BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 01-16-2015MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAIKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, January 16,8:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Advisory Council Members Present: Mark Daleiden, Martyn Dibben, Jim Hayes, Kim Hewson- Garber, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Scott Peterson, Glen Posusta, Pat Sawatzke, Brian Sumpf Absent: Tom Jahnke, Sandra Theros Staff Present: Kitty Baltos, Beth Green, Marc Mattice, Jeff O'Neill, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann Others Present: Graham Sones 1. Call to Order. Marc Mattice called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m. and declared a quonun present. 2. Welcome New Members and Introductions. Marc Mattice welcomed the new members and thanked them for their interest in the BCOL project. Mattice proceeded with introductions of all members. 3. Election of Officers Chair and Vice - Chair. PAT SAWATZKE MOVED TO NOMINATE AND ELECT MARTYN DIBBEN FOR CHAIR OF THE BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11 -0. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO NOMINATE AND ELECT WES OLSON FOR VICE CHAIR OF THE BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL. MOTION SECONDED BY GLEN POSUSTA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11 -0. 4. Consideration of approving minutes from the December 5. 2014 meetin . MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING ON DECEMBER 5, 2014. MOTION SECONDED BY SCOTT PETERSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11 -0. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: January 16, 2015 5. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Natural Playground. B. MCC Program Update. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY SCOTT PETERSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11 -0. 6. 2014 Year End Treasurer Report. Marc Mattice reviewed the year -end treasurer report for the Bertram Chain of Lakes, noting that the majority of donations receive come in earmarked for something in particular at the park. Donations to date total $6,589.09 and include donations for acquisition, Oak Savana Restoration, memorial benches, kdosl s, etc. Matticc noted that two memorial benches have been set; one by the water control structure and the other one is down from the chalet on the edge of Bertram. The bench donation cost is $1,000 which includes a 10 -year maintenance program on the bench to cover repairs, vandalism, etc. 7. Frostbite Bays Post Event Report. Wes Olson provided the Advisory Council with a report on the Frostbite Days Fishing Contest. Olson said that the contest was intended to be held on Bertram Lake but when checked the ice there was only 6 -9" thick. A change was made to hold the contest on Long Lake as the ice was 16" thick there. A total of 223 tickets were sold for the contest with 165 fishermen participating and approximately 150 kids participating in the kids contest. With the area available, Olson noted that the tournament could have easily handled 500 more participants. All in all everyone enjoyed the day. Berkley donated rods & reels and a lot of other fishing stuff was given away to the kids and the kids caught a few small crappies. The main fishing contest was well organized and well - orchestrated. In total the participants caught 5 crappies, 1 northern, 2 sunfish and they had to draw for the other prizes. All fish caught were released back to the lake and the mortality rate was zero. The set up and tear down went good. The Sheriff's Department was there, the fire department was there, and 30 or 40 Lions members on the ice, chamber volunteers, etc. Olson noted a few problems at the event; two guys came down on their snowmobiles but they were told to return back to parking area and they complied. A large sponsor from Saturday night's event showed up to sell tickets but they were told that the permits did not allow for solicitation so they were turned away. There were a few empty beer cans found in the parking lot but very minimal. Olson said that it was a lot of work and he doesn't think the Chamber made any money on the fishing contest after paying advertising and other costs. He said it will have to be restructured before the Chamber will take it on again. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: January 16, 2015 Olson said that they had a Di firom a local radio station act as emcee at the event who did a very good job announcing. They announced about the history of Bertram, the rules and regulations at the park and some information about the YMCA camp. Olson said the feedback from the event is that while Long Lake was very nice and worked well for the event the holes were drilled in the wrong spot. If they have an event there next year they may move the area as the fish seem to be closer to shore. Olson said that the Chamber will be evaluating the whole thing and making their decision in the near future but he doesn't believe the Chamber will ask to do the fishing tournament out there again. Olson said he does foresee the Lions or the Rotary doing an event there but making it more of a kid's event and taking the opportunity to educate them about the environment and the park. S. 2015 YMCA Shared Use Aareement. Marc Mattice reviewed the amended YMCA Shared Use Agreement with the Advisory. Council and noted that the modifications made are acceptable with the YMCA. Mattice included a map showing the Day Camp l:lanitou 'layout fi;r interim use V-r 2015. This amended agreement will allow the YMCA to operate the day camp through October 2015 on City /County property. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE 2015 AMENDED SHARED USE AGREEMENT WITH THE YMCA TO THE MONTICELLOL CITY COUNCIL AND THE WRIGHT COUNTY BOARD. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11 -0. 9. 2015 MORC Partnership. Marc Mattice said he met with MORC reps in December and they want to continue the working partnership with Wright County. Last year an $8,000 grant was received for trail maintenance allowing good progress to be made on the single track trails getting in 1 % miles of new trails, installing trail signage and the kiosk. They will apply for the same grant again this year and are hoping to receive that for continued trail maintenance. Mattice noted that they lost -one trail boss as he moved away and they will continue to look for additional volunteers to help construct and maintain the trails. Mattice said that the County received a donation from the Friends of Bertram to purchase a walk behind brush hog specifically assigned to Bertram for trail maintenance. Mattice said there are a lot of mountain bikers out there and people are coming from all around to use that facility and he said he foresees the use to keep improving every year. Mattice said that the goals for this year are to improve directions from the trailhead to the trail system and continue with the trail building. He explained that there are 10 miles of trails on the ground but not all of the trails meet the sustainable design guidelines so they are redesigning to make sustainable by following contours, slopes and grade recommendations to manage erosion. The consensus of the Advisory Council is to continue the working partnership agreement with MORC for 2015. 3 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: January 16, 2015 10. 2015 Purchase Update. Marc Mattice said the City received grant for 10.62 acres for the ballfield complex and both the City and County Board matches have been approved. The first appraisal has been ordered on the property and with that grant a review appraisal will also be ordered after the first appraisal comes in. Mattice said Wright County received the grant for Phase VII and the City and County Board have approved the local match and the appraisals are being ordered. Mattice said these two purchases should be secured in 2015. Angela Schumann reviewed the map of parcels not yet acquired and parcels being considered for future grant applications and acquisition. Mattice said that at the end of 2015 the City and Council should be at about 812 total acres acquired at the park. Mattice said there are 203 acres on the northeast side still unacquired .and 40 acres unacquired which is slated for future athletic fields. The 40 acres will need to be applied for through the Outdoor Rec Grant. Mattice noted that almost $8.4M total has been received in grants for this project with just under $3.8M from the County and $3.8M from the City in match funding. Martyn Dibben inquired about pending grants. Schuman explained that there's an Outdoor Rec Grant due March 31 ", noting that the program has been restructured with only $380,000 total available with a maximum grant award at $100,000. City and County staff will work together to determine what makes sense to apply for and possibly dividing parcels to allow for more grant applications as additional funding will be needed to acquire the properties due to the cap on the grant amount awarded per grant cycle. 11. Phase 9 — Parks and Trails Legacy Grant. Marc Mattice received a $1M grant for Phase IX which is the north 50 acres adjoining County Road 39 and that is planned for a 2016 acquisition. 12. Funding and Acquisition Report to Date. Marc Mattice said with the Legacy Funds in this budget session there will be some fighting at the Capitol about the 40/40/20 share for the grant funding for State/Metro /Greater. The granting for Legacy has always been through the DNR but now it's through the Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails Commission so the process will be different on how the funding is going to work and how the funding will be allocated. Park projects must be rated and included in the list to be considered for grant funding and fortunately Bertram has rated in the Top 5 in MN for regional park projects. The Legacy grant application cycle will start up this summer with the 90/10 match and Mattice will submit an application during that cycle. 4 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: January 16, 2015 13. Joint Powers Agreement. Marc Mattice said that the Joint Powers Agreement between the City, and County is still in the review stages with the attorneys. Once complete, the agreement will be brought to the Advisory Council for review and recommendation. The joint powers agreement will need to be in place before the next purchase agreement is signed for acquisition. 14. Athletic Complex Update. Angela Schumann said that the Steering Committee is now in place for the RFP process for the Athletic Complex and they are in the process of getting the first meeting organized. At that meeting they will determine how to proceed with subsequent meetings and the process which will include following the planning process and going through Wright County for a land alteration permit. Jeff O'Neill said City Staff was advised by the City Council to look at potential uses for the city owned farmland including selling the property to the north of the park with the exclusion of the 26 acres set aside for the athletic complex. O'Neill said that they will bring back potential uses for the property to the City Council as well and look at buffering from the park if the property is sold. Schumann noted that the Steering Committee will have to gear up very quickly to get things moving as the grant funds must be utilized by 2017. The grant funds require that the athletic complex be open for public use within three years and it can be very generic such as a trail, gravel parking and open green space. Schumann said the original goal was to have the planning done by the end of 2015 and to start in 2016. 15. Friends of Bertram Update. Jim Lindberg said the Snow Sculpture Event is planned for February 21 S` in conjunction with the MCC Winter Block Party and will run from 9am -1pm with cash prizes for 1St thru 3rd place. The Friends approved the 2nd Annual Photo Contest which is now open and will run through November 2015. The Friends are hoping to receive great photos of each of the four seasons in the park to hopefully highlight in a future calendar of the Bertram Chain of Lakes. The Friends annual board meeting is scheduled. for January 23rd and officers will be elected at that meeting. The Friends are also planning a spring cleanup day in April or May. 16. Discussion of added items. A. Natural Playground: Marc Mattice said he has met with the Rotary about the playground and the cost to implement the first phase of the playground including the playground equipment, safety surface and border is about $25,000. The Rotary is working on obtaining a grant which is due January 3e, and match funding from other Rotaries. Mattice explained that the County will donate the time to pick up the play equipment in order to save on the freight costs, as well as staff time to do the excavation for the playground. In order to save on sales tax for the Rotary, the County will purchase the equipment and the Rotary will reimburse the County for those costs. 5 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: January 16, 2015 The Rotary is also requesting the City to volunteer the staff time to install the concrete curbing around the playground and the County will supply the forms for that. The volunteered time from the City and County will save the Rotary from having to pay the costs of having that work contracted out. B. MCC Program Update: Kitty Baltos said the LaVallee family has requested to move the date of the Blazin' Thru Bertram Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run due to another family engagement on the originally scheduled weekend. The run is now being planned for the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend, September 5a'. The hope is that this date will bring in more of Phillip's college friends due to the long holiday weekend. Baltos explained that she is working with Dave Wik to set up a new race series this year combining the March Madness 5K, Riverfest 5K and the Blazin' Thru Bertram which will offer runners the opportunity to earn points in each of the runs with the final run Top 5 point total winners to receive a race series award. Baltos said they are working out the details and will be promoting the race series soon. 17 Cancel February Meeting Dare. Marc Mattice suggested canceling the February meeting being that this meeting was moved to later in January. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO CANCEL THE FEBRUARY 6, 2015 BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11 -0. 18. Schedule Next Meeting — March 6, 2015. The next regular BCOL Advisory Council Meeting will be held at 8am on Friday, March 6, 2015, in the Bridge Room at the MCC. 19. Adiourn. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 10:00 AM. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11 -0. Recorder: Approval Date: Attest: Administrative Assistant BCOLAC Chairman Col