MCC Advisory Board Agenda 09-15-2015COMMUITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 4:30 PM — RIVER ROOM Board Members: Jennifer Bethke -Vice Chair, Darren Paumen, Heath Bird and Brian Stumpf Staff Members: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 3. Consideration of approving the minutes of the August 16, 2015 regular meeting. 4. Update items: a. Review facility usage through August 2015. b. Suggestion box items. c. General updates, Kitty Baltos 5. Old Business: a. Alcohol at the ball fields b. Staffing update c. Fitness Center mechanical options 6. Consideration of accepting the resignation letter from Sandra Theros from the Board and appointing her to represent the Advisory Board as the Liaison to the Berttram Advisory Council. 7. Consideration and recommendation to the Council of the 2016 -2017 Caterers /Liquor providers for the community center banquet facilities. 8. Adjourn COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES JULY 21, 2015 Board Members in Attendance:Jennifer Bethke -Vice Chair, Heath Bird and Darren Pauman Board Members Absent: Sandra Theros -Chair and Brian Stumpf Staff Members in Attendance: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Meeting called to order by Vice Chair at 4:28 pm 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Minimum wage update if time. 3. Consideration of approving the minutes of the June 16. 2015 regular meeting. MOTION by Heath Bird to approve the minutes as submitted, SECOND by Jennifer Bethke, MOTION PASSES unanimously. 4. Update Items. Tabled to August 2015 meeting. 5. Consideration of preliminary budget for 2016. a. Membership Rate Increase, Director's recommendation to raise on the family rates at this time up to $50 for regular and $45 for resident. Discussion by Vice Chair to perhaps consider $55 for regular. Matter TABLED to August meeting when full Board available. b. Reduced pool hours. No discussion. c. Childcare Add On Increase, MOTION by Darren Paumen to increase the Child Care Add On to $8 per child per month effective January 1, 2016, SECOND by Jennifer Bethke, MOTION PASSES unanimously. d. Other Revenue Items for increase. No further discussion. e. Purchase Requests. No discussion. 6. Added item: Minimum Wage Increase, Council Agenda Item. Discussion on dissenting opinion. Item is on the City Council with two alterntives July 27, 2015. 7. Meeting adjourned at 5:20 pm Date Approved: Attest: Kitty M. Baltos— MCC Director 0 N FO 0 O N O m o m o� m a ry in m m r r N o o lD m l� c .-I W to M N rl 01 OJ - rl m N W w CO V d m m .-i � .r I v m m m C, m .i ri � k � Vo p N N N N .-I .-I rl rl rl rl rl rl N N l7 O V N O M M N m N W 0 O W N O o] iD t0 t0 m W O m W h � W H � .N- �i N o 0 0 0 0 O N 0) o OMj O 0 V c m CO W Iq O M V V CD Q N N N a N N M co F v U v U 7 v0 W Q m F m V � O c O F to U U 0 VN C Y pOj N v V V V - � O N M M M O W O r 0 0 0 0 0 0 J N O N m N M - Z 0 W > tmD HN W O V M N d N Z C `D a E O U - O c N N N N M N m N O O O W M A N N d U) a N O O M N a SOD r p�p V v o N N r � V N O m m m N m tD O II N = N N Z a Vl ail m J V1 VI a a M � p� r r O N v r N w •+ m C _ II II _ 7 7 N LLI J � N � Q 0 0 O1 c N M M = V N mN 7 U) ry M pVi Z ICI Cl) O c J N N � � M v o M r o W r on M N N a N j II Z LLi m V 1 m m � � O LL c Q OV N W II Z N M r N N t00 M G_ O J p m N = � N Q � T LL r II Z �p a II m C J W W r r M M M N M N N 'O N N O O = V Q � N z U II 11 Q C N N i 0 o a G F M N N r O N V W N o 0) J IA C r m 0 O II N LLi = N c N Q N m D E N t[ N t�0 W tr0 (m0 w m M !n d W a� 7 M OM C N (OD V V V to co a� w ~ m ¢ a ¢ Tius Q' O z o O FO 0 O N O m o 0 N O r m r c to V d O l7 W H ti tD tp O �p � h � H � a �i W D N W 0 0 V V V c ' � a a rl J o v U v U 7 v0 W Q m F m V � O c O F U U 0 v N N _ O O N j T Z > O m d Z C `D a E O U - O c U O d N U) a r M � N N m tD O II = N N Z a Vl ail m J V1 VI a M � p� r r � m V •+ II II _ N LLI J � N N 0 0 O1 c N = ry .v Z ICI LLi c J N N � v o M r on m N II Z LLi m m m � � O c Q N W II Z G_ m N = � N T r II Z �p a II m C O � N N 'O N N O O = LL N z U II 11 � C N N i 0 o a G m M N o N U C r m 0 II N LLi = N c N N m D E N U) d m a a K m s m r N a z N C m m z ti tD m ti a Z w a u J U V O N V tO V N m W ilt I� V1 N V1 t0 N O O M m IN M m O C ei O �p 6 N N M M h N W m m l7 N rl m N N N N N h OJ O lIl � w w N V m M N M