MCC Advisory Board Agenda 10-20-2015COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2015 4:30 PM — RIVER ROOM Board Members: Jennifer Bethke -Vice Chair, Darren Paumen, Heath Bird and Brian Stumpf Staff Member: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Interview Board Applicant: a. 4:30 pm Bonnie Stromberg b. 5:00 pm Karen Vetsch 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Consideration of approving the minutes of the September 15, 2015 regular meeting. 5. Update Items: a. Usage review through September 2015 b. Financial Summary through third quarter 2015 c. Manager's update d. Suggestion Box Items 6. Old Business Updates: a. 24/7 facility usage research b. Ball Field Revenue /Expense Review 2015 7. Consideration of recommending applicant for Advisory Board for City Council approval. S. Adjourned ADVISORY BOARD CANDIDATE QUESTIONS: Candidate 1. What interested you about the volunteer Advisory Board position? 2. What do you feel you will bring to the Board as a member? 3. Tell us about your experiences here at the Community Center. COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 Board Members Present: Darren Paumen, Heath Bird and Brian Stumpf Board Members Absent: Jennifer Bethke -Vice Chair Staff Member Present: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Meeting called to order by Board member Darren Paumen at 4:30 pm. 2. Consideration of adding items: a. Military Discount— Kitty. Suggestion from Brian Stumpf to find day /time when facility is slower and offer a discount during those times for military personnel. Consensus from the Board to move forward with this. b. Painting the Fitness Center— Heath. Heath received a few comments from other members that they felt the fitness center needed to be repainted. Kitty will pass that on to the Maintenance Supervisor for inclusion on their work schedule. 3. Consideration of approving the minutes of the August 16, 2015 regular meeting. MOTION by Brian Stumpf to approve the minutes as submitted, SECONDED by Heath Bird. MOTION PASSES unanimously. 4. Update items: Reviewed Facility Usage, Suggestion box items and General Updates with no action taken. 5. Old Business: Reviewed Alcohol use at the Ball Fields, Staffing Update and Fitness Center mechanical updates. The Board requested that staff continues to research and then discuss with the Parks Commission the item of alcohol use at the ball fields for a possible Special Events Ordinance to the City Council. 6. Consideration of accepting the resignation letter from Sandra Theros from the Advisory Board and apoointing her to reoresent the Advisory Board as the Liaison to the Bertram Advisory Council. MOTION by Brian Stumpf to accept the resignation of Sandra Theros from the MCC Advisory Board, SECOND by Darren Paumen. MOTION PASSES unanimously. MOTION by Heath Bird to appoint Sandra Theros as the MCC Advisory Board Liaison to the Bertram Advisory Council, SECOND by Brian Stumpf. MOTION PASSES unanimously. 7. Consideration and recommendation to the Citv Council for the 2016 -2017 Caterers / Liauor Providers for the community center banquet facilities. Discussion about two providers, Von Hanson's and A Catered Event not holding a liquor license and how they will handle catering /liquor requests. MOTION by Heath Bird to accept the list as submitted for recommendation to the City Council for approval as Caterer and Liquor Providers for the community center banquet facility. The motion was SECONDED by Brian Stumpf. MOTION PASSES unanimously. Board recommendation when taking to Council, stress local business and efforts to include local businesses. 