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EDA Agenda 10-09-2013
EDA MEETING Wednesday, October 9th, 2013 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Vice Treasurer Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. August 6th, 2013 - Special Meeting Minutes b. August 14th, 2013 - Meeting Minutes c. September 11th° 2013 — Meeting Minutes d. September 23rd, 2013 — Special Meeting Minutes 3. Consideration of additional agenda items. 4. Consideration to approve payment of bills. 5. Consideration to proceed with unlawful detainer action for 100 Broadway East. 6. Consideration to request that the City Council call for a public hearing on a Resolution for Modification to the Tan Increment Financing Plan for Tan Increment Financing District No. 1 -6. 7. Consideration to approve 2013 Wright County Economic Development Partnership annual membership dues. 8. Consideration of Director's Report. 9. Adjourn. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, August 6, 2013 — 6 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Absent: None Others: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the special meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. Purpose The purpose of the special meeting is to begin discussions related to drafting the 2014 EDA budget to be submitted to the City Council for review and funding and to be updated as to the status of property for sale located at 413 West 4th Street. 3. Budget Workshop Wayne Oberg provided a brief overview of some of the changes to the way in which the EDA budget has been developed. In 2013, the City Council allocated $80,000 in City General Funds to provide an ongoing revenue stream for the EDA General sub -fund. An additional $12,000 was required later in the year to fund unplanned operating needs. Oberg recommended that $92,000 be allocated to the EDA General sub -fund for 2014. He indicated that $20,000 in non -TIF interest revenue and interfund loans would be the main sources of revenue for the fund. The EDA and the City Council were to initially share the $48,000 cost for the one -year Market Matching contract with WSB for Economic Development Services. Staff suggested instead that the full cost of the one year Economic Development Services contract ($48,000) be charged to the EDA budget. The cost of management level staff time in support of the EDA would continue to be charged to the City. Jeff O'Neill noted that the City Council would be asked to consider approving a part time communications position this year with the expectation that it become a full time position in 2014. This position would initially focus on developing a marketing strategy for EDA Special Meeting: 08/06/13 FiberNet and coordinating the City's Economic Development message. O'Neill suggested that the EDA pay $10,000 of the cost to staff that position. Oberg recommended instead that the EDA be charged $8,000 or ten percent of the cost of two full time positions which provide EDA administrative support. There was discussion about past staffing costs and savings resulting from not filling the Economic Development Director position. There was also some concern that the City may be underestimating the need for such a position. O'Neill pointed out that staff workload, as it relates to economic development, would be reconsidered after the term of the WSB contract. EDA members asked questions related to the budgeting for the marketing and professional services line items. Staff noted that, because WSB already participates in many of the broader marketing efforts, it may not be necessary for the City to maintain certain memberships and sponsorships in 2014. The EDA also cited as priority an interest in budgeting $50,000 for a housing study in an effort to have relevant data with which to make decisions related to spending excess tax increment on housing initiatives. There was considerable discussion about potential uses for spending the $700,000 in TIF 1 -6 increment available. The following project options were considered and, in some cases, first steps were discussed: redeveloping the Montgomery Farms property, land acquisition on Block 34, the 4th Street signal, and the 7th Street extension. Staff suggested that it may be useful to dedicate a separate workshop to this discussion. The EDA would likely need to modify the plan for the district and reallocate the budgeted amount to spend from TIF 1 -6. Staff also provided the EDA an update related to the status of property located at 413 West 4th Street. The City is in the process of negotiating an purchase agreement to sell the property at county market value ($20,000) with a deferred special assessment subject to removal upon building on the site. The City would reimburse itself for closing costs and return the funds to the EDA. 4. Adjournment TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING AT 7:43 P.M. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: October 9, 2013 Attest: Jeff O'Neill, Executive Director MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) MEETING Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 6:00 p.m., Mississippi Room Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Absent: None Others: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Acceptance of Minutes — July 10th, 2013 Meeting ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE JULY 10, 2013 MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. (Bill Demeules did not vote.) 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills Dan Wilson did not authorize payment for the total request submitted by the tenant of the dental office based on his review of eligible relocation and reestablishment expenses. Tracy Hinz suggested that Wilson respond to specific questions related to relocation costs at an upcoming EDA meeting. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS IN THE AMOUNT OF $220,131.86 THROUGH AUGUST 2013. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 5. Consideration of request to Extend the Preliminary Development Agreement Between the Monticello EDA and Rocky MTN Group, LLC Dahlheimer Beverage (Rocky MTN Group, LLC) requested a one -year extension to the Preliminary Development Agreement established in 2009. Dahlheimer's had previously paid a $10,000 deposit to ensure that the EDA would hold the property legally described as Outlots A and C of Otter Creek Crossing under contract so that they could purchase the lots and expand their facility. Although preliminary site plans and construction timelines had been prepared, moving forward on the project has been subject to the sale of their existing site in Ramsey. The EDA has extended the agreement annually for the past three years. EDA Minutes: 08/14/13 BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE A ONE -YEAR EXTENSION TO THE PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ROCKY MTN GROUP, LLC (DAHLHEIMER) AND THE MONTICELLO EDA. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 6. Consideration of authorizing a 2014 contribution to the Initiative Foundation The EDA had authorized a $2,200 contribution to the Initiative Foundation in 2013 in support of its mission of promoting economic growth throughout the region. Contributions are matched by the McKnight Foundation, thereby doubling the reach and capacity of committed resources. The Foundation requested that the EDA contribute $2,250 for 2014. Staff recommended that continued support be coupled with renewed efforts to utilize Initiative Foundation services within Monticello specifically pertaining to redevelopment and housing. Tom Perrault pointed out that he would vote for the contribution because it included a funding match. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE CONTRIBUTING $2,250 OF THE 2014 EDA GENERAL FUND TO THE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. (Bill Tapper did not vote as he had been a previous beneficiary of the Initiative Foundation.) 7. Consideration to authorize a request for quotes /proposals for redevelopment district qualification and demolition of buildings at EDA -owned property located at 100 and 112 Broadway East In order to be included in a redevelopment district, the Montgomery Farms buildings located at 100 and 112 Broadway East must meet a coverage test and qualify as substandard. The EDA has up to three years from the time it adopts a resolution declaring properties substandard to establish a redevelopment district. As a public entity, the EDA is required to complete an environmental analysis of the building prior to demolition in order to report and address any hazardous findings. Staff also recommended looking at any structural impact that demolition may have on the adjoining property. Staff asked that the EDA authorize preparation of a proposal and request quotes for qualification and structural and environmental analysis services. Ehlers & Associates will provide sample RFP documents, contact information to use as a resource, and assist with developing a timeline for this process. Staff indicated that Martha Ingram, of Kennedy and Graven, had suggested that the EDA could choose to pay the cost of qualifying and demolishing the property through TIF 1 -6 funds by modifying the TIF plan and approving a broad reimbursement resolution. Assuming the EDA has sufficient budgetary authority, TIF 1 -6 funds would be EDA Minutes: 08/14/13 reallocated to a more appropriate line item within the budget from which to pay these costs. The funds would be reimbursed when increment is generated by the new redevelopment district. Consultant costs would also be reimbursable through the new TIF district. Tom Perrault asked about adding other buildings on the block to the scope of the contract for services. Staff indicated that broadening the scope of the contract would be possible but would affect the timeline for moving forward with the project. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PREPARE AND POST REQUESTS FOR QUOTES /PROPOSALS FOR REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT QUALIFICATION, BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS, AND DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS AT EDA -OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 100 AND 112 BROADWAY EAST. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 8. Consideration to approve funding for Industry of Year/MN Manufacturer's Week activities The EDA has typically funded the estimated $800 cost of the Industry of the Year event, a local business retention effort coordinated by the Industrial and Economic Development Committee (IEDC), held during MN Manufacturer's Week (October 20th - 26th.) Funding includes breakfast for 50 -100 attendees and an award trophy, and is available within the EDA marketing budget. The estimated eight hours of staff time involved in coordinating and promoting the event has not been charged to the EDA in the past. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE FUNDING FOR THE 2013 INDUSTRY OF THE YEAR EVENT. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 9. Consideration of review and follow -up action related to the 2014 EDA Budget Workshop Session, including budgeting for TIF 1 -6 increment Jeff O'Neill briefly outlined the issues discussed during the August 6th EDA budget workshop. The EDA had asked that the City Council consider the following needs in preparing the 2014 EDA General Fund budget allocation: • Review of administrative /coordinator staff support needs for economic development upon evaluation of the Market Matching services contract • Study community housing needs and plan for use of available housing increment to address identified needs • Identify use of TIF 1 -6 increment by year end (Options include Block 34 redevelopment, communications tower, downtown property acquisition, transportation improvements) • Detailing the expense history for the Marketing and Miscellaneous Expense line items and enabling EDA input and direction EDA Minutes: 8/14/13 These recommendations will be presented to City Council as part included in the EDA slide presentation for the City Council's budget workshop on August 26 th The 2014 EDA budget allocation is $112,000. The EDA will fund the full $48,000 cost of the Market Matching contract and 10% ($7,900) of administrative staff support costs. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO PROVIDE THE 2014 EDA BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS AS PRESENTED FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 10. Consideration of Director's Report Options Agreement Task Force Progress Summary - The options small group will meet again soon to consider alternative options. Updates will be provided as information is available. 11. Adiournment BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:43 P.M. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: October 9, 2013 Attest: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 4 MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) MEETING Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - 6:00 p.m., Mississippi Room Present: Bill Demeules, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Absent: Bill Tapper Others: Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Acceptance of Minutes — August 6th, 2013 Special Meeting & August 14th Regular Meeting The August 6th special meeting minutes and the August 14th regular meeting minutes were not available for consideration at this time. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills Staff confirmed that there should not be many of bills yet to pay related to the relocation of the dental office now that the relocation process for that business has been completed. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS IN THE AMOUNT OF $900.41 THROUGH AUGUST 2013. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 5. Consideration of action related to tenant relocation at 100 Broadway East On behalf of the City of Monticello and the EDA, legal representatives from Campbell Knutson sent commercial tenant Garry Ekegren of Pizza Factory a 90 -day notice and 30 -day lease termination to vacate the space at 100 Broadway East by September 6th, 2013. This action was taken in an effort to move forward with the redevelopment goals of the Embracing Downtown plan and to facilitate planned intersection improvements at CSAH 75 and TH 25. Because relocation did not occur by the required date, staff met jointly with the tenant, relocation expert Dan Wilson, and real estate and construction representatives, to discuss issues and options. This meeting resulted in a request that the EDA extend the tenant holdover lease agreement to November 15th, 2013, contingent upon submission of a signed purchase agreement acceptable to Wilson Development Services no later than EDA Meeting Minutes: 9/11/13 September 30th, 2013, and action taken to initiate construction in a new lease space. Staff would be authorized to take legal action if the requirements are not met. Brian Stumpf expressed some concern that the tenant may not have fully understood the steps in the relocation process and may require additional time and assistance during the transition. Staff noted out that the tenant had been involved in considering numerous site plans, construction costs, timeframe scenarios and lease terms in looking to relocate. Other commissioners suggested that the EDA had already provided a substantial amount of time and assistance in the relocation process. There seemed to be some consensus that continuing to delay relocation would significantly slow the process of qualifying the parcels for redevelopment and the timing of intersection improvements for which construction funding is available. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO EXTEND THE TENANT HOLDOVER LEASE AGREEMENT FOR PIE IN THE SKY, LLC (GARRY EKEGREN /PIZZA FACTORY) TO NOVEMBER 15TH, 2013, CONTINGENT ON SUBMISSION OF A SIGNED PURCHASE AGREEMENT ACCEPTABLE TO WILSON DEVELOPMENT TH SERVICES BY SEPTEMBER 30 , 2013 FOLLOWED BY AN EDA UPDATE. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. (Matt Frie did not vote.) 6. Consideration of the Director's Report Market Situation Analysis — WSB will present a Market Matching update at a joint meeting of the City Council and EDA 5:30 p.m., Monday, September 23rd Block 34 Update — As the EDA's attorney has indicated that there may be only one area firm capable of conducting the analysis to determine coverage and qualification for redevelopment of Block 34. Staff will consult with the City's attorney to clarify if it is necessary to conduct a formal RFP process to obtain these services. TAC— WSB has been working to establish timelines and benchmarks for transportation projects planned. The TAC meets on Thursday, September 12th at 7:30 a.m. Industry of the Year Breakfast — The IEDC will tour the two nominated local industries and vote for Industry of the Year by ballot on October 1St. The award breakfast will be held at 7:30 a.m. on October 23rd, 2013 in the Mississippi Room. Union Crossings - Ryan Companies submitted a site plan and footings /foundation permit for construction of a Marshall's retail store at Union Crossings development which was approved under the 2007 PUD amendment. Planning Commission Considerations - The Runnings store is expected to open in the EDA Meeting Minutes: 9/11/13 former Kmart property in spring of 2014. The City received planning applications for an ALDI grocery store to be located on the corner of School Boulevard and Cedar Street. Matt Frie expressed disappointment that the Planning Commission had recently denied the rezoning which would have allowed for higher density multi - family housing. I -94 Chamber of Commerce Meeting - There seemed to be a renewed legislative momentum related to funding for corridor expansion at a recent I -94 Chamber of Commerce meeting. TIF 1 -6 - Tom Perrault asked about a timeframe for recommending the expenditure of TIF 1 -6 funding. The EDA small group recently met to discuss options such as using TIF 1 -6 funds for property acquisition or to pay engineering and right of way costs for the Fallon Avenue Overpass project. 7. Adiournment MATT FRIE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:26 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: October 9, 2013 Attest: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Monday, September 23rd, 2013 — 5:15 p.m. Academy Room — Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Rod Dragsten, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie Absent: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tom Perrault Others: Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Brian Stumpf called the special EDA meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. 2. Purpose of Meeting: Consideration of approving a GMEF loan extension Finance Director Wayne Oberg explained that Bill Tapper, of Tapper's Holdings, LLC had contacted him regarding repayment terms related to an existing Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) loan. Tapper had indicated that, although his company was working to secure financing from other sources, that process would not be finalized in time to meet the balloon payment of $137,221.89 due on October 1, 2013. He asked that the due date on the loan be extended to accommodate the extended refinancing timetable Oberg noted that approving an extension would not affect the ability of the GMEF to loan funds to other businesses during that same time. He also said that the 3.5% interest rate would exceed any return which could be realized over the same investment horizon. The EDA confirmed with Oberg that Tapper had been consistently making loan payments on time and that refinancing issues would likely be resolved by a three month extension. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE A THREE MONTH GMEF LOAN EXTENSION FOR TAPPER' S HOLDINGS, LLC, AT AN INTEREST RATE OF 3.5 %, WITH A PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF $137,221.89. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 3. Adjournment ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:30 P.M. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Date Approved: October 9, 2013 Attest: Wayne Oberg, Finance Director EDA Agenda: 10/09/13 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Included are the previous month's invoices for approval of payment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through September 2013 in the amount of $19701.56. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of payment for submitted invoices. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Invoices m n 0 z 0 O O z V 61 ,C m A a n u v A 0 Piz C M A� Q M N U � O a; Q O Ln Y� Ln in O O G O V o o w 7 N N O O U LL M rn U N N r oo Ln Ln Ln in O O o O o o w N N O O O O M rn N N r oo W W DO O O o m_ N ss d) N O A FL 42 18 p n a is cd A � � w d � v, v, L 0 0 a 0 0 0 4L m m m 0 rl U 7 O O O O% O � 0 f N H N N N � @. � Via\ $ 0 � � ] 2 ] d \ B k \ & § > \ | \ � § j \ j j \ » 4 Q 4 j r r m ] { a \ � § R � / \ | \ � ) � B / j ƒ 4 2 ; \ / / \ j \ j j \ » 4 Q 4 j r r m g \ j \ / 3 w ) j \ 7 � } \ \ j 0 0 ] / \ § \\& ~ \ ) \ ) \\ � \ c ) m 00 § ® c ] \ § \ o ) � B / j ƒ 4 2 ; \ / / \ j \ j j \ » 4 Q 4 ) � B / j ƒ 4 2 ; \ / / m C O 0 P+ O z .0 C„ 1 d i+ A a O .L. m fa w 0 v 'r o o a o "n o 0 0 0 %D n o0 rn rn o 0 o a �D o 0 0 0 �n o o tl; N V1 ti O O 4 m Q 00+ �Q o - .n-i M r- N N 00 W T O� n m N T *^ I ID 00 �D N N cV N N cv ti 0 0 0 ry0n1 N N N sV m a C. v, O O a Cl O O O O O O m o c+1 M M M M m n M m M M m o0 00 00 00 m M M m N N N N N N O O O N N N Nv� N �O N Nl vl 'A �O IO 10 \O N N N N N �O N N N rn 0 O U 4i E a a\ m m a\ o 0 0 0 o a Oi O, T T d o 0 0 N A N N N N N A A A w° v 'r o o a o "n o 0 0 0 %D n o0 rn rn o 0 o a �D o 0 0 0 �n o o tl; N V1 ti O O 4 m Q 00+ �Q o - .n-i M r- N N 00 W T O� n m N T *^ I ID 00 �D N N cV N N cv ti 0 0 0 ry0n1 N N N sV m a C. 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Updated file BL Used Bike Shop 7/15/2013 HNF Time 0.10 9.50 Received copy of check for claim #5. U pdated file. 96.001hr BL Used Bike Shop 71 ?_912013 DHW Time Pick up and deliver key to City, BL Used Bike Shop SUBTOTAL: Pizza Factory (Ekegrren) 7/112013 DHW Time Call from Jim Peterson regarding some movement from Gary Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 7/2212013 DHW Time Call from Angela - discuss status. Call to Jim Peterson left Call to Gary - left message, r� 0.30 33.40 110.00/h r 0.70 T1.00' 0.20 22.00 110.001hr 0.40 44.00 sage. 110, #001h r 1. will AUG 2 7 2013 CITY OF 1-A0NT1('n"t'0 City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms Page 2 Hrs /Rate _. Amount Call to Angela - left message good news from Peterson Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 712312013 DML Time 0.20 15,00 Type memo to Angela Schumann regarding Pizza Factory Status - 75.001hr Great News Pizza Factory (Ekegren) DHW Time 0.40 44.00 Call with Jim Peterson regarding replacement site. Memo to Angela 110.001hr regarding potential site. Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 7/2412013 DML Time 0.10 7.50 Type email response to Angela regarding latest issue - boutique not 75.00 /hr moving for 2 months Pizza Factory (Ekegren) DHW Time 0,20 22.00 Memo to Angela - delay in site availability 110,00 /hr Pizza Factory (Ekegren) SUBTOTAL; [ 1.50 154.50' Won% Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates 712/2013 DML Time 0,10 7.50 Type email response to Morphew regarding Dan's availability to meet 75,00/hr with Wong's contractor Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates 713120131 -INF Time 1.00 95,00 Prepared advance move check request; to Dan for review, discuss 95;00 /hr summary. Emailed check request #2 (advance) with a copy of memo from Dan to Jon Morphew, attorney & claim summary from Jon M. to Angie M & Angela S at City of Monticello. Updated file. Wong, Fu-Lakeland Dental Associates 711112013 LGT Time 0.60 57.00 Call to Angela regarding her questions as to why claim not fulty paid 95,001hr (emailed summary of conversation to Helen). Discussed check to be approved 7122, can be released 7/23. Email to Morphew regarding able to pick up check 7123. Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates 7/29/2013 DHW Time 3.20 352.00 Walk through with contractor and attorney regarding review work 110,001hr completed with invoices, Wong, Fu- Lakeland [Dental Associates City of Monticello Monticello - Montgomery Farms Page 3 HrslRote Amount SUBTOTAL: [ 4,90 511.50' z- Project Management 7/3112013 DML Time 0.96 71.25 711 - 7131, 2013 Consultant entries recorded to database for 75.001hr client/case history, status and file maintenance /backup, z- Project Management SUBTOTAL: C 0.05 71.25' For professional services rendered 6.05 $808.25 Additional Charges: _ Qty/Price z- Project Management 713112013 Copies - Internal 6 0.90 Copies - 711 - 1131, 2013 0.15 z- Project Management SUBTOTAL: 0.80. Total costs $0.90 Forprofessional.services rendered 8.05 $809.15 Total amount of this bill $809,15 Previous balance $1,987.55 7110/2013 Payment -Thank You ($537.70 712412013 Payment -Thank You ($1,449.85 Total payments and adjustments OL t�lj ($1,987.55 Balance due Mfr $809.15 M rn va Xceffinergyv RESPONSIBLE BY NATURElm Northern States Power Company Please Return This Portion With Your Payment. AV 01 001267 19202 B 8 A**51DOT MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE I P.O. BOX 9477 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 MPLS, MN 55484-9477 31 51091161 07984810 130000130560400001}005604 00to FlAtnin'rhic Pnrilnn For Vo"f PUCOMj. : : Questions, Call or write to us at: Please Call: (800 481-4700 Northern States Power Company Hearin Impaired: (00%895 -4949 PO BOX 8 Fax: (UP11-0050 EAU GLAIHF WI 54702 -0008 Activity Summary Date of Bill Aug 19, 2013 Number of Payments Rocuivod I Statement Number 380220410 AUG 2 2 2013 Previous Be'"" Total Arnount of Pa onts .1 WOO Balance Forward y -g es ( 4urront Charges 0 Gurront Balance Plel"Ise, Summary Promise Number Promise Identifier Promise Descriptor Current Bill 302392979 106 E BROADWAY WAY ST LAB ARIA 0.64 303420703 186 E BROADWAY ST FRONT OFFICE $18A0 Total Current Bill MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT'S r STE I MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 Soo back of bill for Account #, 51-0798481-0 more information. Paue 1 -of 3 Statement Date; 08/19113 $56.04 09116120113 Please see the back of this bill for morn information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the date duo to avoid assessment of a lato payment charge. Statement # 3BD228410 51.0798481-0 99/16/2013 $50 - ON4 =ank�Youl T youl AV 01 001267 19202 B 8 A**51DOT MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE I P.O. BOX 9477 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 MPLS, MN 55484-9477 31 51091161 07984810 130000130560400001}005604 00to FlAtnin'rhic Pnrilnn For Vo"f PUCOMj. : : Questions, Call or write to us at: Please Call: (800 481-4700 Northern States Power Company Hearin Impaired: (00%895 -4949 PO BOX 8 Fax: (UP11-0050 EAU GLAIHF WI 54702 -0008 Activity Summary Date of Bill Aug 19, 2013 Number of Payments Rocuivod I Statement Number 380220410 AUG 2 2 2013 Previous Be'"" Total Arnount of Pa onts .1 WOO Balance Forward y -g es ( 4urront Charges 0 Gurront Balance Plel"Ise, Summary Promise Number Promise Identifier Promise Descriptor Current Bill 302392979 106 E BROADWAY WAY ST LAB ARIA 0.64 303420703 186 E BROADWAY ST FRONT OFFICE $18A0 Total Current Bill MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT'S r STE I MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 Soo back of bill for Account #, 51-0798481-0 more information. Paue 1 -of 3 Statement Date; 08/19113 $56.04 09116120113 Please see the back of this bill for morn information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the date duo to avoid assessment of a lato payment charge. Statement # 3BD228410 THANK YOU FOR %1OPPING AT GRADY'S AGE HARDWARE 212 3RD STREET WEST POST OFFICE BOX 367 MONTICELIO, MN 55362 (763) 295 -2552 www gradyshardware com B/06/13 12:59PM DH 556 SALE 5207001 1 EA 4.99 EA HASP FIXED 3 1/4 IN ZINC ACE 4.99 5287370 1 EA 8.49 EA HASP FXD STPLE 4 1/2 IN ZN AC 8.45 �'?R7' 69 1 EA 7,99 EA i D BBL. HNG 3 1/4 IN ZN 7,91, rAL; 21.47 TAX; 1.4' TOTAL: 22.9 BC AMT; $22.9 0, XXXXXXXXXXXX7185 570121107499 099597 AMT: 22.S reference #;83241 Bat 42498 :D TYPE :VISA EXPR XXXX e # 000000 I lii I- rlifilf�if�lflltill ffll > JRNL #AB3241/1 << GUST # 12600 THANK YOU JEROD L RUOTSALAINEN FOR YOUR PATRONAGE Name: X Acct; MONTICELLO CITY REF; BAIT SHOP I agree to pal above total amount according to card Issuer agreement (merchant agreement if credit vouchnrl Custom¢r r,— 07/19/2013 18 :06 FAX 6083562770 NBA la 0003/0003 M94 OICE co pYTI JUL 2 3 20 dl_,,,,; la�arasfarr8enxeNLb96 be B &A4 Vices F rgarNh vrt Unpa7d GBhurM wNlbe �ddaRv�oEs�MurInrc��sfalemrnt. MSA PROFEWIDNA6 SBMCBS Ina PO Box 435 BAmoo 9P153913-0435 Angela Schumann May 17, 2013 City of Monticello, MN Project No, 813731009.0 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Invoice No; 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Project Manager: Jeffrey Anderson Client Liaison; David Wierzba Project 813731000.0 City of Monticello Tanis Locating Services Professional Services from April 18 2013 to May 11 2012 Contract; Percent Amount Previous This Description Amount Complete Earned Invoices Invoice Environmental Consulting 850.00 100,00 850.00 0,00 850.00 Total Fee 850,00 850,00 0.00 860.00 Total Fee AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE • y .. t.� 850.00 $850.00 1i61.vt 0 ° R offices in 111w s, Iowa, NnnpAom, amt wg mnsdn For WoMmUon. ConWd Ito Duluth 00 *0 0 218 -722 -M 5 1'000,.777.7380 Fax: 21 W22-Ma Monticello EDA Angela Schumann July 31, 2013 MN325 -00006 General Through July 31, 2013 Page; 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 For All Legal Services As Follows; Hours Amount 5/28/2013 SJB Conference with M Ingram regarding Culvey`s loan. 025 52.50 7/29/2013 SJS Legal research regarding closing meeting for sale of 0,25 47.50 property. 7/30/2013 SJS Legal research regarding Open Meeting Law issue; 0,25 47.50 telephone conference with M. Ingram regarding same. Total Services: $ 147.50 For All Disbursements As Follows: 7130!2013 Westlaw Research Charges 4,44 Total Disbursements: $ 4.44 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 151.94 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ATFN: ANGELA SCHUMANN P.O. DUE DATE 9/10/2013 TCRMS DUE ON RECEIPT HOSTING WEBSITE HOSTING 200,00 200,00 1NCLUDES DOMAIN, 5 EMAIL ADDRESSES UP 500MB TOTAL, FTP MANAGEMENT, AND GOOGLE ANALYTICS. IYR SUBTOTAL $200.00 SALES TAX (6.875%) $0.04 TOTAL $200.00 BULLFROG SWEATSI -IOP LLC, PAYMENTS /CREDITS $0,00 BALANCE DUE 35 134flmatedMarkdVatue: 8 0 °R ROBERT J HIIVMA 31 �oOVY st WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TRRASURRR NIA NIA 10 SECOND STREET N.19. ROOM 232 03 BUITA1.0, MN 55313.1194 763- 682 -7572 or 763 -682 -7584 vrww.co.wrtgltl, mu,trs Properly ID #:1;1155- 171 - 000060 Taxpayer ID Number: 248203 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 111111' Ilaf�lptat llhlllllllllll 'IIII'hl fill lll1l11ltl111111111 Property Tax Statement for Taxes Payable in 2013 Descriptlon: Soot -10 T%vp -l2l Range -025 OTTER CRBHK CROSKNO.