City Council Agenda Packet 04-10-2006 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday Aprill 0, 2006 - 7 p.m. Reminder: 5:00 YMCA Workshop Meeting - Changed from the 5:30 time because staff determined it required greater discussion time. Handout material will submitted on Monday night. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of March 27,2006 regular Council meeting. B. Approve minutes of March 20, 2006 special Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving hires and departures. B. Consideration to approve a resolution calling for the public hearing cy the City Council on the proposed adoption of a modification to the TIP Plan for TIP District 1-2 (Metcalf-Larson) and a modification to the TIP Plan for TIP District No. 1-24 (St. Benedict's). C. Consideration to authorize conveyance of Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition from the City to the HRA. D. Consideration of approving one-day charitable gambling license for the Monticello Girls Fastpitch Association. E. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a professional office in a B-1 District. Applicant: Don Hickman. F. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit to allow a drive-in and convenience fast food establishment in a B-3 District. Applicant: Tom Holthaus. G. Consideration of an amendment to the conditional use permit for a development stage PUD for an expansion to the Muller Theater. Applicant: AMCON. y Agenda Monticello City Council April 10,2006 Page 2 H. Consideration of a request for an interim use permit for the relocation of a billboard within Outlot A, Country Club Manor. Applicant: City of Monticello. I. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement of bids for the Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 Lift Stations and Forcemain hnprovements. J. Consideration of approving addendum to funding participation agreement between City and Wright County - Project No. 2004-01C CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project. K. Consideration of approving final plat of Prairie Ponds Third Addition. L. Consideration to reconsider denial of concept stage approval for a PUD for Tom Rollings. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Review ofRFP for expansion or relocation ofa portion or all of the Public Works Facility and consideration of distribution or advertisements of the RFP 8. Consideration of recommendation of Fiber Optic Task Force Committee on firm to conduct fiber optic feasibility study 9. Consideration of options to minimize the use of the leaf and grass compo sting facility. 10. Consideration of color selection for new water tower. 11. Consideration of providing temporary sedimentation pond and erosion control for Spirit Hills/Wildwood Ridge area. 12. Consideration of approving bills for April. 13. Adjourn. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday March 27, 2006 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pled!!e of Alle!!iance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of March 13. 2006 re~ular Council meetin2:. Tom Perrault questioned under item #5K whether it was meant to be 7th Street rather than Chelsea Road. He also noted that the road going past the Monte Club is Fenning Avenue not County Road 18. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 13,2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 2B. Approve minutes of March 20. 2006 soecial Council meetin!!. Since these minutes were not prepared, this item was tabled. 3. Consideration of addin!! items to the a!!enda. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Update on upcoming meetings; 2) Complaint process; 3) Barry Fluth property; 4) Christmas banners; 5) Comment on feedback from developers and builders in Monticello; 6) Pathway connection at River Mill; 7) Building for Water Department; 8) Connection of 7th Street; 9) Noise ordinance and 10) Compost site and pickup of yard waste. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. reouests and comolaints. Randy Ruff representing the owner of701 Elm Street stated he had received an ordinance violation notice. He explained that he has the remaining inventory from the Ruff Auto site on his lot and that everything will be removed with the sale of the property. He asked the Council for patience in getting the violation corrected. Clint Herbst stated that the City staff had been conducting "sweeps" recently and added that an extension ofthe time frame to May 1, 2006 was made so that clean up could be done in conjunction with the City's Junk Amnesty Day. For any extension beyond that time frame, the individual would have to work with Gary Anderson the City's Building Official. 1 3 Mike Wiggins, 312 Riverview Drive requested an opportunity to speak on the rezoning of the O'Ryans property when that item came up on the agenda. 5. Consent Al!enda A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures at MCC. Recommendation: Approve the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of authorizing the distribution and ten day comment period for the final AUAR for Jefferson at Monticello. Recommendation: Authorize distribution ofthe final AUAR for the 10-day comment period. C. Consideration of approving charitable gambling license for Monticello Lions Club at Hawk's Sports Bar and Grill and River City Lanes. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to renew the charitable gambling license to the Monticello Lions Club for charitable gambling activities at Hawks Sports Bar and Grill and River City Lanes. D. Consideration of approving concept stage for a planned unit development. Applicant: Rollings/Ruff. Recommendation: Approve the concept stage PUD based on a finding that the proposed mixed residential design establishes a high quality residential project that meets the City's intent for PUD consideration, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant remove one unit from building number 38 of the east portion of the project to provide a greater side yard setback between structures. 2. The central private drive shown on the west side ofthe project be revised to a 28" private street as measured from street face to face. 3. Subject to submission of all applicable development stage PUD plans. 4. Grading, street and utility plans are subject to review of the City Engineer. 5. Other conditions as recommended by City Council. E. Consideration of approval of final plat of Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition - Karlsburger. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the final plat of the Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition. F. Consideration of approval of final plat for Jefferson Commons 2nd Addition - Kevin Tracy and Muller Theater site. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the final plat of the Jefferson Commons 2nd Addition. G. Consideration of establishing budget for fiber optic study consultant's fees. Recommendation: Approve a budget of up to $10,000 for consultant fees, which includes developing an RFP for a fiber optic study, reviewing submissions and serving on the interview team. H. Consideration of calling special meeting of City Council for April 10, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. to conduct workshop on YMCA property. Recommendation: Call for a special 2 L\ workshop for 5:30 p.m. on April 10, 2006 for the purpose of reviewing information and options relating to preservation of the YMCA property for public use. I. Consideration of Resolution Declaring intent to Reimburse Project Costs through Bond Sale Proceeds for Cedar StreetlDundas Road Improvements. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution declaring intent to reimburse expenditures to the proceeds of bond covering the projects outlined. J. Consideration of deny rezoning request for Kean of Monticello to rezone property from PZM to B-3. Recommendation: Move to table action on the request for rezoning from PZM to B-3 and action on the request for a zoning text amendment for Kean of Monticello at the request of the applicants. K. REMOVED - Small group not able to meet before Council meeting. 1. Consideration of authorizing staff and/or Council attendance an Performance Measures Conference - June 7-8, 2006. Recommendation: Motion to authorize the Personnel Committee to send one or more representatives to the conference on performance measurement and reporting. M. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit and amendment to planned unit development for open and outdoor storage and for outdoor sales and display in a B-3 District and for additional used automobile/light truck sales & display. Applicant: Walt's Pawn and Bargain Center. Recommendation: Move to approve the conditional use permit to amend the PUD based on a finding that the applicant has complied with each of the applicable requirements for the uses as specified in the zoning ordinance. N. Consideration of approving contribution made to Monticello Fire Department. Recommendation: Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified by donor. O. Consideration of approving purchase agreement with Cory Kingbay - Outlot C in Jefferson Commons. Recommendation: Approve entering into the purchase agreement extension and development agreement as outlined. Items #5D, #5F, #5L, #5M and #50 were removed from the consent agenda. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOV AL OF ITEMS #5D, #5F, #5L, #5M AND #50. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a\:enda for discussion. #5D Concept Stage PUD - UP Development (Rollings/Ruff): Jeff O'Neill asked that this be tabled until later in the meeting when City Planner, Steve Grittman would be present. The Council indicated they would act on the item at this time. 3 s Wayne Mayer stated at the previous Council meeting he began a motion to deny the concept stage approval for this PUD. He amended his motion and moved to table action with the understanding that the developer was going to bring back a revision that would be more appealing and that addressed the concerns raised. What the developer brought back has changed very little from what was submitted two weeks ago. Wayne Mayer questioned why the developer had not acted upon the Council's concerns. Tom Rollings stated he did not know what information the Council wanted that he had not provided. He felt the development showed more than adequate parking. He stated with the garage, driveways and on street parking he meets the minimum requirements. Wayne Mayer countered that there are restrictions with on street parking that does not make it a viable method of meeting the parking requirements for a development. It was noted in the planner's report that the project included two garage spaces and two driveway spaces for all but 11 units. This results in a parking ratio of 4.5 spaces per unit which is more than the standard applied to similar projects. It was added that except for the 11 units, the parking needs are basically met by the parking space in the garage and driveways. In addition the ordinance requirement for townhomes is one additional parking stall for visitor parking per every three units which does not include parking on the street. Wayne Mayer stated that based on the 4.5 parking spaces per unit, the development would be 46 parking spaces short. Wayne Mayer also expressed concern about the open space in the development. The ordinance requires open space of 500 square feet per unit or 36,500 square for the development and the plan shows 32,000 square feet of open space. He felt the PUD should be held to a higher standard. Glen posusta felt the density of units was not conducive for this area and expressed concern about rental units in the development. Tom Rollings stated he was not try to go to greater density than the ordinance allowed. He added that there will be a homeowners association which will police the development and any problems that may occur. Glen posusta questioned why the City went with a PUD in this case. Staff indicated that the PUD is used to create a superior project. The PUD gives flexibility to work the site better. If you went to an R2 subdivision it would have different standards and the City would have public streets which they would have to maintain whereas in the PUD the streets are privately owned and therefore can be narrower. Jeff O'Neill said the City was following the precedent set with previous PUD developments and he felt this development met those standards. He also stated that any concerns with parking and density could be addressed at development stage approval. Wayne Mayer felt the PUD should not be an eXCuse to come up with something less than standard and he did not see any amenity in this development that made it a superior project. Glen posusta felt with a PUD the City should have a little more control over the end product. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO DENY THE CONCEPT STAGE PUD FOR U.P. DEVELOPMENT BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROJECT FAILS TO DEMONSTRATE TANGIBLE AMENITY BASED OR OTHER BENEFITS THAT JUSTIFY THE FLEXIBILITY GRANTED BY THE PUD ZONING REGULATIONS. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF 4 6 ABSTAINING. #5F Jefferson Commons 2nd Addition Plat: Tom Perrault questioned how much of the plat was for the Muller Theater expansion. The City is creating a new lot for the existing theater and for the 500 seat expansion of the theater. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF THE JEFFERSON COMMONS 2ND ADDITION CONTINGENT UPON EXECUTION OF THE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS PERTAINING TO SALE OF THE LAND FOR THE MULLER THEATER SITE AND CONTINGENT UPON EXECUTION OF TERMS RELATING TO THE TRACY/CITY LAND EXCHANGE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5L Conference on Establishment of Performance Measurements and Reporting: Jeff O'Neill provided some information on the location and purpose ofthis conference. The Personnel Committee will determine who will attend this conference. Tom Perrault asked if there was any other way this information could be obtained and Wayne Mayer asked how many would be attending. Clint Herbst indicated that no more than 2-3 individuals would be attending. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO SEND ONE OR MORE REPRESENTATIVES TO THE CONFERENCE ON PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS AND REPORTING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5M Conditional Use Permit/PUD Amendment - Walt's Pawn Shop & Bargain Center. Wayne Mayer asked Kimberly Thompson of Northwest Associated Consultants to give an overview of the request to amend the PUD. She stated this plan is not consistent with what staff would approve for a PUD but the site is in a redevelopment area. With the conditions noted this amendment would provide the property owner with reasonable use of the property. The applicant complies with the ordinance on parking, landscaping and percentage of lot area for outside storage. Jeff O'Neill stated that this a potential redevelopment and because of that standards like curb and gutter were not required. He referenced other property owners who upgraded their site and what standards they had to meet. Wayne Mayer asked what he meant by this being a redevelopment area. Jeff O'N eill stated there are a number of small parcels which if combined with the area around the pond and the vacation of Marvin Road would be a nice commercial building site. The existing structure on the site is an older structure. Wayne Mayer stated this is one of the first properties you see when you come into the City. He felt may the City should start working on the property owner to get things taken care of now rather than waiting for redevelopment. Clint Herbst asked if there was only one area where there will be parking on the grass and Jeff O'Neill indicated that was the case. Clint Herbst stated his concerns with this request are that there should be no parking on the grass and that the computer problems with the program 5 " recording pawn shop sales be resolved. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller indicated that his last report from the Sheriffs Department was that the property owner was trying to correct the problems. Clint Herbst stated ifhis business relied on this program for its operation, it would not take six months to get the problem corrected. It would be done right away. Brian Stumpf asked where the benefit was to the City on allowing this amendment to the POO. Re did not think it beneficial that entering into the City one of the first sites that is seen is a lot full of outside storage. Brian Stumpf felt the amount of vehicles proposed to be stored outside was excessive and questioned ifthere was sufficient space to store that number. Brian Stumpf felt that since this was an amendment to a POO the City should hold it to a higher standard. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT/POO FOR W ALT'S PAWN SHOP AND BARGAIN CENTER PENDING SUBMISSION OF A REVISED SITE PLAN DEMONSTRATING COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING REGULATIONS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #50 Purchase Agreement _ Cory Kingbay: Wayne Mayer asked whether the price of$7/sq. ft. was still appropriate. He felt with the delay in consummating the transaction, the land values had likely increased. Clint Herbst concurred with this and felt the price should be looked at again or perhaps the property should just go back on the market. Tom Perrault asked about the provision restricting the resale ofthe property by Mr. Kingbay. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller stated that this provision would be difficult to enforce From the Council's last discussion Rick Wolfsteller was led to believe that the Council was anxious to get some building on the property so it could be on the tax rolls. The Council questioned whether the price was fair market value. There was also discussion on the cost of the road and its impact on the selling price. Rick W olfsteller stated when the property was being marketed it was assumed that the property would be ready for development that is, sewer, water and streets to the site. He indicated the city has added the cost of street lighting estimated at $27-$28/ft. Rick Wolfsteller added that because this was a 7 acre not adjacent to TR 25 it didn't have the same value as property adjacent to a major roadway. Clint Herbst suggested another option would be to sell only the area that Mr. Kingbay needed at this time. It was also suggested the City could return the $20,000 earnest money and cancel the deal. Glen Posusta felt the ultimate goal was to get something built on the site so its on the tax rolls. Brian Stumpf felt because the land prices were changing so fast in the area, the City would need to look at their selling price periodically. Clint Herbst felt the City had been reasonable in extending the time frame to Mr. Kingbay to allow him to get his development plans in place. Rick W olfsteller clarified that Mr. Kingbay at this time may not have all the tenants needed for the strip mall. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO CONTACT CORY KlNGBA Y TO SEE WHAT IS REASONABLE AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO MODIFY TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. 6 '6 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public "earine on Ordinance to ChaDl!e the street name in the plat of Otter Creek Crossin\! 15t Addition from School Boulevard to Dalton Avenue. Wayne Mayer asked about the street going through the YMCA property. Bret Weiss stated that School Boulevard would run through the YMCA property at some future point so the alignment of this segment of School Boulevard would be changed. Glen Posusta asked if the YMCA deal doesn't go through then what happens. Bret Weiss stated regardless of what happens School Boulevard would be extend through the property. He indicated they have had discussions on this with the YMCA and the YMCA expects to have a connecting road through the area whether the YMCA property develops or remains as is. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the proposed ordinance changing the street name in the plat of Otter Creek Crossing 151 Addition from School Boulevard to Dalton Avenue. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE STREET NAME IN THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING 1 ST ADDITION FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO DALTON AVENUE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public "earine on vacation of drainaee and utility easement in the plat of Otter Creek Crossin\! 1st Addition City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller stated the easement was being vacated because of the replatting of the property. Any needed easements would be covered in the new plat. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one was present who spoke for or against the proposed easement vacation. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO VACATE THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT AS DESCRIBED IN THE RESOLUTION CONTINGENT UPON ANY NEEDED EASEMENTS BEING PART OF THE APPROVED FINAL PLAT FOR OTTER CREEK CROSSING 2ND ADDITION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Public "earine on improvement to Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road and Dundas Road from Cedar Street to Edmonson Avenue and consideration of authorizine plans and specifications for the project. Shibani Bisson from WSB and Associates made a presentation on the proposed improvements to Cedar Street and Dundas Road. The reasons for the improvement to Cedar Street was the result of development. The reason to improve Dundas Road was because of the increase in traffic on the road and to improve the transportation network. 7 ~ It is proposed to improve Cedar Street to a 44' urban section with sidewalk on the west side. Also included will be a right turn lane, storm sewer improvements, minor utility improvements and street lighting. Clint Herbst brought up about the right-in at Chelsea Road which had been discussed by the Council at a previous meeting. The Council was concerned about a possible safety hazard. Shibani Bisson indicated that since it would be mainly local traffic it would not be a problem. Tom Perrault stated he would like to see a "No right turn on the red" sign at the intersection. Bret Weiss said they could monitor the site and if it gets to be a problem the City could add the signage in the future. Bret Weiss stated they have talked to traffic engineers and are comfortable with this set up. Dundas Road is proposed to be 44' urban section. Sidewalk on the east side will be installed when the property develops. Other improvements include stormwater ponding and sewer and water services to accommodate the property on the north and south side of Dundas Road. Staff had met with John Lundsten regarding the assessments for this property. The City had also received a letter from another property owner regarding the impact ordering the improvement project would have on the potential closing on the sale of his property. Shibani Bisson indicated they were not approving the project for bids tonight but authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications. The project also includes two alternates for a dual forcemain. One alternate would be a diagonal crossing and the other crossing a perpendicular one. Estimated cost for the Cedar Street improvements would be $870,000 to $920,000 depending on which alternate for the forcemain was selected.. The cost for Dundas Road would be $380,000. The total project cost is estimated at $1,250,000 including Alternate #1 for the forcemain or $1,300,000 if Alternate #2 on the forcemain is selected. The funding for the project was reviewed. The funding comprises assessments to the property owners; city funding from trunk funds for the utility work and MSA funding. Dundas Road since it is new construction would be assessed at 100% of the cost. Two options were presented for Cedar Street. One option would assess 100% of the cost of all improvements. The other option would have the street work treated as reconstruction. The assessment would be at the rate use on previous reconstruction projects of$55/front foot and the street widening and all other improvements would be assessed at 100% of the cost. Shibani Bisson pointed out that the Lundsten property can be considered Green Acres which means the assessment can be deferred with interest until such time as the property develops, Finally Shibani Bisson reviewed the estimated schedule for the improvement. It is proposed to approve the plans and specifications on June 12,2006; receive bids in July with construction starting in 2006 and being completed in 2007. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. John Lundsten, 1804 Hillside Lane spoke regarding 8 \() the proposed assessment to his property. He stated that 25 years ago he was assessed a substantial amount for the sewer, water and road. In 25 years that improvement provided no benefit to his property and now the City is proposing another assessment. He asked the Council to consider deferring the project until such time as the property develops. John Lundsten stating they are not asking for the improvements and felt it was being included with another project just because of some vague reference to the overall transportation plan which did not have anything to do with special assessments or benefit to his property. He stated that he has submitted a letter to the City objecting to the proposed project because it will not be a benefit to his property. He did not believe that Green Acres was the solution to the problem as it just puts off the day of reckoning as the interest that accumulates over time is a considerable amount of money. Mayor Herbst closed the public hearing. Clint Herbst felt improvements to Dundas Road would provide a benefit to the Lundsten property. The gravel road restricts it use as a traffic corridor. Dundas road will be a busy area in the future and this project would make the road suitable for traffic. Glen posusta noted that he would not be voting on this matter because of his proximity to the project. Tom Perrault asked if Dundas Road could be bid as an alternate. Shibani Bisson noted that Cedar Street is a reconstruction project and the Dundas Road was new construction. Wayne Mayer agreed that delaying it would only result in increased costs in the future and he would like to go forward with the project. City Attorney Tom Scott stated that ordering the project should be included in the authorization to approve plans and specifications. Rick Wolfsteller noted the letter received from the property owner expressing concern whether ordering the project would interfere with the sale of his property. Shibani Bisson stated the property owner's issue was that the project was being approved to go out for bids but at this time the City is only ordering the project and approving preparation of plans and specifications. Tom Scott noted that the City is following the steps set forth in the 429 statutes. He added that since this improvement was petitioned for by less than 35% ofthe affected property owners, the City would have to have a 4/5 vote approving it. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ORDER THE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF CEDAR STREET FROM CHELSEA ROAD TO DUNDAS ROAD AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF DUNDAS ROAD FROM CEDAR STREET TO EDMONSON AVENUE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA ABSTAINING. 10. Public Hearin PZM to B-3. 155-117-001020 from Earlier the MMC Company had requested rezoning for the O'Ryan site from PZM to B-4. At that time the Council denied the rezoning for this parcel. The comer lot was rezoned to B-4 and the balance of the area remained PZM. Prior to the denial of the rezoning request, a reader board was installed on this site. A reader board is not allowed in a PZM district but it is allowed in a B-4 District. When the initial rezoning request was considered the Planning Commission had recommended rezoning the site to B-4. In order to have the sign conform to 9 \\ the ordinance, the property should be rezoned to B-3 or B-4. Clint Herbst point out that the lot of concern to the residents in the area was the parcel to the east. The O'Ryan site is adjacent to a parcel already zoned B-4 and as was noted rezoning would bring the non-conforming sign into compliance. Wayne Mayer asked if the sign was installed by the owner of his own accord or had he been given approval. He was informed that City approval had been given for the reader board. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Mike Wiggens, 321 Riverview Drive stated initially his concern was based on how the notice was written. This issue was clarified to his satisfaction since his concern was more with the property to the east. Mayor Herbst closed the public hearing. Brian Stumpf wanted clarification that by changing the zoning on this one parcel the City would not be guilty of spot zoning. Wayne Mayer noted that the property owner had erroneously been issued a permit for a sign not allowed in his zoning district and Wayne Mayer felt the City should take the steps to clear up the non-conforming sign. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO REZONE THE O'RYAN PARCEL (155-117-001020) FROM PZM TO B-4 BASED ON THE FINDING THAT B-4 DESIGNATION FOR THIS PARCEL IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE AREA AND WILL NOT RESULT IN THE DEPRECIATION OF ADJOINING LAND VALUES AND IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Update on Hidden Forest/Niaeara Falls Wetland. The original plan showed a body of open water in the wetland area. The Parks Commission had approved this preliminary plan with the wetland park. It has since been determined that there will not be an open body of water at this site. The Council needs to determine ifit is acceptable to go with the change in the plan from an open body of water to a slough. The Parks Commission approved a concept plan where the City would accept this wetland area for park dedication as well as a trail around the wetland park, a neighborhood park and improvements to the park. The Parks Commission reviewed the revised plan and while they did not feel strongly if there was open water or slough, they did want to review the park dedication requirements possibly requiring enlarging of the park or a cash dedication. If the Council agrees to the slough instead of open water, the staff would go back and negotiate with the developer and bring a preliminary plat back before the Council. Bret Weiss stated it would be a wetland complex with some open water. To be able to keep the entire area as open would require a larger easement from the Biegler site and would require extensive grading. This matter came before the Council so that it is a full disclosure that the development will not have an open body of water. Brad Paurnen stated he had a hydrologist look at the site and the primary reason that they cannot have an open body of water is that BWSR (Board of Water & Soil Resources) will limit how 10 \d- much excavation they can do in this area. The development will still have the elevated trail and the overlook. The developer had wanted to take out 2' and get 4' of bounce but the BWSR, governing entity would not allow the excavation necessary to achieve that. Brad Paumen stated he didn't have any problems with the park dedication requirements being reviewed. Bret Weiss stated there would be some areas of open water but not what was originally anticipated. There was additional discussion on the location of the neighborhood park. However the Council felt this was not the time to hash out the reconfiguration of the park. Brad Paumen discussed some of the alternates they had looked at. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ACCEPT THE REVISED CONCEPTUAL WETLAND PLAN (FROM FEBRUARY 2006) ESTABLISHING A NORMAL WATER LEVEL OF 924, WHICH WILL CREATE A WETLAND AREA AS ILLUSTRATED IN THE EXHIBIT FROM BONESTROO, ROSENE & ANDERLIK. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Report on Department Activities - Engineering (Verbal Report) City Engineer, Bruce Westby gave a verbal report on activities relating to engineer. He reviewed with the Council his short term and long term goals and explained a number of projects that he would be taking on. Gary Anderson was introduce as the new Chief Building Official and he spoke about the upcoming meeting with builders and developers relating to erosion control problems and how they would be handled. This meeting is scheduled for April 7, 2006 at 11 :00 a.m. Added Items: Meetings: Jeff O'Neill went over the upcoming meetings scheduled for the next two weeks. Barry Fluth Property: The Council expressed some concern about the site across from the hardware store which was being excavated. They felt the property should be closed up until the holes were filled. Christmas Banners: Glen Posusta asked how much longer it would be before the Christmas banners were removed. John Simola indicated that would happen shortly. Feedback from builders/developers: Glen posusta felt something should be sent to those doing a project within the City that provides feedback on how the staff has worked with the developerlbuilder on the project. River Mill Pathway: The pathway was laid out a number of years ago but was never completed. It was questioned what the delay was in getting the work completed. Water Department Building: The need for this building was discussed and John Simola is preparing an RFP which will be coming before the Council at the next meeting. 11 \~ 7th Street: Clint Herbst felt the City needed to complete the extension of 7th Street to the west. Noise Ordinance: Clint Herbst requested that this ordinance be looked at to see ifit adequately addresses the issue of loud cars. Yard Waste/Junk Amnesty Day: Council thought it would be a good idea to have the people bring their tree branches out to the curb have City staff do a pick up. Compost Site: The adjacent residents raised concerns about the site. Clint Herbst suggest hauling the compost material to the Wright County site before it was turned over. Other Items: Clint Herbst reported they had met with St. Benedict's who are looking to expand on their site. He has concerns about Territorial Road and the cost relating to building a new road. He would like the City to get in touch with BSNF regarding the access at Territorial Road. While it was noted that the Jameson property would be purchased, the Busch property would still be concerned about the road. Wayne Mayer asked what kind of direction John Simola was looking for regarding as-builts from the utility companies. John Simola stated the as-builts are planning tools and safety tools for the City and the City is not getting the cooperation needed from Xcel Energy as far as getting copies of their as-builts. In addition, the City also has to work on a franchise agreement with Xcel. The Clint Herbst will contact Darrin Lahr regarding this item. 13. Consideration of approving bills for March. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Closed meetin~ to discuss pen dine A VR litieation with the City Attorney. At 10:30 the Council went into closed session to discuss pending A VR litigation with the City Attorney. 15. Adiourn Upon completion of the closed session, the Council meeting was adjourned. Recording Secretary 12 \'-\ 2B. Approve Minutes of March 20. 2006 svecia1 Council meetinl!. Not submitted. )5 Council Agenda - 4/1 0/06 SA. Consideration of approvinl! new hires and departures for Liquor Store. (R W ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the liquor store As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part~time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. \6 NEW EMPLOYEES Name Hammill-Oveson, Dawn Title Cashier/Stocker Department Liquor Hire Date Class 3/24/2006 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Christian, Pamela Reason Voluntary Department Liquor Last Day Class 3/25/2006 PT employee councillist.xls: 4/4/2006 \1 City Council Agenda - 04/10/06 5B. Consideration to ado t a resolution callin for a ublic bearin b the Cit Council on the nrooosed adootion of a modification to the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-2 Metcalf/Larson and a modification to the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-24 (St. Bens). (O.K.) A. Reference and back!!round: Action required by the City Council is simply to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing date of June 12, 2006, for modification of TIF Plans oftwo existing TIF Districts. This request is based on the TIF Analysis completed by Elhers & Associates for the BRA in January 2006. For TIF District No. 1-2 (Metcalf/Larson), Ehlers recommended the HRA consider a formal budget modification to allow for expanded uses of increment within the Project Area. TIF No. 1-2, a Redevelopment District, was certified in 1983 and the required decertification is 2010. The original Plan has been modified twice and assisted in demolition and acquisition costs of various buildings for construction ofthree projects: office building on corner of Locust and Broadway, Park View Apts. and Broadway Square Apts. For pre~ 1990 districts, tax increment is available for budgeted expenditures in the district, including public improvements and land acquisition in the project area. For TIF District No. 1-24 (St. Bens), Ehlers recommended the HRA consider a formal budget modification in order to allow for use of increment within the project area and to proactively obligate revenues and set the budget accordingly. There could potentially be $590,000 available for use within the project area for housing improvements. TIF District No. 1-24, a Housing District, was certified in 1999 and the required decertification is 2026. The district is obligated to pay on a pay-as-you-go note to St. Cloud Hospital. The original principal amollnt of the note is $440,000. The modification of these TIF Plans includes enlarging the district budget which requires the same process as to establish a new district. This will allow the BRA to maximize the tax increment rather than decertify and return excess increment to the county. At this time the attached resolution sim I re uests the Council to set a ublic hearin date of June 12.2006. \'6 City Council Agenda - 04/10/06 B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing by the city council on the proposed modification to the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-2 and the modification to the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-24. 2. A motion to deny adoption of a resolution calling for a public hearing by the city council on the proposed modification to the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-2 and the modification ofTIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-24. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: As this has long been the intent of the HRA to maximize the tax increment of all district, the City Administrator and Executive Director recommend alternative no. 1. ll. Supportinl! Data: Resolution for adoption, map, schedule, and distribution list. 2 \~ CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING BY THE CITY COUNCil, ON THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF A MODIFICATION TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 1-2 AND A MODIFICATION TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-24 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") for the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Public Hearing. This Council shall meet on June 12,2006, at approximately 7:00 P.M., to hold a public hearing on the proposed adoption of a Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-2 (a redevelopment district) and a Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-24 (a housing district), (the "Modifications"), all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047, and Sections 469. 174 to 469.1799, inclusive, as amended, in an effort to encourage the development and redevelopment of certain designated areas within the City; and Section 2. Notice of Public Hearing, Filing: of Modifications. City staff is authorized and directed to work with Ehlers & Associates, Inc., to prepare the Modifications and to forward documents t~ the appropriate taxing jurisdictions including Wright County and Independent School District No. 882. The City Administrator is authorized and directed to cause notice of the hearing, together with an appropriate map as required by law, to be published at least once in the official newspaper ofthe City not later than 10, nor more than 30, days prior to June 12, 2006, and to place a copy of the Modifications on file in the City Administrator's office at City Hall and to make such copy available for inspection by the public. Dated: April 10,2006 Adopted: Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator dO , o~ ~ 0 ~z ~~ Uu ~~ ~~ Zo o~ ~~ ~~ <Z ~~ ~~ z~ ~o u~ ~ ;> ~ ~ ~ ~ / 0< ~ b liit If ~ 00 u II ~~ ~I ~~I.~I ~~ o~ ~;,1 ~o ~u u~ == ~ 1-1 ~ ~ (~~. /,$ nt ~,:,'" '~'.f?0<) " ,( 4'". '. k -I I- o ~ " , "-"'... .,..~ ,,' i= is ..). .'V'i~ F 1',' <; F""':~:;~:":" ~ ~ i~ .,,;r' .,~~.. ~ .- .' ~ 'f. . , , . . ~j .:'~ /i'" ~_" ,,,,"' ~. ~, ,. ,/ ", /' ,,/,! - ,( / !' ,;/~~ 4" .; j ;1 IV I' ., 'I . .,"-i..~.... -1.'- l;- t ~ .\ I- " . ~~,~'T IE;.'~ !,! 'I ,,\ ~ ~ a: '>.J., ~~~ ' :\~' li,i,;. fi.? "'-^... "0. .: I~ffili\ "'" ~ '\ .....'.. , '. ,"'~ ... .,u.. \.:" t' :c-..'\'V..'.J. ,~~ _..... ~ ~ ~~,'\ i ',1 1/1 ~~ .:j' .m;j.Ji :~ ' 1,,'(,I,,'rl\.; ,133 ~ rA ".i :c' '-<' \ "'-'>-: TN.::. ,,\ ~ (0 . ti ~\ SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY. MINNESOTA FOR THE PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NOS. 1-2 AND 1-24 April 5,2006 April 10,2006 April 17,2006 May 2, 2006 May 12, 2006 May 30, 2006 June 1,2006 .I une 6, 2006 .I une 7, 2006 ./une 12,2006 \-IRA requests that the City Council call for a public hearing on the proposed Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 1-2 and I ~24. City Council calls for public hearing on the proposed Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 1-2 and 1-24. Project information (property identification numbers and legal descriptions, detailed project description, maps, but/for statement, and list of sources and uses of funds) for drafting necessary documentation sent to Ehlers & Associates. Letter received by County Commissioner giving notice of a modification to the tax increment financll1g districts (at least 30 days prior to publication of public hearing notice.) [Ehlers &- Associates will fax and mail by April 28, 2006.] Fiscal/economic implications received by School Board Clerk and County Auditor (at least 30 days prior to public hearing). [Ehlers &- Associates willfilx and mail by iV/ay 10. 