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FiberNet Advisory Board Agenda Packet 05-13-2009AGENDA
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
4 p.m.
Voting Members: Wayne Nehrenz, Roxanne Bakula, Jon Morphew, Clint Herbst,
Glen Posusta
Non - voting Members: Jeff O'Neill, Don Patten,Wayne Mayer
1. Call to Order —Mayor Clint Herbst (serves as President)
2. Introductions
3. Review of Governance Ordinance
4. Establish Terms of Office for appointed members (3, 4, 5 years)
5. Election of Vice President
6. Update on FiberNet Project, Broadband Grant Application, etc. (Jeff, Don)
7. Marketing Update (Megan)
8. Establish Mission, Vision and Values (Megan)
9. Establish Monthly Meeting Date and Time
10. Adopt Rules and Procedures (if needed)
11. Open Forum
12. Adjourn
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WHEREAS, the City of Monticello desires to build out its full fiber optics telecommunications
system, also known as FiberNet Monticello, as a self - supporting enterprise of the community,
WHEREAS, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 requires establishment of
the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) with the express purposes of (1)
providing access to broadband service to consumers in unserved areas; (2) providing access to
ultrafast broadband service in underserved areas; (3) providing broadband education, awareness,
training, access, equipment, and support to schools, libraries, medical providers, senior citizen
groups, and other entities to facilitate greater use of broadband and provide ultrafast broadband
access to low income, unemployed and vulnerable populations; (4) improving access to ultrafast
broadband service by public service agencies; and (5) stimulating demand for ultrafast
broadband, economic growth and job creation, and
WHEREAS, the grant award criteria of the BTOP grant program are met by FiberNet
Monticello in terms of (1) long term economic development and job creation, (2) essential
telecommunications services for all addresses in the service area at amenable prices, (3) local
accountability and customer service, (4) utilization of ultrafast broadband technology which
provides infinite possibilities, and (5) partnerships with our community hospitals and medical
facilities, school system, library, public safety departments, and area townships in providing
broadband access, and
WHEREAS, the citizens of Monticello support the concept of FiberNet Monticello as shown by
the referendum vote in September of 2007 and through surveys taken in Fall of 2006 and Fall of
2007, and
WHEREAS, local businesses, residents, non - profit organizations, K -12 and Higher Education
entities, medical facilities, and other governmental entities within the community of Monticello
have expressed support of FiberNet Monticello, and
WHEREAS, the City has endeavored to subscribe to the wishes of the voters by (1) designing
and engineering a fiber optic network for every address within the City, (2) development of a
complete and sustainable business model, (3) a successful revenue bond sale of $26 million, (4)
completion of a Central Office and Head -end building, (5) installation of an 11 -mile fiber
backbone network, (6) effective and expanding marketing efforts, (7) operational and
management team in place through a partnership with Hiawatha Broadband Communications, (8)
ultrafast broadband connectivity to the outside world, and
WHEREAS, the $26 million in bond funds, due to a legal challenge filed against the City by the
telephone incumbent, were placed in escrow in June 2008 subject to recall by bondholders in
June 2009. The bondholders have indicated they will recall the bonds unless the legal challenge
is fully resolved by June 2009, and the timetable for issuance of possible final appeal results runs
beyond June 2009, wherein the bonds would not be available for funding of the FiberNet
Monticello project as originally intended, and
WHEREAS, the City seeks an alternate funding source for the FiberNet Monticello project and
has at its disposal the ability to meet the 20% match as defined in the grant guidelines;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Monticello supports filing of a
Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program grant application with the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration with the goal of obtaining funding to
complete our expanded FiberNet Monticello project.
ADOPTED, this day of
Monticello, Minnesota.
2009, by the City Council of
Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator
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Meeting 4 — 7/13/05
*excerpts are taken from the notes of 7113105
Goals and Values — "What is Monticello all About ?" — long discussion to develop a list of values
that represent the community. Discussed values representing today's community and what we
might like to see in future years. Among the items discussed were the following:
• Progressive community — is progressive the right word? What about "forward thinking"
or "dynamic ?"
