BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 04-10-2015MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, April 10, 8:00 a.m. Conference Room, Public Works Office Advisory Council Members Present: Mark Daleiden, Jim Hayes, Kim Hewson - Garber, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Scott Peterson, Pat Sawatzke, Glen Posusta, Brian Sumpf, Sandra Theros Members Absent: Martyn Dibben Staff Present: Kitty Baltos, Beth Green, Marc Mattice, Stacey Marquardt, Angela Schumann Others Present: Graham Sones, Tim Hennagir 1. Call to Order. Y'cs Olson called the meeting to order at 8:00 uan. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from the March 6 2015 meetin . MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING ON MARCH 6, 201 S. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approvina the aLyenda. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS WRITTEN. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. 4. Discussion on Proposed aliggiment of School Boulevard. Angela Schumann provided background information on the City's overall transportation plan which included an extension of School Boulevard through the YMCA property as approved by the City Council in 2006, prior to the park land acquisition agreement between the YMCA, Wright County and the City of Monticello. Included in the packet was the original proposed alignment which extended School Boulevard to CSAH 39 West running along the eastern boundary of the YMCA Property. Schumann explained that Monticello is in the process of reviewing the transportation plan and studying possible future interchanges at the western corridor of Monticello. Due to this study, the extension of School Boulevard is being brought back to the table for review. A map was distributed showing two alternative concepts for the School Boulevard alignment. Schumann said that the first alternative would cut diagonally through the northeast portion of the YMCA property running parallel with the gas line casement. This is intended as a collector route to move traffic fluidly to the potential future interchange at Orchard Road. The disadvantage would be the natural resources impact through the park, the bisecting of the park creating remnant parcels, and not keeping within the non - motorized vision of the park. The second alternative would be to BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 10, 2015 extend School Boulevard to Dalton Avenue and eventually bringing the traffic to Chelsea Road and then to CSAH 39 West. Schumann explained that this option would have no impact on Bertram Park; however the disadvantage to the City is the reduction of traffic flow and increased traffic concentration on Chelsea Road and closely spaced intersections with a future interchange at CSAH 39. Schumann asked Marc Mattice to provide input on the grant impact with this extension. Mattice said that in the beginning stages of the park concept plan it was never indicated to the State in the grant applications about a future road going through the park. This would be a negative environmental impact which would hinder grant applications as it is not in keeping with the vision of the park's philosophy for passive trails, land preservation and minimal environmental impacts. Mattice noted that there would also be a conflict with the mountain bike trails crossing the road a number of different times which would be a safety issue with the speed of the vehicles through the park. Schumann asked the group to digest all of the information in the next month and come back at the May meeting with a recommendation for the City Council. Briar Stumpf said that he is absolutely not in favor of the road extension cutting through the park. The consensus of the group is that a road extension through the park is intrusive, a safety issue, and not in keeping with the original vision and purpose of the park. Tom Jahnke noted that creating such a large remnant parcel would make that area non - usable as parkland. Jahnke said he would like to make it clear to the City that if they pursue the road the group would look at mitigation and would look for more than a 1:1 ratio and more like a 10:1 ratio if they are going to take that property. KIM HEWSON - GARBER MOVED TO MAKE A STATEMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL IS AGAINST A FUTURE EXTENSION OF SCHOOL BOULEVARD THROUGH THE PARK DUE TO THE NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AS THE ORIGINAL GOAL WAS TO PRESERVE THE LAND AND CREATE A PASSIVE AND PRISTINE PARK. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM HAYES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. Schumann asked for clarification to provide to the City Council as the reasoning for not recommending the road extension. The group provided the following reasons: • The state would view this as a "bait and switch" since the park has been promoted as a pristine and passive area with few environmental impacts and to now come forward and put a major road through the park would be a conflict to that vision. • Safety issues with a major road cutting through the park and trails crossing that road. Negative environmental impacts with noise, traffic, pollution, etc. • The park ordinance provides for a "non- motorized" park. • Creating a large remnant area which would be non - usable as parkland. 5. Review of Preconstruction Meeting with YMCA. Marc Mattice said he has met with the YMCA on site and has met with all of the contractors and subcontractors. He will be getting a list of all the contacts and their insurance certificates. The 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 10, 2015 YMCA has started grading and the goal is for an August completion. Graham Sones said the YMCA plans to start the buildings in May after the road restrictions are lifted. Mattice said they have talked about safety for the general public, some signage and other precautionary measures that need to be taken. Sones said he was disappointed that some of the trees marked to be preserved were taken down by the subcontractor. Tom Jahnke asked about restitution for those trees. Mattice said the YMCA was disappointed as well. Graham Sones said they can work with them to do a landscape plan for restitution. