Limitation Search were not provided. Please note that the lack of recorded sources listed above is considered a data gap but is not considered a material limitation for the completion of this Phase I ESA. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 27 11. Qualifications of Environmental Professionals To the best of our professional knowledge and belief, we have met the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in CFR 312.10. We have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting. We have developed and performed all appropriate inquiries in general conformance with acceptable standards and practices in the industry. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 28 FIGURES Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 APPENDICES PXW' U04eOOTOE)fOJd —f 6Id \sdew \S I J \Ob6-b6b f OVA LL 0 r f V O O r yw z yw m� a3 om _ 0 O L.IM_ m LM yK, O o 4 PXw'SJSfI Z6I=l\sdew \SIJ \Ob6-b6t7IOV i 1 i �ti J t 'a rr l 1 m � � r ' , rJ r f J ti 0 -o--" (D p E Q- C F- O U) N > U) -0 D O I N co U 0) O LL co o.� a✓ �� l L O Q U O r U) U / O CL N L / LO O I I � O O Z V � r o l 1 m � � r ' , rJ r f J ti 0 -o--" (D p E Q- C F- O U) N > U) -0 D O I N co U 0) O LL co o.� a✓ �� l pxw-sllog £6I=l\sdew \SIJ \Ob6-b6t7IOV i ++ y N v LL O LO Ul O N U � m � M O m m n n M m M W uco'J � J' nR� r A u7 u7 N }• cn W v J N O W >` U M W +� W 0) co �L Q � _ J//J��\� / N � J ry'► QJ +' •a` n " +�� M � 0) N E O N y w m 1 O La co V1 co g If � A _ in co M pxw-%6oloaE)aoe}jng b61=l\sdew \SIJ \Ob6-b6t7IOV i W P o LL 00 � LO O N O r r 70 m U) M L- m r r m IL r. > 4 r .3 �- ►--i r A JR O a) v pxw -A6oloaE)Ioa pa9— g6i=l\sdew \S I J \Ob6-b6b I OVA N Q c LL O O ;. ll� LO Ul O N e yi r a 70 70 M LO U L fi �'�` MEN• r.�":�_� 1%��,� � . 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CO \I N O N •, ( I' w1' v N � r ti N a .• � CO u I ti N co .r N � r CO C x • O N co � / � • N'tOD O c�0 CO N r co gh�� N co R % w0 r O v 00 N u cp O O 00 O ti "v i mr of .i co I# u oo 4 j ti 0 C: N N _0 E — Q a 0 � U 114- 1 CO CO U N M 0) W U- o, U i pxw -sogH L6I=l\sdew \SIJ \Ob6-b6t7IOV i C ti O y O � _ J ch U W W °< n N 2 O N ; Uj L � rs wipd c � � o N O � i co yw N O L E < °„ �,% o t #� W > 0 ✓ppa� Q i N U E 0 O U X80 N 2 70 v z� f � _ W 00 � y LL co r cCL , co co J a F E L_ a� O All. 1�1 co 41 0 W � �' � N •w yw � � - w ,, I APPENDIX A Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey Reports (text) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 APPENDICES i CI 1Y G)I- Montice o City of Monticello 505WalnutStreet • Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295 -2711 November 10, 2014 PRE - DEMOLITION Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 P A 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 . _ I�� Minneapolis, MN 55416 w Tel: (763) 541 -4800 - Fax: (763) 541 -1700 Lt ,,� I wsbeng.com Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared by: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 November 10, 2014 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Table of Contents TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction .............................................................................................. ............................... 1 2. Asbestos ...................................................................................................... ..............................1 2.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 1 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 2 2.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 3 2.4 Vermiculite ............................................................................... ..............................5 2.S Limitations ............................................................................... ..............................5 3. Lead Based Paint ...................................................................................... ............................... 5 3.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 6 3.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 6 3.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 6 4. Hazardous Materials ............................................................................... ............................... 6 4.1 General Information ................................................................ ..............................6 4.2 Observations and Results ...................................................... ............................... 7 4.3 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 7 5. Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................... ............................... 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications ......................................................... ............................... 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figures Figure 1 - Project Location LIST OF APPENDICES Appendices Appendix A - Asbestos Summary Table Appendix B - Asbestos Analytical Results Appendix C - Asbestos Sample Locations Appendix D - Vermiculite Brochure Appendix E - Lead Paint Analytical Results Appendix F - Lead Paint Sample Locations Appendix G - Room -by -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Appendix H - Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 1. Introduction WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) was retained by the City of Monticello (the City) to conduct a pre- demolition hazardous materials survey at the commercial property located at 100 Broadway Street East in Monticello, Minnesota (the property). A property location map is included as Figure 1. The property is occupied by a vacant multi - tenant commercial building. The property building is single -story and constructed of concrete block and metal. The property building is slab -on -grade and has a flat roof. WSB understands the City plans to demolish the existing structure and use the property for future City improvements. The work performed as part of this survey was completed to meet the following objectives: • Identify friable and non - friable asbestos - containing materials (ACM) at the property as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). • Identify regulated ACM (friable or non - friable) at the property that could become friable during demolition activities, and according to current State and Federal regulations, would require abatement prior to initiating demolition activities. • Identify lead -based paint (LBP) surfaces that have the potential to be recycled during demolition activities, and if classified as LBP, will require special recycle management. • Inventory potentially hazardous materials that should be removed and properly disposed prior to initiating demolition activities. This report summarizes the findings of the pre- demolition survey. 2. Asbestos 2.1 General Information and Definitions For the purpose of this assessment, the building was considered one functional area as defined by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Upon completion of the reconnaissance, the suspect ACM was assessed, inventoried, and sampled for laboratory analysis. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 1 The following definitions apply to this report: • The EPA defines ACM as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos. Materials found to contain one percent or less asbestos are not regulated as ACM. • Friable ACM is defined as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos, and which can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Category I non - friable ACM means asbestos - containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products containing more than one percent asbestos. Category I non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it is in a condition where the renovation /demolition activities might cause it to become friable. • Category II non - friable ACM means any material, excluding Category I non - friable ACM, containing more than one percent asbestos that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure. Category II non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it has a high probability of becoming crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder during renovation, demolition, transport, or disposal. 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Non - Suspect Material The following materials were determined to be non - suspect ACM and were not targeted for sampling during this inventory: • Wood floors, ceilings, and walls • Concrete floors, ceilings, and walls • Foam pipe insulation and gap filler Suspect ACM Targeted for Sampling Suspect ACM identified and subsequently sampled at the property included: • Various suspended ceiling tile • Carpet mastic • Sheetrock • Various flooring and associated mastic • Sink undercoat Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 2 • Various wall tile and associated grout /mastic • Baseboard • Fiberboard • Wall mastic • Vermiculite insulation • Various caulk • Roofing materials Sample Analysis A total of 36 bulk samples were submitted for laboratory analysis. Some of the bulk samples consisted of several layers. A total of 49 samples (including layers) were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in accordance with USEPA analytical protocol {EPA -600 R93/1161 by EMSL Analytical, Inc. (EMSL), Minneapolis, MN laboratory. Materials that were analyzed and found to contain one percent or less asbestos are considered "non- asbestos" per current State and Federal regulations. Materials that were found to contain greater than one percent asbestos are considered to be ACM. Under current Federal regulations, if the PLM results detect asbestos at a concentration of less than 10% in one or more of the samples from any sample unit, the owner or operator of the building may (1) elect to assume the amount to be greater than 1% and treat the material as ACM or (2) require verification of the amount by utilizing the Point -Count Method. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is greater than one percent, the material will be determined to be regulated ACM. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is one percent or less, the material will be determined to be unregulated and non - asbestos containing. No samples were re- analyzed using the Point -Count Method. 2.3 Results All of the sampled building materials were observed to be generally in fair to good condition with isolated areas of damage. An asbestos result summary table is included in Appendix A. Copies of the asbestos analytical laboratory reports are included as Appendix B. Asbestos sample location diagrams are included as Appendix C. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 3 The following building materials sampled from the building were determined to be ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be friable ACM. Category II Non - Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be Category II Non - Friable ACM. Category I Non - Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be Category I Non - Friable ACM. Non -ACM (Confirmed by Sampling and Analysis) The following building sampled materials were determined to be non -ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): • 2'x4' white ceiling tile (Samples 1, 13, 18, 21, and 24). • Brown carpet mastic (Sample 2). • Sheetrock composite (Samples 3, 14, 19, and 23). • 4" beige wall tile with tan adhesive and white layer (Sample 4). • 2" white floor tile with white grout (Sample S). • Tan floor sheeting with yellow adhesive (Sample 6). • Gray sink undercoat (Samples 7, 8, 9, and 10). • 12" white floor tile with tan mastic (Sample 11). • Black baseboard with yellow mastic and white layer (Sample 12). • 6" red floor tile (Sample 1S). • Tan vermiculite insulation (Sample set 16). Note: See Section 2.4. • Sub layer white floor tile with yellow and tan mastic (Sample 17). • Brick pattern wall board (Sample 20). • 2'x2' white ceiling tile (Sample 22). • 4" white wall tile with tan adhesive and white layer (Sample 2S). • Tan wall glue and white layer (Sample 26). • Black door and window caulk and brown layer (Sample 27). • Black expansion joint (Sample 28). • Gray door and window caulk (Sample 29). • White stickup vent caulk (Sample 30). • Black AC pipe wrap tape (Sample 31). • White rubber roof membrane (Sample 32). Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 4 2.4 Vermiculite Asbestos was detected at concentrations less than one percent in the vermiculite samples collected at the property (Sample set 16). The vermiculite insulation was observed in two window sill areas and was not observed inside the concrete block wall at three investigation locations. The vermiculite insulation appears to be isolated to the window opening areas at the property. However, the exact quantity of the vermiculite is unknown and may be present in other areas of the structure. The USEPA and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ( ATSDR) issued a brochure entitled, Current Best Practices for Vermiculite Attic Insulation, in May 2003. According to the brochure, the USEPA and ATSDR have stated it is best to assume vermiculite insulation may contain asbestos due to the uncertainties with existing testing techniques. The USEPA and ATSDR strongly recommend using a ACM - trained and certified professional to conduct removal work. A copy of the brochure is included as Appendix D. The MPCA also strongly recommends that vermiculite be treated as ACM. 2.5 Limitations WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, or household equipment or appliances. There is potential for ACM components to be present inside of these components. Based on these limitations, the quantities listed in this survey reflect the visible items available at the time of the survey. All quantities in this survey are estimations and should not be considered exact measurements when used for obtaining abatement bids. 3. Lead -Based Paint 3.1 General Information and Definitions Based on current regulatory definitions, LBP is defined as paint, shellac, or other coating containing lead concentrations equal to or greater than 1.0 mg /cmz when using an X -ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument, or laboratory analysis of 0.5 percent by weight (5,000 ug /g, 5,000 ppm, or 5,000 mg /kg) by laboratory analysis. LBP adhered to surfaces intended for recycle (e.g. concrete, metal, wood, etc.) should be tested to determine if reuse restrictions exist. Untested painted concrete from structures built before 1978 may not be used as fill or aggregate without a case - specific beneficial use determination from the MPCA. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Observations and testing for UP was conducted at the property. The MPCA no longer requires UP analysis of coated surfaced determined to be in poor condition prior to demolition. However, WSB completed UP sampling and analysis limited to painted surfaces that are likely to be recycled during demolition activities. A total of one paint chip sample was collected and analyzed for lead content using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry by EMSL. 3.3 Results Lead -Based Paint No tested coated surface was determined to be LBP based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations. Not Lead -Based Paint The following paint surface sampled from the building was determined not to be UP per current State and Federal regulations: • Exterior tan concrete black wall (Sample 1). A copy of the analytical report is included as Appendix E. A UP sample location map is included as Appendix F. 3.4 Limitations The lead observations and testing conducted was not intended to represent a comprehensive survey of all painted surfaces and was not intended to represent regulated lead work as defined by MDH. If the plans for the building include a renovation, a UP inspection should be conducted prior to renovation activities. 4. Hazardous Materials 4.1 General Information A walk - through reconnaissance of the building was conducted to identify and inventory potentially hazardous materials or materials that have special disposal requirements that should be removed prior to demolition activities. These materials include, but are not limited to, hazardous substances, petroleum products, PCB - containing light ballasts, mercury- containing lights and switches, and refrigerants. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 6 4.2 Observations and Results The potentially hazardous equipment and materials and potential environmental concerns are identified in a room -by -room list included as Appendix G. 4.3 Limitations The method of the hazardous materials inventory consisted of walking through all areas of the building and making observations for components that typically contain hazardous substance that are incidental to the building. WSB recommends that these materials and any associated containers for these materials be removed prior to initiating demolition activities. As previously discussed, WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, other appliances, electrical equipment, or operational equipment. There is a potential for mercury switches to be part of this equipment. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations The following recommendations are provided based on the results of this hazardous materials inventory: • No ACM was identified at the property per State and Federal regulations as described in Section 2.3 and summarized in Appendix A. • Vermiculite insulation was discovered in two window openings. Due to testing technique uncertainties of this material, the USEPA and ATSDR strongly recommend vermiculite be treated as asbestos - containing as outlined in Section 2.4 and Appendix D. A licensed asbestos abatement contractor should remove all vermiculite prior to demolition. • Any unidentified suspect ACM encountered during demolition activities should be assumed to be asbestos - containing until the material is sampled and tested to determine the asbestos content. • LBP was not identified in the materials tested during this survey as described in Section 3.3. • Prior to demolition activities, all regulated waste should be abated and /or removed as described in Section 4.1 and summarized in Appendix G. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications Services performed by WSB have been conducted in accordance with generally recognized industry standards and current MPCA and MDH guidelines, where applicable. The services performed by WSB have been conducted with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable members of the profession, practicing in the same locality under similar budget and time constraints. No other warranty is made or intended. A summary of the laboratory and individual qualifications for those associated with this survey are included in Appendix H. Prepared by: Ryan Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist MDH Asbestos Inspector No.: AI -10800 MDH Lead Risk Assessor No.: LR -3148 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 8 APPENDIX G Room by Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Dental Unit Lobby 1 o 16 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 8 ballasts o 1 hydraulic door arm o 1 ceiling speaker Reception Area o 12 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 6 ballasts o 4 light fixtures o 1 ultra -sonic scaler (small electric dental tool) o 1 power inverter Office 1 o 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts o 17 -4' florescent light bulbs (loose) o 2 -1' florescent light bulbs (loose) o 1 computer o 2 keyboards o 1 paper shredder o 1 small medicine box containing inhalers epipens, and diphenhydramine Bathroom 1 o 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts o 1 exhaust fan Patent Room 1 o 16 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 8 ballasts o 1 ceiling speaker o 16 oz. dental line cleaner solution Patent Room 2 o 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 4 ballasts o 1 ceiling speaker Page 1 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 n...s...,.s n........... -) 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 ceiling speaker 0 1 hydraulic door arm n...s...,.s n........... n 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 ceiling speaker Clean Closet 0 1 light fixture 0 1 exhaust fan 0 2 gallons formula 2000 solution 0 1 gallon air tech fixer solution Wash Area 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Hallway 1 0 16 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 8 ballasts 0 1 programmable thermostat Cleanup Room 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 exhaust fan 0 1 hydraulic door arm 0 1 gallon used fixer solution Utility 1 o 1 water heater Break Room 1 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Office 2 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 3 -4' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) Page 2 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Dance Studio / Nail Salon Units Viewing Room 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Dance Area 0 48 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 24 ballasts 0 1 mercury thermostat 0 1 smoke detector 0 1 fire extinguisher Hallway 2 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 lighted exit sign 0 1 hydraulic door arm 0 1 ceiling furnace Lobby 2 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts Nail Area 0 44 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 22 ballasts 0 1 lighted exit sign 0 2 exhaust fans 0 1 ceiling furnace Office 3 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Utility 2 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 printer Page 3 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Tattoo Unit Lobby 3 o 24 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 12 ballasts o 1 motion sensor Room 1 o 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 4 ballasts o 1 mercury containing thermostat Room 2 o 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 4 ballasts o 1 mercury containing thermostat Room 3 o 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts Room 4 o 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts o 1 smoke detector Break Room 2 o 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 4 ballasts o 1 lighted exit sign o 1 refrigerator o 1 smoke detector o 1 mercury thermostat o 1 programmable thermostat o 1 -30 gallon box medical waste (assumed tattoo needles) Back Room o 2 -2' u- shaped fluorescent light bulbs o 1 ballast o 1 microwave o 2 gallons paint o 6 gallons floor stripper Page 4 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Pizza Unit/ Back Hall Entry o 1 compact florescent bulb o 1 hydraulic door arm Pizza Area o 17 compact florescent bulbs o 1 lighted exit sign o 2 lighted advertising signs o 1 smoke detector o 2 ceiling speakers o 1 hydraulic door arm o 1 mercury thermostat Kitchen o 12 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 6 ballasts o 1 compact florescent bulb o 1 ceiling furnace o 1 lighted exit sign o 1 hydraulic door arm o 1 ceiling speaker o 1 gallon line cleaner solution Freezer o 1 commercial walking freezer o 12 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 6 ballasts o 7 -4' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) o 1 fire extinguisher o 1 gallon paint o 1 bag charcoal o 1 gallon line cleaner solution o 12 oz. deodorizer o 4 -16 oz. containers of dry temp powder Storage Room o 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2ballasts Page 5 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 L Hallway 0 7 -4' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) 0 1 ballast (loose) 0 21 compact florescent bulbs (loose) 0 1 neon sign 0 1 calculator 0 1 hydraulic door arm 0 50 lbs. ice melt Rnrle Wnll 0 12 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 6 ballasts 0 1 lighted exit sign 0 1 fire extinguisher Men's Bathroom 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts 0 1 exhaust fan 0 1 hydraulic door arm Women's Bathroom 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts 0 1 exhaust fan 0 1 hydraulic door arm Utility Room 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts 0 7 ballasts (loose) 0 28 -4' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) 0 5 -2' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) 0 3 lighted exit signs 0 1 water heater 0 1 hydraulic door arm (loose) 0 6 electric boxes 0 16 gallons paint 0 5 gallons joint compound 0 2 gallons adhesive 0 1 gallon 45% hydrochloric acid Page 6 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Exterior/ Roof Side A o None observed Side B o 1 light fixture o 1 exhaust fan o 6 electric meters o 6 gas meters Side C o 1 lighted sign Side D o 1 lighted sign Roof o 6 air conditioning units Page 7 of 7 w J. i CI 1Y G)I- Montice o City of Monticello 505WalnutStreet • Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295 -2711 November 10, 2014 ............................... PRE - DEMOLITION Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 112 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 .. ............................... WSB Project No. 1494 -940 A 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 . _ I�� Minneapolis, MN 55416 w Tel: (763) 541 -4800 - Fax: (763) 541 -1700 Lt ,,� I wsbeng.com t z Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 112 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared by: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 November 10, 2014 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Table of Contents TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction .............................................................................................. ............................... 1 2. Asbestos ...................................................................................................... ..............................1 2.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 1 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 2 2.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 3 2.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 5 3. Lead Based Paint ...................................................................................... ............................... 5 3.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 5 3.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 6 3.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 6 4. Hazardous Materials ............................................................................... ............................... 6 4.1 General Information ................................................................ ..............................6 4.2 Observations and Results ...................................................... ............................... 6 4.3 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 7 5. Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................... ............................... 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications ......................................................... ............................... 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figures Figure 1 - Project Location LIST OF APPENDICES Appendices Appendix A - Asbestos Summary Table Appendix B - Asbestos Analytical Results Appendix C - Asbestos Sample Locations Appendix D - Lead Paint Analytical Results Appendix E - Lead Paint Sample Locations Appendix F - Room -by -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Appendix G - Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 1. Introduction WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) was retained by the City of Monticello (the City) to conduct a pre- demolition hazardous materials survey at the commercial property located at 112 Broadway Street East in Monticello, Minnesota (the property). A property location map is included as Figure 1. The property is occupied by a vacant commercial building that includes two apartment units on the 2nd level. The property building is two -story and constructed of concrete block and metal. The property building includes a partial basement and a flat roof. WSB understands the City plans to demolish the existing structure and use the property for future City improvements. The work performed as part of this survey was completed to meet the following objectives: • Identify friable and non - friable asbestos - containing materials (ACM) at the property as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). • Identify regulated ACM (friable or non - friable) at the property that could become friable during demolition activities, and according to current State and Federal regulations, would require abatement prior to initiating demolition activities. • Identify lead -based paint (LBP) surfaces that have the potential to be recycled during demolition activities, and if classified as LBP, will require special recycle management. • Inventory potentially hazardous materials that should be removed and properly disposed prior to initiating demolition activities. This report summarizes the findings of the pre- demolition survey. 2. Asbestos 2.1 General Information and Definitions For the purpose of this assessment, the building was considered one functional area as defined by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Upon completion of the reconnaissance, the suspect ACM was assessed, inventoried, and sampled for laboratory analysis. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 1 The following definitions apply to this report: • The USEPA defines ACM as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos. Materials found to contain one percent or less asbestos are not regulated as ACM. • Friable ACM is defined as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos, and which can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Category I non - friable ACM means asbestos - containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products containing more than one percent asbestos. Category I non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it is in a condition where the renovation /demolition activities might cause it to become friable. • Category II non - friable ACM means any material, excluding Category I non - friable ACM, containing more than one percent asbestos that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure. Category II non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it has a high probability of becoming crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder during renovation, demolition, transport, or disposal. 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Non - Suspect Material The following materials were determined to be non - suspect ACM and were not targeted for sampling during this inventory: • Wood floors, ceilings, and walls • Concrete floors, ceilings, and walls • Foam pipe insulation and gap filler Suspect ACM Targeted for Sampling Suspect ACM identified and subsequently sampled at the property included: • Sheetrock • Various flooring and associated mastic • Various wall tile and associated grout • Suspended ceiling Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 2 • Baseboard • Pipe wrap insulation • Vapor membrane paper • Brick and mortar • Roofing materials • Various caulk Sample Analysis A total of 29 bulk samples were submitted for laboratory analysis. Some of the bulk samples consisted of several layers. A total of 32 samples (including layers) were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in accordance with USEPA analytical protocol {EPA -600 R93/1161 by EMSL Analytical, Inc. (EMSL), Minneapolis, MN laboratory. Materials that were analyzed and found to contain one percent or less asbestos are considered "non- asbestos" per current State and Federal regulations. Materials that were found to contain greater than one percent asbestos are considered to be ACM. Under current Federal regulations, if the PLM results detect asbestos at a concentration of less than 10% in one or more of the samples from any sample unit, the owner or operator of the building may (1) elect to assume the amount to be greater than 1% and treat the material as ACM or (2) require verification of the amount by utilizing the Point -Count Method. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is greater than one percent, the material will be determined to be regulated ACM. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is one percent or less, the material will be determined to be unregulated and non - asbestos containing. No samples were re- analyzed using the Point -Count Method. 2.3 Results All of the sampled building materials were observed to be generally in fair to good condition with isolated areas of damage. An asbestos result summary table is included in Appendix A. Copies of the asbestos analytical laboratory reports are included as Appendix B. Asbestos sample location diagrams are included as Appendix C. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 3 The following building materials sampled from the building were determined to be ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): Friable ACM • 2" white pipe wrap insulation located in the Storage Ceiling (Sample set 9), approximately 60 linear feet. • Black sink undercoat located in Kitchen 2 (Sample 15), one unit. Category II Non - Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be Category II Non - Friable ACM. Category I Non - Friable ACM • 9" brown floor tile located in the Main Area (Sample 2) approximately 565 square feet. Note: Associated black mastic is not ACM. • 9" tan floor tile located in the Main Area (Sample 3) approximately 565 square feet. Note: Associated black mastic is not ACM. Non -ACM (Confirmed by Sampling and Analysis) The following building sampled materials were determined to be non -ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): • Sheetrock composite (Samples 1 and 17). • 12" tan floor tile with brown mastic (Sample 4). • 2'x4' white ceiling tile (Sample 5). • Tan buffalo board ceiling (Sample 6). • Black baseboard and yellow adhesive (Sample 7). • 8" tan floor tile (Sample 8). • 12" cream floor tile (Sample 10). • Black ceiling paper (Sample 11). • Brown brick and mortar (Sample 12). • Tan pattern floor sheeting (Sample 13). • Sub layer cream floor tile (Sample 14). • Leaf pattern floor sheeting (Sample 16). • 8" cream floor tile (Sample 18). • 4" white wall tile (Sample 19). • 2" gray floor tile (Sample 20). Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 4 • Gray wall caulk (Sample 21). • Black seam caulk (Sample 22). • Black roof membrane (Sample 23). • Brown window caulk (Sample 24). • Tan stucco texture (Sample set 25). 2.4 Limitations WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, or household equipment or appliances. There is a potential for ACM components to be present inside of these components. Based on these limitations, the quantities listed in this survey reflect the visibility available at the time of the survey. All quantities in this survey are estimations and should not be considered exact measurements when used for obtaining abatement bids. 3. Lead -Based Paint 3.1 General Information and Definitions Based on current regulatory definitions, LBP is defined as paint, shellac, or other coating containing lead concentrations equal to or greater than 1.0 mg /cm2 when using an X -ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument, or laboratory analysis of 0.5 percent by weight (5,000 ug /g, 5,000 ppm, or 5,000 mg /kg) by laboratory analysis. LBP adhered to surfaces intended for recycle (e.g. concrete, metal, wood, etc.) should be tested to determine if reuse restrictions exist. Untested painted concrete from structures built before 1978 may not be used as fill or aggregate without a case - specific beneficial use determination from the MPCA. 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Observations and testing for LBP was conducted at the property. The MPCA no longer requires LBP analysis of coated surfaced determined to be in poor condition prior to demolition. However, WSB completed LBP sampling and analysis limited to painted surfaces that are likely to be recycled during demolition activities. A total of two paint chip sample was collected and analyzed for lead content using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry by EMSL. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 5 3.3 Results Lead -Based Paint No tested coated surface was determined to be LBP based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations. Not Lead -Based Paint The following paint surfaces sampled from the building were determined not to be LBP per current State and Federal regulations: • Interior white block wall located in the Main Area (Sample 1) • Exterior tan stucco wall (Sample 2). A copy of the analytical report is included as Appendix D. A LBP sample location map is included as Appendix E. 3.4 Limitations The lead observations and testing conducted was not intended to represent a comprehensive survey of all painted surfaces and was not intended to represent regulated lead work as defined by MDH. If the plans for the building include a renovation, a LBP inspection should be conducted prior to renovation activities. 4. Hazardous Materials 4.1 General Information A walk - through reconnaissance of the building was conducted to identify and inventory potentially hazardous materials or materials that have special disposal requirements that should be removed prior to demolition activities. These materials include, but are not limited to, hazardous substances, petroleum products, PCB - containing light ballasts, mercury- containing lights and switches, and refrigerants. 4.2 Observations and Results The potentially hazardous equipment and materials and potential environmental concerns are identified in a room -by -room list included as Appendix F. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 6 4.3 Limitations The method of the hazardous materials inventory consisted of walking through all areas of the building and making observations for components that typically contain hazardous substance that are incidental to the building. WSB recommends that these materials and any associated containers for these materials be removed prior to initiating demolition activities. As previously discussed, WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, other appliances, electrical equipment, or operational equipment. There is a potential for mercury switches to be part of this equipment. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations The following recommendations are provided based on the results of this hazardous materials inventory: • Friable and Category I Non - Friable asbestos was identified at the property as described in Section 2.3 and summarized in Appendix A. A licensed asbestos abatement contractor must remove all Friable and Category II non - Friable ACM prior to initiating demolition. • Current regulations allow Category I Non - Friable ACM to either be removed prior to demolition or to be managed in -place during demolition using appropriate procedures. If the removal option is selected, the removal must be conducted by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor prior to initiating demolition. If left in- place, the Category I non - friable ACM must be segregated during demolition and disposed as asbestos - containing waste. • Any unidentified suspect ACM encountered during demolition activities should be assumed to be asbestos - containing until the material is sampled and tested to determine the asbestos content. • LBP was not identified in the materials tested during this survey as described in Section 3.3. • Prior to demolition activities, all regulated waste should be abated and /or removed as described in Section 4.1 and summarized in Appendix G. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications Services performed by WSB have been conducted in accordance with generally recognized industry standards and current MPCA and MDH guidelines, where applicable. The services performed by WSB have been conducted with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable members of the profession, practicing in the same locality under similar budget and time constraints. No other warranty is made or intended. A summary of the laboratory and individual qualifications for those associated with this survey are included in Appendix G. Prepared by: Ryan Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist MDH Asbestos Inspector No.: AI -10800 MDH Lead Risk Assessor No.: LR -3148 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 8 APPENDIX F Room by Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 112 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 15f Level Main Area o 8 -8' fluorescent light bulbs o 7 ballasts o 2 -8' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) o 8 compact florescent light bulbs o 1 light fixture o 1 neon sign o 40 lbs. bag of mortar o 20 lbs. bag of grout o 2 gallons sheetrock compound o 2 gallons sanding sealer o 6 gallons used oil o 3 gallons adhesive o 5 gallons paint Back Room o 13 -8' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) o 7 ballasts (loose) o 4 light fixtures (loose) o 1 overhead heater o 2 electric boxes o 1 mercury thermostat o 1 box bike tire tubes Storage o 3 light fixtures o 1 phone o 1 fan o 1 credit card machine o 1 security system (ceiling) o 20 oz. glass cleaner o 10 oz. fabric freshener Bathroom 1 o 1 light fixture Bathroom 2 o 1 light fixture Page 1 of 3 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 112 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Basement Basement 0 1 compact florescent light bulb 0 1 water heater 0 20 lbs. bag floor leveler 0 12 gallons paint 0 2 gallons epoxy coating 0 16 oz. propane cylinder 0 70 bike tires 2nd Level Hallway o 7 light fixtures Laundry Room • 1 compact florescent light bulb • 1 light fixture • 1 smoke detector Kitchen 1 0 3 light fixtures 0 1 oven range 0 1 smoke detector 0 1 toaster 0 3 gallons paint Living Room 1 • 1 light fixture • 1 air conditioning unit • 1 smoke detector Closet 1 o 1 light fixture Bedroom 1 0 1 light fixture 0 2 smoke detectors Bedroom 2 0 2 light fixtures 0 1 smoke detector Page 2 of 3 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 112 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Rnthrnnm 2 • 1 light fixture • 1 exhaust fan Kitchen 2 0 2 light fixtures 0 1 oven range 0 1 radio 0 1 exhaust fan Living Room 2 0 2 light fixtures 0 1 air conditioning unit Closet 2 o 1 light fixture Bedroom 3 0 2 light fixtures 0 1 smoke detector Bathroom 4 • 1 light fixture • 1 exhaust fan Exterior/ Roof Side A o 3 light fixtures Side B o None observed Side C • 1 lighted sign • 1 gas meter Side D 0 2 electric meters o Note: Miscellaneous household solid waste present between buildings (approximately 4 cubic yards) Roof • 1 TV • 1 satellite dish Page 3 of 3 CITY OF Monticeflo City of Monticello 505WalnutStreet • Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295 -2711 November 10, 2014 PRE - DEMOLITION Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 130 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 .. ............................... WSB Project No. 1494 -940 s .. ..... E m -- W Fe! . ~�.Vt. A 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 WSB Tel: (763) 541 -4800 - Fax: (763) 541 -1700 & A.., 1 wsbeng.com Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 130 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared by: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 November 10, 2014 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Table of Contents TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction .............................................................................................. ............................... 1 2. Asbestos ...................................................................................................... ..............................1 2.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 1 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 2 2.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 3 2.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 5 3. Lead Based Paint ...................................................................................... ............................... 5 3.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 6 3.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 6 3.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 6 4. Hazardous Materials ............................................................................... ............................... 6 4.1 General Information ................................................................ ..............................6 4.2 Observations and Results ...................................................... ............................... 7 4.3 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 7 5. Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................... ............................... 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications ......................................................... ............................... 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figures Figure 1 - Project Location LIST OF APPENDICES Appendices Appendix A - Asbestos Summary Table Appendix B - Asbestos Analytical Results Appendix C - Asbestos Sample Locations Appendix D - Lead Paint Analytical Results Appendix E - Lead Paint Sample Locations Appendix F - Room -by -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Appendix G - Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 1. Introduction WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) was retained by the City of Monticello (the City) to conduct a pre- demolition hazardous materials survey at the commercial property located at 130 Broadway Street East in Monticello, Minnesota (the property). A property location map is included as Figure 1. The property is occupied by a vacant commercial building. The property building is one -story and constructed of concrete block, brick, and metal. The property building includes a flat roof and stucco exterior texture walls. WSB understands the City plans to demolish the existing structure and use the property for future City improvements. The work performed as part of this survey was completed to meet the following objectives: • Identify friable and non - friable asbestos - containing materials (ACM) at the property as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). • Identify regulated ACM (friable or non - friable) at the property that could become friable during demolition activities, and according to current State and Federal regulations, would require abatement prior to initiating demolition activities. • Identify lead -based paint (LBP) surfaces that have the potential to be recycled during demolition activities, and if classified as LBP, will require special recycle management. • Inventory potentially hazardous materials that should be removed and properly disposed prior to initiating demolition activities. This report summarizes the findings of the pre- demolition survey. 2. Asbestos 2.1 General Information and Definitions For the purpose of this assessment, the building was considered one functional area as defined by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Upon completion of the reconnaissance, the suspect ACM was assessed, inventoried, and sampled for laboratory analysis. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 1 The following definitions apply to this report: • The USEPA defines ACM as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos. Materials found to contain one percent or less asbestos are not regulated as ACM. • Friable ACM is defined as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos, and which can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Category I non - friable ACM means asbestos - containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products containing more than one percent asbestos. Category I non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it is in a condition where the renovation /demolition activities might cause it to become friable. • Category II non - friable ACM means any material, excluding Category I non - friable ACM, containing more than one percent asbestos that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure. Category II non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it has a high probability of becoming crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder during renovation, demolition, transport, or disposal. 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Non - Suspect Material The following materials were determined to be non - suspect ACM and were not targeted for sampling during this inventory: • Wood floors, ceilings, and walls • Concrete floors, ceilings, and walls • Foam pipe insulation and gap filler Suspect ACM Targeted for Sampling Suspect ACM identified and subsequently sampled at the property included: • Various ceiling tile • Various wall /ceiling insulation • Textured ceiling material • Various flooring and associated mastic • Various wall tile and associated grout Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 2 • Baseboard • Sheetrock • Plaster • Various caulk • Brick and mortar • Roofing materials Sample Analysis A total of 38 bulk samples were submitted for laboratory analysis. Some of the bulk samples consisted of several layers. A total of 51 samples (including layers) were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in accordance with USEPA analytical protocol {EPA -600 R93/1161 by EMSL Analytical, Inc. (EMSL), Minneapolis, MN laboratory. Materials that were analyzed and found to contain one percent or less asbestos are considered "non- asbestos" per current State and Federal regulations. Materials that were found to contain greater than one percent asbestos are considered to be ACM. Under current Federal regulations, if the PLM results detect asbestos at a concentration of less than 10% in one or more of the samples from any sample unit, the owner or operator of the building may (1) elect to assume the amount to be greater than 1% and treat the material as ACM or (2) require verification of the amount by utilizing the Point -Count Method. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is greater than one percent, the material will be determined to be regulated ACM. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is one percent or less, the material will be determined to be unregulated and non - asbestos containing. No samples were re- analyzed using the Point -Count Method. 2.3 Results All of the sampled building materials were observed to be generally in fair to good condition with isolated areas of damage. An asbestos result summary table is included in Appendix A. Copies of the asbestos analytical laboratory reports are included as Appendix B. Asbestos sample location diagrams are included as Appendix C. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 3 The following building materials sampled from the building were determined to be ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be Friable ACM. Category II Non - Friable ACM • Black wood panel wall mastic located in the Bar Area (Sample 6), approximately 1,920 square feet. • White interior window caulk located in the Utility Room (Sample 20), one unit. • White exterior window caulk (Sample 22), eight units. Category I Non - Friable ACM • Black mastic located in the Bar Area and Utility Room (Sample 8), approximately 600 square feet. Note: Associated 12" red floor tile is not ACM. • Gray wall tar located on the Roof (Sample 27), approximately 25 square feet. • Black sub layer roof tar located on the Roof (Sample 30), approximately 4,550 square feet. Non -ACM (Confirmed by Sampling and Analysis) The following building sampled materials were determined to be non -ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): • 2'x2' black ceiling tile (Sample 1). • 12" tan ceiling tile (Sample 2). • Tan ceiling insulation (Sample 3). • Tan ceiling texture, fan shape (Sample set 4). • Black fiber ceiling board (Sample 5). • Sheetrock composite (Sample 7). • 12" red floor tile (Sample 8). Note: Associated black mastic is ACM. • 4" gold wall tile and yellow adhesive (Sample 9). • 4" white ceiling tile and yellow adhesive (Sample 10). Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 4 • 2" tan floor tile (Sample 11). • 4" tan ceiling tile and yellow adhesive (Sample 12). • 8 "x4" flower pattern wall tile yellow adhesive (Sample 13). • 12" tan ceiling tile (Sample 14). • White ceiling plaster (Sample 15). • Tan brick and gray mortar (Sample 16). • Tan wall insulation (Sample 17). • Tan pattern floor tile and yellow adhesive (Sample 18). • 1'x2' black ceiling tile (Sample 19). • Tan brick and gray mortar (Sample 21). • Gray window caulk (Sample 23). • Tan stucco wall texture (Sample set 24). • Gray door caulk (Sample 25). • Tan brick and gray mortar (Sample 26). • Black roof seam caulk (Sample 28). • Black rubber roof membrane (Sample 29). 2.4 Limitations WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, or household equipment or appliances. There is a potential for ACM components to be present inside of these components. Based on these limitations, the quantities listed in this survey reflect the visibility available at the time of the survey. All quantities in this survey are estimations and should not be considered exact measurements when used for obtaining abatement bids. 3. Lead -Based Paint 3.1 General Information and Definitions Based on current regulatory definitions, LBP is defined as paint, shellac, or other coating containing lead concentrations equal to or greater than 1.0 mg /cmz when using an X -ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument, or laboratory analysis of 0.5 percent by weight (5,000 ug /g, 5,000 ppm, or 5,000 mg /kg) by laboratory analysis. LBP adhered to surfaces intended for recycle (e.g. concrete, metal, wood, etc.) should be tested to determine if reuse restrictions exist. Untested painted concrete from structures built before 1978 may not be used as fill or aggregate without a case - specific beneficial use determination from the MPCA. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Observations and testing for UP was conducted at the property. The MPCA no longer requires UP analysis of coated surfaced determined to be in poor condition prior to demolition. However, WSB completed UP sampling and analysis limited to painted surfaces that are likely to be recycled during demolition activities. A total of one paint chip sample was collected and analyzed for lead content using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry by EMSL. 3.3 Results Lead -Based Paint No tested coated surface was determined to be LBP based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations. Not Lead -Based Paint The following paint surfaces sampled from the building were determined not to be UP per current State and Federal regulations: • Tan exterior stucco wall (Sample 1). A copy of the analytical report is included as Appendix D. A UP sample location map is included as Appendix E. 3.4 Limitations The lead observations and testing conducted was not intended to represent a comprehensive survey of all painted surfaces and was not intended to represent regulated lead work as defined by MDH. If the plans for the building include a renovation, a UP inspection should be conducted prior to renovation activities. 4. Hazardous Materials 4.1 General Information A walk - through reconnaissance of the building was conducted to identify and inventory potentially hazardous materials or materials that have special disposal requirements that should be removed prior to demolition activities. These materials include, but are not limited to, hazardous substances, petroleum products, PCB - containing light ballasts, mercury- containing lights and switches, and refrigerants. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 6 4.2 Observations and Results The potentially hazardous equipment and materials and potential environmental concerns are identified in a room -by -room list included as Appendix F. 4.3 Limitations The method of the hazardous materials inventory consisted of walking through all areas of the building and making observations for components that typically contain hazardous substance that are incidental to the building. WSB recommends that these materials and any associated containers for these materials be removed prior to initiating demolition activities. As previously discussed, WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, other appliances, electrical equipment, or operational equipment. There is a potential for mercury switches to be part of this equipment. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations The following recommendations are provided based on the results of this hazardous materials inventory: • Category II Non - Friable and Category I Non - Friable asbestos was identified at the property as described in Section 2.3 and summarized in Appendix A. A licensed asbestos abatement contractor must remove all Friable and Category II non - Friable ACM prior to initiating demolition. • Current regulations allow Category I Non - Friable ACM to either be removed prior to demolition or to be managed in -place during demolition using appropriate procedures. If the removal option is selected, the removal must be conducted by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor prior to initiating demolition. If left in- place, the Category I non - friable ACM must be segregated during demolition and disposed as asbestos - containing waste. • Any unidentified suspect ACM encountered during demolition activities should be assumed to be asbestos - containing until the material is sampled and tested to determine the asbestos content. • LBP was not identified in the materials tested during this survey as described in Section 3.3. • Prior to demolition activities, all regulated waste should be abated and /or removed as described in Section 4.1 and summarized in Appendix G. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications Services performed by WSB have been conducted in accordance with generally recognized industry standards and current MPCA and MDH guidelines, where applicable. The services performed by WSB have been conducted with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable members of the profession, practicing in the same locality under similar budget and time constraints. No other warranty is made or intended. A summary of the laboratory and individual qualifications for those associated with this survey are included in Appendix G. Prepared by: Ryan Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist MDH Asbestos Inspector No.: AI -10800 MDH Lead Risk Assessor No.: LR -3148 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 8 APPENDIX F Room by Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 130 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Building Interior Bar Area o 3 -8' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) o 49 light fixtures o 3 air cleaning units o 2 smoke detectors o 3 hydraulic door arms o 1 speaker o 1 motion sensor o 1 security system o 2 thermostats (non- mercury) Men's Bathroom o 1 light fixture o 1 exhaust fan o 1 hydraulic door arm Women's Bathroom o 3 light fixtures o 1 exhaust fan o 1 hydraulic door arm Office o 2 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts o 1 -2' fluorescent light bulb (loose) o 1 strand Christmas lights o 1 exhaust fan o 2 telephones o 1 tempo amplifier device Storage o 2 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts o 1 cash register o 1 gallon paint Page 1 of 2 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 130 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Utility 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 3 compact fluorescent light bulbs 0 1 light fixture 0 8 electric boxes 0 1 water meter 0 1 walking cooler 0 1 water heater 0 1 water softener 0 1 exhaust fan 0 1 compressor unit 0 1 hydraulic door arm 0 1 fire extinguisher 0 2 bags grout 0 3 gallons paint 0 1 quart rust stop 0 5 cans spray paint 0 1 can PVC cement 0 3 aerosols go away gummy Exterior/ Roof Side A o None observed Side B o 1 light fixture Side C 0 1 electric meter 0 1 gas meter 0 1 speaker 0 2 car tires Side D o None observed Roof 0 2 air conditioning units 0 1 TV antenna 0 1 satellite dish Page 2 of 2 CITY OF Monticeflo City of Monticello 505WalnutStreet • Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295 -2711 November 10, 2014 PRE - DEMOLITION Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 119 3rd Street East Monticello, MN 66362 .. ............................... WSB Project No. 1494 -940 I -- ,y A 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 WSB Tel: (763) 541 -4800 - Fax: (763) 541 -1700 & A.. 1 wsbeng.com Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 119 3rd Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared by: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 November 10, 2014 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Table of Contents TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction .............................................................................................. ............................... 1 2. Asbestos ...................................................................................................... ..............................1 2.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 1 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 2 2.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 3 2.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 5 3. Lead Based Paint ...................................................................................... ............................... 5 3.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 5 4. Hazardous Materials ............................................................................... ............................... 6 4.1 General Information ................................................................ ..............................6 4.2 Observations and Results ...................................................... ............................... 6 4.3 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 6 5. Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................... ............................... 6 6. Standard Care and Qualifications ......................................................... ............................... 7 LIST OF FIGURES Figures Figure 1 - Project Location LIST OF APPENDICES Appendices Appendix A - Asbestos Summary Table Appendix B - Asbestos Analytical Results Appendix C - Asbestos Sample Locations Appendix D - Room -by -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Appendix E - Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 1. Introduction WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) was retained by the City of Monticello (the City) to conduct a pre- demolition hazardous materials survey at the commercial property located at 119 3rd Street East in Monticello, Minnesota (the property). A property location map is included as Figure 1. The property is occupied by a multi - tenant commercial building. The property building is one -story and constructed of concrete block, brick, and metal. The property building includes a flat roof and a partial attic area. WSB understands the City plans to demolish the existing structure and use the property for future City improvements. Since the building is currently occupied, only non - destructive sampling methods were used during the survey. The work performed as part of this survey was completed to meet the following objectives: • Identify friable and non - friable asbestos - containing materials (ACM) at the property as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). • Identify regulated ACM (friable or non - friable) at the property that could become friable during demolition activities, and according to current State and Federal regulations, would require abatement prior to initiating demolition activities. • Identify lead -based paint (LBP) surfaces that have the potential to be recycled during demolition activities, and if classified as LBP, will require special recycle management. • Inventory potentially hazardous materials that should be removed and properly disposed prior to initiating demolition activities. This report summarizes the findings of the pre- demolition survey. 2. Asbestos 2.1 General Information and Definitions For the purpose of this assessment, the building was considered one functional area as defined by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Upon completion of the reconnaissance, the suspect ACM was assessed, inventoried, and sampled for laboratory analysis. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 1 The following definitions apply to this report: • The USEPA defines ACM as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos. Materials found to contain one percent or less asbestos are not regulated as ACM. • Friable ACM is defined as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos, and which can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Category I non - friable ACM means asbestos - containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products containing more than one percent asbestos. Category I non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it is in a condition where the renovation /demolition activities might cause it to become friable. • Category II non - friable ACM means any material, excluding Category I non - friable ACM, containing more than one percent asbestos that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure. Category II non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it has a high probability of becoming crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder during renovation, demolition, transport, or disposal. 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Non - Suspect Material The following materials were determined to be non - suspect ACM and were not targeted for sampling during this inventory: • Wood floors, ceilings, and walls • Concrete floors, ceilings, and walls • Foam pipe insulation and gap filler Suspect ACM Targeted for Sampling Suspect ACM identified and subsequently sampled at the property included: • Flooring and associated mastic • Various baseboard • Ceiling tile • Various caulk Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 2 Sample Analysis A total of 11 bulk samples were submitted for laboratory analysis. Some of the bulk samples consisted of several layers. A total of 12 samples (including layers) were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in accordance with USEPA analytical protocol {EPA -600 R93/1161 by EMSL Analytical, Inc. (EMSL), Minneapolis, MN laboratory. Materials that were analyzed and found to contain one percent or less asbestos are considered "non- asbestos" per current State and Federal regulations. Materials that were found to contain greater than one percent asbestos are considered to be ACM. Under current Federal regulations, if the PLM results detect asbestos at a concentration of less than 10% in one or more of the samples from any sample unit, the owner or operator of the building may (1) elect to assume the amount to be greater than 1% and treat the material as ACM or (2) require verification of the amount by utilizing the Point -Count Method. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is greater than one percent, the material will be determined to be regulated ACM. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is one percent or less, the material will be determined to be unregulated and non - asbestos containing. No samples were re- analyzed using the Point -Count Method. 2.3 Results All of the sampled building materials were observed to be generally in fair to good condition with isolated areas of damage. An asbestos result summary table is included in Appendix A. Copies of the asbestos analytical laboratory reports are included as Appendix B. Asbestos sample location diagrams are included as Appendix C. The following building materials sampled from the building were determined to be ACM (or assumed ACM) based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be Friable ACM. Category II Non - Friable ACM • Exterior tan door caulk (Sample 8), one unit. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 3 Category I Non - Friable ACM • 9" gray floor tile located in the Produce Room (Sample 1), approximately 700 square feet. Note: Associated black mastic is not ACM. Assumed ACM • White textured ceiling located in the Produce Room, approximately 700 square feet. This material is considered Friable. • 2" pink floor tile located in Bathroom 1, approximately 50 square feet. This material is considered Category I Non - Friable. • 2 "x4" pink wall tile located in Bathroom 1, approximately 200 square feet. This material is considered Category I Non - Friable. • 12" white floor tile located in the Service Area, approximately 500 square feet. This material is considered Category I Non - Friable. • 12" brown floor tile located in the Break Room and Bathroom 2, approximately 250 square feet. This material is considered Category I Non - Friable. • Black roof membrane located on the Roof, approximately 5,300 square feet. This material is considered Category 1 Non - Friable. Non -ACM (Confirmed by Sampling and Analysis) The following building sampled materials were determined to be non -ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): • Black floor tile mastic (Sample 1). Note: Associated gray tile is ACM. • Black baseboard (Sample 2). • 2'x4' white ceiling tile (Sample 3). • Brown baseboard (Sample 4). • 2'x4' white ceiling tile (Sample 5). • White textured sink (Sample 6). • Tan window glaze (Sample 7). • Brown brick and gray mortar (Sample 9). • Tan stucco wall (Sample 10). • Tan window caulk (Sample 11). Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 4 2.4 Limitations Non - destructive asbestos sampling methods were used during this survey since the property building is currently occupied. Prior to demolition, destructive sampling should be conducted in order to assess building interstitial areas (i.e. flooring /roofing layers, wall cavity, etc.). WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, or household equipment or appliances. There is a potential for ACM components to be present inside of these components. Based on these limitations, the quantities listed in this survey reflect the visibility available at the time of the survey. All quantities in this survey are estimations and should not be considered exact measurements when used for obtaining abatement bids. 3. Lead -Based Paint 3.1 General Information and Definitions Based on current regulatory definitions, LBP is defined as paint, shellac, or other coating containing lead concentrations equal to or greater than 1.0 mg /cmz when using an X -ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument, or laboratory analysis of 0.5 percent by weight (5,000 ug /g, 5,000 ppm, or 5,000 mg /kg) by laboratory analysis. LBP adhered to surfaces intended for recycle (e.g. concrete, metal, wood, etc.) should be tested to determine if reuse restrictions exist. Untested painted concrete from structures built before 1978 may not be used as fill or aggregate without a case - specific beneficial use determination from the MPCA. 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Due to the non - destructive nature of this survey, LBP sampling was not completed at the property. All painted surfaces were determined to be in good condition at the time of the survey. The MPCA no longer requires LBP analysis of coated surfaced determined to be in poor condition prior to demolition. However, WSB recommends completing LBP sampling and analysis on painted surfaces likely to be recycled during demolition activities. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 5 4. Hazardous Materials 4.1 General Information A walk - through reconnaissance of the building was conducted to identify and inventory potentially hazardous materials or materials that have special disposal requirements that should be removed prior to demolition activities. These materials include, but are not limited to, hazardous substances, petroleum products, PCB - containing light ballasts, mercury- containing lights and switches, and refrigerants. 4.2 Observations and Results The potentially hazardous equipment and materials and potential environmental concerns are identified in a room -by -room list included as Appendix D. 4.3 Limitations The method of the hazardous materials inventory consisted of walking through all areas of the building and making observations for components that typically contain hazardous substance that are incidental to the building. WSB recommends that these materials and any associated containers for these materials be removed prior to initiating demolition activities. As previously discussed, WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, other appliances, electrical equipment, or operational equipment. There is a potential for mercury switches to be part of this equipment. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations The following recommendations are provided based on the results of this hazardous materials inventory: • Friable, Category 11 Non - Friable, and Category 1 Non - Friable asbestos was identified (or assumed) at the property as described in Section 2.3 and summarized in Appendix A. A licensed asbestos abatement contractor must remove all Friable and Category II non - Friable ACM prior to initiating demolition. • Current regulations allow Category I Non - Friable ACM to either be removed prior to demolition or to be managed in -place during demolition using appropriate procedures. If the removal option is selected, the removal must be conducted by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor prior to initiating demolition. If left in- place, the Category I non - friable ACM must be segregated during demolition and disposed as asbestos - containing waste. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 6 • Prior to demolition, destructive asbestos sampling should be conducted at the property in order to assess the building interstitial areas (i.e. flooring /roofing layers, wall cavity, etc.) and verify assumed ACM. • Any unidentified suspect ACM encountered during demolition activities should be assumed to be asbestos - containing until the material is sampled and tested to determine the asbestos content. • Prior to demolition, LBP sampling should be conducted on all materials intended for recycle. • Prior to demolition activities, all regulated waste should be abated and /or removed as described in Section 4.1 and summarized in Appendix G. 6. Standard Care and Qualifications Services performed by WSB have been conducted in accordance with generally recognized industry standards and current MPCA and MDH guidelines, where applicable. The services performed by WSB have been conducted with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable members of the profession, practicing in the same locality under similar budget and time constraints. No other warranty is made or intended. A summary of the laboratory and individual qualifications for those associated with this survey are included in Appendix E. Prepared by: 914V'�_C� Ryan Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist MDH Asbestos Inspector No.: AI -10800 MDH Lead Risk Assessor No.: LR -3148 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 7 APPENDIX D Room by Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 119 3rd Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Building Interior Drop Off Area o 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 4 ballasts o 4 -8' fluorescent light bulbs (above ceiling) o 2 ballasts (above ceiling) o 1 smoke detector o 1 fire extinguisher Clothing Area o 40 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 20 ballasts o 18 -8' fluorescent light bulbs (above ceiling) o 9 ballasts (above ceiling) o 1 smoke detector o 1 fire extinguisher o 1 furnace o 1 electric thermostat Bathroom 1 o 2 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 1 ballasts o 1 exhaust fan Storage o 20 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 10 ballast o 1 smoke detector o 1 freezer unit Produce o 16 -8' fluorescent light bulbs o 8 ballasts o 4 freezer units o 1 smoke detector o 1 mercury thermostat o 1 fire extinguisher o 1 hydraulic door arm Office 1 o 2 -8' fluorescent light bulbs o 1 ballast o 1 security system o 1 water heater Page 1 of 3 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 119 3rd Street East Monticello, MN 55362 0 50 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 25 ballasts 0 2 lighted exit signs 0 1 motion sensor 0 1 smoke detector 0 1 doorbell chime 0 3 security cameras 0 1 fire extinguisher 0 2 hydraulic door arms Office 2 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts File Room 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts 0 1 motion detector 0 1 security camera Break Room 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Conference Room 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Bathroom 2 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts 0 1 exhaust fan Utility • 1 light fixture • lfurnace • 1 hydraulic door arm Attic 0 8 -8' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 furnace Page 2 of 3 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 119 3rd Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Building Exterior / Roof Side A o 2 light fixtures o 2 gas meters o 1 air conditioning unit Side B o None observed Side C o 2 light fixtures o 3 electric meters Side D o 2 light fixtures Roof o None observed Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX B Wright County Property Information Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 APPENDICES Wright County, MN Summary Parcel ID 155010034020 Property Address Sec /Twp / Rng 11- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot -002 Owner GIS Acreage Land Buildings Extra Features Sales Transfer History Valuation (working) Taxation Total Estimated Market Value Excluded Value Homestead Exclusion = Taxable Market Value Net Taxes Due fR • This Owner information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. J This GIS Acreage information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. 01 This Land information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. � This Buildings information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Extra Features information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Sales information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Transfer History information is password protected. �p Click here for information on obtaining a user account. ! This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. 2014 Payable Block -034 2012 Payable (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 958 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 01 /01 /0001 Owner GIS Acreage Land Buildings Extra Features Sales Transfer History Valuation (working) Taxation Total Estimated Market Value Excluded Value Homestead Exclusion = Taxable Market Value Net Taxes Due fR • This Owner information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. J This GIS Acreage information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. 01 This Land information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. � This Buildings information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Extra Features information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Sales information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Transfer History information is password protected. �p Click here for information on obtaining a user account. ! This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. 2014 Payable 2013 Payable 2012 Payable $57,200 $57,200 $59,900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $57,200 $57,200 $59,900 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 beacon-''-' Date Created: 10/17/2014 2011 Payable $59,900 $0 $0 $59,900 $0.00 2010 Payable $38,100 $0 $0 $38,100 $0.00 + Special Assessments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 = Total Taxes Due $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Tax Statements Photos CRV Documents Property Card Images Map Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. ft J This Photos information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This CRV Documents information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Property Card Images information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. No data available for the following modules: Valuation, Taxes Paid, Sketches. Click here for help. DISCLAIMER: Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. Wright County has attempted to include more specific clarifications or advisories on the specific documents or maps however, none of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact Wright County. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and Wright County shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided. Last Data Upload: 10/17/2014 8:49:34 AM Thm T15c Sdinader Chrpocaflion SuhneKkK uw<r.KJWH W*Wrp CprR Wright County, MN Summary Parcel ID 155010034030 Property Address Sec /Twp / Rng 11- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot -003 Owner GIS Acreage Land Buildings Extra Features Sales Transfer History Valuation (working) Taxation Total Estimated Market Value Excluded Value Homestead Exclusion = Taxable Market Value Net Taxes Due fR • This Owner information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. J This GIS Acreage information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. 01 This Land information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. � This Buildings information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Extra Features information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Sales information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Transfer History information is password protected. �p Click here for information on obtaining a user account. ! This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. 2014 Payable Block -034 2012 Payable (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 958 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 01 /01 /0001 Owner GIS Acreage Land Buildings Extra Features Sales Transfer History Valuation (working) Taxation Total Estimated Market Value Excluded Value Homestead Exclusion = Taxable Market Value Net Taxes Due fR • This Owner information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. J This GIS Acreage information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. 01 This Land information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. � This Buildings information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Extra Features information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Sales information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Transfer History information is password protected. �p Click here for information on obtaining a user account. ! This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. 2014 Payable 2013 Payable 2012 Payable $57,200 $57,200 $59,900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $57,200 $57,200 $59,900 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 beacon-''-' Date Created: 10/17/2014 2011 Payable $59,900 $0 $0 $59,900 $0.00 2010 Payable $38,100 $0 $0 $38,100 $0.00 + Special Assessments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 = Total Taxes Due $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Tax Statements Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. Photos This Photos information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. CRV Documents This CRV Documents information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Property Card Images Map This Property Card Images information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. No data available for the following modules: Valuation, Taxes Paid, Sketches. Click here for help. DISCLAIMER: Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. Wright County has attempted to include more specific clarifications or advisories on the specific documents or maps however, none of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact Wright County. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and Wright County shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided. Last Data Upload: 10/17/2014 8:49:34 AM Thm T15c Sdinader Chrpocaflion SuhneKkK uw<r.KJWH W*Wrp CprR Wright County, MN 0,,, b e a c o n-'-. Date Created: 10/16/2014 Summary This Owner information is password protected. Parcel ID 155010034040 Property Address 119 3RD ST E GIS Acreage MONTICELLO Sec /Twp / Rng 11- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot -004 Block -034 LTS 4 &5 BLK 34 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 957 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL LAW ENF,FIRE,ADMIN District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 01 /01 /0001 Owner This Owner information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. GIS Acreage I This GIS Acreage information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Land This Land information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Buildings This Buildings information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Extra Features This Extra Features information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Sales This Sales information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Transfer History This Transfer History information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Valuation (working) rF� This Valuation (working) information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Taxation 2014 Payable 2013 Payable 2012 Payable 2011 Payable 2010 Payable Total Estimated Market Value $334,700 $324,400 $334,200 $331,100 $259,500 Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 = Taxable Market Value $334,700 $324,400 $334,200 $331,100 $259,500 Net Taxes Due $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 + Special Assessments $0.00 $0.00 $22.00 $25.00 $25.00 = Total Taxes Due $0.00 $0.00 $22.00 $25.00 $25.00 Taxes Paid Receipt # Receipt Print Date Bill Pay Year Amt Adj Amt Write Off Amt Charge Amt Payment 904147 4/25/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22.00 904331 4/25/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($22.00) 819151 4/27/2011 2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($25.00) 731837 4/28/2010 2010 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($25.00) Tax Statements Photos Sketches Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. em Jj This Photos information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. BA5196O 4100 CRV Documents This CRV Documents information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Property Card Images This Property Card Images information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Map No data available for the following modules: Valuation. Click here for help. DISCLAIMER: Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. Wright County has attempted to include more specific clarifications or advisories on the specific documents or maps however, none of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact Wright County. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and Wright County shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided. Last Data Upload: 10/16/2014 9:49:38 AM The Th 4Y The $rhnsdOr ChrPorinion lkhneFder tiry w KbneK*wrP 4mR Wright County, MN Summary Parcel ID 155010034080 Property Address Sec /Twp / Rng 11- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot -008 Block -034 LTS 8 &9 BLK 34 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 956 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 01 /01 /0001 Owner GIS Acreage Land Buildings Extra Features Sales Transfer History Valuation (working) Taxation Total Estimated Market Value Excluded Value Homestead Exclusion = Taxable Market Value Net Taxes Due fR • This Owner information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. J This GIS Acreage information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. 01 This Land information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. � This Buildings information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Extra Features information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Sales information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Transfer History information is password protected. �p Click here for information on obtaining a user account. ! This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. 2014 Payable 2013 Payable 2012 Payable $106,000 $108,200 $108,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $106,000 $108,200 $108,200 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 beacon-''-' Date Created: 10/17/2014 2011 Payable $108,200 $0 $0 $108,200 $0.00 2010 Payable $38,000 $0 $0 $38,000 $0.00 + Special Assessments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 = Total Taxes Due $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Tax Statements Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. Photos This Photos information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. CRV Documents This CRV Documents information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Property Card Images Map This Property Card Images information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. No data available for the following modules: Valuation, Taxes Paid, Sketches. Click here for help. DISCLAIMER: Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. Wright County has attempted to include more specific clarifications or advisories on the specific documents or maps however, none of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact Wright County. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and Wright County shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided. Last Data Upload: 10/17/2014 8:49:34 AM Thm T15c Sdinader Chrpocaflion SuhneKkK uw<r.KJWH W*Wrp CprR Wright County, MN Summary Parcel ID 155010034101 Property Address Sec /Twp / Rng 11- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot -010 Block -034 LTS 10,11& E9FT OF LT 12 BLK12 EX N11OFT (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres Class District School District Creation Date 0.00 956 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H 0882 01 /01 /0001 Owner fR • This Owner information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. GIS Acreage J This GIS Acreage information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Land 01 This Land information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Buildings � This Buildings information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Extra Features This Extra Features information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Sales This Sales information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Transfer History This Transfer History information is password protected. �p Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Valuation (working) ! This Valuation (working) information is password protected. S1 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Taxation 2014 Payable 2013 Payable 2012 Payable Total Estimated Market Value $23,300 $23,400 $24,400 Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 = Taxable Market Value $23,300 $23,400 $24,400 Net Taxes Due $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 beacon-''-' Date Created: 10/17/2014 2011 Payable $24,400 $0 $0 $24,400 $0.00 2010 Payable $171,400 $0 $0 $171,400 $0.00 + Special Assessments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 = Total Taxes Due $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Tax Statements Photos CRV Documents Property Card Images Map Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. ft J This Photos information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This CRV Documents information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. This Property Card Images information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. No data available for the following modules: Valuation, Taxes Paid, Sketches. Click here for help. DISCLAIMER: Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. Wright County has attempted to include more specific clarifications or advisories on the specific documents or maps however, none of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact Wright County. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and Wright County shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided. Last Data Upload: 10/17/2014 8:49:34 AM Thm T15c Sdinader Chrpocaflion SuhneKkK uw<r.KJWH W*Wrp CprR Wright County, MN 0,,, b e a c o n-'•. Date Created: 10/16/2014 Summary Parcel ID 155010034102 Property Address 130 BROADWAY E Click here for information on obtaining a user account. MONTICELLO Sec /Twp / Rng 11- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Block -034 N11OFT OF LTS 10 &11& N11OFT OF E91FT OF LT12 BLK 34 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 958 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 01 /01 /0001 Owner Valuation (working) rF� ' • This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Taxation ' This Owner information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. GIS Acreage ' I This GIS Acreage information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Land ' This Land information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Buildings This Buildings information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Extra Features ' This Extra Features information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Sales ' This Sales information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Transfer History ' This Transfer History information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Valuation 2013 Assessment 2012 Assessment 2011 Assessment 2010 Assessment • Estimated Building Value $144,000 $142,300 $142,300 $142,300 • Estimated Land Value $77,900 $79,500 $79,500 $79,500 • Estimated Machinery Value $0 $0 $0 $0 = Total Estimated Market Value $221,900 $221,800 $221,800 $221,800 Valuation (working) rF� ' • This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Taxation Net Taxes Due 2014 Payable 2013 Payable 2012 Payable 2011 Payable 2010 Payable Total Estimated Market Value $221,900 $221,800 $221,800 $221,800 $221,800 Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 = Taxable Market Value $221,900 $221,800 $221,800 $221,800 $221,800 Net Taxes Due $6,642.00 $6,580.55 $6,900.33 $6,513.08 $6,146.83 + Special Assessments $0.00 $1,047.45 $1,121.67 $1,176.92 $1,229.17 = Total Taxes Due $6,642.00 $7,628.00 $8,022.00 $7,690.00 $7,376.00 Taxes Paid Receipt # Receipt Print Date Bill Pay Year Amt Adj Amt Write Off Amt Charge Amt Payment 1132638 9/24/2014 2014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,321.00) 1092514 4/30/2014 2014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,321.00) 1055661 10/11/2013 2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,814.00) 1015889 5/14/2013 2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,814.00) 969349 10/19/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($4,011.00) 923390 5/15/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($4,011.00) 869598 10/13/2011 2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,845.00) 836811 5/16/2011 2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,845.00) 784216 10/13/2010 2010 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,688.00) 741682 5/10/2010 2010 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,688.00) Tax Statements Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. Photos This Photos information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Sketches CRV Documents This CRV Documents information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Property Card Images rA 1 This Property Card Images information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Map DISCLAIMER: Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. Wright County has attempted to include more specific clarifications or advisories on the specific documents or maps however, none of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact Wright County. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and Wright County shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided. Last Data Upload: 10/16/2014 9:49:38 AM OaMm Ow W The S hne4deF Cb" m inn -khrK idw "'"''"r #nhneid�rs�gep Wright County, MN 0,,, b e a c o n-'•. Date Created: 10/16/2014 Summary Parcel ID 155010034130 Property Address 112 BROADWAY E Click here for information on obtaining a user account. MONTICELLO Sec /Twp / Rng 11- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot -013 Block -034 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 958 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER ; 958 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 01 /01 /0001 Owner Valuation (working) rF� ' • This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Taxation ' This Owner information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. GIS Acreage ' I This GIS Acreage information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Land ' This Land information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Buildings This Buildings information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Extra Features ' This Extra Features information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Sales ' This Sales information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Transfer History ' This Transfer History information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Valuation 2013 Assessment 2012 Assessment 2011 Assessment 2010 Assessment • Estimated Building Value $128,100 $128,100 $128,100 $128,600 • Estimated Land Value $51,600 $52,700 $52,700 $52,200 • Estimated Machinery Value $0 $0 $0 $0 = Total Estimated Market Value $179,700 $180,800 $180,800 $180,800 Valuation (working) rF� ' • This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Taxation 2014 Payable 2013 Payable 2012 Payable 2011 Payable 2010 Payable Total Estimated Market Value $179,700 $180,800 $180,800 $180,800 $184,300 Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 = Taxable Market Value $179,700 $180,800 $180,800 $180,800 $184,300 Net Taxes Due $4,290.00 $4,280.97 $4,507.44 $4,252.91 $4,059.38 + Special Assessments $0.00 $191.03 $222.56 $235.09 $244.62 = Total Taxes Due $4,290.00 $4,472.00 $4,730.00 $4,488.00 $4,304.00 Taxes Paid Receipt # Receipt Print Date Bill Pay Year Amt Adj Amt Write Off Amt Charge Amt Payment 1132639 9/24/2014 2014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,145.00) 1092517 4/30/2014 2014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,145.00) 1045248 9/25/2013 2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,236.00) 1015085 5/14/2013 2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,236.00) 982374 12/21/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $283.80 ($2,648.80) 934293 5/23/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,365.00) 869369 10/12/2011 2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,244.00) 823017 5/5/2011 2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,244.00) 786351 10/14/2010 2010 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,152.00) 744137 5/11/2010 2010 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,152.00) Tax Statements Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. Photos This Photos information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Sketches I t I t I t I I I I I I I I I SIY91}0 I I I I 15J6.0 Sf I I I I I I I I two Story I IrekaJl I I I I I I � I � I I 4 I 37' I 6AS1900 1536,0 sf Apartment above rc -'. I 32` I � I � I � I I SII1400 � 1 I hF 1Q8E#,G sf � � � I 1 I one story 1 j (Mid Storage t t I � I � A t I 32' I I t I t I t I I I I I I I I I SIY91}0 I I I I 15J6.0 Sf I I I I I I I I two Story I IrekaJl I I I I I I � I � I I 4 I 37' I 6AS1900 1536,0 sf Apartment above rc -'. CRV Documents This CRV Documents information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Property Card Images rA 1 This Property Card Images information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Map DISCLAIMER: Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. Wright County has attempted to include more specific clarifications or advisories on the specific documents or maps however, none of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact Wright County. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and Wright County shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided. Last Data Upload: 10/16/2014 9:49:38 AM fw 4 The S&neadec Cb" m iai �CfMti9F��f �'vrw #rhnrid4r44eF t Wright County, MN ,,, beaconTM Date Created: 10/16/2014 Summary Parcel ID 155010034140 Property Address 100 BROADWAY E Click here for information on obtaining a user account. MONTICELLO Sec /Twp / Rng 11- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot -014 Block -034 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 958 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 01 /01 /0001 Owner Valuation (working) rF� ' • This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Taxation ' This Owner information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. GIS Acreage ' I This GIS Acreage information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Land ' This Land information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Buildings This Buildings information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Extra Features ' This Extra Features information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Sales ' This Sales information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Transfer History ' This Transfer History information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Valuation 2013 Assessment 2012 Assessment 2011 Assessment 2010 Assessment • Estimated Building Value $0 $0 $0 $0 • Estimated Land Value $45,100 $46,000 $46,000 $46,000 • Estimated Machinery Value $0 $0 $0 $0 = Total Estimated Market Value $45,100 $46,000 $46,000 $46,000 Valuation (working) rF� ' • This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Taxation 2014 Payable 2013 Payable 2012 Payable 2011 Payable 2010 Payable Total Estimated Market Value $45,100 $46,000 $46,000 $46,000 $46,000 Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 = Taxable Market Value $45,100 $46,000 $46,000 $46,000 $46,000 Net Taxes Due $1,606.00 $1,622.97 $1,701.44 $1,605.91 $1,514.38 + Special Assessments $0.00 $191.03 $200.56 $210.09 $219.62 = Total Taxes Due $1,606.00 $1,814.00 $1,902.00 $1,816.00 $1,734.00 Taxes Paid Receipt # Receipt Print Date Bill Pay Year Amt Adj Amt Write Off Amt Charge Amt Payment 1132640 9/24/2014 2014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($803.00) 1092516 4/30/2014 2014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($803.00) 1045249 9/25/2013 2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($907.00) 1015086 5/14/2013 2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($907.00) 982375 12/21/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $114.12 ($1,065.12) 934291 5/23/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($951.00) 869370 10/12/2011 2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($908.00) 823018 5/5/2011 2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($908.00) 786352 10/14/2010 2010 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($867.00) 744138 5/11/2010 2010 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($867.00) Tax Statements Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. Photos This Photos information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. CRV Documents This CRV Documents information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Property Card Images This Property Card Images information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Map No data available for the following modules: Sketches. Click here for help. DISCLAIMER: Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. Wright County has attempted to include more specific clarifications or advisories on the specific documents or maps however, none of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact Wright County. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and Wright County shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided. Last Data Upload: 10/16/2014 9:49:38 AM Tha Sd-msdpr Chrporir►ion lchneider Nw"rK"' wrP "t Wright County, MN 0,,, b e a c o n-'•. Date Created: 10/16/2014 Summary Parcel ID 155010034150 Property Address 100 BROADWAY E Click here for information on obtaining a user account. MONTICELLO Sec /Twp / Rng 11- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -11 Twp -121 Range -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Lot -015 Block -034 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 958 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 01 /01 /0001 Owner Valuation (working) rF� ' • This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Taxation ' This Owner information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. GIS Acreage ' I This GIS Acreage information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Land ' This Land information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Buildings This Buildings information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Extra Features ' This Extra Features information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Sales ' This Sales information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Transfer History ' This Transfer History information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Valuation 2013 Assessment 2012 Assessment 2011 Assessment 2010 Assessment • Estimated Building Value $541,800 $541,800 $516,600 $516,600 • Estimated Land Value $50,600 $51,600 $51,600 $51,600 • Estimated Machinery Value $0 $0 $0 $0 = Total Estimated Market Value $592,400 $593,400 $568,200 $568,200 Valuation (working) rF� ' • This Valuation (working) information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Taxation 2014 Payable 2013 Payable 2012 Payable 2011 Payable 2010 Payable Total Estimated Market Value $592,400 $593,400 $568,200 $568,200 $568,200 Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 = Taxable Market Value $592,400 $593,400 $568,200 $568,200 $568,200 Net Taxes Due $19,840.00 $19,692.15 $19,713.77 $18,600.41 $17,552.05 + Special Assessments $0.00 $287.85 $324.23 $341.59 $355.95 = Total Taxes Due $19,840.00 $19,980.00 $20,038.00 $18,942.00 $17,908.00 Taxes Paid Receipt # Receipt Print Date Bill Pay Year Amt Adj Amt Write Off Amt Charge Amt Payment 1132641 9/24/2014 2014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($9,920.00) 1092515 4/30/2014 2014 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($9,920.00) 1045250 9/25/2013 2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($9,990.00) 1015087 5/14/2013 2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($9,990.00) 982519 12/26/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $1,202.28 ($11,221.28) 934292 5/23/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($10,019.00) 869371 10/12/2011 2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($9,471.00) 823019 5/5/2011 2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($9,471.00) 786353 10/14/2010 2010 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($8,954.00) 744139 5/11/2010 2010 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($8,954.00) Tax Statements Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. Photos This Photos information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Sketches 60 W9 0 64 CRV Documents This CRV Documents information is password protected. Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Property Card Images rA 1 This Property Card Images information is password protected. 0 Click here for information on obtaining a user account. Map DISCLAIMER: Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. Wright County has attempted to include more specific clarifications or advisories on the specific documents or maps however, none of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact Wright County. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and Wright County shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided. Last Data Upload: 10/16/2014 9:49:38 AM Th m 4Y Th Srhneydre Cbrpoed►ian �GfYI�@f wrw #�ind4r44�p t APPENDIX C Photographic Documentation Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 APPENDICES Q O O LU ca m 0 m O O r-I m ul v aA �U fB L Q O N O O s ul v aA �U fB L Q O O O s s 0 aA �U fB L Q O O O s s 0 aA �U fB L Q O M O O s s 0 aA �U L Q O Q CUD a O O s s 0 4A �U fB O O O Q O O O s ILI-F qr s v U O O M O a--+ O s ul v aA �U N L Q O Q CUD O a O O s of O U .F r� o s TAKE a � O O L fB Q v U O O M al O O s Aw rw r-, A Ln v U 0 N rl O s qA fB L O N fB U s U U O O M O O s I Jr 0 c _O co ul Z O s 2 0 r � N N U i N { �N I� Q 1 � >C_ 1 0 N a� U k• � 0 0 0 a O N U E Q s Ln O Q O O O s L _O L Q O Ili O +j O s AWOL& I 0 U N N 00 r-I 0 -1-j 0 ul O ul ul =5 0 7), U CN 0 -1-j 0 r4 k : EL buo 0 ul I Iwol 0 V) E U Dl rl 0 0 7 TIV: WX ?IIKTK Alms PIPT 004 LL C) 0 V) E U Dl rl 0 0 Q O O LU L Ln ca ca O m N m y l El`iii ul v aA �U fB L Q O N N O O s s O ul aA �U v CL O N O O s s 0 aA �U fB L Q O N O O s s O ' lift v O M N O O s 11 Q O s ul v ED N O O s s aA �U fB O O O Q O i N O s IsIbL % ]I mm mi J� � O N O CN s v O O s v aA O N �O N O s �r �aYyn. F 1� O 0 J C) O O s s v Q Q a N O O s i i� 0 s v E fB Q Q i N M .000000-0 O s 1� O O aA v E 3 ^.L 3..L a M O 0 Q O O LU L Ln ca ca O m O M r-I m tP�tlfll;llllilllf -q% s O ul aA �U fB O Q O M O a--+ O s s O ul aA �U fB L Q O M M O O s s 0 aA �U fB O O O Q O i l� M O O s s aA �U fB L Q O Ln M O O s V) ca N 'U fB i N Q O i Q fB a-J N N N i t]A 0 a 00 M O +, O CL ul v aA 'U fB rl ONE r- M O O s f� L f� L f� m C) O a--+ O s v L fB L fB m al M O O s aw rl, O O N O O s v m O O s O O s m v O O s v 0 O v m O O s Q O O LU L Ln L m rl r-I m ■ice '� ri s 0 aA �U fB L Q O l� O O s s 0 aA �U fB L Q O O O s ul v aA �U fB L Q O O O s ul v aA �U fB L Q O O O s AK 0 4A i O ul 0 0 s ul 0 O LL 0 O O s 4--+ 0 V) r� Y �U N N a--+ i N Q 0 i Q +_J v V) v a 0 +, O CL lagsN 0 s ul 0 ---- .40 - - L a G ' T -.1 1�V •,a N O O s f� L 0 a--+ N s ul 00 LL 0 0 s �i► ii J' O i CUD s _O U O O O O s E O O v 0 I Ln O O s 7-A O 4A i O Ln U s U > M (ID Ln O O s v aA O Ln Ln r � Ln Ln O O s N � N Q � 0 0 d m ul O CUD �U rl N O W 00 O O s ul v �U fB rl v ul s v O O s 7iri1 s .k y 41 A. O 4A O .E s U rl Ln O s v 0 O O s rl N s v rn Ln O s LAID Q a �R. I ft' � F N N 0 s Q) N l� - s 0 ul aA fB N ul 0 s H � 0 0 s i �' NM 4A i 0 ul ul 4A N v ul 0 s v l� 0 0 s v ,,mot o ul s d U N 14 N 0 v m 0 0 s APPENDIX D User Questionnaire Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Mississippi Crossings WSB Project No. 1934 -110 APPENDICES AOL Surve y Q uestionnaire (User): Phase � Environmental Site Assessment f Ate. � Return by email to: rs eneer wsbe .com OR by Fax to: 763 - 231 -4851 WSB has been retained to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the following property. The ESA will involve site observations, interviews, and a review of the available documentation. To ensure the success of the ESA, and in accordance with the Scope of Workfor this assessment, we request that you complete this questionnaire and return it to WNB within one business day of rece' t �N Completed By (Name): A' ��ir' t'UVA4E41"U EL mpany: Completion Date: C41Y 4SL47fn OF. Length of association with subject site: Phone: 763 -271 -3224 Site Name: Block 34 Site Address: 100, 112, and 130 Broadway East Site Address 2: 119 3rd Street East E -mail: angela.schumann @ ci.monticello.mn.us Site City: Monticello Site County: Wright State: MN zip: 55362 Instructions: Please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge and in good faith. Please include comments if necessary to provide additional details for your responses. Note: U/NR indicates "Unknown" or "No Response" and "NIA" indicates not applicable. Question RESPONSE Comment Y N U/NR 1 Are you aware of any pending, threatened, or past litigation relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or from the pro ? 2 Are you aware of any pending, threatened, or past administrative proceedings relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on or from the property? 3 Are you aware of any notices from any governmental entity regarding any possible violations of environmental law or possible liability relating to hazardous substances or petroleum products? F 4 Do you have any specialized knowledge or experience that is / material to recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property? 5 Do you have any actual knowledge of environmental liens or activity and use limitations (AULs) such as engineering controls or institutional controls encumbering the property? 6 Do you have any commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information within the local community about the property that is material to recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property? 7 If the transaction involves the purchase of a parcel of real estate, are you aware of a reduction of the value to the property due to contamination issues? If you have access to any of the following helpful documents, please indicate them below and then send them to WSB via standard mail or e-mail along with this questionnaire. Mailing address: 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55416. ❑ Environmental site assessment reports (i.e. Phase I, Phase II, tank testing results, radon, lead paint, or asbestos testing, etc.) ❑ Environmental compliance audit reports: risk assessments; and recorded Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) ❑ Environmental permits (i.e. solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, wastewater, NPDES, underground injection, etc.) ❑ Registrations for underground storage tanks (USTs) and aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) ❑ Material safety data sheets and Community right -to -know plan ❑ Safety plans; preparedness and prevention plans; spill prevention, countermeasure, and control plans, etc. ❑ Reports regarding hydrogeological conditions on the property and surrounding area; and geotechnical studies ❑ Notices/correspondence from any agency relating to past/current violations of environmental laws, or liens encumbering the property ❑ Hazardous waste generator notices or reports ❑ Other: f Z Survey Questionnaire (User): Phase D Environmental Site Assessment WSO . aa.Ufft*x". Return by email to: rs encer kywsbehh .com OR by Fax to: 763- 231 -4851 WSB has been retained to conduct a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the following property. The ESA will involve site observations, inteviews, and a review of the available documentation. To ensure the success of the ESA, and in accordance with the Scope of Workfor this assessment, we request thatyou complete this questionnaire and return it to WSB within orhe business Completed By (Name): Completion Date: Phone: 763 - 271 -3224 Site Name: Block 34 Site Address: 100, 112, and 130 Broadway East Site Address 2: 119 3rd Street East Company: Length of association with subject site: E -mail: angels .schumann@ci.monticeUo.mn.us Site City: Monticello Site County: Wright State: MN Zip: 55362 Instructions: Please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge and in good faith. Please include comments if necessary to provide additional details for your responses, Note: U/NR indicates "Unknown" or "No Response" and "N /A" indicates not applicable, thestion RESP(ONS)E; Comment Y N U/NR I Are you aware of any pending, threatened, or past litigation relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or from the property 2 Are you aware of any pending, threatened, or past administrative proceedings relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum }� products in, on, or from the pro ? ` 3 Arc you aware of any -notices from any governmental entity regarding any possible violations of environmental law or possible liability relatin g to hazardous substances or petroleum products? 4 Do you have any specialized knowledge or experience that is A2 BM.6 -aj 41Cc - A41 material to recognized environmental conditions in connection W undmr the j -04"As with the prop e ? 5 Do you have any actual knowledge of environmental liens or activity and use limitations (AULs) such as engineering controls or institutional controls encumbering the ro ert ? 6 Do you have any commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information within the local community about the property that is material to recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property? 7 If the transaction involves the purchase of a parcel of real estate, , are you aware of a reduction of the value to the property due to �( contamination issues? If you have access to any of the following helpful documents, please indicate them below and then send them to WSB via standard mail or e-mail along with this questionnaire. Mailing address: 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55416. ❑ Environmental site assessment reports (i.e. Phase 1, Phase 11, tank testing results, radon, lead paint, or asbestos testing, etc.) ❑ Environmental compliance audit reports: risk assessments; and recorded Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) ❑ Environmental permits (i.e. solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, wastewater, NPDES, underground injection, etc.) ❑ Registrations for underground storage tanks (USTs) and aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) ❑ Material safety data sheets and Community right -to -know plan ❑ Safety plans; preparedness and prevention plans; spill prevention, countermeasure, and control plans, etc. ❑ Reports regarding hydrogeological conditions on the property and surrounding area; and geotechnical studies ❑ Notices /correspondence from any agency relating to past/current violations of environmental laws, or liens encumbering the property ❑ Hazardous waste generator notices or reports ❑ Other: or A 1 Survey Questionnaire (User): Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment ire & Aseowmr4 Air. Return by email to: rsyencer(a,wsbena.com OR by Fax to: 763- 231 -4851 WSB has been retained to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the following property. The ESA will involve site observations, interviews, and a review of the available documentation, To ensure the success of the ESA, and in accordance with the ,Scope of Workfor this assessment, we request that you complete this questionnaire and return it to WSB within one business !la of receipt Completed By (Name): Angela Schumann Company: Completion Date: Phone: 763 -271 -3224 Site Name: Block 34 Site Address: 100, 112, and 130 Broadway East Site Address 2: 119 3rd Street East Length of association with subject site: E -mail: Angela.schumann@ci.rnonticello.mn.us Site City: Monticello Site County: Wright State: MN Zip: 55362 Instructions: Please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge and in good faith. Please include comments if necessary to provide additional details for your responses. Note: U/NR indicates "Unknown" or "No Response" and 'N /A" indicates not applicable. Question RFN ONSE Comment Y U/NR 1 Are you aware of any pending, threatened, or past litigation relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or �[ from the property? ' ` 2 Are you aware of any pending, threatened, or past administrative proceedings relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum X roducts in on or from the property? 3 Are you aware of any notices from any governmental entity regarding any possible violations of environmental law or possible 1 �/ liability relating to hazardous substances or petroleum products? /� 4 Do you have any specialized knowledge or experience that is pj SLG material to recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property? 5 Do you have any actual knowledge of environmental liens or activity and use limitations (AULs) such as engineering controls Y or institutional controls encumbering the ro ? •` 6 Do you have any commonly known or reasonably ascertainable �1 ��tre ctel lG�lb information within the local community about the property that is material to recognized environmental conditions in connection a�tt�aGh�t. with the r ? 7 If the transaction involves the purchase of a parcel of real estate, are you aware of a reduction of the value to the property due to X contamination issues? If you have access to any of the following helpful documents, please indicate them below and then send them to WSB via standard mail or e-mail along with this questionnaire. Mailing address: 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55416. ❑ Environmental site assessment reports (i.e. Phase I, Phase II, tank testing results, radon, lead paint, or asbestos testing, etc.) ❑ Environmental compliance audit reports: risk assessments; and recorded Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) ❑ Environmental permits (i.e. solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, wastewater, NPDES, underground injection, etc.) ❑ Registrations for underground storage tanks (USTs) and aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) ❑ Material safety data sheets and Community right -to -know plan ❑ Safety plans; preparedness and prevention plans; spill prevention, countermeasure, and control plans, etc. ❑ Reports regarding hydrogeological conditions on the property and surrounding area; and geotechnical studies ❑ Notices/correspondence from any agency relating to past/current violations of environmental laws, or liens encumbering the property ❑ Hazardous waste generator notices or reports ❑ Other: COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/22/79 In regards to the proposed new library for the City, Mr. Schneider of the Great River Regional Library System also reviewed with the Council his findings on the potential site available for a new library. He indicated that his first choice would be to locate a new library in the Oakwood School Block on the-northeast corner because of its location and visibility within the City. He indicated a second choice would be the northeast corner of Block 17, now owned by the School, and his third choice would be the northwest corner of Block 17. The remainder of the sites he looked at for a future library included the southeast corner of Block 17, next to the City Hall was a possibility, and the northwest portion of Block 15 which is owned by the City. Mr. Schneider indicated that if the City should decide to renovate Oakwood School building for library purposes, the Great River Regional Library System would be agreeable to this location as long as sufficient space is allocated for a library. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously Carried to approve entering into an agreement with Howard Dahlgren Associates in the amount of $3,500 to study the proposed use of Oakwood School and other downtown parking areas. 8. Review of Off - Street Parking Requirements for a Commercial Office Build- ing Praposed by Sam Peraro. ^ Mr. Sam Peraro has indicated that he would like to construct a 3 -story 13,500 square foot building on Lots 14 & 15 in Block 34. The area currently under consideration for this new building is the site of the Season All Sports building and the old Phillips 66 Station. As part of this development, Mr. Peraro wanted to get a preliminary indication of whether the Council would approve of a variance request relative to off - street parking spaces required for his proposed office building. If a building of this size were to be constructed in the downtown area, current ordinances would require 64 parking spaces for the building alone with additional parking spaces needed for the number of fulltime employees at the building. As a result, parking spaces could total up to 80 to.go spaces depending upon the number of fulltime employees. Mr. Peraro's preliminary plans indicate that only approxi- mately 8 spaces would be provided on the site, thus leaving a large number to be used in the downtown parking lots. Although the City of Monticello does have parking lots which are assessed to the downtown businesses in this area, they would not be sufficient spaces to assess to Mr. Peraro for the additional parking he would require for his new building. It appeared that it would be almost impossible to assess Mr. Peraro's proposed building for the additional, parking requirements under the 74-1 parking lot improvement project since his requirements exceed the available spaces without new additional parking lots being developed in the downtown area. It was the concensus of the Council to not consider a variance at the present time but to look at the situation with the downtown development committee in regards to possible solutions such as purchasing additional parking areas for development. If additional areas were acquired and developed, some sort of a solution could be arranged 5 - 16 COUNCIL AGEMA - 11/14/79 7- Consideration of `rkinq Lot Pr Buildiriu - $7nn1r 1g osal for Sari Peraro's Manned Office Purpose of this item is subsequent to Council direction at our last meetirsg requesting that our Downtown & Business Development Committee review the Parking needs for the 13 ■500 square foot office building planned by Mr. Sam Peraro in Block 34, which would OCCUPY the site presently occupied by the former Phillips 66 Station and Season All Sports. In reviewing the parking needs of this proposed complex, the following data was used in the computations Square Footage Fulltime employees Parttime employees 13,500 square feet 45 E On -site parking provided 8 spaces Using the above data in calculating the space needs according to the assessment formula in the 6 -block downtown area, it would indicate that the site would be assessed on the basis of 84h spaces. However, in reviewing the parking needs Of Black 34 and the entire downtown area along with the proposed Peraro office Complex, our parking committee, along with our Planner, fait that the present municipal parking lot did not provide sufficient spaces to accommodate such a complex. This decision was reached due to the following: A. Currently there is already a parking problem caused by by the number of commuters using the municipal parking facilities in Block 34. These commuters average approxi- mately 50 cars per day, Although it is intended by the City Of Monticello to resolve the Commuter parking problem in this block, in effect the committee and our Planner felt that we would only be replacing one problem with another - that is, replacing commuter cars with cars utilizing the Peraro office Complex. B. According to the Monticello City Ordinances, it would appear that taking the uses within Block 34 separately, there would be need for 126 municipal, parking lot spaces, and only 100 are now provided in this block. As you Can ,see, there already is A shortage of 26 spaces and Mr. Peraro's parking space needs, according to the present ordinance, would be a gross requirement Of 63 spaces and granting credit for 8 provided on -site would leave a net space requirement Of 55 additional. spaces. (It should be noted that the assessment formula for determining the cost of the previous parking lot assessment is not equivalent to today's present ordinance.) - 11 APPENDIX E EDR Report Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494-94 APPENDICES Block 34 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST Monticello, MN 55362 Inquiry Number: 4108410.2s October 17, 2014 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor www.edrnet.comt.com Shelton, CT 06484 (rEDR@ E nvironmental Data Resources Inc Toll Free: FORM - NULL -PVC TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 4 Map Findings 8 Orphan Summary --------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 246 Government Records Searched /Data Currency Tracking GR -1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum------------------------------------ - - - - -- A -1 Physical Setting Source Summary A -2 Physical Setting SSURGO Soil Map------------------------------------- - - - - -- A -5 Physical Setting Source Map A -20 Physical Setting Source Map Findings---------------------------------- - - - - -- A -22 Physical Setting Source Records Searched------------------------------- - - - - -. PSGR -1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1- 800 - 352 -0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS ". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TC4108410.2s Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA's Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527 -13) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 COORDINATES Latitude (North): Longitude (West): Universal Tranverse Mercator UTM X (Meters): UTM Y (Meters): Elevation: 45.3049000 - 45° 18' 17.64" 93.7938000 - 93° 47' 37.68" Zone 15 437767.3 5016911.0 926 ft. above sea level USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY Target Property: TP Source: USGS 7.5 min quad index AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THIS REPORT Portions of Photo from: 20100901, 20100912 Source: USDA TC4108410.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 F- MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft.) ID SITE NAME ADDRESS DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTION 1 CENTURYLINK - COKATO 165 E 3RD ST LUST, TIER 2, Financial Assurance Higher 212, South A2 MONTICELLO PRINTING 216 CEDAR ST RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Lower 233, East A3 200 E BROADWAY ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 280, ENE A4 RED'S MOBIL 200 E BROADWAY UST, AST Lower 280, ENE A5 REDS MOBIL SERVICE 200 E BROADWAY ST RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, Financial Assurance Lower 280, ENE B6 STOKES MARINE 113 E BROADWAY ST RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Lower 281, North C7 TDS - TELECOM - MONT 316 PINE ST LUST, Financial Assurance Higher 349, WSW C8 TDS - TELECOM - MONT 316 PINE ST UST Higher 349, WSW B9 BUFFALO DENTAL CENTE 106 1/2 W BROADWAY RCRA -CESQG Lower 350, NNW C10 RIVERPLACE PHYSICIAN 114 W 3RD ST RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Higher 359, West C11 MOON MOTOR SALES INC 414 HIGHWAY 25 S RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 375, SW 12 JONES MANUFACTURING 321 WALNUT ST RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 692, West D13 218 W 3RD ST EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 740, West D14 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 224 W 3RD ST RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Higher 764, West E15 STELTONS LAUNDRAMAT 237 W BROADWAY ST RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Lower 813, NW E16 BROADWAY SQUARE APAR 243 W BROADWAY ST LUST, Financial Assurance Lower 835, NW E17 DOWNTOWN STANDARD 254 W BROADWAY RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, LUST, UST, Financial... Lower 891, NW 18 WRIGHTCO 1206 W 4TH ST UST, Financial Assurance Higher 902, WSW F19 CARGILL KITCHEN SOLU 206 W. 4TH ST. RCRA - CESQG, FINDS, SPILLS, TIER 2, Financial... Higher 912, WSW F20 CARGILL KITCHEN SOLU 206 W 4TH ST UST Higher 912, WSW F21 CARGILL KITCHEN SOLU 206 W 4TH ST AST Higher 912, WSW F22 SUNNY FRESH FOODS 206 W 4TH ST RCRA -CESQG Higher 912, WSW G23 VACANT LOT 506 CEDAR ST RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Higher 926, SSW G24 506 CEDAR ST EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 926, SSW H25 355 E BROADWAY ST EDR US Hist Cleaners Lower 939, East H26 B CLEANERS 355 E BROADWAY ST RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Lower 939, East 127 FERRELLGAS - MONTICE 501 S HWY 25 RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Higher 1101, SW 128 521 HIGHWAY 25 EDR US Hist Cleaners Higher 1103, SW J29 UNION 76 PUMP- N -MUNC 308 BROADWAY ST LUST, Financial Assurance Higher 1137, WNW J30 BROADWAY KWIK STOP 318 W BROADWAY ST LUST, UST, Financial Assurance Higher 1147, NW J31 FRED'S AUTO REPAIR O 349 BROADWAY ST W RCRA NonGen / NLR, LUST, Financial Assurance Higher 1190, NW K32 MONTICELLO TACC 505 WALNUT ST STE 2 RCRA -CESQG Higher 1249, SW 33 349 W BROADWAY ST EDR US Hist Auto Stat Lower 1273, NW K34 MONTICELLO BULK PETR 515 WALNUT ST LUST, Financial Assurance Higher 1296, SW L35 JM OIL CO INC 203 W 5TH ST LUST, Financial Assurance Higher 1590, WSW L36 RIVERSIDE OIL 313 W 5TH ST RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, LUST, AST, Financial... Higher 1641, WSW 37 MONTICELLO FIRE HALL 303 6TH ST W LAST, Financial Assurance Higher 1791, WSW 38 HOLIDAY STATIONSTORE 123 W 7TH ST LUST, UST, Financial Assurance Higher 1887, SW 39 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY 5TH ST & MAPLE ST LUST, UST, Financial Assurance Higher 2171, WSW 4108410.2s Page 2 F- MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft.) ID SITE NAME ADDRESS DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTION 40 BANYAI REPAIR HIGHWAY 2 & COUNTY R LAST, Financial Assurance Higher 2336, NNE 4108410.2s Page 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was not listed in any of the databases searched by EDR. SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal RCRA generators list RCRA - CESQG: A review of the RCRA -CESQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/10/2014 has revealed that there are 4 RCRA -CESQG sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page CARGILL KITCHEN SOLU 206 W. 4TH ST. WSW 118 - 114 (0.173 mi.) F19 11 SUNNY FRESH FOODS 206 W 4TH ST WSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.173 mi.) F22 12 MONTICELLO TACC 505 WALNUT ST STE 2 SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.237 mi.) K32 14 Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page BUFFALO DENTAL CENTE 106 1/2 W BROADWAY NNW 0 - 1/8 (0.066 mi.) B9 9 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST: A review of the LUST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/01/2014 has revealed that there are 12 LUST sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page CENTURYLINK - COKATO 165 E 3RD ST S 0 - 118 (0.040 mi.) 1 8 Complete Site Closed Date: 12/15/1994 00:00:00 TDS - TELECOM - MONT 316 PINE ST WSW 0 - 118 (0.066 mi.) C7 9 Complete Site Closed Date: 12/01/2004 00:00:00 UNION 76 PUMP- N -MUNC 308 BROADWAY ST WNW 118 - 114 (0.215 mi.) J29 13 Complete Site Closed Date: 09/27/2002 00:00:00 BROADWAY KWIK STOP 318 W BROADWAY ST NW 118 - 114 (0.217 mi.) J30 14 FRED'S AUTO REPAIR O 349 BROADWAY ST W NW 118 - 114 (0.225 mi.) J31 14 Complete Site Closed Date: 10/25/2012 00:00:00 TC4108410.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Equal /Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page MONTICELLO BULK PETR 515 WALNUT ST SW 118 - 114 (0.245 mi.) K34 15 JM OIL CO INC 203 W 5TH ST WSW 114 - 112 (0.301 mi.) L35 15 Complete Site Closed Date: 07/25/1996 00:00:00 WSW 0 - 1/8 (0.066 mi.) C8 9 RIVERSIDE OIL 313 W 5TH ST WSW 114 - 112 (0.311 mi.) L36 15 Complete Site Closed Date: 07/25/1996 00:00:00 CARGILL KITCHEN SOLU 206 W4TH ST WSW 1/8- 1/4 (0.173 mi.) HOLIDAY STATIONSTORE 123 W 7TH ST SW 114 - 112 (0.357 mi.) 38 15 Complete Site Closed Date: 04/18/1995 00:00:00 J30 14 Lower Elevation MONTICELLO COMMUNITY 5TH ST & MAPLE ST WSW 114 - 112 (0.411 mi.) 39 16 Complete Site Closed Date: 02/24/2000 00:00:00 200 E BROADWAY ENE 0 - 118 (0.053 mi.) A4 Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page BROADWAY SQUARE APAR 243 W BROADWAY ST NW 118 - 114 (0.158 mi.) E16 11 Complete Site Closed Date: 08/06/1990 00:00:00 DOWNTOWN STANDARD 254 W BROADWAY NW 118 - 114 (0.169 mi.) E17 11 Complete Site Closed Date: 11/13/1995 00:00:00 Complete Site Closed Date: 11/12/2003 00:00:00 LAST: A review of the LAST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/01/2014 has revealed that there are 2 LAST sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page MONTICELLO FIRE HALL 303 6TH ST W WSW 114 - 112 (0.339 mi.) 37 15 Complete Site Closed Date: 07/25/1996 00:00:00 BANYAI REPAIR HIGHWAY 2 & COUNTY R NNE 114 - 112 (0.442 mi.) 40 16 Complete Site Closed Date: 01/06/1997 00:00:00 State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST: A review of the UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/01/2014 has revealed that there are 6 UST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page TDS - TELECOM - MONT 316 PINE ST WSW 0 - 1/8 (0.066 mi.) C8 9 WRIGHTCO 1206 W 4TH ST WSW 118 - 114 (0.171 mi.) 18 11 CARGILL KITCHEN SOLU 206 W4TH ST WSW 1/8- 1/4 (0.173 mi.) F20 12 BROADWAY KWIK STOP 318 W BROADWAY ST NW 118 - 114 (0.217 mi.) J30 14 Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page RED'S MOBIL 200 E BROADWAY ENE 0 - 118 (0.053 mi.) A4 8 DOWNTOWN STANDARD 254 W BROADWAY NW 118 - 114 (0.169 mi.) E17 11 TC4108410.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AST: A review of the AST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/01/2014 has revealed that there are 2 AST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. NonGen / NLR sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page CARGILL KITCHEN SOLU 206 W4TH ST WSW 1/8- 1/4 (0.173 mi.) F21 12 Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page RED'S MOBIL 200 E BROADWAY ENE 0 - 118 (0.053 mi.) A4 8 MQQk9 Is] kgVA0mi ►191Y61►hhtlmi ►kre10 7x6161 IR Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: A review of the RCRA NonGen / NLR list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/10/2014 has revealed that there are 13 RCRA NonGen / NLR sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page RIVERPLACE PHYSICIAN 114 W 3RD ST W 0 - 118 (0.068 mi.) C10 9 MOON MOTOR SALES INC 414 HIGHWAY 25 S SW 0 - 1/8 (0.071 mi.) C11 10 JONES MANUFACTURING 321 WALNUT ST W 1/8 - 1/4 (0.131 mi.) 12 10 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 224 W 3RD ST W 118 - 114 (0.145 mi.) D14 10 VACANT LOT 506 CEDAR ST SSW 118 - 114 (0.175 mi.) G23 12 FERRELLGAS - MONTICE 501 S HWY 25 SW 118 - 114 (0.209 mi.) 127 13 FRED'S AUTO REPAIR O 349 BROADWAY ST W NW 118 - 114 (0.225 mi.) J31 14 Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page MONTICELLO PRINTING 216 CEDAR ST E 0 - 118 (0.044 mi.) A2 8 REDS MOBIL SERVICE 200 E BROADWAY ST ENE 0 - 118 (0.053 mi.) A5 8 STOKES MARINE 113 E BROADWAY ST N 0 - 118 (0.053 mi.) B6 9 STELTONS LAUNDRAMAT 237 W BROADWAY ST NW 118 - 114 (0.154 mi.) E15 10 DOWNTOWN STANDARD 254 W BROADWAY NW 118 - 114 (0.169 mi.) E17 11 B CLEANERS 355 E BROADWAY ST E 118 - 114 (0.178 mi.) H26 13 EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR US Hist Auto Stat: A review of the EDR US Hist Auto Stat list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there are 2 EDR US Hist Auto Stat sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page Not reported 200 E BROADWAY ST ENE 0 - 1/8 (0.053 mi.) A3 8 Not reported 349 W BROADWAY ST NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.241 mi.) 33 14 TC4108410.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EDR US Hist Cleaners: A review of the EDR US Hist Cleaners list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there are 4 EDR US Hist Cleaners sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal /Higher Elevation Not reported Not reported Not reported Lower Elevation Not reported Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page 218 W 3RD ST W 1/8 - 1/4 (0.140 mi.) D13 10 506 CEDAR ST SSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.175 mi.) G24 12 521 HIGHWAY 25 SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.209 mi.) 128 13 Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page 355 E BROADWAY ST E 1/8 - 1/4 (0.178 mi.) H25 13 TC4108410.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 ) \ 4 2 \2 � ( LU j \} < :5 < LL ( % |\eeee eee § 2 4 6 k § \ \ } \ \ ( § f» 2 U)(% \\r[ & &± e$$ §$ /§§2 }\ \ =2/))k =eo ®o ===` o� o» o Cl) e w E IRe92R32= } 0 ] \ \ 0 § ) s » a § \0o] a(± wo <ww ( °b00 )%« �R)G>00 LU0moo /±@ o ae \�Egg� §�J ow0002wj/ 5 0> o o k E,> g m w m § \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CO \ jjjjjj ���000000 555pppppp C - ggg000000 0 6 =__,,,,,, i t9 4 OVERVIEW MAP - 4108410.2S 7 25 to H/ St a Ro as �i. 74 F ti5 t e a 5� 0 .,\<�\til Target Property 1/2 1 Mlles Sites at elevations higher than Indian Reservations BIA or equal to the target property ♦ Sites at elevations lower than the target property A Manufactured Gas Plants National Priority List Sites Dept. Defense Sites 7 25 to H/ St a Ro as �i. 74 F ti5 t e a 5� 0 .,\<�\til SITE NAME: Block 34 CLIENT: WSB & Associates, Inc ADDRESS: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST CONTACT: Ryan Spencer Monticello MN 55362 INQUIRY #: 4108410.2s LAT /LONG: 45.3049 / 93.7938 DATE: October 17, 2014 3:24 pm Copyright �o 2014 EDR, Inc. (,) 2010 Tale Atlas Rel. 07/2009. 0 1/4 1/2 1 Mlles Indian Reservations BIA County Boundary 0 V Oil & Gas pipelines from USGS 10o -year flood zone 5oo -year flood zone ■ National Wetland Inventory This report includes Interactive Map Layers to display and /or hide map information. The legend includes only those icons for the default map view. SITE NAME: Block 34 CLIENT: WSB & Associates, Inc ADDRESS: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST CONTACT: Ryan Spencer Monticello MN 55362 INQUIRY #: 4108410.2s LAT /LONG: 45.3049 / 93.7938 DATE: October 17, 2014 3:24 pm Copyright �o 2014 EDR, Inc. (,) 2010 Tale Atlas Rel. 07/2009. DETAIL MAP - 4108410.2S � R c f � n St � R �v of S 5 � w c R, ve f `S t R, 133 vPf s �- 0 ` -129 E17 c 6t h St t � �V �t h St h St w h st * Target Property A Sites at elevations higher than 0 V or equal to the target property Sites at elevations lower than � the target property A Manufactured Gas Plants t Sensitive Receptors El National Priority List Sites Dept. Defense Sites F Rf v � P , �B St ♦B6 m a F ve st PATRICIA M E' S ICELLO AREA EMERGENCY P EG SERVICE `St 1 RACARECLINIC- ICELLO 5 a'k Q 5 I, ACE CLINIC 3 t 3 J RDAN MEDICAL PA C F 3ra a fe H = C F a ;1 1Z 1 Q F � 4 St 5 a St v 0 1/16 1/9 1/4 Mlles Indian Reservations BIA County Boundary 0 V Oil & Gas pipelines from USGS 10o -year flood zone � 50o -year flood zone ■ National Wetland Inventory F 3f 3 a st s 5 � 4 F St � 5 F 41 h 3 E St ? F 41 h 81 s� F 41 h � St 0 1/16 1/9 1/4 Mlles This report includes Interactive Map Layers to display and /or hide map information. The legend includes only those icons for the default map view. SITE NAME: Block 34 CLIENT: WSB & Associates, Inc ADDRESS: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST CONTACT: Ryan Spencer Monticello MN 55362 INQUIRY #: 4108410.2s LAT /LONG: 45.3049 / 93.7938 DATE: October 17, 2014 3:24 pm Copyright �o 2014 ED R, Inc.(,) 2010 Tale Atlas Re 1. 07/2009. Indian Reservations BIA County Boundary 0 V Oil & Gas pipelines from USGS 10o -year flood zone 50o -year flood zone ■ National Wetland Inventory This report includes Interactive Map Layers to display and /or hide map information. The legend includes only those icons for the default map view. SITE NAME: Block 34 CLIENT: WSB & Associates, Inc ADDRESS: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST CONTACT: Ryan Spencer Monticello MN 55362 INQUIRY #: 4108410.2s LAT /LONG: 45.3049 / 93.7938 DATE: October 17, 2014 3:24 pm Copyright �o 2014 ED R, Inc.(,) 2010 Tale Atlas Re 1. 07/2009. MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search Distance Target Total Database (Miles) Property < 1/8 1/8-1/4 1/4-1/2 1/2-1 > 1 Plotted STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Proposed NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 NPL LIENS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 FEDERAL FACILITY 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC -NFRAP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal RCRA non- CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA -TSDF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal RCRA generators list RCRA -LQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA -SQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA -CESQG 0.250 1 3 NR NR NR 4 Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US INST CONTROL 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LUCIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal ERNS list ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 State- and tribal - equivalent NPL MN PLP 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 State and tribal landfill and /or solid waste disposal site lists SWF /LF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 UNPERM LF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST 0.500 2 6 4 NR NR 12 TC4108410.2s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search 0 US BROWNFIELDS 0.500 Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 Distance Target 0.500 ODI 0.500 SWRCY 0.500 Total Database (Miles) Property < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted LAST 0.500 0 0 2 NR NR 2 INDIAN LUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal registered storage tank lists TP SPILLS TP AGSPILLS TP SPILLS 80 UST 0.250 2 4 NR NR NR 6 AST 0.250 1 1 NR NR NR 2 INDIAN UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 FEMA UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 State and tribal institutional NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR control/ engineering control registries NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR INST CONTROL 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 VIC 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists 0 US BROWNFIELDS 0.500 Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 DEBRIS REGION 9 0.500 ODI 0.500 SWRCY 0.500 INDIAN ODI 0.500 Local Lists of Hazardous waste/ Contaminated Sites 0 US CDL TP SRS 0.500 MN DEL PLP 1.000 CDL TP US HIST CDL TP Local Land Records NR 0 LIENS 2 TP LIENS TP Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS TP SPILLS TP AGSPILLS TP SPILLS 80 TP SPILLS 90 TP 0 0 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0 NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 0 0 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0 0 NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 TC4108410.2s Page 5 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search Distance Target Total Database (Miles) Property < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR 0.250 5 8 NR NR NR 13 DOT OPS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 DOD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 FUDS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CONSENT 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 ROD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 UMTRA 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US MINES 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 TRIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TSCA TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FTTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 HIST FTTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 SSTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ICIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PADS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MLTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RADINFO TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FINDS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RAATS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RMP TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MN LS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 BULK 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 MANIFEST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 DRYCLEANERS 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 ENF TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MN HWS Permit 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 AIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TIER 2 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 INDIAN RESERV 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 COAL ASH EPA 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 COAL ASH 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 PRP TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 AGVIC 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Financial Assurance TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PCB TRANSFORMER TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 US AIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MDA LIS 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 US FIN ASSUR TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 COAL ASH DOE TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 EPA WATCH LIST TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 LEAD SMELTERS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 2020 COR ACTION 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 TC4108410.2s Page 6 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search Distance Target Total Database (Miles) Property < 1/8 1/8-1/4 1/4-1/2 1/2-1 > 1 Plotted EDR US Hist Auto Stat 0.250 1 1 NR NR NR 2 EDR US Hist Cleaners 0.250 0 4 NR NR NR 4 EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA LUST TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RGA LF TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RGA HWS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database TC4108410.2s Page 7 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS 1 CENTURYLINK - COKATO CO South 165 E 3RD ST < 1/8 COKATO, MN 55321 0.040 mi. 212 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher LUST Site Id: 243191 Complete Site Closed Date: 12/15/1994 00:00:00 A2 MONTICELLO PRINTING East 216 CEDAR ST < 1/8 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.044 mi. 233 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MND010344752 A3 ENE 200 E BROADWAY ST < 1/8 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.053 mi. 280 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower A4 RED'S MOBIL ENE 200 E BROADWAY < 1/8 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.053 mi. 280 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower UST Tank Status: Active A5 REDS MOBIL SERVICE ENE 200 E BROADWAY ST < 1/8 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.053 mi. 280 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MN0000054395 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number LUST S106548792 TIER 2 N/A Financial Assurance RCRA NonGen /NLR 1000411471 FINDS MND010344752 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015301709 N/A UST 0003331408 AST N/A RCRA NonGen / NLR 1004726230 FINDS MN0000054395 Financial Assurance TC4108410.2s Page 8 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site B6 STOKES MARINE North 113 E BROADWAY ST < 1/8 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.053 mi. 281 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MND043171909 MAP FINDINGS C7 TDS - TELECOM - MONTICELLO WSW 316 PINE ST < 1/8 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.066 mi. 349 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher LUST Site Id: 232221 Complete Site Closed Date: 12/01/2004 00:00:00 C8 TDS - TELECOM - MONTICELLO WSW 316 PINE ST < 1/8 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.066 mi. 349 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher UST Tank Status: Removed B9 BUFFALO DENTAL CENTER - BROADWAY NNW 1061/2 W BROADWAY < 1/8 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.066 mi. 350 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower RCRA -CESQG EPA Id: MNS000140202 C10 RIVERPLACE PHYSICIANS OF MONTICELLO West 114 W 3RD ST < 1/8 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.068 mi. 359 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MNR000053827 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RCRA NonGen /NLR 1000269721 FINDS MND043171909 LUST S106666194 Financial Assurance N/A UST 0004016878 N/A RCRA -CESQG 1011862949 MNS000140202 RCRA NonGen / NLR 1004737671 FINDS MNR000053827 TC4108410.2s Page 9 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site C11 MOON MOTOR SALES INC - HWY 25 SW 414 HIGHWAY 25 S < 1/8 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.071 mi. 375 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MND054481361 MAP FINDINGS 12 JONES MANUFACTURING OF MONTICELLO INC West 321 WALNUT ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.131 mi. 692 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MND985761402 D13 West 218 W 3RD ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.140 mi. 740 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher D14 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY West 224 W 3RD ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.145 mi. 764 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MND982213886 E15 STELTONS LAUNDRAMAT & DRYCLEANING NW 237 W BROADWAY ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.154 mi. 813 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MND030007827 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RCRA NonGen /NLR 1000305625 MND054481361 RCRA NonGen / NLR 1004734399 MN D985761402 EDR US Hist Cleaners 1015019553 N/A RCRA NonGen / NLR 1000373016 FINDS MND982213886 RCRA NonGen / NLR 1004728400 FINDS MND030007827 TC4108410.2s Page 10 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS E16 BROADWAY SQUARE APARTMENTS NW 243 W BROADWAY ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.158 mi. 835 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower LUST Site Id: 59107941 Complete Site Closed Date: 08/06/1990 00:00:00 E17 DOWNTOWN STANDARD NW 254 W BROADWAY 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.169 mi. 891 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MND051749257 LUST Site Id: 27713 Complete Site Closed Date: 11/13/1995 00:00:00 Complete Site Closed Date: 11/12/2003 00:00:00 UST Tank Status: Removed 18 WRIGHTCO WSW 1206 W 4TH ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.171 mi. 902 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher UST Tank Status: Removed F19 CARGILL KITCHEN SOLUTIONS INC WSW 206 W. 4TH ST. 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.173 mi. 912 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA -CESQG EPA Id: MND059678508 TIER 2 Facility Status: ACTIVE EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number LUST S110697387 Financial Assurance N/A RCRA NonGen / NLR 1000322696 FINDS MND051749257 LUST UST Financial Assurance UST 0000272518 Financial Assurance N/A RCRA -CESQG 1000235017 FINDS MND059678508 SPILLS TIER 2 Financial Assurance TC4108410.2s Page 11 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number F20 CARGILL KITCHEN SOLUTIONS UST 0004135679 WSW 206 W 4TH ST N/A 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.173 mi. 912 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher UST Tank Status: Removed F21 CARGILL KITCHEN SOLUTIONS AST A100336303 WSW 206 W 4TH ST N/A 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.173 mi. 912 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher F22 SUNNY FRESH FOODS WSW 206 W 4TH ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.173 mi. 912 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA -CESQG EPA Id: MN0059678508 G23 VACANT LOT SSW 506 CEDAR ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.175 mi. 926 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MNR000030270 G24 SSW 506 CEDAR ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.175 mi. 926 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA -CESQG 1000625286 MN0059678508 RCRA NonGen /NLR 1001127550 FINDS MNR000030270 EDR US Hist Cleaners 1015069277 N/A TC4108410.2s Page 12 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site H25 East 355 E BROADWAY ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.178 mi. 939 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower H26 B CLEANERS East 355 E BROADWAY ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.178 mi. 939 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MND089476303 127 FERRELLGAS - MONTICELLO SW 501 S HWY 25 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.209 mi. 1101 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MNR000060194 128 SW 521 HIGHWAY 25 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.209 mi. 1103 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher MAP FINDINGS J29 UNION 76 PUMP -N -MUNCH WNW 308 BROADWAY ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.215 mi. 1137 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher LUST Site Id: 241836 Complete Site Closed Date: 09/27/2002 00:00:00 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number EDR US Hist Cleaners 1015048537 N/A RCRA NonGen /NLR 1004728975 FINDS MND089476303 RCRA NonGen / NLR 1004738094 FINDS MNR000060194 EDR US Hist Cleaners 1015071577 N/A LUST S106548002 Financial Assurance N/A TC4108410.2s Page 13 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number J30 BROADWAY KWIK STOP LUST 0003907436 NW 318 W BROADWAY ST UST N/A 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Financial Assurance 0.217 mi. 1147 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher LUST Site Id: 0 UST Tank Status: Active J31 FRED'S AUTO REPAIR OF MONTICELLO INC RCRA NonGen /NLR 1004729703 NW 349 BROADWAY ST W LUST MND981532047 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Financial Assurance 0.225 mi. 1190 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MND981532047 LUST Site Id: 64034909 Complete Site Closed Date: 10/25/2012 00:00:00 K32 MONTICELLO TACC RCRA -CESQG 1006817204 SW 505 WALNUT ST STE 2 MNR000117598 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.237 mi. 1249 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA -CESQG EPA Id: MNR000117598 33 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015441353 NW 349 W BROADWAY ST N/A 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.241 mi. 1273 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Lower TC4108410.2s Page 14 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site K34 MONTICELLO BULK PETROLEUM FACILITY SW 515 WALNUT ST 1/8 -1/4 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.245 mi. 1296 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher LUST Site Id: 0 MAP FINDINGS L35 JIM OIL CO INC WSW 203 W 5TH ST 1/4 -1/2 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.301 mi. 1590 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher LUST Site Id: 28445 Complete Site Closed Date: 07/25/1996 00:00:00 L36 RIVERSIDE OIL WSW 313 W 5TH ST 1/4 -1/2 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.311 mi. 1641 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA Id: MNR000013516 LUST Site Id: 29643 Complete Site Closed Date: 07/25/1996 00:00:00 37 MONTICELLO FIRE HALL WSW 303 6TH ST W 1/4 -1/2 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.339 mi. 1791 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher LAST Site Id: 244289 Complete Site Closed Date: 07/25/1996 00:00:00 38 HOLIDAY STATIONSTORE #196 SW 123 W 7TH ST 1/4 -1/2 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.357 mi. 1887 ft. Click here for full text details Relative: Higher LUST Site Id: 221309 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number LUST S106551451 Financial Assurance N/A LUST S113485624 Financial Assurance N/A RCRA NonGen / NLR 1004735944 FINDS MNR000013516 LUST AST Financial Assurance LAST S113485878 Financial Assurance N/A LUST 0000882513 UST N/A Financial Assurance TC4108410.2s Page 15 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site 39 WSW 1/4 -1/2 0.411 mi. 2171 ft. Relative: Higher 40 NNE 1/4 -1/2 0.442 mi. 2336 ft. Relative: Higher HOLIDAY STATIONSTORE #196 (Continued) Complete Site Closed Date: 04/18/1995 00:00:00 UST Tank Status: Active Tank Status: Removed MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER 5TH ST & MAPLE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Click here for full text details LUST Site Id: 228332 Complete Site Closed Date: 02/24/2000 00:00:00 UST Tank Status: Removed BANYAI REPAIR HIGHWAY 2 & COUNTY ROAD 50 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Click here for full text details LAST Site Id: 245485 Complete Site Closed Date: 01/06/1997 00:00:00 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000882513 LUST 0003661758 UST N/A Financial Assurance LAST S110426741 Financial Assurance N/A TC4108410.2s Page 16 V Z U U Z W U Q Q W LU U Q Cl) O NW ILL r Z W C G NZ w LU V V V V V (h V V V V V V V V V V V V O V V (2 V V (2 V V O O 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N CY) CY) CY) V 0 0 00 0 0 0 N N O N N O N N O N (h O O N O N O O 0 0 N N � N 0 V 00 N — h h 0 h h V O O O � � N N � N 0 0 O 0 N 0 0 0 00 O 0000 O 0 0 O 0 O 0-0-000 � N 0 O 0 0 N 0 (0 �2 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 O N O V O N O N � O O 0 N O o O o V V V V (h V V V V V V V U V V V V O V (h V V V V U U U V V( 2 ( 2 V V V V V V V N( 2 (h (h O V V V O 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (h (h 00 (h V U N (O U U U 00 (h (h N V U 00 (h O (h (h (h (h (h (0 (h (h 00 (0 Nor- 0000-0000000-00000000 N O O N N N 0 0 0 0 0 N O O 00 00 0 00 N 00 0 00 N 00 00 N 00 0 0 00 0 0 000000000 00 N N 00 00 0 0 0000000 0 0 � � O O O 00 V V V V (h V V V V V V V U V V V V O V N V (h V V V V O N V V (h ( 2 V V V U U O V (h V O 000000000000000000000000 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (O 3 0 7 N (h (O � O r- 3 U N m Ln r- 3 O 3� V � 0 0 V O N O (h O 0 0 O (h N O N O (h N— N O N O N O (h O O N (h N N (h (h 0000000000000000000-0-0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 N 00 00 0 00 (0 0 V 00 N 00 N � 0 000 00 N N 00 00 N (0 0 0 0 0 � � � 000 � � � � —0-00 N (h ns ns OS N J Z O 0) � 0) H N U U U U U U U U U U U U U U C C C C C C C C C C C C C C >+ >+ Q 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) U U O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C C C Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q O O) O O O O O O O O O O O O w O O Q fOA Q C N N 0 U 0 U p 0 0 0 p C C 0) U 0 0 U .O O O O O O C O O L� p C -2 '6 3 3 0U 0 0) 0) U O) 0) 0) 0) 0) U o U U o 3 o U o U U U U U 0) U 0) U O) U U U U V � �.