2006.] Ehlers & Associates conducts internal review of Modifications to determine if they are in compliance with City's comprehensive plan. Date of publication of hearing notice and map (at least 10 days but not more than 30 days prior to hearino-). [Monticello Times publication deadline, iV/ay 25. 2006 - Ehlers &: Associates wnl e-mail notice and map to newspaper by iV/ay 25, 2006.] Planning Commission reviews Modifications. HRA considers the Modifications and adopts a resolution approving the Modifications. City Council holds public hearing at 7:00 P.M. on the Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 1-2 and 1-24, and passes resolution approving the Modifications. [Ehlers &- Associates will email Council packet injbrmation to the City by June 6, 2006.] Ehlers & Associates files Modifications with the MN Department of Revenue and the Office of the State Auditor, and requests certification of the TIF District with Wright County. **Beeause the City stall' believes that tht; prO[1osed tax increment district will not require unplanned county road improvelnents, the TIF Plan was not f()rwarded to the County Board 45 days prior to the public hearing. The County 130ilrd, hy law, has 45 days to review. the plan to. determine il- any county rl;ads will be impactt;d h~ the development.. Please be aware that the County Board could elanll that tax Increment should be used lor county roads, even alter the public hearing. An action under subdivision I, paragr~lph (a), cont<:sti,ng the validity of a determination by an Huthority under section 469.175, subdiVISiOn J, must be commenced Within tbe 1,lter of: (I) I!W days after the Inunieipality's approval under section 469.175, suhdivision J; or (2) <)0 days ,tikI' the request lor certilication of the district is tikd with the county auditor under section 46')_177, subdivision I. e EHLERS -!o ^ ~ ~; u (; I " f ~ ~ I i'l C dd, DISTRIBUTION LIST MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA FOR THE PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NOS. 1-2 AND 1-24 , CITY: Ollie Koropchak City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362-8831 763-271-3208 Direct 763-295-2711 Main Phone 763-295-4404 Fax 011 ie.koropchak@ci.monticello.mn.us www.ei.monticello.mn.us DEVELOPMENT COUNSEL: Steve Bubul Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-1458 612-337-9228 Phone 612-337-9310 Fax s bu bu I@kennedv-graven.com Martha Ingram Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-1458 m inuram@kennedv-graven.com DEVELOPMENT ADVISOR: Todd Hagen thagen(a)eh lers-inc.com 651-697-8508 Phone Nikki Shannon nshannon@ehlers-inc.com 651-697-8518 Phone Elizabeth Diaz ed iaz(a)ehlers- inc .com 651-697-8519 Phone Ehlers & Associates, Inc. 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113-1105 651-697-8555 Fax e ~.~o~,~,~,~ d3 City Council Agenda - 04/10/06 sc. Consideration to approve a resolution authorizine: conveyance of city property to the Housine: and Redevelopment Authority in and for the Citv of Monticello. (O.K.) A. Reference and backl!round: HRA Attorney Steve Bubul recommends the City transfer title of Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition, to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) via a Quick Claim Deed as conveyance and development of the industrial business parks lies within the overall economic and redevclopment plans of the HRA. This conveyance in anticipation of conveying the property to SL Real Estate Holdings LLC dba Karlsburger Foods, Inc. sometime in May. A 35-acre parcel was purchased by the city from the Chadwick Group at the December 2004 closing. The remaining approximate 85 acres is under Contract fix Deed. As you recall, the Monticello Business Center (120-acre city industrial business park) is being marketed for $1.00 per square foot with no assessments and no trunk fees to qualified businesses. To qualify, a project must meet ajob creation and wage-level criteria, building/land ratio density, and building market value. The market value of the land with improvements is approximately $2.65 per square foot. The HRA will create a TIF District to reimburse the city for costs (gap) associated with land acquisition and development of the business park. For your information, the BRA will hold a public hearing for disposition of land on April 12, 2006, at which time the liRA will authorize entering into the Purchase and Development Contract. Closing is anticipated sometime after May 1, 2006, following recording of the approval final plat. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve a resolution authorizing conveyance of city property to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. 2. A motion to deny approval of a resolution authorizing conveyance of the city property to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No. 1 for the following reason: 1. Project consistent with HRA and City Plans and Attorney's recommendation. d,L\ City Council Agenda - 04/10/06 D. Supportin~ Data. Resolution for adoption. 2 d '::J CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF CITY PROPERTY TO THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ("Council") of the City of Monticello as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The City of Monticello (the "City") has previously established the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Project"), which is currently administered by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello (the "Authority"). 1.02. The Authority has approved, and the City is considering approval, of a tax increment financing plan ("TIF Plan") and a proposed Tax Increment Financing District No.l-37 (the ''TIF District") within the Project. 1.03. To facilitate redevelopment of certain property in the TIF District, the Authority proposes to enter into a Purchase and Redevelopment Contract (the "Contract") between the Authority and SL Real Estate Holdings LLC (the "Redeveloper"), under which among other things the Authority will convey certain property described as Lot 1, Block I, Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition (the "Redevelopment Property") to Redeveloper. 1.04. The City currently owns the Redevelopment Property. 1.05. The City is authorized to convey real property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.035 to any governmental subdivision for a nominal consideration, or pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.64 to any other political subdivision of the State. 1.06. The Authority is a political subdivision of the State pursuant to Milmesota Statutes Section 469.003, Subdivision I. 1.07. The City finds and detem1ines that conveyance of the Redevelopment Property to the Authority is for a public purpose and is in the public interest because it will further the objectives of the Project. 1.08. The City finds and determines that conveyance by the Authority of the Redevelopment Property to the Redeveloper is for a public purpose and is in the public interest because it will fllrther the objectives of the Project. 2WHnvl MNI MNllJ()-123 J~) Section 2. Authorization. 2.01. The Council approves the conveyance of the Redevelopment Property to the Authority by quit elaim deed for consideration of $1.00, and authorizes and directs city staff and officials to cxecute the deed and related documents necessary to facilitate the transaction referenced hcrein and contcmplated herein, with all such actions to be in accordance with the tcrms and conditions sct forth in this Resolution. 2.05. City staff and officials are authorized and directed to take ,my and all additional steps and actions neccssary or convenient in order to accomplish the intent of this Resolution. Approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello this loth day of April, 2006. Mayor A TrEST: ~ -~, City Administrator 28.H27vl iVINI iVINI')O-I23 d-l Council Agenda Item - 4/10/06 5D. Consideration of aoorovin~ request for temoorary charitable e:ambline: license for Monticello Girls Fastoitch Association. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Girls Fastpitch Association has applied for a permit for a temporary charitable gambling license for a raffle at the High School Ballfields on July 11, 2006. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the temporary charitable gambling license to the Monticello Girls Fastpitch Association for a raffle at the High School Ballfields on July 11, 2006. 2. Adopt a resolution denying the gambling license application request. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Resolution approving gambling license. ~), <2 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2006-23 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, Monticello Girls Fastpitch Association has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for a one-day charitable gambling license to conduct a raffle at the Monticello High School Ballfields on July 11, 2006; and WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Monticello Girls Fastpitch Association for a one-day charitable gambling license to conduct a raffle at the Monticello High School Ballfields on July 11,2006 is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of April, 2006. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator J,C\ Council Agenda: 4/10/06 SE. Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit to allow a Professional Office Use in a B-1 District. Applicant: Don Hickman. (AS/NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item during the regular April meeting, recommending unanimously to approve the conditional use permit. The Commission also asked staff to consider a future ordinance amendment to ease the restrictions relating to the requirement that applicants proceed through multiple CUP processes when the use is similar or has a similar impact from a land use perspective. The applicant is the owner of a building at the comer of New Street and Broadway. The property was rezoned to B-1 (Neighborhood Business) in November of2004. The applicant had previously received a Conditional Use Permit to allow an office supply store as a limited retail use under an amended B-1 zoning designation. The B-1 district is designed to fit within residential neighborhoods, and is specifically thought of as an acceptable "spot zone" as it is not usually contiguous to other commercial uses. The applicant is seeking a new conditional use permit to allow a prospective tenant, the Quarry Church, to utilize the building as an office space. The applicant has indicated that the church's proposed operating hours are Monday - Friday from 9 AM - 5 PM, and Sundays from 6 PM - 9 PM, with occasional day and evening meetings outside of those hours. The applicant is proposing an interior remodel to meet the church's needs. The applicant has noted that the exterior of the building, including landscaping, lighting and building elevations, will not change. Professional offices are allowed by code within the B-1 district, provided that the following conditions can be met. 11-4[B] Professional and commercial (leased) offices: 1. The services which are provided are for the local area rather than the community or region 2. The traffic generated will not raise traffic volumes beyond the capacity of the surrounding area 3. The architectural appearance of the building housing the office use shall reflect the building character of the area and shall not be so dissimilar as to cause impairment of property values or constitute a blighting influence within the neighborhood. 4. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. Based on the applicant's narrative and site plan, it would appear that the applicant is able comply with these conditions. It should be noted that the proposed use can generally be considered less intense than the previous retail use in terms of traffic generation. Based on parking requirements outlined by ordinance, the applicant is required to provide approximately 9 spaces for the office space area, 2 spaces for the storage area and 2 for the apartment area. The applicant's site plan illustrates 15 spaces, which exceeds parking 1 30 Council Agenda: 4/10/06 requirements. The applicant should clarify the dimensions of these spaces and whether the church will have use of the detached garage shown on the plan. In the conditions identified for the previous conditional use granted for the limited retail use, the City required that the applicant provide additional site plantings to mitigate the building wall and lighting impacts. Planning staff believes that verification of that planting is still important and is a valid recommendation if not already in place. In considering this request, Commission should note that the site is surrounded by other residential uses and R-2 residential zoning. In planning staffs opinion, a residential use is the preferred land use, since it would continue the pattern of residential use along Broadway, and be consistent with the current zoning, the Comprehensive Plan, and the existing neighborhood. However, as the property has been rezoned to B-1, the ordinance states that the purpose of the B 1 neighborhood business district is to "Provide for the establishment of local centers for convenient limited office, retail or service outlets which deal directly with the customer for whom the goods or services are furnished. These centers are to provide services and goods only for the surrounding neighborhoods and are not intended to draw customers from the entire community." The applicant's request for an office use meets that intent. In the applicant's request narrative, he questions the need for subsequent conditional use permit requests. The individual district codes, including the B-1 district, is designed to create opportunities for the Planning Commission and City Council to review specific "conditional uses" based on the details unique to each request. Although this may seem a cumbersome process, it is important that factors such as traffic, intensity, lighting, signage, parking, etc. be reviewed in relationship to each type of proposed conditional use. This is particularly important in a circumstance such as this, where a proposed commercial use is surrounded by residential properties. Should the applicant continue with a commercial office or professional use, the conditional use permit will continue to be valid. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit for a Professional and Commercial (leased) office. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a Professional and Commercial Office at 355 East Broadway with the conditions as noted in Exhibit Z, based on a finding that the low-intensity commercial use proposed meets the conditions required by code, is compatible with the area, and is consistent with the purpose of the B-1 district. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit for a Professional and Commercial Office at 355 East Broadway, based on a finding that use proposed is incompatible with the area 2 ~~ \ Council Agenda: 4/10/06 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit for the reasons noted in the body of this report. The applicant has submitted a request for proposed a use which is consistent with the intent of the B-1 district, and meets the code requirements for a conditional use permit in the B-1 district. These findings are supported by the site plan and narrative information provided by the applicant, which detail the parking, site and building use, and the general operational detail for the proposed use. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image B. Site Plan C. Proposed Floor Plan D. Applicant Narrative E. Site Images F. B-1 Zoning District Regulations Z. Conditions of Approval 3 3d Ie 33 http:// 156. 99 .28. 84/serv letJcom.esri .esri map.Esrimap ?ServiceN ame=CustomParcel&Client V ersion=3.1 &... 3/21/2006 . .. . "~~~.m"--"'~~_'_"''''''.''''''''''''''''''~__'~''_~'_.~_~'''''~''_-'''''''.''~~.n.._...._.~ VI/ N --~ '-\ . t" 4- -, ~. ,,' \ [' (0' r-, ~. .. J .. 'r t " "--"" -~.. L~' ~, \/) t (/>..... ~.~" C; ;r, c (, '("'" ," '~" --;;.) > ,'>- '0 f / () Q f) f 1- r" (;\ +\ f f' ;> n-J , .., oj: 1 c (....- i; l, - 1..,., s- 1'" r '" t:> ," .> - \ v, , "" <:&- d """""'!:"o r~ \ ~-;. F .;.-.:;:- ,,') :" 1 :J' 'b :\....;J,.. d.,. .f" 9. \Y " ,,<- )\~ r~' ---I )\~\r --- r f -~~~~l; ~. - I--f. ~. ",,;::;;. ~~~(- ~:L ~ ,- 7? ., ), <:1. :.C i ifi )~_._..___~_"l ,I \~i ! 't c. ..(, \) '~ '),- 'y ). ..\ "JI .,,~ . "0) o-~ "\"'6 \.1' - ~--'l c~ "1\)<0 -'\;::" . e" , ~\ I I Se<1,._:i-;~.') ::> [Cl (=.1 reI'\ U11' L~--.' r\ iC.\'\.I, f'OI(L I v) 6.o~ir_ S'\~\"'n\. (bl'-1(\ \..;.0_ -:::'\N~.J '\.,1, \",,(! 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SECTION: 11-1: Purpose 11-2: Permitted Uses 11- 3: Perm ittcd Accessory {J ses 11-4: Conditional Uses II-I: PURPOSE: The purpose of the B-1, neighborhood business, district is to provide for the establishment of local centers for convenient, limited office, retaiL or service outlets which deal directly with the customer for whom the goods or services are furnished. These centers are to provide services and goods only for the surrounding neighborhoods and are not intended to draw customers from the entire community. 11-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in a B-1 district: [A] Barber shups [BI Beauty parlors . [CI Essential services (#216. 11/25/91) I I -3: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The follo\ving are permitted accessory uses in a B-1 district: [A] COlllmercial or business buildings and structures for a use accessory to the principal use. but such use shall not exceed thirty (30) percent of the gross floor space or the principal use, [B] OfT.street parking as regulated by Chapter 3, Section 5. of this ordinance but not including semi-trailer trucks, l CJ all-street loading as regulated by Chapter 3, Section 6. of this ordinance. 11-4: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in a B-1 district: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this urdinance.) [AI Governmental and public utility buildings and structures necessary for the health, safely. and general \velfare of the community provided that: . I\IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1 1/1 L\' \ 1. Conformity with the surrounding neighborhood is maintained and required setbacks and side yard requirements are met. 2. Equipment is completely enclosed in a permanent structure with no outsid.e storage. 3. Adequate screening and landscaping from neighboring residential districts is provided in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 2, of this ordinance. 4. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [B] Professional and commercial (leased) offices provided that: 1. The services which are provided arc for the local area rather than the community or region. 2. The traffic generated will not raise traffic volumes beyond the capacity of the surrounding area. 3. The architectural appearance of the building housing the office LIse shall reflect the building character of the area and shall not be so dissimilar as to cause impairment of property values or constitute a blighting inllucnce within the neighborhood. 4. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisl~lctorily met. . [C] Commercial planned unit development as regulated by Chapter 20 of this ordinance. [0] Convenience grocery stores provided that: 1. The site is adequately served by a collector street. 2. Access point to the site shall be limited to a collector street. 3. Curb cuts or access points shall be at least one hundred (100) feet from the intersection of two (2) streets. 4. Conformity with the surrounding neighborhood is maintained and required setbacks are met. 5. Adequate screening and landscaping from neighborhood residential districts is provided in accordance with Chapter 3. Section 2. of this ordinance. . I\IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINA.NCE 1l/2 l\\-\\ 6. Traffic generated by the proposed use docs not exceed the capacity of surrounding streets and intersections to accommodate it. . 7. The site shall conform to parking requirements as provided in Chapter 3. Section 5, of this ordinance. 8. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. 9. Building setback from residential uses must be 30 feet or greater. 10. Parking lot setback from residential uses must be 15 feet or greater. 11. The combined total or individual gross floor area of convenience store and/or laundromat establishments shall not exceed 3,000 sq ft in any single B-1 district. 12. Hours of operation shall be limited to 5:00 a.m. to II :00 p.m. 13. The number of gas dispensers allowed is limited to one gas dispenser per 400 sq It ofrctail floor area, with total dispensers not to exceed four. [E] Laundromat. self-service washing and drying provided that: . I. The site is adequately served by a collector street. 2. Access point to the site shall be limited to a collector street. 3. Curb cuts or access points shall be at least one hundred (100) fect from the inlcrsection 0 f two (1) streets. 4. Conformity with the surrounding neighborhood is maintained and required setbacks are met. 5. Adequate screening and landscaping from neighborhood residential districts is provided in accordance with Chapter 3. Section 2. of this ordinance. 