Library Board Minutes 06-10-2014a
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
5:30 p.m.
Members present: Library Services Coordinator Deb Luken, Janet Bridgland, Sandra
Lommel, Beth Metzger, Ralph Olsen, Elaine Settergren, Patron Services Supervisor Brandi
Minutes of the last meeting approved.
Old Business: None.
Library Report — Deb Luken:
• Circulation numbers continue to trend down. Circulation for March, April and May was a
decrease of a little over 12,000 for the same period in 2013. Total circulation year to
date represents a decrease of 20 %. The average number of items per hour, March —
May 2014, was 85 items as compared to 106 items for the same period in 2013. The
new express station is partly responsible for this change. 26 of the 32 branches are
showing a decrease in overall circulation for 2014. Digital media for 2014 indicates an
increase of 67% for 2014.
• There were 76 programs for children, teens and adults for the first 5 months of 2014.57
of these programs were focused on early childhood literacy, 1,209 children attended. A
Teen Book Club began and the second annual Teen Advisory Council was held in May.
The Friends supplied Pizza and soda for both events. A Digital Library program for adults
was held in April. Crafts, balloon animals, face painting, pinata and Dia de los /Dia de los
Libras were in April as well. 1000 Books before Kindergarten has over 245 children and
parents participating. There were 21 teen volunteers in the Summer Reading Program.
• The Friends had cabinets built for the conference room and purchased a table cart to
hold the long tables. `
• Monticello Library raised $497 in GRRL's High Five campaign. The Branch will keep $198
which will fund 1000 Books and other programs.
• Branch staff visited over 30 second graders at Little Mountain and Pinewood Elementary
with stories and handouts promoting the Summer Reading Program. Kindergarten
classes from the schools visited the Library in April and May for a tour, stories and their
first library cards. Swan River preschool came for a tour.
• Lots of fun activities and programs are planned for the summer. A calendar of activities
was given to board members.
Patron Services Supervisor Report - Brandi Canter:
• GRRL Impact Survey —In May, GRRL conducted a survey of patrons to assess how they
use GRRL technologies and what additional tech services might interest them. Over 700
responses were received region -wide, a third included comments. It is clear that patrons
appreciate GRRL technologies —especially Internet and wireless access, and the e-
collection of databases and e- books.
Feedback was received about the functionality of the library catalog and Internet
reservation system. Results of the survey are being used by the Patron Services Team,
the IT and Collection Development department, and others to determine ways to move
library services forward.
• GRRL Budget Discussions: On June 11, 2014 GRRL Trustees will hold a work session in St.
Cloud to discuss four budget proposals for 2015. It is a difficult budget year, in large part
because of increased costs due to the Affordable Care Act, minimum wage increases
and changes in Public Employee Retirement Association costs to employers.
• Book- a- Librarian Pilot Project: A new project is underway called Book -a- Librarian. If a
patron has needs that require more in -depth time and /or knowledge than local staff can
provide, the patron can reserve time with a Patron Services Librarian. This could be one -
on -one help with a genealogical or other research, assistance with downloadable books
and /or Microsoft Office products, developing a list of titles for a reluctant reader etc.
The project is available in a handful of branches, but it is hoped to be offered region -
wide by the end of the year.
New Business: None
The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 9`h at 5:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Lommel, Secretary