BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 12-04-2015iI 1 BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, December 4,2015,8:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: Mark Daleiden, Jim Hayes, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Martyn Dibben, Kim Hewson- Garber, Scott Peterson, Pat Sawatzke, Sandra Theros Staff Present: Kitty Baltos, Beth Green, Brad Harrington, Marc Mattice, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Vice -Chair Wes Olson called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from November 6, 2015 meeting. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 6, 2015 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8 -0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Parcel 3 Grant. B. Parcel 2 Grant Application. C. RFQ Review. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CHANGES AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8 -0. 4. Athletic Complex — Master Planning Update. The Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park Concept Master Plan was included in the agenda packet for review by the Council. Angela Schumann invited the group to the public open house which will be held on December 10th from 5:30- 7:30pm at the Monticello Community Center. The public will be able to review the plan, provide feedback and have questions answered. Schumann said that WSB is working on the fine grain detail on the plan. Schumann said the Council has had an opportunity to review the numbers in relation to the athletic play hours on the fields which is very important information. Schumann encourages the Advisory Council to get the word out about the open house. Schumann explained that the first phase of interim improvements under the grant requirement will begin in 2016 to be in place by 2017. Staff will be working with the Township to gain access on the mid - parcel road and then grade and seed with a turf mix for the 20 acres on the east BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: December 4, 2015 side and will work with a famer to hay the balance of the acreage, then will construct the pathway from Briarwood into the park. Once the master plan is in place staff will then be able to figure out what it will take to fund and build the balance and what the options are for funding. Jim Lindberg emphasized that it will be really important to work with the athletic groups and Schumann reiterated that those groups will need to express their needs and expectations on how soon this park needs to be built and then help staff figure out how to fund it. Schumann said the numbers that WSB put together indicate that by far the greatest need is going to be for the multi - play green space (soccer and lacrosse) and over time there is also a shortage in the baseball /softball capacity, although not as great of a need. Schumann said she would like the Advisory Board to be aware that the way the state statute for park dedication is written it allows for cities to exact park dedication in the form of land or cash in lieu for parkland. For instance, when a residential subdivision is platted the City has a right to say that subdivision has now created a demand on the park system and commensurate with that demand the City requires parkland and if parkland is not needed in that area, the City will require cash. However, the way it's written is to allow only for that land; it's not written to allow the City to exact funds to develop the park. Schumann said that leaves cities in a really interesting predicament that the City now has this land but will have to figure out how to fund the development. So cities and counties are looking to these grant funding sources to help offset and leverage partnerships for development and right now the outdoor rec only has about $380,000- $400,000 in any grant cycle. Thus, it really comes down to these cities and counties funding the actual development on their own or finding other non - traditional partners such as athletic groups. There is a push to get the legislature to maybe think about funding these grant programs for local and regional park development and it is very important. It is the only way cities can sometimes get these things done unless they want to raise taxes. Mattice said the Greater MN Parks & Trails Coalition is pushing for a $5 Million bonding request for park development. Schumann encouraged Advisory Board members to follow publications from the Parks & Trails Council and to look for opportunities to talk with Minnesota legislators about that. 5. Negotiations Committee — Review and discussion of park boundary expansion/ ownership. Schumann said that she requested that the Negotiations Subcommittee reorganize to talk about some of the issues that Mattice had referenced at the last meeting; one being ownership of additional lands for the park including the City's piece of the biosolids farm, and then to discuss questions about permitting. Schuman explained that the 26 -acre piece of property owned by the City is attached to a larger parcel and when the City splits that and attaches it to Bertram it is by far simpler if that piece is owned in joint common ownership between the City and County in terms of the planning and zoning procedural process. With the same owners as the parkland, it is a simple administrative process to combine the two at the County level. However, if the City chooses to retain that piece of property in singular ownership as it is now, The City will have to go through the OAA for a more formal variance process to their subdivision requirements. The subcommittee concluded that it is ultimately the City Council's decision on that parcel as they own the land so staff will bring that forward to the Council for discussion and that will need to be done as it relates to the master planning process. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: December 4, 2015 Tom Jahnke said the biggest advantage of making it a split ownership is that it creates a park that is a regional park facility owned 50150 by the City and the County and while there is no monetary advantage to the City in making the County part owner, it is important for the City to make that statement for future advisory boards down the line. Jahnke said it makes more sense to make the park whole right now from the beginning which will avoid future negotiation or legal issues. On permitting, the City as it works through the master planning process will eventually look toward revenue opportunities and revenue streams and funding, and day to day activities at the park. The City would like to potentially serve alcohol during tournament play for adult teams. Mattice looked at how the ordinance is structured and the subcommittee determined the City will develop some language specifically relating to alcohol permitting at Bertram and will come to this group for review and then will go to the County Board for approval as it will be an ordinance amendment. 6. Natural Resources Committee — Review recommendations. Mattice said the Natural Resources Committee met on November 19th. The notes from the meeting were included in the agenda packet for review. Mattice reviewed and discussed the following topics: • Management of Parcel 12 (horse pasture) for year 2016 and beyond: In a past meeting it was decided that the horses would be gone by the end of 2015. As part of the last meeting the Advisory Council recommended checking with YMCA to see if they would still host the horse camp in that area, provided they do some improvements to the area, as well as checking with a farmer about farming the pasture. The Negotiations Committee didn't want anything to do with horses and began checking with farmers and have come up with a farmer willing to do that. This will be a two -year contract for farming with Joe & Don Holthaus, with direct hardwood seeding planned in 2017, based on funding. • Entrance road to the regional park from Briarwood to the campground: Looking at a reforestation project and planting seedlings. • Tillable acres adjacent to the campground: The area near the campground that will not be developed they are looking at a direct hardwood seeding program in 2017, depending on funding. Mattice presented a two -year farming contract with Mark Holker for this 23 -acre parcel. Holker is currently farming the adjacent area. • Buffer area planned at the ballfield complex: Looking at a reforestation and seedling plantings. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE NATURAL RESOURCE SUBCOMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AS WELL AS THE TWO -YEAR FARMING CONTRACTS FOR THE 9.5 -ACRE AND THE 23 -ACRE PARCELS. MOTION SECONED BY TOM JAHNKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8 -0. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: December 4, 2015 7. Review maintenance agreement on 9.5 +/- acres of Parcel 12. Mattice included a two -year contract for the farming of Parcel 12 with Joe & Don Holthaus. Recommendation for approval of contract motioned above. 8. Monticello Rotary natural play scape update. Mattice said he and staff met with the Rotary on -site to review Phase 2 of the natural playground improvements to look at the space and discuss ideas. The concept is substantially different and will probably be a multi -phase project. Mattice said that he will be putting together some cost estimates, phasing ideas, and meeting on December 15th with the Rotary again. The Rotary missed the grant application cycle this year so they will be doing more volunteer labor this year and prepping the additional 1 t/2 acres to the play area. Mattice said he may have a concept plan put together for the next BCOLAC meeting in January. 9. Advisory Council appointments. A. Jim Hayes: Hayes expressed interest in remaining on the BCOLAC for another term. B. Tom Jahnke: Jahnke expressed interest in remaining on the BCOLAC for another term. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO REAPPOINT JIM HAYES AND TOM JAHNKE AS WRIGHT COUNTY CITIZEN AT -LARGE MEMBERS OF THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR A 3 -YEAR TERM COMMENCING ON JANUARY 2016 THROUGH DECEMBER 2019. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8 -0. 10. Friends of Bertram Update. Jim Lindberg provided Friends of Bertram updates as follows: • Capture the Seasons Photo Contest: The contest deadline was extended to January 29, 2016, to allow for additional entries. The winners will be announced during the winter block party at the MCC on February 20th • Snow Sculpture Contest: Contest will again be in coordination with the Winter Block Party at the MCC, which is scheduled for February 20, 2016. The Friends are requesting members of the Advisory Council to participate by signing up to create a sculpture. • Bertram Playground, Second Phase: Will continue to work with the Rotary on the next phase of the Natural Playground Project. • Amphitheater: The Friends will continue to keep this project on the radar and work with the Eagle Scout on restoring the old amphitheater, which will most likely be a project next spring. • January Meeting: Will have election of officers. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: December 4, 2015 11. Triathlon update. Kitty Baltos said that she and Brad Harrington, Wright County Park Operations Coordinator, met with Brett Oden, who is the person who started the very successful Buffalo Triathlon. Baltos said that Oden is very passionate about Bertram; he enjoys the park and he bikes, walks and runs there. Oden is very excited about doing a triathlon at the park. Baltos said that staff has continued to move forward as advised and Oden has begun to set up a non - profit for the "Bertram Blast ". The net proceeds of the event might need to stay in an account for future races but eventually the goal will be to have those funds go back to the park. In the past the Buffalo Triathlon has given up to $30,000 to the City of Buffalo for park improvements. The Bertram Blast will not be nearly as large as the Buffalo Triathlon so would not be looking at the same dollar figure. The triathlon will be restricted to 500 -600 participants. Harrington explained that the event will be set up for people to have three different options; entering the triathlon for $75, the Duathlon for $50, or just the 5 -K Run for $25. There will be an option to sign up as a team as well. Baltos said they are looking at a date later in July 2016, but don't want to conflict with the Annandale Triathlon so they are waiting to get a confirmation on that date. Harrington said that this is a completely off -road event within the park which makes this triathlon unique in that it is the only off -road triathlon in the state and hopefully will draw more people. Baltos explained that they are pushing hard to get this moving because people are planning their winter training opportunities so they want to be in the mix so that people start training for the Bertram Blast. A website is in the works, www.bertramblast.com and the goal is to have that online with registration by January 1, 2016. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE TRIATHLON PENDING THE BERTRAM BLAST 501(c)3 STATUS TO BE HOSTED AT BERTRAM IN 2016. MOTION SECONDED BY GLEN POSUSTA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8 -0. 12. Discussion of added items. A. Parcel 3 Grant: Mattice said at the last meeting he updated on grants submitted for BCOL for the remaining acreage of all of Parcel #3, the final 203 acres of the passive use area, which leaves just 41 acres of the athletic area left to purchase. The Greater MN Parks & Trails Commission recommends approval of the grant for just over $2.8 million, which will go to the Legislature for approval in January. Mattice noted that both the County Board and City Council have already authorized the local matches. Mattice said that if everything gets approved, the City and County will be able to complete the passive use of the park! The grant funds to date received are over $11.2 million with the City and County coming in at just over $4 Million each in match dollars; which is significant in that the City and County have matched fewer dollars than originally anticipated due to greater grant funding. Mattice asked if the City would be willing to move the purchase acquisition up from 2017 to 2016, which will save money on the appraisals as only one appraisal will need to be completed rather than two. Schumann said she has spoken with the Finance Director and there is not an issue with moving the purchase up if the Council would like to do it there would just need to be another transfer from that capital fund. 5 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: December 4, 2015 GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL AND COUNTY BOARD TO MOVE THE PURCHASE ACQUISITION UP FROM 2017 TO 2016. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8 -0. B. Parcel 2 Applications. The last parcel needed to purchase is Parcel 2, which includes 41 acres of the future athletic complex. Schumann is looking for a recommendation to apply for an outdoor recreation grant, noting that the grant has very limited funds, with a cap of $100,000. The parcel is just about $1.2 Million plus closing costs. Schumann noted that all purchases to date have included a match; however, with the limited grant funds available, if not approved, she is asking if the City and County may consider moving forward without the grant. This is a critical component of the athletic complex and staff is looking to close out purchases in 2017 with or without the grant. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE ANGELA SCHUMANN TO PREPARE THE GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE FINAL PARCEL, PARCEL 2, WHICH INCLUDES THE FINAL 41 ACRES OF THE ATHLETIC COMPLEX. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8 -0. C. RFQ Review: Mattice said the Greater MN Parks & Trails Commission have recommended approval of a development grant for the passive use of the park in the amount of $700,000, depending on legislative action in January. The Wright County Board has approved a $200,000 match, and the grant funds are good through June 30, 2019. Therefore, the development projects will be phased and not completed in one year. Mattice said he looked at the master plan when writing the grant and would now like to put together a Project Review Committee consisting of representatives from the Natural Resources Committee and the Park Use Committee to develop an RFQ for grading plans that will encompass the campground, the roads, architecture and drafting, specifications for construction of the restrooms, changing rooms, septic, and all utilities for the beach, remodeling of the rental chalet, improvements to the hiking trails such as a new bridge on 90th Street, etc. The committee can then hire the proper consulting staff to put together a project list and timeline so this can be brought to the County Board each year to set aside development funds to complete the projects. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND A PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF CURRENT MEMBERS OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE AND THE PARK USE COMMITTEE MEET TO DEVELOP AN RFQ FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AT THE PARK AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY, 8 -0. 11. Schedule next meeting — January 8, 2016. The next regular meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2016, at 8 am in the Bridge Room at the Monticello Community Center. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: December 4, 2015 12. Adiourn. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:20 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY GLEN POSUSTA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8 -0. Recorder: Etl! cure ? Administrative Assistant Approval Date: 1/8/2016 Attest: Marty n, BC AC Chairman 7