EDA Agenda 01-11-2017 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 – 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center SPECIAL MEETING 4:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. DISCUSSION OF INDUSTRIAL LAND MEET IN THE ACADEMY ROOM AT CITY HALL Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, James Davidson, and Council members Tom Perrault and Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, EDA Executive Director Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Wayne Oberg 1. SPECIAL MEETING - Call to Order 4:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Workshop – Discussion regarding industrial land availability 4. REGULAR MEETING – Call to Order and Roll Call 6:00 p.m. 5. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. Special Meeting – December 14th, 2016 b. Regular Meeting – December 14h, 2016 6. Consideration of additional agenda items 7. Consideration of approving payment of bills 8. Consideration of Loan Underwriting Proposal from Central Minnesota Development Company (CMDC) 9. Consideration of approving ratification of Steering Committee for Small Area Study and appointment of EDA representatives to Steering Committee 10. Consideration of appointing EDA member to Prospect Committee 11. Director’s Report 12. Adjourn MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING 5 : 0 0 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. DISCUSSION OF S MALL AREA STUDY INTERVIEW RESULTS Present : Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Steve Johnson, James Davidson, Tom Perrault , and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: Tracy Hinz Staff: Angela Schumann , Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order Bill Demueles called the special meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of Small Areas Study Interview Results The EDA reviewed the interviews of three consultants interested in completing the Smal l Area Study of the downtown. These interviews consisted of Cuningham Group, Northwest Associated Consultants, and Economic Development Services, Inc. Each EDA member ranked the proposals and interviews of the consultants. Cuningham Group was selected as t he consultant. The EDA agreed on including the following in the Small Area Study: Steering Committee Inclusion of the Developer at two points, including once early in the process Recognition of an extension of the timeline to incorporate the developer feed back and public process Consultation with Northland Securities, which would be separate from STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO DESIGNATE CUNINGHAM GROUP AS THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SMALL AREA STUDY OF THE DOWNTOWN. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. BILL TAPPER AMENDED THE MOTION TO INCLUDE THE ABOVE FOUR POINTS TO THE RFP. MOTION CARRIED, 5 - 1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 4. Adjou r n STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:45 P.M. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARR IED, 6 - 0. 1 Recorder: Jacob Thunander ___ th Approved: January 11 , 2017 Attest: _____________________________________________________ Jim Thares, Economic Development Director 2 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednes day, Dece mbe r 14 th , 201 6 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room , Monticello Community Center Present : Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, S teve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, James Davidson, T om Perrault , an d Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann , Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Sarah Rathlisberger 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Approve Meeting Minutes th a. Special Meeting Novem ber 9 , 2016 TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL MEETING TH MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 9 , 2016. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7 - 0. th b. Regular Meeting November 9 , 2016 TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING TH MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 9 , 2016. BILL TAPPER SECON DED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7 - 0. th c. Special Meeting November 29 , 2016 TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL MEETING TH MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 29 , 2016. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7 - 0. 4. Consideration of additional agenda items Bill Demeules added the resignation of Commissioner Jim Davidson to the agenda. 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER PAYMENT OF BILLS. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7 - 0. 7a Considerati on of approving payments to Kennedy and Graven 1 BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF SERVICES BY KENNEDY AND GRAVEN IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,520. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7 - 0. 7b Consideration of approving payments to Montice llo Chamber of Commerce STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF EVENT FEES TO THE MONTICELLO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $45.00. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7 - 0. Sarah Rathlisberger, Finance Manager explained the p rocess for how bills are processed. are sent invoices through email or traditional mail. Invoices are then emailed to Jim Thares or Angela Schumann to approve for payment. Once approved by staff, it then goes befor e the City Council for final approval and payment. The morning following a City Council meeting, checks are mailed out. Due to state statute, invoices are to be paid within 35 days of receipt. Steve Johnson asked for clarification of the on the Accounts Payable exhibit s . Rathlisberger noted that was the date the check was written. Typically checks are written five to six days prior to the City Council meeting. 6. PUBLIC HEARING Consideration of Sale of 349 West Broadway to April Studer Bil l Demeules introduced the agenda item and opened the public hearing. Steve Ehl e n, Cinco Corporation St. Cloud, stated they are the owners of the building where the downtown Post Office is located ( 331 W est Broadway St reet ) . Ehl e n mentioned that the Post Office held a public hearing to discuss the possible relocation of th this post office to the Carrier Annex building, located at 206 East 7 Street. He requested the EDA to table any action with the sale of the property at 349 West Broadway until the conclu sion of the Post Office s 30 day comment period (January 6, 2017) . Ehl e n expressed interest in also placing an offer on the lot for an expansion of the post office, if it was decided that the Post Office would remain in the downtown location. He stated the site would need to retrofit to include an additional 50 parking stalls , if the post office remained in the downtown . Steve Johnson asked if there would be enough space on the 349 West Broadway site to include additional parking . Ehl e n confirmed, stating the building would be removed for additional parking. Bill Demeules note d the lot was 8,310 square feet and could only hold approximately 40 parking stalls with no drive lanes. April Studer, Studer Chiropractic, stated her intent to own the property, but w as understanding of the desire to keep the Post Office downtown. Studer commented that 2 she has made preliminary investments into the project and asked the EDA to consider that when making a decision. Hearing no further comments, Bill Demueles closed the p ublic hearing. Bill Tapper asked staff for the legal obligations to Ms. Studer. Jim Thares stated that the EDA was closing documents have been signed s contingent on approval by the EDA. th Steve J ohnson asked s taff about traffic and proposed improvements along 7 Street . th Angela Schumann stated that 7 Street is a collector road and was designed to carry current traffic loads. Schumann confirmed that reconstruction of the intersection of th Highway 25 and 7 Stre et would improve current functionality and turning movements. Johnson also asked if right turn lanes or sidewalk could be placed near the Carrier Annex Building. Schumann stated that it would be difficult to construct right hand turn lanes given the access points for Burger King and the Carrier Annex and their close proximity to one another. Schumann also added with the intersection improvements, the sidewalk is th being extended along the south side of 7 Street to the Cedar Street intersection. There is a p otential for a change order to bring the sidewalk to the Post Office and assessments to occur . Tracy Hinz asked if there were any other sites that the EDA could offer as an alternative to Ms. Studer. Thares said staff could look into alternative sites, if directed by the EDA. Bill Demueles commented that he believed this was the only site with a current building located on it. Hinz asked if the Post Office had a date following the 30 day comment period for a decision of relocation. Schumann said that she d yet . Demueles reminded the EDA that the 349 West Broadway parcel has been held vacant since 2012 and the decision of the Post Office could be months away. Tom Perrault asked if Ms. Studer was on a lease at her curren t locat ion. Studer stated she was on a month to month lease and not on a specific timeline for opening at the new location. Perrault asked if Cinco Corporation could buy Ms. Studer out of her contract. Demeules stated the intent of the EDA was for redevelopment o f the site and not to make a profit off of the sale. Demeules also added concerns for increased interest rates and the effects of delaying the process for Ms. Studer. Schumann also stated that if the EDA wished to have further discussions with the City Cou ncil, City Staff would help to facilitate that. Lloyd Hilgart asked Ms. Studer if she was okay with the EDA tabling the action. Studer sta ted she has a finance meeting soon set on a deadline, but was still interested in pursuing the site. Demueles asked if there were any concerns with increasing interest rates and the feasibility of the project with any delays. Studer confirmed. Bill Tapper asked if the offer was contingent on getting the necessary financin g. Studer confirmed it was contingent on the financing package and the purchase agreement. 3 Lloyd Hilgart asked for clarification by Cinco Corporation on the consolidation of the Post Office. Ehl e n stated that the relocation would either be to the downtown locatio n or the Carrier Annex Building and that one of the sites would close. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. EDA - 2016 - 012 APPROVING A PURCHASE AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND APRIL STUDE R AND CONVEYANCE OF THE LOT IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTRACT. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6 - 1 WITH STEVE JOHNSON VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Due to prior obligations, Lloyd Hilgart was not present for the remainder of the meeting. 7. Considera tion of 2017 Membership in the Wright Co. Econ. Dev. Partnership, Duane N. Duane Northagen, Wright County Economic Development Partnership, explained about his organization and stated the partnership is a complimentary service to the communities and busin esses in Wright County to help them with their economic development needs. Northagen discussed partners for the WCEDP and economic development goals and objectives of the organization and Wright County. Steve Johnson asked for specific deliverables that WC EDP has provided to communities. Northagen stated he has had discussions with small and large businesses about financing resources in the past few months. Thares also said that he has utilized the WCEDP as another set of eyes and ears and to ask questions to. Northagen also mentioned they are continually promoting and telling the story of Wright County. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE 2017 ANNUAL WCEDP MEMBERSHIP DUES IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,445.90. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6 - 0. 