FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes 10-08-2009FIBERNET MONTICELLO ADVISORY BOARD Tuesday, October 8, 2009 6:00 p.m. Voting Members: Wayne Nehrenz, Roxanne Bakula, Jon Morphew, Clint Herbst Absent; Glen Potusta Non - voting Members: Jeff O'Neill, Don Patten 1. Call to Order Honorable Herbst called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes Minutes for the September 22, 2009 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by R Bakula and seconded by Honorable Herbst to approve the minutes as written. Motion was carried. Abstained —J Morphew, W Nehrenz. 3. Updates to Agenda FNM Expenditures D Patten shared the check run detail of expenditures for FNM. It was discussed, that going forward, advisory board would like delineation expenditures as "budgeted" verses "none budgeted ". A motion was made to recommend payment of the presented expenditures by W Nehrenz and seconded by R Bakkula. Motion carried. Lafayette Visit J O'Neal shared highlights of his trip. He agreed to send out a written report. Marketing /Sales Director Position D Patten is in the process of completing a job description and will forward to the Advisory Board when completed. Addition of 2 more Vehicles — D Patten requested an additional 2 trucks with toppers, 4x4. After discussion, a motion was made by Honorable Herbst, seconded by W Nehrenz to approve recommending to the City of Monticello Council the purchase of 2 4x4 trucks with toppers. Approved bids are to be equal to or less than the "State Contract" purchasing amounts. Motion carried. 4. Schedule of Services D Patten shared status of FNM internet service will be tested in Public buildings the week of October 22. FNM is in the process of collecting bids for the satellite dish platform. D Patten is investigating the use of dish heaters and covers. 5. Ramping Up for Installations D Patten shared in order to complete an estimated 18 new installs a day, it will require an additional 54 hours of OT a week. A motion was made to approve 54 hours of OT per week until the next meeting, with D Patten presenting at the next meeting pros and cons to possibly hiring and additional temporary person by J Morphew, seconded by R Bakkula. Motion carried. 6. Business Office Discussion was held as to the purchase of 3 LED TV's for the FNM Business Office or could they be loaned from a local business. It was felt FNM will need to purchase these. 7. Time & Dates of Meetings A motion was made to hold regular FNM Advisory Board Meetings on the 1s' and 3`d Tuesdays of each month, meetings to occur at 6pm at FiberNet Monticello Client Technology Center, located at 118 6th Street W, Monticello, Minnesota, frequency, dates and times are to be reevaluated at the 1st of the year, by R Bakkula, seconded by J Morphew. Motion passed. 8. Adjournment Motion made by Nehrenz and seconded by R Bakkula to adjourn meeting, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm.