BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 05-06-2016MINUTES
Friday, May 6,2016,8:00 a.m.
Monticello Public Works Facility
Members Present: Martyn Dibben, Jim Hayes, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes
Olson, Scott Peterson, Pat Sawatzke, Brian Stumpf, Sandra Theros
Members Absent: Mark Daleiden, Jessica Pedersen, Glen Posusta
Staff Present: Beth Green, Brad Harrington, Stacy Marquardt, Tom Pawelk,
Angela Schumann
Others Present: Tim Hennagir, Monticello Times; Graham Sones, SGA Group
1. Call to Order.
Chair Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and declared a quorum present.
2. Consideration of approving minutes from April 1, 2016 meeting.
3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda.
4. Review of Monticello Township meeting discussions /actions /results.
Angela Schumann said the Township Board met on Monday evening and both Wright County
Parks and the City of Monticello had applications that went before the board. The process before
the applications are reviewed at the County Board of Adjustment is that they have to go to the
township for review and recommendation. Schumann said they talked with the township about
the overall concept and it was a good opportunity to open up the lines of communication with the
township in where we are at with the park and where we hope to go with the park. The township
considered both formal items, one was Wright County's request to the Board of Adjustment on a
variance to the shoreline ordinance related to where the bath house/beach house and shelter will
go and the other was on the parcel of land that the city and county are looking to acquire and then
attach to the regional park. The township recommended unanimously that those two applications
be approved by the Board of Adjustment.
The city and county had a land alteration permit for the interim improvements related to the athletic
park and the township did express some concern both over the long term for the whole of the park
and then specifically related to the athletic park about the potential traffic that could occur on
BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: May 6, 2016
Briarwood Avenue. They recommended unanimously for the land alteration permit but did
indicate that they would like to push forward the idea that discussions be open between the County,
City and Township on traffic management and maintenance for Briarwood and also 90th Street.
Overall, it was a very favorable meeting. The city will go to the Wright County Planning
Commission next Thursday on the land alteration permit. Scott Peterson asked that it be noted
that there was a suggestion brought to him from residents near the park that the City and County
look at access to the park off of CSAH 39 to avoid the extra traffic on Briarwood.
5. Review of schematic concept beach use area development; discussion /modification/
Graham Sones from SGA Group presented the schematic designs of the beach use area
development with three different options. Sones noted that all the trails presented in the concept
designs will be ADA accessible.
Concept #1 follows the 200' setback requirement and everything pinwheels off of the service
building and keeps trails at 8' wide. This concept includes a volleyball court. Concept #2 is very
similar but plays more on the idea that the setbacks can be shifted by asking for a variance on the
building to make room for the view. Sones said that the setback variance has been favorable so
far. This option lessens the number of trails but widens the trails to 10' wide, and also includes a
volleyball court. Option #3 provides for a continuous trail from the play area on the west side all
the way down through the beach area. Concept #3 takes out the volleyball court by the playground
and replaces it with a small shelter. Sones distributed a new Concept #3A which modifies the trail
layout slightly from Concept #3 and includes a volleyball court in the lower area. Tom Jahnke
brought up concerns about too much concrete around the building giving the illusion that you can
drive on it. Suggestions included creating a patio system around the building to possibly include
some benches so that it feels like it belongs to people rather than vehicles. Brad Harrington
clarified that the only vehicles which may drive down there are park maintenance vehicles and
typically those would be the ranger type utility vehicles and not full -size vehicles.
The next steps are to take the preferred concept and work it into a concept development and add
some cost estimates to it. Sones said that the time frame will be to place it into a design
development and then come up with concepts down the road to get bids out in the fall.
6. Park Use Natural Resource Subcommittee recommendation to approve access and
parking construction plans on the north side of Bertram Lake.
Tom Jahnke discussed the parking construction plans for the north side Bertram Lake access and
noted that the subcommittee approved the design, preserving the oak trees. The consensus from
the Advisory Council is to proceed with the parking construction plans.
BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: May 6, 2016
At 9am four members of the Advisory Council left the meeting due to other commitments.
Therefore, the meeting was adjourned and the remaining items on the agenda were updates
only with no action being taken.
7. Update on electric service project underground main lines and secondary services.
Wes Olson said that Wright County Parks staff and himself have met with Wright Hennepin
Electric on site and determined the electric service layout in the park. At the 90th Street entrance,
the power company will run underground electric to provide service to the horse barn, which is
planned to be a future rental building. At the Briarwood entrance, the power company will
establish a transformer at the old farmhouse that will feed back to the shed and eventually feed
the office space that is planned to be built in a few years. There will be another transformer
established at the new chalet with 200amp service. From there it will go down to a "Y" point
where it branches off to the YMCA and then will go down the trail or follow the road down to
the beach. A remote panel with a 400amp service will be put in at the beach with a 200amp
service in the changing room building and 100amp service over to the east park shelter. Olson
explained that they will not invest in any further expansions until the RV campgrounds and the
ballfields start taking place. There will then be a loop around those areas and then back to the
access. Olson said he has volunteered to write up the RFP's and will get it to Marc Mattice so he
can get bids on specific projects as they arise. The Wright Hennepin bid came in at $29,500
which will come out of the County Parks Budget and they will start work in June.
8. April 30' tree planting summary.
Brad Harrington said that there were 20 volunteers to assist with planting seedlings to start with
on Saturday, April 30th at loam, and approximately 30 to 40 volunteers throughout the day.
Volunteers planted a total of 2,000 trees and the remaining trees were planted by staff the
following week for a total of around 9,000 tree seedlings. Harrington said that the tanker truck
watered the seedlings yesterday.
9. 2016 mountain bike trail construction and work update.
Brad Harrington said the contractor, Trail Source, completed the work in the esker. Trail Source
will be back to finish up the loop track on May 17th on the south side of Long Lake and will also
be cutting in the trail for Phase 2 of the Natural Playground. Harrington said that MORC
volunteers will continue to do the finish work on the trails throughout the summer. The work is
being funded by an $8,000 grant from MORC along with the County match of $8,000.
10. Mountain bike trail sculpture funding through State of MN Arts Board.
Brad Harrington said the county received a request from a sculpture artist who has secured a
$10,000 grant to create a sculpture which must be made for a public partner with a public
unveiling to meet the grant requirements. The artist's design will be creating a life -size white
tail deer made up entirely of stainless steel bike parts and components. The sculpture would be
secured to the ground with a concrete footing. Her idea is to place the sculpture near the Otter
Creek bridge which would be a nice scenic spot for riders to stop and take pictures. Users who
BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: May 6, 2016
post pictures of the sculpture could publicize the park when they tag their pictures on social
media. The artist is also an avid mountain biker and the former trail steward of Hillside Park in
Elk River. She has created a sculpture for that trail and it has been very popular. If approved,
she will begin designing the piece in July for placement by December 2016. The MORC group
has seen the artist's work and they are in favor of the idea.
11. Athletic field complex update.
Angela Schumann said that the land alteration permit through the township is for the interim
improvements to comply with the grant requirements. The grant has been submitted for the final
40 acres and will know this summer if that has been approved. Schumann said that as things
move forward the Advisory Council will continue to be updated on the process.
12. Friends of Bertram update.
Jim Lindberg said the Friends were unable to meet in April so the cleanup date has not yet been
set. Volunteers will be needed for cleanup and emails will be sent out when that is determined.
The new Friends brochure has been printed which highlights the summer programs at Bertram
offered by the Monticello Community Center. The program brochure will be distributed during
the Walk & Roll event in Monticello on June 11th, where the Friends will have a booth.
13. Discussion of added items.
14. Schedule Next Meeting.
The next regular BCOLAC Meeting is scheduled for June 3rd at the Monticello Community
Center at Sam in the Bridge Room.
15. Adjourn.
Recorder: CS�Fclh &rxii
Administrative Assistant
Approval Date: June 3, 2016
M n, BC AC Chairman