FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes 06-30-2009FiberNet Advisory Board
City of Monticello
Approved Minutes of June 30, 2009
Present: Clint Herbst, Jon Morphew, Roxanne Bakula, Wayne Nehrenz, Glen Posusta
Non - voting: Don Patten
Guests: JohnTwardy, Jim Peterson, Vicki Leerhoff
1. Call to Order
Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes
Minutes for the June 17, 2009 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by
Roxanne B. and seconded by Glen P to approve the minutes as corrected.
Motion was accepted. Abstained -Mayor Herbst
3. Updates to Agenda
Reviewed. No changes were made.
4. Presentation of Liquor Store West Property
o Discussion was held prior to presentation for a desire to see presentations of
other properties in other locations including downtown. Acquiring the
services of a real- estate agent is requested by the FiberNet Advisory Board.
It is recommended to have the City Eng. /Building Dept. look at potential
property to assure it meets the codes of the City.
o John Twardy of Bullseye Properties presented detailed lease information
regarding these properties. Enclosed is a copy of his quote for FiberNet
5. Distribution for Review; Nondisclosure Agreements
o These were distributed for review. These are to be brought back to the next
meeting with input from each voting member. Don P will follow up with Joel
after input is collected.
6. Distribution of Business Plan- Members Onlv
o Don P distributed these to the voting members. An electronic copy will be
7. Stimulus Grant Discussion
o Don P led this discussion. We will be filing for the 3 different levels of grant
moneys. The application process can be turned in 24 hours if needed.
Wayne N offered his help. Don P will speak with Jeff O to provide feedback
as to how we are to proceed.
8. Open Forum
o Don P shared FiberNet must provide a list of expected channel lines at
launch. This will be filed with the NCTA.
o Don P shared the need for a 50 to 80 foot tower to put a single antenna. It is
a 2 in by 8ft rod. Discussion was held as to whether it could be run through
the middle of the tank of the water tower. The apprehension of allowing one
antenna will inspire others to put add other antennas onto the water tower.
9. Next Meeting
Next meeting is Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 6pm in the Boom Island Room.
10. Motion made by Roxanne B and seconded by Jon M - meeting adjourned at 8:02
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Respectfully Submi ted,
Vicki Leerhoff