Police Advisory Commission Minutes 04-18-2012MINUTES
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 - 7 p.m., Academy Room
Members Present: Brad Fyle, Jason Roubinek, Leila McCarty, Chuck Fradella
Members Absent: Brian Stumpf
Ex- Officio Representatives: Captain Dan Anselment, Wright County Sheriff's Office
Lieutenant Todd Sandia, Wright County Sheriff's Office
Bruce Westby, City Engineer
Others: None
1) Call to Order
Brad Fyle called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
2) Consideration of approving minutes of January 18, 2012 regular Police Advisory
Commission meeting
3) Consideration of adding items to the agenda
No items were added.
4) Wright County Sheriff's Office updates/ O &A session
Captain Anselment introduced Lieutenant Todd Sandin to the PAC. Lieutenant Sandia
has been with the WCSO for 17 years and will be attending f Lure PAC meetings in
place of Lieutenant Mike Even who recently retired.
Captain Anselment discussed some recent issues they have had at Chatter's. The
Sheriff's Office has been receiving a fair number of calls to Chatter's later in the
evening. Many of the calls are coming in "after the fact" when fights or other issues
are well over, making it hard on the Sheriff s Office to provide enforcement. The
Sheriff's Office has been working with City staff in an attempt to schedule a meeting
with Chatter's owner to discuss options for allowing the Sheriff's Office to provide
better law enforcement services. Captain Anselment noted that the Sheriff's Office has
training available on handling excessive alcohol use in bars and restaurants. Brad Fyle
said he would be interested in attending the meeting once it is scheduled. Captain
Anselment said he will let Brad Fyle know when the meeting is to be held.
Captain Anselment noted that Parks Superintendent Tom Pawelk recently informed the
Sheriff's Office of an increase in vandalism in City Parks. Captain Anselment said it
helps if people call them right away when damage is found or witnessed by the public.
Police Advisory Commission Minutes: 04/18/12
Captain Anselment said the Sheriffs Office recently purchased a new mobile camera
system that is available for use by the County and their 13 contracted cities. The
camera is moved around often so nobody knows for sure where it is positioned. Leila
McCarty asked Captain Anselment if he could mention to the editor of the Times that
they have the new camera system to see if the Times might want to run an article on the
new camera system to let people know it is out there and being used, which could help
deter some of the vandalism. Captain Anselment said he will be meeting with the
Times tomorrow and will ask if they want to publish this as part of a larger public
safety article.
Captain Anselment noted there has been a recent rash of theft from vehicles, which are
primarily a crime of convenience committed by school age kids and young adults
roaming the streets at night.
Captain Anselment said there has also been an uptick on more sophisticated financial
fraud crimes, which typically occur at the bigger box stores. These criminals are often
quite bold. Lieutenant Sandin added that the time of day is not typically relevant for
such crimes. Captain Anselment said they know who many of the people committing
these types of crimes are.
Captain Anselment added that computer related crimes are also on the rise, but noted that
they have an expert assisting them with exploring these crimes.
Captain Anselment said they have increased traffic enforcement operations in Monticello,
including stop sign running. One location in particular was Dundas and Edmonson due to
noted concerns and crash reports. Right now they are short on traffic cars and trained
deputies. It would therefore help if they could know which intersections and streets are
worst for speeding and stop sign running.
Brad Fyle reiterated his desire to have the Sheriffs Office enforce loud noise complaints
and offenses. Brad Fyle also noted some curfew concerns with summer coming. Captain
Anselment said the Wright County Sheriffs Office uses curfew enforcement as a tool in
their toolbox for informing kids of the curfew times, as well as to inform parents that
their kids are violating curfew.
Captain Anselment said deputies also not only ticket kids who are violating curfew, but
sometimes they'll ticket parents as well. Lieutenant Sandin noted that different cities
have different curfew times, which can make it hard on parents to know when their kids
should be home, especially if they're visiting friends in another city. Brad Fyle asked the
Sheriffs Office to inform PAC members if they have a problem with Monticello's
adopted curfew times, especially since Monticello has a lot of businesses that are open
24/7. Captain Anselment said he feels the City's current curfew ordinance is fine as
written, but if they note excessive curfew violations over the next couple of months they
will present the issues at the July PAC meeting for farther discussion.
Police Advisory Commission Minutes: 04/18/12
5) Completion of contact information consent forms
All PAC members completed their forms and handed them in as requested.
6) Consideration of increasing enforcement related to STOP sign violations.
Chuck Fradella requested this item be added due to his numerous observations of stop
sign running violations. Chuck was surprised to see that the 20114 th quarter crime
statistics only showed a total of 6 stop sign running violations. Chuck often witnesses
more than this amount in a single day and feels there should be greater emphasis placed
on enforcing such violations. Captain Anselment said he will talk to his staff and ask
them to do abetter job of enforcing such violations.
Bruce Westby asked what the standard operating procedure is for enforcing stop sign
running violations. Does it depend on time of day, the presence of pedestrians, etc?
Captain Anselment said it most always depends on the surrounding circumstances.
Both Leila McCarty and Chuck Fradella noted that when other drivers see someone else
being ticketed for a traffic violation it can have the added advantage of deterring other
drivers from making the same offense, and as such would like to see more enforcement in
this area.
7) Discussion of added items.
No items were added.
8) Schedule next meeting
The next regular Police Advisory Commission meeting was scheduled for Wednesday,
July 18, 2012 at 7 PM.
9) Adiournment
Recorded by:iLtl�� Bruce Westby, Westby, City Engineer
Approved: July 18, 2012