BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 06-03-2016DRAFT MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, June 3, 2016, 8:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: Mark Daleiden, Martyn Dibben, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Jessica Pedersen, Glen Posusta, Pat Sawatzke, Brian Stumpf, Sandra Theros Members Absent: Jim Hayes, Tom Jahnke, Scott Peterson Staff Present: Beth Green, Brad Harrington, Stacy Marquardt, Marc Mattice, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann Others Present: Tim Hennagir, Monticello Times; Graham Sones, SGA Group 1. Call to Order. Chair Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:06 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from May 6, 2016 meeting. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE MAY 6, 2016 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Beach Bath House Design. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITIONAL ITEM AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY SANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 4. Review Schematic design of four - season rental facility. Marc Mattice reviewed the four- season rental facility architectural design presented by Larson Associates of Buffalo. This building will go in place of the old chalet building to be torn down. The new building will include restroom facilities, a storage area, a gathering room (keeping the existing fireplace) and adding a kitchenette with an optional deck overlooking Bertram Lake. The basement will not be finished at this time or accessible to the public. The building size is planned to be 30' x 50'. Mattice said the facility would be available to rent out for meetings, weddings, programming, school groups and teams, etc. This is a county project that it will be funded with the Phase I Development Grant. Mattice said he is looking for an approval to recommend developing construction specs, which will also include the building demolition with the goal to bid the project in July. A few changes to the design were suggested such as enlarging the entryway vestibule to create a larger porch, a patio door added to the lake side, shaker shingles and cultured BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: June 3, 2016 stone wainscot accents around the outside and wood looking hardy board siding. Mark Daleiden said that he would like to see a better drawing with the discussed changes. Mattice will email out the revised drawings to the council for review. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO PROCEED WITH THE PROJECT PENDING REVISED DRAWINGS BASED UPON DISCUSSED CHANGES TO BE EMAILED TO THE ADVISORY COUNCIL AND IF NECESSARY THE PARK USE COMMITTEE COULDMEET AND FINALIZE. MOTION SECONDED BY PAT SAWATZKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 5. Access and parking construction bid process — update. Marc Mattice provided an update on the access road and parking construction bid process. The bid proposal went out last week and the bid deadline is Friday, June 17th at 11 am. Bids will be reviewed and awarded from there. The Wright County Highway Department helped with design and cross sections so there are no engineering fees. Construction will start after Labor Day. 6. Discuss and take action related to proposed demolition of two old YMCA facilities. Marc Mattice said that he received proposals for the demolition of two old YMCA facilities. On the south trailhead as you walk up the trail towards the water control structure on the right there is an old tan office building with a concrete foundation and full basement, and as you continue to walk there is the old beach house and bomb shelter. The demolition proposals are for complete removal of these structures and restoration of the area. Three proposals were received with the lowest being from Schluender Construction for $6,100, which includes complete removal and restoration. Mattice said the estimated project timeline is 3 to 4 days for complete demo, removal of debris and grading. Angela Schumann talked about taking pictures to document what is there and to document the progress for the future. Jim Lindberg said there are some photos that Camp Director Devin Hanson had taken and he will share those. Mattice said project costs will be paid for out of the County Parks Budget for improvements in the park. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSALS AND AUTHORIZE THE CONTRACT FOR DEMOLITION TO SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION OF MONTICELLO BASED UPON THEIR LOW PROPOSAL OF $6,100 FOR COMPLETE REMOVAL AND RESTORATION. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 7. Mountain bike trail sculpture proposal. As discussed at the May meeting, Marc Mattice stated the County received a request from a sculpture artist who has secured a $10,000 grant to create a sculpture which must be made for a public partner with a public unveiling to meet the grant requirements. The artist's design will be creating a life -size white tail deer made up entirely of stainless steel bike parts and components. The sculpture would be secured to the ground with a concrete footing. The artist is also an avid mountain biker and the former trail steward of Hillside Park in Elk River. She has created a sculpture for that trail and it has been very popular. If approved, she will begin designing the 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: June 3, 2016 piece in July for placement by December 2016. The MORC group has seen the artist's work and they are in favor of the idea. Mattice distributed a sketch of the proposed sculpture for review by the council and stated that the idea is to place the sculpture on the trail near the newly rebuilt esker section so park goers will be able to see it as they are hiking or mountain biking, and will be able to pull over and take some pictures. Jim Lindberg brought up concerns about the sculpture taking away from true nature and that the vision of the passive area of the park is for park goers to experience a real deer on the trail and not a manmade deer out of metal parts. Further concerns included the potential to open the door to other artists, which could draw away from the idea of getting back to nature while visiting the park. Lindberg suggested the council take the time to do more research to see if that is the direction they want to go for the park. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO DENY WORKING WITH THE ARTIST TO PLACE A METAL SCULPTURE AT THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED, 9 -1. OPPOSED, WES OLSON. 8. Athletic field complex update. Angela Schumann said that the land alteration permit was brought to the County Board and has been approved. This will allow the City to begin the interim improvement process to comply with the grant requirements. Tom Pawelk will be submitting RFP's for the project to select the lowest responsible quotes for the work to be completed. Monticello Parks staff will do some work in -house while other work that is contracted will be inspected by City staff. The project is expected to begin in July and wrapped up in August, with playable greenspace by June 2017. This will be brought to the City Council for authorization to advertise for bids. Schumann said the conversion process for the Xcel Fields is moving along and the city has gotten the appraisals for the 27 acres and the Xcel Fields and those appraisals have been forwarded to the DNR. Now the city has to work with the DNR to determine whether or not they will still allow the conversion due to the significant difference in value of the two parcels. Schumann explained that the Xcel property appraised significantly higher at this time because the ballfields are in the city limits with municipal services, and located directly on the interstate, while the 27 acres is currently agricultural land in the township so the value today is much lower. The city is drafting a letter to the DNR explaining that Bertram as a resource promotes a much better recreational opportunity to a larger regional market so the hope is that the DNR will see that value and take that into consideration. Either way, staff is still recommending to move forward with the split. The City Council will be asked to go to the MOAA to split that 27 -acre piece and make it part of the athletic park. 9. Continued discussion of ownership or additional lands. Marc Mattice noted that at a previous meeting it was the consensus of the council to review all future land purchases on a case -by -case basis concerning individual or joint ownership between the City and County. Mattice asked about the 27 acres (for the ballfields) and if there was a City Council recommendation on joint ownership. Schumann said the council's initial reaction on the 27 acres was for it to remain individually owned by the city. The consensus is for the ownership BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: June 3, 2016 to be brought to the City Council for a formal recommendation so Schumann said she will bring it to the council on June 27th. Schumann also noted that the City Council will consider the 3 -acre parcel purchase for joint ownership on June 13th, which is a $9,000 commitment from the city. 10. Bertram Blast update. Brad Harrington said the Bertram Blast Triathlon is doing well and there have been approximately 70 pre - registrations for the event so far. Early registration is now over so the fees have increased. Harrington said all the coordinators have been identified and have been brought in to work on the logistics for their sections. The race is in the production phase at this point with the trail maps just being completed so they should be posted online soon. Volunteers are still needed and should contact Harrington or Kitty Baltos if interested. The event will be held on Saturday, July 23rd at 6am. All details can be found on the website at www.bertramblast.com. 11. YMCA Camp Manitou Update. Brad Harrington said they are doing training and orientation this week with their staff. The YMCA public open house will be held on June 18th from 1 -4pm. The event is free to the public. Everything will be open including the splash pad, ropes course, arts & crafts, canoeing, and food and refreshments will be served. Details can be found on their website at www.daycampmanitou.org. Included for review in the agenda packet is the current rate sheet for rentals at the camp as well as public pool use swimming lessons. The YMCA is marketing as a full- service rental facility subject to camp and staff availability. Rental rates include one chaperone per 10 youth ages 17 & under. All questions should be directed to Camp Director Devin Hanson at 763 -592 -5515 or by email at devin.hanson(dymcamn.org. However, the public can contact Wright County Parks directly for rental of the picnic shelters. 12. Friends of Bertram update. Jim Lindberg said the Friends have not met since January so there has not been a cleanup date set. The new Friends brochure has been printed which highlights the summer programs at Bertram offered by the Monticello Community Center. The program brochure will be distributed during the Walk & Roll event in Monticello on June 11th, where the Friends will have a booth. 13. Discussion of added items. A. Beach Bath House Design: Graham Sones reviewed and discussed the beach bathhouse sketches from Busch Architects noting that it is just a rough sketched idea of how the building may look. The estimated cost is around $230 /square foot, not including grading, HVAC, etc. Discussions centered on the necessity for such a steep pitched roof design and Mattice noted that the sketch is simply a general architectural rendering of the type of building it could be and how it could look but is not the actual design. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: June 3, 2016 The approval from the council would be to move forward with the RFP process for architectural services and the chosen company would provide three actual designs for consideration with plans to build in 2017. Mattice said the architectural services are funded through the CIP at the county and the construction is funded through the Phase I Development Grant. The YMCA's share of the construction cost is approximately 35 %. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE APPROVAL FOR AN RFP TO SELECT AN ARCHITECTURAL FIRM TO CREATE DESIGNS FOR THE BEACH BATH HOUSE AND COME BACK TO THE ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. MOTION SECONDED BYSANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 14. Schedule Next Meeting. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO RESCHEDULE THE NEXT REGULAR BCOLAC MEETING TO JULY 8TH. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 15. Adiourn. Recorder: O`&eth &rmv Administrative Assistant Approval Date: July 8, 2016 Attest: M n, BC AC Chairman 5