� ��CQ����C�CC�.��C�CCCCC � � —���'- �o� QoQ��QQo QQQQoQooQ�QoQ00000 QoQ�Q000 .� 0 3 Q Q O O Q= 0 0� 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 Q 0 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 0 a 0 7 7 a W d 0 0 c 0 c o o c c 0 o o o o c o o 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o m o o o a o 0 o a U o 0 0 o a o a a o o a o a a a a a o a o o a a p U m U U U m U U U U m U m m U U m U m m m m m U m U U m m a) U a) E E C O E E o O O O E C O C O O O O O m m O E O O H C E E a) � � ,O (0 ,O -r -r ,o O (n ,0 0 0 0 0 (n ,o (n (n ,o ,o ,o (n (n a) a) 0 (n ,O ,o (n (n o Z af o m m C C C C C C C U U a)� C C QQ— QQ-- - - - -- —��— — — — Q— >QQaQ' >QQQ �— C �������— �� a) a) 0- 0 a) a) 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0- o-- o a) o- o - -- -- 0- o a) 0 -- C a a a a) C a) a s QQd�dQQdd�ddddd�d22dQd d iiiid dQd W W W W Q WQ W W N (h ns ns N J Z O - 0) U O � H Q W Q O W �W- W Z W ) Q Q~ LL N �O U Q Low (7 Z U W _ O J U _ O C O Ul Ul - OS 0) C Ul O N J - Ul U Q O J (A O- O O O L� p C -2 '6 E O 0) C J tl) N N D p U C 3 (n 0) D J O > O a) => C Ul O O O O Q O2 C a Q N E U O) O U) E .E C .E Ul U) N '6 Y =_ N a p C E a) 7 Q oZf 0) J N J 0) N O(U (n (n J O) p- Q O 0) U tl) tl) (6 0) U J N U Ul w OS OS C C C Q H OS . 6 a) 0) 0) Q Li C Q w au L L- _ OS Q N 0) 'N O) (6 O) .+_' C O O Op 0) W OS .� > > > N = = = d i i N O N 03 C C = OS OS p Q (n tl) C O U) N Q N N O LL C O J 2i 0) N i i i w N O Q Q Q p U U Q Q Y -p 0 a) N� Ul O C N E E E O O CL J O O O .3- ~ Ul N Ul 0) O '6 C C C 'O U >, ._ >+ 'E (�! 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N v °) E E N Q CL N O N Q u) O Z m a) Ul 7 U_ m U m N Q N O N O L 0 O N N � (7 a) 0) m IL u) N O 00 W O U H GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE ADDENDUM TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS BLOCK 34 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 i r e l: IC] X 92 :1 •] J a :4 r l d 0 z• 1: �•] I Z Fit r *1 Latitude (North): Longitude (West): Universal Tranverse Mercator: UTM X (Meters): UTM Y (Meters): Elevation: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Target Property Map: Most Recent Revision 45.3049 - 45° 18' 17.64" 93.7938 - 93° 47' 37.68" Zone 15 437767.3 5016911.0 926 ft. above sea level 45093 -C7 MONTICELLO, MN 1995 EDR's GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration. Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principal investigative components: 1. Groundwater flow direction, and 2. Groundwater flow velocity. Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the geologic strata. TC4108410.2s Page A -1 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site - specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY General Topographic Gradient: General NNE SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES M 4% 1 O. m O W �l O O O W - - . - . - . - N - A - . (�S O m - - - - - - . - . - . - . - North I South TIP 0 W West TIP Target Property Elevation: 926 ft. East 1/2 1 Miles Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5' Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. TC4108410.2s Page A -2 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways and bodies of water). FEMA FLOOD ZONE Target Property County WRIGHT, MN Flood Plain Panel at Target Property: Additional Panels in search area NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Quad at Target Property MONTICELLO HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION FEMA Flood Electronic Data YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail Map 27054100056 - FEMA Q3 Flood data 2704350090C - FEMA Q3 Flood data 2704350080C - FEMA Q3 Flood data 27053400156 - FEMA Q3 Flood data NWI Electronic Data Coverage YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail Map Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. Site - Specific Hydrogeological Data *: Search Radius: 1.25 miles Status: Not found AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile. EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. LOCATION MAP ID FROM TP Not Reported GENERAL DIRECTION GROUNDWATER FLOW 01996 Site - specific hydrogeological data gathered by CERCLIS Alerts, Inc., Bainbridge Island, WA. All rights reserved. All of the information and opinions presented are those of the cited EPA report(s), which were completed under a Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Information System ( CERCLIS) investigation. TC4 1 08410.2s Page A -3 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes move more quickly through sandy - gravelly types of soils than silty - clayey types of soils. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed at which contaminant migration may be occurring. ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Era: Paleozoic Category: Stratified Sequence System: Cambrian Series: Cambrian Code: C (decoded above as Era, System & Series) Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). TC4108410.2s Page A -4 SSURGO SOIL MAP - 4108410.2s * Target Property N SSURGO Soil N Water 0 1116 118 1/4 Mile SITE NAME: Block 34 CLIENT: WSB & Associates, Inc ADDRESS: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST CONTACT: Ryan Spencer Monticello MN 55362 INQUIRY #: 4108410.2s LAT /LONG: 45.3049 / 93.7938 DATE: October 17, 2014 3:25 pm Copyright �o 2014 ED R, Inc.(,) 2010 Tale Atlas Re 1. 07/2009. GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service SSURGO data. Soil Map ID: 1 Soil Component Name: Dorset Soil Surface Texture: sandy loam Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Soil Drainage Class: Well drained Hydric Status: Not hydric Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Low Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 1 0 inches 11 inches sandy loam Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.3 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 14.11 Min: 5.6 pct. or less Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty, or Clayey Gravel and Sand. 2 11 inches 18 inches sandy loam Silt -Clay COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.3 Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 14.11 Min: 5.6 than 35 pct. Sands with fines, passing No. Clayey sand. 200), Silty COARSE - GRAINED Soils. SOILS, Sands, Sands with fines, Silty Sand. 3 18 inches 31 inches gravelly loamy Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 8.4 sand materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 6.6 pct. or less Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Stone Fragments, Gravel and Sand. TC4108410.2s Page A -6 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 4 31 inches 79 inches gravelly coarse Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 8.4 sand materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 7.4 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Poorly graded 200), Stone sand. Fragments, Gravel and 2 20 inches 31 inches loamy sand Sand. COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.3 Soil Map ID: 2 Soil Component Name: Hubbard Soil Surface Texture: loamy sand Hydrologic Group: Class A - High infiltration rates. Soils are deep, well drained to excessively drained sands and gravels. Soil Drainage Class: Excessively drained Hydric Status: Not hydric Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Low Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 1 0 inches 20 inches loamy sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.3 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.1 pct. or less Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty, or Clayey Gravel and Sand. 2 20 inches 31 inches loamy sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.3 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.1 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Poorly graded 200), Stone sand. Fragments, COARSE - GRAINED Gravel and SOILS, Sands, Sand. Sands with fines, Silty Sand. TC4108410.2s Page A -7 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 3 31 inches 79 inches sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.8 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.6 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Well- graded sand. 200), Stone Fragments, Gravel and 2 11 inches 18 inches gravelly loamy Sand. COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.8 Soil Map ID: 3 Soil Component Name: Sandberg Soil Surface Texture: loamy sand Hydrologic Group: Class A - High infiltration rates. Soils are deep, well drained to excessively drained sands and gravels. Soil Drainage Class: Excessively drained Hydric Status: Not hydric Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Moderate Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 1 0 inches 11 inches loamy sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.8 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.6 pct. or less Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty, or Clayey Gravel and Sand. 2 11 inches 18 inches gravelly loamy Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.8 coarse sand materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 6.1 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Poorly graded 200), Stone sand. Fragments, COARSE - GRAINED Gravel and SOILS, Sands, Sand. Sands with fines, Silty Sand. TC4108410.2s Page A -8 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 3 18 inches 79 inches gravelly coarse Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 282.29 Max: 8.4 sand materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: Min: 7.4 pct. or less Clean Sands, 141.14 passing No. Well- graded sand. 200), Stone Fragments, Gravel and 2 11 inches 33 inches coarse sand Sand. COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.3 Soil Map ID: 4 Soil Component Name: Hubbard Soil Surface Texture: loamy sand Hydrologic Group: Class A - High infiltration rates. Soils are deep, well drained to excessively drained sands and gravels. Soil Drainage Class: Excessively drained Hydric Status: Not hydric Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Low Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 1 0 inches 11 inches loamy sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.3 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.1 pct. or less Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty, or Clayey Gravel and Sand. 2 11 inches 33 inches coarse sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.3 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.1 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Poorly graded 200), Stone sand. Fragments, COARSE - GRAINED Gravel and SOILS, Sands, Sand. Sands with fines, Silty Sand. TC4108410.2s Page A -9 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 3 33 inches 79 inches coarse sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.8 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.6 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Well- graded sand. 200), Stone Fragments, 2 9 inches 35 inches fine sandy loam Gravel and COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.3 Sand. SOILS, Sands, Min: 4.23 Min: 5.1 Soil Map ID: 5 Soil Component Name: Elkriver Soil Surface Texture: fine sandy loam Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Soil Drainage Class: Moderately well drained Hydric Status: Not hydric Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Moderate Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 91 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 1 0 inches 9 inches fine sandy loam Silt -Clay COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.3 Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 4.23 Min: 5.1 than 35 pct. Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty Soils. 2 9 inches 35 inches fine sandy loam Silt -Clay COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.3 Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 4.23 Min: 5.1 than 35 pct. Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty Soils. TC4108410.2s Page A -10 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 3 35 inches 38 inches fine sandy loam Silt -Clay COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.8 Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 4.23 Min: 5.6 than 35 pct. Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty Soils. 4 38 inches 79 inches sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.8 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.6 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Poorly graded 200), Silty, or sand. Clayey Gravel COARSE - GRAINED and Sand. SOILS, Sands, Sands with fines, Silty Sand. Soil Map ID: 6 Soil Component Name: Duelm Soil Surface Texture: loamy sand Hydrologic Group: Class A - High infiltration rates. Soils are deep, well drained to excessively drained sands and gravels. Soil Drainage Class: Moderately well drained Hydric Status: Not hydric Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Low Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 76 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 1 0 inches 16 inches loamy sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.3 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.6 pct. or less Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty, or Clayey Gravel and Sand. TC4108410.2s Page A -11 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Soil Layer Information Dorset Boundary sandy loam Classification Saturated moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Soil Drainage Class: hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil > 0 inches micro m /sec (pH) 2 16 inches 29 inches coarse sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.3 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.1 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Poorly graded 200), Stone sand. Fragments, COARSE - GRAINED Gravel and SOILS, Sands, Sand. Sands with fines, Silty Sand. 3 29 inches 79 inches coarse sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.8 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.6 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Poorly graded 200), Stone sand. Fragments, Gravel and Sand. Soil Map ID: 7 Soil Component Name: Dorset Soil Surface Texture: sandy loam Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Soil Drainage Class: Well drained Hydric Status: Not hydric Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Low Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches TC4108410.2s Page A -12 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Soil Layer Information Water Boundary sandy loam Classification Saturated moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Soil Drainage Class: hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil > 0 inches No Layer Information available. micro m /sec (pH) 1 0 inches 11 inches sandy loam Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.3 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 14.11 Min: 5.6 pct. or less Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty, or Clayey Gravel and Sand. 2 11 inches 18 inches sandy loam Silt -Clay COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.3 Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 14.11 Min: 5.6 than 35 pct. Sands with fines, passing No. Clayey sand. 200), Silty COARSE - GRAINED Soils. SOILS, Sands, Sands with fines, Silty Sand. 3 18 inches 31 inches gravelly loamy Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 8.4 sand materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 6.6 pct. or less Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Stone Fragments, Gravel and Sand. 4 31 inches 79 inches gravelly coarse Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 8.4 sand materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 7.4 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Poorly graded 200), Stone sand. Fragments, Gravel and Sand. Soil Map ID: 8 Soil Component Name: Water Soil Surface Texture: sandy loam Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Soil Drainage Class: Hydric Status: Unknown Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not Reported Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches No Layer Information available. TC4108410.2s Page A -13 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Soil Map ID: 9 Soil Component Name: Fordum Soil Surface Texture: fine sandy loam Hydrologic Group: Class D - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a high water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Soil Drainage Class: Very poorly drained Hydric Status: Partially hydric Layer Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: High Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 1 0 inches 7 inches fine sandy loam Silt -Clay COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.3 Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 4.23 Min: 5.1 than 35 pct. Sands with fines, passing No. Clayey sand. 200), Silty COARSE - GRAINED Soils. SOILS, Sands, Sands with fines, Silty Sand. 2 7 inches 27 inches sandy loam Silt -Clay COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.3 Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 4.23 Min: 5.1 than 35 pct. Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty Soils. 3 27 inches 79 inches sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.3 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.6 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Poorly graded 200), Silty, or sand. Clayey Gravel and Sand. Soil Map ID: 10 Soil Component Name: Elkriver Soil Surface Texture: fine sandy loam Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Soil Drainage Class: Somewhat poorly drained TC4108410.2s Page A -14 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Hydric Status: Not hydric Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Moderate Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 46 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 1 0 inches 9 inches fine sandy loam Silt -Clay COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.3 Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 4.23 Min: 5.1 than 35 pct. Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty Soils. 2 9 inches 25 inches fine sandy loam Silt -Clay COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.3 Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 4.23 Min: 5.1 than 35 pct. Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty Soils. 3 25 inches 31 inches very fine sandy Silt -Clay COARSE - GRAINED Max: 42.34 Max: 7.8 loam Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 4.23 Min: 5.6 than 35 pct. Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty Soils. 4 31 inches 79 inches sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.8 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.6 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Poorly graded 200), Silty, or sand. Clayey Gravel COARSE - GRAINED and Sand. SOILS, Sands, Sands with fines, Silty Sand. Soil Map ID: 11 Soil Component Name: Udorthents Soil Surface Texture: fine sandy loam Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Soil Drainage Class: TC4108410.2s Page A -15 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Hydric Status: Unknown Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not Reported Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches No Layer Information available. Soil Map ID: 12 Soil Component Name Soil Surface Texture: Hydrologic Group: Soil Drainage Class: Hydric Status: Not hydric Two Inlets loamy sand Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Well drained Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Low Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro m /sec (pH) 1 0 inches 7 inches loamy sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.3 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 5.6 pct. or less Sands with fines, passing No. Silty Sand. 200), Silty, or Clayey Gravel and Sand. 2 7 inches 20 inches loamy sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 141.14 Max: 7.3 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: 42.34 Min: 6.1 pct. or less Clean Sands, passing No. Poorly graded 200), Silty, or sand. Clayey Gravel COARSE - GRAINED and Sand. SOILS, Sands, Sands with fines, Silty Sand. TC4108410.2s Page A -16 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Soil Layer Information DATABASE Boundary Federal USGS Classification Saturated Nearest PWS within 1 mile State Database 1.000 1/8 Mile NNW A2 hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil USGS40000537566 1/8 - 1/4 Mile WNW B7 USGS40000537568 1/8 micro m /sec (pH) 3 20 inches 79 inches gravelly sand Granular COARSE - GRAINED Max: 282.29 Max: 8.4 USGS40000537682 1/8 -1/4 Mile NW 18 materials (35 SOILS, Sands, Min: Min: 7.4 USGS40000537939 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North E26 pct. or less Clean Sands, 141.14 E31 USGS40000537960 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North E32 passing No. Well- graded sand. - 1/2 Mile North G34 USGS40000537823 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NE G37 200), Stone 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NE Fragments, Gravel and Sand. 11 9 Z 9Y e 1 IF M N xC 310 ] z/ e 1 IL r IV e N 9=I :vim 4 z Ewa N *Ole] N 1.1 EDR Local /Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION DATABASE SEARCH DISTANCE (miles) Federal USGS 1.000 Federal FRDS PWS Nearest PWS within 1 mile State Database 1.000 FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION TC4108410.2s Page A -17 LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP Al USGS40000537539 0 - 1/8 Mile NNW A2 USGS40000590726 0 - 1/8 Mile SE B5 USGS40000537567 1/8 - 1/4 Mile WNW B6 USGS40000537566 1/8 - 1/4 Mile WNW B7 USGS40000537568 1/8 - 1/4 Mile WNW B8 USGS40000537570 1/8 - 1/4 Mile WNW B9 USGS40000537569 1/8 - 1/4 Mile WNW 15 USGS40000537682 1/8 -1/4 Mile NW 18 USGS40000537764 1/4 -1/2 Mile NNE E23 USGS40000537939 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North E26 USGS40000537938 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North E31 USGS40000537960 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North E32 USGS40000537959 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North G34 USGS40000537823 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NE G37 USGS40000537854 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NE TC4108410.2s Page A -17 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP 138 USGS40000537822 1/4 -1/2 Mile NE J43 USGS40000537656 1/4 - 1/2 Mile ENE 46 USGS40000537910 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NE K47 USGS40000538017 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North K48 USGS40000538033 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North K49 USGS40000538034 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North 51 USGS40000538016 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NNE M61 USGS40000537632 1/2 - 1 Mile ENE N65 USGS40000538164 1/2 - 1 Mile NNW P71 USGS40000538211 1/2 - 1 Mile NNW 75 USGS40000537710 1/2 - 1 Mile WNW U84 USGS40000536622 1/2 - 1 Mile SSE R85 USGS40000538278 1/2 - 1 Mile NNW R90 USGS40000538298 1/2 - 1 Mile NNW W93 USGS40000537556 1/2 - 1 Mile East U95 USGS40000536547 1/2 - 1 Mile SSE U96 USGS40000536548 1/2 - 1 Mile SSE U97 USGS40000536550 1/2 - 1 Mile SSE U98 USGS40000536549 1/2 - 1 Mile SSE 100 USGS40000538312 1/2 - 1 Mile NNW 105 USGS40000536453 1/2 - 1 Mile SSE AA109 USGS40000537471 1/2 - 1 Mile East 115 USGS40000538440 1/2 - 1 Mile North AD122 USGS40000590774 1/2 - 1 Mile NE FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP A3 MN1860015 0 - 1/8 Mile NNW Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP 4 MN4000000111571 0 - 1/8 Mile East C10 MN4000000111974 1/8 - 1/4 Mile NNW C11 MN4000000111881 1/8 - 1/4 Mile NW 12 MN4000000112082 1/8 - 1/4 Mile NNW C13 MN4000000111919 1/8 - 1/4 Mile NW D14 MN4000000111389 1/8 - 1/4 Mile WSW D16 MN4000000111328 1/4 - 1/2 Mile WSW D17 MN4000000111183 1/4 - 1/2 Mile WSW D19 MN4000000111215 1/4 - 1/2 Mile WSW 20 MN4000000110589 1/4 - 1/2 Mile South 21 MN4000000111189 1/4 - 1/2 Mile WSW E22 MN4000000112584 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North F24 MN4000000112607 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North TC4108410.2s Page A -18 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION TC4108410.2s Page A -19 LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP F25 MN4000000112612 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North 27 MN4000000110609 1/4 -1/2 Mile SE G28 MN4000000112368 1/4 -1/2 Mile NE E29 MN4000000112651 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North E30 MN4000000112673 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North G33 MN4000000112321 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NE H35 MN4000000112092 1/4 -1/2 Mile ENE 136 MN4000000112273 1/4 -1/2 Mile NE H39 MN4000000112255 1/4 -1/2 Mile NE E40 MN4000000112748 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North F41 MN4000000112756 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North J42 MN4000000111939 1/4 - 1/2 Mile ENE J44 MN4000000111892 1/4 - 1/2 Mile ENE K45 MN4000000112841 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North K50 MN4000000112925 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North K52 MN4000000112933 1/4 - 1/2 Mile North L53 MN4000000111870 1/2-1 Mile ENE L54 MN4000000112011 1/2-1 Mile ENE 55 MN4000000112388 1/2-1 Mile NW L56 MN4000000111960 1/2-1 Mile ENE M57 MN4000000111742 1/2-1 Mile East N58 MN4000000113111 1/2-1 Mile NNW N59 MN4000000113137 1/2-1 Mile North M60 MN4000000111834 1/2-1 Mile ENE N62 MN4000000113182 1/2-1 Mile NNW 063 MN4000000111627 1/2-1 Mile East N64 MN4000000113265 1/2-1 Mile NNW N66 MN4000000113237 1/2-1 Mile NNW P67 MN4000000113335 1/2-1 Mile NNW 68 MN4000000113420 1/2-1 Mile North P69 MN4000000113355 1/2-1 Mile NNW 070 MN4000000111576 1/2-1 Mile East P72 MN4000000113426 1/2-1 Mile NNW 73 MN4000000112474 1/2-1 Mile ENE Q74 MN4000000111542 1/2-1 Mile East P76 MN4000000113509 1/2-1 Mile NNW 77 MN4000000110945 1/2-1 Mile ESE R78 MN4000000113479 1/2-1 Mile NNW S79 MN4000000109034 1/2-1 Mile South S80 MN4000000109031 1/2-1 Mile South Q81 MN4000000111482 1/2-1 Mile East R82 MN4000000113575 1/2-1 Mile NNW T83 MN4000000113210 1/2-1 Mile NW V86 MN4000000113437 1/2-1 Mile NNW V87 MN4000000113421 1/2-1 Mile NNW U88 MN4000000108981 1/2-1 Mile SSE 89 MN4000000111408 1/2-1 Mile East W91 MN4000000111572 1/2-1 Mile East 92 MN4000000110173 1/2-1 Mile WSW U94 MN4000000109002 1/2-1 Mile SSE T99 MN4000000113282 1/2-1 Mile NW X101 MN4000000113338 1/2-1 Mile NW TC4108410.2s Page A -19 GEOCHECe - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION TC4108410.2s Page A -20 LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP Y102 MN4000000113607 1/2-1 Mile NNW Z103 MN4000000113763 1/2-1 Mile NNW 104 MN4000000110991 1/2-1 Mile WSW X106 MN4000000113432 1/2-1 Mile NW Y107 MN4000000113774 1/2-1 Mile NNW Y108 MN4000000113638 1/2-1 Mile NW AA110 MN4000000111307 1/2-1 Mile East X111 MN4000000113428 1/2-1 Mile NW Z112 MN4000000113865 1/2-1 Mile NNW A131 13 MN4000000113829 1/2-1 Mile NNW AC114 MN4000000113707 1/2-1 Mile NW A131 16 MN4000000113931 1/2-1 Mile NNW 117 MN4000000114058 1/2-1 Mile NNW A131 18 MN4000000113895 1/2-1 Mile NNW AA119 MN4000000111255 1/2-1 Mile East AB120 MN4000000113972 1/2-1 Mile NNW AC121 MN4000000113725 1/2-1 Mile NW AE123 MN4000000111253 1/2-1 Mile East AE124 MN4000000111252 1/2-1 Mile East AF125 MN4000000113097 1/2-1 Mile NE AE126 MN4000000111169 1/2-1 Mile East AG127 MN4000000110889 1/2-1 Mile ESE AE128 MN4000000111161 1/2-1 Mile East AC129 MN4000000113907 1/2-1 Mile NNW AD130 MN4000000113321 1/2-1 Mile NE AD131 MN4000000113147 1/2-1 Mile NE AG132 MN4000000110851 1/2-1 Mile ESE 133 MN4000000114326 1/2-1 Mile North AG134 MN4000000110855 1/2-1 Mile ESE 135 MN4000000114242 1/2-1 Mile NNW AH136 MN4000000113945 1/2-1 Mile NW AF137 MN4000000113169 1/2-1 Mile NE AH138 MN4000000114038 1/2-1 Mile NNW TC4108410.2s Page A -20 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP - 4108410.2s 9 60 a County Boundary N Major Roads N Contour Lines TZ Airports OEarthquake epicenter, Richter 5 or greater ® Water Wells © Public Water Supply Wells ® Cluster of Multiple Icons q" O 96 0 o m q a q 960 School Blvd Q 0 1/4 1/2 1 Miles Groundwater Flow Direction CG I Indeterminate Groundwater Flow at Location Cc v Groundwater Flow Varies at Location H D Closest Hydrogeological Data SITE NAME: Block 34 CLIENT: WSB & Associates, Inc ADDRESS: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST CONTACT: Ryan Spencer Monticello MN 55362 INQUIRY #: 4108410.2s LAT /LONG: 45.3049 / 93.7938 DATE: October 17, 2014 3:25 pm Copyright �o 2014 ED R, Inc.(,) 2010 Tale Atlas Re 1. 07/2009. �T GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Al NNW Click here for full text details 0 - 1/8 Mile Higher A2 SE Click here for full text details 0 - 1/8 Mile Higher A3 NNW Click here for full text details 0 - 1/8 Mile Lower 4 East Click here for full text details 0 - 1/8 Mile Lower Database EDR ID Number FED USGS USGS40000537539 FED USGS USGS40000590726 FRDS PWS MN1860015 MN WELLS MN4000000111571 B5 WNW Click here for full text details FED USGS USGS40000537567 1/8 - 114 Mile Higher B6 WNW Click here for full text details FED USGS USGS40000537566 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher B7 WNW Click here for full text details FED USGS USGS40000537568 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher B8 WNW Click here for full text details 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher FED USGS USGS40000537570 Page: 1 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation B9 WNW Click here for full text details 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher C10 NNW Click here for full text details 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Lower C11 NW Click here for full text details 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher 12 NNW Click here for full text details 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Lower C13 NW Click here for full text details 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Lower D14 WSW Click here for full text details 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher 15 NW Click here for full text details 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Lower D16 WSW Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher D17 WSW Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher Database EDR ID Number FED USGS USGS40000537569 MN WELLS MN4000000111974 MN WELLS MN4000000111881 MN WELLS MN4000000112082 MN WELLS MN4000000111919 MN WELLS MN4000000111389 FED USGS USGS40000537682 MN WELLS MN4000000111328 MN WELLS MN4000000111183 Page: 2 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 18 NNE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower D19 WSW Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher 20 South Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher 21 WSW Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher E22 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower E23 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower F24 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower F25 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower E26 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower Database EDR ID Number FED USGS USGS40000537764 MN WELLS MN4000000111215 MN WELLS MN4000000110589 MN WELLS MN4000000111189 MN WELLS MN4000000112584 FED USGS USGS40000537939 MN WELLS MN4000000112607 MN WELLS MN4000000112612 FED USGS USGS40000537938 Page: 3 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 27 SE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher G28 NE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher E29 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower E30 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower E31 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower E32 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower G33 NE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher G34 NE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher H35 ENE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000110609 MN WELLS MN4000000112368 MN WELLS MN4000000112651 MN WELLS MN4000000112673 FED USGS USGS40000537960 FED USGS USGS40000537959 MN WELLS MN4000000112321 FED USGS USGS40000537823 MN WELLS MN4000000112092 Page: 4 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 136 NE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher G37 NE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher 138 NE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher H39 NE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher E40 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower F41 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher J42 ENE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower J43 ENE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower J44 ENE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000112273 FED USGS USGS40000537854 FED USGS USGS40000537822 MN WELLS MN4000000112255 MN WELLS MN4000000112748 MN WELLS MN4000000112756 MN WELLS MN4000000111939 a=I1IIRICI- IIlrZ3IIIIIIIII- t3 Ld -V MN WELLS MN4000000111892 Page: 5 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation K45 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher 46 NE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher K47 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher K48 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher K49 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher K50 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher 51 NNE Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher K52 North Click here for full text details 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher L53 ENE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000112841 FED USGS USGS40000537910 FED USGS USGS40000538017 FED USGS USGS40000538033 FED USGS USGS40000538034 MN WELLS MN4000000112925 FED USGS USGS40000538016 MN WELLS MN4000000112933 MN WELLS MN4000000111870 Page: 6 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation L54 ENE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher 55 NW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower L56 ENE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher M57 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher N58 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher N59 North Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher M60 ENE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher M61 ENE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher N62 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000112011 MN WELLS MN4000000112388 MN WELLS MN4000000111960 MN WELLS MN4000000111742 MN WELLS MN4000000113111 MN WELLS MN4000000113137 MN WELLS MN4000000111834 FED USGS USGS40000537632 MN WELLS MN4000000113182 Page: 7 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 063 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher N64 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher N65 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher N66 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher P67 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher 68 North Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher P69 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher 070 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher P71 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000111627 MN WELLS MN4000000113265 FED USGS USGS40000538164 MN WELLS MN4000000113237 MN WELLS MN4000000113335 MN WELLS MN4000000113420 MN WELLS MN4000000113355 MN WELLS MN4000000111576 FED USGS USGS40000538211 Page: 8 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation P72 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher 73 ENE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher Q74 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher 75 WNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher P76 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher 77 ESE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower R78 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher S79 South Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher S80 South Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000113426 MN WELLS MN4000000112474 MN WELLS MN4000000111542 FED USGS USGS40000537710 MN WELLS MN4000000113509 MN WELLS MN4000000110945 MN WELLS MN4000000113479 MN WELLS MN4000000109034 MN WELLS MN4000000109031 Page: 9 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Q81 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher R82 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher T83 NW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower U84 SSE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher R85 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher V86 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower V87 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower U88 SSE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher 89 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000111482 MN WELLS MN4000000113575 MN WELLS MN4000000113210 FED USGS USGS40000536622 FED USGS USGS40000538278 MN WELLS MN4000000113437 MN WELLS MN4000000113421 MN WELLS MN4000000108981 MN WELLS MN4000000111408 Page: 10 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation R90 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher W91 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher 92 WSW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher W93 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher U94 SSE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher U95 SSE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher U96 SSE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher U97 SSE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher U98 SSE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher Database EDR ID Number FED USGS USGS40000538298 MN WELLS MN4000000111572 MN WELLS MN4000000110173 FED USGS USGS40000537556 MN WELLS MN4000000109002 FED USGS USGS40000536547 FED USGS USGS40000536548 FED USGS USGS40000536550 FED USGS USGS40000536549 Page: 11 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation T99 NW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower 100 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher X101 NW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher Y102 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower Z103 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower 104 WSW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher 105 SSE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher X106 NW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher Y107 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000113282 FED USGS USGS40000538312 MN WELLS MN4000000113338 MN WELLS MN4000000113607 MN WELLS MN4000000113763 MN WELLS MN4000000110991 FED USGS USGS40000536453 MN WELLS MN4000000113432 MN WELLS MN4000000113774 Page: 12 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Y108 NW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AA109 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AA110 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher X111 NW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower Z112 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower AB113 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower AC114 NW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher 115 North Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AB116 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000113638 FED USGS USGS40000537471 MN WELLS MN4000000111307 MN WELLS MN4000000113428 MN WELLS MN4000000113865 MN WELLS MN4000000113829 MN WELLS MN4000000113707 FED USGS USGS40000538440 MN WELLS MN4000000113931 Page: 13 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 117 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AB118 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower AA119 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AB120 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower AC121 NW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AD122 NE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AE123 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AE124 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AF125 NE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000114058 MN WELLS MN4000000113895 MN WELLS MN4000000111255 MN WELLS MN4000000113972 MN WELLS MN4000000113725 FED USGS USGS40000590774 MN WELLS MN4000000111253 MN WELLS MN4000000111252 MN WELLS MN4000000113097 Page: 14 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation AE126 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AG127 ESE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower AE128 East Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AC129 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AD130 NE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AD131 NE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AG132 ESE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower 133 North Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AG134 ESE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Lower Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000111169 MN WELLS MN4000000110889 MN WELLS MN4000000111161 MN WELLS MN4000000113907 MN WELLS MN4000000113321 MN WELLS MN4000000113147 MN WELLS MN4000000110851 MN WELLS MN4000000114326 MN WELLS MN4000000110855 Page: 15 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 135 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AH 136 NW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AF137 NE Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher AH 138 NNW Click here for full text details 1/2 -1 Mile Higher Database EDR ID Number MN WELLS MN4000000114242 MN WELLS MN4000000113945 MN WELLS MN4000000113169 MN WELLS MN4000000114038 Page: 16 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON AREA RADON INFORMATION State Database: MN Radon Radon Test Results Zipcode Num Tests Minimum Maximum Average 55362 472 0.0 81.8 4.8 Federal EPA Radon Zone for WRIGHT County: 1 Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi /L. Zone 2 indoor average level — 2 pCi /L and — 4 pCi /L. Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi /L. Federal Area Radon Information for Zip Code: 55362 Number of sites tested: 2 Area Average Activity % <4 pCi /L % 4 -20 pCi /L Living Area - 1 st Floor Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Living Area - 2nd Floor Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Basement 12.700 pCi /L 0% 100% ±E , a nrvi ±E , a n(`i/I PAbi % >20 pCi /L Not Reported 0% TC4108410.2s Page 17 PA-TA PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION USGS 7.5' Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5' Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000 -scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection. Scanned Digital USGS 7.5' Topographic Map (DRG) Source: United States Geologic Survey A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map. The map images are made by scanning published paper maps on high - resolution scanners. The raster image is georeferenced and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection. HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100 -year and 500 -year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLOWR Information System Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed ( SSURGO) soil survey maps. SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) Telephone: 800 - 672 -5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic ( SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management. TC4108410.2s Page PSGR -1 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS FEDERAL WATER WELLS PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202 - 564 -3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202 - 564 -3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and /or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. STATE RECORDS Minnesota Groundwater Database Source: Minnesota Geological Survey County Water Well Index (CWI) Telephone: 612 - 627 -4780 OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION RADON State Database: MN Radon Source: Department of Health Telephone: 651-215-0909 Radon Test Results Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703 - 356 -4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA /State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703 - 356 -4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. OTHER Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800 - 457 -6656 Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earthquake Fault Lines: The fault lines displayed on EDR's Topographic map are digitized quaternary faultlines, prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey TC4108410.2s Page PSGR -2 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC4108410.2s Page PSGR -3 APPENDIX F Fire Insurance Maps Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494-94 APPENDICES Block 34 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST Monticello, MN 55362 Inquiry Number: 4108410.3 October 18, 2014 10 Armstrong Road. 41111 Floor (rEDR" Shelton, Conn .@cklcut 06484 Toll Frep: IW.��2.0050 www. "fvk6t. C4f Certified Sanborn® Map Report 10/18/14 Site Name: Block 34 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST Monticello, MN 55362 EDR Inquiry # 4108410.3 Client Name: WSB & Associates, Inc 701 Xenia Avenue S Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 -0000 Contact: Ryan Spencer (rEDRO The Sanborn Library has been searched by EDR and maps covering the target property location as provided by WSB & Associates, Inc were identified for the years listed below. The Sanborn Library is the largest, most complete collection of fire insurance maps. The collection includes maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris & Browne, Hopkins, Barlow, and others. Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps by the Sanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection. Results can be authenticated by visiting www.edrnet.com/sanborn. The Sanborn Library is continually enhanced with newly identified map archives. This report accesses all maps in the collection as of the day this report was generated. Certified Sanborn Results: Site Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Cross Street: P.O. # Project: Certification # Maps Provided: 1922 1914 1903 1895 Block 34 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST Monticello, MN 55362 1494 -940 Block 34 27E6- 4304 -A42A Limited Permission To Make Copies Sanborn® Library search results Certification # 27E6- 4304 -A42A The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 million fire insurance maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris & Browne, Hopkins, Barlow and others which track historical property usage in approximately 12,000 American cities and towns. Collections searched: ✓ Library of Congress ✓ University Publications of America ✓ EDR Private Collection The Sanborn Library LLC Since 18667M WSB & Associates, Inc (the client) is permitted to make up to FIVE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanying this report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to an EDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned upon compliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS ". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 4108410 - 3 page 2 Sanborn Sheet Thumbnails ` This Certified Sanborn Map Report is based upon the following Sanborn Fire Insurance map sheets. Lr�n 1922 Source Sheet: Volume 1, Sheet 2 1914 Source Sheets Volume 1. Sheet 2 1903 Source Sheets Volume 1. Sheet xxxx 1895 Source Sheet: Volume 1. Sheet xxxx 4108410 - 3 page 3 O { s a� iFN m O � 6 N N S n ? O m a� n�3n m nm� � n � m � m �3mm N � o m y a 4 a °a l O N v M rn A W O A D A N D 1922 Certified Sanborn Map � a b z u" a�.,, •., ' b This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. Volume 1, Sheet 2 2 � p N C � d Sile Name_ Block 34 4. sd Add— 19 &108 E BROAOWAV ST aQ• City, Sr, ZIP_ M..h.110 MN 55362 CIen1_ WSB BASSOCe1es, ICc a FOR Inquiry_ 41084103 Or .,Oale_ 10/1020141221 02 AM Geft aloc # 27E6d30 2A ll Ooovrighl: 1922 vk y`�lP 1922 Certified Sanborn Map � a b z u" a�.,, •., ' b This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. Volume 1, Sheet 2 2 � p N C � d Cyr 4. sd aQ• V�o � a 9 &o Q vk y`�lP �q I 9 9 4 A 0 Feet 150 300 600 C 4108410 - 3 page 4 4v 9 � al O 1914 Certified Sanborn Map A� D •�O..�yGi oFP �a,: This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. Volume 1, Sheet 2 2 � / a Q s N k � 6 �h y oR m A W O u A J D A N D ,s Sile Name_ Block 34 Add— 19 &108 E BROAOWAV ST City, Sr, ZIP_ Moclicello MN 55362 CIen1_ WSB BASSOCe1es, ICc FOR Inquiry_ 41084103 Or .,Oale_ 10/1820141221 02 AM Geft aloc # 27E6d304-A42A Oogvrighl: 1914 1914 Certified Sanborn Map A� D •�O..�yGi oFP �a,: This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. Volume 1, Sheet 2 2 � / a Q s N k � 6 �h y oR m u •�O..�yGi oFP �a,: This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. Volume 1, Sheet 2 2 � / a Q s N k � 6 �h y oR m u J � / � \b Z \` �W,FO 4 � (� F D Y b I i I I 0 Feet 150 300 600 C 4108410 - 3 page 5 a� CIE 7 ry ark n�3n mnm� S? Zy � o � m � a Mk ii n a s it N —4 M rn A W O A D A N D 9,\ 16M h / I 1903 Certified Sanborn Map t� % S0. Name_ Block 34 Atltlress_ 19 &108 E BROAOWAV ST City, Sr, ZIP_ Monticello MN 55362 Clent_ WSB BASSOCetes, Inc 4 FOR Inquiry_ 41004103 ON.r Oat._ 10/102014122102 AM Get .ton # 27E6d304 2A ll Ooo nht: 1903 t� % c r b 41� 3 +a0 Z P� .,'a✓ri� �0 4 �.® 4-,_ V cY � gFAk" �� /♦iy p �� + ' z � 4 6 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. Volume 1, Sheet xxxx xxxx �r i0 0 Feet 150 300 600 T C 4108410 - 3 page 6 � a O 0 AL a � iFN O � 6 N N S n y O 2 Y, & a �O d n�3n o m � m ? a m o � R. � n � m � m �3mm nd o m y 1895 Certified Sanborn Map ti w > FNy � 9 V rs. P Yg 6 / WA / � V W / ° / 4 1 5 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. Volume 1, Sheet xxxx xxxx 0 Feet 150 300 600 T C 4108410 - 3 page 7 (D 5 �7 n � � O 7 y I / � 9 N v M rn A W O A D A N D Sile Name_ Atld— Block 34 198-108 E BROAOWAV ST City, Sr, ZIP_ Monticello MN 55362 CIen1_ FOR Inquiry_ ONer Oale_ WSB BASSOCetes, Inc 41084103 10/18201412210 AM ll Geft aton # G,pynght: 27E6d304-A42A 1895 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. Volume 1, Sheet xxxx xxxx 0 Feet 150 300 600 T C 4108410 - 3 page 7 APPENDIX G City Directories Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494-94 APPENDICES Block 34 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST Monticello, MN 55362 Inquiry Number: 4108410.5 October 24, 2014 6 Armstrong Road Shelton, CT 06484 800.352.0050 (CEDW' Environmental Data Resources Inc www.edrnet.com SECTION Executive Summary Findings City Directory Images TABLE OF CONTENTS Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1- 800 - 352 -0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS ". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction orforecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Environmental Data Resources, Inc.'s (EDR) City Directory Report is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR's City Directory Report includes a search of available city directory data at 5 year intervals. RESEARCH SUMMARY The following research sources were consulted in the preparation of this report. A check mark indicates where information was identified in the source and provided in this report. Year TaraetStreet Cross Street Source 2013 Q Q Cole Information Services 2008 Q Q Cole Information Services 2003 Q Q Cole Information Services 1999 Q Q Cole Information Services 1995 Q Q Cole Information Services 1992 Q Q Cole Information Services RECORD SOURCES EDR is licensed to reproduce certain City Directory works by the copyright holders of those works. The purchaser of this EDR City Directory Report may include it in report(s) delivered to a customer. Reproduction of City Directories without permission of the publisher or licensed vendor may be a violation of copyright. 4108410 -5 Page TARGET PROPERTY STREET 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST Monticello, MN 55362 Year CD /maae Source BROADWAY ST E 1999 pg A17 1995 pg A21 1992 pg A25 E BROADWAY ST FINDINGS Cole Information Services Cole Information Services Cole Information Services 2013 pg Al Cole Information Services 2008 pg A6 Cole Information Services 2003 pg Al Cole Information Services 4108410 -5 Page 2 FINDINGS CROSS STREETS Year CD /maae Source CEDAR ST 2013 pg. A2 Cole Information Services 2008 pg. A8 Cole Information Services 2003 pg. A13 Cole Information Services 1999 pg. A18 Cole Information Services 1995 pg. A22 Cole Information Services 1992 pg. A26 Cole Information Services E 3RD ST 2013 pg. A4 Cole Information Services 2008 pg. A10 Cole Information Services 2003 pg. A15 Cole Information Services 1999 Cole Information Services 1995 pg. A23 Cole Information Services 1992 Cole Information Services PINE ST 2013 pg. A5 Cole Information Services 2008 pg. A11 Cole Information Services 2003 pg. A16 Cole Information Services 1999 pg. A20 Cole Information Services 1995 pg. A24 Cole Information Services 1992 Cole Information Services Target and Adjoining not listed in Source Target and Adjoining not listed in Source Target and Adjoining not listed in Source 4108410 -5 Page 3 City Directory Images Target Street Cross Street Source - Cole Information Services E BROADWAY ST 2013 112 B L USED BIKE SHOP 118 CIVIL ENGINEERING SITE DESIGN 130 ZOO BAR 135 WALGREENS 137 BRENDA CARLSON 141 CENTURY DISTRIBUTING EDWARD JONES FINANCIAL ADVISOR JE FOCUSED HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER KIRKY VACUUM SALES & SVC LIBERTY TAX SERVICE TNT INSURANCE 148 J LOCH 150 EXCEPTIONAL REALTY 154 CORNERSTONE CAFE & CATERING COMPANY CRAIG HOWE DEBRA BORDERS HERBERT WARD JOESPHFADDEN KASSIE PNSNESS KRISTINE HAMMER MARIA ALATORRE MONTICELLO CORNER CAFE 155 THE CUT HUT 200 REDS SERVICE 250 CARLSON ROGER A CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO PUBLIC WORKS FAX EMPIRE MEMORIAL INC MONTICELLO FUNERAL HOME PETERSONGRIMSMO FUNERAL CHAPEL 261 CONROY LAW OFFICE FARM JOURNAL TEAM CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER TOLLEFSON COUNSELING SERVICES WIEBER MICHAEL A OD 306 SHIRL ANDERSON 313 JOANNA PADDEN 318 KAREN SMUDE NORTHWEST METRO STUCCO LLC 319 JOE NEU 324 JESSICA JARNAGIN 331 ROBIN DORF 336 PEGGY YOUNG 4108410.5 Page: Al Target Street Cross Street CEDAR ST 102 CHRIS WAGAR 107 GSF MORTGAGE CORPORATION LILLEHAUG KIM 212 MONTICELLO CHIROPRACTIC & THERAPY 305 MOSFORD BARTHEL & CO PLC CPA MOUSSA EZZAT MD RIVERPLACE CLINIC INC WEST METRO OPHTHALMOLOGY 406 ALICE GRANT BARBARA GOWIN BERNICE HOGLUND BETTY KOTVAL BETTY MANKE BETTY STAHLBACK CAROLE WENNER CEDAR CREST APARTMENTS OFFICE DELMAR HALL DELORES HERR DOROTHY OSSE ELEANOR BUTTENHOFF EVELYN RIEBEL FRIEDA CULP GARYJOHNSON GLADYS BITZER IRENE MILLER JANE SIEG JIM HUNTER JOE HOLKER JOHN VANRAMSHORST JOSEPHINE CARTER JOYCE SWINGLEY JULIE MCMAHON KAY OLHOFT KURT MARKS LREYNOLDS LAWRENCE LUDWIG LEOLA HURRLE LORRAINE SCHLUETER MARYPUNCOCHAR MAYME CRACKEL VALERIE DUNRUD VIOLET DRAZKOWSKI ZORA MCKEE 500 PHOT01 506 PERFORMANCE ENVY AUTO WORKS 512 MILD 2 WILD SALON & SPA 518 SUNLIFE TANNING & TREASURES 530 JPS JALA PENO GRILLE 536 UPTOWN EYE CARE ELAINE HAPP 560 UPTOWN EYE CARE 2013 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A2 Target Street Cross Street CEDAR ST 1114 SUPER 8 MONTICELLO SUPER 8 MONTICELLO RESERVATIONS 1117 JIMMY JOHNS FIBERNET 1125 BACK 2 HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC CHIN YUEN RESTAURANT LOCH JEWELERS MARKETPLACE HOME MORTGAGE MIELKE DEVELOPMENT LLC MONTICELLO PHYSICAL THERAPY & SPOF PRIMO PIZZA TIM BOESE INSURANCE TWIN CITY MEDICAL STAFFING 1260 MONTICELLO PET HOSPITAL PILE Source Cole Information Services 2013 (Cont'd) 4108410.5 Page: A3 2013 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A4 Target Street Cross Street E 3RD ST 106 RUTH HARSTAD 112 ROBERT SPENCE 119 CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO CITY 124 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 212 BRADLEY OLSON 224 DAVID GLEASON 225 A DAHLBERG CRYSTAL CALLAGHAN 300 TONY FOECKE 301 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 303 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 306 CRAIG ZACHMAN 307 JOHN KENTNER 309 RICHARD QUICK 315 DAVID MCNICHOLS 318 STEVEN ARNOLD 330 EMILY NESLAND 331 JAMES MARKGRAF 336 CORRINE MOHRMAN 342 GABINO CAPETILLO 400 STEVE VANDYKE 401 DARREN GREEN 412 BENJAMIN JAMES 2013 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A4 Target Street Cross Street Source ✓ Cole Information Services PINE ST 2013 103 GOING IN STYLE LANNERS CUSTOM HOMES RIVERSTREET STATION 106 STATE OF MINNESOTA 194 BUFFALO RENTAL INC 204 BARBARA LEES STUDIO OF DANCE BRAND NEW NAIL & ALTERATIONS 206 PIZZA FACTORY 216 APOLLO GLASS FINDERS KEEPERS GIFT & CONSIGNMENT 307 US BANK 316 TIME & TEMPERATURE TIME N TEMPERATURE VECTOR MARKETING 407 WELLS FARGO 414 MOON MOTOR SALES 504 GROSSER STEVEN J MD 505 FIVE DOLLAR PIZZA 508 PAPA MURPHYS TAKE N BAKE PIZZA 509 COMPUTER BRAINS 512 THE STATION BAR & GRILLE 516 PERFECT EXTERIORS OF MINNESOTA 520 BRIAN J GRETEMAN DPM PA MIDMINNESOTA NEUROLOGY CLINIC PA 521 DEBS CLEANERS 525 QUIZNOS 545 HIWAY LIQUORS 701 KFC 4108410.5 Page: A5 Target Street Cross Street Source - Cole Information Services E BROADWAY ST 2008 is 97_IT.TA 0 12 0]•11 MICHELLE RADZIECWICZ SHUMANS OUTDOOR SPORTS 118 FIRST INVESTMENT MORTGAGE 130 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 137 BRENDA CARLSON 141 ACTION PLUS TEMPORARY SERVICE INC AVANTA MORTGAGE DOHERTY EMPLOYMENT GROUP EDWARD JONES INVESTMENTS GOLDEN TOUCH SALON REMAX PERFORMANCE WRIGHT TITLE GUARANTEE 142 AGOSTO LAW OFFICE HILLS TAX SERVICE 148 BOBS BARBER SHOP J LOCH 154 ALFONSA RUFFIN ASHLEY MARTIN BEAU PARKER CRAIG HOWE DALE ECKHOFF DAN CLIFTON EANCILLA CONSULTING INC HERBERT WARD JESSICA HAWES KASSIE PNSNESS KRISTINE HAMMER M KELLEY MICHELLE NYBERG MIKE MIESEN NICOLE DUPONT NICOLE SUCHY R LOZA TODD YILEK W ROTH 155 HEARING CONCEPTS 200 DRAFT CONTROL INC REDS SERVICE 201 DELISI INC 219 PETERSON HEWITT 261 CONROY LAW OFFICE LTD FARM JOURNAL MEDICAL JEAN RAFFERTY LICENSED PSYCHO MONTICELLO OPTICAL CENTER TEAM CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER TOLLEFSON COUNSELING SERVICES 301 LYLE TRUNNELL 306 SHIRLEY ANDERSON 313 NATHAN DAHLHEIMER 4108410.5 Page: A6 Target Street Cross Street Source V, - Cole Information Services 318 BROADWAY KWIK KAREN SMUDE NORTHWEST MET PUMPN MUNCH 324 JESSICA JARNAGI 331 EMIL DORF 336 KATIE ULRICH E BROADWAY ST 2008 (Cont'd) 4108410.5 Page: A7 Target Street Cross Street CEDAR ST 102 DAVID STROMBERG 107 GOLD KEY REAL ESTATE 2008 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A8 MILD 2 WILD HAIR & TANNING PIONEER MORTGAGE REDWOOD LENDING CORP RZ FINANCIAL 108 CENTRAL MINNESOTA REALTY LTD 212 MONTICELLO CHIROPRACTIC 216 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC 305 GROSSER STEVEN J MD RIVERPLACE CLINIC WEST METRO OPTHALMOLOGY YANCEY CHARLES M MD 406 BARBARA GOWIN BERGSTAD PROPERTIES INC BERNICE HAARE BERNICE HOGLUND BETTY KOTVAL BETTY MANKE CAROLE WENNER CEDAR CREST APARTMENTS DELORES ANDERSON DELORES MOREHEAD DONNA WEIMAN EARL MILLER EDWARD WHEELER ELAINE GILLES ELEANOR BUTTENHOFF EVELYN RIEBEL FRANCE EICHTEN FRANCES VASSAR FRIEDA CULP GLADYS BITZER JANE SIEG JOE HOLKER JON BRAMHALL JOSEPHINE CARTER JOYCE SWINGLEY JUNE WIPPER LAWRENCE LUDWIG LEOLA HURRLE LILLIAN YONAK MARYPUNCOCHAR RUTH KRAFT SUSAN COOLEN TY HENGEMUEHLE VALERIE DUNRUD ZORA MCKEE 500 PHOT01 506 GOLDEN TOUCH SALON INC 2008 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A8 Target Street 506 SUN LIFE OF MONT 518 SUNLIFE OF MONTI 530 JALA PENO BAR GR JALAPENOS 560 ELAINE HAPP OD P) GREGORY MARY OI UPTOWN EYECARE 1110 KEN SWECKER 1114 MEET MAAHI LLC SILVER FOX INN 1125 AMERICAN HOMET( KRISTALL DEVELOF LOCH JEWELERS LOCH JEWELERS I1\ PLATINUM REALTY PLATINUM REALTY QUICK WOK 1126 PERRY SLONEKER 1260 MONTICELLO BIG L, Cross Street Source ✓ Cole Information Services CEDAR ST 2008 (Cont'd) 4108410.5 Page: A9 Target Street Cross Street E 3RD ST 106 RUTH HARSTAD 112 PETE SPENCE 119 DEPUTY REGISTRAR MTR VECHILES 124 QIAO JIANG 206 SCRAP N CHAT 212 KEVIN OLSON PATRICIA M OLSON 224 DAVID GLEASON 225 NICHOLE RITTGERS SANTANA SIERRA 300 JERRY SONSTEBY 301 JULIUS DIERSEN 303 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 306 CRYSTAL JENTZSCH 307 JOHN KENTNER 309 SHANE HANSON 315 DAVID MCNICHOLS 318 EDNA ARNOLD 330 MERRIJO NESLAND 331 JAMES MARKGRAF OLIVIA HOLLAND 336 CORRINE MOHRMAN 342 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 400 STEVE VANDYKE 401 DARREN GREEN JOHN ENGEL 412 BENJAMIN JAMES 2008 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A10 Target Street Cross Street Source ✓ Cole Information Services PINE ST 2008 101 HEARTLAND APPRAISAL 103 GOING IN STYLE LANNERS CUSTOM HOMES RENEW HEALTH & HOME MEDICAL SUPPLY L RIVERSTREET STATION 106 CENTRAL MN JOBS & TRAINING SERVICES MONTICELLO WORKFORCE CENTER STATE OF MINNESOT DEPT F EMP 204 BARBARA LEES STUDIO OF DANCE BRAND NEW NAILS & ALTERATIONS 205 THE MONTICELLO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A 207 CHARLES FISH PRIMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES THICKPE 208 PIZZA FACTORY 216 WRIGHT CUSTOM HOME ELECTRONICS 307 US BANCORP PIPER JAFFRAY US BANK US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 316 ALL SEASONS GROUNDS CARE PROFESSIONAL BROKERS REALTY TDS 407 FIRST NATIONAL BANK MARQUETTE BANK MONTICELLO MONTICELLO CHAMBER WELLS FARGO BANK WELLS FARGO BROKERAGE SERVICES WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE 700 RESTAURANT CO 701 MONTICELLO FOODS INC 4108410.5 Page: A11 Target Street Cross Street Source - Cole Information Services E BROADWAY ST 2003 106 LAKELAND FAMILY DENTAL 112 DEBRA DIETRICH 4108410.5 Page: Al2 ROBERT PEMBERTON SHUMANS OUTDOOR SPORTS SURPLUS OUTPOST THOMAS PALMBY 118 AE MICHAELS DECORATING CTR 130 MONTICELLO LIQUORS 137 BRENDA CARLSON 141 ACTION PLUS TEMPORARY SERVICES ARMY NATIONAL GUARD RCRTNG EDWARD JONES ETS PAY PHONES GOLDEN TOUCH SALON HOLKER LAW OFFICES JONES EDWARD LIBERTY SAVINGS BANK MN NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE INC 148 BOBS BARBER SHOP 154 DAVE PATTERSON DEBBIE DOLL DOUGLAS ZUEHL G & K PROPERTIES JESSE AASEBY KAREN SCHMIDT RHONDAS CORNER CAFE 200 DRAFT CONTROL INC FSTR FRNZN CRLSN & WHITE AGNCY REDS MARATHON SERVICE 207 CABIN FEVER ENTERTAINMENT H BLOCK 250 GRIMSMO ARVE A FUNERAL DIR MONTICELLO AREA ALANO SOCIETY PETERSON GRIMSMO FNRL CHPL ROGER CARLSON 255 STEVE KIES 261 CONROY LAW OFFICE MONTICELLO OPTICAL CTR RAFFERTY JEAN LCNSD PSYCHLGST SHANKLIN & ASSOCS TEAM CHIROPRACTIC & WLNS CTR WIEBER MICHAEL A DR WIEBER MICHAEL A OPTOMETRIST 301 LYLE TRUNNELL 306 S ANDERSON 313 WILBUR DAHLHEIMER 319 THOMAS ANGIER 336 VIRGIL KALPIN 4108410.5 Page: Al2 Target Street Cross Street CEDAR ST 102 DAVID STROMBERG 108 CENTRAL MINNESOTA MORTGAGE LTD 2003 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A13 CENTRAL MINNESOTA REALTY LTD J & C BUILDERS INC OCCUPANT UNKNOWN OPTIMUM MORTGAGE SERVICES 111 GRETTA SWECKER 212 FRANKS DR DOUGLAS MONTICELLO CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE WILLIAMS CONE SCHOOL 216 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC 305 CUSTOM TITLE SERVICES LLC GROSSER STEVEN J MD MOSFORD BARTHEL CO MOSFORD ROBERT & BRTHL LEON REDWOOD LENDING CORP UNISYN INC 406 ARLENE BROWN BERNICE HOGLUND BETTY KOTVAL BEULAH FRANKS BEVERLY BENTZ CURTIS HOGLUND DELORES ANDERSON DELORES MOREHEAD DOROTHY HANKE EARL MILLER EARLELUDDERS EDWARD WHEELER ELEANOR BUTTENHOFF ELEANOR BUTTENKOFF EVELYN RIEBEL FRANCES EICHTEN HELEN SWINGLEY JOE HOLKER JULIA KISNER JUNE WIPPER LAWRENCE LUDWIG M KOEPSELL MAE KLINKER MATHILDA BIALKE R COPE SHIRLEY MILLER VIRGINIA ROSS WANDA KLINE WILMA HABECK ZORA MCKEE 500 PHOT01 PHOTO 1 OF MONTICELLO 506 SUNLIFE EXPRESSO 2003 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A13 Target Street 512 GREAT CLIPS 518 SUNLIFE OF MONTI 530 CHIPOTLES INC 536 HAPP ELAINE OD LORENZ BRYAN OD UPTOWN EYECARE 542 MR MOVIES 560 LITTLE MOUNTAIN f 1110 OCCUPANT UNKNO 1114 BEST WESTERN SIL 1126 PERRY SLONEKER 1260 JOEL ERICKSON MNTCL BIG LAKE PI MONTI BIG LK PET f Cross Street Source ✓ Cole Information Services CEDAR ST 2003 (Cont'd) 4108410.5 Page: A14 Target Street Cross Street E 3RD ST 106 RUTH HARSTAD 112 KIM NELSON 119 MONTICELLO CITY OF MOTOR VHCL 124 MOLLY MAAS 212 ACE HARDWARE LARSONS ROBERT OLSON 224 TODD FOLEY 225 BILL FRYLE BRAZIL FYLE EDWARD JENSEN JASON ILLING 300 JERRY SONSTEBY 303 TOM BEAUVAIS 307 JOHN KENTNER 309 SHANE HANSON 315 LISA RODRIGUE 318 EDNA ARNOLD 331 K SCHADEGG 336 MICHAEL MOHRMAN 342 JOHN ADAMS 401 JOHN ENGEL 406 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 2003 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A15 Target Street Cross Street PINE ST 101 HEARTLAND APPRAISAL 103 GOING IN STYLE LANNERS CUSTOM HOMES NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE INC RIVERSTREET STATION 106 CENTRAL MINNESOTA JOBS & TRNNG CENTRAL MN JOBS & TRNNG SRVC DONALD WELKER SPECTRA BUILDING GROUP 204 BARBARA LEES STD OF DANCE 205 MONTICELLO AREA CHMBR OF CMRC 307 FIRSTAR BANK N A OCCUPANT UNKNOWN US BANK BRANCH OFFICE 316 LINK US OCCUPANT UNKNOWN TDS NET INTERNET SERVICES 407 THOMAS POGATCHNIK WELLS FARGO BANK MONTICELLO NA WELLS FARGO BROKERAGE SERVICES WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE WELLS FARGO PRIVATE CLNT SRVC 508 OCCUPANT UNKNOWN 700 PERKINS FAMILY RSTRNT & BKRY PERKINS RESTAURANT CORP 701 MONTICELLO FOODS INC 2003 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A16 Target Street Cross Street Source - Cole Information Services BROADWAY ST E 1999 100 MONTICELLO BAKERY 112 ERNIES BAIT 118 AE MICHAELS DECORATING CENTER 130 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INCORPORATED 141 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD RECRUITING DAIRY TODAY FARM JOURNAL GOLDEN TOUCH SALON WRIGHT TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 148 BOBS BARBER SHOP 154 G & K PROPERTIES RHONDAS COR CAFE CTRG & WEDDING & GIFT BOUTIQUE 200 MOBIL SERVICE REDS REDS MOBIL SERVICE 201 CEDAR STREET GARDEN CENTER 250 MONTICELLO CITY OF CIVIL DEFENSE MONTICELLO CITY OF DISPOSAL PLANT 261 CONROY LAW OFFICES FIRST MINNESOTA BANK LINDQUIST FUNERAL CHAPELS MLC BUILDING & REMODELING 743 KENS 66 SERVICE PHILLIPS 66 STATION 1511 BUFFALO AUTO BROKERS 1537 SCRUB A DUB CAR WASH DETAIL CLEANING SERVICE 4108410.5 Page: A17 Target Street Cross Street Source ✓ Cole Information Services CEDAR ST 1999 102 DAVID STROMBERG 107 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER 212 FRANKS DOUGLAS CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE MONTICELLO CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE FRANKS DOUGLAS DC 213 MONTICELLO CLOTHING BUICIING 216 MONTICELLO PRINTING 305 LAKELAND DENTAL ASSOCIATES MINNESOTA STATE OF REHABILITATION SERVICES MOSFORD BARTHEL & COMPANY PLC CPA NT OPTOELECTRONICS REHABILITATION SERVICES 406 B HOGLUND BETTY KOTVAL BEULAH FRANKS CEDAR CREST APARTMENTS OFFICE DOROTHY BECKMAN EARL MILLER ELEANOR BUTTENHOFF EVELYN ESTLING EVELYN RIEBEL GLADYS CARLSON HELEN SWINGLEY JOE HOLKER JULIA KISNER L LUDWIG LENA HAMERNICK LILLIAN YONAK LOIS LUEBKE MAE KLINKER MARVIN SCHERBER MARY HEISLER MATILDA BIALKE R HABISCH RALPH HEMMELGARN SHIRLEY MILLER THERESA SCHMIT VIVIAN MILLER WILMA HABECK ZORA MCKEE 500 PHOTO 1 & PORTRAIT STUDIO 506 DONS CLEANERS 512 GREAT CLIPS 518 SUNLIFE OF MONTICELLO 530 JPS JALA PENO GRILLE 542 MR MOVIES 560 LITTLE MOUNTAIN FLOWERS 713 V F W POST 8731 1110 CHERYL OQUIST DANIEL MIELKE R GAU 4108410.5 Page: A18 Target Street Cross Street Source 1126 PERRY SLONEM ✓ Cole Information Services CEDAR ST 1999 (Cont'd) 4108410.5 Page: A19 Target Street Cross Street Source ✓ Cole Information Services PINE ST 1999 i19x�ell III " III &IVAI= HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED LANNERS CUSTOM HOMES MN NORTHLAND REAL ESTATELNC RIVERSTREET STATION 194 AAA 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE GOULD BROTHERS 201 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 205 MONTICELLO AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 207 PFS INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED PRIMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES HOME MORTGAGES INCORPORATED 209 MIDWEST GRAPHICS 316 TDS TELECOM 407 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MONTICELLO 4108410.5 Page: A20 Target Street Cross Street Source - Cole Information Services BROADWAY ST E 1995 118 A E MICHAELS DECORATING CTR 130 MONTICELLO LIQUOR INC 137 MONTICELLO THEATRE 141 ACTION PLUS TEMPORARY SVC BROADWAY STUDIO HOLKER LAW OFFICES LIBERTY SAVINGS TFS FLOOR CARE SYSTEMS WRIGHT TITLE GUARANTEE CO 148 BOBS BARBER SHOP 154 G & K PROPERTIES SHELLYS CORNER CAFE 250 MONTICELLO AUTO LICENSING MONTICELLO BUILDING OFFICIAL MONTICELLO CITY HALL MONTICELLO CIVIL DEFENSE MONTICELLO DEPUTY REGISTRAR MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEV MONTICELLO MOTOR VEHICLES 336 BEEBE, TED 355 B CLEAN DRY CLEANERS 449 DISCOVERY TOYS 711 NORTHSTAR CAPITAL CONCEPTS INC 743 KENS 66 1005 MONTICELLO DENTAL CTR 1511 CURTS SALES 1537 SCRUB A DUB CAR WASH 1547 TOTAL PETROLEUM INC 4108410.5 Page: A21 Target Street Cross Street Source ✓ Cole Information Services CEDAR ST 1995 102 STROMBERG, DAVID 107 MONTICELLO SENIOR CTR 114 CHIN YUEN CHINESE RESTAURANT 212 MONTICELLO CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 213 MONTICELLO CHRISTIAN SOCIAL 216 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC 305 AUDREY L HAYES CPA BERNICK & LIFSON BRADLEY G THEISEN CPA DAVID H LHOTKA CPA JIM FLEMING LEON E BARTHEL CPA MOSFORD BARTHEL & CO REHABILITATION SERVICES STATE OF MINNESOTA STEVEN D PATTISON CPA 406 BIALKE, M BUTTENHOFF, E GOENNER, ARLIE HABECK, WILMA E HABISCH, R MAGNUSON,ROBERT 506 DONS CLEANERS 512 GREAT CLIPS 518 CLOTHES LINE 542 MR MOVIES 620 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS 8731 1114 SILVER FOX INN 1126 SEECK, WAYNE 1260 MONTICELLO BIG LAKE PET HSPTL 4108410.5 Page: A22 Target Street Cross Street E 3RD ST 106 HARSTAD, LESTER B 224 MAJOR, FLOY M 301 HENKEMEYER,BRENDA 306 ANGELL, RAY 307 ANDERSON, THERESA M 309 HANSON, NANCY 318 ARNOLD, MERLE H 342 ADAMS, JOHN C 400 CARLSON, RICHARD 401 ENGEL, JOHN M 1995 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A23 Target Street Cross Street PINE ST 1995 103 HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC 205 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 207 DUNN, GREG W GORDON ENGSTRAND DDS GREG W DUNN DDS 307 METROPOLITAN FEDERAL BANK 316 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHONE CO PAGE LINK 700 PERKINS FAMILY RESTAURANT Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A24 Target Street Cross Street Source V11 - Cole Information Services BROADWAY ST E 1992 135 SORHEIM, PAULA 137 CANTIN, DOUGLAS 154 CARLSON, M C ERNST, TERRY HULTBERG, SCOTT JENNINGS, PHIL JOHNSON, RANDY S JOHNSON, RUSSELL B SCHMIDT, L YONAK, PAT 243 FAIR, KEVIN 301 TRUNNELL, M 313 DAHLHEIMER, WILBUR 401 PETERSON, JOHN W 406 HOLLDORF, EVERETT 424 HOLLENBECK, RALPH 426 SAGER, JOHN 431 DOMKE, EARL JR 512 GREENINGER, GEORGE TANNER, DIANA 548 JESTUS, GENE 549 BOHLMAN, MICHAEL 601 MCCORMICK, CLAYTON 606 THEISEN, ARCHIE 613 MCINTOSH, ANDREW 618 BALSTER, JAKE 642 DANIELS, ELDON 655 HOLKER, RICHARD 700 ELLINGSWORTH, DAVE 713 LINDENFELSER, DAVID 716 OLSON, KEVIN 724 CARLSON, GENE 742 HICKMAN, F 825 LARSON, LESLIE 913 STEINMETZ, CHERYL 921 HARPER, CASEY 925 DAHLHEIMER, DOUGLAS 1317 MCCONNON, DANIEL 1511 HOGLUND, CURT 5491 KUHN, SHAWN 33687 BROUILLARD, JEAN L 4108410.5 Page: A25 Target Street Cross Street CEDAR ST 305 RAN DA, DANIEL 406 CARLSON, GLADYS LAMPI, PHYLLIS MALMGREN, H MILLER, VIVIAN SWINGLEY, J M VANDERGRON, I 1110 GAU, ROGER D 1126 DAHLHEIMER, DELBERT 1992 Source Cole Information Services 4108410.5 Page: A26 APPENDIX H Aerial Photographs Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494-94 APPENDICES Block 34 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST Monticello, MN 55362 Inquiry Number: 4108410.9 October 22, 2014 10 Armstrong Road. 41111 Floor (rEDR" Shelton, Conn .@cklcut 06484 Toll Frep: IW.��2.0050 www. "fvk6t. C4f EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) Aerial Photo Decade Package is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR's professional researchers provide digitally reproduced historical aerial photographs, and when available, provide one photo per decade. When delivered electronically by EDR, the aerial photo images included with this report are for ONE TIME USE ONLY. Further reproduction of these aerial photo images is prohibited without permission from EDR. For more information contact your EDR Account Executive. Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1- 800 - 352 -0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report AS IS. Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Date EDR Searched Historical Sources: Aerial Photography October 22, 2014 Target Property: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST Monticello, MN 55362 Year Scale Details Source 1939 Aerial Photograph. Scale: F -500' Flight Year: 1939 USGS 1957 Aerial Photograph. Scale: F -500' Flight Year: 1957 USGS 1963 Aerial Photograph. Scale: F -500' Flight Year: 1963 USGS 1975 Aerial Photograph. Scale: F -500' Flight Year: 1975 USGS 1984 Aerial Photograph. Scale: F -500' Flight Year: 1984 USGS 1991 Aerial Photograph. Scale: F -500' /DOQQ - acquisition dates: 1991 USGS/DOQQ 2006 Aerial Photograph. Scale: F -500' Flight Year: 2006 USDA/NAIP 2008 Aerial Photograph. Scale: F -500' Flight Year: 2008 USDA/NAIP 2009 Aerial Photograph. Scale: F -500' Flight Year: 2009 USDA/NAIP 2010 Aerial Photograph. Scale: F -500' Flight Year: 2010 USDA/NAIP 4108410.9 2 = 500' f f • t f. �•� '� ,, "mil' i� �: • ink _• �� ��• Y INQUIRY M 4108410.9 YEAR: 1957 = 500' A z .�rl �4 166 i3 r -41 0 AS 41 4b 4k lop 4r4r dr 46 41� XI Ci. -.. 40 AL INQUIRY #: 4108410.9 YEAR: 1963 4 N 500' CEDR f kv . r �= -i. r " iiwo 40 VOS • '�.. ,w ; R 4L elk, ohm- WMAW �J INQUIRY M 4108410.9 " 4 N r: YEAR: 1975 (r 1((' EDR i = 500' F � 4 �•' r } f Ir 7: e 01 r• , � e t .. x t £ k� III�I �• !�"�, ` - ,,,,.F t • - lw It I 4 3 � , , rte" -'�''� �?�,•. � . ' a INQUIRY M 4108410.9 YEAR: 1984 = 500, r ti t • e . " ` ♦ �' 4 14t 41 0 WNW" Ir f :� . • r, 1' sy INQUIRY M 4108410.9 YEAR: 1991 /' / ( EDR y 1 f = 500' r° �` r� 1 s • ` �• �' ` r +ice -� � 7j -• � R � ��' �� • r�« t INQUIRY M 4108410.9 YEAR: 2006 = 500' 4 N ( rEDR 11w 4 • ►• 4� :r • ;•. a- r a. IL O.; 4� r � •tom, Lt ..♦ .� '� • v •f owl iv f v !„r - �/ i �s .lei .� 9► 1w. • +'•`• r: �• ..tf�' ' ! c • � Ji++i #.4 nor . 4DO • � •' � „J � � . M r � • qv 1 . �ar ' mil' � ! • I . • +: • ~' �� .fir. i « •1 Ir gaff, ta r • INQUIRY #: 4108410.9 fti* YEAR: 2008 /�4 - �' r • .• !; ( EDR = 500' now 70�1& ;do _V 7 rook q A 111. INQUIRY M 4108410.9 YEAR: 2009 4 N 500, CEDR dr R IMF 4p 44 m NOW" -7 /4 4P 7w 44i ZIP 0 ; i. P ]mss + 40 7 dl Zo As- Ak 111L $4, PIP. t 40 INQUIRY M 4108410.9 YEAR: 2010 (rEDR 500' APPENDIX I Topographic Maps Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Monticello Block 34 WSB Project No. 1494-94 APPENDICES Block 34 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST Monticello, MN 55362 Inquiry Number: 4108410.4 October 17, 2014 10 Armstrong Road. 41111 Floor (rEDR" Shelton, Conn .@cklcut 06484 Toll Frep: IW.��2.0050 www. "fvk6t. C4f EDR Historical Topographic Map Report Environmental Data Resources, Inc.s (EDR) Historical Topographic Map Report is designed to assist professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDRs Historical Topographic Map Report includes a search of a collection of public and private color historical topographic maps, dating back to the early 1900s. Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1- 800 - 352 -0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report AS IS. Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or ma of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Historical Topographic Map r� N Y � _ f i ` 271 26 9" 25 Oq • ol1,p I� . i X RiGY� 3ep3r l j 'ffe it ` \� � I I � I 93z p � �I 4 I I52 34 9a0 iii — I • ..,• �y, 35 I I 0 I 9 I •••f y Il I 36 ° Graved PitX •• , of - BMus I I IL 1 e• I a I Henry em,' • •• Athletic`. Field�Qr' tGlGravel Pit R 45 ° 499 Pi N Cl - f 967: _r t.. _. 14 13 ` I I - v TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Block 34 CLIENT: WSB & Associates, Inc N NAME: MONTICELLO ADDRESS: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST CONTACT: Ryan Spencer T MAP YEAR: 1961 Monticello, MN 55362 INQUIRY #: 4108410.4 LAT /LONG: 45.3049 / - 93.7938 RESEARCH DATE: 10/17/2014 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 Historical Topographic Map • 7 , Y - Wlwd LAK :40. ", - BIG is 948 . -[J471:_ eulah l v I 23 z4 9 I36n l I 31 4+ v t S - E31¢.61i �� ' I y !_l I�,Gn.a� •�� � ".. ,`, —k y`O elltu� f II �i v`C: Sri \r� 9 4. I' .""'c' lAlffr' t 5' 1 �t ♦ ti 27 � �.. 2e s <,r 25 - 30 ry @1..,ra �;. r _ ���� — _ _ / >C • .� 'mot„ •s�...;� IF ,a §[m 361 31 Monticello °-� '7+u . .F B 9 = ,r. :.�� i_ 935 r J O 0 II 1 � s, . I` ; f ~ •'~ : � f wet Pit�� ' Xud 5t .Henrys Cem.•�' II ' _ke ..Gravel Pit L..,: L _ -•� 'I. D.as r x ' �.�_.: II-'_ -1 B: rapt: 1 A l 13 18 s a a .1 a , ar M 0 T I C E L L C3 tl \ .22 '� - 23 J _ 24 19 li. - - `I - 2. _968' - _ 2E; Gravel 986 1 r. „2iltlr'h' LIA 81 969 3 -L F.... 953.E a.: 34B4s 35 �'}• - ± 3__ _;_N,ru�_ '3 IN Ail@ F TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Block 34 CLIENT: WSB & Associates, Inc N NAME: MONTICELLO ADDRESS: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST CONTACT: Ryan Spencer T MAP YEAR: 1961 Monticello, MN 55362 INQUIRY #: 4108410.4 LAT /LONG: 45.3049 / - 93.7938 RESEARCH DATE: 10/17/2014 SERIES: 15 SCALE: 1:62500 Historical Topographic Map r N to • 8 1 r` 9 ^. 26. 25 T ler�l , 11 _ I i o i I:V`I A ,a e�` Gravel Pit \ 34 \ , � Nf- �� \`'L`� -- A�• . �� ,I. �-.� III III � '� —��a L" /• • • �. • - u 36 Bmij • ., � JF _ �\ \ `°.. _ 936 _ _• Fira�iie,ct•m G�,.��� �$ Henry Cem Disposal`�Q� it - al Gravel'•Pit , \25 - -- p / n• /� I F,� Grave n 59 Pi %:. � � ■ � 9 a % i• nr Pit I O 14 -- 13 % - - Trailer Park ` TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Block 34 CLIENT: WSB & Associates, Inc N NAME: MONTICELLO ADDRESS: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST CONTACT: Ryan Spencer YEAR: 1980 Monticello, MN 55362 INQUIRY #: 4108410.4 TMAP PHOTOREVISED FROM :1961 LAT /LONG: 45.3049 / - 93.7938 RESEARCH DATE: 10/17/2014 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 Historical Topographic Map + y. 4 TARGET QUAD OMEN CLIENT: WSB & Associates, Inc FIN NAME: MONTICELLO ADDRESS: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST CONTACT: Ryan Spencer T Ro Monticello, MN 55362 INQUIRY #: 4108410.4 • v�r� A RESEARCH DATE: 10/17/2014 `� SCALE: 1:24000 TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: Block 34 CLIENT: WSB & Associates, Inc N NAME: MONTICELLO ADDRESS: 198 -100 E BROADWAY ST CONTACT: Ryan Spencer T MAP YEAR: 1991 Monticello, MN 55362 INQUIRY #: 4108410.4 LAT /LONG: 45.3049 / - 93.7938 RESEARCH DATE: 10/17/2014 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 i CI 1Y G)I- Montice o City of Monticello 505WalnutStreet • Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295 -2711 November 10, 2014 PRE - DEMOLITION Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 WSB Project No. 1494 -940 P A 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 . _ I�� Minneapolis, MN 55416 w Tel: (763) 541 -4800 - Fax: (763) 541 -1700 Lt ,,� I wsbeng.com Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared by: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 November 10, 2014 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Table of Contents TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction .............................................................................................. ............................... 