(m0 NTICEL 13,67 AC OUTLOT F "'16 11 2 6 N13 Taxes Payable Year: 2.112 2013 14, YQl1R TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSME, NT8 � ` � Sid � NIA 1,628.00 — ^r ^ ^^ ~ PAYABLE 2013 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB PlEASE READ THE BACKOF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPOR 'rANT INFORMATION, I TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: NOVEMBER 15 Q If your address has changed please check Ihis box d and show the change on the hack of this stub, Property ID Number: RI56- 171 - 000060 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $914.00 0 Bill Number: 67753 PENALTY: TOTAL: ID Number: 248203 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO, ROBFMrr J. HII[VA1.A WRIGHT COtlRN AUDII'0RET1i11AS01t11R 10 SMOND STIMPT N.W. ROOM 232 BMALO, NN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EIOA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 Naanco�r6wxU toss aaquae od. YOUranwwa rhOCH leyou mt�pt lhl9 [eco pals rod {I tw dK Ck sod lnmrod, MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 134flmatedMarkdVatue: NIA - 143,500 You may be eligible for one or. even two Homestead 13xclusiou Taxable Market Values NIA NIA 143,500 refunds to reduce your property tax. $$$ BX aim om NIA REFUNDS? t?ead the back of this statement to find Prapedyclassification: 1 XWOT AON119TD out how to apply, I. Use this amount on Form MIPR to Sea if you are eligible for a property tax refund. File by August 15, If this box is obecked, you owe delinquent taxes and ore not eligible, 2. Uuo these "amounts on Form M111R to see if you are eligible for a special refund. NIA Your Property Tax and Credits 3, Your property taxes before credits NIA 1,628,00 4, Crmdita that reduce your property taxes A. Agricultural market value credit NIA B. Other Credits NIA S. ftepetty taxis art x crWON NIA 1,628.00 Property Tak by Jurisdiction 5. County - . NIA 635.43 7. City or.Town (CITY OF MONnCE LLO) N/A 606.46 8. State (ioneral Tax N/A 9. School District (0882) A. Voter approved levies N/A 213.08 B. Other local levies N/A 163,31 10. Special Taxing Districts A. MBL UP NIA 8.72 11. Non-whool voter approved r6feren4a levies NIA 12. Total property tax before spacial assesSmentu NIA 1,628.00 Special Assessments on Your Property 13, Specialussessruunts NIA 14, YQl1R TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSME, NT8 � ` � Sid � NIA 1,628.00 — ^r ^ ^^ ~ PAYABLE 2013 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB PlEASE READ THE BACKOF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPOR 'rANT INFORMATION, I TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: NOVEMBER 15 Q If your address has changed please check Ihis box d and show the change on the hack of this stub, Property ID Number: RI56- 171 - 000060 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $914.00 0 Bill Number: 67753 PENALTY: TOTAL: ID Number: 248203 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO, ROBFMrr J. HII[VA1.A WRIGHT COtlRN AUDII'0RET1i11AS01t11R 10 SMOND STIMPT N.W. ROOM 232 BMALO, NN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EIOA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 Naanco�r6wxU toss aaquae od. YOUranwwa rhOCH leyou mt�pt lhl9 [eco pals rod {I tw dK Ck sod lnmrod, MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 35 1 Art 2 6 2013 �. . Z 4 31 �sy}YY Op ROBERT J HINALA N`VRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOMREASURER Taxes Payable Year: 10 SHWND SfRERT NAV. ROOM 232 03 BUFFALO, MN 55313 -1194 IIatimatcd Market Value: a 763- 6827572 or 763 -682 -7584 Homestead Jlxclusion: 'deg www,co.vight.tnu,us (Property ID #: R155 -010- 067010 Taxpayer ID Number: 240203 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 606 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 65362 -0822 lfllll'llrhlllu" III' Illllllllllrllllt�llrl ['II��II��J�rrltrlt! $$$ You may bo eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to fired out how to apply, Property Tax Statement for Taxes Payable in 2413 Description: Seot -11 Twp -121 Rangc425 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTTC8L.LO LOTS 1,2,3,4&5 BLK 3 . ;" 1, Uso this amount on Form M1PR to see if you are eligible for a property tax refund, El by August 15. If" box is checked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. 2, Uao those drammts on Form MIPR to see ifyou are eligible for a speoial refund. Your Property Tax and Credits 3, Your proportytaxes before credits 4, Credits that iWuce youi property taxes A. Agricultural market value credit la, Other Credits S. Property tuxes after credits Property Tax by Jurisdiction 6. County 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) 8. State General Tax 9. school DlStri6t (0882) A, Votor approved levies B. Othor local levles 10. Special Taxing Districts 11, Non - school voter approved referenda levies 12. Total property tax before special asseasments Speclad Assessments on Your Property 13. Special asaessments 1'tiueiral $ 2,403:86 Interest $ 405.44 2,992.86 2,809.32 A.UTH iTIES 244611 -0 1,574,33 B,RC >AD MIT 32411 -0 1,234.99 �dY I 14. YOUR TOTAL PHOPLRTY'LAX AND SPECIAL ASSLr55MEA1T5 2.99Q.86 2,809.32 PAYABLE 21013 end HALF PAYMI�NT STUB PLEASE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. 1 TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR 13EFORE: OCTOBER 15 If your address has changed please check Ihis box and show the change on the back of this stub. 1 Art 2 6 2013 �. . Property ID Number: 11955- 09o- 0670lu SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $1,404.66 � Taxes Payable Year: 2012 2013 Your _Properly Tax Values & ClassRleatlon IIatimatcd Market Value: PENALTY: TOTAL: Homestead Jlxclusion: Taxable Market Value: A §� Now Improvements/ MAKKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: Expired Exclusions: Prvperiy Ciassi& cation: E7fr;[v>PT RX13LVT 1, Uso this amount on Form M1PR to see if you are eligible for a property tax refund, El by August 15. If" box is checked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. 2, Uao those drammts on Form MIPR to see ifyou are eligible for a speoial refund. Your Property Tax and Credits 3, Your proportytaxes before credits 4, Credits that iWuce youi property taxes A. Agricultural market value credit la, Other Credits S. Property tuxes after credits Property Tax by Jurisdiction 6. County 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) 8. State General Tax 9. school DlStri6t (0882) A, Votor approved levies B. Othor local levles 10. Special Taxing Districts 11, Non - school voter approved referenda levies 12. Total property tax before special asseasments Speclad Assessments on Your Property 13. Special asaessments 1'tiueiral $ 2,403:86 Interest $ 405.44 2,992.86 2,809.32 A.UTH iTIES 244611 -0 1,574,33 B,RC >AD MIT 32411 -0 1,234.99 �dY I 14. YOUR TOTAL PHOPLRTY'LAX AND SPECIAL ASSLr55MEA1T5 2.99Q.86 2,809.32 PAYABLE 21013 end HALF PAYMI�NT STUB PLEASE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. 1 TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR 13EFORE: OCTOBER 15 If your address has changed please check Ihis box and show the change on the back of this stub. 'a Property ID Number: 11955- 09o- 0670lu SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $1,404.66 � o� Bill Number: 20090 PENALTY: TOTAL: A §� ID Number: 246203 MAKKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: ROBERT J. HH VALA NYRIGIIT COUNTY ADlT0IVrR1ltL URER 10 SECOND STREET NAV, ROOK! 332 AUITALO, NIN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 N*neCeV Sant LWaNFv4ueaW.Ywoo ad cfwk i5 your �rO .TNJraCe�imwrduinacrxaI$ mmawrCd, MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 35 I 80 14�1VRLGHT 3Z +ar" cw ROBERT J. HIIYALA, COUNTY AUAI1ORrCR6ASURRR 10 S>aCOND STREET Y,W. ROOM 232 BUFFALO, MN 55313 -1194 A. Agrivuttpral market value credit 763 -682 -7572 or 763- 682 -7584 www.CO, wrI�11I.lnu, tls r4 err ID #: R155- 014 - 034130 Taxpayer ID Number: 2413203 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 7 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 FIIIIf Iliili�llllll�llll] 1h11�Ir�IIJI'lll�l���il�nlillil $$$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to fled out how to apply. 1. Use this amount on Form MIPR to see if you are oligiblo for a property tax refund, pile by August 15. Ifthis box is checked, you owe delinquent takes and are not eligible, 2. Use these amounts on Form M1PR to see ifvou are eligible for a spacial refund. Property Tax Statement for Taxes Payable in 2013 Description: Sect -] I Twp- 1211iange -025 ORIQtNAL -PLAT MONTICEL40 Lo4UI3 . ' 13lock -034 i a I WIAI V1 Wj Ly r a..ua MMM 3. 'Your properly taxes before credits I 4,28097 4. Credits that reduce your pr6perty. taxes i A. Agrivuttpral market value credit Taxes Payable Year: . . 204. Your Properly Tax Values & ClasslSloatlon 4,507.44 4,280,97 Mlthnatud Market WE[% t 80,800.,. , , _ 180,800 1lemestegd Exclusion: 423,61 402.79 Taxable MarketValuw 180,800 180,800 New Improvemontsl 1,047.04 1,07620 Expired Exclusions: Property crassitleation, Comm Comm RES Noma M NON -H a I WIAI V1 Wj Ly r a..ua MMM 3. 'Your properly taxes before credits 4,507.44 4,28097 4. Credits that reduce your pr6perty. taxes A. Agrivuttpral market value credit Il. Other Credits S. Property taxes nitercr4fis 4,507.44 4,280,97 Pmptrty Tax by duriediction 6. county 423,61 402.79 7. City or Town (CITY OrMONrICFLLO) 483,79 383.74 8, State General Tax 1,047.04 1,07620 9. School District (0882) A. Voter approved lovio B. Other local levies 10. Special Taxing Districts A. MBL HP B. TIF 11, Neu school voter approved ret$mnda levies 12. Total property tax before special assessments local Assessments on Your Property 13. ,Special assessments Prinai] A,UIILITIBS 24611.0 at $ 18150 Interest $ 9.53 191.03 `W�+tyli 517.81 158.92 12.05 1,864.22 4,507.44 222,56 476.97 140.83 5.52 1,794.92 4,280.97 191.03 PAYABLE 2013 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB 11- Wr WAD THE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION,` t M- TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 L] If your address has changed pplease check this box and show the chago on the baok of this stub, Property III Number: R155- 010.03413Q SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE; 00# PENALTY: TOTAL: o BIII Number. 20658 ID Number: 248203 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO. ROPRRT J. HH ALA W1t1GHT CQt>ii'1`Y AUDITOR/CR11A5[lE1111t a� 10 SMOND 8l`R111iT N.W. ROOM 232 BUFFALO, MN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EC]A tuttuoekA samumINRl 114d.YGUrB& UudchVA4ymimcRolTNsrecO�ikwdRlhechakisnolhoncird 505 WALNUT ST STEM 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 �5 a MAR 2 6 2013 80 31 *V �, ROBERT J, HIMA WiUGI1T COUNTY AUDITOWRWURER 00 m IOSIICONDSTREE'fNAXROOM232 Property Tax Statement 03 BUFFALO, MN $5313.1194 682 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 vasls d 763- -7572 or 763-682-7594 for Taxes Payable in 2013 I��II�'II'I�II "" III' III�IIIIIII 'llrl'�II'll'll��l���'ll'rltrld Your Property Tax Values &Classification wivw.co.wrigltt.mtixs Save for futuro Estimated Market Value; 46,000 rofea-wice Description: You may be elf Ible for one or even two y ro ern ID RI55 -O iO- 034140 Sect -11 Twp -121 lunge -025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELW Lot -014 $$$ refunds to reduce your property tax. ,#: Black -034 14, YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAXANO SPECIAL ASSESS S 1902.00 11114.00 1114.00 PAYABLE 2013 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB ILEASE HEAD THE IJACKOrVESTATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION, t TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCT013ER 15 [] if your address has changed please check this box tv and show the change on the back of this stub. Property ID Number. R165- 010 - 034140 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE; 90 � PENALTY: TOTAL; MP #_ 8155- 010 - 034150 z Bill Number: 20659 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO, P� ID Number: 2482o3 ROBERT Y. �r�' �� 1WWRIT COUNTYAUDITORlIRMUMIt ro 10 SECOND ST111 -f N,lir. it00M 232 BUITALO, MN 55313.1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 No Receipt Gari Unlace R" uekd, Wwo" oPWsheck Isyou,rmpl. Thia rucelpl k4IXdll lhoftck 6nol lwamed MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 a MAR 2 6 2013 Taxpayer 1D Number; 248203 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA I 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 Taxes Payable Year; 2012 - 2.413 I��II�'II'I�II "" III' III�IIIIIII 'llrl'�II'll'll��l���'ll'rltrld Your Property Tax Values &Classification Estimated Market Value; 46,000 46,000 You may be elf Ible for one or even two y Tsxsble Market Vs1ua: Taxable 46,000 $$$ refunds to reduce your property tax. Now lwprovemeatsl 46,000 REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find 13xpirw Exclusions; Properly Classification; Comm C50M I out how to apply. L Use this amount on Form M IPR to see if you are eligible for a property tax refund, File by August 15, If this box is checked, you owe delinquent taxe9 and are not eligible. ❑ 2, Use these amounts onporm M1PR to see ifyou are eligible for a special refund. Your Property ax and Credits 3. Your property taxes before credits 1,701.44 1,622.97 4. Credits that reduce year pmporty taxes A. Agricultural market value credit A. Other Credits S. Property taxes alter credits 1,701.44 1,622.97 Property Tax by itirlsdiction. 6. County - 399.70 407.46 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTICELLO) 457,91 388.$1 8. State General Tax 470,12 483,21 9. School District (08$2) A. 'Voter approved levies 239,66 223.65 D. Other local levies 122.64 114.25 10. special Taxing Districts A. MBI His 11,41 5.59 11. Non -schuol'voter approved referenda levies l2 Total property. tax before spccia! assessmoats I;701.44 Special Assesstntints on Your Property L3. Speoialassessments' Principal $ 181.50 Interest $ 953 200,56 191.03 A.1UTIL.PPD3S 24611 -0 191.03 14, YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAXANO SPECIAL ASSESS S 1902.00 11114.00 1114.00 PAYABLE 2013 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB ILEASE HEAD THE IJACKOrVESTATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION, t TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCT013ER 15 [] if your address has changed please check this box tv and show the change on the back of this stub. Property ID Number. R165- 010 - 034140 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE; 90 � PENALTY: TOTAL; MP #_ 8155- 010 - 034150 z Bill Number: 20659 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO, P� ID Number: 2482o3 ROBERT Y. �r�' �� 1WWRIT COUNTYAUDITORlIRMUMIt ro 10 SECOND ST111 -f N,lir. it00M 232 BUITALO, MN 55313.1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 No Receipt Gari Unlace R" uekd, Wwo" oPWsheck Isyou,rmpl. Thia rucelpl k4IXdll lhoftck 6nol lwamed MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 35 1l,?AR 2 6 2613 80 31 0 ROBERT �HIIVALA 1 WR€6II'f COUNTY A ITORITREASURE[l all a 10 SECOND STREET N.W. ROOM 232 E13 8 BUITALO, MN 553f3 -1.194 Your Prouty lax Values & Clesalfleatlon Estimated Market Value; 763- 682 -7572 frr 763.682.7584 593,400 ' www,cc.wrlgld,mn,us r0 erl ID #. R155- 010 - 034150 Taxpayer ID Number: 248203 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 66362 -8822 IIIlIIt IIrI�IIuu�I6111�IIIIIihII�Ir�II 'II'll��l���tllerinlrl $$$ You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to fired out how to apply. L llso this amount on Form MIFR to see if you are uligiblo fare property tax refund. )Pilo by August 15, If thin boa i$ checked, you owe dolinquent taxes and are not eligible, 2. Use these amounts on Form MIPR to see if you are eligible for a special refund. Property Tax Statement for Taxes Payable In 2013 Description-, sect -11 Twp -I21 Range -025 01UGINAL, PLAT MOTV'd! PP 4' O L01.915 Block -034 Le Your Property Tax and Credits 1l,?AR 2 6 2613 3, Your property taxes before credits 19,713.77 19,692.15 Taxes Payable Year: 2012 A. Agricultural market value credit Your Prouty lax Values & Clesalfleatlon Estimated Market Value; .568,200 593,400 Hdmastead Exclusion: 19,713.77 19,692.15 Taxable Market Value; 566,200 593,400 V ew lmptovrMentaf 1,800.11 1,796.14 Iixpired Bxulusiom: 2,061.60 1,713.72 Property Claasificatian: Cow COMM Le Your Property Tax and Credits 3, Your property taxes before credits 19,713.77 19,692.15 4. Credits that reduce your property taxes A. Agricultural market value credit B. Other Cecwta S. Property taxes after credits 19,713.77 19,692.15 Property Tax by Jurisdletion 6. County 1,800.11 1,796.14 7. City or Town (CITYOFMONTICELLO) 2,061.60 1,713.72 8. state General Tax 5,423.75 5,83931 9. Scheel j%irict (0882) A, Voter approved levies 13801.73 1,725.05_ )3, Other local levies 632.33 584.56 l0. Special''exing Districts A. MBL HP 51.36 24.65 B. TIP 7,942.89 8,008.52 11. Non- eclwol volerapprvvrdrefivengA levies 12. 'Total property tax before apobial assessments 19,713.77 19,692.15 Special ArmsdtOihehWon Yqur Property 13. Special asavasmonts Prinoipal $ 273.49 Interest $ 1436 324.23 287.85 A. AlUTIH3 24611-0 287.85 VAO A '7 iL,J 5 14, YQUR TOTAL- inoPERTX TAX A" SPECIAL ASSm5S141vmrs 20,038.00 19,980,{!0 PAYABLE 2013 2nd HALF PAYMENT STUB PLFASF HEAL) THE ACKor7HE. STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMT10N .— - TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE., OCTOBER 15 F] If your address has changed please ehenk this box ty and show the change on the back of this stub, Property ID Number: R165-010-034150 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $9,990.00 _ MP #: R165- 010- 034150 PENALTY: TOTAL: Bill Number-' 20600 MAKE CHE'C'KS PAYABLE & MIL TO, � d� 1D Number: 248203 ROBERT J• H11VAIA WRIGII'1 COUN TYAUD1TORi1'R1 MUIIER 10 SECOND SrRMl'N.19, ROOM 232 BUPFALO, YIN 55313 -1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 NO H641 sent tlnleae rte UWee. Yew WOW OW% IWOU r &tL the roe l ie vole rlhe tholk WkhgmW. MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 35 fin 3 4 O R ppE I'J H�r V AArA 'i 3 WEGHT COUN'N AUDrl'OIUTMSt1RSR 10 SECOND 9PRE917 NV, ROOM 232 o III 03 � BWPALO, MN 55313 -1194 , CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA > , 763 -682 -7572 oe 763. 682.7584 www,comfight,mn.us ro err ID � R155- 010 - 050011 Property Tax Statement for Taxes Payable In 2013 Description: Seat -11 Twp -121 Range -425 ORIGINAL PLAT MON:PIChLI O Lot -001 Block -050 5112 OF LTS 1,28x3 lv All 2 6.2013 Taxpayer Ill Number. 248203 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 605 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 56362 -8822 Taxes Payable Year: 2012 2013 IIIIIIrlhillplrlljl> IIIIIIIIIII 'flhllilrll ' lllllllllllllln6l Your ProRanvTexVolyas&C3usslfloation FMimated!+Market Value: 130,700 130,70U You may eligible for one or even two Homestead Exclusion: Taxable Market Value. 130,700 13D,700 refunds to reduce your r0 err tax. p y $$$ Now Improvamental REFUNDS? Read the back of this statement to find ExpW 8xcluslom: HroperryClassiScation: Comm Comm out how to apply. 1. Use this amount an FotO M1PIt. to see ifyau are eligible for a proporty tax refund. File by August 15. If this box is chocked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. 2, use these amounts on lrorm M1PR to sea if you are eligible for a special refund, Your Property Tax and Credits 3, Your property taxes before credits 3,699.42 3,528.00 4. Credits that reduce your proportY taxes. A. Agricultural market value credit B, other Credits 5. Property faxes alter credits _ 3,699.42 3,528.00 Property Tax by Jurisdiction 6. County. 852.14 868.55 7. City or Town (CITY OF MONTIC13LLO) 976.45 828,76 8. State Goneral Tax 1,002,07 1,029.98 9. School District (0882) A. Wier approved levies 576.18 538.51 B, Other local levies 268.66 250.28 10. Special Taxing Districts A. M131,111' 24.32 11.92 11. Nan- school voter approved referenda levies 12.'Toial property tax before spacial assessments 3,699,42 3, Q Spealat Assessments on Your Property L3. Special assessments 1,500.58 14. VOIIR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 5,200.00 3,528,00 .. -- ........- ......... — - --------------------- - - - - -- -- -.,_^.,_..,._.,_.._—........— - ....— _.-- ._.......__ .. ---- ...._. - -- - - -- - ... -.- -- PAYABLE 2013 2 "d HALF PAYMENT STUB REASE READ THE BACK OF THE STATEMENT FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15 if your address has changed please check this box and show the change on the back of this stub. Property ID Number: R156-010-050011 S q[ L3112 TAX:AMOUNT DUE: $1,764= R PENALTY: TOTAL._: Q� Bill Number: zo7 20797 Ib Number: 248203 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MA TO: It0I310'J, HIIVAI k WRICHT COWl'Y A1)1)lT01WRli URM 10 SECOND STHIff N.Ltr, ROOM 232 ]3l1PPALQ, MN 55313.1194 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 ND RD Ipl&ntUnhanequaaaed.Yaace ! Ucinklsyaurwcelp. Thtssacelplln voldltjjnctecklsamh"Od. MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 Xceffinergyo p�fi�lrf118IDL� trY NATIrA> =° NOHTHF iN STATES POWEH COMPANY Page 1 of 4 MAIONG ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBEfi WERCEMM 10/03/2013 MONTICELLD EDA 5015 WALNUT ST STF 1 1 0623082 8 MONIICELLO MN 55342 -8822 STATEMENT NUMBER tSTATEMENT DATE ME= 382434994 0 $17.07 OUR tA31€s :s nay SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES (detailed chames begin an page 21 Temperature a s n Electricity Smice 00/06/13 09/05/13 n kWh $17,87 F[eetrldty kWh E[ectric4ry Cost CUrrolit CltiirgeS $17.07 ir; cVl QUESTIONS AROUTYOUR BILL? ACCOUNT BALANCE See Previous Balance As of 08/06 $17.07 Email u u s at: wabsitQ: xcelenergy.com Payment Hoceived CheckOB/28 - $17,07 CR Email Custamerservice ®xcelanergy,cam Please Call: 1800.481 -4700 Balance Forward $OAO Hearing Impaired: 1400-095-494,9 Current Charges $17.07 � Fax: 1 -800- 311 -0050 Amount Due $1727 _ Or write us at; XCEL ENERGY Pa BOX o INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL EAU CWHE Wi 54702 -0008 Thank you for your payment. Convenience at your service � Pay your bills electronically -fast and easy with Electronic Funds Transfer. Call us at 1 - 800 - 481 -4700 or visit us at www.xcelenergy.com. .n�. SEP 1 0 2013 I IT P r & XcelEneWf DMRN 05TTOM POnTION VATH YOUR PAYNIFkq *PLEASE DO HOT DSE STANIES,TAPEOn PAFEH cups ACCOUNT NUMAEn ME PATE I I I 51- 0623082 -8 10/03/2013 $17.47 Please sea the back of this bill lornmoro infunnation I 1 ., 72MU 0 milarding the late paymentchurge. Pay ant of before the date due to avoid assasslnant of a Into paVmantohnrna. 1 2 Make your choul( payable to XCFL ENERGY 6 7 8 a 13 14 15 16 AV 01004584 323238 22 A**5AGT 20 21 22 28 IIIIII1r) 111111A11i111ty111111111111111111l11111111111111111 27 x8 28 30 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICEL.LO MN 55362 -8831 I 1 111 Il 111 III I Ilil {1 11111 11 111 1 Ir111 011 It 1 I 1 I r 1 I Ilr Ili 11 InIl1II XGEL ENLRGY P,O, BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484 -9477 31 51100313 06230828 0001200017071100 000n1707 7 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Page 1 of 4 i1FSiPflNStBI# NY NATVNIE Temperature' Electrid kWh Electricity Cast QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL?� Sao our website: xcelonernyxom Email us at: Customerservice (Mxcalanergy,com Please Call; 1- 800 -481 -4700 Nearing Impaired: 1- 800 - 895 -4949 Fax: 1-800 -811 -0050 Or write us at: xCEL ENERGY PO Box 8 FAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0008 @ Xce1Line gyp IWAILINO ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMB l f# r 1gf0412013 MONrICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT sr MONTICELLO MN 55302.0821 51- 0592578 -0 STATEMENT NUMBER _ STATEMEN;DATt $17.07 382521048 08/09/2 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES Service Charges ACCOUNT BALANCE stanoa cnargos nogln an pap 3.09/07/13 0 kWh 17 .07 Previous Balance As of 08/07 $17.07 Payment IleCBlved Check 08/28 - $17.07 CR Balance Forward — $0.00 Current Charges - $17,07 Amount Due $17.07 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. Convenience at your service - Pay your bills electronically -fast and easy with Electronic Funds Transfer. Call us at 1-800-481-4700 or visit us at www.xcelenergy,com. RETURN HUM POFMONWITHYOURPAYMENT. PLEASENDNOTUSESTAKES .TAPEORPAPERCUPS ACCOUNT NUMBER I DUE DATE 51- 0592578 -0 1 10/04/2013 1 $17.07 Please see 11111 hack afthi8 bill for NOW lufomiadnn regarding the late peynroat Gharge. Pay oil or helnre Ilte data due to avoid rises ntoul of a fare paymenteharge. Make your chock payable to xCI;L ENERGY AV 01 002554 34021 B 12 A**5DGT lei III 111 11 MONTICELL.O EDA 505 WALNUT" ST 110NTICEI_I -0 NN 56362-6831 IIIllllrlhl'= 11111f1111' II' 1111111'If "r11u11 "'1'f "f'IIIIII XCEL FNEROY P.O, BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 �11 S1100413 05925780 0004000170700001300 707 0 ID i 2 3 6 6 7 8 O 10 11 72 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2p 21 22 23 24 x5 26 27 21t 29 a9 31 IIIllllrlhl'= 11111f1111' II' 1111111'If "r11u11 "'1'f "f'IIIIII XCEL FNEROY P.O, BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 �11 S1100413 05925780 0004000170700001300 707 0 ID r NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Pogo I of 4 119SPOSSIOL9 SY HAT11HE m YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE j, -- ---- — S 0 il D J F M A M J J A S Al A�1� ice§ Temperawro �� ���� Decide" kWh 51. 0517304 -8 Electricky Coat STATEIiAEN "f r1ATE QUIESTIONS ABOUT YOUR RILL? Seeaurwobsita: xceienorgy.com Small us at: CustomarsetviepOxcelenergy.com Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Please Call; 1- 800 -995 -4999 Hearing Impaired: 1- 800 - 995 -4949 Espariui: 1- 800 - 6874118 Or write us at: XCI=L. ENERGY P) BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702-0008 J).koue * FwlWw us Fq}APok,o F M,T"W;Iter dwAr Xce Energyo MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER , MONTICELLO EPA 505 WALNUF ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55382.8822 51. 0517304 -8 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEIiAEN "f r1ATE 382617835 09/09/2013 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES Idatslledcharges begin anpago21 Electricity Service (1$/07/13 - 09/08/13 16 kWh $13.41 Current Charoos $13.41 ACCOUNT RALANGV Previous Balance As of 08/07 $13.02 Payment Received Check 08/28 - $13.02 CH Balance Forward $0,00 Current Charges $13.41 Amount Due $13.41 - f INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL � �.:.I.:.. .:... `.::.._,. Thank you for your payment. OF r RFTURN BOTTOM PORTION WIIN YOUR PAYMENT • NtEASE 00NUT USE STAPtC&,TABI€ On RAQER OWPs ACCOUNTNUMOER I PUE DATE 51- 0517364 -8 I 10/04/2013 I $13.41 PiRase sae the back of this bill for more Inrffnatlaa ragardin0 the late payment chatye. Pay on or beinre 1@ date due In avoid assessment of a Irate yaynlenl charge. Make your chock payable to XCEL ENERGY AV 02 001885 34021 B 7 A**5DOT I' t11111111�IItIIl I�IIjI, IIII lrll�lln,n „I�IIlIIIIn�IIl�Il�I! MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 553f2-8831 6 7 $ 9 10 91 " 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 27 29 29 30 31 II„ 1{ IIl Il I,l fllnulul l {�! „IIIl,lL1II�IIln111IIl,L11-111- XCEL ENERGY R.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484 -0477 31 511100413 05173848 000011001347,0000000121411 N 17 jo XcelEn ��►y� R99PONNIOLE BY NATUREO° QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeaurwebsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at: CustafnarseruicaOxcelenergy.com Please Call: 1- 800 - 481 -4700 Hearing Impaired: 1- 800 - 895 -4949 Fax: 1 -800- 311 -0050 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY PO sox 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0008 PREMISES SUMMARY NORTHEII N STATES POWER COMPANY Foge 1 of MAILING ADDnESS ACCOUNT NUMBErl 10j041Z013 MONTICELLO EDA 51- 0517365 -5 505 WALNUT ST STE i Current Charges $57,28 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8822 STATEMENT NUMBER STATENif f9'JOATV 382619422 09/09/2 $57.28 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of 08/07 $70,26 Payment Received Check 08/28 - $70,28 CR Balance Forward $0.40 Current Charges $57,28 Amount Due $57,28 PREMISES NUMBER PREMISES IDENTIFIER PREMISES DESCRIPTOR CURRENT 1311 302451493 206 PINE ST $26.40 302695149 '112 B BROADWAY ST $30,08 Total 557.28 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. ConvonienGe atyour service - Payyour bills electronically -fast and easy with - Electronic Funds Transfer. Call us at 1- 800 -481 -4700 or visit us at wlnlrrw.xrelenergy.com. Xce nergy WUHN 9014M PcPTIeN WITn YOUn PAYMENT • PLEASE AO NOT USE aAKEEJAR OR PAPER cup& ACCOUNT NUMBER I DUE DATE 51- 0517365,5 1 10/04/2013 1 $57.28 Please see tire hack of this bill for more Informallon reganUng ilia late papmeni charge. Pay ail or before Ibe date due la avold assessment of a late payment elintgo. 1 2 3 5 Make your check payable to XCEL ENERGY O 7 8 9 74 71 12 13 14 15 1G 17 78 19 AV 01 002598 34021 S 1211 °k5DGT 20 x7 22 23 x4 25 28 ��Illlll'I "IIIIIIIIIIIIIII. 1111. III "IIII'IIIII'�[Eflll'I'II,IIIII 27 xa 29 3a 37 MONTICELLO FDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55382 -8839 VIII'III'IIIIIII "Ilrllrlll,lr, 1111111 "IIIIII'Illlllllil'Illll XCEL ENERGY P.O, BOX 9477 MAL.S MN 55484 -9477 31 551100413 05173655 Ol]dUL1QL7S7i?�laOpDllCld57D8 L_ ,;E, W Centerpointp Energy Always There.- QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 56440 -1144 Address not for bill payment)I Monday - Friday Cali 8 a.m. - 5 p,m. Dill Info 612 - 321 -4939 CenterPolntEnergy.com Customer name CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN Account number 9739641 -0 Billing date 08130/2413 Date due 0912712013 Total amount due' y '. ) ; t ,, a �1r/ i; : •. $ 12.82 :I4�t t i, ACCT SUMMARY S E P � � i�1� �� • aa$ oharges Previous balance $12,82 _ Payment 08115/2013 ' -12,82 Balance fotward "; " "" 0.00 ....� . }'�; "fix. - �.ErM $ Currant billing t,�`; r i (a s i °..',',..iii I<fr.. �-1- 12.82 lifting a finger. To enroll In Automatic Bank Draft, Just sign and date the back of your mill stub and return to us with a chock for your payment amount. Its that easyl Pago 1 Of 1 Avg dally lamp; This period this year 75°r; thle POW last year 00'r•. �polfit 10100 thla Pardan with Payment. Please do not Include letters or rmtes Energy Account number 9739641 -0 Date clue 09127/2013 �tw`Te Total amount due $12.82 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440.1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 I4OUSTON TX 77210 -4671 1�6�1�lIElr' fl' 1���111�1iIII�jl1� "lllll�l�ll'll'�I��'�Illl11'lll 00523380 01 AV 0.380 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 605 WALNUT ST STE t ,. MONTICELLO MN 56362 -8822 �lldlln�1 1116111111141dn11n1111 Jill Nell III III utl111111111 — 0490070780765 OU72OU00097396410000000001282000000 0la8E90 Total amount due $ $12.82 SERVICE ADDRE$S 100 E Broadway St Monticello MN 65362 -9321 DIDYOU KNOW? M YOUR GAS USAGE M Meter# M1980412729 29 Day billln period 0 0713112013 to 08/2912013 Your account is ready to P Current readlyng 0 08/2912013 9 9036 view now. Register for free M Metered usage 00 COF x Therm tastor er 1.01 $ea q Tharine.000In 29 days 0 online account access. View N Next meter reading 0 09/2912013 balance, usage history, make N Next bilking data 1 10/0112013 an online payment, view recommendations for saving Y YOUR SILL. IN DETAIL C Comlind Firm Rata energy and money with My B Basic charge $ $12.00 Energy Analyzer, and much D De #Ivory charge 0 0,40 mare. Register at D Decoupling ad) ustment 0 0100 CenterPotntEnorgy.coml G Gas AlfordabllltyPRG 0 0,00 rtnyaccountonikne. S State sales tax 0 0,82 Pay your next bill without T Total ourrent charges $ $112.82 Pago 1 Of 1 Avg dally lamp; This period this year 75°r; thle POW last year 00'r•. �polfit 10100 thla Pardan with Payment. Please do not Include letters or rmtes Energy Account number 9739641 -0 Date clue 09127/2013 �tw`Te Total amount due $12.82 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440.1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 I4OUSTON TX 77210 -4671 1�6�1�lIElr' fl' 1���111�1iIII�jl1� "lllll�l�ll'll'�I��'�Illl11'lll 00523380 01 AV 0.380 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 605 WALNUT ST STE t ,. MONTICELLO MN 56362 -8822 �lldlln�1 1116111111141dn11n1111 Jill Nell III III utl111111111 — 0490070780765 OU72OU00097396410000000001282000000 0la8E90 CenterPoint® Enf>;irgy .Always There.' QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPolnt Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440-1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m Bill Into 612- 321 -4939 CenterPointEnergy.aom Customer name CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN Account number 9739646 -1 Billing date 0 813 012 0 13 Date due f ~ 1 'dam M 7 t�.a ' l ' YM1 V 09127/2013 d t J Total amount due ,a; ix,g2 ACCT' SUMMARY s P W 261 Qas charges Previous Lba lance $12,82 Payment 0 811 512 0 1 3 N`; °" ;, r::; -12.82 Balance forward Currant bllling 12.82 Total amount due $1242 SERVICE ADDRESS 1013 E Broadway St DID YOU KNOW? Monticello MN 66362 -9321 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter# MI 9802312709 Your account is ready to view now. Register far free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Reggister at CenterPolnlFnergy.com/ myaccounto nline. Pair your next bill without lifting a finger. To enroll in Automatic Bank Draft, Just sign and date the back of your bil I stub and return to us with a check for your payment amount, Its that easyt 29 Day billn period Current reading 07181/2013 to 0e12912013 08/29/2013 Previous reading 0713112013 2296 2296 Male red usage 08 1'X Therm factor of 1.01886 a Therins'uaad In 28 days d 0 Next meter reading 091291201$ Next billing date 11)1011/20i3 YOUR BILL. IN DETAIL Cam /lad Firm Rate Basic charge $12,00 Delivery charge 0100 Deco upling adjustment 0.00 Gas Affo rdabii ly PRQ 0,00 State sales lax 0182 Total ourront charges $12,62 �-"6 T"RNTERED Page 1 of 1 Avg dally temp: Th1s period this year TVR this period last year a0 °p. ` Mall He portion With payment, Please do net Include Jailers or notes Efiergy Con% %pull%% Account _n umber 9739545.1 Dale due 09/27/2013 A1w�vsTne`�` Total amount due $ 12.82 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 LA HOUSTON TX 77210 -4071 Ialtllllilllalltlllllllllal4lllllallllllllhanahllt llllllrnl 00023101 all AV 0.3601 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 6066 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 65362 -8822 ~ Ilal lu l 6 fill ualul at la teat II al tea l Ili I t Ili III II 111 11 I II f l Jul I 0490070780773 007200004973964510000 ]il001282BOUGODO128290 ce,�re�� tm � � Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429449.9 Always Them! Billing date 08/30/2013 Bate due i �4''�' A ' +f �_; 0%$12712013 Total amount due .J Lk i!,' - -_ �sa� r. $12,82 "' QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? } CenlorPoint Energy PO BOX f 144 e _ ACCT SUMMARY rt ��� qas charges MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 Previous balance (Address not for bill paymenty $12,82 8 _ Monde - Friday all 8 a,m. - 6 ,m Payment 08/18!2013 ,� ,, °'4;; E ^ - 12.82 Bill into y 612-3211-4939 Balance forward "; -�� ?