6. Trafj~c generated by the proposed use does not ~xceed the capacity of surrounding streets and intersections to accommodate it. 7. Th~ site shall conform to parking requirements as provided in Chapter 3, Section 5. of this ordinance. . H. The provisions of Chapter 21 of this ordinance arC' considered and satisl~lctorily met. I\IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 11/3 L\ 'c} .- 9. Building setback from residential uses must be 30 feet or greater. 1 (). Parking lot setback from residential Llses must be 15 feet or greater. II. The combined total or individual gross floor area of convenience store . and/or laundromat establishments shall not exceed 3,000 sq ft in any single B-1 district. 12. I luurs of operation shall be limited to 5 :00 a.m. to 11 :00 p.m. (#216,11/25/91) . . rvlONTICELLO ZONING ORDl~,-\NCE 11/4 L-f.) A Council Agenda: 4/10/06 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Don Hickman - 355 East Broadway 1. Signage for the site consistent with the requirements of the applicable zoning district. 2. The applicant provide the noted information regarding parking space dimensions and availability. A parking layout consistent with standard dimensional requirements for angled parking will be required. 3. Parking lot sign age to direct traffic as to the one-way nature of the traffic flow. 4. The applicant verify or provide additional tall shrub p1antings to mitigate the impact of the building wall on the west, and the lighting on the east, relative to the neighboring residential uses. 4 43 ..... Council Agenda: 4/10/06 SF. Public Hearin!!: Consideration of a reauest for a Conditional Use Permit for a Convenience Food Establishment and Cross-Access Drivewavs in a B-4 zonin!! district. Applicant: Tom Holthaus/Taco John's. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this request at their April 4th meeting. The Commission agreed with staff's recommendations regarding sign age and landscape buffering on the north edge of the property. It was also discussed that a concrete sidewalk has been planned for Deegan Avenue. Although not shown on the plans, the applicants are agreeable to including the sidewalk along Deegan Avenue in the revised plans. Tom Holthaus and Meyer Rohlin, Inc. have submitted an application for final plat for the subdivision of Lots 1 and 2 of the Prairie Ponds 3rd Addition. Said subdivision has been requested to accommodate the construction of a fast-food restaurant with drive-thru on Lot I, Block 2 ofthe Prairie Ponds 3rd Addition. The property is zoned B-4, Regional Business. Comprehensive Plan: Monticello's Comprehensive Plan designates this area for Business uses. Zoning: The subject site is zoned B-4, Regional Business, which is designed to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. CUP: The proposed use is a conditional use in the B-4 District, thus requiring a Conditional Use Permit. Final Plat: Though the Planning Commission does not customarily review final plat information, the following review has been provided relative to the lot development. The applicants have submitted an application for final plat for replatting of Lot 1, Block 2 of the Prairie Ponds 3rd Addition. Said subdivision will create a 2.99 acre parcel for Lot 1, and a .69 acre parcel for Lot 2. Lot 1 will be over 630 feet wide, and Lot 2 will be 196.22 feet wide, both satisfying the 100 foot minimum requirement for lot width. Lot Requirements and Setbacks: The applicant has requested final plat of the said lot to accommodate the development of Taco John's, a fast food restaurant with drive-through window service. The proposed use will include a 2,402 square foot structure, a drive-thru service lane, and off-street parking. According to the lot and setback requirements for the B-4 District, the proposed use is in compliance with the Ordinance as follows: Reauired Proposed Front Yard Setback o feet 90.19 Side Yard Setback o feet 19.56 Rear Yard Setback o feet 38 Lot Width 100 feet 141.72 1 Ll Ll Council Agenda: 4/10/06 Parkin'Z: The proposed site plan illustrates a large parking lot to accommodate off-street parking for customers. The City's parking requirement for restaurant is broken down into 1 required space for every 40 square feet of dining area, and 1 space for every 80 square feet of kitchen area. The applicant satisfies the minimum requirement for off-street parking as follows: Kitchen Area: 551 sf Dinin Area: 722 sf Total Re uired: Required Parking S aces 7 18 25 Proposed Parking S aces 33 The applicant has provided 8 parking stalls in excess of what is required by Ordinance. In addition to the number of spaces, the City requires that all parking spaces be set back a minimum of 12 feet from all easements. This 12 foot setback is illustrated on the site plan. Buildiml Design: The applicant has submitted elevations and a floor plan for the proposed structure. The applicant has indicated that the building design will mimic the Taco John's franchise architecture. Staff has requested that the applicant provide color samples or photos of other Taco John's restaurants to provide a more detailed image of the building design. At development stage the City will require that any trash enclosure contain materials similar to that of the principal structure. Siflnafle: The applicant is proposing one pylon sign and three wall signs for the structure. The City's Sign Ordinance provides two options for business in the B-3 District. Under Option B, a combination of wall signs one pylon sign may be utilized. The total number of business identification signs allowed is equal to the number of streets upon which the property has legal frontage, in this case two. The total maximum allowable sign area for any wall shall be determined by taking 10% of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building up to 100 square feet, whichever is less. In this case, 100 square feet shall be the maximum allowed per wall. The total area allowed for pylon signs is determined according to speed limit. The speed limit on School Blvd. in front of the site is 45 miles per hour. Thus, the applicant is allowed a pylon sign not to exceed 150 square feet in area and 26 feet in height. The proposed signs for the site are as follows: Allowed 150 sf 100 sf 100 sf 100 sf Pro osed Area 58.34 sf 22 ft. tall) 83.42 sf 46.10 sf 46.10 sf All signs are within the maximum allowable area and maximum height. 2 L/ S Council Agenda: 4/10/06 However, the applicant has proposed three wall signs instead of the two allowed by Ordinance. The site contains frontage on Deegan Ave to the east and School Blvd to the south, limiting them to two wall signs, one facing east and one facing south. The third wall sign proposed on the west side of the building must be removed to comply with the ordinance requirements. Landscaping: The Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum of one overstory tree for every 50 lineal feet of site perimeter. The site perimeter is just over 700 feet, requiring a minimum of 14 trees. The applicant has provided 9 Ash trees, 2 Colorado Spruce, and 3 Black Hills Spruce trees, as indicated on the landscape plan. While the number of trees provided does satisfy the minimum requirement, staff has requested that the applicant revise the landscape plan to provide more dense vegetation in the northwest comer of the site. The northwest border of the site is less than 25 feet from a residential neighborhood. This comer of the site also contains the drive-thru board. In order to provide adequate screening for properties in the nearby residential neighborhood, staff has requested that the applicant provide more dense vegetation in this area, including but not limited to additional trees, dense shrubs, a solid fence, or any combination thereof. Said screening shall extend from the drive- thru board to the portion of the lot line in alignment with the rear of the building. Staff has also requested that the applicant provide shrubs and/or rock mulch in lieu of irrigated sod, as sod is typically difficult to maintain. Circulation and Access: The applicant is proposing two entrances to the site, one off School Blvd and one off Deegan Ave. The access off School Blvd will be a right-in, right-out only. The applicant has also provided future connections to the properties to the north and east. Parking lot circulation will be accommodated by a 24 foot wide drive lane in the south portion of the parking lot, and a 33.5 foot wide drive land for the remainder of the lot which narrows to 24 feet near the drive thru lane entrance. The drive-thru lane runs along the western perimeter of the site, with cars exiting into the south parking lot. The City Engineer has recommended that this drive-thru lane be adjusted to provide a connection to the exit lane onto School Blvd. All drive-lanes and accesses are subject to further review and comment by the City Engineer. Gradinf!. Drainaf!e. and Utilities: All grading, drainage and utility plans are subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. Photometric Plan: The applicant has submitted a photometric plan with footcandle readings for the entire site. Said plan is subject to review and comment by the City Building Official. Other Engineering Comments: Upon review of the site plan, the City Engineer has provided the following comments: . Site plan shall be revised to show the median on School Blvd. 3 LJCc Council Agenda: 4/10/06 . Site plan shall be revised to show the existing bituminous path along the southern perimeter of the site. . A 5-foot wide sidewalk shall be provided along the eastern perimeter of the site, 1 foot off the right-of-way. . Western storm sewer line shall be shifted to the east. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit for Taco Johns 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Taco Johns, subject to the conditions found in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit, based on a finding that the site is inappropriate for the requested use. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the CUP, with the conditions in Exhibit Z. As a part of the review process, staff has had the opportunity to meet with the applicants and present staffs concerns. The applicants have indicated that they should be able to meet the conditions and will be submitted revised plans for Council review. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image B. Applicant Submittal Package, Including: a. Signage Detail b. Site Plan & Certified Survey c. Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan d. Utility Plan e. Floor Plan f. Building Elevations g. Lighting Plan Z. Conditions of Approval 4 Lil I,. http:// 156. 99.28. 84/serv letJcom.esri .esri map.Esrimap ?Servi ceN ame;;;;CustomParcel&Client Version=3.1 &:.; j~ ;! h ~ )(~ ~ ~ ~ IQ ;:: 1....1'". ..,>,1 i . 10 "'" 6'.a I/~ O....IIZ' 101/'" 10.75" TJ CHANNEL lETTER SIGN 3/8"" I'.qo <IDrr . NII/". 10'-0 IIZ' 13" TJ CHANNEL lETTER SIGN 3J8"" 1'.(7' ~~@n@[X]~ · &~~@f~ 1....1'". ,O'.a I,,,. 13''''3/''' J 7.25" TJ CHANNEL lETTER SIGN 3J8". 1'.(7' ~ 032lfTlERS ~ @ n@[g]~ YMrE lfTlERS ,'.a 1/<" lllACX fRAME '3....,c 1/". 16''''' I'.a 1/4" 21.75" CHANNEllBTER SIGN 3/8".".qo ~~ ~ ~ \ :t J...- ~ ~ TACO JOHN'S lETTERS ARE TO BE RED ACRYUC WITH BLACK FRAMES. TAG UNE I SIGN BOX IS TO BE BLACK WITH WHITE lETTERS. ORAWI'l ~ au: DAle ~ SCAlf': (AS NOIIDJ CHANNa. LEITER SIGNS SIfEEr NUMI6l 9 ) .CIlP11lAL ONty -NOT fOR CON$DUC:UON ..-lngb~Ior"'__...oI""-.c.cl___ cwi"_upon_ T<Ico./l:llln"s ~ho."""<n:Idosfgn ----." "'" _10_ ....<:clnIINcllon""""-<n:I --"_"'fUd\.",~~.......ciowt1g..... """"-....-.,,<n:I_-~_GduoI~ ... ~b~__Ior~..___ ~1o--""lp-.:IIc""""__Io"'__b -.-v.<n:Imooo_brTaco.kllvf>__1nc. .""" ...........~oI...__Io-..-... ---IloIe_IedoIol<:odes.___ Aa4.--.- _Io___""""-___mel. Lf&@ D@[XJ~ TACO JOHN'S STANDARD SIGN ^ \\ ""I" '.01 Or \t"\iC.1rl. Taco lob's latenaauolUll. lae. 800 w. 20llt SIREET 0fEYENNE, WY ll200l p; 8OO.85-C.llll19 f; 307.638..0603 www.tacejohns.com L\ . -' 00'" ~ ::!:!: -' - "'N h J2'.(l" L?&cs@ [J@[]:O~~ s ,... ::. ,I ~~ ~ ..J , lC2Ptu.U o\u'Y - Nor I'OR CON'S'Dl.UCTlON' /000 -'-.00 """""",""Ior"'__",..._~ _kboced__Joc:oJolvis--....~........_dodgn --..knol........,.,."'_OIa~~_ --"'-"'IUch.N.-"-'_on..~..... ......".,.---noI--.o.tIy~aduof_... ......".,.k~_Ior~a__'""'-_ ~1O~"'~~__lObe>ut>dled1or -dotIgR-'"--brJoc:o--.--........ ...... "'Ihe--,,,,...__IO~--'" doed;-,---__and~....~ Drive Thr lIl.ACl:: SIGN f'Olf RED lETTERs, PM!> 2IXIC BlACt:; 0tIJuNE RED BACroROUNO. PM:; 200C WIfTE lfTJERS TACO JOHN'S PYLON SIGN '3/8". J'.q' ~CS@ lJ@f}{J~~ TACO JOHN'S STANDARD SIGN .1\ \\ hnl... In. 01111..., i",111 50 DAAWl< IY; I:l/( DAle OIII~ SCAle (.f.S N01IDI r'ttQN $IGN SI!fEI ~ raco Jou'S Intentll(fo..... lac. 108 w. 20tH $1REEr 0iEYENNE. WY blOl r: 8O:lBS~..(I819 F; 307.638.0<<13 Council Agenda: 4/10106 Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval Taco John's 1. The wall sign on the west side of the building shall be removed. 2. The landscape plan shall be revised to provide additional screening in the northwest corner of the site. Said screening may be accomplished through dense vegetation, a solid fence, or any combination thereof. Proposed sod shall be removed and replaced with shrubs and/or sock mulch at the northwest corner of the site. Irrigated sod is acceptable in locations around the building. 3. The applicant shall submit sample colors or building photos and verify that materials of the trash enclosure will match those of the principal structure. 4. The volume of the drive-through communication systems shall not be audible from the nearby residential area. A sound/decibel qualification may be required at the time of building permit. 5. Photometric plan is subject to approval by the City Building Official. 6. Site plans shall be revised to include a concrete sidewalk along Deegan Avenue. 5 s~ , / '~ , ~ __~.,j_____~ I . . i!" ~ ' "':'~.- i~~t~ _~_~.\::o _____\ _-;__;-_:_-~;------.o "'_.___ _. ---+-c-_c::>:C~:~l-;; , , "'1 __.__ ~3~-.--~J - ---';-~~~ - : ~ ~ - - - - \ --~ ---' -- ,. -' ~ "i ,..- 'c~:;;-i'J"~ ,,.... :~"~'-:'-~':' -''''"r" ~ 'l~:!:: ~.12- (."":.)-1 I" 24' DRIVE'FI-"'?:~<: . 'J h21''i~ ~~~ \ lANE (m'.) , /;,>:>:; ,. :~",n" ". I ~.".-_.>.:<.;,,(;.-. 11)(" : \ ,___" :>>::" <-i'5 . \ k';":"':' i 1'[ \' ~,-, I' \ I d! "" \ I R~, i L i ~ 0---- _ L]'-' : 1 111, _ : .---'''-l I ,j ,_'_,_-"_:'" i!i " " -;1"",---H - - ~ --' - . . 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I"RAMIIIIG!: i~ " ~ !" ~ d dd d~ d~ :.. .., ..,'" ",to> ...... d '" '" .I .I <:> .I .I :: :.., '" ~ .I ~ d d d '" "' <:> :.., '" .I .I d .., :.., ... "' ~ ~ ~ d d Ii d '" Co <:> "' :.., .I .I .., :.., 0 " p; ip i IH Iii i i J t- J .. If" ~ i of Ii II I ~ : r . . . " ~ - ~ c: ;:; Z 1:: i ill . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ 0 . " Iii ! ~ ;; ~ ~ ; <J . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ft ~ ~ ~ " . f ! ~ ! ~ . ~ < . U i I ~ . I .... u; f ::j @ .. + + i ; e .t w ~ ~ . ~ " " ... . f " " ~ z f ;; ~ z f ;; .. \ \ \ J ~ ~~ gp:! ~/O h lll~ 8~ ~~ 00 H ~(\; ~ U ;~ ~g I I I ~\ !\ / \ /1 " // ............ ../ "- " ' -.... \ \ I I ~~ i'" 0", 1Il" 1;;['; "," e '" z '" .. Council Agenda: 4/10106 SG. Consideration of a request for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for a Development Stae:e Plannine: Unit Development for an expansion to the Muller Theatre. Applicant: AMCON/Muller Theatres. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this request at their April 4th meeting, nnanimonsly recommending approval of the amendment, based on a finding that the expansion is consistent with the original approval and meets all zoning requirements. The City Council has already approved the final plat which accommodates the expansion. AMCON, on behalf of Muller Theaters, has applied for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of an addition to an existing theater building at Highway 25 and School Boulevard in Monticello. The addition would consist of one new large-format theater with 569 seats. The original conditional use permit for PUD was granted based on a finding that the use was suitable to the area and consistent with the City's long range land use plan. In fact, the City rezoned the plat of Jefferson Commons to B-4 during the time it considered the conditional use permit for the theater, believing the B-4 zone to the appropriate for this area of the city. In granting the original PUD, the Commission and Council also reviewed the theater's site and building design. The proposed expansion is consistent with the original design. As such, this report provides a simple summary of the expansion on the premise that the use and basic site design continue to be consistent with the City's plan for the area. Dimensions of Theater Expansion . 569 new seats . 2,737 existing seats . 9,717 square feet total floor area- addition . 1,100 s.f. projection booth- mezzanine level addition . 96,429 total square feet- building with additions Parking . Monticello Zoning Ordinance requires one parking space for every five seats for theaters not part of original plat of city (check plat status for theater). . 569 seats 1 5 = 114 additional parking demand from new theater facility . 2,737 existing seats + 569 new seats = 3306/5 = 661 parking spaces- theater . 11,590 s.f. retail @ 1 space per 200 square feet = 58 stalls . 719 total parking stalls are required on site (applicants calculations), 719 provided . New parking area will provide all required spaces for new theater use . Parking expansion will include existing overhead power poles, which will remain in the parking lot, surrounded by curbs and landscaped with trees. Landscaping . Landscaping plans show additional under story deciduous trees, perennials, shrubs, and evergreen trees. 1 loO Council Agenda: 4/10/06 . Several tree and shrub species are used, including crabapple, lilac, maple, pine, and arborvitae. . Shrubs are placed near the new theater building . The city requires 1 tree per 50 lineal foot . Perimeter expansion is 854 lineal feet @ 1 tree per 50 = 17 additional trees . A total of 17 trees are proposed. Maples are clustered around the theater, while crab apples are spread through the parking lot. Circulation . The existing building has a drive aisle with some additional parking located behind the building. . The addition would relocate the aisle on the west side, eliminating some parking spaces while providing some replacement stalls. New concrete walkways would be installed to access the new theater. . Additional crosswalk signage and striping will be necessary to provide safe pedestrian travel through the new parking area . Staff is working with the applicants to refine the westerly driveway location and design at it relates to the future commercial development to the north, and it's intersection with School Boulevard. Signage . There is no additional signage proposed for the expansion. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. Decision 1: Development Stage Planned Unit Development for 1. Motion to approve the Development Stage PUD amendment for AMCON/Muller Theatre, based on a finding that the proposed addition is consistent with the requirements of the zoning ordinance, and the conditions required of the original PUD. The recommendation is conditioned on: a. The applicant's continuation of work with staff on the westerly driveway design b. Review of the City Engineer for final engineering detail. c. Final lighting plan subject to the review of the Building Official. 2. Motion to deny the PUD for AMCON/Muller Theatre, based on a finding that the site is inadequate to serve the proposed project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Development Stage PUD as proposed, with two conditions. First, the applicant will need to continue to work with staff on the alignment of the westerly driveway as noted in this report. Second, the applicant will need to work with the City Engineer to finalize engineering details. Last, the final lighting on site will be subject to the review of the City's Building Official. 2 \,0\ Council Agenda: 4/10/06 D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image B. Applicant Submittal Package, Including: a. Landscaping Site Plan b. Existing Conditions and Removals c. Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control d. Utilities e. Site Plan w/Parking Calculations f. Floor Plan g. Elevation Plan 3 ~d- ".'."'.""',' , ,', .,", ",' ,"", """" . file://C:\DOCUME-l \ANGELA-l.CI\LOGALS-l \Ternp\CWZQTEZJ.htm ,: '~:i.., . ):,,:/,\;: ::~:' ~'. ~ ;; ~__' r, I. ~ b- ~, __ ,0' ~ ~ ill ~ 2 ;~ :S I ~ f ~ i 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ I i ~,;,' ".' t j ~,~ P k , -, :;: 4 8 ~ ; ~ b 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 " i ' : i ~ t 1 t ! i ! .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ 9 ~ r . ~' ~ - s ~~,l'~i[~:~l ~ 2. - ~ 'f ~ .~ "";1 ,) l; Q .' ; f: ~ : n ~ ~ ! ~ '!- 3 ~ S ,B ~ '=: 4 i. =l ~ ~ i ' i ~ 9 ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ,. 0.' l' )) ""''!;ili''::g a d ~ ~ I OJ i ~ ;;!b ~ ~ s ~-g ~ i to ~~g~i-,-j!i '" ~~" l< ~r~... ili i~ iHi '" :tJ Sm?;~~il\!\!" "'~ fl1 ~U~~V;! :i!i 5: !l:~2~iS ~ ~~ - ~,,@?o~ i E~ )i ('}, ~f"'1n Z ~ f'\:;::;j e ~ ::j 'Q .~~~ - ~ ~ ;.. - - o cl ~~~ ~ ~ ~ 1'\ ~ ~ .., ~ I clQ !ij!ij 'ij ~!ij!ij ~ "i1Ifi" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VI ,... .~k.................. n......." r;. ~%ti! 