Transportation Advisory Commission Minutes 01-22-2015MEETING MINUTES MONTICELLO TRASNPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Special Meeting — Thursday, January 22, 2015 — 7:30 a.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: Luke Dddheimer, Lloyd Hilgart, Don Roberts, Brian Stumpf, Members Absent: Bill Tapper, Rich Harris Other Attendees: Chuck Rickart, WSB & Associates; Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator; Beth Green, Administrative Assistant; Brad Fy1e, Planning Commission Representative; Dan Dupay, St. Henry's Catholic Church; and property owners, Merrill Busch, Duffy Busch, Bill Malone and Kris Malone 1. Calla to Order. Jeff O'Neill called the meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. 2. Fallon Avenue Overpass discussion with property owners. O'Neill welcomed the meeting guests, provided introductions and explained that this Special Meeting of the TAC was called for the purpose of reviewing the design options for the Fallon Avenue Overpass. O'Neill explained that the goal is for WSB & Associate to provide an overview of the different overpass design options and give the property owners a chance to provide feedback and open the floor for discussions. Brian Stumpf asked Bret Weiss to provide background information on the Fallon Avenue Overpass and how it relates to the CSAH 18 Interchange Project. Weiss explained that the Federal Highway Administration oversees the interstate, interchanges, and major roads in the state of Minnesota and they have authority over what gets done and how it gets done. At the time when they were studying for the interchange at CSAH 18 they looked at the local traffic flows and connectivity and identified Fallon Avenue as a future overpass for local traffic in Monticello. This was identified sometime in the late 70's or early 80's. When Monticello began the interchange project they did not include the overpass in with the project but sent a letter explaining that the overpass would be installed at a future date, potentially within five years from date of the interchange project completion. As the overpass is a big expenditure, the City didn't want to install it before it was necessary. Weiss noted that the City is tied to completing the Fallon Avenue Overpass before another interchange can be put in so it is necessary for the City to move forward with the project. Chuck Rickart explained that the TAC has reviewed design options for the overpass which originally included eight designs. Of those eight designs, there are three options that have been chosen by the TAC as the most feasible options. SPECIAL TAC MEETING — January 22, 2015 Page 1 of * Design Option 1. • Follows the alignment originally envisioned for Fallon Avenue • This designs T's into 7a` Street • The T goes through the platted ROW from the original agreement with the Church of St. Henry's • Approximate total cost is $3.5M • Does not provide for future regional connections • Design Option 3A: o Includes a single lane roundabout at Fallon Avenue & 71' Street o Includes a second single lane roundabout at 7b Street & Washington Street o Advantage is the ability to do the project in phases o Provides more balanced traffic flow for both 7d' Street & Fallon Avenue o Approximate total cost is $5M + Design Option 5: • This option was added based upon recommendations from the TAC • The goal was to combine the two intersections into one intersection • Creates a different alignment, using the old Fallon Avenue corridor adjacent to the Malone and Busch properties • Includes a single lane roundabout at 7 Street with the potential to expand to a dual lane roundabout in the future • Vacates a portion of Washington Street o This option allows for one developable parcel o Would need to acquire the Malone Property as the new alignment would take out the house on the property o Approximate total cost is $5.5M o Provides for a direct route if a future river crossing at Washington is built Property owner questions or concerns regarding Option 5: o Malone's property must be sold to the City o Malone's lose the ability to sell their property for development o With the widening of Fallon Avenue with this option and to allow room for a sidewalk, the Busch's expressed concerns about losing their 130 -year old block long lilac hedge o Busch noted that they have already given up a significant portion of their property in order to provide temporary access to the otherwise landlocked Jamison property, relieving the City of considerable potential expense o Fallon Ave becomes the main thoroughfare with increased traffic o Traffic may be a negative for potential residential development o Vacating Washington Street at 7h Street to the RR tracks SPECIAL TAC MEETING — January 22, 2015 Page 2 of 4 o Malone noted that travelers using 7t' Street to get to the middle school, high school football field, or the hospital would have to either drive further to take Fallon Avenue or cut through residential areas causing higher traffic volumes in those areas Planning Conmission Representative Brad Fyle stated that whatever acreage is left of the Malone property that the Planning Commission would be open to seeing a plan and rezoning of the remaining property, offering the best use of the property. Fyle noted that it's time for the City to step up to the plate and make a decision on the overpass and the street design as the property owners have been stuck sitting idle long enough and it will only get more difficult in the future if the City has to deal with investors on the properties. Weiss explained that the next step will be to put together a list of criteria for ranking and evaluating the Fallon Avenue Overpass design options. This will provide a method to compare the options in order to narrow down the designs to the best option. O'Neill informed the property owners that their input is always welcome and their voice matters. The City is motivated to move forward on this so a design option will need to be chosen soon. Busch said that he would like to know a generic timeline of when the project may begin so that he can provide potential developers looking at his property with this information. Stumpf indicated that it may be possible for the City Council to approve a design option by the end of 2015. Weiss indicated that potentially 2016 -2017 may be the most reasonable date at this point. Busch and Malone said that they would like time to confer amongst themselves on the design options and would appreciate being kept in the loop on the process and being invited for future meetings which involve discussions on the overpass. Busch said that their goals are to make the property as attractive and suitable for development as they can in the current market and they would like to be able to speak knowledgably about what they have. Another concern Busch noted will be the preservation of the Rand Mansion with the future development. O'Neill asked Busch to keep the City informed of any input they get from developers as that feedback is important in the design options. Dan Dupay from the Church of St. Henry's said that they are actively seeking quotes for a second appraisal. The first quote for the second appraisal was for $30,000 and without knowing the time frame of the project it doesn't make sense from the church's standpoint to spend that amount of money without a guarantee from the City per se. Therefore, they are working on getting an appraisal in a price range that is more realistic and as fast as they can do it diligently it will be done. Dupay noted that St. Henry's would like to continue discussions with the City to work towards an agreement. SPECIAL TAC MEETING — January 22, 2015 Page 3 of 4 Weiss said his recommendation to the City Council will be to move forward fairly rapidly to narrow down the overpass design option as the pieces are in place and the timing is right. There will be a work session at the next TAC meeting to rate the design options. O'Neill thanked the group for attending the meeting and noted that the City understands the impacts and wants to try and do what is right for all parties involved. 3._ A journment Meeting adjourned at 5 :35 a.m. Recorder: CSFa%Z �1ax Administrative Assistant Approved:��� Attest: - Jeill, City Administrator SPECIAL TAC MEETING — January 22, 2015 Page 4 of 4