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EDA Agenda 05-08-2013
EDA MEETING Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN EDA Workshop — 5:00 PM Mississippi Room WSB Economic Development Services Proposal Guests: Monticello IEDC, Monticello Chamber of Commerce Representatives and ReSTOREing Downtown Representatives Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Vice Treasurer Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. April 13th, 2013 - Regular Agenda 3. Consideration of additional agenda items. 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills. 5. Consideration of action related to Economic Development services. 6. Consideration of Director's Report. 7. Adjourn. MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) MEETING Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Others: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes a. March 13th, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MARCH 13, 2013 REGULAR EDA MEETING MINUTES. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. (Brian Stumpf did not vote.) b. March 13th, 2013 Special Workshop Minutes BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MARCH 13, 2013 SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. (Brian Stumpf did not vote.) 3. Consideration of additional agenda items • 1-94 Coalition 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills Angela Schumann pointed out that a series of charges related to mapping for the Block 34 meeting should have been highlighted as invoices related to TIF 1-22. Wayne Oberg identified the specific WSB expenses. He also reported that the City is in the process of going paperless with the agenda process in an effort to save costs and staff time. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH MAY 2013. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. 5. Public Hearing — Consideration of the proposed sale of land at 349 W. Broadway in the City of Monticello The EDA attorney recommended that the scheduled public hearing related to 349 W. Broadway be cancelled due to a change in circumstances after the notice had been EDA Minutes - 4/10/13 published. A new notice will be published as the sale process moves forward to the formalization of a purchase agreement. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO CANCEL THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PROPOSED SALE OF LAND AT 349 W. BROADWAY IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. 6. Consideration to approve Resolution 2013-021 for amendment the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Loan Guidelines of the Monticello Economic. Development Authority At its March meeting, the EDA recommended that staff prepare a resolution recommending amending GMEF guidelines to reduce in the required interest rate "floor" for GMEF loans. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2012-021, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF SAID AMENDMENT TO THE GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE LOAN FUND GUIDELINES. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. 7. Consideration of adopting an amendment to the Bylaws of the Monticello Economic Development Authority The EDA had tabled action on adoption of modifications to its bylaws at its March meeting, preferring to wait until after the City Council adopted the EDA Enabling Resolution, as similar clerical corrections had appeared in both documents. The City Council adopted the Amended and Restated Enabling Resolution on March 25tH Attorney Martha Ingram indicated that there is not a conflict of interest with language in the document. Staff confirmed that language had been reviewed for consistency. MATT FRIE MOVED TO ADOPT THE BYLAWS OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AS AMENDED, DATED APRIL 10TH, 2013. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. 8. Consideration of Approval of a Farm Lease Agreement for Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing The EDA reviewed the proposed lease agreement for farming of 13.6 acres of land at Otter Creek Crossing. The 2013 agreement is almost identical to the 2012 agreement originally drafted by the EDA attorney. The land is not irrigated and the annual rental fee has not increased. There had been no leasing issues with the tenant in the first year. Tom Perrault pointed the need to correct some of the dates in the agreement and asked for clarification regarding statements referring to committing waste and the use of phosphorous on the property. Staff agreed to follow up with the Public Works Director about these questions. Staff also noted the removal of some non-specific language and the addition of terms for lease termination. EDA Minutes — 4/10/13 BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE FARM LEASE AGREEMENT FOR OUTLOT F, OTTER CREEK CROSSING AS DRAFTED. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. 9. Consideration to Recommend Approval of Amendments to the Monticello Comprehensive Plan for Community Context and Economic Development Angela Schumann briefly outlined the process of updating the Community Context and Economic Development chapters of the Comprehensive Plan. She explained that the plan serves as a guide to development within the City for the next 20 years. She indicated the importance of including the most recent data available so that the assumptions in place in the document continue to be relevant. Representatives from the IEDC, the Planning Commission, the EDA and the City Council participated in the revision process. Rod Dragsten was the EDA's designated representative to this group. The small group incorporated updated statistics from varied sources to ensure an accurate frame of reference from which to consider broad policy. They confirmed that the guiding principles and economic development goals established are on track. They recommended that the goal of job attraction be broadened to also include job retention. The group determined that the City had an adequate existing and planned supply of land guided for Places to Work based on a review of its inventory. They determined that several development strategies were in need of revision to more clearly reflect methods for accomplishing goals. The group proposed a focus on attracting businesses which are synergistic to those already in place rather than looking to attract specifically bioscience industries. Additionally, the group recommended capitalizing upon community assets and emphasized planning for capital infrastructure expenses. Tom Perrault suggested several changes to specific wording in the document. Staff agreed to clarify the language. The IEDC had recommended adoption of the proposed amendments and suggested that the plan include the new City logo. The Planning Commission will consider the IEDC and EDA recommendations and conduct a public hearing before moving the issue forward for City Council review. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND THE ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 4 — ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE 2008 MONTICELLO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. 10. Director's Report EDA Minutes — 4/10/13 Economic Development Position - WSB & Associates presented a proposal which would provide a full range of services, include deliverables, and clarify City responsibilities. The City Council and the EDA will host an open house and presentation on April 22nd. The City would not be required solicit bids for such a proposal as it is considered a professional services contract. City Engineer - Bruce Westby accepted the City Engineer position with the City of Ramsey. WSB & Associates will take on the role of acting City Engineer during this transition. Shibani Bisson will be in the office 3-5 days a week. EDA Target Areas & Strategy - Staff will schedule a tour and workshop related to the EDA's land holding sites to help define target areas for investment and strategies for development in May. This will also address workplan objectives related to the use of tax increment available in TIF 1-22, TIF 1-6 and in housing districts. Tank Location & Removal — Fred's Auto - Staff received two proposals for tank location at the former Fred's Auto site. The proposal selected is estimated to cost $850. 11. Added Items I-94 Coalition - Bill Tapper shared concerns about increased freeway traffic and its impact on cities along the I-94 corridor. He stressed that it is critical that Monticello get actively involved in I-94 Coalition efforts to ensure that transportation planning and funding needs are addressed. There was some discussion about the City's lack of consistent support of the coalition in the last few years and questions about current local government involvement along the corridor. There was also some question as to who would represent Monticello in the coalition. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL JOIN THE I-94 COALITION. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION FAILED 2-5 (WITH BILL DEMEULES, TRACY HINZ, ROD DRAGSTEN, TOM PERRAULT AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION.) 12. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:19 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. Recorder: Kerry Bum Approved: May 8, 2013 Attest: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 4 EDA Agenda — 5/08/13 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Included are the previous month's invoices for approval of payment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through April 30th, 2013 in the amount of $7,231.39. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of payment for submitted invoices. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Invoices 0 z O pl q O O z is N A O d Q O b d n n� w eY I m O O O ON Cl) N Vl Vl 1' Vl Vl 00 00 00 00 00 V) I, W) kn O O O O O m m M_ M_ m_ 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N � 0 0 0 0 0 A 4° 0 N N O 00 O O 00 r b N 00 O Val cn N rn r�-� b N h h 6 o b O o Vl 4l Vl Kl V1 c7 t i7 8 t PK Fi Fi Fri Ai W W W W DC 5C DC PC DC O O G C 6 0o Oo Oo Oo 00 c 1- cal 'c� c� cNv 14� ko �o �o m N N N N N N Ici I N M r-i N 'G W A � c4 r� bA .a M r� M O H a1 N d' Oo U A 0 F O ❑' M N U s A 6 iV rn o un o e CCU Cd v ti n n� w eY I m O O O ON Cl) N Vl Vl 1' Vl Vl 00 00 00 00 00 V) I, W) kn O O O O O m m M_ M_ m_ 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N � 0 0 0 0 0 A 4° 0 N N O 00 O O 00 r b N 00 O Val cn N rn r�-� b N h h 6 o b O o Vl 4l Vl Kl V1 c7 t i7 8 t PK Fi Fi Fri Ai W W W W DC 5C DC PC DC O O G C 6 0o Oo Oo Oo 00 c 1- cal 'c� c� cNv 14� ko �o �o m N N N N N N Ici I N M r-i N 'G W A � c4 r� bA .a M r� M O H a1 N d' Oo U A 0 F i , celEnergyp REBPUN6180.1 BY NA?URRr Northern States Power Gempany Please Return This Partian With Your Payment. AV 01 401620 90084 E 7 A * *600T Ill III Ill III IInIII III II. I" IIFFI11111FI111u1 "1F1411 Ill 11"1IifIts MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -0631 111N" IL1" 1111x "I""111"I11xxI1111111I"IIl"II" InxIIFI(1"rI�IFII P.O. BOX 9477 Aoft MPLS, MN 55464 -9477 31 5105151,3 06230828 000000017070011911011.1707 Detach and Retain This Portion for Your Rocerds Qumstiolm: Call or write to us at: Ploasa Call; 8011 4111 -4700 Northern States Power Company Rearing Impaired: (800) 0954949 PO BOX B r Fax: (0001311 -0050 54702 -OOOR szr2u�ireva?3:,ut;,x Commercial Previous Balance 03110 $17.07 "" ° h "T " - ON Payment Received as of 04118 $17.07 cFv Averages for This Last Balance As Of 04118 $0.00 Billing Period Year Year Commercial Electric Sendee04110 17 7 Avorago Tomperatgre 29 ",.• „_ 50 Total 17.07 Elactricikwh per flay � 0.0 0.0 Cost per Day $0.57 - -_ -. $0.0o '121 Dogrees -Colder -- :..: ....................................... - :_; $17.07 05120/13 51- 0023082 -8 051151013 Thank Youl AV 01 401620 90084 E 7 A * *600T Ill III Ill III IInIII III II. I" IIFFI11111FI111u1 "1F1411 Ill 11"1IifIts MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -0631 111N" IL1" 1111x "I""111"I11xxI1111111I"IIl"II" InxIIFI(1"rI�IFII P.O. BOX 9477 Aoft MPLS, MN 55464 -9477 31 5105151,3 06230828 000000017070011911011.1707 Detach and Retain This Portion for Your Rocerds Qumstiolm: Call or write to us at: Ploasa Call; 8011 4111 -4700 Northern States Power Company Rearing Impaired: (800) 0954949 PO BOX B r Fax: (0001311 -0050 54702 -OOOR szr2u�ireva?3:,ut;,x Commercial Previous Balance 03110 $17.07 "" ° h "T " - ON Payment Received as of 04118 $17.07 cFv Averages for This Last Balance As Of 04118 $0.00 Billing Period Year Year Commercial Electric Sendee04110 17 7 Avorago Tomperatgre 29 ",.• „_ 50 Total 17.07 Elactricikwh per flay � 0.0 0.0 Cost per Day $0.57 - -_ -. $0.0o '121 Dogrees -Colder -- :..: ....................................... - :_; Electric Charges Usage Period. 03!18113 to 04/17113 05120/13 05115/2013 Inooioe # 467987094 Total Fner0y -kWh Motor# Company Reading on 04%17 42695 000052995965 CompanyReedin on 03110 26.5 0 Total Usage in 30 Days kWh Sat Gan Syr, (Motored) 30 Days Basic Service Chg $8.61 Affordability Chrg ` $0.61 Energy Charge Winter 0kWh asq.g66i37 $0.00 Resource Adjustment APR 2 Interim Rate Ad'1 �' y Subtotal rt s $10,47' City Fees $5.50 State Tax @6.1175% I.10 Total Amount $17.07 For an average non- demand customer, 73% ofyour bill refers to power plant costs,10%to high voltage line costs, and 17 %to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand- billed customer, 83% of your total bill refers to power plant casts, 10% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cast of local wiros connected to your business. MONTICELLO Eat# 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, Mhl 55362 -9356 See back of !till for Account * 51- 0623082 -8 mare iuformatiow Page 1 aft Statement Date, 04/10113 L E,Na �1 ,0 s� TU F�l1.��� kaxt-scheduled Motor Heading Data.`-_ :_; 05120/13 05115/2013 $17.07 Please see the pack of this hill for more information regarding the late payment. charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Statement # 365477421 Promise #f 303657358 PiNQ N � 1 o� A woul w 7 xceiE,►erigj,. BE- SPBNSIB6E BY - NATURE- Current Charges (continued) Different fuel sources are used to generate electricity, and they produce differant.air emissions. For updated environmental information for the year ended 2012 go to: www.xcolonergy.com /MNRates, then po to Additional Resources, Bill Inserts and Brochures /Inside Your Electric Bill - environmental Disclosure & costs. If you don t have internet access, please contact us at 1 -800- 895 -4999 and we can prWde you with this information, ihankyou for your - payment. MONTICELLO EDA 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN SMOZ -9356 See back of hill for Account #: 51.0623062-8 more infestation. Page 2 of 2 Statement Date: 04!1$113 Next Scheduled _: ` -------- - Mater Readin Dote M 05/20/13 0511SM13 $17.07 Please see the back of this hill for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Statement # 365477421 9 4 6 premiss # 303667358 Xcel Energyd MPON%IaLR MY MATURE* Northern States Power Company Please Return This Portion With Your Payment, AV 01 001518 30464 E 7•A * *500T �IIr1��rur�, hllLrlillllllllll11111�111�1111r111r�lllIIIIIIIi11 MONTICELLO EAA 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8881 I' IIIIIIII 'lI "IIIIIIIII'111'P1111 "'I �Illlrrl�ll '111'1'1 P.O. BOX 9477 ` M PLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 S1051513 059257/40 ❑ ❑❑ ❑f3 ❑❑1707❑13non0Q17C17 petach and Retain This Portion For Your Records T Questions: Call orwrito to us at, Please Call: 1000)481-4700 Northern States Power Company Hearing Impaired: 1000}895 -4940 PQ 130X8 Fax: 181191311 -0050 EAU CLAIRF WI 54707 -0000 Billing Summary Y- ::=A ohaossui?aisn.s °sn Commercial Previous Balance 03116 $17.18w'a`mreswc"xa'r�rNc r "` a.:as " -" "srE Pay moot Received as of 0411B X1„7 9C Aueragesfor This Last Balance As Of 04118 9.165 -Billing Period Year Year Cammercial Electric Service 04/10 $17.67 Average Temperature 2,0* K1 Total $11.07 Electricikwh per Roy - - 0.0 0.0 Cost per Clay $0,65 * 2Z Degrees Colder - ._i�Yt�i'J - .- �.'^,�... _ �.'�':,:- '.?�... -... f.: 12 ...- wi4xi�?�.i'%-.r:: " .:: ... . ... ... :.63% 3t- 4°:Y.;-- RS,£,,.i,e�Ii3fssv -� 7.4SR.- .�N�'�::'1,. =:.;. iY3x` Electric Citarges Usage Period: 03116/13 to 04/16[13 Invoice #467974160 _ r Total Energy -kWh .� i Meter of Company Reading an 04116 1 L�08 000007127701 CompanyReadingon03116 l on APR ?013 Total Usage in 31 Bays kWh 0 -�gf k$..�i. �x,SSA �1- u�9z�7a -a oa115r�o13 $17.07 • 1enk-Y AV 01 001518 30464 E 7•A * *500T �IIr1��rur�, hllLrlillllllllll11111�111�1111r111r�lllIIIIIIIi11 MONTICELLO EAA 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8881 I' IIIIIIII 'lI "IIIIIIIII'111'P1111 "'I �Illlrrl�ll '111'1'1 P.O. BOX 9477 ` M PLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 S1051513 059257/40 ❑ ❑❑ ❑f3 ❑❑1707❑13non0Q17C17 petach and Retain This Portion For Your Records T Questions: Call orwrito to us at, Please Call: 1000)481-4700 Northern States Power Company Hearing Impaired: 1000}895 -4940 PQ 130X8 Fax: 181191311 -0050 EAU CLAIRF WI 54707 -0000 Billing Summary Y- ::=A ohaossui?aisn.s °sn Commercial Previous Balance 03116 $17.18w'a`mreswc"xa'r�rNc r "` a.:as " -" "srE Pay moot Received as of 0411B X1„7 9C Aueragesfor This Last Balance As Of 04118 9.165 -Billing Period Year Year Cammercial Electric Service 04/10 $17.67 Average Temperature 2,0* K1 Total $11.07 Electricikwh per Roy - - 0.0 0.0 Cost per Clay $0,65 * 2Z Degrees Colder - ._i�Yt�i'J - .- �.'^,�... _ �.'�':,:- '.?�... -... f.: 12 ...- wi4xi�?�.i'%-.r:: " .:: ... . ... ... :.63% 3t- 4°:Y.;-- RS,£,,.i,e�Ii3fssv -� 7.4SR.- .�N�'�::'1,. =:.;. iY3x` Electric Citarges Usage Period: 03116/13 to 04/16[13 Invoice #467974160 _ r Total Energy -kWh .� i Meter of Company Reading an 04116 1 L�08 000007127701 CompanyReadingon03116 l on APR ?013 Total Usage in 31 Bays kWh 0 Actual,Demand -kW 'Billahlegemand 0 0 Stn Gan be 18lleteredj 3t Days Basic Service Chg $8.61 Affordability Chrg $0.67 Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh ®$0.006870 $0.00 Resource Adjustment Interim hate Adi Subtotal $10A7 City Foes $55.50 State Tax 06.815% nK Total Amount $1707 For an average non - demand customer, 73% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your'business. For an average demand -billed custamor, 83/a of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to -high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business, MONTICELLO EDA Next Schednvled `� >i ry 20R PINE ST ¢`:... . _..[ Meter paading Data MONTICELLO, MN 553(iE 45117113 €5511512013 '$17.07 Please see the back of this bill for more'information Sae hack of bill for Account #: 51- 0592575 -0 regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the Inure information. date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Page 1 o1`2 Statement Date: 04/18113 Statement # 365476262 Promise # 303547449 L r� t� 1+� r� H C, N L9 XcelEnergy® RESPONSIBLE BY NAT-BREN Current Charges =continued} Different fuel sources are used to generate electricity, and they produce different airwissions. For updated environmental information for the year ended 2092 go to: www,xcelenergy.co61MNRates, then qo to Additional Resources, Bill Inserts and Brochures/Inside Your Electric BillInvironment4l Disclosure & Costs. If you don't have internet access, please contact us at 1 -800- 895- 4999and we can provide you with this information. Thank you for your payment. See back of bill for more informtltiou. Page 2 of 2 MONTICELLO EDA 202 PINE ST MONTICEL-LO, MN 55362 Account #: 51- 0592578 -0 Statement [late: 04118/13 Next Scheduled .. °-:. Meter Rsadin Mate tt'Y,. _ x< - MUM 3 051159013 $97.07 Please see the hook of this hill for more information regarding the late payment charge, Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a late paymentcharge, statement # 365476252 3 4 6 Prentiss 9 303547449 XcelEnergya RESPON41"Le HV FIATUNRIN Northern States Power'Company Please Return This PotdonWkh Your Payment AV W 0011578 80875 D 7 A**5DGT JIII IIIIIIIIIIIII I I IIP IIIIIIIII IIIII III du [I I'vi III III I MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 5M62-8831 , AWhl 9 P.O. BOX 9477 M P LS, TON 55484-9477 11 51051613 07984810 000000671701111OUG06717 G6 6 and Retain This Pordun For Your Ftarurdq ftuestions: Cali 51- 0798481.p 05/1612013 $67'.1'1 Please Call. (000) 04700 Northern States Power Company Thank You (000) 895 -4949 PO BOX a AV W 0011578 80875 D 7 A**5DGT JIII IIIIIIIIIIIII I I IIP IIIIIIIII IIIII III du [I I'vi III III I MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 5M62-8831 , AWhl 9 P.O. BOX 9477 M P LS, TON 55484-9477 11 51051613 07984810 000000671701111OUG06717 MONTICELLO EDA MIS WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 5062-8822 05/1612013 $67,17 Please see the back of this bill for more information See back of bill far Accountt. 51.0798481-0 regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the mom information. date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Page 1913 Statement Date,. 04119113 Statement # 3656O2474 G6 6 and Retain This Pordun For Your Ftarurdq ftuestions: Cali or write to us at. Please Call. (000) 04700 Northern States Power Company Hawing Impaired: (000) 895 -4949 PO BOX a Fax: (80B)SH -0050 FALJ CLAIRE Wt 54762-0008 j is Activity Summary Date of Bill Apr 19, 2013 Previous Oil In A PR 2 3 2013 $64.97 Number of Payments Received I Total Amount of *146�ts sm.q CR Statement Number 365652474 Balance Forwarq 1"100 , +Current Charges 1 gL7 _ Current Balance. $67.17 Z., . Prowlso Summary Premise NoWbar Premise Identifier Promise Descriptor current dill 392392979 106E BROADWAY ST LAB AREA $17.42 303420703 106 E BROADWAY ST FRONT OFFICE $4935 Total curreryt Bill $67.17 MONTICELLO EDA MIS WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 5062-8822 05/1612013 $67,17 Please see the back of this bill for more information See back of bill far Accountt. 51.0798481-0 regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the mom information. date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Page 1913 Statement Date,. 04119113 Statement # 3656O2474 LXcelFnergva E9P0.1981BLI BY NAreRNN Customer dame Semice Address Due Date Account NOL Premise Number MONTICELLO EDA LAB AREA 05/1612013 51- 0798461 -0 302392979 166 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 5536. -9321 Electric Charges Usage Period: 03117/13 to 04/16/13 Invoico #+4&8164%.19 Total EnargyAWh Meter # Company Heading on 04/16 63283 D00054223428 Company Reading on 03/17 637BO Total Usage in 30 Hays kWh 3 Sun Gen Svc (Motored) 30 Days 13asicSetvice Chu Affordability Chrg Enorgy Charge Winter Fuel Cost Charge Resource Adjustment Interim Rate Adi . sublatAl City Foos State Tax 06.975% Total Amount 3kWh 3kWh Averages for This Last Billing Period Yam Year Averago Tem amture 291" 51 Elactriclkwh par Ray 0.1 0.0 Cost nor Dav _ $0,58 $0,00 * 22 Degrees Colder $0.61 $0,67 ® $0;066670 $0.20 ® $0,03DOD0 $0,09 $0,01 $5.50 $17A2 For an average non- domand customer, 73% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage line casts, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, % of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. Differentfuel sources are used to generate electricity, and they produce different air emissions. For updated environmental information for the yeor ended 2012, go to: www.xcelen orgy. com MNRates, then go to Additional Resources, Bill Inserts and l3rochur-esllnside Your Electric Bill - Environmental Disclosure & Costs. If you don`t have internet access, please contact us at 1- 800 - 895 -44999 and we can provide you with this information, The nkyou for your payment. MONTICELLO EDA LAB AREA 1.06 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -5321 Noxt Schad uled .asfi �°" Meter Roading Date ; 055/17/13 3OM2579 $17.42 See hack of bill for Ac count #: 51- 0798481 -0 more information. page 2 of 3 Statement Date: 04119/13 Statement # 365OU474 C.� XcelEnergym :RESPONSIBLE BY NATUR-ON customer Name MONTICELLO FBA Service Address FRONT OFFICE 106 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 65362 Electric Charges Usage Period: W16/13 to 04/16113 Invoice # 468164013 Total Energy -kft Meter # Company Reading on 04116 0006077277355 Company Reading on 03116 Iotal usage in 31 pays Actual Demand -kW Billable Demand Sm Gan Svc (Meteredl 31 Bays Basic Service Chg Affordability Ghrg Energy Charge Winter Fuel Cost Chargo Resource Adjustment Interim Rate Adi Subtotal City FRO State Tax 06.8750'0 Total Amount 284 kWh .284, kWh Averages far This Last Billing Period Year Year_ a a e Tempgrature 29* 1 Electriclkwh per Day 92 0.0 Cost Der nav _ $1.60 $000 * 22 Degrees Colder Due Date 05/1612013 kWh 0,42 0 0$0.066070 0M.028556 Account No. Premise Number 514798481 -0 303420703 66 &92 _44 11�� IVA 66308 284 $0,61 $0.67 $10.99 $0.86 $3.81 $41.05 $5.50 $4975 For an average non - demand customer, 73% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, 83% of your total bill refers to power plantcosts, 10% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. Differentfuel sources are used to generate electricity, and they produce different air emissions. For updated environmental information for theyear ended 2012, go to: www .xcelenergy.comJMfVRotes,then po to Additional Resources, Bill Inserts and Brochures/Inside Your Electric Bill - Environmental Disclosure & Costs. If you don t have internet access, please contact us at 1-800-895-4999 and we can provide you with this information. Thank you for your payment. See track of hill for more information. Page 3 of MONTICELLO EDA .FRONT OFFICE 106 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 5M2 Account #: 51- 0798481.0 Statement Date: 04/19/13 Next Scheduled:s Meter heading Date -r;: Y n: ' " ";s _ . - -- 051/7113 3D34207013 $49.75 Statement # 365552 474 G a s :F XcelEnergy& RESPONSIBLE HV NATURR- Northern States Power Company Please Return This Portion With Your Payment AV 01 000824 29342 0 4 A**5➢OT MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE I P.O. BOX 9477 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 MPLS, MN 55484-9477 31 51051413 05173848 00. 00130014080131300001408 Detach and Retain This Parton For your Records Questions. Call 24 Hours 7 Days A Week or write to us at: :�MZ W—IMIN—el. __ M' ...... Please Call: 180 89-4999 Fax, Northern States Powar CornpaTiy .0 R . N . :.,w _5 . -3, i . 1111� -- --- M ffiffil ...pK 0 095-4949 J8091 695-2095 PO BOX 8 WIN- 011' M Hearin Impaired- 19 Esl 91 6111-8778 EAU CLAIRE WI 64702-0008 Billing Summary Residential Previous Balance 132/17 Payment Received as of 9/17 $14.82 C Averouas for This Last Balance As 0164117 $0.00V Billing Period Year Year current Energy charges 04117 SIM Average Temperature 291, 51 Total ffi14.68 Ilectriulkwh per Day 0.0 6.0 Cosner Day $0,47 $W_ * 22 Degrees Colder loptric Charges Usage Pairiod, 03117113 to 04/16113 Meter Reading 1plarimatian Invoice # 467788528 51-0517384-8 05/1412013 (. Total Enorgy-kWh Basic Service Chg T hank Y o u 1 Company Reading ori,04/16- ............. 04996 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE I P.O. BOX 9477 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 MPLS, MN 55484-9477 31 51051413 05173848 00. 00130014080131300001408 Detach and Retain This Parton For your Records Questions. Call 24 Hours 7 Days A Week or write to us at: :�MZ W—IMIN—el. __ M' ...... Please Call: 180 89-4999 Fax, Northern States Powar CornpaTiy .0 R . N . :.,w _5 . -3, i . 1111� -- --- M ffiffil ...pK 0 095-4949 J8091 695-2095 PO BOX 8 WIN- 011' M Hearin Impaired- 19 Esl 91 6111-8778 EAU CLAIRE WI 64702-0008 Billing Summary Residential Previous Balance 132/17 Payment Received as of 9/17 $14.82 C Averouas for This Last Balance As 0164117 $0.00V Billing Period Year Year current Energy charges 04117 SIM Average Temperature 291, 51 Total ffi14.68 Ilectriulkwh per Day 0.0 6.0 Cosner Day $0,47 $W_ * 22 Degrees Colder loptric Charges Usage Pairiod, 03117113 to 04/16113 Meter Reading 1plarimatian Invoice # 467788528 Motor I060652245031 Residential Service 30 Days Total Enorgy-kWh Basic Service Chg $7.11 Company Reading ori,04/16- ............. 04996 Affordability Chrg $0.56 $1.67 Co muns Reading o6:03/17 _'04 Total sage in 0 �DHA .' 1 - EnargyChargo Winter Mkffi O$OAM750 kWh 0$0,927917 $0.67 Fuel Cost Charge 24 Resource Adjustment $0.07 Interim to Adj $11.23 APR 2 2 2013 Subtotal City Fees $1.95 State Tax 06.8751/6 $0.90 Total Amount $14.08 4 Differontfuel sources are used to generate electricity, and they produce different air emissions. For updated environmental_ information for the year ended 2012, go to: wwvv.xceIenorgy,comjIVINRatos, then go to Additional Resources, Bill Inserts and Broehureslinside Your Electric Bill - Environmental Disciosure & Costs. If you don t have internet access, please contact us at 11-800-8954999 and we can provide you with this information, Thank you for your payment. MONTICELLO EDA 112 E BROADWAY. $T MONTICELLO, MN 55362.9321 Sao back ollbill for Account #- 51-0517384-B inure information. Page 1 of 1 Statement Date: 04117113 Next Scheduled MeterReadin Date 05A7113 14.08 Please sea the back of this bill for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the date duo to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Statement # 365298423 ' 2 6 PrOFn!Sfi# 303611111854 I Xcel Energy& RIrPeNStBLI By NA39ORw Northern States Power Company Please Return This Portion With Your Payment. AV 02 001514 30084 E 7 A * *5CDeT 11. 111'11.11- I111 oil 11111111111111 11IIIIIhJJ1l111111ifIitI MONTICELLO EDA 5055 WALNUT ST 5TE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -BB31 IIIII'tlrlllll l`rlrll[11'IIEI I' I�I�III�l�IIIIII 'ltillllllll'll'll P.D. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 _r 91 SlUS1513 US17�655 O[ID:[1{]014294.0011001114294 ` notach and Hetaiu This Portion For Ynur Records Questions: Cali or write to us at: Please Call: 1400) 401 -47M Northern States Power Company Hearinglmpairud: 1800) 895 -4949 POBOX8 Fax: 18001311 -0050 FAIL CLAIRE WI 54702 -0000 Billing Summary cssavr4 Commercial Previous Balance 03116 $145.73 Payment Received as of 04118 i145.73m Averages far This Last Balansa,asOfMIR $0.00 Billing Period Year Year Total Commercial Electric Service 04118 14294 Average Temperature 29* 51 ElectricAvAPerDay 30.5 0.0 Cost en r pay .$4.61 10.00_ 0 22 eeprees Colder Electric Charges Usage Period; 03116113 to Invoico # 467975500 Total Energy -kWh Meter# Company Reading.on 04116 000007721794 Company Reading on 03116 Total Usage in 31 Days Actual Demand -kW Billable Demand Sm aeon Svc 1Metered) 31 days Basic Service Chg Affordability Chrg Energy Charge Winter Fuel Cost Charge Rasnurce Adjustment Interim Rote Adj Subtotal City Fees Stato Tax®G.075% Total Amount 46979 4670 I(Wh 235 1ry.53 • �; 1• Fi 4� S.�r f a kWh �$O.OG687U 235 kWh $D.0285LIB APR 2 2 2013 �$1571 'p {{ C'' $2.84 $44.42 For an average non - demand customer, 73% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lino casts, and 17% to the cost Of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, % of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local +mires connected to your business. fn. di31 � rLn[Y ii11 �'w `�� MONTICELLO EUA 286 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-6665 See back of hill for Account #. 51- g517305 -5 mare information. Page 7 of Statement Date: 04/10/13 Next Scheduled _. " _ $14194 Reedin Data 51. 0517365 -5 MA51413 05/17/13 05/1512013 han u• AV 02 001514 30084 E 7 A * *5CDeT 11. 111'11.11- I111 oil 11111111111111 11IIIIIhJJ1l111111ifIitI MONTICELLO EDA 5055 WALNUT ST 5TE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -BB31 IIIII'tlrlllll l`rlrll[11'IIEI I' I�I�III�l�IIIIII 'ltillllllll'll'll P.D. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 _r 91 SlUS1513 US17�655 O[ID:[1{]014294.0011001114294 ` notach and Hetaiu This Portion For Ynur Records Questions: Cali or write to us at: Please Call: 1400) 401 -47M Northern States Power Company Hearinglmpairud: 1800) 895 -4949 POBOX8 Fax: 18001311 -0050 FAIL CLAIRE WI 54702 -0000 Billing Summary cssavr4 Commercial Previous Balance 03116 $145.73 Payment Received as of 04118 i145.73m Averages far This Last Balansa,asOfMIR $0.00 Billing Period Year Year Total Commercial Electric Service 04118 14294 Average Temperature 29* 51 ElectricAvAPerDay 30.5 0.0 Cost en r pay .$4.61 10.00_ 0 22 eeprees Colder Electric Charges Usage Period; 03116113 to Invoico # 467975500 Total Energy -kWh Meter# Company Reading.on 04116 000007721794 Company Reading on 03116 Total Usage in 31 Days Actual Demand -kW Billable Demand Sm aeon Svc 1Metered) 31 days Basic Service Chg Affordability Chrg Energy Charge Winter Fuel Cost Charge Rasnurce Adjustment Interim Rote Adj Subtotal City Fees Stato Tax®G.075% Total Amount 46979 4670 I(Wh 235 1ry.53 • �; 1• Fi 4� S.