Police Advisory Commission Minutes 10-19-2011MINUTES MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION Wednesday, October 19, 2011- 7 p.m., Academy Room Members Present: Brad Fyle, Brian Stumpf, Leila McCarty, Chuck Fradella, Jason Roubinek Ex- Officio Representatives: Sergeant Dave Anderson, Wright County Sheriff's Office; Lieutenant Mike Even, Wright County Sheriff's Office; Bruce Westby, City Engineer 1) Call to Order Brad Fyle called the meeting to order at 7 pm. 2) Consideration of approving minutes of July 20, 2011 regular Police Advisory Commission meeting CHUCK FRADELLA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 20, 2011 REGULAR POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING AFTER AMENDING "YEAR" TO "HOUR" IN THE FIRST SENTENCE OF THE THIRD PARAGRAPH OF ITEM #5. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. (Jason Roubinek was not yet present.) 3) Consideration of adding items to the agenda Chuck Fradella asked that notice of upcoming PAC meetings be publicized in the Monticello E -News and City Newsletter. 4) Wright County Sheriffs Office updates/ O &A session (Jason Roubinek joined the meeting at this point.) Lieutenant Even and Sergeant Anderson summarized the special detail initiated last summer in Monticello and neighboring cities to address theft from vehicles. The effort, which was conducted between 8:30 pm -6:00 am from July 24th - September 16`h involved assigning three plain clothed officers drove unmarked cars and walked through neighborhoods and along bike paths to talk to people. These deputies had been taken off of their traffic enforcement assignment to conduct this detail. They made 228 contacts: 137 adults and 91 juvenile during the special detail. They issued 73 criminal charges, 23 curfew tickets, 17 underage consumption tickets, 1 tobacco ticket, 14 drug charges, 1 possession of stolen property charge and some 8 other charges. There was a lot of positive feedback from citizens who appreciated the law enforcement visibility. Residents were often able to provide some useful information for detectives. Police Advisory Commission Minutes: 10/19/11 The Sheriff s Office will provide a copy of the special detail report for the City and hopes to conduct a similar effort next summer as well. Leila McCarty passed along the thanks of the Police Advisory Commission. Brad Fyle also complimented the Sheriff s Office for their efforts in addressing credit card thefts at McDonalds and the passing of counterfeit bills in the area. 5) Consideration of adopting a Mission Statement for the Police Advisory Commission The Police Advisory Commission had been working collaboratively to draft a mission statement over the past year with facilitation assistance from Leila McCarty. The initial process involved identifying customers, identifying shared purpose and values, ranking by consensus, and developing purpose /values into action statements. The mission statement presented for final review was based on three mission statements drafted by the Commission during previous work sessions. There were a few specific changes to the working copy after some discussion and suggestions. Bruce Westby noted that the mission statement should refer to the Wright County Sheriffs Office instead of Wright County Sheriffs Department. Brian Stumpf pointed out that it should refer to businesses as well as residents and visitors. The final version of the mission statement is documented in the motion. It will be published on the Police Advisory Commission web page. CHUCK FRADELLA MOVED TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION: "THE MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION SERVES AS A LIAISON FOR THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL, THE WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, AND THE MONTICELLO COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE. THE COMMISSION AIMS TO IMPACT THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR RESIDENTS, AND TO CONTRIBUTE TO A SAFER COMMUNITY FOR BUSINESSES AND VISITORS BY ADVISING ON ISSUES OF LAW ENFORCEMENT WITH INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY." MOTION WAS SECONDED BY LEILA MCCARTY. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 6) Consideration of reappointing Police Advisory Commission members with expiring terms Chuck Fradella's term on the Police Advisory Commission is scheduled to expire on December 31, 2011. He expressed an interest in reappointment for a 3 -year term. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE REAPPOINTMENT OF CHUCK FRADELLA TO THE MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION WITH A NEW TERM EXPIRATION DATE OF Police Advisory Commission Minutes: 10/19/11 DECEMBER 31, 2014. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY JASON ROUBINEK. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 7) Update on speed trailer decal commemorating Dick Slais Bruce Westby provided photos showing that the decal commemorating Dick Slais was affixed to the top of the speed trailer due to lack of other options for more prominently displaying the decal. 8) Update on 2012 Law Enforcement budget The Police Advisory Commission had recommended approval of the 2012/2103 Law Enforcement Contract with the Wright County Sheriff s Office at their July 20th meeting. The contract was adopted by the City Council on July 25, 2011 thereby committing the City to a budget of $1,137,162 for law enforcement services in 2012. This budget maintains the same level of service as the previous contract and provides sufficient coverage to conduct special assignments when appropriate. 9) Consideration of items added to the agenda a) Speed Trailers — Brad Fyle noted that he thought that the speed trailer system had worked well on Broadway. The trailer provided adequate warning to speeders who were then issued tickets two blocks later. b) Police Advisory Commission Input — Brad Fyle thought the PAC should have been asked for input on the video surveillance issue that recently went before Council. 10) Schedule next meeting The next regular Police Advisory Commission meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 7 PM. 11) Adjournment CHUCK FRADELLA MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:49 PM. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY JASON ROUBINEK. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. Bum t4 �% Approved: January 18, 2012