8. Con sideration of authorizing staff to solicit quotes for a housing market demand study Jim Thares stated the City received a draft, housing study from WSB yesterday per a previous contract. WSB would also be including additional information and feedback from real estate developer interviews to this document . Thares stated staff would need time to review the study to see if the proposal was still necessary . BILL TAPPER MOVED TO TABLE CONSIDERATION OF A LIMITED HOUSING STUDY. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. M OTION CARRIED, 5 - 1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 4 9. Consideration of a ppoint ing a prospect response team/subcommittee Jim Thares stated this item was a discussion for best practices and would eliminate some of the need for special/closed meetings. Bill Demueles asked for clarification on the role of the subcommittee. Thares confirmed that the subcommittee would only help to craft proposals as they came in . He also noted formal approvals would need to come through to the EDA. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO AP POINT A PROSPECT RESPONSE TEAM COMPRISED OF STAFF, A CITY COUNCIL EDA REPRESENTATIVE AND THE PRESIDENT. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 - 0. 10. Consideration of approving letter of support for Fallon Avenue Grant Application BILL TAPPER MO VED TO APPROVE A LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR THE FALLON AVENUE OVERPASS FEDERAL FUNDING APPLICATION TO MN - DOT. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED , 6 - 0. 11. Resignation of Commissioner Jim Davidson BILL DEMUELES MOVED TO APPROVE THE RESIGNATION OF COMM ISSIONER JIM DAVIDSON TO ASSUME HIS ROLE ON THE CITY COUNCIL. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6 - 0. Bill Demueles also thanked Tom Perrault for his service to the City Council and EDA. He stated there would be an opening on the EDA for a Mo nticello citizen to fill the vacancy. Steve Johnson asked Bill Demeules if the EDA should direct staff to post for the vacancy. Demueles agreed that staff should begin the process. 12. Consideration of Jim Thares stated the L imited S ite I nves tigation (LSI) was completed for Block 34 on th December 6 , 2016. A report of findings is expected and follow up steps would be pursued based on the report . Thares reminded the EDA that there was a 90 percent reimbursement from the Minnesota Petrofund to co ver the expenses associated with the LSI . Thares also mentioned there were four active prospects interested in locating in Monticello. Thares stated Wilson Development Services was contacted for service quotes. They 5 would primarily help with relocation se rvices. Thares stated he would bring these quotes for consideration at the January EDA meeting if it was a needed assistance item. th Thares also went over an update regarding the development of 413 West 4 Street residential development and the Dahlheimer expansion project. Bill Demueles asked when the industrial land inventory workshop would be set up in th January. The EDA agreed on a special meeting set up on January 11 , 2017 at 4:30 P.M. 13. C losed session Consideration of recessing to closed session to d evelop or consider offers or counter - offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE CLOSED SESSION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRI ED, 6 - 0. 14. Adjou r n BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING AT 7:55 P.M. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6 - 0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander ___ Approved: January 11th, 2017 Attest: _____________________________________________ ________ Jim Thares, Economic Development Director 6 EDAAgenda:1/11/17 7. Considerationofapprovingpaymentofbills (JT) A. REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: AccountsPayablesummarystatementslistingbillssubmittedduringthepreviousmonth areincludedforreview. B. ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1. MotiontoapprovepaymentofbillsthroughDecember2016. 2. MotiontoapprovepaymentofbillsthroughDecember2016withchangesas directedbytheEDA. C. STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsapprovalofAlternative#1. D. SUPPORTINGDATA: A. AccountsPayableSummaryStatements z 0 a U I O7 7 7 7 77� � N N 7 N O L' LL O N bn � a a o o a a a o p ani p ami L Fes- � aCi j y bn y d v v C C C4 G Q y ❑, O O � :6 v L U U i JN C d O ? 3 rrO U N w w C4 C4 C4 � z UUU w w w w w Z U F E- QcC QcC QcC W W Q' W o w z z z w z w w w j a a 0. N � N � O O N a � Q 4 o � L �I y O O O O O O O O i a N m Im Im 7t 7t l N N i a N m LEAGv E OF MINNESOTA CITIES INVOICE #: 33451 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0049) PREMIUM NOTICE C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC Invoice Date: 11/23/16 222 SOUTH NINTH 2TREET Due Date: 12/23/16 SUITE 2700 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402-3332 612-766-3000 FAX.: 612-766-3281 Bill To MONTICELLO, CITY OF 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE #1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 Type of Coverage: WORKERS COMPENSATION Convenant Number 0200052331 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF Payment Plan Selected: ANNUAL PAY PLAN DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE END, DATE DESCRIPTION 12/23/16 129,761.00 PREMIUM Total: $129,761.00 Payment/Adjustment Applied: $.00 Total: $129,761.00 Agent 01505 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362--8822 Coverage Period: 10/10/16 To 10/10/17 u 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST (0049) INVOICE #: 33451 C/O BERKLEY RISK ADMIN.CO.,LLC P_0. BOX 581517 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55458-151 612-766-3000 FAX: 612-766-3281 Type of Coverage: WORKERS COMPENSATION Covenant Number: 0200052331 DUE DATE: 12/23/16 Coverage Period: 10/10/16 To 10/10/17 UNPAID BALANCE: 129,761,00 Covered Party: MONTICELLO, CITY OF AMOUNT DUE: 129,761.00 League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust Group Self -Insured Workers' Compensation Plan 145 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 Phone (651)215-4173 Information Page 1. The "City" RENEWAL Agreement No.: 0200052331 MONTICELLO, CITY OF 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 41 "City" is: x City MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 Joint Powers Entity Other (describe) 2. The Agreement Period is from 12:01 a.m. 10/10/2016 to 12.01 a.m. 10/10/2017 at the "City's" address. 3. A. Workers' Compensation Coverage: Part One of the Agreement applies to the Workers' Compensation Law of any state of the United States of America and the District of Columbia. B. Employers Liability Coverage: Part Two of the Agreement applies to work in each state listed in item 3.A. The limits of our liability under Part Two are: Bodily Injury -Each Occurrence $1,500,000 Bodily Injury by Disease -Agreement Limit $1,500,000 C. Part Three of the Agreement applies to Infectious Disease Diagnostic Testing. D. Part Four of the Agreement applies to Peace Officers' Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome Benefit. E. This Agreement includes these amendments and schedules: LM4660(01/16) LM4670(01/16) LM4680(08/99) LM4681(01/14) 4. Retro -rating option selected? Yes x No 5. Coverage for elected and appointed officials of the entity or entities listed in #1 above? Yes 6. The premium for this Agreement will be determined by our Manuals of Rules, Classifications, Dates and Rating Plans. All information required below is subject to verification and change by audit. Premium Basis Rates Entries in this item, except as specifically provided Estimated Estimated Total Per $100 of Code elsewhere in this Agreement; Do not modify any of the Annual Annual Remuneration No. other provisions of the Agreement Premium Remuneration Agent: 2,595.22 01505 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE FOR DETAILS Manual Premium 165177, Experience Modification .93 11562. Standard Premium 153615. Deductible Credit 5.5 °s 8449. Premium Discount 15405. Net Deposit Premium 12 9761 . 11/30/2016 LM4670 f 12/991(Rev.0I/16) League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust Group Self -Insured Workers' Compensation Plan 145 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 (651)215-4173 The "City" Agreement No.: 0200052331 Agreement Period Fran: 10/10/2016 MONTICELLO, CITY OF To: 10/10/2017 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE #1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 CONTINUATION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION PAGE REMUNERATION RATE CODE DESCRIPTION EST. PREM 423403. 9.20 5506 STREET CONSTRUCTION 38953. 292678. 4.21 7520 WATERWORKS 12322, POP 18899. 185.91 7718 FIREFIGHTERS(VOL)NON SMOKING 351:3-5. 399709. 4.17 8017 OFF SALE LIQUOR STORE 16668. 58803. 3.69 8227 CITY SHOP & YARD 2170. 1142234. .69 8810 CLERICAL OFFICE EMPLOYEES NOC 7861. 184887. 4.98 9015 BUILDINGS -OPER BY OWNER 9207 : 3767. 8.78 9016 SKATING RINK OPERATION 331. 515671. 2.66 9063 COMM. CENTERS -ALL EES & CLERIC 13717. 381147. 5.01 9102 PARKS 19095. 19 9 9 . 2.46 9182 CITY ARENA -OPERATIONS 49. 182503 . .52 9410 MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES 949. 18200. .40 9411 ELECTED OR APPOINTED OFFICIALS 73. 173238. 4.98 9015 SWIMMING POOL OR BEACH OPERATI 8627, Manual Premium 165177. Agent: 01505 : CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 11/30/2016 LM4680 (8199) League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Frust Group Self -Insured Workers' Compensation Plan 145 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 Phone (651)215-4173 DEDUCTIBLE ENDORSEMENT The "City" MONTICELLO, CITY OF Agreement No.; 0200052331 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 91 Agreement Period: MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 From; 10/10/2016 To: 1 011 0120 1 7 In consideration of the Estimated Deductible Premium, We agree with you that: 1. This agreement is between you and us. It does not change the rights of others under this Agreement. 2. A Deductible Per Occurrence of S 2,500.00 in medical benefits because of bodily injury arising out of any one accident or disease applies to this Agreement. The amount indicated above as a Deductible Per Occurence applies separately to each accident or disease, regardless of the number of people who sustain injury by such accident or disease. 3. We will pay the deductible amounts shown above for you but you must reimburse us within 30 days after we send you notice that payment is due. If you fail to fully reimburse us, we may cancel the Agreement as provided in Part Seven (Conditions), Section F. Cancellation, of the Agreement, We may keep the amount of unearned premium that will reimburse us for the payments we made. These rights are in addition to other rights we have to be reimbursed. 4. This endorsement applies only to the coverage provided by Part One -- Workers' Compensation Coverage of the Agreement. 5. We shall provide investigation, administration, adjustment and settlement services, and shall provide for the defense of claims or suits. 6. We have your rights and the rights of persons entitled to the benefits of this coverage to recover all advances and payments, including those within the deductible amount, from anyone liable for the injury or obligated to make payments regarding the injury. You will do everything necessary to protect those rights for us and to help us enforce them. If we recover any advance or payment made under this Agreement from anyone liable for the injury, the amount we recover will first be applied to any payments made by us in excess of the deductible amount paid. 7. Each Named City is jointly and severally liable for all deductible amounts under this Agreement. 