MCC ADvisory Board Minutes 01-15-2013MINUTES MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER (MCC) ADVISORY BOARD TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2013 — 4:30 P.M. RIVER ROOM Board Members Present: Sandra Theros- Chair, Heath Bird, Mayor Clint Herbst Board Members Absent: Darren Paumen -Vice Chair, Jennifer Bethke Staff Members Present: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Call meeting to order Sandra Theros called the meeting to order at 4:28 p.m. 2. Consideration of approving Sandra Theros for renewal of her three Year term on the Advisory Board to expire 12/31/2015 CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE REAPPOINTMENT OF SANDRA THEROS TO A THREE YEAR TERM ON THE MCC ADVISORY BOARD TO EXPIRE 12/31/15. HEATH BIRD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. Sandra Theros noted that this would be her fourth term on the MCC Advisory Board. 3. Consideration of electing Advisory Board officers for the 2013 year; Chair and Vice Chair CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE REAPPOINTMENT OF SANDRA THEROS AS CHAIR AND DARREN PAUMEN AS VICE -CHAIR OF THE MCC ADVISORY BOARD FOR 2013. HEATH BIRD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda a) TVs 5. Consideration of approving the minutes from the November 20, 2012 regular meeting There was brief discussion about the goal noted in the minutes that 85% of MCC funding be user based. Staff agreed that increased programming outside of the facility and soliciting sponsors would be good ways to further address that goal. Kitty Baltos reported that Jennifer Bethke had indicated that her employer, MP NexLevel, may be willing to sponsor this summer's Movie in the Park series offered by the MCC. HEATH BIRD MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 20, 2012 REGULAR MCC ADVISORY BOARD MEETING. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. MCC Advisory Board Minutes — 01/15/13 6. Update Items a. Financial summary Fourth Quarter 2012 The Board briefly reviewed the financial impact of the three month pool shutdown on quarterly revenue. Although there was a significant drop in revenue for daily fees during this time, the membership renewal rate remained steady. Those whose memberships had lapsed were subject to a $3.24 per month rate increase when renewing their memberships. Staff agreed to add the previous year's quarter column for comparison in future quarterly reporting. b. Usage Summary through December 31, 2012 There was some discussion of the overall reduced facility use during the pool shut down. Staff indicated that increasing the number of group exercise classes offered in 2012 seemed to have helped bring users into the building. Staff agreed to track the number of guest passes used with attendance numbers for future reporting. c. Manager's Monthly Recap Staff has been working to resolve a number of new equipment issues in the pool area. The circulating pump on the hot water heater has had to be replaced several times. The controller measuring PH and chlorination for the pool and spas continues to read 4 -5 degrees differently despite continued recalibration. This may be the result of new CO2 system. U.S. Aquatics will review and address the problem. 7. Construction Update Staff arranged for the new boiler to be installed at night so that facility users would not be inconvenienced by lack of heat and hot water while the new gas line was installed. Contractors have been working to finish tile work and caulk windows. A concrete pad has been poured outside the poolside emergency door. Roof work, exterior siding and cap flashing work have been completed. The fiberglass window has been placed. The soffit near the slide has been discovered to be in poor shape. Public Works will look into fixing this. The walls along the north and east sides of the pool have not yet been sealed due to the lack of a viable option to do so. The contractor has investigated three techniques to try to address this. The solution may involve spraying foam followed by a vapor barrier. Staff will research how this issue had been handled when the facility was originally constructed. There is also some question about whether the pool area was in a neutral or negative status at the time the building was completed. Staff suggested that Jeff O'Neill contact Donlar to address this issue further if appropriate. Contractors are working through the remaining items on the construction punch list. The fitness area is ready for cleanup and touch up. MCC Advisory Board Minutes — 01/15/13 8. Consideration of items to be included in the CIP (Capital Improvement Prolects) Fund Kitty Baltos provided an overview of improvements identified by MCC staff as priorities to be included as part of the CIP. She pointed out the importance of preparing a broad plan for upgrading the facility so that all capital needs are considered. Those briefly discussed were: • Replace gym floor (Clint Herbst agreed to discuss this with the National Guard onsite.) • Expand play structure • Utilize space outside facility (splash park) • Replace advertising banners with digital signage • Purchase coffee station for events • Purchase mirrors, bulletin board, desk, magazine rack, water bottle filler for fitness area • Update computer software to enable online registration • Add storage space • Improve meeting rooms • Move Friendship Island to Prairie Center building She suggested several opportunities that would likely bring in additional revenue. • Per visit rate for Silver Sneakers fitness program has increased • Add drop -in users by offering Pickleball as an option in the gym • Program popular events as fundraisers (i.e., rockabilly music, pig roast) • Utilize warehouse for additional fitness classes Clint Herbst suggested that revenue earned by popular events be dedicated to help pay for costly CIP requests such as a splash park. 9. Consideration of adding items to the agenda a) TVs — There was some discussion about asking that FiberNet and Hi -Way Liquors sponsor the purchase of additional TVs for the fitness area. Staff will follow up on these suggestions. 10. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 5:54 p.m. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri Approved: Febry4ry/Jy9, 2Q13 Attest: