BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 11-07-2014MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, November 7, 2014 5:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Advisory Council Members Present: Mark Daleiden, Martyn Dibben, Jim Hayes, Clint Herbst, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Scott Peterson, Glen Posusta, Pat Sawatzke, Sandra Theros, Lyle Trunnell Advisory Council Members Absent: Tom Jahnke Staff Present: Kitty Baltos, Jeff O'Neill, Marc Mattice, Stacy Marquardt, Angela Schumann Others Present: Graham Sones 1. Call to Order. Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from October 3, 2014 meeting. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING ON OCTOBER 3, 2014. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARFRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Update on Camp & Park Operations for 2015 and setting a meeting date to discuss. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITIONAL ITEM AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY SANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. 4. Update on the process and schedule relating to the RFP and Master Planning of the Athletic Park. Angela Schumann informed the Advisory Council that the Monticello City Council did adopt the structure for the RFP committee but given the elections they decided to hold off on any appointments at this time. Schumann explained that the committee was designed to provide input during critical points in the master planning process of the athletic complex. While the committee will be involved in the entire process from interviewing to selection, everything will still be brought to the City Council for approval, so it is more of an input committee as opposed to a decision making committee. Jeff O'Neill noted that since both the City and County are joint owners of the property, they would like a County representative on the committee. Pat Sawatzke volunteered to sit on the committee as the County liaison. Schumann said that this will be brought to the City Council in January to make appointments and they will determine how to lay out the RFP process before moving forward. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: November 7, 2014 5. Joint Power Agreement. Marc Mattice said that he has submitted the draft agreement to the County Attorney who is now in the process of reviewing it. Mattice noted that there is a meeting planned for November 201h with the County Attorney and he would like a City representative to attend the meeting. One of the pending questions about the agreement is whether or not to include a time frame or term for the agreement. There was discussion about starting with a 10 -year or possibly 20 -year agreement with an automatic renewal unless notice is given for an amendment to the agreement. Mattice stated that there will be a separate operations and maintenance agreement which could be reviewed more frequently by City and County and the joint powers agreement will be set up as more of a guideline. The consensus of the Advisory Council is for Mattice to move forward with developing the agreement and bring to the Advisory Council after City and County attorney reviews. 6. Monticello Rotary — Natural Playground. Marc Mattice included the natural playground design concept in the agenda packet to the Advisory Council. Mattice said that he met with the Rotary last week and he said that the first phase the Rotary is hoping to get grant funding for is the curbing, safety surface, the slide and the swing; with installation by the end of June 2015. Mattice explained that the structure will be a 70' x 50' rounded or oval area. The only items being purchased are the slide and the swing and the other components are planned to be natural boulders and logs; noting that all individual play areas require a safety surface for ADA compliance. Kitty Baltos indicated that the Rotary's vision is to keep the play area as natural as possible while still complying with all regulations. 7. Friends Update. Jim Lindberg noted that the biggest activity for the Friends has been the 1St Annual Photo Contest. The photo contest was open to the public from August 1 — September 30 for all amateur photographers age 14 and over. There were nearly 70 photo entries received in five categories. Beth Green shared a slide show of the winning photos in each category and noted that all the winning photos are displayed in the gallery hallway at the Monticello Community Center and all photo entries are posted on the Friends website at www.friendsofbertramlakes.org. 8. Programming Update and Review. Kitty Baltos stated that over $2,200 net profit was raised for the Friends at the 2nd Annual Blazin' Thru Bertram Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run. Baltos noted that programming for next year will be many of the same activities as this year with standup paddle board classes and kids fishing programs. Community Ed has contacted Baltos and they will include the classes in their brochures which will help with advertising. 9. Election Results County Board and City Council — will there be changing influences. Election discussions noted that there are no major changes on the County level and the changes on the City Council should not reflect any difference to the BCOL Advisory Council. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: November 7, 2014 10. Advisory Council Appointments. Jeff O'Neill explained that the City process involves the incoming mayor looking at all committees and he then makes suggestions for appointments on those committees and /or commissions. Marc Mattice said the County Board follows the same type of process for appointments. Mattice noted that two of the at -large citizen members of the Advisory Council will be up for re- appointment at the first meeting in January. The members noted are Wes Olson and Lyle Trunnel. Trunnel indicated that he is not interested in serving another term on the Advisory Council while Olson said that he is interested in serving another term. Mattice said that he will coordinate with Angela Schumann on opening up the application process for a new citizen at -large member to replace Trunnel. 11. YMCA — grading and building update. Graham Sones updated the Advisory Council on the YMCA building site status. Sones said that there has been a preconstruction meeting on site and the general contractor and earth work contractor have been hired and the staking has been completed at the site. Sones noted that Brian Kirk with the YMCA has been working on the location and design of the ropes course which will also include a zip line. There were some issues with the parking area and the existing storm water retention pond as the YMCA wanted to utilize that area for more parking spaces. Sones said that in order to remain in compliance, the YMCA will need to enlarge another holding pond in order to take those parking spaces. Discussed the electrical service to the site and Sones said that the electrical will come in from Briarwood Avenue overhead to a pole (along the City /County property) and then will hook up underground from there to serve the site. Marc Mattice stated that there are trees to be protected which should have been staked this week but will double check to make sure that was completed. Sones also noted that the trailhead facility will not be built at this time due to the cost and by eliminating that building the overall grading of the area was simplified. 12. Beach grading /construction plans. Marc Mattice said the beach grading is complete, the road is graded out, the parking lot is 75% graded out, and they will be hauling in the base aggregate material soon. The beach project cost totaled $10,000 and Mattice said the City has contributed $5,000 towards the cost. Mattice also noted that the County Board has approved the 2015 Budget for improvements at the park for $10,000 and the City has matched the improvement funds. 13. Discussion of Added Items. A. Update on Camp & Park Operations for 2015 and setting a meeting date to discuss: Marc Mattice said that he is planning to set up a meeting the week of November 17th with the YMCA to discuss park operations in 2015 and he would like a City staff member to attend the meeting and also an Advisory Council member to attend. Mattice noted that he wants to ensure the operations are consistent with the Ground Lease. Martyn Dibben said 3 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: November 7, 2014 that he will plan on attending the meeting. Mattice will email City staff and Dibben when he has the date and time finalized for the meeting. 14. Next meeting scheduled for December 5, 2014. The next BCOL Advisory Council Meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 5, 2014, at 8 a.m. in the Bridge Room at the Monticello Community Center. At this meeting it may be determined to reschedule the January meeting after the City Council and County Board have made their annual appointments. 15. Adiourn GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:41 AM. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 12 -0. Recorder: 6�3Eth &rew Administrative Assistant Approval Date: Decen)Ser] , 2014 Attest: BCOL C Ijiia on AnfeTa Schumann M