8. All other terms of this Agreement, including those which govern (a) our right and duty to defend any claim, proceeding or suit against you, and (b) your duties if injury occurs, apply. Nothing herein contained shall be held to vary, alter, waive or extend any of the terms, conditions, provisions, agreements or limitations of the above mentioned Agreement, other than as stated above. * Agency Name and Address CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 LM4681 (11 /98)(Rev.01 / 11) 2017 Budget Adopted - EXPENDITURES (WORKERS COMP INSURANCE _ Workers Compensation Distribution 961.50 226-45122-415100 ACCOUNT NUMBEF COUNCIL Payabie Expense Prepaid 101-41110-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 150.00 37.50 112.50 101-41310-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 864.00 216.00 64$A0 101-41410-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 35400 88.50 265.50 101-41520-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 1,449.00 362.25 1,086.75 101-41800-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 386.00 96.50 289.50 101-41910-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 541.00 13525 405.75 101-41920-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance - - - 101-41940-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 624.00 15600 468.00 101-42200-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 28,602.00 7,150.50 21,451.50 101-42400-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 1,00800 25200 756.00 101-43110-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 1,494.00 37350 1,120.50 101-43111-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance - - - 101-43115-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 3,963.00 99075 2,972.25 101-43120-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 21,507.00 5,376.75 16,130.25 101-43125-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 6,895.00 1,723.75 5,171.25 101-43127-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 1,890.00 472.50 1,417.50 101-43130-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 1,153.00 288.25 864.75 101-43140-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance - - 101-45201-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 11,408.00 2,852.00 8,556.00 101-45501-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance - - - 101-46102-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 936.00 234.00 702.00 101-46500-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance - - - 101-49240-415100 WORKER'S COMP INS PREMIUMS - - - Fund 101 Total 83,224.00 20,806.00 62,418.00 213-46301-415100 l Workers Compensation Insurance 32200 80.50 241 50 217-41990.415100 (WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 1,282.00 320.50 961.50 226-45122-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 21,156.00 5,28900 15,867.00 601-49440-415100 WORKER'S COMP INS PREMIUMS 7,064.00 1,76600 5,298.00 602-49490-415100 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 7,081.00 1,770.25 5,310.75 609-49754-415100 WORKER'S COMP INS PREMIUMS 9,332.00 2,333.00 6,999.00 651-49010-415100 Workers Comp Insurance 656-49870-415100 WORKER'S COMP INS PREMIUMS 300.00 75.00 225.00 656-49877-415100 WORKER'S COMP INS PREMIUMS - - - 129,761.00 32.440.25 97,320.75 i Pape 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixt,, Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55102 Monticello EDA October 31, 2016 MN325-00032 Sale of 413 4t St. W. Th.rougn October 31, 2016 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 10!712016 IV1Nl Review statin and closing documents" email and phone 1.74 323.40 Correspondence with J Thares, title regarding same. 1011012016 CER Revise closing documents'. review ermails; draft cloisng 2.50 317.50 is;n_ ct cr--s leder, ernslls to title and client; draft document 1 111124' V CBR Rcvise deco Emts; ernad to title; scan 1ccurnents, 2.00 254.00 inrer(')"li, voo7'erence mega ding Arnendmer t ±o ` :;ntract, prcparc `or C°csing 1411212016 MMI anal My ev-, U`f c'csirg ��-,-,rr'ent3 anc 8, ".torrent 4 70 133.00 S atemert. 1011212015 IVINl Email and phone correspondence with J shares, title X1.44 76.00 con -,-.any regarding resolution to release assessment agreernent. 10112/2016 CBR Pre Dare for closing, review title company dacurnents and 2.25 285.75 revise. emails with title company-, interoffice conference wren M Inaram 1011312016 MNI R-2v:ewr closing instruction letter for 413 VV. 4th Street, 0.20 38.00 forward to J Thare5. 1011712416 MNI office conference with C Rockhtz regarding upcoming 0.10 19.04 otosing. 1011712416 CBR Review executed closing documents; =,P 1.00 12700 boos(s; scan and email 1011812016 CBR Review executed documents; email to client, assemble 1 50 190.50 closing books Total Services, $ 1,763.75 For All Disbursernents As Follows: Photocopies 5.20 Page: 3 Kennedy & Graven,, Chartered 00 South Sixth Street. Shite 470 Minneapolis, VIN 55 402 Monticello EDA October 31, 2010 10117/2016 Platinum Courier; Courier service 35.33 Total Disbursements-, 40.53 Total Services and Disbursements- $ 1,804,28 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2016 8:32 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, yes, these three items are fine. Please code to: 213-46301-430400. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 7:52 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) If possible, I would like to include in the check run this morning. Let me know if you can get these to me before 10. Thanks! Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, December 2, 2016 2:49 PM To: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# M N 190-0010 - $304.00 Inv# MN325-00032 - $1,804.28 Inv# MN325-00031 - $760.50 Please provide coding for each. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us APGci.monticel lo.mn.us f 'I T 4 F �� Pages 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 CRY Of Pulcnticer !c October 31 i MN190-00101 General ECA Matters Through October 31, 2016 For All Leg nI Services As Follows NoUrs Aran; unt 10110/2016 MNI Masters Fifth cast qualification is .8 - ernnil and phone 0.80 152,00 correspondence with J Thares, A Schkimarin, T Onndal. 10117/2016 Mil I Monthly finance call with EDA staff, Northland. 0.80 152.00 Total Services: $ 304.00 Total Services and Disbursements: E 304.00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2016 8:32 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, yes, these three items are fine. Please code to: 213-46301-430400. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 7:52 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) If possible, I would like to include in the check run this morning. Let me know if you can get these to me before 10. Thanks! Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, December 2, 2016 2:49 PM To: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# M N 190-0010 - $304.00 Inv# MN325-00032 - $1,804.28 Inv# MN325-00031 - $760.50 Please provide coding for each. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us APGci.monticel lo.mn.us f 'I T 4 F �� pale. 1 Kennedy & Craven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 56452 Monticello EDA October 31, 2016 MN325-00031 Conveyance of Fred'S Auto Property Through October 31, 2016 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours 10125/2015 MNl Prepare new notice for Fred's Auto public hearing tc rtew 0.30 purchaser. 10125120 fib MNi Email ar,d details on Fred's Auto, contract, office conference with O Rocks, tz regarding same. 1.40 10/2512016 CBR Draft Contract for Redevelo.oment, review Secretary of 1.60 Stake information 1012612016 MNII Monticello finalize and circulate Fred's Auto PDA for 1,340 Studer Chiropractic, Total Services; $ Total Services and Dlsburserrrertts: Amount 57.00 266.00 196.50 247,60 760.5() 760.54 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2016 8:32 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, yes, these three items are fine. Please code to: 213-46301-430400. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 7:52 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) If possible, I would like to include in the check run this morning. Let me know if you can get these to me before 10. Thanks! Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, December 2, 2016 2:49 PM To: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# M N 190-0010 - $304.00 Inv# MN325-00032 - $1,804.28 Inv# MN325-00031 - $760.50 Please provide coding for each. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us APGci.monticel lo.mn.us f 'I T 4 F �� WSB City of Monticello Attn: Wayne Oberg, Finance Director 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8631 70- }Sema Av't?.n,ip $oL rr. Su11e 3011 h1 r r ac+" ?,I r-1 5521 , ! November 27, 2416 Project No, 02596-340 Invoice No: 1 2016.2017 Market Matching � GL Amt #213,46341.431990 City Staff Reviewer: ,Jim Thares Professional Services from OCtaber 1, 2016 to Octobv,r.�j,2011 6 Fee Total Fee 700.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total l=arnec 700.011) Previous Fee Billing 0.00 Current Fee Billing 700.00 Total Fee 704.00 Total this Invoice $700.00 Comments: Approved by: Reviewed by, Bret Weiss Project Manager James Gromberg G q legaw; - ,Okj>E-gacy. F.Rnplc-ye, •i.=bu^ig,-.rr, f� � r JI II HECK REQUEST CHECK AMOUNT: ' 0L)' o Check to: liarry T. Lantto 907 _ 2,d Ave S Buffalo, NIN 55313 Meeting Worked - Planning Commission REQUEST DATE. I l - " - l UO endor # latr V Time • ;-5 Amount l}uc w EDA Meeting Date H - ei - IV Tirne �_- A mo"r,t D! -IE- U0 Cih Council Date H. V+ . 1 lv -rim(t AfTI UT11 Dlllt� Lto City Council Hate B-0- l tf Time 1 `7 krri-,,unt ])tie ULA f I "V)q bmm . s I iiA l 11. 1'+• i to 4LID Punning Commission. 101.,-+ 19 10 . 47319010 P6. 00 EDA 2I 3 . L4- la 301 . Lf 3 11 `1D (P��- CO City Council ip). +1110 . +�31 OTI0 /19" � - Autlxorized. h,� TIME SHEETS ATTACHED Date II.7.-'l - 10 11!CON T`IC ELLO COMMUNITY CENTER TIME SHEET Fmplov ec Nam I [ARRY LANTTO Position PUBLIC MELTING RF.('(7RDFR - CON't"PLAC'T DATEiI 'TIME I TIME OUT flours Worked Meeting * O G Z.T I tV 1. Li ii� I , Meet m Payment $60 for first 3 hours Agreement: $10 per hour for every hour .after MEFTiNG RF.CCIRDEIi, harry T. Lantto SIGNATURE: AUTHORIZ1,A) B)": DATE: 111mliq Publishers ECM CITY OF MONTICELLO - ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 V%iALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICEL'_O, Mfg 55362 PLEASE CHECK BOX IF ADDRESS C HANGED 8 INDICATE NE -4 ADDRESS Page # Invoice Date 12.11201-6 Invoice Number Ad Number 4361,9 625774 Terms Net 30 Check Number Amount Paid Amount $73.84 ACCONT NUhIt EA STMT rA'irt STOP DATE EDIT10N DATE AC -COUNT REPRESENTATIVE 421:+204 _ _ = 12+0 "6 1?; 1,201 _ '1;nri2e to Legais 952.392-829 'Ieasa -atom _ ,_,4r portan frith'rac,-._aymeW Tc Fav ty,_ l- _ar7 plea=s=_ ca ;_.- 12-24Ye or 15 . -328 WBQ PUBLICATION MATEI ANF CESS I DE3MImo!'�TAG LINE 0 TYPI— I SIM -,_-,-TIMES Monlm:ello Turves 12YO11201f 62.5774 150 FaensAuto Property -PH L. 1 0 X— P4# t2.14.16PH 4.]6 1 1, L�l VIE+ N- V J k� AMQUNT 3 ,wa Net Amowit. 73 Snipping 0 dD Tax 0 oG Arnount atw 73.84 1 ublAen C. assessed for rert med checks. ::-s f ss g{,, ° ,il} days to ensure considera#on. E C MS30 charge Report terrors within 5 -� " � a3 Unpaid balances over 30 dayy� past due wili incur a 1,6 Yom' - '�" abs , finance char9ee per month (Minimum . 0 per month). i AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINN FSOTA ss C01 I NITY 01" WR 16 HT Clti,arlcne V'.11d bwmrw duly s;No rt on mi oath_ Stilrc'*, 01,,t11Lrrni 111 U hefsht i, the Publisher's Desspialcd AgiziiL r th, rno%:;Imfie r;0 known q, N14,)ntiwClkn I-su7tis with the k4lo% » oiTicr al- is=ue beim 1oowcd in the county 4C- WRIG 14T with additiomil clrvulation in the ctouriucs of: SH1--RIJURNL and has full knowledge ol- the facts stand Lxlo;4: IA}Thc nelos[xiper FIA. III Cif ll)c i—CgUtrcmmis yu:illl"I:i- I i011 .:s a cfuiilii of mnvw ,p;iFK r ns provided by h ilm. Sttt.s,37IA02. ;,Iil I 11 IS I'taiwlrC N011Lv w,,j, : pr) rilcd .inti pitb- lished in IS03d l,%%%;,i[1HPOT( s) Nlkl e,twh week. for I u'eekNj: lh� IIr4; inscrt'LO F, Ixin4 on 12A]1s101 6 yard [lie Insi I➢is4•mon being on 1210112016_ ltiIOR]-(JA(;L I ORECLiOSURE NOTICES Pur-marit to Mirmcsota Stitt, X590.03 TVlatiltf; to the l)u'.s1ic,-tion of rllr.1rtrogtw forcclokure notices- I13l;� iiewu paper complies with the conditions dcscrllmd rls suhd. 1, Chi Lr:st; 11) or (2). I r the nmvspaper s &l➢rmi➢ otli:c OIL issue is locmed in a coum.% itdjoining the county where Ilse tnorl.�,ageii prcntiim:s or some part of the mortgaged pTe!mkws dc -scribed in the notice are located, it ytalts1,Illlii11 portion of the rimspaper's cirCutttiotl i,, to the I lllrrwunty. By Designated Aggrit Subs ribed and sworn to or affirmed b forc me on 1210112016 by Charlene Vold, Notary Public MARLENE M. MITCHELL Notary Puhllc Minnesa#g n; Myr Comm sr on fix= Jan 3' . 