• Competitive advantage — in comparison to other cities, in education, in medical areas,
economically, in residential standards — what can differentiate Monticello from others?
• Make Monticello a premier choice for living and doing business — "City with a Future"
• Information is power — technology can deliver information faster, bigger, more of it,
greater distances
• Technology is a great equalizer — can provide access without ownership
The committee members present decided on these Key Value Phrases:
• Forward - thinking community
• Welcome new population while retaining current residents and businesses
• Create and retain sound economic base
• Comparative and competitive advantage in residential growth, business development, and
medical and educational services
• Preserve quality of life [that we now enjoy]
• "Yesterday's Values, Tomorrow's Technology"
Further discussion centered on what values would stakeholders be looking for in this community.
(whole value proposition) Example: monetary, "feel good ", efficiencies. Do you try to sell
fiber optic based on today's needs or future possibilities? Some items that we listed include:
• telephone bills lowered
• educational excellence — families make ISD 882 their first choice
• family -based learning
• on -site training for businesses (Sunny Fresh ?)
• life long skills and degrees
• medical excellence — lower costs, local care, keep hospital independent
• home businesses — adequate bandwith for all uses, support future endeavors at efficient
There was also some discussion on what can fiber optic offer to individuals in the community.
These were some ideas:
• Choice for data/voice /video services
• Lower price
• "triple play" packaged services (1 -stop shopping)
• improvement in delivery of services
• recapture local service ( "homegrown ")
This is the list that was developed by Steve A and Lynn D -F regarding reasons for implementing
fiber optics in Monticello. You will want to utilize this list when working on the first action step
• Further economic growth
• Act as a development magnet
• Add value as a community asset
• Add value to individual homes and businesses
• Contribute to a new revenue source
• Improve city services and offer new services
• Improve access to educational and medical services
• Improve services offered by /through local businesses and Chamber
• Keep residents involved in local community
• Improve what is already offered in the community
• Make Monticello the premier choice for living and doing business
Council Agenda — 5/14/07
Approval of a business name for the City fiber optics entity. (JO, CS)
Following the successful referendum approving construction of a telephone exchange,
Council approved moving ahead with the engineering RFP and announced a contest
inviting city residents to submit possible names for the business entity for the City fiber
optics system. Name selection is taking place at this time for several reasons: we need a
name for the business entity for the financing package and we need a name for marketing
the fiber optics system, which will begin in the near future.
The contest was publicized through mailings, on the website, and with flyers posted in
various sites. We received about 25 entries as of the October 8'h deadline. Lynne Dahl -
Fleming headed up the selection team consisting of four other members. Through a
selection process, they narrowed the list down to seven possibilities. This list was
presented to the City Fiber Optics Committee on October 18a'. After much discussion,
the Committee arrived at a consensus to select from a combination of names that included
the words: fiber, net, and /or communications along with the city name (Monticello).
After studying various combinations, the group decided unanimously on the name of
"FiberNet Monticello."
We felt that it was important to use the word, "fiber" in the name as fiber optics will be a
unique characteristic of our system. The word, "net" symbolizes the network of fiber
optics services to every home and business. We also felt it was necessary to have our city
name, Monticello, attached to the business. It will provide needed identification of the
business for marketing and public relations.
The name, FiberNet Monticello, has been reserved with the Minnesota Secretary of
State's office and web domain names have been locked in for the business.
If this name is approved by Council, the person that submitted a name most closely
related to FiberNet Monticello will be awarded the prize of a free year of internet service
when the City's business becomes operational.
DApprove "FiberNet Monticello" as the name of the business entity for the
Monticello fiber optics system.
2. Select and approve a different name for the business.
3. Do not approve a name at this time.
Council Agenda — 5/14/07
It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the City Fiber Optics Committee
to approve the name, "FiberNet Monticello' as the official name for the City fiber optics
business entity. Utilizing a combination of names submitted through the contest, the City
Fiber Optics Committee deliberated and came up with this name for the business. For the
reasons stated above, we fully support this recommendation.