Friday, March 5, 2010
8:00 a.m.
Monticello City Hall
Advisory Council Members Present: Martyn Dibben, Lyle Trunnel, Pete Stupar, Pat Sawatzke,
Larry Hance, Janice Bergstrom, Jim Lindberg, Rose Thelen, Glen Posusta, and Clint Herbst.
Staff Present: Stacy Marquardt, Kitty Baltos, Tom Pawelk, and Marc Mattice.
Others Present: Jim Hayes; Monticello Township Resident.
L Consideration of Adding Items to and A pproving the Agenda.
Discussion of motorcycle race held by Norseman was added to the agenda by Pawelk.
2. Approval of Minutes:
The minutes from the February meeting were not completed. Kitty will make them
available when they are completed.
3. Legislative Update:
Mattice informed the group that the Bertram Project has been unsuccessful in makin
headway into the conference committee's version of the bonding bill. g
4. Review of Conce t and Natural Resource restoration Plan:
A. The document needs to include a few pages explaining a variety of topics and thoughts.
( Mattice will e -mail out to others an outline of items to be included in each section.)
Suggestions for sections within the document include:
i• Planning overview (Mattice will draft)
ii. Acknowledgements (Mattice will draft)
iii. Introduction (Mattice will draft)
iv. Setting and History (Lindberg will draft)
V. Master Plan and Accessibility ( Baltos will draft)
vi. Management and Issues ( Pawelk and Athletic Field Subcommittee will draft)
vii. Implementation Plan (Marquardt /Mattice and Park Use Subcommittee will
viii. Site Resource Analysis and Restoration Plan (Mattice and Technical Resources
Committee will draft)
B. Those present reviewed the concept plan and restoration plan. Most felt the plans
looked good, but the Athletic Field Subcommittee has changes to make regarding the
layout and will complete prior to the next meeting.
C. An open house was scheduled to give the public an opportunity to view and discuss the
concept plan. The date of the open house was set for May 18, 2010 at Monticello City
Hall, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
D. The open house format was discussed and will include:
i. A large group presentation on the project starting at 7:10 p.m.
ii. Each subcommittee will have a presence/booth where people will be able to interact
and ask questions. There will be four booths, and each subcommittee needs to
develop what they would like to have in their area. Staff members assigned will
assist in gathering information needed.
5. Negotiation Committee Update:
The committee met with members from the YMCA on February 17, 2010 to discuss the next
possible purchase. At this time, there is a $250,000 grant that needs to be used by 6 -30 -10
with a match of $139,062.50 each from the county and the city. The purchase will be for a
total of $528,125. The proposal on the table is to move the property line north along the east
shore of Long Lake. Prior to a survey and drafting of documents, an appraiser will need to be
hired to determine the value of this property.
6. 2010 Summer Event at Bertram?
The consensus of the group is to once again have a summer event similar to the Family Fun
Day held in 2009.
A. Pawelk will contact the YMCA to see what date may be available for this event.
B. Sawatzke and Herbst will start contacting sponsors for donations (Sawatzke: Xcell and
TDS; Herbst: Fiber -net and Cargill).
C. Friends Group may wish to have a fundraising booth to help offset expenses they occur
such as the web site, mailing, and promotional items.
7. Subcommittee Update:
A. Friends: Will be meeting following this meeting.
B. Athletic Fields: Next meeting scheduled for March 26, 2010, 8:00 a.m. at Monticello
City Hall.
C. Tech Resources: Looking for a date in Mach that works for all members so that drafting
of the Master Plan documents can begin..
D. Park Use: Next meeting scheduled for April 2, 2010 around 9:30 a.m. Final
adjustments will be made to the concept plan and drafting of the Master Plan documents
will begin.
8. Ideas for April Meeting:
No suggestions.
9. Motorcycle Race:
A. On a motion by Sawatzke and a second by Lindberg, all voted in favor of requesting
from the YMCA a $2,000 revenue share from the event. Pawelk will be contacting the
YMCA on this proposal.
B. Members requested that Pawelk ask for six free admission passes to the event that board
members could use if anyone would like to view and evaluate the event.
C. Herbst mentioned that this revenue should be used to offset expenses for the summer
event and the remaining funds should be placed in the Bertram Lakes maintenance
account held by the City. All concurred.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m.