8. Meeting Adjourned at 5:25 pm. Date Approved: Attest: Kitty M. Baltos— MCC Director N O N } 0 m w n m n N N m 0 m 0 O (D w W m m V w N M Ill m m H m 00 � N oa � c to p m l N N N w t0 N H N d� N nl N nl N nl N rl N M1 N lD N lD N Q N N O LO V' o N w O N M (O M 0 N m W N N w W O (D m O W a OD g o w n q n IO n m l(1 (n Is m p N N N n M d' M N 01 N d' n I N � � M n N O (O O m m 0 0 0 0 lN: h O M 001 (NO d' v m :(m0 Q 0 O N N N N N N n n n 0 n n c N N N z O a a... r- V M 0 0 o 0) .. (.Oj (MO (NO ((0 IOO e Y � (O (O m D M 0 0 m N 17 O) F Q m N W 7 V V O a Um1 17 N N M >- w M O M O n 0 0 0 0 0 O: S (O LO (O ql N 01 m M M N 0 _ O 0 0 N z H O c laK. m a z , N N O E0o N (O �} (O M CL a"F`: a O CO U � qWk c a O co N MO N O M O n m m m '- � IMO d' IOO M N. 3? n N Ld � O m m W W 'O n a M N w � <D O d' m �w+ O IN V n IM W N c: p' VI VI Q O YO 70 M C7 to N m II N H 6 M M M M 100 7 NM. 3 (q; N m O O ex C M V N (O O (O N N 0 0 0 0 Z Oi II II C M N M N � J" O N N O y � n v. 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In vLLi O Z M E 00 N ti N U C U N v'ii O Z °J N o ti F) (n Z II II v) IL o. v in O � J J r- W Ill N N vii II'Iil Q LO N Z ti � � T J M N � J In N N m I') Z LL. � N C n (� T � N N It � Z It L m N � w In v C Q N N N J% C tN/1 vLLi Q (y � rl J 'Ij N z Z m C II II V�1 V1 N n M In N o0 V � O C N n N N Z U C II II lN/1 N d IL C IN N ti N C o 0 .� m a n Z E O N •i M K n K M K N K z M K .-I w N K m 0 .I K a z w a U J O u O F- 9 Y ILn } N m E In Y E 0,1 .3 a REVENUE & EXPENSE STATEMENT September 30, 2015 2014 2015 15 FULL YEAR -15 789,997 REVENUE BUDGET UAL 1 ROOM RENTAL 97,000 ,714.57 121,515.7 2 WEDDING RENTALS 35,000 8 3 ROOM RENTAL INTERNAL USE 55,000 ,249.97 4 CHAPEL RENTAL 3,500 ,417.58 5 PARTY ROOM RENTAL 27,500 19,589.35 6 CONCESSIONS 82,200 51,098.75 7 VENDING COMM /REFUND 1,500 1,113.63 8 FACILITIES LEASE 10,000 41325.84 9 FARMERS' MARKET FEES 2,600 2,123.00 10 BALLFIELD CONCESSIONS 24,950 6,509.14 11 USER FEES 57,000 47,287.98 12 MEMBERSHIPS /DAILY 810,000 630,593.64 13 PROGRAM FEES 198,500 188,872.47 14 COPIES /LISTS 46 100.87 15 OTHER SERVICES 500 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 16 INTEREST 2,500 T &E /MACHINERY 17 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 500 196.50 18 SALE OF PROPERTY 50 T &E /OFFICE EQUIPMENT 19 CONTRIBUTIONS 3,0001 5,680.00 20 PURCHASE CARD REBATES 52 1,740.26 21 INSURANCE CLAIMS 53 PROF SERVICES -LEGAL FEES 22 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 54 OF SERVICE MGMT FEE 23 MISC REVENUE 33,500 24,470.02 24 NSF FEE COLLECTION 300 90.00 25 TOTAL REVENUE BEFORE TAXES 1,445,050 1,112,689.35 26 TAXES 1,363,000 699,409.24 27 UTILITY VALUATION AID 28 HOMESTEAD & AG CREDIT 50,000.00 29 OPERATING TRANSFER IN 1,799,786.78 1,005,000.00 30 TOTAL REVENUE 2,808,050.00 2,817,098.59 2014 EXPENSES: 2014 31 SALARIES 789,997 569,106.35 32 EMPLOYEE TAXES / BENEFITS 212,068 140,502.50 33 PRINTED FORMS 1,875 136.22 34 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,750 2,297.27 35 CLEANING SUPPLIES 15,000 10,890.11 36 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 3,750 1,162.31 37 MOTOR FUELS 250 220.43 38 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 16,8501 13,749.58 39 POOL MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 7,490 8,350.41 40 GENERAL OPERATING SUPPLIES 28,100 22,206.87 41 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 3,750 1,620.53 42 FITNESS EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 2,350 43 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 61,046.29 44 BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 3,750 1,352.57 45 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 940 55.95 46 MISC REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 14,050 6,159.68 47 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 19,650 4,649.92 48 T &E /MACHINERY 49 T &E /FURNITURE & OFFICE EQUIP 545.05 50 T &E /OFFICE EQUIPMENT 51 T &E COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,468.37 52 T &E OTHER 3,531.45 53 PROF SERVICES -LEGAL FEES 54 OF SERVICE MGMT FEE 940 60915 FF PR(1F RFRVI('.F nATA PR(lr FSiR 1 R7Fi 2014 2014 Sep -14 YEAR END ACTUAL ACTUAL 63,780.00 88,834.26 17,333.30 24,902.88 37,500.00 49,999.98 2,264.32 2,778.94 18,625.281 24,073.63 61,738.811 64, 572.73 1,303.37 1,510.59 8,858.21 10, 374.54 1,733.00 2,118.00 16, 620.43 17, 951.10 47,540.09 61,046.29 590,065.75 790,225.15 161, 765.35 184,124.94 48.80 91.66 193.31 193.31 484.22 545.05 3,000.00 5,500.00 1,468.37 2,215.44 3,531.45 6,389.07 4,795.62 7,068.13 3,999.76 60.00 180.00 1,034,982.19 1,346,422.94 714, 804.59 1,385,044.30 50,000.00 50,000.00 1,799,786.78 2,781,467.24 ��cl'fl 2015 2015 FULL YEAR Sep-15 REVENUE BUDGET ACTUAL 56 PROF SERVICE SOFTWARE /PROG 7,950 9,587.64 57 PROF SERVICE - Website /Email 940 669.34 58 PROF SERVICE - REFUSE COLLECT 2,800 1,462.09 59 PROF SERVICE CUSTODIAL 470 137.32 60 PROF SERVICE LAUNDRY 2,800 2,234.83 61 PROF SERVICE BLDG / EQUIP 470 62 PROF SERVICE MAINT AGREE 8,000 4,489.14 63 PROF SERVICE NEWSLETTER 560 127.76 64 MISC PROF SERVICES 5,000 673.83 65 PROF SERVICE - WEDDING SECURE 3,000 1,491.00 66 TELEPHONE 3,960 1,747.03 67 INTERNAL IT SERVICES 34,661 25,995.69 68 POSTAGE 1,875 798.71 69 DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE UPS 70 CABLE /NETWORK SERVICES 3,900 2,651.88 71 ITRAVEL EXPENSE 3,300 1,521.06 72 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 73 FREIGHT 300 200.83 74 PROMOTIONS /EXHIBIT ADMISSION 500 75 ADVERTISING -GENERAL 3,785 2,307.90 76 GEN'L PUBLIC INFORMATION 1,875 77 BROCHURES 474.89 78 GEN'L LIABILITY INSURANCE 15,348 16,395.00 79PROPERTYINSURANCE 80 MISC GENERAL INS WK COMP 993.30 81 SALES TAX & PROPERTY TAX 82 SALES TAX 83 ELECTRIC 117,000 78,437.46 84 WATER & SEWER 12,000 6,022.34 85 GAS 62,000 37,377.83 86 REPAIR & MAINT - BUILDING 30,000 49,814.83 871 REPAIR & MAINT - MACH /EQUIP 30,000 10,463.15 88 REPAIR & MAINT -POOL & REC 32,750 9,221.55 89 REPAIR & MAINT - OTHER 3,750 7.67 90 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,350 417.09 91 UNIFORM RENTAL 1,150 602.60 92 TOWEL RENTAL 1,150 732.28 93 CASH SHORT - 120.32 94 UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS 95 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 940 870.40 96 LICENSE & PERMITS 3,4001 402.79 97 PRIZES DONATED 940 98 BANK CHARGES 20,000 14,923.39 99 MISC OTHER EXPENSES 1,888 2,128.60 100 BUILDINGS 101 IMPROVEMENTS 69,000 102 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 103 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 10,000 104 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 105 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 106 OTHER EQUIPMENT 107 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 108 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE 1,005,000 1,005,000.00 109 SUB TOTAL 2,631,247 2,073,331.35 PROGRAMMING EXPENSES: 110 ROOM RENTAL SUPPLIES 3,446 872.99 111 PROGRAM OFFICE SUPPLIES 117 (:(lN(:FSRI(lN CTANn CI IPPI IFR 1 1) Ano RQ Al ��cl'fl .93 1 151.00 2015 2015 FULL YEAR Sep-15 REVENUE BUDGET ACTUAL 113 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 7,485 3,803.88 114 CHAPEL SUPPLIES 190 115 CLIMBING WALL SUPPLIES 1,875 853.19 116 FITNESS AREA SUPPLIES 7,485 27.42 117 GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES 4701 15.88 118 INDOOR PLAY SUPPLIES 570 61.88 1191 POOL SUPPLIES 1,800 1,406.01 120 WAREHOUSE SUPPLIES 240 121 FARMERS' MARKET SUPPLIES 561.23 122 GENT PROGRAM OPER SUPPLIES 7,400 4,606.40 123 FRIEND ISLAND GEN OP SUPPLIES 6,431.18 124 MISC REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 37,400 125 T &E FITNESS EQUIPMENT 126 T &E FURNITURE 127 T &E OFFICE EQUIPMENT 128 T &E CONCESSION EQUIPMENT 129 T &E /RECREATION EQUIPMENT 130 T &E OTHER 131 CONCESSION FOOD SUPPLIES 48,000 30,887.99 132 NON -FOOD CONCESSION PROD. 2,350 877.93 133 PROF SERVICE - FITNESS 1,000 106.05 134 PROF SERVICE - PROG INSTRUCT 1,200 7,314.19 135 PROF SERVICE - WEDDING DECOR 136 PROF SERVICE - UMPIRE /REFEREE 20,000 9,046.00 137 PROF SERVICE -GEN'L PROGRAM 5,000 5,253.55 138 FREIGHT 139 PROMOTIONS 140 PROGRAM ADVERTISING 2,000 371.25 141 WATER /SEWER 32.13 142 EQUIPMENT RENTAL - PROGRAM 660 675.00 143 DUES,MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 144 PRIZES 200 591.00 145 MISC OTHER EXPENSES 250 146 IMPROVEMENTS 147 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 148 TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENSES 151,821 73,864.56 BALL FIELD CONCESSIONS: 149 OFFICE SUPPLIES 150 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 151 CONCESSION STAND SUPPLIES 280 152 GENERAL OPERATING COSTS 280 153 GENERAL OPERATING SUPPLIES 7,000 154 MISC REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 155 T &E /CONCESSION EQUIPMENT 156 BEER /MALT BEVERAGES 2,216.80 157 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCT 10,000 1,498.02 158 NON -FOOD PRODUCT FOR RESALE 300 200.00 159 PROF SERV -DATA PROCESSING 300 160 PROF SERV - SOFTWARE /PROGRAM 161 PROF SVC- WEBSITE /EMAIL 162 MISC PROF SERVICES 163 TELEPHONE 164 INTERNAL IT SERVICES 1,812 1,359.00 165 FREIGHT 166 INSURANCE -LIAB & DRAM SHOP 167PROPERTYINSURANCE 168 ELECTRIC 2,500 885.70 1RQ REPAIR R MAINT - RI III niNr A .93 1 151.00 2014 2015 2015 FULL YEAR Sep -15 ACTUAL REVENUE BUDGET ACTUAL 170 REPAIR & MAINT - MACH & EQUIP 470 171 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 12,953.77 172 LICENSES & PERMITS 1,100 172.00 173 PRIZES - 121,553.80 174 MISC OTHER EXPENSES 175 TOTAL BALLFIELD EXPENSES: 24,512 6,331.52 176 TOTAL ALL EXPENSES 2,807,580 2,153,527.43 177 NET 663,571.16 178 Without Debt and Taxes - 35,838.08 2014 2014 Sep -14 YEAR END ACTUAL ACTUAL 1,368.71 137.50 535.50 12,953.77 17,478.30 2,030,293.90 2,559,186.24 - 354,345.34 - 121,553.80 1 - 79,149.931 - 172763.3 2015 THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL REVIEW REVENUE: 2015 REVENUE REVIEW l,--- EXPENSES: $250,000.00 $200,000.00 $150,000.00 $100,000.00 $50,000.00 2015 EXPENSE REVIEW $193,687.40 $115,028.98 $120,508.14 $120,870.87 $126,618.23 January February March April May June July August September PROFIT OR LOSS PER MONTH: 2015 PROFIT /LOSS BY MONTH MANAGER'S MONTHLY UPDATE OCTOBER, 2015 Maintenance Supervisor -Brian Weldon: Fitness Area: • We replaced a couple of belts & Decks on treadmills, looking into if it would work to put a motion sensor into the fitness area. Also looking at different products to put on the walls in the free weight room and on the short knee wall where everyone puts their feet and stretches. Pads will be replaced soon on the equipment that is in need. Romp & Stomp: • I have received a couple of bids on lights for this area, sometimes by waiting helps the process as new products are hitting the market all the time. We can have a LED bulb installed in the same light fixtures which will save us money. Locker Rooms: • 1 have received all the bids on the partitions, also received quotes on new vanities. Looking at what really needs fixing or replacing as we try and use dollars wisely. We installed a new motor in the men's locker room suit spinner. Main Bathrooms: • We had a local company clean the tile floors in the men's and women's as it needed to be steamed cleaned for maximum appearance and then sealed to keep the dirt out of the grout. We added motion sensors for each of the bathrooms Pool Area: • We de stained the pool area to get some of the brown effect from our source water off of the