W M r N O 0 N O M M m O V N ((1 M n W M - N � m M In - M M p F a N IN N N N N V M M c M- M co ( D N I II V O 10 V O N M O N M t0 M IO N M m IN N W W O (D m O m O m m O W f� N r m U 1` m N 10 O to Q O N N N f` M V M N m N V r 00) II II 0- N N N V W m O N f� N m n- V 10 V I� N O m N O I` m N IN IN u Z u�i uLLi Q N V (D � N O CO m W m 0 O 10 N V M m N V m V V (O N N N M O C Y V N M IO W IO V V V I- v m 0 Y N IN N m C m ry N m m m Z LI 3 ~ II II C N N � m J V O N I� N IO V N N m O M N m N V m M M O (!1 Z N V N m m N (O m M O (O N ON N W N In vi N M N- m N N In IM c C OVl m Q a Z w N �yl N O M M O N IN O M V M V M O O W V N M r (D O C N O V d a N m V N N N (( to a A h LL m rl O C N O In N N d 2 m c m Z N N IN r N m m n tD N m N •- N O O m a N (O m M V V O W N m V N to N t0 V tD M O O O W W m O N V Id N CL n m V m rn rn IN I� ID v 0 CL 7 7 o a W m m O m V M N m N r W O O V m 10 7 y M - n O m 7 M V } 0 M 0 V ((1 V 0 O 0 m IO I� IN 10 0 W 10 N O M N 0 10 IN N J IM O (D IN M N N N N M V N LL y IO M O IO O 10 m N O IO m m O IN In M In M O W O N O N J_ y N- LL m N QOl V pal N V W (VD � r� a a J tT W t0 m N M M M .- N M V 10 N Q O M N M N N m IN N V IO M (D N N N O m m N N W m r J W M M V N V N � 0 y � Q V O I� O m N V V m M M N m 10 O In O O M N IN N m W V O a' iT r N O W (D W W M (D W m O atr V N (D N O I` M M r W m M O O M M V V m M M M � V V I� M N M M N M � N N M V (0 � a� d 0 Z W Q a Q Lu z� j w U O W H a O z 0 O V O ry H .Ni v II � [Y m N N m m (y O N M W p Z C n a o V a W (y a 0 to N ry N m n a I I d ¢ h N � N a Iti V DD N 3 I I Q s � � O ti 1D m II � m N m n m c I K .O.I rNj M V a A 11 O I, v u+ m m o I I Q K O O O O m p o � �n m er V m If y LL K V W N N m N � C ti ry z Z ¢ F w n` ° O 5 O u 00 - LD ra � H LD 01 M m n N m I1, T l7 T In - m E m E m O Y E m 3 � N Q ID O O W m C ei �p 6 N O l7 V O a N w w V m M N M aM0 N N 0 U p a w l7 vpi � O F N p F CD CD I II V W 0 V O z ti N m C V O N a a N v m V it Z 1D E °o vii ry U C O H vLLi O Z M O O d 0 N m a N ti O m Z II II 0- N N N V O � N J m Q m a N .+ m IN IN u Z u�i uLLi Q � N O ti IN a N .+ II II T II Z m N � N p m C m ry N m m m Z II II C N N � m (o N Z h � � Y N vi N C Q N N II Z IM c C m Q a Z w N �yl N C M � S L M N N W C O C N IN Z U If C A h LL m rl O C N O In N N d 2 m c m IN O N Z N E m T V CID a O ry H .Ni v II � [Y m N N m m (y O N M W p Z C n a o V a W (y a 0 to N ry N m n a I I d ¢ h N � N a Iti V DD N 3 I I Q s � � O ti 1D m II � m N m n m c I K .O.I rNj M V a A 11 O I, v u+ m m o I I Q K O O O O m p o � �n m er V m If y LL K V W N N m N � C ti ry z Z ¢ F w n` ° O 5 O u 00 - LD ra � H LD 01 M m n N m I1, T l7 T In - m E m E m O Y E m 3 � N Q COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD SUGGESTION BOX ITEMS SEPTEMBER, 2015 MAIN HALLWAY SUGGESTON BOX: • Get your lifeguards to pay attention and be where they are supposed to be too! • Don't allow little kids from Tuesday night tumbling /wrestling class to run around the gym unsupervised when their class is over for the next hour. • The women's locker room is too hot. It's very uncomfortable to get ready after a workout when you're still sweating. • I weight myself everyday I'm here, virtually every day. The manual scale and electronic scale are over 2# different. Both types should be regularly calibrated. • Took my kids swimming evening of 8/26. Pool was supposed to be closing at 9 pm. Life guards turned off splash equipment and rudely told us we had to leave at 8:54 pm. • Could you please indicate on the walking track what lanes are for, (walk, passing, running) And would it be possible to indicate that people shouldn't walk as doubles (side by side). It really is rather dangerous for other walkers. • For silver gum ball, you should have 1 choice of healthy foods. 1 apple, orange or banana, or bagel with cream cheese, cottage cheese or salad. FITNESS CENTER SUGGESTION BOX: • Still waiting for the sauna. • C -11 still isn't fixed. Precor AMT machine • Shoulder press #21 needs to be lubricated or adjusted. Selectorized Shoulder press. • Your guy should put in paper towels in the weight room where the bench press is at. 4C. General Updates— Kitty Baltos September 2015 • On August 26th the Community Center's data "migrated" to CSI's database on the Cloud. There have been a few hiccups since we migrated but CSI has worked diligently to make them right. The actual program didn't change, just where our data is stored, so there was no re- training for the staff. I needed to recommit to CSI for one year because (1) we weren't ready to commit to another software program, (2) they've made some enhancements that will hopefully entice me to stay and (3) the monthly tech support for non - hosted sites was really high and not reasonable to pay for any length of time. • We are critically low on employees. Specifically for all daytime positions and the climbing wall. We are planning a job fair for Thursday September 20 and Saturday September 26th. We will have to close the wall during one of its normal hours and we're most likely going to have to cancel a climbing wall birthday party due to no staff. It seems that weekly we are scrambling to find staff to cover shifts, with one of us managers as a last resort option. We had to beg some wonderful volunteers to help us put the movie screen up for our last movie or we would have had to cancel the movie. I got to tell you, it's keeping me up at night! • The Blazin' Thru Bertram /Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run was fantastic. It was a hot day, but everyone was off the course by 10 am. They were still pretty sweaty and we had one medical emergency for a person who overheated, but in general everything went really well. We had 215 runners /walkers registered and 189 finished the course. (So 26 no shows) • Friendship Island went really well this year. I'll have financial information at the next meeting. I think Sara felt that without additional space, she needs to cut back the enrollment slots. She expanded enrollment this year and she indicated that it was just too hard. But the staff did a good job managing the kids. I have not heard any complaints as yet. • Fall softball started at the end of August with six teams. We're excited to announce that our Adult Flag Football leagues went. They started on the 9th and Leanne said that there were a couple of startup pains, but they were not significant and resolved pretty quickly. Leanne has done a great job looking at options for more and different leagues. This is one area that we could really beef up our revenue. • 1 am reviewing the budget closely. We are currently at 80% expense recovery rate. I need to find either $97k savings in expenses or $82k in additional revenue. So I am combing over the budget with a fine tooth comb. Unfortunately I had already under estimated our possible expenses, though I'm hoping we're dead on with our revenue expectations I definitely didn't over estimate them. 5A. Alcohol at the Ball Fields. Leanne Holker, our League Manager, has been pretty proactive at researching why our league numbers are so low. She seems to be finding that more and more teams mention the ability to bring their own beer to other locations; Annandale, Hanover, Elk River and St. Michael /Albertville. We do have a nicer facility than all of those towns, but we're still seeing low registration. We've talked about possibly letting teams bring their own beer to the adult league nights. The City Ordinance for Liquor restricts alcohol on public land in the City of Monticello. We cannot find any ordinance change that allows them to drink alcohol which has been happening for more than a decade. If we were to allow alcohol at Adult nights, it would require a change to the ordinance. If this was done • We would no longer operate a concession stand at the ball fields. • We would have vending machines installed inside the current concession stand for all park renters; adult leagues, youth baseball and youth football. • We would incorporate some of the equipment into the community center's concession operations or banquet facility. Anything we did not need at MCC, we would sell. • We would want to bring this up to the Park Commission before we took any recommendation to the City Council. 54, CHAPTER 2 LIQUOR SECTION: 3 -2 -1: Provisions of State Law Adopted 3 -2 -2: License Required 3 -2 -3: Application for License 3 -2 -4: License Fees 3 -2 -5: Granting of Licenses 3 -2 -6: Persons, Ineligible for license 3 -2 -7: Places Ineligible for License 3 -2 -8: Conditions of License 3 -2 -9: Days and Hours of Sales 3 -2 -10: Restrictions on Purchase and Consumption 3 -2 -11: Revocation 3 -2 -1: PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW ADOPTED: The provisions of Minnesota Statutes. Chapter 340 AND 340A, with reference to the definition of terms, applications for license, granting of license, conditions of license, restrictions on consumption, provisions on sales, conditions of bonds of licenses, hours of sale, and all other matters pertaining to the retail sale, distribution, and consumption of intoxicating liquor are hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter as if fully set out herein, except as modified herein. 3 -2 -2: LICENSE REQUIRED: No person except wholesalers or manufacturers to the extent authorized under state license shall directly or indirectly deal in, sell, or keep for sale any intoxicating liquor without first having received a license to do so as provided in this chapter. Licenses shall be of three (3) kinds: (1) "On- sale" license, (2) "Off- sale" license, and (3) Club licenses. 3 -2 -3: APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: (A) Every application for a license to sell liquor shall be verified and filed with the Clerk. It shall have stated the name of the applicant, age with such references as may be required, citizenship, whether the application is for an "on- sale" or "off- sale ", the business in connection with which the proposed license shall operate and its location, whether applicant is owner and operator of the business, how long that business has been at that place, and such other information as the Council may require. In addition to containing such information, each application for a license shall be in the form prescribed by the Liquor Control Commissioner and the City. Each application for a license hereunder shall be accompanied by a cashier's check in the amount adopted by the City Council which shall not be subject to refund and shall be paid for the purpose of defraying the expense of MONTICELLO CITY CODE TITLE III / Chapter 2 / Page I (C) No liquor shall be sold or consumed on a public highway or in an automobile. (D) No person shall consume any intoxicating liquor on any public land in the city of Monticello except by special permit granted by the City. (#513,4/12/10) 3 -2 -11: REVOCATION: The Council may suspend or revoke any liquor license for violation of any provision or condition of the provisions hereof or any state law regulating the sale of intoxicating liquor or any false statement in the application. MONTICELLO CITY CODE TITLE III / Chapter 2 / Page 5 ITEM: 2B. STAFFING UPDATE Hires /Departures 2014 Hires /Departures 2015 MONTH ON OFF Jan 2 0 Jan 1 2 Feb 0 0 Feb 1 1 Mar 3 0 Mar 0 0 Apr 1 1 Apr 0 1 May 3 0 May 0 3 Jun 1 2 Jun 1 1 Jul 0 0 Jul 3 1 Aug 4 3 Aug 5 4 Sep 0 1 Sep 1 4 Oct 9 3 Oct 0 0 Nov 5 3 Nov 2 0 Dec 4 3 TOTALS 46 33 Concerns: MONTH ON OFF Jan 2 4 Jan 1 3 Feb 2 3 Feb 1 1 Mar 0 2 Mar 5 3 Apr 3 3 Apr 0 3 May 0 1 May 2 5 Jun 8 8 Jun 1 4 Jul 2 2 Jul 3 1 Aug 2 0 Aug 3 2 Sep 4 6 Sep Oct Oct Nov Nov Dec TOTALS 39 51 • We are finding that we have to close amenities (i.e. Climbing Wall) because we have no available staff. • We are not getting applications for adult employees which we use for Front Desk opening, Lead Guest Service, daytime childcare attendant, daytime climbing wall attendant (Groups), Life Guards, Slide Attendants and Custodians. • We are paying on the low end for adults, however, there are so many opportunities available in the community we are just not getting the applications, I believe regardless of our pay level. • Restriction on hours to ensure that we don't have to go onto pay equity program for the City. This is an average of 14 hours per week. For some this is great, they just want a part time job and a little extra cash. Some want more than just a little part time job so more hours so they are able to make more money. Possible Incentives: • Childcare workers are able to bring in your children while working. • Reduced membership rates. (6% discount with City Corporate Membership.) • PERA account started. This can be a plus and a minus. The minus is for those who just want to make extra cash, they lose .59 cents for every hour that they work which goes towards PERA. 5C. Fitness Center Mechanical Options For Discussion: I have some budgetary options for you to look at for supplementary