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO HAVE THE SUBCONTRACTOR COME BACK WITH A PLAN FOR RESTITUTION OF THE TREES INCLUDING THEIR COST ANALYSIS OF WHAT IT WILL COST AND BRING THAT INFORMATION BACK TO THE NEXT" MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. Mark Daleiden said he would like to have a discussion with the contractor first and see if they are willing to work with us rather than being heavy handed at this point. Sones will make notification to the Y �1CA for them to contact the subcontractor fof a landscape plan for restitution. TOM JAHNKE WITHDREW THE MOTION. SECONDED BY' JIM LINDBERG. 6. Natural Playground Monticello Rotary Update. Marc Mattice informed the Advisory Council that they have decided to go with Miracle Recreation on the swing, slide and rock. That equipment is in and in storage at the City's farm site. Mattice is working with the Rotary on the installation time schedule. An Eagle Scout is working on the secondary play pod areas. Mattice said that the Rotary has been great to work with. Kitty Baltos noted that the Rotary is planning to do an event at the playground for the grand opening to coincide with the Rotary's anniversary the end of June. This will be a smaller event and ribbon cutting ceremony. The event is tentatively scheduled for June 27h and the Friends will be working with the Rotary on the details. Mattice wanted to note that Jim Agosto's family donated $10,000 to this project in Mr. Agosto's memory. 7. ,Joint Powers Agreement comments from City. Angela Schumann said that the City has reviewed the Joint Powers Agreement and she has provided her areas of concern and comments to Marc Mattice. Discussions will continue with the County to finalize the agreement. $. 2015 MORC Partnership. Marc Mattice reported that MORC donated $5,000 to the County again this year towards the mountain bike project. These funds will be used towards the contractor like last year and then the MORC volunteers will come in and do the finish -work throughout the summer. The plan is to work at the trailhead and the trail segment south of the trailhead. If the grant funding comes in (will find out in June or July) they will work on improving the entrances and exits at the trails. 3 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 10, 2015 Mattice said the contractor will work on the routes April 28a' — May 13th, and he will be out with the trail steward in the next week flagging the area in preparation. 9. Athletic Field RFP. Angela Schumann said the RFP will be brought to the City Council for approval on Monday, April 13, 2015. Following council's approval, the RFP will be posted online and proposals will be due by May 15, 2015. Schumann distributed the draft RFP for review and noted that the steering committee met on Monday and provided suggestions, comments and feedback on the draft. Schumann explained that this document provides a set of proposals that are based both on qualifications and on the scope of the project itself. The project includes four tasks as follows: 1) To reaffirm the layout for the athletic fields; to fact check the original concept making sure there is the right number of fields and the right types of fields. 2) To develop a phasing plan based on the acquisition of property and also on what is required to be completed with the grant. 3) To develop a grading plan and work with '.'right County to get the required land alteration permit approved. 4) To begin to design, plan and stake and help us manage the construction of the first set of improvements which are minimal to just meet the requirements of the grant. Schumann noted that the timeline will get the project under construction on the first set of interim improvements next year. 10. Silent Warrior Fly Fishing Event. Marc Mattice informed the Advisory Council that the Wounded Warriors have been looking for a location to do a seminar with veterans. They looked at a few different locations and they would like to hold it at Bertram on Saturday, June 13t', with a maximum of 15 veterans and their wives. They need to have pretty clear shoreline for handicap access and Mattice said they will work with them and close a portion of the beach for the event which will take place for a couple hours in the morning. PAT SAWATZKE MOVED TO APPROVE EVENT ON SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2015 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0 11. S rin Summer Programs and Events. THE WOUNDED WARRIOR FLY FISHING MOTION SECONDED BY JIM HAYES. Kitty Baltos noted a number of programming events happening at the park this summer. There will be standup paddle boarding, yoga paddle boarding, canoe & kayak excursions, and kids fishing clinics. Baltos said they are looking for adult volunteers with fishing licenses for the kids clinic and to contact her if interested. The Blazin' thru Bertram Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run was moved to Labor Day Weekend, Saturday, September 5a'. Baltos said that if that goes well and they get good participation they may consider keeping it that weekend going forward. Baltos n u BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 10, 2015 encouraged everyone to think of activities that might be beneficial at the park and drop her a note if it's something that should be added to the programming schedule. 12. Friends of Bertram U date. Jim Lindberg said that the annual spring cleanup at the park has been set for Saturday, May 2na, 9am to 12pm. The Friends are working on coordinating volunteers for the event. Volunteers should meet at the parking area off of 90th Street. Discussed the garbage that has blown over from Dan & Jerry's Greenhouse and what can be done to remedy this. Marc Mattice asked Stacy Marquardt to look into the zoning regulations to see if there's something that references blowing garbage from a property. 13. Discussion of added items. None. 14. Schedule Next Meeting — May 1, 2015. The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2415, at S a.m. at the Bridge Room in the Monticello Community Center. 19. Adjourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:45 AM. MOTION SECONDED BY TOM JAHNKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -4. Recorder: C 1 C yr= Administrative Assistant Approval Date: Attest: Mart n, BCO A airman 5