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"'1 t:~ f:', , ~,.: ) -= t> 1;,,1 . ,: I,~ I " b., i>:. E,. r:: ~s ',y y~:! ',0: ' ),. - i~--- ~ i:~ !;,~ > ;1. Council Agenda 04/1 0/06 5H. Consideration of a request for an Interim Use Permit allowine: relocation of a billboard displaced bv a City proiect. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item during their regular April meeting, recommending approval of the interim use permit. The Chairman did express some concern regarding the length of the interim use and potential conflict with future development at that site. Staff noted that the City does retain the option to relocate the sign. If the sign is relocated within five years, the cost to relocate is paid by the City. IC after five years, the cost is paid by the billboard company. City Council is requesting that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and provide a recommendation regarding relocation of one of the two billboard signs displaced by the interchange project. As you know, billboards are not an allowable sign in the City. However, billboards may be relocated on an interim basis due to a city project. The location proposed for the billboard is at the southeasterly comer of Outlot A of County Club Manor. The billboard height will be set at the minimum necessary to allow maintenance vehicles to pass underneath and it will be no higher than the existing billboard. It will be constructed using the single pole design and will actually be smaller than the sign that it is replacing (36' versus 48' wide). This Billboard is allowed to be installed in the R-3 District in this case because it is replacing an existing lawful non-conforming billboard. In the event this property is sold by the City for development, at such time that development occurs the billboard will need to be relocated to another location. To the east ofthe site is the RV center. To the west is the balance ofthe currently vacant 16 acre outlot. This sign should not alter the impact on the adjoining parcels that is already resulting from the existing sign. The term of the interim use will be set to match the years remaining on the original land lease agreement between the sign company and A VR. It is estimated that there were 13-14 years remaining on the lease that was interrupted by the City project, thus the interim use would be good for the same time period. Once this time period expires, then the City would have the option of requiring that the sign be removed. Please note that the price paid to A VR for the land includes the value of the revenue from the remaining term of the land lease. This City will be recovering this expense over time through development of a similar lease agreement for use of the River Street right of way. Also, under State law, the city would be obligated to pay an amount equal to the loss of revenue to the sign company associated with the term of the lease. Over 13-14 years this would amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. ~1 3 Council Agenda 04/10/06 B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve an interim use pennit allowing relocation of a sign from the A VR site to Outlot A of Country Club Manor. The tenn of the interim use permit to match the time terms identified in the original lease agreement. 2. Motion to deny said interim use agreement based on findings to be made by the Planning Commission. If Planning Commission believes this is a bad location or if it believes that the City should pay the sign company the lost revenue associated with removal of the sign then this alternative should be selected. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1. There are few alternatives along the Interstate 94 corridor where the sign can be relocated in a spot where the City can recover the cost. This spot is acceptable to the sign company and will result in minimal intrusion on adjoining property. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map B. Interim Use Ordinance '"\L\ ~; :~tJ i ~.~I: '.~~' lj,\;il~: ,il' I. ~~.: )!'iii "~},:;:, . . . work permitted in the conditional use permit. Such petition shalI be presente"d to the Planning Commission for a recommendation and to the City Council for a decision. Further, whenever a conditional use has not been in operation for a period of six (6) months, the conditional use shall be considered to be null and void. [D] WHEN OCCUPANT IS NOT OWNER: Whenever an application for a conditional use is intended for specific use by an occupant who is not the owner of the property, the application must be made by the owner. The conditional use permit, if granted, wilI be granted to the owner who shall be fully responsible for complying with the conditions of the permit and all other provisions of this ordinance. The Planning Commission, upon a special request, may consider and recommend granting a conditional use to a renter/tenant/occupant not the owner of a building. In such a case where a conditional use permit is granted to a renter/tenant/occupant not the owner, said permit shall be considered to be granted only for that renter/tenant/occupant for the specified use and shalI not travel with land, and under no circumstance shall said permit be allowed to be transferred to any other renter/tenant or occupant, including the owner. Further, for a conditional use permit to be granted to a renter/tenant/occupant not the owner, the City must have a notarized statement from the owner clearly stating that she/he understands that said permit is granted solely to the tenant/renter making application and shall not be transferrable to any future tenant/renter or occupant. 21-4: INTERIM USE PEIZMIT lA] PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose and intent of allowing interim uses is: J. To allow a use for a briefperiod of time until a permanent location is obtained or while the permanent location is under construction. 2. To allow a use that is presently judged acceptable by the City Council but that, with anticipated development or redevelopment, will not he acceptable in the future or will be replaced in the fllture by a permitted or conditional use allowed within the respective district. 3. To allow a use which is reflective of anticipated long-range change to an area and which is in compliance with the comprehensive plan provided that said use maintains harmony and compatibility with surrounding uses and is in keeping with the architectural character and design standards of existing uses and development. [B1 PROCEDURE: 1. Existing Uses: Uses defined as interim uses whieh presently exist as a legal use or a legal non-eonfonning use within a respective zoning district shall MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 22/4 'l \0 be considered approved and shall be treated as allowable uses. 2. New Uses: Uses defined as interim uses which do not presently exist within a respective zoning district shall be processed according to the standards and procedures for a conditional use permit as established by . Chapter 22 of this ordinance. [C] GENERAL STANDARDS: An interim use shall comply with the tdlowing: 1. Existing Uses: Shall be in conformance with zoning and building standards in effect at the time of initial construction and development and shall continue to be governed by such regulations in the future. 2. New Uses: a. Meets the standards of a conditional use permit set forth in Section 22-3 of this chapter. b. Conforms to the applicable performance standards set forth in Chapter 3, Section 2, oCthis zoning ordinance. c. The use is allowed as an interim use in the respective zoning district. d. The date or event that will terminate the use can be identified with certainty. e. The use will not impose additional costs on the public ifit is necessary for the public to take the property in the Cuture. . 1'. The user agrees to any conditions that the City Council deems appropriate for permission of the use. 10] TERMINATION: An interim use shall terminate on the happening of any of the following events, whichever first occurs: 1. The date stated in the permit. 2. Upon violation of conditions under which the permit was issued. 3. Upon change in the City's zoning regulations which renders the use non- conforming. 4. The redevelopment of the use and property upon which it is located to a permitted or conditional use as allowed within the respective zoning district. (#268, 5/8/95) . 22/5 MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE \l Council Agenda: 4/10/06 51. Consider Approvine Plans and Specifications and Authorizine Advertisement for Bids Meadow Oaks & CSAH 39 Lift Stations and Forcemain Improvements (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2003-02C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The proposed Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 Lift Stations and Forcemain Improvements project includes the reconstruction of the Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 lift stations and the construction of forcemain and gravity sanitary sewer to reroute flows from the southeast service area of Monticello to the wastewater treatment facility. Reconstruction of these two sanitary sewer lift stations is necessary to accommodate the increasing flows due to expansion of the projected service area. Extension ofwatermain is also included in the project along CSAH 75 to provide a loop between the existing watermain systems on the east and west sides ofCSAH 39. A project location map is attached showing the location of the Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 Lift Stations and the proposed forcemain, gravity sanitary sewer and watermain improvements. A Feasibility Report addressing these improvements was completed in 2004. The report was completed in accordance with the Maplewood Development (Spirit Hills) sanitary sewer study. That study addressed improvements necessary to continue to develop property south of CSAH 18 and in the northeast comer of the City. The developers ofthese properties have been contributing an additional $1 ,800/acre to pay for the improvements. In addition, the Meadow Oaks lift station is approaching the end of the service life for the existing pumps in that station. A study was also completed in 2003 evaluating the City's sanitary sewer capability for increased sanitary sewer flows in the northeast service area. That study identified that the CSAH 39 lift station had capacity for sewer flows from the Sunset Ponds Development, but upgrades would be needed to this station as development continues to expand the northeast service area. Currently, both of these lift stations discharge to the sanitary sewer lateral in Mississippi Drive. The Mississippi Drive sanitary sewer is shallow and backs up under current flow conditions, which could result in flooding of houses along that street. With the potential growth in both the northeast and southeast service areas, it is necessary to redirect the discharge from the Meadow Oaks lift station and the CSAH 39 lift station to ease the anticipated capacity problem in that sewer line. The proposed improvements are as follows: Meadow Oaks Lift Station: Improvements to this lift station include constructing a new larger size wet well and valve vault and removal of the existing lift station structures. Improvements also include installing new higher capacity pumps, new controls and control panel, a permanent standby generator, construction of a new lift station driveway entrance and reconstruction ofthe adjacent parking lot. CSAH 39 Lift Station: Improvements to this lift station also include constructing a new larger size wet well and valve vault and removal of the existing lift station structures. Improvements also include installing higher capacity pumps, new controls and control panel, a permanent standby generator, expanding the current lift station site and replacing the storm sewer culvert under the driveway entrance. Meadow Oaks Forcemain ReroutilllZ: Twelve~inch forcemain currently extends from the Meadow Oaks lift station along CSAH 75 and continues north along Hawks Bar to Mississippi Drive. This forcemain is proposed to be rerouted from Hawks Bar extending along CSAH 75 to a point just west of the intersection at CSAH 39. The forcemain will then discharge to a proposed 24~inch F: \da'lmi'lwordpl"OcIJOO6 O'>UlJct! Age"das\~-If)-06\jlMfNJdowOa/a;CSAJJj9liflSl(1.'im/"iApprovt!PJcltI$-04 J006.doc ~1'3 Council Agenda: 4/1 0/06 gravity sanitary sewer, which will flow directly to the wastewater treatment facility and alleviate capacity issues with the Mississippi Drive sanitary sewer lateral. CSAH 39 Forcemain Rerouting: Eight-inch forcemain from the CSAH 39 lift station will also be rerouted from discharging to the main within Mississippi Drive. The proposed forcemain will extend from the CSAH 39 lift station, along CSAH 39, to the proposed 24-inch gravity sanitary sewer at the intersection ofCSAH 75 and CSAH 39. Segments of both ofthese forcemains have been constructed across and along CSAH 39 as part of the I-94/CSAH 18 interchange project. Watermain: Twelve-inch watermain will be constructed along the north side ofCSAH 75 west of CSAH 39 to connect the two existing systems. This connection will improve water quality, pressure and fire flow capability in the northeast service area. The total estimated project cost is $1,481,000. Funding for the project would be provided from City Trunk Utility Funds. In addition, developments in the service area have been assessed an additional trunk fee for improvements to the system to cover these costs. Construction of the project is anticipated to start in June 2006. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement of bids for Meadow Oaks & CSAH 39 Lift Stations and Forcemain Improvements. 2. Do not accept the plans and specifications at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Continued expansion of the City in the northeast and southeast service areas has required an analysis of the City's capability to provide sanitary sewer service to these areas. In order to provide that service, upgrades to these two lift stations are critical for that future growth. There is an immediate need with current development to proceed with the improvements to the Meadow Oaks lift station. The proposed Hidden Forest and Niagara Falls developments will be served by the CSAH 39 Lift Station. If these developments do not move forward, it is recommended that the CSAH 39 Lift Station improvements be bid as an alternate to allow the option of not awarding that part of the project. It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and Public Works Director to approve Alternative Action No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Project Location Map Ji:\d4Mflglwtlrdproc12006 Q'wrlCi/ AgendQ.~\4-10-06\5JMeadowOak.~CSAH]9LIflSlall(msApprow:P/an.f-041006.d(l(. lq \c ~ '" -I ~ "" o "0 '" ~ ~ ~ o o ..- o :;: <> gq ~~ :i: 0 't32 .!II.. II g: -2- "",= ~<'3 ..- I L____( _ ~ !ih; J ~p~~~~ "'~k' ~..... ", ~~~/ " cr: "tt 8 , i , ..r"'u- , , , ......-.. ..{'" , -----1 z <( ~ ~ Cl ~ I- C::: Cl zu... Cl <(" C::: ~ ex> a...~<..:> z. /0 01,- o -& ~ '5'& 0/ ,</. C;> fr [I'J - = ~ 8 ~ ~ lo.. Q, E i-l = .- =- E ~ ~ lo.. Q ~ "C = = [I'J = Q .- - =- - r.rJ c= :,j Q"I ~ =; < ~ U "C = = ~ =- o ~ Q "C ~ ~~ ,- I- , <( I- , V1 ~ u... ,- ,-J~ CTlw ,,...-,> , :CO2 ~ ....... a... - Cl " ex> a... <..:> Cl z l- V") X l..LJ Cl I- . , <( , VI Council Agenda: 4/1 0/06 5J. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the 1-94 Interchange Project, the City entered into a funding participation and construction agreement with Wright County that identified the County's share of improvements to County Road 18, the County Road 18 bridge and intersection project and identified that the County would be reimbursing the City a total of $2,000,000 for their share of the project cost. The agreement was entered into on September 14, 2005 and Article IV of that agreement indicated that the County would determine a mutually agree pay back schedule for their share of the cost. Based on discussions with the Wright County Engineer, Wayne Fingalson and County Auditor, Bob Hiivala, the basic terms and conditions have been agreed to that will have the County reimbursing the City annually beginning January 15,2007 an amount equal to 1/10 ofthe principal ($200,000) plus interest on the unpaid balance at 3.95% from the date of our bond sale, August 17,2005. This is the net interest cost to the City for the amount of funds we borrowed on behalf of the County. Since the original agreement did not specify the exact repayment terms, this addendum should be adopted by the City Council and the Wright County Commissioners and attached to our original construction agreement. The Wright County Board will be also considering adopting the same agreement at one of their next board meetings. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the addendum to the funding and construction agreement as proposed identifying the terms for the County's repayment of their $2,000,000 share ofI-94/CSAH 18 interchange project. 2. Do not adopt the addendum to the agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the County Auditor and City Administrator that the addendum be adopted as proposed and attached to the original construction agreement as further clarification to the repayment terms. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of addendum. Btl ADDENDUM TO THE FUNDING PARTICIPATION AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR CP 86-18-061 AND CP 86.39-061 CITY PROJECT NO. 2004-01 C RECITALS A. Whereas, Article 4 of the above referenced Agreement provides that the County's portion of the project of $2,000,000 will be funded through City bonds, and B. Whereas, the City of Monticello has issued General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005A in the amount of$25,150,000 which included the County's portion of the project costs dated August 17,2005 at a net interest rate of3.95% annually, and C. Whereas, Article 4 also provides that the City and County will determine a mutually agreeable payback schedule for the bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY AND COUNTY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Pursuant to Article 4 of the Agreement, the County payback schedule for the bonds shall be as follows: 122499 1 ~..~ 1. The County will pay the City back its share in ten equal annual principal payments of $200,000 together with interest on the declining principal balance each year at an interest rate of 3.95% per annum, with the first payment on January 15, 2007, and the remaining payments on January 15 of each year thereafter. 2. The County's first payment will include interest from the bond sale date of August 17,2005 until January 15, 2007. COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICELLO Recommended for Approval: Recommended for Approval: County Engineer City Engineer, Monticello Chair, County Board Mayor, City of Monticello County Coordinator City Attorney, City of Monticello County Attorney City Administrator, City of Monticello Date Date 122499 2 63 Council Agenda - 4/1 0/05 5K. Consideration of a request for a replat for Prairie Ponds Third Addition, a two lot commercial subdivision. Applicant: Bradlev Larson (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The applicants are seeking a final plat for a portion of Prairie Ponds, which is essentially a replat to create two re-shaped commercial building lots from LotI, Block 2 of the original Prairie Ponds plat. The replat is intended to accommodate a convenience fast food development on the newly created Lot 2, Block 1. The City Council will be reviewing a Conditional Use Permit request for that proposed use as part of this agenda. The resulting Lot 1, Block 1 has access via a shared drive with Lot 2, Block 1, from School Boulevard. Lot 2, Block 1 also has access onto Deegan Avenue. The lots each meet the City's commercial zoning requirements. The resulting lots will be responsible for trunk fees, which are payable at prevailing rate and are typically payable at the time of building permit for commercial projects. The applicant will be asked to execute an amended development agreement for this addition. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Final Plat for Prairie Ponds 3rd Addition 1. Motion to approve the final plat, based on a finding that the plat is best suited for the specific development needs of the property, and that all lots in the plat will continue to meet the City's zoning requirements. This approval is conditioned on the execution of an amended development agreement relating to the 3rd Addition 2. Motion to deny the final plat, based on findings to be developed by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the final plat. The plat only affects the shape and number of the lots, not the use of the property. As noted, all lots would continue to conform to the City's zoning regulations. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Final Plat ~~ , i Q~ ~. i ~f ~ ;; ~. '2 3 1 ~ ~ ~ ! Ii [ ~ l "- ~ Q, It:l :f '" [ ~ i ~ a ... ~ l ~. ( . Q [ ~ Q ~ f- ~ ~ ~ ~ f'> ~ [ g 1\ ~ . ~ I ~ ~ [ i ~ :t 3' ~ l I , !, ~ l i ~ " f L ~ ~ Q , "- i 3 f'> ~ ? [ I ~ . ~ f I ~ !!. ~ " ~ ~ .' ~ .' I f Q, I~ i 1: !f ~ 'I 3 I 1 l ~ a ~ .. -;; !,'!Q . ~~ 0' ~: .2 !l.- J f l ~ i ~ i Ii [ t !l. ~ 3 [ Q "- i\ I ~ il 1 ~ I f ~' I " .' I~ :f i .!l :< " ~ g "- '" " Q g ?< ; < i 1\ ~ . ~ .!l i ; ~" .' 