1 2. Asbestos ...................................................................................................... ..............................1 2.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 1 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 2 2.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 3 2.4 Vermiculite ............................................................................... ..............................5 2.S Limitations ............................................................................... ..............................5 3. Lead Based Paint ...................................................................................... ............................... 5 3.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 6 3.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 6 3.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 6 4. Hazardous Materials ............................................................................... ............................... 6 4.1 General Information ................................................................ ..............................6 4.2 Observations and Results ...................................................... ............................... 7 4.3 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 7 5. Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................... ............................... 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications ......................................................... ............................... 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figures Figure 1 - Project Location LIST OF APPENDICES Appendices Appendix A - Asbestos Summary Table Appendix B - Asbestos Analytical Results Appendix C - Asbestos Sample Locations Appendix D - Vermiculite Brochure Appendix E - Lead Paint Analytical Results Appendix F - Lead Paint Sample Locations Appendix G - Room -by -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Appendix H - Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 1. Introduction WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) was retained by the City of Monticello (the City) to conduct a pre- demolition hazardous materials survey at the commercial property located at 100 Broadway Street East in Monticello, Minnesota (the property). A property location map is included as Figure 1. The property is occupied by a vacant multi - tenant commercial building. The property building is single -story and constructed of concrete block and metal. The property building is slab -on -grade and has a flat roof. WSB understands the City plans to demolish the existing structure and use the property for future City improvements. The work performed as part of this survey was completed to meet the following objectives: • Identify friable and non - friable asbestos - containing materials (ACM) at the property as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). • Identify regulated ACM (friable or non - friable) at the property that could become friable during demolition activities, and according to current State and Federal regulations, would require abatement prior to initiating demolition activities. • Identify lead -based paint (LBP) surfaces that have the potential to be recycled during demolition activities, and if classified as LBP, will require special recycle management. • Inventory potentially hazardous materials that should be removed and properly disposed prior to initiating demolition activities. This report summarizes the findings of the pre- demolition survey. 2. Asbestos 2.1 General Information and Definitions For the purpose of this assessment, the building was considered one functional area as defined by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Upon completion of the reconnaissance, the suspect ACM was assessed, inventoried, and sampled for laboratory analysis. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 1 The following definitions apply to this report: • The EPA defines ACM as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos. Materials found to contain one percent or less asbestos are not regulated as ACM. • Friable ACM is defined as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos, and which can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Category I non - friable ACM means asbestos - containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products containing more than one percent asbestos. Category I non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it is in a condition where the renovation /demolition activities might cause it to become friable. • Category II non - friable ACM means any material, excluding Category I non - friable ACM, containing more than one percent asbestos that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure. Category II non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it has a high probability of becoming crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder during renovation, demolition, transport, or disposal. 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Non - Suspect Material The following materials were determined to be non - suspect ACM and were not targeted for sampling during this inventory: • Wood floors, ceilings, and walls • Concrete floors, ceilings, and walls • Foam pipe insulation and gap filler Suspect ACM Targeted for Sampling Suspect ACM identified and subsequently sampled at the property included: • Various suspended ceiling tile • Carpet mastic • Sheetrock • Various flooring and associated mastic • Sink undercoat Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 2 • Various wall tile and associated grout /mastic • Baseboard • Fiberboard • Wall mastic • Vermiculite insulation • Various caulk • Roofing materials Sample Analysis A total of 36 bulk samples were submitted for laboratory analysis. Some of the bulk samples consisted of several layers. A total of 49 samples (including layers) were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in accordance with USEPA analytical protocol {EPA -600 R93/1161 by EMSL Analytical, Inc. (EMSL), Minneapolis, MN laboratory. Materials that were analyzed and found to contain one percent or less asbestos are considered "non- asbestos" per current State and Federal regulations. Materials that were found to contain greater than one percent asbestos are considered to be ACM. Under current Federal regulations, if the PLM results detect asbestos at a concentration of less than 10% in one or more of the samples from any sample unit, the owner or operator of the building may (1) elect to assume the amount to be greater than 1% and treat the material as ACM or (2) require verification of the amount by utilizing the Point -Count Method. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is greater than one percent, the material will be determined to be regulated ACM. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is one percent or less, the material will be determined to be unregulated and non - asbestos containing. No samples were re- analyzed using the Point -Count Method. 2.3 Results All of the sampled building materials were observed to be generally in fair to good condition with isolated areas of damage. An asbestos result summary table is included in Appendix A. Copies of the asbestos analytical laboratory reports are included as Appendix B. Asbestos sample location diagrams are included as Appendix C. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 3 The following building materials sampled from the building were determined to be ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be friable ACM. Category II Non - Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be Category II Non - Friable ACM. Category I Non - Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be Category I Non - Friable ACM. Non -ACM (Confirmed by Sampling and Analysis) The following building sampled materials were determined to be non -ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): • 2'x4' white ceiling tile (Samples 1, 13, 18, 21, and 24). • Brown carpet mastic (Sample 2). • Sheetrock composite (Samples 3, 14, 19, and 23). • 4" beige wall tile with tan adhesive and white layer (Sample 4). • 2" white floor tile with white grout (Sample S). • Tan floor sheeting with yellow adhesive (Sample 6). • Gray sink undercoat (Samples 7, 8, 9, and 10). • 12" white floor tile with tan mastic (Sample 11). • Black baseboard with yellow mastic and white layer (Sample 12). • 6" red floor tile (Sample 1S). • Tan vermiculite insulation (Sample set 16). Note: See Section 2.4. • Sub layer white floor tile with yellow and tan mastic (Sample 17). • Brick pattern wall board (Sample 20). • 2'x2' white ceiling tile (Sample 22). • 4" white wall tile with tan adhesive and white layer (Sample 2S). • Tan wall glue and white layer (Sample 26). • Black door and window caulk and brown layer (Sample 27). • Black expansion joint (Sample 28). • Gray door and window caulk (Sample 29). • White stickup vent caulk (Sample 30). • Black AC pipe wrap tape (Sample 31). • White rubber roof membrane (Sample 32). Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 4 2.4 Vermiculite Asbestos was detected at concentrations less than one percent in the vermiculite samples collected at the property (Sample set 16). The vermiculite insulation was observed in two window sill areas and was not observed inside the concrete block wall at three investigation locations. The vermiculite insulation appears to be isolated to the window opening areas at the property. However, the exact quantity of the vermiculite is unknown and may be present in other areas of the structure. The USEPA and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ( ATSDR) issued a brochure entitled, Current Best Practices for Vermiculite Attic Insulation, in May 2003. According to the brochure, the USEPA and ATSDR have stated it is best to assume vermiculite insulation may contain asbestos due to the uncertainties with existing testing techniques. The USEPA and ATSDR strongly recommend using a ACM - trained and certified professional to conduct removal work. A copy of the brochure is included as Appendix D. The MPCA also strongly recommends that vermiculite be treated as ACM. 2.5 Limitations WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, or household equipment or appliances. There is potential for ACM components to be present inside of these components. Based on these limitations, the quantities listed in this survey reflect the visible items available at the time of the survey. All quantities in this survey are estimations and should not be considered exact measurements when used for obtaining abatement bids. 3. Lead -Based Paint 3.1 General Information and Definitions Based on current regulatory definitions, LBP is defined as paint, shellac, or other coating containing lead concentrations equal to or greater than 1.0 mg /cmz when using an X -ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument, or laboratory analysis of 0.5 percent by weight (5,000 ug /g, 5,000 ppm, or 5,000 mg /kg) by laboratory analysis. LBP adhered to surfaces intended for recycle (e.g. concrete, metal, wood, etc.) should be tested to determine if reuse restrictions exist. Untested painted concrete from structures built before 1978 may not be used as fill or aggregate without a case - specific beneficial use determination from the MPCA. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Observations and testing for UP was conducted at the property. The MPCA no longer requires UP analysis of coated surfaced determined to be in poor condition prior to demolition. However, WSB completed UP sampling and analysis limited to painted surfaces that are likely to be recycled during demolition activities. A total of one paint chip sample was collected and analyzed for lead content using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry by EMSL. 3.3 Results Lead -Based Paint No tested coated surface was determined to be LBP based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations. Not Lead -Based Paint The following paint surface sampled from the building was determined not to be UP per current State and Federal regulations: • Exterior tan concrete black wall (Sample 1). A copy of the analytical report is included as Appendix E. A UP sample location map is included as Appendix F. 3.4 Limitations The lead observations and testing conducted was not intended to represent a comprehensive survey of all painted surfaces and was not intended to represent regulated lead work as defined by MDH. If the plans for the building include a renovation, a UP inspection should be conducted prior to renovation activities. 4. Hazardous Materials 4.1 General Information A walk - through reconnaissance of the building was conducted to identify and inventory potentially hazardous materials or materials that have special disposal requirements that should be removed prior to demolition activities. These materials include, but are not limited to, hazardous substances, petroleum products, PCB - containing light ballasts, mercury- containing lights and switches, and refrigerants. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 6 4.2 Observations and Results The potentially hazardous equipment and materials and potential environmental concerns are identified in a room -by -room list included as Appendix G. 4.3 Limitations The method of the hazardous materials inventory consisted of walking through all areas of the building and making observations for components that typically contain hazardous substance that are incidental to the building. WSB recommends that these materials and any associated containers for these materials be removed prior to initiating demolition activities. As previously discussed, WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, other appliances, electrical equipment, or operational equipment. There is a potential for mercury switches to be part of this equipment. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations The following recommendations are provided based on the results of this hazardous materials inventory: • No ACM was identified at the property per State and Federal regulations as described in Section 2.3 and summarized in Appendix A. • Vermiculite insulation was discovered in two window openings. Due to testing technique uncertainties of this material, the USEPA and ATSDR strongly recommend vermiculite be treated as asbestos - containing as outlined in Section 2.4 and Appendix D. A licensed asbestos abatement contractor should remove all vermiculite prior to demolition. • Any unidentified suspect ACM encountered during demolition activities should be assumed to be asbestos - containing until the material is sampled and tested to determine the asbestos content. • LBP was not identified in the materials tested during this survey as described in Section 3.3. • Prior to demolition activities, all regulated waste should be abated and /or removed as described in Section 4.1 and summarized in Appendix G. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications Services performed by WSB have been conducted in accordance with generally recognized industry standards and current MPCA and MDH guidelines, where applicable. The services performed by WSB have been conducted with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable members of the profession, practicing in the same locality under similar budget and time constraints. No other warranty is made or intended. A summary of the laboratory and individual qualifications for those associated with this survey are included in Appendix H. Prepared by: Ryan Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist MDH Asbestos Inspector No.: AI -10800 MDH Lead Risk Assessor No.: LR -3148 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 8 FIGURES Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey FIGURES 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494-94 PXW' UO!IeooIIoafad —[ 61d \sd ew \S I J \Ob6-b6b 6OVA ti o jn` LL O VV 0 m� a3 . iom x,4 �O `v W J CU 'may 3: q- 7 0 O LL L O a � � M � t d aY3 i o O May � JU N 0 ;S; N h4 /pM 4ope �,a APPENDIX A Asbestos Summary Table Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Asbestos Summary Table I= MITIM Sample Description Location Result Quantity Classification 1 2'x4' white ceiling tile Lobby 1 ND NA NA 2 Brown carpet mastic Lobby 1 ND NA NA 3 Sheetrock composite Reception Area ND NA NA 4 4" beige wall tile with tan adhesive and white layer Bath 1 ND NA NA 5 2" white floor tile with white grout Bath 1 ND NA NA 6 Tan floor sheeting with yellow adhesive Clean Closet ND NA NA 7, 8, 9, 10 Gray sink undercoat Clean Closet, Wash Area, Cleanup Room, Break Room ND NA NA 11 12" white floor tile with tan mastic View Room ND NA NA 12 Black baseboard with yellow mastic and white layer View Room ND NA NA 13 2'x4' white ceiling tile Dance Area ND NA NA 14 Sheetrock composite Dance Area ND NA NA 15 6" red floor tile Hall 2 ND NA NA 16 A -E Tan vermiculite insulation View Room, Hall 2 (windows only) <1% Window Openings Friable 17 Sub layer white floortile with yellow and tan mastic Lobby 3 ND NA NA 18 2'x4' white ceiling tile Lobby 3 ND NA NA 19 Sheetrock composite Lobby 3 ND NA NA 20 Brick pattern wall board Lobby 3 ND NA NA 21 2'x4' white ceiling tile Pizza Area ND NA NA 22 2'x2' white ceiling tile Entry ND NA NA 23 Sheetrock composite Pizza Area ND NA NA 24 2'x4' white ceiling tile (smooth) Kitchen ND NA NA 25 4" white wall tile with tan adhesive and white layer Kitchen ND NA NA 26 Tan wall glue and white layer Kitchen ND NA NA 27 Black door and window caulk and brown layer Exterior Side A ND NA NA 28 Black expansion joint Exterior Side A ND NA NA 29 Gray door and window caulk Exterior Side B ND NA NA 30 White stickup vent caulk Roof ND NA NA 31 Black AC pipe wrap tape Roof ND NA NA 32 White rubber roof membrane Roof ND NA NA ND - Non - detect, NA - Not Available, SF - Square Feet, LF - Linear Feet, * - Sample Confirmed by Point Count Analysis APPENDIX B Asbestos Analytical Results Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406724 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CustomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minneapolislab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/29/14 4:05 PM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/3/2014 Appearance % Fibrous Collected: 10/27/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 2x4' White Ceiling Tan/White 40% Cellulose Project: Block 34/1494 -94 None Detected 351406724 -0001 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Tyye 1 2x4' White Ceiling Tan/White 40% Cellulose 10% Perlite None Detected 351406724 -0001 Tile - Lobby Fibrous 40% Glass 10% Non - fibrous (other) Heterogeneous 2 Brown Carpet Tan/White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Mastic - Lobby Fibrous 351406724 -0002 Heterogeneous 3 Sheetrock Comp. - Tan/White 5% Cellulose 95% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Reception Area Fibrous <1% Glass 351406724 -0003 Heterogeneous 4 -Tile 4" Beige Wall White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Tile - Bath Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0004 Heterogeneous 4- Adhesive 4" Beige Wall Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Tile - Bath Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0004A Heterogeneous 4 -White Layer 4" Beige Wall White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Tile - Bath Non - Fibrous 351406724 -00048 Heterogeneous 5 -Tile 2" Beige Floor Beige 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Tile - Bath Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0005 Heterogeneous 5 -Grout 2" Beige Floor White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Tile - Bath Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0005A Heterogeneous Analyst(s) Rachel Travis (49) Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn NVLAP Lab Code 200019 -0 Initial report from 11/03/2014 16:35:36 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/3/2014 4:35:36 PM 1 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406724 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CustomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minneapolislab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/29/14 4:05 PM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/3/2014 Appearance % Fibrous Collected: 10/27/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tan Floor Sheet - Beige 20% Cellulose Project: Block 34/1494 -94 None Detected Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Tyye 6- Flooring Tan Floor Sheet - Beige 20% Cellulose 75% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Sink Closet Fibrous 5% Glass 351406724 -0006 Heterogeneous 6- Adhesive Tan Floor Sheet - Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Sink Closet Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0006A Heterogeneous 7 Gray Sink Gray 15% Cellulose 85% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Undercoat - Sink Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0007 Closet Heterogeneous 8 Gray Sink Gray 15% Cellulose 85% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Undercoat - Wash Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0008 Area Homogeneous 9 Gray Sink Gray 15% Cellulose 85% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Undercoat - Clean Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0009 Up Homogeneous 10 Gray Sink Gray 15% Cellulose 85% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Undercoat - Break Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0010 Rm Homogeneous 11 -Floor Tile 12" Tan FT - White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Viewing Rm Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0011 Heterogeneous 11- Mastic 12" Tan FT - Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Viewing Rm Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0011A Heterogeneous Analyst(s) Rachel Travis (49) Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn NVLAP Lab Code 200019 -0 Initial report from 11/03/2014 16:35:36 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/3/2014 4:35:36 PM 2 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406724 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CustomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minneapolislab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/29/14 4:05 PM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/3/2014 Appearance % Fibrous Collected: 10/27/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Black Baseboard - Black Project: Block 34/1494 -94 None Detected Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 12- Baseboard Black Baseboard - Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Viewing Rm Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0012 Heterogeneous 12- Mastic Black Baseboard - Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Viewing Rm Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0012A Heterogeneous 12 -White Layer Black Baseboard - White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Viewing Rm Non - Fibrous 351406724 -00128 Heterogeneous 13 2x4 White Ceiling Tan/White 40% Cellulose 10% Perlite None Detected Tile - Dance Fibrous 40% Glass 10% Non - fibrous (other) 351406724 -0013 Heterogeneous 14 Sheetrock Comp. Tan/White 5% Cellulose 95% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Fibrous <1% Glass 351406724 -0014 Heterogeneous 15 6x6 Red Floor Red 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Tile - Dance Hall Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0015 Homogeneous 16A Tan Vermiculite- Tan /Gold 90% Mica <1% Actinolite Viewing Rm Non - Fibrous (other) 10% Non - fibrous other 351406724 -0016 Homogeneous 16B Tan Vermiculite- Tan /Gold 90% Mica <1% Actinolite Viewing Rm Non - Fibrous (other) 10% Non - fibrous other 351406724 -0017 Homogeneous Analyst(s) Rachel Travis (49) Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn NVLAP Lab Code 200019 -0 Initial report from 11/03/2014 16:35:36 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/3/2014 4:35:36 PM 3 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406724 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CustomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minneapolislab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/29/14 4:05 PM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/3/2014 Homogeneous Collected: 10/27/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Sublayer Tan FT - Yellow Project: Block 34/1494 -94 None Detected Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 16C Tan Vermiculite- Tan /Gold 90% Mica <1% Actinolite Viewing Rm Non - Fibrous 10% Non - fibrous other 351406724 -0018 (other) Homogeneous 16D Tan Vermiculite- Tan /Gold 90% Mica <1% Actinolite Viewing Rm Non - Fibrous 10% Non - fibrous other 351406724 -0019 (other) Homogeneous 16E Tan Vermiculite- Tan /Gold 90% Mica <1% Actinolite Viewing Rm Non - Fibrous 10% Non - fibrous other (other) 351406724 -0020 Homogeneous 17- Yellow Mastic Sublayer Tan FT - Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Lobby Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0021 Heterogeneous 17 -Floor Tile Sublayer Tan FT - White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Lobby Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0021A Heterogeneous 17 -Tan Mastic Sublayer Tan FT - Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Lobby Non - Fibrous 351406724 -00218 Heterogeneous 18 2x4 White Ceiling - Tan/White 40% Cellulose 10% Perlite None Detected 351406724 -0022 Lobby Fibrous 40% Glass 10% Non - fibrous (other) Heterogeneous 19 Sheetrock Comp - Tan/White 10% Cellulose 90% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 351406724 -0023 Lobby Fibrous <1% Glass Heterogeneous Analyst(s) Rachel Travis (49) Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn NVLAP Lab Code 200019 -0 Initial report from 11/03/2014 16:35:36 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/3/2014 4:35:36 PM 4 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406724 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CustomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minneapolislab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/29/14 4:05 PM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/3/2014 Sample Collected: 10/27/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Fibrous % Non - Fibrous Project: Block 34/1494 -94 20 Brick Pat. Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 20 Brick Pat. Brown 90% Cellulose 10% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Fiberboard - Lobby Fibrous 351406724 -0024 Homogeneous 21 2x4 White Ceiling Tan/White 40% Cellulose 10% Perlite None Detected 351406724 -0025 Tile - Main Fibrous 40% Glass 10% Non - fibrous (other) Heterogeneous 22 2x4 White Ceiling Tan/White 40% Cellulose 10% Perlite None Detected Tile - Entry Fibrous 40% Glass 10% Non - fibrous (other) 351406724 -0026 Heterogeneous 23 Sheetrock Comp. - Tan/White 10% Cellulose 90% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Main Fibrous <1% Glass 351406724 -0027 Heterogeneous 24 2x4 White Smooth Tan/White 10% Cellulose 90% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Ceiling - Kitchen Fibrous <1% Glass 351406724 -0028 Heterogeneous 25 -Tile 44 White Wall White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Tile - Kitchen Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0029 Heterogeneous 25- Adhesive 44 White Wall Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Tile - Kitchen Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0029A Heterogeneous 25 -White Layer 44 White Wall White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Tile - Kitchen Non - Fibrous 351406724 -00298 Heterogeneous Analyst(s) Rachel Travis (49) Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn NVLAP Lab Code 200019 -0 Initial report from 11/03/2014 16:35:36 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/3/2014 4:35:36 PM 5 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406724 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CustomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minneapolislab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/29/14 4:05 PM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/3/2014 Appearance % Fibrous Collected: 10/27/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tan Vinyl Wall Beige Project: Block 34/1494 -94 None Detected Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Tyye 26 -Glue Tan Vinyl Wall Beige 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Glue - Kitchen Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0030 Heterogeneous 26 -White Layer Tan Vinyl Wall White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Glue - Kitchen Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0030A Heterogeneous 27 -Black Layer Black Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Door /Window Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0031 Caulk - Ext. Heterogeneous 27 -Brown Layer Black Brown 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Door /Window Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0031A Caulk - Ext. Heterogeneous 28 Black Expansion Brown 85% Cellulose 15% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Joint - Ext. Fibrous 351406724 -0032 Heterogeneous 29 Gray Brown /Gray <1% Glass 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Door /Window Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0033 Caulk - Ext. Homogeneous 30 White Stickup White /Beige 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Caulk - Roof Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0034 Heterogeneous 31 Black AC Pipe - Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Roof Non - Fibrous 351406724 -0035 Heterogeneous Analyst(s) Rachel Travis (49) Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn NVLAP Lab Code 200019 -0 Initial report from 11/03/2014 16:35:36 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/3/2014 4:35:36 PM 6 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 htto: / /www.EMSL.com minneapolislab(c).emsl.com Attn: Ryan Spencer WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Ave. S Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Block 34/1494 -94 Phone: (763) 541 -4800 Fax: Received: 10/29/14 4:05 PM Analysis Date: 11/3/2014 Collected: 10/27/2014 EMSL Order: 351406724 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 CustomerPO: Project) D: Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Twe 32 White Rubber White 15% Synthetic 85% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 351406724 -0036 Membrane - Roof Fibrous Heterogeneous Analyst(s) Rachel Travis (49) t'tj Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn NVLAP Lab Code 200019 -0 Initial report from 11/03/2014 16:35:36 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/3/2014 4:35:36 PM THIS IS THE LAST PAGE OF THE REPORT. OrderID: 351406724 EMSL ANALYTICAL, INC. J�OR�Td1R. �IOeuCH.TU��lrO Asbestos Chain of Custody EMSL Order Number (Lab use Only. S.� 7 ASS - Com an SS e � mks EMSL -Bill to: ame Different if Bill to is Different note instructions in Comments — Third Party Ming requires written authorization from third! party Street: Sv i 4 3 A a city, State /Province: A./ Zip/Postal Code: 5 `{ Country: In Report To�Naml�,�ce/ Email Address: t,.Ac.LT-(O_'3 Te�hone #: Fax M A/A Purchase Order: IVA _.Pro ect Name /Number: ip k 3 Please Provide Results: ❑ Fax '� Email U.S. State Samples Taken: Al Connecticut Samples: ❑ Commercial Residential Turnaround Time (TAT) Ootions• — Please Check Ej 3 Hour I Q 6 Hour I ❑ R- Hour I ❑ 46 Hour 72 Hour 96 Hour 1 Week I ❑ 2 9- A 'For TEM Air 3 hr through 6 hrr, please call ahead to schedule, *Thenre is a premium charge for 3 Hour TEM AHERA or EPA Level 11 TAT. You will be asked to sign an authorization form for this service. Analysis completed in accordance with EMSL's Terms and _Conditions located in the Analytical Price Guide PCM - Air ❑ Check if samples are from NY TEM — Air ❑ 4 -4.5hr TAT (AHERA only) TEM- Dust ❑ NIOSH 7400 ❑ AHERA 40 CFR, Part 763 ❑ Microvac - ASTM D 5755 ❑ w/ OSHA 8hr. TWA I ❑ NIOSH 7402 ❑ Wipe - ASTM D6480 PLM - Bulk (reuordna limit) I ❑ EPA Level 11 ❑ Carpet Sonication (EPA 600 /J- 931167) V,PLkq EPA 6C R•93r116 (t1%) •`] iSO 10312 micuiite ❑ PLM EPA NOB ( <1 %) TEM - Bulk ❑ PLM CARB 435 - A (0.25% sensitivity) Point Count ❑ TEM EPA NOB ❑ PLM CARE 435 - B (0 1 % sensitivity) ❑ 400 ( <025 %) ❑ 1000 ( <O.1 %) ❑ NYS NOB 198 4 (non - Enable -NY) ❑ TEM CARB 435 - B (0.1 % sensitivity) Point Count w /Gravirnetric ❑ Chatfield SOP ❑ TEM CARB 435 - C (0.01 % sensitivity) ❑ 400 ( <0.25 %) ❑ 1000 ( <0.1 %) ❑ TEM Mass Analysis -EPA 600 sec. 2.5 ❑ TEM Qual, via Filtration Technique ❑ NYS 198.1 (friable in NY) TEM — Water: EPA 100 2 ❑ TEM Qual. via Drop -Mount Technique ❑ NYS 198 6 NOB (non - friable -NY) Fibers >10pm ❑ Waste ❑ Dnnking Other: ❑ NIOSH 9002 ( <1 %) All Fiber Sizes ❑ Waste ❑ Drinking n I Check For Positive Story — Clearly Identify Homogenous Grow I Filter Pore Size (Air Samples): Fl 0.8um n 0.45um I iSamplersName: ' rv�-� cam— Samplers Signature: Sample # Sample Description Volume /Area (Air) HA # (Bulk) Date/Time Samnied l ay.k � w �c iL ee� (.`► -� � r —1-v� ' 1 c -o�7 —r Y s a II ��� Q -P4 9(:;, -- �� TS G �Gti 5 i i v Client Sample # (a): - Total # of Samples: Relinquished (Client): Date: I C>-9-7-14 Time: Received (Lab): RIK, U-) Date: � rl`f Time: � � U� n'-1 Comments /Special Instructions: ConlreAed 00WU ent - Asbestos COC - RS - ut 112012 Page 1 of —L pages Page 1 Of 3 OrderID: 351406724 11 L INC. uWAAT*�..wd4- *..w.rAz Asbestos Chain of Custody EMSL Order Number (Lab use onw1 70 V Additional Pages of the Chain of Custody are only necessary if needed for additional sample information Volume /Area (Air) Date/Time Sample # Sample Description HA # Banc Sampled �r S� yc�L v ��erCn4 - dx-'L( V I %o d7 -1Y r7 (Fr' ,.wCe.r-co - n�ea�c till -t s it �d U trim` w i ei,. t,, 4 -Z If � G s 4 -Z V c-et l.` — L-o c 02't Y ,-;6Mf � k� as �y `Ix 4( �-,�� ale 4V K7j 'e� K .D� Or✓t� .- �yCr" `Comments/Special Instructions: C DM,0ed DOC,me,l - A5bE tl ,COG - R5 - W1 112012 Page � of 3 pages Page 2 Of OrderID: 351406724 �MtL ANALYTICAL, INC. a.ruw..cw...woo�c*a.rnwirwrs Asbestos Chain of Custody EMSL Order Number (Lab Use Only) Company: ►7 W p & A��� EMSL -Bill to: Same Different If 8 +I1 to is Different note instructions m Comments" Third Paqy Billing requires written authorization from third paqy Street: 7ol X A S. � %rte 3oa Ave. j city: 1/) fie State /Province: Zi /Postal Code: Count Email Address: A S Tell hone #: G 01_ 7A 3 3 G q4/ - Fax #: /(/+ 1 Purchase Order: Project Name /Number: /� — �/ Please Provide Results: ❑Fax ErEmail U.S. State Samples Taken: Connecticut Sam les: ❑ Commercial Residential i umarouno Time TAT O Lions" — Please Check ❑ 3 Hour ❑ 6 Hour I ❑ 24 Hour I El 48 Hour 72 Hour I ❑ 96 Hour j EZ1 Week I ❑ 2 Week *For TEM Air 3 hr through 6 hr, please call ahead to schedule. "There is a premium charge for 3 Hour TEM ANERA or EPA Level 11 TAT You will be asked to sign an authorization form for this service. Analysis com leted to accordance with EMSL's Terms and _Conditions located in the Analytical Pnce_Guide. PCM - Air ❑ Check if samples are from NY TEM — Air ❑ 4 -4.5hr TAT (ANERA only) TEM- Dust ❑ NIOSH 7400 ❑ AHERA 40 CFR, Part 763 ❑ Microvac - ASTM D 5755 ❑ wl OSHA 8hr TWA ❑ NIOSH 7402 ❑ Wipe - ASTM D6480 PLM - Bulk freporfina limit ❑ EPA Level II i ❑ Carpet Sonication (EPA 600/J- 931167) r'Lhh EPA 604rR 93x'.16 '] iSO 10352 Sail /RociuVerrnlcuiite ❑ PLM EPA NOB ( <1 %) TEM - Bulk ❑ PLM CARS 435 - A (0.25% sensitivity) Point Count ❑ TEM EPA NOB ❑ PLM CARE 435 - 8 (0 1% sensitivity) ❑ 400 ( <O.25 %) ❑ 1000 ( <O 1 %) ❑ NYS NOB 198.4 (non - friable -NY) I ❑ TEM CARS 435 - B (0.1% sensitivity) Point Count w /Oravimetric ❑ Chatfield SOP ❑ TEM GARB 435 - C ro 01% sensitivity) [:1400 ( <0 25 %) ❑ 1000 ( <0.1 %) ❑ TEM Mass Analysis -EPA 600 sec 2.5 1 ❑ TEM Qual via Filtration Technique ❑ NYS 198 1 (friable in NY) TEM — Water: EPA 100 2 1 ❑ TEM Qual. via Drop -Mount Technique ❑ NYS 198.6 NOB (non- friable -NY) Fibers >10pm ❑ Waste ❑ Drinking Other: ❑ NIOSH 9002 ( <1 %) All Fiber Sizes ❑ Waste ❑ Drinking FJ bf-Check For Positive Stop — Clearly Identify Homogenous Grou p j Filter Pore Size Air Samples): ❑ 0.8 pm ❑ 0.45 pm Samplers Name: �{/�.� Sl) -tGtr Samplers Signature:/1 Sample # Sample Description Volume /Area (Air) HA # sulk! Date/Time Sampled G daor w dog c uLit -- 7� -3o {,,,4z sti`+ -.v ",J k— Ko0 ,* ck t i Pe 4,12e — top's rub L kDof Client Sample # Relinquished (Client): Received (Lab): Comments /Special Instructions: Date: Date: Controlled document - Asbestos COC - RS - 111 1120 1 2 Page3 of —i— pages Page 3 Of t� Total # of Sam Time: Time: APPENDIX C Asbestos Sample Locations Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 WSB & Associates, Inc. Project description 100 Broadway East engineering HazMat Survey planning (888) 541 -4800 Task description Project number 1494 -940 environmental wsbeng.com CDnStrUGtl�n Designed by Checked by Date 10 -27 -14 Page of Asbestos Sample Locations �z A Dental Office Dance Studio Nail Salon Side D Tattoo Parlor 29 Pizza Factory 28 �.uc n Li 2 4 Patient Patient Patient Lobby 1 1 Bath 1 Rm 2 Rm 3 Rm 4 5 Hall l 6Clean Wash Area Reception Office Patient CtYoset 8 3 Rm 1 9 Cleanup Rm Utility Hall 2 1 30 (roof) View 15 10Break Rm 16 Rm 1 A -E Dance Area 12 11 13 Office 2 Lobby 2 14 Men's 31 (root) Utility 2 Bath Nail Area Women's Bath Utility Office 3 Back 20 Rm Room 4 Back Hall Lobby 3 — � Break 18 Rm 2 19 Feezer Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 L Hall Storage Rm Kitchen 21 24 Pizza Area Entry 22 32 (root) Side C Side B N APPENDIX D Vermiculite Brochure Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 O U a a) CO .� O y-+ co U _Q + > CO O � � N — > a a) D a p � L CO >, CU O U 3 a) +_ O U N D O 0 >, E O c ° N E L 0 O 0 CO O A U O L >, O 0 'N E N O N N D E E LI ��� a>.a 0O •N OL a) a O N N a) 0 .--� N co > v O p cLLnEN�°? L d O N p••s� E U • r L .� V Q a) a) cn CO a) O a) -6.2 7 (� CO N .0 N .0 O AQEEcc, m N a) � E w = > O Q �I CO >' CO (2) CO O C Y Q L >, > a) U U O CO co N O N a) CO o a) L a) > �+ L Co o E E cn co (n Q� E ai :� N c0 �° a) Co d" N C -) co a) E Q 0\ a) O+" a) CO >, = O U Q 0 L U N L NO N L- QO CU U -0 a -p ,� COQ J N ate) >, 0 •N .O CO 0 r 0 co CB -a :� O � Q 0 U ,C CO >, Q " a) a N 0 CO cu L N t3 Q O Q E N O O CO L .a o a) a) L Y N a) u O E N CO '� E 0 U a) Y> CE a) to � 0 O N �+- o E E Y4--=" -0 Q �cncno� 0"0 `r- c L E L o o cow E o.��M L .--� C N CO Q 0 � o U N•• a) > v N O cu — N +�- a 7 L OL -0 O C a) Q) cu CU p Q y CO •� N ch Q) N E O N "J U Q N t3 -a O a CO O O N > V) 0 O .� a_a CO J a to "= U CO > CO U CO E t N co I-* LO (D N a) co 0 L L 0 a] (n co = Y N CO �• E L U O al a) �• E O Co p L N p ..-� U CLO co r Co O E 'Co O 0 0 0 N � = a) "-' O Q p 0. � O N D O N Q N Q N Q E. 0,E cn•� �'� �c0 N o O a) 0)a) .0 (n U fA co a) 0 "- (n a) s co L "O a I a) CU p 0 U L N a co a) s O D 0) ui •- 0) — co C1 > .� Q' Co CU O U O Q U 4- a) cn U U CO L a U •� co O U' CO C 0 0 a) O �. 0 E CL CL 0 co N p a) > V i N N � •C 0-0.0- • c0 QC )L o > co o 0 E > to C2 L N OL di U N U Q- N> a) CO N > co CO Q > a) N .� a) 0) s N "--' a) a �' c Y L p_ O +r Q a °— � o U N o O E Q E a 0 CO can Qo E O> L� co .2 L o U C1 N p E O L L E CO p N E a) U X o L = O CO OL a) a) L CO CO (2) L Ca a 0 > > 4= a) N O 3: Q-' CO '^ L N C V/ U (� co o C-)�� cu Q E 0) Ey y+ :n O L O N > 0 CO CO _ Q � N p Q 4 c W O Q Y a) Q O CO tn0 0' 0 a"�- C ++ :E CU L u CU 70 CO N 4-0 0) Y •- O U "O x -O O c y Z- = c0 a) CO CU N �0)CU p U E W C- a) p CO L a) L L > i Q y--� U — L CO 4-0 U .0 O Q CO M-00 L N a) N CO E a) CO •— N -0 a)LN ESE a"= U C2 CO > CO -0 3: CO N U a a) CO .� O y-+ co U _Q + > CO ++ (n y� 0 L = a) CO C1 � N — > a a) D a p .Q Q QO O v_) U CO >, CU L 3 a) +_ o O E a) N D O 0 >, �• c ° N O 0 to +, OL a) U N 0 Q Q' cu W CO L (n cu O 0 'N E N N N D E E LI ��� 0� +� O U Co a) N E�Qa— E N �ONO�, N L d O N p••s� E U O a) O a) -6.2 HClu) O N Q O ice•+ m N a) � N a)>'XQ �m CU 0>+aa)NEoa CU +�+ N 0 o C Q • CO a) O �� caEz, _ C cu N O p ,E E D C1 J CU — W N a) co 0 L L 0 a] (n co = Y N CO �• E L U O al a) �• E O Co p L N p ..-� U CLO co r Co O E 'Co O 0 0 0 N � = a) "-' O Q p 0. � O N D O N Q N Q N Q E. 0,E cn•� �'� �c0 N o O a) 0)a) .0 (n U fA co a) 0 "- (n a) s co L "O a I a) CU p 0 U L N a co a) s O D 0) ui •- 0) — co C1 > .� Q' Co CU O U O Q U 4- a) cn U U CO L a U •� co O U' CO C 0 0 a) O �. 0 E CL CL 0 co N p a) > V i N N � •C 0-0.0- • c0 QC )L o > co o 0 E > to C2 L N OL di U N U Q- N> a) CO N > co CO Q > a) N .� a) 0) s N "--' a) a �' c Y L p_ O +r Q a °— � o U N o O E Q E a 0 CO can Qo E O> L� co .2 L o U C1 N p E O L L E CO p N E a) U X o L = O CO OL a) a) L CO CO (2) L Ca a 0 > > 4= a) N O 3: Q-' CO '^ L N C V/ U (� co o C-)�� cu Q E 0) Ey y+ :n O L O N > 0 CO CO _ Q � N p Q 4 c W O Q Y a) Q O CO tn0 0' 0 a"�- C ++ :E CU L u CU 70 CO N 4-0 0) Y •- O U "O x -O O c y Z- = c0 a) CO CU N �0)CU p U E W C- a) p CO L a) L L > i Q y--� U — L CO 4-0 U .0 O Q CO M-00 L N a) N CO E a) CO •— N -0 a)LN ESE a"= U C2 CO > CO -0 3: CO N E- a) — a a) CO .� O y-+ co � CO + > CO ++ (n y� 0 L = a) CO C1 � N — > a a) D a p .Q Q QO O v_) U N O .V o "- ) 'CO CO E E �' to E Q E 3 a) +_ o O E a) N D O 0 >, N C N E N a) a) � Q O 0 to +, OL a) U N 0 Q Q' cu CO O 0 'N E N _ O O C-) E D p 0— CO O O O CO CO 4-: N ) Co a) N 7� E�Qa— E C O N 0 C C L d O N p••s� E U p p U 0 E N N 0 C1 > U> N •� a)>'XQ 0>'v: 0>+aa)NEoa CU > .E a) CO CO > .� a U CO Co .� `� L > U L > .� E �• o E cm y _j a _ 2 U Cn L a) Q O -a L a CO O -0 O >, O •- L O a) y- L Co E C N Q i0�cn•= cOCOCE.o Q3: a) O 5 O L a) L U CO CO .. O •S CLo a) Q E a U O =Ea >"- C-) C) :3 o = N O .s E CO �Eama6wE >�•� E�— >, _ E i/i co N >, O co U .V CO C C a) (n CO E J 0 CO O N E N o a) E cn cn L :.i O O N E 0 m> y > CO � N •E"= 0ca(nc�00U) a) p T N E 5 co N p CO L CO a N� n2 Q ° �o Q � E co N co N co E N a NO o a" E cn o ±' N CU a) o•� LD U o � 0) a) CO Q -0 -0 E N �' = N p CU N aEi'c °a�i.�cuV) CU N a - C "" U(n O u Q -a w O U) U c0 Q cn E a) ++ CO U N a) 4-- O N N N W ° a) a) a) ui 0� �cC3NO,s= C1 CO O O CV Q O C"--a a)— O a) vi U CU= L Q L, O cNa) v0 cn a � a) 0 a) a) a) to LL a) CU ,cn L u c L U O O L O p 0 a) CU L t� >, cm " Q L (n .� fn U C CO C �W X 6 X � + O O N (n 0) O (U O coo N_ a ow V •ICI o O Cl 6 N m �) W � i.w 4� � 0 .� 'E�� DwQ v M O O O a W (n a a) L (n co 0) a) 0 • °— a) c O o�0 O�UA E DBE ° �� X Qc 0) C Cw Lt •V C cu 4om 0 Q N o U a) L o cn a) Gov 00N O d °�� ° Q m of m m m co Co a) O Y Q) N = CC L U >+ Co (n c06 N U (n ++ �. 0� o� o� 00 d co O == > ° m O O Cl) �o"o�cncnU. a C) i,ui 0 co Fn cu ° Co N t0� 0Q N c ° ° E > L O L O •U Co � a) 7 M L to Q_ to N m ci _ O .2 E N c6 1 0) O)o� N >,cu > vo N O >,— N Q) 0 c O m °� m> .mom O a) L •N ,� N >N Q o V C U p) Co N N O U) C O a) U a) O f2 > U C O ° L v) Q�'� "D oo O E a c U a) �° m° c� _ o° U E co c' co N 'S p T— �' t� vi cn N U) �' °c 0 ci OJ'L �ONw. ;0 �Qvv>'co �Ua m° �m m° O° rnm �o N Na)— .2ECo0od} tea)cCN� O� � Em �� �O �U> o > + >cocooU• --CL _� —t3QaN ;C-)i E °> Ocn a) ° �tO 0 C L U 4- E '� to "t3 X = t1 .� 0 d Co U R O u) O '++ U m a) 'a 7 a) Z) cc O E a) "t3 E N a) N N o_ C2 W ;� E CU N O O m XO > Cl) \ OL O u) ui Cl) Cn U C a) cn 0 O z O 7 CU 0 U N X O CU a0 w L C6 L m a) L cn ;_, Cc >S Gi �. a) t� O ._ r (° ° a ° c� 'O �_ O a) o c L y y cu y Y > E E U� E QOM\ (D E > v a) L ° my Qc'? U) L UD a) izQ cU 0 Z, > L a) .� 7 L 7 L a) E O O }' C Cl) i 7 S .O N y 0 > c� O o C.) tC o�-E 'CO > O c Q o° Q o Q m m U Cl) O c c O° L o a)� U a d+ C o> C a)om - aQ om � o a) 0) < O U m O o c ++� 0 0 U E co.� OZ2t Cos Co o ° (7w �� w� w� xQQ �O� zz UUs ��� a) a) 0 E L a) a) N N N .� Co N �- U� O Q E O O ++ � � 0� 0.O Cn Q to cm •> oV) oNCo�a)Ea)Q� N :� °� L E a) a) ° 0)X i N co � °� co L cn o C a) •Q Q 0 0 D Y L� E E ++ Co >, N --� N N O.- N U) Co 0 N ° L ° a) a O a) a CL N a�j C0 C a) "J O N-0 o y •L •- COE�cnCO�Lvi -0 cu =0) O a) 0 "_ O o� O O p a) "O N a) a) CU i cu -0 0) > 5 r— � cu ms o C o > N m a)a)a) °L'QYoo cu E CL O O U) E a) O N a) N m �QV W"a-0 ��:U4 pU-0 ° 46 0 C, a) 0) N O � fn co C) N t3 O O >' O = c U:� E N E O 5 N422 �ECO�o� ++ 0 Q '- (n O L U .O a) a) >, 0 O a) >+ (2) 0) Co 0) O 70 Co ++ > C L •> Co OL 0.0 O 0 ui O L >' N cm ENa)aEicQn°)a) L L � UY.� 0_a) L y + (n V OQ -0 0Caj ) co— o E� L CD CU -O ; Q_ U) E-E�� u �+�+W "0>>,.S L 0 a) co U N (n L Co 0 7 C O > Co N Cn Cn � L N cm t 2 \ Co 0 O U > —_ U U a) O a) C N 0) t Q U Co Q N L N N N U U cu O O N- . n O L a 0 Q 0 CC Co T Co >, _"- U� N L (V (n 4 E C O co ZZZ U L Q- U L Co '5; E 7 Q 0 CC)0+ LL Co W U >- t co co N 0 N E Co a "J O O U E (n Co a) :- 0 �- L Q E L o M 0 O O Co W to Co C2 0 U V) cn E �. L L N = Co ""' 0 U - Co X U C3 N Q 0 a) U - > 4? v E 0) "1 con N Q ° O >cn. ..L L ° cnNo°?�a) Co a) 'L L > Cn ii C :- co Q 0 O Cc U) -C: o cc cu E >�QDa)cn��?c L O :� Co > N•a�� 0 L�� a U.c °?.�Q= ° W -C: APPENDIX E Lead Paint Sample Results Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406677 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CUStomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minnearolislab(a).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/27/14 4:05 PM Suite 300 Collected: 10/27/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project: Block 34 1494 -94 Test Report: Lead in Paint Chips by Flame AAS (SW 846 30506170006)* Client SampleDescription Collected Analyzed RDL Lead Concentration 1 10/27/2014 10/28/2014 0.010 % wt <0.010 % wt 351406677 -0001 Site: Exterior Tan block The MS QC associated with these samples did not meet acceptance criteria. 'I 'LJ --A-- Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory *Analysis following Lead in Paint by EMSL SOP /Determination of Environmental Lead by FLAA. Reporting limit is 0.010 % wt based on the minimum sample weight per our SOP. Unless noted, results in this report are not blank corrected. This report relates only to the samples reported above and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. " <" (less than) result signifies that the analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. Measurement of uncertainty is available upon request. The QC data associated with the sample results included in this report meet the recovery and precision requirements established by the AIHA -LAP, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn AIHA -LAP, LLC- -ELLAP Accredited #163162 Initial report from 10/28/2014 13:15:51 Test Report PB w /RDL- 7.32.3 Printed: 10/28/2014 1:15:51 PM Page 1 of 1 OrderID: 351406677 EMSL ANALYTICAL. INC. u�a�nronr.nwoucrs.nwwNe Lead (Pb) Chain of Custody EMSL Order ID (Lab use Only) Com an WS -S (�� EMSL -Bill nt Same ❑Different if Bill to is Different note instructions in Comments "" Thin! Paq Billing requires warren authorization from third p art I Street: 70 / X rI tz S. SGi ,� 3Go City: 4A1fijj&AP2l State /Province: ✓k Zip/Postal Code. 5.5'YIZ I country: 115,4 Report To (Name): V V-h Telephone #: G da 7A ; `I Email Address: $ [)an 4rrilp t� QOM Fax #: 4 Purchase Order: Project Name /Number: 13/0 1'y qY - '7'q Please Provide Results: ❑ Fax Email U.S. State Samples Taken: A/ CT Samples: ❑ Commercial/Taxable ❑ Residential/Tax Exempt Turnaround Time TAT Options* - Please Check ❑ 3 Hour ❑ 6 Hour ❑ 24 Hour I ❑ 48 Hour I ❑ 72 Hour I ❑ 96 Hour 2'1 Week ❑ 2 Week "Anal s;s completed in accordance with EMSL's Terms and Conditions located in the Price Guide Matrix Method Instrument Reporting Limit Check Chips J4% by wt. ❑ mglcmz ❑ ppm SW846 -70008 Flame Atomic Absorption 0.01% ❑ Air ` \i( 1 NIOSH 7082 Flame Atomic Absorption 4 pglfilter ❑ Ill 7105 Graphite Furnace AA 0.03 /filter Ill 7300 modified ICP- AESIICP -MS 0.5 /filter ❑ Wipe" ASTM non ASTM "if no box is checked, non -ASTM wipe is assumed ❑ ❑ SW846 -7000B Flame Atomic Absorption 10 pg /wipe 1.0 pglwipe ❑ ❑ SW846 -60106 or C ICP -AES SW846- 7000B/7010 - -- Graphite Furnace AA 0 075 pg /wipe ❑ TCLP SW846- 131117000BISM 3111 B Flame Atomic Absorption 0.4 m /L m) ❑ SW846- 11311SW846 -6010113 or C ICP -AES 0 1 Mg/ m Soil SW846 -7000B Flame Atomic Absorption 40 m lk m ❑ SW846 -7010 Graphite Furnace AA 0 3 mg/k m SW846 -60106 or C ICP -AES 2 m Ik m Wastewater Unpreserved Preserved with HNO3 pH < 2 ❑ El SM3111 B /SW846 -70006 Flame Atomic Absorption 0.4 m IL m __ EPA EPA 200.9 Graphite Furnace AA 0.003 m IL m 200 7 ICP -AES 0.020 m IL m ❑ Drinking Water Unpreserved Preserved with HNO3 pH < 2 ❑ ❑ EPA 200 9 Graphite Furnace AA 0.003 m /L (ppm) ❑ EPA 200 8 ICP -MS 0.001 mglL (ppm) ❑ TSPISPM Filter -_ __ 40 CFR Part 50 40 CFR Part 50 ICP -AES 12 /filter Graphite Furnace AA 3.6 /filter ❑ Other: I ❑ Name of Sam pier: RIl I.Signature of Sampler: Sample # Location Volume /Area DatelTime SaMpled &L� to r 7-& r. o C_4t- Client Sample #'s Relinquished (Client): Received (Lab)__ Comments: - .LrL Date: Wt Date: - Total # of Samples: /a -oz7 -1 _ Time: �fl - �1 ` `7 Time: L4 i C6Vt - - Page 1 of i/ pages Page 1 Of 1 APPENDIX F Lead Based Paint Sample Locations Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406677 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CUStomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minnearolislab(a).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/27/14 4:05 PM Suite 300 Collected: 10/27/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project: Block 34 1494 -94 Test Report: Lead in Paint Chips by Flame AAS (SW 846 30506170006)* Client SampleDescription Collected Analyzed RDL Lead Concentration 1 10/27/2014 10/28/2014 0.010 % wt <0.010 % wt 351406677 -0001 Site: Exterior Tan block The MS QC associated with these samples did not meet acceptance criteria. 'I 'LJ --A-- Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory *Analysis following Lead in Paint by EMSL SOP /Determination of Environmental Lead by FLAA. Reporting limit is 0.010 % wt based on the minimum sample weight per our SOP. Unless noted, results in this report are not blank corrected. This report relates only to the samples reported above and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. " <" (less than) result signifies that the analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. Measurement of uncertainty is available upon request. The QC data associated with the sample results included in this report meet the recovery and precision requirements established by the AIHA -LAP, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn AIHA -LAP, LLC- -ELLAP Accredited #163162 Initial report from 10/28/2014 13:15:51 Test Report PB w /RDL- 7.32.3 Printed: 10/28/2014 1:15:51 PM Page 1 of 1 OrderID: 351406677 EMSL ANALYTICAL. INC. u�a�nronr.nwoucrs.nwwNe Lead (Pb) Chain of Custody EMSL Order ID (Lab use Only) Com an WS -S (�� EMSL -Bill nt Same ❑Different if Bill to is Different note instructions in Comments "" Thin! Paq Billing requires warren authorization from third p art I Street: 70 / X rI tz S. SGi ,� 3Go City: 4A1fijj&AP2l State /Province: ✓k Zip/Postal Code. 5.5'YIZ I country: 115,4 Report To (Name): V V-h Telephone #: G da 7A ; `I Email Address: $ [)an 4rrilp t� QOM Fax #: 4 Purchase Order: Project Name /Number: 13/0 1'y qY - '7'q Please Provide Results: ❑ Fax Email U.S. State Samples Taken: A/ CT Samples: ❑ Commercial/Taxable ❑ Residential/Tax Exempt Turnaround Time TAT Options* - Please Check ❑ 3 Hour ❑ 6 Hour ❑ 24 Hour I ❑ 48 Hour I ❑ 72 Hour I ❑ 96 Hour 2'1 Week ❑ 2 Week "Anal s;s completed in accordance with EMSL's Terms and Conditions located in the Price Guide Matrix Method Instrument Reporting Limit Check Chips J4% by wt. ❑ mglcmz ❑ ppm SW846 -70008 Flame Atomic Absorption 0.01% ❑ Air ` \i( 1 NIOSH 7082 Flame Atomic Absorption 4 pglfilter ❑ Ill 7105 Graphite Furnace AA 0.03 /filter Ill 7300 modified ICP- AESIICP -MS 0.5 /filter ❑ Wipe" ASTM non ASTM "if no box is checked, non -ASTM wipe is assumed ❑ ❑ SW846 -7000B Flame Atomic Absorption 10 pg /wipe 1.0 pglwipe ❑ ❑ SW846 -60106 or C ICP -AES SW846- 7000B/7010 - -- Graphite Furnace AA 0 075 pg /wipe ❑ TCLP SW846- 131117000BISM 3111 B Flame Atomic Absorption 0.4 m /L m) ❑ SW846- 11311SW846 -6010113 or C ICP -AES 0 1 Mg/ m Soil SW846 -7000B Flame Atomic Absorption 40 m lk m ❑ SW846 -7010 Graphite Furnace AA 0 3 mg/k m SW846 -60106 or C ICP -AES 2 m Ik m Wastewater Unpreserved Preserved with HNO3 pH < 2 ❑ El SM3111 B /SW846 -70006 Flame Atomic Absorption 0.4 m IL m __ EPA EPA 200.9 Graphite Furnace AA 0.003 m IL m 200 7 ICP -AES 0.020 m IL m ❑ Drinking Water Unpreserved Preserved with HNO3 pH < 2 ❑ ❑ EPA 200 9 Graphite Furnace AA 0.003 m /L (ppm) ❑ EPA 200 8 ICP -MS 0.001 mglL (ppm) ❑ TSPISPM Filter -_ __ 40 CFR Part 50 40 CFR Part 50 ICP -AES 12 /filter Graphite Furnace AA 3.6 /filter ❑ Other: I ❑ Name of Sam pier: RIl I.Signature of Sampler: Sample # Location Volume /Area DatelTime SaMpled &L� to r 7-& r. o C_4t- Client Sample #'s Relinquished (Client): Received (Lab)__ Comments: - .LrL Date: Wt Date: - Total # of Samples: /a -oz7 -1 _ Time: �fl - �1 ` `7 Time: L4 i C6Vt - - Page 1 of i/ pages Page 1 Of 1 APPENDIX G Room by Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Dental Unit Lobby 1 o 16 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 8 ballasts o 1 hydraulic door arm o 1 ceiling speaker Reception Area o 12 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 6 ballasts o 4 light fixtures o 1 ultra -sonic scaler (small electric dental tool) o 1 power inverter Office 1 o 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts o 17 -4' florescent light bulbs (loose) o 2 -1' florescent light bulbs (loose) o 1 computer o 2 keyboards o 1 paper shredder o 1 small medicine box containing inhalers epipens, and diphenhydramine Bathroom 1 o 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts o 1 exhaust fan Patent Room 1 o 16 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 8 ballasts o 1 ceiling speaker o 16 oz. dental line cleaner solution Patent Room 2 o 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 4 ballasts o 1 ceiling speaker Page 1 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 n...s...,.s n........... -) 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 ceiling speaker 0 1 hydraulic door arm n...s...,.s n........... n 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 ceiling speaker Clean Closet 0 1 light fixture 0 1 exhaust fan 0 2 gallons formula 2000 solution 0 1 gallon air tech fixer solution Wash Area 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Hallway 1 0 16 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 8 ballasts 0 1 programmable thermostat Cleanup Room 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 exhaust fan 0 1 hydraulic door arm 0 1 gallon used fixer solution Utility 1 o 1 water heater Break Room 1 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Office 2 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 3 -4' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) Page 2 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Dance Studio / Nail Salon Units Viewing Room 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Dance Area 0 48 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 24 ballasts 0 1 mercury thermostat 0 1 smoke detector 0 1 fire extinguisher Hallway 2 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 lighted exit sign 0 1 hydraulic door arm 0 1 ceiling furnace Lobby 2 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts Nail Area 0 44 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 22 ballasts 0 1 lighted exit sign 0 2 exhaust fans 0 1 ceiling furnace Office 3 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Utility 2 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 printer Page 3 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Tattoo Unit Lobby 3 o 24 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 12 ballasts o 1 motion sensor Room 1 o 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 4 ballasts o 1 mercury containing thermostat Room 2 o 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 4 ballasts o 1 mercury containing thermostat Room 3 o 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts Room 4 o 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts o 1 smoke detector Break Room 2 o 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 4 ballasts o 1 lighted exit sign o 1 refrigerator o 1 smoke detector o 1 mercury thermostat o 1 programmable thermostat o 1 -30 gallon box medical waste (assumed tattoo needles) Back Room o 2 -2' u- shaped fluorescent light bulbs o 1 ballast o 1 microwave o 2 gallons paint o 6 gallons floor stripper Page 4 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Pizza Unit/ Back Hall Entry o 1 compact florescent bulb o 1 hydraulic door arm Pizza Area o 17 compact florescent bulbs o 1 lighted exit sign o 2 lighted advertising signs o 1 smoke detector o 2 ceiling speakers o 1 hydraulic door arm o 1 mercury thermostat Kitchen o 12 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 6 ballasts o 1 compact florescent bulb o 1 ceiling furnace o 1 lighted exit sign o 1 hydraulic door arm o 1 ceiling speaker o 1 gallon line cleaner solution Freezer o 1 commercial walking freezer o 12 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 6 ballasts o 7 -4' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) o 1 fire extinguisher o 1 gallon paint o 1 bag charcoal o 1 gallon line cleaner solution o 12 oz. deodorizer o 4 -16 oz. containers of dry temp powder Storage Room o 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2ballasts Page 5 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 L Hallway 0 7 -4' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) 0 1 ballast (loose) 0 21 compact florescent bulbs (loose) 0 1 neon sign 0 1 calculator 0 1 hydraulic door arm 0 50 lbs. ice melt Rnrle Wnll 0 12 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 6 ballasts 0 1 lighted exit sign 0 1 fire extinguisher Men's Bathroom 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts 0 1 exhaust fan 0 1 hydraulic door arm Women's Bathroom 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts 0 1 exhaust fan 0 1 hydraulic door arm Utility Room 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts 0 7 ballasts (loose) 0 28 -4' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) 0 5 -2' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) 0 3 lighted exit signs 0 1 water heater 0 1 hydraulic door arm (loose) 0 6 electric boxes 0 16 gallons paint 0 5 gallons joint compound 0 2 gallons adhesive 0 1 gallon 45% hydrochloric acid Page 6 of 7 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 100 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Exterior/ Roof Side A o None observed Side B o 1 light fixture o 1 exhaust fan o 6 electric meters o 6 gas meters Side C o 1 lighted sign Side D o 1 lighted sign Roof o 6 air conditioning units Page 7 of 7 APPENDIX H Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 ASBESTOS IFIAI IYtNI<i XIAIIA SUE: Certified by: SUPERVISOR State of Minnesota Department of Health Expires: 05/2112015' .`? Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 55436 No AS10800 Issued: 06/02 /2014 ASBESTOS /VIIf YIXIOi MFAIIi INSPECTOR Certified by: State of Minnesota Department of Health Expires: 02/24/2015 Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 55436 No. A] 10800 Issued: 03/05/2014 LEAD ,1 N Risk Assessor Licensed by: State of Minnesota Department of Health License No. LR3148 Expires 05/22/2015 Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 56436 w J. i CI 1Y G)I- Montice o City of Monticello 505WalnutStreet • Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295 -2711 November 10, 2014 ............................... PRE - DEMOLITION Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 112 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 .. ............................... WSB Project No. 1494 -940 A 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 . _ I�� Minneapolis, MN 55416 w Tel: (763) 541 -4800 - Fax: (763) 541 -1700 Lt ,,� I wsbeng.com t z Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 112 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared by: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 November 10, 2014 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Table of Contents TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction .............................................................................................. ............................... 1 2. Asbestos ...................................................................................................... ..............................1 2.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 1 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 2 2.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 3 2.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 5 3. Lead Based Paint ...................................................................................... ............................... 5 3.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 5 3.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 6 3.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 6 4. Hazardous Materials ............................................................................... ............................... 6 4.1 General Information ................................................................ ..............................6 4.2 Observations and Results ...................................................... ............................... 6 4.3 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 7 5. Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................... ............................... 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications ......................................................... ............................... 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figures Figure 1 - Project Location LIST OF APPENDICES Appendices Appendix A - Asbestos Summary Table Appendix B - Asbestos Analytical Results Appendix C - Asbestos Sample Locations Appendix D - Lead Paint Analytical Results Appendix E - Lead Paint Sample Locations Appendix F - Room -by -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Appendix G - Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 1. Introduction WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) was retained by the City of Monticello (the City) to conduct a pre- demolition hazardous materials survey at the commercial property located at 112 Broadway Street East in Monticello, Minnesota (the property). A property location map is included as Figure 1. The property is occupied by a vacant commercial building that includes two apartment units on the 2nd level. The property building is two -story and constructed of concrete block and metal. The property building includes a partial basement and a flat roof. WSB understands the City plans to demolish the existing structure and use the property for future City improvements. The work performed as part of this survey was completed to meet the following objectives: • Identify friable and non - friable asbestos - containing materials (ACM) at the property as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). • Identify regulated ACM (friable or non - friable) at the property that could become friable during demolition activities, and according to current State and Federal regulations, would require abatement prior to initiating demolition activities. • Identify lead -based paint (LBP) surfaces that have the potential to be recycled during demolition activities, and if classified as LBP, will require special recycle management. • Inventory potentially hazardous materials that should be removed and properly disposed prior to initiating demolition activities. This report summarizes the findings of the pre- demolition survey. 2. Asbestos 2.1 General Information and Definitions For the purpose of this assessment, the building was considered one functional area as defined by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Upon completion of the reconnaissance, the suspect ACM was assessed, inventoried, and sampled for laboratory analysis. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 1 The following definitions apply to this report: • The USEPA defines ACM as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos. Materials found to contain one percent or less asbestos are not regulated as ACM. • Friable ACM is defined as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos, and which can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Category I non - friable ACM means asbestos - containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products containing more than one percent asbestos. Category I non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it is in a condition where the renovation /demolition activities might cause it to become friable. • Category II non - friable ACM means any material, excluding Category I non - friable ACM, containing more than one percent asbestos that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure. Category II non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it has a high probability of becoming crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder during renovation, demolition, transport, or disposal. 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Non - Suspect Material The following materials were determined to be non - suspect ACM and were not targeted for sampling during this inventory: • Wood floors, ceilings, and walls • Concrete floors, ceilings, and walls • Foam pipe insulation and gap filler Suspect ACM Targeted for Sampling Suspect ACM identified and subsequently sampled at the property included: • Sheetrock • Various flooring and associated mastic • Various wall tile and associated grout • Suspended ceiling Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 2 • Baseboard • Pipe wrap insulation • Vapor membrane paper • Brick and mortar • Roofing materials • Various caulk Sample Analysis A total of 29 bulk samples were submitted for laboratory analysis. Some of the bulk samples consisted of several layers. A total of 32 samples (including layers) were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in accordance with USEPA analytical protocol {EPA -600 R93/1161 by EMSL Analytical, Inc. (EMSL), Minneapolis, MN laboratory. Materials that were analyzed and found to contain one percent or less asbestos are considered "non- asbestos" per current State and Federal regulations. Materials that were found to contain greater than one percent asbestos are considered to be ACM. Under current Federal regulations, if the PLM results detect asbestos at a concentration of less than 10% in one or more of the samples from any sample unit, the owner or operator of the building may (1) elect to assume the amount to be greater than 1% and treat the material as ACM or (2) require verification of the amount by utilizing the Point -Count Method. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is greater than one percent, the material will be determined to be regulated ACM. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is one percent or less, the material will be determined to be unregulated and non - asbestos containing. No samples were re- analyzed using the Point -Count Method. 2.3 Results All of the sampled building materials were observed to be generally in fair to good condition with isolated areas of damage. An asbestos result summary table is included in Appendix A. Copies of the asbestos analytical laboratory reports are included as Appendix B. Asbestos sample location diagrams are included as Appendix C. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 3 The following building materials sampled from the building were determined to be ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): Friable ACM • 2" white pipe wrap insulation located in the Storage Ceiling (Sample set 9), approximately 60 linear feet. • Black sink undercoat located in Kitchen 2 (Sample 15), one unit. Category II Non - Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be Category II Non - Friable ACM. Category I Non - Friable ACM • 9" brown floor tile located in the Main Area (Sample 2) approximately 565 square feet. Note: Associated black mastic is not ACM. • 9" tan floor tile located in the Main Area (Sample 3) approximately 565 square feet. Note: Associated black mastic is not ACM. Non -ACM (Confirmed by Sampling and Analysis) The following building sampled materials were determined to be non -ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): • Sheetrock composite (Samples 1 and 17). • 12" tan floor tile with brown mastic (Sample 4). • 2'x4' white ceiling tile (Sample 5). • Tan buffalo board ceiling (Sample 6). • Black baseboard and yellow adhesive (Sample 7). • 8" tan floor tile (Sample 8). • 12" cream floor tile (Sample 10). • Black ceiling paper (Sample 11). • Brown brick and mortar (Sample 12). • Tan pattern floor sheeting (Sample 13). • Sub layer cream floor tile (Sample 14). • Leaf pattern floor sheeting (Sample 16). • 8" cream floor tile (Sample 18). • 4" white wall tile (Sample 19). • 2" gray floor tile (Sample 20). Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 4 • Gray wall caulk (Sample 21). • Black seam caulk (Sample 22). • Black roof membrane (Sample 23). • Brown window caulk (Sample 24). • Tan stucco texture (Sample set 25). 2.4 Limitations WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, or household equipment or appliances. There is a potential for ACM components to be present inside of these components. Based on these limitations, the quantities listed in this survey reflect the visibility available at the time of the survey. All quantities in this survey are estimations and should not be considered exact measurements when used for obtaining abatement bids. 3. Lead -Based Paint 3.1 General Information and Definitions Based on current regulatory definitions, LBP is defined as paint, shellac, or other coating containing lead concentrations equal to or greater than 1.0 mg /cm2 when using an X -ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument, or laboratory analysis of 0.5 percent by weight (5,000 ug /g, 5,000 ppm, or 5,000 mg /kg) by laboratory analysis. LBP adhered to surfaces intended for recycle (e.g. concrete, metal, wood, etc.) should be tested to determine if reuse restrictions exist. Untested painted concrete from structures built before 1978 may not be used as fill or aggregate without a case - specific beneficial use determination from the MPCA. 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Observations and testing for LBP was conducted at the property. The MPCA no longer requires LBP analysis of coated surfaced determined to be in poor condition prior to demolition. However, WSB completed LBP sampling and analysis limited to painted surfaces that are likely to be recycled during demolition activities. A total of two paint chip sample was collected and analyzed for lead content using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry by EMSL. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 5 3.3 Results Lead -Based Paint No tested coated surface was determined to be LBP based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations. Not Lead -Based Paint The following paint surfaces sampled from the building were determined not to be LBP per current State and Federal regulations: • Interior white block wall located in the Main Area (Sample 1) • Exterior tan stucco wall (Sample 2). A copy of the analytical report is included as Appendix D. A LBP sample location map is included as Appendix E. 3.4 Limitations The lead observations and testing conducted was not intended to represent a comprehensive survey of all painted surfaces and was not intended to represent regulated lead work as defined by MDH. If the plans for the building include a renovation, a LBP inspection should be conducted prior to renovation activities. 4. Hazardous Materials 4.1 General Information A walk - through reconnaissance of the building was conducted to identify and inventory potentially hazardous materials or materials that have special disposal requirements that should be removed prior to demolition activities. These materials include, but are not limited to, hazardous substances, petroleum products, PCB - containing light ballasts, mercury- containing lights and switches, and refrigerants. 4.2 Observations and Results The potentially hazardous equipment and materials and potential environmental concerns are identified in a room -by -room list included as Appendix F. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 6 4.3 Limitations The method of the hazardous materials inventory consisted of walking through all areas of the building and making observations for components that typically contain hazardous substance that are incidental to the building. WSB recommends that these materials and any associated containers for these materials be removed prior to initiating demolition activities. As previously discussed, WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, other appliances, electrical equipment, or operational equipment. There is a potential for mercury switches to be part of this equipment. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations The following recommendations are provided based on the results of this hazardous materials inventory: • Friable and Category I Non - Friable asbestos was identified at the property as described in Section 2.3 and summarized in Appendix A. A licensed asbestos abatement contractor must remove all Friable and Category II non - Friable ACM prior to initiating demolition. • Current regulations allow Category I Non - Friable ACM to either be removed prior to demolition or to be managed in -place during demolition using appropriate procedures. If the removal option is selected, the removal must be conducted by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor prior to initiating demolition. If left in- place, the Category I non - friable ACM must be segregated during demolition and disposed as asbestos - containing waste. • Any unidentified suspect ACM encountered during demolition activities should be assumed to be asbestos - containing until the material is sampled and tested to determine the asbestos content. • LBP was not identified in the materials tested during this survey as described in Section 3.3. • Prior to demolition activities, all regulated waste should be abated and /or removed as described in Section 4.1 and summarized in Appendix G. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications Services performed by WSB have been conducted in accordance with generally recognized industry standards and current MPCA and MDH guidelines, where applicable. The services performed by WSB have been conducted with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable members of the profession, practicing in the same locality under similar budget and time constraints. No other warranty is made or intended. A summary of the laboratory and individual qualifications for those associated with this survey are included in Appendix G. Prepared by: Ryan Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist MDH Asbestos Inspector No.: AI -10800 MDH Lead Risk Assessor No.: LR -3148 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 8 FIGURES Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey FIGURES 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494-94 pxw -Ise3 Aennpeoi9 Z66 [6I=l\s/`anunS lewzeH \sdew \SIJ \Ob6-b6b6O \:>i ` me ti LL 0 4j&� YI 7 V N � � o 1 �..� 0 IL >% w J do Y N a? a 70 o a 4� a f Y C\l N CA - M S a4jd o � � r s ir � O y APPENDIX A Asbestos Summary Table Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Asbestos Summary Table .-. WRIM Sample Description Location Resu7ND uantity Classification 1 Sheetrock composite Main Area ND NA NA 2 9" brown floor tile and black mastic Main Area, Closet Tile - Mastic 565 Category I Non - Friab le 3 9" tan floor tile and black mastic Main Area, Closet Tile - 5% Mastic - ND 565 Category I Non - Friable 4 12" tan floor tile with brown mastic Main Area ND NA NA 5 2'x4' white ceiling tile Main Area ND NA NA 6 Tan buffalo board ceiling Main Area ND NA NA 7 Black baseboard and yellow adhesive Main Area ND NA NA 8 8" tan floor tile Bath 1 ND NA NA 9 A -C 2" white pipe wrap Storage Ceiling 15% 60 LF Friable 10 12" cream floor tile Storage ND NA NA 11 Black ceiling paper Basement ND NA NA 12 Brown brick and mortar Basement ND NA NA 13 Tan pattern flooring sheeting Kitchen 2 ND NA NA 14 Sub layer cream floortile Kitchen 2 ND NA NA 15 Black sink undercoat Kitchen 2 12% 1 unit Friable 16 Leaf pattern floor sheeting Living Room 1 ND NA NA 17 Sheetrock composite Bedroom 1 ND NA NA 18 8" cream floor tile Bath 3 ND NA NA 19 4" white wall tile Bath 3 ND NA NA 20 2" gray floor tile Laundry ND NA NA 21 Gray wall caulk Roof ND NA NA 22 Black seam caulk Roof ND NA NA 23 Black roof membrane Roof ND NA NA 24 Brown window caulk Exterior ND NA NA 25 A -C Tan stucco texture Exterior ND NA NA ND - Non - detect, NA - Not Available, SF - Square Feet, LF - Linear Feet, * - Sample Confirmed by Point Count Analysis APPENDIX B Asbestos Analytical Results Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406719 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CustomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minneapolislab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/28/14 3:12 PM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/3/2014 Appearance % Fibrous Collected: 10/28/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Bike Shop - Brown /Gray 10% Cellulose Project: 112 Broadway 1494 -94 None Detected Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 1 Bike Shop - Brown /Gray 10% Cellulose 87% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Sheetrock Fibrous 3% Glass 351406719 -0001 Composit Homogeneous 2 -Floor Tile Bike Shop - 9" Brown 94% Non - fibrous (other) 6% Chrysotile Brown Floor Tile Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0002 Homogeneous 2- Mastic Bike Shop - 9" Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Brown Floor Tile Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0002A Homogeneous 3 -Floor Tile Bike Shop - 9" Tan Tan 95% Non - fibrous (other) 5% Chrysotile Floor Tile Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0003 Homogeneous 3- Mastic Bike Shop - 9" Tan Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Floor Tile Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0003A Homogeneous 4 -Floor Tile Bike Shop - 12" Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Tan Speckled Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0004 Floor Tile Homogeneous 4- Mastic Bike Shop - 12" Brown 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Tan Speckled Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0004A Floor Tile Homogeneous 5 Bike Shop - 2' by Gray /White 50% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 4' White Ceiling Fibrous 45% Min. Wool 351406719 -0005 Tile Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (31) Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn NVLAP Lab Code 200019 -0 Initial report from 11/03/2014 13:01:21 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/3/2014 1:01:21 PM 1 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406719 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CustomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minneapolislab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/28/14 3:12 PM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/3/2014 Appearance % Fibrous Collected: 10/28/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Bike Shop - Tan Tan 95% Cellulose Project: 112 Broadway 1494 -94 None Detected Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Tyye 6 Bike Shop - Tan Tan 95% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Ceiling Buffalo Fibrous 351406719 -0006 Board Homogeneous 7 -Cove Base Bike Shop - Black Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Base Board Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0007 Homogeneous 7- Adhesive Bike Shop - Black Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Base Board Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0007A Homogeneous 8 Bike Shop - 8" Tan Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Floor Tile Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0008 Homogeneous 9A Storage Area - 2" White 85% Non - fibrous (other) 15% Chrysotile White Pipe Wrap Fibrous 351406719 -0009 Homogeneous 9B Storage Area - 2" Stop Positive (Not Analyzed) White Pipe Wrap 351406719 -0010 9C Storage Area - 2" Stop Positive (Not Analyzed) White Pipe Wrap 351406719 -0011 10 Storage Area - 12" Beige 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Cream Floor Tile Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0012 Homogeneous 11 Basement- Black Black 85% Cellulose 15% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Ceiling Paper Fibrous 351406719 -0013 Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (31) Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn NVLAP Lab Code 200019 -0 Initial report from 11/03/2014 13:01:21 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/3/2014 1:01:21 PM 2 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406719 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CustomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minneapolislab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/28/14 3:12 PM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/3/2014 Appearance % Fibrous Collected: 10/28/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Basement- Brown Brown Project: 112 Broadway 1494 -94 None Detected Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 12 Basement- Brown Brown 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Brick and Mortar Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0014 Homogeneous 13 Kitchen 1 - Tan Tan 25% Cellulose 75% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Pattern Floor Fibrous 351406719 -0015 Sheeting Homogeneous 14 Kitchen 1 - Sub Beige 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Layer Cream Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0016 Concrete Tile Homogeneous 15 Kitchen 1 - Black Black 88% Non - fibrous (other) 12% Chrysotile Sink Undercoating Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0017 Homogeneous 16 Living Room 1 - Various 30% Cellulose 70% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Leaf Patterned Fibrous 351406719 -0018 Floor Sheet Homogeneous 17 Bedroom 1 - Brown /Gray 8% Cellulose 89% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Sheetrock Fibrous 3% Glass 351406719 -0019 Composite Homogeneous 18 Bathroom 1 - 8" Beige 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Cream Ceramic Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0020 Floor Tile Homogeneous 19 Bathroom 1 - 4" White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected White Wall Tile Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0021 Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (31) Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn NVLAP Lab Code 200019 -0 Initial report from 11/03/2014 13:01:21 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/3/2014 1:01:21 PM 3 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406719 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CustomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minneapolislab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/28/14 3:12 PM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/3/2014 Homogeneous Collected: 10/28/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Roof - Black Roof Black Project: 112 Broadway 1494 -94 None Detected Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 20 Laundry Room - 2" Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 351406719 -0022 Gray Floor Tile Non - Fibrous Homogeneous 21 Roof - Gray Wall Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 351406719 -0023 Caulk Non - Fibrous Homogeneous 22 Roof - Black Roof Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Seam Caulk Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0024 Homogeneous 23 Roof - Black Roof Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Membrane Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0025 Homogeneous 24 Side A Exterior - Brown 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Brown Window Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0026 Caulk Homogeneous 25A Side B Exterior - Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Textured Tan Wall Non - Fibrous 351406719 -0027 Homogeneous 25B Side B Exterior - Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 351406719 -0028 Textured Tan Wall Non - Fibrous Homogeneous 25C Side B Exterior - Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 351406719 -0029 Textured Tan Wall Non - Fibrous Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (31) Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn NVLAP Lab Code 200019 -0 Initial report from 11/03/2014 13:01:21 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/3/2014 1:01:21 PM THIS IS THE LAST PAGE OF THE REPORT. 