�r f a kWh �$O.OG687U 235 kWh $D.0285LIB APR 2 2 2013 �$1571 'p {{ C'' $2.84 $44.42 For an average non - demand customer, 73% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lino casts, and 17% to the cost Of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, % of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local +mires connected to your business. fn. di31 � rLn[Y ii11 �'w `�� MONTICELLO EUA 286 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-6665 See back of hill for Account #. 51- g517305 -5 mare information. Page 7 of Statement Date: 04/10/13 Next Scheduled _. " _ � Usk"", Reedin Data 05/17/13 05/1512013 $142:94 Please Boo the back of this bill for more information regarding the Late payment charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Statement # 365474704 Premiss # 302451493 s� 0 M 4M w IV XcelEnergyv RESPONSIBLE BY NATU°R•Ew Current Chargesleontinuedf Differentfuel sources are used to generate electricity, and they produce different air emissions. ror updated environmental information for the year ended 2012, go to: www.xca]energy.com/MNRates, then po to Additional Resources, Bill Inserts and Brochures/Inside Your Electric Dill - Environmental Disclosure 8t Costs. If you don t have internet access, please contact us at 1 -800- 895 -4999 and we can provide you with this information. Thank you for your payment. MONTICELLO EDA 206 PIKE Sr MONTICELLO, MIS 55362 -8665 See back of bill for Account M 51- 0517365 -5 more information. Page 2 of 4 Statement slate: 04118113 a Next Scheduled�:.L,. Meter Reading Bate - , �., < ...... ..... .. . .. 9; �e � 03117/13 05/1512013 $442.94 Please see the back of this bill for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge, Statement# 365474704 Promise # 302451493 XcelEnerqr RARPeNRIUI.R UY - UATURUA 11odhern States Power Company Please Return This Portion With Yaur Payment. MONTICELLO EOA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 1 { - 05/17/13 05115/2013 �.: 51- Mx17365 -5 05/15/2013 $142.94 Thank You P.0, BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 ax STD51519 ng- 173655 QUO U0014294001100014294 Detach and ReUlnT'his Portion For Your Records Quesou"S.' Call or write to us at Please Call: {800}+481 -4709 Northern States Power Company Y x` °x': Hearing Impaired; (ROD) SM -4844 PO BOX 8 R Fax (0001311-0050 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0000 - - Electric Charges Usage Period: UNIGI13 to 041% Invoice # 467975940 Total Energy -kWh Meter # Company Reading on 04116 000007727732 Carappaoy Reading on 03116 Total Visage in 31 Days Actual Damand -kW Billable Demand See Gets Svc (Metered) 31 hays Basic Service Chg Affordability Chrg Energy Charge Winter Fuel Cast Charge Resource Adjustment Interim Bate Adj Subtotal City Fees State Tax 06.075% Total Amount Averagesfor This Lest Billing Period__ Year Year Average Temparatura__. — - - -- - - 29* ' 51 EloctriclkwhporDay 30,5 010 Cast er pay d-4 61_.._ $0.00 * 22 Degrees Colder 62522 5017 kWh 710 4.03 5 $0.61 $0:67 710 kWh @$0.066670 $47.40 710 kWh 0$0.028563 $10.70 .$2.17 $7.75 $86.96 $5.50 6.36 $98.112 For an average non- demand customer, 73% of your bill refers to poWOr plant casts, 10% to high voltage line costs and 17 %to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an avers a demand - billed customor, % of your total bil(refersto power plant costs, 10%to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. MONTICELLO EDA 112 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 65362-9V1 See back o1bill for Account #: 51- 0517365 -5 more inlormatlon. Page 3 of 4 Statement Dato. 04118/13 NextSeheduled Meter Reading Date � { - 05/17/13 05115/2013 $142.94 Statement # 365474704 Premise # 382695/49 v� Y� P '� N N 7 XcelEnergyo SESP4'NSIRtO'BY NATU.K-1- Current Charges (continued) Differentfuel sources are used to generate electricity, and they produce different air emissions. For updated environmental information fortheyear ended 2012, go to, www.xceIenergy,com/lVINRates:,thqn Po to Additional Resources, Bill Inserts and Brochureslinside Your Electric Bill-Environmental Disclosure & Costs. If you don-t have internet access, please contact us at 1- 800- 895.4999and we can provide you with this information. Thank you for your payment MONTICELLO EDA Next Scheduled' 112 E BROADWAY ST Meter Reading Date_ MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -9321 OW17113 05/1512013 ;$x142,94 See buck of bill for Account& 51- 0517365.5 more infarmalion. Page 4 of 4 Statement Date: 64/18/13 Statement # 365474704 0 4 0 Promise # 302695149 O z 0 a di O z N A Fi O Ra u m v A o� L N z' u u v 1; :o I bq, � � N M M N V1 N � O O M M N cq_V N N N C11 kn b "a Q W H � O H U W W U� Lo 00 N v M M N N 0 0 O M N W 4� 0 0 0 O N H O �i 9p a I In M 0 7 Op U P .fib �^1 O m N _ N � o N N L, PL, rn O O �U �. ,Oyy p" U 0 cd O z 0 a di O z N A Fi O Ra u m v A o� L N z' u u v 1; :o I bq, � � N M M N V1 N � O O M M N cq_V N N N C11 kn b "a Q W H � O H U W W U� Lo 00 N v M M N N 0 0 O M N W 4� 0 0 0 O N H O �i 9p a I In M 0 7 Op U P .fib Bill Powers 4432 - 31st Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55405 Bill To: City of Monticello Attn: Jeff O'Neill 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 INVOICE Invoice #: 0000005 Invoice Date: 1/25/13 Due Date: 2128113 Item Description Unit Quantity Amount Price BL Bikes and Boards $125.00 11 1$125.00 SUBTOTAL 1$125.00 TOTAL $125.00 AMOUNT PAID 0.00 BALANCE DUE $125.00 Bill Powers 4432 - 31st Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55406 Bill To: City of Monticello Attn: Jeff O'Neill 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 INVOICE Invoice #: 0000006 Invoice Date: 1/25113 Due Date: 2128113 Item Description Unit I Quantity I Amount Price Good Clean Fun. Tatoos $125.00 1 1 $125.00 SUBTOTAL 1 $125.00 TOTAL $125.00 AMOUNT PAID 0.00 BALANCE DUE $125.00 Ann Zimmerman From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 2:36 PM To: Angela Schumann; Angie McIntire Cc: Ann Zimmerman Subject: RE; Relocation -Move Estimates Then it is good to go. Thanks Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello, Minnesota 763 - 271 -3215 This email sent by Monticello FiberNet internet, at 100 mb speed! From: Angela Schumann Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 2:33 PM To: Angie McIntire Cc: Jeff O'Neill; Ann Zimmerman Subject: Re: Relocation -Move Estimates Thanks for confirming. That's what I thought. Sent from my Whone On Apr 19, 2013, at 2:30 PM, "Angie McIntire" < Angie. Mclntire@ci.monticello.mn.us> wrote, Yes, this actually came from Dan originally. That is the only way we ever do get these invoices in the first place, so yes, Dan has reviewed this one and forwarded to us. From: Angela Schumann Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 2;29 PM To: Jeff O'Neill Cc: Ann Zimmerman; Angie McIntire Subject: RE: Relocation -Move Estimates believe Dan has to review all of these prior to the invoice being sent to us. They verify and document /file requests per all relocation law requirements. Angie can confirm — I think we've emailed and confirmed this with Dan. Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763 - 271 -3224 This email sent by Monticello FiberNet internet, at 100 mops speed! From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 2:23 PM To: Angela Schumann Cc: Ann Zimmerman Subject: FW: Relocation -Move Estimates Doesn't Dan Wilson have to sign off on this payment? Did he? Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello, Minnesota 763- 271 -3215 This email sent by Monticello FiberNet internet, at 100 mb speed! From: Ann Zimmerman Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 10:02 AM To: Jeff O'Neill Cc: Angie McIntire; Angela Schumann Subject: FW: Relocation -Move Estimates Jeff; Please refer to the attachment and emails below. Okay to process payment to Bill Powers for $250. Annie 271 -3205 From: Ann Zimmerman Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 2:03 PM To: Ann Zimmerman Subject: FW: Relocation -Move Estimates From: Angie McIntire Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 1:53 PM To: Ann Zimmerman Subject: FW: Relocation -Move Estimates FYI — another relo one. Jeff /Angela should be sending the OK to pay at some point. Next check run is fine unless you happen to do one in between and want to throw this in there. From: Leah Traxler [mailto: Leah @wilsondevelopmentservices.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 1 :30 PM To: Angie McIntire; Angela Schumann Subject: Relocation -Move Estimates Angie, Bill Powers completed move estimates For 2 businesses being relocated. I have attached the invoices for BL Bikes and Boards and also for Good Clean Fun Tattoos. Please issue a check in the amount of $250 to Bill Powers and mail to the address below. 4432 31st Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55406 Please send a copy of the check for the file and let me know if you need anything else. Happy Spring! (Finally) Lead Leah Traxler Wilson Development Services LLC 952- 448 -4630 O z 0 C P O z s7 0 'G u d R o L 07 0 ll�1IOR OC fV C O O ° N XII) kn d b G 4 8Q W O C�, a vi .fl y � O D m w A A ro b �fj w a w w H N 00 O O V V C? FO O �D O O N N 4l V'I M N N n O r M .-t N 'CS W O n 0 N O 9 O �i a M m N , M 6 N 0 T P N N Q C /�� h� o a O V o � O z 0 C P O z s7 0 'G u d R o L 07 0 ll�1IOR OC fV C O O ° N XII) kn d b G 4 8Q W O C�, a vi .fl y � O D m w A A ro b �fj w a w w H N 00 O O V V C? FO O �D O O N N 4l V'I M N N n O r M .-t N 'CS W O n 0 N O 9 O �i a M m N , M 6 N 0 T P TRUx AC 501 501 601 -3 Advanced Disposal A. VAR 1 1 2013 } lnvoice 0 620001221041 Febniary 28, 2013 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Spite ] '�ti$�i; "Ctte� C,ObSe Monticello, MN 55362 The following is the invoice For Trash Removal and Recycling Service for the otont[t and year raforenced below. The required reports are attached for your reference. Please feel free to contact me if you hove any questions abont this invoice artho attached information. Month: February yenr: 2013 Trash Removal Service $28,650.82 Solid Waste Mane emen TBx $2,793.45 CT # 00f Cnniah,ers 1 0 nrChnoges Total Count I tlnit Price Total ivlthly Rnte Contract Base 3971 27 3998 8 6182 5 27,266.36 K[Dllbora's Mobile Home Park 190 13 203 S 6.82 $ 11384.46 Recycling Service: $10,396.23 8 of Clinngea T4lnr Caal unit Price Tnhll Mthly Rats Residents: 3983 36 4019 $2,47 49,926,93 Kjcllbogrs Mobile HonicPark 190 190 $2.47 $469.30 rrlhernel Trash 3693 School Blvd Recycle Q'1TV RATE 9e] d nsto Toini $135,72 1,00 6yrd 592.68 $9.04 Mgmt Tor 1.00 6yrd $34.00 $0.00 $34.00 Rnle Cannierelni `fatal $471.73 511,00 $403.19 $68.54 5471.13 City Containers Recycling Service: $10,396.23 8 of Clinngea T4lnr Caal unit Price Tnhll Mthly Rats Residents: 3983 36 4019 $2,47 49,926,93 Kjcllbogrs Mobile HonicPark 190 190 $2.47 $469.30 rrlhernel Trash 3693 School Blvd Recycle Q'1TV RATE Solid asta 1Mg11ltTnr Toini $135,72 1,00 6yrd 592.68 $9.04 51002 1.00 6yrd $34.00 $0.00 $34.00 $0.00 511,00 Advanced Disposal. - Centred MN cerlefres that the recyclable& collected fironl the City of Monticello have been delivered to a recycling facility for proc'e ssltag. TOTAL AMOUNT Again, please feel free to contact lne if you havo any questions, and thank you for the opportunity to provide the City of Monticello with "Superior" waste removal service. Advanced Disposal Enclosures 23551 12 Street Sig • St. Cloud, MH 563.04 fox (320) 251 -7113 • www.AdvancedDisposai.coml PF31110!i nil eml.velaif nnilor. 11feier:n renyrin. P $42,447.95 TRUX AI City Containers $471.31 Amount $403,19 Solis! Waste Management Tax $6$,12 2CT # MN Solid Waste Apartment Description Amount Mgtnt Tax Total 1453 - QolfGoatse 3 yard $30.30 $5.15 $35,45 909 Golf Coarse Rd 1454 - Ellison Park 3 yard $40.40 $6.87 $47,27 8 t I Rlver St E 1455 - West Bridge Park 2 yard $20.20 $3.43 $23,63 1456 - Monticelto Sewage Plant 2 yard $20.20 $3,43 $23,63 1401 Hart Blvd 1456 -Monti eel I o Sewage Plant 3 yard $75.75 $12.88 $88.63 1401 Hart Blvd 1458 - City Hall 3 - 3 yards $176.75 $30.05 $206,80 505 Walnut St 1459 - Monticello Library 2 yard $10.10 $1.72 $11.82 6th St & Walnut 4458 - Hi -Way Liquors 3 yard $20.20 $3.43 $23.63 545 Pine St FDA 95 gal trash $6.82 $1.16 $798 IN Broadway E 65 gal recycle $2.47 $2,47 il_�I `a I L O lTA- .NA.tt�l4_� Ann Zimmerman From: Ange[a Schumann Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 6,27 PM To: Ann Zimmerman Cc: Jeff O'Neill Subject: K Advanced Disposal $10,87 EDA 100 Broadway E OK to pay. Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.M 763- 271 -3224 This email sent by Monticello fiiberNet internet, at 200 mbps speed! From: Ann Zimmerman Sent: Monday, March 25, 201310:56 AM To: Angela Schumann Subject: Advanced Disposal $10.87 FDA 100 Broadway E Angela; Please refer to the bottom of page two of the attachment. Okay to pay a total of $10,87 for garbage and recycling pick up at 100 Broadway East? Annie 2713205 O z z R d g s Qn s (ON q� <r H �m � O :rY�}iy O cam! R q vi r A N N (V N N N N g s 4 s (ON q� �m � q vi r A N N O xn 'M M wl rM O O W 60 00 00 H N rM M N g 4 O O t] o (ON m no q vi N (`l N A N N (V N N N N S p g A A O A PP Ull a N aP� ba 55 g 4 O O t] o (ON m no vi N (`l N N N (V N N N N a f!1 h v, M d A+I Q O z d ffi A O ppp°n. od i Pa a as 0 �a w_ Ri u C� h � b H 0 N m W kn �r nj M N G v# O v i7 y�q A Budifeag sweatshop P.O. Box 412 ROGERS, MN 55374 PHONE # 612- 801 -6717 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DBVELOpMENT ATTN: ANGELA SCHUMANN WWW,BULLFROGSWEATSHOP.COM DAVECn BULLFROGSW EATSHOP.COM P.O, DUE DATE 4/8/202 TtRM5 DUE ON RECEIPT INVOICE DATE 4/8/2013 INVOICE 125 CONSULTING WEBSITF. UPDATES AND CONTRIBUTE TRAINING 1S 80.00 120.00 BULLFROG SWEATSHOP LLC: SUBTOTAL $120.00 SALES TAX (6.875%) $0.00 TOTAL $ 120.00 PAYMENTS /C PIED ITS $0.00 BALANCE DUE MONTICELLO TIMES 90917 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 1952) 392.0800 Fax(743) 296.3080 Advortlalnq Involoe and Stateinant CITY Cif~ MONTICELLO A.TTA : ACCOUNTS PAYA13LE 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Dlnaen R.1,—llnnurhnAlnn WIIM Pavmnnl Amount Paid: Comments: nfiAmc�n4 nf Ar_rnunt .nnmtt nrnwst oua Amaunl$ t :_",.._ a { r c- .!! Li:.� i ,'1� MORE �8.7 1 3/28 /13 1155167 BLUE EGG BAKERY IX LEG 03/28 8.75 128.19 126,19 128.19 MTI / mO :. APB nfiAmc�n4 nf Ar_rnunt .nnmtt nrnwst oua Amaunl$ t :_",.._ a { r c- .!! Li:.� i ,'1� MORE HOWTICELLO `MMES City of Monticello 4{Dfflolal Pub 071110 40710E OF P1JIIO, C HEARING 451 CITY OF MONTICELLO M"tt ECONOMIO DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIQHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 5oard of Commissioners of the City of Monticello i oonom- STATe OF MINNESOTA ) to Development Atllhority (the y ss "EDA") will hold a pubtlo hearing COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) on April 10, 2018, at approxi- mateyy 6:00 p.m. at the City of Monticello• City Council Cham- bars In City Hall, 506 walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Mln- Blobord Hendrick-son, being duly sworn on an nusota, to consider the reposed aalL of cortaln land Moniioe or tth, states or affirms that he is the Chief Broadway In the City of - Financial Officer of the newspaper(s) known to 10 Blue Egg Bakery (the "Fur - The aublact land to do- as �Ulonflcello Times and has full knowledge of chaser). the facts which are stated below, eorlbed as follows: The South Half of Leto 1, 2, and (A) The newspaper has compiled with all of the cello, ccoding othegppietonile requirements constituting qualification and of record In the office of the as a qualified newspaper as provided by Registrar of Deeds In and far Minn. Stat, § 331A.02, 5 331A.07 and Wrlght County, Minnesota, Said South Half of lasts 1, 2, and 5 other applicable laws as amended, Blook 50, can also be desorlbac (13) The printed public notice that Is attached apalnt�of thBeginning n line be- 4,Insaidf3iock; wass published In the newspaper once tween Lots 0 and each week for _ onf3 successive thenoeRautharlyalongsaidcom- mon line 82.6f aot to the Souther - week(s); it was first published on Thurs- ly line of Raid 131oc3t (boring the day, the 28 day of Marsh Southeast corner of said Lot: 3); 2013, and was thereafter printed and Southerly ]nee ofrlLots 3, 2, and 1 published on every Thursday to and for a distance of 09 feet to this including Thursday, the day of Southwest corner of Lot 1; - 2013; and printed thence f kot for Fk dletwce of below Is a copy of the tower case alpha- 82,5-feei; thonco straight Eastor- bet from A to i, both inclusive, which Is lmfeettoihapolntoibeglnning hereby acknowledged as being the size and tharoivrminating. It Is proposed that the EDA will and k1rjdL of type used in the composition conyeyythe land to the Purchaser and publication of the notice; In furthBranco of the FDA's goats for fts Central Monticelio Rede- "" �A abcd hijklmnopgrstuvwxyz vainpment Project No. i. At the hearing, the EDA wN meet to de- ctde. If the add Is advtetabie, A ccpy of alt dooumenta relating to 1 t the proposed sale of Land wfi be Aim fvr Incpea gYt on and available Lion at City Hall during regular buainasa hours. All interested persons may ap- Title, CFO pear at the hearing and present their vlawa olally or prior to the rnestin in wr ting. Subscribed and sworn to or affirm re affirmed befo Date, March za, BY ORDER OF THE BOARD me on this 28 day of March , 2013. OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECO- NOMIC DEVELOPMENT AU- / ® THCRITY let uaif O'Neill Exeoutivs Dlreator of 110 PuO had• March 28, 2Di3 � � (Msr. Eta, 20f 3 MT SIueE Bake ���%JUL.IA I. FI L.IC NN HCTr1NYPl1bWC•l�INNF3UTA � My Camrn. !