BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 02-05-2010BERTRAM ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2010,8:00 A.M. Board Members in Attendance:Glen Posusta- Chair, Clint Herbst, Pat Sawatzke, Rose Thelen, Larry Hance, Lyle Trunnel, Martyn Dibben, Jim Lindberg, Gene Emanuel and Pete Stupar. Board Members Absent: Wes Olson, Janice Bergstrom and Ron Broekemeier Staff Members Present: Marc Mattice, Stacey Marquartte, Tom Pawelk, Jeff O'Neill and Kitty Baltos 1. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 a.m. by Chair, Glen Posusta. 2. Consideration of addin items to and approving the agenda, No items were added to the agenda. 3. Approval of the Minutes Martyn Dibbens made a MOTION to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion was SECONDED by Clint Herbst. Motion passes unanimously. 4. Funding Options Marc Mattice provide a spreadsheet identifying the funding options to date as well as the required local matches through phase II. He identified possible funding sources for phases III to completion. He noted that the Metro Greeway Grant is due soon and if successful, would need to be spent by June 30, 2010. Angela Schumann is working on the grant through the LCCMR which is due April 9, 2010. The Council discussed the ability for the City and the County to contribute towards the local match. The Council needs to determine a negotiating committee to work with the YMCA as the funds currently available are less than what the City and County have received thus far. The Council agreed that the negotiating team should include two representatives from the County and from the City, Jeff O'Neill and Marc Mattice: 5. Time Lines. Information was provided with each sub - committees report. 6. Sub Committee Updates and Process Approvals a. Athletic Fields: Tom Pawelk received information from Rosemount on complex plans they are in the process of building. He will have the County put the plans into the park plan. Tom Pawelk, responding to questions from the Council, noted that the City's Capital Improvement Plan shows that the athletic complex would be done at one time and is in the plan for 2014 after the land is purchased. b. Park Use: Pat Sawatzke provided information on the progress. The sub committee reviewed the concept plan for the park, discussed revisions and the need for a second concept plan, reviewed the public input to see if any issues and /or facilities were missed that were to be included. The sub - committee felt the plan looked in order, made a few minor adjustments that will be incorporated in the draft plan prior to a public open house. A timeline for concept plan adoption was established: i. March 2010- Review concept plan with Advisory Council ii. April 2010 - Advertise /notices on public open houses to receive feedback on the concept plan. iii. May 2010 -Hold open house, public review of concept plan and project update. All sub- committees should be present with information available. iv. June 2010 -Amend concept plan as needed. v. July /August 2010 - Adoption by Advisory Board, or additional open house if major changes are incorporated. 7 The Council discussed the possible need to tear down the current house and perhaps build a small cabin for a camp manager. c. Technical Resources: Martyn Dibben discussed some of the findings from the cultural and environmental report that noted a few sites that might have significant findings and need further study. d. Friends of Bertram: Rose Thelen provided handouts showing the Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota's web site on which the Friends of Bertram are able to accept donations. She also provided their Statement of Fiscal Agency Relationship and Agreement under which these donations can be accepted. The committee intends to use any donations generally towards acquisition with possibly a small amount going towards administrative /maintenance costs. The committee has or plans to establish an 800 number, a post office box, a web site, brochures, a facebook page and participate in exhibitions. Their annual meeting to approve the agreement is February 12, 2010. Rose asked if the Council had considered the logo that the Friends was using. The Council consensus was to continue using the logo. There was some discussion about their plans to provide information to the Council on donations and if they are planning to establish a legacy program. Rose provided a Fiscal Policy statement to the Council for their consideration. The policy would provide that any funds raised by FOBL would go towards acquisition and establishment of Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional park. A minimal amount of fund will be retained for administrative costs, such as phone, postal box, website operations, bank checks and postage. Additional it is expected that funds will be needed to purchase materials for promotional purposes, such as brochures, display materials, and occasionalgoofaws. Any amounts collected over and above these needs will be deposited in the account specified for purchase of Bertram La kes. Bertram Lakes would like to maintain a balance of $1,000 and would like permission to expend funds under $250 (or an amount specified by the Council), without prior approval from the Council. Expenditures over that amount would come to the Council for approval. BL Council should designate officers or others who could approve expenditures as needed between meetings. FOBL will be sending information out to its members on facebook, website and also through individual emails. The Council should determine whether it wants these approved before they are sent, and by whom. FOBL would like to recruit Council members to join their group. A MOTION was made by Larry Hance to approve the fiscal policy provided by the Friends. The motion was SECONDED by Pat Sawatzke. MOTION PASSES unanimously. Ideas for March Agenda. a. Summer event ideas b. Concept plans approved c. Funding updates d. Report from negotiating committee e. Friends Group, develop a process for how donations are spent. MOTION by Pat Sawatzke to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 a.m.