MCC Advisory Board Minutes 03-16-2010COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD
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Board Members Present:
Ron Broekemeier- Chair, Sandra Theros -Vice Chair, Jennifer Bethke, Wanda
Kraemer and Clint Herbst.
Board Members Absent:
Susie Wojchouski
Staff Member Present:
Kitty Baltos- Director
1. The meeting was called to order by Chair, Ron Broekemeier at 4:38 p.m.
2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Bertram Advisory Council schedule by Sandra Theros, Kitty
will provide next week to Board members to sign up for meetings. Suggestion by Wanda Kraemer that we
tour areas of the community center once per year.
3. Consideration of approving the minutes of the February 16, 2010 regular meeting. Jennifer Bethke made
a MOTION to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion was SECONDED by Sandra Theros. The
motion PASSES unanimously with Clint Herbst abstaining.
4. Update Items:
a. Financial summary through February 2010. Kitty reported that the insurance paid to have the
pool heater that stopped working in December 2009. The cost to replace the chimney pipe
however was not covered. The Board discussed why the Warehouse remodel was moved back.
Kitty advised that the winter is a heavy rental month for the Warehouse and after the office
remodel's lengthy construction period, more time needed to be allotted to the Warehouse
remodel. The Public Works department will not be able to participate in the Warehouse remodel
due to their workload. Outside contractor quotes are being sought.
b. Visit summery through February 2010. Kitty noted that February was very good. Sandra noted
that the ice arena usage is very good. The men's hockey league started that week.
c. Manager's Monthly recap. No discussion
5. Old Business: Pool heater update. Kitty provided an email from Aqualogic identifying why the pool
heater continues to have problems. The resolution is the Acid Magic chemical used in place of muriatic
acid has a by- product is causing problems with the heat exchanger. Aqua Logic has been very helpful as
we work through this process.
6. Community Center policy review, adiustment and approval.
a. Supervision and conduct policies: On page 71d, change the sentence to read "It is strongly
recommended that any child under the age of 6 (change to 12) be supervised by a parent or
responsible adult. Also add equipment training permission to the policies.
b. Conduct policies: on page 72c, make two separate bullet points between tolerated and It is
expected ... Add "As a family facility,"
c. Area Specific Policies, Pool: Page 8 19, Kitty advised that she wants to make sure this is a
necessary policy for the facility.
d. Area specific policies, water slide: Page 10, item 5, take out lying down on their backs as this
policy no longer applies.
e. Fitness Center policies: Page 12 item 2 add kid lifting provision for equipment use. Items to add
11. Fitness Center space is limited, be respectful of other users. Require a change of shoes to be
in the gym or on the fitness equipment. Add a note to the bottom of the insurance sign in
reminding people to change shoes. The Board asked that a shoe cubby be available for the fitness
center with a mat for wet shoes both by the gym and in the fitness center and to streamline the
signs in the fitness center.
f. Other suggestions from the Board: (1) Add an escalator to the banquet rental agreement since
rentals are made so far in advance, (2) consider a smoothie bar, (3) have the kid lifting class size
smaller, too many kids and they aren't paying attention. Try offering more than once per month.
(4) Check on disinfecting wipes more often. Often the dispenser is out and (5) better surveillance
by life guards for shoes on the pool deck.
7. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
Recorder: Kitty
Approved: April .
Attest: �VW
MCC Advisory Board Representative