BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 08-06-2010BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Minutes: 8/6/10 BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES (BCOL) REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Friday, August 6, 2010 8:00 a.m. Monticello City Hall Advisory Council Members Present: Pat Sawatzke, Rose Thelen, Wes Olson, Pete Stupar, Marlyn Dibben, Janice Bergstrom, Jim Lindberg, Glen Posusta, Clint Herbst, Stacy Marquardt Advisory Council Members Absent: Lyle Trunnel, Gene Emanuel, Larry Hance Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Kitty Baltos Staff Absent: Marc Mattice, Angela Schumann, Tom Pawelk 1) Call to order. Glen Posusta called the meeting to order at 8:14 a.m. 2) Consideration of adding items to and approving agenda. None. 3) Approval of June Meeting Minutes. MOTION WAS MADE BY STUPAR TO APPROVE THE JUNE 4TH, 2010 MEETING MINUTES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED 10 -0. 4) Ongoing information and promotion (Public Relations) Rose Thelen mentioned that the Friends of Bertram had a Riverfest Parade entry in association with the local soccer club. In addition, Thelen reported that the Friends would like to establish a Speaker's Bureau to present information about the Bertram Regional Park and obtain proclamations of support and interest in membership from representatives of city and township administration, Mayor's associations, Chambers, environmental groups, and historical clubs. She asked that Jeff O'Neill, Clint Herbst and Martyn Dibben sign on to act as ambassadors for this purpose. Thelen indicated that such an effort would educate area decisionmakers and market the long -term return on investment of Bertram Park so that folks see it as a priority in these tough economic times. 5) June 12, 2010 Event Recap. No report. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Minutes: 8/6/10 6) Funding and Purchase Update. The following are excerpts that Pat Sawatzke read from Marc Mattice's funding update: • On June 17, 2010 the City and County closed on the Phase II acquisition which included a total of 51.4 acres along the east shore of Long Lake. The total purchase price for this parcel was $1,102,231.85. $549,587.99 came from grant funds (Metro Greenway Program). The city and county each contributed $276,321.93. • To date the partnership has received $666,249 in grant funds ($266,249 in Federal Land and Water Conservation Funds, and $400,000 in Legacy Funds). In March grant applications were submitted: • Legislative Citizens Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR): Our project was not recommended for funding. The LCCMR did not consider individual proposals for this two year funding cycle; they placed emphasis on partnerships, such a Metro Conservation Corridors, Habitat Partnerships and others. A newly formed group named Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trail Association (Wright County and the City are members) assisted the DNR Local Grants Program in developing a proposal that requested funds for the Non -Metro Regional Park and Trail Connections Program. These funds will be used statewide in a competitive grant process. This proposal was successful in securing a $2 million recommendation by the LCCMR to the legislature. Proposals for projects will be accepted between 3anuary and March. • Legacy Grant and Non -Metro Regional Park Grants: Two applications were made to this program. One grant requested the necessary funds to complete a Phase III purchase and parcel 7 was identified in the proposal. The other application requested the remaining balance of funds necessary to purchase all the remaining property. The recommended projects have been forwarded to the Commissioner of the DNR for approval and, once approved, notices will be sent to applicants. • The next round of grant funding will take place in January 2011. If we are successful in securing the needed funds to complete Phase III, the group should consider making a recommendation to the County Board of Commissioners and the City Council to apply for Phase IV during this time frame. This proposal would be for parcels #1 and #2 with a total cost of $2.4 million. • YMCA Revenue Sharing: We have come to terms with the Y on the revenue sharing portion of the Motocross Race that was held in May. The partnership in the near future will be receiving $1300. The 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Minutes: 8/6/10 check will be received from the Y in the name of the Wright County Parks Department. The group should decide where they would like the funds deposited: the acquisition /development and maintenance donations account or a pass thru account for the Friends of Bertram. Once the account is recommended, the purpose of the funds should be considered (future property acquisitions, maintenance, development, or support for friends). Designating Funding Accounts: The Advisory Council considered what type of account would best direct and expend any future money received related to Family Fun Day and how to serve the accounting and funding needs of the Friends. Herbst recommended that the $1300 to be received from the Y for the Motocross race be put toward the Family Fun Day event for next year. O'Neill and Sawatzke agreed. Friends representatives discussed the importance of establishing a separate Friends account for Bertram marketing efforts apart from the Parks and Trails account. This would be where the $500 obtained from the Advisory Council used for purchase of t- shirts and day to day expenses would be maintained. The issue of reporting back about the status of that seed money to the Advisory Council on a quarterly basis was mentioned. Jim Lindberg pointed out that when asking for donations, Friends might ask that donations be specifically designated to Friends support efforts. Thelen indicated that the Friends website www.friendsofbertramlake.org can be reached by link from the City's website. Dibben suggested that any acquisitions funding continue to be handled in an account separate from the Friends account. O'Neill noted that it would be best to get some direction from Finance as to how to properly establish the appropriate accounts. He suggested that City Finance Director Tom Kelly talk with County Auditor /Treasurer Bob Hivala about a course of action for handling Bertram event money and about setting up an account that the Friends could use from which to serve the operational needs of the Group. General Funding Discussion: There was much discussion about future funding of the Bertram Park. Posusta asked how the City might come up with further matching funds required to obtain upcoming grant opportunities within the time frame required. O'Neill reported that one option might be to possibly use reserves which could later be replenished by selling land assets when the market timing was right. Herbst noted that these sales could be earmarked for park dedication funds. The Advisory Council also considered the likelihood of declining land values and appraisals. Posusta noted his concern about potential tax assessments. Sawatzke stated that Wright County has funds available in their Capital Improvement Program to fund future park purchases. Monticello Soccer Club: The Monticello Soccer Club approached the City asking for some direction in identifying options for leasing field access for their recreational and traveling leagues. O'Neill stated that the Club has $60,000 currently put aside for field 3 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Minutes: 8/6/10 development but are not looking to build their own fields. They'd like a short term solution until the ballfields at Bertram are ready to use. There was some discussion about the option of establishing infrastructure for the recreation facility component of the Park for 2011 or 2012. O'Neill agreed to keep the Soccer Club apprised of any decisions or suggestions. 7) Master Planning and Section Reports. In his written update, Mattice shared his observations about the pace of the master plan. He stated that it looks unlikely that the completed draft of the Master Plan would be to the Advisory Council by the September meeting. He indicated that the Technical Resources Committee would continue to work on wording and the Park Use Committee would review their draft for modifications. There was brief discussion about completing the Master Plan. It was determined that, although there is no rush to get it done, a completed master plan would encourage further, more tangible, action steps such as a plan for volunteer efforts. 8) Volunteers to look at Doris Duke and Cargill Foundations for Funding Mattice had asked for volunteers to look into opportunities with the Doris Duke and Cargill Foundations for contacts, funding, application materials and RFPs. He suggested that Doris Duke may have an open RFP period but that Cargill may not. He also indicated that Cargill may only consider projects brought by a Board member or an employee. Martyn Dibben agreed to talk to Mattice about Doris Duke and Jeff O'Neill agreed to talk to Don Roberts about the Cargill Foundation. Stupar noted that he would also look into a donation from the Fields for Kids Program through the MN Twins Community Fund for ballfields at Bertram Park. 9) Consideration of adding items to agenda. None. 10) Adjourn. MOTION WAS MADE BY STUPAR TO ADJOURN. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DIBBEN. MOTION CARRIED 10 -0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:24 a.m. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri Approved: As amended 9/3/10 Attest: Bertram Advisory Board Representative 4