Fibernet Advisory Board Minutes 09-15-2015MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — FIBERNET MONTICELLO ADVISORY BOARD Tuesday, September 15th, 2015, Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Dennis Sullivan Absent: Jacob Kramer, Jon Morphew Others: Jeff O'Neill, Rachel Leonard, Bryan Rabe, Joe Buttweiler 1. Call to Order Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 2. Additions to Agenda • Yondoo agreement • XO contract expiration date • FiberNet Speed Test • Monticello Chamber's Harvest Expo 3. Approval of Meetinp_ Minutes CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 11TH, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. DENNIS SULLIVAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. 4. Network Update • Bryan Rabe updated on preliminary use of Calix Compass by the technicians. Rabe also updated the board on new ways to monitor the network for potential illegal activity. Rachel Leonard informed the board about FiberNet policies in response to potential illegal uses of the internet. • Rachel Leonard informed the board the initial trial of the GigaCenters is complete. • Staff updated the board on the latest bill from Golden West. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO RECOMMEND KEEPING GOLDEN WEST FOR AFTER -HOURS TECH SUPPORT FOR ANOTHER 6 MONTHS. DENNIS SULLIVAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. • Bryan Rabe updated board on recovery of a password previously unavailable after staff turnover. 5. Business Office Update • Rachel Leonard provided the latest subscriber data. • Rachel Leonard provided an update on reaction to the upcoming 1011115 internet price change. 6. Consideration of approving additional internet speed packages and pricinp, CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO APPROVE THE NEW SPEED PACKAGES AND PRICING AS PRESENTED. DENNIS SULLIVAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3-0. FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes: 9/15/15 7. Management Update Jeff O'Neill updated the board on current management options. O'Neill introduced Joe Buttweiler from Consolidated Telecommunications Company (CTC) out of Brainerd, MN. The board discussed potential options for working with CTC. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO WORK WITH CONSOLIDATED TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY ON A PROPOSAL AND TO TEMPORARILY POSTPONE HIRING A BUSINESS MANAGER. DENNIS SULLIVAN SECO DED'I'HE OTION— T�FOTIGN C2IRRIED -3 =0. 8. Financial Update Update for month ending 8/31/15 was distributed for board members. 9. Consideration of changing December meeting date from 12/15/15 to 12/8/15 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO CHANGE THE DECEMBER MEETING DATE FROM 12/15/15 TO 12/8/15. CHARLOTTE GABLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. 10. Added Items • Jeff O'Neill provided an update on Yondoo. The negotiations team appointed by City Council will see the updated version of the contract in September. • Rachel Leonard reported that the current contract with XO expires on 9/1/2016. • Bryan Rabe requested authorization to purchase a speed test license for FiberNet. He reported a one -time set -up fee of $1,000 and a one year price of $1,995.00. DENNIS SULLIVAN MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THE SPEED TEST LICENSE FOR ONE YEAR. CHARLOTTE GABLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3-0. • Discussion of the 2015 Chamber Harvest Expo. Board members supportive of FiberNet's participation again this year. 11. Next Meeting The next meeting of the FiberNet Monticello Advisory Board is scheduled for October 13tH, 2015 in the Boom Island Room at the Monticello Community Center. 12. Adi ournment DENNIS SULLIVAN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:40 PM. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE OTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. Recorder: Rachel Leonard Approved: October 13, 2015 Attest: Jeff eill, City Administrator 2