4 OrderID: 351406719 EMSL ANALYTICAL, INC. Asbestos Bulk Building Material Chain of Custody EMSL Orderer /NJ /uJmber (Lab use Only): EMSL Analytical, Inc. 14375 23rd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55447 PHONE: (763) 449 -4922 FAX: (763) 449 -4924 Company: WSB 8� Associates Inc. EMSL -Bill to: r some Different K BN1 to Is Merent note instructions in comments— Third Part y Billung requires written authorization from third paq Street: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City: Minneapolis StatelProvince: MN Zi !Postal Code: 55416 Country- . United States Report To (Name): Ryan Spencer _Telephone #: 763- 231 -4854 Email Address: rspe @W eng -corn Fax #: 763 -541 -1700 Purchase Order: Project Name /Number. w4 Y At A Please Provide Results: I Vax ✓ mail ail U.S. State Samples Taken: MN r r a a� r CT Samples: CommerciallTaxable Lj ResidentiallTax Exem Turnaround Time A Options* - Please Check ❑ 3 Hour I ❑ 6 Hour I ❑ 24 Hour I ❑ 48 Hour I ❑ 72 Hour I ❑ 96 Hour 191 Week ❑ 2 Week 'For TEM Air 3 hr through 6 hr, please call ahead to schedule. "There is a premium charge for 3 Hour TEM AHERA or EPA Level t! TAT. You will be asked to sign an authorization form for this service. Ana "is qLmyleted in accordance with EMSL 's Terms and Conditions located in the Ana! . al Price Guide. PLM - Bulk (reportinc limit) TEM - Bulk PLM EPA 600 /R- 93/116 (0%) ❑ TEM EPA NOB - EPA 600 /R- 93/116 Section ❑ PLM EPA NOB <1% ( } Point Count ❑ 400 <0.2510 ( °) ❑ 10D0 ( <0.1 %} - - — -- — - -... - ❑ NY FLAP Method 198.4 (TEM) ❑Chatfield Protocol (semi - quantitative) ❑ TEM % by Mass -EPA 6001R- 93/116 Section Point Count w /Gravimetric ❑ 400 ( <0.25 %) ❑ 1000 (<0.1%) ❑ NIOSH 9002 ( <1 %1 - NAP Method 198.1 (friable in NY) 1:1 Y EL ❑ NY ELAP Method 198.6 NOB (non - friable -IVY) El TEM Qualitative via Filtration Prep Technique ❑ TEM Qualitative via Drop Mount Prep Technique Other ❑ OSHA ID-191 Modified ❑ Standard Addition Method VCheck For Positive Stop - Clearly Identify Homogenous Group Date Sampled: p — d-6 —I Ll Samplers Name: t,, Samplers Signature: Sample # HA # Sample Location Material Description 5 h- �,l 13C 3 • n `�la�r- ) 5kg #Ievl -, r 4,';e S. 'b Ae, 1144 Mie 7. N34Gk L s� 13c rte( & 2"+,; Pl i J00J' 41)r c,4 5-kra e ✓4 a� ' Wh4e, Pik W/44 1/3 s �ojn'q Are" 9p w��)r Pik wrr Client Sam Ie # (s): - Total # of Sam les: Relinquished (Client): Date: Time- , ( z Received (Lab): 04UJZ . U% Date: ®� 2$ �i Time: U CommentsfSpecial Instructions: Pagel of 7)_ pages Page 1 Of OrderID: 351406719 RPM ANALYTICAL„ INC. Asbestos Bulk Building Material Chain of Custody EMSL Order Number (Lab use only: 1» EMSL Analytical, Inc. 14375 23rd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55447 PHONE. (763) 449 -4922 Fax: (763) 449 -4924 Additional Pages of the Chain of Custody are only necessary if needed for additional sample information Sample # HA # Sample Location Material Description cl G �-br',g c ICI 6W POs, wry 1C1. S-fo/� G A1&4 ic.1rGI'L°G./�r �a- 1�.►,� 13�rawn 3r� ��, 13. Kl- 2 /oar 15. -f- 1(7 • 1 ✓'r GOM r 17. 13 1 sh e � P . ,,� r � loop # 1q, owl `t ' whl4r, w0l +11,e rte► ,o& 4-4e a�. �aG-f r5 INaI! G�vrtl �, �31Gr✓� off' � GGv1 2�3 . I31���� l�~P nnP.r�► f n Sick ira 41fteA 4nn li✓a 17 a5 a5 c. *CommentslSpecial Instructions: Page 7+ of 'Pl. pages Page 2 Of APPENDIX C Asbestos Sample Locations Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 A WSB & Associates, Inc. 1st Level Project description 112 Broadway Street East engineering HazMat Survey planning (888) 541_4800 Task description environmental Wsbeng.cam Project number 1494 -940 construction Designed by Checked by Date 10 -28 -14 Page of Side D Asbestos Sample Locations Side A 24 t 2 1 Closet 3 Bathl Storage Main Area 10 Bath 2 6 f � 5 4 21 (roof) 23 (roof) 22 (roof) Back Room Side C ,5 A -C Side B N AL WSB &Associates, Inc. 2nd Level Project description 112 Broadway Street East engineering HazMat Survey planning (888) 541 -4800 Task description environmental wsheng.cam Project number 1494 -940 construction Designed by Checked by Date 10 -28 -14 Page of Asbestos Sample Locations 16 Living Rom 1 17 Bedroon 1 13 in I Kitchen 2 Bedroom 2 1s Bath 3 Hall Bath 4 Laundry Bedroom 3 Closet Kitchen 2 Living Roon 2 Basement k\ N APPENDIX D Lead Paint Sample Results Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406700 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CUStomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minnearolislab(a).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/28/14 3:12 PM Suite 300 Collected: 10/28/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project: 112 Broadway 1494 -94 Test Report: Lead in Paint Chips by Flame AAS (SW 846 30506170006)* Client SatnpleDescription Collected Analyzed RDL Lead Concentration 1 10/28/2014 10/29/2014 0.010 % wt 0.028 % wt 351406700 -0001 Site: White Block Wall Bike Shop 2 10/28/2014 10/29/2014 351406700 -0002 Site: Tan Concrete Block Exterior I1<�y��>v. 'I 'LJ --A-- Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory *Analysis following Lead in Paint by EMSL SOP /Determination of Environmental Lead by FLAA. Reporting limit is 0.010 % wt based on the minimum sample weight per our SOP. Unless noted, results in this report are not blank corrected. This report relates only to the samples reported above and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. " <" (less than) result signifies that the analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. Measurement of uncertainty is available upon request. The QC data associated with the sample results included in this report meet the recovery and precision requirements established by the AIHA -LAP, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn AIHA -LAP, LLC- -ELLAP Accredited #163162 Initial report from 10/29/2014 13:54:57 Test Report PB w /RDL- 7.32.3 Printed: 10/29/2014 1:54:57 PM Page 1 of 1 OrderID: 351406700 essss_,ar�tauvsteAS_ IMG. Lead (Pb) Chain of Custody EMSL Order 1D (Lab Use only): ('a 700 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 14375 23rd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55447 PHONE. (763) 4494922 FAx: (763) 4494924 WSB & Associates, Inc. Company: EMSL -Bill to: Different �/ Same I Bill to is Different no a ins cbons in Common — Third Party ffifing requires written authorization from third party Street: 701 Xenia Avenue South suite 300 C . Minneapolis StatelProvince: MN ZiplPostal Code: 5sos Country-, United Slates Re rt To Name :ey -Sp—r Telephone #: 763- x414800 Entail Address: rspence sben .can Fax #: 763 - 541 -1700 Purchase Order: Project NamelNumber. A j4tjq-74 Please Provide Results: F I FAX 57 IZ -mail mail U.S. State Samples Taken: MNk - C r k ran i- z% iq CT Samples: ❑ Commercial/Taxable ❑ ResidentiaUTax Exempt Turnaround Time AT Options* - Please Check ❑ 3 Hour ❑ 6 Hour ❑ 24 Hour ❑ 48 Hour ❑ 72 Hour ❑ 96 dour 1 Week I ❑ 2 Week "Ana! 's complete in accordance with EMUS Terms and Conditions located in the Price Guide Matrix Method Instrument Reporting Limit Check Chips % by tart. El mglcma I] ppm SW846 -70008 Flame Atomic Absorption 0.01% ❑ Air NIQSH 7082 Flame Atomic Absorption 4 Ng/filter ❑ NIQSH 7105 Graphite Furnace AA 0.03 pgffilter El NIQSH 73W modified ICP- AESIICP -MS 0.5 /filter Wipe" A STM ❑ non ASTM ❑ "If no box is checked, non -ASTM Wipe is assumed SW846 -70006 Flame Atomic Absorption 10 pg /wipe ❑ SW846-6010B or C ICP -AES 1.0 }ig /wipe ❑ SW846- 7000BR010 Graphite Furnace AA 0.075 Ng/Wipe ❑ TCLP SW846- 131117006BI5M 3111B Flame Atomic Absorption 0.4 m ! L m SW846- 1131/SW846 -6010B or C ICP -AES 0.1 m /L m Soil SWi546 -70008 Flame Atomic Absorption 40 m m ❑ SW846 -7010 Graphite Furnace AA 0.3 m 1k m ❑ SW846-6010B or C 1CP14E5 2 m Ik m Wastewater Unpreserved ❑ Preserved with HNO3 pH < 2 ❑ SM3111BISW846 -70006 Flame Atomic Absorption 0.4 m /L nl ❑ EPA 20D.9 Graphite Furnace AA 0.003 m L m EPA 200.7 ICP -AES 0.020 m L m Drinking Water Unpreserved ❑ Preserved with HNO3 pH t 2 ❑ EPA 200.9 Graphite Furnace AA 0.003 m m ❑ EPA 200.8 ICP -MS 0.001 mglL ( pm TSP /SPM Filter 40 CFR Part 50 ICP -AES 12 /filter 40 CFR Part 50 Graphite Furnace AA 3.8 /fiIter Other: Name of Sam pier: Signature of Sampler: Sample # Location Volume /Area Date/Time Sampled wh4r, p Ia vv-0 Bikvshol, A11A 104& 14 JAA cZ- 7an A114 v - -6 i M Client Sample #'s - Total # of Samples: Relinquished Client : ^yJ��y"`�r Date: �c -1a -�tj Time: Received (Lab): ("'VtAUZ 14 Date: `O " 7 Time: r Comments: Page 1 of I pages Page 1 Of APPENDIX E Lead Based Paint Sample Locations Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 engineering Project description 112 Broadway Street East - HazMat Survey WSB Planning (888) 541-4800 Task description environmental wsbeng.cam Project number 1494 -940 & Associates, Inc. COnStrUCtlOn Designed by Checked by Date 10 -28 -14 Page of Lead Sample Locations Closet Bathl Storage Side D Bath 2 1st Level Side A Main Area Back Room Side C Side B N AL WSB &Associates, Inc. 2nd Level Project description 112 Broadway Street East engineering HazMat Survey planning (888) 541 -4800 Task description environmental wsheng.cam Project number 1494 -940 construction Designed by Checked by Date 10 -28 -14 Page of Lead Sample Locations Living Rom 1 Bedroon 1 I Kitchen 2 Bedroom 2 Bath 3 Hall Bath 4 Laundry Bedroom 3 Closet Kitchen 2 Living Roon 2 Basement k\ N APPENDIX F Room by Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 112 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 15f Level Main Area o 8 -8' fluorescent light bulbs o 7 ballasts o 2 -8' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) o 8 compact florescent light bulbs o 1 light fixture o 1 neon sign o 40 lbs. bag of mortar o 20 lbs. bag of grout o 2 gallons sheetrock compound o 2 gallons sanding sealer o 6 gallons used oil o 3 gallons adhesive o 5 gallons paint Back Room o 13 -8' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) o 7 ballasts (loose) o 4 light fixtures (loose) o 1 overhead heater o 2 electric boxes o 1 mercury thermostat o 1 box bike tire tubes Storage o 3 light fixtures o 1 phone o 1 fan o 1 credit card machine o 1 security system (ceiling) o 20 oz. glass cleaner o 10 oz. fabric freshener Bathroom 1 o 1 light fixture Bathroom 2 o 1 light fixture Page 1 of 3 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 112 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Basement Basement 0 1 compact florescent light bulb 0 1 water heater 0 20 lbs. bag floor leveler 0 12 gallons paint 0 2 gallons epoxy coating 0 16 oz. propane cylinder 0 70 bike tires 2nd Level Hallway o 7 light fixtures Laundry Room • 1 compact florescent light bulb • 1 light fixture • 1 smoke detector Kitchen 1 0 3 light fixtures 0 1 oven range 0 1 smoke detector 0 1 toaster 0 3 gallons paint Living Room 1 • 1 light fixture • 1 air conditioning unit • 1 smoke detector Closet 1 o 1 light fixture Bedroom 1 0 1 light fixture 0 2 smoke detectors Bedroom 2 0 2 light fixtures 0 1 smoke detector Page 2 of 3 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 112 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Rnthrnnm 2 • 1 light fixture • 1 exhaust fan Kitchen 2 0 2 light fixtures 0 1 oven range 0 1 radio 0 1 exhaust fan Living Room 2 0 2 light fixtures 0 1 air conditioning unit Closet 2 o 1 light fixture Bedroom 3 0 2 light fixtures 0 1 smoke detector Bathroom 4 • 1 light fixture • 1 exhaust fan Exterior/ Roof Side A o 3 light fixtures Side B o None observed Side C • 1 lighted sign • 1 gas meter Side D 0 2 electric meters o Note: Miscellaneous household solid waste present between buildings (approximately 4 cubic yards) Roof • 1 TV • 1 satellite dish Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX G Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 112 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 ASBESTOS IFIAI IYtNI<i XIAIIA SUE: Certified by: SUPERVISOR State of Minnesota Department of Health Expires: 05/2112015' .`? Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 55436 No AS10800 Issued: 06/02 /2014 ASBESTOS /VIIf YIXIOi MFAIIi INSPECTOR Certified by: State of Minnesota Department of Health Expires: 02/24/2015 Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 55436 No. A] 10800 Issued: 03/05/2014 LEAD ,1 N Risk Assessor Licensed by: State of Minnesota Department of Health License No. LR3148 Expires 05/22/2015 Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 56436 CITY OF Monticeflo City of Monticello 505WalnutStreet • Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295 -2711 November 10, 2014 PRE - DEMOLITION Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 130 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 .. ............................... WSB Project No. 1494 -940 s .. ..... E m -- W Fe! . ~�.Vt. A 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 WSB Tel: (763) 541 -4800 - Fax: (763) 541 -1700 & A.., 1 wsbeng.com Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 130 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared by: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 November 10, 2014 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 100 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Table of Contents TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction .............................................................................................. ............................... 1 2. Asbestos ...................................................................................................... ..............................1 2.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 1 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 2 2.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 3 2.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 5 3. Lead Based Paint ...................................................................................... ............................... 5 3.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 6 3.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 6 3.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 6 4. Hazardous Materials ............................................................................... ............................... 6 4.1 General Information ................................................................ ..............................6 4.2 Observations and Results ...................................................... ............................... 7 4.3 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 7 5. Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................... ............................... 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications ......................................................... ............................... 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figures Figure 1 - Project Location LIST OF APPENDICES Appendices Appendix A - Asbestos Summary Table Appendix B - Asbestos Analytical Results Appendix C - Asbestos Sample Locations Appendix D - Lead Paint Analytical Results Appendix E - Lead Paint Sample Locations Appendix F - Room -by -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Appendix G - Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 1. Introduction WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) was retained by the City of Monticello (the City) to conduct a pre- demolition hazardous materials survey at the commercial property located at 130 Broadway Street East in Monticello, Minnesota (the property). A property location map is included as Figure 1. The property is occupied by a vacant commercial building. The property building is one -story and constructed of concrete block, brick, and metal. The property building includes a flat roof and stucco exterior texture walls. WSB understands the City plans to demolish the existing structure and use the property for future City improvements. The work performed as part of this survey was completed to meet the following objectives: • Identify friable and non - friable asbestos - containing materials (ACM) at the property as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). • Identify regulated ACM (friable or non - friable) at the property that could become friable during demolition activities, and according to current State and Federal regulations, would require abatement prior to initiating demolition activities. • Identify lead -based paint (LBP) surfaces that have the potential to be recycled during demolition activities, and if classified as LBP, will require special recycle management. • Inventory potentially hazardous materials that should be removed and properly disposed prior to initiating demolition activities. This report summarizes the findings of the pre- demolition survey. 2. Asbestos 2.1 General Information and Definitions For the purpose of this assessment, the building was considered one functional area as defined by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Upon completion of the reconnaissance, the suspect ACM was assessed, inventoried, and sampled for laboratory analysis. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 1 The following definitions apply to this report: • The USEPA defines ACM as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos. Materials found to contain one percent or less asbestos are not regulated as ACM. • Friable ACM is defined as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos, and which can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Category I non - friable ACM means asbestos - containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products containing more than one percent asbestos. Category I non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it is in a condition where the renovation /demolition activities might cause it to become friable. • Category II non - friable ACM means any material, excluding Category I non - friable ACM, containing more than one percent asbestos that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure. Category II non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it has a high probability of becoming crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder during renovation, demolition, transport, or disposal. 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Non - Suspect Material The following materials were determined to be non - suspect ACM and were not targeted for sampling during this inventory: • Wood floors, ceilings, and walls • Concrete floors, ceilings, and walls • Foam pipe insulation and gap filler Suspect ACM Targeted for Sampling Suspect ACM identified and subsequently sampled at the property included: • Various ceiling tile • Various wall /ceiling insulation • Textured ceiling material • Various flooring and associated mastic • Various wall tile and associated grout Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 2 • Baseboard • Sheetrock • Plaster • Various caulk • Brick and mortar • Roofing materials Sample Analysis A total of 38 bulk samples were submitted for laboratory analysis. Some of the bulk samples consisted of several layers. A total of 51 samples (including layers) were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in accordance with USEPA analytical protocol {EPA -600 R93/1161 by EMSL Analytical, Inc. (EMSL), Minneapolis, MN laboratory. Materials that were analyzed and found to contain one percent or less asbestos are considered "non- asbestos" per current State and Federal regulations. Materials that were found to contain greater than one percent asbestos are considered to be ACM. Under current Federal regulations, if the PLM results detect asbestos at a concentration of less than 10% in one or more of the samples from any sample unit, the owner or operator of the building may (1) elect to assume the amount to be greater than 1% and treat the material as ACM or (2) require verification of the amount by utilizing the Point -Count Method. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is greater than one percent, the material will be determined to be regulated ACM. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is one percent or less, the material will be determined to be unregulated and non - asbestos containing. No samples were re- analyzed using the Point -Count Method. 2.3 Results All of the sampled building materials were observed to be generally in fair to good condition with isolated areas of damage. An asbestos result summary table is included in Appendix A. Copies of the asbestos analytical laboratory reports are included as Appendix B. Asbestos sample location diagrams are included as Appendix C. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 3 The following building materials sampled from the building were determined to be ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be Friable ACM. Category II Non - Friable ACM • Black wood panel wall mastic located in the Bar Area (Sample 6), approximately 1,920 square feet. • White interior window caulk located in the Utility Room (Sample 20), one unit. • White exterior window caulk (Sample 22), eight units. Category I Non - Friable ACM • Black mastic located in the Bar Area and Utility Room (Sample 8), approximately 600 square feet. Note: Associated 12" red floor tile is not ACM. • Gray wall tar located on the Roof (Sample 27), approximately 25 square feet. • Black sub layer roof tar located on the Roof (Sample 30), approximately 4,550 square feet. Non -ACM (Confirmed by Sampling and Analysis) The following building sampled materials were determined to be non -ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): • 2'x2' black ceiling tile (Sample 1). • 12" tan ceiling tile (Sample 2). • Tan ceiling insulation (Sample 3). • Tan ceiling texture, fan shape (Sample set 4). • Black fiber ceiling board (Sample 5). • Sheetrock composite (Sample 7). • 12" red floor tile (Sample 8). Note: Associated black mastic is ACM. • 4" gold wall tile and yellow adhesive (Sample 9). • 4" white ceiling tile and yellow adhesive (Sample 10). Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 4 • 2" tan floor tile (Sample 11). • 4" tan ceiling tile and yellow adhesive (Sample 12). • 8 "x4" flower pattern wall tile yellow adhesive (Sample 13). • 12" tan ceiling tile (Sample 14). • White ceiling plaster (Sample 15). • Tan brick and gray mortar (Sample 16). • Tan wall insulation (Sample 17). • Tan pattern floor tile and yellow adhesive (Sample 18). • 1'x2' black ceiling tile (Sample 19). • Tan brick and gray mortar (Sample 21). • Gray window caulk (Sample 23). • Tan stucco wall texture (Sample set 24). • Gray door caulk (Sample 25). • Tan brick and gray mortar (Sample 26). • Black roof seam caulk (Sample 28). • Black rubber roof membrane (Sample 29). 2.4 Limitations WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, or household equipment or appliances. There is a potential for ACM components to be present inside of these components. Based on these limitations, the quantities listed in this survey reflect the visibility available at the time of the survey. All quantities in this survey are estimations and should not be considered exact measurements when used for obtaining abatement bids. 3. Lead -Based Paint 3.1 General Information and Definitions Based on current regulatory definitions, LBP is defined as paint, shellac, or other coating containing lead concentrations equal to or greater than 1.0 mg /cmz when using an X -ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument, or laboratory analysis of 0.5 percent by weight (5,000 ug /g, 5,000 ppm, or 5,000 mg /kg) by laboratory analysis. LBP adhered to surfaces intended for recycle (e.g. concrete, metal, wood, etc.) should be tested to determine if reuse restrictions exist. Untested painted concrete from structures built before 1978 may not be used as fill or aggregate without a case - specific beneficial use determination from the MPCA. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Observations and testing for UP was conducted at the property. The MPCA no longer requires UP analysis of coated surfaced determined to be in poor condition prior to demolition. However, WSB completed UP sampling and analysis limited to painted surfaces that are likely to be recycled during demolition activities. A total of one paint chip sample was collected and analyzed for lead content using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry by EMSL. 3.3 Results Lead -Based Paint No tested coated surface was determined to be LBP based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations. Not Lead -Based Paint The following paint surfaces sampled from the building were determined not to be UP per current State and Federal regulations: • Tan exterior stucco wall (Sample 1). A copy of the analytical report is included as Appendix D. A UP sample location map is included as Appendix E. 3.4 Limitations The lead observations and testing conducted was not intended to represent a comprehensive survey of all painted surfaces and was not intended to represent regulated lead work as defined by MDH. If the plans for the building include a renovation, a UP inspection should be conducted prior to renovation activities. 4. Hazardous Materials 4.1 General Information A walk - through reconnaissance of the building was conducted to identify and inventory potentially hazardous materials or materials that have special disposal requirements that should be removed prior to demolition activities. These materials include, but are not limited to, hazardous substances, petroleum products, PCB - containing light ballasts, mercury- containing lights and switches, and refrigerants. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 6 4.2 Observations and Results The potentially hazardous equipment and materials and potential environmental concerns are identified in a room -by -room list included as Appendix F. 4.3 Limitations The method of the hazardous materials inventory consisted of walking through all areas of the building and making observations for components that typically contain hazardous substance that are incidental to the building. WSB recommends that these materials and any associated containers for these materials be removed prior to initiating demolition activities. As previously discussed, WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, other appliances, electrical equipment, or operational equipment. There is a potential for mercury switches to be part of this equipment. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations The following recommendations are provided based on the results of this hazardous materials inventory: • Category II Non - Friable and Category I Non - Friable asbestos was identified at the property as described in Section 2.3 and summarized in Appendix A. A licensed asbestos abatement contractor must remove all Friable and Category II non - Friable ACM prior to initiating demolition. • Current regulations allow Category I Non - Friable ACM to either be removed prior to demolition or to be managed in -place during demolition using appropriate procedures. If the removal option is selected, the removal must be conducted by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor prior to initiating demolition. If left in- place, the Category I non - friable ACM must be segregated during demolition and disposed as asbestos - containing waste. • Any unidentified suspect ACM encountered during demolition activities should be assumed to be asbestos - containing until the material is sampled and tested to determine the asbestos content. • LBP was not identified in the materials tested during this survey as described in Section 3.3. • Prior to demolition activities, all regulated waste should be abated and /or removed as described in Section 4.1 and summarized in Appendix G. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 7 6. Standard Care and Qualifications Services performed by WSB have been conducted in accordance with generally recognized industry standards and current MPCA and MDH guidelines, where applicable. The services performed by WSB have been conducted with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable members of the profession, practicing in the same locality under similar budget and time constraints. No other warranty is made or intended. A summary of the laboratory and individual qualifications for those associated with this survey are included in Appendix G. Prepared by: Ryan Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist MDH Asbestos Inspector No.: AI -10800 MDH Lead Risk Assessor No.: LR -3148 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 8 FIGURES Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey FIGURES 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494-94 pxw-Ise3 Aennpea9 oC[ 66I=j\sAanunS lewzeH \sdew \SIJ \Ob6-b6b6O \:>i W ++ g LPL O - O a� �fk m� m3 "� CU v ` W O CU cu r C J 0 M L ir V err tr �w Ma y'ti :4 1� S a4j n f c o V � 0 7 4w, , 1 APPENDIX A Asbestos Summary Table Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Non - Asbestos Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Description Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 % Non - Fibrous Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 1 MAIN AREA - 2' Black 60% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BLACK CEILING Fibrous 35% Min. Wool 621401427 -0001 TILE Homogeneous 2 MAIN AREA Tan 95% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected EAST - 12" TAN Fibrous 621401427 -0002 CEILING TILE Homogeneous 3 MAIN AREA - Tan 90% Cellulose 10% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected TAN CEILING Fibrous 621401427 -0003 INSULATION Homogeneous 4A MAIN AREA Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) <1% Chrysotile CENTER-TAN Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0004 FANNED ON Homogeneous TEXTURED CEILING 4B MAIN AREA Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) <1% Chrysotile CENTER-TAN Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0005 FANNED ON Homogeneous TEXTURED CEILING 4C MAIN AREA Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) <1% Chrysotile CENTER-TAN Fibrous 621401427 -0006 FANNED ON Homogeneous TEXTURED CEILING 5 MAIN AREA Black 95% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WEST - BLACK Fibrous 621401427 -0007 FIBER BOARD Homogeneous CEILING Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) * V a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 1 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 COMPOSITE Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Tyye 6 MAIN AREA - Black 96% Non - fibrous (other) 4% Chrysotile BLACK WALL Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0008 PANELING Homogeneous MASTIC ON BROWN SUBLAYER 7 MAIN AREA - Brown /Gray 10% Cellulose 90% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected SHEETROCK Fibrous 621401427 -0009 COMPOSITE Homogeneous 8 -Floor Tile MAIN AREA - 12" Red 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected RED FLOOR TILE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0010 Homogeneous 8- Mastic MAIN AREA - 12" Black 97% Non - fibrous (other) 3% Chrysotile RED FLOOR TILE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0010A Homogeneous 9- Ceramic Tile MEN'S Black/Gold 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0011 BLACK AND Homogeneous GOLD WALL TILE 9- Adhesive MEN'S Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0011A BLACK AND Homogeneous GOLD WALL TILE 10- Ceramic Tile MEN'S White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0012 WHITE CEILING Homogeneous TILE Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) C* a'P-A_ Christina Walker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 2 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Non - Asbestos Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Description Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 % Non - Fibrous Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 10- Adhesive MEN'S Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0012A WHITE CEILING Homogeneous TILE 11 MEN'S Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 2" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0013 TAN FLOOR TILE Homogeneous 12- Ceramic Tile WOMEN'S Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0014 TAN CEILING + Homogeneous WALL TILE 12- Adhesive WOMEN'S Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0014A TAN CEILING + Homogeneous WALL TILE 13- Ceramic Tile WOMEN'S White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 8 Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0015 BY 4" FLOWER Homogeneous PATTERN WHITE WALL TILE 13- Adhesive WOMEN'S Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 8 Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0015A BY 4" FLOWER Homogeneous PATTERN WHITE WALL TILE Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) C* a'P-A_ Christina Walker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 3 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Non - Asbestos Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Description Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 % Non - Fibrous Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 14 OFFICE - 12" Tan 95% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected TAN CEILING Fibrous 621401427 -0016 TILE Homogeneous 15 OFFICE - WHITE White 5% Mica None Detected 621401427 -0017 CEILING Non - Fibrous 95% Non - fibrous other (other) PLASTER Homogeneous 16 -Brick OFFICE - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BRICKAND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0018 MORTAR Homogeneous 16- Mortar OFFICE - TAN Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BRICKAND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0018A MORTAR Homogeneous 17 COOLER DOOR - Tan 45% Min. Wool 10% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected TAN WALL Fibrous 35% Cellulose 621401427 -0019 INSULATION Homogeneous o 10 /o Synthetic 18- Ceramic Tile UTILITY Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected STORAGE-TAN Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0020 PATTERN Homogeneous FLOOR TILE 18- Adhesive UTILITY Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected STORAGE-TAN Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0020A PATTERN Homogeneous FLOOR TILE 19 HALLWAY - 1 BY Brown /Black 95% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 2" BLACK Fibrous 621401427 -0021 CEILING TILE Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 4 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Non - Asbestos Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Description Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 % Non - Fibrous Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Twe 20 HALLWAY - White 95% Non - fibrous (other) 5% Chrysotile WHITE WINDOW Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0022 CAULK Homogeneous 21 -Brick SIDE A - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BRICKAND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0023 MORTAR Homogeneous 21- Mortar SIDE A - TAN Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BRICKAND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0023A MORTAR Homogeneous 22 SIDE A - WHITE White 95% Non - fibrous (other) 5% Chrysotile WINDOW CAULK Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0024 Homogeneous 23 SIDE A - GRAY Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WINDOW CAULK Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0025 Homogeneous 24A SIDE B - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0026 Homogeneous 24B SIDE B - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0027 Homogeneous 24C SIDE B - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0028 Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 5 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 24D SIDE C - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 621401427 -0029 WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous Homogeneous 24E SIDE C - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 621401427 -0030 WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous Homogeneous 24F SIDE C - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0031 Homogeneous 24G SIDE D - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0032 Homogeneous 25 SIDE B - GRAY Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected DOOR CAULK Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0033 Homogeneous 26 -Brick ROOF WEST - Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected TAN BRICK AND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0034 MORTAR Homogeneous 26- Mortar ROOF WEST - Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected TAN BRICK AND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0034A MORTAR Homogeneous 27 ROOF WEST - Gray 92% Non - fibrous (other) 8% Chrysotile 621401427 -0035 GRAY WALL TAR Fibrous Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 6 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com EMSL Order: 621401427 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 Project) D: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 28 ROOF WEST - Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BLACK SEAM Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0036 TAR Homogeneous 29 ROOF WEST - Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BLACK ROOF Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0037 MEMBRANE Homogeneous 30 ROOF WEST - Black 90% Non - fibrous (other) 10% Chrysotile BLACK ROOF Fibrous 621401427 -0038 TAR SUB LAY E R Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM THIS IS THE LAST PAGE OF THE REPORT. 7 IOrderID: 621401427 EMSL ANALYTICAL. INC. Asbestos Bulk Building Material Chain of Custody EMSL Order Number (Lab use Only): r 2.1LiD EMSL Analytical, Inc. 14375 23rd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55447 PHONE: (763) 449 -4922 FAX: (763) 449 -4924 company WSB &Associates, Inc. EMSL -Bill to: El Same ❑ Different If Bill to is Different note instructions in comments" Third Party Billing requires written authorization from third party Street: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City: Minneapolis I State /Province: MN Zip/Postal Code: 55416 Country: United States Report To (Name): Ryan Spencer Telephone #: 763- 231 -4854 Email Address: rspencer @wsbeng.com Fax #: 763 -541 -1700 Purchase Order: Project Name /Number: I �0 It xZ641 1 Please Provide Results: ax I ✓ mail ail U.S. State Samples Taken: M �(q4- CT Samples: ❑ Commercial/Taxable ❑ Residential/Tax Exempt Turnaround Time (TAT) Options" — Please Check ❑ 3 Hour I ❑ 6 Hour I ❑ 24 Hour I ❑ 48 Hour I Ll 72 Hour I ❑ 96 Hour I Z1 Week I U 2 Week 'For TEM Air 3 hr through 6 hr, please call ahead to schedufe. *There is a premium charge for 3 Hour TEM AHERA or EPA Level 11 TAT. You will be asked to sign an authorization form for this service. Ana! sis com feted in accordance with EMSL's Terms and Conditions located in the Analytical Price Guide. PLM - Bulk (reporting limit) TEM — Bulk LM EPA 6001R- 93!116 (<I%) _. ❑ PLM EPA NOB ( <1 %) Point Count ❑ 400 ( <0.25 %) ❑ 1000 ( <0.1 %) Point Count w /Gravimetdc ❑ 400 ( <0.25 %) ❑ 9000 (<0.1 %) ❑ TEM EPA NOB — EPA 6001R- 931116 Section ....... -. ❑ NY ELAP Method 198.4 (TEM) _ - ❑ Chatfield Protocol (semi - quantitative) ❑ TEM % by Mass— EPA 60018- 931116 Section ❑ NIOSH 9002 ( <1 °101� ❑ NY FLAP Method 198.1 (friable in NY) ❑ NY ELAP Method 198.6 NOB (non- fnabie -NY) ❑ TEM Qualitative via Filtration Prep Technique - - ❑ TEM Qualitative via Drop Mount Prep Technique Other ❑ OSHA ID -191 Modified - .. .. ❑ Standard Addition Method ❑ Check For Positive Stop -- Clearly Identify Homogenous Group Date Sampled: Samplers Name: / M c4 !t\ At} -� Samplers Signature: Sample # HA # Sample Location A Material Description I Client Sample # (s): /VCtrn Total # of Samples: bic-,k ovllfi 411e Date: c�— 6" i Received (Lab): /� ! 11 ,�-i�i°�irl t 0 Time: '7 f`-'t�1 1I l �' Snlorll r• I-zf A. I I , i /vb1n -4 cen-�-r I -�-mt) AqAre-1Yain 4�-,y i c l J 'n� Page I of -3 pages Page 1 Of 3 Mu1n Ate,, w, 5-t 13kok 1F1 bell fq C�/11 M �� fn i.icK wg 11 ;PP eUnuj c�l� 13 %rl 5(1� ,V- e . 7. / M c4 !t\ At} -� hoc h A OCR!" 4 to Client Sample # (s): - Total # of Samples: Relinquished (Client): Date: c�— i Received (Lab): W1 Date: t 0 Time: '7 CommentslSnecial Instructions: Page I of -3 pages Page 1 Of 3 OrderID: 621401427 EMSL. Analytical, Inc. Asbestos Bulk Building Material 14375 23rd Avenue North Chain of Custody Minneapolis, MN 55447 EMSL Order Number Lae use only); EMSL ANALYTIG44 ��G PHONE; (763) 449 -4922 LI 2� FAX: (763) 449 -4924 Additional Pages of the Chain of Custody are only necessary if needed for additional sample information Sample # HA # Sample Location Material Description 1116 n� &Afbonr '' blt�kwrcj c7of " /I io Mm`s )rv&„„ 9 /1 I-Vh� Gerl�n 7��e I . Mart 21 y? n f1cor le 3 R4AY 6 �✓' cfh while �i✓G1l le 1L1, ` r la'I }-Ile- I Ire- v Pid-? C' J/Ln PIC, s .kr `f f ((,e- tcw Fklclt 4 moiler' 7, 1 r jr'^ W17 11 M'504'46-01v- Cl VVC. G 13146"r Geal/'q w h 4r- w c< ll, wm /C'zc 2-4.g 5 }°� 13 +ter► I/ -Fmr-1�✓�c a� sdr- B a4f s ,� gv* s D 915 s �3 g rG door 'a c' cx, W�-� I +yn Rftcl< ' �o *Commentsl5pecial Instructions: Page -Q, -Of �! pages Page 2 Of OrderID: 621401427 El ANALYTICAL, INC. u.�ew.+om..wwirn.nw�wa Asbestos Bulk Building Material Chain of Custody EMSL Order Number (Lab use only): )'\ LAO EMSL Analytical, Inc. 14375 23rd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55447 PHONE: (763) 449 -4922 FAX: (763) 449 -4924 Additional Pages of the Chain of Custody are only necessary if needed for additional sample information Sample # HA # Sample Location Material Description 7 Rcuf we-5 f C r� vvG ll a roof Wes 'j C31G��rs ,,.-, +q� ��. 2f we�5-)-- R11--16/1 reof /V) 30 rOof we-5 d l Ir Yed 4G r SIG r *CommentslSpecial Instructions: Page 3 of ? pages Page 3 Of APPENDIX B Asbestos Analytical Results Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Non - Asbestos Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Description Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 % Non - Fibrous Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 1 MAIN AREA - 2' Black 60% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BLACK CEILING Fibrous 35% Min. Wool 621401427 -0001 TILE Homogeneous 2 MAIN AREA Tan 95% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected EAST - 12" TAN Fibrous 621401427 -0002 CEILING TILE Homogeneous 3 MAIN AREA - Tan 90% Cellulose 10% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected TAN CEILING Fibrous 621401427 -0003 INSULATION Homogeneous 4A MAIN AREA Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) <1% Chrysotile CENTER-TAN Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0004 FANNED ON Homogeneous TEXTURED CEILING 4B MAIN AREA Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) <1% Chrysotile CENTER-TAN Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0005 FANNED ON Homogeneous TEXTURED CEILING 4C MAIN AREA Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) <1% Chrysotile CENTER-TAN Fibrous 621401427 -0006 FANNED ON Homogeneous TEXTURED CEILING 5 MAIN AREA Black 95% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WEST - BLACK Fibrous 621401427 -0007 FIBER BOARD Homogeneous CEILING Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) * V a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 1 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 COMPOSITE Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Tyye 6 MAIN AREA - Black 96% Non - fibrous (other) 4% Chrysotile BLACK WALL Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0008 PANELING Homogeneous MASTIC ON BROWN SUBLAYER 7 MAIN AREA - Brown /Gray 10% Cellulose 90% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected SHEETROCK Fibrous 621401427 -0009 COMPOSITE Homogeneous 8 -Floor Tile MAIN AREA - 12" Red 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected RED FLOOR TILE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0010 Homogeneous 8- Mastic MAIN AREA - 12" Black 97% Non - fibrous (other) 3% Chrysotile RED FLOOR TILE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0010A Homogeneous 9- Ceramic Tile MEN'S Black/Gold 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0011 BLACK AND Homogeneous GOLD WALL TILE 9- Adhesive MEN'S Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0011A BLACK AND Homogeneous GOLD WALL TILE 10- Ceramic Tile MEN'S White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0012 WHITE CEILING Homogeneous TILE Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) C* a'P-A_ Christina Walker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 2 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Non - Asbestos Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Description Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 % Non - Fibrous Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 10- Adhesive MEN'S Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0012A WHITE CEILING Homogeneous TILE 11 MEN'S Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 2" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0013 TAN FLOOR TILE Homogeneous 12- Ceramic Tile WOMEN'S Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0014 TAN CEILING + Homogeneous WALL TILE 12- Adhesive WOMEN'S Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 4" Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0014A TAN CEILING + Homogeneous WALL TILE 13- Ceramic Tile WOMEN'S White 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 8 Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0015 BY 4" FLOWER Homogeneous PATTERN WHITE WALL TILE 13- Adhesive WOMEN'S Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BATHROOM - 8 Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0015A BY 4" FLOWER Homogeneous PATTERN WHITE WALL TILE Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) C* a'P-A_ Christina Walker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 3 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Non - Asbestos Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Description Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 % Non - Fibrous Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 14 OFFICE - 12" Tan 95% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected TAN CEILING Fibrous 621401427 -0016 TILE Homogeneous 15 OFFICE - WHITE White 5% Mica None Detected 621401427 -0017 CEILING Non - Fibrous 95% Non - fibrous other (other) PLASTER Homogeneous 16 -Brick OFFICE - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BRICKAND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0018 MORTAR Homogeneous 16- Mortar OFFICE - TAN Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BRICKAND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0018A MORTAR Homogeneous 17 COOLER DOOR - Tan 45% Min. Wool 10% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected TAN WALL Fibrous 35% Cellulose 621401427 -0019 INSULATION Homogeneous o 10 /o Synthetic 18- Ceramic Tile UTILITY Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected STORAGE-TAN Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0020 PATTERN Homogeneous FLOOR TILE 18- Adhesive UTILITY Yellow 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected STORAGE-TAN Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0020A PATTERN Homogeneous FLOOR TILE 19 HALLWAY - 1 BY Brown /Black 95% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 2" BLACK Fibrous 621401427 -0021 CEILING TILE Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 4 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Non - Asbestos Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Description Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 % Non - Fibrous Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Twe 20 HALLWAY - White 95% Non - fibrous (other) 5% Chrysotile WHITE WINDOW Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0022 CAULK Homogeneous 21 -Brick SIDE A - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BRICKAND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0023 MORTAR Homogeneous 21- Mortar SIDE A - TAN Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BRICKAND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0023A MORTAR Homogeneous 22 SIDE A - WHITE White 95% Non - fibrous (other) 5% Chrysotile WINDOW CAULK Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0024 Homogeneous 23 SIDE A - GRAY Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WINDOW CAULK Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0025 Homogeneous 24A SIDE B - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0026 Homogeneous 24B SIDE B - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0027 Homogeneous 24C SIDE B - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0028 Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 5 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401427 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 24D SIDE C - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 621401427 -0029 WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous Homogeneous 24E SIDE C - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected 621401427 -0030 WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous Homogeneous 24F SIDE C - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0031 Homogeneous 24G SIDE D - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WALL TEXTURE Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0032 Homogeneous 25 SIDE B - GRAY Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected DOOR CAULK Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0033 Homogeneous 26 -Brick ROOF WEST - Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected TAN BRICK AND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0034 MORTAR Homogeneous 26- Mortar ROOF WEST - Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected TAN BRICK AND Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0034A MORTAR Homogeneous 27 ROOF WEST - Gray 92% Non - fibrous (other) 8% Chrysotile 621401427 -0035 GRAY WALL TAR Fibrous Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM 6 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com EMSL Order: 621401427 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 Project) D: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:34 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project: 130 BROADWAY EAST / 200 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 28 ROOF WEST - Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BLACK SEAM Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0036 TAR Homogeneous 29 ROOF WEST - Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BLACK ROOF Non - Fibrous 621401427 -0037 MEMBRANE Homogeneous 30 ROOF WEST - Black 90% Non - fibrous (other) 10% Chrysotile BLACK ROOF Fibrous 621401427 -0038 TAR SUB LAY E R Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (47) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:38:48 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:38:48 PM THIS IS THE LAST PAGE OF THE REPORT. 7 IOrderID: 621401427 EMSL ANALYTICAL. INC. Asbestos Bulk Building Material Chain of Custody EMSL Order Number (Lab use Only): r 2.1LiD EMSL Analytical, Inc. 14375 23rd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55447 PHONE: (763) 449 -4922 FAX: (763) 449 -4924 company WSB &Associates, Inc. EMSL -Bill to: El Same ❑ Different If Bill to is Different note instructions in comments" Third Party Billing requires written authorization from third party Street: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City: Minneapolis I State /Province: MN Zip/Postal Code: 55416 Country: United States Report To (Name): Ryan Spencer Telephone #: 763- 231 -4854 Email Address: rspencer @wsbeng.com Fax #: 763 -541 -1700 Purchase Order: Project Name /Number: I �0 It xZ641 1 Please Provide Results: ax I ✓ mail ail U.S. State Samples Taken: M �(q4- CT Samples: ❑ Commercial/Taxable ❑ Residential/Tax Exempt Turnaround Time (TAT) Options" — Please Check ❑ 3 Hour I ❑ 6 Hour I ❑ 24 Hour I ❑ 48 Hour I Ll 72 Hour I ❑ 96 Hour I Z1 Week I U 2 Week 'For TEM Air 3 hr through 6 hr, please call ahead to schedufe. *There is a premium charge for 3 Hour TEM AHERA or EPA Level 11 TAT. You will be asked to sign an authorization form for this service. Ana! sis com feted in accordance with EMSL's Terms and Conditions located in the Analytical Price Guide. PLM - Bulk (reporting limit) TEM — Bulk LM EPA 6001R- 93!116 (<I%) _. ❑ PLM EPA NOB ( <1 %) Point Count ❑ 400 ( <0.25 %) ❑ 1000 ( <0.1 %) Point Count w /Gravimetdc ❑ 400 ( <0.25 %) ❑ 9000 (<0.1 %) ❑ TEM EPA NOB — EPA 6001R- 931116 Section ....... -. ❑ NY ELAP Method 198.4 (TEM) _ - ❑ Chatfield Protocol (semi - quantitative) ❑ TEM % by Mass— EPA 60018- 931116 Section ❑ NIOSH 9002 ( <1 °101� ❑ NY FLAP Method 198.1 (friable in NY) ❑ NY ELAP Method 198.6 NOB (non- fnabie -NY) ❑ TEM Qualitative via Filtration Prep Technique - - ❑ TEM Qualitative via Drop Mount Prep Technique Other ❑ OSHA ID -191 Modified - .. .. ❑ Standard Addition Method ❑ Check For Positive Stop -- Clearly Identify Homogenous Group Date Sampled: Samplers Name: / M c4 !t\ At} -� Samplers Signature: Sample # HA # Sample Location A Material Description I Client Sample # (s): /VCtrn Total # of Samples: bic-,k ovllfi 411e Date: c�— 6" i Received (Lab): /� ! 11 ,�-i�i°�irl t 0 Time: '7 f`-'t�1 1I l �' Snlorll r• I-zf A. I I , i /vb1n -4 cen-�-r I -�-mt) AqAre-1Yain 4�-,y i c l J 'n� Page I of -3 pages Page 1 Of 3 Mu1n Ate,, w, 5-t 13kok 1F1 bell fq C�/11 M �� fn i.icK wg 11 ;PP eUnuj c�l� 13 %rl 5(1� ,V- e . 7. / M c4 !t\ At} -� hoc h A OCR!" 4 to Client Sample # (s): - Total # of Samples: Relinquished (Client): Date: c�— i Received (Lab): W1 Date: t 0 Time: '7 CommentslSnecial Instructions: Page I of -3 pages Page 1 Of 3 OrderID: 621401427 EMSL. Analytical, Inc. Asbestos Bulk Building Material 14375 23rd Avenue North Chain of Custody Minneapolis, MN 55447 EMSL Order Number Lae use only); EMSL ANALYTIG44 ��G PHONE; (763) 449 -4922 LI 2� FAX: (763) 449 -4924 Additional Pages of the Chain of Custody are only necessary if needed for additional sample information Sample # HA # Sample Location Material Description 1116 n� &Afbonr '' blt�kwrcj c7of " /I io Mm`s )rv&„„ 9 /1 I-Vh� Gerl�n 7��e I . Mart 21 y? n f1cor le 3 R4AY 6 �✓' cfh while �i✓G1l le 1L1, ` r la'I }-Ile- I Ire- v Pid-? C' J/Ln PIC, s .kr `f f ((,e- tcw Fklclt 4 moiler' 7, 1 r jr'^ W17 11 M'504'46-01v- Cl VVC. G 13146"r Geal/'q w h 4r- w c< ll, wm /C'zc 2-4.g 5 }°� 13 +ter► I/ -Fmr-1�✓�c a� sdr- B a4f s ,� gv* s D 915 s �3 g rG door 'a c' cx, W�-� I +yn Rftcl< ' �o *Commentsl5pecial Instructions: Page -Q, -Of �! pages Page 2 Of OrderID: 621401427 El ANALYTICAL, INC. u.�ew.+om..wwirn.nw�wa Asbestos Bulk Building Material Chain of Custody EMSL Order Number (Lab use only): )'\ LAO EMSL Analytical, Inc. 14375 23rd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55447 PHONE: (763) 449 -4922 FAX: (763) 449 -4924 Additional Pages of the Chain of Custody are only necessary if needed for additional sample information Sample # HA # Sample Location Material Description 7 Rcuf we-5 f C r� vvG ll a roof Wes 'j C31G��rs ,,.-, +q� ��. 2f we�5-)-- R11--16/1 reof /V) 30 rOof we-5 d l Ir Yed 4G r SIG r *CommentslSpecial Instructions: Page 3 of ? pages Page 3 Of APPENDIX C Asbestos Sample Locations Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 WSB & Associates, Inc. Side D Project description .130 Broadway Street East engineering planning (888) 541 -4800 Task description HazMat Survey environmental Project number 1494 -940 wsbeng.eom construction Designed by Checked by Date 10 -28 -14 Page of Asbestos Sample Locations 2i - LL mue n 23 4A 8 4B 6 7 Bar Area 26 (roof) 28 (roof) 27 (roof) 3 1 29 (roof) 4C 2 5 30 (roof) 14 11 9 12 16 13 15 Office 19 Storage Mens Womens Cooler 17 Bath Bath 20 18 Utility F Side C 24E 24A Side B 24B APPENDIX D Lead Paint Sample Results Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 351406731 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 14375 23rd Avenue North, Minneapolis, Mn 55447 Phone /Fax: (763) 449 -4922 / (763) 449 -4924 CUStomerPO: htto: / /www.EMSL.com minnearolislab(a).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 10/29/14 2:07 PM Suite 300 Collected: 10/29/2014 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Project: 120 Broadway E /200 Test Report: Lead in Paint Chips by Flame AAS (SW 846 30506170006)* Client SatnpleDescription Collected Analyzed RDL Lead Concentration 1 10/29/2014 10/31/2014 0.010 % wt <0.010 % wt 351406731 -0001 Site: Side B - Tan Block Wall - Ext The Duplicate QC associated with these samples did not meet acceptance criteria. 'I 'LJ --A-- Rachel Travis, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory *Analysis following Lead in Paint by EMSL SOP /Determination of Environmental Lead by FLAA. Reporting limit is 0.010 % wt based on the minimum sample weight per our SOP. Unless noted, results in this report are not blank corrected. This report relates only to the samples reported above and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. " <" (less than) result signifies that the analyte was not detected at or above the reporting limit. Measurement of uncertainty is available upon request. The QC data associated with the sample results included in this report meet the recovery and precision requirements established by the AIHA -LAP, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Minneapolis, Mn AIHA -LAP, LLC- -ELLAP Accredited #163162 Initial report from 10/31/2014 11:48:18 Test Report PB w /RDL- 7.32.3 Printed: 10/31/2014 11:48:18 AM Page 1 of 1 OrderID: 351406731 am iL ANALYTICAL INC. LAWCN ,oW..Neaua,ne.wwe Lead (Pb) Chain of Custody EMSL Order ID (Lab use Only): Z' —3Z Analytical, Inc. 14375 23rd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55447 PHONE: (763) 449 -4922 FAx: (763) 449 -4924 Com any: WSB &Associates, Inc, il EMSL -Bill to: Different 1/ Same ff BIII to is Different noW-in-5tructions in Comore Third Party Billing requires written authorization from third party Street: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Ci : Minneapolis State /Province: MN Zip/Postal Code: SM16 Country: unhed States Re ort To Name ; Ryan Spencer Telephone #: 7&3-541-0800 Email Address: rspencer@wsbeng.00m Fax #: 763 -541 -1700 Purchase Order: Project Name/Number: 1�-&` RIVAvIK4,V ZC70 Please Provide Results: FAX 1/ E -mail Mail U.S. State Samples Taken: MN CT Samples: ❑ Commercial/Taxable ❑ Residenti Turnaround Time A Options* - Please Check [:13 Hour 1:16 Hour ❑ 24 Hour ❑ 48 Hour [:172 Hour ❑ 96 Hour 1 Week *Analysis eom leted in accordance with EMSL's Terms and Conditions located in the Price Guide Matrix Method Instrument Reporting Limit Check Chips by wt. ❑mglcm= [] ppm SW846 -70006 Flame Atomic Absorption 0.01% ❑ Air NIOSH 7082 Flame Atomic Absorption 4 jig /filter ❑ NIOSH 7105 Graphite Furnace AA 0.03 pgffilter NIOSH 7300 modified ICP- AES /ICP -MS 0.5 p9/filter Wipe* ASTM ❑ non ASTM ❑ *if no box Is checked, non -ASTM Wipe Is assumed SW846 -70008 Flame Atomic Absorption 10 pg /wipe ❑ SW846-6010B or C ICP -AES 1.0 pg /wipe ❑ SW846- 7000B17010 Graphite Furnace AA 0.075 pglwipe ❑ TCLP SW846- 13111700081SM 3111B Flame Atomic Absorption 0.4 m /L m ❑ SW846- 1131/SW846 -6010B or C ICP -AES 0.1 m 1L m ❑ Soil SW846 -7000B Flame Atomic Absorption 40 mcift m SW846 -7010 Graphite Fumace AA 0.3 mg/k m SW846 -601013 or C ICP -AES 2 m m Wastewater Unpre ❑ PH < Preserved with HNO3 pH < 2 El 5M3111BISW846 -7000B Flame Atomic Absorption 0.4 m /L m EPA 200.9 EPA Graphite Furnace AA 0.003 m /L m 200.7 ICP -AES 0.020 m 1L m Drinking Water Unpreserved ❑ Preserved with HNO3 PH < 2 ❑ EPA 200.9 Graphite Furnace AA 0.003 m L m ❑ EPA 200.8 ICP -MS 0.001 mglL ( pm TSP /SPM Filter 40 CFR Part 50 ICP -AES 12 /filter Li 40 CFR Part 50 Graphite Furnace AA 3.6 /filter Other: ❑ Name of Sam pier: ct, Signature of Sampler: Sample # Location Volume /Area Date/Time Sampled Z I t AM Client Sample #'s Total # of Sample Relinquished (Client): �'t�, r S L--t"- Date. Time: Received Lab : W r Date: 10 y/ 7 Time: ' V 7 Comments: Page 1 of J— pages Page 1 Of APPENDIX E Lead Based Paint Sample Locations Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 WSB & Associates, Inc. Side D Project description 130 Broadway Street East engineering planning (888) 541 -4800 Task description HazMat Survey environmental Project number 1494 -940 wsbeng.eom construction Designed by Checked by Date 10 -28 -14 Page of Lead Sample Locations Side A Bar Area Office Storage Mens Womens Cooler Bath Bath Utility Side C ;ide B APPENDIX F Room by Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 130 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Building Interior Bar Area o 3 -8' fluorescent light bulbs (loose) o 49 light fixtures o 3 air cleaning units o 2 smoke detectors o 3 hydraulic door arms o 1 speaker o 1 motion sensor o 1 security system o 2 thermostats (non- mercury) Men's Bathroom o 1 light fixture o 1 exhaust fan o 1 hydraulic door arm Women's Bathroom o 3 light fixtures o 1 exhaust fan o 1 hydraulic door arm Office o 2 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts o 1 -2' fluorescent light bulb (loose) o 1 strand Christmas lights o 1 exhaust fan o 2 telephones o 1 tempo amplifier device Storage o 2 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 2 ballasts o 1 cash register o 1 gallon paint Page 1 of 2 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 130 Broadway Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Utility 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 3 compact fluorescent light bulbs 0 1 light fixture 0 8 electric boxes 0 1 water meter 0 1 walking cooler 0 1 water heater 0 1 water softener 0 1 exhaust fan 0 1 compressor unit 0 1 hydraulic door arm 0 1 fire extinguisher 0 2 bags grout 0 3 gallons paint 0 1 quart rust stop 0 5 cans spray paint 0 1 can PVC cement 0 3 aerosols go away gummy Exterior/ Roof Side A o None observed Side B o 1 light fixture Side C 0 1 electric meter 0 1 gas meter 0 1 speaker 0 2 car tires Side D o None observed Roof 0 2 air conditioning units 0 1 TV antenna 0 1 satellite dish Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX G Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 ASBESTOS IFIAI IYtNI<i XIAIIA SUE: Certified by: SUPERVISOR State of Minnesota Department of Health Expires: 05/2112015' .`? Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 55436 No AS10800 Issued: 06/02 /2014 ASBESTOS /VIIf YIXIOi MFAIIi INSPECTOR Certified by: State of Minnesota Department of Health Expires: 02/24/2015 Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 55436 No. A] 10800 Issued: 03/05/2014 LEAD ,1 N Risk Assessor Licensed by: State of Minnesota Department of Health License No. LR3148 Expires 05/22/2015 Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 56436 CITY OF Monticeflo City of Monticello 505WalnutStreet • Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295 -2711 November 10, 2014 PRE - DEMOLITION Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 119 3rd Street East Monticello, MN 66362 .. ............................... WSB Project No. 1494 -940 I -- ,y A 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 WSB Tel: (763) 541 -4800 - Fax: (763) 541 -1700 & A.. 1 wsbeng.com Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey Commercial Building 119 3rd Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Prepared by: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 November 10, 2014 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Table of Contents TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction .............................................................................................. ............................... 1 2. Asbestos ...................................................................................................... ..............................1 2.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 1 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 2 2.3 Results ..................................................................................... ............................... 3 2.4 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 5 3. Lead Based Paint ...................................................................................... ............................... 5 3.1 General Information and Definitions .................................... ............................... 5 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing ........................................... ............................... 5 4. Hazardous Materials ............................................................................... ............................... 6 4.1 General Information ................................................................ ..............................6 4.2 Observations and Results ...................................................... ............................... 6 4.3 Limitations .............................................................................. ............................... 6 5. Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................... ............................... 6 6. Standard Care and Qualifications ......................................................... ............................... 7 LIST OF FIGURES Figures Figure 1 - Project Location LIST OF APPENDICES Appendices Appendix A - Asbestos Summary Table Appendix B - Asbestos Analytical Results Appendix C - Asbestos Sample Locations Appendix D - Room -by -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Appendix E - Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 1. Introduction WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) was retained by the City of Monticello (the City) to conduct a pre- demolition hazardous materials survey at the commercial property located at 119 3rd Street East in Monticello, Minnesota (the property). A property location map is included as Figure 1. The property is occupied by a multi - tenant commercial building. The property building is one -story and constructed of concrete block, brick, and metal. The property building includes a flat roof and a partial attic area. WSB understands the City plans to demolish the existing structure and use the property for future City improvements. Since the building is currently occupied, only non - destructive sampling methods were used during the survey. The work performed as part of this survey was completed to meet the following objectives: • Identify friable and non - friable asbestos - containing materials (ACM) at the property as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). • Identify regulated ACM (friable or non - friable) at the property that could become friable during demolition activities, and according to current State and Federal regulations, would require abatement prior to initiating demolition activities. • Identify lead -based paint (LBP) surfaces that have the potential to be recycled during demolition activities, and if classified as LBP, will require special recycle management. • Inventory potentially hazardous materials that should be removed and properly disposed prior to initiating demolition activities. This report summarizes the findings of the pre- demolition survey. 2. Asbestos 2.1 General Information and Definitions For the purpose of this assessment, the building was considered one functional area as defined by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Upon completion of the reconnaissance, the suspect ACM was assessed, inventoried, and sampled for laboratory analysis. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 1 The following definitions apply to this report: • The USEPA defines ACM as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos. Materials found to contain one percent or less asbestos are not regulated as ACM. • Friable ACM is defined as any material that contains greater than one percent asbestos, and which can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. • Category I non - friable ACM means asbestos - containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products containing more than one percent asbestos. Category I non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it is in a condition where the renovation /demolition activities might cause it to become friable. • Category II non - friable ACM means any material, excluding Category I non - friable ACM, containing more than one percent asbestos that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure. Category II non - friable ACM is not allowed to remain in place during renovation or demolition if it has a high probability of becoming crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder during renovation, demolition, transport, or disposal. 2.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Non - Suspect Material The following materials were determined to be non - suspect ACM and were not targeted for sampling during this inventory: • Wood floors, ceilings, and walls • Concrete floors, ceilings, and walls • Foam pipe insulation and gap filler Suspect ACM Targeted for Sampling Suspect ACM identified and subsequently sampled at the property included: • Flooring and associated mastic • Various baseboard • Ceiling tile • Various caulk Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 2 Sample Analysis A total of 11 bulk samples were submitted for laboratory analysis. Some of the bulk samples consisted of several layers. A total of 12 samples (including layers) were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) in accordance with USEPA analytical protocol {EPA -600 R93/1161 by EMSL Analytical, Inc. (EMSL), Minneapolis, MN laboratory. Materials that were analyzed and found to contain one percent or less asbestos are considered "non- asbestos" per current State and Federal regulations. Materials that were found to contain greater than one percent asbestos are considered to be ACM. Under current Federal regulations, if the PLM results detect asbestos at a concentration of less than 10% in one or more of the samples from any sample unit, the owner or operator of the building may (1) elect to assume the amount to be greater than 1% and treat the material as ACM or (2) require verification of the amount by utilizing the Point -Count Method. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is greater than one percent, the material will be determined to be regulated ACM. If the Point -Count Method analysis determines that the concentration of asbestos is one percent or less, the material will be determined to be unregulated and non - asbestos containing. No samples were re- analyzed using the Point -Count Method. 2.3 Results All of the sampled building materials were observed to be generally in fair to good condition with isolated areas of damage. An asbestos result summary table is included in Appendix A. Copies of the asbestos analytical laboratory reports are included as Appendix B. Asbestos sample location diagrams are included as Appendix C. The following building materials sampled from the building were determined to be ACM (or assumed ACM) based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): Friable ACM No sampled material was determined to be Friable ACM. Category II Non - Friable ACM • Exterior tan door caulk (Sample 8), one unit. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 3 Category I Non - Friable ACM • 9" gray floor tile located in the Produce Room (Sample 1), approximately 700 square feet. Note: Associated black mastic is not ACM. Assumed ACM • White textured ceiling located in the Produce Room, approximately 700 square feet. This material is considered Friable. • 2" pink floor tile located in Bathroom 1, approximately 50 square feet. This material is considered Category I Non - Friable. • 2 "x4" pink wall tile located in Bathroom 1, approximately 200 square feet. This material is considered Category I Non - Friable. • 12" white floor tile located in the Service Area, approximately 500 square feet. This material is considered Category I Non - Friable. • 12" brown floor tile located in the Break Room and Bathroom 2, approximately 250 square feet. This material is considered Category I Non - Friable. • Black roof membrane located on the Roof, approximately 5,300 square feet. This material is considered Category 1 Non - Friable. Non -ACM (Confirmed by Sampling and Analysis) The following building sampled materials were determined to be non -ACM based on the definitions provided in current State and Federal regulations (see Appendix C for specific locations): • Black floor tile mastic (Sample 1). Note: Associated gray tile is ACM. • Black baseboard (Sample 2). • 2'x4' white ceiling tile (Sample 3). • Brown baseboard (Sample 4). • 2'x4' white ceiling tile (Sample 5). • White textured sink (Sample 6). • Tan window glaze (Sample 7). • Brown brick and gray mortar (Sample 9). • Tan stucco wall (Sample 10). • Tan window caulk (Sample 11). Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 4 2.4 Limitations Non - destructive asbestos sampling methods were used during this survey since the property building is currently occupied. Prior to demolition, destructive sampling should be conducted in order to assess building interstitial areas (i.e. flooring /roofing layers, wall cavity, etc.). WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, or household equipment or appliances. There is a potential for ACM components to be present inside of these components. Based on these limitations, the quantities listed in this survey reflect the visibility available at the time of the survey. All quantities in this survey are estimations and should not be considered exact measurements when used for obtaining abatement bids. 3. Lead -Based Paint 3.1 General Information and Definitions Based on current regulatory definitions, LBP is defined as paint, shellac, or other coating containing lead concentrations equal to or greater than 1.0 mg /cmz when using an X -ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument, or laboratory analysis of 0.5 percent by weight (5,000 ug /g, 5,000 ppm, or 5,000 mg /kg) by laboratory analysis. LBP adhered to surfaces intended for recycle (e.g. concrete, metal, wood, etc.) should be tested to determine if reuse restrictions exist. Untested painted concrete from structures built before 1978 may not be used as fill or aggregate without a case - specific beneficial use determination from the MPCA. 3.2 Sampling and Analytical Testing Due to the non - destructive nature of this survey, LBP sampling was not completed at the property. All painted surfaces were determined to be in good condition at the time of the survey. The MPCA no longer requires LBP analysis of coated surfaced determined to be in poor condition prior to demolition. However, WSB recommends completing LBP sampling and analysis on painted surfaces likely to be recycled during demolition activities. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 5 4. Hazardous Materials 4.1 General Information A walk - through reconnaissance of the building was conducted to identify and inventory potentially hazardous materials or materials that have special disposal requirements that should be removed prior to demolition activities. These materials include, but are not limited to, hazardous substances, petroleum products, PCB - containing light ballasts, mercury- containing lights and switches, and refrigerants. 4.2 Observations and Results The potentially hazardous equipment and materials and potential environmental concerns are identified in a room -by -room list included as Appendix D. 4.3 Limitations The method of the hazardous materials inventory consisted of walking through all areas of the building and making observations for components that typically contain hazardous substance that are incidental to the building. WSB recommends that these materials and any associated containers for these materials be removed prior to initiating demolition activities. As previously discussed, WSB did not disassemble furnaces, water heaters, other appliances, electrical equipment, or operational equipment. There is a potential for mercury switches to be part of this equipment. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations The following recommendations are provided based on the results of this hazardous materials inventory: • Friable, Category 11 Non - Friable, and Category 1 Non - Friable asbestos was identified (or assumed) at the property as described in Section 2.3 and summarized in Appendix A. A licensed asbestos abatement contractor must remove all Friable and Category II non - Friable ACM prior to initiating demolition. • Current regulations allow Category I Non - Friable ACM to either be removed prior to demolition or to be managed in -place during demolition using appropriate procedures. If the removal option is selected, the removal must be conducted by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor prior to initiating demolition. If left in- place, the Category I non - friable ACM must be segregated during demolition and disposed as asbestos - containing waste. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 6 • Prior to demolition, destructive asbestos sampling should be conducted at the property in order to assess the building interstitial areas (i.e. flooring /roofing layers, wall cavity, etc.) and verify assumed ACM. • Any unidentified suspect ACM encountered during demolition activities should be assumed to be asbestos - containing until the material is sampled and tested to determine the asbestos content. • Prior to demolition, LBP sampling should be conducted on all materials intended for recycle. • Prior to demolition activities, all regulated waste should be abated and /or removed as described in Section 4.1 and summarized in Appendix G. 6. Standard Care and Qualifications Services performed by WSB have been conducted in accordance with generally recognized industry standards and current MPCA and MDH guidelines, where applicable. The services performed by WSB have been conducted with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable members of the profession, practicing in the same locality under similar budget and time constraints. No other warranty is made or intended. A summary of the laboratory and individual qualifications for those associated with this survey are included in Appendix E. Prepared by: 914V'�_C� Ryan Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist MDH Asbestos Inspector No.: AI -10800 MDH Lead Risk Assessor No.: LR -3148 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Page 7 FIGURES Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey FIGURES 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494-94 PXw'3 IS GHC 666 66I=j\sAanunS lewzeH \sdew \SIJ \Ob6-b6b6O \:>i ' rs �v /pd Ii o _6 fa 3m� i 4U. Abo op � � . ,is ✓pAa� � �i W J w N a F *P 4 MAN . � o APPENDIX A Asbestos Summary Table Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 130 Broadway Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401428 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:45 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Non - Asbestos Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Description Project: 119 3RD ST. E / 1494 -94 % Non - Fibrous Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 1 PRODUCE-9" Gray 94% Non - fibrous (other) 6% Chrysotile GRAY FLOOR Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0001 TILE Homogeneous 2 PRODUCE- Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BLACK BASE Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0002 BOARD Homogeneous 3 CLOTHING White 50% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected ROOM - 2 BY 4 Fibrous 45% Min. Wool 621401428 -0003 WHITE CEILING Homogeneous TILE 4 CLOTHING Brown 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected ROOM-BROWN Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0004 BASEBOARD Homogeneous 5 DMV SERVICE White 50% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected AREA - 2 BY 4 Fibrous 25% Min. Wool 621401428 -0005 WHITE CEILING Homogeneous o TILE 20% Glass 6 BREAK ROOM - White 5% Cellulose 95% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WHITE Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0006 TEXTURED SINK Homogeneous UNDERCOAT 7 SIDE A - TAN Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected CONRETE Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0007 WINDOW GLAZE Homogeneous 8 SIDE A - TAN Tan 98% Non - fibrous (other) 2% Chrysotile DOOR CAULK Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0008 Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (12) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:44:31 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:44:31 PM 1 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com EMSL Order: 621401428 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 Project) D: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:45 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Homogeneous Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Project: 119 3RD ST. E / 1494 -94 WINDOW CAULK Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 9 -Brick SIDE B - LIGHT Brown 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BROWN BRICK Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0009 AND MORTAR Homogeneous 9- Mortar SIDE B - LIGHT Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BROWN BRICK Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0009A AND MORTAR Homogeneous 10 SIDE B - Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected STUCCO WALL Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0010 Homogeneous 11 SIDE B - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WINDOW CAULK Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0011 Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (12) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:44:31 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:44:31 PM THIS IS THE LAST PAGE OF THE REPORT. 2 OrderID: 621401428 EMSL ANALYtICAL INc. Asbestos Bulk Building Material Chain of Custody EMSL Order Number (Lab use only): EMSL Analytical, Inc. 14375 23rd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55447 PHONE: (763) 449 -4922 FAX: (763) 449 -4924 company: WSB 81 Associates, Inc. EMSL -Bill to: 0 Same ❑ Different It Bill to is Different note instructions in Comments" Third Party Billing requires written authorization from third paq Street: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City: Minneapolis I State /Province: MN Zi !Postal Code: 55416 Country: United States Report To (Name): Ryan Spencer Telephone #: 763- 231 -4854 Email Address: rspencer @wsbeng.com Fax #: 763 - 541 -1700 Purchase Order: Project Name /Number: `t r Please Provide Results: F Fax ✓ malll ail U.S. State Samples Taken: MN CT Samples: ❑ Commercial/Taxable ❑ ResidentiallTax Exempt Turnaround Time AT Options* - Please Check ❑ 3 Hour ❑ 6 Hour [:124 Hour I ❑ 48 hour I ❑ 72 Hour I ❑ 96 Hour I Ll'i Week ❑ 2 Week For TEM Air 3 hr through 6 hr, please call ahead to schedule. *Them is a premium charge for 3 Hour TLM AHERA or EPA Level// TAT. You will be asked to sign an authorization form for this service. Analysis completed in accordance with EMSL's Terms and Conditions located in the Anal ical Price Guide. PLM - Bulk (reporting limit) TEM - Bulk L ZM EPA 600 /R- 931116 ( <1 %) PLM EPA NOB (<1%) Point Count ❑ 400 (<0.25 %) ❑ 1000 ( <0,1 %) Point Count w /Gravimetric ❑ 400 ( <0.25 %) ❑ 1000 ( <O.1 %) ❑ NIOSH_9002 ( <10/,) ❑ NY ELAP Method 198.1 (friable in NY) ❑ NY ELAP Method 198.6 NOB (non-friable-NY) ❑ OSHA ID -191 Modified �— ❑ Standard Addition Method ❑ TEM EPA NOB - EPA 6001R- 931116 Section El NY ELAP Method 198.4 (TEM) ❑ Chatfield Protocol (semi - quantitative) T ❑ TEM % by Mass - EPA 600/R- 931116 Section _ ❑ TEM Qualitative via Filtration Prep Technique ❑ TEM Qualitative via Drop Mount Prep Technique Other ❑ Ei "Check For Positive Stop - Clearly Identify Homogenous Group Date Sampled: Samplers Name: 1�11( �, I Samplers Signature: Sample # HA # Sam le Location Material Description 3. t;lo% DO M : l '! y 0P4,-CC--- 7. 4--,try Co c �. S � � l• h�-13rb wrl �ri� h � �a � to S tc� s�Ca w�, I l Client Sample # Is): - Total # of Samples: Relinquished (Client): 7Lu C.(,- Date: 10- - / Iime: y��j Received (Lab): PO)4,(,/- tJ t Date: l7 d irne: c /I-% Comments /Special Instructions: NOV 03 2n%1 Page 1 of pages Page 1 Of OrderID: 621401428 EMSL Analytical, Inc, Asbestos Bulk Building Material 14375 23rd Avenue North Chain of Custody Minneapolis, MN 55447 *- EMSL ANACY'I'tCAL, INC- 7 EMSL Order Number (tad use only): PHONE: (763) 449 -4922 rn � , ` ),1 L� 0 � FAX: (763) 449 -4924 Additional Pages of the Chain of Custody are only necessary if needed for additional sample information Sample # HA # Sample Location Material Description *Comments /Special Instructions: Page _. of _Q pages Page 2 Of APPENDIX B Asbestos Analytical Results Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 621401428 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com ProjectlD: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:45 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Non - Asbestos Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Description Project: 119 3RD ST. E / 1494 -94 % Non - Fibrous Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 1 PRODUCE-9" Gray 94% Non - fibrous (other) 6% Chrysotile GRAY FLOOR Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0001 TILE Homogeneous 2 PRODUCE- Black 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BLACK BASE Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0002 BOARD Homogeneous 3 CLOTHING White 50% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected ROOM - 2 BY 4 Fibrous 45% Min. Wool 621401428 -0003 WHITE CEILING Homogeneous TILE 4 CLOTHING Brown 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected ROOM-BROWN Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0004 BASEBOARD Homogeneous 5 DMV SERVICE White 50% Cellulose 5% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected AREA - 2 BY 4 Fibrous 25% Min. Wool 621401428 -0005 WHITE CEILING Homogeneous o TILE 20% Glass 6 BREAK ROOM - White 5% Cellulose 95% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WHITE Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0006 TEXTURED SINK Homogeneous UNDERCOAT 7 SIDE A - TAN Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected CONRETE Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0007 WINDOW GLAZE Homogeneous 8 SIDE A - TAN Tan 98% Non - fibrous (other) 2% Chrysotile DOOR CAULK Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0008 Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (12) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:44:31 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:44:31 PM 1 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 161 John Roberts Road, South Portland, ME 04106 Phone /Fax: (207) 517 -6921 / (207) 517 -6922 http: / /www.EMSL.com portlandlab(c).emsl.com EMSL Order: 621401428 CUStomerlD: WSBA34 CustomerPO: 1494 -94 Project) D: Attn: Ryan Spencer Phone: (763) 541 -4800 WSB & Associates, Inc. Fax: 701 Xenia Ave. S Received: 11/01/14 8:45 AM Suite 300 Analysis Date: 11/4/2014 Homogeneous Collected: Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected Project: 119 3RD ST. E / 1494 -94 WINDOW CAULK Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600 1R- 931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non - Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non - Fibrous % Type 9 -Brick SIDE B - LIGHT Brown 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BROWN BRICK Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0009 AND MORTAR Homogeneous 9- Mortar SIDE B - LIGHT Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected BROWN BRICK Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0009A AND MORTAR Homogeneous 10 SIDE B - Gray 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected STUCCO WALL Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0010 Homogeneous 11 SIDE B - TAN Tan 100% Non - fibrous (other) None Detected WINDOW CAULK Non - Fibrous 621401428 -0011 Homogeneous Analyst(s) Alexander Maxinoski (12) * v a'P-� Christina Wallker, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non - friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. South Portland, ME Initial report from 11/04/2014 14:44:31 Test Report PLM- 7.28.9 Printed: 11/4/2014 2:44:31 PM THIS IS THE LAST PAGE OF THE REPORT. 2 OrderID: 621401428 EMSL ANALYtICAL INc. Asbestos Bulk Building Material Chain of Custody EMSL Order Number (Lab use only): EMSL Analytical, Inc. 14375 23rd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55447 PHONE: (763) 449 -4922 FAX: (763) 449 -4924 company: WSB 81 Associates, Inc. EMSL -Bill to: 0 Same ❑ Different It Bill to is Different note instructions in Comments" Third Party Billing requires written authorization from third paq Street: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City: Minneapolis I State /Province: MN Zi !Postal Code: 55416 Country: United States Report To (Name): Ryan Spencer Telephone #: 763- 231 -4854 Email Address: rspencer @wsbeng.com Fax #: 763 - 541 -1700 Purchase Order: Project Name /Number: `t r Please Provide Results: F Fax ✓ malll ail U.S. State Samples Taken: MN CT Samples: ❑ Commercial/Taxable ❑ ResidentiallTax Exempt Turnaround Time AT Options* - Please Check ❑ 3 Hour ❑ 6 Hour [:124 Hour I ❑ 48 hour I ❑ 72 Hour I ❑ 96 Hour I Ll'i Week ❑ 2 Week For TEM Air 3 hr through 6 hr, please call ahead to schedule. *Them is a premium charge for 3 Hour TLM AHERA or EPA Level// TAT. You will be asked to sign an authorization form for this service. Analysis completed in accordance with EMSL's Terms and Conditions located in the Anal ical Price Guide. PLM - Bulk (reporting limit) TEM - Bulk L ZM EPA 600 /R- 931116 ( <1 %) PLM EPA NOB (<1%) Point Count ❑ 400 (<0.25 %) ❑ 1000 ( <0,1 %) Point Count w /Gravimetric ❑ 400 ( <0.25 %) ❑ 1000 ( <O.1 %) ❑ NIOSH_9002 ( <10/,) ❑ NY ELAP Method 198.1 (friable in NY) ❑ NY ELAP Method 198.6 NOB (non-friable-NY) ❑ OSHA ID -191 Modified �— ❑ Standard Addition Method ❑ TEM EPA NOB - EPA 6001R- 931116 Section El NY ELAP Method 198.4 (TEM) ❑ Chatfield Protocol (semi - quantitative) T ❑ TEM % by Mass - EPA 600/R- 931116 Section _ ❑ TEM Qualitative via Filtration Prep Technique ❑ TEM Qualitative via Drop Mount Prep Technique Other ❑ Ei "Check For Positive Stop - Clearly Identify Homogenous Group Date Sampled: Samplers Name: 1�11( �, I Samplers Signature: Sample # HA # Sam le Location Material Description 3. t;lo% DO M : l '! y 0P4,-CC--- 7. 4--,try Co c �. S � � l• h�-13rb wrl �ri� h � �a � to S tc� s�Ca w�, I l Client Sample # Is): - Total # of Samples: Relinquished (Client): 7Lu C.(,- Date: 10- - / Iime: y��j Received (Lab): PO)4,(,/- tJ t Date: l7 d irne: c /I-% Comments /Special Instructions: NOV 03 2n%1 Page 1 of pages Page 1 Of OrderID: 621401428 EMSL Analytical, Inc, Asbestos Bulk Building Material 14375 23rd Avenue North Chain of Custody Minneapolis, MN 55447 *- EMSL ANACY'I'tCAL, INC- 7 EMSL Order Number (tad use only): PHONE: (763) 449 -4922 rn � , ` ),1 L� 0 � FAX: (763) 449 -4924 Additional Pages of the Chain of Custody are only necessary if needed for additional sample information Sample # HA # Sample Location Material Description *Comments /Special Instructions: Page _. of _Q pages Page 2 Of APPENDIX C Asbestos Sample Locations Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 - engineering Project description 119 3rd Street East planning (888) 541-4800 Task description HazMat Survey Ws B Project number 1494 -940 environmental wsbeng.com & Associates, Inc. construction Designed by Checked by Date 10 -29 -14 Page of Side B Asbestos Sample Locations Side C Side A 8 JJ 10 9 Side D APPENDIX D Room by Room Hazardous Materials Inventory Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 119 3rd Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Building Interior Drop Off Area o 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 4 ballasts o 4 -8' fluorescent light bulbs (above ceiling) o 2 ballasts (above ceiling) o 1 smoke detector o 1 fire extinguisher Clothing Area o 40 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 20 ballasts o 18 -8' fluorescent light bulbs (above ceiling) o 9 ballasts (above ceiling) o 1 smoke detector o 1 fire extinguisher o 1 furnace o 1 electric thermostat Bathroom 1 o 2 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 1 ballasts o 1 exhaust fan Storage o 20 -4' fluorescent light bulbs o 10 ballast o 1 smoke detector o 1 freezer unit Produce o 16 -8' fluorescent light bulbs o 8 ballasts o 4 freezer units o 1 smoke detector o 1 mercury thermostat o 1 fire extinguisher o 1 hydraulic door arm Office 1 o 2 -8' fluorescent light bulbs o 1 ballast o 1 security system o 1 water heater Page 1 of 3 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 119 3rd Street East Monticello, MN 55362 0 50 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 25 ballasts 0 2 lighted exit signs 0 1 motion sensor 0 1 smoke detector 0 1 doorbell chime 0 3 security cameras 0 1 fire extinguisher 0 2 hydraulic door arms Office 2 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts File Room 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts 0 1 motion detector 0 1 security camera Break Room 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Conference Room 0 8 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts Bathroom 2 0 4 -4' fluorescent light bulbs 0 2 ballasts 0 1 exhaust fan Utility • 1 light fixture • lfurnace • 1 hydraulic door arm Attic 0 8 -8' fluorescent light bulbs 0 4 ballasts 0 1 furnace Page 2 of 3 Room -By -Room Hazardous Materials Inventory 119 3rd Street East Monticello, MN 55362 Building Exterior / Roof Side A o 2 light fixtures o 2 gas meters o 1 air conditioning unit Side B o None observed Side C o 2 light fixtures o 3 electric meters Side D o 2 light fixtures Roof o None observed Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX E Qualifications Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Survey APPENDIX 119 3rd Street East WSB Project No. 1494 -940 ASBESTOS IFIAI IYtNI<i XIAIIA SUE: Certified by: SUPERVISOR State of Minnesota Department of Health Expires: 05/2112015' .`? Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 55436 No AS10800 Issued: 06/02 /2014 ASBESTOS /VIIf YIXIOi MFAIIi INSPECTOR Certified by: State of Minnesota Department of Health Expires: 02/24/2015 Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 55436 No. A] 10800 Issued: 03/05/2014 LEAD ,1 N Risk Assessor Licensed by: State of Minnesota Department of Health License No. LR3148 Expires 05/22/2015 Ryan G Spencer 1801 Pennsylvania Ave S St Louis Park, MN 56436 STRUCTURAL IMPACT OF REMOVING THREE BUILDINGS AT HIGHWAY 25 & EAST BROADWAY Monticello, Minnesota MBJ Commission # 14.782.0 MEYER BORGMAN S T H U C I U R A 1 0 E S I G N + JOHNSON E N G I N E E R I N G 510 Marquette Ave, Suite 900 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 338 -0713 fax: (612) 337 -5325 I STRUCTURAL IMPACT REMOVING THREE BUILDINGS AT HIGHWAY 25 & EAST BROADWAY Monticello, Minnesota MEYER BORGMAN I JOHNSON S -I R U CT U R A L D E S I G N + E N G I N E E R I N G Date: December 2, 2014 Prepared for: The City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Prepared by: Chris Hartnett, PE (MN), LEED AP Meyer Borgman Johnson 510 Marquette Ave., Suite 900 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 338 -0713 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Chris Hartnett, PE MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 December 2, 2014 Minnesota Registration: 42371 Meyer Borgman Johnson Structural Design & Engineering z EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report describes the results of an investigation into the demolition of three buildings slated for potential demolition on the southwest corner of Minnesota State Highway 25 and East Broadway in Monticello, Minnesota. The buildings are located sufficiently close together that the demolition of one building may cause damage to an adjoining building. The impacts on nearby water pump houses and underground water lines are also discussed. Three of the buildings (addresses 100, 112 and 130 East Broadway) are constructed of CMU block perimeter bearing walls, supporting wood and steel roofs and 2nd floor (2nd floor on 112 only). These buildings have no basement and likely bear on shallow frost footings. The fourth building (address 118 East Broadway) is a wood - framed two -story building supported on a full - height poured concrete basement. The building structures are not connected; however, their facades, some roofing are connected. A rear deck is not connected but will be impacted. Five structural vulnerabilities of buildings are addressed: damage due to equipment strike; damage due to vibration through the soils; settlement due to the removal of soil beneath or adjacent to the footings; settlement due to soil consolidation; and damage to building 118 due to the removal of building 130. These vulnerabilities do not pose life- safety issues; however, there is reasonable potential for damage to non - structural elements. This may create a liability issue between the City and the owner of building 118. If liability issues are a concern, we recommend building monitoring to identify acceptable vibration levels, to monitor vibrations during demolition, and to alert City staff and the demolition crew of potentially damaging vibrations. A proposal for these services from a structural testing company is included as an appendix. The following conclusions are drawn and recommendations made: 1. Building Construction. The buildings are in good structural condition. Recommendation 1: No actions are required to stabilize the buildings prior to demolition 2. Structural Vulnerabilities — Direct Equipment Strike. The building construction is robust and will withstand minor equipment strikes. A powerful strike may destabilize a building by pushing one of the bearing walls out of plumb, thus removing support to the roof and structural floors above. Recommendation 2a: Implement demolition procedures to protect adjacent buildings from a direct equipment strike during building demolition. Recommendation 2b: The 3" gap between buildings 118 and 130 is too small to demolish building 130 with heavy equipment. We recommend that the westernmost 12' -8" of building 130 (an addition) be removed by hand, using small power tools. 3. Structural Vulnerabilities — Vibration. Building demolition creates vibration that can damage adjacent buildings. The damage depends upon: the amplitude (strength) and MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering frequency of the vibration; soil type; and the receiving building construction type and strength. The transient nature of demolition and the robust building construction combine to minimize the probability of structural damage due to vibration. This does not pose a life - safety issue, but it may cause a liability issue with the owner of building 118. Recommendation 3a: If liability issues are a concern, we recommend that a testing company be engaged survey, monitor, and report vibrations within buildings to remain, caused by building demolition. Recommendation 3b: If the decision is made to not remove the footings of demolished buildings, the vibrations transmitted to the remaining buildings will be reduced. The decision to monitor the remaining buildings becomes one of liability (rather than a life safety issue), which is outside the scope of this investigation. 4. Structural Vulnerabilities — Settlement due to Soil Consolidation. Vibration transmitted through soils can cause building settlement due to grains of soil reorienting and filling small voids. The potential for settlement is higher in sandy soils. This does not pose life- safety concerns, but it may cause a liability issue, as described in conclusion 3 above. Recommendation 4: The vibration monitoring program in recommendation 3 will help to mitigate damage due to settlement. 5. Structural Vulnerabilities — Settlement due to Loss of Soil Support. The removal of adjacent footings that bear at differing elevations may require intervention to prevent undermining. The footings within buildings 100, 112 and 130 are likely at similar elevations, thus reducing the potential for undermining. The footings beneath building 118 lie sufficiently below the adjacent footings to eliminate any possibility of settlement when the shallower foundations are removed. Recommendation 5: Remove adjacent footings with care. If a footing to be demolished lies below an adjacent footing that is slated to remain, stop demolition and contact MBJ for evaluation. 6. Building 118 Basement Damage due to the Removal of Building 130. The west wall of building 130 lies 3" east of building 118. This is too close to allow the removal of the building 130 west wall foundation and footing with heavy equipment. Recommendation 6: Either leave building 130 west wall footing in place, or remove it with hand -held power tools. Monitor the inside face of building 118 basement wall for cracking during demolition. Notify MBJ if the cracking grows beyond isolated closed cracks. 7. Non - structural Elements. Three non - structural elements connect the buildings: a stuccoclad facade wall between buildings 112 and 118; a wood - framed sloped deck between buildings 112 and 118; and roof flashing that connects the roof of building 130 with the east wall of building 118. Recommendation 7: These non - structural elements should be dismantled by hand to prevent local structural damage. If the decision is made to preserve the facade wall, a new support structure will be required at the wall west end to provide lateral stability. This structure could MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering 4 be a shallow CMU wing -wall or stucco -clad wood - framed stud wall. The wood - framed deck can be dismantled and rebuilt. Temporary handicap access may be required. Cosmetic repairs will be required at the facade wall and the roof flashing. 8. Well Buildings and Underground Water Lines. Pump House 1 and Pump House 2 are sufficiently distant from the proposed demolition to eliminate concern of damage to these buildings from the demolition. It is assumed that the underground pipes are located below frost (4' -6" below grade or lower), and are designed to support traffic loads transmitted through the soils. Recommendation 8: City staff to confirm elevation of water lines. If elevations are higher than 4' -6" below grade, contact MBJ for evaluation. Otherwise, no actions are required to protect the well buildings and underground water lines. MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering Introduction MBJ has been engaged by the City of Monticello to investigate the structural implications of demolishing up to three storefront buildings on the southeast corner of Minnesota State Highway 25 and East Broadway Avenue in Monticello, Minnesota. The buildings, located at addresses 100, 112, and 130 East Broadway, are located sufficiently close together for the demolition of one building to potentially damage the adjoining building. These potential impacts are investigated. The impacts of the demolition on nearby water pump houses and underground water lines are also discussed. This study investigates the construction of each building, including five vulnerabilities of the buildings to damage from nearby building demolition. It discusses the soil impacts on building settlement, and damage caused by vibration transmitted through the soils. Building monitoring during demolition is discussed as a strategy to protect the buildings scheduled to remain on -site. Eight conclusions are drawn and recommendations made to protect the buildings. Photos and diagrams are included in Appendix 1 to illustrate the findings, and a proposal by Braun Intertec for vibration monitoring is included in Appendix 2. Building Construction The four buildings in this investigation are aligned in an east/west line on the southeast corner of the intersection of Minnesota State Highway 25 and East Broadway in Monticello. Highway 25 runs north /south for the purposes of this report. 100 East Broadway is located on the corner, 112 is located two feet to the east, 118 is 8' -9" east of this, and 130 lies 3" to the east of 118. The structures of the four buildings do not appear to be positively connected; however, the facades, roofs and an off - street deck are attached. See Figure 1 for a diagram of the building adjacencies and structural types. 100 East Broadway 100 East Broadway is a one -story commercial building that is situated on the northeast corner of East Broadway and Highway 25. It is approximately 140' x 60' in plan with the 140' length oriented approximately north /south along Highway 25. The structure consists of a concrete slab - on- grade and exterior CMU bearing wall supported on unknown foundations. The roof structure consists of a flat roof deck supported by east/west spanning steel bar joists spaced at 4' -0" on- center. The joists are supported on the CMU walls along the building long sides and on steel I- beams supported on steel posts that run down the building north /south centerline. See Figure 2 for a photo of the building facade. The building foundation is not visible, but based on the soil type and the superstructure construction type, it likely consists of concrete spread- footings supporting the interior posts and MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering 11 perimeter strip footings beneath the CMU walls. The interior footings are likely located directly beneath the main level slab -on- grade; the perimeter strip footings are likely located four to five feet below grade to prevent frost - heave. The exterior faces of the CMU walls on the north (East Broadway), west and south facades include textured "split- face" block at the parapet and within pillars at the window and door openings. The remaining blocks on these facades include a geometric square -cut pattern. The visible portion of the east wall has smooth -face block. Masonry buildings of this type are vulnerable to foundation settlement, which can cause unsightly cracks in the CMU that allow water to infiltrate the building. The steel and wood roof structure is vulnerable to water infiltration that can decay the wood and rust the steel. Large settlements can cause structural instability. Building 100 is in good structural condition. There are no visible cracks in the exterior faces (the inside faces are covered with wallboard and not visible). There is no perceivable slope to the main -level slab -on- grade. These are strong evidence that the foundation, slab -on- grade, and the masonry perimeter walls are in good condition. Ongoing water infiltration is generally easy to identify in closed -up buildings such as this by the presence of mold spores that create a "musty" smell. This building smells dry, indicating little to no water infiltration. Several ceiling tiles were removed to expose the roof structure to view. There were no visible rust or water - stains from past water intrusion. Therefore, this building is performing as designed, with no concerns for its structural performance going forward. 112 East Broadway 112 East Broadway is a two -story commercial building with two small residential units on the second floor and a one -story garage on the back (south). The building faces north onto East Broadway; it is located 2' -0" to the east of 100 East Broadway. The two -story portion measures approximately 32' -6" across and 48' -0" north/south; the garage is the same east/west dimension and extends 34' north/south. See Figure 3 for a photo of the building facade. The structure consists of Pt level exterior CMU block walls. The front (north) facade is faced with non - structural split -log siding. The 2nd level framing and high roof are framed with dimensional lumber joists that span east/west, supported on the perimeter walls and steel beams on the building north /south centerline. The garage roof framing has same framing that is spun 90 degrees from that described. The steel beams are supported on steel posts. The main -level floors are concrete slab -on- grade; the garage is depressed 18 inches, with stairs and a ramp down to it. 2nd floor walls and roof are framed with dimensional lumber and sheathed with plywood. As is typical with these buildings, the foundation is not visible and likely consists of concrete spread footings supporting the interior posts and the CMU walls. The interior footing are likely just MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering 7 beneath the slab -on- grade; the bottom of exterior foundations are likely four to five feet below grade. The first floor of this building has the same structural vulnerabilities as building 100, discussed above; the second level has the same vulnerabilities as building 118, discussed below. 112 East Broadway is in generally good structural condition. The south and east - facing CMU walls show typical cracking due to minor building movement. Several original openings are filled with wood or block infill; the cracks tend to follow these features. The cracks are sufficiently tight to prevent water infiltration. The front fagade (north) walls are covered and not visible, and the west - facing block wall is not accessible to view. The concrete slabs -on -grade are reasonably level and the walls and columns are plumb. The second -floor framing is level and stiff to the "heal -drop test ", as is the garage roof. There is a bit of a musty smell in the second level apartments, although it is not overwhelming and likely does not indicate wood - eating decay fungi. Only the bottom flanges of the steel beams were visible without significant demolition; the bottom flanges have no rust. The columns are rust -free. This building is performing as designed, with no concern for its structural performance going forward. 118 East Broadway 118 East Broadway appears to be the oldest building of the four. It is a two -story structure that faces East Broadway to the north. It is 16' -4" wide by 51' -3" long and is located 8' -9" east of 112 East Broadway. See Figure 4 for a photo of the building facade. The superstructure is likely wood - framed with dimensional lumber floor joists and roof. The selective demolition of a portion of building 130 indicates CMU block along the bottom of building 118 east wall. The extent of this block is not known. The exterior walls are covered with wallboard and are likely wood stud walls that support the 2nd floor and roof The lower four feet of front fagade is clad in non - structural stone; the remainder of this facade is clad in composite clapboards. The 1St level of the side and rear facades are clad with stucco; the upper level is clad in wood clapboards. This building has a full- height basement, supported on a 9' (approximately) deep foundation beneath its entire footprint. The perimeter basement walls are cast -in -place concrete walls, with aggregate and formwork that indicate the wall likely dates to the first half of the last century. The structure of this building is covered with wallboard and interior finishes from a relatively recent renovation. Therefore, the evaluation of the building's structural condition is somewhat less certain. Having said this, indirect observations of the structure indicate that is in good to very good condition: the floors are level and the walls are plumb; the east basement wall at the mechanical room is exposed and is in very good condition; the north, south and west basement walls are covered with wallboard and were not observed. The basement and upper levels smell MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering Ej dry, with no musty aroma that would indicate water intrusion. When viewed from the outside, the walls are plumb, the ridgeline is level and straight. This building is performing as designed, with no concern for its structural performance going forward. 130 East Broadway 130 East Broadway is a one -story commercial building that includes the original structure plus two additions. The building footprint is 66' -8" wide by 60' deep, including two additions. It faces East Broadway to the north and is located 3" east of building 118. See Figure 5 for photo of the building facade. The building prior to the additions consisted of two original buildings that were combined into one larger structure. Each of these buildings measured approximately 53' -6" deep x 27' wide. The center demising wall between the buildings was removed and replaced with steel beams that support both roofs and the original demising wall parapet. The current building includes exterior CMU block walls and concrete slab -on- grade, supported on unknown foundations. The roof structure consists of a flat roof deck on east/west spanning wood joists; the joists are supported on steel I -beams that bear on steel posts. The foundation is not visible and likely consists of concrete spread footings supporting the interior posts and the CMU walls. The interior footing are likely just beneath the slab -on- grade; the bottom of exterior foundations are likely four to five feet below grade. Two additions were added at unknown dates: 1. A 6' -6" deep (north/south) x 54' wide wood - framed one -story addition is attached to the rear (south) edge of the original building. The south CMU wall of the original building remains largely intact, with door openings cut into the wall. A wood - framed lean-to porch is attached to the addition south face. 2. A 60' deep x 12' -8" wide masonry and steel one -story addition is attached to the west edge of the original building. The exterior walls (north, west, and south) of this addition are CMU block. The east edge of the addition attaches to the original building through a line of steel I -beams that support the roof and a short brick parapet above. These beams bear on steel posts and replace the west exterior wall of the original building. The structure is covered with finishes, making it difficult to observe the structure directly: the interior faces of the exterior walls are covered with paneling; the outside faces are covered with stucco; and the roof structure is covered with ceiling tiles. Several ceiling tiles were removed to observe the roof structure, and portions of the paneling was removed from the east and west walls to locate and identify the walls. A small hole was broken into the west CMU wall to determine its thickness (8 ") and its location relative to building 118 (there is a 3" gap between the two buildings). MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering E] Based on observations of the roof structure and indirect observations of the CMU walls, the building appears to be in generally good structural condition. Although stucco hides small cracks, larger movements transmit through the stucco causing visible cracks on the building facade. No cracks were identified, indicating that the building remains stable. The walls are plumb and the concrete floors are reasonably level. This building appears to be performing as designed, with no concern for its structural performance going forward. Well Buildings and Underground Water Lines Pump House 1 and Pump House 2 are sufficiently distant from the proposed demolition that there is little concern of damage to these buildings from the demolition. An 8" water line exits Pump House 1 and extends to the west and north approximately 25' before turning east and south. A spur of this line continues north to service the four buildings. It is presumed that the underground pipes are located below frost (4' -6" below grade or lower), and are designed to support traffic loads transmitted through the soils. See Figure 6 for a plan of Pump House 1 and the underground water lines. Structural Vulnerabilities This project proposes to remove one or more of the four buildings while protecting the adjacent structures from damage. There are five foreseeable causes of damage, each is discussed in some detail below: 1. Direct damage to the structure from an equipment strike. 2. Dynamic movement of the structure due to the transmission of vibration through the soil. 3. Settlement of the structure due to the soil removal beneath or adjacent to the structure. 4. Settlement of the structure due to soil consolidation and loss of soil support to the foundation. 5. Damage to building 118 east basement wall due to the removal of building 130 west wall foundation. 1. Direct Damage from an Equipment Strike The CMU block exterior walls of buildings 100, 112 and 130 are durable and can resist minor strike damage. This damage might include puncture damage or deflection from vertical plumb. CMU block is relatively easy to patch; however, it can be difficult to match the block surface treatment (split -face or geometric pattern). The roof of building 100 bears on these walls at distinct joist bearing points, creating the possibility of a partial roof collapse if one of these support points is pushed sufficiently out of plumb. Building 118, and the top floor of building 112 are vulnerable to strike damage due to their wood - framed construction because wood is a relatively weak construction material. MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering 10 The stucco covering is brittle and vulnerable to minor strikes; damage to this covering may adversely affect the stability of the wall studs against localized buckling collapse. Some redundancy against collapse is provided by the floor and roof connections to the walls that spread the loads across the wall. Building 118 is also vulnerable to strike damage due to its proximity to building 130: the CMU west wall of building 130 lies 3" from building 118. Therefore, the removal of this wall will require great care, using small power tools. 2. Damage due to Dynamic Movement Building demolition with heavy equipment transmits vibration through the soils to nearby structures, causing the potential for damage due to excessive dynamic movement. This movement can be vertical or horizontal. The extent of damage is dependent upon three factors: • The amplitude (strength) and frequency of the vibration transmitted to the soil. • Soil composition. Loose sandy soils transmit vibration more efficiently than clayey cohesive soils; The receiving building construction. Brittle (stiff and weak) systems are more vulnerable to vibratory damage than ductile (flexible) strong materials. For example, glass is more vulnerable to damage than concrete walls; Vibration strength and frequency. Building demolition transmits high - frequency transient vibrations due to the striking and collapse of building components. Given the relatively small size of the buildings to be demolished, the high frequency vibrations are likely to be small. Buildings are most vulnerable to low frequency vibration, often caused by heavy equipment "rumbling" across a site. The transmission of these vibrations is dependent upon the soil composition. Soil Composition. Geotechnical engineers at Braun Intertec were consulted to understand the soil type in the vicinity of this project. Nearby soils consist of sandy soils that range from compact to slightly loose; this soil type tends to transmit vibration efficiently. When frozen, sandy soils act more like a cohesive clay, reducing vibration transmission. Although this soil type transmits vibrations more efficiently than cohesive soils, the soils engineers stated that vibration transmission through the soils should be sufficiently small to not cause damage to the buildings. Building Construction. The building construction is relatively robust against vibratory damage. The CMU block walls of buildings 100, 112 and 130 are strong against transitory vibration. The CMU walls tend to crack at the mortar joints when subjected to moderate vibration; this minor damage is easily repaired and rarely results in significant structural MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering 11 damage. The wood and steel framed roofs are flexible, allowing some transitory movement without damage. Therefore, these buildings can be considered to be only marginally vulnerable to damage due to soil - transmitted vibration. The wood - framed construction of building 118, and the upper level of building 112, are flexible and resist vibratory damage. The stucco exterior cladding and gypsum interior cladding on 118 are brittle and may crack when subjected to moderate vibration. Both of these claddings provide stability against wood stud buckling; however, their connections to the wood structure are generally sufficiently robust to protect the structure from buckling failure. Therefore, these buildings are only marginally vulnerable to damage due to soil - transmitted vibration. Given these three factors — the nature of the vibration, soil composition, and building construction — the potential for damage due to vibration transmitted through the soil is small. 3. Settlement due to Soil Consolidation Soils consist of soil grains surrounded by small voids. Large- grained and round - shaped soils, such as course sands, include relatively large voids between the grains. The grains of flat and very small - grained soils, such as clays, fit closely together, creating fewer small voids. The low frequency vibration caused by heavy equipment moving across a construction site cause the grains to reorient themselves in a new configuration that fills some of the voids. This reorientation compresses the soils, causing supported structures to settle. Past soil borings in the vicinity of this site indicate compact -to- somewhat -loose sandy soils. These are somewhat susceptible to consolidation. 4. Settlement due to Loss of Soil Support The removal of soils directly below, or adjacent to, a building foundation can reduce the soil support to the building. This is commonly referred to as "undermining" the foundation. The weight of the building compresses the soils in a bulb pattern directly below and adjacent to the foundation. See Figure 7. The removal of soils within this bulb cause the foundation (and supported building) to deflect towards the void as the soil pressure returns to equilibrium. It is important that this bulb region be protected during excavation. The foundation sizes and depths for the buildings is not known. Buildings 100, 112 and 130 do not include basements, which should place the foundations approximately 4' -6" to 5' -0" below grade — deep enough to protect against frost - heave. The close proximity of building 100 and 112 (two feet apart) indicates that the supporting footings are likely MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering 12 poured close together. Standard construction practice would pour these foundations at the same elevation to prevent undermining. However, the footing elevations are not known; therefore, if one of these buildings is removed and the other remains, care is required when removing the foundation to protect the adjacent foundation. There are two common methods to protect a footing from undermining: inject a lime slurry beneath the footing to solidify and strengthen the soils, or drill steel helical piers deep into the soils beneath the footing to bypass the potential voids. Building 118 includes a basement, which should put the foundation 8' -0" to 9' -6" below grade. This difference in elevation with the adjacent buildings will protect the deep foundation from settlement when the shallower foundations are removed. 5. Building 118 Basement Damage due to the Removal of Building 130 It is likely that the foundation beneath building 130 west wall (at approximate elevation minus 4' -6 ") bears against building 118 east basement wall mid - height. See Figure 8. The removal of building 130 foundation will eliminate this force against building 118 basement wall. Structural mechanics, and logic, would indicate this change will not destabilize the basement wall; however, there is a slight possibility that this change in equilibrium will cause cracking of the wall. This possibility should be monitored. Non - Structural Elements There is a small wood - framed, stucco -clad wall on the front facade that connects buildings 118 and 112. See Figure 9. This is not a structural wall and can be removed without affecting the stability of either building. The separation of the wall from either building should be performed with hand tools to prevent localized damage to the building structures. Cosmetic repairs to the wall will be required. If the decision is made to preserve the wall, a new support structure will be required at the wall west end to provide lateral stability. This structure could be a shallow CMU wing -wall or stucco -clad wood - framed stud wall. The wood - framed ramp that fills the space between buildings 112 and 118 will likely be damaged during demolition and foundation removal. This structure should be removed and replaced after demolition is complete. See Figure 10. The west edge of the roofing on 130 is flashed against the east wall of 118. This connection will require repair if 130 is removed and 118 remains. See Figure 11. MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering 13 Building Monitoring It is our professional opinion that the potential for significant structural damage due to vibration is sufficiently small to not pose a life- safety concern. There is, however, a reasonable expectation of slight foundation settlement causing CMU wall cracking, and /or sufficient vibration to damage non - structural and decorative elements (facades, moldings, non - structural walls, etc.). This potential may create liability issues (or perceived liability issues) for the City to the owner of building 118. Building monitoring may be warranted to address these issues. MBJ has requested a monitoring plan and monitoring protocols from Braun Intertec in Bloomington, Minnesota. Braun has prepared a proposal to provide the following services: a pre - construction survey of the four buildings; • the creation of a vibration control plan that will include acceptable vibration levels, and procedures to control vibration levels. • Installation of automated vibration monitors connected through wireless connections to Braun Intertec offices. Monitors will include alarms that notify staff if vibrations exceed recommended levels. • During demolition, Braun proposes to work with the demolition contractor to help mitigate vibration levels if these levels approach damaging levels. See Attachment 2 for Braun's proposal. Their proposal includes vibration monitoring of two buildings during demolition. The price can be reduced, based on a smaller number of buildings surveyed and monitored. These services can be supplied within MBJ's scope of work (as an additional service) or can be contracted directly with the City of Monticello. Conclusions and Recommendations 1. Building Construction. The buildings are in good structural condition and do not require remedial shoring or repair to stabilize the structures against unintended collapse during demolition. Recommendation 1: No actions are required to stabilize the buildings prior to demolition. 2. Structural Vulnerabilities — Direct Equipment Strike. The building construction is robust and will withstand minor equipment strikes: buildings 100 and 130 are CMU bearing walls with wood and steel roofs and floors; building 118 is wood - framed on a poured concrete basement; building 112 is CMU block construction on the first level and wood - framed structure on the second level. A powerful strike may destabilize a building by pushing one of the bearing walls out of plumb, thus removing support to the roof and structural floors above. The proximity of building 100 to 112 (2' between them), and 118 to 130 (3" between them) increase the possibility of an equipment strike. MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering 14 Recommendation 2a: Implement demolition procedures to protect adjacent buildings from a direct equipment strike during building demolition. If building 100 is demolished and building 112 remains, special care is required to protect building 112 due to their close proximity. Recommendation 2b: The 3" gap between buildings 118 and 130 is too small to demolish building 130 with heavy equipment. We recommend that the westernmost 12'8" of building 130 (an addition) be removed by hand, using small power tools. 3. Structural Vulnerabilities — Vibration. Building demolition creates vibration that can damage adjacent buildings. The damage depends on: • The amplitude (strength) and frequency of the vibration; • Soil type; • The receiving building construction type and strength. The compact -to- somewhat -loose sands in this area transmit vibration efficiently to adjacent buildings. However, the transient nature of demolition and the robust building construction combine to minimize the probability of structural damage due to vibration. This does not pose a life safety issue; however, there is reasonable potential for damage to non - structural elements. This may create a liability issue between the City and the owner of building 118. Recommendation 3a: If liability issues are a concern, we recommend a testing company be engaged to conduct a building pre - demolition survey, to prepare a program to minimize vibration, and to monitor vibration within the buildings that remain. Attachment 2 includes a proposal from Braun Intertec to provide these services. Funds should be included to repair incidental non - structural damage. Recommendation 3b: If the decision is made to not remove the footings of demolished buildings, the vibrations transmitted to the remaining buildings will be reduced. The decision to monitor the remaining buildings becomes one of liability (rather than a life safety issue), which is outside the scope of this investigation. 4. Structural Vulnerabilities — Settlement due to Soil Consolidation. Vibration transmitted through soils can cause building settlement due to grains of soil reorienting and filling small voids. The potential for settlement is higher in sandy soils. The potential in this project for sufficient settlement to cause structural damage is small. This does not cause a life- safety issue, but may pose a liability issue, as described in conclusion 3 above. Recommendation 4: The vibration monitoring program in recommendation 3 will mitigate damage due to settlement. 5. Structural Vulnerabilities — Settlement due to Loss of Soil Support. Closely spaced footings that bear at the same elevation can be removed without undermining the remaining footings if the demolition is performed with care. The removal of adjacent footings that bear MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering 15 at differing elevations may require intervention to prevent undermining. Two common interventions are soil solidification, and the installation of a deep foundation so support the remaining footing. The likely elevations of the footings within these four buildings cause the potential for undermining of footings to be small. The footings beneath building 118 lie sufficiently below the adjacent footings to eliminate the possibility of settlement when the shallower foundations are removed. Recommendation 5: Remove adjacent footings with care. If a footing to be demolished lies below an adjacent footing that is slated to remain, stop demolition and contact MBJ for evaluation. 6. Building 118 Basement Damage due to the Removal of Building 130. The west wall of building 130 lies 3" east of building 118. This is too close to allow the removal of the building 130 west wall foundation and footing with heavy equipment. There is the possibility that the removal of the footing will cause cracking in the 118 basement wall. Recommendation 6: Either leave building 130 west wall footing in place, or remove it with hand -held power tolls. Monitor the inside face of building 118 basement wall for cracking during demolition. Notify MBJ if the cracking grows beyond isolated closed cracks. 7. Non - structural Elements. Three non - structural elements connect the buildings: a stucco -clad facade wall between buildings 112 and 118; a wood - framed sloped deck between buildings 112 and 118; and roof flashing that connects the roof of building 130 with the east wall of building 118. Recommendation 7: These elements should be dismantled by hand to prevent local structural damage. If the decision is made to preserve the facade wall, a new support structure will be required at the wall west end to provide lateral stability. This structure could be a shallow CMU wing -wall or stucco -clad wood - framed stud wall. The woodframed deck can be dismantled and rebuilt. Cosmetic repairs will be required at the facade wall and the roof flashing. 8. Well Buildings and Underground Water Lines. Pump House 1 and Pump House 2 are sufficiently distant from the proposed demolition that there is little concern of damage to these buildings from the demolition. It is presumed that the underground pipes are located below frost (4' -6" below grade or lower), and are designed to support traffic loads transmitted through the soils. Recommendation 8: City staff to confirm elevation of water lines. If elevations are higher than 4' -6" below grade, contact MBJ for evaluation. Otherwise, no actions are required to protect the well buildings and underground water lines. MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering Appendix 1: Figures and Photographs Figure 1: Building Locations and Structural Systems 0 c� V I I I I I I I I I I I I N r NOLL I .9'19 0.0 a ° 0 M N� g�' J OOZ MW Y U p Z l,, , 44 W gW LL m ° ° -ZZ WU w y �pOp �K�z @ �aJ w °LL°LLo�KC°cU.) OW 6p zW;a Y —, ° °Wa°wzLLw w 8��pwLOW 6"MO ° °ot WowI,Uoca to UdY �0°inO�LLOuI° rpm m Zw�Uff tFa °w ?rani C7 ° w 5 1 O ¢ m fn LL, Z LL O � Ch m Yh p O W O Z W Z cps _ F m x(g4 Z Z LL m- ruQ7 O YLrUL V1 wrLLLLLL, W[n Z°p °O ° �r °pm ozziz M ui N LL L.7 W O M 0 SEW QODM W U W O W Q Z ] � O W 3 L� �z6C WtD 2 O 0 w L w w r z U LL 0 0 Z��°cLLJ n0� t/iLLZ W O ~ O in ;��o M m U LL M W en gWo �WM o U W S ¢z° oc�s°OqLb Lb OOEM (.>z O w $ X tYVUU d8wZ2 FWFX W dw FW-.Ja OO C� ffi °y UN 'MRZ 9 ou =JO J m � r 01 � r O O 0 v o O O C 5 8 1 73 is Z a � m m 4i AVMHJIH U) MI w V, U Q v a CO CM 1 � I z MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering Figure 2: Photo of 100 East Broadway North Facade Figure 3: 112 East Broadway Facade MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering 3 Figure 4: 118 East Broadway Facade Figure 5: Building 130 Facade MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering 4 Figure 6: Pump House 1 and Underground Water Lines Figure 7: Soil Pressure Bulb Beneath a Building Footing iI n Figure shows decreasing pressure beneath and Adjacent to footing. b - footing width p - soil pressure at bottom of footing .9, .7, etc. - % of soil pressure @ depth Figure 8: Section of Buildings 118 & 130 Foundation Interaction MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering Building 118 Basement & Foundation MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 December 2, 2014 6 11 Meyer Borgman Johnson Structural Design & Engineering IlJ.y . iY �s = Building 130 Basement & Foundation + I Soil Pressure Bulb Against 118 Basement �lllt Wall it 11 Meyer Borgman Johnson Structural Design & Engineering 6 Figure 9: Exterior Wall Between 112 Figure 10: Ramp Between 112 & 118 & 118 Figure 11: Roofing Between Buildings 118 & 130 MBJ Comm. No. 14.872 Meyer Borgman Johnson December 2, 2014 Structural Design & Engineering Appendix 2: Vibration Testing Proposal BRAUN Braun Intertec 4511 West 6 0 96218.624.4967 first Street, Suite Corporation 4 Phone: � Fax: 18.624 INTERTEC The Science You Build On. November 20, 2014 Mr. Chris Hartnett Meyer Borgman Johnson 510 Marquette Avenue, Suite 900 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Duluth, MN 55807 Web: braunintertec.com Proposal QTBO13247 Re: Proposal for Condition Surveying and Vibration Monitoring Monticello Building Demolition East Broadway Street and TH 25 Monticello, Minnesota Dear Mr. Harnett: Braun Intertec Corporation is pleased to furnish this proposal to conduct condition surveys and perform vibration monitoring for the above referenced project. Background It is our understanding that an unknown number of buildings (between 1 and 3) may be demolished on the southeast corner of East Broadway Street and TH 25 in Monticello, Minnesota. The demolition will consist of demolishing either one or some combination of Building 100, Building 112, and Building 130 as shown in Figure 1. With all demolition -type projects of this magnitude, there is a potential to damage surrounding structures from excessive vibration. Figure 1: Site Overview Scope of Work �w Meyer Borgman Johnson Proposal QTBO13247 November 20, 2014 Page 2 f fJ' • - 0 �M Pre - Construction Condition Survey and Crack Monitoring Prior to any demolition activity, we recommend conducting a Pre - Construction Condition Survey (PCCS) of Building 100, Building 112, Building 118, and Building 130 unless that building is scheduled to be demolished. The areas that will be included in the survey are as follows: Exterior: All visible portions (from ground level) of all elevations in which there is not a shared wall with another building. Interior: All accessible interior walls, floors and ceilings. This includes the basement and the above grade levels. The purpose of the PCCS is to document the existing condition of a building prior to construction. This information is used to establish a baseline condition of the building to compare against potential claims of damage related to construction. The PCCS will consist of the following: • Video tape of the interior and exterior of the building, described above, that includes some narration of observations. • Photograph the areas of concern mentioned in the video and notes on their approximate size and location. ■ Provide the videos and images on a DVD or through our FTP site for your future reference. ■ Throughout the pre- construction condition survey process, we will look for exposed physical distresses in structural components. If cracks are found, we will install crack monitors at the time of the survey for later reference. M .... 1 1 V I L I\ I L A Meyer Borgman Johnson Proposal QTB013247 November 20, 2014 Page 3 ■ Prepare a report summarizing the observations of the PCCS and provide a catalogue of the photos and videos for future reference. Braun Intertec will perform these services using engineers, architects and /or architects and engineers in training. To complete the survey we will need to gain access to the spaces prior to commencement of the construction activity. Braun Intertec can contact the occupants directly or coordinate the survey through Meyer Borgman Johnson, whichever is preferred. If you would like us to coordinate directly please provide the contact information for the applicable parties. We will make a reasonable attempt minimize interference with the operation of the tenants but if the appointments require after hours or weekend work additional fees will apply. Vibration Monitoring We recommend monitoring vibration levels in each building that is not to be demolished and is directly adjacent to demolition during the demolition process. Prior to demolition, after the PCCS's, Braun Intertec will create a vibration control plan which will discuss recommend vibration limits for each surrounding structure. The vibration control plan will also discuss predicted vibration levels, proposed locations for vibration monitors, and a general procedure to control and monitor the vibration levels. After submitting the vibration control plan, Braun Intertec will install Instantel Minimate Plus vibration monitors which will be configured with wireless cellular modems for immediate notification if vibration levels exceed pre- determined trigger levels which will be discussed in the vibration control plan. Once the vibration monitors are in place, Braun Intertec will work with the contractor throughout the demolition process. Braun Intertec will move the vibration monitors as needed and act as a consultant to help mitigate vibration levels if the vibration levels begin to approach damaging levels. Cost Estimate A summary breakdown of the estimated costs associated with the above mentioned scope task items are shown below. Refer to the attached cost breakdown for additional information. A comparative post - construction survey is not included in these costs. BRAUN INTERTEC Meyer Borgman Johnson Proposal QTBO13247 November 20, 2014 Page 4 Pre - Construction Condition Survey Costs Item Rate Units /Hours Cost Building 100 Exterior $300 1 $300 Interior $500 1 $500 Building 112 Exterior $250 1 $250 Interior $350 1 $350 Building 118 Exterior $200 1 $200 Interior $500 1 $500 Building 130 Exterior $400 1 $400 Interior $500 1 $500 Crack Monitor $25 3 $75 Admin $95 8 $760 Sub - Total: $3,835 Vibration Monitoring Costs Item Rate Units /Hours Cost Vibration Monitor Rental (Monthly) $942 2 $1,884 Vibration Control Plan $2,000 1 $2,000 Contractor Support (Monthly) $140 12 $1,680 Trip Charges $40 4 $160 Sub - Total: $5,724 Project Total: $9,559 Schedule Upon receipt of written authorization, we anticipate scheduling the PCCS within one week provided access with the property owner can be arranged. The PCCS report and documentation will be sent to you within one week of completion of the on -site survey. General Remarks We will be happy to meet with you to discuss our proposed scope of services further and clarify the various scope components. BRAUN INTERTEC Meyer Borgman Johnson Proposal QTB013247 November 20, 2014 Page 5 We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal to you. Please sign and return a copy to us in its entirety. The proposed fee is based on the scope of services described and the assumptions that our services will be authorized within 30 days and that others will not delay us beyond our proposed schedule. We include the Braun Intertec General Conditions, which provide additional terms and are a part of our agreement. To have questions answered or schedule a time to meet and discuss our approach to this project further, please call John Miller at 612.723.6328 or jmiller @braunintertec.com. Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION ?klyl" MjL-.,t- John Miller, EIT Staff Engineer Attachment: General Conditions (9 -1 -13) BRAUN INTERTEC The proposal is accepted, and you are authorized to proceed. Authorizer's Firm Authorizer's Signature Authorizer's Name (please print or type) Authorizer's Title Date Meyer Borgman Johnson Proposal QTBO13247 November 20, 2014 Page 6 BRAUN INTERTEC General Conditions Section 1: Our Agreement 1.1 Our agreement ( "Agreement') with you consists of these General Conditions and the accompanying written proposal or authorization. This Agreement is our entire agreement. It supersedes prior agreements. It may be modified only in a writing signed by us, making specific reference to the provision modified. 1.2 The words "you," "we," "us," and "our" include officers, employees, and subcontractors. 1.3 In the event you use a purchase order or other form to authorize our services, any conflicting or additional terms are not part of our Agreement. Directing us to start work prior to execution of this Agreement constitutes your acceptance. If, however, mutually acceptable terms cannot be established, we have the right to withdraw our proposal without liability to you or others, and you will compensate us for services already rendered. Section 2: Our Responsibilities 2.1 We will provide the services specifically described in our Agreement with you. You agree that we are not responsible for services that are not fairly included in our specific undertaking. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, ourfindings, opinions, and recommendations will be provided to you in writing. You agree not to rely on oral findings, opinions, or recommendations without our written approval. 2.2 In performing our professional services, we will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of our profession practicing in the same locality. If you direct us to deviate from our recommended procedures, you agree to hold us harmless from claims, damages, and expenses arising out of your direction. 2.3 We will reference ourfield observations and sampling to available reference points, but we will not survey, set, or check the accuracy of those points unless we accept that duty in writing. Locations of field observations or sampling described in our report or shown on our sketches are based on information provided by others or estimates made by our personnel. You agree that such dimensions, depths, or elevations are approximations unless specifically stated otherwise in the report. You accept the inherent risk that samples or observations may not be representative of things not sampled or seen and, further, that site conditions may change overtime. 2.4 Our duties do not include supervising your contractors or commenting on, overseeing, or providing the means and methods of their work, unless we accept such duties in writing. GC We will not be responsible forthe failure of your contractors to perform in accordance with their undertakings, and the providing of our services will not relieve others of their responsibilities to you or to others. 2.5 We will provide a health and safety program for our employees, but we will not be responsible for contractor, job, or site health or safety unless we accept that duty in writing. 2.6 You will provide, at no cost to us, appropriate site safety measures as to work areas to be observed or inspected by us. Our employees are authorized by you to refuse to work under conditions that may be unsafe. 2.7 Estimates of our fees or other project costs will be based on information available to us and on our experience and knowledge. Such estimates are an exercise of our professional judgment and are not guaranteed or warranted. Actual costs may vary. You should allow a contingency in addition to estimated costs. Section 3: Your Responsibilities 3.1 You will provide us with prior geotechnical and other reports, specifications, plans, and information to which you have access about the site. You agree to provide us with all plans, changes in plans, and new information as to site conditions until we have completed our work. 3.2 You will provide access to the site. In the course of our work some site damage is normal even when due care is exercised. We will use reasonable care to minimize damage to the site. We have not included the cost of restoration of normal damage in the estimated charges. 3.3 You agree to provide us, in a timely manner, with information that you have regarding buried objects at the site. We will not be responsible for locating buried objects at the site unless we accept that duty in writing. You agree to hold us harmless from claims, damages, losses, and related expenses involving buried objects that were not properly marked or identified or of which you had knowledge but did not timely call to our attention or correctly show on the plans you or others on your behalf furnished to us. 3.4 You will notify us of any knowledge or suspicion of the presence of hazardous or dangerous materials in a sample provided to us. You agree to provide us with information in your possession or control relating to contamination at the work site. If we observe or suspect the presence of contaminants not anticipated in our Agreement, we may terminate our work without liability to you or to others, and we will be paid for the services we have provided. BRAUN INTERTEC 3.5 Neitherthis Agreement northe providing of services will operate to make us an owner, operator, generator, transporter, treater, storer, or a disposal facility within the meaning of the Resource Conservation Recovery Act, as amended, or within the meaning of any other law governing the handling, treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous materials. You agree to hold us harmless and indemnify us from any such claim or loss. 3.6 Monitoring wells are your property, and you are responsible for their permitting, maintenance, and abandonment unless we accept that duty in writing. 3.7 You agree to make disclosures required by law. In the event you do not own the site, you acknowledge that it is your duty to inform the owner of the discovery or release of contaminants at the site. You agree to hold us harmless and indemnify us from claims related to disclosures made by us that are required by law and from claims related to the informing or failure to inform the site owner ofthe discovery of contaminants. Section 4: Reports and Records 4.1 Unless you request otherwise, we will provide our report in an electronic format. 4.2 Our reports, notes, calculations, and other documents and our computer software and data are instruments of our service to you, and they remain our property but are subject to a license to you for your use in the related project for the purposes disclosed to us. You may not transfer our reports to others or use them for a purpose for which they were not prepared without our written approval. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of such a transfer or use. At your request, we will provide endorsements of our reports or letters of reliance, but only ifthe recipients agree to be bound by the terms of our agreement with you and only if we are paid the administrative fee stated in ourthen current Schedule of Charges. 4.3 Because electronic documents may be modified intentionally or inadvertently, you agree that we will not be liable for damages resulting from change in an electronic document occurring after we transmit it to you 4.4 If you do not pay for our services in full as agreed, we may retain work not yet delivered to you and you agree to return to us all of our work that is in your possession or under your control. 4.5 Samples and field data remaining after tests are conducted and field and laboratory equipment that cannot be adequately cleansed of contaminants are and continue to be your property. They may be discarded or returned to Page 1 of 2 you, at our discretion, unless within 15 days of the report date you give us written direction to store or transfer the materials at your expense. 4.6 Electronic data, reports, photographs, samples and other materials provided by you or others may be discarded or returned to you, at our discretion, unless within 15 days of the report date you give us written direction to store or transfer the materials at your expense. Section 5: Compensation 5.1 You will payfor services as agreed upon or according to our then current Schedule of Charges if there is no other written agreement as to price. An estimated cost is not a firm figure. You agree to pay all sales taxes and other taxes based on your payment of our compensation. Our performance is subject to credit approval and payment of any specified retainer. 5.2 You will notify us of billing disputes within 15 days. You will pay undisputed portions of invoices on receipt. You agree to pay interest on unpaid balances beginning 30 days after invoice dates at the rate of 1.5% per month, or at the maximum rate allowed by law 5.3 If you direct us to invoice another, we will do so, but you agree to be responsible for our compensation unless you provide us with that person's written acceptance of all terms of our Agreement and we agree to extend credit to that person and to release you 5.4 Your obligation to pay for our services under this Agreement is not contingent on your ability to obtain financing, governmental or regulatory agency approval, permits, final adjudication of lawsuit in which we are not involved, your successful completion of a project, receipt of payment from another, or any other event. No retainage will be withheld. 5.5 If you do not pay us within 60 days of invoice date, you agree to reimburse our expenses, including but not limited to attorney fees, stafftime, and other costs of collection. 5.6 You agree to compensate us in accordance with ourfee schedule if we are asked or required to respond to legal process arising out of a proceeding related to the project and as to which we are not a party. 5.7 If we are delayed by factors beyond our control, or if project conditions or the scope or amount of work change, or if changed labor union conditions result in increased costs, decreased efficiency, or delays, or if the standards or methods change, we will give you timely notice and we will receive an equitable adjustment of our compensation. If you and we do not reach agreement on such compensation within 30 days of our written application, we may terminate without liability to you or others. 5.8 If you fail to pay us within 60 days following invoice date, we may consider the default a total breach of our Agreement and, at our option, terminate our duties without liability to you or to others. 5.9 In consideration of our providing insurance to cover claims made by you, you hereby waive any right of offset as to fees otherwise due us. Section 6: Disputes, Damage, and Risk Allocation 6.1 Each of us will exercise good faith efforts to resolve disputes without litigation. Such efforts will include, but not be limited to, a meeting(s) attended by each party's representative(s) empowered to resolve the dispute. Before either of us commences an action against the other, disputes (except collections) will be submitted to mediation. 6.2 Neither of us will be liable for special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, including but not limited to those arising from delay, loss of use, loss of profits or revenue, loss offinancing commitments orfees, orthe cost of capital. 6.3 We will not be liable for damages unless suit is commenced within two years of the date of injury or loss or within two years of the date of substantial completion of our services, whichever is earlier. We will not be liable unless you have notified us ofthe discovery ofthe claimed breach of contract, negligent act, or omission within 30 days ofthe date of discovery and unless you have given us an opportunityto investigate and to recommend ways of mitigating damages. You agree not to make a claim against us unless you have provided us at least 30 days priorto the institution of any legal proceeding against us with a written certificate executed by an appropriately licensed professional specifying and certifying each and every act or omission that you contend constitutes a violation ofthe standard of care governing our professional services. 6.4 For you to obtain the benefit of a fee which includes a reasonable allowance for risks, you agree that our aggregate liability for all claims will not exceed the fee paid for our services or $50,000, whichever is greater. If you are unwilling to accept this allocation of risk, we will increase our aggregate liabilityto $100,000 provided that, within 10 days ofthe date of our Agreement, you provide payment in an amount that will increase ourfees by 10 %, but not less than $500, to compensate us for the greater risk undertaken. This increased fee is not the purchase of insurance. 6.5 You agree to indemnify us from all liability to others in excess of the risk allocation stated above and to insure this obligation. 6.6 The prevailing party in any action relating to this Agreement shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, staff time, and expert witness fees. 6.7 The law ofthe state in which our servicing office is located will govern all disputes. Each of us waives trial byjury. No officer or employee acting within the scope of employment shall have individual liability for his or her acts or omissions, and you agree not to make a claim against individual employees. Section 7: General Indemnification 7.1 We will indemnify and hold you harmless from and against demands, damages, and expenses of others to the comparative extent they are caused by our negligent acts or omissions or those negligent acts or omissions of persons for whom we are legally responsible. You will indemnify and hold us harmless from and against demands, damages, and expenses of others to the comparative extent they are caused by your negligent acts or omissions or those negligent acts or omissions of persons for whom you are legally responsible. 7.2 To the extent it may be necessary to indemnify either of us under Section 7.1, you and we expressly waive, in favor of the other only, any immunity or exemption from liability that exists under any worker compensation law. 7.3 You agree to indemnify us against losses and costs arising out of claims of patent or copyright infringement as to any process or system that is specified or selected by you or by others on your behalf. Section 8: Miscellaneous Provisions 8.1 We will provide a certificate of insurance to you upon request. Any claim as an Additional Insured shall be limited to losses caused by our sole negligence. 8.2 You and we, for ourselves and our insurers, waive all claims and rights of subrogation for losses arising out of causes of loss covered by our respective insurance policies. 8.3 Neither of us will assign nortransfer any interest, any claim, any cause of action, or any right against the other. Neither of us will assign or otherwise transfer or encumber any proceeds or expected proceeds or compensation from the project or project claims to any third person, whether directly or as collateral or otherwise. 8.4 Our Agreement may be terminated early only in writing. We will receive an equitable adjustment of our compensation in the event of early termination. 