0. il ..0. ,- II is ~I ~I 2.~ , !, I If U ~~ ; Q,~ ail. I!> l~ g<f a h ~ ~ !'J if:r g' I .E' [;J s- ~.., ~Ii !j:ll l~ I Km ill ' a~ h ~ ~[ h 1 [~ &.~ s- [! ~ II ~ S.:'::; ~Il ii" i ~~! ~I i ;~ i ~ n I i ~r- I i J! ~ <l. !l.i ~ ~ i~ 9 D 8" ~ .Y[ ~ ~~ I 0 i · ii ~ &. ~ ~ t. ~ g i i ~ 6" ~ i '> ] 1 ; ~ ;: l [ ~ :w ! :< 0. 1\ f " " ~ " ~ il. ~ . ~ [ I ;; !!. ~ " ~ ~ I ! Q, I~ if i ~ ~ r ! p f I ~ I ~ ~ 3' i &. < " ~ ? ! ... t ~I 1,1 I I ~ ~ ! "5 r '-- f\~ ~\-,\ -I', r\~ (I) c -\1 /~ o o ~~ () ~~ C) - 7 \ -; ~- \ () )> 7J (') \ u () \ ~: \ ~ !, j!' ~ ~: \ () \ ~~ \ \,') \ \ ~ ...... ....... 4~~~~~~/^~' g'" C;,: g ~~ " 5' ~Q j ii 1 -I Pi ...... o.~:!- ...... ~g'< "a" g ~ ~F ~~~ ~'n ;:]' ~~D i!~a gp 19! '\ --' ~- " a "' ~ ~ g i ! il. Iii "1" ~ _i< 5.$"[ ~h Hi " . [ m o c \'1 <' J '\~t~- I """""T'"I/""'I-r- Vvl\,,\..J I C I c.- c.- c~ C-,} C"" r\ f\ I/".... 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Consideration to Reconsider the 3/27/06 Citv Council Vote Related to the ReQuest for a Conditional Use Permit for a Concept Staee Planned Unit Development for a 12S-unit residential development in a PZM (Performance Zone-Mixed) District. Applicant: UP Development. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND It has come to staffs attention that members of the City Council may wish to reconsider their vote related to this request. This is due to the applicant's indication that he is willing to revise the concept plan to address the reasons for denial. It should be noted that at this time, the revised plan has not been made available for review. In order to reconsider the vote and review the revised plan without a new application, a Councilor who cast a vote to deny the request must motion to call for a re-vote on the item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Reconsideration of Vote to Deny the CUP for Concept Stage PUD 1. Motion to reconsider denial and call for a new vote on the request for CUP for Concept PUD, based on a revised site plan addressing Council's basis for denial. 2. Take no action ~ Applicant would then need to resubmit application. Decision 2: CUP for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for UP Development 1. Motion to approve the CUP for Concept PUD, based on a finding that the proposed mixed-residential design establishes a high quality residential project that meets the City's intent for PUD consideration. 2. Motion to deny the CUP for Concept PUD, based on a finding that the project fails to demonstrate tangible amenity-based or other benefits that justify the flexibility granted by the PUD zoning regulations. 3. Motion to table action on the CUP for Concept PUD, in order to allow sufficient review time regarding the revised plan. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff would recommend that should the Council choose to reconsider discussion on this item, staff and Council have an opportunity to review the revised plan and submit it to Council in advance of the next meeting. Staffwill then have the chance to put together a revised staff report based on the revised plan. At this time, staff believes a deciding vote on a revised plan that neither Council nor staff has had a chance to review in depth may be premature. 1 ~~ D. SUPPORTING DATA None. Council Agenda - 4/10/06 2 <()l Council Meeting - 04/10/2006 7. Review of RFP for expansion or relocation of a portion or all of the Public Works Facili and consideration of distribution or advertisements of the RFP. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the direction ofthe City Council in June of2005, City staff has commenced a needs study for the Public Works Facility expansion. The City of Monticello currently has one Public Works Facility located at 9011909 Golf Course Road serving the City. The Request for Proposals for the Public Works Needs and Expansion Study (RFP) will include studying the site plan of the existing facility and City owned parcels adjoining the facility, as well as the existing water reservoir site located on Chelsea Road, and Well #4 located on Dundas Road. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to approve the RFP as written and distribute the RFP to approximately ten (10) consulting firms to receive their proposals back by May 2, 2006. 2. The second alternative would be to approve the RFP as written and post a legal advertisement accepting proposals on the Public Works Needs and Expansion Study in the newspaper. 3. The third alternative would be to not accept the RFP. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council approve the RFP and authorize City Staff to mail the RFP to consulting firms to receive their proposals back by May 2,2006 as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the RFP. Site maps of the areas to be studied. 8S' ( , , J L_ t,i,C+JtJ,i,iJ MONTICELLO City of Monticello Office of Public Works 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone: (763) 295-3170 Fax: (763) 271-3272 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PUBLIC WORKS NEEDS AND EXPANSION STUDY As Approved by the Monticello City Council April 1 0, 2006 City of Monticello, MN Proposals Due 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 2, 2006 ~q TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION OF FIRM FOR PUBLIC WORKS STUDY April 10, 2006: Review of proposals by City Council; Possible selection of firm April 10, 2006: Schedule of interviews if required by City Council April 11, 2006: April 22, 2006: Selection of firm if interviews were performed April 23, 2006: Study start date June 19,2006: Study completed and due June 26, 2006: Review of study by City Council C:\Documonts and Sottlngsldawn.grosslngetllocal Sottlng.\Temporary Intemot File.\OLK3\PW NEEDS EXP STUDY 2005 RFP.wpd; 4/6106 ~ PAGE 2 OF 6 ~ qo REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PUBLIC WORKS NEEDS AND EXPANSION STUDY AS APPROVED BY THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 10, 2006 FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN 1. PURPOSE The City of Monticello is seeking proposals for engineering and architectural services associated with planning and expansion and/or relocation of the Public Works Facility in Monticello, MN. Due to residential and commercial growth, the City needs to expand its Public Works Facility to continue to provide adequate services for our community. 2. BACKGROUND The City of Monticello current has one Public Works Facility at 901/909 Golf Course Road serving the City. Enclosed for your information is a site plan for the existing facility and City owned parcels adjoining the facility and a site plan for the existing water reservoir site which includes a below ground water reservoir/Well & Pump House #3 and the Monticello Animal Shelter. Also enclosed is a site map of a lot on which Well #4 is located in the Monticello Industrial Park. 3. INSTRUCTIONS TO CONSULTANT A. Questions and related correspondence should be directed to John Simola, Public Works Director for the City of Monticello. John E. Simola Public Works Director CITY OF MONTICELLO 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: (763) 271-3271 Fax: (763) 271-3272 B. Proposals must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 2, 2006. Twelve (12) copies of the Proposal must be delivered to the Office of Public Works at the address noted. C. The City will promptly review the Proposals and notify Consultant Finns of any additional action or requirements, if any. C:\Ooc:ument. end SeUing.ldawn.gro..lng....Loc.1 Settlng.\Tempor.ry InI._ FII..IOU<3IPW NEEDS EXP STUDY 2005 RFP.wpd: 4/6/06 . PAGE 3 OF 6 - q\ D. At a minimum, the Proposal shall include: 1.) Letter of Transmittal 2.) Project Understanding (statement of one page or less) 3.) Approach/Work Plan/Level of Effort /Fee 4.) Schedule 5.) Personnel Resumes/Organizational Chart 6.) Related Experience 7.) Summary 4. SCOPE OF WORK A. The Scope of Work includes review and inventory of existing facilities, ADA, Life Safety, and maintenance required by building for the next 20 years, available City land, and additional needs based upon growth projections provided by the City, completing building space cost estimates, and to include various building systems with the construction of the following: 1.) An expansion of the existing Public Works Facility on existing property on Golf Course Road. (The property south of Golf Course Road may convert to residential) 2.) The Reservoir Site shall be evaluated as well for partial or full relocation of the Public Works Facility. ("Is there room at the reservoir site if a water treatment plant and water reservoir expansion are also located there?") 3.) The Well #4 Site shall be evaluated for a central storage area off site: inside vs. outside. Each of the options shall include a Master Plan for the next twenty (20) years and include space noted for expansion beyond twenty (20) years if available. B. Detailed study requirements: 1.) Meet with City of Monticello representatives, as a minimum, at the following times: a. When evaluation begins, will require individual meeting with mechanics, Public Works Supervisors, Public Works Director, City Engineer, Chief Building Official, City Administrator and a Council Representative to better understand the relationship between the facility desired and the funding that will be available. b. At the completion of the evaluation. c. During the preparation of recommendation and concept drawings, including construction cost estimates. d. At the final presentation. C;IDocumonls a"" Settingsldawn.grosslngefILocal S8lIlngslTempora/)/lntomOl Flles\OLK3\PW NEEDS EXP STUDY 2005 RFP.wp<l; 4/6106 - PAGE 4 OF 6 - qd. 2.) Structural condition and projected requirements of existing and proposed buildings: a. Heating/cooling systems b. Electrical systems, including standby power c. Restrooms d. Lunchroom e. Locker room f Meeting/Conference room and training facilities g. Office space h. Storage room for office and cleaning supplies 1. Computer stations J. Intercom and radio systems 3.) Equipment maintenance repair areas: a. Lifts b. Overhead crane c. Specialized tool needs d. Paint booth/sand blasting area e. Lubrication areas f Waste oillanti-freezelhazardous chemicals storage g. Oil and grease storage h. Parts/tire storage 1. Tool storage J. Welding area or shop k. Equipment washing bays/parts cleaning 1. Vehicle repair bays 4.) General considerations: a. Equipment storage, including movement through parking area and building b. Carpentry/wood shop c. Sign shop/storage d. Cold storage e. Sand/salt storage f Materials bulk storage (i.e., wood chips, bituminous, compost, Class V, sand, etc. g. Fuel (gas & diesel) storage including electronic tie to maintenance database h. Employee and visitor parking areas and exterior traffic areas 1. Safety including OSHA requirements, fire safety requirements, etc. J. ADA requirements k. Sprinkler system requirements 1. Landscaping, screening, irrigation, lighting and fencing m. Current and future off site storage areas; West River Street and Biosolids Farm n. SCADA and security systems C;\DoCllm.... and SOlllngsldawn.grosslngerllocal SOlllngSlTomporory Intemet FlleslOlK3IPW NEEDS EXP STUDY 2005 RFP,wpd: 4111106 - PAGE 5 OF 6 - 0."3 5.) Furnish the City with twelve (12) copies of the final recommendations and concept drawings. Final recommendations shall include construction cost estimates, and be in enough detail to begin the recommended design phase for construction. 6.) Experience/Site Visits: a. Firms submitting proposals shall provide the City with a list of clients they have provided a similar service to in the last five (5) years in the metro area. The list shall include the client's name, address, telephone number, and the name of a contact person. b. Whenever possible, the City would prefer to visit sites where work similar to the engineer/architect recommendation has been constructed. (The consultant will not be required to accompany the City staff on site visits). 7.) Depending upon the number of proposals received, the City reserves the right to conduct an interview with one or more of the responding firms prior to submitting a recommendation to the City Council for approval. The Council may chose to interview firms as well. 8.) This request for proposal does not obligate the City of Monticello to award a contract or complete the project, and the City reserves the right to cancel the Request for Proposal ifit is considered to be in the best interest of the City. C;IDocumerns and Settlng.\dawn.g"'sslngO~Local SettlngSITomporary Inlomet flloslOLK3IPW NEEDS exp STUDY 2005 RfP.wpcl; 4/flI06 - PAGE 6 OF 6 . q,--\ - . ',r \ <, .,'.>~'~" ,,('/ '- ',-1/ /,<.".~ ~ ,,/j '.'<' ~; ,'; !i,\d' i'/~I'~ II If ./ /~ (I ' / '" !i I ! t. // I {I ili ~ ~I; /' "',',"\ ' I', "~~ / if' 'J 'I If, ... 'i' , j '- ~"'-j V~,~,:,~"',,' f'~.', ,~I/ ".~ ii, , I I! '_"','~''- ~. .....Vl. :"1 ',. '~~. .;".:::.~ r J; ~ ;'JI: III _ (1,1 .1~:' 1 i I' ,.. I i r~' ~".,. ; I I' .'1r''''v..' ~~ ... ''''', 'I , '\ i! ih .... " R -, ~ ~.;,.. , ' I +~ J"lo,....' - '-"'!r"~-- :1 I.,. !Il I,: I:", .:.!~.~:.: '.- f , :, ....,.:1, /t/// "c(. <~ .:/ (.;/l. f:' -I' ,-,' , QS . . . Page 1 of2 SITE #1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT GOLF COURSE ROAD TOTAL ACREAGE = 6.1 C{~ http:// 156. 99 .28. 84/serv let/corn.esri.esrirnap.Esrirnap ?ServiceN ame=CustornParcel&Client... 4/5/2006 SITE .1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT GOLF COURSE ROAD PROPOSED ONE ACRE BUILDING SITE ~,~~ " ~~ ~r<~ " - )':0 " ~ '''"' -'. COtJ~ ~~-'~~ ~ ", r , f ~ DISTRICT INDEPENDENT>-'- _ SCHOOL L.OT r OF LOT 8 -~ lDT 0: LOT II NO. ? 882 ..,. f...... 4. - ... .. - -,.j I i \., " t'. r: .. ..- ..' LOT c it ..... ...... .' ~ , "'i.-' '"",' , . . .. '., 18 I ' . ,~- ' ~ -. ... " I,. . I . . , .. ~ :3 }.... .. " 17 II.. .. , II . , .. . TELE. Z , . 2 . ,.;)l.~""~ .. . I .. Co~ ~ 3 /. 3 . . ' . '. . ..... _._~ .. .. I: .. .~ .. ,.0....'0 tt ~".. .. .. ~ 1" .. ~ ;r'~ Gtl . J ". . " ,- I Ii <> I ~ I <> . "T-. l, I a. I ;; , I .;; . I I ;;; I , I ; ",. "," n !. p ,~ ,-- . ~ .! '>, ~... '0 I r ~I , ,. I,;. . .. ~Q /' >; '- '" ~. . ~~i I~- "I . I , i I I I :2 o a~f~ u~~ '" 1I( IJ~ H!~ ..':;1 '''~i :r~f3 ~..~ ..--" Q . , I ~~ I ~~ ~ )>~ ln~ !llll ;f FIn T1:E q~ no~ 0;0 ::: t'-'~ C:;lO: ~l< ~0.. '" m51'" - .. ~;' ;0:: ..... ~i l ;;:: f..~ ;;0, "'.. ~ ... ~~ ~ ",t. .' -(, ,~ '" " ="" ~ a ~ \ c !. .> " = ~ \ , ,~ ~. '> ,'..: , ,,0<='6< ~ ,. . . ',-, - , '-'\.,. - ~,,~.': ':,~..{~,);~Jj};tt:1~: ~.~~~\~jii~t~'~~~:~k{,..-"Li~::,~&:J;tj~~t~l ...". . . . . Page 1 of2 SITE #2 WELL #4 DUNDAS ROAD TOTAL ACREAGE = 3.2 ~C\ http:// 156.99 .28. 84/servlet/corn.esri.esrimap.Esrirnap ?ServiceN ame=CustornParcel&Client... 4/5/2006 . . . Page 1 of2 SITE #3 WELL #3 AND PUMPHOUSE CHELSEA ROAD TOTAL ACREAGE = 8.55 lOO http:// 156. 99 .28. 84/servlet/com.esri .esrimap. Esrimap ?ServiceN ame=CustomParcel&CI ient... 4/5/2006 Council Agenda - 04/10/06 8. Consideration of recommendation of Fiber Optic Task Force Committee on conductine. fiber optic feasibilitv study. (e.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In December 2005, the Fiber Optic Task Force was authorized by City Council to prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a feasibility study on fiber optics. Ten firms submitted proposals ranging from about $48,000 to $110,000. The Task Force reviewed the proposals and narrowed the selection to three firms, which were interviewed on March 29 and 30 by Fiber Optic Task Force members, city staff and several council members. After all interviews were concluded, members ofthe interview team remained for an open discussion. Remarks were noted and brought back to the Fiber Optic Task Force meeting on Monday, April 3. After a lengthy and intensive discussion, the Task Force concurred that we wanted to ask a few more questions of the top two candidates. This will be completed prior to the Council meeting and the name of the recommended firm will be submitted by addendum on Monday night. The proposed cost of the study from both firms is approximately $50,000 plus expenses. Both of these are within the budgeted amount of $65,000 approved by Council with the 2006 budget. As part of the feasibility study in Section V.2. of the RFP, Milda Hedblom of Dain International would continue to serve as technical consultant for the City. Her costs would corne out of the balance remaining in the budget. The process for the feasibility study will include several meetings with the firm conducting the study, a market survey to gain information to be used in other components ofthe study, analysis of fiber optic models, business case and financial analysis, and assessing risks and benefits of providing a fiber optic network. Members of the Task Force, city staff and city council may be contacted during the process to provide assistance with gathering data, answering questions or taking part in community discussions. It is estimated that the study will take approximately three to four months concluding in August or September with a report and recommendation to Council. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve a fiber optic feasibility study to be conducted by the firm selected by the Fiber Optic Task Force with Milda Hedblom serving as technical consultant, at a total cost of $65,000. 2. Do not approve a fiber optic feasibility study. C. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Fiber Optic Task Force and city staff to approve a fiber optic feasibility at the total cost of $65,000. Oversight and technical consulting will be handled by Milda Hedblom, with assistance from city staff. \a~ Council Agenda - 04/10/06 D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of City's RFP for Broadband Feasibility Study . Copy of proposals received from top two firms identified by the Fiber Optic Task Force (one will be recommended on Monday night) '03 ~ CITY OF MONTICELLO BROADBAND FEASIBILITY STUDY MONTICELLO REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ~ Table of Contents I. Community Overview II. Background III. Task Force Recommendation and Goals of the Feasibility Study IV. Overview on Monticello Request for Proposal V. Framework for Monticello Request for Proposal VI. Scope of Work and Requested Services VII. Required Information and Content of Proposal VIII. Proposal Selection Criteria IX. Process for Selection X. Contract Structure XI. General Project Requirements XII. Instructions for Submitting Proposals XIII. Estimated Timeline Appendix 2 I. Community Overview 1. Monticello, Minnesota is a progressive and growing community located just outside the 7-county metro area ofMinneapolis/St. Paul. The population in the City of Monticello is 10,200 with Monticello Township adding an additional 3,600. The City is filled with parks and pathways providing a country like setting for residents. The school district is forward looking and installed a fiber optic system several years ago. Monticello has an active and imaginative economic development program. Another water tower, lift stations and sanitary sewer lines are under construction to serve future development. Through good planning, new development and increased market values, the City has maintained a consistent property tax rate. In 2005, private investments exceed $54 million, and Moody's assigns a bond rating of "A2" to the City. 2. The City of Monticello has looked after the welfare of the community by insuring availability of high quality road, sewer and water systems to all residents. Given the facts of a growing population and its surrounding business sector, the City is considering how it can best insure that all businesses and residents enjoy access to an integrated city wide network to provide high quality, affordable telecommunications services that will meet their needs long into the future. II. Backeround 1. The City of Monticello recognizes that the provision of accessible and affordable broadband telecommunications services is essential for the long term development and vitality of Monticello businesses and for informed, educated, healthy and economically competitive residents. The City also recognizes that among several different broadband technologies, fiber optics broadband is the most desirable broadband system among today's choices. 2. With these considerations in mind, in May 2005, the City authorized an initial investigative meeting and subsequent formation of a Fiber Optic Task Force and provided the directive to investigate whether or not the City should pursue an integrated citywide fiber optic network to provide affordable high-speed services for data, voice and video to homes and businesses. The Task Force membership represented the city, the school district, the county, the hospital district, small businesses, large businesses, industrial development, technical and non-technical people. 