2tG €ate Infon-nation_ (l ) LoWst CILL1 fled rate paid by commercial users for comparable space-. $18.50 percolurnn inch Ad ID 625774 CITY OF MONTICELLO NOTICE OF (PUBLIC Hl`11RINO Notion is herctry qrvery thllt the Hoardni Cammissoners of the City of h!+oni cellko n?ram De'velop- rrreni Auir'tn,ii will -x-101 01 r w'rr 6:00 p.rr,,. zr� .JL.t:mL-ur 1-1, 2016 at City -la!I, aC5 'Y4alrw Avenue, }darrticelf.- twjinnesota. m conduct a Nbllc hezinng an thF prop med sole tay krom +cul hority 10 Aridil Studv of a parol tap ari rmay kncalt'a at 349 West Eruadway in the 0ty of Manticerla (the Tropere.y'), far ewe as a chirepractic office. ,4i the {ubliC heanrq, ili . fioarttl of Com- rrtSsiOnem will eek 10 consider w"thoq Me sak m wwrsabia. Intormatim corcestlimg the germs ancf rsorr[6tierls of the sale and a legal aeacTiptiGn o� the Prop- erty vro9 be avelkabie for puwu ire s{r titian al me AdthonlV s offices �d City p-IaR an ar7[f 3fte- thg d -,)4r, Of thm notwn). Anperson m0iiQ 10 t;ypnuFs. ami jpir,-ur, [till the PratWm (a t}Q Ct)n3id@n]d at 11'4� rjukilic hoar. ing will tso bald orally v M, writi-irr. ub6z-hvd in Phe WrItIcelio Times Decenrdar 1, 2016 625774 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 11:58 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: ECM Inv# 436109 $73.84 Hi Julie, yes that one is fine. Please code it to 213-46301-435100 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 3:10 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: ECM Inv# 436109 $73.84 Jim Attached is ECM Inv# 436109 for a Public Hearing notice on Fred's Auto Property. Okay to pay $73.84? Please provide coding. If you are not the one who will approve this, let me know and I'll forward on. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheneveci.monticel lo.mn.us APGci.monticel lo.mn.us city of MontiMlo Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 z 0 a Q N N Ir ry V M N vi I C O ti O O � O ti O O N � N -tN -t N -t '� ice. rOi R N R m a = a 70 a a c� � y FL- ami s ami ani � ami � ami a a O Y y n C C N l p I y Q Q i C y y o 0. 0. 0. L7 N r CC Q z U z U w z s cC w U rA � rY L O W Q z r 1 0. N U N M � L Sy O O O O p O O M 7 01 Ic 10 o, ro z C L' M M N N � � � � O OVV � � � � O O � M � LJ � --� •-- s :: �_ O _� O N � N � � O M � � O � M � '� N � N � .-r yG., .�-. R Q ,� � :C O O � � � � O O � -a � a c y � a� � N � -a a a N N '� O C U` C.� � � ,�, G � J' r � Q `� r Cr 0. U Z J w _z �, ~� w � F" w O O �_ L ate. � " Aa a L 0 0 �r, �n z � � �„ < N N � � N N W W <T <T M M M ca GL O � CS O LO � .,, � aJ U] CC �, N N N c 0 c 0 a� ami a N O N T � � N -O N � �, O C � o Q Q � � p N � H � � 0 MET"CO 709 Gillette St., Suite 3 LaCrosse, W1 54603 Phone: (608) 781-8879 Bill To City of Monticello Attn: Jim Thares 505 Walnut Street, Suite l Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice Date Invoice # 12/5/2016 19052 Site Info Municipal Gas Facility (former) 130 Broadway East Monticello, MN 55362 Petrofund Leak "20142 Total $325.00 V 1 Balance Due 5325.00 Terms Due Date Account # JOB TYPE Net 10 12/15/20 16 Pctrofund Date Qty. Service Item Description Price Amount 11 21 2t116 1 Dahl, E - Hydro 2 Background rc% iew 65.00 65.00 1 1!2 1 -101 () 1 Dahl, E - Hydro 2 Fieldwork schedulin- & notification 65.00 65.00 l 1,23!?016 2 Dahl, E - Hydra 2 Offsite access tune - Prepare Permit for county right of 65.00 130.00 way access 11/28/2010 1 Dahl, E - Hydro 2 Utility clearance 65.00 65.00 Total $325.00 V 1 Balance Due 5325.00 Julie Cheney - From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:31 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Metco Inv# 19082 $325.00 Oh yeah, my cheat card is missing the last digit. It should be 213-46301-430300. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:30 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: RE. Metco Inv# 19082 $325.00 Can you double check the coding. The last segment is missing a digit. I want to make sure I get it in the right place. Thanks! From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:24 PM To: Julie Cheney <JUlie.CheneyCci-monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Metco Inv# 19082 $325.00 Julie, Yes, it's okay. Cade it to: 213-46301-43030 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:18 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Metco Inv# 19082 $325.00 W Attached is Metco Inv# 19082. Okay to pay $325.00? Please provide coding. Thanks, jItl,W c17C'mell Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Iulie.Chenev@6.rnonticedo.rnn.us APCwci.rnonticello.mn.us CM Of MontiMlo Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 south Sixth street Sete; 4?G Minneapolis, PYIN 55,102 City of Monticello November 34, 2016 MN190-00101 General EDA Matters Through Naverrloer 30, 2D"0 For All Legal Se -vices As Follows Hours 1112112016 MN's Monticello monthly Finance call. 1.00 1112812016 IVINI Conference call with .I Thares regarding 4th Ame+ndmert 030 to Masters Fifth contract. Total Services; Amount 19000 5700 S 247.00 Total Services and DisbursernenW S 247.00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 2:30 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Inv# MN190-00101 $247.00 Hi Julie, this is okay. Code it to 213-46301-430400. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 12:45 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven Inv# MN190-00101 $247.00 Jim Please approve for payment before leaving for the holiday. Thanks! Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 2:20 PM To: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Inv# MN190-00101 $247.00 Jim Attached is Kennedy Graven Inv# MN190-00101 for General EDA Matters through November 2016. Okay to pay $ 247.00? Please provide coding. Thanks, _Tube Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us APGci.monticel lo.mn.us 1 T % 6 } F 1CC 110 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 WSB City of Monticello Attn: Wayne Oberg, Finance Director 505 Walnut Street, Susie 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8851 2016-2017 M aticet Matching 701 Xenia Avw„ .- Sadh, Sol %, 'A-1-,3arc [M3) 1-49Q0 Decernbei` 23, 2016 Project No: 02596-340 Invoice No. 2 L Acct #213.46301-431990 City Staff Reviewer: ,lien Thares L'Ir�tessiar�a�l �rvfces from Nawerrntier..lQi�+>a..N � m ��. x"096 Fee Tonal Fee 1,400.00 Percent Complete 140.00 Total Earned 1,4C}0.00 Provious Fee Billing 700.00 Current Fee Bulling 700,00 Total Fee 706AG Total this Invoice $700.00 Comments: Approved by: Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Project Manager: James Grornberg Building a 4egacy - ycDur legacy. �Qual Opporturi y EmPlow I vrsteng com 2016 EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT VOUCHER CITY OF MONTICELLO (Effective 111/16) NAME —J — a r f S DATE OF REQUEST-447-0 EQUEST1 2- ZD Address to Mail (if necessary) PURPOSE/DATE LOCATION [ O EXPENSES: (Please reference Travel and Reimbursement Policy) Mileage ($.54 per mite) $130-L (Total miles 0 A city vehicle was not available. Traveling conditions warranted personal vehicle use Parking Fee Meals Lodging $ Traveling direction warranted personal vehicle use. Other $ — C9 ' (include dated, itemized receipts) (include dated, itemized hotel bill) SUBTOTAL Account Number Z 13 ia3a 1 .433100 $ J 70 Other Account Des 'ption TOTAL TO PAY $ �' • 7g f S1GNE APPROVED Y NOTE: Attach copies of documentation, including invoices, receipts, seminar certificate, etc. DATE MILES WHERE TRAVELED W, tJ 7 .ni c N1 r.Ba CVN EVENT LOCATION DETAILS Friday, December 9th, 2016 9:00 am registration, 9:15 am start; 2:30 pm end Southview Country Club event location 239 Mendota Road East West St. Paul, MN 55118 (651) 451-6856 Courtyard Marriott Minneapolis -St. Paul Airport (shuttle will be provided to Southview at 8:30am and from Southview to the airport at 2:30pm) 1352 Northland Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (651) 452-2000 Standard Rate: $169 CVN Preferred Rate: $96* *when booking, please do so by Thursday, Norember 17' and ask far the Community Venture Network Room Block —April 2016. Northwood Inn & Suites 1225 E 78"' Street Bloomington, MN 55120 (866) 539-0036 Standard Rate: $60* *published rate on hotels. cont —mar vari• at lime of booking Microtel Inn & Suites St. Paul — Eagan 3000 Denmark Avenue Eagan, MN 5512.1 (651) 405-0988 Standard Rate: $51 *published rate on hotels.cotn — may vats at time of booking 505 Walnut St, Monticello, MN 55362-8819 to 239 Mendota Rd E, Saint Paul, MN, 551... Page 1 of 2 YOUR TRIP TO: 239 Mendota Rd E, Saint Paul, MN, 55118-4623 1 HR 6 MIN 1 63.8 MI a Trip time based on traffic conditions as of 9A5 AM on llecembel 13, 2018. Current Traffic: Heavy `1/ ` , t. Start out going southwest on Walnut StlCounty Hvy-58 toward W 6th St. Then o.03 miles 0.03 total mites 2. Take the 1st left onto W 6th St. if you mach W 7th St you've gone a little too far. Then 0.07 miles 0.10 Ictal miles 3- Take the 1st right onto Pine SIIMN-25. Continue to Follow MN -25. If you ere on E lith St and reach Cedar St you've gone a lithe too far. Then 0.30 miles 0 40 total miles rpt 4. Merge onto 1-94 ENS -52 E toward Minneapolislst Paul Then 23.27 miles 23.67 total miles 5, Keep left to take 1-94 EIUS-52 E toward I-694, Then 6.82 miles 30.49 total miles lar 6. Merge onto 1-694 E via the exit on the left Then 11 66 mpies 42.16 total miles r� 7. Merge onto 1.35E SIUS-10 E via EXIT 46 toward St Paul Then 5.45 miles 47.61 total miles 8. Take the US -52 $11-94 EIUS-10 E exit, EXIT 107A, on the left. Then 0.37 miles 47,98 total miles Jar 9. Merge onto US -52 S via the ramp on the left Then 5 12 miles 53.11 total miles rTr 10. Take the Southview Blvd exit toward Mendota Rd Then 0.16 miles 53.29 total miles 11. Turn right onto Southview BIvdlCoumy Hwy -14 Continue to tallow County Hwy -14 if you reach US -52 S you've gone about 0.2 miles too far, Then 0.46 miles 53.75 total miles .� 12. 239 Mendota Rd E, Saint Paul, MN 55118-4623, 239 MENDOTA RD E is on he right Your destination is 0. 1 miles past Oakdale Ave. If you reach Robert St S you've gone about 0.3 miies too far. Use al d rsd-s aM maps.1 Se4tecl la oar Terms el Use We d- t guarantee accuracy, re uta eende.. Gr -W.1, You assume all rusk of use. hUps://www.mapquest.com/directions/list/1 /us/mn/monticello/55362-8819/505-walnut-s... 12/13/2016 505 Walnut St, Monticello, MN 55362-8819 to 239 Mendota Rd E, Saint Paul, MN, 551... Page 2 of 2 10 lr ki 20� Brooklyn ar ".'y Flt'n,n,ou hh 77d Minneapolis S,_F PAJL Av-Eden Prairie E httpsalwww.mapquest.com/directions/list/I /us/mn/monticello/5 5 362-8819/5 05 -walnut-s... 12/13/2016 Jim Thares From: Heyer, David J (DEF')) <david J.heyer@state.mn.us> Sent: Monday, Novembe r 07, 2016 12:45 PM To: Heyer, David J (DEED) Subject: DEED Sets Workshops on Redevelopment Grant and Demolition Loan Programs The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) will hold workshops in December 2016 to provide details about the February 2017 grant round for the agency's Redevelopment Grant and Demolition Loan Programs. The workshops are designed to provide valuable information about the Redevelopment Grant Program and Demolition Loan Program, highlighting eligible applicants, activities, and projects that will compete well for grant funds. The Redevelopment Grant funds assist with the cost of demolition and abatement; as well as other project -related improvements, such as soil stabilization and site preparation related infrastructure necessary for redeveloping blighted property. Demolition Loan funds help public entities demolish and abate blighted structures in order to eliminate a public safety threat and prepare sites for potential future development. An overview of the programs is available at Redevelopment Grant Program and Demolition Loan Program along with applications, forms and instructions. The deadline for applying for the next round of funding is 4 p.m. on Wednesday, February 1, 2017. Workshop Information December 1, 2016 December 7, 2016 December 8, 2016 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Life Center Auditorium Washington County CDA Aitkin City Hall 1800 Technology Drive NE 7645 Currell Boulevard 109 1 st Avenue NW Willmar, MN 56201 Woodbury, MN 55125 Aitkin, MN 56431 DEED is the state's principal economic development agency, promoting business recruitment, expansion and retention, workforce development, international trade and community development. For more details about the agency and our services, visit us at mn.gov/deed. Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/mndeed. For questions, contact Kristin Lukes, 651-259-7451 or Kristin. LukesCaDstate.mn.us. x Questions? Contact Us STAY CONNECTED: MR E SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Manage Preferences i Unsubscribe i Help DEED is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. This email was sent to kristin.lukes(a)state.mn.us using GovDelivery, on behalf of: Minnesota Deparlment of E=mployment and Economic Development 332 Minnesota Street Suite E-200 Saint Paul, MN 55101 (800) 657-3858 926 Oakcrest Ct, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4502 to 1800 Technology Dr NE Directions - ... Page 1 of 3 YOUR TRIP TO: C3'[ 1800 Technology Dr NE 1 HR 22 MIN 1 63.7 Mi Trip time based on traffic conditions as of 8:57 AM on December 13, 2016. Current Traffic: Moderate (� 1. Start out going south on Oakcrest Ct toward Oakcrest Dr. v Then 0.04 miles 0.04 total mikes 41 2. Turn left onto Oakcrest Dr. Then 0.08 miles 0.11 total miles 3. Take the 1st left onto Oakcrest Ln. If you reach the end of Oakcrest Or you've gone a tittle too far. Then 0.10 miles 0.21 total miles 4. Take the 1st right onto 10th St NE. If you are on Garden Brook Or and reach Brook Ct you've gone about 0.1 mites too fa r. Then 0.32 miles 0.53 total miles 5. Take the 1st right onto Mayhew Lake Rd NEICounty Hwy -1. Continue to follow Mayhew Lake Rd NE. Mayhew Lake Rd NE is 0.1 miles past Hillside Rd. If you are on IOth St NE and reach Quebecor Rd NE you've gone about 0.6 miles too far. Then 0.55 miles 1.08 total miles 6. Turn right onto Highway 23 E/MN-23. Continue to follow MN -23. MN -23 is just past County Road 75. If you are on Edgemont Dr NE and reach Front St NE you've gone a little too far. Then 4.42 miles 5.50 total miles 7. Turn left onto MN-15IMN-23. Continue to follow MN -15. MN -15 is just past 37th Ave S. If you reach 41st Ave S you've .pone about 0.2 miles too far. Then 0.25 miles 5.75 total miles 8. Turn right onto 2nd St SIMN-23ICounty Hwy -75. Continue to follow MN -23. Then 56.42 miles 62.18 total miles https://www.mapquest.comldirectionsllistll luslmnlsauk-rapidsl56379-45021926-oakeres... 12/13/2016 926 Oakerest Ct, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4502 to 1800 Technology Dr NE Directions - ... Page 2 of 3 T 9. Stay straight to go onto Highway 71 NEWS -71 Bus 5/MN-23 Bus. Then 1.35 miles 63.53 total miles 10. Turn left onto Civic Center Dr. Civic Center Dr is 0.5 miles past County Hwy -24. If you reach 13th Ave NE you've .gone about 0.1 miles too far. Then 0.15 miles ` 11. Turn left onto Technology Dr NE. I Technology Dr NE is just past Lakeland Dr NE. If you reach 15th Ave NE you've gone about 0.4 miles too far. Then 0.04 miles ® 12. 1800 Technology Dr NE, Willmar, MN 56201, 1800 TECHNOLOGY DR NE is " on the right. If you reach Microbiology Ave NE you've gone a little too far. 63 68 total miles 63.71 total miles Use of directions and maps is subject to our Terms of Use. We don't guarantee accuracy, route conditions or usability. You assume all risk of use. https://www. mapquest.com/directions/listl l /us/mnlsauk-rapids/56379-4502/926-oakcres... 12/13/2016 926 Oakerest Ct, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4502 to 1800 Technology Dr NE Directions - Page 3 of 3 Mme sajkx )ICk. 9 2 6 0 Ache s t rctl'd, Sp, wj H I LJH) [Ij—. ,'11 "W Al: Vmb,00 102 1800 hnology Dr NE https://www.mapquest.com/directions/list/i /us/mn/sauk-rapids/56379-4502/926-oakcres... 12/13/2016 505 Walnut St, Monticello, MN 55362-8819 to 1800 Technology Dr NE Directions - Ma... Page 1 of 2 YOUR TRIP TO: 1800 Technology Dr NE 1 HR 23 MIN 1 83.1 MI Trip time based on traffic conditions as of 9:04 AM on December 13, 2016. Current Traffic: Light [� 1. Start out going southwest on Walnut St/County Hwy -58 toward W 6th St. v Then 0.03 miles 0.03 total miles 41 2. Take the 1 st left onto W 6th St. If you reach W 7th St you've gone a tittle too far. Then 0.07 miles 0.10 total miles r+ 3. Take the 1st right onto Pine StIMN-25. Continue to follow MN -25. If you are on E 6th St and reach Cedar St you've gone a tittle too far. Then 0.18 miles 0.27 total miles 4. Merge onto 1-94 WINS -52 W. T�� If you are on MN -25 and reach Oakwood Dr E you've gone about 0.1 miles too far. Then 29.21 miles 29.48 total miles EXIT S. Take the MN -23 exit, EXIT 164, toward Paynesville/Walte Park. T Then 0.42 miles 29.89 total mites 6. Turn left onto MN -23. Then 51.62 miles 81.51 total miles T 7. Stay straight to go onto Highway 71 NEIUS-71 Bus SIMN-23 Bus. Then 1.35 miles 82.86 total mites 8. Turn left onto Civic Center Dr. Civic Center Dr is 0.5 miles past County Hwy -24. If you reach 13th Ave NE you've gone about 0.1 miles too far. Then 0.15 miles 83.01 total miles 9. Turn left onto Technology Dr NE. Technology Dr NE is just past Lakeland Dr NE. If you reach 15th Ave NE you've gone about 0.4 miles too far. Then 0.04 miles 83.05 total miles https://www.mapquest.com/directions/list/ l luslmnlmonticellol55362-88191505-walnut-s... 12/13/2016 505 Walnut 5t, Monticello, MN 55362-8819 to 1800 Technology Dr NE Directions - Ma... Page 2 of 2 �:� 10. 1800 Technology Dr NE, Willmar, MN 56201, 1800 TECHNOLOGY DR NE is "' on the right. If you reach Microbiology Ave NE you've gone a little too far. Use of directions and maps is subject to our Terms of Use, We don't guafantee accuracy, route conditions or usability. You assume all risk of use. owd ria L71 IC03 Sauk Rapids St cloud f 12 Willmar v 1800 Technology Dr NE tn1 i� 212 Hutchinson V Eden.1 W acorns /---'prairie Shakopee _.-.-.._ v Prior l https://www.mapquest.com/directions/list/l /us/mnlmonticello/55362-8819/505-watnut-s... 12/13/2016 Prairie West Pay-as-you-go balance Di :rict 20 Pa emenI to Linda Smith (Not Riuerw Bank) f7ascfiptian- TIF 1-20 pay as yEvu gas 1st or 2rrd 112 Original Amount 65.000.00 213-4652D44551 10 Interest mato 8 00% Payments Commence 611199 Ending no Later Than 811118 Available TIF 40.610% Correct Availablu TIF 36.00°, State assesse:l fee No - county remittance represents who4e district r-ik tate oc 36.OU, & acivsi for inzmTect tb'1113 vender pmt pear ➢VCS 711 113 PA •r t j 0,5 wd� Increment Tota $Mance Carate Received Principal Interest Payment Remaining 12131 r 1998 -6,602.00 -6,602.00 71,842.00 12131 f 1999 -6.71600 -6,216.00 77.818 00 7122 2000 3.902.00 2,853.610 -1.049.00 01.7'2'0 DO 111112001 1,637.[}0 1.637.04 81,720 QQ ?1217120111 -1.981 00 3,40600 1.425.00 83.701.00 1115120612 2.039.00 2,039.00 619,701.00 7116!2002 -2,236.00 2.904 4C 668.00 85.937.061 1114,'2043 284,00 2,030.00 2,314.00 85,653 00 7124,2003 -1,338.017 3.99.3 r1r. 2,655.00 86.99T 00 1123!"26104 418.00 2, 'w i 061 86.573.00 7122P2004 -710.00 4,14�- 0,0 87,283.00 1126112005 1.52.00 3.70900 3.86 , Do 87,131.604 Tf2112005 190,00 3,704.00 3,894.00 66,94100 1110126106 156.04 3,695.00 3,85000 85.7B6.6OO 7120120063 1,597.00 3,6813.00 5,285.00 85,189 00 1118?2007 220.00 3620.00 3.134000 84.969.00 711912007 757 no 0.611.00 4,368.00 84.212 00 1(75120[(8 27,00 3,57900 3.U6 DO 84.185.00 61112008 '922.00 3,856.00 4,778.00 83 263.DD 119t7009 11.M1.D0 1,237 72 3,53868 4,77641) 82,025.28 811,2009 11,957 96 1,301 11 3.48607 4,787.18 80.724.17 1rr;2g16i 10,824.35 898.96 3,430.78 4,329.74 79,8.25.20 817/2010 11,994.18 1,,405 10 3,392 57 4.79767 78,42010 1,112011 9,950.663 64741 333285 3.980.26 77,772 69 &I x'201 1 10,435 67 6678.93 3:105 34 4 17427 75.903 7 i 11112012 6,623 " 180 K 5 2EA 41 3,449.363 761,722 61 81162012 8,258.06 5451 3,26072 3,31523 76.668.30 1x1+2013 964995 501 54 3,258 40 3,85994 76,066,76 AI 13 9.308.011 49036 3,232 8t 3.723 30 75,576.4f7 11112014 6,1004' -101582 3,212.00 2.19618 76,59222 811126014 10,357. 47356 3,255.17 3 7261 7.3 76,118,66 11112015 5,71445 -1.1 T" 34 3.235.04 2 057 20 77 296.50 81112075 11.02227 68292 3.28:5.10 396802 '6,8,13 59 11t12016 6,150.75 -1,441.80 .3.256.08 2,21428 77,655.38 81112U16 11.288 11 76337 3.300.35 4,x163.72 76,892 02 1,'112017 6,3113.99 -996.47 3.267.91 2,269-44 81112017 6.30399 -1,0,40.91 3.310.35 2,269.44 718931,40 11112(71€3 6,303.99 -1,D85.15 3.354 58 2,769.44 80.1716.50 81112018 6,303.99 -1,131.27 3,400.70 2,269.44 61,147.82 PA •r t j 0,5 wd� Front Porch Assoc. Pay-as-you-go District: 29 Payment to, Michael Cyr, FOCI Box 1338, Monticello MN 55362 +1 `- DescdpWn: TIF 1-29 peyr as you go 1st or 2nd 1f2 Original Amount 220,000.00 21346529-466110 Interest Rate 7,250% Payments Commence 8f1104 Ending on Later Than 2.11120 Available TIF 80.000% State assessed fie No - county remittance represents whole district increment Total Balance Date Received Pnncipal Interl3St Payment Remaining 712212064 (4,-10.00) 3,865.00 f245.0}0) 224,1101 001 I X2=005 (5,734.00) 2.390 00 (3.344-00) 229.8-4,4 l 712.1120)05 1,052.010 8.3-12.a01 9.384.00 228,792 �O 111912006 11,362.0701) 6,432 OG 5,c? x.00 230,154 -DO 7120120166 '3,614.00 8.343.00 11,957 00 228.5401.00 111812007 2.688.001 8,21200 10,900.014 223,852 070J 711912007 5.2eiG 00 8,115.40 13,355.010 218.C.'2 (10 112512008 1.452.00 7,925.00 9,377.001 217160.070 X811120018 3.629 00 7,872.00 11,601-00 213,531.00 1;1/2009 18,94900 7.418.70 7.740.50 15,159.20 206.112.30 81112009 15,330.35 4.d40 71 7.471.57 12 312 28 a' 2,71 5!� 111 12010 14,460 64 4 2' + 2 42 7296. 10 568.5 _ 196 1 7 811 x2010 13,081.79 3,324 � 1 7 141.22 107.485.4,E 1 674 96 111;2€711 13,081.74 3,444.67 7020.72 10.4675 39 1901 �311 29 81112(}11 12,064.21 2,755.52 6,895.85 !9:651-37 1B r 47 7 11112012 12 G54 98 2,847.94 6"195.96 5.96 9.643 90 184,626.62 81112012 - 1 1: 6 C14 2.21451 5,692.72 8.90723 182.412.31 11112013 12.'602.7.4 ,469 75 6,612.45 107,0}82 19 178,9542.57 df 112013 8,98293 69,968 6 486 67 7,18634 1713,242.89 111'2014 3,98.2.93 72504 EJA6' .30 7.18634 177,517.55 &V2014 10,1338 83 1,596 04 0,435 02 8,031.06 175,' 21.6X1 1+1120115 10,581 16 2,08776 G.377.17 8.46493 173,834.05 8+112015 ' 1,4016 13 2.823.42 6,301 AB 9,124 90 171,0101.53 1Y1120716 9,670.49 *,537 26 6.199.14 7, 7 36.;39 169,473. 7 8+112016 12,552.81 3,898.84 b 143.41' 10,442.25 t65,574.53 $11l2p17 S,o.18 r 3 3r;$ .i.; 5.002 738 6,92fa.98 54,6�9.ta3 1+11201 r 8,6'58. � 3 924 91 G "` t 968.55 5,92(.98 163,631.19 ! 11i1,2018 8,6 8.73 99=. 18 : 93381 6.126.98 162,698.011 81112018 8.653. 73 1 029 18 817 80 E.926 98 161,668,83 11112019 8.65873 1 066 49 ..Ho 50 6.92698 160.602 :34 Cub pay-as-you-go blalaxe District; 22.1 Payment to: BBF Properties (Cub) Descriplion: TIF 1-22.1 pay as you go 1 sl or 2nd 117 Original Amount 500,000.00 213-46581-465110 Interest Rate 7,500% Payments Cornmenoe 111100 Ending no Later Than 211/20 Available Tir 90.00% PID 155.076.001016 State assessed fee 0,0036 Increment Total Balance Date Received Princip@l InlenDst Payment Remaining ti112000 0.00 500,000.00 81112000 (30,808.W) 6,692.00 (24.,116.00) 530,808,04 11112001 (13,713 0()) 8,"; 2 00 (7,521,(30) 544,521.00 8M7001 (7,845 00) 11,574 00 4,728.40 552,36600 1+11(2402 (5.139 00) 12.574 00 4,43500 560,505 00 1311(2902 (21 01 g.00) 12.00 (21,007 00) 581.524M /11/2003 (21,807.001 0.04 (21,807.00} 603.33- 00 81112003 (20.063.00) 2,562.00 1`17,50'.0'0) 823.394.00 11-12004 (20,815-04) 2,562.00 (18,263.013} 64.209.00 F1 .12004 (20,401.00) 3,757.00 (16.644.0)) 664,.510OU 11117005 (21,1661(10) 3,757.00 (17,409.00) 685,776 00 61112005 (X1.599 00) 5,118,00 (15.481.00) 7136,375 0+7 11112006 (,21, 371.00) 5,118.00 (15 2 5'� 00) 727 7461 00 81112006 (211,522.uu) 8,768.00 (1;3,751:)0) 748,268010 11112047 (21,292.00} 6,768 r3C1 (14,52,1 =J0) 769.560 Or, 8+1 "2007 (20,221.00) 8.637.00 (11,584 ,ii)) 789,761 a0 11`28(2008 (20.981.00) 8.636.00 (12„345.00) 8-0. M2 013 81 I (2008 (3.175-00) 21.220.00 24.0153.00 813.9370() 1191 1 $ 22 6c7 00 (261 2.9540) 227 00 42,2730 8401.232 00 13(1120019 .1 ', °:' 76 (-3150870) 6.