8.5 If a provision of this Agreement is invalid or illegal, all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. GC Revised 9/1/2013 Page 2 of 2 PERFORMANCE DRIVEN DESIGN. LHBcorp.com December 2, 2014 Angela Schumann Community Development Director Monticello City Offices 505 Walnut Avenue South Monticello, Minnesota 55362 TIF ANALYSIS FINDINGS FOR 100 BROADWAY STREET EAST, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA LHB was hired to inspect the one -story commercial building at 100 Broadway Street East in Monticello, MN, in order to determine if it meets the definition of "Substandard" as defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10. The building parcels may potentially be part of a future Redevelopment TIF District, so will need to be compliant with all of the statutes pertaining to a Redevelopment District. The building is located on two parcels at the Northwest corner of Broadway Street East and Pine Street (see Diagram 1). Diagram 1 21 West Superior Street, Suite 500 1 Duluth, MN 55802 1 218.727.8446 701 Washington Avenue North, Suite 200 1 Minneapolis, MN 55401 1 612.338.2029 63 East Second Street, Suite 150 1 Superior, WI 54880 1 715.392.2902 Page: 2 Date: December 2, 2014 TIF Analysis Findings for 100 Broadway Street East, Monticello, Minnesota CONCLUSION After inspecting and evaluating the building on November 7, 2014 and applying current statutory criteria for a Redevelopment District under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90, it is our professional opinion that the building qualifies as substandard. The remainder of this letter and attachments describe our process and findings in detail. PART 2 — MINNESOTA STATUTE 469.174, SUBDIVISION 10 REQUIREMENTS The property was inspected in accordance with the following requirements under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(c), which states: Interior Inspection "The municipality may not make such determination [that the building is structurally substandard] without an interior inspection of the property..." Exterior Inspection and Other Means "An interior inspection of the property is not required, if the municipality finds that (1) the municipality or authority is unable to gain access to the property after using its best efforts to obtain permission from the party that owns or controls the property; and (2) the evidence otherwise supports a reasonable conclusion that the building is structurally substandard." Documentation "Written documentation of the findings and reasons why an interior inspection was not conducted must be made and retained under section 469.175, subdivision 3(1)." Qualification Requirements Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90 (a) (9) requires two tests for occupied parcels: A. Coverage Test ..."parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots" The coverage required by the parcel to be considered occupied is defined under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(e), which states: "For purposes of this subdivision, a parcel is not occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots unless 15 percent of the area of the parcel contains building, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots." The LHB team reviewed parcels 155010034150 and 155010034140 (100 Broadway Street East): • Parcel 155010034150 (Map A) is approximately 5,433 square feet and is 100 percent covered by buildings, parking lots or other improvements. • Parcel 155010034140 (Map B) is approximately 5,434 square feet and is 100 percent covered by buildings, parking lots or other improvements. Findings: Both parcels are covered by buildings, parking lots or other improvements, exceeding the 15 percent parcel requirement. Page: 3 Date: December 2, 2014 TIF Analysis Findings for 100 Broadway Street East, Monticello, Minnesota B. Condition of Buildings Test ... "and more than 50 percent of the buildings, not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance," 1. Structurally substandard is defined under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(b), which states: "For purposes of this subdivision, `structurally substandard' shall mean containing defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance." a. We do not count energy code deficiencies toward the thresholds required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(b)) defined as "structurally substandard ", due to concerns expressed by the State of Minnesota Court of Appeals in the WlalsevAuto Sales, Inc. vs. City of Richfield case filed November 13, 2001. Findings: The one -story commercial building at 100 Broadway Street East exceeds the criteria required to be determined a substandard building (see the attached Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report). 2. Buildings are not eligible to be considered structurally substandard unless they meet certain additional criteria, as set forth in Subdivision 10(c) which states: "A building is not structurally substandard if it is in compliance with the building code applicable to new buildings or could be modified to satisfy the building code at a cost of less than 15 percent of the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site. The municipality may find that a building is not disqualified as structurally substandard under the preceding sentence on the basis of reasonably available evidence, such as the size, type, and age of the building, the average cost of plumbing, electrical, or structural repairs, or other similar reliable evidence." "Items of evidence that support such a conclusion [that the building is not disqualified] include recent fire or police inspections, on -site property appraisals or housing inspections, exterior evidence of deterioration, or other similar reliable evidence." LHB counts energy code deficiencies toward the 15 percent code threshold required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(c)) for the following reasons: • The Minnesota energy code is one of ten building code areas highlighted by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry website where minimum construction standards are required by law. • The index page of the 2007 Minnesota Building Code lists the Minnesota Energy Code as a "Required Enforcement" area compared to an additional list of "Optional Enforcement" chapters. • The Senior Building Code Representative for the Construction Codes and Licensing Division of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry confirmed that the Minnesota Energy Code is being enforced throughout the State of Minnesota. • In a January 2002 report to the Minnesota Legislature, the Management Analysis Division of the Minnesota Department of Administration confirmed that the construction cost of new buildings complying with the Minnesota Energy Code is higher than buildings built prior to the enactment of the code. Page: 4 Date: December 2, 2014 TIF Analysis Findings for 100 Broadway Street East, Monticello, Minnesota Proper TIF analysis requires a comparison between the replacement value of a new building built under current code standards with the repairs that would be necessary to bring the existing building up to current code standards. In order for an equal comparison to be made, all applicable code chapters should be applied to both scenarios. Since current construction estimating software automatically applies the construction cost of complying with the Minnesota Energy Code, energy code deficiencies should also be identified in the existing structures. Findings: The one -story commercial building has code deficiencies exceeding the 15 percent building code deficiency criteria required to be determined substandard (see the attached Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report). TEAM CREDENTIALS Michael A. Fischer, AIA, LEEK AP - Project Principal /TIFAmdyst Michael has twenty -four years of architectural experience as project principal, project manager, project designer and project architect on municipal planning, educational, commercial and governmental projects. He is a Senior Vice President at LHB and currently leads the Minneapolis office. Michael completed a two -year Bush Fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1999, earning Masters Degrees in City Planning and Real Estate Development. Michael has served on over 35 committees, boards and community task forces, including a term as a City Council President, Chair of a Metropolitan Planning organization, and most recently, Chair of the Planning Commission in Edina, Minnesota. He was one of four architects in the country to receive the National "Young Architects Citation" from the American Institute of Architects in 1997. Jonathan Pettigrew — TIFAnalyst /Building Inspector Jonathan Pettigrew has worked in architecture and construction for the last twenty years in Minnesota, California and Washington. His experience includes a variety of commercial and residential project types and scales, from single - family homes to a 300,000 square foot multi - building office complex. He has significant experience in code reviews and building systems inspections and analysis. Jonathan received his Minnesota architect's license in 2004. He brings a strong interest in sustainabihty and an eye for detail to his work. He enjoys working with clients, consultants and contractors to bring projects together successfully. We have attached a Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report, Building Replacement Cost Report, Code Deficiency Cost Report, and thumbnail photo sheets of the building. Please contact me at (612) 752 -6920 if you have any questions. LHB INC. M � - MA A-041 f M � MICHAEL A. FISCHER, AIA, LEED AP SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT M:A14ProjA140573 \400 Design \406 Reports\Final Report \Map AB Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding.docx MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report 21 November 2014 Map No. & Address: Map No. A and B 100 Broadway E., Monticello, MN Inspection Date(s) & Time(s): 7 November 2014, 10:30am Inspection Type: Interior and Exterior Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: - Substantial renovation is required to correct Conditions found. - Building Code deficiencies total more than 15% of replacement cost, NOT including energy code deficiencies. Estimated Replacement Cost: $ 884,453 Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: $ 151,792 Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: 17.2% Defects in Structural Elements 1. Rusty lintels 2. Cracks in grout joints and through blocks indicating differential settlement Combination of Deficiencies Essential Utilities and Facilities: a. Provide accessible parking stalls, signage and path to the entry. b. Restroom door lacks required hardware. c. Inadequate clearance at existing restroom fixtures. d. Building lacks an accessible drinking fountain. e. Floor drain grilles are broken. f There are open electrical junction boxes and loose wires. g. Building lacks required GFCI outlets at wet areas and countertops. h. Building furnace has been removed. i. Service sink has been removed. j. Water is shut off to the building. 2. Light and Ventilation: a. Some light fixtures are out — a requirement for proper exit lighting. b. Building lacks code compliant ventilation system. 3. Fire Protection /Adequate Egress: a. South and east exit doors have non - compliant steps down to landing. b. Door hardware at exit doors — replace with compliant door hardware. c. Thresholds at egress doors exceed allowable 1/2 ". Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Map A and B LHB Project No. 140573 Page 1 of 2 Building Code and Condition Deficiency Report Layout and Condition of Interior Partitions /Materials: a. Holes in walls and partitions from environmental services sampling and removal of fixtures. b. Damaged, stained and missing acoustic ceiling tiles c. Cracked and broken clay floor tiles in former pizza restaurant. 5. Exterior Construction: a. Widespread cracking of exterior CMU and grout joints. b. Holes in exterior CMU. Description of Code Deficiencies 1. Provide accessible parking stalls, signage and path to the entry. 2. Restroom door lacks required hardware. 3. Inadequate clearance at existing restroom fixtures. 4. Building lacks an accessible drinking fountain. 5. Floor drain grilles are broken. 6. There are open electrical junction boxes and loose wires. 7. Building lacks required GFCI outlets at wet areas and countertops. 8. Building furnace has been removed. 9. Service sink has been removed. 10. Some light fixtures are out — a requirement for proper exit lighting. 11. Building lacks code compliant ventilation system. 12. South and East exit doors have non - compliant steps down to landing. 13.Door hardware at exit doors — replace with compliant door hardware. 14.Thresholds at egress doors exceed allowable 1/2 ". 15. Widespread cracking of exterior CMU and grout joints. 16.Holes in exterior CMU. Overview of Deficiencies This is a one -story building that housed a variety of businesses including a pizza parlor, dance studio and, at the north end, a dental suite. It was built in 1980 and has been vacant for about 6 months. The building lacks a number of the requirements for accessibility. Energy Code Deficiencies In addition to the building code deficiencies listed above, the existing building does not comply with the current energy code. These deficiencies are not included in the estimated costs to correct code deficiencies and are not considered in determining whether or not the building is substandard: - Most of the fluorescent light fixtures are T12 instead of Code - compliant T8. - The building lacks adequate thermal insulation as required by the Energy Code. Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Map A and B LHB Project No. 140573 Page 2 of 2 Building Code and Condition Deficiency Report Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement Cost Report Map A& B 100 Broadway East, Monticello, MN, 55362 $2.23 Store, Retail with Painted Reinforced Concrete Building Type: / Steel Joists Location: MONTICELLO, MN Story Count: 1 Story Height (L. F.): 14 Floor Area (S.F.): 8400 Labor Type: OPN Basement Included: No Data Release: Year 2014 Quarter 4 Cost Per Square Foot: $105.29 Building Cost: $884,453 a . are derived from a building model with basic components. differences and market conditions can cause costs to vary significantly. L of Total Cost Per S.F. Cost A1010 Standard Foundations $2.23 $18,732 Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 11.1 KLF, soil bearing capacity 6 A1030 Slab on Grade $5.54 $46,536 Slab on grade, 4" thick, non industrial, reinforced A2010 Basement Excavation $0.38 $3,192 Excavate and fill, 4000 SF, 4' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, on site A2020 Basement Walls $4.31 $36,204 Foundation wall, CIP, 4' wall height, direct chute, .099 CY /LF, 4.8 PLF, 8" B1020 Roof Construction $7.62 $64,008 Roof, steel joists, beams, 1.5" 22 ga metal deck, on columns and bearing B2010 Exterior Walls $15.00 $126,000 Concrete wall, reinforced, 8' high, 8" thick, rubbed 1 side, 3000 PSI B2020 Exterior Windows $3.77 $31,668 Aluminum flush tube frame, for 1 /4 "glass,1- 3/4 "x4 ", 5'x6' opening, no Glazing panel, insulating, 1/2" thick, 2 lites 1/8" float glass, clear B2030 Exterior Doors $0.70 $5,880 Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, black finish, hardware, 3' -0" x 10'- Door, steel 18 gauge, hollow metal, 1 door with frame, no label, 3' -0" x 7'- B3010 Roof Coverings $7.38 $61,992 Roofing, 60 mil EPDM, fully- adhered Insulation, rigid, roof deck, composite with 2" EPS, 1" perlite Roof edges, aluminum, duranodic, .050" thick, 6" face Gravel stop, aluminum, extruded, 4 ", mill finish, .050" thick C1010 Partitions $1.20 $10,080 Wood partition, 5/8 "fire rated gypsum board face, none base,2 x 4,@ 16" C1020 Interior Doors $2.08 $17,472 Door, single leaf, wood frame, 3' -0" x 7' -0" x 1 -3/8 ", birch, solid core Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement LHB Project No. 140573 1 of 2 Cost Report: Map A and B Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement Cost Report Map A& B 100 Broadway East, Monticello, MN, 55362 C3010 Wall Finishes Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, Vinyl wall covering, fabric back, medium weight C3020 Floor Finishes Carpet, tufted, nylon, roll goods, 12' wide, 36 oz Vinyl, composition tile, maximum C3030 Ceiling Finishes Acoustic ceilings, 3/4" fiberglass board, 24" x 48" tile, tee grid, suspended D2010 Plumbing Fixtures $7.62 Water closet, vitreous china, bowl only with flush valve, wall hung $3.46 Urinal, vitreous china, wall hung Lavatory w /trim, vanity top, vitreous china, 20" x 16" Service sink w /trim, PE on Cl,wall hung w /rim guard, 22" x 18" D2020 Domestic Water Distribution Gas fired water heater, commercial, 100< F rise, 500 MBH input, 480 GPH D3050 Terminal & Package Units Rooftop, single zone, air conditioner, department stores, 10,000 SF, D5010 Electrical Service /Distribution Overhead service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit & Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 400 A Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, D5020 Lighting and Branch Wiring Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 8 per 1000 SF, .9 watts per SF Miscellaneous power, 1.5 watts Central air conditioning power, 4 watts Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 1.6 watt per SF, 40 FC, 10 D5030 Communications and Security Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, addressable, 25 Fire alarm command center, addressable without voice, excl. wire & D5090 Other Electrical Systems - none Generator sets, w /battery, charger, muffler and transfer switch, E1090 Other Equipment $3.15 $26,460 $3.77 $31,668 $7.62 $64,008 MM.• $3.54 $29,736 $4.20 $35,280 $7.62 $64,008 $3.46 $29,064 $10.46 $87,864 $1.69 $14,196 $0.00 $0 • •• 0 0 SubTotal 100% $95.72 $804,048 Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) 10.0% $9.57 $80,405 Architectural Fees $0.00 $0.00 User Fees $0.00 $0.00 Total • ing Cost Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement LHB Project No. 140573 2 of 2 Cost Report: Map A and B MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Code Deficiency Cost Report Map A & B -100 Broadway East, Monticello, MN 55362 - Parcel # 15- 50100 -34 -150 Accessibility Items Provide accessible restrooms for both sexes Rebuild (2) existing accessible toilet rooms w/ compliant clearances, accessories and fixtures re -set water closet $ 600.00 each 2 $ 1,200.00 lavatories $ 1,750.00 each 2 $ 3,500.00 Provide 2 handicapped parking spaces 2 Add striping at main entry door and existing parking area $ 50.00 ea $ 100.00 Parking requires signage MN 1341.0428 $ 150.00 ea 2 $ 300.00 Provide accessible route from parking lot to street level bldg. entry - MN 1341.0401& 1341.0405 H provide ramp to reduce threshold to less than 1/2 ". IBC1008.1.6 $ 600.00 Each 1 $ 600.00 Replace west side exit door / reverse swing to provide required clearance $ 600.00 Each 1 $ 600.00 Remove interior threshold between pizza parlor and corridor; repair floor finishi $ 800.00 lump 1 $ 800.00 Provide accessible drinking fountain $ 1,500.00 ea 1 $ 1,500.00 Structural Elements Replace rusty steel lintels at window and door openings $ 800.00 Each 3 $ 2,400.00 Exiting Provide compliant landing and steps at south and east exit doors remove existing south landing and rails $ 400.00 lump 1 $ 400.00 new concrete landing and stairs $ 2,500.00 lump 2 $ 5,000.00 Replace thresholds at all exit doors with code compliant $ 400.00 Each 7 $ 2,800.00 Replace egress door hardware with new lever or panic hardware $ 400.00 Each 8 $ 3,200.00 Provide electric illuminated exit signs and emergency lighting $ 400.00 Each 4 $ 1,600.00 MN 1003.2.10 and 1003.2.11 Fire Protection Fire alarms Install smoke detectors $ 250.00 ea 6 $ 1,500.00 Install CO detector $ 250.00 ea 1 $ 250.00 Exterior Construction Provide code compliant exterior wall covering Repoint block joints (25 %) $ 3.75 SF 1,400 $ 5,250.00 fill and repair holes in exterior block walls $ 600.00 lump 1 $ 600.00 replace /repoint at lintels $ 3.75 SF 120 $ 450.00 Replace broken window at pizza parlor $ 500.00 Each 1 $ 500.00 Roof Construction Remove and replace roof: fill holes, provide adequate ventilation MN1305.1507.10.1 to 1305.1507.15.1 Remove existing roof $ 0.75 SF 8,400 $ 6,300.00 Install new roofing system $ 7.38 SF 8,400 $ 61,992.00 Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Page 1 of 2 Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 140573 Map A B MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Code Deficiency Cost Report Map A & B -100 Broadway East, Monticello, MN 55362 - Parcel # 15- 50100 -34 -150 Mechanical- Electrical Provide additional ventilation to comply with current code for fresh air MN 1346.0403 Section 403.3 Assumes 50% of floor area is non -code compliant Mechanical equipment, ductwork and units $ 6.75 SF 4,200 $ 28,350.00 Additional electrical service and distribution for mechanical equipmen $ 2.00 SF 4,200 $ 8,400.00 Install new furnace to replace missing one. $ 10,000.00 lump 1 $ 10,000.00 Replace broken floor drain covers $ 50.00 each 2 $ 100.00 replace broken exterior light fixture at east exit $ 400.00 each 1 $ 400.00 secure electrical wiring; correct deficiencies in junction boxes, add covers $ 700.00 lump 1 $ 700.00 Provide GFCI protected receptacles at restrooms, counters and service sinks $ 250.00 each 12 $ 3,000.00 Total Code Improvements $ 151,792 Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Page 2 of 2 Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 140573 Map A B MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map A& B, 100 Broadway East Photos DSCN0388.JPG DSCN0391.JPG y # DSCN0394.JPG DSCN0389.JPG i DSCN0392.JPG DSCN0395.JPG DSCN0390.JPG DSCN0393.JPG 9 DSCN0396.JPG DSCN0397.JPG DSCN0398.JPG DSCN0399.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map A& B, 100 Broadway East Photos DSCN0400.JPG DSCN0401.JPG DSCN0442.JPG DSCN0443.JPG DSCN0445.JPG DSCN0446.JPG DSCN0448.JPG DSCN0449.JPG DSCN0402.JPG =I I um DSCN0444.JPG DSCN0447.JPG DSCN0450.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map A& B, 100 Broadway East Photos DSCN0451.JPG DSCN0452.JPG DSCN0454.JPG DSCN0455.JPG DSCN0457.JPG DSCN0459.JPG DSCN0462.JPG DSCN0463.JPG DSCN0453.JPG DSCN0456.JPG DSCN0461.JPG DSCN0464.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING East Photos DSCN0465.JPG DSCN0466.JPG DSCN0468.JPG DSCN0469.JPG DSCN0471.JPG DSCN0474.JPG DSCN0472.JPG DSCN0475.JPG DSCN0467.JPG DSCN0470.JPG DSCN0473.JPG DSCN0476.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING 'hotos DSCN0477.JPG DSCN0478.JPG DSCN0480.JPG DSCN0481.JPG DSCN0483.JPG DSCN0486.JPG DSCN0484.JPG DSCN0487.JPG DSCN0479.JPG DSCN0482.JPG DSCN0485.JPG 1 DSCN0488.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map A& B, 100 Broadway East Photos DSCN0489.JPG DSCN0490.JPG DSCN0673.JPG DSCN0674.JPG DSCN0677.JPG DSCN0678.JPG DSCN0491.JPG DSCN0675.JPG DSCN0679.JPG PERFORMANCE DRIVEN DESIGN. LHBoorp.com December 2, 2014 Angela Schumann Community Development Director Monticello City Offices 505 Walnut Avenue South Monticello, Minnesota 55362 TIF ANALYSIS FINDINGS FOR 112 BROADWAY STREET EAST, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA LHB was hired to inspect the two -story mixed use building at 112 Broadway Street East in Monticello, MN, in order to determine if it meets the definition of "Substandard" as defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10. The building parcel may potentially be part of a future Redevelopment TIF District, so will need to be compliant with all of the statutes pertaining to a Redevelopment District. The parcel is located near the Northwest corner of Broadway Street East and Pine Street (see Diagram 1) . Diagram 1 21 West Superior Street, Suite 500 1 Duluth, MN 55802 1 218.727.8446 701 Washington Avenue North, Suite 200 1 Minneapolis, MN 55401 1 612.338.2029 63 East Second Street, Suite 150 1 Superior, WI 54880 1 715.392.2902 Page: 2 Date: December 2, 2014 TIF Analysis Findings for 112 Broadway Street East, Monticello, Minnesota CONCLUSION After inspecting and evaluating the building on November 7, 2014 and applying current statutory criteria for a Redevelopment District under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90, it is our professional opinion that the building qualifies as substandard. The remainder of this letter and attachments describe our process and findings in detail. PART 2 — MINNESOTA STATUTE 469.174, SUBDIVISION 10 REQUIREMENTS The property was inspected in accordance with the following requirements under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(c), which states: Interior Inspection "The municipality may not make such determination [that the building is structurally substandard] without an interior inspection of the property..." Exterior Inspection and Other Means "An interior inspection of the property is not required, if the municipality finds that (1) the municipality or authority is unable to gain access to the property after using its best efforts to obtain permission from the party that owns or controls the property; and (2) the evidence otherwise supports a reasonable conclusion that the building is structurally substandard." Documentation "Written documentation of the findings and reasons why an interior inspection was not conducted must be made and retained under section 469.175, subdivision 3(1)." Qualification Requirements Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90 (a) (9) requires two tests for occupied parcels: A. Coverage Test ..."parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots" The coverage required by the parcel to be considered occupied is defined under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(e), which states: "For purposes of this subdivision, a parcel is not occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots unless 15 percent of the area of the parcel contains building, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots." The LHB team reviewed parcel 155010034130 (112 Broadway Street East): • The parcel (Map Q is approximately 5,434 square feet and is 100 percent covered by buildings, parking lots or other improvements. Findings: The parcel is covered by buildings, parking lots or other improvements, exceeding the 15 percent parcel requirement. Page: 3 Date: December 2, 2014 TIF Analysis Findings for 112 Broadway Street East, Monticello, Minnesota B. Condition of Buildings Test ... "and more than 50 percent of the buildings, not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance," 1. Structurally substandard is defined under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(b), which states: "For purposes of this subdivision, `structurally substandard' shall mean containing defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance." a. We do not count energy code deficiencies toward the thresholds required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(b)) defined as "structurally substandard ", due to concerns expressed by the State of Minnesota Court of Appeals in the WlalsevAuto Sales, Inc. vs. City of Richfield case filed November 13, 2001. Findings: The two -story mixed use building at 112 Broadway Street East exceeds the criteria required to be determined a substandard building (see the attached Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report). 2. Buildings are not eligible to be considered structurally substandard unless they meet certain additional criteria, as set forth in Subdivision 10(c) which states: "A building is not structurally substandard if it is in compliance with the building code applicable to new buildings or could be modified to satisfy the building code at a cost of less than 15 percent of the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site. The municipality may find that a building is not disqualified as structurally substandard under the preceding sentence on the basis of reasonably available evidence, such as the size, type, and age of the building, the average cost of plumbing, electrical, or structural repairs, or other similar reliable evidence." "Items of evidence that support such a conclusion [that the building is not disqualified] include recent fire or police inspections, on -site property appraisals or housing inspections, exterior evidence of deterioration, or other similar reliable evidence." LHB counts energy code deficiencies toward the 15 percent code threshold required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(c)) for the following reasons: • The Minnesota energy code is one of ten building code areas highlighted by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry website where minimum construction standards are required by law. • The index page of the 2007 Minnesota Building Code lists the Minnesota Energy Code as a "Required Enforcement" area compared to an additional list of "Optional Enforcement" chapters. • The Senior Building Code Representative for the Construction Codes and Licensing Division of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry confirmed that the Minnesota Energy Code is being enforced throughout the State of Minnesota. • In a January 2002 report to the Minnesota Legislature, the Management Analysis Division of the Minnesota Department of Administration confirmed that the construction cost of new buildings complying with the Minnesota Energy Code is higher than buildings built prior to the enactment of the code. Page: 4 Date: December 2, 2014 TIF Analysis Findings for 112 Broadway Street East, Monticello, Minnesota Proper TIF analysis requires a comparison between the replacement value of a new building built under current code standards with the repairs that would be necessary to bring the existing building up to current code standards. In order for an equal comparison to be made, all applicable code chapters should be applied to both scenarios. Since current construction estimating software automatically applies the construction cost of complying with the Minnesota Energy Code, energy code deficiencies should also be identified in the existing structures. Findings: The two -story mixed use building has code deficiencies exceeding the 15 percent building code deficiency criteria required to be determined substandard (see the attached Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report). TEAM CREDENTIALS Michael A. Fischer, AIA, LEEK AP - Project Principal /TIFAnalyst Michael has twenty -four years of architectural experience as project principal, project manager, project designer and project architect on municipal planning, educational, commercial and governmental projects. He is a Senior Vice President at LHB and currently leads the Minneapolis office. Michael completed a two -year Bush Fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1999, earning Masters Degrees in City Planning and Real Estate Development. Michael has served on over 35 committees, boards and community task forces, including a term as a City Council President, Chair of a Metropolitan Planning organization, and most recently, Chair of the Planning Commission in Edina, Minnesota. He was one of four architects in the country to receive the National "Young Architects Citation" from the American Institute of Architects in 1997. Jonathan Pettigrew — TIFAnalyst /Building Inspector Jonathan Pettigrew has worked in architecture and construction for the last twenty years in Minnesota, California and Washington. His experience includes a variety of commercial and residential project types and scales, from single - family homes to a 300,000 square foot multi - building office complex. He has significant experience in code reviews and building systems inspections and analysis. Jonathan received his Minnesota architect's license in 2004. He brings a strong interest in sustainabihty and an eye for detail to his work. He enjoys working with clients, consultants and contractors to bring projects together successfully. We have attached a Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report, Building Replacement Cost Report, Code Deficiency Cost Report, and thumbnail photo sheets of the building. Please contact me at (612) 752 -6920 if you have any questions. LHB INC. MICHAEL A. FISCHER, AIA, LEED AP SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT M:\l4Proj\l40573\400Design\406 Reports\Final Report \Map C Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding.docx MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report 21 November 2014 Map No. & Address: Map No. C 112 Broadway E., Monticello, MN Inspection Date(s) & Time(s): 7 November 2014, 11:15am Inspection Type: Interior and Exterior Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: - Substantial renovation is required to correct Conditions found. - Building Code deficiencies total more than 15% of replacement cost, NOT including energy code deficiencies. Estimated Replacement Cost: $ 390,042 Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: $ 87,617 Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: 22.5% Defects in Structural Elements 1. None observed. Combination of Deficiencies 1. Essential Utilities and Facilities: a. Provide accessible parking stalls, signage and path to the entry. b. 1s, floor lacks an accessible restroom. c. Inadequate clearance at existing 1s, floor and south apartment restroom fixtures. d. Restroom door lacks required hardware. e. Building lacks an accessible drinking fountain. f There are open electrical junction boxes and loose wires. g. Apartment light fixtures are hanging loose from wires. h. Building lacks required GFCI outlets at wet areas and kitchen countertops. i. Water is shut off to the building. j. Retail space lacks required access aisle width in storage area k. Crawlspace access from retail store is not a compliant stairway or ship's ladder. It is too steep, the opening is too small, and it lacks a handrail. 2. Light and Ventilation: a. Lack of a functioning light fixture at rear exit doors. b. Lack of exhaust ventilation at apartment stoves. c. Lack of required ventilation /fresh air at retail space. Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Map C LHB Project No. 140573 Page 1 of 3 Building Code and Condition Deficiency Report Fire Protection /Adequate Egress: a. Door hardware at exit doors — replace with compliant door hardware. b. Thresholds at egress doors exceed allowable 1/2 ". c. Apartment bedroom windows are too small to provide Code - required egress. d. Smoke detectors in apartment have been removed or are non - functional. e. Lack of required 2 -hour fire- resistive construction between apartments and retail space. f The stair to the apartment is non - compliant in width, riser height, and tread width. g. Handrail at stair lacks required extensions. Layout and Condition of Interior Partitions /Materials: a. Holes in walls and partitions from environmental services sampling and removal of fixtures. b. Damaged, stained and missing acoustic ceiling tiles. c. Finishes are very worn and stained. 5. Exterior Construction a. Cracking of exterior CMU and grout joints. b. Plywood siding at south side (infill of former garage doors) is unfinished and decaying. It is not compliant in being installed too close to grade. Description of Code Deficiencies 1. Provide accessible parking stalls, signage and path to the entry. 2. 1sr floor lacks an accessible rstroom. 3. Inadequate clearance at existing lsr floor and south apartment rstroom fixtures. 4. Restroom door lacks required hardware. 5. Building lacks an accessible drinking fountain. 6. There are open electrical junction boxes and loose wires. 7. Apartment light fixtures are hanging loose from wires. 8. Building lacks required GFCI outlets at wet areas and kitchen countertops. 9. Water is shut off to the building. 10. Retail space lacks required access aisle width in storage area 11. Crawlspace access from retail store is not a compliant stairway or ship's ladder. It is too steep, the opening is too small, and it lacks a handrail. 12. Lack of a functioning light fixture at rear exit doors. 13. Lack of exhaust ventilation at apartment stoves. 14. Lack of required ventilation /fresh air at retail space. 15. Door hardware at exit doors — replace with compliant door hardware. 16. Thresholds at egress doors exceed allowable 1/2 ". 17. Apartment bedroom windows are too small to provide Code - required egress. 18. Smoke detectors in apartment have been removed or are non - functional. 19. Lack of required 2 -hour fire- resistive construction between apartments and retail space. 20. The stair to the apartment is non - compliant in width, riser height, and tread width. 21. Handrail at stair lacks required extensions. Overview of Deficiencies This is a two -story building with CMU walls and wood floor & roof structure. There are two apartments on the second floor over a former bicycle and skateboard shop. It was built in 1900 and has been vacant for some time. A one -story addition, of unfinished CMU at the back houses a skate ramp. The building lacks a number of the requirements for accessibility. Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Map C LHB Project No. 140573 Page 2 of 3 Building Code and Condition Deficiency Report Energy Code Deficiencies In addition to the building code deficiencies listed above, the existing building does not comply with the current energy code. These deficiencies are not included in the estimated costs to correct code deficiencies and are not considered in determining whether or not the building is substandard: - Most of the fluorescent light fixtures are T12 instead of Code - compliant T8. - The building lacks adequate thermal insulation as required by the Energy Code. Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Map C LHB Project No. 140573 Page 3 of 3 Building Code and Condition Deficiency Report Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement Cost Report Map C 112 Broadway East, Monticello, MN, 55362 (Apartment Building) Apartment, 1 -3 Story with Concrete Block / Building Type: Wood Joists Location: MONTICELLO, MN� Story Count: 1; Story Height (L.F.): 10 Floor Area (S.F.): 1536 ' Labor Type: OPN _w Basement Included: No Data Release: Year 2014 Quarter 4 costs are derived from a building model with basic components. Cost Per Square Foot: $96.16 Scope differences and market conditions can cause coststo vary significantly. Building Cost: $169,146 of Total Cost Per S.F. Cost A1010 A1030 A2010 A2020 Standard Foundations in retail construction Slab on Grade in retail construction Basement Excavation in retail construction Basement Walls in retail construction $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 $0 $0 $0 B1010 Floor Construction $4.50 $6,912 Floor, wood joist, 2 x 12 @16" O.C., 1/2" CDX subfloor B1020 Roof Construction $4.76 $7,311 Wood rafters 30' to 43' span B2010 Exterior Walls $11.00 $16,896 CM U B2020 Exterior Windows $3.00 $4,608 Windows, aluminum, sliding, standard glass, 5' x 3' B2030 Exterior Doors $0.60 $922 Door, steel 18 gauge, hollow metal, 1 door with frame, no label, 3' -6" x 7'- B3010 Roof Coverings $7.38 $11,336 Roofing, 60 mil EPDM, fully- adhered Roof edges, aluminum, duranodic, .050" thick, 6" face C1010 Partitions $9.44 $14,500 Wood partition, 5/8" fire rated gypsum board face, 1/4 "sound deadening C1020 Interior Doors $2.00 $3,072 Door, single leaf, wood frame, 3' -0" x 7' -0" x 1 -3/8 ", birch, hollow core C1030 Fittings $2.93 $4,500 Cabinets, residential, wall, two doors x 48" wide C2010 Stair Construction $0.65 $998 Stairs, wood, prefab box type, oak treads, wood rails 3' -6" wide, 14 risers Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement LHB Project No. 140573 1 of 2 Cost Report: Map C (Apartment Building) Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement Cost Report Map C 112 Broadway East, Monticello, MN, 55362 (Apartment Building) C3010 Wall Finishes $2.60 $3,994 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, Ceramic tile, thin set, 4 -1/4" x 4 -1/4" C3020 Floor Finishes $5.21 $8,003 Carpet tile, nylon, fusion bonded, 18" x 18" or 24" x 24 ", 24 oz Vinyl, composition tile, minimum Tile, ceramic natural clay C3030 Ceiling Finishes $4.23 $6,497 Gypsum board ceilings, 1/2" fire rated gypsum board, painted and D2010 Plumbing Fixtures $14.97 $22,994 Kitchen sink w /trim, countertop, PE on Cl, 24" x 21 ", single bowl Laundry sink w /trim, PE on Cl, black iron frame, 24" x 20 ", single compt Bathroom, three fixture, 2 wall plumbing, lavatory, water closet & D2020 Domestic Water Distribution $4.88 $7,496 Gas fired water heater, residential, 100< F rise, 30 gal tank, 32 GPH D2040 Rain Water Drainage $0.48 $737 Gutters, box, aluminum, .027" thick, 5 ", enameled finish D3010 Energy Supply $8.79 $13,501 Apartment building heating system, fin tube radiation, forced hot water, D3030 Cooling Generating Systems $0 none D5010 Electrical Service /Distribution $4.00 $6,144 Service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit & wire, 3 Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, D5020 Lighting and Branch Wiring $7.00 $10,752 Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 10 per 1000 SF, 1.2 watts per SF Wall switches, 2.5 per 1000 SF Miscellaneous power, 2 watts Incandescent fixtures recess mounted, type A, 1 watt per SF, 8 FC, 6 D5030 Communications and Security $1.69 $2,596 Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, addressable, 25 Internet wiring, 2 data /voice outlets per 1000 S.F. D5090 Other Electrical Systems $0 none E1090 Other Equipment F Special Construction SubTotal Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) Architectural Fees User Fees $0.00 0 100% $87.42 $153,769 10.0% $8.74 $15,377 rT $96.16 Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement LHB Project No. 140573 2 of 2 Cost Report: Map C (Apartment Building) Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement Cost Report Map C 112 Broadway East, Monticello, MN, 55362 Building Type: Store, Retail with CMU / Wood Joists Location: MONTICELLO, MN Story Count: 1 Q r Story Height (L.F.): 10 Floor Area (S.F.): 2624 M Labor Type: OPN —= Basement Included: No Data Release: Year 2014 Quarter 4 costs are derived from a building model with basic components. Cost Per Square Foot: $84.18 Scope differences and market conditions can cause coststo vary significantly. Building Cost: $220,896 of Total Cost Per S.F. Cost A1010 Standard Foundations $2.10 $5,510 Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 11.1 KLF, soil bearing capacity 6 A1030 Slab on Grade $5.34 $14,012 Slab on grade, 4" thick, non industrial, reinforced A2010 Basement Excavation $0.57 $1,496 Excavate and fill, 4000 SF, 4' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, on site A2020 Basement Walls $4.31 $11,309 Foundation wall, CIP, 4' wall height, direct chute, .099 CY /LF, 4.8 PLF, 8" B1020 Roof Construction $1.83 $4,802 Wood roof, flat rafter, 2" x 12 ", 12" O.C. 1088 sf area B2010 Exterior Walls $11.00 $28,864 CMU, reinforced, 8' high, 8" thick, rubbed 1 side, 3000 PSI B2020 Exterior Windows $6.00 $15,744 Aluminum flush tube frame, for 1 /4 "glass,1- 3/4 "x4 ", 5'x6' opening, no Glazing panel, insulating, 1/2" thick, 2 lites 1/8" float glass, clear B2030 Exterior Doors $2.50 $6,560 Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, black finish, hardware, 3' -0" x 10'- Door, steel 18 gauge, hollow metal, 1 door with frame, no label, 3' -0" x 7'- B3010 Roof Coverings $3.06 $8,029 Roofing, 60 mil EPDM, fully- adhered 1088sf area Insulation, rigid, roof deck, composite with 2" EPS, 1" perlite Roof edges, aluminum, duranodic, .050" thick, 6" face Gravel stop, aluminum, extruded, 4 ", mill finish, .050" thick C1010 Partitions $1.20 $3,149 Wood partition, 5/8 "fire rated gypsum board face, none base,2 x 4,@ 16" C1020 Interior Doors $0.95 $2,493 Door, single leaf, wood frame, 3' -0" x 7' -0" x 1 -3/8 ", birch, solid core Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement LHB Project No. 140573 1 of 2 Cost Report: Map C Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement Cost Report Map C 112 Broadway East, Monticello, MN, 55362 C3010 Wall Finishes $1.50 $3,936 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, Vinyl wall covering, fabric back, medium weight C3020 Floor Finishes $3.43 $9,000 Carpet, tufted, nylon, roll goods, 12' wide, 36 oz Vinyl, composition tile, maximum C3030 Ceiling Finishes $3.81 $9,997 Acoustic ceilings, 5/8" fiberglass board, 24" x 48" tile, tee grid, suspended D2010 Plumbing Fixtures $4.38 $11,493 Water closet, vitreous china, bowl only with flush valve, wall hung Urinal, vitreous china, wall hung Lavatory w /trim, vanity top, vitreous china, 20" x 16" Service sink w /trim, PE on Cl,wall hung w /rim guard, 22" x 18" D2020 Domestic Water Distribution $1.33 $3,490 Gas fired water heater, commercial, 100< F rise, 500 MBH input, 480 GPH D3050 Terminal & Package Units $7.62 $19,995 Rooftop, single zone, air conditioner, department stores, 10,000 SF, D5010 Electrical Service /Distribution $3.05 $8,003 Overhead service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit & Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 400 A Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, D5020 Lighting and Branch Wiring $10.86 $28,497 Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 8 per 1000 SF, .9 watts per SF Miscellaneous power, 1.5 watts Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 1.6 watt per SF, 40 FC, 10 D5030 Communications and Security $1.69 $4,435 Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, addressable, 25 Fire alarm command center, addressable without voice, excl. wire & D5090 Other Electrical Systems $0.00 $0 none E Equipment & Furnishings ••• ••• E1090 Other Equipment 0 0 �� • � • Building SubTotal 100% $76.53 $200,815 Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) 10.0% $7.65 $20,081 Architectural Fees $0.00 $0.00 User Fees $0.00 $0.00 Total Building Cost M M Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement LHB Project No. 140573 2 of 2 Cost Report: Map C MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Code Deficiency Cost Report Map C -112 Broadway East, Monticello, MN 55362 - Parcel # 15- 50100 -34 -130 Accessibility Items Provide accessible restroom at ground floor B- or M- occupancy add 2 layers of 5/8" type x gyp board to 1st floor ceiling Rebuild (1) existing accessible toilet rooms w/ compliant clearances, accessories and fixtures 400.00 Each 3 $ Remove existing toilet room $ 800.00 Lump 1 $ 800.00 water closets $ 2,500.00 each 1 $ 2,500.00 lavatories $ 1,750.00 each 1 $ 1,750.00 1 sets of grab bars $ 300.00 each 1 $ 300.00 1 set toilet room accessories $ 300.00 each 1 $ 300.00 Interior room reconstruction (doors, partitions, finishes) $ 60.00 SF 64 $ 3,840.00 new door 6'- 8 "x3' -0" $ 800.00 Each 1 $ 800.00 Install toilet room ventilation system $ 500.00 each 1 $ 500.00 Provide 2 handicapped parking spaces Add striping at main entry door and existing parking area $ 50.00 ea 2 $ 100.00 Parking requires signage MN 1341.0428 $ 150.00 ea 2 $ 300.00 Provide accessible route from parking lot to street level bldg. entry - MN 1341.0401& 1341.0405 H provide ramp to reduce threshold to less than 1/2 ". IBC1008.1.6 $ 600.00 Each 1 $ 600.00 Provide accessible drinking fountain $ 1,500.00 ea 1 $ 1,500.00 Structural Elements Exiting add 2 layers of 5/8" type x gyp board to 1st floor ceiling Replace thresholds at all exit doors with code compliant $ 400.00 Each 3 $ 1,200.00 Non - compliant exit stairs from upper floor and crawlspace 12.00 SF 150 $ 900.00 Provide fire stopping at new fire separation perimeter Stair tread less than 11" minimum. IBC1009.3 150.00 Lump 1 $ 150.00 Fire stop all pipe and conduit penetrations. Stairs do not provide for proper handrail extension at top and bottom of stair. IBC 1003. Lump 1 $ Remove existing wood stairs. $ 800.00 Each 2 $ 1,600.00 Provide new stairs at each location (assume 15 risers /stair) $ 350.00 Riser 30 $ 10,500.00 Provide new railings at each location 30 feet x2 per stair $ 50.00 Foot 120 $ 6,000.00 Provide new stair tread coverings $ 56.00 Riser 30 $ 1,680.00 revise wall layout to accommodate wider, longer stair $ 800.00 lump 1 $ 800.00 Fire Protection provide 2 -hour fire protection between residential and mercantile occupancies add 2 layers of 5/8" type x gyp board to 1st floor ceiling $ 12.00 SF 1,536 $ 8,800.00 add 2 layers 5/8" type x gyp board to 2nd floor stairway walls. $ 12.00 SF 150 $ 900.00 Provide fire stopping at new fire separation perimeter $ 150.00 Lump 1 $ 150.00 Fire stop all pipe and conduit penetrations. $ 500.00 Lump 1 $ 500.00 Fire alarms Install smoke detectors $ 250.00 ea 4 $ 1,000.00 Install CO detector $ 250.00 ea 3 $ 750.00 Exterior Construction Provide code compliant exterior wall covering Repoint block joints (25 %) $ 3.75 SF 1,400 $ 5,250.00 fill and repair holes in exterior block walls $ 600.00 lump 1 $ 600.00 replace /repoint at lintels $ 3.75 SF 120 $ 450.00 Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Page 1 of 2 Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 140573 Map C MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Code Deficiency Cost Report Map C -112 Broadway East, Monticello, MN 55362 - Parcel # 15- 50100 -34 -130 Replace broken window at south wall of south apartment $ 400.00 Each 1 $ 400.00 Roof Construction Remove and replace roof: fill holes, provide adequate ventilation MN1305.1507.10.1 to 1305.1507.15.1 Remove existing roof $ 0.75 SF 1,312 $ 984.00 Install new roofing system $ 7.38 SF 1,312 $ 9,682.56 Mechanical- Electrical Provide additional ventilation to comply with current code for fresh air MN 1346.0403 Section 403.3 Assumes 50% of non - residential floor area is non -code compliant Mechanical equipment, ductwork and units $ 6.75 SF 1,312 $ 8,856.00 Additional electrical service and distribution for mechanical equipmen $ 2.00 SF 1,312 $ 2,624.00 Provide ventilation at apartment kitchen ranges $ 600.00 lump 2 $ 1,200.00 Provide ventilation at south apartment bathroom $ 400.00 lump 1 $ 400.00 Provide GFCI protected receptacles at sink locations Kitchen $ 250.00 each 6 $ 1,500.00 Bathroom $ 250.00 each 3 $ 750.00 Laundry $ 250.00 each 1 $ 250.00 Provide AFCI protected receptacles per Code Living Room $ 250.00 each 8 $ 2,000.00 Bedrooms $ 250.00 each 8 $ 2,000.00 Hallways $ 250.00 each 6 $ 1,500.00 Provide GFCI protected receptacles at restrooms, counters and service sinks $ 250.00 each 8 $ 2,000.00 Total Code Improvements $ 87,617 Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Page 2 of 2 Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 140573 Map C MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map C, 112 Broadway East Photos DSCN0387.JPG DSCN0403.JPG DSCN0405.JPG DSCN0406.JPG a DSCN0404.JPG i DSCN0407.JPG DSCN0423.JPG DSCN0424.JPG DSCN0492.JPG DSCN0493.JPG DSCN0494.JPG DSCN0495.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING os rt DSCN0496.JPG DSCN0500.JPG DSCN0503.JPG DSCN0498.JPG DSCN0501.JPG DSCN0504.JPG DSCN0506.JPG DSCN0507.JPG DSCN0499.JPG DSCN0502.JPG DSCN0505.JPG DSCN0508.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map C, 112 Broadway East Photos DSCN0509.JPG DSCN0510.JPG DSCN0512.JPG DSCN0513.JPG DSCN0516.JPG DSCN0517.JPG DSCN0519.JPG DSCN0520.JPG DSCN0511.JPG DSCN0515.JPG DSCN0518.JPG DSCN0521.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING os DSCN0522.JPG DSCN0523.JPG DSCN0525.JPG DSCN0526.JPG DSCN0528.JPG DSCN0529.JPG DSCN0531.JPG DSCN0532.JPG DSCN0524.JPG DSCN0527.JPG DSCN0530.JPG DSCN0533.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map C, 112 Broadway East Photos DSCN0534.JPG DSCN0537.JPG DSCN0535.JPG DSCN0538.JPG DSCN0540.JPG DSCN0541.JPG DSCN0543.JPG DSCN0544.JPG DSCN0536.JPG DSCN0539.JPG F.y DSCN0542.JPG DSCN0545.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING os DSCN0546.JPG DSCN0549.JPG DSCN0552.JPG DSCN0547.JPG DSCN0550.JPG DSCN0553.JPG DSCN0555.JPG DSCN0556.JPG DSCN0548.JPG DSCN0551.JPG DSCN0554.JPG DSCN0557.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map C, 112 Broadway East Photos DSCN0558.JPG PERFORMANCE DRIVEN DESIGN. LHBcorp.com December 2, 2014 Angela Schumann Community Development Director Monticello City Offices 505 Walnut Avenue South Monticello, Minnesota 55362 TIF ANALYSIS FINDINGS FOR 130 BROADWAY STREET EAST, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA LHB was hired to inspect the one -story commercial building at 130 Broadway Street East in Monticello, MN, in order to determine if it meets the definition of "Substandard" as defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10. The building parcel may potentially be part of a future Redevelopment TIF District, so will need to be compliant with all of the statutes pertaining to a Redevelopment District. The parcel is located on the South side of Broadway Street East between Pine Street and Cedar Street (see Diagram 1). ` tl Ss Diagram 1 21 West Superior Street, Suite 500 1 Duluth, MN 55802 1 218.727.8446 701 Washington Avenue North, Suite 200 1 Minneapolis, MN 55401 1 612.338.2029 63 East Second Street, Suite 150 1 Superior, WI 54880 1 715.392.2902 Ory H - yo ti a~ Zys 00340j0 �o IS F 50 0 1 o 0341 � I j o yOti h .,y MO ^,moo ` tl Ss Diagram 1 21 West Superior Street, Suite 500 1 Duluth, MN 55802 1 218.727.8446 701 Washington Avenue North, Suite 200 1 Minneapolis, MN 55401 1 612.338.2029 63 East Second Street, Suite 150 1 Superior, WI 54880 1 715.392.2902 Ory H - yo ti o� Zys 00340j0 �o IS F 50 0 1 o 0341 � j o yOti h .,y MO a0 v 2 OOM O^' i d O 4 am g pia �� ,a Db yh ` tl Ss Diagram 1 21 West Superior Street, Suite 500 1 Duluth, MN 55802 1 218.727.8446 701 Washington Avenue North, Suite 200 1 Minneapolis, MN 55401 1 612.338.2029 63 East Second Street, Suite 150 1 Superior, WI 54880 1 715.392.2902 Page: 2 Date: December 2, 2014 TIF Analysis Findings for 130 Broadway Street East, Monticello, Minnesota CONCLUSION After inspecting and evaluating the building on November 7, 2014 and applying current statutory criteria for a Redevelopment District under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90, it is our professional opinion that the building qualifies as substandard. The remainder of this letter and attachments describe our process and findings in detail. PART 2 — MINNESOTA STATUTE 469.174, SUBDIVISION 10 REQUIREMENTS The property was inspected in accordance with the following requirements under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(c), which states: Interior Inspection "The municipality may not make such determination [that the building is structurally substandard] without an interior inspection of the property..." Exterior Inspection and Other Means "An interior inspection of the property is not required, if the municipality finds that (1) the municipality or authority is unable to gain access to the property after using its best efforts to obtain permission from the party that owns or controls the property; and (2) the evidence otherwise supports a reasonable conclusion that the building is structurally substandard." Documentation "Written documentation of the findings and reasons why an interior inspection was not conducted must be made and retained under section 469.175, subdivision 3(1)." Qualification Requirements Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90 (a) (9) requires two tests for occupied parcels: A. Coverage Test ..."parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots" The coverage required by the parcel to be considered occupied is defined under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(e), which states: "For purposes of this subdivision, a parcel is not occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots unless 15 percent of the area of the parcel contains building, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots." The LHB team reviewed parcel 155010034102 (130 Broadway Street East): • The parcel (Map E) is approximately 8,250 square feet and is 100 percent covered by buildings, parking lots or other improvements. Findings: The parcel is covered by buildings, parking lots or other improvements, exceeding the 15 percent parcel requirement. Page: 3 Date: December 2, 2014 TIF Analysis Findings for 130 Broadway Street East, Monticello, Minnesota B. Condition of Buildings Test ... "and more than 50 percent of the buildings, not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance," 1. Structurally substandard is defined under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(b), which states: "For purposes of this subdivision, `structurally substandard' shall mean containing defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance." a. We do not count energy code deficiencies toward the thresholds required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(b)) defined as "structurally substandard ", due to concerns expressed by the State of Minnesota Court of Appeals in the WlalsevAuto Sales, Inc. vs. City of Richfield case filed November 13, 2001. Findings: The one -story commercial building at 130 Broadway Street East exceeds the criteria required to be determined a substandard building (see the attached Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report). 2. Buildings are not eligible to be considered structurally substandard unless they meet certain additional criteria, as set forth in Subdivision 10(c) which states: "A building is not structurally substandard if it is in compliance with the building code applicable to new buildings or could be modified to satisfy the building code at a cost of less than 15 percent of the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site. The municipality may find that a building is not disqualified as structurally substandard under the preceding sentence on the basis of reasonably available evidence, such as the size, type, and age of the building, the average cost of plumbing, electrical, or structural repairs, or other similar reliable evidence." "Items of evidence that support such a conclusion [that the building is not disqualified] include recent fire or police inspections, on -site property appraisals or housing inspections, exterior evidence of deterioration, or other similar reliable evidence." LHB counts energy code deficiencies toward the 15 percent code threshold required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.974, Subdivision 90(c)) for the following reasons: • The Minnesota energy code is one of ten building code areas highlighted by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry website where minimum construction standards are required by law. • The index page of the 2007 Minnesota Building Code lists the Minnesota Energy Code as a "Required Enforcement" area compared to an additional list of "Optional Enforcement" chapters. • The Senior Building Code Representative for the Construction Codes and Licensing Division of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry confirmed that the Minnesota Energy Code is being enforced throughout the State of Minnesota. • In a January 2002 report to the Minnesota Legislature, the Management Analysis Division of the Minnesota Department of Administration confirmed that the construction cost of new buildings complying with the Minnesota Energy Code is higher than buildings built prior to the enactment of the code. Page: 4 Date: December 2, 2014 TIF Analysis Findings for 130 Broadway Street East, Monticello, Minnesota Proper TIF analysis requires a comparison between the replacement value of a new building built under current code standards with the repairs that would be necessary to bring the existing building up to current code standards. In order for an equal comparison to be made, all applicable code chapters should be applied to both scenarios. Since current construction estimating software automatically applies the construction cost of complying with the Minnesota Energy Code, energy code deficiencies should also be identified in the existing structures. Findings: The one -story commercial building has code deficiencies exceeding the 15 percent building code deficiency criteria required to be determined substandard (see the attached Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report). TEAM CREDENTIALS Michael A. Fischer, AIA, LEEK AP - Project Principal /TIFAnalyst Michael has twenty -four years of architectural experience as project principal, project manager, project designer and project architect on municipal planning, educational, commercial and governmental projects. He is a Senior Vice President at LHB and currently leads the Minneapolis office. Michael completed a two -year Bush Fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1999, earning Masters Degrees in City Planning and Real Estate Development. Michael has served on over 35 committees, boards and community task forces, including a term as a City Council President, Chair of a Metropolitan Planning organization, and most recently, Chair of the Planning Commission in Edina, Minnesota. He was one of four architects in the country to receive the National "Young Architects Citation" from the American Institute of Architects in 1997. Jonathan Pettigrew — TIFAnalyst /Building Inspector Jonathan Pettigrew has worked in architecture and construction for the last twenty years in Minnesota, California and Washington. His experience includes a variety of commercial and residential project types and scales, from single - family homes to a 300,000 square foot multi - building office complex. He has significant experience in code reviews and building systems inspections and analysis. Jonathan received his Minnesota architect's license in 2004. He brings a strong interest in sustainabihty and an eye for detail to his work. He enjoys working with clients, consultants and contractors to bring projects together successfully. We have attached a Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report, Building Replacement Cost Report, Code Deficiency Cost Report, and thumbnail photo sheets of the building. Please contact me at (612) 752 -6920 if you have any questions. LHB INC. MICHAEL A. FISCHER, AIA, LEED AP SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT M:A14ProjA140573 \400 Design \406 Reports\Final Report \Map E Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding.docx MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report 21 November 2014 Map No. & Address: Map No. E 130 Broadway E., Monticello, Minnesota Inspection Date(s) & Time(s): 7 November 2014, 11:45am Inspection Type: Interior and Exterior Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: - Substantial renovation is required to correct Conditions found. - Building Code deficiencies total more than 15% of replacement cost, NOT including energy code deficiencies. Estimated Replacement Cost: $ 462,213 Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: $ 123,863 Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: 26.8% Defects in Structural Elements 1. Rusty lintels 2. Cracks in grout joints and through bricks. Combination of Deficiencies 1. Essential Utilities and Facilities: a. Provide accessible parking stalls, signage and path to the entry. b. Restroom door lacks required hardware. c. Inadequate clearances within existing restrooms and at plumbing fixtures. d. Insufficient number of plumbing fixtures per 2902.2. e. Building lacks an accessible drinking fountain. f There are open electrical junction boxes and loose wires. g. Electrical panel inner cover is missing exposing wiring. h. Junction boxes are overfilled per NEC. i. Building lacks required GFCI outlets at wet areas and countertops. j. Water is shut off to the building. 2. Light and Ventilation: a. Some light fixtures are out — required for proper exiting lighting. b. Building lacks code compliant ventilation system. 3. Fire Protection /Adequate Egress: a. Front and East side doors lack required clearances. b. Back exit door swings should swing outward in direction of travel. c. Door hardware at back exit doors— replace with compliant door hardware. Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Map E LHB Project No. 140573 Page 1 of 3 Building Code and Condition Deficiency Report d. Thresholds at egress doors exceed allowable 1/2 ". e. Lighted exit signage needs to be provided. 4. Layout and Condition of Interior Partitions /Materials: a. Holes in walls and partitions from environmental services sampling and removal of fixtures. b. Damaged, stained and missing acoustic ceiling tiles. c. Cracked and broken floor tiles. d. Cracked, broken and missing wall tiles in restrooms. e. Bar has been removed. f Open access hole in floor at former bar location. g. Cooler door has been removed. h. Broken and missing pieces of wall paneling. i. Inadequate corridor and doorway widths in storage areas. 5. Exterior Construction a. Cracking of grout joints. b. Rusty door and window lintels c. Broken and spalling bricks, particularly at window sills and parapet. d. Holes in exterior stucco. e. Roof is in poor condition. f Decayed wood fascia at South side. g. Exposed electrical wiring. Description of Code Deficiencies 1. Provide accessible parking stalls, signage and path to the entry. 2. Restroom door lacks required hardware. 3. Inadequate clearances within existing restrooms and at plumbing fixtures. 4. Insufficient number of plumbing fixtures per 2902.2. 5. Building lacks an accessible drinking fountain. 6. There are open electrical junction boxes and loose wires. 7. Electrical panel inner cover is missing exposing wiring. 8. Junction boxes are overfilled per NEC. 9. Building lacks required GFCI outlets at wet areas and countertops. 10. Some light fixtures are out — required for proper exiting lighting. 11. Building lacks code compliant ventilation system. 12. Front and East side doors lack required clearances. 13. Back exit door swings should swing outward, in direction of travel. 14. Door hardware at back exit doors— replace with compliant door hardware. 15. Thresholds at egress doors exceed allowable 1/2 ". 16. Lighted exit signage needs to be provided. 17. Cracking of grout joints. 18. Broken and spalling bricks, particularly at window sills and parapet. 19. Roof is in poor condition. Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Map E LHB Project No. 140573 Page 2 of 3 Building Code and Condition Deficiency Report Overview of Deficiencies This is a one -story building of CMU walls with a brick front and stucco sides and rear. It was built in 1940. It housed a bar called the Zoo until January 2014 and has been vacant since then. The bar and other fixtures have been removed. The building lacks a number of the requirements for accessibility. In general, finishes are in poor condition with missing and worn floor tiles, missing wall panels and ceiling tiles. Exterior material conditions are also poor. Energy Code Deficiencies In addition to the building code deficiencies listed above, the existing building does not comply with the current energy code. These deficiencies are not included in the estimated costs to correct code deficiencies and are not considered in determining whether or not the building is substandard: - Most of the fluorescent light fixtures are T12 instead of Code - compliant T8. - The building lacks adequate thermal insulation as required by the Energy Code. Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Map E LHB Project No. 140573 Page 3 of 3 Building Code and Condition Deficiency Report Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement Cost Report Map E 130 Broadway, Monticello, MN, 55362 costs are derived from a building model with basic components. Restaurant with Face Brick with Concrete Block Building Type: Back -up / Wood Joists Location: MONTICELLO, MN Story Count: 1 Story Height (L. F.): 12 Floor Area (S.F.): 3776 Labor Type: OPN Basement Included: No Release: Year 2014 Quarter 4 costs are derived from a building model with basic components. [Data ostPerSquareFoot: $122.41 Scope differences and market conditions can cause costs to vary significantly. uilding Cost: $462,213 of Total Cost Per S.F. Cost A1010 Standard Foundations $2.91 $10,988 Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 11.1 KLF, soil bearing capacity 6 A1030 Slab on Grade $5.56 $20,995 Slab on grade, 4" thick, non industrial, reinforced A2010 Basement Excavation $0.66 $2,492 Excavate and fill, 4000 SF, 4' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, on site A2020 Basement Walls $5.30 $20,013 Foundation wall, CIP, 4' wall height, direct chute, .099 CY /LF, 4.8 PLF, 8" B1020 Roof Construction $8.08 $30,510 Roof, wood joists, beams, , on columns and bearing wall, 25'x25' bay, 20" B2010 Exterior Walls $13.00 $49,088 Front wall Brick wall, composite double wythe, standard face /CMU back - stucco on other sides B2020 Exterior Windows $1.30 $4,909 glass block B2030 Exterior Doors $2.50 $9,440 Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, black finish, hardware, 3' -0" x 10'- Door, steel 18 gauge, hollow metal, 1 door with frame, no label, 3' -0" x 7'- B3010 Roof Coverings $7.38 $27,867 Roofing, 60 mil EPDM, fully- adhered Insulation, rigid, roof deck, composite with 2" EPS, 1" perlite Roof edges, aluminum, duranodic, .050" thick, 6" face Interiors Gravel stop, aluminum, extruded, 4 ", mill finish, .050" thick C1010 Partitions � $4.77 $18,012 Wood partition, 5/8 "fire rated gypsum board face, none base,2 x 4,@ 16" C1020 Interior Doors $2.38 $8,987 Door, single leaf, wood frame, 3' -0" x 7' -0" x 1 -3/8 ", birch, solid core C1030 Fittings $0.79 $2,983 Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement LHB Project No. 140573 1 of 2 Cost Report: Map E Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement Cost Report Map E 130 Broadway, Monticello, MN, 55362 Toilet partitions, cubicles, ceiling hung, plastic laminate C3010 Wall Finishes $2.12 $8,005 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, Vinyl wall covering, fabric back, medium weight C3020 Floor Finishes $5.00 $18,880 Carpet tile, nylon, fusion bonded, 18" x 18" or 24" x 24 ", 35 oz Vinyl, composition tile, maximum Tile, quarry tile, mud set, minimum C3030 Ceiling Finishes $7.55 $28,509 Acoustic ceilings, 3/4" fiberglass board, 24" x 48" tile, tee grid, suspended D2010 Plumbing Fixtures $3.54 $13,367 Water closet, vitreous china, bowl only with flush valve, wall hung Urinal, vitreous china, wall hung Lavatory w /trim, vanity top, vitreous china, 20" x 16" Service sink w /trim, PE on Cl,wall hung w /rim guard, 22" x 18" D2020 Domestic Water Distribution $6.00 $22,656 Gas fired water heater, commercial, 100< F rise, 500 MBH input, 480 GPH D3050 Terminal & Package Units $15.00 $56,640 Rooftop, multizone, air conditioner, restaurants, 3,000 SF, 15.00 ton Commercial kitchen exhaust /make -up air system, rooftop, gas, 2000 CFM D5010 Electrical Service /Distribution $6.22 $23,487 Overhead service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit & Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 400 A Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, D5020 Lighting and Branch Wiring $9.53 $35,985 Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 8 per 1000 SF, .9 watts per SF Miscellaneous power, 1.5 watts Central air conditioning power, 4 watts Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 1.6 watt per SF, 40 FC, 10 D5030 Communications and Security $1.69 $6,381 Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, addressable, 25 Fire alarm command center, addressable without voice, excl. wire & D5090 Other Electrical Systems - none $0.00 $0 Generator sets, w /battery, charger, muffler and transfer switch, E Equipment & Furnishings ••• ••• E1090 Other Equipment 0 0 F Special Construction ��- SubTotal 100% $111.28 $420,193 Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) 10.0% $11.13 $42,019 Architectural Fees $0.00 $0.00 User Fees $0.00 $0.00 Total • - Cost Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Building Replacement LHB Project No. 140573 2 of 2 Cost Report: Map E MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Code Deficiency Cost Report Map E -130 Broadway East, Monticello, MN 55362 - Parcel # 15- 50100 -34 -102 Accessibility Items Build (2) new accessible rest rooms w/ compliant number of accessories and fixtures Remove existing toilet rooms $ 1,750.00 Lump 2 $ 3,500.00 water closets $ 2,500.00 each 6 $ 15,000.00 urinals $ 1,800.00 each 2 $ 3,600.00 lavatories $ 1,750.00 each 4 $ 7,000.00 sets of grab bars $ 300.00 each 2 $ 600.00 2 sets toilet room accessories $ 300.00 each 2 $ 600.00 Interior room reconstruction (doors, partitions, finishes) $ 80.00 SF 240 $ 19,200.00 new door 6'- 8 "x3' -0" $ 800.00 Each 2 $ 1,600.00 Install toilet room ventilation system $ 500.00 each 2 $ 1,000.00 Provide 2 handicapped parking spaces Add striping at main entry door and existing parking area $ 50.00 ea 2 $ 100.00 Parking requires signage MN 1341.0428 $ 150.00 ea 2 $ 300.00 Provide accessible route from parking lot to street level bldg. entry - MN 1341.0401 & 1341.0405 H provide ramp to reduce threshold to less than 1/2 ". IBC1008.1.6 $ 600.00 Each 1 $ 600.00 Revise wall layouts at entry and egress doors to provide required clearance selective demolition of exterior walls and doors $ 600.00 Each 2 $ 1,200.00 rebuild walls $ 1,200.00 Each 2 $ 2,400.00 reinstall doors $ 300.00 Each 2 $ 600.00 Revise wall layouts at storage areas to provide required clearance selective demolition of interior walls and doors $ 800.00 lump 1 $ 800.00 rebuild walls $ 1,200.00 Each 2 $ 2,400.00 new doors $ 800.00 Each 2 $ 1,600.00 Provide accessible drinking fountain $ 1,500.00 ea 1 $ 1,500.00 Structural Elements Replace rusty steel lintels at window and door openings $ 800.00 Each 4 $ 3,200.00 Exiting Provide new back exit door with correct swing and hardware. $ 1,000.00 lump 1 $ 1,000.00 Replace thresholds at all exit doors with code compliant $ 400.00 Each 4 $ 1,600.00 Provide electric illuminated exit signs and emergency lighting $ 400.00 Each 4 $ 1,600.00 MN 1003.2.10 and 1003.2.11 Exterior Construction Provide code compliant exterior wall covering Repoint brick joints (50 %) $ 3.75 SF 500 $ 1,875.00 fill and repair holes in exterior brick walls $ 600.00 lump 1 $ 600.00 replace /repoint at lintels $ 3.75 SF 120 $ 450.00 Patch holes in stucco $ 400.00 lump 1 $ 400.00 Roof Construction Remove and replace roof: fill holes, provide adequate ventilation Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Page 1 of 2 Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 140573 Map E MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Code Deficiency Cost Report Map E -130 Broadway East, Monticello, MN 55362 - Parcel # 15- 50100 -34 -102 MN1305.1507.10.1 to 1305.1507.15.1 Remove existing roof $ 0.75 SF 3,776 $ 2,832.00 Install new roofing system $ 7.17 SF 3,776 $ 27,073.92 Mechanical- Electrical Provide additional ventilation to comply with current code for fresh air MN 1346.0403 Section 403.3 Assumes 50% of floor area is non -code compliant Mechanical equipment, ductwork and units $ 6.75 SF 1,838 $ 12,406.50 Additional electrical service and distribution for mechanical equipmen $ 2.00 SF 1,838 $ 3,676.00 Replace broken floor drain covers $ 50.00 each 1 $ 50.00 secure electrical wiring; correct deficiencies in junction boxes, add covers $ 1,000.00 lump 1 $ 1,000.00 Provide GFCI protected receptacles at restrooms, counters and service sinks $ 250.00 each 10 $ 2,500.00 Total Code Improvements $ 123,863 Monticello Block 34 Letter of Finding Page 2 of 2 Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 140573 Map E MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map E, 130 Broadway East Photos DSCN0386.JPG DSCN0408.JPG DSCN0410.JPG DSCN0411.JPG DSCN0414.JPG DSCN0415.JPG DSCN0418.JPG DSCN0419.JPG DSCN0409.JPG z� DSCN0413.JPG DSCN0417.JPG DSCN0420.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map E, 130 Broadway East Photos DSCN0421.JPG DSCN0422.JPG DSCN0561.JPG i DSCN0562.JPG DSCN0564.JPG DSCN0567.JPG DSCN0565.JPG DSCN0568.JPG DSCN0560.JPG DSCN0563.JPG DSCN0566.JPG DSCN0569.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING :os DSCN0570.JPG DSCN0571.JPG DSCN0573.JPG DSCN0574.JPG DSCN0576.JPG DSCN0577.JPG t DSCN0579.JPG DSCN0580.JPG DSCN0572.JPG DSCN0575.JPG DSCN0578.JPG f� l DSCN0581.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map E, 130 Broadway East Photos DSCN0582.JPG DSCN0585.JPG DSCN0583.JPG DSCN0584.JPG T-1 I I 1 ae 1 Ala DSCN0586.JPG DSCN0588.JPG DSCN0589.JPG DSCN0587.JPG DSCN0590.JPG DSCN0591.JPG DSCN0592.JPG DSCN0593.JPG MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 LETTER OF FINDING Map E, 130 Broadway East Photos DSCN0594.JPG DSCN0595.JPG DSCN0597.JPG DSCN0598.JPG DSCN0600.JPG DSCN0601.JPG DSCN0596.JPG DSCN0599.JPG MEYER BORGMAN I JOHNSON S T R U C T U R A L D E S I G N + E N G I N E E R I N G SHORT FORM AGREEMENT FOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES DATE: October 9, 2014 PROJECT NUMBER: �o be determined PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Evaluate the impact of the removal of three buildings on surroundin buildin;s on the southeast corner of M -,hwav 25 and East Broadwav in Monticello. CLIENT: City of Monticello ATTN:Ms. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director ADDRESS: 505 Walnut St. CITY: Monticello STATE: MN ZIP CODE: 55362 TELEPHONE: 763 - 271 -3224 FAX: THE CLIENT AUTHORIZES MEYER, BORGMAN AND JOHNSON, INC. TO: ® Proceed with new work effort Proceed with Additional Services Scope of Service: This project consists of two phases: Evaluate the impact of removing buildings at the southeast corner of Highway 25 and East Broadway on buildings at addresses 112, 118 and 130 East Broadway Street. Three scenarios will be addressed: a. Demolish building at address 100 only. b. Demolish buildings at addresses 100 and 112; c. Demolish buildings at addresses 100, 112, and 130. d. Evaluate the impact to existing wells on the site with each above scenario. 2. Specific tasks include: a. Initial site visit (complete). b. Second site visit to measure the existing buildings and evaluate the interaction of the buildings 100, 112, 118, and 130 E. Broadway. Site visit to include an investigation of the existing construction materials, as possible, to understand their vulnerability to the vibrations associated with building demolition. c. Analyze the impact of the building demolition scenarios. d. Report the findings of the analysis, to include recommendations to protect buildings 112, and /or 118 E. Broadway during demolition. 3. Design structural systems to protect 112 and 118 E. Broadway. The extent of this work is dependent upon phase I findings; therefore, a precise scope and proposal for this phase will be presented with the phase I report. Services not included: 1. A thorough evaluation of 118 East Broadway to identify deterioration or conditions that may be impacted by the surrounding demolition. MBJ will observe the visible portions of the basement and I" floor and areas on the 2' floor and roof identified by the building owner that are visible. If conditions exist that require repair or reinforcing, these services can be provided by MBJ under separate contract. I Agreement incorporates and references the attached GENERAL CONDITIONS, which are made a part of this agreement. Compensation (invoiced monthly unless noted otherwise): ❑ Hourly (estimate $) ❑ Hourly not to exceed $ ® Percentage of completion: Phase I: $ 5,400 Phase II (estimate): $ 6,000 (to be finalized after phase I is complete) ® Plus Reimbursable Expenses: $ 200 (an estimate) *(invoiced monthly at 1.0 times our cost) Current hourly rates are attached. *May include a $10.00 equipment fee MEYER BORGMAN JOHNSON SIGNED: BY: TITLE: DATE: APPROVED BY ICLIENIj: S IGNED: Michael J. Ramerth PE BY: Principal October 9 2014 PROJECT MGR: Chris Hartnett PE UIRTM11- � TITLE: President DATE:�r SIGNED: BY: Executive Director TITLE: _ �,. Zze DATE: 16 1 J+at �96°l PO #. / Project #: MBJ Standard Hourly Rates 2013 -2014 Senior Principal Engineer $220.00 Principal Engineer $180.00 Associate Principal Engineer II $170.00 Associate Principal Engineer 1 $155.00 Engineer V $150.00 Engineer IV $130.00 Engineer III $110.00 Engineer II $ 95.00 Engineer I $ 80.00 Technician 1V $105.00 Technician III $ 95.00 Technician 11 $ 85.00 Technician I $ 78.00 Adminl3tratiVC li $ 95.00 Administrative 1 $ 60.00 Hourly rates are adjusted periodically but will not exceed 10% annually. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF MEYER, BORGMAN AND JOHNSON, INC.'S SHORT FORM AGREEMENT FOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS shall be incorporated into and a part of the Short Form Agreement ( "Agreement ") for Structural Engineering Services between the Client and Meyer, Borgman and Johnson, Inc. ( "MBJ ). 1. Services. The services to be provided by MBJ shall be as set forth in page 1 of the Short Form Agreement with the Client. 