BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 02-05-2016MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, February 5,2016,8:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: Martyn Dibben, Mark Daleiden, Jim Hayes, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Scott Peterson, Glen Posusta, Pat Sawatzke, Brian Stumpf, Sandra Theros Staff Present: Kitty Baltos, Beth Green, Stacy Marquardt, Marc Mattice, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Chair Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from January 8, 2016 meeting. LARRY NOLAN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE JANUARY 8, 2016 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Snowmobile Trail — Parcel 3. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH ADDITION AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. 4. Review of Advisory Council Membership Applications and Consideration Appointment if any. The Advisory Council reviewed the membership application and cover letter received from Jessica Pedersen. Pederson is a Monticello Township resident. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE APPLICATION OF JESSICA PEDERSEN TO FILL THE VACANT SEAT ON THE BCOLAC. MOTION SECONDED BY SANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. 5. Consideration of Athletic Field Master Plan Feasibility Report and Interim Phasing Plans and Construction. Angela Schumann said that at the last meeting she provided an update to this group regarding the City Council's consideration of a request for a conversion as related to the Xcel Ballfields. The council tabled action on that item at their last meeting as they had some questions about the costs that the consultant had listed related to the request process. At the next council meeting, staff will be providing an update to the council on the costs related to that process and council will BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: February 5, 2016 then decide whether or not they want to move forward. Schumann reiterated that the City is not decommissioning the Xcel Ballfields at this time but rather would, through a conversion process, preserve the opportunity to replace that outdoor recreation land at Bertram instead should the need arise. The reason that impacts the master plan is that the conversion process does not allow land that is already considered parkland as convertible land, as that is not eligible for conversion. Schumann showed the map of the concept master plan and indicated the acreage along the top tier which lies just to the north of parcels 1 and 2 is a portion of the City's biosolids farm. So before the City can actually formally consider that acreage for parkland it would need to go through this conversion process. Schumann said the master plan is conceptual at this point and cannot move beyond concept point until the council decides whether or not they want to go through the conversion process. If they elect to go through it then the master planning process goes to the back burner while they go through that process and it is expected to wrap up in May or June if it moves forward and then the master planning process would continue. Schumann distributed the concept master plan. She explained that the plan has been slightly modified from the previous version after getting information from the Baseball Association. In the long term the Baseball Association would like to see the baseball fields be the home of the Monticello Polecats. The plan has shifted the baseball fields which pushes the higher intensity use towards the center of the park. Schumann asked if the Advisory Council has any questions about this particular layer and noted that Council will be asked to consider approval and adoption at a later date. Brian Stumpf said that the issue for the Baseball Association was not only the location of the baseball fields but also the timing of the building of the fields. Their concern is that the baseball fields are being put off as the last fields being built. Stumpf said that we need to reassure them that is not going to be the case and those baseball fields will be built in conjunction with the rest of the complex. Schumann said that the City Council will be holding a workshop on Monday night regarding where we are at with the feasibility report of the project. Also included in the packets is a needs assessment. The needs assessment evaluates all of the available play field space here in the community both at a city level and a school level and then evaluates the level of play, the number of hours, the number of teams, etc. Schumann said the analysis has shown that the greatest need is for the multi - purpose green spaces. Soccer and lacrosse have a shortage that is going to at least temporarily be worsened as the school districted completes their improvements; and as those sports continue to grow in popularity, that shortage will increase. The assessment shows a shortage of between 300 and 1,000 hours for soccer and lacrosse combined. In responding to some of those concerns about baseball and softball, Schumann said it's not only important to look at the hard numbers of where you put your money first, but what will be used and right now there is a surplus of hours for softball and baseball. However, over time those numbers can shift so it will be important to continue to evaluate that. Schumann noted the benefit of phasing the athletic complex will be having the opportunity to continue to evaluate field play needs and make changes along the way if necessary. Schuman reiterated that the Council will be asked to take action related to the conversion, they'll be getting an update on the feasibility report, and they will see the conceptual layout. The Council will also be asked to make a decision on the interim improvements. A portion of Parcel 8 and a majority of Parcel 1 were purchased with an outdoor recreation grant. As part of that 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: February 5, 2016 grant the City is required to provide public access to these spaces within three years of acquisition. In talking with the granting agency, public access means that it's necessary to put in the access road, sign the property showing that City has received grant funds, putting in a trail connection along Briarwood to connect into the larger regional park, and also to do some minor grading and seeding of about a 5 -acre play area. That will satisfy the grant requirements and will also, while the school district is building their improvements, replace the soccer and lacrosse that the school is losing during their construction. Schumann said that Council did budget $200,000 for those interim improvements for the coming year, and will also be asked authorize staff to go to Wright County's Planning Commission for a land alteration permit. 6. Park Use/Natural Resource Subcommittee update on discussions from January Stn. Marc Mattice said the Park Use/Natural Resource Subcommittee met on January 8th, following the regular BCOLAC meeting. Discussions included reviewing the RFP for passive use Phase 1 design development. Mattice said that after the request was put out, a total of five proposals were received. After the meeting today the subcommittee will review the proposals and select a firm. The subcommittee has selected a shelter design and provided guidance of what they want to see for an open air shelter down by the beach. They have also reviewed plans for the bath house. Mattice said they will be moving forward with design development proposals today. Mattice also noted that planting of 6,000 seedlings has been scheduled for the last week in April /first week in May so please contact him to volunteer as they will need a number of volunteers to help with the plantings. 7. Monticello Rotary natural play scape update. Marc Mattice said the concept plan for Phase 2 of the natural playground improvements has been put together. Parks staff went in and brushed out the undergrowth in the area last week and the entrance sign will be put in soon. Mattice said that a hazard tree was removed at Montissippi Park which was a very large red Elm so they are planning to incorporate that into one of the play areas. Staff has developed the ADA accessible trail which they'll be putting in this spring, and they will continue to work on a couple pods and the entrance sign with the Rotary as well. 8. Friends of Bertram Update. Jim Lindberg provided Friends of Bertram updates as follows: • Capture the Seasons Photo Contest: The contest closed on January 29, 2016. Photos are being reviewed and winners will be announced at the Photo Contest Reception on February 20th, at loam in the Bridge Room at the Monticello Community Center during the Annual Winter Block Party. • Snow Sculpture Contest: Contest will again be in coordination with the Winter Block Party at the MCC, which is scheduled for February 20, 2016. The Friends are requesting members of the Advisory Council to participate by signing up to create a sculpture. Sculpting teams should pre- register by calling the MCC at 763 - 295 -2954. There will be prize checks awarded to 1St thru 3rd place winners. A limit of 10 snow blocks available, 3 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: February 5, 2016 on a first come /first serve basis. Sculpting teams will have 4 hours to complete their creations, from 9am -lpm, with judging to begin at 1pm. • Natural Playground, Second Phase: Will continue to work with the Rotary and the County on volunteering man hours to assist with the next phase of the Natural Playground Project. • Amphitheater: The Friends will continue to keep this project on the radar and work with the Eagle Scout on restoring the old amphitheater, which will most likely be a project next spring. 9. Triathlon update (July 23, 2016). Kitty Baltos said the triathlon date is set for Saturday, July 23, 2016. The online registration process is now open at www.bertramblast.com; however, the registration is a little slow so the biggest push right now is media and getting the word out to get more registrations. Baltos is volunteer coordinator for the event and she said they will need 50 volunteers. 1St shift will start at 6:30am and by 1:00pm they will be done with teardown. Baltos said the race coordinator is requesting sponsors at this time. There is a segment coordinator who Brett Oden is contacting and he will bring them into the meeting in April. Mattice noted that the Wright County Sheriff Water Patrol and Rec Officers will need to be on site at the event so they will need a permit for that. Baltos said that Brad Harrington is taking care of that. 10. Discussion of added items. A. Snowmobile Trail: Mattice showed the map of where the snowmobile corridor comes through on the northeast side of Bertram. While the park is now dedicated as a non - motorized park, Mattice noted that this is an existing trail that has gone through the park for years. He would like a response from the Advisory Council on whether or not they would like "grandfather -in" the snowmobile trail. Mattice explained that currently 8 t/2 miles of the fat bike trails are being groomed in the winter. A neighbor to the park who is a volunteer for MORC purchased the trail grooming equipment out of his own pocket and has been grooming the trails. Ridership this winter has increased. County staff put in temporary stop signs where the bikes cross the corridor trail. There are some concerns with the snowmobilers coming through at high speeds where the bike trails cross and the potential for accidents. This corridor will need to be signed more appropriately. The Advisory Council asked Mattice to map out the conflict areas between the snowmobile trail and the fat bike trails and possibly provide alternatives before the next meeting. JIM LINDBERG MOVED TO TABLE THE SNOWMOBILE TRAIL ISSUE AT THIS TIME WITH MARC MATTICE PROVIDING MORE DETAIL ON CONFLICTS WITH BIKE TRAIL CROSSINGS. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOULSY, 12 -0. On a side note, Schumann asked Mattice to send a thank you letter to the volunteer trail groomer from the Advisory Council. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: February 5, 2016 11. Schedule next meeting — March 4, 2016. The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 4, 2016, at 8 am in the Bridge Room at the Monticello Community Center. 12. Adl'ourn. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:50 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM HAYES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. Recorder: 6�3Eth &rew Administrative Assistant Approval Date: 3/4/2016 Attest: May n, BC AC Chairman 5