3 3. During the research process the Task Force identified several possible options available to the City if it should decide to pursue the installation of a fiber network/utility within its boundaries. These options have helped set the framework for this feasibility study and are further spelled out in Section V.I. Possible Options for Fiber in the GroundlFiber to the Premise: a) City would build/own/operate its own utility providing triple play broadband voice/data/video services; voter referendum for building or owning a telephone exchange required by Minnesota Statutes with 66% approval. b) City fully funds installation of fiber in the ground /to the premise; allows open access to the network, i.e. after fiber is laid, allow providers to lease access to the fiber to provide triple play broadband voice/data/video services. c) City fully funds installation of fiber in the ground/to the curb or to the premise; partners with or leases to one (or more) vendors to provide triple play broadband voice/data/video services. d) City offers incentives to vendor to secure installation of fiber in the ground/to the premise and to provide triple play broadband voice/data/video services. III. Task Force Recommendation/Goals of Feasibility Study 1. The Task Force consensus recommendation was that Monticello's long-term future would be best served by further investigation of the feasibility of deployment of a citywide fiber optic infrastructure in Monticello. The City Council unanimously approved the recommendation on August 22, 2005 and directed the Task Force to develop a Request for Proposal for a broadband feasibility study. 2. The goals of the Feasibility Study are as follows: . Assess Monticello's long term telecommunications and information needs. . ClarifY the role expanded broadband service could play in the long-term vitality and well being of the community. . Assess the benefits and risks associated with providing citywide fiber optic services. . ClarifY existing resources and identifY additional resources to help meet expanded broadband goals. . Provide a recommendation for how to implement a city wide fiber optic infrastructure in Monticello. 4 . Clarify how broadband investment in Monticello might scale for services to other cities, the county and the state. IV. Overview on Monticello Request for Proposal 1. The purpose of this Request for Proposal is to solicit proposals from respondents qualified to complete a broadband telecommunications study including preparation of a business plan and financing options for an integrated citywide fiber to the premises network in the City of Monticello. The study should provide a recommendation about the best path for Monticello given the overall feasibility assessment analyzing technical, regulatory, competitive, ownership, return on investment and financing options. 2. The study should also provide recommendations about options that would allow The City to leverage fiber optics investment for broadband services for other towns and the county. Recommended solutions should be scalable to wider geography if opportunities arise. 3. The selected respondent should have the experience and expertise to conduct the varied analyses associated with each option and to recommend the best option. V. Framework for Monticello Request for Proposal 1. The City is interested in analysis of the following options for implementation of a fiber to the premises network. These options provide the guiding framework for the requested services. a. City builds, owns, operates fiber to the premise network as a City utility and provides triple play broadband voice/data/video services. b. City builds, owns, operates fiber to the premise network as a City asset but leases network access to providers for provision of triple play broadband voice/data/video services on an "open access" basis. Providers share revenue with the City. c. City builds and owns dark fiber network to the curb or to the premise as a City asset. The City contracts with one (or more) providers to install electronics and provide triple play broadband voice/data/video services. Providers share revenue with the City. 5 d. City offers incentives to private provider as partner to build and operate a fiber to the premise network and to provide triple play broadband voice/data/video services. Provider shares revenue with the City. 2. The Task Force recommends that the items in Section V.2 (a-e), as described below, be secured by the City under extension of an existing contract. The contractor for these services will work on behalf of the City with the successful respondent to this Request for Proposal (RFP) to assist with and help insure an integrated final report and recommendations. a. Assist the City with Request for Proposal administration and evaluation of responses. b. Analyze the legal, regulatory, political and competitive requirements for the City to build, own, and operate a fiber to the premise network as a City utility. c. Analyze the legal, regulatory, political and competitive requirements for the City to build, own and operate a fiber to the premise network with leased access for providers to deliver services on an "open access" basis. d. Analyze the legal, regulatory, political and competitive requirements for the City to build and own a dark fiber network as a City asset obtaining contracts with a selected provider to install electronics and provide servIces. C. Analyze the legal, regulatory, political and competitive requirements for the City to package incentives to a private partner to build and operate a fiber to the premise network and provide services. VI. Scope of Work and Requested Services 1. The City is seeking the broadband telecommunications analysis services as described in Section VI.2-5 in this Request.for Proposal. Additional services may be identified during the initial meetings between the respondents and the City and the proposal modified as needed. 6 2. The City is seeking telecommunication technology analysis as described below. a. VerifY existing.inventory of existing telecommunications facilities and related facilities in Monticello. b. Provide a comparative and best option analysis of current and anticipated technologies for fiber to the premises delivery. c. Provide a comparative analysis of other current broadband telecommunications technology developments and anticipated future developments supplementing fiber to the premises as a long-term asset to the community. d. Provide preliminary cost projections for a fiber to the premises implementation in the City of Monticello based on current "best option" analysis under Section VI.2 (b) above for each of the options identified in Section V.I (a-d). Include costing of network connection to the world. 3. The City is seeking a fuller understanding of the market and community benefits from fiber to the premises telecommunications services and therefore is requesting a Market and Public Services Benefits Study. a. Conduct a market study to provide an understanding of the potential for provision of fiber based voice, data and video services to residences, businesses, industrial parks, government, and other possible broadband opportunities. b. Conduct a public services study to provide an understanding of the community benefits through improved, more efficient city services and enhanced citizen opportunities for learning, health care, leisure and community connections. 4. The City is seeking a fuller understanding of telecommunications related economic development opportunities. a. Provide an assessment of telecommunications related opportunities and obstacles for economic development benefits. 7 b. Delineate telecommunications related options for addressing business expansion and retention issues. 5. The City is seeking business case analysis and recommendations on financing options. a. Provide preliminary operations analysis with estimated costs and return on investment for identified options. b. Provide recommendations on financing options including public or private options as well as local, state and national sources and approaches. VII. Reauired Information/Content of Proposal 1. Description of respondent's overall approach, identification of the overall project manager and description of subcontractors' roles and responsibilities. 2. Breakdown of project by phases, tasks including specific staff for each task, number of hours, timeline, work products, city responsibilities, other relevant details. (GAANT chart acceptable) 3. Costs are to include hourly rates for staff, costs to be charged to the City and overall assumptions used to project costs. 4. Current resumes for proposed staff, their relevant experience on similar projects with similar clients, and names and addresses for references. VIII. Proposal Selection Criteria: 1. Criteria: (in order of importance) a. Philosophy and approach to project including viewpoints on a City owned utility b. Past experience doing similar projects with the public sector c. Cost d. Resumes of personnel assigned to project including special certifications e. Demonstrated understanding of requests f. Timelines 8 IX. Process for Selection 1. A committee will review proposals against criteria stated in this request for proposal. The committee may request interviews. The City requires that the project manager, sub-contractors and any other key person( s) participate in the interview process. Respondents will pay for any costs incurred during the interview process. The City reserves the right to ask for additional information. 2. The final contract award will depend upon the successful respondent's compliance with all terms and conditions, mutual agreement about the final work plan and completion of a contract agreeable to all parties. 3. The City reserves the right to reject all bids and the City is not obligated to accept the lowest bid. X. Contract Structure 1. F or respondents where more than one company is involved in the proposal, please identity clearly the lead company and the sub-contractors. Subcontractor agreements must be in place at time of the final contract award. These agreements should be available for inspection by the City at reasonable request. 2. The City is expecting comprehensive bids. Partial bids will only be considered from telecommunications services providers who wish to signal an interest to partner with the City on this project. This includes the incumbent telecommunications providers currently serving Monticello. XI. General Proiect Requirements 1. Overall Project Management: The successful respondent will work closely with the designated project manager for the City. The successful respondent will be asked to designate a key contact person and specifY other staff as needed. Any substitution of staff during the course of the contract must be agreed upon by the City in advance. 2. Human Rights/Affirmative Action: Respondents shall comply with all applicable state and federal rules and regulations relating to affirmative action and equal opportunity. The City of Monticello is committed to a program of equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, nationality or disability. 9 3. Bonds, Insurance: The successful respondent will be required to carry insurance ofthe.kind and in the amounts shown below for the life of the project. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CERTIFICATE HOLDER: INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello, its officials, employees, agents, and representatives AGENT: GENERAL Or BUSINESS LIABILITY INSURANCE: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: ( ) Claims Made LIMITS: [Minimum] ( ) Occurrence Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person $1,000,000 for each occurrence Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR- Combination Single Limit Policy $1,000,000 or more REQUIRED ENDORSEMENT: Include an "all services, products, or completed operations" endorsement. COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Operations of Sub-Contractor (Contingent): YES Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES Completed Operations/Products: YES 10 Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage YES ALL APPLICABLE VEHICLE LIABILITY INSURANCE: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: (X) Any Applicable vehicle LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person $1,000,000 each occurrence Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence -OR- Combined Single Limit Policy: $1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $1,000.00] WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY : Worker's Compensation per Minnesota Statute Employer's Liability shall have minimum limits of $500,000 per accident, $500,000 per employee, $500,000 per disease limit. Contractors with 10 or fewer employees who do not have Worker's Compensation coverage are required to provide the City with a letter verifying their number of employees. 11 PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate CONTRACTOR MAY NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERING REQUIRED INSURANCE IS APPROVED AND THE PROJECT MANAGER HAS ISSUED A NOTICE TO PROCEED. INSURANCE IS TO REMAIN IN EFFECT FOR THE DURATION OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT AND ANY EXTENSION PERIODS. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at On BY: Authorized Insurance Representative 4. Audit/Public Information Requirements: Pursuant to Chapter 6.551 of the Minnesota Statutes, the successful respondent will be required to maintain all books, documents, account records, and other evidence relating to work performed under an Agreement pursuant to this Request for Proposal and to make such material available at respondent's office at all reasonable times during the Agreement and for up to six years thereafter for audit or inspection by the City, the State Auditor, or any other authorized individual. The successful respondent will also be required to comply with the data practices requirements contained in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13.05. XII. Instructions for Submittin!! Proposals 1. Proposals are due February'3, 2006, and may be submitted as follows: Attention: Monticello Fiber Monticello City Hall, Suite 1 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota, 55362 Please submit six copies. They become City property. The data submitted by a respondent are private and nonpublic until the responses are opened and the name of the respondent becomes public. Other data remain private until the City has negotiated a Contract with a selected respondent. After that, all 12 remaining data submitted by all responders are public, with the exception of trade secret data as defined and classified under Minn. Stat. section 13.37. 2. Respondents should note that one record copy is to be submitted in a sealed envelope or other packaging with the name of the company and the project title clearly labeled on the outside. The top page of the record copy must include an original signature by an individual who is authorized to make representations and commitments on behalf of the respondent. Failure to include this original signature could disqualifY the proposal. The remaining copes may be duplicates of the original and may be packaged together. They should be separate from the original, however. The outside of the package containing the copies should also be clearly marked with the above information. 3. Questions on bid submission: Cathy Shuman at telephone: 763-271-3204; fax: 763-295-4404 (Attn Fiber); emai1: fiber@monticellofiber.com 4. Questions related to the project requirements and contents of proposal are due by January 16,2006, in writing by fax: 763-295-4404 (Attn Fiber) or email: fiber@monticellofiber.com. No oral questions. XIII. Estimated Timeline for Submission. Interviews and Selection: Release: Questions Due: Responses Returned: Proposals Due: Interviews: A ward: Project Begins: Week of December 19, 2005 January 16,2006 Week of January 23,2006 February 13,2006 Week of March 13-17,2006 Week of March 27,2006 Week of May 1, 2006 13 APPENDIX Citv of Monticello Network Environment The City utilizes several networks in various city buildings. The city center includes the city hall, community center, senior center and national guard offices. There are two servers at this site (inside city hall): a file server that provides connectivity to all the computers and peripherals in the complex as well as the AS400 and an email server that hosts all city mailboxes. Cat6 cable services most connections in city hall while Cat5 cable is used in the community center. There are also 3 fiber runs within the building. A DSL modem provides internet and em ail connections. There is a modem for remote dialing between the AS400 and the software vendor. The senior center connects to the city for internet and email services. The national guard is responsible for its own connectivity. Police protection is provided through the Sheriff's Department and they maintain a regional office in the city hall. A connection to Wright County is provided outside of the city's firewall. The public works facility has a file server, which connects computers and peripherals in the office and shop buildings. Most of the cabling is Cat5. A VPN provides connectivity between public works and the city center. A DSL modem provides internet connections. The Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) office has a small server that links the computers and peripherals in this office. All transactions are performed with the State of Minnesota through the internet. A DSL modem provides internet connections. Hi-Way Liquors uses a file server to store all their data centrally. This server connects computer workstations, cash registers and other peripherals. Credit card transactions are handled over the internet. A DSL modem provides internet connections. The software vendor can dial in remotely through a modem to perform diagnostics. The Fire Department has several computers at their building, which are generally maintained by fire department members. Computers and printers are linked with each other. Monthly reports are done online. A DSL modem provides internet connections. 14 City of Monticello Traffic Si2:nal Systems All traffic signals in Monticello are located on public streets shared with the State of Minnesota and/or Wright County. The state and/or county maintain the electronics associated with the traffic controls. City of Monticello Electronic Security and Video Systems The community center has a superior video security system in place that covers most areas of the center and is taped during all hours that the center is open. All cameras can be monitored from designated computers. Views show in color and can be adjusted in many ways. All data is stored to CD, which can be accessed and saved or printed as needed. Currently, all data is being kept; a records retention schedule is being developed for this. The Deputy Registrar office contracts with Wright-Hennepin to provide security service. The building is armed when unoccupied. Hi Way Liquors has a video security system, which monitors 24 hours a day and is stored on VCR tapes. Images are in black and white and can be viewed using a VCR. Backups are stored for 5 weeks. When the building is closed, the security system is armed. City of Monticello Telephonv System All phone (voice) service is contracted through TDS and long distance is through TDS Metrocom. The city utilizes centrex phone service and leases our phones through TDS. City of Monticello Video (Cable) Systems The City is a member of the Wright-Sherburne Cable Commission, which has a franchise agreement with Charter Communications. Each city represented in the commission signs an agreement with Charter that outlines the provisions of the franchise. The agreement allows Charter to lay cable in the affected cities and provide telecommunication services currently video (cable TV) and internet. A portion of the customer fees is designated as a franchise fee, which goes back to the member cities in the form of equipment and improvements. Each member city also receives certain "free" services from Charter, such as cable TV at their city hall at no charge for basic programming. Charter Communications provides several channels of public access TV. One is used to televise public meetings; another is used for education. 15 City of Monticello Public Safety Systems The City has a base station and 2-way radios that are used for general communications by the public works departments. This system is also maintained for civil defense purposes and is tested on a regular basis. The City also receives specialized weather updates via the internet. City of Monticello: Other Relevant Systems The city wells, pumps and lift stations and Monticello wastewater treatment plant are monitored for security and alarms. City of Monticello Installed Fiber or Other Public Fiber The City recently established a policy to install conduit in new road construction, with the intent of using it for future deployment of fiber. Monticello School District #877 deployed a fiber network between all of its buildings in the last two years. 16 Council Agenda -04/10/2006 9. Consideration of 0 tions to Minimize the Use of the Leaf and Grass Com ostin Facility. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item was last updated for the Council on October 24, 2005, at that time I provided the council with background prior to 2005 and the operations that occurred in 2005. A copy of that update is included with your packet. Action taken at the October 24,2005 meeting indicated that Pat Sawatzke would be bringing a request before the County board to allow us to bring compost material, which I assume would be leaves and grass only, to the County facility on County Road 37 at no cost. I have contacted Chuck Davis, with Wright County to see if that has been done. (whether or not we could drop our leaves and grass at no cbarge). If that is not possible we can check with V onCo n if they could accept larger quantities of leaves and grass to be mixed with their daily cover as they do take such material free of charge from Monticello citizens along with a small amount of brush. The Council recently asked for an npdate on reducing the amount of materials in our compost site and again asked us to look at some options. Since the compost site is currently kept unlocked, the quantity and quality of the incoming is difficult to control. We can step up patrols of the area and allow some time each day for material clean up to keep the site looking good. The best way to manage the site is to reduce the amount of material coming in. The compost is a valuable product for the City and will become more valuable in the future as we add such things to our top soil to add moisture holding capability so use of the finished product is not a problem. The following options have become available through Onyx Waste: 1.) Offer residents a 95 gallon cart picked up once a week at curb side for disposal of un- bagged leaves and grass at a cost of $13.25 per month. This price is contingent upon being able to dump the leaves and grass, free of charge, at the County's compost facility on County Road 37. Having to dispose of these materials outside of our compost site or the County's compost site would increase the cost $12 per month per 95 gallon cart. 2.) Place a drop off site for leaves and grass at the Public Works facility near our material bins. The drop off would be a 30 yard roll off box for de-bagged grass and leaves. The cost would be $50 per box dumped at the Wright County compost facility free of charge, if disposed of outside, it would be $75 per box plus an addition $9.00 per yard. 3.) Since loose leaves would fill a 30 yard box very quickly, option 3 would be to place a 30 yard compactor at the Public Works facility near the bins for drop off. This would cut down the volume of leaves significantly. It would also significantly reduce the hauling of grass. The only cost at this time would be the same cost listed above for disposal and hauling and we would need to supply power to the compactor so that Public Works personnel could operate it once a day, if needed. Onyx would supply a used compactor free of charge for a trial period. All boxes at the Public Works facility would be covered with a tarp. 4.) Limit the use of any of our drop off sites by contractors again. ~D l~ Council Meeting -04/10/2006 The above options can help reduce the amount of grass and leaves coming in to our facility out on West River Street. In conjunction we would remove finished compost product and stock pile it in other areas of the City. The finished compost, as previously stated, is not the problem. It takes 18 months to 2 years to produce a finished compost product sometimes longer depending upon the weather. The site simply does not have enough room for the amount that is currently entering the site. The noise during the turning and water piles is offensive to the neighbors. The smell is also offensive at times. We are continuing to have our spring and fall leaf pickup at curbside, this also helps the amount of waste going into the facility. The spring pick up this year is scheduled for Saturday, April 29, 2006 at 7:00 am. The recent clear cutting of brush and trees under the powers lines by the power company in the area of the compost facility and our storage site also make the operation a bit of an eye sore. Our material storage facility will be dealt with with our Public Works facility study which will not only look at building space but storage areas. The compost facility itself sticks out like a sore thumb where it was partially screened previously. We should continue to look at relocating it. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to look at the options we have and select those options we have that give our residents reasonable access for disposal of leaves and grass. The term reasonable may vary from resident to resident consequently the council may have to offer several options. Certainly the option of having curb side pick of leaves and grass on a weekly basis will appeal to many residents while others may not have a problem driving I or more miles to dispose of their materials. Consequently option 1 would implement curb side pick up at a cost of $13.25 per month and provide an alternate drop off site at Public Works using a compactor and requiring contractors to use alternate methods of disposal of leaves and grass from the City. 2. The second alternative would be a different combination of the options available. 3. The third alternative would be to seek a different site in an agricultural area not near any residential properties for establishing a new compost facility. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works director that the City Council seriously consider alternatives 1 and 3 to be done simultaneously to take the load off the existing facility, to provide alternative drop off sites and provide curb side pick up for those that need it while looking for another site in an agricultural area to build a compost facility. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of previous updates from October 2005, a copy of section of the City's Newsletter relating to the compost site and leaf pick up, a copy of the proposal from Onyx Waste dated 03/31/06 for curb side pick up and hauling of 30 yard boxes ofIeaves and grass. '\ a 'C~ Council Update: Leaf and Grass Compostinll Facility. (1.S.) Council Meeting - 10/24/2005 The City's leaf and grass composting facility is located on West River Street in a residential area adjoining Montissippi Park. The land is partly owned by the City of Monticello and partly on leased land owned by Wright County. The site is located next to the old city dump which is now a material storage facility and is also adjacent to the Daryl Tindle residence at 1707 West River Street. Over the years the City has had complaints about the operation of the facility, mainly due to litter, debris, the use of the facility in early morning or late evening hours, and the odors generated from the ever increasing quantities ofleaves and grass at the site. The facility was normally kept locked and access was by a key that could be obtained by signing out at the Public Works Facility. During the summer months the facility was manned on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings by using a summer worker. The summer worker's job was not only to keep the gate open but to also do some miscellaneous cleanup around the site during those hours. Approximately four years ago we began to realize that the amount of materials coming into the site was more than the site could handle and that the quality of the compost was decreasing due to the amount of brush, garbage, bags, cans and rocks, etc. that were being dropped off and buried in the leaves and grass. It takes about 18 months to provide any type of finished product and sometimes more. Odors do occur, especially when the piles are turned and mixed. The leaves and grass are mixed together to reduce the amount of odors. Realizing that the facility could no longer handle the amount of materials coming in, the Public Works Department looked at ways to control the use of the facility and get back to a quality compost product. We realize that the few people that were stopping by to pick up a key were a minority when we looked at the quantity of materials at the site. The lock at the facility was a simple master lock and it was apparent that the key was being copied and we estimate that there were probably 1,000 to 1,500 keys out in general public use by City residents, contractors and conceivably even residents from adjoining communities or townships. Over the winter of2003/2004 we began looking at ways we could control the amount of unwanted materials going into the site and also the total quantity of materials going into the site. We worked with Wright County to make sure that our citizens could drop off materials at the Wright County Compost Facility free of charge and made an arrangement with Veit that our citizens could drop off brush, grass and leaves at the V onco II facility located off of County Road 11 in Sherburne County approximately three miles from the City. With alternate drop offpoints available, we looked at ways to control access to the site. We needed to change the lock at the facility so that we could restrict access to daytime hours and would continue to have direct access on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings during the summer months. We changed the lock to a Medeco secure system whereby the keys were not reproducible. We had ten keys made. The drawback with this system is that you must retain your keys or the security system is breached and re-keying the system would cost $175 plus the cost of the keys. We had to make sure that the users of the keys returned them. We checked with the Wright County Sheriff's Department and asked if we were allowed to keep a driver's license as security for the key. We were informed that that should not be a problem. To verify this we also checked with one of the local deputies and he indicated that that would not be problem. Ib~ Council Meeting - 10/24/2005 We initiated this new program in spring of 2004. While initially we had some comments about the new system, out of all the people that used the system, only five people continually complained about the system or tried to beat the system with an expired driver's license, etc. The improvements worked quite well and reduced the amount of leaves and grass going to our facility and cleaned up the product significantly. Complaints from neighbors during 2004 were minimal and the odors produced were significantly less. fu 2005, at the beginning of the year the City Council directed staff to open the facility up for full access. Consequently, the lock was removed and the facility assigned to be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. More signs were put up telling people where to dump and to empty their bags and that only leaves and grass were allowed to be dumped at the facility. The facility operated fairly well the summer of 2005. We did have renewed complaints from the neighbors and we continued to have small amounts of unwanted materials dumped at the site. The amount of product at the facility significantly increased over 2004 and the site continues to generate odors even when the piles are not turned. It is obvious that this is now a regional dumping area for leaves and grass and not just for City of Monticello residents. The options for the future are to again try to restrict the amount of materials going into this site and trying to manage it to what the site can handle, or somehow open another site in a non residential area where we can figure out a way to serve only the residents of Monticello and not be a regional dumping facility. fu order to properly handle what is coming into our facility now and for the foreseeable future we would need 2 Yz to 5 acres to allow for adequate room for access, dumping, turning and storage ofthe finished product. We have some time to think about this but I believe it is unfair to the residents in this area to continue keeping this as a regional facility and letting its usage grow beyond its capacity. ,ai TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO RELOCATE THE ONE SIGN TO THE RIVER STREET LOCA TION. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Council Agenda - lO/24/05 Added Items: Park Place Drive: Clint Herbst stated he had received a letter from a resident in the Klein Farms 7th Addition regarding the completion of the work in the development. Bret Weiss indicated that there was a dispute with the contractor about work not being built to the City's design standards. The developer was given the option to replace the work in question, or have a deduct from the contract. There is no longer a letter of credit in effect from the developer. Clint Herbst suggested the Council move forward with having the City complete the work. If the City decides to pursue litigation that could be done at a later time. Bret Weiss stated he wasn't sure if the work could be completed this fall and if not it would be done next spring. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO HAVE THE CITY PROCEED WITH THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION IN THE KLEIN FARMS 7TH ADDITION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. "* Compost Facility: John Simola had prepared an update on the City's compost facility. Clint Herbst stated he had contacted Commissioner Pat Sawatzke about treating the compost at the County's facility. Pat Sawatzke indicated that he would bring this before the County Board. Pat Sawatzke dido't believe the County would charge for takiug the compost material but the City would have to pay tbe cost of hauling the material out there. Brian Stumpf stated he would like to hold off on making a decision on this until John Simola gets back. Linn and Front Street Erosion: Representative Bruce Anderson had contacted the Mayor and Council about an erosion problem in the area ofLiun and Front Street. City Engineer Bruce Westby stated that in September the property Owner had contacted the City about the problem. He and Bret Weiss investigated the situation where the property owners back yard is sloughing off into the river. Runoff from the street is contributing to the problem because the driveway apron is sitting low and the runoff from the street euters at this point. WSB is looking at slope stabilization issues and funding possibilities in an effort to come up with a solution. It was noted that the City had experienced some very heavy periods of rain and that there were also springs located in the area. In addition the property OWner does not have a concrete basement so there was water in the basement that was seeping out. Wayoe Mayer said his concern was that Bruce Anderson felt the storm sewer system was inadequate. Wayoe Mayer suggested building up the apron as a possible remedy. Bruce Westby said they would be coming back to the Council with some recommendation. Bruce Westby felt the City needed to look at increasing the capacity of the storm sewer in the area and look at other options for directing water away from the property. Brian Stumpf would like a letter sent to Bruce Anderson so he knows the City acted on this item. Bret Weiss said a recommendation would be made at the November 14, 2005 meeting unless the Council wanted to proceed with something before then. The bank needs to be stabilized and an overflow swale constructed which he estimated would cost between $40,000- $50,000. 14 '\ D '6 3-31-06 City of Monticello Two 30 yard roll off boxes for de-bagged compost: $50.00 per pull per box dumped at Wright county site City of Monticello takes care of disposal cost $75.00 per pull per box dumped in St Cloud Additional $9.00 per yard Weekly curbside de-bagged compost pick up: City of Monticello supplies the cart $12.00 per customer per month Disposal: City of Monticello takes care of disposal if dumped at Wright county site Additional $12.00 per customer per month if dumped in St Cloud Thank You, Gary Kammers Operations Manager Onyx North America Onyx Waste Services Midwest, Inc. 2355 12''' Street South East, St. Cloud, MN 56304 Bus; 320.251.8919 Fax 320.251.7113 \O~ Council Agenda -04/10/2006 10. Consideration of Color Selection for the New Water Tower. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The concrete support column for the new water tower is almost complete. Construction of the steel tank is expected to begin within a few weeks. I have passed along staff and Council's concern over the timely completion of the project to the project manager, Mark Rolfs of Bonestroo, and the project engineer, Tim Grinstead also of Bon est roo. Mark will be available at Monday's meeting to go over an updated schedule for the project. Substantial completion of the project is to occur on or before September 1,2006. This means that all of the steel holding water would have to be painted and cured prior to this date as the water tower must be totally operational. The remaining portion of the project must be completed no later than October 1, 2006. That would include the final punch list items, site grading, bituminous driveway, etc. The Water Department has worked with the contractor and engineer in picking out a couple of colors for the water tower paint, which includes the tank portion above the concrete and the steel doors for entry into the facility. The 2 colors chosen by the Water Department are; 1.) Winter Mist - 07WH and 2.) Bare Beige-50RD. The Tnemec color chart will be available at Monday evening's meeting. Mark will also have a copy of the logo and lettering as it will appear on the tank. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the color Winter Mist for the new tower tank along with our standard logo and lettering as per the base bid in the contract. 2. The second alternative would be approve the color Bare Beige for the new tower tank along with our standard logo and lettering as per the base bid in the contract. 3. The third alternative would be to pick another color from the color chart as determined by the City Council along with the standard logo and lettering as per the base bid in the contract. 4. The fourth alternative would be to choose a custom color and/or a special logo and have the contractor price the custom paint and/or different logo. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, Water Superintendent, the Water Department and the Project Manager, Mark Rolfs, that the City Council choose either alternative 1 or 2, Winter Mist or Bare Beige along with our standard logo and lettering as per the base bid in the contract. The lighter color should hide any chocking that may occur in the later years of the life of the coatings as well as provide an attractive background for the logo and lettering and not provide a heat sink during the warm summer months. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None \ \ (') Council Agenda: 4/1 0/06 11. Consideration of Authorizine: Construction of a Temporarv Sedimentation Pond and Berm at Spirit Hills South to Provide Stormwater Manae:ement for Properties within the Wildwood Ride:e 2nd Addition Development (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2006-07C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item addresses the drainage problem along the western properties of the Wildwood Ridge 2nd Addition development. Currently, drainage from the undeveloped Spirit Hills South plat is being directed towards these developments causing standing water to be present in the adjacent backyards. Existing catch basins located in these backyards do not have the capacity to accommodate the amount of drainage being directed to them. The undeveloped Spirit Hills property was previously farmed and has not been cultivated since that time. As a result, vegetation has not been established to control the stormwater runoff generated from the site. To manage the runoff from the site, City staff is proposing to construct a temporary sedimentation pond at the southeast comer of the Spirit Hills South plat. A berm will also be constructed along the easterly boundary to redirect drainage away from the adjacent backyards to the temporary pond. Existing storm sewer at the northeast corner of the Hillside Farms development will be extended to the temporary pond to provide an outlet for the pond. The temporary pond and storm sewer were planned to be constructed with the Spirit Hills South development; however, since that development is not moving forward this year, there is a need to construct the improvements at this time. The developer has indicated that he will grant permission to the City to construct the improvements. City staff will work with the developer to be reimbursed for the improvements as part of the Developer's Agreement. We will be obtaining a quote from the contractor currently mobilized on the adjacent Hillside Farms development and will have the estimated cost to construct the improvements at the Council meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize the construction of a temporary sedimentation pond and berm to provide storm water management for the Spirit Hills South/Wildwood Ridge 2nd Addition area. 2. Do not authorize the work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and Public Works Director to select Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans F.- IJawnglIWrdprocl1006 Cauncil AgendasI4.) 0-061) lAurharizeSpirirHill,- WildlWOdRldgePand-040606.dac \ \ \ Xz WO o~ Z~ w o o " t;; * o w :J 0.. ::I! o o w m 8 ~ (lj ~ g g ...J o ffi ~ ~ 8 '" " ::;: ~ I>: 0 ~ f5 Vl r-- w w :r:: Vl '<!- Vl Z <( f- Z o u z :s 0.- :J ~ '" w o ~ i5 I>: o o ::;: OCOE 0....8 'Z;:/;, _",cn -:3 c: U)zll fi~~ si~ '" co ~ ::l '" " c: '" c: ,. -- <(::< co '2 '" X ~i5 '"';"j:: ~f5 ~I>: ~~ '7~ ~~ ~~ 11 w W I 0- f- 01>: Ww 1>:0 i5Z :J >- ::;:~ f5~ c", "Z :JW Vl :r:: f- ~ ' ~~ --1~ ;S :~ .. ~11!. ,! ..~ ! !:'~ ~ ":18 5w ::Ji= ~~ <( ~~ :s~ WO ::;:u; 1i;~ o cO-: ~c.. <(0 fulX 0-:" c..w o ~::J ~>- >;5;<" ::JOO lJi c..<(~ 2 !!l::;:iE u i=:"::>i I ~~: ;:;; /;:0 ~ ~::;: W ~ ~ iE ffi ~ 15 ffi:r ~ :i7l:5 55 '" :t o " " o ~ <) ffi ;:i ..-- C'.I ..., ...... ~~ >i. ~ J:: '" '" 8 N <5 ...J 12 !le ~ o ~ o .... 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