�Ifp. Jars. 31, 201G MONTICELLO TIMES 19617 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDEN PRAIRIE IAN 60344 (892) 392 -6890 FAk(763)298.349 AdvertlaInU Invoice and Statement CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN.- ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST STE. 1- MONTICELLO MN 55362 Amomial Paid: comments; "9n the Community, With theCommunity, For the Community." 01-- 0.1 ... n 11—, 1,...41.. W116 pa..n— M KUKU Iti A iaV U"ARUb FUR Rt: fUKP W U M[;1Sti. Kt-WW i I Ir KKUKb Y41IMIN 0 VIAY;J IU MUM UVlv7JlWr"A1FU{Y. UNPAID RALANMS OveR 30 DAYS OLD INCUR.A 1,8% FINANCE 0I1AROR PER MONTH, MONTICELLO 'TIMES I -- Awvq awA-Uavu * UNAPPLIED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE _ - I T_•- zsFs -v__ !Si'Y Y V.B e( 3 r- - =mot 1427883 03/2013 133 133 7 CITY OF MONTICELLO NEER — - 3/14/13 1152874 ENA13LING RESOLUTION PH IX 9,0Y I LUG 03/14 9.00 t 131„ 85 131.85 131.85 MTI/MO ' VAR 1 8 2113 + KUKU Iti A iaV U"ARUb FUR Rt: fUKP W U M[;1Sti. Kt-WW i I Ir KKUKb Y41IMIN 0 VIAY;J IU MUM UVlv7JlWr"A1FU{Y. UNPAID RALANMS OveR 30 DAYS OLD INCUR.A 1,8% FINANCE 0I1AROR PER MONTH, MONTICELLO 'TIMES I -- Awvq awA-Uavu * UNAPPLIED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE _ - I T_•- zsFs -v__ !Si'Y Y V.B e( 3 r- - =mot 1427883 03/2013 133 133 7 CITY OF MONTICELLO City of Monticello IF (OfElcfal Pubtloatton) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HDARINQ Ttmt5 NOTICE IS HCREBY glVEN, that the city Oounolt of ilia CKy of Mantloallo will meet an Mande yy; March 26, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Counoll chambers at Cttyy Hall, 605 walnut Street, Montlook AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION lo, Minnesota, to aonduot a puts - Ilo hearing an the queetlon of adopting modlfloatlone to the STATE OF MINNESOTA ) arrrended and restated enabling ss resolutton establishing an Eoo- COUN7Y OF WENN�F'IN norrslo Development Authority Ni "EDA") for the City pursuant to innesotaStatute% hopiar469 (the, "Act°). Summary of Enabling Resolu- Ftic and Wendrle sn being duly sworn on an tEon oath, states or affirms that he Is the Chlef that Te the abll ae f tllel ta EDA es Financial Officer of the newspaper(c) ;mown coordinate end administer all as Montfceflo Times and hers full Knowledge of eocnomla development and r&' the faicts which are stated below. development aativliles of the City. The resolution realtes the (A).The newspaper has compiled with all of delea fodlfloatilont lsoftthe EDA, tavid the requirements oonstituting quallflcettlon states that the Councll has deter - as a qualified newspaper as provided by rninedggthatitispprudontfortheen- Minn. Stat § 331A,02, § 301A.07, and thetinl I enabling o dlnnnce and other applicable laws as amended. all prior modlfloations, (B) The printed public notice that Is attached The EDA will be.gavemed by a 7- member board of commisslon- was published In the newspaper onca era appointed by tha Mayor and DaCI) Week for one successive approved orn I Bone samust he week(s); It was 'first publlshed on Thurs. members of the. City council, day, the 14 day of March , Commissioners who are not City 2013, and was thereafter printed and published on every Thursday to and Counoll memymbers must raeide, nea$Intphe01tyn Certain EDAao- Including Thursday, the - day of tivities will Ise subject t4 review 2013; and printed and approval by the City GouRdl, and certain other limitations will below Is a copy of the lower case alpha- apply to the EDA, bet from A to Z, both inclusive, vvhlch Is The EDA will have all the ppow - hereby acknowledged as being ttte size era given to an economic devel- opment authority under the Act, and kind of type used In the cornpositlon Including the powers ofahousing and publication of the notice: redevelopment authority under abodefghilklranopgrstuvwxyz Minnesota statutes, Sections 469,001 to 469.047; and ofFtCly. under Minnesota Statutes, sea- lions 468.124 to 489,134, Hearing At the publio hearing any par- son wishing to oxprosa a vlow re- By: gardinp the enabling resolullon will be heard orally or In writing, Title: CFO At the, conoluslon of the hearing or any adjournment thereof the Monticello city council will take whatever action it deems neces- SubsCribed and sworn to or affirmed before sary with regard to the enabling resolution. A dopy of the full text me on this 14 day of rch , 2013, ofihe enabling resolution lsonflle for publlo Inap�eotion in the o0loo of the City Clark at City Hall duy- ,yam, In9 normal buslnees hours, BY ORDER OF THE MONTI• CELLO CITY COUNCIL otary Public C' Adminlstrator publish Date, March 14, 2913 Posted Date; Marah8, 2013 3dlLIA I, HELKERN M7 En(Mar. bgRe du4nPHN N07ARY PUFJUC• MINNESOTA , my Comm. >:xp. Jan. 31, 2015 -- •-- ;- .- �.,- ^.. -,_ • •e„ii'�`-- e,:�i:^ ".7";i77'rr "., wit- r.,+ r'• r., •v.,Y- w...wr.n.. <,��.r-- •,•�•.� ....._- .-••.. . ••.�.m o,4 A WPM. Public Notices Submit t)eadline; Monday at ti;Op pm. for p MortticeNo 7 271111 CE sal OT NCTIOE 16 HEREBY GIVEN that Monticello Township will be testing their Mi Co Ballet Counter and Automatk Ballot Marker mrt- chlne on Saturday, March 9th at 10:30 am. for the upcoming townehip election, -Nancy ltopff, Monticello Townshlp Clerk ' (Mar, 7, 2413) MT- PuMmTsst. Now River Medical Centter Offtolal Publicatloon 011`1019 o r PU IC 1tII ETINC NEW AIVER M150104 CENT01 Now River Madlcal Center will hold Its monthly Board of Direc- tors meeting on Thursday, i+Aarch 14, 2413 at 6:80 p.m, at the Now River Medical Center Board Room, ,holdon Johnson,'Chalr (Mar, 7.20-18) MT- iViar14PODMtg Foreclosure Norico NOTICE IS HEHERY GIVEN that default has occurred In the conditions of the. following de- scribed mortggage: DATE OF [vfOWCAOE: August 3, 2007 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGF: 1H8: Andrea J. mdrt3a J. Bonder, Nelson, wife and MORTGAOEF: Sank Forward DATE AND PLACE OF REWS- TERING; Auquat 21, 2007 in the office of the Wslght Gtounty. recorder, by document no. Al062624 RE- RECORDING DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: December 10, 2007, In the ofllce or the-WrIght County recorder,, by doourrant no. Al074CQB LEGAL DESGRIPTIQN OF PROPCAW.. Lot seven (71, lBlook 1Wo (21� �Ro"fling Woods 1 Y IN WHIGH PRCPER� 4NY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: M68,889.71 INTEREST RATE AND PER DIEM Current Interest rate Is a.W with fa dally per dlam of $27.72 FORECLOSURE i]ATA MORTGAGED 0 PROPERTY SYREET ADDRESS: 6103' beer Street Monticello, MN 55802 MORTGAGE PROPERTY TAX PARCEL IDENTWICATION NO,: 1615- 123 - 002070 TRANSAGTIONAGEW. NIA TRANSACTION AQEN718 MORTGAGE 117ENTIFICATIQN NO.: N!A NAME OF RESIDE;N71AL MORTGAGE SERVIOEH; Bank Forward NAME OF LENDER OR BRD- NER: Bank Forward MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR (IF ANY): Bank Forward THAT all pre- ioreo[osuro re- quirements have been oomplled with: thnt no notion or prooeading has been Instituted' at Law or ath- orwlsa to recover the debt so- cured by said mortgage, or any part thereof, PURStIANT to the power of sale contained 1n said mortgage, the above- doscrlbad propedywlll be said by the 5herlff of said oaunly as follows; DATE AND TIME OF SALE, Ntarah 28, 2tli8, at 10;04 a,m• PLAgH OF SAf do Wright County Sheriff La,g Enfomomant Center 3800 l3raddeak Avenue NE Buffalo MN 56312 -3682 to pay khe daht sanurod by sold mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, Including Attor- neysfaes•allowodbytaw,sub} of to redomptton within elx (S) monthsfrom the dake of said gala by the mortgagors, their psrsanat repreBentatives or assigns. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner- occupled single - family dwelling, unless otherwlsa pro- vided by law, the data an or be- fore which the mortgagora must vacate tho property 11 thn mort- age fe not rainst€rted under suc- tion 680.30, or the property Is not rodiaomed Udder section 580,23, is 11,59 p.m. on 8aplamber 26, 2013, crlhe next business day 9 8optember 26, 2013, fails on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holi- ddrtgaggore released from fi- romlal Nilgaticn on mortgage: NONFl Dated: December B, 2011 Bank Forward, Mortgagee Dfalm Wason & Christopher, LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE Datadr February 29 and March bar 2, 2006 NOT PROPERTY USED INAcfl" 7, 2013 PAL Aivfc]Uf CULTUPAL PRODUCTION, AND (Feb. 28 & Mar. 7, 2013) $106,000.01 ARE ABANDONED." M_T- EnablingReaoMn. Yvame Vlk THIS iS A CUMMUNIO(HON We and Hr FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. (Feb. 7,14 21,28, Mar. 7,14, Coyflicab of Assumed Name ants MOR1 Eleatronla R 2013) MT�h�etsonVoreoloaura 10fildol P011oation) lno, as nom/ City of Montloello (Officlal Publication) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINft NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that the CltyCounoil of the City of Monticallo will meet on Monday, Muroh 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m, in the Cougoll Chambers at City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, Minnesota, to conduct a public hearing on the question of adopt - ing modifcationsiatheamended and restated onabling resolution estabUatiing an Eaonomlo Davai- opmsnt Authority V" DNI for tW City put'suant to Minnesota 8latutes, Chapter 489 (the "Act " ), Summary of Enabling Reaclu- tlan The enabling resolution states that the purpose of the EDA Is to coordinate and adminlstor all eoonomla development and m- develapmentootivillasofthe City. Theresolutlan reoitee the dates of of the FW\ and Office otthe Minnesota secretary of state Assumed Name 1 Amendment to Aspurned Name minnosoto statutes, Chapter 283 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with ex- oluslva rights to that name. The "I'll rs required for consumer proteatlon In order to enable con- sumers to he able to identify the true owner ofe business. 1. Llstthe exact assumed name tinder which the business Is or 'will be oonduated; ea[on T(loonn 2. Princ i Place of Business: 4097 Ca ar Street Monticello MN 66362 a. List the name and complete street address of all persons con - dualing buelnoes under the above Asaumnd Name, OR If an entity, provide the legal aorpo- rate, LLC, or Limped Partnership name and registered oiiloe ad- dims: Amy Ukrkes 4670 Stanorldge Lit the Qeunoll has dolermLned that It M01100`e110 MN15tf362 is prudent forthe enabling resoiu- 4. This aerillloote Is an amend - tlon to supersede the Initial en- ment of Cerilltoate of Assumed Wing ordinance and all prior Name Hie Number: 2738339 -2 nwdifloattcns, 0rh11nolly illed on: 2126/2009 The ERA will be governed by a Undder the name: Angle zlllrner 7- member board cf commission- 5, (, the undareNned, certify ors appointed by the Mayor and that 1 am signing this dacument approved by the C!ty Council At as the parson whose signature is least 2 oammissloners must be, required, or as agent el the per - members of the City Gounoh. son(n) whose slgnatunt would be Gommisr3lonors who arc not Olty required who has euthofted me Counoll members must reside, to elfin this document an his /her own property, and/or own a busl- behalf, or In both capacities. I'iur- noes in the City, Oerteln EDA so- ther certify that I have completed tivlties will be subject to review- all required fields, and that the [n- and approval by the City COUn011, formation In this, dacument Is true and certaln -other llmitalions will and correot and In ccmpikMos apply to the EDA, with the applicable chapter of The EDA will have all the ppow- Minnesota 81atutea, /understand ers given to on eoonomlc deve)- that by eigning ibis document opment authority under the Act, aln subject to the penalties of- Including the powers of a housing perjury as set forth En Saotlon redevelopment authority under 609,49 as If 1 had signed this doc- Minnsao a Statutes, 860tiono ument under Wit. 4Qi1.001 ku 489,U i and of a City FILED: January 11, 2013 under Minnesota statutes, Sec- tions 496.124 to 468,134, Isl Amy Akrkee, Owner Hearing (Fob. 28 & Mar, 7, 2013) At the public, hearing any par - MT- SaionTUsoan son wishing to express a vlow re- garding the enabling resoiuliort will be heard orally or In writing. At the conclusion of the hearing or any adjournment thereof the Mol�ilcello 0 iy Council will tape whatever action It dooms nouoa- aary with regard to tho enobing resolution. A copy of the full Text otthaenobling resowilon is on Ella far MpRo fnspaction In the office oft hb City Clerk at City Hall dur- I normal buelness houra. 12Y ORDER OF THE MONTI. C1=i.i3O CITY COUNGI. City Administrator Foreclosure Fostponel lent OF TION OF THE DE9TAND IDENTI- TY OF THH ORIGINAL CRE01- TOR WHIN THETIME PROVID- ED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION, NOTICE IS H F-RVW GIVEN: That dofauit has occurred In the oondltlano of the iollowing desorlbed mortgage: DATE OF MORTO E: Decem, ern F AND merit No. A 99 TO. HSBG Bar Trustee on behi two Co "a 1irust and for tit ers of AGE I Home Ewgtl�V t 2006 -ASAX Pass-Through( May 31, 2006 September 27 ment No.A115 18 Loci AMOUNT ON THE DATEOPI dred TWO Proceeding hat aw to recover by said morti thereof; fast th, pliance with e notice and w ments of said applicable stal to Ito power o said mortgag. scrlbed propel the Sheriff of t Iowa: 0ATE 0 ME, Buffalo, h debt than se gage and to paid by the premises orx iuUmoments i time allowed Lion by said personal rep alone Is 6,01 date of sale. I Instated trod tlon680,30 a' redeemed ur tlon500,2% t vacate the p 11158 p,m, ci the next bur 24, 2018 fear day, or Wet Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Slxth Street Sulte 470 Minneapolla, MN 55402 (612) $37 -9300 March 31, 2013 Statement No, 113523 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 506 Walnut Avenue, 5ulte 1 Modoello, MN 55382 Through February 28, 2013 MN190 -00101 General EDA Matters I doolare, under.penalty of law, that thls account, oialm or demand is just and correct and that no pgr t of it has been pal 3lanat+ure of Claimant y tY !V � •t f P 'VV — It APR 10 203 ` N I kit u "i 11 ••1'i.l.� f:., � �y• � Y•'e'.. ..K 1HnS1:.lN1i 2,070.00 Total Current Billing: 2,070,00 Page; 1 Kennedy & Graven Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Sulte 470 Minneapolis, MN 56402 ; = APR 10 2413 City of Monticello ' February 28, 2013 MN190 -00901 General EDA Matters Through February 28, 2013 For All Legal services As F'ollowa; Fours Amount 218/2013 MNI Review email from A Schumann regarding possible 1.00 160.00 redevelopment Tit' d1striat, amendments to EDA bylaws, and QMEF loan questions; email memo to same regarding bylaws question; research regarding TIF questions, 211112013 MNI Email correspondence with A Schumann regarding EDA 1.60 288.00 bylaws ohanges and need for public hearing; review and revise bylaws and prepare notice. 2/12/2013 MNI Revise enabling resolution. 0.100 162,00 2/1412013 MNI Phone conversation with A Schumann regarding various 0.80 944.00 EDA questlons, 2/1412013 MNl Revtse enabling resolution, draft notice of public hearing 0,60 108,00 for EDA enabling resolutton amendment. 212112013 MNI s=mall and volcemall correspondence with A Schumann 0.20 36.00 regarding LOA enabling resolution. 2121/2013 MNI Review management plan for 71F 1 -22. 