BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 10-03-2014MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, October 3, 2014 5:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Advisory Council Members Present: Mark Daleiden, Martyn Dibben, Clint Herbst, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Wes Olson, Scott Peterson, Glen Posusta, Pat Sawatzke, Lyle Trunnell Advisory Council Members Absent: Jim Hayes, Larry Nolan, Sandra Theros, Staff Present: Kitty Baltos, Jeff O'Neill, Marc Mattice, Stacy Marquardt, Tom Pawelk Others Present: Graham Sones, Brian Kirk, YMCA 1. Call to Order. Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:06 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from August 1, 2014 meeting. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING ON AUGUST 1, 2014. MOTION SECONDED BY WES OLSON. MOTION CARFRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Item 14. Next Meeting B. Item 15. Adjourn C. Move Item 7 up MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITIONAL ITEM AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY TOM JAHNKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 4. Consider appointment of two Advisory Council members to the Steering Committee for Athletic Park for the purpose of establishing and reviewing Request for Proposals and Master Planning. Jeff O'Neill noted that a Steering Committee is proposed to assist in the RFP and planning process for the athletic park. The committee will guide the RFP process, consultant review and selection, and ultimately the full athletic park planning process. At this time, the BCOL Advisory Council is asked to consider the appointment of two members to the Steering Committee as proposed, contingent on the City Council approval of this proposed structure. This action is requested in advance of the council review in order to keep moving forward on a schedule which will have the RFP released for response by year end. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: October 3, 2014 PAT SAWATZKE MOVED TO APPOINT WES OLSON AND SANDRA THEROS TO THE STEERING COMMITTEE FOR THE ATHLETIC PARK. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 9 -0. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE A SCHOOL ATHLETIC DIRECTOR OR THEIR APPOINTEE AS A NON - VOTING EX OFFICIO MEMBER. MOTION SECONDED BY PAT SAWATZKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 9 -0. 5. Update on the draft process and schedule relating to the RFP and Master Planning of the Athletic Park. The process was explained by Jeff O'Neill in Item 4 of this agenda. 6. Joint Power Agreement. Marc Mattice indicated he has met with the county attorney and the county risk manager and they suggested developing a joint powers agreement to help define roles and responsibilities that would help protect from dual suits against the county and the city. Marc said that after researching different joint powers agreements between cities and counties throughout the state, he has developed a draft and submitted to both the county attorney and county risk manager for review. After they have reviewed the draft agreement, Marc will bring it to the Advisory Council for consideration. 7. YMCA — grading and building plan update. YMCA representative Brian Kirk reviewed and discussed the building and grading plan for the new YMCA Camp Manitou with a slide show. Brian explained that construction costs in the first round of design work exceeded their budget of $2.4 Million and the cost of infrastructure has been the biggest hurdle and has been more expensive than anticipated. As the design process has taken longer, they have not yet broken ground on the project. Brian noted that this is a preliminary design and he explained the site plan for the 12.4 -acre "YMCA Bubble ". Brian noted that all of the YMCA signs will include "in Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park ". All colors will be cohesive with County buildings. The YMCA buildings include: a. Office Program Building: 24' x 40'. Planning on this being a winterized building to use as a trailhead building for the first few years. b. Toilet Changing Building (Bath House). c. Pool Equipment Building (Mechanical Room). d. Pool and Splash Pad: Standard 25 yard 4 -lane pool the depth goes from 3' to 4 ' /2' and then back to 3' on the other to accommodate water sports such as volleyball. The splash pad is an active play area with ground water features like fountains, water cannons, etc. e. Arts & Crafts and Nature Pavilion. f. Garage and Dumpster Enclosure. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: October 3, 2014 g. Trailhead Building (likely to be cut initially due to costs): This is a dual level building with a walkout basement that would likely be used as a warming house for cross country skiing in the winter. Upper level is set up as a meeting room, restrooms, etc. This is a group building. h. Ropes Course. Brian said that the goal is to start dirt work this fall and they will attempt to get everything completed by June 2015. If the buildings are incomplete at camp start next year, they will bring in a construction trailer to use for an office and will use canopies in the interim. The goal is to be completely up and running by July. The concrete pads will be put in place for the buildings this fall /winter. Marc Mattice shared the color schemes approved by Wright County. Brian Kirk noted that if there is strong opposition he can go back to his board and ask for a redesign. Marc asked for approval from the Advisory Council so that the YMCA can move forward. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL FOR THE YMCA CAMP MANITOU BUILDINGS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF FINISHING THE GABLE ENDS OF THE BUILDINGS WITH END CAPS SO THE TRUSSES ARE NOT EXPOSED. MOTION SECONDED BY PAT SAWATZKE. MOTION DENIED, 2 -6; ABSTAINED BY LYLE TRUNNEL. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED THAT THEY GO BACK TO THEIR DESIGN SO THAT IT IS ENCLOSABLE IN THE FUTURE IF THERE IS AN ISSUE. MOTION NOT SECONDED. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE YMCA DESIGN AS PRESENTED BY BRIAN KIRK, UTILIZING THE APPROVED WRIGHT COUNTY COLOR SCHEME. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED, 7 -0; ABSTAINED BY TOM JAHNKE AND LYLE TRUNNEL. 8. Beach grading /construction plans. Marc Mattice reviewed and discussed the Bertram Lake Beach grading and construction plans. Marc stated that the Wright County Highway Department will commence grading of the road the second week in October. Estimated project cost is $10,000 for the road, beach and parking improvements at the park. Marc said that the area should look substantially different by the end of October. Wright County has already done some clearing and grubbing and they will be hauling in 300 tons of sand for the beach expansion. The parking lot will be Class 5 gravel and allow parking for 120 cars. Marc explained that there will be two entrance points off each corner of the parking lot and a natural surface trail down to the beach. The goal is to open the beach by summer 2015. Marc said that the Wright County Board has approved the beach operations in the budget for 2015, including routine maintenance, signage, grills, trash cans, picnic tables, cleaning supplies, swimming buoys, anchors, chains, etc. The plan is to keep the beach open to the public through Labor Day, noting that Wright County does not employ lifeguards. 3 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: October 3, 2014 9. Trail signne and way finding. Marc Mattice noted that new trail signage is being installed in the park and the new trailhead sign is being laminated. Marc distributed a copy of the new trail sign. The single track mountain bike trails will be indicated on a separate map as there are portions of the trail going through the YMCA property (MORC has a separate agreement with the YMCA). 10. Monticello Rotary - Natural Playground. Marc Mattice said the old playground at the beach has been removed. The natural playground will be installed where the old gaga pit was near the beach. Marc said they have started by placing a 4' culvert and are building up a berm around it so that kids can crawl through to the playground and roll down the hill of the berm which will be planted with grass. Kitty Baltos said that Michelle Hertwig is working through the process with the Rotary to get a grant and they will hopefully secure around $12,000 towards the playground. The Friends are on board with the project but have not discussed any dedication of funds at this point. Marc said that the playground is in the early planning stages and it will be a phased approach installation. Other additions to the playground include a rock climbing wall, slide, tree trunk swing, and a border around the play area with a safety surface installed. The contractor working on the design is CRE8 Play (www.cre8plU com) from Plymouth, Minnesota, and they are doing the design for free. The goal is to have the playground in by July 2015. 11. Friends Update. Martyn Dibben distributed the minutes from the last Friends meeting in August. Jim Lindberg noted that at the last meeting the Friends voted to donate funds to Wright County toward the purchase of a mower dedicated for single track trail maintenance at Bertram to be used by trained MORC volunteers. Kitty Baltos stated the 2nd Annual Blazin' thru Bertram Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run which took place on September 13th was a success. The weather was beautiful and over 240 runners and walkers turned out for the event. Kitty said she doesn't yet have the final revenue in yet. The aid Annual event is being planned for September 12th next year. Beth Green explained that the 1St Annual Photo Contest entry deadline is October 3 at 4 p.m. The reception for the winners will be held at the MCC on Thursday, October 23, from 6 -8 p.m. Invitations will be sent out to the Advisory Board to attend the reception. The next board meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2014. Jim Lindberg noted that with the park acquisition nearing completion, it will be important to determine the roles for the groups involved with Bertram as there are four groups; the City, the County, the BCOL Advisory Council and the Friends of Bertram. Jim said he wants to get a clearer picture of what the role of the Friends group should now be and what is the responsibility as far as doing things, contributing, promoting, coming up with ideas, etc. They will continue to research other Friends groups and how they work. M BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: October 3, 2014 12. Programming Update and Review. Kitty Baltos said that she is working with Dave Wik and will be looking at doing a series of runs next year in conjunction with the run in March and the 5K at Riverfest. There would be a series of three runs ending with the Blazin' thru Bertram Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run in September. Kitty said that may bring in higher numbers for people to sign up for all of the runs. Kitty said they are always looking for new programming ideas at the park and one of the ideas being discussed is hosting a triathlon. They are also considering a lake swimming seminar taught by one of the MCC life guards. Kitty said that she welcomes any ideas anyone may have. 13. Discussion of added items None. 14. Next meeting scheduled for November 7, 2014. The next BCOL Advisory Council Meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 7, 2014, at 8 a.m. in the Bridge Room at the Monticello Community Center. 15. Adiourn MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:04 AM. MOTION SECONDED BY GLEN POSUSTA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 9 -0. Recorder: 6�36th &YBBf? Administrative Assistant Approval Date: Novegker? 7, 2014 Attest: SCOL Q* I.Aai4on a Schumann 5