BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 04-11-2014MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, April 11, 2014 8:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Advisory Council Members Present: Martyn Dibben, Jim Hayes, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Scott Peterson, Glen Posusta, Pat Sawatzke, Sandra Theros, Lyle Trunnell. Advisory Council Members Absent: Mark Daleiden, Clint Herbst Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Marc Mattice, Jeff O'Neill, Kitty Baltos, Stacy Marquardt 1. Call to Order. Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Introduction of new Monticello Township Representative, Scott Peterson. Scott Peterson introduced himself to the BCOL Advisory Council and provided brief background information about himself. Scott said he is happy to serve on the council. 3. Consideration of approving minutes from March 7, 2014 meeting. Wes Olson noted that the Frostbite Challenge Fishing Contest prize is not a fish house, but rather a fish house is filled with the contest prizes and brought out on the ice for the event. WES OLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 7, 2014 REGULAR MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 13 -0. 4. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. SANDRA THEROS MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS WRITTEN. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 13 -0. 5. Park Ordinance review and recommendation for adoption to the County Board. Marc Mattice presented the modified Park Ordinance for review with the changes as discussed at last month's meeting pertaining to Section 8, specifically written for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO RECOMMEND THE MODIFIED PARK ORDINANCE WITH THE ADDITION OF SECTION 8 PERTAINING SOLELY TO THE BCOL REGIONAL PARK BE OPENED FOR PUBLIC NOTICE AND BROUGHT TO THE WRIGHT COUNTY BOARD FOR APPROVAL FOLLOWING THE PUBLIC NOTICE PERIOD. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 13 -0. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 11, 2014 6. Committee meeting finding regarding Frostbite Challenge. At the March meeting, the BCOL Advisory Council moved to approve the Annual Frostbite Challenge Fishing Contest to be held on Bertram Lake in the park provided the Frostbite Challenge Committee agree to and meet the conditions, limitations and restrictions set forth by the Park Use and Natural Resources Subcommittees. The subcommittees met on March 25, 2014, with members of the Frostbite Challenge Committee and a representative from the MN DNR. The outcome of the meeting highlighted comments and concerns from members whereby it was recommended that Marc Mattice draft a Special Event Permit listing these conditions. The Draft Special Event Permit was included in the agenda packet for BCOL Advisory Council review. The conditions are as follows: • Event organizers to communicate the vision, mission, and goals of Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park prior, during and following the event, through use of their promotions, flyers, and other advertising methods, by promoting the park's natural environment, and encouraging youth and family participation. • All Park Ordinances shall be followed other than exceptions made in the permit for the event. • Promote and offer adequate recycling opportunities for event participants and organizers, prior to and during the event. • Event organizers and volunteers shall designate and ensure that a minimum of 20 vehicle parking spaces will be reserved for other park uses and users during the day of the event. • Dedicate a portion of the proceeds to help restore and enhance the natural resource base of the park, or to an approved non -profit as approved by the BCOL Advisory Council. • File and post event report to the BCOL Advisory Council including, attendance rates, demographics, fish caught and mortality estimates, revenue and expenses, ideas for event improvements. • Complete site clean -up no later than the Monday following the event by 12 -noon. • Any event marking or marking of routes within the park must be made using free standing, removable signs which must be removed from the park immediately after the event. • Driving will be permitted on the lake for event volunteers with stipulations for a maximum number of vehicles and for the specific purposes of snow removal, placement of two fish houses and one canopy for use at tournament headquarters, shuttling participants from designated parking area to event location, and the removal and tear down of the event. No motorized vehicles will be allowed outside of designated parking areas and roads. • If the snow depth is less than 4 ", snowplow vehicles will not be permitted. • Limiting sales to a maximum of 800 tickets. Wes Olson said they sold over 900 tickets last year and only 640 came on the ice. To limit the amount of tickets printed would be a detriment to them and they would like to continue to print 1,000 and be able to sell 1,000 tickets. They can 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 11, 2014 then see how many actually come on the ice, as typically they will sell more tickets simply for the chance to win prizes. Tom Jahnke said part of the basis of the 800 tickets is the carrying capacity on the lake. Wes said they don't anticipate drilling more than 1,000 holes and don't anticipate having more than 700 -800 people on the ice. Martyn Dibben suggested a marginal profit return for use of the facility. Wes said they would welcome the Friends of Bertram to come out there and sell concessions during the event as a fund raising opportunity. Wes said that they do provide free hot dogs and hot chocolate to the kids participating in the kids contest. Discussed giving away prizes that pertain to the type of activities in the park such as canoes, kayaks, wake boards, etc. Discussed the committee applying for all appropriate permits for the event. Marc Mattice asked Wes to provide him with a list of all the permits they've applied for in the past when holding the event on Pelican Lake. The Advisory Council was in consensus to have Wes bring back the Special Event Permit to the Frostbite Challenge Committee for review. They will then meet with Marc Mattice to go over any changes. The final Special Event Permit will be brought back to the Advisory Council for recommendation of approval at the May meeting. 