Parks Commission Minutes 06-26-2014PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING I JUNE 26, 2014 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY JUNE 26, 2014 - 9:15 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining Cityparks with a high standard of quality. " Members Present: Larry Nolan, Nancy McCaffrey, Jack Gregor, Tim Stalpes, Brian Stoll Members Absent: Brian Stumpf Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Motion to approve MRT trail plan with signne. Tom Pawelk included a map indicating the Mississippi River Trail through Monticello, showing the areas where signage will be installed. Tom said that the Parks Commission will need to authorize the signage plan in order for the implementation of the signage to move forward. Discussed the bike route through the parks where weddings and other park rentals take place; if there becomes an issue with too much bike traffic during these events, the consensus is to address it at that time. TIM STALPES MOVED TO APPROVE THE MRT TRAIL PLAN WITH SIGNAGE. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5 -0. 3. Discussion of Rolling Woods Park Survey. Tom Pawelk said that the park survey was prepared and ready to be sent out to the residents of Rolling Woods and Carlisle Village. However, City officials determined that the Parks Commission should come up with the plan for the Rolling Woods Park expansion similar to the process for the River Mill Park improvements. The consensus of the Parks Commission is to devise a plan for the park with the feedback already received from the area residents and then send Page 1 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING I JUNE 26, 2014 out information to the residents once the plan is in place in order to keep them informed and possibly invite them to a Parks Commission Meeting so that can provide input. Park ideas will be brought to the meeting in July for discussion to determine whether or not this park expansion should be budgeted for in 2015. 4. BCOL acquisition update. Angela Schumann said that the City and County closed on an additional 164 acres on June 5th. Angela noted that this acquisition was a little more difficult as it included the ground lease for the new YMCA Day Camp Manitou area that will be leased back for 99 years, as well as the operating agreement, so it took a lot of discussion and a lot of negotiations to complete that in addition to the purchase documents. The land transaction has closed and the ground lease will be recorded in the near future. The 164 acres includes not only the YMCA Day Camp Manitou but also the north shores of Long and Bertram Lakes, the beach at Bertram Lake, and the 40.17 acres of the City's active athletic area. The City now has three years to implement the first phase of the active athletic complex and Tom Pawelk is working on the initial phase so that it can be implemented to meet the grant requirements for public access without impacting the overall concept plan. The new Athletic Complex Plan with the proposed changes and phasing areas was distributed to the Parks Commission. Tom Pawelk reviewed the new concept plan and discussed key areas including field layout, access entrance points, parking areas, ponding and drainage issues, restroom facilities, tree planting and buffer areas, and phasing of the fields. Tom said that he will be working with the Finance Director to determine funding and budgeting for the phasing. 5. River Mill Park playground improvement project update. Tom Pawelk said that the City Council approved the purchase and installation of the playground equipment. The Monticello Parks Department be removing the old playground equipment after Riverfest, and the new playground equipment is planned for installation the first week in August. 6. Vine Street Plat Review and recommendation Park Dedication funds. The Parks Commission is asked to consider a formal recommendation related to park dedication requirements for a proposed two -unit residential plat, Vine Street Place. The preliminary plat was included in the agenda packet for review. Angela Schumann said that under State Statute 462.358, with every new development, the City has the option of either requiring a land dedication for park, or the City can collect park dedication fees for purchase of park land at another location, referred to as "cash in lieu ". The City completed an analysis in 2009 of needed parkland in relationship to dedication requirements and that Page 2 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING I JUNE 26, 2014 analysis indicated an amount of 11% park land dedication. Based upon the analysis, the calculation for this plat would require 1,744 square feet. Therefore, the cash in lieu required for this parcel would total $2,750, based on 2015 Wright County Market Value. The fee calculation is based on 11 % of the value of the land at the time of final plat. Angela noted that staff is recommending park dedication equal to 11% of the value of the raw land at the time of final plat as cash in lieu of land dedication for Vine Street Place. This recommendation is based on the proximity of other neighborhood and community parks to the plat, as well as planning in progress for trail and sidewalk connections. Further supporting this recommendation is the limited amount of land dedication which would result on the plat and the inability to combine the possible dedication with other land for park or pathway purposes. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE CASH IN LIEU OF PARK LAND DEDICATION FOR THE VINE STREET PLAT. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5 -0. Angela Schumann noted that the Vine Street Plat will be brought to the Planning Commission for recommendation of approval and if approved, it will then be brought to the City Council for final approval. 7. Review of proposed Doe Park Idea. Tom Pawelk shared a letter received from residents requesting a dog park in Monticello. The residents did some research and took pictures of other dog parks, which were included in the agenda packet for review. The area proposed is in the Meadow Oak Development in the large open grassy area and they are looking for support. Discussions centered on liability issues if someone were to get bitten by a dog, financial concerns, fencing, water access, signage, and maintenance. Tom said that he would like to do some further research as currently there are no city services available in the proposed area at Meadow Oak. Discussed considering a dog park in Monticello, starting initially with a double -gated fenced in open space area. Tom Pawelk will do further research to clarify legal concerns and liability issues with the City Attorney, as well as checking with other communities on how they operate their dog parks. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO RECOMMEND A DOG PARK BE BROUGHT TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION FOLLOWING FURTHER RESEARCH BY THE PARK SUPERINTENDENT TO CLARIFY VARIOUS ISSUES AND COSTS OF OPERATING A DOG PARK. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1; OPPOSED BY LARRY NOLAN. Page 3 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING I JUNE 26, 2014 8. Recommendation of a member to represent Greater Minnesota Regional Parks Planning Committee. Angela Schumann said that the application deadline for the committee was on Monday. Angela Schumann offered background information on the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Coalition which was started as a member organization that was trying to make sure that Greater MN got a fair shake when it came to legacy funding. Out of the coalition's efforts they were able to secure a 20% share of the legacy funds (currently $8 million). Part of that was the establishment of a commission appointed by the Governor's office to become the eyes and ears when it comes to the legacy funds. There have been two representatives appointed from the six districts in greater MN. Each district is asked to create a planning committee to determine which parks and trails will be included on the overall plan. If the park or trail isn't on the plan then it won't get considered for grant funding. Angela said that Marc Mattice of Wright County is one of the appointed representatives for this district. Angela also noted that in order to be considered for grant funding, the park or trail needs to be truly regional. Discussed completing the future pathway system connections to the south of Monticello through the natural areas to be included in the overall plan. Tim Stalpes may be interested in serving on the committee. Angela said that she will email Marc Mattice to see if they will still accept applications for the planning committee. 9. Next regular meeting scheduled for JOY 24, 2014. The next regular Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 24, 2014, at 9:15 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room. The Spring Parks Tour will take place prior to the meeting. Members are asked to meet at the Public Works Department at 8 a.m. for the tour. 10. Adjourn. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:45 A.M. RECORDED BY: Cgah C�Yccn DATE APPROVED: July 24, 22014 ATTEST:. -° [, Page 4 of 4