diamond bright. The diamond bright is getting rough in area's which makes it difficult to get the brown out of some areas. Meeting Rooms: • We installed a motion sensor in the Boom Room, stripped and waxed floors. Event Coordinator - Tricia Menth: Been a crazy month of October in the wedding dept. We have had 5 weddings in the Miss Room and 1 in the chapel. We have one wedding coming up in Nov and 1 in Dec. Wedding season winding down but other holiday events coming up. Anndee our decorator has been a huge help and done such a great job and having We've Got it Covered for draping has worked like a wheel and never missed a beat with the change. New caterers and liquor providers are all approved for the 2016/2017 year. We will have 5 on our list again. Russell's, Conerstone, A Catererd Event, Von Hanson and Creekside Catering (Up the Creek in Silver Creek). Michele at Majirs is working on updating our brochure with our new caterers, new upgraded draping packages (we are doing either full or none) and just freshening up the brochure with new colors and pictures. She thought she would have them down at the end of this week since we are already booking for next year. I have quite a few booked already. One glitch we found out with weddings is Riverfest. It's always been the 2nd Saturday but this year with the 41h falling on a Monday they are having it a week later than normal and we have a wedding booked the same time as the street dance. This is not ideal with noise from the band, guests from street dance walking everywhere and parking. I have a call in to the bride /groom and an email to them but have not heard back from them. I did tell Riverfest it would be nice if they would book dates with me in advance so it is clear on the date and can book out that date for a wedding and also with the parade coming around out full building that Sunday makes it very difficult to book rentals that morning /afternoon also. The street dance /parade make a large impact on my rentals here. Ballfields were shut down for another year. Oct 8th was the last game and went out on the 9th and got is all shut down and closed up for the season. Parks dept did a fabulous job with fields and assisting in shutting it down. They are always so helpful and do so much. Leanne also did a great job out there and was nice to only have to staff it with one employee along with Leanne, Parks are all closed up for the winter for rentals except for W Bridge Park. I have been thinking of ways to rent that pavilion more often. What a great family place to gather to have a winter party. Hard to think too far ahead since we never know if we will have snow or ice. We didn't have as big of success with our Star Search as we had hoped. We ended up hiring 7 but are left with 5. 2 of the guys we hired did not work out. We are still looking for climbing wall employees along with guest services. The 5 we did hire seem to be working well and are hard workers. Program & Operation Coordinator -Sara Cahill: • The Farmers' Market outdoor season ends Oct. 15. Overall we had decent weather most market days. The average customer attendance was 225 adults per week, up from 212 in 2014. New vendors, programs and entertainment kept the market exciting in 2015. • We were selected to have a VISTA for 8 weeks who helped promote EBT acceptance at the market through outreach in the community. • Our market was selected by Live Wright and Crow River Food Council to conduct the Power of Produce Kids Club program. The PoP program was sponsored by Live Wright, Crow River Food Council, Wright County Area United Way, Wright- Hennepin Electric Cooperative and All 4 Kids. The program resulted in $2,262 in tokens given to kids who attended the market to be used to purchase fresh