FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes 12-02-2009FIBERNET MONTICELLO ADVISORY BOARD
Tuesday, December 2, 2009
6:00 p.m.
Voting Members:
Non - voting Members
Wayne Nehrenz, Jon Morphew, Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta,
Roxanne Bakula
Jeff O'Neill, Don Patten
Vicki Leerhoff
1. Call to Order
Honorable Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes
Minutes for the November 17, 2009 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made
by W Nehrenz and seconded by J Morphew to approve the minutes as corrected.
Motion was carried.
3. Updates to Agenda
4. Truck Purchase - B Stauffer made a presentation to the Advisory Board. He shared the
need FiberNet Monticello has for 2 additional vehicles. After reviewing many
options, B Stauffer recommended a 2010 Ford Transit Connect. Many of the
favorable qualities presented were front wheel drive, no rear seats and a matted floor
Also, no additional topper is needed. Buffalo Ford is willing to offer of $19,800. The
cost for a truck is $23,000. A motion was made by R Bakula and seconded by W
Nehrenz to recommend to the City of Monticello City Council the purchase of two
2010 Ford Transit Connects. Motion passed.
B Stauffer recommended using a decal instead of a wrap, for the FiberNet Monticello
vehicles. The decals would list FiberNet Monticello, tagline, phone #, and websites.
Advisory Board would like to review design before ordering decals. Will be
presented at a future meeting.
5. Marketing Update -
Signage - D Patten shared more research is needed in order to make a
recommendation. G Posusta offered to contact Scenic Sign. He will forward
information on a 2 sided lit box for the top of the current structure including
pricing with graphics.
Utility Billing - D Patten presented the latest insert for the Utility Billing. This
will be passed onto the Marketing people from Hiawatha Broadband
Communications. The advantage to keep our Marketing to look like it belongs to
the same family was mentioned.
Discussion was held and agreed a formal letter of appreciation from this
Advisory Board is appropriate to present to M Barnett for her past efforts in
Marketing for FiberNet Monticello.
6. Business Office Report - V Leerhoff presented the current Business Office activity
numbers. They included; 1,324 total Authorizations, with 172 phone calls and 21
walk -ins within the last 2 weeks. 22 internet installations to residents have
7. Community Involvement Campaign — D Patten presented an approach to help the
community. FiberNet Monticello would donate a case of food to the local Food Shelf
for every customer who signs up for electronic billing. There was a favorable
response from the Advisory Board and it was suggested to keep item on the agenda to
be discussed on a monthly basis.
8. Holiday Meeting Schedule —Discussion was held as to the need to have another meeting
before year end. It was agreed it was not needed unless an issue arises. Discussion
was also held that one meeting a month is all that is needed at this time. A motion
was made by W Nehrenz, seconded by R Bakula to hold FiberNet Advisory Board
Meetings on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6pm at 118 W 6th Street, beginning
with the month of December 2009. Motion carried.
9. FNM Expenditures — D Patten shared the current FiberNet Monticello expenditures. A
motion was made by J Morphew, seconded by R Bakula, to recommend to the City
of Monticello Council to approve payment of the presented expenditures as
documented. Motion carried.
10. Adjournment
A motion was made by R Bakula, seconded by G Posusta to adjourn the
meeting, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:23.