� ��i'�, ��..; $ 0,00 .. B ll inrPofntEnergy.corn Current billing 12.02 - Total amount due $12.02 SERVICE ADDRESS 202 Pine 8t Monlloel lo MN 55362 -6666 DID YOU KNOW? YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M1 0922312867 Your account is ready to View now. Registor for free online account- accoss. View balance, usage history, matte an online payment view recommendations far .saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at ConterPo intEnergy,co ml myaccountonline. Pay your next bill without lifting a linger. To enroll in Automatic Bank Draft, just si n and date the bad(of your bill stub and return to us with a check for dour payment amount. It s that easy! 29 Day billino period 07M112013 to 08/29/2013 Current reading 08/29/2010 6369 Previous reading 07/31/2013 6369 Metered us "a 00 CCF X Thotm faotor or 1.01366 = Thermo used In 20 days . 0 Next meter reading 09129/2013 Next billing date 1010102013 YOUR BILL, IN DETAIL Saab charge Delivery oharge Decoupling adjustment GasAffordetbility PRG state sales tax Total current oliarges Comllnd Firm Rate $12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 $1 z.az Page 1 Of 1 Av @daily temp: TWo patiod this year 75 °F; this partod Iasi year 72'F. Mail this par don Wth payment, Please do not include tapers or notes C�errterPa &1t. El;ergy Account number 9429449 -3 Date due 09/27/2013 AlwuysThere- Total amount due $ 12.132 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440414d CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 IkIrIhIIIIIkIPIIIIIIIIIkII{ Ilfilkilllflllllkllrllllklllllllklll 00622092 01 AV 0.390 1 THE CITY Or MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 605 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 65362 -8821 ulll�lhllhlllll' lllillll' tiilrrlll 'llkhllltlllll�ktlylltllll 0680117313832 00720BO iCI4424449JO0a000DO12820C OUBOU128290 Energy Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 8429448 -6 Always There° gllling date 08130120013 Date due I_ . .a` €`; '"� 0,12712013 Total amount due $12.82 ' ' le—,' OR COMMENTS? CenterPointEnergy� PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 ACCT SUMMARY � �.t� ��� "' ��� � asoharges Previous balance $12.82 (Address not for bill payment) Payment 08/16/2013 12,82 Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Balance forward, 5, i �� Bill info 612-321-49:39 I : G a. $ 0,00 Ce nterPointEn ®rgy.00m Current billing 1 . ............ 12.82 Total amount due $12.52 SERVICE ADDRESS 206 Pine St DID YOU KNOW? Monticello MN 66382 -8886 YOUR GAS USAGE Motor # M1 080231 2809 29 Day billing period 0713112013 to 0812012013 Current reading 08/29/2013 870 Your account is ready to Previous reading 07/31/2013 979 view now RoUlster for free Metered Usage 00 corX Therm lector or 1.01090 - Therms uped in 20 days rt 0 online account access. View Next meter reading 09/29/2013 balance, usage history, make Next billing data 10/01/2013 an online payment, vlow recommendations for saving YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comllnd Firm Rate energy and money with My Basic charge $12.DO Energy Analyzer, and much Deilvery charge 0,00 more. Register at Ceoaupling adjustment 0100 CenterPointEnergy.coml Gas Aflordabillty PRO 0.00 myaccounlonlino, State sales tax OS2 Pay your next bill without Total currant charges $12.82 lifting a finger. To enroll In Automatic Bank Draft, just sign and date the hack of your bill stab and return to us with a check for .your payment amount. Its that easy[ Page 1 of 1 Avg dally temp; This psrlod this yew 76 °F; 11110 porlod last year 72 °F. ,,k C0111 y1y01111 M4 Wo poftn with payment, Pleaea do not Inctuds lallers or notes Er1 °' "�"y' Account number 9429848 -5 Dato due 09/27/2013 Ac�nlvun� Total amount due $17.82 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO SOX 1 t44 MINNEAPOLIS UN 55440 -1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO I30X 4071 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 l�l�ll�nIII�IIrIIIIIIIIIrI�IIfiIrIIIIIIIIiI�uzlEll�llllfhrul 000230101 AV 0,360 1 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 606 WALNUT ST } MONTICELLO MN 56362 -8821 { IIIIIh�I�Iltllu�flplplr�r�lrriP�ll�lllll��ll�ll�tllllhnll 068n117313824 007 2001 00942944850000DUaD IE82C1g000UQ12829D - Enarg Pain® F�e�9'Y Always There," QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy PO BOX 11 1114 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440-1144 -- (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Bill info 612 -321 -4939 CentorPointEno rgy.com DID YOU KNOW? Your account Is ready to view now. Register tar free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Reggister at CenterPointEnergy.com/ myaccounloollne. Pay your next bill without 1i1ling a finger. To enroll In Automatic Bank DWI, just slgn and date the back of your bill stub and return to us with a check far your payment amount. Its that easy afllf ,Eher9Y Always There.' CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 65440 -1144 Customer name THE CITY OF MQNTICECLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 8429460 -1 Billing date ;. s,�,,,, 08/30/2013 Date due i - +� l 4 , .a ",\ ' :0912T/2013 Total amount duo 'r�`�°�°��'� r.� �; 19.24 SAP �- 6 X013 ACCT SUMMARY ' Gas charges Previous balance $19.24 Pa men106h61013 " "'�f t . Y ;� t$ -18,24 Balance forward ''.,.-. -_ :... ..:- :H.,......_..:;.: ".'... $0.00 Current bllling 18.24 Total amount due $119,24 SERVICE ADDRESS 112 E Broadway 3t Monticello MN 66362 -4664 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter# M49909103467 29 Day billing period 0713112013 to 06/29/2013 Current reading 08/29/2013 8421 Prevlaus reading 07/3112013 3421 Motored usage 9k C.siF x Therm 1aclsr ar 1.Oi365 = Tilarme used In 28 days w 0 Next meter reading 09129/2013 Next billing date 1010112013 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Com/Ind Firm Data Baelo charge $18.00 Delivery charge 0.00 Decoupling adjustment 0.00 Gas Affordablllly PRO 0.00 State sales tax 1.24 Total current charges $%24 �.j ENTEREP Page 1 of 1 AYq delly tamp; ibis period this year 75 °F; this period last yaor 72 °F, Mail this portion with payment. Please do not Include letters or notes Account number 9429450 -1 Date due 09/27/2013 Total amount due $19.24 Amount paid $ CENTERPOINT ENERGY N PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210.4071 i1111i111��hil' ll�illlll' Ilillll� 'llllllllii'll'�Ili'lllllll'lil 00023003011 AV 0.3001 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 605 WALNUTST , MONTICELLO MN 56362 -WI 1111111111111111111 III' Illlnrii" II Lill I III litilill111illiit1111 068017173 13840 0072000(]094294501100000OU 19240000000192 i80 .Xceffinerwo Nt SRAR5113Lk BY h111T11NS® QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? See our websit6: xcelenergy.com Email us at: CustumerserviceCloxcelenergy ,com Please Call: 1- 800 - 481 -4700 Hearing Impaired: 1 -600 -095 -4949 Fax: 1- 600 -311 0050 Or write us at: XCFI_ ENERGY PO Box 0 EAU CLAIRE WI 547020008 PREMISES SUMMARY NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Pops 1 014 MAILING ADORE$$ ACCOUNT NUMBER � 1 MONTICELLO EDA 605 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362.8822 51 4798481 -(} 10/'I612043 STATI:M414T NUMBER STATEMENT DATE Amount Due 3/34068811 09/19/2013 $57.92 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of 08/07 $56.04 Payment Received Check 09/11 $56.04 CR Balance Forward0,00,� Current Charges $57.92 Amount Due $57.92 PREMISES NUMBER PREMISES JDENTIFIEn PREMWES DESCRIPTOR CURn Ppill. 302392979 106 F BROADWAY ST LAB ARFA $39.41 303420703 106 IF BROADWAY ST FRONT OFFICE Total $57.92 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. i SEP 2 4 2013 Convenience atyour service - Payyaur bills electronically -fast and easy with a Electronic Funds Transfer, Call us at 1- 800 - 4814700 or visit us at I (lily ww,xt;elenorgy.com, ...,.. t9. w�._i'0 uU I MrIff Xcef1ineW RETURN UOTT)M PORRON WRH YUUR PAYMENT + VUEAsE ou knT1JSE arAFiM TAPE oR PAPERPkIPS ACCOUNT NUMBER I RUE DATE 514758481 -U 1 10/16/2013 1 $57.92 Please see the back of this bill for mare Information Moardla8 tho late 1lay111e11t Charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a Into payment chatgD. 1 2 3 4 5 Make yeur cl3eck payahle to XCEL kNERGY B 7 8 D ID 1I 12 13 14 IB 17 18 19 AV' 01 010158 41980B 44 A' *61)GT 2U 21 22 23 24 xE 26 �rl�lll�llrr[ II��I�lllrU��' 1JJ��I��li "'�'I����'III'��Il�l� fill �7 26 29 3t1 S1 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO FIN 56362.8831 �lrl�ll 'I�l�Illll ""IIIHJ��JII'III 'I�I��Ilarlli�l`��JJ��III11� XCI L ENERGY n,0. BOX 9477 MILS MN 55484 -9477 Al S110161A 07984610 00000005792000000857`10 a o- x W EDA Agenda: 10/09/13 5. Consideration to proceed with unlawful detainer action for 100 Broadway East. (JO/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA acquired the properties located at 100 and 112 Broadway East in May of 2012. The acquisition of the properties was intended to serve the redevelopment goals of the City per the Embracing Downtown plan, as well as facilitate the construction of planned intersection improvements at CSAH 75 and TH 25. The acquisition was undertaken with a willing seller who owned both properties and leased out space to seven tenants within the existing buildings. Since the acquisition, the EDA has been working with Wilson Development Services to relocate the residential and commercial tenants located in the buildings. At the present time, there is one remaining commercial tenant, Garry Ekegren/dba Pizza Factory, occupying a space at the 100 Broadway East building. On June 4th, 2013, on behalf of the City of Monticello and the EDA, Campbell Knutson sent the remaining tenant a letter fulfilling the EDA's required obligations for 90 -day notice to vacate and 30 -day lease termination to the tenant. The letter indicates that the tenant was required to vacate the lease space no later than September 6th, 2013. On September 13th, the EDA took action to extend the tenant holdover lease agreement to November 15th, 2013, contingent on submission of a signed lease agreement for a new space acceptable to Wilson Development Services by September 30th, 2013. As noted in the September 13th, 2013 staff report for that consideration, the tenant was at that time working with a local realtor and contracting firm on a potential lease space for relocation. Relocation benefit information was provided for the proposed space and build -out by Wilson Development Services. The information was based on estimates prepared by the contractor and realtor for build -out per the tenant's needs. In working through the costs and funding sources, it was determined that a funding gap exists between the construction costs for the build -out and the relocation benefit available. As such, the tenant would need to fund this difference in cost, or seek financing to fund the gap. As of October 1St, 2013, no progress has been made in that regard and no lease agreement had been signed for the intended space. Therefore, the contingencies of the EDA's motion have not been met and the tenant's lease for 100 Broadway space owned by the EDA has expired. The EDA is now asked to consider action to proceed with unlawful detainer, requiring the tenant to vacate the currently occupied space at 100 Broadway East. Campbell Knutson will act as the EDA's representative in the matter, as recommended by the EDA's regular counsel, Kennedy & Graven. EDA Agenda: 10/09/13 It should be noted that should the EDA take this course of action, the tenant is still eligible for relocation expenses up to 18 months after vacation of the premises. Al. Budget Impact: There will be legal fees associated with unlawful detainer action. The EDA will also continue to incur costs related to relocation, trash removal, building heat and electricity for common spaces and water /sewer until the final relocation or vacancy of the remaining tenant is completed. The expenses to -date have been coded to TIF 1 -22. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time has been and will continue to be spent assisting in the relocation and redevelopment planning for this site. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to proceed with action of unlawful detainer against Garry Ekegren/dba Pizza Factory, tenant at 100 Broadway East, as a result of failure by the tenant to enter into an alternate lease agreement by the required deadline of September 30, 2013. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1 above. Unfortunately, after over 16 months of relocation assistance by Wilson Development Services, the tenant has not proceeded to the finalization of relocation plans. At this time, the City and EDA need to move forward with the necessary site preparations on the 100 and 112 East Broadway properties, with the understanding that the City intends to construct TH 25 /CSAH 75 improvements beginning in mid- to late 2014. These planning efforts include required environmental, structural, TIF qualification, demolition and engineering associated with the intersection improvements. D. SUPPORTING DATA: June 4', 2013 Letter from Campbell Knutson ;1 1 June 4, 2013 VIA FIRST CLASS MAIL AND CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Garry Ekegren Pizza Factory P.O. Box 812 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: 90 -Day Relocation Notice to Vacate Notice of Lease Termination Dear Mr. Ekegren: We are the attorneys for the City of Monticello and the Monticello Economic Development Authority ( "EDA "). On April 13, 2012, you were mailed a "GENERAL INFORMATION NOTICE and NOTICE OF RELOCATION ELIGIBILITY" from Dan Wilson at Wilson Development Services on behalf of the EDA. This notice advises you that you will be obligated to move upon receipt of a 90 -day notice. A copy of the letter is attached for your reference. You subsequently entered into a Tenant Holdover Lease Agreement with the EDA dated December 7, 2012. The Lease provides that it may be terminated upon either party giving a 30 -day written notice. The Lease also states that on May 13, 2013, a new lease shall be executed and apply. The notices set forth below are substituted for all prior notices. Accordingly, you are hereby notified as follows: The Tenant Holdover Lease Agreement is hereby extended to Friday, September 6, 2013. 2. You are hereby given the 90 -day notice to vacate referred to in the April 13, 2012 General Information Notice and Notice of Relocation Eligibility letter. You must vacate by September 6, 2013. 