produce. Parent surveys expressed a unanimous request for the program to return next year. Other markets are looking to us as an example for how to run their own PoP program. Vendors were happy with increased customers. • Our vendors and sponsor, Uptown Eye Care, contributed $880 to hire musicians, supplement food demonstrations and for additional advertising. We had live music 6 of the 23 market weeks and 3 food demonstrations. • We received a $2,132.14 grant from Minnesota Department of Human Services to supplement costs associated with the EBT program. And a $130 grant from the Minnesota Farmers' Market Association for safe food sampling. • 1 feel that this is the most accomplished market season to date! Next year will be the 10" season of the Monticello Farmers' Market and I hope the momentum continues! The community support of the market is increasing • The Indoor Market begins November 7'h and will continue through April on select Saturdays in the main hallway of the Community Center. • Our Farmers' Market Manager, Stephanie, has decided to resign after this season. She has been a great manager who really understands the dynamics of the market. I will need to hire a market manager for next year. • Next up is the Halloween Kiddie Parade on Saturday, October 24. Kids can parade on Walnut street from 3rd St. to the Community Center and come inside to trick -or -treat with over 20 businesses and organizations. Participants can enjoy activities, crafts and games in the gym until 12:00. The Chamber Kiddie Train will also be on hand to give rides in the north alley. I estimate 300 kids in attendance. • Unfortunately we had to cancel our last two "Canvas Uncorked" events due to low enrollment. Tricia and I met with the artist, Erica, to discuss ways to promote the Dec. 11 event. Hopefully we can promote at the Wine Tasting and at the Liquor Store. Since we started Canvas Uncorked two other businesses in town have started their own paint nights which could be impacting our lack of registrations. • I only had 1 child interested in Friendship Island over MEA break. • The first day of MEA break did not seem as busy at the Community Center as it has been in the past. Aquatic Director - Corinne Mitchell: • Swim lessons fill up completelyl I I will be able to more swim class in the Winter Session than our Fall Session. I have several instructors that are on the Girls Swim that will be available to teach. I was able to hire one additional male instructor and two additional lifeguards this fall. But I also had a few that resigned also. So needless to say I am still looking for pool staff. • We have a new Fitness class that is using the pool on Thursday mornings that has been very successful. It is exciting for our members to now have two options for fitness classes in the pool. • I will be holding a fall pool In- Service the week before Thanksgiving. We will be practicing back boarding and different rescues scenarios. I will also be inviting Centra Care Ambulance to join us. • Collections were down to 41 memberships that I was not able to get payment from on October 10th... this is good. Director -Kitty Baltos: I signed up for another "coupon" program similar to Groupon, but it's called Living Social. We're offering the same promotion, a family of four for the pool, but we're recovering more for each coupon sold. I really liked the traffic from Groupon, but what I found out is that they do not become repeat customers. Living Social has a 78% repeat record. I guess Groupon, from what I have sinced learned, is truly the bargain hunters area. Theyjust want the cheapest one time deal. Let's hope we see repeat business from Living Social that we are hoping for. With the upgrade the CSI's cloud service, it also offered us a