0,40 72.00 212212013 MNI Questions from A Schumann regarding QMEF loans for 0.40 72.00 vet cllnlc; review file and email to A Schumann regarding 2 loans, 2125/2013 MNI Phone conversation with A Schumann regarding various 0.50 90,00 questions on TIF 1 -22, purchase option for property, Block 34, other Issues, 212812013 MNI Travel and meeting with EDA staff and consultants 4.20 756,04 regarding Block 341TIF 1 -22 matters in preparatlon for EDA wodt shop, 2/28/2093 MNI Meeting preparation for FAA and consultant meeting on 0190 162,00 Black 34. Toted Services: $ 2,070.00 Page, 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 So& Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 56402 City of Mon #Iceilo February 28, 2013 Total Services and Disbursemente; $ 2,070.00 4 1 NON Invoice submitted to: City of Monticello Attn: Angela Schumann 606 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 65362 Wilson Development Semites, LLC 690 North Chestnut Street, 5ulto 200 Chaska, MN 56318 962.448,41330 $00.448,4630 FEIN 20- 1620071 Involve Date, Invoice Number last Bill Date March 13, 2013 23136 241212013 APR 1 2x,013 In Reference To.- Acquisition & Relocation Services - Montgomery Farms Professional Services HrsIRe to _. Amount 8l. Used Bike Shop 2/112013 DML Time 0.30 22.54 :- Typod momo to Angela regarding JIm Paterson phone call summary 75.001hr Bt, Used 131ke Shop 214/2093 DHW Time 0.30 33.00 Call with Robb, status of lease & bulid out details 110.001hr Fat. Used Bike Shop 2/13/2013 DHW Time 3.50 385.00 Meeting at site with Angela, Wayne, Rob and Peterson - discuss 110.001hr plans. Explain relocation application to costs proposed 131- Used Dike Shop DHW Time 0.60 55.00 Deceived memo from Peterson regarding request meeting to discuss 110,001hr cost estimate - review. Call to Rob - left message regarding meeting. Memo to Peterson regarding meeting at site. Call Angela - same left message BL Used Blke Shop 2/20/2013 DIVIL Time 0.40 30.00 Type memo to Angela Schumann regarding lease revisions 75,00/hr Type Draft memo to Angela Schumann from Rob Butler regarding requesting Relocation Advance Payment - put on Monticello letterhead BL Used Bike Shop City of Monticello Monticello - Montgomery Farms page _ HrstRate _ Amount 2120/2013 DHW Time 0.70 77.00 Review lease 110.001hr Cali Rob regarding (sass coming 1.30 123.60 Call from Carpenter regarding he has moved, needs money. Draft advance pay authorization for rent payment. Calculated increased operating expenses using pages from new Memo to Angela regarding same rough arnount of olalm with pan. Email to Angie at City for past due BL Used Bike Shop rents. 2/21/2013 DHW Time 15.30 33.00 Cail with Angela - unpaid rent and building status. Call with Peterson - 110.001hr lease status BL Used Bliss Shop 2126/2018 pMIL Time 0.40 3D.00 Type memo to Rots Butler, cc Angela Schumann regarding relocation 76.001hr budget, aource and use of Funds BL Used Bike Shop DHW Time 0.60 55.00 Review draft lease From Peterson for 91- Used slke Shop, prepare 110.00 /hr list of casts for Rob In lease. BL Used Bike Shop 2/26/2018 DHW Time 0.30 33.00 Call to Rob - discuss budget momo and Work to do 110.001hr BL Used Bike Shop 212812018 DHW Time 1.60 165.00 Meeting with Angela regarding lease with change to advance 110.001hr rolooation form for unpaid rent. Meeting with Rob - discuss and have lease signed with advance relocation form for unpaid rent signed, return forms to City. Discuss with Rob lease negotiations and timing with Jim Peterson BL Used Bike Shop SUBTOTAL: Good Clean Fun Tattoos 8.70 918.50; 211312013 DHW Time 0.50 55.03 Memo. for Angela regarding move-out, Call John -phone disconnect. 110,001hr Email to John regarding contact for rolooation claim Good Clean Fun Tattoos 2/2012013 LGT Time 1.30 123.60 Call from Carpenter regarding he has moved, needs money. 96.00 /hr Calculated increased operating expenses using pages from new lease, discussed CAM fees, need Invoices with Carpenter, Discussed rough arnount of olalm with pan. Email to Angie at City for past due rents. Good Glean Fun Tattoos City of Monticello Monticello - Montgomery Farms Page a 2120/2013 DHW Tlme Discuss with Leah caloulatlon of increased rent for Business Re- Eatabiishment, Good Clean Pun Tattoos 2/2112013 LOT Time Message from/cal! to Berger, calllemall to Angle at Clty regarding Cheek sent to Berger and cashed for move estimate. Good Clean Pun Tattoos 2126/2013 LGT Time Message from Berger regarding $100 fee for estimate Good Clean Fan Tattoos 2/2712013 LOT Time Discussed Business Re- Establishment Expenses l self-move claim (Increased operating costs) with Dan Good Clean Fun Tattoos DHW Time Discuss increase rent claim with Leah Good Glean Fun Tattoos SUBTOTAL: 2128/2013 DNIL Time 211-2128,2013 Consultant entries recorded to database for ollent/case history, status and ffle maintenancelbacicup. z- Project Management SUBTOTAL: For professlonal services rendered Additional Charges; H[.. Used Bike! Shop 2/13/2013 DHVV Mlleage Mlleage -1 -1 -2013 IRS Rate - meeting at site BL Used Bike Shop SUBTOTAL., Rate Amount 0.20 22.00 1 10.001h r 0,30 28.50 95,001hr 0.10 9.50 96.00/hr 0.30 28.00 95.00/hr 0.20 22.00 110.001hr [ 2.90 280.00; 1,45 100.76 75.001hr [ 1.45 108,75' 13.05 $1,318.25 GktylPr�oe - 102 67.63 0,67 137.63; City of Monticello Monticello - Montgomery Farms x- Project Management 2128/2013 Coples- Internal Coplas - 211 - 2128, 2013 a- Project Management SUBTOTAL! Total costs For professional services rendered Total amount of this bill Previous balance, 2112120113 Payment -Thank You. Check Igo, 110198 Total payments and adjustments Balance due Pago 4 f !Price ftgun t 21 3.15 0.95 $50.78 13,05 $1,377.03 $1,377,03 $7,444.02 4$3,284.03 ($3,284,03 $5,537.02 R Avodatty gas us0;'lrrrs pollod tWo yr 0.1 thormw thle POW lestyr a.3 unarms Page 1 of 1 Avpdal¢ tamp; Thlt paned {tile year 87'1 I this period lost yea! 40'p, cWte)P01120 Mar ihis porBon M& paymanL Plsass do not lncludo tetrsr4 ar nat45 < W-01 y Account number 9429448 -5 Date due 04/90/2111 S Total amount due $ 15.56 00HERPOIM' ENERGY Amount paid PO SOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN $8440 -1144 cENTEnPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON 7X 77210.4671 l>; It�1, 1111l�lirllA���ll' �Idltll '�hlllllll�ll�l�ll'I�Ili�n�li oaole1e501 AV 0,3601 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEV6I.,OPM6NT 60S WALNUTST MONTICELLO MN 156809.8821 111�11'jtµll( 111111' IiI" IPr' rtli "dl'���hlll'lllt�lttjl�ll�tl�l ^` f12!0p08l1n ,855!7 00720000094294485601100001115560p000fl01 ,55620 �CrenterPQInt, jl cuetnlrter name. THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429448 -6 AlwaysThete® SillIng data 04102!2013 Onto due 04/30120/9 Total amount duo $16,68 """"— QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? - - CenferPolrn Energy - PO BOX 1144 — MINNEAPOLIS MN 65440 -1144 ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges ' (Address not for hill payment) Previous Balance Payment otwai 201t� 130'37 Monday - Filday Call 8 a,m, - 6 p.M. "'�" Cairene forward Bill info 619. 321 -4939 Current Wiling 15.158 CgnterPgtrli>;rrergyoom _ Total amount duo $15,56 SERVICE ADDRESS 208 pine at Monticello MN 66062 -8666 DIDYOU KNOW? YOUR GAS JDAGE Me16r d M1890231 sou 02 nay billingg period 02128!2013 to 0410112013 Your acoclunt is read to y Curranl roading Previous roading 0410112013 02128!2013 978 974 view now Register for free Motored usage o4 ooV XTnarm (actor 61 1,00736 4 Therms need (n ls2dop 4 online account access, View Next motor reading 0412812013 balance, Usage history, make an online payment, view Next billing dais 0510112013 recommendations for saving YOUR SILL IN DETAIL Comllnd pirm Rate energy and motley with My Paulo charge $12.00 Energyy Analyzer, and much Dullvoryahargc 41horms @ $0,161a61THM 0.64 more. Reggister, at CenterPolnlEnergy.coml 17ae0ttoingg adjustment 4 #henna 0 $0,00420NHS I 0.03 Rau Aflnrdrblllity PRO 4 therms (0$0,004900M M 0.02 rnyaccountonline. Cast of UAW a lharme 0 t$0,46760iTHM 10 Pay your next bill without State antes lax 1,03 Iffling a lingger. To enroll In Total current charges $1150 Autornalia Bank Draft, just A n and date the back of your blip stub and return to us with a check for your payment amount. ltsthal easy! ...� .Lsi 1 l � I ,• •, 'c ;' .,... ;�'' �; ;ill . r v' , .'I Avodatty gas us0;'lrrrs pollod tWo yr 0.1 thormw thle POW lestyr a.3 unarms Page 1 of 1 Avpdal¢ tamp; Thlt paned {tile year 87'1 I this period lost yea! 40'p, cWte)P01120 Mar ihis porBon M& paymanL Plsass do not lncludo tetrsr4 ar nat45 < W-01 y Account number 9429448 -5 Date due 04/90/2111 S Total amount due $ 15.56 00HERPOIM' ENERGY Amount paid PO SOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN $8440 -1144 cENTEnPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON 7X 77210.4671 l>; It�1, 1111l�lirllA���ll' �Idltll '�hlllllll�ll�l�ll'I�Ili�n�li oaole1e501 AV 0,3601 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEV6I.,OPM6NT 60S WALNUTST MONTICELLO MN 156809.8821 111�11'jtµll( 111111' IiI" IPr' rtli "dl'���hlll'lllt�lttjl�ll�tl�l ^` f12!0p08l1n ,855!7 00720000094294485601100001115560p000fl01 ,55620 I IT Avg dally gas use: Thtsperled Ihte pr tt.a Immo; file pa:lxl lass yr a4 Owe t iterPnlnt. rn�rpY Alwoya'ltwe,' CENTE11POINT ENERGY POIDOX i 144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 5540.1144 P4901 Of 1 Avg d* tamp:'ilnie parlay! idle year 977, thle period taet year 2B 1F Mill Hdo porUenwtlh paymcaL Piaaaa du nottaoluds letters or nawa Account number 9739645.1 Date due 04/30/2013 Total amount due $194.00 Arliountpald $— CENTERPOINT ENERGY PC NOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 111111111111111i11111111111 11 llllh�ll�ld11111411ru1 000i0VQ01 AV 04601 01TY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -0822 1111111u11�111111111111u11u11u1111111u111111111 11111�1111tr1 02610759991649 I: i0720OU00973964Sl7UODUUUl940 agOOI,IaLI1 940010 !'�fa MIT= , . i ar Customer name CITY 01=-MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN Adaounlnumbsr 0739645 -1 Always lheie BIIIIng data 04/02/2013 Date! due 04!3012019 Total amount due $194.00 allESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPolnt Enemy PO BOX 1144 w— MINNEAPOLIS MN 555440.1144 ACOT SUMMARY GOO ohargos ' ` (Address not for gill payment) Previous balance I?eytnent oal2aleula $1!333 2 -1113 32 Monday- Friday Oall 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Ba[tinae forward $ 0,00 J. Bit] Info 612. 321.4939 Current billing 194.00 CentsrAnllttEnergyxnnl Total amount duo $i94.oO SERVICE ADDRESS 106 R Broadway St Montloollo MN 55302.9321 DID YOU KNOW? YOUR GAS USAGE Motor 4M1BOOR319700 32 PAY blllingg parlod 0 2128120 10 to 04101120 1 9 Your etcaQUnt la read to Y Current reading Provlous reading 0410112019 2000 02/28120 t3 1744 v,la+uwnow, nogisterfortree Motored usage 79M1f; Lr Mann Wor ol7.od786- Thorrneuee4In02daya 266 Online account> crass. View Next meter reading 04/2912013 balance, Usage history, make Next billing date 0510112013 an online payment view r'ecommendallons for saving YOUR BILL IN DETAIL ComAnd Him Hate energy and money with My Basle charge $12.00 Energy Analyzer, and much Dellvery charge 286 therms @ $0.161061lHM 42,84 rrlors, Reggls er at Rocoupling adjtlalment 268 Iherms @ $0,00820trHM 2,18 .CtlnterPofntEnergy.com/ Gas Aifwr ablllty PRG 266 Iherms @ $0,004901THM 1,30 myaccounlonllne. , cost of gas" 266Iherms @ $0,4631WTHM 123,20 Pay your next bill without State sales tax 1 2,48 lifting a finger. To enroll In Automxtia Bank matt, 11-18t sign Total current charges &1194.00 and date the Wait of your bill _... . stub and return to us with a R - hgokfor your payntsnt t! 'r •f +. r amount, Its that easy! i r.l I IT Avg dally gas use: Thtsperled Ihte pr tt.a Immo; file pa:lxl lass yr a4 Owe t iterPnlnt. rn�rpY Alwoya'ltwe,' CENTE11POINT ENERGY POIDOX i 144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 5540.1144 P4901 Of 1 Avg d* tamp:'ilnie parlay! idle year 977, thle period taet year 2B 1F Mill Hdo porUenwtlh paymcaL Piaaaa du nottaoluds letters or nawa Account number 9739645.1 Date due 04/30/2013 Total amount due $194.00 Arliountpald $— CENTERPOINT ENERGY PC NOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 111111111111111i11111111111 11 llllh�ll�ld11111411ru1 000i0VQ01 AV 04601 01TY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -0822 1111111u11�111111111111u11u11u1111111u111111111 11111�1111tr1 02610759991649 I: i0720OU00973964Sl7UODUUUl940 agOOI,IaLI1 940010 Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account numbar 9429450 -1 AhvwThere.° 01111rrg date 04!0212013 Date due 04130/2013 Total amount due $ 24%92 QUESTIONS OIR COMMENTS? - CenterPaint Enemy - -- PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLiS.MN 56444 -1144 (Address not for'bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a,It1, - 6 p.m, BIII lnf0 612 -321 -4939 Gnnterpolnit8nergyoom END YOU KNOW? Your account Is ready to vlow now. iegister for tree online account access. View balance, Usage histoty, make an online paytnent view recommendations for saving energy rind money with My Cnerg Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterpoIntEnergy,comf myaccountonfine. Ray your next hill wilhout lifting a finger. To enroll In Automattto Bark Dralt, just sign and data the back of your bill stub and return to us with a oheok,fur flour payment amount. II s that easy! ACCT SUMMARY Gras charges Provlous Wlanots $272,67 payment 03/2012013 _ _ .272.07 Balanoe forward 04/01120110 Current billing 840,92 Total amount due $249.92 SERVICE ACIDNESS 112 IS Broadway St Monticello MN 85362.054 YOUR GAS USAGE Motor M1000910 07 32 -Day bill Ing parlod 02/2012013 to 0410112010 Gu rront reading 04/01120110 Biel Previous reading 02128/2013 2784 Meterad uongo 341 t3pFx>iharm feeler of 1.cores a Yflerme used fn 9x days 350 Next motor reading 0412912013 Next billing dato 0610112013 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comlind Flrm Rate Basta charge $1$,00 I)allvery ahargo 360 therms CAP $0.1684131MM 66,47 paaou}rlfng adJugtment 050 therms @ - $0,00987AHM -3.46 CasAfford0IlltyfJRG 550tharrm Q $O,00430h'HM 1.72 Rest of gas* 050 tharmt; 0 $0,4ae14hHM 162.10 Slate salastax 18,08 Total current oharps Avg 64 gat oorlille padod ft yr 10.0 therms; thla porlod lael yr CO thorme Pdgi0 1 Of 1 $249A2 Avg dally tMP lVe porlud $19 Y60 27'K, He paned laot year 4a °P. Ak Cerlteft)nt. Nod ns porHan%lth poymant. Plasma do notImNda lat4sre cr notga _ Ena7gy Account number 8428460 -1 nrwave rte Dale due � 04/30/2013 Total amount due $ 249,52 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 11144 MINNEAPOLIS LIMN 55440.1144 OENTURPOINT ENERGY [ O BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210.4671 111111i11i1111t11111n1IIt11111n111i1111111��1 >t111I111r14111tI1 00018186 01 " 0.0801 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 56302.8821 1r1tIp111111gI111111111ii11 111fE 111111ldhIIIIII11111111pirull 0200080[768542 OU7�DOn OU94a44 5010000000�4992UDDOaD2499290 mk 1 M10x0 1 i , ergy Oustomer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC !DEVELOPMENT Alwap Thom,* account number 131111ng date 8429449,3 04/0212013 Date due 041301201$ Total amount due $12.82 QUESTIONS OR COMMENT87 OenterPolnt Energy — PO BOX 1144 — MINNEAPOLIS MN 66440.1144 ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges (Address not for bill payment) Previous balance pa munt oal2ela013 $12,02 - 12,112 Monday - Friday Gall 8 a,m. - 5 pp, 8etlanao forward � o,00 � Bill into 612 -321 -4939 Centarl ?olntt:nergy.cnm Ccrrentbllling tg,02 Total amount due $12A9 SERVICE AnnnEEs 202 pine St DID YOU KNOW? Morltloello MN 66362.8666 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M16B22312ee7 32 Cray billing period 02/28 013 to 04101/2013 Your account Is ready to Current reading 04/01/2013 previous reading 0212012013 6369 5369 View now, Ileglister for free MetaraduSagc 9000FxTharmraotort41 ,00raaATtlotm4 Rood In09dop 0 online account access. View Next meter reading 04/2912010 balanao, usage history, make Nexi billing data 0610112013 an online payment, view recommendations for saving YOUR BILL JN DETAIL Comllnd Flrtx Rate anorgy and money with My Basic charge $12,g0 Energy Analyzer, andrnuoh IDallver.ycharge 0,00 mare. Register at CenterPointEnergy,coml Deco upIing adlIustmerit 0,00 GasAifordabllity PRO 0,00 myaacountonline, state sales tax 0,82 i?a, your next bill without Total current charges $12,82 Iifltng atinger. To enroll in Automatic Bank Draft, just slgn and date the back of your bill? stub and return to us with a check for your.paymont amount. It s that easy! 'k e • ,. + it 1 ' 5 •,H•ii, �Mr yyy,,, , ••i 1, I iii • ��, fJl �= �� PdgG I Of { Avg daly tamp,. TWs parted No year 27 °F; thin parlod 10 yvnr WK IenttrPl�IlFi Mall Ho portlon willrpaymant. Rana do notln41ado 141tora'ur Fiat*& Account number 9428449 -3 Alwoye7hosct' pate 4LIe 0413012013 Total amount due = $12,82 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO ROX 1144 MINNI APOUS PAN x5444.1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PC pox 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4871 irit� {t{ 1111'{ Ir1111n111111111111 hill" I'll 141It1111t1{III11P {u 60010164 01 AV 0.3601 THE CITY-OP MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOG WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 66062 -0021 NII[il1 {' {l 111{{ r1{ t1ll' IIf1'"' i{" {It'11'lllll'IIIIIIt�1 {Itlrilli U0908006853S OU72OG GOq 424 4493000©11i]U01282000I0001a8290 centerPoPnrE`a Gas oharges Previous balance Energy C,Ueto nor name CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN Balance forward Account number 8739641 -0 Always There,° BIIIIng date 0410212013 Metered usago 00 OuP X mom Tutor or 1,00796 - Tharmo LIDO In 139 Date due 04/30/2013 0412912018 Total amount due $ 112.82 — QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? GenterPoint Energy FPO BOX 1144 — MINNEAPOLIS MN SMO.1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Cali 8 am. - 6 pm. Bill Into 612- 321 -4909 ContorPolaftorgy -oom r D €DYOU KNOW? Your account !a ready to view now. Register for free online accouol access. View balance, usage'history, make an online payment, view Cocommendations for saving energy and money with My Cnerg ,final zer, and mud>I more. Regisrer at Centerpo f ntEnergy.caml myaaco untonitne. Pay your next bill wIthoul lifting aft t�g�r. To enroll In Automatic f3arlk Draft, just si n and date the back of your bil? stub and return to tis with a check to r your payment amount,11 s that easyl i ACCT SUMMARY Gas oharges Previous balance $12.62 PUMen1 03/281201 G - 12,82 f Balance forward $ 000 V Current billlnq 1282 Total antountaue -- $12.62 SERVICE ADDRESS 100 E Broadway 8t Monticello MN 55302 -9321 YOUR GAS t1WE Mater# MIOBO9312799 32 Day billing period 0212012013 to 0410112013 Current reading 0410//8013 9884 Previous readlnp 02/28/2013 8984 Metered usago 00 OuP X mom Tutor or 1,00796 - Tharmo LIDO In 139 days Q Next motor reading 0412912018 Next billing date 001/2013 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL ODMAnd F1rm fate Baelo charge $12,00 Delivery charge 0100 D000uppling adJttalmant 0,00 Gas Affordability PRO 0100 State sales tax 0,02 Total current charges $12,82 Avg dally On vas, This psrlod thls yr OA therm; Nils pstlod loot ye 6.0 thormo A cankrprd1it ,l;he�gy Always Tnexe' CeNTERPOINT ENFROY 110 BOX 1 t44 MINttll~APOLIS MN 58440.1144 �•: -.., `�5 ''• .- ._ •' u �� � it <, 31 I^ ',�' V i I ��, PagA 'I of 1 Avgdslty'taniprThls psrfod thlopm WN M psltad latty4er RVE At's114is pardon vAth paymont. Please do not ineiuda Attars crltatos < Account number 9739641 -0 'Date due 0413012013 Total amount due $ 92,82 Amount paid $ CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOJSTON TX 77210 4671 1 1I11ltI1i1111ItIlihllPrililllllttl ! #fltlllll111lIirll�lllllll! 00448178 di AV 0.9681 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 606 WALNUT-ST GTE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55862.8822 lllrl�lu11111IIlrIill! llu11a, 1�p1111111111r11lII '11�11IIIlIIII'I 0260078'34901 007200000 9739L41000000000128200000(3012829U DEVELOPMENT IL �ERVICES LLC Date: April 9, 2013 To; Angie McIntire Angela Schumann From;. Dan Wilson Re: PAYMENT REQUEST_ City of M- onticello Relocation BL Used Bike Shop Relocation Claim ##3 Check Request: $2,400.00 - -- Check payable to: Domain Architecture & Design Please mail check to: Domain Arohiteeture & Design 2748 Hennepin Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55408 OFFICE 952.448AM0 800.448.4630 FAX 952.448.4676 510 N. CHESTNUT STREET SUITE 200 CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 WWW . WILSONDEVELOPMENTSERVICES.COM Moving expenses -49 C1aR, 24.301 (g) (12) of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real property Acquisition for Federal and Federally - Assisted Programs. Professional Services plan the move claim, in the amount of $2,400.00. Please see attachments: Business Relocation Summary Attachment to; Business Relocation - Claim #3 Domain Invoice #12923 Signed Moving Cost claim #3 Business Relocation Summary Business Name; BL Used Bike Shop MnlDOT Claim. #3 24.303 Related Expenses STEM Previously Submitted ubilt,1 Claim Amount to Date 24.301(g) Actual Moving Expenses NOUN ' 1 Trans ortation of personal roe _ "' - 2 Packing, crating, un acldn un- gratin - ` - - 3 Disconnectlon li dismantn , etc, of personal roper[ - 4 Storage of personal propeqy _ - 5 Insurance for replacement value - 0 Loss of propeqy, damaged, stolen - 7 Other related expense SUBTOTAL - 11 Licenses, permit & certification 12 Professional Services Plan the Move 2,400,04 13 Printed Material/ signs - - - 14 Direct Loss - 16 Cost incurred In sale - 16 Purchase of substitute property - 17 Searching for replacement 2,600.00 n - 2,500,00 18 Low Value -Hi h Value _ - - SUBTOTAL 00,00 ;6. Y 4 940.00 24.303 Related Expenses O � �,.�.. a Utilities from ROW - b Professional feeldetermine suitability- _ c Impact Fees - ` - 4 SUBTOTAL4 - 24.304(a) Business Reestablishment 1 Cade loo ulrements 2 Modification to re acement 2roperty _ 3 Exterior Si na a - ` - 4 Redecorationlreplacement surfaces a Advertisement - 0 increased operational costs 36,210.00 $6,210.00 7 Other a.� -x:., SUBTOTAL 36,210.00 'r 3u,210.00 TOTAL 3B 714.1}0 k . , . ,;,:Q , 41,110.00 ATTACHMENT TO: Business Relocation - Move Claim 93 FOR: 13L Used Bike Shop The Displacee had a concept plan conducted for replacement site located at 530 Cedar Street in Monticello, MN. Section 24.30101 Payment for actual reasonable nnoving......... (12) professional services plan the move...,. BL Used Bike Sinop had a concept plan provided by Domain Architecture & Design for basic architectural services in the amount of $2,400.00. See Attached invoice #12923. Rob Butler 517 H Ig hway 25 PQ Qox 1297 Monticello, MN 55362 INVOICE OICE Invoice # 12923 Billing Date 1/2412013 81111nq Period 2013 January Terms Oue on receipt Architectural Services Providad Rate Quantity Amount Basle Service BL Bike & Boards concept plan IWO 16.00 2,400.00 site visit, as built documention, concept plan, code review 18% [1.5% monthly] interest on unpald amounts 20 days after invoice date Total Invoice $2,400.00 'fatal Amount Due On receipt $2;400.00 �fb� [ �Ilnn2sofai )enartm�nin�Tr�snsrsnrtatir�r� .,on�nrn� 13 MN State Tax I.D. No,: USIDEN. T.IAL Moving Costs Instructions for submitting your claim The State wilt allow residential moving expenses to a displaced Individual or family based art cithcr a ROOM SC148DULE or relmbursement for ACTUAL COSTS lnburred. As a displaces you will he asked to select fho method Indst suitable to your nccds. IMPORTANT' Consult and thopoughiy discuss moving options and methods with a relocation advisor-prior to moving, The State cannot a -cinrburse: you for any alteration which may constitute a home improvement. Tho Agency will riot consider, pay or. reimburse for overtime -charges, exmpt]n emergency situations as determined boforehand by the State of Minnesota, Payments by Room Schedule Under this method, payment Is oomputrd on the number of rooms In your residence, dxalusive of tyiilcal olosft poaches, uantrles. btithrooms, hallways, entrances or any unfurnished rooms, A bwemedt may be considered one room unless It has been separated into livable rooms such as bedrooms or recreation rooms. Outbuildings used for story t pucp=5 ma also be counted by Lhe room basis, The Qrcunant provides rurniture The Qca pggl goes tJo4 prgYLq F4rrilll .Aro _ Rooms 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 Addihlonaf Rooms Rooms 1 Additional Rooms i Amount $850 700 Soh 1100 1300 1.500 1700 1000 $2WE:ach Amount $+425 $1001Each Payments by Meeipt or Actual Cost Under this method, the We may allow mitnbursement fur reasonable and necessary (as determined by the agency) expenses incurred In moving your personal pro�erty for tt distance n-ot to Mx ged_ i1 crctles. lliis is not an adjustment iqr incgnvenleuaes which have eccurred yr For tic io lost at your regular ocalpation, Moving expenses toll. be -paid upon compliance with the following instarcilons, 1. When you are moved by a professional moving company; pay the charges and obtain a.delalled, ifemimd recelpted bill marked "Paid in pull" and signed by a company representative, picnic confirm eligibility tivith a Relocation Advisor pr €or to the move. 2, If your personal property is moved by someone other than a professlonoi moving company, you must submit an itemized statement-showing the number of people, hired, Ste rates per hour pall, dittos, and the total hours worked 1br each. individual and the equipment used, please discuss this method wifli your Ralocatlon Advisor prior to moving and inourring expenses, 3. You must complete the bottom portloq of the front of this Claim Form In Ink. Attach to the original of this form all requ ired information. pertaining to your move a)id mail to the - Relocation Adalsor shown on the lower left corner on the front of this fgrm_ 4. in the event you are Bound ally unable to pay the moving company, special arrangements may be made with the Roloention Advisor to allow direct payment, or an advance - payment claim. This must be done well In• advance of the revving dnte. NQN RESIDENTIAL Moylug Costs Insitructions For aui>mittingyour clahip Relocatlou regulations allow moving expenses to a displaced buslneas,• farm or non - profit orVnizatlon based on actual costs Incurred in moving Personal property For It distance J& to ceased 50 miles. However; regulations do not at I'm for:inconvenienoea whtrlt tnay ocput or for business time lost. Relmbuisement for eligible moving• expenses will be wade upon compliance with the following instructions. IM�PORTANT. Consult and thoroughly discuss moving opd6ns arid methods with a relocation advisor prior to moVing, 1. When a commercial mover• is einpioyed, the maving costs art to be- paid and it detailed rweipted statement obtained. 2. Tn 1he yvont yqu wish your regular employees to moko the move, It is roqufred that you, maintain a complete record of dates, time worked, and amounts paid to all persons physically participating hi ihe•move. Charges far use of equipment owned-by the business may be allowed but shall be comparable to those rates charged by local rental agencies. 3. You riiay elect to accept the lower of two (2) estimates for moving all of your personal property, 11Boac cost esthnotcs will be obialnod by the agency anti presented to you as an option. With this method, no other moving cost documentation is necessary. 4. You rlrust cgrnpleie the Bottum pmtlon of the trout of this Claim Dorm €n Ink. ALtaclt to tiro orig €ual. of,this :Form all required Information pertaining to your move and mail- to the Relocation Advisor shown on the lower left corner ou the Front- ot this, form. The agency'nritl not i:bMiller, pay or reimburse for avert €me. charges except in emergeacy'sltriatlons, as tleormined° by the agency, _. Payment may also be allowed to the owner of a displaced bushress or farm operator for actual reasonable expenses in soarbhing for a replacement site, not to exceed $2,540,00. Such expenses may .include tramportatlon costs, aehral time, and certain other expenses actually Incurred in seatebing. A detailed, certified stateiraent of searching expenses Must acvornpany the olaim, do hereby affirm That, to the best of my knowledge, displaces Is eligible for mimbursement of eligible Moving Costs, based on dlsplaceo s status and -occupancy of the parcel at the time of the Initiation of negotiatlons aniftor at the time of the parcels acquisition. I further affirm that displacee qualities as a "displaced person ", and is entitled to payment for actual, reasonable and neceasary moving and related expenses for a-residentlal or non•rasidential move (49 CFR pt. 24), as Indicated elsewhere on this form. Relacatlon Advlsor Signaluro Rate I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, all personalty including ail hazardous and environmentally sensitive materlals such as batterlss, tires, paints, solvents, Inseotleldes, fel•till4ars, fluoresaont ilgh% ate., hiss Il 'a 1 will be removed Nom the subjeal pdreei, .ff ;abets Orin) Nsplaceb Signature Oats Relmatlon Advisor Signature We Moving Costs page 2 of 3 RL1032 41312913 EDA Agenda: 05/08/13 5. Consideration of action related to Economic Development services. (JO /WO /AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Pending the outcome of the EDA workshop, held immediately prior to the regular meeting, the EDA is asked to make a formal recommendation on whether to proceed with the development of a scope of services contract with WSB & Associates, or whether to pursue an alternate or hybrid approach. Al. Staff Impact: Identified in the workshop staff report. A2. Budget Impact: Identified in the workshop staff report. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to direct the development of a contract for services for Market Matching services for review at the June EDA meeting. 2. Motion to direct staff to research and prepare an alternative economic development proposal for the City as directed by the EDA. 3. Motion to table action for further research and discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As detailed in the workshop staff report, staff recommends alternative 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. WSB Proposal ri a Monticello WSB & Associates, Inc_ WSB & Associates, Inc. 4140 Thielman Lane Suite 204 St. Cloud, MN 56301 wsbeng.com A proposal to provide: Economic Development Services April 2013 Table of Contents Approach and Scope of Services ......... ..............................1 • Task 1: Data Collection • Task 2: Market Matching Deliverables...................................... ............................... 4 Appendix A - Data Collection ............ ............................... 8 Appendix B - Data Deployment ........ ............................... 10 Appendix C - InfoTracker ................. ............................... 11 Appendix D - Market Matching Team ............................. 12 Appendix E - Market Matching Sales Process ................... 15 WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 wsbeng.com WSB & Associates, Inc. 477 Temperance Street St. Paul, MN 55101 wsbeng.com Contact: John Uphoff 763.267.2942 juphoff@wsbeng.com April 17, 2013 Monticello City Council and EDA City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Economic Development Services Dear Members of the City Council and EDA: Thank you for taking time to discuss WSB's proposal to provide Economic Development services. For more than 17 years, WSB and the City of Monticello have enjoyed a success by partnering to deliver projects that have led to growth and prosperity. We are confident the addition of Economic Development services will continue this track record. Understanding and directly marketing Monticello's assets is at the heart of WSB's approach to economic development. Building relationships is the central tenet to success in directly marketing your city. WSB has an expansive network of professional organizations and maintains relationships within the development community. As part of our Economic Development services, we will continue to grow our network and will strategically deploy data representing the unique attributes the City of Monticello has to offer. In addition, WSB offers the full capacity of our Market Matching team and more than 170 team members in representing your community. Finally, we will utilize our expertise in community development to assist in all phases of the development process from pre - application to identifying potential funding opportunities. The Monticello EDA exists to direct goals and objectives to attract higher wage level jobs and expand City tax base. WSB's Economic Development service is aimed directly at helping you achieve your City's goals and objectives. The proposed price of WSB's Economic Development services is $4,000 per month with a minimum term of one year. We appreciate the opportunity to propose our services to fill this important role within your community. We further look forward to meeting with you to discuss firsthand how WSB can apply its capacity and expertise to help the City of Monticello continue to grow and prosper. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. John Uphoff Brian J. Bourassa, PE Economic Development Specialist Principal /Senior Project Manager/ (320) 534 -5951 Economic Development Specialist (763) 287 -8356 Approach and Scope of Services Introduction WSB & Associates has been in the economic development business for 17 years. We represent more than 35 cities as city engineer and perform services for more than 90 cities overall. We provide daily assistance to our clients in the area of infrastructure development related to growth opportunities in all types of development. Much of this work is related to how to best accommodate new development while respecting the needs of the existing system users and being fair from a cost and use perspective. It is beneficial to WSB when our clients are successful and are developing. We work hard to make sure that we represent our clients with their best interest first, knowing that what is good for our clients will be good for WSB. To that end, we get involved with short term strategies that will allow for development to occur without compromising the long term goals of the city. We are very strategic in finding funding for infrastructure projects that allow City funds to be used in other places of need. Our company has grown beyond the traditional engineering firm in an effort to recognize the benefits of economic development to our clients and to WSB. We have become active in local chambers, economic development groups and have developed relationships with many of the large developers and builders. Once these private organizations work with WSB, they appreciate how hard we work to make their project successful while preserving the needs and goals of the City. Additionally, we have developed a grant and funding program to provide searchable options for project funding. We have expanded our team to include community planning to complement our full array of services including engineering, environmental, survey, right of way and relocation. This most recent addition of economic development was necessary to complete our team approach to provide full services to our clients. We intend to team with the financial consultants when a deal requires funding analysis, but we have the resources to fulfill all of the other economic development analysis and support. WSB is continually improving in order to provide value to our clients and economic development is an obvious area that we can contribute to your success. Our vision for this effort is unique and focused on relationships, information and visibility. The following scope details how we will make an impact for your organization! Task I: Data Collection During this task, WSB will analyze existing data related to Monticello's market sectors. We will examine the data that is available on the City's website as well as related city, county, and state -based economic development websites. We will also examine internal documents containing market data. Once we have completed our analysis, we will report our findings to City staff and the EDA. Based on our report, we will ask for a recommendation from the EDA to determine priority for data collection and for targeted prospects. Where data is incomplete or unavailable, WSB will research and compile new data sets to ensure all local market sectors are appropriately represented and the information is readily available (see Appendix A - Data Collection). To ensure the City's market data is readily available, WSB will deploy information where appropriate including the City's website, local economic development websites, GreaterMSP and MNDEED's customer relationship management systems. WSB will also utilize a GIS -based platform to deploy the City's market data during the Market Matching process (see Appendix B - Data Deployment). The dynamic nature of market data requires a built -in process of content management to ensure accuracy and relevance. Therefore, WSB proposes a system of periodic review which includes real -time updates. To support the real -time updates, WSB has developed the InfoTracker tool, which is made available to City staff and EDA (see Appendix C - InfoTracker). The deliverables provided in Task 1 include the following and are further described on pages 4 and 5. • Deliverable 1: Market Data Report • Deliverable 2: New Data Sets (ongoing) • Deliverable 3: Data Deployment (ongoing) • Deliverable 4: System of Periodic Review of Market Data (ongoing) • Deliverable 5: InfoTracker (ongoing) Task 2: Market Matching The focus of Task 2 is to strategically and directly market Monticello's assets to prospective market entrants. WSB achieves this by utilizing our team's professional background and network to connect with prospects within our varied areas of expertise. The Market Matching team executes outreach to prospects through our Market Matching Network. Each member of WSB's Market Matching team is assigned to a market sector and systematically markets the City's assets within their respective network (see Appendix D - Market Matching Team). Also during Task 2, WSB's Market Matching team collects feedback from prospects and catalogs opportunities in our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Prospects that become leads are moved into the development or pre - application process involving City staff, EDA, and consultants (see Appendix E). The deliverables provided in Task 2 include the following and are further described on page 5. • Deliverable 6: Profile of targeted prospects (ongoing) • Deliverable 7: System of targeted prospect outreach (ongoing) • Deliverable 8: Deliver leads /assist in closing (ongoing) 1. General Market Data 2. City & EDA Owned Property 3. Housing 4. Manufacturing and Industrial Market Data 5. Retail Market Data This chart describes WSB's unique and comprehensive approach to economic development. WSB strives to present relevant asset information in the most effective and strategic manner possible. The graphic represents the ongoing flow of information and the continuous process of data management and market matching. 1. GIS -Based with Web Access 2. Traditional Collateral 1. Direct Marketing 2. Deliver Leads 3. Provide Feedback 4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ■ Positively MN ■ Greater MSP Investor ■ MN Precision Manufacturing Association ■ NAIOP ■ MN High Tech Association ■ Minnesota Shopping Center Association ■ Wright County Economic Development Partnership ■ St. Cloud Downtown Alliance Foundation ■ Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation ■ MN Chamber ■ More Deliverables Task 1: Data Collection Deliverable 1: Market Data Report WSB will provide City staff and EDA with a report that analyses the inventory and availability of the City's market data. The Market Data report will tell you if the assets embedded in your community are well defined and if the information related to your community's assets is open and accessible. The report will identify any weakness in the identification and /or presentation of your community's assets. If any asset is found to be misidentified or underrepresented, the report will provide details for recommended corrective action. This report will is also aimed at determining the City's Unique Selling Proposition (USP). The end result is your community's enhanced ability to help existing businesses expand, as well as attract, and communicate with, a wider array of prospective developers and business owners. Deliverable 2: New Data Sets The collection of new data sets is prioritized based on recommendations from the EDA. The goal of this deliverable is to achieve maximum effectiveness for data availability and diffusion. WSB will collect and organize data from existing sources and will conduct independent research to obtain data that is not otherwise available. It is important to note that the process of research and data collection is ongoing and is rolled into the system of periodic review. Deliverable 3: Data Deployment Data deployment occurs on a macro level - local, regional, and state -wide websites and databases, and on a micro level - through the direct marketing efforts of WSB's Market Matching team. As part of this process, WSB will provide data to GreaterMSP and MNDEED as requested, provide content for the City's websites, develop a GIS- based reporting tool, and provide a quarterly report to City staff and EDA on the status of data deployment. Deliverable 4: System of Periodic Review of Market Data City staff and the EDA review the Market Data Report and prioritize data collection efforts. WSB organizes a system of periodic review based on recommendations it receives from City staff and EDA. The figure on page 6 is a sample of the market data review and deployment timeline. Deliverable S: InfoTracker City staff and EDA are often the first to become aware of changes in the marketplace. WSB will provide City staff and EDA with access to the InfoTracker tool, which provides the means to quickly and easily hand -off information to WSB so our team can update market data in a highly expedited manner. Please see Appendix C for a detailed description of the InfoTracker tool. Task 2: Market Matching Deliverable 6: Profile of Targeted Prospects Upon completion of the Market Data Report, WSB will ask the EDA for priority in determining a profile of targeted prospects. The profile of targeted prospects is derived from the City's asset information. WSB will utilize the City's asset information to highlight market strengths and to determine Monticello's USP. WSB recommends reviewing the profile of targeted prospects on a semiannual basis. Deliverable 7: System of Targeted Prospect Outreach Once the City's USP and profile of targeted prospects is developed, WSB's Economic Development Specialist briefs the Market Matching Team, providing them with relevant market data. Then the Market Matching Team will begin the process of converting prospects to leads through direct marketing to business contacts, association networking activity, responding to inquiries, and actively pursuing opportunities through various economic development agencies. WSB will provide the EDA with a quarterly report on targeted prospect outreach activity. Deliverable 8: Deliver Leads /Assist in Closing The closing component of the Market Matching process is a culmination of the successful execution of the steps that preceded it. WSB will work directly with potential market entrants from the prospecting phase to the pre - application or development phase. We will act as a conduit to provide information to City staff /EDA and act as a resource in identifying potential constraints. WSB will aid in identifying potential sites, and act as a resource in implementing a funding package as needed. Deliverable 9:Annual Bus Tour WSB places a high value on the importance of face -to -face interaction. Your community has a sense of place that can only be fully realized from an on- the - ground point of view. The annual bus tour gives your community the opportunity to show the best you have to offer and provides you an opportunity to promote your community's assets directly to potential market entrants. WSB's Market Matching team identifies and invites developers and business owners who are active in your region as well as those who are operating elsewhere but who have expressed interest in opening your market. We take care of all of the logistics, allowing you to refine and tailor your outreach to maximize your impact. The relationship your community makes with potential market entrants pays instant dividends, and also serves as a valuable resource for years to come. Deliverable 10:Annual Open House Economic Gardening is quickly becoming a buzz phrase. This concept is born out of the idea that economic growth happens brick by brick, primarily with those who are already living and doing business in your community. These are firms that have roots in your community and view the world around them, not simply through the lens of profitability, but also with an eye toward overall success of their community. The vitality of these firms is extremely important in realizing positive sustainable socioeconomic conditions. WSB's Economic Development service aims to support the firms and developers who are already doing business in your community. In addition to collaborating with local business owners and developers during the asset analysis phase, the Market Matching team gathers local operators for an annual open house to review the state of the local markets, as well as to provide them with opportunities to network with potential investors. The open house facilitates an intersection of landowners, business owners, and developers allowing them to share relevant market information leading to increased investment opportunities. Market Data Review and Deployment Timeline 1 4 * ■ _L .................................................... ................. C d a — .......... ... _ ...................... _ ... 4 Appendix A - Data Collection WSB recognizes that cities desire to move forward with marketing efforts as quickly as possible. Based on our research, WSB understands that we must have a good deal of information to be of value to prospects; they require market data. By providing a preliminary report on the inventory and availability of market data, we are providing City staff and the EDA with an opportunity to decide which market sector you would like to place your focus and prioritize WSB's data collection efforts. It is important to note that the process of collecting and deploying data is ongoing. The process of systematizing data collection carries added value in that it relieves the City of the obligation to conduct expensive periodic market study projects. The Market Data Report sheds light on the availability of critical data. It also aids in understanding the community's assets and informs the prospect identification and marketing process. This list below is a sample of the market data likely to be requested by prospects, and completed by WSB as part of the ongoing data collection effort: General Market Data • Population (MSA or County) - Age distribution • Annual per capita income - Household Income • Race and ethnicity • Unemployment rate • Cost of living index • Quality of life - Parks and trails - School data • Transportation and transit City & EDA -Owned Property • Available inventory • Size (developable acres) • Cost per acre • Zoning requirement - Uses permitted • Setbacks - Percent of site that may be utilized - Control of nuisances (dust, smoke, noise, etc.) - Site mitigation required • Available incentives • Inventory and list price of homes currently on the market Housing • Age and condition of current housing stock • Inventory and list price of homes currently on the market • Housing values • Renter - occupied units • Senior housing Manufacturing and Industrial Market Data • Existing available buildings — Size of building (square feet) — Cost per square foot — Year built — Previous use — Condition of building — Floor area ratio — Suitability of building for manufacturing — Current zoning — Climate controlled • Air conditioning • Heat — Surrounding uses — Opportunity for expansion • Existing available land — Size (developable acres) — Cost per acre — Zoning requirement • Uses permitted • Setbacks • Percent of site that may be utilized • Control of nuisances (dust, smoke, noise, etc.) • Site mitigation required — Surrounding uses • Infrastructure of manufacturing and industrial areas — Truck access — Rail served or adjacent to a rail line — On -site storage available • Trailer • Outdoor — Distance to: • Nearest commercial airport (name, miles) • Nearest inland port (name, miles) • Nearest ocean port (name, miles) * Nearest rail spur (name, miles) • Nearest intermodal facility (name, miles) • Nearest state highway (name, miles) * Nearest interstate exchange (name, miles) • Utilities available in manufacturing and industrial areas — Electric (on -site: Y /N; capacity) — Gas (on -site: Y /N; capacity) — Sewer (on -site: Y /N; capacity) — Water (on -site: Y /N; capacity) — Data /voice /fiber (on -site: Y /N; capacity) — Stormwater (on -site: Y /N; capacity) — Utility consumption incentives (rate discounts, hedging, etc.) • Retail market data — Synthesize data collected from previous retail market analysis Appendix B - Data Deployment The following are some of the locations where the City of Monticello's market information will be deployed: F kw C - GREATER MSP"' Minneapolis Saint Paul Reg! `Ir iticello mmm��� WSB & Associates, Inc. POSITIVELY reM Market Matching Appendix C - InfoTracker Effective and transparent communication with residents, business owners, and other community stakeholders is critical for achieving governmental success. WSB can help enhance your organization's communication process through our web -based market information management system - InfoTracker. InfoTracker provides publicized, consistent messages coupled with streamlined documentation. InfoTracker efficiently and effectively transfers information to appropriate individuals within any organization, and can be customized to each organization's needs. By adding a link to the organization's website, constituents are also able to provide input and monitor the actions being taken resulting in a more connected community. Communication Process ► Input market information into database and assign follow -up Ll �T Ep ■ Assigned team member notified ? r, via email .11 s Ei_ yo a m 0 ■ After action is completed, it is documented (closed) in the database A qA'- 3. ► Assigned team member acts on market information or assigns follow -up to another team member InfoTracker Benefits • Immediate market information notification to the appropriate person(s) • "Chain -of- custody "for all documented market information • Easy prioritization and identification of critical market information • Permanent record of market information and resulting actions Interested in InfoTracker? This communication system, hosted by WSB, requires no additional IT support, and is provided with training. For more information or to setup a meeting, contact John Mackiewicz at 763.28 7.7194 / jniackiewicz@wsbeng.com. ■ WSB do Associates, Inc. Appendix D - Market Matching Team (320) 534 -5951 juphoff @wsbeng.com (763) 287 -8536 bbourassa @wsbeng.com WSB's Economic Development Team includes the seven key individuals identified below and is supported by the entire WSB Team. The key staff have numerous direct connections to private sector businesses and development entities and have been assigned to various trade associations and business networks. Their collective network and emphasis on establishing economic development connections will raise the bar for traditional municipal economic development activities and will deliver ongoing value for the City of Monticello. John Uphoff Economic Development Specialist John is an economic development specialist with broad experience working with communities and organizations to achieve their economic goals. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Planning and Community Development from St. Cloud State University, where he also minored in Economics. John has direct experience in the areas of local economic development, housing, historic preservation, promotion, and marketing. He has served as the project manager on a downtown development initiative and a neighborhood stabilization /communication plan in the historic South Side Neighborhood, both located in St. Cloud. John will be the City's primary contact for WSB's Economic Development Services offering. He will lead the Asset Identification /Market Review and Asset Build -out efforts, and coordinate the efforts of the Economic Development Team. John will provide ongoing feedback to City staff regarding economic development opportunities discovered and provide reports /presentations and feedback to the EDA on a bi- monthly basis. Essentially, he will be an extension of City staff and will respond to both staff and EDA requests for information as the City's economic development expert. Brian Bourassa, PE Principal, Senior Project Manager, Economic Development Specialist Brian is a registered professional engineer with more than 20 years of experience in many types of municipal and general civil engineering projects. His engineering experience includes all phases of the project and has involved representation of both public and private entities. Brian's experience in the private development market sector has included both residential and commercial projects. He also has first -hand experience as a private developer. Brian is known for his focus on client needs and excellent customer service. Brian will take direction from John and identify and market to potential developer matches for the City of Monticello. He will focus on both the commercial, senior housing, and residential markets. (763) 287 -7173 mdawley @wsbeng.com (763) 287 -8520 Iwedel @wsbeng.com Morgan Dawley PE Associate, Municipal Senior Project Engineer Morgan is a registered professional engineer with nearly 20 years of experience in municipal and civil engineering projects including streets, storm sewers, water distribution systems, sanitary sewer systems, water and wastewater treatment, site grading, park improvements, development review, and municipal state aid systems. His current responsibilities include planning, coordination, design, and construction administration of a wide variety of municipal projects. Morgan has been a staff or consultant city engineer for the past 10 years. Morgan will take direction from John and identify and market to potential developer matches for the City of Monticello. He will focus on both the commercial and senior housing markets. Jason Wedel, PE Associate, Senior Project Manager, Economic Development Specialist Jason is a Senior Project Engineer in our Municipal Group. He has proven managerial expertise related to municipal engineering and land development. Jason's experience working as an in -house public works director /city engineer provides him with the management level expertise to work cooperatively with City Councils, Advisory Boards, and City staff at a high level. Jason also has experience working for a national home building company (Pulte Homes) as their Director of Land. In that role, Jason performed duties related to land acquisition, entitlement, and development, which gives him a unique perspective and understanding of how developers and cities can collaborate to develop mutually beneficial assets for the community. He is versed in public speaking, administration, financial analysis, project estimating, resolving complicated entitlement and design problems, document preparation, and site management. Jason will take direction from John and identify and market to potential developer matches for the City of Monticello. He will focus primarily on the residential market. (763) 287 -8521 kiohnson @wsbeng.com (763) 287 -7190 bweiss @wsbeng.com (763) 231 -4873 alewis @wsbeng.com Bret Weiss, PE President Bret is a registered professional engineer with more than 25 years of diverse municipal and general civil engineering experience. He is an accomplished city engineer and project manager responsible for the planning, coordination, design, and construction administration of a wide variety of municipal projects. Bret is a skilled negotiator and is passionate about serving the City of Monticello. Bret's role on the Economic Development Team will be to support John in identifying potential developer matches, make introductions of the other team members to key stakeholders in the area, and be part of the City's team regarding the developer negotiation process. Kelsey Johnson,AICP Community Planner, Grant and Funding Specialist Kelsey is a community planner with extensive public sector experience. She has served as the project manager and lead planner on land use plans, comprehensive land use plan updates, zoning ordinance updates, subdivision regulation updates, housing action plans, and small area studies. As a grant and funding specialist, Kelsey tracks funding and grant opportunities for WSB. Kelsey's role on the Economic Development Team will be to support John and the City in identifying potential funding opportunities to support development projects. Addison Lewis Community Planner, Research Analyst Addison brings a variety of experiences in working with local communities. He has a passion for sustainability and is an adept researcher. Addison's experience with working on municipal planning projects and interpreting zoning and land use ordinances has provided him with a unique perspective on the necessity of preparing realistic and implementable plans. Addison will support John with research during the Asset Identification /Market Review tasks and on an ongoing basis. Appendix E - Market Matching Sales Process ........... L"eF Potential Business Lead Generation • City staff /EDA • Business Contacts • Association Networking Activity • Economic Development Agency Initial Market Matching • Business discovery — client needs assessment • Respond to a Request for Information - RFI • Preliminary information exchanged and discussion regarding known community asset(s) Follow -up Market Matching Presentation — if necessary • Complete information exchanged regarding community assets • Further business discovery and client needs assessment Community Development Engagement • Preliminary Project Review • Letter of Intent — LOI Community Development Process Review • Site Plan Approval /Developer Agreement Process • Project Review — Planning — Engineering — Financial — Legal Appendix E - Market Matching Sales Process ........... Cu W � M CU 3 Cr Ol Ikn H E m U H Q C W Y C C Y � O Q u u 3 O a+ M v v Z a>i O C p N u O u f0 VO > C C C '�n '; O W tao CO Q Q W Q ate+ Ol CL 440 m O a v ov wC �� Q N w i O C -0 O v _• � OJ ru ru V) C: (Ii C > v O ru v O C a, ru N .O ,� r O Cu i U OJ O O (% O> w C lA i }L.� O- u E -O �-'� C OL OL i H C C w lA N C L C C aj O U O- 41 Q Q ro J °- N >, v U — 'O U �= Q w C Y ca 'S `° C — OJ cB 2i a, N Q OJ _a v Vf •O O ca Q U Y C — Y U to "J OJ Q C Q OJ 05 J: O Q -= Y t LJ UO Y 4CCJ w C O1 d N— C > 41 CO N — C d J N (6 O O E OL C E u Q C � Q w 0 CO Vi CO Vi v. . . to CO •� v Vi N CO y cB N > Q (B 01 (B � .� Cu W � M CU 3 Cr Ol Ikn H E m U H Q C W Y C C Y � O Q u u 3 O a+ M v v Z a>i O C p N u O u f0 VO > C C C '�n '; O W tao CO Q Q W Q ate+ Ol CL 440 m O a Economic Development Authority Agenda: 05/07/13 6. Economic Development Director's Report (JO /AS) Fred's Auto MSA Professional Services is completing their site investigation for potential underground storage tanks. A summary report will be made available to the EDA for their June meeting. Staff will be prepared to provide a verbal update on initial findings at the May meeting. June EDA Meeting — A Look Ahead During the June EDA meeting, staff would like to pursue moving forward with a discussion on identifying target areas for TIF 1 -6 and TIF 1 -22 investment. These two areas of focus were second only to action related to economic development staffing on the EDA's 2013 workplan. As part of that discussion, Commissioner Tapper would like to present to the EDA a strategy concept for working with property owners during future acquisition projects. This strategy relates to whether and how to push forward with the "matrix" format discussed at a prior EDA workshop. The EDA may recall that the matrix concept would set the negotiation team's structure for proposed acquisitions (first draft attached), or whether to use some form of this in tandem with Bill's suggested strategy. The negotiation team is charged with assisting in the preliminary sale /acquisition conversations and consists of two members of the EDA and two members of the Council, currently Commissioners Tapper and Demueles and Council members Hilgart and Mayor Herbst In addition, staff believes it important for the EDA to complete a tour of its currently held properties as a foundation for selecting target investment areas. With these important issues in mind, staff would recommend a tour of EDA properties beginning at 5:00 PM, with EDA regular meeting to follow. I -94 Coalition Update In April, the City Council was asked to consider a request by the I -94 Coalition to consider membership in the organization. The Council did not take action on the item at that time, instead requesting additional information in response to questions regarding how membership funds were utilized, how road improvement projects along the I -94 corridor were prioritized, and the MnRoad facility's impact on the potential six -lane expansion to Monticello. In that regard, I -94 Coalition representatives, including St. Michael City Administrator Steve Bot, will be present at the April 13th Council meeting to respond to these questions. A request to recommend to the City Council that Monticello become a member community in the Coalition was brought up on the floor of the April 13th EDA meeting. The EDA did not approve such recommendation, citing some of the same concerns. Economic Development Authority Agenda: 05/07/13 IEDC members can learn more about the I -94 Coalition and their recent activities at: http: / /www.i94coalition.com/ In a separate, but related note, Mayor Clint Herbst had the opportunity to testify before the Senate Transportation and Public Safety Finance Division on this important issue. Mayor Herbst stressed that a six -lane system would benefit local economic development, provide connectivity in both regional and state transportation systems and add value by maximizing transportation investments already in place. You can find out more about this issue via http : / /www.leg.state.mn.us /leg/le ig s aspx. Search Senate File 426 authored by Senators Kiffineyer and Pederson and Senate File 1201 authored by Senators Kiffineyer, Bonoff, Anderson, Hoffman and Limmer. TH 25 Mill & Overlay - 2014 MnDOT representatives have contacted the City with news that the TH 25 expansion project in Monticello (from the Kjellberg Manufactured Home Park to County Road 106) has unexpectedly received additional funding, which will be used to complete a mill and overlay on TH25 from I -94 to where the lane expansion project begins south of Kjellberg's. MnDOT is in the initial planning phases for coordination on that improvement and will provide additional information as the project moves forward. MnDOT will also be making pedestrian ramp upgrades on both sides of the highway as part of the project. MnDOT has indicated that they will be completing a 6' concrete sidewalk from Oakwood to Chelsea Road as part of this project. The sidewalk will lie completely within the ROW and will be constructed fully at MnDOT's expense. This is an important improvement, as it provides pedestrians the opportunity to proceed from the current terminus at the end of the I -94 bridge, to the bituminous pathway on the south side of Chelsea. They 2 Economic Development Authority Agenda: 05/07/13 will now also be able to cross at the lights on Chelsea to the pathway on the east side of TH 25. There will be a need for in -depth coordination on this project, as it will occur at the same time as the I -94 improvements noted below. This could make Monticello tricky to navigate next summer. We have received some indication that the mill and overlay component will occur at night, which will require a separate Council permit. As always, MnDOT will have a full communication plan developed and will work the local Chamber and businesses on any business interruptions. I -94 Acceleration Lane Project - 2014 In 2014, MnDOT will be completing an acceleration lane on I -94 in both directions from the interchange at 1 -94 and TH 25 to the interchange at I -94 and CSAH 18. MnDOT representative Claudia Dumont has indicated that the project will consist of a full lane expansion to the south on the eastbound side, while the westbound construction will consist of a full lane expansion to the center of I -94. This will result in the construction of a concrete center median. MnDOT's project planning is such that the construction design will be to the full six -lane I -94 design from Rogers to St. Cloud through Monticello. TAC Update The Transportation Advisory Committee will be meeting at 7:00 AM on Thursday, May 9th The group will be asked to reconsider strategy as related to progress forward on both the Fallon Avenue overpass and second river crossing initiatives. Building /Development Activity Dollar Tree, previously approved under a CUP by the City, is in for building permit and will be under construction in early May. Staff have received many inquiries regarding the activity occurring on the lot south of PetSmart at the Union Crossings development. Although Ryan Companies has put up erosion control fencing on the lot, no development is confirmed by Ryan reps at this time. It should be noted that the City approved an amendment to PUD for additional inline retail at the site in 2007. As such, if the development proposal submitted by Ryan for the lot east of PetSmart) is substantially consistent with the 2007 approval, no additional City approvals will be needed as related to the PUD. A final plat may be needed should any future user wish to split the existing platted lot. This would require only Council review and approval. The Department of Building Safety & Code Enforcement reports 12 new housing permits issued or in for review to -date.