3. This letter also constitutes the 30 -day notice to vacate under the Tenant Holdover Lease Agreement on the termination date of September 6, 2013. Mr. Garry Ekegren June 4, 2013 Page Two In order for you to remain in the premises until September 6, 2013, you must abide by all terms and conditions of the Tenant Holdover Lease Agreement, including the payment of monthly rent. If you do not pay the rent and meet your other obligations under the lease, you will be evicted. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact me. I trust that you will work diligently with Dan Wilson toward the finalization of your business relocation well before September 6, 2013. Very truly yours, TMS:slc Enclosure cc: Ms. Angela Schumann Mr. Dan Wilson DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LLC April 13, 2012 Garry Ekegren Pizza Factory PO Box 812 Monticello, MN 55362 OFFICE 952.448.4630 800.448.4630 FAX 952.448.4676 510 N. CHESTNUT STREET SUITE 200 CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 WWW .WILSONDEVELOPMENTSERVICES.COM Sent by Regular and Certified Mail RE: GENERAL INFORMATION NOTICE and NOTICE OF RELOCATION ELIGIBILITY. The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (Agency) has entered into a Purchase Agreement to acquire the property you currently occupy in the Broadway Plaza building. This is a GENERAL INFORMATION NOTICE and NOTICE OF RELOCATION ELIGIBILITY. To carry out the plans of the Agency, it will be necessary for you to move. However, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MOVE NOW. You will not be required to move without at least a 90 -day advance written notice notifying you of the date you must vacate. When you do move, you will be entitled to relocation payments and other assistance in accordance with federal regulations implementing the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended February 3, 2005. You are now eligible for relocation assistance. There are two basic ways in which we may compute your claim. The following is a brief explanation of the actual cost approach and fixed payment approach. Actual Cost To assist you in your relocation, you may be eligible for reimbursement for the actual cost of moving your business. In addition, you may receive a payment up to $50,000 to help reestablish your business at another location. All costs must meet the following five tests in order to be found eligible as reasonable by the Agency: A. Eligible under MN 117.52 Uniform Relocation Assistance. B. Actually incurred expense by the displacee. C. Amount is not duplicated under acquisition. D. Resonable amount charged. E. Necessary for a successful relocation. Fixed Payment The second way to handle the relocation of your business, would be to receive a fixed payment from $1,000 to $20,000. This payment is based on the annual net earnings of the business, not to exceed $20,000. The following criteria must be met in order to receive a Fixed Payment: A. The enterprise cannot be relocated without substantial loss of existing patronage; B. It is not part of an enterprise having more than three other establishments engaged in the same or similar activity not being acquired. d 0 C. The business must contribute materially to the income of the displaced person during two taxable years prior to displacement. 1. Had an average annual gross receipts of at least $5,000; or 2. Had average annual net earnings of at least $3,000. The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority has retained our services as relocation consultants that specialize in assisting people displaced by public action. You will be given reasonable relocation advisory services, including referrals to replacement properties and other necessary assistance to help you successfully relocate. We will assist you with eligibility determination, procedures to follow, and actual submission of a claim. We can be reached at 952 - 448 -4630, 510 Chestnut Street, Suite 200, Chaska, MN 55318, or at DanWil son @WilsonDevelopmentServices.com. Please note that we will need timely advance notice of your move if you apply for reimbursement of your actual moving expenses. Also note that it takes at least 10 business days for the processing of any relocation claim and the issuance of any check by the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. 90 -Day Notice You will NOT be required to move without at least 90 days written notice. Appeals You may appeal any decision by the Agency with regard to eligibility and the amount of the claim. Your appeal should be directed to the Agency, which, in this case, is the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. If you choose to file an appeal it should be in writing and within 60 days of receiving the Agency's final written claim determination. Relocation Pamphlet An introduction letter you received January 24, 2012 included a pamphlet, "Relocation Assistance Your Rights and Benefits ". It explains your rights and relocation benefits and the process to submit relocation claims. Sincer y, Dan Wilson Relocation Consultant for City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Page 2 `�. 'e A. re item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Agent :raa4a1A6v • Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Addressee so that We can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received b Printed N4.9 C. Date of Delivery Lr n D. Is delivery address different irom item Yes• 4 1,11 `N Ln Garry Ekegren � Postage $ Pizza Factory —� cerilfled Fee PO Box 812 postmark CO C] Return Receipt Fee _ r ='t -Here.. •yfy :� . ^ii � d -r Cpl IL ; • - O (Endorsement Required) 4. Restricted Deliver}? (Extra Fee) p Yes I, (Endo meant Requl red) PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595 -02 -WI540 ; 1:3 Total c_'B c >e= � Garry Ekegren Cn suec Pizza Factory °`P` PO BOX 812 c;Cy Monticello, MN 55362 • Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. re item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Agent :raa4a1A6v • Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Addressee so that We can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received b Printed N4.9 C. Date of Delivery or on the front K space permits. :- 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different irom item Yes• 4 If YES, enter delivery address beI `N Garry Ekegren Pizza Factory PO Box 812 3. Service Type Certified Mail 0 Express Mail' Monticello MN 55362 Reglstered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Deliver}? (Extra Fee) p Yes 2. Article Number 7011 0470 0001 0752 0098 (transfer from service fabeo PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595 -02 -WI540 ; EDA Agenda - 10/09/13 6. Consideration to request that the City Council call for a public hearing on a Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-6. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The EDA is asked to request that the City Council call for a public hearing as related to TIF District 1 -6 modification for (1) authorization of additional land for acquisition by the EDA; and (2) the reallocation of budgeted increment within District 1 -6. Due to the type of modifications proposed for this district (and pending the EDA's support for the proposed modifications), the City Council is required to hold a hearing for the purpose of providing for public and taxing jurisdiction comment. As part of the formal modification process, the EDA is asked to request that Council call for this required hearing. TIF District 1 -6 is a pre -1990 tax increment district. Pre -1990 districts have greater flexibility in available increment usage than those districts enacted after more restrictive TIF legislation in 1990. The increment collected in TIF District 1 -6 is not subject to pooling restrictions and does not necessarily have to be spent in the district in which it originated. Post -1990 TIF Districts are subject to pooling restrictions and district boundary limitations. While the TIF District does have the flexibility noted above, the EDA is asked to consider a final district modification (TIF District 1 -6 must be decertified at the end of this year) in order to support the use of future increment expenditures as described below. Modification (1) - Authorization of additional land for acquisition: Based on the EDA's 2013 adopted workplan, which places a priority on the redevelopment and revitalization of the downtown consistent with the Embracing Downtown Plan (Downtown, Chapter S of the 2008 Monticello Comprehensive Plan), staff is suggesting a formal modification of the TIF Plan for TIF District 1 -6 to authorize additional land acquisition by the EDA within the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project Area. If the EDA believes that the available increment in TIF District 1 -6 should be allocated in such a way as to allow for future land/building acquisitions by the EDA in either the downtown area and /or to support right of way acquisition for the Fallon Avenue overpass, a formal modification of the TIF Plan is required. Tan increments can only be used to acquire property as identified in the TIF Plan. The TIF Plan for TIF District 1 -6 (as modified in 2006) authorizes the acquisition by the EDA of "any parcel within the District ". If the EDA /City wants to use tax increment to acquire property outside of TIF District 1 -6, then the language in the TIF Plan must be modified. It is recommended that the TIF Plan be modified to authorize acquisition by the EDA of any parcel within the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project Area. This type of modification requires the EDA/City to follow the same process used in originally establishing the TIF District, including all notifications in the public hearing. 432924v2 MNI MN190 -101 Modification (2) - Reallocation of budgeted increment within TIF District 1 -6: The use of tax increment for other land acquisition within the Project Area will also require a modification to the budget in the TIF Plan. Tax increments can only be spent for the uses and within the amounts listed in the approved budget. The EDA can complete an administrative modification to move funding allocations between line items (for example, to increase the funding for "Site Improvements ", and to reduce funding in the "Utilities" line item - subject to previous expenses), but it cannot exceed the original overall TIF Plan project budget without a formal modification (notifications and hearing required) of the TIF Plan. The budget modification being proposed does not exceed the original overall TIF Plan project budget, but rather moves funding allocations between line items. Please see the attached table provided by Northland Strategies (Supporting Data item B). Staff has proposed the above modifications in order to retain the maximum amount of flexibility in future expenditures. The modifications allow for increment to be used for land acquisitions throughout the Project Area (including potential acquisitions in the downtown and for Fallon ROW) and to facilitate demolition, site grading, and utility or other public improvements that might be needed to support a redevelopment project. Modification process requirements are set by MN Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 4. Administrative modifications of TIF districts do not require taxing jurisdiction notification and a public hearing. As the EDA will recall, an administrative modification for TIF District 1 -5 was completed in 2012. In that modification, the EDA was reallocating funding within the budget line items. It was not increasing budget authority, nor was the reallocation for land acquisition purposes. Therefore, no formal modification with accompanying hearings and notifications was required for TIF District 1 -5. It should be noted that if the EDA determines not to authorize the use of increment for additional land acquisition by the EDA, the budget modification discussed above could be done administratively. It is important to note that the TIF District is required to be decertified by the EDA at the end of 2013. The EDA may spend tax increment after decertification, but may not make any further modifications to the TIF Plan. If the EDA believes that staff s recommendation for modification is appropriate, the required action to begin the modification process is to request that the City Council call for the required public hearing and to direct staff to work with Northland Securities and Kennedy & Graven to prepare the appropriate notices and district budget information. A full timeline of required steps in the modification process has been prepared by Northland Securities and is included for reference. Al. Budget Impact: There will be legal and consultant fees associated with TIF District 1 -6 modification as proposed. The expenses will be coded to the administrative line item of the district. 432924v2 MNI MN190 -101 2 A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time has been and will continue to be spent in preparing and reviewing documents related to the modification. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to request that the City Council call for a public hearing on a Resolution for Modification to the Tan Increment Financing Plan for Tan Increment Financing District No. 1 -6 and to direct staff to work with Kennedy & Graven and Northland Securities to prepare required modification documentation. 2. Motion to table for further study or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMN[ENDATION Staff supports alternative 1. If the EDA wishes to utilize any of the available increment in TIF District 1 -6 for land acquisition in support of the accomplishment of the goals identified in its 2013 Workplan and Embracing Downtown Plan, a formal modification of the district is required. This is a lengthy process, and must be completed before decertification of the TIF District on December 31. Accordingly, the first step is to begin proper notification and hearing processes. However, if the EDA believes that increment from TIF District 1 -6 could be used solely to fund site improvements or utility work in support of the downtown plan objectives, only an administrative modification is required. A resolution for administrative modification could be prepared and presented in November for adoption by the EDA and forwarded to the City Council for ratification. It should be noted that if the EDA were to utilize the increment from TIF District 1 -6 for funding of site improvements associated with either the CSAH 75 /TH 25 or Fallon Avenue project, any reimbursement of the funding to the EDA would still be subject to budget requirements. In short, if the EDA wanted to use the reimbursed funds for land acquisition in the future, a full modification prior to decertification would still be required. Should the EDA move to approve Alternative 1, the request to call for a public hearing will be placed on the City Council agenda for consideration on October 14th, 2013. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. TIF Management Plan District Summary B. TIF 1 -6 Proposed Preliminary Modification Budget C. Preliminary Modification Schedule D. Central Monticello Redevelopment District No. 1 Project Area 432924v2 MNI MN190 -101 3 Lr) M O O CO kD O O O kD O O O O M O O(3) 0 00 It w O O O L G! w V M ' It O ' ' V) ' ' ' ' ' N N O N O N CO V) kO ko ko +• J L N ON O N O O N O M d> kD M CO CO E 0 6 M M O O V1 1 �O n V1 N M CO N O CO O Ln n ON n M 6 It %d ko O ON O ON O L M O N M M M w W H 0 N 0 V1 00 °O °O It N N koo V M Ln ON V1 Ln Ln O CO CO •Y O rn c co rn rn ON rn N Ln ko N_ 0 0 0 00 ON NN N Ln O O Ln ON It N Ln Ln Ln — CO O M N O CO CO N CO ON ON O V1 ON V1 M O M ko ko N CO co N N co ON ON V) It N N V1 M M '1 CO N n ON ON O Ln Ln Ln 0 CO ko ko N ON Q N M M ON N N V1 N N N '1 O N co co M N M L N Ln O O N ko O O M CO 00 It N O p Ln ko O Ln ko N O N O N ON Ln N ON M N O N O O N O M Ln ko ON N C a d> f O Zf n N CO O O n O N 7 O N M ko rn C •L } N M �O N M M M M V aw a, U y O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ~ °o °o °o °o ° ° °O °O °O °O ° °t ° ° °O °O O 10 N 7 O N O Ln N Z V1 CO O O N V1 M O M N Ln ko rn N N N E 'a = M M M ko N 7 0 N N u � a U y O O O O O O O O O O O oo Ln Ln 0 0 0 °o Ln Ln o 7 O Ln O N N ON V1 O N CO M m ^ Ln ON M CO V1 - O M N M O a O N Qi N � a L L (A n ++ w 0 C O N V C U is C v O C W •V U vi = LL C v w kA N N N = r6 C N L O Q vi C E C +•+ �' E v Z LL C a v v MCC C Q O �-- _ O° E Q E+ v L '� v v O 'a V C = M O C >, Q > O i0 N lvJ E O E v\i v C v .