Fibernet Advisory Board Minutes 08-11-2015MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — FIBERNET MONTICELLO ADVISORY BOARD Tuesday, August IIt', 2015, Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Jacob Kramer, Jon Morphew, Dennis Sullivan Absent: Others: Jeff O'Neill, Rachel Leonard, Bryan Rabe 1. Call to Order Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 2. Additions to AlZenda Financial Report from Finance Director FiberNet Facebook Page 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes JON MORPHEW MOVED TO APPROVE THE JULY 14TH, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. DENNIS SULLIVAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0 WITH 1 ABSTENTION. 4. Network Update • Bryan Rabe provided an update on the 10 gig ring. • Bryan Rabe informed the board that the City Council approved the Calix Compass trial at the August 10th meeting. Purchase order has been sent to Calix. • Bryan Rabe highlighted the upcoming GigaCenter trial. Installs are currently being scheduled for the test customers. 5. Business Office Update • Rachel Leonard provided the latest subscriber data. • Rachel Leonard updated the board on the most recent bill from Golden West. It is the first correct bill since they discovered their error. Board requested to see next month's bill and will make a recommendation to City Council in September. • Jeff O'Neill updated the board on the recent number of data requests made involving FiberNet and staff efforts to comply efficiently and appropriately. Brian Stumpf reviewed City Council decision at the August 10th meeting requesting city attorney and staff to research whether there is merit to a harassment/burdensome claim for some of the requests. 6. Business Manager Update Jeff O'Neill informed the board that the first round of interviews are complete. 3 candidates were selected for second interviews. However, due to unanticipated staff changes, the second round of interviews has been postponed. 7. Yondoo Update FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes: 8/11/15 Jeff O'Neill updated the board on the progress of the negotiations with Yondoo. The city attorney is currently working on the structure of the agreement with Yondoo staff. Hoping to have a final version ready for an upcoming City Council meeting. Rachel Leonard also informed the board of a small number of upcoming channel renewals. Decision about Yondoo will need to be made to determine how to proceed with the renewals. 11. Consideration of removing legacy /loyalty pricing for residential internet to create consistent pricing for all internet customers Rachel Leonard provided a summary of the changes made to residential internet in the fall of 2014 and requested approval to complete the promotion. All subscribers would pay the same price for 50M internet as of October 1, 2015. Leonard outlined the communication plan for informing affected subscribers and the financial impacts of the change. Dennis Sullivan asked about the choice to limit residential internet to two speed options. Rachel Leonard and Bryan Rabe outlined future options for providing additional speeds if the board chooses. JON MORPHEW MOVED TO APPROVE REMOVAL OF LEGACY /LOYALTY PRICING AND PROMOTIONS. CHARLOTTE GABLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0 WITH 1 ABSTENTION. 12. Added Items Rachel Leonard informed the board about a need to update some of the settings on the FiberNet Facebook Page. 13. Next Meeting The next meeting of the FiberNet Monticello Advisory Board is scheduled for September 15th, 2015 in the Boom Island Room at the Monticello Community Center. 14. Adiournment DENNIS SULLIVAN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:30 PM. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0 WITH 1 ABSTENTION. Recorder: Rachel Leonard-, I Approved: 5 4 e m k9 is r 151 2015 'i Attest: Je ill, City Administrator 2