BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 03-04-2016MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, March 4,2016,8:00 a.m. Monticello Public Works Facility Members Present: Martyn Dibben, Mark Daleiden, Jim Hayes, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Jessica Pedersen, Scott Peterson, Glen Posusta, Pat Sawatzke, Brian Stumpf, Sandra Theros Staff Present: Kitty Baltos, Beth Green, Stacy Marquardt, Marc Mattice, Jeff O'Neill, Tom Pawelk 1. Call to Order. Chair Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Welcome New Member and Introductions. Jessica Pedersen was welcomed as the new BCOLAC member filling the vacant seat left by Kim Hewson- Garber. Pedersen's term will run through December 2017. 3. Consideration of approving minutes from February 5, 2016 meeting. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE FEBRUARY 5, 2016 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM HAYES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 13 -0. 4. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Spring Tree Planting. B. Triathlon Challenge. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDED ITEMS. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM HAYES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 13 -0. 5. Park Use /Natural Resource Subcommittee Update. A. Selection of Firm for Phase 1 Design and Development: Mattice said that the subcommittee met to review the five proposals for the design and development firm. After ranking the proposals, the SGA Group was selected to begin the Phase 1 schematic and design development. The County Board approved the selection and entered into a contract with SGA Group. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: March 4, 2016 6. Phase 1 Design and Development Update and Discussion. A. Phase 1 Budget Review: Mattice distributed and reviewed the Phase 1 development budget break down. The total budget including grant funding is just over $1.1Million. B. Wright County Planning and Zoning Concerns and Permits: Mattice explained the impacts from the CUP from the YMCA. Therefore, a land alteration permit will need to be submitted to complete the access road. C. Access Road, Parking Area, and Turnaround: Mattice reviewed the existing road and explained where the new access road will come in, showing three different layout options. The turnaround has been moved approximately 300' from the beach area in all options and is designed with enough area for a bus or RV to turn around. Mattice noted that the road construction plan is for aggregate at this time. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND DESIGN OPTION #2 FOR THE ACCESS ROAD WITH THE "T" NEAR THE CAMPGROUND AND YMCA. MOTION SECONDED BY TOM JAHNKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12 -0. D. Condition Report on Current Chalet — Review and Action: Mattice distributed and reviewed the Condition Assessment Report on the Chalet Building from Busch Architects prepared March 1, 2016. The recommendation of the architect is to demolish the existing chalet and construct a new 1 story, 1200 sq. ft. chalet on a new concrete slab on grade. Mattice asked if the BCOLAC accepts their recommendation to demo the old chalet. Mark Daleiden recommended keeping the existing foundation and building the new chalet on that existing structure. The report states that the foundation is sound so Daleiden said it would be good to keep a basement for utilities, storage and a handicap accessible bathroom. Further discussions included the option to salvage some of the existing materials and wood from the demolition to give to woodworking artists. WES OLSON MOVED TO NOT REPAIR THE EXISTING STRUCTURE. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. It is unclear at this time if the foundation is able to be saved. Therefore, Mattice said he can ask the architect to design two schematics with one building upon the existing foundation and another building on a new slab on grade. a. Upon Recommendation, Selection of Architect Firm: Mattice reviewed the proposals from various architectural firms. Most of the costs were pretty significant and Mattice said his recommendation would be to go with a firm to design build with mechanical, electrical and plumbing being put in per code with some outside assistance. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: March 4, 2016 Mattice reviewed a proposed rough sketch of new chalet which could become a four season rental facility. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE ARCHITECTURAL PROPOSAL FROM LARSON & ASSOCIATES FOR THE DESIGN BUILD OPTION ONLY IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,500. MOTION SECONDED BY PAT SAWATZKE. MOTION CARRIED 10 -2; ABSTAINED: TOM JAHNKE, JIM LINDBERG. E. Review Schematic Septic Design for Chalet and Beach House: Mattice reviewed the well and septic design. Mattice reviewed another alternative about putting a force main in from the septic up at the chalet which would be an 880' run, directional bore plus lift station and piping. Overall, it would be less expensive to put a septic down by the lake initially and the maintenance costs would be lower. The consensus from the BCOLAC is to put in a septic by lake for the beach house /changing rooms. F. Possible Building Locations for Beach House and Picnic Shelter: Mattice reviewed the map for the beach house and picnic shelter and noted that according to Planning & Zoning there needs to be a 200' setback from the lake. The plan shows for the beach house /changing rooms to be put in behind the 200' setback line; however, the most logical placement for the picnic shelter is within the 200' setback. Mattice explained that if the shelter is placed behind the setback, the land slopes down too significantly into a low marsh area. To make it a suitable area for a building, a land alteration permit would need to be applied for to fill in the low area and then a significant retaining wall would be needed to separate the building from the marsh. That would then create a potential safety issue with a drop off from the wall. Due to the slope of the land outside of the setback, the discussion leaned toward applying for a variance from Wright County to allow placement of the picnic shelter within the setback area at the lake. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO HAVE THE ARCHITECT WORK WITH WRIGHT COUNTY PARKS TO COME UP WITH SUITABLE DESIGN ALTERNATIVES AND, FURTHER, TO WORK WITH PLANNING AND ZONING AND COME BACK TO THE ADVISORY COUNCIL WITH THOSE OPTIONS. MOTION WAS NOT SECONDED. WES OLSON MOVED TO REQUEST A VARIANCE FROM WRIGHT COUNTY DUE TO THE COMPLICATIONS OF FILLING IN THE LOW AREA WHICH WOULD THEN REQUIRE A RETAINING WALL THAT COULD POSE A SAFETY RISK TO USERS OF THE SHELTER. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED 10 -1; OPPOSED: MARTYN DIBBEN. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: March 4, 2016 7. Review and Discuss Additional Park Property — Willing Seller. Marc Mattice said that he was approached by a property owner regarding a small 3 -acre piece of land that he owns adjacent to the park, adjoining Bertram Lake. He asked if the City and County would be interested in purchasing the property as additional parkland. Marc reviewed the map indicating the triangle piece that adjoins the corner of Bertram Lake. The owner wasn't firmly set on a price; he said to just see what the board thinks. Mattice said that he could get an appraisal of the parcel to get a fair market value; the appraisal cost would be around $1,500. Discussed the potential of the parcel being too difficult to find comparables for the appraisal so another option would be to check with the County Assessor on a potential value of property. Mattice noted that there is $11,000 in the dedicated Bertram Fund and the difference of the purchase price could potentially be shared between the City and County. At previous meetings it was discussed about reviewing potential parkland purchases on a case by case basis to consider joint ownership. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO AUTHOROIZE AN APPRAISAL OF THE PROPERTY. MOTION SECONDED BY PAT SAWATZKE. DALEIDEN WITHDREW HIS MOTION. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL DISCUSSIONS WITH THE LAND OWNER, INFORMING HIM THAT THERE MAY BE INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY AND TO FIND OUT WHERE HE IS AT WITH A PRICE ON THE LAND. PRIOR TO DISCUSSIONS WITH THE OWNER, MATTICE SHOULD SPEAK WITH THE COUNTY ASSESSOR TO GET AN ESTIMATED VALUE ON THE PROPERTY. MOTION SECONDED BY PAT SAWATZKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. The consensus from the BCOLAC is to have a board member sit in with Marc Mattice on the discussion with the property owner. Pat Sawatzke volunteered to participate. 8. Parcel 3 — Snowmobile Corridor Trail Discussion and Recommendation. At the last meeting the BCLOCAC tabled the recommendation on the existing snowmobile trail through the park pending additional information from Marc Mattice. Mattice reviewed a map indicating the points where the snowmobile trail crosses the mountain bike trail causing potential hazards. The trail runs through the northeast section of the park which is the land that is not yet owned by the City /County but has been grant approved and will be acquired in July of 2016. Mattice reviewed pictures of the fat tire trail that crosses the snowmobile trail. These are winter mountain bike trails that are groomed by volunteers. Discussed whether or not to allow snowmobilers to continue to use the existing trail and some suggested including re- routing the trail. Mattice said with the creek running through that area, to re -route on the perimeter of the park would include building a bridge over that creek. Mattice noted that the snowmobile club has been a big supporter of the park. The current speed limit on the trail is 50mph and discussions included lowering the speed limit on the trail through the park. Jim Lindberg said that in his opinion the park is designated as a non - motorized park and that the board should hold tight on that rule and not make exceptions regardless of this being an existing trail. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: March 4, 2016 Tom Jahnke talked about how the Three Rivers Park District handled existing snowmobile trails through their parks. He said the snowmobile clubs were asked to find routes outside the park and if they were unable to do so because of safety reasons or other concerns, then provisions were made to re -route the trails along the perimeter of the parks. TOM JAHNKE RECOMMENDS WE ASK THE SNOWMOBILE CLUB TO FIND A ROUTE OUTSIDE THE PARK AND IF THERE IS A SAFETY CONCERN THEN TO COME BACK TO THE BCOLAC TO RUN THE TRAIL ON THE PERIMETER OF THE PARK AND ANY EXPENSES TO RE -ROUTE AND BUILD A BRIDGE OVER THE CREEK WOULD BE THEIR EXPENSE. MOTION WAS NOT SECONDED. PAT SAWATZKE MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE SNOWMOBILE CLUB USE OF THE EXISTING TRAIL FOR THE WINTER OF 2016 -2017 WITH SLOWER SPEEDS POSTED AT 35MPH, AND TO ASK THEM TO CONSIDER RE- ROUTING OUTSIDE THE PERIMETER OF THE PARK AFTER ONE YEAR. MOTION SECONDED BY GLEN POSUSTA. TOM JAHNKE ADDED TO THE MOTION THAT IT IS THE COMMITTEE'S DESIRE THAT THEY FIND AN ALTERNATIVE ROUTE PRIOR TO 2017 -2018 WINTER RIDING SEASON. MOTION CARRIED 8 -2; OPPOSED: JIM LINDBERG, JIM HAYES. 9. Discussion of Added Items A. Tree Planting: Brad Harrington said the tree planning will be held on April 30th, and noted that they will need a number of volunteers to assist with planting the 6,000 seedlings. B. Triathlon Challenge: Marc Mattice said that the County accepts the challenge from the City for the triathlon. Jeff O'Neill said it will be totally for fun with the city employees vs. county employees participating as well as council members, board members or commission members. O'Neill reminded everyone that each person can just choose to do a portion of the triathlon, such as just the run, just the swim, etc. 11. Schedule next meeting — April 1, 2016. The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 1, 2016, at 8 am at the Public Works Facility due to the Community Center not having conference rooms available that day. 5 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: March 4, 2016 12. Adiourn. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 10:12 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY SCOTT PETERSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8 -0. Recorder: CN�eth &rem Administrative Assistant Approval Date: April 1, 2016 Attest: M n, BC AC Chairman 2