Police Advisory Commission Minutes 04-20-2011MINUTES MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION Wednesday, April 20, 2011- 7 p.m., Academy Room Members Present: Brad Fyle, Brian Stumpf, Leila McCarty, Charles Fradella Members Absent: Jason Roubinek Ex- Officio Representatives: Sgt. Butch Darsow, Lt. Mike Even - Wright Co. Sheriff's Office Bruce Westby, City Engineer Others Present: None 1) Call to Order Brad Fyle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2) Approval of minutes of January 19, 2011 Police Advisory Commission meeting CHARLES FRADELLA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 19, 2011 POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING. LEILA MCCARTY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. (Brian Stumpf abstained) 3) Consideration of adding items to the agenda a) Brad Fyle — Discussion on changing the name of the Police Advisory Commission. 4) Wright County Sheriffs Office updates /O &A session Representatives from the Wright County Sheriff s Office provided general information on recent crime statistics, trends and other law enforcement issues affecting the City of Monticello. There have been few traffic complaints. There was some discussion about a speeding issue on the 600 -700 block of West River Street. Officers agreed that it would be useful to place a speed trailer at that location to see what the actual speeds are. Officers noted that crimes of opportunity such as theft from vehicles and house burglary's have been a problem. They suggested that regular articles in the quarterly City newsletter would assist with raising community awareness regarding crime prevention. It was suggested that Sgt. Brian Johnson may be able to provide a template crime prevention article. The Sheriffs Office has been dealing with numerous complaints of loud music from cars and loud exhaust pipes on motorcycles. The Sheriffs Office representatives noted that enforcing such noise violations can be difficult. The Sheriffs Office will review Police Advisory Commission Minutes: 04/20/11 the City's noise pollution ordinance to determine if there might be ways that they can more effectively enforce such violations. Brad Fyle mentioned that he thinks the Sheriff s Office has been doing a good job of making their presence known to the public and drivers, especially on CSAH 75. 5) Consideration of commemorating Dick Slais The Commission had agreed, in its January meeting, to consult with the Slais family prior to reaching a decision about how to honor Dick's years of service to the community. The Commission had not yet heard back from Capt. Dan Anselment about his contact with the Slais family. Brad Fyle suggested that it might be fitting to designate the speed trailer in Dick's name as Dick had been passionate about the importance of utilizing the speed trailer to raise awareness of actual traveling speeds. He suggested that a sticker be affixed to the speed trailer to honor Dick's commitment to safety. The Commission agreed that it would be a way of actively bringing Dick's vision into the community. Bruce Westby agreed to follow up with Capt. Anselment and work with the Commission to determine wording for the information on the sticker. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE THIS ISSUE UNTIL MORE INFORMATION WAS AVAILABLE AT THE NEXT MEETING. CHARLES FRADELLA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 6) Update on Police Advisory Commission Mission Statement exercise Leila McCarty had proposed that Commissioners submit comments and /or revisions to the mission statement previously drafted at the January Police Advisory Committee meeting by email in an effort to move the mission statement development process along. Bruce Westby noted however that he would do some further research to make sure that this process of gathering information would not violate the open meeting law. The development of the Mission Statement was continued to the next meeting. Commission members are asked to present any draft versions of the Mission Statement at that meeting for incorporation into a working version which will be reviewed and fine -tuned by the group into a final Mission Statement. 7) Update on new Monticello Transportation Advisory Committee Bruce Westby informed the group that a Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) has been established to assist the City in defining transportation needs, lobbying support for Police Advisory Commission Minutes: 04/20/11 transportation projects /studies, providing public education support, developing funding sources, and establishing transportation investment priorities. The TAC will meet every other month for the time being, but their meeting schedule will likely change over time. The TAC will soon be advertising to fill a position for resident at -large representation. 8) Update on signing for local Sheriffs Office at Prairie Center building The Sheriff s Office asked for feedback on the sign design proposed for inclusion on the Prairie Center sign along 6th Street. The sign is to be 18- inches tall by 6 -feet long and reads "Wright County Sheriff Monticello Law Enforcement Services." It will be provided by the Sheriff s Office and erected by the City. The Police Advisory Commission members in attendance unanimously supported the design. 9) Update on Mn/DOT TH 25 /CSAH 11 /CR 14 intersection improvement Mn/DOT will be completing an improvement project at the intersection of TH 25 /CSAH 11 /CR 14 in Sherburne County this summer, immediately on the north end of the TH 25 Mississippi River Bridge. There was discussion about the resulting afternoon traffic delays in Monticello. There will be changeable message signs on the freeway and on TH 25 alerting drivers to the heavy congestion. Improvement projects that will be constructed this summer throughout the City include the 2011 Street Reconstruction Project, which will begin in late June. The project will involve reconstructing all of East River Street between Cedar Street and the New River Medical Center, the side streets between CSAH 75 and the river, and West River Street from CSAH 75 to the ball fields. This project will also include adding turn lanes and pedestrian crosswalk improvements at the intersection of Walnut Street and 7th Street. The NE Quadrant Improvements at the intersection of TH 25 & CSAH 75 is expected to be completed by the end of May. The project includes relocating two signal system poles in the NE quadrants of the intersections of TH 25 /CSAH 75 and TH 25 /River Street. East River Street will have a cul -de -sac constructed east of Cedar Street to separate traffic in the commercial and residential areas. 10) Update on Open Meeting Laws /Statutes Bruce Westby distributed three handouts as background information related to the Minnesota Open Meeting Law: Monticello's Police Advisory Commission ordinance, Chapter 13.1) of the state statute related to open meeting laws, and Chapter 7 from the League of MN Cities handbook related to open meetings. There was a brief discussion about how public bodies are allowed to communicate outside of meetings. Bruce Westby will seek further clarification on open meeting law questions regarding communicating by email, websites or other electronic means. Police Advisory Commission Minutes: 04/20/11 11) Discussion of added items a) Possible name change for Police Advisory Commission There was general consensus that it might be useful to consider changing the name of the Police Advisory Commission. This issue will be included on the next agenda. 12) Schedule next meetin¢ The next regular Police Advisory Commission meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 7 p.m. 13) Adjournment BRAD FYLE MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:54 PM. CHUCK FRADELLA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. BurriLq Approved: July 20, 2011 Attest: ZA. c � Bruce Westby, City Engineer 4