BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 04-01-2016MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, April 1, 2016,8:00 a.m. Monticello Public Works Facility Members Present: Mark Daleiden, Jim Hayes, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Jessica Pedersen, Scott Peterson, Glen Posusta, Pat Sawatzke, Brian Stumpf, Sandra Theros Members Absent: Martyn Dibben Staff Present: Kitty Baltos, Beth Green, Brad Harrington, Marc Mattice, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann Others Present: Tim Hennagir, Monticello Times 1. Call to Order. Vice -Chair Wes Olson called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from March 4, 2016 meeting. Tim Hennagir from the Monticello Times asked to pull the minutes for discussion. Hennagir asked about Item 6D for the timeline of the chalet demo and replacement. Marc Mattice said he has been working with the architect to develop concepts to be reviewed. Once the concept is approved, bid documents will be drafted, and the goal is to have bids received by July with construction this year. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE MARCH 4, 2016 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. a. Athletic Field Farming. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDED ITEM. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. 4. Discuss additional park property purchase offer /recommendation. At the last BCOLAC Meeting, a motion passed to authorize discussions between a land owner and Marc Mattice and Pat Sawatzke regarding the property he's interested in selling that is adjacent to the park, adjoining Bertram Lake. Mattice said that they met with the land owner and agreed on a price of $18,000 for approximately a three -acre parcel. The recommendation is to develop a purchase agreement for $18,000 and bring to city council and county board. Mattice said they should have a survey completed but skip the appraisal process as there's no grant involved. County will cover cost of survey, recording fees, closing costs, etc. with a potential closing date in July. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 1, 2016 JIM HAYES MOVED TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION TO ENTER INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE THREE -ACRE PARCEL ADJOINING BERTRAM LAKE TO INCLUDE JOINT OWNERSHIP BETWEEN THE CITY AND COUNTY. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. 5. Athletic field complex updates. The City Council had a special meeting on Monday, March 28th, to review the latest athletic complex plan. Angela Schuman distributed the concept plan to the advisory council for review. She explained that they are moving forward on the process with the DNR for the conversion of the parkland to preserve the opportunity to decommission the Xcel Fields should the need ever arise. Pat Sawatzke asked about trail placement and phasing. Schumann explained that the grant requires that the City provide at least open space for outdoor recreation within three years (by 2017), as well as a gravel road, parking area, signage area and trail connection. The City Council has budgeted for and approved for 2016, a bituminous trail from the parking area south along Briarwood Avenue connecting into the regional park. The base development cost is $191,147 to meet the grant requirements. Schumann explained that these will be interim improvements. The larger phasing on the park is proposed Phase 1, developing the 26 -acre city owned farmland. The new plan allows for the first phase of development to occur on the north side of the park along the city's 26 -acre farm parcel to include four baseball fields and two soccer /lacrosse fields. This first phase is estimated at $3,000,000. Schumann said that the phasing plans are tiered in terms of cost levels. The City will need to budget over three years for Phase I improvements with the goal of playable fields by 2020. This plan includes recommendations from the baseball association to start kids on the two youth fields, then progress to the larger fields, and finally onto the 380' baseball field. Schumann reviewed the concept plan and noted that the City cannot move forward with the master plan until the conversion process is complete. The master plan will be brought back for review once the conversion is complete. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE CONCEPT ATHLETIC PLAN AS PRESENTED AND MOVE FORWARD WITH THE MASTER PLANNING PROCESS ONCE THE CONVERSION PROCESS IS COMPLETE. MOTION SECONDED BY SCOTT PETERSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. It should be noted that the BCOLAC was supportive of the latest revised concept plan, recommending it continue to move forward in the master planning process. The group also did not object to any of the phasing plans as described by Schumann. 6. Summer program offerings at Bertram. The MCC will once again be offering programming at Bertram this summer including classes for stand up paddle boarding, yoga paddle boarding, canoe and kayak excursions, kids fishing clinics and the high ropes course. The triathlon will be held on July 23rd and the Blazin thru Bertram on September 10th. Brad Harrington distributed a summer program brochure for Wright County Parks, including Bertram programming. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 1, 2016 Mattice said the mountain bike trails opened up this week. Staff is in the process of flagging the construction area of the trail which will mostly be in the esker area where they are trying to get the sustainable design complete and then will move to the west. Mattice said the contractor will be out in mid -April to start work on the identified trail section, as well as to construct the accessible trail to the nature playscape (Phase 2) of the Natural Playground. The work is being funded by an $8,000 grant from MORC along with the County match of $8,000. Harrington distributed a tree planting flyer. He said that they will be planting 6,000 seedlings as part of a reforestation project at the north entrance. Harrington said that he needs 50 -100 volunteers. All volunteers should meet at the north parking lot at 9910 Briarwood Avenue at l Oam on Saturday, April 30th. Planting will take place from loam -lpm. 7. Friends of Bertram update. Jim Lindberg said the Friends sill be meeting in two weeks and will plan to set a cleanup date sometime in May. Mattice said he has areas in mind for the cleanup and will email out a map of those locations. 8. Discussion of added items. a. Athletic Field Farming: Tom Pawelk said that spoke with Mark Holker who has been farming on the east side of the park. The City will be contracting with Holker to farm the 20 acres of land at the biosolids farmsite to plant in corn which will help as a windbreak to protect the new turf field that will be put in as the interim improvements of the initial grant requirements for greenspace. Pawelk noted that the area would turn into weeds without farming so the planting will help with aesthetics as well. 9. Schedule Next Meeting. The next regular BCOLAC Meeting is scheduled for May 6th at the Monticello Community Center at Sam in the Bridge Room. Mattice said he may be unable to attend as he will be attending the Wright County Board of Adjustment at that time. 10. Adiourn. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:00 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY SANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. Recorder: teeth &Yeen Administrative Assistant Approval Date: May 6, 2016 Attest: M n, BC AC Chairman