{,155 s4 6 055 14 B,1.740 701 W!2 t, 1 i, t :, '5 (32,690.28) 28.555 34 28 ;;55.34 904.430 98 811 120- 1 (, 12.0-12 69 {33 91€1.10 25.82942 28,829.42 £4,,98.347 14 111+2011 32.032 69 131 158.02) 28.829 42 28.829.42 �i73.53", 1b 811(20'" 26.491 17 136 507.570 25.6=+2.05 25;642.05 11l12012 29,49'.17 (:37.878.60} 25.642.135 25A4Z05 1,047911.33 Bit r213i 2 29.33{3.5' 139.296 971 26.404.86 2640456 1,06-1216 30 1 r 11,2011;3 25,339 51 [40,770 61 � 2$,404 66 26,4014 66 11 27,9a6 91 81112013 28.241 30 142,.29951) 25.41717 25,41717 1.170,28&42 111 e201 L 28,241 30 143 385 74) 25.417 17 25 417 1 ' 1 14,172.16 81112014 29, 27 61 X45 5j', 46) 76 304 i5 2C. 304.75 1,259.703.62 '1112015 29,22' 5, (47.228.09) 20,,30415 26,304,T5 1 306 942 501 8111213"5 232580” (49,0'0 34) 20.932.26 20,932.26 1355 952 85 11`;�201f. 23,258 U7 1501.848.23 20,932.26 20,932.26 1,406,8131 0A 8111'20116 22 `21.46+ 152.7.56 04) `9,909 3T 19.909.37 1.459 556 12 'i 1 i701 7 22,121.46 (54 J .35) 1 G.9CY 1.31 19,90931 .514.2 R9 41- 8Y 1 811 /�'G1 7 .22,121 16 (96 785.86) 19.909 31 19,949 '31 7.57 1 ,(775 ,63 '111"2201,3 22.1'1445 (55,915.32) 1 .109.3# 1990931 ',629.99165 8111201 8 22,121 46 (61,124,65) 19,909,31 19.909 31 1,691;115 30 1{1120719 22,121.46; (63,416.82) 19,909:31 19.009 31 1.754,532 1.3 8/112019 22,121.46 (65,794.95) 19,949.31 19.9079.31 1,820,327.08 11112020 72,121.46 (68„262.27) 19,909.31 19,909.31 1€#88,589.35 F* cic'j,-Ii Landmark Square Phase Pay �7s v.^.ti-f�lr l7lalr7nr{ [District: 22.5 4.466.21 Payment to: Laxml Hatel Inc i'tormorly Master's F i0tn Avenue} Description: TIF 1-22.5 pay as you go Is( or 2nd l,2 Original Amount 185,000.00 213-46595-465110 Interest Rate 8.00O% Payments Commence 8!1103 Ending no Later Than 211123 Available TIF 90.00`16 PIED 155.010.036130 & 155.010,036140 State assessed fee 0,0036 8;V2017 Increment 4.466.21 Total Balance [late Received Principal Interesl Payment Remaining 81112CDO3 4,952 46 4.466.21 0.00 185.000.00 11112004 4,962.46 4.466.21 0.00 185.0[;x1.11'41 EV112004 44,.962.46 3.085.00 3,085.00 185,000 00 1111'2005 4,962.46 3.08400 3,084.00 185,000.00 Bti 2005 4,9012401 6,393.00 6,393.170 185,000 00 11112006 4.,962.46 6.39300 6,393.00 185.00G.00 81112006 4.96246 6,830.00 6,830,00 185,000.00 1111.2007 4,96246 6,530.00 6,830.00 185,0070.00 86112007 90.00 7,400.00 7.490M 184,910.00 1128120708 94.00 7,396.00 7,490.00 1114,816.00 8111207118 5.106.007 5,1176,00 1&4,516.00 11912009 6,332.00 5,699.60 5,6998.80 184.816.007 8111; 43079 6.30490 5.674.41 5,674,41 184,616.00 11112010 6.304.90 5.674.41 5.674.41 184,816.00 8?1;2010 6,266-02 5.63942 5.63942 1€14.815.001 1011,2011 6,266.02 5.63942 5.639.42 184.616.00 8 112.71 1 x,608.11 5,101 30 5,101, 30 184,81 [3.00 1M12012 5,66811 5,101.30 5.101.30 -184,816.00 8+1x2012 5.835.67 5,752.10 5,25210 184,816.00 1x112013 5"835 67 5,252.10 5,252.10 184.616 00 81112013 5,617.76 5,055.98 5.055.98 184,816 00 11112f)14 5.617 76 5,055.918 5.05598 18 3,816 00 81112014 5.978.58 5.380-72 5,380.72 184,816.00 11112015 15,197658 5,380,72 5,380,72 1&4,816,00 231112015 4.899 75 4,4M.78 4,409.78 184,816.00 ,°112018 4,894.75 4„409.76 4 409 78 1$4,81600 81112016 4,96246 4,466,.21 4.16'6 21 1234.516 00 111;201” 4,962.46 4 466 9-1 4A66-21 14.$160}11 8;V2017 4,9£17.46 4.466.21 4.46621 1=54.8160}0 121;2018 4,9-2.46 4,46621 4.46621 184.81600 8;1!1018 4,952 46 4.466.21 4 466,Z 1 184 816 00 1;12'20.119 4,962.46 4.466.21 4,4f)6.21 184,B16,00 I31ix2019 44,.962.46 4.466.21 4.46621 154.816 00 11112020 4,962.46 4,466.21 4,48621 1&1,231600 81112020 4,9012401 4,466,21 44456 Z 1 154,816 90 1! 112 021 4.,962.46 4,466.21 4.466.21 184, 816.070 811; 2 0721 4.96246 4,466.21 4,+466.21 184, 8101.00 11112022 4,96246 4,466.21 4.4136:21 184,816,007 911121122 4,962.46 4,466.21 4,466.21 184,8103.007 11112023 4,9{12.46 4,466.21 4,466.21 184,816,007 16+113 on W m m Ol f o O O O O C1 � � 01 00 00 00 O N O M ID M 77- 4 � L 4-4 O O O O O O Q G U z Q � � N C O O O O O O on W m m Ol f o O O O O C1 � � 01 00 00 00 N N O M ID M M O O O O O O M N O O O O O O N77� � M in in M 77 77 ,�.77 77 IC Q Q ❑ � y' U] CC v > U � i R. ,C O O V� U] ✓] Uu U] U] C N W W W W W W O N O 0 0 0 0 0 zz zzz 0 v� (/1 M � N � T -0 -O N Q ; —_ O C 0- QQ0- < 0 0 o N Vendorl Date of Transaction , CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount , Circle purchaser nature: Jeff O'Neill Jacob Thunander Angela Schumann Vicki Leerhoff "racy Ergen Wayne Oberg Sarah Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiner Jinn Thares Rachel Leonard ree Sign4tufe` Supervisor Si atvr� Date approved Special Project # or Descriptio� Circle department code 141-41110 City Council 141-41310 Administration 101-41410 Elections 101-41520 Finance 101-41800 Human Resources 101-41910 Planning acid Zoning 101.41920 Data Processing 101-41940 t -,L i ;13z4k5QQ.Ec€ riomic Development,, d 213-46301 HRA Circle expense code: 421930 General Operating Supplies 431950 Newsietter Services 431990 Miscellaneous Prot Services 433100 TravelfTra-ming Expense.. 4433OG Due< Membership 9. Subscrip 443700 hcensesc)nd Permits 443990 M(sc, Other Expense Other J.fl w UWAIWAO 51 MVINEL, MN hignp-Ow 260011098.1 f ni IL j AM P, cl. IL H r b , 1 "11-1 PR, F�;) I-Dav 1 No Rate kv Flat Ralel (Amum 14 1 IL.< 1111 LIC] Ji-iflov IV111/2-1-1Tr, 12!011 PM? mw*v ump COWMAM) 1,jz,ps rl-auk4' t4 NJ to 01i ,art :a, to $Igloo mchwelli) $22 95 tv 15 Oki' c )I F I] j �IWW I "1 -7 14 1 , $ V t I v 0. v 9 v I: . 4 ­ I. It A I It[ A IV X t 2 E[ X S P t - & k R A * " 1 * * t V A W ERIFTEN SME,DNE'S RAI LBOY. GreQlin� irk -'4 f wn Offlum finVQ J't� . I I jT a-, t? V J L ILI IC c ; I T 1,6'.1x. Fur - I rl i s m 19� t i ;)I'i I jI I f i an miranvu viairs go I,'.- 1,41ty" Ilk j i—L Monticello Chamber of Commerce PCS Box 192 205 Pine Street Monticello MN 55362 :311rIN Accounts Payable Monticello City of 505 Walnut Streit Suite #1 Monticello, MPJ 55362 F2�CI6hamicr t.unch -MCC (Jim'rltiares) Description TbAnk ydw for Yq.r pp�wtitn t to bke Oftnf doA0 aambw of COwn %tete & ".3trµ YkC AtaneicAa ChAp4er repmenti thz murests of bus w) and YGwG to S#r%ng$j%fn OWji 4eisia and st nwdaee e y a_dl prgs�nrity- Mpntipda CjWWb6r is rrMli to I#— M the Franz ciatlr" No aur fi..a w.++—iay. 'M'k t"P'kwer is -4 -sLcv ra Fur hwii.4FM, nsidenti un d v4, it& -T Qkg, prpwidirf infwwazian A.w>I -N� qkt &bw ek[ arta, dArowro4i" �GOn4rmIC ave CWfflNoLitq grnWfh ir. MWilli.. t4 u+t iMtkfifty Wlfe,oweiryi V,Skewx W eke . Zd Date llooice 101I9/20I6 98041: Due Date I I13f2016 Amount t S.at� Total $15.00 763-295-2700 Marcy citol rnticellocci.com http://%v-%vw-niontice110CCiLCOn1 Jutie Cheney From: Jim Thare5 Sunt: Tuesday, November 1, 2016 10-55 ASM To: Julie Cheney Subject R�: Monticello Chamber Inv# 9804A $15.00 Yes, it is okay to pay this one. 213-45301-433200 From: Julie Cheney Seat: Monday, October 31, 2016 4:32 PM To. Jim Thares Subject: Monticello Chamber Inv# 9804A $15,00 Jim Attached is Inver 9904a trom the Monticello Chamber of Commerce" Okay to pay $15.00? Please provide ('tiding— Thanks, _Jut-t'o Cheiley Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3245 Ju I� e,Cheney��c ,.mc-nt ice lla�____rn:n,us AP((?ci.rr«ntncelio mn.us Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties" Julie Cheney Froin: Auto -Receipt <norepiy rnall.authorize.net> Sent Thursday, November 10, 2016 3:37 PM TO: AP Subject: Transaction Receipt from Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry for $15.00 (USD) Descripliorl: Member pa} meat for Monticello On— of : Chamber Lunch Isar Jim Thares Irrupt 9904a 101"I 16 Iw Dice Number 1352777 Bilting Information )A<1mice to Chi;} of 505Wt11nmS,.,Li %ile ',`Ioniiccllo_ i 55362 l !'1'� ap id"Ckrill}nikollo 11'.r:,ti I7:LIC f LMC: Trmiti&prion ID-. l��k'B11C711 �'lkkn«�I; Shipping Information "dotal: $15.00 (USD) ,r 7 7"9"r w,i','".J I O -Nov -21 I ti 13:37.15 Ph V 9749930971 4'1wa NNNNV69 Purchase a 154011 H`k.�aa Monticello C:harrbor of Commerce Industry Nlor'ii:;ello. MN 66362 L4 rrlary a; nlntirrl nrrl.ram Julie Cheney From: info i,,. i•t ceIlocci-co m Sent: T', ,' ,::: ,. ` ovember 10, 2016 3:37 PIVII Subject: Online P8yrnerit Confirmation Your online payment request has been received by Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Payment Confirmation Name; ,Tube Chenev Company: \1ow1L:ello City of Transaction umber. 788_) 0971 CC Number: 8769 Amount: 15.00 []ascription Item(s) Quantic Total Arnount Member payment for Monticello City Chamber Lunch for Jim Tharea Inv# 9804a 1 1500 of 10!19116 Grand Total: 15.00 l-hiL, Frilail was automatically generated. For questions or feedback. Please contact us at: Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Tndustr , 205 Pine Strict PO Rox [92 Moziti�:c[lo_ MN �%� +6? MO) i :297-2`00 itll;l� (t Clll�11[ICLIIcs�:�l.�;7[11 http:Ilv���. incl n t i cel ] r�cci, eom 1 Vcridor—yohLh—an�,� D iii of Traiisaction CITE' OF MONTICELLO Ghost Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documentation to this. form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount � 5 - CY) iExpense Code CQ 1-:�s . aol , a Urde purchaser narne Debbie Davidson ! ulie lYer�e�. den Signa Monticello Chamber of Commerce PCS Box 192 205 Pine Street Monticello MN 55362 Bill To Accounts Payable Monticello City of 505 Walnut Streit Suite #1 Monticello, MPJ 55362 F2�CI6hamicr t.unch -MCC (Jim'rltiares) Description TbAmk ydu for yo,.r CW�wtice..ar,t to tike Oftnf dodo aambpr of cmw n%tete & +...dwstrµ Ykg HaneicAa ChAp4er repmenti the murests of bus w) and YGwG to 5tr%ng$hfn OWjs 4eisia and gjm%4ats ia_dl prasperity- Mpntipda CjWWb6r is rrMli U I#— M the "Franz daa*" ttr CC14- fi..a Co.1 unity. 'M'k t"P'kwer ii -4 -sLcv ra Fur hwii.4FM, nsidentr and visito-T i0w, prpwidirf infwwatian " -s�gkt dbW rhe area enCmNnt�l.+g u4n4rnio Arm CWfflewtq yravrdlh wy MWitipn to 4Mdi siMtkfifty skekGP fFLJ V,SkCwM Co rhe .red "� Date llo oice 1011912016 98041: Due Date I I13f2016 Amount t s.at� Total $15.00 763-295-2700 Marcy citol rnticellocci.com http://%v-%vw-nionticellacci.canI Jutie Cheney From: Jim Thare5 Sunt: Tuesday, November 1, 2016 10-55 ASM To: Julie Cheney Subject R�: Monticello Chamber Inv# 9804A $15.00 Yes, it is okay to pay this one. 213-45301-433200 From: Julie Cheney Seat: Monday, October 31, 2016 4:32 PM To. Jim Thares Subject: Monticello Chamber Inv# 9804A $15,00 Jim Attached is Inver 9904a trom the Monticello Chamber of Commerce" Okay to pay $15.00? Please provide ('tiding— Thanks, _Jut-t'o Cheiley Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3245 Ju I� e,Cheney��c ,.mc-nt ice lla�____rn:n,us AP((?ci.rr«ntncelio mn.us Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties" Julie Cheney Froin: Auto -Receipt <norepiy rnall.authorize.net> Sent Thursday, November 10, 2016 3:37 PM TO: AP Subject: Transaction Receipt from Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry for $15.00 (USD) Descripliorl: Member pa} meat for Monticello On— of : Chamber Lunch Isar Jim Thares Irrupt 9904a 101"I 16 Iw Dice Number 1352777 Bilting Information )A<1mice to Chi;} of 505Wt11nmS,.,Li %ile ',`Ioniiccllo_ i 55362 l !'1'� ap id"Ckrill}nikollo 11'.r:,ti I7:LIC f LMC: Trmiti&prion ID-. l��k'B11C711 �'lkkn«�I; Shipping Information "dotal: $15.00 (USD) ,r 7 7"9"r w,i','".J I O -Nov -21 I ti 13:37.15 Ph V 9749930971 4'1wa NNNNV69 Purchase a 154011 H`k.�aa Monticello C:harrbor of Commerce Industry Nlor'ii:;ello. MN 66362 L4 rrlary a; nlntirrl nrrl.ram Julie Cheney From: info i,,. i•t ceIlocci-co m Sent: T', ,' ,::: ,. ` ovember 10, 2016 3:37 PIVII Subject: Online P8yrnerit Confirmation Your online payment request has been received by Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Payment Confirmation Name; ,Tube Chenev Company: \1ow1L:ello City of Transaction umber. 788_) 0971 CC Number: 8769 Amount: 15.00 []ascription Item(s) Quantic Total Arnount Member payment for Monticello City Chamber Lunch for Jim Tharea Inv# 9804a 1 1500 of 10!19116 Grand Total: 15.00 l-hiL, Frilail was automatically generated. For questions or feedback. Please contact us at: Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Tndustr , 205 Pine Strict PO Rox [92 Moziti�:c[lo_ MN �%� +6? MO) i :297-2`00 itll;l� (t Clll�11[ICLIIcs�:�l.�;7[11 http:Ilv���. incl n t i cel ] r�cci, eom 1 'erticfnr Date. of Transaction 119 11w CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/receipt and any ether available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser; Amount $ { Circle purchaser name Jeff O'Neill Kerry Burri Angela -Schumann :]Cirki Leerhoff" 1Trarrge6-- Wayne Oberg Saran Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiber Jim Thares Employee Signature Circle department code; 101-41110 City COUncil 101-41310 AdrYiioistratiun IDl-41410 Elections 101-41520 Finance 101-41800 Duman Resources 101-41910 Planning and Zoning 101-41920 Data Processing 101-41940 City Hall 13-46500 Economic Developrn@fM 213-46301 HRA Circle expen5e Made: 421990 431950 431990 4322.00 433100 443340 443700 44399? Other General Operating Supplies Newsletter .SC."w icc Miscellaneous Prof wc�rviCeS Postage: Travel/Training Expense Dues Membership & Subscrip Licenses and Permits M 1 1. sc. OtheF E �e CREDIT CARD ORDER 7347 ON011C)'s pi,',,,l 063) 29b.2424 11111201h 4J3 PM Order SAU846 Werver 5b2'j Oplivery VICVI LEERHOFF 605 WALNUT SI CITY hAh. 4 LAST BIRANCE uF H(,(, t Vise MIJI! LAND 4 XXXXXXXXXXXXIM-) RKERENUE APPROVAL MOL 01440 Amount $39,44 rip —4�--� 0 . . - . SWARE­ I AGM 10 PAY ryt Apo p lUlAl. AMOUNI ACCORDING TO CARR I&SUER AQREkMFRI Thank you for being a Place of Is Pie Rewards MOW! DEL EXPS in --- ---- ------------- ANY DEMERY CHARGE IS NOT A IH! PAID 10 MUR URI' M Vender Date of Transaction (� CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ Circle purchaser name: (e ff O'Neill Jaco Thunander Angela Schumann Vicki Leerhoff Tracy Ergen Wayne Oberg Sarah Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiber Jim Thares Rachel Leonard '2� aE� Employee Signature Supervisor Signature Date approved Special Project # or Description Circle department code: 101-41110 101-41310 101-41410 101-41520 101-41800 101-41910 101-41920 101-41940 C-21 -4650 213-46301 Circle expense code: 421990 431950 431990 432200 433100 443300 44 443990 Other City Council Administration Elections Finance Human Resources Planning and Zoning Data Processing City Hall Economic Development HRA General Operating Supplies Newsletter Services Miscellaneous Prof Services Postage Travel/Training Expense Dues Membership & Subscrip Licenses and Permits Misc. Other Expense Julie Cheney From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 1:30 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: FW: Perkins meeting Attachments: 20161109_131213.jpg Receipt, for breakfast meeting, with Riverwood Hank Commercial Lending Individual ... and Jim Thares From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2016 1:17 PM To: Jeff O'Neill Subject: Perkins meeting sefu (1 9111 11IN `.h41l'1111 �,iC1l�iliSN �.iJlilt� ,� ('. , mac, PERKINS RESTAURANT & BAKERY r Store #1055 700 Pine Street ►�� �c Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-4400 79 PAITI ---------------------------------------- Tbl 3/1 Chk 1526 Gst 3 Nov09'16 10:36AM I)— ----------------------------------------- 1 JUICE SMALL 2.39 S- ORANGE JUICE 1 CHOC CH CHIP 2.69 1 BUILD -A- BRKFST 8.79 1 COFFEE 2.39 1 JUICE LARGE 2.99 L- ORANGE JUICE 1 BRAN 2.69 CHARGED TIP 3.00 XXXXXXXXXXXX7110 MC/VISA 26.45 SUBTOTAL 21.94 TAX 1.51 CHARGED TIP 3.00 PAYMENT 26.45 ------------22 Check Closed------------- ------------- -----------_Nov09'16 11:14AM ------------ TAKE HOME SOME FRESH BAKERY TODAY! Vni,r fnnrlk L, ,r +-,..4 �- PERKINS RESTAURANT & BAKERY Store #1055 700 Pine Street Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-4400 Date: NovO9'16 11:13AM "ard Type: MC/VISA st #: XXXXXXXXXXXX7110 rd Entry: SWIPED ins Type: PURCHASE ins Key: GFT003"190943926 r,.,h Code: 079520 c : 1626 le: 3/1 ..'Ver; 79 PATTI _-total. 23.45 I agree to pay the above total according to my card issuer agreement. GUEST COPY Your feedback is important to us Complete a survey about your visit within the next 3 days and get 10 PERCENT" OFF YOUR NEXT BILL (excludes Bakery To -Go) Go to www.PerkinsExperienceSurv,-'y.com and enter survey code: 314-1611-1055-1626 Write validation c.r�de here: Official rules at WWW.PerkinsRestaurants.com Void where prohibited by law v.0 Total I)— — // _1__i I agree to pay the above total according to my card issuer agreement. GUEST COPY Your feedback is important to us Complete a survey about your visit within the next 3 days and get 10 PERCENT" OFF YOUR NEXT BILL (excludes Bakery To -Go) Go to www.PerkinsExperienceSurv,-'y.com and enter survey code: 314-1611-1055-1626 Write validation c.r�de here: Official rules at WWW.PerkinsRestaurants.com Void where prohibited by law Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 3:37 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Breakfast @ Perkins 11/9 Code it to: 213-46500 and then further code it to: 443990 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 2:51 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Breakfast @ Perkins 11/9 Jim Attached is a copy of receipts I received from Jeff that you attended with him and Dave from Riverwood Bank. Do you know where this should be coded to? I appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks, Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chen��ci.monticel€o.mn.us AFQci.monticel lo.mn.us 4. iTi f,F Montic"PeRo Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Vendor Date afTrancricrlt[C-091 ' CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/receipt and any other available documentation to this farm. To be completed by purchaser: Amount .� a `l `I Circle purchaser name: Jeff O'Neill acob Thunandeq Angec umann Vicki L erhoft Tracy Erg en Wayne Oberg, Sarah Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiber Jim Thares Rachel Leonard } —7 . 0 Employof 5i6naturo` r✓ir,- .FrN,-,,- Special Project # or De Circle department cede: 101-41110 101-41310 101-41.410 101-41520 101-41800 141.-41910 101-41920 101-41940 x_213 46 0 - 213-46301 Circle expense code: 421990 43,19 10 41990 432200 4 33100 -113300 4 3 zo–?o 443990 ? Other City Council Adgjjnistr.�tion Elections Finance Human Ri=-!sources Planning and Zoning Data Processing: City Hall E[orlarnic Development HRA RA General Operating Supplies NewsletterServices N1i$celianeous Prof Services, Postage Travel/Training Expense Dues Membership & Subwrip Licenses and Permits MiSC.. Other Expense EDAAgenda–1/11/17 8. ConsiderationofauthorizationtoenterintoAgreementwithCentralMinnesota DevelopmentCompany(CMDC)forloanunderwritingservices(JT) A. REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheEDAisaskedtoconsiderauthorizingenteringintoanagreementwithCentral MinnesotaDevelopmentCompany(CMDC)forloanunderwritingservicesoftheCityof MonticelloRevolvingLoanFunds(RLFs).TheCityofMonticellohasthreeRLFs. Theyareusedaseconomicdevelopmentassistanceprograms,i.e.,loans,orinterestrate buydowns,infinancialpackagestoattractnewfirmstothecommunityandretain growingbusinesses.UtilizationofthefundsfallsundertheMinnesotaBusiness FinancialAssistancestatutes,[MinnesotaStatutes,Sec.116J.993-116J.994(the“Act”)], whereinstatedcommunitydevelopmentobjectivesneedtobeattainedbythe recipient/applicantinexchangeforthegrantingofthefinancing,oftenwithvery favorableterms. OriginalsourcesofthefundsweremostlikelygrantdollarsfromMinnesotaDEEDinthe formofMinnesotaInvestmentFund(MIF)grantstotheCityandaspassthroughdollars fromtheUSDepartmentofHousingandUrbanDevelopment(CDBG).Thefundscarry restrictionslimitingtheirusetoeconomicdevelopmentpurposes. In2009,theCityofMonticelloadopteditsBusinessSubsidyPolicystatingthe developmentobjectivesandpublicpurposesguidingtheusageoftheRLFdollars. Developmentobjectivesinthepolicyinclude: 1. AttractingNewBusinessesandExpandingTaxBase(increasinganddiversifyingthe taxbase) 2. Attractingneworretainingexistingjobs(emphasisonlivablewagejobs) 3. BusinessRetention(promoteandmaintainindustrialandcommercialdiversity) 4. EnhancingDowntown(promoterevitalizationandredevelopment) 5. FacilitatingRedevelopment(promoteredevelopmentobjectivesandremovalof blight,includingpollutioncleanup) 6. Housing(diversifyingthehousingstockwithinthecommunity) Historically,thefundshavebeenusedasanothertoolinatoolkittoensurefinancinggaps arefilledinanadequateamountandanappropriatemanner.TheCityofMonticellohas hadanumberofloansapprovedinthepast10to12yearswithallloanshavingbeenfully paidbacktotheCity.TheCitystaffutilizedaninternalreviewprocessduringthose earliertimes. Duringandimmediatelyafterthegreatrecession,theeconomicdevelopmentloan businessbecamemorecomplicatedwhileremaininganessentialtool.Toaddressthe newcomplexities,manycitieshavestartedtoutilizetheexpertiseofthelendingand bankingcommunitytohelpunderwriteandadministertheloansthatareenteredinto. Thisraisesthelevelofprofessionalstylereviewandunderwritingthatprospective borrowersundergointhesecommunities.Thebenefitisthatthereisaprofessional approachandbetterqualityloansaremadewithlowerdefaultrates. Withover$2,300,000inthreeRLFs,theCityhasexcellenttoolsandisreadytoassistin meetingdevelopmentobjectives.Staffisawarethatthereareseveralpotential applicationsthatmaybesubmittedforuseoftheRLFdollarsinthecomingyear.The proposeduseofCMDCismadeinlightofpossiblemultipleloanapplicationsbeing submittedinarelativelyshortperiodoftime.Theanalysisprocess,ifdoneproperlycan involveasubstantialtimecommitment.Theconcernisapotentialforpossibleomission ofakeyunderwritingstep.Usinganentitythatdoesthisworkasaregularpartoftheir businessactivitywillensureconsistencyandaprofessionalreviewoftheloanapplication witharecommendationofferedtotheEDAforconsideration.Otherorganizationsusing CMDC’sserviceshavetailoredthespecificsoftheunderwriting/managementagreement tomeettheirneedsandobjectivesrelatedtostaffinglevel,marketingcapabilitiesorlack thereof,etc. Inthisproposal,economicdevelopmentstaffintendstoremainasthefirstpointof contactfortheloanprograms,organizingtheapplicationforsubmittaltoCMDCfor underwriting,andalsothefinalpointofcontactrelatedtoapprovalandinstructionsfor loanservicing.CommentsfromotherorganizationsusingtheservicesofCMDCare containedinExhibitC. A1.StaffImpact: Aninitialestimateofstafftimeinvolvedintheprocess,including initialdiscussionswithCMDCstaff,furtherresearchefforts,reviewoftheproposal, consultationwiththeEDAattorneyandpreparationofthestaffreportisestimatedat12 hours+/-.Prospectively,utilizationofCMDCcouldallowexistingstafftoadequately coordinateandprocesspotentialloanapplicationsinanefficientmannerwithouttheneed foradditionalstaff. A2.BudgetImpact: ThefeeschargedbyCMDCcanallbepassedthroughtothe borrowers. B. ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1. MotiontoauthorizeenteringintoaLoanUnderwritingAgreementwithCMDC 2. MotiontodenyenteringintoaLoanUnderwritingAgreementwithCMDC 3. MotiontotableconsiderationofenteringintoaLoanUnderwritingAgreementwith CMDCforfurtherresearch C. STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Itisstaff’spositionthatthebenefitsofhavinganorganizationthatisinvolvedinthe dailybusinessofunderwritingloansfortheSmallBusinessAdministration(504loan 2 program),thestateofMinnesotaandothercitiesandcountieswillmeanongoing confidenceintheapplicationofcompleteandthoroughunderwritingstandardsand therebyensureallriskconsiderationsarefullyincludedinthereviewprocessof applicationsforuseoftheCityofMonticello’srevolvingloanfunds. D. SUPPORTINGDATA: A. CMDCUnderwritingProposal B. BusinessSubsidyPolicies C. NotesfromPublicOrganizationsutilizingCMDCServices 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BUSINESS SUBSIDY CRITERIA I. Purpose This document includes the criteria to be considered by the and the City of Monticello E conomic Development Authority ( EDA ) to evaluate the granting of business subsidies. The intent of the City and EDA in adopting these criteria is to comply with Minnesota Statutes , Sec. 1 16J.993 - 116J.994 The City and EDA hereby adopt the definitions contained in the Act for application in the criteria. II. Types of Business Subsidies The EDA shall have the authority to administer the following programs for the granting of business subsidies: 1. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) 2. Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) 3. Small Citie s Economic Development Set Aside Fund (ED) The EDA has separately developed guidelines for each of these types of subsidies (the type of subsidy, those Guidelines con trol. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the City (and EDA, subject to City approval) reserve the right to grant any type of business subsidy authorized by law, without limitation. III. Goals and Objectives /Public Purpose It is the d support and comply with the goals and objectives in granting business subsidies , and with the public purpose requirements of the Act . The following goals and objectives are general gu idelines to assist in determining the granting of a Business Subsidy . The City and EDA recognize that every proposal is unique and n othing in these criteria or in the Business S ubsidy policy shall be deemed to be an entitlement. a. Attracting New B usinesses & Expanding Tax B ase 1. Increase in tax base. (Cannot be the only criteria.) 