FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes 02-21-2012MINUTES FIBERNET MONTICELLO ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Tuesday, February 21, 2012 — 6 p.m. 2"d Floor Conference Room, Prairie Center Building Present: Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Jon Morphew, Wayne Mayer, Dennis Sullivan Absent: None Non - voting: Jeff O'Neill, Ben Ranft (HBC) Others: Jerry Olson, Lynne Dahl- Fleming, Paul Ruffin 1. Call to Order Chair Clint Herbst called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. Additions to Agenda 3. Consideration of Approval of Meeting Minutes — December 13, 2011 WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 135 2011 MEETING AS PRESENTED. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 4. Revenue Bond Refinancing — Business Plan Update Report ( Ben/Jeff Report) Jeff O'Neill summarized the meeting held with Springsted involving Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, City staff, and HBC personnel to work on a new business plan. Next meeting of the small group will look closer at revenue sources and fine tune that before meeting with investors to discuss financing options. The group is also looking at other ways to market the business in order to increase the revenues. 5. Marketing Report (Ben Ranft, Brett Demarais, Jeff O'Neill) • HBC Marketing Meeting — Ben Ranft talked about the Marketing meeting he attended at HBC to look at some types of things that could be done here in Monticello. Some of the ideas discussed: • credit to existing customers for trying out new services • Continue cold calls to residents that have drops but have not signed up for any service • Letter from Mayor to city residents and /or customers; ad in local paper • Cross promotion with other city entities (i.e. MCC, Liquor Store) - Liquor store is distributing FNM flyers to customers • Jon Morphew suggested possibly could set up rewards program with commercial businesses that would honor a FNM discount for customers • Cash Mob — involve customer service representatives in setting this up on a regular basis and market it to the whole community � FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — February 21, 2012 o Wayne Mayer suggested using a current FNM bill or coupons in bill as verification to get discount at city businesses - suggested having Brett Desmarais take charge of the discount program. Dennis Sullivan asked how FNM promotes the various cable packages. Ben Ranft explained that they start with the $99 package and present the package options with new customers. Clint Herbst suggested using a large portable sign when FNM adds new channels or services. • Cross Promotional Marketing Report — Jeff O'Neill talked about an upcoming request to Council to purchase some TV screens and digital sign software to scroll city services and promotions; looking at placing these at DMV, MCC, Liquor Store. The Advisory Board wants this on the February 27th Council agenda. Swan Cam — Ben Ranft explained that the camera is operating and can be streamed on the internet or viewed on FNM local TV channels 6, 14 and 19. He talked about some of the issues they encountered and what is being planned to enhance this in the future. • Utility Page Listing of FNM — Jeff O'Neill explained that the City currently has a page on its website that identifies the various providers of utilities; the focus will be on city provided services. 6. Operations /Financial Report — General Manager • CSR Hiring — Ben Ranft mentioned there are two new part-time CSR's that started today with FNM; both are local residents and are FNM customers. They are splitting shifts each week. • Price Increase (Cable) — Ben Ranft mentioned that their wholesale costs have increased from content providers so they plan to increase the prices for cable TV starting in June to keep at the same price point as it was. DENNIS SULLIVAN MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT CITY COUNCIL RATIFY AN INCREASE IN BASIC & EXPANDED CABLE SERVICE BY $3.95 EFFECTIVE WITH THE BILLING STARTING AFTER JUNE 1, 2012. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Ben Ranft mentioned that a separate letter would be sent to all customers regarding the change in prices. • Residential installations — Ben Ranft reviewed the monthly stats for December and January and pointed out that there are snowbirds that have dropped service while they are gone. Clint Herbst suggested looking at a way to keep in touch with those customers to make sure they connect back with FNM. Glen Posusta asked about the checks that are being cut to customers when they leave to go to a FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — February 21, 2012 competitor. Ben Ranft explained that those customers have been paying in advance and being refunded any balance over $5. Ben Ranft offered to look into any possible ways of structuring the accounts so that it reduces the number of refunds that are going out. • Apartments a) Quotes — Ben Ranft met with HBC and discussed quotes for rewiring apartments. HBC averages about $750 per apartment. FNM got quotes from one vendor for an average of $1000 /unit and another vendor at an average of $600 /unit. Ben Ranft also mentioned there is some other technology that might be utilized in apartments that would be relatively low cost. b) Other Ideas (Wireless Network) — no report c) Pricing compared to what HBC has paid in the past — no report • Commercial installations - Internet and Phone a) Sales Manager Report - Ben Ranft reported a great number of new commercial customers that have been added over the past 3 months b) TLS Connections — includes all city buildings 7. Status Report • NTTC VS NCTC (Lower Content Costs) - Ben Ranft reported that once an application is submitted, it will be considered for negotiation. • Monticello Air — customer reported issues with continuity of service; it was related to installation by 3rd party vendor and has been corrected. FNM install techs are working on some installs. • Charging for services a) Service Call Report — Ben Ranft gave an update on the service calls and noted which had been charged a fee and which were covered under customer service. Wayne Mayer asked Ben Ranft to incorporate this report at the monthly meetings. Ben Ranft will also email daily updates to Jeff O'Neill and he will forward to FAB members to keep them on top of customer status. 8. Project Reports (Jeff /Ben) • Meeting with Wright Hennepin Security — Jeff O'Neill gave an update. • Water Tower Co- location Research — Ben Ranft has been in touch with Big Lake to set up a relay to a water tower in Big Lake. HBC will be working on this proj ect. 9. State Legislation Report — Jeff O'Neill reported that there is some legislation concerning the ability of cities to hold a telecom referendum and the requirements for providing phone service. At this time, there is no movement that would affect the City. There was some discussion about ability to serve outside the City. FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — February 21, 2012 10. Other: • Dennis Sullivan asked if TDS was actively working on their new TV offering. He wanted to know if there was potential for expanding into other areas to compete. Ben Ranft pointed out that the biggest issue would be raising the capital to bring the infrastructure into new areas. • Dennis Sullivan mentioned that he does taxes for clients in low income apartments and the company is looking at converting to all electronic using wireless. 11. Adjourn JON MORPHEW MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:19 P.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman 60-4--' Approved: March 13, 2012 Attest: Ci inistrator FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — February 21, 2012