cooling ventilation for the fitness area Option #1- (Best for long term)- Replace existing AHU 8 with larger 12.5 to 15 ton system and additional ductwork to accommodate increased capacity and fitness area needs. This would get the existing AHU 8 upgraded which is showings signs of deterioration from being exposed to pool environment in mechanical room. Includes new AHU, condensing unit, ductwork, roofing, electrical, registers, grilles, hole cutting, new control sensors, actuators, city permit, mechanical plan. Ball park budget price- $133,000.00 Option #2- (Good solution for adequate cooling and ventilation) Add RTU with 7.5 - 10 tons cooling capacity to fitness area. Also includes new exposed spiral ductwork in fitness area corridor with supply grilles. Also includes gas piping to new unit, Bacnet interface for controls, start up check out, roofing work, structural, mechanical engineering, permit, sheetmetal ductwork. Ball park budget price $56,000.00 Option #3- (Economical solution with marginal results, no ventilation improvement), Add 3 ton ductless cooling unit at end of corridor fitness area. Speed up AHU #8 as much as possible. Electrical included Ball park budget price - $15,000.00. Notes: Option #1 and #2 best for long term which would improve cooling and ventilation needs. All prices ball park. Let me know if you have any questions or if you think of any other items. I can stop by sometime and go through ideas with you. Thanks, Terry Bottema HVAC Project Consultant McDowall Comfort Management Phone - 320 - 203 -9336 Fax- 320- 203 -2530 *Z21C "Z"T" Comfort Monagement.a,xi September 4, 2015 Kitty Baltos Monticello Community Center 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Kitty, I regret to inform you that I will have to step down from the Community Center Advisory Board effective immediately. It has been a pleasure to serve on this board for many years and I have been fortunate to do so. You are an asset to our community and I will continue to support you and your staff. You do an excellent job for the City of Monticello. Sincerely, Sandra Theros Item 7. Consideration and recommendation to the Council of the 2016 -2017 Caterer /Liquor Providers for the Community Center banquet facilities. The RFP's were due in on September Vt and we'll be requesting that you recommend five caters and liquor providers to the Council for approval. They are: • Russell's on the Lake • Cornerstone Cafe • A Catered Event (Big Lake) • Von Hanson's Catering (Monticello) • Creekside Catering (Silver Creek Township) A Catered Event and Von Hanson's do not hold liquor licenses, however, after extensive research we found that they can partner with a liquor provider locally to provide service to MCC. They will partner with Russell's, Cornerstone or Creekside for their liquor service, not an outside provider. This will be there responsibility to ensure that both parties are available before they commit to one of our customers. Our new City Clerk, Jennifer Schreiber, has been so helpful on ordinance review. We did call Pancho Villa, to whom we sent an RFP, to find out if they were going to submit and Ivan Cardenas, one of the owners, said that his wife Kristina took care of this and he'd have her call if she was interested. I never heard back from her. We sent an RFP to Chatter's who has requested to be included a number of times. Before the 11 of September, Tricia also emailed the RFP to the owner Richard Brendsel with no response back. She also dropped another copy of the RFP off for Brooke Stephens the catering manager. Tricia called her on September 1't to see if they were going to submit. She admitted that she'd been too busy to look at it. So Tricia told her to get the information to her by Friday the 4th. On Friday the 41h Brooke called and said that she hadn't completed the form, so Tricia again extended the deadline to Tuesday the 8th. We never heard back from her after that. At this point, I would be concerned about their customer care if they were on our list. We did send a thank you letter to Stephens Catering (Princeton) and Henry's Catering (Foley) letting them know that we are requiring local participation as per our City Council's request. Tricia has and maintains their caterer's license and insurance information for our records.