7. Update Phase 5 and 6 purchase details. Marc Mattice noted there are some very fine details and stipulations that are currently being worked out with attorneys for Phases 5 and 6. The time line is very tight for the closing in June. Angela Schumann said that they will have to pull the Negotiations Team together to review the documents so they can bring a recommendation back to this group in May. In May this group will be asked to recommend approval of the purchase agreements to the 5th Addendum to MOU, the Shared Use Agreement, the Ground Lease and Operating Agreement (which have already been reviewed as part of the exhibit documents) but now will be formal documents as part of the purchase, as well as the First Addendum to the Operating Agreement and possibly three modifications to the Ground Lease. Stacy Marquardt requested to have the documents emailed out to the Advisory Council so there is time to review prior to the May meeting. 8. Phase 7 acquisition Marc Mattice noted that Phase 7 is on track and should go smoothly. The grant agreement has been brought to the County Board and they have accepted the grant and approved the local match with the funding source to be determined at a later date. That will most likely close in 2015. The City still needs to bring forth the grant agreement to the City Council for approval. Once the City approves their local match they can put in an appraisal work document to get the appraisal moving forward. Discussed the MOU which was supposed to be done by 2013, was extended to 2014 with the last purchase, and with Phases 5 & 6, the 5th MOU, they are recommending to extend that out to 2016. 3 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 11, 2014 9. Athletic Field Subcommittee report. Jeff O'Neill said they are presenting to the City Council on April 14th the proposal to utilize 27 acres of the City owned farmland (the old biosolids site) for the increase of elbow room for the basic athletic fields, as recommended by the BCOL Athletic Subcommittee. Angela Schumann will work with the granting agency on questions about applying for grants for land already owned by the City that was purchased from a different fund; then that grant money could be placed back into the other account. After the acquisition is complete, Angela said they will go back to the same grant source for applications for capital improvements. The current grant must be used within three years for the development of Phase I. Angela explained that Phase I will be done with a minimal approach with green space and a gravel drive to allow for ease of turning into ballfields in the future. They will be working on the Master Plan for the Athletic Complex and will start on Phase I in late 2015 or early 2016. Jeff said that the full report is on the City website if any members would like to review it. Members are also welcome to attend the Council Meeting. 10. Friends update. Jim Lindberg noted that there was a Special Friends Meeting on March 21, 2014, to discuss the spring cleanup event for the park which will be held on Saturday, May 3rd from l Dam -12pm. Marc Mattice suggested concentrating on the last parcel they purchased which is the horse barn area and along the lake for the cleanup. Jim noted several areas in the park that need to be cleaned up. Jim asked Marc about the chalet building and cleaning that up. Marc said that building is included in the purchase this summer but will still be used by the YMCA as their office for programming this summer. Marc said after the purchase is finalized they will get a building inspector out there in August (after the camp is closed) to determine what needs to be done and make a plan from there. The YMCA will be putting in holding tanks this summer at their expense as the septic has failed for that building. Jim said that there are a couple other Friends groups in the area at Mariah State Park and Sherburne County so they will be reviewing what they do in their parks. Jim said that the Friends of Bertram will have to change their emphasis coming up in the next couple years as the park is evolving from advertising and acquisition to planning and events at park. The next Friends meeting will be on Friday, April 11th at 3:30 p.m. in the Academy Room at the MCC. 11. Discussion of added items. A. Marc Mattice stated that the Greater MN Regional Parks and Trails Commission will have a district wide planning meeting on June 10th, either in Monticello or Becker. The meeting will be from 3pm -6pm. Marc noted that this district is made up of eight counties so they are trying to get it as centrally located as possible. The counties include Chisago, Isanti, Sherburne, Meeker, Stearns, Morrison, Benton, and Wright. Marc said the purpose of the meeting is to begin discussions and development of a district wide regional parks and trails plan which will be submitted as a state wide plan E BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: April 11, 2014 by next January. Marc said they will have a planning team consisting of anywhere from 7 to 13 members, where they will look at projects, qualifications, putting projects on the map, etc. It will be a different way legacy funding is put out. Marc encouraged BCOL Advisory Members to attend. 12. Next meeting scheduled for Friday, May 2, 2014 The next regular Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting is scheduled for Friday, May 2, 2014, at 8 a.m. in the Bridge Room and the Monticello Community Center. March Mattice will be unable to attend the meeting due to other work obligations. Angela Schumann will plan to present the Phases 5 & 6 purchase documents for recommendation of approval at the meeting. 13. Adiourn JIM LINDBERG MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:20 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY SANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 13 -0. Recorder: teeth &ream Administrative Assistant Approval Date: Attest: May 2, 2014 5