room reservation module. I've been working on setting this up for us to use. You'd be amazed at how many places you have to input the same information just to set it up. My sales rep has been out of town, so I can't call her. It will be excellent to have this on the computer. This will improve efficiency. If you remember quite a while ago, I was looking into utilizing the old restaurant area at the old bowling alley for MCC programming. Initially I wanted to create an elementary age gymnastic studio and did quite a bit of research on it. I found that they can be very profitable if you have the right coach /trainer. What I also found is that every community has at least one and many more than one gymnastic studio it their town, though Monticello only has Community Education offering elementary gymnastics. After watching a 60 minutes show on Cross Fit, I am looking into this as an option instead. There are less of them around and I know we could do this well. I'll keep you updated as the research progresses. SUGGESTION BOX ITEMS: OCTOBER 2015 MAIN HALLWAY SUGGESTION BOX: • The tray on C -9 is broken. Need more magazine trays upstairs and the fans in the Warehouse need dusting. FITNESS CENTER SUGGESTION BOX: • More Kleenex boxes — often running out of Kleenex. • Install wall fans in men's locker room to help cool off • Need more space to do exercise ball and stretching exercises. Too many people in area to do these floor exercises and stretches. Too crowded. • Please have groups stay in Warehouse instead of coming to our abs area while members are trying to work out. Thanks AGENDA INFORMATION - OCTOBER 20, 2015 Item 6a. 24/7 facility usage research. So the biggest hitch in this effort is restrooms for overnight users. In the Free Weight room, there is a large closet that we use to store,our programming supplies. It's quite full and have been reticent to touch that room, but it actually would make a perfect unisex restroom, if all the plumbing can work out. I have Brian and our Chief Building Official, John Rued, looking at plans and where all the plumbing lines currently run. Then we'll bring in a plumber to give us a quick cost projection and if it's reasonable, then we can proceed with a firm cost to bring to the Advisory Board and then to City Council. Item 6b. Ball Field Concession Financial review. We closed the ball season on October 9th. Below is the net gain from concession sales. I am continuing to work on closing the concessions in the future and how softball players can still have beer at the fields. I'm going to be contacting other league managers around the area to find out how they were able to do it. Just waiting for contact information from our Leagues Manager, Leanne Holker. This will come to the Advisory Board before moving forward to the Park's Commission and eventually to the City Council. BALL FIELD CONCESSION REVIEW Date Food'' Alcohol Beverages - Concession Net: Employee Cost Net Rev or. (Exp)* 5/4/2015 $44.43 $226.21 $270.64 $91.48 $179.16 5/11/2015 $24.96 $136.35 $161.32 $78.01 $83.31 5/18/2015 $34.28 $157.94 $192.23 $44.40 $147.82 6/1/2015 $59.49 $199.57 $259.06 $74.34 $184.72 6/8/2015 $50.84 $202.66 $253.50 $42.36 $211.13 6/15/2015 $41.19 $157.46 $198.65 $41.24 $157.40 6/22/2015 $43.16 $212.42 $255.58 $43.08 $212.50 6/29/2015 $34.13 $184.90 $ 219.03 $43.69 $175.35 7/6/2015 Cancel Rain out 7/13/2015 $67.80 $175.60 $243.40 $41.85 $201.55 7/20/2015 $47.92 $142.85 $190.77 $85.03 $105.74 7/27/2015 $65.37 $202.00 $267.38 $55.09 $212.28 8/3/2015 $14.57 $75.44 $90.01 $45.72 $44.28 $528.14 $2073.40 $ 2,053.41 $500.45 $1,552.94 Tourney Tourney FALL BALL TOTAL $2,536.06 Additional expenses: Electric, Amount unknown /$450??\ Licenses $525.00 IT Services $1,812.00 Net profit ($250.94) Tourney