Board Members: Jennifer Bethke -Vice Chair, Darren Paumen, Heath Bird, Bonnie Stromberg and
Brian Stumpf
Staff Members: Kitty Baltos- Director
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
3. Consideration or approving the minutes of the November 17, 2015 regular meeting.
4. Discussion on Bertram Blast Triathlon and the City's commitment.
5. Discussion on Friendship Island moving to the Prairie Center building.
6. Adjourn.
NOVEMBER 17, 2015
Board Members in Attendance:Jennifer Bethke -Vice Chair, Darren Paumen, Heath Bird, Bonnie Stromberg and
Brian Stumpf.
Staff Member in Attendance: Kitty Baltos- Director
I. Meeting called to order at 4:30 pm by Board member Heath Bird.
2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Triathlon, Kitty
Consideration of approving the minutes of the October 20 2015 regular meeting. MOTION by Heath Bird
to approve the minutes as submitted, SECONDED by Bonnie Stromberg, MOTION PASSES unanimously, no
4. Update Items: Items reviewed; Usage Summary, Manager's Update, Suggestion box items and Friendship
Island review. Items discussed by the Board with no action required.
Discussion and recommendation to the Council on part time employee pay scale for 2016.
Recommendation by Brian Stumpf to raise all employees below the August 1, 2016 pay rate of $7.75 to
the $7.75 rate effective January 1, 2016. He requested the budget impact be available for the Monday
November 23rd budget meeting. Board was in consensus with this recommendation.
6. Consideration of Board member term renewals expiring 12/31/2015; Heath Bird and Bonnie Stromberg.
MOTION by Jennifer Bethke to recommend both Heath Bird and Bonnie Stromberg for another three year
term renewal effective 1/1/2016 and ending 12/31/2018. MOTION SECONDED by Darren Paumen.
MOTION PASSES unanimously.
Added item: Triathlon. Kitty has been working with Brad Harrington from Wright County Parks and Brett
Oden, original founder of the Buffalo Triathlon, on a Xtera Triathlon at Bertram Park in July 2016. Kitty
will bring more information to the December meeting for the Board's approval.
8. Meeting Adjourned 5:15 pm
Date Approved:
Kitty M. Baltos, MCC Director
DECEMBER 15, 2015
Item 4. Bertram Blast. The Triathlon will have an Event Coordinator who will be doing the bulk of the
work. At this time Brad Harrington, Wright County, is working on the logo and I am working on the
website. Our responsibilities will be:
o Securing volunteers
• Ensuring that the park is ready to host the event.
• Assisting with miscellaneous duties as we near the event; directional signs, confirming
volunteers, supplying necessary equipment like tables, chairs, etc.
o Other duties as they become apparent.
These duties will be split between the Wright County Parks Department, the Monticello Parks
Department and the Community Center. We will monitor time spent for updating the Advisory Council,
City Council and County Commissioners.
Item S. The City Council at their November 23r4 meeting made F. motion to direct staff to look at using
the Prairie Conference Center for Friendship Island.
Sara and I have discussed any building requirements with John Rued, the City's Chief Building Official.
We looked at the site and taken measurements and made a list of tasks that would need to be done to
make the space work. Then next step is to re -do the research on before and after school day care; how
much teacher's make, what the cost is, transportation to schools and how to structure the program.
This is a list of tasks needed to make the space usable:
1. Paint all rooms.
2. Clean the carpet.
3. New lock on entryway door to the Prairie Center and into the Friendship island space that is a
number entry system.
4. Put a panic bar entry/exit system on the emergency door.
5. Put a ramp on both sides of the emergency exit door.
6. Switch the interior door knobs to take the locks off.
7. Move out the computers that are being stored in one of the rooms.
8. Window decal, one way viewing, for the door and sidelight.
9. Add a doorbell for non - Friendship Island for security.
I'm sure as we continue to move forward with our research and talk more with the Chief Building
Official, this list may be expanded, however, the facility is in really good shape for housing the
Friendship Island program.
See enclosed site map.
^12'2 "by < >12'11"
1025.66 square feet
15sf /person
1681/3 people
"7'7" by < >8' 10"
A 2► 1/2" by < > 8'9"
"13'3" by < >9' 11"
A8' by < > 13,21,
^9'11 "by < >11'6"
^20' 11"
< > 5'4" 1 ^9'4" by < > 11' 6"
" 5'6" by
< > 7'11"
^ 12'11" by < > 9' 10"