*' w v- O O Q r6 ';, Q_ Q v N v v v> _ O m W *' �, v> C E " V M w > � C N N v vi Q V r6 C c> V1 C v C vi w r6 7 Q Ln ++ Q C 7 C LPL G! 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N N } Z O 0 Z O V s 0 Q Z w a Ri ►I N C O O r U 0 Z V In a C C w E V w R H c d L w X H v v �O a` V O C Q O 0 O N � � V O s E O V o O O Q O � N � +� N N � t � H lfl O M � � O N N N N � N C � O (6 � w 0 o Q 0 0 � a C L V V j N O O E O O � s a) O O = O V O p N � (D O � N � (6 � � N C t Q O O 6 O Orri as> O o 6 V Q c E E N � > O C Q N V N � a H � m V N D D Z V V LL E O V o F � Z o S o a; o� ti O 0 O O O O Il O O O M O O O M = O O O O M O M O N I� O O O N O O O O 111 111 rl O Ol O M 111 O O N N R O l!1 Lfl Lfl V 00 O 00 O O O N V V m V V O l!1 l0 N O1 W M M 111 M O1 M Q � W ri rl ri rl O � R y, M N rl O M Lfl O O O M Ol V O O rl 111 N I, O M W M p N N G ri M O O G V V M I, 111 O a r N CO V N N CO O m O N I� O O R M M N l0 ri M N N N M M Ol M ri O I� l!1 M W R r � N � N .N O W N Ol O V O O O V I� O1 m O O m 00 O N = d Lfl V O M 00 Lfl Ol N O O 111 N 111 M V 7 d m N 00 rl O m Lfl O O O M m O O W G +" O M 111 G ri N V Il O O O Ol V V M W I� V lc O p O 111 00 V W N W O I, W N O y M V O l0 r N lc M N N N M M fl m M O fl 111 M R � 7 O V Q R C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O = O O O 111 111 O O 111 O O O O O N W V W R M O 111 Lfl Il rl l0 l0 N V 00 G 111 N CO N M m Lfl 111 r-I V N N m Lfl M V G r-I V p 111 M m 0 Lp rl r-I r-I r-I N c = O O OD O O O O 00 (D p = R O 111 O O O O p O a O O O O V O N o O W LL NO l0 O cl N l!1 ^ m m to M Q P r-I lA Q O 'O R v a •° O V in 'O d L E d T V E V QI Y w R d L R H y c O E C R O � r C � d p� O1 ca V C R O •� -6 7 N = V, D O C V d R 00 N w° y E s d N i O_1 E N O. LL 7 LL .n -6 N C O_ Q > O C Q d N O }, E OO W d -6 N ~ LL S 0 pl O. x > 'N O y V W = O V N s _w d w i> O R E > O E J O C -O -O O .� .� +' 7 .O W r W C O N N 6 r .X O R E N c— 'o s O E -6 .9 E O O d R ca W W d D O V ¢ W w S H oC W H V O C Q O 0 O N � � V O s E O V o O O Q O � N � +� N N � t � H lfl O M � � O N N N N � N C � O (6 � w 0 o Q 0 0 � a C L V V j N O O E O O � s a) O O = O V O p N � (D O � N � (6 � � N C t Q O O 6 O Orri as> O o 6 V Q c E E N � > O C Q N V N � a H � m V N D D Z V V LL E O V o F � Z o S o a; o� ti O 0 PRELIMINARY - FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY City of Monticello, MN Proposed Modification of Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-6 (the "Modification ") Calendar of Items (including for decertification) DATE ITEM October 9, 2013 EDA to consider request that the City Council call for a public hearing on a Resolution for Modification. October 14, 2013 City Council adopts resolution calling for a public hearing on the Modification. October 15, 2013 County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke, District 2, to receive written notice of the proposed Modification. October 18, 2013 Draft of Modified TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1 -6 finalized. October 23, 2013 Wright County (Auditor) and Monticello Public School District (Superintendant) to receive written notice of the proposed Modification and a copy of the draft Modified TIF Plan. November 4, 2013 Planning Commission reviews Modified TIF Plan to determine if it is in compliance with City's comprehensive plan. November 4, 2013 Submission of public hearing notice to Monticello Times. November 13, 2013 EDA consider the Modification and adopts a resolution approving the Modified TIF Plan. November 14, 2013 Date of publication of hearing notice and map for TIF District No. 6 (at least 10 days but not more than 30 days prior to hearing). November 25, 2013 City Council holds a public hearing at approximately 7:00 p.m. on the Modification and adopts a resolution approving the Modified TIF Plan. December 6, 2013 Modified TIF Plan and other required documentation to be filed with the Office of the State Auditor, Minnesota Department of Revenue, and Wright County. December 9, 2013 City Council adopts resolution approving decertification of TIF District No. 1 -6. By December 31, Inform Wright County of decertification. Complete and send Confirmation 2013 of Decertified TIF District form to Wright County and then to Office of the State Auditor. NORTHLAND STRATEGIES Speciol Projects Group 10/3/2013 C O V 7 O i C y EDA Agenda - 10/09/13 7. Consideration to approve 2014 Wright County Economic Development Partnership annual membership dues. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Wright County Economic Development Partnership ( WCEDP) is requesting Monticello's annual membership contribution for year 2014. The WCEDP is membership - based economic development agency acting on behalf of the cities within Wright County. Executive Director Ted LaFrance continues to move the organization forward in its mission to "create a healthy and diverse environment for existing, expanding, and new businesses- which in turn creates employment opportunities and enhances the overall economic vitality of the region thereby benefiting the businesses, communities, and citizens of Wright County. " WCEDP provides the following services in support of its mission: • Business Development and Counseling • Site Selection and Promotion • Financial Packaging • Capacity Building Seminars • Direct Networking • Workforce Development services It should be noted that the WCEDP's marketing efforts have recently proved valuable for Monticello. WCEDP partnered with the WSB Market Matching Team for two site selector networking events that gave Monticello direct access to national site selectors who work one -on -one with major national and international clients. WCEDP also cites these other 2013 accomplishments: • Projected investment created (not including all of the technical assistance provided): $6,587,000 • 37 direct and indirect jobs (not including construction jobs) • $3,279,400 expected in direct investment from wages /salaries and GDP just from operations of these projects in 2013 (not including construction phase impact) • ROI of 51.70 based on the Partnership's entire operating budget The WCEDP is financially supported by local community governments and other member partners. For 2014, the City of Monticello's requested contribution is $2,431.40, which is calculated on a per capita basis. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to approve authorizing payment in the amount of $2,431.40 for 2014 membership dues to Wright County Economic Development Partnership. 2. Motion to table action for further research and discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the City continue to participate in the Partnership. The organization is a valuable partner in the continued marketing of the community to a broader base of prospects. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. WCEDP Membership Request 2 Ced_p Wright Counrg Economic Development Partnership Porinering for Opporlunirles 2014 Member Investor Application "Wright County has a great program. In any other market you would be considered great, because counties usually don't do as good a program as you do." -- Whitney Peyton, CB Richard Ellis. "Wright County Economic Development Partnership continues to be an excellent organization to be involved with. The Partnership continues to provide not only business opportunities, but also is a great resource for networking with other businesses as it relates to day to day operations & services we can draw upon in Wright County." -- Mike Bauer of Bauer Design Build, LLC "We found the information that you had supplied to us, to be very beneficial towards accomplishing our goal." - -Jack Clark of Notable Options in Buffalo "It's impressive as to how well you run the organization" -- Peter Dugan, CB Richard Ellis "These are the movers and shakers of what's happening in Wright County! We should be part of this organization." -- Rick Borden, Larson Allen Value and Support Statement: what is it that the Partnership does? The Wright County Economic Development Partnership's mission is to create a healthy and diverse environment for existing, expanding, and new businesses- which in turn creates employment opportunities and enhances the overall economic vitality of the region thereby benefiting the businesses, communities, and citizens of Wright County. WCEDP fulfills its mission by providing technical and financial assistance to businesses in Wright County and those looking to locate in Wright County. The Partnership also provides economic development assistance to the 16 communities. WCEDP is a non - profit corporation financially supported by local community governments, the county, and area businesses dedicated to supporting and creating a sustainable economic profile in Wright County. We maintain a powerful and resourceful website at www.wrightpartnership.org. Wright County, it's communities, and businesses are prepared for growth —we invite you to explore the opportunity of working together with us to further our impact! P: 763 - 477 -3086 E: tlafrance @wrightpartnership.org W: www.wrightpartnership.org We fulfill our mission working alongside our partners through these key areas: • Business Development • Site Selection and Promotion • Marketing the County • Financial Packaging (we also administer our own Revolving Loan Fund) • Capacity Building Seminars (monthly) • Direct Networking • Workforce Development • Business Counseling (we are now a Small Business Development Center through SCSU!) The value member investor's gain from the Partnership is both direct and indirect. Member investor's directly gain from the functions listed below. This extensive list of functions is supported by WCEDP and its member investors, providing a powerful, partnership- oriented organization dedicated to enhancing Wright County. The indirect benefit is through supporting a County -wide effort to increase the vitality of our region. Your support enables the Partnership to directly aid our local businesses and community which directly supports your entity. P: 763 - 477 -3086 E: tlafrance @wrightpartnership.org W: www.wrightpartnership.org Company Contact Name Address City Phone Email MEMBER INVESTOR APPLICATION AND INVOICE Please complete and send with payment to: (payable to EDP of Wright County): Economic Development Partnership of Wright County 6800 Electric Drive PO Box 525 Rockford, MN 55373 State Zip Web Address Business Category (select from attached page) Products /Services Offered Primary Market Area If lender, what are your total deposits? If city or township, what is your total population? If other business, what is your full time employee count? Membership Investment Amount (see below support structure): Description of your business: Referral name /business: Please check the following services that your business /organization would like more information on: Gap Financing Wright County Stats Workforce Development Technical Assistance Property Database Volunteer Opportunities Lending Information Networking Opportunities Thank you for your membership investment! P: 763 - 477 -3086 E: tlafrance @wrightpartnership.org W: www.wrightpartnership.org 2014 Member Investor Support Structure Associate $280.00 (not for profit organizations that do workforce training & economic development) Banks and Lending Institutions Deposits up to $24.9M $390.00 Deposits of $25M to $49.9M $660.00 Deposits of $50M + $910.00 Businesses* (healthcare, contractors, developers, manufacturing, realtors, engineering, etc.) 1 to 10 employees $290.00 11 to 24 employees $405.00 25 + employees $520.00 Entertainment Industry $280.00 Municipalities ** <1000 to 1250 $145.00 plus .10 /capita 1251 to 4999 $580.00 plus .10 /capita >5000 $1,135.00 plus .10 /capita Townships $160.00 plus .10 /capita Utility Providers $1,135.00 plus .10 /capita Wright County $55,000.00 Honorary Members FREE (chambers of commerce) * number of employees includes active owners, management, and regular employees over 20 hours per week ** per capita rates are based on most recent projections provided by the State of MN P: 763 - 477 -3086 E: tlafrance @wrightpartnership.org W: www.wrightpartnership.org 2014 Membership Directory Advertising Schedule and Agreement ❑ MEMBER INFORMATION IS CORRECT AS -IS Company Name Contact Name Mailing Address Phone Email Advertisement Rates: • Directory advertisers are provided their logo by their listing (please send logo to Jeanene jstrum @wrightpartnership. org) • Directory will be spiral bound, tabbed, and 5 %" by 8 %" • Availability is limited This agreement implies a commitment by the purchasers to maintain member investorship with the Partnership throughout 2014. The advertiser agrees to pay in full by January 24, 2014. The Partnership, at its option, may terminate this agreement if the purchaser fail to pay agreed amount when due or fails to perform in accordance with this agreement. Advertisement is not confirmed until full payment and receipt of this document. Deadlines and additional information: • Payment by January 24, 2014 • Accepted formats • PDF • Quark • InDesign • EPS • No Word or Publisher files • Font and images must be included otherwise substitutions will occur. • Files can be submitted via email or CD • Please do not send web -ready images Authorized Signature: Date: P: 763 - 477 -3086 E: tlafrance @wrightpartnership.org W: www.wrightpartnership.org Front /Back Cover Tabbed Pages Full Page % Page % Page Color $275 $250 $225 $150 $125 B &W - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- $100 $75 • Directory advertisers are provided their logo by their listing (please send logo to Jeanene jstrum @wrightpartnership. org) • Directory will be spiral bound, tabbed, and 5 %" by 8 %" • Availability is limited This agreement implies a commitment by the purchasers to maintain member investorship with the Partnership throughout 2014. The advertiser agrees to pay in full by January 24, 2014. The Partnership, at its option, may terminate this agreement if the purchaser fail to pay agreed amount when due or fails to perform in accordance with this agreement. Advertisement is not confirmed until full payment and receipt of this document. Deadlines and additional information: • Payment by January 24, 2014 • Accepted formats • PDF • Quark • InDesign • EPS • No Word or Publisher files • Font and images must be included otherwise substitutions will occur. • Files can be submitted via email or CD • Please do not send web -ready images Authorized Signature: Date: P: 763 - 477 -3086 E: tlafrance @wrightpartnership.org W: www.wrightpartnership.org 2013 Board of Directors Tom Screeden, Chair I Gene Janikula Crow River Bank PO Box 700 Delano, MN 55328 Phone (763) 972 -3385 toms@crowriverbank.com Management Committee Exp 12/14 — Term I I Connie Holmes, Vice Chair City of Waverly PO Box 189 Waverly, MN 55390 Phone (763) 658 -4217 connie @cdholmes.com Management Committee Marketing Committee Exp 12/13 —Term I Woodland Township 1754 Co Rd 112 Montrose, MN 55363 Phone (952) 955 -1785 gjanikula @frontiernet.net Exp 12/13 — Term VI Scott Johnson Xcel Energy 8701 Monticello Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 Phone (763) 493 -1631 scott.d.johnson @xcelenergy.com Exp 12/14 — Term I I I Randy Voeller, Sec /Treasure Marc Weigle First MN Bank City of St. Michael PO Box 960 11800 Town Ctr Dr Ste 300 Monticello, MN 55362 Phone (763) 271 -7201 randyv @firstmnbank.com Management Committee Finance Committee Exp 12/13 — Term I St. Michael, MN 55376 Phone (763) 497 -2041 mweigle @ci.st- michael.mn.us Exp 12/13 —Term III Wayne Elam, Past Chair I Julie Warner Commercial Realty Solutions Wright Technical Center 3 Hwy 55 W Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone (763) 229 -4982 welam @commrealtysolutions.com Management Committee Membership & Events Committee Marketing Committee Exp 12/14 —Term IV Charlie Borrell Wright County Commissioner 10 NW 2nd St., Room 