2. Administration. MBJ shall have neither control nor responsibility for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures or for safety precautions and/or programs in conjunction with the work performed by contractors on the subject Project, since such items are solely the contractors' responsibility. MBJ is not required to make exhaustive or continuous on -site inspections to review the quality or quantity of work by contractors on the Project, as MBJ is not retained to provide construction administration or supervision. If construction administration services are included as a part of the Agreement, MBJ, as Client's representative, shall visit the Project site as agreed by the Client and MBJ (1) to become generally familiar with and keep the Client informed about the progress and/or quality of the work, (2) to endeavor to guard the Client against obvious defects and deficiencies in the work, and (3) to determine if the work is being performed in substantial compliance with the Project plans and specifications. MBJ shall not be expected nor required to perform construction administration services beyond those specifically described in this Agreement, nor make exhaustive or continuous on -site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the work. 3. Project Budget and Scope. If MBJ is retained to evaluate the Client's budget for the Project, the parties acknowledge that the preliminary estimate of the cost of any such work and updated estimates prepared by MBJ represent MBJ's judgment as a design professional, and that MBJ does not have control over cost of labor, materials, equipment, market conditions or over the contractors' methods of determining prices. As such, MBJ cannot represent or warrant that bids or negotiated prices will not vary from the budget or an estimate prepared'by MBJ. If a change in the work on the Project is the result of a required item or component of the Project omitted from the Project plans and specifications, the Client shall be responsible for the costs required to add such item or component to the Project if the item or component would have been required and included in the original documents. MBJ is not responsible for costs to the Project that provides an upgrade or enhances the value of the Project. 4, Client's Responsibilities. The Client shall provide full information on the Project requirements, and will provide MBJ (in writing) information known regarding existing site conditions, including, but not limited to, information regarding the work, site plans, building/project condition, topographic surveys, property line surveys, soil data, written reports, inspections, etc. MBJ shall be entitled to rely upon such information and documentation provided by the Client. The Client shall designate a representative who is authorized to act on the Client's behalf and make timely decisions with respect to the Project in this Agreement. 5. MBJ's Documents. Documents prepared by MBJ are solely for use with respect to the Project referenced in this Agreement. All documents (including drawings, plans and specifications) famished by MBJ pursuant to this Agreement are the instruments of service to the Project, and MBJ shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights in such documents, including intellectual property and copyright. The Client shall be pennitted to retain copies of such documents for the Client's information, reference and use. To the extent the documents are modified, supplemented or altered by the Client, a subsequent design professional, other third party, the Client shall indemnify, defend and hold MBJ harmless (including attorney fees and costs) for any claims, demands, or actions arising out of such modification, supplementation or alteration. 6. Compensation. With respect to compensation referenced on page 1 of this Agreement, payment is due within thirty (30) days from the date of MBJ's monthly invoice. If there is a material change in the scope of the work for the Project, MBJ's compensation shall be equitably adjusted. 7. Termination. In the event of material default in the terns of this Agreement by one party (through no fault of the terminating party), this Agreement and the obligation to provide further services under this Agreement may be terminated upon giving seven (7) days prior written notice via messenger delivery or certified mail at the address set forth on page 1 of this Agreement. Upon termination, MBJ shall be entitled to compensation for services rendered prior to the date of termination, together with reasonable expenses incurred to the date of termination. 8. Limitation of Liability. The parties acknowledge and agree that they will not hold the other liable or assert claims for lost profits or consequential damages arising from or relating to this Agreement, even if a party was advised of the possibility of such damages. The parties agree that MBJ's liability and the Client's remedy under this Agreement shall be limited to claims for monetary damages, and that any liability arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall not exceed the total amount actually paid for services provided by MBJ under this Agreement. 9. Dispute Resolution. The parties shall endeavor to resolve their disputes by mediation which, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise, shall be in accordance with the construction industry mediation rules of the American Arbitration Association. Requests for mediation shall be provided in writing within a reasonable period of time after the claim or dispute has arisen. Only after the parties are unable to resolve the dispute via mediation shall the parties initiate proceedings and assert those other available legal or equitable remedies. 10. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements or oral understandings. No modification or waiver of this Agreement or its terms shall be binding unless in writing and executed by both parties. 1 I . Assignment. Neither party may assign their rights under this Agreement without the written consent of the other party. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their permitted successors and assigns. 12. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, with any dispute or claim relating to this Agreement venued or heard in the State of Minnesota, Hennepin County. 13. Acknowledgment. The parties acknowledge that these terms and conditions are incorporated by reference into the Short Fonn Agreement for MBJ's Engineering Services, that the parties have had an opportunity to read and understand these terns and conditions, discuss such terms and conditions with legal counsel, and understand the significance of this Agreement. ssoefa engineering -planning • environmental- construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 -541-0800 Fax: 763 - 541 -1700 October 9, 2014 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Scope of Work and Cost for Environmental and Demolition Services for the Block 34 Redevelopment project located on Broadway East, Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Ms. Schumann: As requested, outlined below is a scope of work and cost estimate to perform the following environmental and demolition services for the Block 34 Redevelopment project: o Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey a Demolition Specifications and Quotation Administration a Demolition Oversight The following details the services proposed and associated tasks to be performed as part of the environmental and demolition services. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment The Phase I ESA will be performed in general compliance with the ASTM E1527 -13 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments. The Phase I ESA will be completed for properties at 100 Broadway East (old Montgomery Farms building), 112 Broadway East (old BL Bikes building), 130 Broadway East (the old "Zoo ") and 119 31" Street East (DMA. Task 1: Historic Records Review WSB will obtain federal and state regulatory database information for the property from a commercial regulatory vendor to evaluate for potential environmental conditions. This work will not include a detailed review of all the sites listed in the regulatory database searches. The following historical records will be reviewed: ® Sanborn Fire Insurance Rate Maps o Historic Aerial Photography o City Directories Historic Topographic Maps Federal EPA - listed sites including NPL, CERCLIS, RCRA, and ERNS Q State MPCA- listed sites including UST, LUST, spills, landfills, and other state listed sites St. Claude Minneapolis a St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.00m Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN October 9, 2014 Page 2 • Regulatory file review for applicable sites will be included as required per ASTM E 1527 -13 Assumptions: Based on the property location, this task assumes two regulatory file reviews will be required. Task 2: Interviews WSB will conduct interviews with property representatives (via phone or in person) regarding past and current property use activities. The City and any entity relying on the Phase I ESA will complete a User Questionnaire provided by WSB. The following representatives will be contacted and interviewed (if available): • Current or Past Property Owners • Current Property Management or Maintenance Staff • City Building and Inspection Department • City Fire Department Task 3: Site Reconnaissance WSB will make a direct visual inspection of the property and adjoining properties. It is assumed the City, or its representative, will provide access to all interior and exterior areas of the property. All adjoining properties will be viewed from the public right -of -way. The site reconnaissance will include observation and documentation of the following: • Location of visible above ground or underground storage tanks • Location of chemical or hazardous material storage • Location of water bodies (if present) • Condition of vegetation and exposed soils • General property topography • Photographic documentation Task 4; Phase I ESA Retorting WSB will summarize the results of the Phase I ESA in a final documentation report. This task assumes one round of comment with the City. This task does not include those items considered non -scope by ASTM Standard E1527 -13 such as asbestos, radon, lead -based paint, lead in drinking water, wetlands, regulatory compliance, cultural/historic resources, industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, biological agents, or mold sampling and analysis. The report will follow the format described in the ASTM E1527 -13 and shall at a minimum include the following: • Supporting documentation upon which the findings and opinions are based • Scope of services performed A "findings" section which will include any recognized environmental conditions (RECs) • The opinion of the environmental professional • Any conclusions drawn from the assessment Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN October 9, 2014 Page 3 Assumptions: WSB will receive authorization from the City prior to completing any work beyond the cost outlined above including but not limited to any of the non -scope items detailed above. Pre - Demolition Hazardous Material Building Surveys The pre - demolition hazardous material building surveys will be performed in general compliance with applicable regulations for the three properties identified for demolition. The properties identified for possible demolition are located at 100 Broadway East (old Montgomery Farms building), 112 Broadway East (old BL Bikes building) and 130 Broadway East (the old "Zoo') ; however, the properties located at 100 Broadway East is planned for demolition due to the intersection improvements at TH 25 /CSAH 75. The building at 119 3rd Street East (DMV) is not planned for demolition, however a hazardous material building survey is proposed to be completed. Task 5: Asbestos Sam iin WSB will collect asbestos samples for the above - referenced properties to identify friable and non - friable asbestos - containing materials (ACM) defined by the USEPA, MPCA, and MDH. In addition, WSB will identify ACM that could become friable during demolition activities, and according to State and Federal regulations, would require abatement prior to demolition activities. It is anticipated that destructive sampling methods will be used (except for at the 119 East 31d Street building (DMV)) as destructive asbestos sampling testing methods are needed prior to demolition in order to definitively determine all assumed asbestos containing materials. Assumptions: It is anticipated that a total of 230 bulk asbestos samples/layers will be collected and sent to a fixed -base laboratory for asbestos analysis. Task 6: Lead -Based Paint Sampling WSB will identify surfaces that have the potential to be recycled during the demolition process and collect sample of those surfaces for lead -based paint (LBP) analysis. If LBP is detected, the surfaces will be identified as requiring special management during recycling. Materials likely to be recycled during the demolition process include concrete, metal piping, and miscellaneous metal building components. Assumptions: It is anticipated that 20 paint chip samples will be collected and sent to a fixed - base laboratory for lead analysis. Task 7: Hazardous Materials Invento WSB will conduct a room -by -room inventory of potentially hazardous materials that will require special handling and disposal prior to demolition. In addition, a hazardous materials inventory will be conducted on all exterior areas of the property. Task 8: Pre - Demolition Final Documentation and Report=' WSB will summarize the results of each building in a Pre - Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey Report. At a minimum, the report will include the following: • Scope of work; • Sampling methods and procedures; • Asbestos and LBP sample location figure; Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN October 9, 2014 Page 4 F Room -by -room hazardous materials inventory; O Investigation results; and • Conclusions and recommendations. Assumptions: This task assumes access to all property buildings will be provided by the City and one report review by the City. Demolition Specifications and Quotation Administration The Demolition Specifications will be prepared for the properties identified for possible demolition located at 100 Broadway East (old Montgomery Farms building), 112 Broadway East (old BL Bikes building) and 130 Broadway East (the old "Zoo') Task 9: Demolition Specifications WSB will prepare demolition specifications for the following: • Demolition of the commercial buildings located at 100, 112, and 130 Broadway East Street; • Obtain all necessary permits and utility disconnections; and • Restoration of the sites with topsoil and seed. Task 10: Ouotation Administration WSB will administer the quotation process and prepare a recommendation to award the demolition contract based on the received quotations. WSB will assume the Contractor will obtain all necessary permits (including but not limited to demolition and hazardous or regulated waste removal and disposal). WSB will assume the Contractor will also be responsible for the coordination of all utility disconnections. Assumptions: It is anticipated that the costs to demolish the buildings will be $100,000 or under based on conversations with demolition contractors. WSB will provide the City with an updated cost estimate to complete the demolition following the completion of the pre - demolition hazardous materials building surveys. If the updated cost estimate exceeds $100,000, WSB will work with the City to revise the scope of work to complete this task. Demolition Oversight The Demolition Oversight will be completed for the properties planned for demolition located at 100, 112, and 130 Broadway Street East. Task 11: Demolition Coordination WSB will coordinate with contractors to ensure all demolition activities including hazardous material removal and disposal are performed in accordance with local, state, and federal guidelines. WSB will also coordinate with contractors to obtain documentation for final reporting purposes and will maintain communication with the City regarding the demolition schedule. Assumptions: This task assumes the abatement and demolition contractor will secure all required permits. Task 12: Demolition Oversi ht Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN October 9, 2014 Page 5 WSB will provide oversight during all demolition activities to assess for unknown environmental conditions. WSB will conduct a walkthrough prior to demolition to ensure all regulated materials are removed and properly disposed of at a permitted landfill facility. WSB will also conduct a final walkthrough to ensure the Site is properly graded, seeded, and is free of demolition debris. Assumptions: This task assumes the Site structures will be demolished and removed in six consecutive days. Task 13: Demolition Final Documentation and Reporting WSB will summarize the results of the demolitions services in a final documentation report. At a minimum, the report will include the following: Site location map; • Scope of work; o Regulated waste removal documentation; o Demolition notifications and permits; • Backfilling and seeding documentation; and o Photographic documentation. Assumptions: This task assumes one review by the City. Total Cost and Schedule The cost to perform the described Environmental and Demolition Services is a lump sum of $31,793. The following presents the cost breakdown for each service presented in this proposal: Project Task Lump Sum Cost Phase I Environmental Site Assessment $5,626 Pre - Demolition Hazardous Material Building Surveys $13,497 Demolition Specifications and Quotation Administration $5,154 Demolition Oversight $7,516 Total Project Cost $31,793 If additional work is required beyond the summarized scope above, WSB will receive authorization from the City prior to initiating the work. It is anticipated that authorization will be received at the EDA meeting on October 8, 2014. WSB will be in attendance at this meeting. Upon authorizatioty WSB will schedule the work and deliver the associated reports by November 15, 2014. If you wish to authorize this work, please sign below and submit a copy to WSB. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. 914�� Ryan Spencer Environmental and Remediation Scientist WSB & Associates, Inc W Jamie Wallerstedt, PE Project Manager Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN October 4, 2014 Page 6 I hereby authorize the above scone. of work, schedule, and cost. President Date Date 250 Third Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 612.338.2029 Fax 612.338.2088 www.LHBcorp.com October 30, 2014 Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 PROPOSAL FOR INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES MONTICELLO BLOCK 34 REDEVELOPMENT TIF ANALYSIS Dear Angela, Thank you for the opportunity to submit a proposal for a Redevelopment TIF analysis in Monticello, Minnesota. LHB is a full- service architecture, planning and engineering firm with 250 employees in our Minneapolis, Duluth and Superior, Wisconsin offices. Our Government studio has extensive experience working with local governments on their planning, design, architectural and engineering needs. Having been personally involved as a City Council President, I understand how cities function and the importance of maintaining the support of the city council and community throughout the process. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE LHB has significant experience with a variety of inspection and facility assessment projects, including the analysis of over 100 TIF Districts in the past seven years. Examples include: • City of St. Paul TIF inspection services • City of St. Anthony Village, NW Quadrant TIF inspection services • City of St. Louis Park TIF District inspection services • City of Mound TIF District "1 -2" inspection services • City of Osseo TIF inspection services • City of New Richmond, WI TIF inspection services • 'Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system facility assessments • State of Minnesota Facility Assessments • Property Condition Assessments for the St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development (Franklin/Emerald Neighborhood) • Condition survey of every property along the I -394 corridor for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, prior to and during the construction of I -394 • ADA Compliance Assessments for the State of Minnesota (82 buildings in 1992) Proposal for Investigative Services October 30, 2014 Page 2 TEAM CREDENTIALS Michael A. Fischer, ALA, I.EED AP - Project PrincipalITIF Analyst Michael has twenty -eight years of architectural experience as project principal, project manager, project designer and project architect on municipal planning, educational, commercial and governmental projects. He is a Senior Vice President at LHB and currently leads the Minneapolis office. Michael completed a two -year Bush Fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1999, earning Masters Degrees in City Planning and Real Estate Development. Michael has served on over 35 committees, boards and community task forces, including a term as a City Council President, Chair of a Metropolitan Planning organization, and most recently, Chair of the Planning Commission in Edina, Minnesota. He was one of four architects in the country to receive the National "Young Architects Citation" from the American Institute of Architects in 1997. Phil Waugh — Project Man ager/TIFAnalyst Phil is a project manager with 13 years of experience in historic preservation, building investigations, material research, and construction methods. He previously worked as a historic preservationist and also served as the preservation specialist at the St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. Currently, Phil sits on the Board of Directors for the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota. His current responsibilities include project management of historic preservation projects, performing building condition surveys and analysis, TIF analysis, writing preservation specifications, historic design reviews, writing Historic Preservation Tax Credit applications, preservation planning, and grant writing. Jonathan Pettigrew, ALA — Inspector Jonathan Pettigrew has worked in architecture and construction for the last twenty years in Minnesota, California and Washington. His experience includes a variety of commercial and residential project types and scales, from single - family homes to a 300,000 square foot multi- building office complex. He has significant experience in code reviews and building systems inspections and analysis. Jonathan received his Minnesota architect's license in 2004. He brings a strong interest in sustainability and an eye for detail to his work. He enjoys working with clients, consultants and contractors to bring projects together successfully. SCOPE OF SERVICES LHB will provide the following services based upon the terms and conditions described below. 1. Survey the TIF District to determine if it meets applicable coverage test. A. To meet the coverage test, parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district must be "occupied" by buildings, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots. Proposal for Investigative Services October 30, 2014 Page 3 B. A parcel is not considered "occupied" unless at least 15% of its total area contains improvements. 2. Conduct a visual review of building(s) interior and exterior: A. Obtain property owner's consent for inspection. B. Document property conditions relative to Minnesota Statutes Section 469.174 Subdivision 10. 3. Estimate building(s) replacement cost: A. Replacement cost is the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site. B. A base cost will be calculated by establishing the building class, type and construction quality. C. Identify amenities, which increase the value of the building over the standard construction quality level. D. Review building permits for each parcel. E. The base cost and cost of amenities will be totaled to determine the replacement cost for the property. 4. Evaluate building(s) existing condition: A. "Structurally substandard shall mean containing defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance." 5. Determine Building(s) Code Deficiencies: A. Determine technical conditions, which are not in compliance with current building code applicable to new buildings. B. Provide opinion of probable cost to correct identified deficiencies. C. Compare cost of deficiency corrections to replacement value of building. 6. Prepare and deliver report: A. Prepare a written narrative analysis for each building describing why the property within the District does or does not meet the criteria as "structurally substandard" as established in Minnesota Statutes Section 469.174, subdivision 10. B. Deliver final reports via email PDF. 7. Develop 'Y TF Boundary Strategy: A. Work with Staff and the Consultant team to determine the most advantageous TIF District boundary based on the results of the building inspections. Proposal for Investigative Services October 30, 2014 Page 4 ASSUMPTIONS 1. LHB will inspect four commercial buildings within Block 34 in downtown Monticello, Minnesota. 2. Michael Fischer will attend one EDA meeting to provide an overview of the TIF analysis process, including important procedures required by State Statute. In addition, he will discuss strategies for creating a phased TIF District while managing the near -term demolition of key buildings. The Client will provide the following: A scalable parcel map and/or aerial photo of the area to be inspected, including GIS information with specific parcel data, including parcel area measured in square feet. • A list of all parcels affected including name of owner, current known business or resident name and address. a Available information regarding the condition of the structures, including past building permit information. STANDARD OF CARE LHB shall perform services consistent with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by other professionals practicing in the same or similar locality under the same or similar circumstances. Any report prepared by LHB represents a professional opinion based upon information available and arrived at in accordance with generally accepted professional standards. Other than as contained in the report, LHB makes no express or implied warranty. Short of complete deconstruction to examine every element at every location, no assessment can reveal all conditions which may exist. Additional testing, assessment, or demolition, may uncover conditions which would make it necessary to modify LHB's conclusions or recommendations. Any report prepared for the purpose described in this Agreement is for the exclusive use by those to whom the report is addressed. LHB will not and cannot be held liable for the unauthorized reliance upon this report by any third party. COMPENSATION We propose to work on an hourly basis with the following key staff: Project Principal, Michael Fischer (TIF analysis) $242/hour Project Manager $122/hour Project Architect/Inspector $110/hour Project Administrator $77/hour Proposal for Investigative Services October 30, 2014 Page 5 We will work on an hourly basis not to exceed $9,500 plus reimbursable expenses for the interior inspection of four buildings, a letter (with attachments) outlining the findings, and the development of a TIF boundary strategy. Payments are due and payable upon receipt of our invoice. Unpaid balances 60 -days after invoice date shall bear interest at the rate of S% annually. Failure to make timely payment to LHB is a material breach of this Agreement and may, at LHB's sole discretion, result in a suspension or termination of services, and may, at LHB's sole discretion, result in the termination of the Client's limited license authorization to use LHB's copyrighted Instruments of Service. ADDITIONAL SERVICES If there is a material change in the circumstances or conditions that affect the scope of work, schedule, allocation of risks or other material terms, LHB shall notify the Client. The Client and LHB shall promptly and in good faith enter into negotiation to address the changed conditions including equitable adjustment to compensation. The fees and costs for any additional services will be based upon LHB's Standard Hourly Rates and Standard Reimbursable Schedule. SCHEDULE We anticipate our work will take approximately 30 -45 days from the time of the inspection. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES LHB and Client waive consequential damages for claims, disputes or other matters in question arising out of or relating to this Agreement. LIMIT OF LIABILITY To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Client agrees to limit LHB's liability for the Client's damages to the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) or the amount of fee paid to LHB, whichever is greater. This limitation shall apply regardless of the cause of action or legal theory pled or asserted. USE OF LHB'S DOCUMENTS The documents prepared by LHB are solely for use with respect to this project. All documents prepared by LHB pursuant to this Agreement are the instruments of services to the Project and LHB shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including copyright. LHB grants to Client a nonexclusive limited license solely for the purposes of evaluating and executing the Project. The Client shall not assign, delegate, sublicense, or otherwise transfer any license granted herein to another parry. Proposal for Investigative Services October 30, 2014 Page 6 To the extent the documents are transferred or are modified, supplemented or otherwise altered by the Client, subsequent design professional, or any other party, the Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold LHB harmless for any claims, demands, damages or causes of action arising out of such transfer or modification, supplementation or alteration. OTHER CONDITIONS The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern this Agreement. Any provision of this agreement later held to violate a law or regulation shall be deemed void. All remaining provisions shall continue in force. The Client recognizes that materials prepared by others may be subject to copyright protection and warrants to LHB that any documents provided by the Client do not infringe upon the copyright held by another. Unless the parties mutually agree otherwise, the parties shall endeavor to settle disputes by mediation. A demand for mediation shall be filed, in writing, within a reasonable period of time after a claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen. LHB and the Client, acting through the Client's legal representative, will, to the fullest reasonable extent, cooperate and coordinate efforts in preparing necessary responses to any third party challenges to the inspections. The Client agrees to pay LHB its regular hourly rates for time spent as a result of a third party legal challenge If the terms and conditions of this Agreement are acceptable, please sign and return a copy to LHB. CLIENT NAME LHB, INC. T By: ifs= ' (signature) (signature) Nino its: f-r1h f- �& hrlr • its: Senior Vice president (Title) (Title) Name: 1 { D�l�'i �t.�_ E �S Name: Michael A. Fischer. ALA (Printed Name) Jr—l"6 '01 t ('r-j, I I (Printed Name) C :1 Users IMAFisch\Documents\LBBITIFITIF AgreetnentsWonticello Block 34 TIF Analysis Revised 10- 30- 14.doc EDA Agenda — 12/10/14 8. Consideration to review and approve the EDA General Fund budget for 2015. (WO /JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Included for the EDA's reference are revised financial documents relating to the 2015 EDA budget. The EDA Fund is comprised of sub - activities representing a variety of functions. Activities with separate expenditure account groups including EDA general operations, loan functions and TIF districts. The EDA general operations activity receives the bulk of its support from a General Fund transfer and interest revenue. Intrafund loan repayments from TIF districts are not treated as recurring revenue supporting recurring expenditures. TIF districts revenue consists primarily of tax increments and the GMEF loan program revenues include loan repayments and interest on investments. The proposed City budget, which will be adopted on December 8th, includes a $94,900 transfer to the EDA. This amount is $1,900 more than the previous year. The miscellaneous expenditure line item was adjusted to keep the overall 2015 budget proposal for EDA general operations at $116,150. The 2014 amount is $114,000. Proposed general operating miscellaneous expenditures change with reallocation of other expenditures, such IT services and L /PN Insurance. The budget is set at the budget unit level, not the line item. Unless noted otherwise, this means the EDA can spend the money in the budget unit as it sees fit regardless of the line item amount. Attached are spreadsheets that consolidate revenues and expenditures for all EDA activities. The spreadsheets also include separate account groups for expenditure in each EDA activity. Separated from the consolidated revenues, the following are the recurring revenues supporting recurring EDA general operating expenditures: Revenue - General EDA Sub -Fund Rental of city property $ 1,250 Interest on investments 20,000 Transfer from General Fund 94,900 Total Revenue $116,150 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt the 2015 proposed budget as presented. 2. Motion to adopt the 2015 proposed budget with the following modifications: 3. Motion to not adopt the 2015 proposed budget. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Consolidated revenue, consolidated expenditure, and detail expenditure spreadsheets B. IT Services allocation schedule C. Insurance allocation schedule D. Schedule of GMEF Loans 2 2015 Budget Draft - REVENUES 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 ACCOUNT NUMBER REVENUE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE EDA Consolidated SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 % ACCOUNT NUMBER REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 00000 - 310110 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES $ $ $ $ $ $ 213- 00000 - 310210 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TA 213- 00000 - 310310 213- 00000 - 347110 213 - 46502- 310500 MOBILE HOME TAX Rental of City Property TIF #2 - METCALF & LARSON 37,619 1,000 - 1,000 - 1,000 - 1,250 - 1,250 - -- 25.0% 213- 46505- 310500 TIF #5 - CONSTRUCTION 5 54,362 49,007 52,498 - 213- 46506- 310500 TIF #6 - RAINDANCE 75,145 77,583 83,229 76,895 83,528 83,528 83,528 0.0% 213 - 46519- 310500 TIF #19 - MISSISSIPPI SHORES 32,457 32,687 32,686 32,686 33,299 33,299 33,299 0.0% 213 - 46520- 310500 TIF #20 - PRAIRIE WEST 21,945 21,201 17,938 15,408 18,413 18,413 18,413 0.0% 213 - 46522- 310500 TIF #22 - CCD /DOWNTOWN 362,053 325,380 376,242 340,652 78,624 78,624 78,624 0.0% 213 - 46522- 347110 Rental of City Property - - 32,748 25,404 - - -- 213- 46523- 310500 TIF #23 - MIDWEST GRAPHICS - - - - - -- 213- 46524- 310500 TIF #24 - ST BEN'S CENTER 48,158 47,023 47,732 46,539 48,873 48,873 48,873 0.0% 213 - 46526- 310500 TIF #26 - TWIN CITY DIE CAST - - - - - - -- 213- 46527- 310500 TIF #27 - JJ CO /PROFILE PW - - - - - 213- 46528- 310500 TIF #28 - IRTI - - - - - -- 213- 46529- 310500 TIF #29 - FRONT PORCH 26,164 28,206 23,737 17,966 25,462 25,462 25,462 0.0% 213 - 46530- 310500 TIF #30 - CMHP 10,982 11,338 7,689 6,750 7,717 7,717 7,717 0.0% 213 - 46531- 310500 TIF #31 - U.M.C. 79,407 82,280 - - - - - - -- 213- 46533- 310500 TIF #33 - TAPPER'S HOLDINGS - - - - - - - - -- 213- 46534- 310500 TIF #34 -194 INTERCHANGE 301,517 269,290 272,296 271,906 271,916 271,916 271,916 0.0% 213 - 46536- 310500 TIF #36 - DAHLHEIMER DIST 68,185 68,185 67,161 66,593 66,594 66,594 66,594 0.0% 213 - 46537- 310500 TIF #37 - KARLSBURGER FOOD 24,787 24,787 24,550 24,469 24,468 24,468 24,468 0.0% 213 - 46538- 310500 TIF #38 -WALKER IN -STORE 12,604 13,596 12,604 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 0.0% 213 - 46539- 310500 TIF #39 - Suburban 53,471 - 53,471 53,471 - -- 213- 46581- 310500 TIF 22.5 - CCD /AMOCO - - - - - - 213- 00000 - 319100 PENALTIES & INT - TAX - 213- 00000 - 334020 HOMESTEAD CREDIT 9,818 213- 46500- 341090 213- 00000 - 362110 213 - 00000 - 362110 INITIATION /APPLICATION FEE INTEREST EARNINGS - Gen EDA INTEREST EARNINGS - CMEF I - 129,768 - - 277,474 - - 44,611 25,513 - (53,330) - 20,000 22,000 - 20,000 22,000 - 20,000 22,000 - -- 0.0% 0.0% 213 - 00000 - 362110 INTEREST EARNINGS -TIF - - 85,126 23,000 23,000 23,000 0.0% 213 - 00000 - 362400 SALE OF PROPERTY 67,569 72,615 75,772 - - - - -- 213- 00000 - 362990 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REV 34,107 37,253 31,010 43 213- 46621- 362150 INT EARNINGS - TAPPERS #021 478 316 149 12 213- 46622- 362150 INT EARNINGS - UMC #022 1,917 - - - 213- 46623- 362150 INT EARNINGS - WSI IND #023 5,614 2,267 - - 213- 46624- 362150 INT EARNINGS - TAPPERS #024 5,792 5,504 5,205 3,851 213- 46625- 362150 INT EARNINGS - KARLSBURGE 10,710 10,075 2,415 - - - - 213- 46626- 362150 INT EARNINGS - HOGLUND #02q 1,917 5,421 3,811 2,629 1,500 1,500 500 - 66.7% 213 - 46627- 362150 INT EARNINGS - PET HOSPITAL - - 1,093 758 500 500 - - 100.0% 213 - 46500- 362200 TIF Intrafund LOAN REPAYMENT 16,540 13,928 10,054 117,742 95,476 95,476 126,258 r2.2% 213 - 46500- 362220 TIF Intrafund LOAN REPAYMENT 6,511 5,474 8,398 42,116 39,938 39,938 33,602 15.9% 213 - 00000 - 392000 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FDS 5,301 - - 92,000 93,000 93,000 94,900 2.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,451,427 $ 1,480,890 $ 1,345,267 $ 1,198,160 $ 967,908 $ 1,021,629 $ 1,046,475 8.1% 2015 Proposed Budget - 1 2015 Proposed Budget - 2 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA(Consolidated) EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 2134601- 410100c SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG $ 18,229 $ 18,214 $ 9,883 $ 2,209 $ 8,376 $ 8,376 $ 8,727 4.19 213 4601 410200c SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT - - - - - - - -- 213-46x01-410400c SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG - 213-46x01-410900c SALARIES, OTHER 570 213-46x01-411100c SEVERANCE PAY - - - - - - 213-46x01-412100c PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 1,317 1,320 716 160 628 628 655 4.300/6 213-4601-412200c FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 1,098 1,091 590 124 519 519 541 4240/6 2134601412300c MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 257 255 138 29 121 121 127 4.96% 2134601- 413100c HEALTH /DENTAL/LIFEINSURAN 4,202 4,984 2,579 594 2,362 2,362 2,754 16.60% 21346x01- 413500c FLEX BENEFITS - - - - - - - - -- 213-46x01- 415100c Workers Compensation Insurance 21346x01- 421990c GENL OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,170 21346x01- 422990c MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES - 213-46x01- 424100c SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 21346x01- 430260c PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION CO - - - 213-46x01- 430300c PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE 4,438 11,267 6,607 - - - 1,000 - -- 213-46x01- 430400c PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 16,987 16,467 28,817 14,069 10,100 10,100 10,100 0.00 2134601430910c PROF SRV - Markety Matching - - - 24,000 48,000 48,000 48,000 0.00 213-4601-431990c MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 145,170 91,700 130,793 25,601 12,907 12,907 12,907 0.00% 213-4601-432150c IT Services 1,397 1,397 1,416 2134601432400c DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS 102 1,331 109 46 - - 213-46x01-433100c TRAVEL EXPENSE 2,203 - 290 3 2134601433200c CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 245 154 148 95 - - - -- 213-46x01- 434600c MARKETING 16,181 17,338 13,047 723 17,000 17,000 17,000 0.00% 21346x01- 435100c LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 843 2,067 1,186 705 1,050 1,050 1,050 0.00% 21346x01- 435200c GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION - 4,998 399 - - - 213-46x01- 436100c Insurance - Liability /Property/Vehicl - - - 2,073 14,764 14,764 14,207 -3.77 21346x01- 437100c PROPERTYTAXES 1,860 2,131 20,862 34,231 1,700 1,700 1,700 0.00% 21346x01- 438300c GAS, Electric, Water, Sewer, etc. - - 7,105 7,928 - - 213-46x01- 443300c DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRI 7,906 10,769 4,309 2,373 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 21346x01- 443500c BOOKS & PAMPHLETS - - - - - - 213-46x01- 443800c PUB WKS /ADMIN & INSP FEES - - 260 - - 213-46x01-443990c MISC OTHER EXPENSE 2,180 307,568 686 58,143 2,354 2,354 3,244 37.81 213-4601-451010c LAND - 118,248 307,824 - - - - -- 213-46x01-453010c IMPROVEMENTS - - - 213-46x01-452010c BUILDINGS 2134601456010c FURNITURE & FIXTURES - - - - - - - - -- 213-46x01-460300c InterfundLoan - Principal 79,176 81,029 85,348 113,108 95,730 119,640 126,258 31.89% 213-4601-461300c Interfund Loan - Interest 45,051 40,541 34,061 46,750 46,266 40,237 33,602 -27.37 2134601461500c SA INT PYBL -LAND FOR RESAL - - - - - - - 213-46x01- 462010c FISCAL AGENT FEES 21346x01- 465010c TIF LOAN 213-46x01- 465110c TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 471,176 312,890 195,749 184,070 179,947 186,383 189,926 5.55% 21346x01- 465120c LOCAL CONTRIB -TIF PENALT - - - - - - - - -- 213- 00000-472030c TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND - - 213- 00000-472030c TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 356,179 - 378,680 - - - - 213- 00000-472030c TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 317,277 316,279 320,584 779,804 278,353 278,353 271,900 -2.32% 213- 00000-472030c TRANSFER OUT -TRUNK FEES TOTALEXPENDITURES $ 1,492,647 $ 1,242,393 $ 1,362,364 $ 1,604,662 $ 731,574 $ 755,891 $ 755,114 322% 2015 Proposed Budget - 2 2015 Proposed Budget - 3 EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA General EDA/HRA ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346301410100 SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG $ 18,229 $ 18,214 $ 9,883 $ 2,209 $ 8,376 $ 8,376 $ 8,727 4.19% 21346301410200 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT - - - - - - - -- 213-46301-410400 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG - 213-46301-410900 SALARIES, OTHER 570 21346301411100 SEVERANCE PAY - - - - - - 213-46301-412100 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 1,317 1,320 716 160 628 628 655 4.300/6 21346301412200 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 1,098 1,091 590 124 519 519 541 4240/6 21346301412300 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 257 255 138 29 121 121 127 4.96% 21346301413100 HEALTH /DENTAL/LIFE INSURAN 4,202 4,984 2,579 594 2,362 2,362 2,754 16.60% 21346301413500 FLEX BENEFITS - - - - - - - - -- 213-46301-421990 GENL OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,170 21346301422990 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 21346301424100 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 21346301430260 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION CO - - - 213-46301-430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE 4,438 4,533 4,461 - - - 1,000 - -- 213-46301- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 1,789 10,931 10,487 6,306 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 21346301- 430910 PROF SRV - Market Matching - - - 24,000 48,000 48,000 48,000 0.00% 21346301431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,486 6,003 32,936 997 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 21346301432150 IT Services 691 1,397 1,397 1,416 21346301432400 DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS 102 1,331 109 46 - - 213-46301-433100 TRAVEL EXPENSE 2,203 - 290 3 21346301433200 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 245 154 148 95 - - - - -- 213-46301-434600 MARKETING 16,181 17,338 13,047 723 17,000 17,000 17,000 0.00% 21346301435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 310 1,114 274 260 500 500 500 0.00% 213-46301- 435200 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION - 4,998 399 - - - - - -- 213-46301- 436100 Insurance - Liability /PropertyNehicle 2,073 1,043 1,043 486 21346301- 437100 PROPERTYTAXES 374 - 1,628 1,700 1,700 1,700 0.00% 21346301438200 WATER & SEWER - - - - - - -- 213-46301-438300 GAS - - - - - - - 213-46301-443300 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRI 7,906 10,769 4,309 2,373 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 21346301 - 443500 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS - - - - - - 213-46301-443800 PUB WKS /ADMIN & INSP FEES - - 260 - - - 213-46301-443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 2,027 2,823 658 58,123 2,354 2,354 3,244 37.81 213 46301 451010 LAND (or value adjusted) - - - - - -- 213-46301-453010 IMPROVEMENTS - - - 213-46301-456010 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 21346301460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 21346301461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 21346301461500 SA INT PYBL -LAND FOR RESAL 213- 00000472030 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 213- 00000472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 213- 00000472030 TRANSFER OUT -TRUNK FEES TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 66,360 $ 86,232 $ 82,454 $ 100,434 $ 1141000 $ 114,000 $ 116,150 2015 Proposed Budget - 3 2015 Proposed Budget - 4 EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA - TIF Admin TIF Administration ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346301- 410100 SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 21346301410200 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 21346301410400 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG 21346301410900 SALARIES, OTHER 21346301411100 SEVERANCE PAY 21346301412100 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 21346301412200 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 21346301412300 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ $ - $ $ $ $ EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA -TIF 5 TIF #5- CONSTRUCTION 5 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346505430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES $ 335 $ - $ 1,044 $ $ $ $ 21346505431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 400 393 21346505435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 125 28 21346505437100 PROPERTYTAXES - - - 213-46505-451010 LAND 21346505452010 BUILDINGS 21346505460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 21346505461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 21346505462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 21346505465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 21346505472030 TRANSFER TO CONSTRUCTION 1 460,401 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 365 $ 525 $ 1,465 $ 460,401 $ $ $ EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA -TIF 6 TIF #6 - RAINDANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346506430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES $ 335 $ $ - $ 576 $ - $ - $ 21346506431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 393 2,760 500 500 500 0.00 21346506435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 26 28 225 - - 213-46506-460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE - - - - 213-46506-461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 21346506462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 21346506465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 21346506472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 365 $ 26 $ 421 $ 3,561 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 0.00% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA -TIF 19 TIF #19 - MISSISSIPPI SHORES ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346519430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 21346519430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 61 1,409 21346519431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - 2,568 - - - - -- 213-46519- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 27 28 20 50 50 50 0.00 21346519 - 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE - - - - - - - - -- 213-46519- 451010 LAND 21346519460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 21346519461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 21346519462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 21346519465010 TIF LOAN - - 213-46519-465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 44,193 29,418 21346519465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT - - 213-46519-472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 44,284 $ 29,445 $ 4,005 $ 20 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 0.00% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA - TIF 20 TIF #20 - PRAIRIE WEST ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346520430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - - -- 213-46520-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 61 150 100 100 100 0.00 21346520431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - 393 - - - - - -- 213-46520-435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 26 28 20 50 50 50 0.00 21346520443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE - - - - - - - - -- 213-46520-451010 LAND - - - 213-46520-460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 10,731 9,892 10,023 21346520461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 2,436 1,544 740 21346520462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES - 213-46520-465010 TIF LOAN - - - - - 6,436 6,436 - -- - 213-46520-465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 13,108 7,624 7,175 5,919 213-46520-465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT - - - - 213-46520-472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - - - - - - - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 26,366 $ 19,086 $ 18,509 $ 5,939 $ 150 $ 6,586 $ 6,586 4290.67% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA -TIF 22 TIF#22-DWNTWNREDEVELOPR ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346522430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - 213-46522-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 8,439 126 15,282 7,187 - - - -- 213-46522-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 21765 21,051 90,966 21,684 1,707 1,707 1,707 0.00% 21346522435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 113 26 211 20 50 50 50 0.00 21346522436100 Insurance - Liability /Property/Vehicl - - - - 13,721 13,721 13,721 0.00 21346522437100 PROPERTYTAXES 1,860 1,757 20,862 32,603 - - - - -- 213 46522 438300 GAS, Electric, Water, Sewer, etc. - - 7,105 7,928 213-46522- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 153 21346522451010 LAND - 118,248 307,824 2015 Proposed Budget - 4 21346522460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 21346522461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 21346522462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 21346522465010 TIF LOAN 21346522465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 103,167 61,487 63,313 60,946 60,946 60,946 60,946 0.00 21346522465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT - - - - - -- 213-46522-472030 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 356,179 378,680 - 213-46522-472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 472,676 $ 84,447 $ 694,667 $ 438,192 $ 76,424 $ 76,424 $ 76,424 0.00% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA - TIF 24 TIF #24 - ST BEN'S CENTER ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346524- 430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $ - $ $ - $ $ $ $ 21346524- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 61 150 21346524- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 623 393 100 100 100 0.00 21346524- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 26 28 20 50 50 50 0.00 21346524 - 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE - - - 213-46524- 451010 LAND 21346524- 460300 Interfund Loan - Principal - - - 213-46524- 461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 21346524- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 21346524- 465010 TIF LOAN - - - - - - -- 213-46524- 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 67,579 42,321 42,959 41,886 41,886 41,886 41,886 0.00% 21346524- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT - - - - - - 213-46524- 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 67,670 $ 42,970 $ 43,530 $ 41,906 $ 42,036 $ 42,036 $ 42,036 0.00% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA - TIF 29 TIF #29 - FRONT PORCH ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346529430300 PROF SRV -ENGINEERING FEE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 21346529430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 61 - 151 - 213-46529-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 623 393 - 100 100 100 0.00 21346529435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 26 28 20 50 50 50 0.00 21346529443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE - - - - - -- 213-46529-451010 LAND - - 213-46529-460300 Interfund Loan - Principal - 213-46529-461300 Interfund Loan - Interest - - 213-46529-462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 21346529465010 TIF LOAN - - - - - - -- 213-46529-465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 32,499 19,296 18,989 14,373 16,169 16,169 16,169 0.00 21346529465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT - - - - - -- 213-46529-472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 32,590 $ 19,945 $ 19,561 $ 14,393 $ 16,319 $ 16,319 $ 16,319 0.00% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA -TIF 30 TIF #30 -CMHP ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346530430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 21346530430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 61 - - - 213-46530-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 623 393 - 100 100 100 0.00 21346530435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 26 28 20 50 50 50 0.00 21346530443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE - - - 213-46530-451010 LAND - - - 213-46530-460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 5,809 4,037 3,860 2,324 2,324 2,381 2,441 5.03 21346530461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 4,075 3,930 3,829 3,751 3,752 3,694 3,634 -3.14 21346530462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES - - - 213-46530-465010 TIF LOAN - 213-46530-465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS - - 213-46530-465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 21346530472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 9,975 $ 8,616 $ 8,110 $ 6,095 $ 6,226 $ 6,225 $ 6,225 -0.02% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA -TIF 34 TIF #34 -194/INTERCHANGE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346534430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - 213-46534-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 61 - - - - -- 213-46534- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 393 - 100 100 100 0.00 21346534- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 26 28 20 50 50 50 0.00 21346534 - 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE - - - - - - - - -- 213-46534- 451010 LAND 21346534- 460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 21346534- 461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 21346534- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 21346534- 465010 TIF LOAN 21346534- 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS - - - 213-46534- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT - - - - 213-46534- 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 317,277 316,279 320,584 319,403 278,353 278,353 271,900 -2.32 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 317,368 $ 316,305 $ 321,005 $ 319,423 $ 278,503 $ 278,503 $ 272,050 -2.32% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA -TIF 35 TIF #35 - LANDMARK SQUARE II ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346535430300 PROF SRV -ENGINEERING FEE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - 213-46535-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 61 - - 213-46535-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 393 - - 213-46535-435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 26 28 20 50 50 50 0.00 2015 Proposed Budget - 5 21346535443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 21346535451010 LAND 21346535460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 21346535461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 21346535462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 21346535465010 TIF LOAN 21346535465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 21346535465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 21346535472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 91 $ 26 $ 421 $ 20 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 0.00% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA -TIF 36 TIF #36- DAHLHEIMER DIST ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346536430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - 213-46536-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 1,918 - - - - -- 213-46536-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 393 - 100 100 100 0.00 21346536435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 26 28 20 50 50 50 0.00 21346536443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE - - - - - -- 213-46536-451010 LAND - - - - - - - 213-46536-460300 InterfundLoan - Principal 39,441 42,693 45,512 47,529 50,121 50,121 53,431 6.60% 21346536461300 InterfundLoan - Interest 25,335 22,083 18,291 15,734 13,143 13,143 9,832 - 25.19% 21346536462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES - - - - 213-46536-465010 TIF LOAN - 213-46536-465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS - - 213-46536-465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 21346536472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 66,724 $ 64,802 $ 64,224 $ 63,283 $ 63,414 $ 63,414 $ 63,413 0.00% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA -TIF 37 TIF #37-KARLSBURGER FOODS ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346537430250 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION CO $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 213-46537-430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE - 213-46537-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 61 - 213-46537-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 393 - 100 100 100 0.00 21346537435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 27 28 20 50 50 50 0.00 21346537443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE - - - -- 213-46537-451010 LAND - - - 6,586 21,590 F 2,878 23,016 1,451 -77.97 213-46537-460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 17,037 18,171 19,297 20,249 21346537461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 6,759 6,616 5,253 4,220 21346537462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES - - - - 213-46537-465010 TIF LOAN 21346537465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS - 3,543 - -- 213-46537-465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 21346537472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - - - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 23,887 $ 24,814 $ 24,971 $ 24,489 $ 6,736 $ 24,618 $ 28,160 318.05% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA - TIF 38 TIF #38 - WALKER IN -STORE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346538430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $ - $ $ $ 21346538430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 61 - -- 213-46538-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100 100 100 0.00 21346538435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 30 27 393 - 50 50 50 0.00 21346538443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE - - 28 20 - -- 213-46538-451010 LAND - - -- 213-46538-460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 6,158 61236 6,656 6,882 7,161 7,161 7,448 4.01 21346538461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 6,446 6,368 5,948 5,698 5,439 5,439 5,137 -5.55 21346538462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES - - 213-46538-465010 TIF LOAN - 213-46538-465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS - - 213-46538-465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 21346538472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 12,695 $ 12,631 $ 13,025 $ 12,600 $ 12,750 $ 12,750 $ 12,735 -0.12% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 TIF 1 -39 SMC TIF 1 -39 SMC ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346539430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $ - $ 6,734 $ 2,146 $ - $ - $ $ 21346539430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 5,410 144 - 213-46539-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 29,743 393 160 21346539435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 461 - 20 21346539436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE - - 213-46539-438100 ELECTRIC 21346539438300 GAS - 213-46539-443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 211 - 213-46539-451010 LAND - - 213-46539-460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 36,124 36,124 38,387 39,922 10.51 21346539461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 17,347 17,346 15,083 13,548 -21.90 21346539462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES - - - - 213-46539-465010 TIF LOAN 21346539465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 21346539465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 21346539472030 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 21346539472030 ITRA NSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ 42,559 $ 2,683 $ 53,651 $ 53,470 $ 53,470 $ 53,470 0.00% 2015 Proposed Budget - 6 2015 Proposed Budget - 7 EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA TIF 22 -1 TIF 22.1 - FLUTH /CUB FOODS ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46581 - 430300 PROF SRV -ENGINEERING FEE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 21346581430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 21346581431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 21346581435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 21346581436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 21346581438100 ELECTRIC 21346581438300 GAS 21346581- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 21346581- 451010 LAND 21346581- 460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 21346581- 461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 21346581- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 21346581- 465010 TIF LOAN 21346581- 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 86,214 51,284 52,809 50,834 50,834 50,834 50,834 0.00% 21346581- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB -TIF PENALT - - - - - - - - -- 213-46581- 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - - - - - - - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 86,214 $ 51,284 $ 52,809 $ 50,834 $ 50,834 $ 50,834 $ 50,834 0.00% EDA FUND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 EDA TIF 22 -5 TIF 22.5 -AMOCO ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346585430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 21346585430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 21346585431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 21346585435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 21346585436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 21346585438100 ELECTRIC 21346585438300 GAS 21346585443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 21346585451010 LAND 21346585460300 Interfund Loan - Principal 21346585461300 Interfund Loan - Interest 21346585462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 21346585465010 TIF LOAN 21346585465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 16,953 10,203 10,504 10,112 10,112 10,112 10,112 0.00% 21346585465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT - - - - - - - - -- 213-46585-472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F - - - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES Is 16,953 $ 10,203 $ 10,504 $ 10,112 $ 10,112 $ 10,112 $ 10,112 0.00% 2015 Proposed Budget - 7 Schedule of IT Costs 4 Description Table Index -- '------...__......._-'------ Annual Total 101 41110 Council 101 41310 Admin lot 1 1 41410 Elections 101 41520 Finance 101 _ _........._..------____.............._;...._.--._____.,....-----_...__.__.,.._.....__._._._..*........____ 41800 1 HR 101 41910 ; P8Z 101 41920 ; IT i 101 41940 -, Cit Hall 101 41941 ,• Prairie 101 ; 42100 ; Sheriff 101 _ - 42200 Fire 101 42400 Bld Sft 101 ----�-------__..._.,_.....- - - 42500 i Civil Def 107 42700 Animal I 101 - -......_ - 43110 IPW Admin ____ 101 __ - - 43111 Engineer ____ 101 ________ - - i 43115 [PW Inspect [ 101 ______ 43120 Streets _ 101 _______ - 43127 Shop 101 45201 Park 101 Total 213 46301 EDA 217 41990 DMV 226 4 7 5 220 MCC 226 45203 Ballfield 601 49440 Water __ 602 _- 49480-----!.....4949...... Plant 602 __ - Sewer 609 4 7 954 Liquor 655 49870 Fiber All Funds Total General Operabng Supplies ....... _ _ 1 4,200.00 .... __"4590 ! 36721,.__"_4590] - - - 27 1 3 3 -- 1.8 -__--_9 0 - 45.90 _ - --- - 91.80 - - - - -- 137.70 . _ - 183.61 ! .... - 22.95: ...... -. 280.00__:------"--_45:90_:""""_--192.79: ..-_-- .- - 100.00 __146.89 - -___-_45.90: - ___91_._80 - - 2.157.38 __ 9.18 -_0.00 413.11 459.02 45.90 -- 68.85 -- _-137.70 :____22.95 -- - ._ -- 321.31 -- 564.59 -- 4,200.00 IT Sys. SuPPlies {use Gen"Ops.) -_ PCs Small Tools & Equipment( ) 1 _... 37 400.00 _ --___-- 343.17 ! + 2,745.36 ---__- - - ! 343 17 .. ..... _ 2,402.19 ' __ ___.-- 686.34 , -. 343.17 I___._.. _ ..-. - , -- 686.34 ' - -. -__ ...... - --- - ._... -. _ _ j _ 1,029.51 __ 1,372.68. ---- -- - ... _ - .._. 171 58 2,093.33 .. - - - _ _343 17_ ; _ 1,441.31 -- 1,098.14 -- ...343.17 _ __ 686.34 16,128.96 68.63 3,088.52 3,431.69 343.17 1 5 4.75 _ -"1 029 51 _ _ _ 171.58 _ 2,402.t9 4, 8 220.9 31.400 00 Maintenance Agreements: 1.00 i 1.00 1.00 5.00 4# Public Works Management 4 5.00 0.00 I 74,450.00 _ - 32,000 00 25,600.00 144.50 .73 349._ - 1,213.81 � -------------- 2797.81 ._�_.. - .80 _ _ 5780 349.73: - 7 ,569 50 2,448.09 . - - -- 17,920.00 - ......_....._..... 289.00. """ - - ` 699.45: .... �__._.._, 1,280.00 289.00. " 349J3 : - ....._.... .7 86 0. -- -- ...--- -- , - .............._..:. 144.50 - � - -- 699.45 ...- - - --- 8....__v.._ ------- 28.90 - - y___"_",_" ......------- - - . 28.90 i - """" " ...............1,049.18______-1,398,91_______________-_------"-"""__174.86__;___2,133.33.______349.73__;_---1,468.85"_,._____,119.3-_,_"______- t ..............-........i..........._....__- 289.00 - - `-- 809.20 - - 57.80 ; - .._......_ 28.90 __.........------------------- - :....................... - 722.50 - - 289.00 .............--�-----...____.__-------------:.._�----_.__.._............._.. - - 578.00 - - 578.00: 1 1 _ - 289.00 349.73 ' :"__ 578.00 699.45 .._.__. - -......................._ ---------�__--=------------. 1 049 18 _-_ - 289.00 174.86 3,2 3,200.00 scL.......' Services: Mi ProfessionalS Dou s Com uter- Network/Software - 9 ---p-- _ Doug's Computer Users -S - ------- - ......... Sprin brook Cha es 5 1 10 5 7 5 6 3 8,092.00 16 437.16 7 9.200.00 1,792.00 770.49 3,360.00 5,600.00 22,155.30 - 69.95 - 3.28 - 1,156.00 3 147.54 - 256.00 147.54 480.00 875.00 3,871.80 1,445.00 3,497.27 320.00 163.93 600.00 675.00 9,464.40 349.73 _ - 16.39 - 175.00 430.20 289.00 524.59 3,2 00.00 64.00 24.59 120.00 87.50 860.40 1,156.00 2.448.09 - 256.00 114.75 480.00 700.00 3,871.80 2,023.00 4,301.64 - 448.00 201.64 840.00 - 1,720.80 14.450.00 32.000.00 25,600.00- 3.200.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 8,400 00 43,020.00 ' Laserfiche Charges. _.._.. - - ������� � Permit Works charges .... _ ti .FbertJet Hosting Charges Internet Services (no tax) _._ Tele hone Service P...._._ 3,200.00 1,500.00 ., 6,000.00 8 400.00 _..-r... _ 43,020.00 32.00: 268.80 12.80: 352.00 16 39 ; 131.15 , - 16.39 , 114.7532 6 0.00: 504.00: 24.00: 660.00 87.50 i 787.50. 87.50 1,050.00 ..__..... .; _.---7 .. ..__....... .. ........ ..........._...__ -"."".. _2280.06 , . _.86.04 3,011.40 64.00 64 00 19.20 , _ 32 00 - _ 6.40 _ - 640 _. ..;....._.... ........ 32.79 - � - 79_ _,.16.39 ; - .;.,..,.,-- - ' 120.00 120.00 36.00 60.00 - 12.00 - 12.00 ....... 775.00 175.00 - '. 87 50 - - 437.50 _- _-- ._ _ 430.20: 645.30 - _""_ �-.1,935.90 "--_215.10 _1,290.60 } 64.00 .179.20 ; . , 12.80 - 6.40 160.00 64.00 ; 128.00 _ 128.00 64.00 128.00 ... 49.18 t- _ 65.57 - 8 20..; 100.00; 16.39 68.85: 52.46: 16 39 i 32.79 _ -_--. .;.--- ..._12000 336:00 . _ 24.00 12.00 .300.00 120.00 > 240 00 240.00 4 12..00 240 00 437 50 { _ 525.00 { { _ 775,00 ; 437.50 - 262.50 - 350 00 175 00 _ 175.00 ; 175.00 _ i ! - I .� - _3,011.40 1,935.90. _215.10 __3,011.40 -430.20 i _860.40: 559.26 - 430.20 i 1,80684- - _ 64.00 - - - 49 18_ _ x _ 8.20 _. * 120 00 --- _ _ _ 87.50 _ 645.30 _Equipment Rental ..................._......_.__.............. Copier/Printer Charges 2 1 61,630.00 1,854.90 3.091.50 927.45 6,783.00 _.... 1,236.60: - 6- - 3,709.80 -- ........... * 309.15 - 1,854.90 -----....__.'.........._...._ - ...................... - -:..--....._....------!.....-------------------------...---- [ - 3,400.65 309.15 - 1,854.90 3,709.80 2,782.35 618.30 i 309.15 309.15 32,460.75 1,540.98 1,236.60 6.56 7,419.60 295.08 12,984.30 327.87 309.15 32.79 1,236.60 4 .1 9 8 927.45 927.45 229.51 4,328.10 403.28 67,830.00 3,000.00 180.00: - - ,,.. 98 .36 16.39 Re air 8 Maint - E ui ment P q P nt.. 3,000.00 32.79 262.30 _32 79 229 51 _ . 65 57 !- - 32.79 , , ,,, . , _._____ 65 57 - - ....... - _ _____ ,96 36 131 15 - 16 39 200 00 - _ 32 79 _137 70 104.92 32 79 65.57 GIS -Engineering Related. Cart ra h annual mtce......_.........__ ..- are9- p......_. W M n ment ra h P a a e ........................g........................... ' "p ) Cart ra h sernces WSB 8 4 9 9 9 1 ..__.3.000.00 15,000.00 ............................,..................3.8- 3,000.00 _......... ---.., - - .;........... 115.38 .......... ._.._._. .... , _ - - .......................................... _.. ;_.__._. s • ;................. I .. - ;................. 173.08 _..... .............. , - - - __.: ..................................; - - ........................................ _ E ...-- _---........ -- f 57.69 - f 115.38 4 ..._ - - ..._ _ _... 300.00 , - 230.77 1,500 00 .._. - 1,153^85 .._ 300 00 230.77 3 _ - 3 000.00 280.77 i ... _ - _ 3,000.00 -................... _57.69 2,400.00 6 000 00 2,365.38 7,884.62 5,136.61 - - 21.86 - - 983.61 - - 1.092.90 - - 109.29 300.00 3.000.00 346.15 1,153.85 163.93 .... -- - � 300.00 3.000.00 115.36 - 765.03 - 3,000.00 173.08 576.92 1,344.26 3,000.00 75.000.00 3.000.00 10.000.00 70,0�0000 GISsoftware annual mtce GIS services WSB ............x5.........._ 10,000.00 _ _ :, _ .--...................:..------.._..._......_...._................:_...................------------------_ - 384.62 - - : _ 144.2 - - - ..................... ......---+- i - 576.92 -_ - 48.08 96.15 ; 192.31 961.54 192.31 ............ , 192.31 384.62 769.23 3,846.15 769.23 769.23 -----192.31_ - _ 384.62 • - Equipment Replace(Depreaabon) - 10,000 00 - _ 109.29. _ 874 32 : _ 109.29 765.03 --... .._---.. .._. ' ' - 218.58 - - 218.58 * 109.29 , . _ - _._. ._---- ....... ---- a- - �----. ,... 327.87 437.16 54.64 666.67 109.29 "_459.02 _349.73 _ 109.29 -218.58 .... _.. ......... _327.87 54.64- _-__-- Subtotal 278,100.00 3,076.17 15,919.96 2,092.86 37,046.77 5,389.34• 6,794.60• 451.05• 5,909.34 262.40 1,775.40 6,911.78 11,371.17 618.85 670.93 13,451.94 13,234.3 10,199.5 9,662.1 2,284.6 8,329.60 155,452.79 1,416.05 22.133.81 34,661.38 1,811.62 12,291,86 2,691.80 ........ 9,678.04 . .13.672.12 24,290.52 278.1 1 91.50 1.00 i 6.00 '. 1.0 0 '. 7.00 i 2.00 '�� 1.00: 2.00 1 3.00 ! 4.00 I 0.50 6.10 '. 1.00: 4.20 3.20 '. 1.00 2.00 47.00 0.20 I 1# of foPC/computer devices in d t 2.00 6.00: 0.50: 3.00 5.50 0.50 3.00 i 6.00 : 4.50 i 1.00 0.50 0.50 52.50 2.00 12.00 21.00 ; 0.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 i 7.00 100.00 2# of printer users b % of use 2 100.00 3.00 5.00 1.50 10.00 ! 7.00 4.50 0.50 7.00: 1.00: 2.00: 1.30 i 1.00: 4.20 51.50 9.00 22.00: 1.00 ! 2.00: 1.50 9.00 i 4.00 100.00 3# of landline hone devices in dept 3 100.00 5.30 ! 0.20: 7.00 1.00 1.50 4.50 ; 0.50 1 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 - 1.00 i 1.00 1.00 5.00 4# Public Works Management 4 5.00 I 1.00 7 - 2.80: 0.20 i 0.10: 2.50: 1.00: 2.00: i 2.00 i 1.00: 2.OD 28.00 4.00 i 5.00: 1.00 i 1.00: 4.00: 7.00 50.00 5# of employees/users FTE 5 50.00 0.50 4.20: 0.20 ' 5.50 1.00: 1.00 0.30 0.50 '': 0.10 0.10: 2.50: 1.50: 2.00: 1.00 € 1.00: 1.00 32.00 5.00 5.00 ' 1.00 i 0.50 i 0.50 i 4.00: 48.00 6# of broadband connections/uses 6 48.00 0.50: 4.50: 0.50: 6.00 1.00 1.00: 0.50 2.50 i 2.50 ' 3.00: 1.00: 180.00 4,165.00 4,345.00 7# of Television $$ 7 4,345.00 180.00: 0.10: 0.50 0.10 0.10 `: 0.80 0.10 i 0.10 i 1.00 8# of Cartra h units/users 8 1.00 1.00: 1.50: 0.50: 1.00 2.00: 10.00 i 2.00: 2.00 € 0.50 20.50 3.00 i 1.00 i 1.50 26.00 9# of GIS units/users 9 26.00 75.00 12.50 12.50 100.00 10# Finance -S rin brook 10 100.00 70.00: 5.00: 11# Other 11 _ 12# Other 12 13# Other 13 Other \ \/ Jo ■ o (\ ,y \\\( 5 / §G» §■ § Ek) lo )}=j {§(�, {;q {)\ {()�k §} \/ ! ; /IJ /f \c6 1z»§t:t_: ^ ~`3® %�(«: « Ef- 2wwe»e,!«f!!!,wE - o 'RU §!§: tttf` ®��; « ^3 :3 :E 12J2f =f:=:zwC)u)C) = =u) loC)e /±±: »± } § \ } } }x o \ ®« / y �fo 0o2 §f : ' / _ ![;w f}) - {)� �\\�� { : �» § #2® = » ƒf3,,; (9 )\ \ /)) \ \))� 3+ 8Fiz| 7 Ek) lo )}=j {§(�, {;q {)\ {()�k §} \/ ! ; /IJ /f \c6 1z»§t:t_: ^ ~`3® %�(«: « Ef- 2wwe»e,!«f!!!,wE - o 'RU §!§: tttf` ®��; « ^3 :3 :E 12J2f =f:=:zwC)u)C) = =u) loC)e /±±: »± } § \ } } }x o \ Greater Monticello Evolving Fund 12/1/2014 Projected Beginning Ending Balance Principal Balance Loan 110112014 Payments 1213112014 Tappers /Genereaux $ - $ - $ - Tappers Holdings - - - Pet Hospital 22,850.82 22,850.82 - Hoglund 66,344.02 38,231.45 28,112.57 Total $ 89,194.84 $ 61,082.27 $ 28,112.57 2014 Interest Paid 121112014 Tappers /Genereaux (2.75 %, 2003 -13) $ - Tappers Holdings (3.5 %, 2010 -13) - Pet Hospital (3 %, 2012 -14) 486.33 Hoglund (3 %, 2010 -15) 1,341.72 Total 1,828.05 9. W EDA Agenda — 12/10/14 Consideration of recommendation rmardin2 EDA Vacant Positions and 2015 EDA Appointments. (AS) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The EDA is asked at this time to set an interview date for interviewing candidates for the open positions on the EDA. A volunteer posting for the two currently vacant positions on the Economic Development Authority is active on the City's bulletin board and website. Announcements on the opening have also been made at the City Council meeting, IEDC meeting and on Facebook. To -date the EDA has received one application. The posting will remain open until all positions are filled. As a reference, the EDA Enabling Resolution Section 2.06 states that "All members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council, subject to the terms of Section 2.07 hereof. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor with the confirmation of the City Council." As such, the EDA will recommend for any appointment, with confirmation to be made by the City Council. The City Council will be notified of the date and time for the interview and will be invited to attend. This is consistent with practice related to recent appointment considerations for the Planning Commission. As related to 2015 appointments, there are no active members of the EDA for which terms are expiring. The open position previously held by Rod Dragsten would have been the expiring position. As such, when the EDA appoints, they will appoint members to serve a new 6 year term for that seat, as well as a member to serve out the balance of the term for the position previously held by Matt Frie. The appointment calendar as provided by the City Clerk is below. Economic Development Authority Bill Tapper 6 yr 12/2015 (6 -year staggered terms) Tracy Hinz 6 yr 12/2016 OPEN (held previously by Rod Dragsten) 6 yr 12/2014 Bill Demeules 6 yr 12/2018 OPEN (held previously by Matt Frie) 6 yr 12/2017 resigned 11/12114 Council Tom Perrault (voting) rep Council Brian Stumpf (voting) rep B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to set an EDA Special Meeting on at for the purpose of interview and recommendation of appointment for open positions on the EDA. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. D. SUPPORTING DATA None. EDA Agenda: 12/10/14 10. Economic Development Director's Report (JO /AS) Wright County Economic Development Partnership A letter of thanks for renewal of membership is attached. Housing Analysis WSB Market Matching is expected to present the results of their housing analysis and resulting recommended marketing approach related to this segment to the EDA in January. EDA 2015 Workplan Over the next month, staff will be working to review past EDA workplans and achievements in order to prepare a workshop format for establishing 2015 goals and objectives for the EDA. City Levy and Budget On December 8th, 2015, the City Council will consider final adoption of the 2015 Levy and Budget. More information can be found by clicking here. November 12, 2014 Dear Member Investor, 2015 will soon be upon us! The WCEDP team would like to thank you for supporting the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. Your commitment to the vitality of Wright County through your member - investorship helps meet our shared goals. We hope that you continue to benefit and enjoy your association with the Partnership. Invaluable connections within the county, advertising opportunities, capacity building workshops, retention and expansion resources (technical and financial), promotion of your organization, and a liaison to numerous regional and state organizations and programs are some of the many benefits you as a Member Investor receive directly. We strengthen and promote Wright County and our member investors through building relationships between our communities and businesses, working as business advocates, and supporting the greater County develop a sustainable economic profile. Our organization has a great impact on our community. As partners, we can assure that impact continues. What is in store for 2015? o CEO Class Concept for Wright County Schools • A simpler access to County -wide loan funds C Continuing to address, along with the initiative Foundation and the CMATS, the workforce skills gap • Holistic marketing campaign o Direct focus to fill a void in our economic development strategy; work to effectively market our "products" as a County (Stats, Sites, Sectors, and Employers) • Continuing business retention and expansion efforts • Increased involvement of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) assistance in Wright County If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Duane via e-mail dnorthaeen (&arr ghtpartriershhio,org or call 763 -477 -3086. We are always open to new ideas and look forward to another productive year. Thank you for your support. Duane harthagen "Our, iirer.L,r -� Thank you for your membership investment! 2015 Member Investor Support Structure Associate $290.00 (not for profit organizations that do workforce training & economic development) Banks and Lending Institutions Deposits up to $24.9M $400.00 Deposits of $25M to $49.9M $680.00 Deposits of $50M + $940.00 Businesses* (healthcare, contractors, developers, manufacturing, realtors, engineering, etc.) 1 to 10 employees $300.00 11 to 24 employees $420.00 25 + employees $535.00 Entertainment Industry $290.00 Municipalities ** <1000 to 1250 $150.00 plus .10 /capita 1251 to 4999 $600.00 plus .10 /capita >5000 $1,170.00 plus .10 /capita Townships $160.00 plus .10 /capita Utility Providers $1,170.00 plus .10 /capita Wright County $55,000.00 Honorary Members CDCC (chambers of commerce) * number of employees includes active owners, management, and regular employees over 20 hours per week ** per capita rates are based on most recent projections provided by the State of MN P: 763 - 477 -3056 1 E: dnorthagen @wrightpartnership.org 1 W: www.wrightpartnership.org Wright County Economic Development Partnership PO Box 525 Rockford MN 55373 763.477.3035 jstrum @wrightpartnership.org 1 Al Member investor Dues 2015 Total Discount If you have any questions please contact Jeanene at 763.477.3035. Date: 11/12/2014 Jeff O'Neil City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362- $2445.90 Subtotal $2445.90 Sales Tax Total $2445.90 'hank you for your participation!