BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 07-08-2016DRAFT MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, July 8,2016,8:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: Mark Daleiden, Martyn Dibben, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Jessica Pedersen, Glen Posusta, Pat Sawatzke, Sandra Theros Members Absent: Jim Hayes, Scott Peterson, Brian Stumpf Staff Present: Brad Harrington, Marc Mattice, Angela Schumann Others Present: Tim Hennagir, Monticello Times; Graham Sones, SGA Group 1. Call to Order. Chair Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from June 3, 2016 meeting. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 3, 2016 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Outdoor Recreation Grant. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITIONAL ITEM AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY SANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 4. Phase 9 and 10 Acquisition Update. Marc Mattice said that the closing for Phase 9 & 10 went without a hitch on Friday, June 30th. This included the final 253 acres of the passive use area of the park, bringing the City and County total acreage owned to almost 1,012 acres. The total grant amount awarded for this purchase was $3.89 Million. Mattice said that Commissioner Sawatzke was key in helping secure funding for greater Minnesota and should be thanked for his efforts. A total of $11.2 Million has been awarded in grant dollars to date for the entire project, plus the City and County match dollars of $4.1 Million each. The only parcel remaining is the 40.89 -acre piece for the future athletic complex. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: July 8, 2016 5. Access and parking construction bid award. Marc Mattice said that the project for the north access road, turn around, and parking areas was awarded to Ramsey Excavating from Minneapolis, based upon their low bid, which was within budget, under $300,000. Mattice noted that this is the same company that worked on Target Field and they have a very good reputation. Construction will start after Labor Day. 6. Four Season Rental Facility Construction Specifications and Bidding Process. Marc Mattice said that he is moving forward with the construction specifications including the septic system with a goal to advertise for bids in August. Updated plans were reviewed and discussed based upon requested changes at the last meeting. Mattice said the construction is funded through the Phase I Development Grant. 7. Update on Work Plan for 2016. Marc Mattice said the two old YMCA buildings have been demolished and removed. In the day use/beach area, staff has removed the shed and two changing cabins. More work will be done there to clean up the area. Staff will start preparations soon on two new trail bridges to be constructed in July. Staff is also working on new maps for the kiosks, and the clearing in the woods for Phase II of the Natural Playground project. There are two eagle scouts working on restoring the old amphitheater. Mattice said that following the storms this week, there are numerous trees down in the park due to storm damage. The local cycling clubs are assisting County parks staff with the cleanup. 8. Trail Bridge Construction and Locations. Marc Mattice said that staff will start preparations to begin construction on two new trail bridges in July. Mattice reviewed a map indicating the bridge locations. The first bridge is at the Beaver Pond at Long Lake, a 40 -foot flat bridge. Staff will remove the existing old bridge, do the site work and then construct the bridge. This is a two -day project for staff. The second bridge is over the creek between Bertram and Long Lakes on the backside of the dam. There is substantial site work that needs to be done in that area. This will be a 10 -foot wide, 65 -foot long bridge. The bridges are pre- built, come in pieces and are put together on site by County park staff. 9. Beach House Architect Search or Design Build. Marc Mattice noted that at the previous meeting in June, the Advisory Council voted to authorize staff to begin the REP process to select an architectural firm for the beach bath house design. However, Mattice stated that with a design build process the County can save dollars. WES OLSON MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THE DESIGN BUILD PROCESS FOR THE BEACH BATH HOUSE. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED, 9 -1; OPPOSED: GLEN POSUSTA. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: July 8, 2016 10. Bertram Chain of Lakes Operational Update. a. YMCA Open House: Brad Harrington reported that there were over 500 people in attendance at the open house from 1 -4pm on Saturday, June 18th. Everything ran very smoothly and there was great feedback. b. Bertram Blast: To date there are 100 registrations for the triathlon and it is expected that there will be 150 registered by race day on July 23ra The race director, Brett Oden, found a sponsor who is willing to donate hard cider in a bottle. Each person at the end of the race, age 21 or older, will receive a bottle of cider. Harrington said that basically it is included in the "swag bag" for each racer. Commissioner Sawatzke said that the necessity of it doesn't warrant violating the policy of the park for no alcohol. Additionally, alcohol has not been approved for weddings in the park, nor for the Lions ice fishing event. JIM LINDBERG MOVED TO NOT APPROVE ALCOHOL TO BE INCLUDED IN THE SWAG BAG FOR THE TRIATHLON. MOTION SECONDED BY TOM JAHNKE. MOTION CARRIED 7 -3; OPPOSED: SANDRA THEROS, GLEN POSUSTA, MARK DALEIDEN. Volunteer Opportunities: Additional volunteers are needed on race day and volunteers will receive a free t -shirt. Please contact Kitty Baltos if interested in volunteering. There will also be a work day with the Rotary for the second phase of the natural playground project and volunteers will be needed. Harrington will find out what date that work day will be held on. 11. Athletic Field Complex Updates. Angela Schumann said that three bids were received for the construction of the interim improvements to meet the grant requirements, coming in a little over budget with the low bid at $220,000. The bids will be brought to the City Council for approval on July 11th. The work is expected to be completed by the end of August which will include the bituminous trail connection from the parking area along Briarwood south to the regional park entrance, a 45 stall parking area, and a 20 -acre green space multi - purpose field. The field should be playable by June of 2017 to comply with the grant requirements. 12. Continue discussion of ownership of additional lands, City Council findings. Angela Schumann said that the 27 -acre City owned farmland to be joined with the park will be brought to the City Council on July 11th for direction of ownership on the property. Consideration of retaining sole ownership of that parcel or joint ownership with Wright County will be determined. Schumann said the staff recommendation is for the city to retain sole ownership but to keep the door open in the future for the option of joint ownership to potentially receive in -kind services from the County to do so. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: July 8, 2016 13. Friends of Bertram update. Jim Lindberg said the Friends have a meeting coming up on July 22nd. They will elect new officers at that meeting. Lindberg also proposed a Friends celebration of the final acquisition of the park in 2017. 14. Discussion of added items. A. Outdoor Recreation Grant: Angela Schumann said that the City was not successful in receiving the Outdoor Rec Grant for the final 40.89 acres for the athletic complex. This was a $100,000 grant cap and the city applied for the max but received a letter that the grant was not awarded. Schumann said that staff is planning on bringing this item forward to approve a City /County equal share ($507,000 /each) to purchase the parcel with acquisition in 2017. The Advisory Council is asked to consider moving forward with a recommendation to the City and County to approve acquisition of the parcel without a grant. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND THE CITY AND COUNTY MOVE FORWARD WITH THE JOINT PURCHASE OF THE REMAINING 40.89 ACRE PARCEL TO COMPLETE THE ENTIRE ACQUISITIOIN OF THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK IN 2017. MOTION SECONDED BY WES OLSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 15. Schedule Next Meeting. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO RESCHEDULE THE REGULAR BCOLAC MEETING TO FRIDAY, AUGUST 26TH, AT 8AM IN THE BRIDGE ROOM AT THE MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION 16. Adiourn. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:31 A.M. Recorder: (5�3Bt1? &reel? Administrative Assistant Approval Date: August 26, 2016 Attest: M n, BC C Chairman M