FiberNet Advisory Board Agenda Packet 09-07-2010AGENDA FIBERNET MONTICELLO ADVISORY BOARD September 7, 2010 Call to Order 2. Approve Agenda 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes — July 6, 2010 4. Consideration of amending restoration policies by requiring sealcoating of asphalt driveways when marred by installation process. (James Vanderlinden present to discuss concerns) 5. Update on Advisory Board membership (Chuck Fradella was recently appointed to the Police Commission by the City Council, but reported that he would like to switch to the FiberNet Advisory Board when he found out there was an opening posted. Since the application deadline for the position has not closed, we sent an agenda to Mr. Fradella welcoming him to attend the meeting as a guest.) 6. Discuss goals relative to development of local origination programming capabilities and identify next steps or a process for accomplishing the goal • Is it time to begin development of an organization and studio site? • Discuss development of a subcommittee to look at options further. Subcommittee would include and not be limited to: 1. Determine goals and scope of local programming effort. 2. Identify resources, strategies and a plan or accomplishing goals. a. Internal staff — in -house utilizing Prairie Conference Center b. Use of Sherburne - Wright Cable Commission resources Identify potential composition of the Committee 3. School /Chamber /City /County /Sports Organizations /Churches /Other 7. Update on City/HBC - Format and Analysis of Financial Data for reporting purposes Construction Update 9. Update on Customer and "Take Rate" status. (Review customer feedback trends) 10. Review Business Customer account development and progress 11. Discuss potential of working with School District to find technology mentors to help Senior Citizens better utilize technology 12. Review of September 2nd Legislative Visit (15 representatives from Senate and House Committees, which seek to improve broadband penetration in the State of MN) 13. Update on Governor's Task Force on Ultra -Fast Broadband 14. Lawsuit update — Deposition Schedule 15. Review efforts to assure adherence to FCC standards in the Monticello Market 16. Update of HBC project with the City of Redwing and discuss potential implications for extending service to neighborhoods adjoining Monticello 17. Discuss changing Meeting Date (2nd Tuesday after the 1 st City Council meeting of the month) 18. Other 19. Adjourn