BCOL Advisory Council Agenda Packet 08-05-2011Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Agenda BERTRAM L A IN E Room, August 57, 20118:00 AM REGIONAL PARK Bridge Monticello Community Center 1) Approval of June minutes 2) Consideration of adding to and approving agenda 3) Family Fun Day recap (Kitty, Stacy) 4) Update on County Board and City Council actions regarding 2011 proposed purchase (map attached) (Pat, Rose, Clint, Glen) 5) Donation recognition - Cargill (Angela) 6) Establish date and time for Guy Robinson /Lake George Park tour (Angela) 7) Year 2012 grant funding updates 8) Friends update (Rose, Sandra) 9) Treasurer's report (attached) 10) Cancel September Advisory Board meeting (Chair) 11) October agenda items: Adoption of Park Development Plan /next steps (Chair) 12) Adjourn U) w Q J LL O Z Q 2 ei f-- Q' w m 0 0 CS o 0 0 0 0 0 0 OM M O O � 0 0 0 0 MO N 04 Ln t0 Ln Ln • V} ,U i/? 14 in V., H > m >. m U c U C C C p p m m O O �, C C c v C 0 ++ m '++ m ca \ c m c m o 0 � � m ULO V1 N O LL p _c E _i E dA Op m m � > c m m _c C C C _ •� LL O d4 w E E a' > > fu ou Q w •� L L U Ln N L L E t7 L L o o a- -Y LL LL LL Q LO LL IZ d LL O O N O v` Q a) a1 ? u m U U m u m C a) 41 rI a' oC w _0 C C • a) Ln N H C O O H cO G y 0 O O O M M • O O v U CL L E C O C O LL 4- O p O O O L p p N ' M a O C O O U U C co j V =� O 2. v Q Q C13 > .v O -a y U = U U c — — Op — _ •C d cn m a u v v v 00 C M Ln O m o M 0 M 0 M 0 m 00 O 0 M 0 M N Ln lD l0 Ln Ln 00 w L . N LA LLf) d1 N Ol N 01 N c3i N 01 N 01 N 01 N 0) N a1 N c� N O N Ln Ln Lf1 Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Lfl Lll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > > n a > > > . > > > aJ d x X W W v v v v v Lroo, 0 0 0 0 0 r-I ri cri r-I r-I ri ri r I a -I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES (BCOL) REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, June 3, 20118: 00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Advisory Councii Members Present: Glen Posusta, Lyle Trunnel, Pat Sawatzke, Rose Thelen, Wes Olson, Clint Herbst, Janice Bergstrom, Gene Emanuel, Pete Stupar, Sandra Theros Advisory Council Members Absent: Jim Lindberg, Larry Hance, Martyn Dibben Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Tom Pawelk, Marc Mattice, Graham Sones Staff Absent: Kitty Baltos, Stacy Marquardt 1) Call to order Glen Posusta called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. 2) Approval of May 6, 2011 Meeting Minutes WES OLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 6, 2011 MEETING MINUTES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY ROSE THELEN. MOTION CARRIED 10 -0. 3) Consideration of adding to and approving agenda a) MN Youth Soccer Association b) Family Fun Day 4) Mountain Bike Club request for booth -Fun Day Event Don from Broadway Cycle asked to host a booth at the Bertram Family Fun Day to conduct helmet safety checks and promote the Mountain Bike Club of Monticello. He may bring some mountain bikes and offer tours of the existing trails. There was some discussion about the importance of noting that the trail system plan has not yet been established. ROSE THELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MOUNTAIN BIKE CLUB OF MONTICELLO'S REQUEST TO HOST A BOOTH AT THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK FAMILY FUN DAY EVENT AND REQUESTED THAT THE CLUB PROVIDE A COPY OF THEIR MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL MAP TO THE ADVISORY COUNCIL. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST. MOTION CARRIED 10 -0. 5) Update on Master Plan Efforts Graham Sones summarized the process of classifying land uses throughout the park and outlined the long term goal of restoring the land. There is a history of wetlands, dry BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Minutes: 06/03/11 prairie, pre - settlement oak hardwood forest, oak savannah, prime farmland, woodland and forest. He pointed to the need for more information on water quality as lake ecology is key in the park. One of the goals of the plan is to designate different land uses within the park as destinations for the revised trail system. This effort will likely involve eliminating some existing trails, rerouting others based on slope, alignment and areas to be preserved, and creating a number of ADA accessible trails. He encouraged continued feedback on the conceptual layout of the plan. 6) 2011 Purchase Update Marc Mattice clarified existing park area, project boundary, and proposed acquisition outlines on the property map provided as a visual tool for the Advisory Council. Total acquisition cost for the Bertram property is $2,282,972 with $1,076,974 available in grants at this point. This results in a cost of $602,999 each for the City and County for the next acquisition. The Wright County Board will be asked to authorize project match funds in June. Monticello City Council will be asked to provide its local match through available park dedication funds on June 27th. 7) Future of YMCA Day Camp Operations /Locations Within Park Several Advisory Council members attended the Y tour at the Bertram Park. The site visit helped provide a sense of size of the park and the distance between the proposed Y camp space needs and those of the general public. There was some concern about the Y looking to expand their day camp operations and discussion about potential consequences of shared amphitheater space and beach access. The Advisory Council also noted that signing a 99 -year lease with the Y would limit future potential programming options. There was general agreement about the importance of having the park open to the public rather than limiting the hours of certain areas of the park due to Y use. A number of Advisory Council members suggested that the Y campsites and events might be best placed to the west of the amphitheater and to the south of the property in general rather than using the NW corner of the property as recently proposed. It will be necessary to renegotiate property purchase price with Y based on the new appraisal and changing economy. The deadline of December 31, 2013 to purchase the property would likely need to be extended. The Council agreed to visit the Guy Robinson Day Camp to see how it operates prior to making further decisions about the Y's proposals. 8) Set date and time to tour Lake George Regional Park/Guy Robinson Day Camp Angela Schumann will schedule a meeting date for the Advisory Council field trip to the Guy Robinson Day Camp. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Minutes: 06/03/11 9) Treasurer's Report Marc Mattice reported that there is a balance of $3,310 in Bertram Friends funds as well as a $100 check expected as a donation from the Parks and Trails Council to be used for land acquisition. There was brief discussion about the process of designating funds received in the account. ROSE THELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE USE OF THE $2,000 RECEIVED FROM THE 2011 MOTORCROSS RACE FOR PROGRAMMING FOR THE FRIENDS OF BERTRAM PARK. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST. MOTION CARRIED 10 -0. 10) Friends Updates Sandra Theros reported that the Friends of Bertram meetings are now held at 6:30 pm the first Wednesday of each month. Although a number of Friends events were subject to rainy weather, they've received positive feedback about the park. The Friends have ordered banners to identify them as they walk in Riverfest parade. Graham Sones will help produce a CD for the Friends to sell to promote and raise funds for the park. 11) Consideration of items added to the a enda a) MN Youth Soccer Association Jeff O'Neill reported that the MYSA will present the Bertram concept to their board at a June 11th meeting. He will keep the Advisory Council posted as to MYSA's plans. b) Family Fun Day Rose Thelen asked for additional volunteer assistance with Family Fun Day. Help is needed at both the welcome station and the information booth. Sentence to Serve crews will help with the walking sticks. Volunteers are to meet at the park early and check in with Kitty. 12) Adjournment SANDRA THEROS MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:20 AM. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST. MOTION CARRIED 10 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri Approved: August 5, 2011 Attest: Angela Schumann, Bertram Advisory Council