2. Promote and enhance industrial and commercial diversity b. Attracting New Jobs & Job R etention 1. Jobs and Wages. It is the goal that the subsidy recipient will crea te the maximum number of livable wage jobs possible . (The business subsidy agreement must include numbers and wages to be achieved within two years of the benefit date . ) 2. J obs and wages in this context may include jobs to be retained but only if job loss c. Business Retention : Promote and maintain industrial and commercial diversity. d. Enhancing Downtown : Promote revitalization and redevelopment e. Facilitating Redevelopment : Promote redevelopment objectives and removal of blight, including pollution cleanup. f. Housing: Diversify the housing stock available within the community. 2 IV. Subsidy Agreement . In the implementa tion of any subsidy granted by City or EDA, the parties will be required to enter into a formal agreement which identifi es the amount and nature of the subsidy and articulates the goals and objectives which are intended to be implemented. In addition, the agreement must establish the number of full - time or part - time jobs and the wages for those jobs which are to be establi shed (or retained) within two years of the benefit date . The agreement must also contain a penalty for failure to meet those goals. Finally, the agreement will require that the recipient continue operations at the site for at least five years. V. Complianc e and Reporting Requirements . It will be necessary for both the recipient and the City or EDA to comply with the reporting and monitoring requirements of the statute. VI. History . Public Hearing held by the EDA on March 11 , 2009 approved on March 11 , 2009 . Pu blic Hearing held by the City Council on March 23, 2009, approved on March 23 , 2009. 3 EDAAgenda:01/11/17 9. ConsiderationtoappointtworepresentativestotheDowntownSmallAreaStudy SteeringCommittee (AS/JT) REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: A. TheCuninghamGroup’smodelforthesmallareaprojectincludesthesupportof aSteeringCommittee.Itisrecommendingaten-memberSteeringCommitteebe considered.Eachrespectivebody(seelistingbelow)isbeingaskedtoappointa representativetotheSteeringCommittee.Inaddition,sincetheSmallAreaStudy isthechargeoftheEDA,itisalsobeingaskedtoratifytheSteeringCommittee structurebelow. (2)–CityCouncilmembers;oneEDArepresentativeandonenon-EDA (2)–EDAmembers,non-Councilrepresentatives (1)–PlanningCommissionmember (1)–ParksCommissionmember (1)–IEDCmember (2)–Atlargemembers TheSteeringCommitteewillmeetapproximately3-4timesduringtheSmallArea Studyprocess,whichwillbegininJanuaryandisanticipatedtoconcludeinMay, 2017.TheSteeringCommitteewillassistinprovidingdirectionandinputon smallareaplanasitdevelops.MeetingsoftheSteeringCommitteewillalsobe postedasopenmeetings. Postingfortheat-largepositionswillbeopenedafterCouncilandEDAapprove representationandprovidecommentsontheSteeringCommitteestructure. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS–COMMITTEERATIFICATION: 1. MotiontoapproveratificationoftheSteeringCommitteestructureto supporttheSmallAreaStudyprocess. 2. MotiontodenyapprovaloftheratificationoftheSteeringCommittee. 3. MotiontotableactionregardingtheratificationoftheSteering Committee. ALTERNATIVEACTIONS–APPOINTMENTOFEDA REPRESENTATIVES Asnotedabove,itisrequestedthatEDArepresentationconsistoftwonon- councilmembers. 1. Motiontoappoint______________and______________asrepresentatives EDAAgenda:01/11/17 fortheDowntownSmallAreaStudySteeringCommittee. Motionofother. 2. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffbelievesitmakessensetoutilizeaSteeringCommitteetosupporttheefforts tocompletetheSmallAreaStudy.Thesizeandrepresentationalsoseem appropriatefortheprojectscopeandworkinvolved. RegardingEDArepresentationtotheSteeringCommittee,staffdeferstotheEDA onmattersofappointment. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A. EDASmallAreaStudyStaffReport EDA Agenda 0 9 / 1 4 /16 10 . Consideration of authorization to issue RFPs for Small Area Study in downtown Monticello ( AS/ JT ) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND : The EDA is asked to consider authorizing issuance of an RFP for a Small Area Study for own. The concept for completion of a small area placed Downtown Redevelopment as the top priority or focus area for the near future. It was discussed during the strat egy session and in other EDA meetings that g iven the recent changes and investments within the core downtown commercial district, the land use components of the Embracing Downtown P lan require review and update. In July, the EDA authorized the preparati on of an RFP for consideration. The EDA indicated at that time that the update for the land use component of the plan should not be extensive and, given the investment in the Embracing Downton Plan, consideration should be given to project cost. The EDA also felt a market perspective on any land use concept was critical. As such, staff has prepared a draft RFP which is limited in scope in terms of both focus and geographic area. The small area to be studied includes the four corners at the intersection o f TH25 and CSAH 75, and includes additional blocks to the west of TH25 , . The study focuses on development of three alternative land use concepts, then re quires that they be analyzed by developers for feasibility. The proposa l also requests detail on likely implementation measures. Although staff does have some question as to how proposers will develop a proposal meeting both requirements, firms which work for both public and private clients may be able to offer a proposal which packages both components. is also understood that a final contract and scope of work will be developed in finer detail with the selected consultant should the project proceed. A1. Staff Impact : An initial estimate of staff time involved in the process, including preparation of the RFP, reviewing submitted proposals and presenting the results to the EDA for consideration is 25 to 3 0 hours . Staff commitment dur ing the actual study preparation process may be closer 100 hours. Staff time supporting the consultant in arranging and meeting and developing can support a reduction in costs for the consultant services , as well. A2. Budget Impact: Funding is includ ed in the proposed 2017 EDA budget. Staff has estimated t he budget impact for the small area study at approximately $45,000 to $55,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS : 1. Motion to authorize issuance of RFPs for Small Area Study in downtown Monticello, subject to those comments of the EDA. 2. Motion to table consideration of a small area study for further research and information . 3. Motion for no action C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION : area has generated questions on the best use of properties and desired development pattern for the core of downtown. Staff recommends alternative 1 above. The small area study will not replace the Embracing Downtown Plan, but rather supplement the plan for focus on the core area identified. D. SUPPORTING DATA : A. Draft Small Area Study RFP 2 EDA Agenda : 0 1 / 11 /1 7 10 . Consideration to appoint a second representative s to a Prospect Team - Land Subsidy Committee ( JT ) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND : A. The EDA appointed Bill Demeules, EDA President, to a newly formed committee at its regular December mee ting. Staff raised the concept of this new committee as a method of being more responsive to prospects regarding land offers in Otter Creek Business Park. It may also serve to reduce the number of extra special meetings which require notice postings. It is recommend ed that this committee have two EDA members plus staff, consisting of the Economic Development Manager, Community Development Director, Finance Director and City Administrator. Meetings for this committee will be held on an as needed bas is as prospects seek site and incentive offers. It may be once or twice a year or it could be more numerous depending on the pace of future development. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS COMMITTEE RATIFICATION : 1. Motion to approve appointment of a second EDA mem ber to the Prospect Team - Land Subsidy Discussion Committee 2. Motion to deny approval appointment of a second EDA member to the Prospect Team - Land Subsidy Discussion Committee 3. Motion to table action regarding appointment of a second EDA member to the Prospect Team - Land Subsidy Discussion Committee. A LTERNATIVE ACTIONS : 1. Motion to appoint ______________ to the Prospect Team - Land Subsidy Discussion Committee 2. Motion of other such as table o r deny appointment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff believes appointing a second member to the Prospect Team - Land Subsidy Discussion Committee, will appropriately fill out the Committee members. By forming this Committee, it may allow more timely responses to prospects regarding land offers in Otter Creek Business Park and the possible subsidy offers. EDA Agenda : 0 1 / 11 /1 7 Regarding EDA representation to the actual Committee, staff d efers to the EDA on matters of appointment. D . SUPPORTING DATA : N/A EDAAgenda:1/11/17 11.EconomicDevelopmentReport (JT) CEDSandProcess TheCEDSprocessisbeginningtocometogether.CEDSstandsforComprehensive EconomicDevelopmentStrategy.Itisaprocessanddocumentwhereineconomic developmentgoalsandobjectivesinaregionarepubliclyidentifiedandprioritized.Arelated componentistheformationofstrategiestoachievetheeconomicdevelopmentgoals.The processusuallytakes15to18monthstocomplete.CEDSdocumentsaretypicallycompleted forcountyormulti-countyregions.Pleaseseethebelownotice(inquotations)fromDuane Northagen,Director,WrightCountyEconomicDevelopmentPartnership(WCEDP). “HelloEveryone, TheWrightCountyEconomicDevelopmentPartnership(WCEDP)isexcitedtoannouncethatWrightCountyhas partneredwithCentralMinnesotaJobsandTraining,theFederalEDAandtheInitiativeFoundation tocreatea ComprehensiveEconomicDevelopmentStrategy(CEDS)forthe7Wdistrict. ThepartnershipalsoincludesBenton, StearnsandSherburneCountiesandwill greatlyincreaseourchancesofreceivingfutureFederalEDAprojectdollars . ACEDSisdesignedtobringtogetherthepublicandprivatesectorsinthecreationofaneconomicroadmaptodiversify andstrengthenregionaleconomiesandincludesfourcornerstonesunderwhichcommunityconversationswilloccur. Theyare: HumanCapital EconomicCompetitiveness CommunityResources FoundationalAssets Wewouldliketoscheduleacommunityconversationtodiscussthefirstissue,HumanCapitalonThursday,January26 th th at9:00AMattheMonticelloWorkforceCenter(406East7 Street).The conversationwillbefacilitatedby Central MinnesotaJobsandTraining’snewEconomicDevelopmentCoordinator’sJenniferRussell. Thefindingsandgoals fromourconversationwillthenbeincludedinourregionalplan .AsImentionedearlier ,projectsthatareincludedas of part theCEDSdocumenthavehistoricallyhadmuchgreateroddsofreceivingimplementationfundingthroughthe FederalEDA . Iencourageyoutoinviterepresentativesfromyourlocaleducationalfacilities,EDAs,electedofficialsandanylocal businessesthatmaybestrugglingwithworkforcedevelopmentissues. Thekeytoasuccessfulregionalplanis widespreadcommunityinvolvement!!!MoreinformationonthecompleteCEDSprocesscanbefoundatthefollowing link: https://www.eda.gov/pdf/ceds_flyer_wht_backround.pdf HopetoseeyouallthereonJanuary26th!” DuaneNorthagen,WCEDP 1 EDAAgenda:1/11/17 HousingStudy Thefirstdraftofahousingstudyhasbeenreviewedandcontinuestobeeditedforpossible changes.AseconddraftwillbesoughtfromtheauthorsatWSBandeventuallyafinaldraft willbepresentedtotheEDAforfurtherconsiderationandactionasappropriate. ProspectsandIndustrialSites Activeprospectsnumberfouratthistime.Followuptasksincludemonitoringtheirdecision processesandprovidingadditionalinformationasrequested.Tothatend,ifallofthe prospectsweretoselectMonticelloOtterCreekBusinessParkastheirpreferredsite,theEDA wouldhaveverylittlelandlefttoofferanyfutureindustrialprospects.Furthermore,thereis verylittleavailableindustriallandremainingintheCityoutsideofOtterCreekBusinessPark. Thatlowamountofindustriallandmaybeanobstacletothegoalofincreasingthenumberof jobsintheCityaswellasthegrowthofthetaxbase. Thefourprospectsinclude: 1.LargeInternationalFirm 2.Groebner 3.Shred-N-Go 4.PrecisionMachiningFirm ActiveProjects 1. 349WestBroadway–AprilStuderPurchaseandTimelineUpdate 2