235 Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone (763) 682 -7685 charles.borrell @co.wright.mn.us Management Committee Exp 12/15 — Term I PO Box 239 Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone (763) 682 -4112 julie.warner @wtc.kl2.mn.us Exp 12/14 — Term I Keith Franklin Franklin Outdoor Advertising 20092 Edison Circle East Clearwater, MN 55320 Phone (320) 558 -3000 kfranklin @franklinoutdoor.com Exp 12/14 — Term I I I Tom Darkenwald City of Otsego 7515 Quaday Ave Otsego, MN 55330 Phone (612) 227 -9586 tdarkenwald @ci.otsego.mn.us Exp 12/14 — Term I Wayne Bauernschmitt Wright Hennepin, CEA 6800 Electric Drive Rockford, MN 55373 Phone (763) 477 -3000 wbauernschmitt @whe.org Awards Committee Exp 12/14 —Term II Tim Zipoy Central MN Jobs & Training PO Box 720; 406 7th St E Monticello, MN 55362 Phone (763) 271 -3722 tzipoy @cmjts.org Awards Committee Exp 12/14 —Term VI Mike Bauer Bauer Design Build 751- 7th ST S Ste 100 Delano, MN 55328 Phone (763) 972 -0000 mike.b @bauerdb.com Membership & Events Committee Exp 12/15 — Term I Mariellyn Kuske VitalDyne 400 Cokato Street Cokato MN 55321 Phone (320) 559 -0123 mariellyn @vitaldyne.com Exp 12/15 — Term I P: 763 - 477 -3086 E: tlafrance @wrightpartnership.org W: www.wrightpartnership.org Date Dear Before we know it, 2014 will be upon us! We, as the Director and Board of Directors of the organization, would like to thank you for supporting the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. Your commitment to the vitality of Wright County through your member - investorship helps meet our shared goals. We hope that you continue to benefit and enjoy your association with the Partnership. Invaluable connections, advertising opportunities, capacity building workshops, retention and expansion resources (technical and financial), promotion of your organization, an insightful newsletter, and a liaison to numerous organizations and programs are some of the many benefits you as a Member Investor receive directly. Take a look at what we've created in 2013, together as an organization, which directly impact the success of the region as well as your growth: • Projected investment created (not including all of the technical assistance we've provided— someday we'll have those figures): $6,587,000 • 37 direct and indirect jobs (not including construction jobs) • $3,279,400 expected in direct investment from wages /salaries and GDP just from operations of these projects in 2013 (not including construction phase impact) • ROI of 51.70 based on the Partnership's entire operating budget! We strengthen and promote Wright County and our member investors through building relationships between our communities and businesses, working as business advocates, and supporting the greater County develop a sustainable economic profile. Our organization has a great impact on our community. As partners, we can assure that impact continues. What is in store for 2014? Continuing to address, along with the Initiative Foundation, the workforce skills gap Holistic marketing campaign o Direct focus to fill a void in our economic development strategy; work to effectively market our "products" as a County (Stats, Sites, Sectors, and Employers) Continuing business retention and expansion efforts This letter comes with a 2014 Member - Investor Application. The application ensures we get all the correct information about your organization in our 2014 Directory, which we expect will be completed by March 2014. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please contact Ted via e-mail ( tlafrance @wrightpartnership.org) or call 763 - 477 -3086. We are always open to new ideas and look forward to welcoming you back for another productive year. Thank you for your support! Ted LaFrance Director o) 763.477.3086 c) 651.764.9511 d Wrighr Countg Economic Development Partnership partnering for opportumbes 6800 Electric Drive I Rockford, MW 55373 ®0 enclosures that require your attention: member investor application EDA Agenda: 10/09/13 8. Economic Development Director's Report (JO /AS) Market Situation Analysis — Special Workshop A copy of the powerpoint presentation from the workshop is included for the EDA's reference. Block 34 Update Staff continues to trade phone messages with LHB consultants relative to Block 34 redevelopment qualification. However, staff is working with WSB to put together a full project timeline for Block 34 work in concert with CSAH 75/TH 25 improvements. The goal is to have a clear picture of how the environmental, structural, site and public improvement processes will work together. More to come as the project scope continues to evolve. TAC Report Report of September 12th, 2013 meeting to be provided verbally by City Administrator and Bill Tapper, the EDA representative to the TAC. Industry of the Year Breakfast — October 23rd, 2013 Invitations were mailed this week for the 2013 Industry of the Year event. The event will be held at 7:00 AM Wednesday, October 23rd in the Mississippi Room. On October 1St, the IEDC voted to award the 2013 Industry of the Year award to Suburban Manufacturing. A press release regarding this year's honoree has also been prepared and will be issued for the October 10th Monticello Times. I -94 Coalition IEDC Member Wayne Elam provided an update on the Coalition's efforts at the IEDC's October meeting. Mr. Elam indicated that there seems to be support from the Governor, Commissioner of Transportation and local legislators on funding the six -lane I -94 expansion project. hi particular, there is stated support for funding the first phase of the work, from Maple Grove to St. Michael through the 2012 legislative session and the "Corridors of Commerce" program. Mr. Elam has provided information by which Monticello stakeholders can contact legislators regarding a push for this project, attached. The City Council will also be asked to submit a letter of support as suggested in the email. i i 0 ca V 4� N all O W O V a U a) V 0 G M Tmq O N M N Q E L O aA U f6 75; G N i c� O (1) c6 CL D a a 0 0 N LM 0 a a, D a� Y i CfC G i Q V W V) V) m N N re (1) a� oc m a--+ m r) N N Q O U W c6 s a� a� 0 0 U 4� s n V) (1) V V m c6 4� 4� c O 4-) ^O CL O ^^L V) O (1) V a--+ O ��.o ti C/1 CL °. • - 4� C/1 Q 0 w m 0 N 4� a--j a--j co CAA c� 4� i ca O U z 75; a--j 0 V i N O U .2 i O a � v ate+ o � o°c 0 0 � v � Q 0 w m 0 N 4� a--j a--j co CAA c� 4� i ca O U z 75; a--j 0 V i N O U .2 a� a� �J A (1) U a--+ c O O U c6 (1) c6 CL C6 N N 4� V m tvo m • n L�J U G O O D tv0 w O a� • r C) w U • c6 4� DC O D w w D Z • L O U (1) CL N O CL I Caw z V) O CL c� cry O U C) 0 .2 a� a� �i 41 Cf0 G m L 0 v ti a 1 ^L W L N V +-) 4� ,. a L N N 4� V s o Ln U Z cn ti a 1 a, c a E 0 v d oC W G m cv O 3 a, Z LM 0 E= L O L a N O U _0 CC J .C: m i K -0j m ate-+ C6 0- D ca a� 0 U a--o Ln E E 0 C6 � • CAA � oc � I . cn ca Q a ca ro a� �C O O r) bn w 0 �C E ►� O txA I C6 C6 0 C6 G C6 a) Ak L O n ro J W ate-+ � I Q � t! Ln a--' O J G I a--+ Ln bA G Q Ln • � ate-+ =3 C: O •— ti 0 .2 N �a �a D 3 a� z ro i O a--+ C6 i L ro O E i LM c� i LM i Ln ro ro a--+ Ln C6 a--+ C6 i O U Ln Ln �U O U w E Q _O .0 E O L- 0 w J x m U– a_ t�A Q U O C6 _O Q N D N N U � - U O O N +_+ O U Ln N N U -a U O E O ca — - C)- O a•-+ C6 U - • (� cA O U N�\ v Q o cu w i • o CL O N N N Q cn +� Q — 4 — > Q U o O N -c: i X U o a"' :3 cf ca O }, 4 N N N U � - O O U N U U O O U - C)- C6 a•-+ C6 U - • (� � � w N�\ Q c cu w • - N w O U O N ca O }, 4 O� 0 0 O N O 0 Z U 2> oC J U c � .2 i S O Ca C�0 ca CL • s s O Ca c,/1 - O O V V Q) O a+ O s ca O O a m W m L/) �j �J .2 O i O V 4-J V Qj 4=1 C: (1) O i E O N }a i O � O � Ca O V J C m + •(A - •� O 4-J +-+ ca V Ca > a � S S s 0 O -0 -0 J J ca � J i S O Ca C�0 ca CL • s s O Ca c,/1 - O O V V Q) O a+ O s ca O O a m W m L/) �j �J .2 N �a �a D 3 a� z 3 N L N V c Ca � ca � � ca s � • — cn � O C�0 s ca � s � V s � O as i _0 r•-1 • Ln i O w .- C: C�0 ca ca ca O z i ON � • L40 ca w s O _O ti a a� .2 a--+ C: N vi ate-+ 0 N CL C: '� N Q • V V (� Q Q C: O Q ,0 O J O - o LL i2 >- •o � � N - ca 0 0 0 • N a_+ � O � , u +-+ +-+ +-+ c� oc '� Ocn C7 ca a-J '`� U U U O Q Q Q O LL _ = LM O Y O � O Y ca N m U V oC O v J >. 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W -0 � m " - aJ 'C to ° o L C (p E " v E 11 E R = u E o fL6 L U L ca U +@ ra O = '- C c�a a0o -a m w in �+- N .� 3 ~ o t a, o _c U Q1 E o .L E U_0 a, L E 3 o > CO a c co E -°a Q c C6 v N C9 cr e � N E E p V)o U a) a4 -;u U U- O o +.; , C V)E o O ° � LuE m>o E .- =O pm o o s ° o m 4- n@j ° o o Q� U C E v c O V)C V) E L d L C O '� o ml%EE C M 3> U a.0 4;; +� 3 n in X aJ o - E ° C14 u O C v v LZ r G � � N= ti L U U. R � � G U T L Q L F a }. L V) = Y m Z3 U'� 0O L U .Q .v� L O O T U C LJ 4O p O N L '- O Q. E-0 -0.1..� Q ro 'a) I..L� • 0 0) p O i r1 L L fl_ U C �--' V) Q L d o U ++ •L (�6 O V Qri Q L O • oCL L FuO (n aJ � L O 0) O L o Q U /�� vl U Q L (6 O l0 c o a) E X C M p u 0 O _ U -1 -p U)uL T w p U p C O L U O 0 U U d• C3) U +-+ -6 T + C' p 2-0L U U +-� U (U -Q :3 � O C 00 O Q +-' _I_ -m =3 O O 0 1ig N U U �O +- •U C .0 0 N 4.1 NM C V) I'D a) (y) N U y 4-- U 0 CO O N 4+ O Q p X d O (B T > U N U C (E a -- O a- U U CL) -av a••+ V) Ln 1 y F--1 L V > C� Y O 0 m -p +O O Q! = a) C .0) u Q L -6 U L O_ >, _ - p N =14- p U C 0 O -0 +�-, U O C C in U OA i cu U @ U O m M 'O O C .+� O U U C U .In C L O 4 U) vi U w- O 3 U o - v O O C U 'L C - +�+ EO 0 C a) O O C N U ni >' 7> Q L U NL c N U C -C U UA U 3 V) ON U U co O .^� U C o C L E .E L a)+ > c `� > O C —_ O T on m C � Q O O (a v U m U C 0- Q. p 7 « V, _Q m U ca cLo E w C t 3 O �O O i (o U �' Q U bA �. U a) w~ 0 .0 (SS LO Cn Y U L U O o O +L U O N N U Q (O ON U U U L '� U Q Q. `� OU C (p C U U m m ++ O + p U L1 i to m� � '� - V O i -0 C N E O U Ln L dA `� O — N p Q U +� � (a +v-+ Q N +-+ O C d _ O O C) U O v i H N E 4- L LO E U �O U O O (6 to Q (u 'L •� C pA U U u O Ln 0 = U •� a) U O U1 O Q L Q Y C 3 �-- N-0 i N V)-0 o �-+ O (� c O_0 U o O -o (C�o a O C .Lf C C U U Q ` O +�-+ two (U b on 4- o° O a c T :'= n. m 0 0 U V-0 m LZ N r G � � N= ti L U. R � � G Lr— Q F a +r Q = Y U 4O O fuC O 'a) I..L� • 0 0) p O i r1 - Q L • �--' Q L d O O ++ •L ' O V Qri Q L • L FuO (n aJ O 0) N X /�� ,jCL 0 o U c o a) • 1��1 V CO u 0 O c_ X U)uL pa+ U a-+ p O 0 p (a ) O V)00 � =30 • 0 L rn O C 00 O p t- (0 (6 > (o • • =3 O 0 1ig U kD >, 0 U a) �O c (a ; V) I'D a) (y) a) C • • L O O N 4+ O Q p X d o)' of C —_ O 0):l (p 0) a••+ V) Ln 1 y F--1 p Q! = a) C .0) u 0 fu O C L 2 (f) U) a�: N 3 ° c rn J C O C L y �_, O O C i O O O a�= C: `� v, c o v.� aci �� cam, c° U'C 0 cci ca o a) U o ami a °�� cam U o E m m o m oaoc>, °a��nEou� �o 00'3 E o -0 o c _� 0 U L. cri ° C° -0 to C (p O O cn a) C •� U O N a) O 1 Y O c U O o o CL " U(n C> o E Q 0 (Q -C O C U. a3cu rn E �°� c ° °U m c g ° c ° �:o G? 0 0 o).2- -C — Y Q (6 cB 0 c>a c`a D- U) v a3 E 0 '> ` a) a) U co V C Qrn� -0 �.� °'m rn c C cast c t6 � > 0 �U- Q� �.n o �rn-c a� U- C: -0 � O p L •N L a� O m° ru O C 41 C 4- Q) O a) a1 (n i a CL (6 v w 044-1 �rl) U p > a) 0-0 U ra CL QO N��w '4'� C 7 (D !� �� ram 01 O N (0 fa "O + 1 �' C O i V) ' O C: fup > L 'L U (0 +� N r , r0 '� fa a) L- 0 > u >, C O C(0 p 0 (n L O _O O a1 0 C •r, C — p a) O (U u O 30 3 N > L L V (o cr— � ° 0 C L O L 4j a Ln J_.i � L0 fa C C Oi Jrj V)..� � O O O > L .in C� _� (B 4 O +U' � L+ 0 1-Z O C ~ �' A O j O �+ LJ C C w O N 01 }' It fo �+ (n U y H �+ 01 (n U C a+ C C O C C D1 (n 0 O U 0 (n fa M faa) i > ,� 0 4' 4) >. _ (n (Q 0 _ L �" 0 L _� a) ° J -.i 1--1 (n H U (/� L J_� — '� 01 (0 O 01 i a) 0) > ++ C N O Ui L O cn (n 0 U O 4� C (p � > a1 (p L C in a••+ _ '0 a) m w 3 c v 'L — U1 +' L O +.� (� ° >� W U L C c O O C L (Ls "0 >� t a) 2 fl. p L C C � v L 0 O> 0 (l3 0 L w �+ (l3 a-+ ° U O a) U aj > 4 FU m .� o '(6 _ ~ 4+ [t U O p (0 L> O O a-+ Ln L ° O C U 4-- L L+ _� •0 in -0 +�+ O fu O ++ "0 C O (n +� (0 L C cn a) > V) L _U 4' "0 L C > O > v a-+ � L ++ (/1 'i Lf1 L a i O 0 >, a) 'i O L U 4 , — (0 ° cn 4+ C C p tB � > ._ cn t0 C C p L O w a1 O a U 0 VI > a u E a) cn a1 �+ L m =3° u- a) E ,� +, U U1 O fa cn(n O r6 •u tc > d (U � -0 a) •0 ° a) �' p �C ,' w a) •� 4O N O > }' 0 > ate- aJ O O ,� t _ O C > ++ N L C L •0 C C (0 > > (n (n 01 (0 U a + 4� + '� O F- L (0 0� ° _u C p O (0 U O +' .o' p +-+ L _N C Q U a) ° Q a1 u +�+ C �' C C L •"" O O C C U U M 0� L 01 �+ d1 lu o> 7 0 OU C O N > M fuY a) L+ 0 fu (6 p a aJ 0 C: w o o (a 0 L r0 (7 ° _ >; E +, ._ C cn L � ro cn a� u N v 3 �+ a� Q) O '� U U Ti L C �' '� 0 7 U +o+ L U a1 O> to C N N N C C p O •� ++ a• w— C �, C j L w --a-C C (0 L+ aJ a) N U O ~ c6 C 0 Z w N c0 +1 O L �_+ (a 0 D ° 4- Cn ° O N (o L (o N � rd (o O }' a) N C L -r- O O o w w O fa >, .O O� C O °> a) -0 O 0 cn a) a' aJ O .0 �+ �y Q- Q a) � u C� M L>= U a1 Q O O�� p (LT U) (o �' C ++ N +� �' �'{ O, 0) a) p O c >- a) O >� 0 O i-0 c p L •0 Q Ln '� a C _C L C t E E > (n C p .0 4, L L O (n U w •0 4. C _C (n N a1 O L 4 , a) O (6 a) 7 (0 -0 (n _ C a) +' C OU ,- - L L a) U U d _ 0 L Z 0� > �' 3 U Y C a) C > W (n ++ �@ E Y U) C E u -5 O C E a) L O CO a'o o °1p E�.°'u �rn o ° ° o L�� 0z C vo C: C� > o O > °�� ��� c'� 3 a> aci O ti 4 U 2 U a) t>� �, E N � a) (n (o c a N a) ° O O� (a -C (Lo C a) O� O O O C O L a) C c a1 C > �(DU ru -U)-Y 0— u�, 3U1—�, 3� om u�� u L o o a)u 4� • • CL • • • Q • • • • _ • • • • a) • a)Q a) E E U ° U a M /-0 E /�\ O R =5 fa CL = / a ; 2 f q ©' \ \/$§ N _ I . ®. o _ 0 E\/ _ u k �3 E �\\ Y � \ E/2 g§/ o – qkd £ 2 00 c U) \ % % § \\k a / £ \ (fa yk 2 g � $ \ g= e \ e E 2§ V) 2 -T / 10 • U) _ _ & % Ln 9E / E o ƒ 2// / 2U) a/ E41 U a«b/ƒ/D o 10 m /2 � 0 S » f O ozsU 2 u f ƒ \ E ƒ / §� ' / �[/± / E E 0 CL \ u L- 4 o e // >\0 E / @ SO))/ / \ \ f § / -0\ 0 Ln e 2 \ § 2 a \ E / / \ ƒ k ( \ k \ Ln / § \ L- \ o 2 Q f / / f / / / \ « E /�\ O R =5 fa CL = / a ; 2 f q ©' g \/$§ N _ I . ®. o _ 0 E\/ _ @QV) k � � �\\ Y � \ E/2 qkd U 00 p 4b :3 \\k (fa yk \\\ $ <� \ U)\\ (fa -T 10 2. )\0 % Ln 9E \_\ « E O R ci CL = / a ; 2 CY q ©' _ . N � I . ®. o _ 0 _ C:. E . � � ~� Y � \ U « As a member of the I -94 West Corridor Coalition, the city of / County is dedicated to ensuring that capacity expansion occurs along Interstate 94, west of the Twin Cities. Our residents and businesses have suffered physical, emotional, and financial losses due to the congestion and safety issues caused by the current lack of capacity on I -94. The city of / County, along with the I -94 West Corridor Coalition members, strongly recommend the I -94 capacity expansion project between Highway 101 and Highway 241 be included in the Corridors of Commerce Program. MnDOT conducted extensive studies and produced several plans, including the I -94 Interregional Corridor Plan (2002), the Central Minnesota Regional Freight Study (2011), and the 2028 Statewide Highway Investment Plan (2009) that all identify performance -based expansion needs for the Interstate 94 West Corridor. Additionally, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) identified the Interstate 94 West Corridor as "highly congested" from the Twin Cities to St. Cloud, with high freight congestion levels forecasted to extend to North Dakota by the year 2040. Interstate 94 from Highway 101 near Rogers to Highway 23 in St. Cloud has been recognized as the most congested span of interstate in all of Minnesota. While representing only 1.6% of MnDOT's Interregional Corridor System, this stretch makes up 40% of the system's congestion. From the Fish Lake Interchange to Trunk Highway 241, crash rate and severity are double that of the state average. This particular stretch of I -94 is reduced to two lanes west of the Highway 101 interchange, causing a bottleneck situation, which is exacerbated by high traffic volume. I -94 is already a significant source of congestion and is the busiest freight corridor in Greater Minnesota. The congestion however, will only worsen as Central Minnesota experiences state - leading population growth and North Dakota continues its energy boom. The only way to improve commerce, safety issues, and traffic delays on I -94 is through capacity expansion. The citizens and businesses that rely on I -94 for travel and commerce are desperate for a solution to the current problems. Please use a portion the available funding designated through the Corridors of Commerce program to begin to rectify the capacity and safety issues along the I -94 West Corridor.