FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes 03-09-2010FIBERNET MONTICELLO ADVISORY BOARD
Wednesday, March 9th, 2010
6:00 p.m.
Voting Members: Wayne Nehrenz, Jon Morphew, Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta
Non - voting Members: Don Patten
Guest: Candice Mayberry, Peter Scherbring
1. Call to Order
Honorable Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes
Minutes for the February 10, 2010 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by
J Morphew and seconded by G Posusta to approve the minutes as corrected.
Motion was carried.
3. Updates to Agenda
Office Hours - Board agreed after reviewing customer daily correspondence log
that the Business Office Saturday hours are not needed and agreed to close the
office on Saturday beginning 3/13/2010. Saturday hours will be revisited upon
placement of the Kiosk at the community center.
4. Sales Update - D Patten expressed that Brett DeMarais is doing very well. He has
already secured a 49 unit MDU as a new customer. D Patten expressed an
interest in enrolling Brett DeMarais in local organizations such as Rotary, Lions
and the Monticello Chamber. C Herbst pointed out that staff is required to pay
dues and membership fees to these organizations. D Patten to review interest
and financial ability to participate with Brett DeMarais. Brett DeMarais will
represent FiberNet at future Monticello Chamber events as appropriate.
Marketing Update - Presented by C Mayberry
• Internet S ep eds - C Mayberry shared a market analysis of Internet service
offerings in the Monticello area and recommended the addition of a l OMbps
residential internet speed offering. Advisory Board unanimously decided to add
this option service options immediately. Pricing structure is being evaluated and
implemented by D Patten.
• Chamber Events - C Mayberry recommended participation in the Monticello
Chamber Golf Tournament. Board agreed to a lunch level sponsorship for the
event on May 21st, 2010. Board also agrees to participate in the "Walk and Roll"
• Progress of Marketing Collaterals - C Mayberry shared progress is being made on
these items.
• Advertising - C Mayberry presented a list of current FNM Advertising.
Discussion was held as to the venue of each item. Reccommendations from
members of the advisory board included Bertram family lunch sponsorship,
bowling alley advertising, Channel 12, open house at business office, craft show
and additional events with Cub Foods. All options will be further explored by C
Mayberry and D Patten and will be presented upon at future advisory board
6. Voice Roll Out Update - D Patten shared the current that the Meta switch will be signed
off as operation in the upcoming week. Test customers will be operational by
3/21/2010. Launch scheduled for 5/1/2010.
7. Video Update -Peter Scherbring of HBC presented. Off -air channels are operational and
additional channels are being turned on as they become contractually available. Peter
gave the advisory board a demonstration of the guide and widget functionality. Team
discussed and agreed that 15 -20 test customers would be given video service to help
identify and correct any bugs and then service would be launched in entire market.
8. Service Drop Permission Protocol Issue Report - D Patten reported that an audit was
done of all drop authorization forms and he suspects that there could be
inconsistancies. Customer Care was assigned to contact all persons in all LCP's to
ensure accuracy.
9. FiberNet Monticello, Reviewing 2010 Head Count- C Herbst recommended that J
O'Neill gather information from the City on staffing recommendations for "right
sizing" FiberNet staff for optimal operations. D Patten was assigned the task of
reviewing the original business plan and assisting J O'Neill in malting
recommendations for current and future staffing.
10. Kiosk Update - D Patten shared the current status of opening a kiosk in the Monticello
Community Center(MCC). D Patten expressed that he was having trouble locating a
used kiosk in the correct size. It was suggested that he contact a local craftsman about
possibly adjusting one of the kiosks available for purchase.
11. Business Office Report
• Weekly Report s - D Patten presented the current Business Office activity
numbers. W Nehrenz asked that in future reports sales, installations and drop
authorizations be added.
• Vicki Leerfoff _Vicki Leerhoff has stepped down as customer service director
and will taking a poition at City Hall. D Patten along with human resources are in
the process of developing a position for an Office Manager to better fit FiberNets
immediate needs.
12. FNM Expenditures - D Patten shared the current FiberNet Monticello expenditures. A
motion was made by G Posusta, seconded by C Herbst, to recommend to the City
of Monticello Council to approve payment of the presented expenditures as
documented. Motion carried.
13. Resignation of R Baltula - Advisory Board accepted the resignation of R Baltula and
agreed to seep out a new member. C Herbst volunteered J O'Neill to begin the
application and selection process.
14. Adjournment
A motion was made by j Morphew, seconded by W Nehrenz to adjourn the meeting,
motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.